
Anything noteworthy happen to you today?

polydigm - 2-4-2008 at 12:41

Around about 6:45 PM today the power went, at least in our street. It didn't come back on until 9:00PM. Now, I know a little over two hours isn't that long but when it happens just before you start organising dinner and the natural light is rapidly fading and one of your sons is desperate to finish some overdue assignment etc, etc, ... Anyway, we missed Earth Hour the other day, so we made up for it tonight. It's scary just how dependent we are on electricity.

scallopino - 2-4-2008 at 15:53

Yeah. The same thing happened all over Victoria. I had officially my worst public transport experience ever, which is saying a lot. After waiting 40 minutes for a train from Clayton where my university is, one finally came but said on it (instead of its destination) "Data Version 8.1". The station master had no idea where this train was going. I got on it anyway. The driver made no announcement and all passengers didn't know where it was going either. It was the MYSTERY TRAIN.

I'm just realised i'm too tired to relate the rest of this story. Sorry...

[Edited on 2-4-2008 by scallopino]

BBP - 2-4-2008 at 16:05

We had a power failure just a few days ago, only for a few minutes. Sucked, but fortunately I was up already for my round.

Today I went to visit a friend and did a lot of stoopid things. I need sleep.

Badchild - 3-4-2008 at 15:48

I ate chineze. Now i'm sleepy!

DED - 14-4-2008 at 10:08

Found out this morning on the toilet that we were out of toilet paper. What a suprise that always is. Fortenately our host takes care of everything......... I must not forget to buy some new rolls, altough I think There is not much paper left in the shops after the disaster in Groningen stadium yesterday.

The soccer game groningen - Ajax should be played. After that game we should have known if our own PSV is the 2008 champion. But we had not taken into account that toiletpaper burns. :-P
Groningen Hooligans throw rolls of toiletpaper towards the grass as huge serpentines. Al the tribunes, and part of the field were covered in toiletpaper. One fool lighted that up and in no time the gras and pvc seats were burning in a cloud of smoke. The only fire extinguishers around were buckets of water for the first quarter of an hour.
It all ends up with - no game- 30 injured people some upto now hospitalised and a lot of confusion........

Sometimes its better that you are out of toilet paper
Awful movies about this on youtube (search arguments groningen ajax will lead to several)

[Edited on 14-4-2008 by DED]

[Edited on 14-4-2008 by DED]

[Edited on 14-4-2008 by DED]

scallopino - 14-4-2008 at 10:24

Originally posted by DED
Found out this morning on the toilet that we were out of toilet paper. What a suprise that always is. Fortenately our host takes care of everything......... I must not forget to buy some new rolls, altough I think There is not much paper left in the shops after the disaster in Groningen stadium yesterday.

The soccer game groningen - Ajax should be played. After that game we should have known if our own PSV is the 2008 champion. But we had not taken into account that toiletpaper burns. :-P
Groningen Hooligans throw rolls of toiletpaper towards the grass as huge serpentines. Al the tribunes, and part of the field were covered in toiletpaper. One fool lighted that up and in no time the gras and pvc seats were burning in a cloud of smoke. The only fire extinguishers around were buckets of water for the first quarter of an hour.
It all ends up with - no game- 30 injured people some upto now hospitalised and a lot of confusion........

Sometimes its better that you are out of toilet paper
Awful movies about this on youtube (search arguments groningen ajax will lead to several)

[Edited on 14-4-2008 by DED]

[Edited on 14-4-2008 by DED]

[Edited on 14-4-2008 by DED]

That is very funny and very awful.

Badchild - 14-4-2008 at 13:00

Football is so....FUN!:rolleyes:

BBP - 14-4-2008 at 17:22

Hit town today for B-day shopping.
PSV is not champion yet, but there are huge football-shape lampoons hanging around in town. Could be fun if they'd turn 2nd!

Badchild - 15-4-2008 at 08:28

I'm going to the Ophtalmologist for the first time in my life....Now i know that i'm 45 years old and retched....i'll be needing reading glasses me thinks.:(

DED - 15-4-2008 at 09:21

Sorry I cannot read this without my reading glasses, what were you saying?

No kidding
When I was 46 I could read anything small big and worse copies
when I was 47 I bought my first reading glasses ampl. 1
Now I'm using during the day ampl. 2 and in the evening ampl. 3
When I repair old tape junk I even use sometimes 2 glasses and a magnifier.

It is the price we have to pay.

scallopino - 15-4-2008 at 10:27

I've had more eye problems than I can poke a stick at. I've been to the opthalmologists and optometrists and etc. hundreds of times I reckon. My eyesight is bad and getting worse, and i'm only 21. I have to wear two different types of glasses because there is no one lense that can do enough magic for me.

For some reason the glasses i have now get really dirty really easy and it's a complete bitch to clean them, and the cleaning liquid that came with just seems to make it worse.

BBP - 15-4-2008 at 17:43

That sounds dreadful... Is lasering an option?

scallopino - 16-4-2008 at 10:52

I don't know BBP. Actually I do know. I remember the optometrist saying that glasses will work ok for a few more years, maybe ten years, and then i'll have to get surgery. I guess it will be laser surgery.

It makes me wonder about all those people in past centuries who had to stop doing tasks when their eyes went before glasses were available.

DED - 17-4-2008 at 08:37

Life expectation was much shorter at that time
45 was a normal age for most people.
Glasses (lenses to approve sight) were used since 1250 in Europe and maybe before that in Arabia and China.

scallopino - 17-4-2008 at 09:32

Originally posted by DED
Life expectation was much shorter at that time
45 was a normal age for most people.
Glasses (lenses to approve sight) were used since 1250 in Europe and maybe before that in Arabia and China.

Good point, and only the people who could afford glasses would have been able to read anyway.

Badchild - 18-4-2008 at 11:37

I just got back from 4 days in Paris....What a great City!

BBP - 18-4-2008 at 11:48

Fun! It's been ages since I last was in Paris. Shot some nice pics there too, of my favourite fountain (I always forget the name somehow).

Today the magazine with my picture rolled in! Scan coming up!

DED - 19-4-2008 at 08:13

Yeah I love Paris. Esp since I have been (1998) in the Crazy Horse
That experience I will never forget and also the drive with a french guy around the place 'létoile twice in rushhour. The guy was crazy. and a lot more off course.
Yester day the metal lid of one of BBP's organs fell on my foot
!@#$%^&*( $%^&*() $%^&*()
that hurts

BBP - 19-4-2008 at 08:31

Today my tire exploded on my newspaper round.

punknaynowned - 19-4-2008 at 11:04

Originally posted by DED
Yeah I love Paris. Esp since I have been (1998) in the Crazy Horse
That experience I will never forget and also the drive with a french guy around the place 'létoile twice in rushhour. The guy was crazy. and a lot more off course.
Yester day the metal lid of one of BBP's organs fell on my foot
!@#$%^&*( $%^&*() $%^&*()
that hurts

I hate injuring a foot.
Always worse than a hand somehow.
I can get a lot more done with one hand on two feet, than I can get done with two hands on only one foot.:duh:
Never been to Paris. Someday. Who knows, maybe next year./

DED - 19-4-2008 at 15:26

Originally posted by BBP
Today my tire exploded on my newspaper round.

Today I went to the shop for new outer en inner tubes
openend the chain protector and removed the wheel and old tubes. The outer tube has no profile and holes like Britney Spears. The inside of the wheel sanded and painted with hammerite. Now I'm typing while the paint dries.
Next is to mount everything in the opposite order.
(if I can remember)

scallopino - 20-4-2008 at 07:24

"The outer tube has no profile and holes like Britney Spears." :-) I would love an explanation of this remark Ded!

BBP - 20-4-2008 at 11:02

We'll post a picture!

BBP - 26-4-2008 at 08:59

Well... it really was yesterday... I had a shower and slipped on the floor. I have some bruises in nasty spots and I cut my toe on the drain.

punknaynowned - 26-4-2008 at 09:30

ouch! here, I'll make ya a cuppa tea

what's the weather like there today?

BBP - 26-4-2008 at 13:22

Sunny, spring is in the air! It will be cold again after the weekend, so I'm enjoying it! Worked in the garden today.

BBP - 26-4-2008 at 17:09

Photos of the tire:

And here's my first publication!

punknaynowned - 26-4-2008 at 17:22

did you do the donald's on the shirt?
I'm thinking you did
and where did that original printed piece come from?

scallopino - 27-4-2008 at 03:13

Could you translate it please BBP?

BBP - 27-4-2008 at 16:34

Appeared in Donald Duck 17-2008:
Dear uncle Donald. In one issue {5, deleted from original message} you were sleepwalking. I did that too a couple of times. Fortunately that never had any serious consequences. Although I once wrote something on my leg and once I woke up from my own voice (I was talking to a poster) {several experiences were cut here}. If you startto sleepwalk again, you'd best put a wet mop next to your bed, so you'll wake up immediately when you get out.

"Thank you for this (untranslatable joke) tip, Bonny. As a thanks you get this Donald Duck T-shirt!"
{Actually I got the blue one, not the white one in the picture.}

Donald:" I'd better dress warm before I go to sleep! Who knows where I'm going to walk!"

Sorry Punky. Didn't do any drawing.

punknaynowned - 28-4-2008 at 05:33

no reason to apologize, but I'm not sure I understand how keeping a wet mop by your bed will wake you up. Is this another pun I'm not getting?
It's a darling little story, though.

BBP - 28-4-2008 at 07:56

It's true! A mop will stay wet all night, and if you feel something wet and dirty at your feet you should wake up.

(It didn't work for me. If I can sleep thru earthquakes I can walk over wet mops whilst snoozing.

scallopino - 28-4-2008 at 09:59

Originally posted by punknaynowned
no reason to apologize, but I'm not sure I understand how keeping a wet mop by your bed will wake you up. Is this another pun I'm not getting?
It's a darling little story, though.

It starts cleaning the floor while you're asleep, and then you gradually start to feel the room getting cleaning and cleaner and this wakes you up.

scallopino - 28-4-2008 at 10:06

Originally posted by BBP
Appeared in Donald Duck 17-2008:
Dear uncle Donald. In one issue {5, deleted from original message} you were sleepwalking. I did that too a couple of times. Fortunately that never had any serious consequences. Although I once wrote something on my leg and once I woke up from my own voice (I was talking to a poster) {several experiences were cut here}. If you startto sleepwalk again, you'd best put a wet mop next to your bed, so you'll wake up immediately when you get out.

"Thank you for this (untranslatable joke) tip, Bonny. As a thanks you get this Donald Duck T-shirt!"
{Actually I got the blue one, not the white one in the picture.}

Donald:" I'd better dress warm before I go to sleep! Who knows where I'm going to walk!"

Sorry Punky. Didn't do any drawing.

Is the joke something about sleeping? Why is sleep sometimes slaap and other times slapen? Can Donald fly?

BBP - 28-4-2008 at 11:57

slapen = to sleep.
slaap = sleep (noun).

Donald can't fly. The only stories I've seen where he flew, are where he turns into Superduck or where he is given the power of flight by his guardian angel.

Uitgeslapen means "done sleeping", not sleepy at all. it's not often used as adjective for "tip", but it's not uncommon either.

:-D Love the cleaning joke! Reminds me of how, when I was a kid at school, we'd often have to walk on cold shower tiles with bare feet, after PE. I hated that, and most classmates did too.
One popular work-around was to shuffle on your towel (standing with your feet on it, of course). But as it would inevitably lead to the teacher's quirk "You don't have to mop the floor!" it gradually lost popularity.

Badchild - 5-5-2008 at 08:04

Hi folks,
Just back from VACATION in Ardèche...I've gone from sunshine and smiles to rain and frowns....Hope you are all doing well!:)

BBP - 5-5-2008 at 10:37

I'm fine, thank you! How was the holiday?

Badchild - 5-5-2008 at 11:06

It was wonderful of course! Got the hottub delivered and set up now i can finish my fantastic deck all around it....There was a big Rave a few kilometers from my place on saturday night....boom boom boom boom all night long...not too loud though....

scallopino - 6-5-2008 at 11:36

I don't understand Raves and Ravers. Maybe you need to be on their drugs to get it.

BBP - 7-5-2008 at 09:20

Nah... you'll need their brains...

polydigm - 8-5-2008 at 21:51

I'm with you Scallop, I don't understand them either.

Meanwhile, the official Zappa forum is really bugging me at the moment. It just keeps getting worse. Trendy's on one of his binges at the moment, Zombie is still acting like a complete asshole and now Swifty, who is another complete asshole, is getting stuck into Ronny and Ronny won't ignore him so that is also becoming totally ridiculous.

punknaynowned - 9-5-2008 at 05:12

I was amazed the other day when swiftkicknow was a total dick to Sabby. Really surprised me. I guess I haven't paid much attention to him before and am less inclined to now.

Generally speaking, I see the tension on the forum as a pretty natural outgrowth of the tension in the states these days. Notice that all the total pests are Americans and have a history of being pests, there. Now and then there'd be a flareup of this or that, but only once in a while. Nowadays They're all doing it pretty consistently. People are beginning to realize that things may not be the same as they've been accustomed having them for their whole lives.

BBP - 9-5-2008 at 08:43

Oh yeah. But the solution is not another forum. EG The Unmoderated (Calvin's private forum) has nothing but the "nice" people of the Z-forum, and practically nothing happens there. You just need so many people to keep a place interesting... and the quality of the forum lies in the high amount of pleasant, interesting people. Something like the Primus-forum has completely gone shit. 50 new topics a day and none of them interesting.

Solution lies in creating fun topics, which is not easy at all.

(Punky: What is it about Americans?)

polydigm - 9-5-2008 at 11:16

Swifty was an asshole when I first joined two and a half years ago. Interacting with him back then is how I learnt to ignore certain people. He's tried it on with me a couple of times since then but I just don't buy into it. I can't understand why Ronny is getting involved, he normally ignores stuff like that.

punknaynowned - 9-5-2008 at 17:11


[Edited on 9-5-08 by punknaynowned]

punknaynowned - 9-5-2008 at 17:28

I had never noticed swift's antics before. But he laid into catpuke too in a ridiculous way.
The thing is, I agree with his sig, in general. But that doesn't give him license to do what he wants and slime people left and right.
poly wrote :"I can't understand why Ronny is getting involved, he normally ignores stuff like that. "

maybe ronny's decided things are gone to hell anyway , he may as well have it out with his adversary. I'm guessing. Yer right though, it is kinda out of character for RN.

Noteworthy was the transformer blowin up in the alley, just before 9AM here. Probably the whole block went out. The power was back on though in 40 minutes.
Noteworthy I'd say, because it's been raining here off and on all night. This means that the hole in my basement that collects the seepage of water (into the basement from outside) can't be pumped out with the pump I have stuck in that hole. This is the first time I've had to think abut what to do in the event that the hole can't be pumped out. Guess I'll have to use a bucket. Didn't need to do that today, but at least I have a solution.

In the states, Prices for things that people buy most often day-to-day are going way up and rapidly. More serious investments like a house are also on increasingly shaky ground, financially speaking as well. So this hits not just the poor but the already weakened 'middle class'. When I say weakened I refer to the effects of the real recession we've been in since the 'dot-com' bubble burst in 2000. That has meant the acceptance of lower paying jobs by huge swathes of the population all over the country. If you can't make as much money you can't save money or buy new things. It becomes all about paying the bills and no frills. People were just gettin used to this new state of affairs and gas prices started going up and now food prices are going up, mortgages are defaulting and people are wondering where they will live and the poor can't find enough food.
And the thing is, These kinds of things affect people in all sorts of ways especially unpredictable when most of these people have never really experienced want of anything. So People feel more and more insecure.
that's what I think.

and does this have anything t do with the forum nuts? I just extrapolated. I Could be totally wrong.

btw Bonny, that's a great dynamic photo of yourself up at the zforum. Well done!

[Edited on 9-5-08 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 9-5-2008 at 20:01

Oh dear... did you get enough sleep? You sound all down, like me on a bad day... (hugs) Must be the power failure...

Last major power failure we had was in 2006, when we were a full 20 minutes without electricity, along with 10 million Europeans. I thought that was kinda exciting though... fortunately we don't have to rely on electricity to maintain our house yet. It was the most beautiful full moon EVER. I could never imagine the little hobbits walking by the light of the moon, but now I know how much light it reflects... ahhh...
Having a mostly pleasant day today. Had a good night's sleep and dreamt about ZPZ.

...:) Thank you! It never hurts to colour the Z-forum, does it!

punknaynowned - 10-5-2008 at 06:44

thank you for your kindness B!
the topic is a downer (state of the statesiders) but I have so much to be grateful for and I've always felt that way.
I live in a city of 80,000. Forty Kilometers east of here is Kansas City and you can see the glow in the eastern sky coming from the big city. It's eerie and diminishes the brilliance of the moon. But you can go out in the country and not too far and not have any city lights and the stars are so much more brilliant here than almost anywhere I've been to in the continental US.
Luckily I can see the stars well from my backyard.

scallopino - 11-5-2008 at 04:23

What are all the arguments about at the Zappa forum? Are they all just personal attacks and childishness?

punknaynowned - 11-5-2008 at 05:21

yep, not worth your time.
Sometimes it seems that zombie aka help, i'm a rock is trying to singlehandedly bring down the zappa forum. and Swifty has gone on a rampage being stupid, and isaac loves to flame anyone, trendmonger is particularly acerbic and even starting 'political' threads and Lumpy has decided to jump in the fray on anyone and Ronny's Noomies and catpuke have decided to throw in their lot against swifty's flailings for . . . attention at what he insists are random outbursts, disingenuously
and so on

nothing substantial

BBP - 11-5-2008 at 09:58

And if you try to make something substantial, they'll butt into it and start their own flaming war. Even the "(fill in the blank) just died" thread has flame wars in it now.

scallopino - 13-5-2008 at 11:49

That sounds extremely annoying and frustrating. Is it moderated or do you think it should be moderated?

polydigm - 13-5-2008 at 15:33

Yes it should be moderated. The argument against moderation is that it's a Zappa forum and he was against censorship, but that is a straw dog. Zappa was not an anarchist hence his concern over attempts to modify the constitution and he would not have valued being free from censorship above the right to be protected from assholes. Believing in no censorship is not the same as believing that a small group of assholes should be free to muck things up for the majority.

BBP - 14-5-2008 at 13:31

The Z-forum is being moderated.

Just type Project/Object in a thread you'd like to see removed.

In other news, The Netherlands is on fire. Yesterday there was a huge fire in a college building in Delft, destroying a huge collection on architecture books and a valuable exhibition of famous chairs.
And, when I went to Geldrop yesterday, I bumped into a farm that was on fire. Unfortunately some animals didn't survive.
(and of course I didn't bring my camera. :umm:)

And then I've been bitten by a spider, ten minutes ago. I put the sucking syringe on it, cleaned it with vinegar, but it still :swear: hurts. By the looks of it I'm developing an allergic reaction.

Badchild - 14-5-2008 at 17:38

Hi folks,
I just read what punky wrote and i have to agree with him. The state of affairs in the USA is not very peachy right now and i believe it's getting on peoples nerves just a bit. A couple of years ago families were buying McMansions with almost no money down and had all the credit cards they wanted, but now their house is worth less than what they paid for it...And their non-fixed interest rate went up so now they can't pay for the house, can't pay back the credit cards and can't put gas in the car....that could piss you off me thinks....

How big was this spider that bit you bonn ?

Drove through a hail storm on the highway today! just a few dents on the roof....:puzzled:

punknaynowned - 15-5-2008 at 00:40

hi Mr Acadia! :D
the credit and mortgage gap (they call it a gap now) has got a lot of people weary already.
Government statistics came out today and said that last month's raise in prices is the biggest such rise in 18 years. They also said that the increase in inflation wasn't much at all (which is good news), but , they said, you have to take out food and gas out of that calculation.
and everybody else says, "What do you think I'm buying?"

and y'know Bonny, I don't mind bug bites so much, even spiders. It's the itching after that bothers me.
baking soda and water on the bite helps. Never heard of a suction syringe which might do a similar thing.
don't itch it!

scallopino - 15-5-2008 at 09:34

Originally posted by BBP
The Z-forum is being moderated.

Just type Project/Object in a thread you'd like to see removed.

In other news, The Netherlands is on fire. Yesterday there was a huge fire in a college building in Delft, destroying a huge collection on architecture books and a valuable exhibition of famous chairs.
And, when I went to Geldrop yesterday, I bumped into a farm that was on fire. Unfortunately some animals didn't survive.
(and of course I didn't bring my camera. :umm:)

And then I've been bitten by a spider, ten minutes ago. I put the sucking syringe on it, cleaned it with vinegar, but it still :swear: hurts. By the looks of it I'm developing an allergic reaction.

You just go right on up to that spider and bite it back!

What's the deal with Project/Object? What's the problem? I'm out of the loop!

BBP - 15-5-2008 at 11:16

That spider (if it was a spider, I doubt that now) is very tiny. Fortunately the Dutch climate is too cold for poisonous animals. (well, there are adders...)
I could barely find the wound this morning. It's just a small,faint red spot, that hurts a little when you press it.
It didn't itch. It hurt like hell.

ZFT hates P/O. They'll try to delete any thread relating on P/O from the ZFT Zappa forum, primarily if they're started by Jimmie D.

Badchild - 16-5-2008 at 10:08

i dought it was a spider bon....mosquito?? wasp....they can sting you many times...and they come in all sizes.

BBP - 16-5-2008 at 14:55

I have no idea what it was... but I have been bitten by a jumping spider before and had a similar wound (but no allergic reaction). I was lying on the grass, so it's not likely to have been a flying insect.

Badchild - 21-5-2008 at 07:34

woke up in a good mood !

BBP - 21-5-2008 at 08:54


Watched Eurovision Song Contest. Feeling disgruntled.

Badchild - 21-5-2008 at 09:16

who won ? Albania or litheuania ??

BBP - 21-5-2008 at 16:57

It was the first semi-final. Israel, Azerbaijan, Norway, Poland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Armenia, Finland, Romania, Russia, Greece are through. As usual, some deserve it, some don't. It pissed me off slightly because the competition level was much lower than last year, or the year before.
And another reason I was grumpy was that irritating Belgian entry. In our house we'd put a ban on playing it, singing it, and even naming the title. It really gets in your head. And unfortunately DED insisted we'd play it during emission. So it was in my head all night, during my newspaper round and even for a while after that.

scallopino - 27-5-2008 at 09:52

I don't understand Eurovision Bonny. Is it a competition to see who can sing the song that most makes you want to kill yourself? That's what it seems like. The only Eurovision song I've ever liked was Waterloo.

The song that won this year sucked a huge ammount. There are a huge amount of talented people and talented songwriters in Europe but Eurovision somehow finds the worst.

BBP - 27-5-2008 at 19:27

WATERLOO!! You just lost my respect sir.

Eurovision is becoming more and more of an interesting mish-mash of different musical styles. Aside from the Abba-clones, there are also ballads, there's some dance, some rock, and we've even had some country, soul, blues, latin, Irish folk, Slavic folk and even metal. In fact the 2006 winners were the Finnish metal band Lordi with Hard Rock Hallelujah.
I never laughed so hard.

It's in general an entertaining watch, but I find it depressing that the bad song & bad singing from Russia always ends high because of televoting and large amounts of Russian immigrants around the globe. And this time they even won, while some of the entries which were good didn't do well at all.
The fine, cheerful Croatian entry
The nice folky Serbian entry
Best rock this year: Turkish entry
Bulgaria 2007.

punknaynowned - 29-5-2008 at 00:11

why ohh why do I let myself get all spun up about the idiocy at the zforum?
It's worse than the Dangerous Kitchen . . .
I'm sick of jimmied today trying to kill the forum, been I'm not gonna step in that goo.
Notice how he and trendie are trying to police their version of reality and shove it down everyone's throat? disgusting
ok, I'll not whine any more

polydigm - 29-5-2008 at 04:16

I have to agree. I used to respect Jimmie D, but he's turned into one of the forum assholes.

Good news though, that an announcement is coming soon on the new release.

Badchild - 29-5-2008 at 08:08

Storm last night! No hot water this morning.....Sore throat, headhach (how the fuck to you spell ache?)

I'm sooooo tired.....i work too much, drink too much, smoke too much....

punknaynowned - 30-5-2008 at 06:49

oh wow!
I thought I'd replied to this already;
I was juts telling a friend I needed to quit smoking and start . . . swimming or something, do yoga as a habit and start eating garlic, ginger and carrot smoothies instead of coffee . . .
or something:freak:

polydigm - 30-5-2008 at 09:53

Originally posted by polydigm: Good news though, that an announcement is coming soon on the new release.
Ha ha!! Gail announced something totally unexpected, which is good news of course, but we're still none the wiser about One Shot Deal.

BBP - 30-5-2008 at 11:50

Survived the fierce storm yesterday, and today I got soaked on my round. I made a picture of it, but I don't really dare to publish it; I'm like a Fembot in a Wet T-shirt.

scallopino - 30-5-2008 at 11:57


But watch out for the ice pick in the forehead.

scallopino - 30-5-2008 at 12:42

Originally posted by BBP
WATERLOO!! You just lost my respect sir.

Eurovision is becoming more and more of an interesting mish-mash of different musical styles. Aside from the Abba-clones, there are also ballads, there's some dance, some rock, and we've even had some country, soul, blues, latin, Irish folk, Slavic folk and even metal. In fact the 2006 winners were the Finnish metal band Lordi with Hard Rock Hallelujah.
I never laughed so hard.

It's in general an entertaining watch, but I find it depressing that the bad song & bad singing from Russia always ends high because of televoting and large amounts of Russian immigrants around the globe. And this time they even won, while some of the entries which were good didn't do well at all.
The fine, cheerful Croatian entry
The nice folky Serbian entry
Best rock this year: Turkish entry
Bulgaria 2007.

Hey! I really like (some of) ABBA! :rolleyes:

I remember Lordi. I thought it was really funny as well, and even funnier that they won. I agree that it's getting more interesting, but I wish the countries would choose songs that reflect their own music traditions more. Some of them do of course, but a lot of them just go for some general piece of crap that has nothing to do with their country; even worse is when they do it in English!

I liked the Serbian one. She has such a generic voice though. The lead singer in that Turkish band looked like a combination of k.d. lang and Sinead O'Connor...:duh:

The Bulgarian thing was quite amazing. Really interesting. I don't understand why they put that Indian vocal bit in towards the end, but I liked it anyway. That woman sure was a great performer.

BBP - 30-5-2008 at 16:09

Ohh their English accents can be so crappy!
But it was more or less common practice for years to have Slav folk, which is beautiful. Most Bosnian entries have that, for instance. Surprising to find only one this year.

I feel with most ABBA music that it's badly produced. I preferred the intro to the Gimme Gimme Gimme sitcom over the original.

punknaynowned - 30-5-2008 at 19:00

Originally posted by polydigm
Originally posted by polydigm: Good news though, that an announcement is coming soon on the new release.
Ha ha!! Gail announced something totally unexpected, which is good news of course, but we're still none the wiser about One Shot Deal.

but wait, there's more

[I first typed 'mote' instead of 'more'!]:P

Originally posted by BBP

Survived the fierce storm yesterday, and today I got soaked on my round. I made a picture of it, but I don't really dare to publish it; I'm like a Fembot in a Wet T-shirt.

Awwww, don't be ashamed;-)
I seriously don't see how you live in all the constant rain. It would drive me nuts.

Originally posted by scallopino . . . I wish the countries would choose songs that reflect their own music traditions more. Some of them do of course, but a lot of them just go for some general piece of crap that has nothing to do with their country; even worse is when they do it in English!

I bet they get tired of hearing the local flavors and so do other things in the competition. What would be neat for us might not be so much for them

BBP - 31-5-2008 at 18:06

Today I went to the petting zoo. They have these baby goats that are the cutest!

scallopino - 1-6-2008 at 08:40

Yeah, but baby goats grow up to be goats... surely amongst the most Awful of God's Creachures.

BBP - 1-6-2008 at 14:09

Ah no! They're sweet! They've got horizontal pupils.

Watch quick before I get too nervous and toss it off.

scallopino - 1-6-2008 at 15:15

And up next is the lovely Bonny from Canoga Park

scallopino - 1-6-2008 at 15:28

And Goats! Don't get me started. Most animals, when they first see a human, the first thought that enters their heads is: "Run away" or "Hmm. What the hell is that?" But when a goat first sees a human, its first thought is KILL, MAIM, ATTACK THE GROIN. Goats also eat tin cans and clothing. The devil is often portrayed as a goat. In reality, ALL GOATS ARE DEVILS.

Goats are also uncommonly stupid. If tied up (for safety reasons) they frequently wind themselves around barb wire fences, and then they try to INJURE YOU while you help them.

I'm not trying to scare you BBP, only warn you of the dangers of goats.

If you or any member of your family has goat trouble, call the Goat Helpline on 1500 055 555 -- BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

Badchild - 2-6-2008 at 07:48

Yup! goats are extremely dangerous creatures. Never ever trust a goat. Never enter a goat compound with food in your pokets....My daughter still has nightmares from when she was 5 years old and got molested by twenty or so goats that ganged up on her trying to get to the popcorn she had stashed in her coat pocket. Scary very scary beasts!

DED - 2-6-2008 at 10:02

coat pocket or goat pocket :lol:

punknaynowned - 2-6-2008 at 10:11

goats are bad! they'll eat the glove off your hand!
I've never even liked goat milk that they used to try to force on me as a kid. Still don't like chevre.

The trick with goats is feeding them right, though. Keep the males and females separate, first of all, except for strict breeding purposes. Get the females to trust you, they'll eat right out of your hand if you treat them right. Then when the females trust you, and at the right time of year they can be pastured with the males. After probable conception the genders are separated again and long before the nannies start pumping out babies, they need to be induced to be milked. At first, they will give you trouble. After that they will come to expect it. Then the babies are born and the nannies will continue to produce milk long after the babies have been raised and then in turn, reduced into steaks. And you'll have so much milk and cheese ,you won't know what to do with it.
The sweet bleatings of the goats will by then turn into eternal calls of 'Feed ME'. Every spot of available greenery will be stripped of its essence. Every noise that they can make, will be made, unendingly. Every place they should not be getting to, will be tore up and ransacked into a mudhole.
The eyes and intruding nose will invade your dreams.
The bleating. Lord, stop the bleating!

scallopino - 2-6-2008 at 11:06

:D Beautifully put.

BBP - 2-6-2008 at 12:14

[Edited on 2-6-08 by BBP]

punknaynowned - 3-6-2008 at 00:16

nice pictures B!
they are cute and fun to watch at play. They can have such human facial expressions too. Stoic, stubborn, ornery in their behavior.

scallopino - 3-6-2008 at 05:20

That last one's funny. It looks like the closer one is in front of a mirror.

BBP - 3-6-2008 at 11:31

Making those kid shots was indeed an experience that made me understand the frustration about children and animals on cameras. It took me 2 trips to the petting zoo, and I still didn't get the photo I wanted.

Badchild - 5-6-2008 at 16:02

How long did you stay in close contact with these creatures ? If you suddenly get a bad stomach ache. Call Sigourney Weaver immediately!:-P

BBP - 6-6-2008 at 20:38

Not long... It's pretty nervewrecking... and somehow I know I just won't get a good photo no matter how long I wait.

BBP - 17-6-2008 at 17:52

Made some jam and kept myself clean. Amazing!

Also I got this cool keychain that peeps when you whistle.

polydigm - 18-6-2008 at 00:23

Originally posted by BBP: I got this cool keychain that peeps when you whistle.

I need something like that, I'm an incurable scatter brain.

BBP - 18-6-2008 at 07:07

You wouldn't want it. It also peeps if you talk high (and I do), move the pans while cooking, scratch a fork on a plate... It also responds to Kari when we're watching Mythbusters.

punknaynowned - 18-6-2008 at 19:12

Does anyone know how to put mp3's and wav's on a webpage?
I have domain and if I can put it up I think I can share my music.
Unless my sense of things is way off.:freak:

polydigm - 18-6-2008 at 23:28

Originally posted by punknaynowned: Does anyone know how to put mp3's and wav's on a webpage?

If you just want to make a file available for download:

<a href="../mpeg/catz_cradle.mp3" target="_blank">Download</a>

If you want a player to appear on the page:

<embed src="../midi/juggle.mid" width=150 height=45 autostart=false></embed>

punknaynowned - 21-6-2008 at 21:58

somebody stole my gas can!
I had a red can for gasoline to run the mower, so I can cut the grass, so I don't get a letter from the city/landlord to tell me to cut the grass. If I don't, the city will and charge me what they want plus administrative costs. I don't have a car and a friend had come by that day to refill my gascan so I could mow the grass.

He came back again today, so tonight when it's cooler I'll mow.

punknaynowned - 21-6-2008 at 21:59

uhh, thanx Polydigm!
Now all I need to do is translate ;)

polydigm - 22-6-2008 at 01:04

Originally posted by punknaynowned
uhh, thanx Polydigm!
Now all I need to do is translate ;)

Sorry, I thought you were talking about making your own web pages, so all I've done there is show you the HTML code for doing what you need to do. Maybe, if you give me more detail about what you need to do, I can help.

punknaynowned - 22-6-2008 at 05:50

I have to sleep now
thanx for the offer!

BBP - 22-6-2008 at 12:09

Just upload the file, then link to it on your homepage. Or embed it.

In case you have any internet page trouble, you may want to check

BBP - 23-6-2008 at 14:13

Went on another sunset picture walk... first time in months...

aquagoat - 23-6-2008 at 18:11

great pics, bb.

[Edited on 23-6-2008 by aquagoat]

scallopino - 24-6-2008 at 07:36

Is that near where you live?

BBP - 24-6-2008 at 12:16

Yep, ten minute walk if you take your time and make photos!

punknaynowned - 24-6-2008 at 12:31

I love it!
thanx B!

BBP - 26-6-2008 at 14:48

Today the PC downloaded an update and installed it all by itself; and it took MORE THAN 7 HOURS. :pissed:

punknaynowned - 26-6-2008 at 15:03

THAT doesn't sound like traffic across the water . . . :umm:

[Edited on 27-6-08 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 27-6-2008 at 06:34

Punky: you disabled the smilies on that message, so the :umm: fellow doesn't work. I could change it for you...

Believe it or not, there's a "new PC update" ready for us! What the...

punknaynowned - 27-6-2008 at 16:08

changes change :D

punknaynowned - 27-6-2008 at 16:18

How are you?
It seems like you've taken a drumming over at the zforum with Trendy's blatherings and rudeness, etc.
I thought he could be talked down and bent into some kind of courteous shape, but I gave up a while ago on that.
Don't let him get to ya.

scallopino - 27-6-2008 at 16:47

Ch ch ch ch changes (turn and face the strain) ch ch ch changes!

BBP - 27-6-2008 at 20:30

Me? Well... I don't know why I bother sometimes... he does indeed get up my nerves. But you have to admit he's responsible for the more interesting parts of the forum nowadays... or at least he starts up some discussion. The place seems to have run dry.

punknaynowned - 28-6-2008 at 01:13

I don't think he's interesting, I think he's a lunatic.
He doesn't talk to anybody, he yells at what he thinks is their position which he ridicules as idiocy.
If anyone doesn't agree with his latest indecipherable gibberish, he yells at them to get with his lunatic program.

I thought it was funny yesterday when T opened another thread and zombie replied with "fuck you" in capital letters. no more no less. Zombie is funny when he wants to be.
I'm just sorry to see him lash out so indiscriminately and blahblah.

It would be good if we all could get him to change his tune but that won't last either.

I saw he found an inflatable bozo the clown, that Arkay used to put up to show that no matter how much he gets hit, he always bounces back.

Should I talk about the dvd?
or One Shot Deal?

punknaynowned - 28-6-2008 at 01:56

The TTNS dvd is a torture to watch for me.

polydigm - 28-6-2008 at 04:28

I have to agree with Punky. Trendmonger is in no way interesting to me - just an enormous drag. Although, to his credit, and no-one seems to be acknowledging this, he is limiting his monologues, more an more, to separate threads. That should make it easy to ignore him but people still chase him up in is own threads which is pretty stupid really.

I disagree about the fz forum getting boring. I don't enjoy it as much as I did when I first signed up but there are still some interesting people frequenting the place and a few more have joined in. Zombie has got to get sick of his insanity some day, surely? He's been keeping this bullshit going for some time now. I feel really sorry for someone in that mental state that can behave the way he does. Just a guess, he's trying to make us think he's American, but what he's from Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia and his previous forum name was Latex_Solar_Beef?

scallopino - 28-6-2008 at 07:50

Originally posted by punknaynowned
The TTNS dvd is a torture to watch for me.

Why is that punky? I don't have it by the way. I don't think i'll get it.

BBP - 28-6-2008 at 09:17

Just visited the forum, didn't make a single post. Very odd... there is really nothing I feel like responding to.

Poly: Was that a Zappa Forum Conspiracy Theory?
(OK... it's not really a conspiracy...) like the ones I make sometimes?

punknaynowned - 28-6-2008 at 10:06

I realise I'm not the biggest fan of the '80's Zappa either.
The synthesised sound.
The best part are his solos. Real good, intense here and they happen often enough. Everyone plays with intensity. The lights, the glare, the red. meh
I watch 2-3 songs and turn it off.

polydigm - 29-6-2008 at 05:32

Originally posted by BBP: Poly: Was that a Zappa Forum Conspiracy Theory?
(OK... it's not really a conspiracy...) like the ones I make sometimes?

Before the April 2006 forum change, Frownland was quite a regular poster. Actually, Frownland was just a nick name, his actual name was Latex_Solar_Beef. After April 2006 he posted once and basically said he didn't like the new forum and hasn't posted since. I find that hard to imagine. One of the people he argued with the most was Isaac. Sound familiar? I think he may be Zombie. He's from Newcastle in Australia though and Zombie makes out like he's American but he wrote something recently that came across very much like east coast Australian which got me thinking.

BBP - 29-6-2008 at 11:29

Did you confront him with it yet? Openly? I feel like a good confrontation (=fight).

scallopino - 29-6-2008 at 11:43

Originally posted by punknaynowned
I realise I'm not the biggest fan of the '80's Zappa either.
The synthesised sound.
The best part are his solos. Real good, intense here and they happen often enough. Everyone plays with intensity. The lights, the glare, the red. meh
I watch 2-3 songs and turn it off.

And the band that's on there has been so well documented on other videos and dvds...why another one? How much of the 60s Mothers got filmed? Surely they could release more of that stuff, and stuff like that.

I like a lot of the 80s stuff but what I don't like is how much singing he know, just sort of wandering around the stage with a microphone. Don't get me wrong...I like the rants and raps and stuff but I don't really like it when it's "Frank The Singer", you know?

punknaynowned - 29-6-2008 at 14:30

me neither

punknaynowned - 29-6-2008 at 14:43

Originally posted by BBP
Did you confront him with it yet? Openly? I feel like a good confrontation (=fight).

He's usually wanting a fight.
Is that what you want?

BBP - 29-6-2008 at 16:12

Not unless you win! Go Punky! (waves Punky flag)

punknaynowned - 29-6-2008 at 23:48

I'm a lover not a fighter.

I don't think it matters what anyone does. He'll just go away and come back later with the same schtick. Now he plays nice until he thinks people won't expect it and then he turns on them.
He thrives on the attention.
We can talk about it here but I'm not interested in spinning his wheels, so I don't talk to him. If I find something positive I try to respond positively. But mostly I ignore him and whoever gets sucked into his swirl.
what do you want me to do? I'll listen to whatever you have to say,

scallopino - 30-6-2008 at 04:08

There's probably a limit to how much physical damage you can inflict on someone over the internet. And Bonny, where did you get that Punky flag? I want one. Do they have them at Amazon?

BBP - 30-6-2008 at 07:09

Grab a nice clean bedsheet and paint PUNKY on it, in large letters. Hide from your mother for a while.

polydigm - 1-7-2008 at 00:53

Originally posted by BBP: Did you confront him with it yet? Openly? I feel like a good confrontation (=fight).

I agree with Punky on this. I don't want to get in a fight with Zombie. The only time I talk to him is when he says something particularly contradictory and I put him on the spot. Usually when I do that, he avoids the main question but I don't pursue it. Making one or two comments is enough for me, I'm not interested in flame wars.

There was a perfect example two days ago where I put him on the spot about getting offended that people wouldn't believe he was black. He's purposely hiding his true identity and yet he wants us to believe he's black. You can't have it both ways and I told him so and his reaction was totally pathetic. When I see that, it's enough for me, no need to keep on arguing with the guy.

As for his true identity, I don't know for sure and I don't really care that much. I wonder about people who need to carry on like that, if I knew him personally I don't think I'd be able to trust him.

punknaynowned - 1-7-2008 at 03:24

I got fans on three continents!!! thanx for the huge vote of confidence people! :-D

You're so right Polydigm!
Aren't you or haven't you been a teacher of some sort? A bunch of my siblings or their spouses have been teachers ( I did it once for about six months. The only way to deal with 'bad behavior' is to be consistent and not return the aggression. Confront them with the behavior, see if they can see it as bad behavior and get them to 'apologize' in some form. But he's not a child and only sees that response to his behavior as a simple exchange of moves in a game. Maybe the rules change, the roles change, but little more. He's long since learned that the one's with a consistent approach are just to be 'dealt with' in a different way, as the rules of the game have changed with that exchange (assuming that there was a real difference in the response to his behavior, as for example, inconsistent to consistent, if you follow).

My hope is that with enough consistent responses from folks regarding his bullshit, like you did, and Bonny in her ways, and so many people, Fritz, and the rest ignore him . . . he might just drop the silly flaming. I'm too hopeful.

[Edited on 1-7-08 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 1-7-2008 at 06:40

By now it seems that Zombie's lost it. He's just SO FUCKING ANNOYING. Ignoring is all that is left by now.

Badchild - 3-7-2008 at 08:27

last night was a good night for a wednesday (took me like forever to spell that!), cocktail party on the Cap Ferret, big birthday party for a friend....

Hangover this morning....ouch!

punknaynowned - 3-7-2008 at 08:49

'on the Cap Ferret' ?
where's that can I ask?

polydigm - 3-7-2008 at 13:41

Yes Punky, I am a qualified teacher with about 12 years of accumulated on and off experience. My last job was teaching Physics and Maths to international students - mostly Chinese - in a foundation studies course that leads directly to university entrance. Almost zero discipline problems, so I think it's more probably due to being a parent that's led to me being able to keep my cool when dealing with irrationality - but I have my moments.

polydigm - 3-7-2008 at 13:43

Let me guess, is Badchild talking about some kind of Ferry?

Badchild - 3-7-2008 at 14:24

No i'm talking about a place
44°38'07''N 1°15'03"O

Nothing but rich folk all over the place.....

BBP - 3-7-2008 at 16:32

Awww... I was thinking of a hat with a ferret on it... I want one to piss off my sister.;)

Am I correct in locating it in Switzerland, near the Mont Blanc and Mont Dolent?

[Edited on 3-7-08 by BBP]

Badchild - 3-7-2008 at 16:51

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! No wrong answer! try google earth! or a globe

Badchild - 3-7-2008 at 16:52

i bet a hat with a ferret on it would smell real nice!

punknaynowned - 3-7-2008 at 20:09

on the beach!
west of Bordeaux!
looks nice, is it hot?

aquagoat - 4-7-2008 at 05:51

where exactly ?

Badchild - 5-7-2008 at 12:48

Le Canon for the Apéritif
then a beach house at Cap Ferret for dinner. why do you know the place?

No not particularly hot....rather cool as a matter of fact.

aquagoat - 5-7-2008 at 13:27

yes, I live near Bordeaux for 9 years, so I know the place a bit, Andernos, La teste, Arcachon, etc...

BBP - 6-7-2008 at 12:20

Bordeaux is beautiful, been on holiday in that region once. Wonder where the pics of that holiday went to.

BBP - 7-7-2008 at 08:12

This is our new project.

punknaynowned - 7-7-2008 at 08:19

where the hell you gonna put THAT!?


I have a bunch of newspapers that fit in a closet: a 5 ft deep, 2 ft wide, 9 ft high closet.
You guessed it, I still ;)don't have the closet. Still have the newspapers.

BBP - 7-7-2008 at 11:59

I hear your problem with newspapers... Unless they're really BIG NEWS EVENTS like 9/11, I just clip out the sections and pictures I like. Now I have a lot of clippings.

BBP - 8-7-2008 at 06:39

And we're still wondering where we're gonna put THAT!
It weighs 102 kilos, over 200 lbs. It's rigid. We'll never get it around the corner in the stairway. We don't have enough space in garage, hallway or room-between-kitchen-and-garden. So the living room is really the only remaining option.

Badchild - 9-7-2008 at 15:19

It's my daughter' birthday today. She's 13 going on 16.....and also it's my birthday today. I'm 46 going on 30.

aquagoat - 9-7-2008 at 17:40

happy birthday to both of you.:bouncing:

BBP - 9-7-2008 at 17:50

Happy Birthday!

punknaynowned - 10-7-2008 at 06:06

yes Happy!
and may your next trip around the sun be better than the last!

polydigm - 10-7-2008 at 07:57

Happy Birthday Badchild.

I know what you mean about the 13 going on 16 thing. Our daughter was the same and then we she got to 15 she didn't want to be 15. :duh:

BBP - 10-7-2008 at 11:24

I have that. I don't like being 25. I wish I was 21.

Today I added 2 YouTube vids!! Boyard Closing Theme 1995.

scallopino - 10-7-2008 at 12:05

I think it's cool that a tv show would have a solo drums performance. Is it a music show? I loved that performance. It had quite a haunting melody.

BBP - 10-7-2008 at 18:20

No, it was a variety show, with two interviews, TV-fragments of things that went wrong, a silly celeb game of similar nature, and a good comedy section. They used to have 3 million viewers (on a 16 million population that's huge) per show. Until the host left to make more money at another place, and there he flopped.

Out of 16 episodes they usually had 2 nice music performances, so needless to say I was surprised at the pick of Bozz.
Here he interviews a disgruntled farmer who complains about the high speed train, hurtling through his back yard 7 times per hour. At the same time, the interview is disturbed every 2 minutes because a plane flies over at roughly 5 metres above his house...

punknaynowned - 11-7-2008 at 08:02


punknaynowned - 14-7-2008 at 10:09

well something rather singular happened tonight.
Last week a buddy of mine got me a ticket to go see one of my very favorite bands play.
I almost didn't go at the last minute.

Well, we got a short show, they usually play 3-4 hour shows, by themselves with maybe 20 minutes time before the encore. Tonight they quit after only about 2 hours which was a surprise. The singer quit after a few songs for an encore and the rest played an instrumental and said goodnight. Puzzling for those of us used to 3.5-4 hr shows. This was not a festival schedule. Well, my buddy's wife lost her cell phone so we spent time looking for it talking about after an show party and how we all were gonna get there. Meanwhile most everyone else had left. Somebody came thru the pockets of people remaining saying there was an after show jam, just around the corner in that brick building there. We showed up and there was the coach for the band's tour and a guard was posted at the door of this convenient guitar shop. A knot of 20-30 people stood and milled outside and tried to get info out of the door guy who said he didn't know anything, he just couldn't let anybody in. Then we could hear Jimi Hendrix's Manic Depression being started and played and go through a few bars and then they opened the doors and we all filed in and watched them play for almost two hours of essential RnB and rock and funk. They were trying to please and succeeded. The singer never showed up, but all the roadies and the gear guys were there, the hangers on, the people who owned the shop and maybe 30 of the rest of us. The list of stuff they played was phenomenal. All quite credible if not superior in so many ways if only for the arrangement of guitar, bass, drums and B3 organ, in addition to being right in front of you. The ashtray I was using sat on the organ that the keyboardist played.
Here's a partial list
Superstar [here's a link to a youtube clip of Karen Carpenter singing this: so sad,
remember this is without a singer, so just the joyful music
Never Can Say Goodbye, Jackson 5 , here
Green Onions, Booker T
Sing A Simple Song, Sly and the Family Stone
a Funkadelic song, was it Let's Make It Last?
something related to but not Funky Drummer of James Brown (don't worry, I'll find it)
Hey Joe, a very specific live version by Jimi Hendrix
Dazed and Confused, Led Zeppelin, almost like the record, but no bow
Wonderful Tonight, Eric Clapton, didn't think I could like this song again. Deaner sang it softly, beautiful!
Cocaine, really mean version of this
One Way Out, Allman Brothers
I Want To Take You Higher, Sly and the Family Stone
Changes, Band of Gypsys
and then like three songs of Santana from Abraxas, finishing with Oye Como Va

stuff I loved 20 years ago and never would have thought these guys would ever play more than 2 or 3 of these ever. and they played a whole shit ton of 'em for almost two freaking hours cuz they loved it. These are freaking international rock stars and played in Australia Japan and Europe this year already and they have been for 14 years. and they pulled around the corner to play their asses off on all this shit you knew they loved but could never do it as 'the band'. Freaking awesome
thank you and goodnight.

[Edited on 14-7-08 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 14-7-2008 at 11:53

Sounds like you had one helluva evening... Which band was it?

Badchild - 15-7-2008 at 09:18

Just got back from a long weekend showing my Brother the wonders of Provence....Too much food! too much Pastis....too much Rosé....:P

BBP - 15-7-2008 at 18:55

Fun! What places did you visit? Avignon? Aix? Montagne St Victoire? Arles? Les Baux?

Today I made a long trip to Arnhem to get parts for the pinball table. It's in pretty bad state!
(So am I. Long, long travelling, spent ages looking for the right street, ugh!)

Badchild - 16-7-2008 at 07:43

Went as far as Aix on the little roads then headed east up through Gorde and then up the mont Ventoux for a view. Through Avignon and up into ChateauNeuf du Pape on the way back to my place in Ardèche. Dont get electrocuted by your pinball machine...i did once...ouch!

BBP - 16-7-2008 at 09:20

Great! Our car nearly overheated when we were driving to the top of Mont Ventoux. Fortunately it's cold enough over there for the engine to cool down quickly, but while we were driving up it was pretty scary.
Plus you have to dodge all them cyclists...

scallopino - 16-7-2008 at 13:06

Who are they Punky?

punknaynowned - 16-7-2008 at 19:40

you guys won't believe me. We couldn't believe it. I'm still reeling from it for a lot of reasons.
It was ween.

punknaynowned - 16-7-2008 at 19:44

Originally posted by Badchild
Went as far as Aix on the little roads then headed east up through Gorde and then up the mont Ventoux for a view. Through Avignon and up into ChateauNeuf du Pape on the way back to my place in Ardèche. Dont get electrocuted by your pinball machine...i did once...ouch!

I'm jealous, man! would love to visit these places . . .

scallopino - 17-7-2008 at 09:56

Originally posted by punknaynowned
you guys won't believe me. We couldn't believe it. I'm still reeling from it for a lot of reasons.
It was ween.

:shocked: Ween! I love those guys! Wow! I certainly believe you because well they are capable of pretty much anything.

scallopino - 17-7-2008 at 09:58

Originally posted by Badchild
Went as far as Aix on the little roads then headed east up through Gorde and then up the mont Ventoux for a view. Through Avignon and up into ChateauNeuf du Pape on the way back to my place in Ardèche. Dont get electrocuted by your pinball machine...i did once...ouch!

How do you pronounce Aix Badchild? Are x's always silent in French?

punknaynowned - 17-7-2008 at 10:05

Originally posted by scallopino
Originally posted by punknaynowned
you guys won't believe me. We couldn't believe it. I'm still reeling from it for a lot of reasons.
It was ween.

:shocked: Ween! I love those guys! Wow! I certainly believe you because well they are capable of pretty much anything.

somebody just posted some camera shots

BBP - 17-7-2008 at 10:12

Like X.

I only know Ween off Chef Aid.

Badchild - 17-7-2008 at 12:54

Is that like weening yourself off coolaid???

punknaynowned - 17-7-2008 at 18:42

it is badchild.
"Hi! my name is ned and I'm a ween-aholic."
I used to be a zealous ween fan: go to all the shows, get all my friends to go, download shows and spend all my time finding rare stuff thru the interweb. It got so bad I would rather be on the computer looking/listening for ween then spend that time with my girlfriend. I know. Terrible.
But I'm doing better. I've only seem them four times this decade and downloaded only a couple dozen shows. I don't spend all my time making endless mix tapes with weird geeky stuff intended to get people to squirm. I no longer call people Eeediots for dismissing the best band in the world when they don't even venture past a song or a record or two. I just walk away now wondering how they will manage without.
So I was left disappointed with the last record and when the band the other night played such a short 150 min show . . .
We heard that they might show up around the corner. And when they did and they spent 100-120 minutes not playing ween music but playing what was pretty obviously their favorite music by other people and that turned out to be some of MY very favorite music . . .
and did it so well, so intensely and passionately, as if they were trying to find their roots again after being out on the road night after night for 18 months,
well, I've been spoiled now knowing they can do this other stuff so freaking well.
I guess you could call me weened!

BBP - 23-7-2008 at 12:57

Originally posted by BBP
Today my tire exploded on my newspaper round.

That was posted on 19 April 2008. It's now 23 July.

The new tire lasted 3 months. Today it exploded again, after it got very, very worn out.

It was at the start of my round, even before I delivered my first paper. I walked back home to get my father's bicycle. Had to inflate that rear tire. Loaded heavy bag onto it. Went on my round.

Badchild - 24-7-2008 at 08:21

Yesterday, I met and spoke with IGGY POP for about 15 minutes! I'm still in shock!

scallopino - 24-7-2008 at 11:16

Originally posted by Badchild
Yesterday, I met and spoke with IGGY POP for about 15 minutes! I'm still in shock!


scallopino - 24-7-2008 at 11:33

Originally posted by BBP
Like X.

I only know Ween off Chef Aid.

I love that song so much! But I don't feel comfortable singing it in public. It was the first thing i heard from Ween as well. The Primus song on that album is also cool and very funny. I think that was the first primus i heard other than the south park theme song.

BBP - 24-7-2008 at 13:07

I got that album before I'd even seen an episode... listened to it a lot. Not anymore though.
I initially liked that Ween song but I grew real tired of it very quickly.

scallopino - 25-7-2008 at 05:53

Even the Elton John song on that album is pretty funky.

BBP - 25-7-2008 at 06:42

Not to mention that phone conversation behind it... :bouncy:

BBP - 28-7-2008 at 18:35

Had some real bad weather here on Saturday... parts of our town flooded...


scallopino - 29-7-2008 at 12:57

I borrowed a dvd from the uni library on the history of the Arab-Israeli coflict and then couldn't play it because it's the wrong region. I also started to learn 'Just Like A Woman' on guitar.

polydigm - 29-7-2008 at 13:08

Originally posted by scallopino
I borrowed a dvd from the uni library on the history of the Arab-Israeli coflict and then couldn't play it because it's the wrong region. I also started to learn 'Just Like A Woman' on guitar.

I suppose these days that most DVD players are region free. Are you watching yours on a computer? I'm a die hard Mac person, but one of the things that pisses me off about them is not having region free DVD players. I'm assuming your player is set to region 4, I think it's bizarre that any library would have something on loan with the wrong region code.

So what's your standard on the guitar? Strummer, or are you a bit more serious. Starting two and a half years ago I decided to go the whole hog and I've been practising pretty intensely ever since.

[Edited on 29/7/2008 by polydigm]

Badchild - 29-7-2008 at 17:02

As of tonight, i will be on vacation in Ardèche for 3 and a half weeks....oh blisssss! I'll have a few glasses of Rosé while thinking of you all here! No computer, no tv! but a good stereo system to blast some FZ etc... while i work on my Deck!

cheers All!

The Badchild :-P

polydigm - 29-7-2008 at 23:05

Sounds great Badchild. I hope you have a good holiday.

scallopino - 30-7-2008 at 13:14

Originally posted by polydigm
Originally posted by scallopino
I borrowed a dvd from the uni library on the history of the Arab-Israeli coflict and then couldn't play it because it's the wrong region. I also started to learn 'Just Like A Woman' on guitar.

I suppose these days that most DVD players are region free. Are you watching yours on a computer? I'm a die hard Mac person, but one of the things that pisses me off about them is not having region free DVD players. I'm assuming your player is set to region 4, I think it's bizarre that any library would have something on loan with the wrong region code.

So what's your standard on the guitar? Strummer, or are you a bit more serious. Starting two and a half years ago I decided to go the whole hog and I've been practising pretty intensely ever since.

[Edited on 29/7/2008 by polydigm]

It wasn't on the computer but the family dvd player which is probably 5 or 6 years old now. It was Region 4 BUT a few hours after I posted that i did some research and typed in a special code and reset the player so that it is now region free. It was very exciting.

I started playing guitar last November when I bought one of Squiers strat packs. I am mostly a strummer but i'm very interested in blues guitar and I always muck around on the old nylon string that's been lying around. Unfortunately I don't have any time at all to practise properly. I am getting better but pretty slowly. I hate the feeling of being a beginner on a musical instrument again.

BBP - 30-7-2008 at 17:53

Whoo! Magic code!!

I understand Squiers, and indeed any cheap starter package, are nightmarish to play. I had this cheapo black Stagg C&W which hurt my fingers so badly I could never play it for long. Eventually I gave it away to my now ex-boyfriend. He didn't play it often either, though he was a keen musician. And for the same reason.
I assume the frets were too sharp. Maybe I should've filed them down.

Currently I'm borrowing my sister's Telecaster, which plays like a dream. Except it's pink.

:-)Enjoy your vacacion, Badchild!

In the mean time, I'm home alone as my father currently works afternoons and evenings. It's very warm here, so bad I'm wearing a dress.

scallopino - 1-8-2008 at 11:07

Originally posted by BBP
Whoo! Magic code!!

I understand Squiers, and indeed any cheap starter package, are nightmarish to play. I had this cheapo black Stagg C&W which hurt my fingers so badly I could never play it for long. Eventually I gave it away to my now ex-boyfriend. He didn't play it often either, though he was a keen musician. And for the same reason.
I assume the frets were too sharp. Maybe I should've filed them down.

Currently I'm borrowing my sister's Telecaster, which plays like a dream. Except it's pink.

:-)Enjoy your vacacion, Badchild!

In the mean time, I'm home alone as my father currently works afternoons and evenings. It's very warm here, so bad I'm wearing a dress.

It is was hard to play when I first started and compared to friends' guitars. I got a bass player friend of mine to do a little set up but there's a limit to how much you can do. You can't set the action too low otherwise the strings buzz too much. But I'm finding it much easier now. And when I get a REAL guitar it'll be a dream to play!

Could you post a photo of the pink Tele Bonny? Did Zaz play play much?

BBP - 1-8-2008 at 15:15

Zaz did play it a lot initially, but after a while she just didn't find the time for playing. She also has a classical one, a decent starter brand that plays well, and she used that one more. Now she's borrowing my bass (a nightmare-to-play fretless Stagg 4-string bass.)
I think I posted a picture of it earlier, though I have no idea where. I'll make a new one...

I'm not playing now though. I cut my right thumb while doing the washing up.

punknaynowned - 2-8-2008 at 05:16

thanks for all the sweetnesses B!

Never forget ya!

scallopino - 2-8-2008 at 08:13

And about the magic code...if you have a dvd player that only plays dvd's in your region, you can find a code on the net for it that will reset the settings and make it region free. Just google the brand and model of the player along with words such as "code" and "region".

scallopino - 2-8-2008 at 08:14

Originally posted by punknaynowned
thanks for all the sweetnesses B!

Never forget ya!

Are you going down to Hades or something Punkster?

BBP - 3-8-2008 at 11:39

Originally posted by punknaynowned
thanks for all the sweetnesses B!

Never forget ya!

Been eating too much sugar, hon?

BBP - 10-8-2008 at 17:34

Finally finished on scrapbooking my newspaper article collection. Lots of work, but hey! I'm through!

scallopino - 12-8-2008 at 10:24

Monday morning I finished an essay on the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Monday night I finished an assignment on polynomial rings and primitive roots of multiplicative groups that was hard hard hard. Tonight I have comparitively less to do and will watch a new episode of the Simpsons in ten minutes.

BBP - 12-8-2008 at 17:02

Ooh! Nice!

I've got another stack of DVDRs I'm going to record the simpsons on. I always record them, and store them on the PC. Take 1GB per episode, so after 20 eps it needs to be done.

I also cleaned the bathroom (yuck!). And I'm currently free from my newspaper round, so I slept relatively late.

scallopino - 13-8-2008 at 11:19

I think the new season Channel Ten has been playing is one of the best ever. Like everybody I thought the episodes just weren't like they used to be in terms of quality, but i'd say the last two have been outstanding.

BBP - 13-8-2008 at 18:38

I don't like the more recent episodes I've seen... got up to season 19... but now that the Dutch Comedy Central is showing reruns of the earlier ones, I'm enjoying them so much!

Badchild - 25-8-2008 at 13:52

I'm back from vacation.....and into work.....278 Emails waiting to be read!!!!!!!!! I'm tired allready!

BBP - 25-8-2008 at 19:24

:cool: Great to have you back! How was your holiday? Finish the deck?

polydigm - 25-8-2008 at 23:41

Hey Badchild, welcome back, it's been a bit quiet around here lately.

You missed out on all the fun at Trendy had one of his forum tantrums and it got quite messy for a while but then Mikey deleted all his crazy threads and at the moment Trendy is keeping a real low profile. Ho hum.

Badchild - 26-8-2008 at 08:54

Originally posted by BBP
:cool: Great to have you back! How was your holiday? Finish the deck?

Nice to be back! My vacation was wayyyyyy to short! I did not have time to see everyone i wanted to. It started out pretty bad, as i had to break into my own house because of a faulty door lock! Spent the next day fixing broken window and faulty door lock.

My deck is coming along nice got about 3/4 of the decking put in. It looks awesome to say the least. You can only do so much from 8am to 12 am. After that it's just too hot to continue.

Also, there were an increadible number of Dutch tourist this summer in Ardèche. Much more than other years me thinks.

All in all a great holiday but just too short. Next year i'm taking a month off! It's a minimum. I'll try to post a picture or two of the deck later in the week!

Badchild - 26-8-2008 at 08:55

Originally posted by polydigm
Hey Badchild, welcome back, it's been a bit quiet around here lately.

You missed out on all the fun at Trendy had one of his forum tantrums and it got quite messy for a while but then Mikey deleted all his crazy threads and at the moment Trendy is keeping a real low profile. Ho hum.

Yeah! i saw that yesterday....I also saw a threat by GZ to shut the forum down....It's about time someone stepped in and quietted down the BS!

BBP - 26-8-2008 at 09:23

Oh Badchild: there are ALWAYS a lot of Dutch tourists in France. The only way to escape them is by going to a Nordic country, or perhaps buying an ANWB camping guide and NOT visiting any camping in it.

Badchild - 26-8-2008 at 13:51

Well, i've never seen so many blond haired people at the grocery store as i've seen this summer. And they talk real funnily too !Sort of an English/gibberish.

Oh and my buddy the barman said that the dutch drink their Pastis "Straight up" without water!??! I mean were talking 45° alcohol here, sheesh!

BBP - 26-8-2008 at 20:49

Ah! That explains why Dutchmen are usually such a nuisiance on holiday! And if you think their English is bad, try their French, pronouncing vous as vows.
(On holiday I refrained from communicating with the French. I preferred to sleep late and so miss out on my turn to fetch the pain at the camping store.)

Badchild - 27-8-2008 at 08:27

What is it with the Camping/Dutch thing?? Do you all dream of going on safaris or is it because for the Dutch everywhere else (outside of Dutchyland) is wilderness!?!

Or is it something more Eco-Nomique!:D

BBP - 27-8-2008 at 17:19

Economic, I suppose. And freedom to bring your own food. Can't get any peanut butter in France.

BBP - 30-8-2008 at 12:58

My grandmother received a royal medal yesterday. I'm very proud!

scallopino - 31-8-2008 at 17:10

Cool! What was it for exactly?

scallopino - 31-8-2008 at 17:14

I have two major assignments for maths and atmospheric science due on Monday as well as an English essay (on Orwell and Saussure). I've done the assignments but i haven't quite finished the essay yet. It's after 2am.


Those represent the emotions of essay writing.

BBP - 1-9-2008 at 17:58

All the best of luck and inspiration to you... I know how hair-raising essays can be... and what a silly mistakes you can make...

Grandma has been doing voluntary work for over 50 years, among others as First Aid worker and as member of the neighborhood council. In 1983 a non-profit organisation was founded that hired small buses, to transport the elderly and disabled. She has been volunteering for that from the start, until the day of the 25th jubilee, both in the board and visiting new subscribers. She's now 84, and is planning to go back to volunteering in case she'll miss it.

[Edited on 1-9-08 by BBP]

BBP - 3-9-2008 at 08:09

OK, so mod hasn't shown up for some time and the spammers are here making topics.

Badchild - 3-9-2008 at 12:50

By the way! I came back from vacation with a new beard! Makes me look Yunger!:cool:

BBP - 3-9-2008 at 15:11

Hmmm... just make sure you don't look like a terrorist, OK? Hope the family likes it...

polydigm - 4-9-2008 at 08:30

Originally posted by Badchild
By the way! I came back from vacation with a new beard! Makes me look Yunger!:cool:

I've grown a beard, and my hair, this year and it makes me look older.

BBP - 4-9-2008 at 11:42

Poly and Badchild: for laughs, make a picture of yourself right after you've eaten. Especially when you've just eaten spaghetti.

Badchild - 4-9-2008 at 15:31


punknaynowned - 4-9-2008 at 16:38

Originally posted by polydigm
Originally posted by Badchild
By the way! I came back from vacation with a new beard! Makes me look Yunger!:cool:

I've grown a beard, and my hair, this year and it makes me look older.

I cut mine off, but I didn't do it today . . .
mother says I look younger. Figures.
Rainy day here, I came downtown to check my email and the whole world has turned upside down!
they banned zombie?
how you folks doing?
not much new here,
staying out of trouble . . .

BBP - 4-9-2008 at 16:52

They banned Zombie at the Zappa-forum?? Whoa! Seems like Admin finally got round to doing what he SHOULD do.

Punky: it took us ages to convince my father he looked quite ten years younger if he shaved his moustache.
Great to see you again!

Badchild - 5-9-2008 at 13:19

Originally posted by BBP
They banned Zombie at the Zappa-forum??

How do you guys know this?? I looked around over there and did not find anything relating to zombie being banned.

BBP - 5-9-2008 at 16:39

Check the posts of HIAR and Sinister Midget (his latest incarnation), and you see it says "Banned" below his name. The "Hey Isaac" thread deals with it.

I suddenly like the forum a lot more now!

Badchild - 12-9-2008 at 14:47

I just signed a deal for the purchase of 125 appartements in Bordeaux for the price of 12 500 000 euros! I'm really hyped!

scallopino - 13-9-2008 at 14:30

Congratulations! Maybe we could call you Trump?

BBP - 13-9-2008 at 20:09

Are you selling that car now?

Badchild - 15-9-2008 at 08:34

Just to clear up a point. I'm a salaryman, i signed the deal with my Employer's money and my Employer will rake in the profits with the rental of those units....i'll just make do with my pitance of a salary.

What car would i be selling Bonny?

BBP - 15-9-2008 at 12:47

The one you have stashed away in Canada as some sort of funding...

Badchild - 15-9-2008 at 14:45

No non no! I will not sell my mustang unless i have an Emergency and need the money....and that's Emergency with a capital E.

BBP - 15-9-2008 at 16:30

Ah good!

scallopino - 18-9-2008 at 13:41

What if it's a financial crisis and not an Emergency?

Badchild - 19-9-2008 at 08:30

That's a good question Scallo. I've got most of my savings in stock options which have been growing nicely for twenty years now. As long as i don't sell any i'm not loosing anything right? The financial crisis of today is not very different from other bumps (1982-1989-2000). There have always been doomsayers, as in "this will be worse than '29...blah blah...". We have just been through a 10 year boom with mega bucks floating around making everyone happy (think McMansion). This is the longest running bull market in history so when trying to ween the addicts off their habit even slightly, you instantly get big time withdrawal symptoms.
What is really a problem, and a recurring one, is that it's the little guy who will be punished for the big guys incompetence....again! And there is still dickall that the little guy can do about it. That for me sucks big time. I work in the housing and building industry (20years now), and have seen my share of crisis'. Everytime it's the same thing. I see the plomber drive up to the site in his new Porshe Cayenne S and think "there's a guy who wont get through the crisis", because he will not put equity into his business, he'll just ride the wave until it runs out and he sinks along with all his employees. So stupid because it could be avoided by simple management practices.

Anyway, an Emergency would be more along the lines of health and welfare of my family, if you get my drift.

BBP - 19-9-2008 at 16:17

Ah OK... good... hope your stock is in good companies. If they go bust your tactic is, well... not functioning.

BBP - 23-9-2008 at 19:11

Once a tasty treat, now just a memory...

Cinnamon pie I baked for my sister.

scallopino - 24-9-2008 at 16:24

Looks lovely. Was it as good as it looks?

BBP - 25-9-2008 at 19:22

My dad and sister loved it! I discovered I'm not too fond of succade (one of the prime ingredients, along with almonds), but I liked it nonetheless.
Baking it was rather frustrating, though.

scallopino - 26-9-2008 at 09:49

I tried baking a cake once, but I was pretty young and didn't understand the contracted recipe forms of tablespoon and teaspoon. It resulted in much too much baking soda.

[Edited on 26-9-2008 by scallopino]

BBP - 26-9-2008 at 16:56

Well... you could try again now! Cooking is a very difficult science indeed.

scallopino - 27-9-2008 at 13:28

Well I actually do cook quite a bit. But no baking. Nothing involving ovens of any sort for me. Except when you just chuck a frozen thing in there for 20 minutes...I can handle that.

BBP - 27-9-2008 at 18:03

It's a clever idea to stay away from ovens! I often burnt myself on them. Still have a huge burn scar from when I was 4. I remember the skin peeling off. It looked just like a moustache.

But baking pies and cakes is really very rewarding. The delicious aroma fills the living room, making everybody peckish...

Isaac - 28-9-2008 at 00:49

PC's been down for several weeks and I have had to go back and forth between my local library--which is across town--and a computer terminal at a local K-Mart.

zombie1210 - 28-9-2008 at 00:54

Originally posted by BBP
Check the posts of HIAR and Sinister Midget (his latest incarnation), and you see it says "Banned" below his name. The "Hey Isaac" thread deals with it.

I suddenly like the forum a lot more now!

So, I suppose you are going to ban me over here, eh Bonny girl?

Just because?


[Edited on 27-9-2008 by zombie1210]

BBP - 28-9-2008 at 18:00

No I'm a friendly person and unless you display the same idiotic enfuriating behaviour you showed at the Zappa-forum screwing up every thread with offences, drawing attention to yourself like an adolescent Bart Simpson, I'm not tempted to do so.

zombie1210 - 28-9-2008 at 18:19

Thanks, M' lady.

Isaac - 29-9-2008 at 01:43

I drove through several flooded streets to get here.

zombie1210 - 29-9-2008 at 01:51

This is the internet, son.

Isaac - 6-10-2008 at 02:40

I cleaned up some of my old sketches. If my computer was working, I could scan some of them. I drew a real cool one of FZ. :cool:

[Edited on 6-10-08 by Isaac]

BBP - 6-10-2008 at 07:32

There you have it: always store a back-up! I lost all my MIDI-files when our old Compaq crashed, plus all my documents. Fortunately my father managed to salvage all the PC's contents using an USB-stick and many hours of spare time.

Badchild - 6-10-2008 at 08:59

Our French Bank bought Your Dutch/Begium/Lux bank!

scallopino - 6-10-2008 at 09:24

That's enough of your Napoleonic economics Baddy.

scallopino - 6-10-2008 at 09:26

Originally posted by Isaac
I cleaned up some of my old sketches. If my computer was working, I could scan some of them. I drew a real cool one of FZ. :cool:

[Edited on 6-10-08 by Isaac]

Cool. What kind of materials did you use?

BBP - 6-10-2008 at 10:21

Nah. They didn't buy the Dutch Fortis/ABN Amro: that was bought by the Dutch government.

BBP - 6-10-2008 at 10:21

Down out and feeling blue. My student Utrecht/Eindhoven commuting career has come to an end. :-(

Isaac - 7-10-2008 at 00:10

Originally posted by BBP
There you have it: always store a back-up! I lost all my MIDI-files when our old Compaq crashed, plus all my documents. Fortunately my father managed to salvage all the PC's contents using an USB-stick and many hours of spare time.

Last time my computer crashed, it was the same situation. When my computer was fixed, all the files were still there, so I presume it'll be the same here. Having the money to do so is another deal altogether. In any case, I have all the originals of my sketches/paintings/etc. The only things I really need to save are a couple of really good screenplays and a few mediocre ones that need work.

Originally posted by scallopino
Originally posted by Isaac
I cleaned up some of my old sketches. If my computer was working, I could scan some of them. I drew a real cool one of FZ. :cool:

[Edited on 6-10-08 by Isaac]

Cool. What kind of materials did you use?

Sketch book. Drawing pencils. I had a bottle of ink, but I lost it when I had to move back into the old house. I really wished that I could have grabbed that, but I was short on time.

zombie1210 - 7-10-2008 at 01:56

I watched everyone at work get their panties in a bunch as they watched the stock market.

BBP - 7-10-2008 at 15:24

Isaac: get a huge USB-stick. They're cheap and can fit more data than you can imagine on something you could carry around in your mouth. If necessary filter out the crapola you don't need. Losing something unique is the worst that can happen to you. I lost several plays I had, one of them has no other version stored anywhere.

polydigm - 8-10-2008 at 01:57

In 1991, back in the days when Hypercard was still a big deal on the Mac I spent over a week of 12 hour days developing a stack that would play back chess games so you could analyse games without having to mess around with an actual board and pieces. I built in quite a few handy features like being able to choose any position in the game just by typing in the move number. In July 1991 I flew to London and the bastards at British Airways smashed my computer for me and no data was recoverable. That was a painful lesson for me.

BBP - 8-10-2008 at 10:42

Sounds nifty! I didn't know you were a chess player!
Sorry to hear you lost it... Did you ever rebuild one?

polydigm - 8-10-2008 at 15:28

I have mentioned that I play chess before, in that poll thread of Slime's, maybe you overlooked it at the time. No, I never got around to doing another one. If I was going to do it again I'd have to build it as an application but I've gone right off programming.

Badchild - 8-10-2008 at 16:20

Originally posted by BBP
Nah. They didn't buy the Dutch Fortis/ABN Amro: that was bought by the Dutch government.

That's right! BNPParibas left the smelly stuff were it laid! They did buy up all of Fortis belgium and luxembourg though and it's a real sweet deal. The belgians are just now coming to terms with what happened to their bank.

Everything is in meltdown mode today though and it looks like things are going to get worse before they get better.

Why are you leaving University Bonn??

BBP - 8-10-2008 at 18:09

I'm still a student... am busy writing that Zappa-thesis (yes, I know I've been saying that for 5 years, but today I actually managed to write some down.,,)
There's a limited amount of time you get college finance. A scholarship for 4 years, then, in case you want one, a loan for 3 years. I loaned money after my scholarship ended, primarily because my sister told me to do so. It came in handy recently.

Part of the students finance in The Netherlands is a traffic card which allows you to travel by train, bus or metro anywhere in Holland, free of cost. It's enabled me to stay living with my father in Eindhoven, instead of moving out to Utrecht. I travelled the 50minute train distance for seven years.

Unfortunately, a mix of wrong study-choice, arguments with the new subscription system that would often leave me out of class while I subscribed, and a nasty grim period of a year and a half, caused so much delay that I'm now forced to hurry up with class. Now my finance has ended and I need to pay if I want to go to Utrecht in future. :(

scallopino - 10-10-2008 at 06:40

So what will you do? Isn't there a uni in Eindhoven?

BBP - 10-10-2008 at 16:37

Yes but that's a technical university. For musicology, the only options are Utrecht and Amsterdam (latter being even further away).

Isaac - 10-10-2008 at 22:04

I've been incredibly tired over the last several days. I've been sleeping for longer periods than usual, and because I haven't had the energy to ride down to the library (PC's still down), I haven't been on the computer the last couple of days.

zombie1210 - 10-10-2008 at 23:41

I've been working, like a normal adult.

BBP - 11-10-2008 at 19:22

Worked the newspaper rounds.

Went to visit my mother. Two adorable little kittens were very interested in us and ran into mother's home. And then the visit became a cat chase.
I caught one, the other was chased out.

Isaac - 11-10-2008 at 21:32

Down at FYE, I traded about $16 worth of DVDs and CDs for a copy of Esham's new album. While I was there, they played "Dancing Fool"! Pretty surprising to hear FZ in that joint. :cool:

LaMarrBruister - 11-10-2008 at 21:37

It's amazing how much your avatar resembles you,Issac.

zombie1210 - 11-10-2008 at 23:07

Careful, LaMarr!!!!!

Bonny will get all butt hurt if you pick on the boy!


scallopino - 12-10-2008 at 11:37

What's FYE?

BBP - 12-10-2008 at 21:00

For Your Eyes?

scallopino - 14-10-2008 at 08:39

Will this mystery ever be solved?

BBP - 14-10-2008 at 11:56

Apparently it's For Your Entertainment.

Isaac - 14-10-2008 at 22:06

Originally posted by LaMarrBruister
It's amazing how much your avatar resembles you,Issac.

It's amazing how many people with no lives can follow me around trolling every spot I click!

zombie1210 - 14-10-2008 at 23:50

I liked the pig with the wagging tongue much better than the skull in the stew pot.

No lives? OK.....what job are YOU working right now?

BBP - 15-10-2008 at 14:27

I removed Isaac's avatar because it was replaced by a Bandwith Exceeded photoshop pic and was therefore distorting the page. I did so once before.
For some reason this page still shows up distorted, this place needs an update.

Isaac: clean your tongue. Cut the hatred and namecalling before I have to close another thread and, Frank forbid, posts.

Isaac - 16-10-2008 at 16:41

Originally posted by BBP

Isaac: clean your tongue. Cut the hatred and namecalling before I have to close another thread and, Frank forbid, posts.

I've done no namecalling and hate no one. Your confusion and misplaced anger is uncalled for. Here's the distinction:

Me: Not a troll
People who register to this website to flame me: Trolls.

Hope I've been helpful.

zombie1210 - 17-10-2008 at 01:11

Look at MR. Innocent.......


Don't flatter yourself. NOBODY registered because you were here.


BBP - 17-10-2008 at 12:27

That's it. This thread is closed. You owe it to yourself, people.

BBP - 21-10-2008 at 09:32

So, the events of the morning:

9:00 Hear birds on the roof, making noise. Hear one slide through the chimney, trying to flap up, making lots of noise.
9:05 I slowly open the bottom side of the chimney, hoping the bird comes out. It doesn't, and I fear I squashed it. Bird poops, result is caught in the fireplace. I close the chimney.
9:07 Open the chimney again.
9:08 Phone animal ambulance. They say they're not allowed to rescue it, I should call the fire brigade or the chimney sweep. I get on-line and mail my father for help.

9:30 Bird is still in the chimney. After some hesitation I finally ring the firebrigade. After I pass some information they decide to talk it over. I leave my phone number.
9:32 Fire brigade phones back: they're coming with the crane to get it out the chimney. They ask me to phone the animal ambulance again, if they can come because the bird just might be injured.
9:33 I phone the animal ambulance again, they tell me to call back when the fire brigade arrives.
9:38 Bird flies out the bottom. I look at him, he flies to the back of the room and bumps into the sliding doors. He remains stationary on the floor.
I immediately call the fire brigade to cancel them. I call the animal ambulance again. They tell me to put the jackdaw in a box, so they can pick it up.

It's between you and me, bird! I go upstairs to put on my shoes and empty a shoebox. I go downstairs, take the camera and make a picture of the animal. It's apparently disturbed by my attention.
I put on my gloves and approach the daw. Daw flies off, attempts the sliding door again, hides behind nearby speakers, Attempts to catch fail.
So I open the slider door and manage to chase the bird towards the opening. It flies off.

Bastard. Nearly gave me a heart attack when he crashed out.

BBP - 21-10-2008 at 20:11

And here I was, wondering why nobody replied on my jackdaw adventure... Apparently I can reply to locked threads. HAAA! Power!

zombie1210 - 21-10-2008 at 23:37

I would have started a fire. he would have flown up and out.

scallopino - 22-10-2008 at 10:35

So here's the problem Bonny: It crashed into the door because it got confused between a door and a daw. Just before impact it was thinking "here is a possible mating candidate".

We have similar problems here every so often. Maybe once every two months. Here's what I don't do: Unlike my father, I don't carefully open the door of the fire place, capture the bird in a towel and then break its neck and chuck it outside. What I do is, close all the doors around the room so it becomes dark, except for the sliding door, which I open wide. Then I open the fire door, it flies out, heads for the light and goes straight out the open door.

BBP - 22-10-2008 at 12:53

Clever. I had no idea what to do and was really scared... I'm thinking of getting one of them bird blockers for our chimney. nt just to keep the daws from falling in, but also to keep all the other birds away from it. Especially pigeons love to stand over them and make noise, waking everybody in the house.

aquagoat - 22-10-2008 at 17:18

Originally posted by BBP

So, the events of the morning:

9:00 Hear birds on the roof, making noise. Hear one slide through the chimney, trying to flap up, making lots of noise.
9:05 I slowly open the bottom side of the chimney, hoping the bird comes out. It doesn't, and I fear I squashed it. Bird poops, result is caught in the fireplace. I close the chimney.
9:07 Open the chimney again.
9:08 Phone animal ambulance. They say they're not allowed to rescue it, I should call the fire brigade or the chimney sweep. I get on-line and mail my father for help.

9:30 Bird is still in the chimney. After some hesitation I finally ring the firebrigade. After I pass some information they decide to talk it over. I leave my phone number.
9:32 Fire brigade phones back: they're coming with the crane to get it out the chimney. They ask me to phone the animal ambulance again, if they can come because the bird just might be injured.
9:33 I phone the animal ambulance again, they tell me to call back when the fire brigade arrives.
9:38 Bird flies out the bottom. I look at him, he flies to the back of the room and bumps into the sliding doors. He remains stationary on the floor.
I immediately call the fire brigade to cancel them. I call the animal ambulance again. They tell me to put the jackdaw in a box, so they can pick it up.

It's between you and me, bird! I go upstairs to put on my shoes and empty a shoebox. I go downstairs, take the camera and make a picture of the animal. It's apparently disturbed by my attention.
I put on my gloves and approach the daw. Daw flies off, attempts the sliding door again, hides behind nearby speakers, Attempts to catch fail.
So I open the slider door and manage to chase the bird towards the opening. It flies off.

Bastard. Nearly gave me a heart attack when he crashed out.
what a report, made me laugh my ass off rotf,etc, as the young say.

BBP - 22-10-2008 at 19:32

And not a lie in it!

The fire brigade telephone lady was amused by my being startled. I phoned directly after the bird smashed into the window (didn't want to have the boom lift at the door, telling them it's too late), and my heart was thumping as if DZ asked me to come onstage and play guitar.

Huck_Phlem - 24-10-2008 at 05:22

My Daughter told me she found a Condom in her Mom's bag.


I had a Vasectomy 11 years ago.

scallopino - 25-10-2008 at 02:02


BBP - 26-10-2008 at 10:56


aquagoat - 26-10-2008 at 13:41


BBP - 29-10-2008 at 20:27

Lightening the mood here...

scallopino - 30-10-2008 at 04:35

Excellent! You even captured his outrageous haircut.

MTF - 30-10-2008 at 06:54

Originally posted by Huck_Phlem
My Daughter told me she found a Condom in her Mom's bag.


I had a Vasectomy 11 years ago.

BBP - 31-10-2008 at 11:55

Yesterday I went to the book fair, made a repro of Billew, and went to the AB concert. I came home at 11PM, way too late, and was exhausted.

MTF - 1-11-2008 at 06:12

It's Halloween. I carved a pumpkin that's just an eye.

My daughter's out in the living room, watching Harold and Maude with her boyfriend.

BTW: my cousin was an extra in that movie. He was in the marching band. And one of my best friends went to the church that the marching band was marching past. And my mother used to work at the clinic that was kitty-corner to the church. And my childhood hero - Willie Mays - was treated for his baseball injuries at the clinic where my mother worked.

And the Grateful Dead used to live across the street from the clinic. and Bill Hewlett (of Hewlett-Packard) lived around the corner from the Grateful Dead. And my wife's father went to Stanford with Hewlett and Packard. And I saw Frank Zappa at Stanford. And My wife and I and her father and Jerry Garcia and Joan Baez and Grace Slick all attended the same high school, which is across the street from Stanford Stadium.

It's all so tightly-knit: just like an eye...

[Edited on 11/1/2008 by MTF]

BBP - 1-11-2008 at 12:17

You're one lucky fellow! I could say I went to school with Guus Meeuwis, but that's hardly a showstopper.

Ah who cares? I saw Primus live on their last tour of Europe.

BBP - 4-11-2008 at 09:57

So today, after taking a shower, I decided to debunk the drain myself. Gross.
Afterwards I made a tour of the house, emptying all the trashcans. One of our trashcans is outside, because the lid is gone. We put it there for some reason. It comes in handy when we mowed the lawn and need extra space.

Anyway, said trashcan had several litres of water in it. I usually empty it as soon as I can to prevent mosquitoes from nesting in there. And when I emptied it, there was a dead mouse in there. Eeow!

scallopino - 4-11-2008 at 12:54

Originally posted by MTF
It's Halloween. I carved a pumpkin that's just an eye.

My daughter's out in the living room, watching Harold and Maude with her boyfriend.

BTW: my cousin was an extra in that movie. He was in the marching band. And one of my best friends went to the church that the marching band was marching past. And my mother used to work at the clinic that was kitty-corner to the church. And my childhood hero - Willie Mays - was treated for his baseball injuries at the clinic where my mother worked.

And the Grateful Dead used to live across the street from the clinic. and Bill Hewlett (of Hewlett-Packard) lived around the corner from the Grateful Dead. And my wife's father went to Stanford with Hewlett and Packard. And I saw Frank Zappa at Stanford. And My wife and I and her father and Jerry Garcia and Joan Baez and Grace Slick all attended the same high school, which is across the street from Stanford Stadium.

It's all so tightly-knit: just like an eye...

[Edited on 11/1/2008 by MTF]

Nice pumpkins and nice community!

scallopino - 4-11-2008 at 12:56

Today I finished my last ever exam. It was for maths: Algebra and Number Theory II. And it went good!

BBP - 4-11-2008 at 13:53

Great! Congratz Scallop! :drums:

aquagoat - 4-11-2008 at 19:52

cool, congratulations Scallopino.

scallopino - 5-11-2008 at 02:59


BBP - 5-11-2008 at 20:08

Today, nothing of interest happened. Cleared out yesterday's burnt sprout smell. Watched Rocky Horror. And Simpsons. And I finally scored the 5th pro perfect on Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2 and now I have all 6 guitars available. Discovered once more that there's nothing more delicious than a fresh avocado. Played real-life guitar. Made photos. Wrote on my thesis.

BBP - 8-11-2008 at 23:04

Had quite an enervating day: got up at 4:10 AM to do my newspaper rounds, went to the grocers, went to visit my mother,and visited the GLOW Eindhoven festival with dad and sister. GLOW was great, we had dinner at a cute little restaurant where they had interactive tablecloths. Among its features were digital tablecloths in various designs, digital ashtrays and coasters, and digital board games!
Other highlights were the lightshow in the old post office, and a little bedroom built around a lamppost.Unfortunately my sister lost her wallet at the restaurant, and we found out after we had walked a long way: so we had to walk a long way back. I'm exhausted. Been up for 19 hours now. So I'm cutting my internet session a little short this time.

Spacebrother - 10-11-2008 at 08:35

Thought I'd drop by this forum to see whats up. Glad to have missed the Isaac/Zombie tiff here as I'm more than sick of the Isaac related nonsense at the Zappa Forum. How and why does he become the topic of conversation everywhere he goes? I'll heed BBP's advice and ignore his narcissistic adolescent cries for undeserved attention.

Recovering from a cold I've had for the last several days and currently sipping a hot remedy made from ginger root, lemons and honey.


BBP - 10-11-2008 at 09:43

Poor dear! Hope you get well soon! Fortunately colds rarely last longer than a week.

Went to GLOW again yesterday. This year, the light festival was nowhere near as photographable but I made some nice pictures and vids anyway, hope to upload them soon...

Badchild - 10-11-2008 at 13:50

Well this being november 10th and tomorrow being november 11th, today is not so busy. I've been completely overworked since like forever. Two weeks ago i was on vacation in my humble abode in Ardèche. It rained. Now when i say it rained i mean it poured. Between thursday and saturday morning in rained 1900 mm of rain per square meter. Thats 1.9m of water per square meter folks. Were talking alot of water. The Ardèche river rose about 6m in 24hours. I actually saw some germans getting ready to put their kayaks in the fucking water....I dont know if they survived, it was not on the news.

this saturday i played golf. Got a good score. Then went to Ikea. The horror...The horror....

BBP - 11-11-2008 at 11:24

Off to the pinball store today! Then I'll upload some of my photos. At the moment I have a lot of graffiti and autumn pictures.

scallopino - 11-11-2008 at 12:27

Please direct some of your rain to southern Australia Baddy. How did you know the kayakers were Germans?

BBP - 14-11-2008 at 14:51

Copied my passport at the grocer's yesterday... and forgot to take it from the xeroxer. Uh oh!

Got it back today. and I hit the town!

Badchild - 14-11-2008 at 16:30

Originally posted by scallopino
Please direct some of your rain to southern Australia Baddy. How did you know the kayakers were Germans?

I'll get out the blowdrier and see what i can do! But you don't want rain like that. It was pretty amazing.

How did i know the kayakers were German?? Must of been the Liderhosen wetsuits!

Badchild - 14-11-2008 at 16:31

Going to Disneyland Paris this weekend with the kids.....I'm tired and want to sleep....

BBP - 14-11-2008 at 20:59

Good luck! I hope it's more fun for older kids and adults, compared to the last and first time we went there in 1994... Geez, a dark-ride travelling past all the scenes of Snow White, a dark-ride travelling past all the scenes of Pinocchio, a dark-ride travelling past all the scenes of Peter Pan... Translation computers of the cinematic attractions (3D Captain EO and the 360 degrees cinema) were partly out of order and were playing the Italian soundtrack on the English channel...

scallopino - 15-11-2008 at 07:26

We had to put our nine year old Rottweiler down yesterday. Me and my sister buried it. It took ages. It was a shame because we had just discovered she had bone cancer and it was very aggressive. She went from being completely fine to being in immense pain in a few weeks.

aquagoat - 15-11-2008 at 09:11

poor dog!:(

BBP - 15-11-2008 at 14:51

Very sad to hear that, Scallop... my condolances...

Badchild - 17-11-2008 at 09:43

Re:Disney...Things have changed much since 1994 BBP...We had a great weekend. The rides were fantastic. The new Disney Studios park is Great....the Tower of Terror is, well, Terrifiying as fuck! I got a kiss on the cheek from Alice! And everyone was so Professional Howie!!! Really good show.

Sorry to hear about your dog Scallop. I've been there it's a difficult time.

punknaynowned - 17-11-2008 at 09:49

That's too bad scallop. Sad to lose an old friend.

BBP - 17-11-2008 at 14:42

Glad you liked Disney Badchild... I suppose it's nicer if you actually speak French...

Badchild - 18-11-2008 at 13:46

Originally posted by BBP
Glad you liked Disney Badchild... I suppose it's nicer if you actually speak French...

Actually everyone "including Donald" spoke english!!

BBP - 18-11-2008 at 15:22

There was Donald? We only saw Donald during the Cést Magique show. It's on YouTube. Dad uploaded some of our footage. Donald! And there I was hoping DED had cut out all the awful songs... Check out 1:50 :umm: 1:00... ah hem...

scallopino - 19-11-2008 at 06:07

Thanks for your sympathies everbody.

All this reminds me of a Jack Handy 'Deep Thought' i read the other day:

"One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to DisneyLand, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said, "DisneyLand burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real DisneyLand, but it was getting pretty late."


Badchild - 19-11-2008 at 11:57

This Jack Handy guy sounds like a real card!

BBP - 19-11-2008 at 12:39

Yesterday my father bought a new videocamera. It's pretty sucky. The pictures remind me of the sexy ones Homer Simpson had let made in "They Saved Lisa's Brain" (the one with Stephen Hawking, my fave episode), and the photographer says: "You look fantastic. Let me adjust my lense here." and puts lard on the lense.

scallopino - 20-11-2008 at 11:04

Originally posted by Badchild
This Jack Handy guy sounds like a real card!

Oh yeah. Unfortunately he's not around anymore. He used to have these "Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handy" segments on SNL, and that's where these are from.

One of my favourites is: "If God dwells inside us, like some people say, I sure hope He like enchiladas, because that's what He's getting!"

BBP - 21-11-2008 at 18:19

And today nothing happened. Feeling a little sick.

BBP - 22-11-2008 at 11:01

First snow of the season!
As I was up at 4AM for my newspaper rounds I got quite a faceful of flakes. But when the sun rose, even the ugliest houses look like postcards.

aquagoat - 23-11-2008 at 17:02

went to Belgium to visit some friends of mine this week-end, visited Namurs, had a very good time eating lots of good stuff with my girlfriend.

BBP - 23-11-2008 at 20:25

Ah fun!
Been to Namur lots of times, on Ascension Day. Then they have this huge market we used to visit.

Do they still have that very scary cable cart?

aquagoat - 25-11-2008 at 06:41

I don't remember seeing that, I suppose they no longer have it or I haven't visited that part of the city yet.

BBP - 25-11-2008 at 15:09

It was on that very large hill they had there... it came straight out of Moonraker! Complete with Jaws damage.

BBP - 29-11-2008 at 21:57

Bought a shipload of CD-Is at the second hand store. Some of them are a lot of fun! See if I can find more information on Voyeur.

scallopino - 30-11-2008 at 13:21

I had all of my wisdom teeth taken out on Friday.

BBP - 30-11-2008 at 16:11

Ouch! How are you? Dozy? Can you speak again?

scallopino - 1-12-2008 at 05:42

I'm fine! Not much pain. It's uncomfortable though, and it's hard to eat. I think most people end up in a much worse state than me. My sister said it was the worst period in her life.

Pappawas1975 - 1-12-2008 at 12:47

I began Xmas shopping today. Nothing noteworthy, just weakening....

feetlightup - 1-12-2008 at 15:14

Went to the 40th birthday party of an old college friend of mine on Saturday. The friend who was hosting the party had a band setup, but the drummer was out of town, so I sat in on drums. I'm not really a drummer, but I fared OK. Also played some guitar and sang a bit. Did a rendition of "Bamboozled by Love" with me on guitar and vocals., but the bass player couldn't quite follow the riff, so it ended up sounding like Beefheart.

[Edited on 1-12-2008 by feetlightup]

BBP - 1-12-2008 at 16:07

Saturday we bought a large number of CD-Is at the second-hand store. I also left a few. One of them was a shooter, called Mad Dog McGree.

Sunday we went to a flea market. One woman had a CD-I box of Mad Dog McCree. It was huge, and it had a special gun-shaped controller. We bought it at two euros.

Coming home, we find the game is not in the box. The controller is, though.

So today I cycled all the way to the second-hand store... and all the CD-Is I'd left there were still there; except for Mad Dog McGree. Damn.

BBP - 3-12-2008 at 17:13

Finally finished the drawing for Feets, making all the artwork on the BB-line non-obligatory.

polydigm - 3-12-2008 at 22:32


jabba - 4-12-2008 at 05:43

Poly, this is for you.

Today I noticed there will be some very lucky Aussies because FANTÔMAS is now a part of BIG DAY OUT 2009!!

BBP - 4-12-2008 at 11:01

WHOA! Cool!

Hmmm... now to get to Australia...

BBP - 5-12-2008 at 12:43

Well... 5th of December today, and instead of accomemorating FZ's funeral, that means Saint Nicholas. Yay! Got a stack of presents waiting upstairs, hope they like them! And I can barely wait to finally watch the Duckman DVD with my sister.

BBP - 14-12-2008 at 14:40

Home of the sick here... we're all having a bad cold.

aquagoat - 14-12-2008 at 16:44

so have I

BBP - 14-12-2008 at 16:51

Aww... Get well soon!

BBP - 14-12-2008 at 21:26

You OK Aqua? I understand the snow caused a lot of electricity problems...

BBP - 24-12-2008 at 12:19

Won a Rubik's Revolution in a Donald Duck contest! I'd even forgot I'd entered!:guitar2:

Unfortunately I badly hurt a finger when opening an icecream box, making it hard for me to type.

feetlightup - 24-12-2008 at 15:39

Originally posted by BBP
Won a Rubik's Revolution in a Donald Duck contest! I'd even forgot I'd entered!:guitar2:

Unfortunately I badly hurt a finger when opening an icecream box, making it hard for me to type.

At least it didn't catch on fire.

BBP - 24-12-2008 at 15:48

But it was cold! Makes your fingers numb, and that makes it harder to open the box.

MTF - 25-12-2008 at 03:33

My neighbor - Tom the Deadhead Lawyer - got his daughter a playset for Christmas, so today he and I spent most of the day putting it together.

Merry Christmas

BBP - 25-12-2008 at 13:41

Aw cute! What is it? Toy kitchen? Doll house?

aquagoat - 25-12-2008 at 23:23

merry christmas to you all and thanks for the card, bonny.

BBP - 26-12-2008 at 20:15

You're all welcome!

I spent my X-mas in Belgium. Dad and I went to visit friends of ours. The grill broke down while cooking meat, we watched a bad movie, and we gave a frisbee-shooting robot to the seven-year-old, causing mayhem. In short, it was a lot of fun!

polydigm - 27-12-2008 at 23:11

Sorry I didn't come in and say Merry Christmas before. I haven't had much time for forumming over the last couple of days, what with family stuff and catching up with friends. Anyway, I hope everyone here had a good one.

BBP - 28-12-2008 at 16:55

Hey Poly! Great to have you around anyway!
My blind friend invited me over for New Years. Looking forward to it.

Also my boss grossed me out terribly. She (I don't know how old she is, but a couple of years ago she and her hubby were married for 40 years; and she has a great-grandchild) was cleaning her ears with a Q-tip, when she slipped and pierced her eardrums. It grew back, but her hearing in that ear is bad.
I nearly have to vomit every time I think of it. Eww.

scallopino - 29-12-2008 at 06:48

God. What a vile creature!

BBP - 29-12-2008 at 12:16

Ah no, my boss is very sweet.

So yesterday, finally, after much delay, my friend for 11 years came round. We watched Alice In Wonderland together, which was fun!

punknaynowned - 30-12-2008 at 07:45

merry festivals!
happy familiar togetherness!

[practicing my portuguese to korean to english translator]

maybe next month I'll get that stuff posted on the net.

May Janus smile on you in both directions :)

scallopino - 30-12-2008 at 09:12

Haha. Thanks Punky!

BBP - 30-12-2008 at 09:28

Thanks Punky!
What stuff?

BBP - 1-1-2009 at 20:28

Went to the party my blind friend had for New Years. It was a lot of fun!
There were 6 people in total: 3 were completely blind and two were vision impaired. So I did clean and move furniture a lot. But they were all very fun people and we spent hours talking.

BBP - 5-1-2009 at 19:37

Our first snowy day of the year! And 9 cm of it!
Of course, riding out the trash container wasn't much fun, but I managed to shoot a lot of pretty pictures.

scallopino - 6-1-2009 at 09:29

Gee that's beautiful.

BBP - 6-1-2009 at 19:16

Well... more frost coming up tonight! -16 C expected in these regions!

Anyway... learning to play the castanettes... they're a lot noisier than I'd expected!

scallopino - 7-1-2009 at 08:16

Watch out...they bite!

[Edited on 7-1-2009 by scallopino]

BBP - 13-1-2009 at 20:29

Snow is all gone now. Everything is very, very wet.

jabba - 14-1-2009 at 01:13

I couldn't get on the zappa forum or!

Address Not Found Firefox can't find the server at

The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.

BBP - 14-1-2009 at 13:26

Couldn't get on either. What are they up to?

BBP - 20-1-2009 at 14:02

Learning how to use Flash.

BBP - 21-1-2009 at 13:49

Went Carnaval-shopping and have managed to finally decide on my outfit; I had 3 possible dress-ups: vampire, Frank, and Marge Simpson. This was based on the stuff I had already. I decided on Frank. But it means I'll have to get on with the knitting.

BBP - 26-1-2009 at 15:25

Made my own peanutbutter. Tasty AND messy! The golden combination!

[Edited on 26-1-09 by BBP]

punknaynowned - 26-1-2009 at 22:40

Got a food processor the other day. Haven't tried it out yet.
How did you grind up the peanuts?

MTF - 27-1-2009 at 02:03

Took the dog to the beach. He found something dead to roll in.

So I took him home and gave him a bath. Now he doesn't smell like dead anymore...

punknaynowned - 27-1-2009 at 03:39

but everything else does, right?
why is it they love that so much? and their noses are so much more sensitive to ours?

I remember having to give the dog a bath in tomato sauce in order to get the smell of skunk off her.
So then the house smelled like tomato AND skunk for it seemed a very long time. :pissed:

BBP - 27-1-2009 at 13:04

I wondered about that too, when a friend's dog rolled over in horse manure. Is it to stop us from petting them?

Punky: Grinding is very hard. I used 3 methods and got a nice comparison. I used:

- Mortar & pestle: very slow, hurts arm much. On the bright side you can decide how fine to grind it.
- Nut mill: little device with small holes and a plastic thing you need to turn round, much like a coffee grinder. A little faster, but the nuts will remain too coarse for peantbutter. Which is not bad if you like it that way, but you'll need some finer grind to blend with the oil.
-Braun Immersion Blender. I'm frightened of the consequences it might have for the mixer, but it's sure a lot easier and faster. However I didn't manage to get the nuts as fine as I wanted.

So, what's left? Ah: oil. I used arachid oil, which is made from peanuts.
Store in the fridge to prevent the oil and nuts from un-mixing and leaving you with a gross layer of oil on top.

MTF - 28-1-2009 at 07:26

I'm told that dogs roll in smelly things to mask their own scent, since whatever they're tracking tends not to be afraid of shit or dead things...

punknaynowned - 28-1-2009 at 13:14

mtf that's brilliant! but what's a chihuahua 'track'? :-P

Bonny you went through all the steps that I would, deductively. And am glad it turned out to your satisfaction.
But after reconsideration, I realized if I would do it, I would rather tie up the peanuts in a clean kitchen towel. Sit it on a cutting board that won't break and bash at them with a hammer!
After awhile, take your sifter or collander ( I keep both kinds) and separate out the big pieces. Then bash away some more until desired smashedness.
I'm suddenly realizing this could really work with my slacker-virtual-youtube-vacation empire thing, my little viral education project I half-ass out here in flyover zone. Just send it to people and keep sending it. Elicit responses, keep them at it. Get them to wonder what's coming next, a bashing, or a sifting?:singer:

punknaynowned - 28-1-2009 at 13:15

I really like those pictures of the snowfall at the top of the page.

BBP - 28-1-2009 at 15:40

Thanks Punky! It was so beautiful!

Hey I like that method! Although it's very Mr Bean.

BBP - 4-2-2009 at 12:26

Had a funeral yesterday, of a twenty-year-old guy. Terrible.

Just a note of warning to my friends: if you end up in hospital, don't catch any infections there!

scallopino - 6-2-2009 at 12:50

I arrived home to Melbourne from Maroochydore in Queensland. I was there with my mother visiting my maternal grandfather, who I see once every ten years or so. He's Ukrainian and was the only one of his family to survive the war. I'm glad i'm home though because i HATE the weather there. It feels so god damn hot every day even though it's only 31 or 32. It's always about 70-80% humidity. Awful.

BBP - 6-2-2009 at 15:54

How are you coping with the heatwave, Scallop? Over 40 deg C, I heard...

scallopino - 7-2-2009 at 14:37

I'm personally fine but many people aren't Bonny. We usually get a few days over 40 every summer. This past two weeks however we've had MOST days above 40! Probably 10 or more days over, and mostly in a row. It's unprecedented. It's been the same in Adelaide, where (i believe) Poly lives.

Today has been different altogether. It's now 12.24am and we have just finished the worst day of heat and bushfires in history. The temperature in Melbourne got to 46.4 and was above 44 for most of the day. In other parts of Victoria it got to 48. Yes, that's right, you heard right, 48 degrees celsius. It's been the hottest day in history. Not only that but there have been gale force winds all day. There were around 8 serious bushfires around the state, one of the most serious ones was about 10km from where i live. Lots of homes have been destroyed and 14 people have been confirmed dead so far today. The death toll is expected to be over 40 just from today. Many fires are still raging right now and will through the night, and lots are out of control. We've been listening to the emergency broadcasts on the radio all day. Firefighters were describing the situation as "apocalyptic". It's truly awful. We've had many bad bushfires before. Kids go to school and learn about Ash Wednesday and Black Friday. Today has been much worse than either of them.

The rail system is mostly out of action and many people don't have electricity. Our power has just come back on after being out most of the day.

On the upside, the forecast for the next few days is in the early 20's with a little bit of rain.

[Edited on 7-2-2009 by scallopino]

punknaynowned - 8-2-2009 at 08:58


Glad to hear you're alright!!!!!
10 km away is super close!!!!!

BBP - 8-2-2009 at 13:05

Whoa, that's heavy! I know I could never take that kind of heat; glad to hear you're coping.

What about Ash Wednesday and Black Friday? To us Ash Wednesday is something catholic that signifies the start of Lent, when the members of the congregation get an ash cross drawn on their forehead.

scallopino - 8-2-2009 at 14:05

They must have named it after your Ash Wednesday. 'Ash Wednesday' was a day in 1983 when 75 people died in bushfires and that was the worst in our history and Black Friday was another terrible day. Yesterday was even worse than that. I don't know if you've heard the reports but the latest is over 700 houses destroyed and 84 people dead. The death toll is expected to be over 100. Two whole towns have been destroyed completely. Everybody is really emotional because pretty much every person in Victoria knows somebody who has had to leave their house or had their properties burnt down. So many livestock and other animals have died. There are thousands of people with serious burns being treated in all of Melbourne's major hospitals. It's just really really sad.

BBP - 8-2-2009 at 20:31

Goodness... That's really awful...

scallopino - 11-2-2009 at 11:57

On a brighter note, I just got tickets for me and my sister to see ZPZ in April!

BBP - 11-2-2009 at 14:24

Yay! Congratulations!

scallopino - 14-2-2009 at 03:47

Are you gonna go Bonny? According to the email i just got, they play Eindhoven on May 23.

polydigm - 14-2-2009 at 08:36

Hey people, sorry I haven't been around for a while, I've been a bit busy. The heat wave in Adelaide peaked at 45.4 which seems less amazing now that I know it was even hotter in Melbourne. That was a long two weeks, which are none the less over, where does it go? The death toll in the bush fires hit 181 this morning.

BBP - 14-2-2009 at 09:00

You bet I'm going Scallop!

Hope it's going to get cool again Poly, it sure sounds awful! I'm glad you're OK though!

BBP - 17-2-2009 at 15:58

Went to the dentist today. I'm allright folks!!

BBP - 18-2-2009 at 16:30

Bought my ticket to ZPZ in De Effenaar! I went to the post office for it. Was fun. Guy behind the counter invited me to walk along, across the store, to the ticket machine, and when I wanted to pay with my bank card, we had to walk all the way back!

Unfortunately they're closing down all post offices in The Netherlands... :-(

punknaynowned - 18-2-2009 at 21:53

why's that?
going digital?
<rubber ball>

BBP - 18-2-2009 at 22:55

Yeah now that the post is no longer national, they budget cut a lot. There's a huge number of monumental post offices I fear for... like the ones in Eindhoven and Nijmegen and Utrecht. I guess privatising national companies is never a bargain.

Huck_Phlem - 19-2-2009 at 05:25

so what is 40 celsius? 100 degrees? We get some pretty hot weather here in California where I live which is why I love it here. it gets up to 110 and 3 years ago it got up to 117 one day.

scallopino - 19-2-2009 at 15:52

40 C is 104 F. At the end of Jan and the start of Feb it averaged about 110 almost every day for two weeks. On the day everybody is calling Black Saturday, when the fires started and all the people died, it reached 118.4.

I don't mind hot weather but that is too much. And I hate it when it doesn't rain. It pretty much hasn't rained in Victoria for two months.

BBP - 19-2-2009 at 16:33

Oh yeah, that's terribly frightening... Fortunately in the Netherlands the next drizzle is never far away. Today it snowed again!

BBP - 21-2-2009 at 20:38

Went to the Carnaval parade today!
It wasn't really our day. My sister and I went pretty late, by bus, and the bus didn't stop until the station, so we had to walk quite a while. Eventually we missed about the first 6 floats, which also contains the advertising convoy (they're the ones who always hand out freebies). At photographing all the acts, well: the best 2 floats worked out brilliantly, and I made some pics after that, but then I ran out of batteries.
When it was time to go back, we wanted to go on foot. But before that we'd just hit the town, to get some extra props for my sister's witch outfit. Going back afterwards was quite a terrible walk, but we made it.

I uploaded 4 pics so far, of 2 different floats. And I uploaded the vid of the dragon float!

[Edited on 21-2-09 by BBP]

punknaynowned - 21-2-2009 at 21:01

looks like fun, except for the long walk and the traffic intransigence
nice pictures, too
what is that building across the street 'Stad...'
is it like the courthouse or city building?
it looks much like my town, stuff like the flags on the lampposts

DED - 21-2-2009 at 23:32

It is on the opposite of the building in the last picture.
The one on the last picture is the town hall and the one you mean is the town office.
Originally the town hall of the last picture has an office tower. A few years ago the council stated that it was unsafe and unpleasant to work in the tower. Restauration was more expensive as building a new one, so the stadskantoor (cityoffice) was build. ........the tower is restaurated and is now a office for a health organization.

BBP - 22-2-2009 at 20:31

Ah... I was wondering why there were two buildings...
Why was it unsafe to work in the tower? Was it swinging in the wind?

DED - 22-2-2009 at 22:13

Bad airco, windows and plates could fall down.

BBP - 23-2-2009 at 09:41

Windows falling... hmmm... I sense some far-fetched analogy here...

Anyway today I was woken up by a phonecall at 5:30 AM. Apparently I should've been at work.
However my boss said she'd call me in the weekend, and as I didn't hear anything, well, I assumed she didn't. But apparently she phoned someone, and a woman picked up and agreed to come to work on Monday. :pissed:

I'll just have to check out, see if it was my sister. She sounds more like me than I do. Or the other way round, I forgot.

BBP - 1-3-2009 at 12:04

Anyway my sister didn't know about the call. So my boss rang the wrong number and whoever was on the other end said she could come in to work tomorrow.

Sneezing my brains out right now.

scallopino - 1-3-2009 at 13:02

Hmm. So in trying to dial your number he got one or a couple of digits wrong and by an incredible coincidence rang somebody else who's boss sounds like your boss, and who's voice sounded like your voice, who said they can come in to work?

BBP - 2-3-2009 at 10:02

It's a she btw, my boss... she's a 64-year-old great-grandmother. She noticed something odd about the conversation, but as "I" said yes so quickly, she remarked to her hubby how nice it is that that Bonny-girl always shows up when they're in need.

aquagoat - 17-3-2009 at 20:01

Today I adopted a cat.

BBP - 17-3-2009 at 20:37

Congratulations! Do you have any photos? I love kitties!

aquagoat - 17-3-2009 at 21:29

Two pics of my new cat (my girlfriend's new cat, actually), just after being washed and a bit later. He's very nice, hums all the time, wants to get caressed all the time. He's 7 years old, named Capucin and gets easily afraid of the sounds he doesn't know or when you move too fast, he must have been mistreated when younger, we got him from a pet refuge.

BBP - 18-3-2009 at 11:05

He's got beautiful eyes. Sweet!

punknaynowned - 18-3-2009 at 18:51

good lookin cat.
It'll take him a couple weeks/months to get used to the new surroundings.

I found this video of some Gary Lucas work from a recent single

Huck_Phlem - 19-3-2009 at 04:59

Here it was a beautiful day in sunny California (easily 70 degrees f) and what did I do?

I sat home all day long and listened to old records and tapes on my vintage stereo!:guitar2:

BBP - 19-3-2009 at 10:01

Oh, but that's fun! Besides, isn't California usually sunny? I mean, here I have no problems with my sun allergy. I haven't seen the golden ball in days.

I'm getting increasingly annoyed by the birds on the chimney. I'm scared one may fall in again.

scallopino - 19-3-2009 at 12:19

Haha. Oh yeah. I remember that episode.

BBP - 19-3-2009 at 18:06

Me too. My heart hurts when I think back of that event.

Anyway... not much going on here...

BBP - 21-3-2009 at 18:10

I'm now on a painting identifying spree. Gabriel Knight 3 has about 50 impressionist paintings in it, and I thought it would be fun to make a GK3 Gallery.

One of the paintings they used is this one:

Federico Zandomeneghi (1841 Venice - 1917 Paris)
Signora nel prato (Woman in the field), 1893
Oil on canvas, 46 by 38 cm. From private collection.

It caused a lot of problems with the GK FanForum Members. One posed the question in a quiz on who painted it, leading to a large and varied amount of answers, none of them correct. And the person who asked it, didn't know either. It lead to some members searching frantically on the net for a painting of a woman with a red umbrella; and getting nowhere.

I got nowhere on the Internet either, so I looked it up in the library. I browsed 4 real big impressionist art books before I found it. I was about to give up hope, and then I turned the page and saw it! Magnificent!

punknaynowned - 22-3-2009 at 08:45

nice to find what your looking for when you have all but given up hope in ever finding it.

Some may know, the news often makes me a chain-smoking ranter wallowing in bitter delusions.
"Why can't people just learn the facts and take simple steps to get along?"

So this year, as dumb as it may sound I've been trying to entertain myself otherwise. I started watching tv again, but online. This is significant because I haven't watched any in 15 years. That's right, no American Idol, no Family Guy, South Park, Friends or Seinfeld. No reality tv, no Mtv, no HBO.
No local TV.
Yeah, I needed a break from the news which I still get but on a much more limited field: the internet.
So I watch 30 Rock on hulu and the animated starwars clone wars shorts on
I'm also following some youtube 'stations':
-- travelfilmarchives
-- TheRealNews
-- communitychanne

yeah, I'm being cautious, taking baby steps

I run into people on the street and they want to talk about politics or 'philosophy' and I couldn't care less. The more the conversation is about using certain language framed inside certain viewpoints, the less interested I become.
Of course, I can talk about my interests all day, but they're specialized and most people don't care about it at all. So I don't bring it up.

On the other hand, I can sit and look at pretty pictures all day. Or learn how to use my new camera. Because pretty pictures happen all the time. It's just a matter in capturing them and knowing how. Like Fido's gorgeous snaps. He was there at the right time and got the light and frame-in-time, but knew how to do that and which filter or lens or shutter speed etc might work.
But rarely do you find pictures that are that good.

I've also begun to be a fan of big art books. Because the internet isn't there yet, though books can't feature video, they still have a leg up on quality in my book.

BBP - 22-3-2009 at 10:28

Whoa! NO TV for 15 years? Sounds perfect... unfortunately I'm a bit of a Simpsons addict

You're definitely right about the pictures thing... sometimes I wonder if people think I'm crazy whenever I stand for minutes gazing at a beautiful sky...

punknaynowned - 22-3-2009 at 12:23

Bonny, don't second guess yourself out of doing something solely because of what other people *might* think. It usually doesn't help them any and may keep you from doing what you want or need to.

I have seen a fair amount of the simpson's at other people's houses across the years. And a few episodes of Seinfeld on video tape at someone's house. In 2000 I did see a number of the first year Survivor shows again at somebody else's house.
So, you could say I've seen enough to be able to later recognize big 'phenomenon' types of shows.
Oh yeah! I watch The Daily Show on hulu this year, but I sure don't watch 25% of his episodes.

Yeah, I got sick of it then. Random stuff on youtube now is better than I remember most tv being then.

[Edited on 22-3-09 by punknaynowned]

punknaynowned - 22-3-2009 at 12:31

I can watch shadows creep across the side of a building, all day.
Watch the breeze turn leaves from green to gold and back again in the sudden warm gusts of moist spring air.
Daffodils are up all over here.

BBP - 22-3-2009 at 14:00

Dad bought me a Casio keyboard. It's awesome, but dirty! So I'm scrubbing it now.

punknaynowned - 23-3-2009 at 16:19

found this today:
pretty neat
wish I had the electronics to do that:
extract videos from youtube and re-edit them
I don't even know where to begin as far as equipment is concerned
looks like a lot of fun though

[Edited on 23-3-09 by punknaynowned]

[Edited on 23-3-09 by punknaynowned]

[Edited on 24-3-09 by BBP]

BBP - 23-3-2009 at 16:22

IVC (Internet Video Converter) should get you going...

punknaynowned - 23-3-2009 at 16:25

I'm still trying to get the link here working
I think it doesn't like the hyphen?

I'll look at it
have you seen this, I think it's amazing

[Edited on 23-3-09 by punknaynowned]

punknaynowned - 23-3-2009 at 16:27

how's your keyboard?

BBP - 24-3-2009 at 09:01

The automatic link parser doesn't like the hyphen, no. It's programmed to activate at the use of http:// or www. , but it stops at the sight of a hyphen.

My keyboard is great! It has 4 octaves, which does sort of limit my music scope, but it has so many sounds! Unfortunately it's not that well-programmed. Sometimes intervals that should sound consonant (like octaves) sound dissonant. Not sure what causes that.

MTF - 24-3-2009 at 09:23

This wasn't today, but over the weekend I made the switch from DSL to cable internet. I didn't like the idea of moving to the EVIL CABLE COMPANY, but it was easier to do once it got to the point where it was twice the speed for half the price.

I spent Saturday designing the network and procuring all the stuff. The EVIL CABLE COMPANY supplied a nice install kit for free, and the only things I had to buy were an $80 ethernet cable and one of those double-size power strips. Not bad, considering that my network is fairly complex (2 laptops, 2 desktops, a PlayStation, wireless router, a print server, 2 printers, and 2 shared external drives on a RAID controller). It's all spread across three rooms.

Our house is 105 years old. It probably didn't have electricity when it was built. But the design is remarkably adaptable. It's one story, and there's a four-foot crawl space under the floor. The house is built of redwood, so I could easily drill a hole in the floor and run a cable between any two points in the house. Only problem is, it's pretty creepy down there. Lots of spiders and lizards and other vermin.

The biggest problem, of course, was configuring everything. The old system had fixed IP addresses for everything except the laptops, and the new system uses dynamic IPs all around. It's a lot simpler now. Now we can all share files, like... viruses.


Huck_Phlem - 24-3-2009 at 15:52

hmmmm I tried the evil cable company and went back to dsl. I have 2 laps and 2 desk but I am on wireless for all but one that is hard wired through the apple hub.

BBP - 25-3-2009 at 07:15

Got soaked on my newspaper round again. Now I'm freezing.

We're having bad PC problems here right now. Vista will shut down and restart instead of going into sleep mode, or off. I'm fearing my game has something to do with that.

BBP - 26-3-2009 at 20:31

We're back! Spread the word!

scallopino - 27-3-2009 at 01:04

Originally posted by punknaynowned
nice to find what your looking for when you have all but given up hope in ever finding it.

Some may know, the news often makes me a chain-smoking ranter wallowing in bitter delusions.
"Why can't people just learn the facts and take simple steps to get along?"

So this year, as dumb as it may sound I've been trying to entertain myself otherwise. I started watching tv again, but online. This is significant because I haven't watched any in 15 years. That's right, no American Idol, no Family Guy, South Park, Friends or Seinfeld. No reality tv, no Mtv, no HBO.
No local TV.
Yeah, I needed a break from the news which I still get but on a much more limited field: the internet.
So I watch 30 Rock on hulu and the animated starwars clone wars shorts on
I'm also following some youtube 'stations':
-- travelfilmarchives
-- TheRealNews
-- communitychanne

yeah, I'm being cautious, taking baby steps

I run into people on the street and they want to talk about politics or 'philosophy' and I couldn't care less. The more the conversation is about using certain language framed inside certain viewpoints, the less interested I become.
Of course, I can talk about my interests all day, but they're specialized and most people don't care about it at all. So I don't bring it up.

On the other hand, I can sit and look at pretty pictures all day. Or learn how to use my new camera. Because pretty pictures happen all the time. It's just a matter in capturing them and knowing how. Like Fido's gorgeous snaps. He was there at the right time and got the light and frame-in-time, but knew how to do that and which filter or lens or shutter speed etc might work.
But rarely do you find pictures that are that good.

I've also begun to be a fan of big art books. Because the internet isn't there yet, though books can't feature video, they still have a leg up on quality in my book.

There's a great moment in "Annie Hall" when Woody Allen and Diane Keaton are standing a queue for the movies (i think)...and all the people are having the most terrible politico-philisophical discussions which makes Woody Allen uncontrollably angry. They are not talking about IDEAS. They are just using the language conventions that surround certain ideas. The goal is not to SAY anything or learn anything, just to show the other person how fluent you are in the jargon. And you can tell they are doing this because they don't really respond to what the other is saying, and just go ahead with their own thing, taking it in turns.

BBP - 28-3-2009 at 08:11

I uploaded the first version of my Gabriel Knight Gallery yesterday. It can be found at:

BBP - 29-3-2009 at 18:38

Went to 2 bookfairs, and I now have a very big reading list.

punknaynowned - 30-3-2009 at 04:19

Friday I took a Greyhound bus out of Wichita Kansas, in a snowstorm and rode the 3.5 hours back home.
All the while talking and listening to this guy in front of me who just had to have company.
Just released the day before from a local prison (attempted breaking and entering he said), but he was nervous and kept swigging on a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew.
We talked about all sorts of things and I didn't mind because if he was puttin his attention toward me that meant he wasn't buggin somebody else with his paranoia and apparent need to escalate everything.
The thing was, there was another that fit the model of the ex-tweaker or recently withdrawn from intense mania or supervision on the bus. A great big tall guy with a cowboy hat that had a military ribbon on the front, a cheap red eagle above that pinned on it and a 30 cm faux raccoon tail tacked at the back end of the hat. He would never stop talking and I was afraid that if the two of them started, they'd go after each other eventually.
The two women behind me seemed to sense it and engaged the freaky tweaky tall one and some where across the Flint Hills I realized we were all having in depth conversations basically about nothing just to keep the agitated one's distracted from their own psychoses.
Everything turned out fine.
I got back home and my buddy picked me up and we went a number of different places including dropping off the shivering cold kid wearing short pants and a ripped up hoodie and a tshirt that had rid with me up from Wichita. I couldn't believe the kid thought he was gonna walk across town in that kind of weather: stoopid.

Well, as it turned out I told my buddy I was looking for a bigger computer to process video, something I've been wanting to do for some years.
He had one he had found in the trash. He found it full of viruses and wiped it and put enough back on itto function.
He already has three computers!

So now I have to figure out what I need on it to make and process the stuff I want to...

As you can tell, I'm pretty excited

BBP - 30-3-2009 at 08:49

Good job your friend did! He saved a PC!

I imagine that on the bus... I've met some weird people on the bus. Even got molested once. But I had my sweet revenge.

MTF - 30-3-2009 at 09:11


What the fuck were you doing in Wichita (besides looking for a way out)?

punknaynowned - 30-3-2009 at 10:07

It was a crazy escape even on commercial transport.
I was there to visit with family and help put up my brother's roof for his porch. He had quadruple bypass surgery last week and needed this fixed b4 spring rains hit. Dripping water in the house wasn't somethin he wants to worry about while recovering, puttering around the house with his wife at work.
Every time it rains, after awhile the plaster ceiling in his kitchen (next to the porch) starts a steady drip until long after the rain quits. The old porch had a roof but this was taken down some time ago and now, without a new roof to cover the holes there was the ceiling area of the kitchen that seemed open to the elements.
Fact of the matter is, it's not like you could see through from one side to the other and there had been attempts to put plastic over the 'exposed' portions where the roof had been.
It is kinda hard to explain, but we put a roof over the new existing porch AND these holes (for the most part) thursday and wednesday. What we built is sound on the support and rafters given us.
Whether it keeps out the rain is another story.

It's been awhile I guess since I've laid down with my head at a decline and tried to hammer at something farther down the slope. The urge to just shift and tumble off is within grasp. So you place your nail with your fingers and staring at the nail and not the ground which is what's behind it and you try to hit the nail and not your fingers. And then do it again and again. Pretty sure that wooden ladder was older than me too./

The friend who found the computer IS a wonder.
When I figure out how it works I will be able to do video chat

punknaynowned - 30-3-2009 at 10:14

Originally posted by BBP
Good job your friend did! He saved a PC!

I imagine that on the bus... I've met some weird people on the bus. Even got molested once. But I had my sweet revenge.

what'd happened?

scallopino - 30-3-2009 at 15:01

Originally posted by punknaynowned
Friday I took a Greyhound bus out of Wichita Kansas, in a snowstorm and rode the 3.5 hours back home.
All the while talking and listening to this guy in front of me who just had to have company.
Just released the day before from a local prison (attempted breaking and entering he said), but he was nervous and kept swigging on a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew.
We talked about all sorts of things and I didn't mind because if he was puttin his attention toward me that meant he wasn't buggin somebody else with his paranoia and apparent need to escalate everything.
The thing was, there was another that fit the model of the ex-tweaker or recently withdrawn from intense mania or supervision on the bus. A great big tall guy with a cowboy hat that had a military ribbon on the front, a cheap red eagle above that pinned on it and a 30 cm faux raccoon tail tacked at the back end of the hat. He would never stop talking and I was afraid that if the two of them started, they'd go after each other eventually.
The two women behind me seemed to sense it and engaged the freaky tweaky tall one and some where across the Flint Hills I realized we were all having in depth conversations basically about nothing just to keep the agitated one's distracted from their own psychoses.
Everything turned out fine.
I got back home and my buddy picked me up and we went a number of different places including dropping off the shivering cold kid wearing short pants and a ripped up hoodie and a tshirt that had rid with me up from Wichita. I couldn't believe the kid thought he was gonna walk across town in that kind of weather: stoopid.

Well, as it turned out I told my buddy I was looking for a bigger computer to process video, something I've been wanting to do for some years.
He had one he had found in the trash. He found it full of viruses and wiped it and put enough back on itto function.
He already has three computers!

So now I have to figure out what I need on it to make and process the stuff I want to...

As you can tell, I'm pretty excited

That sounds like a tale fit for an FZ song, if not a whole album! Especially the military cowboy 'coontail hat.

punknaynowned - 30-3-2009 at 18:09

I wasn't really going for that, just tellin a story.
But that seems like a high compliment.

We live in pretty strange times

MTF - 30-3-2009 at 19:55

I was thinking more like Bob Dylan, or mebbe Johnny Cash.

In any case, that was a good thing you did, Punky. Your brother really needed your help. You earned your karma card on that one.

My father had bypass surgery twice. It's amazing that it's almost routine these days, considering that they basically have to flay you open in order to do it. I hope your brother makes the necessary changes to prevent this from happening again.

punknaynowned - 31-3-2009 at 01:31

it was a good thing mtf.
My brother's wife's brother also came up to help.
He got saddled by debt last year and tried to off himself at the age of 62.
So him coming up to help his sister while Ron was in the hospital and again
to help with the roof was also real good for his own sense of value and purpose.

Both of their recovery's are nothing short of miraculous.
They both look like Frankenstein.
It will continue as daily regimen are worked out
thanx fer the good words!

BBP - 31-3-2009 at 07:26

Originally posted by punknaynowned
Originally posted by BBP
Good job your friend did! He saved a PC!

I imagine that on the bus... I've met some weird people on the bus. Even got molested once. But I had my sweet revenge.

what'd happened?

Well... my sister and I were coming back from my mother. I had the window seat. At one point, this guy came sitting behind us, which I found rather odd as he had a different spot in the bus initially.
Shortly after I felt he had sticked his hand through the gap between seat and window. I grabbed a little bit of skin on his hand and squeezed it real hard with my nails. He quickly drew back his hand.
I laid back a little so he wouldn't be able to reach me anymore. My sister asked what happened, and when I told her, we proceeded to write our conversation.

Anyway she had her Swiss Army Knife with her. I turned myself 90 degs and started cleaning my nails with the blade in such a way that he had to see it.

He grew scared, went to take the seat in front of us and was continuously checking over his shoulder. As soon as another seat across the isle became available, he moved there. Long before his stop he went to stand at the exit. And when the bus arrived at the station, he ran like hell!

Anyway, two weeks later, my sister and I related the story to a friend. When Sas said that "they should keep their hands off my sister", I realised I'd been molested. Before I thought that guy was after my wallet.

BBP - 31-3-2009 at 07:28

Hope your brother is better now Punky...

[Edited on 31-3-09 by BBP]

BBP - 3-4-2009 at 11:33

Well... I'll be old tomorrow...

aquagoat - 3-4-2009 at 17:04

what, 56 ? 57?

punknaynowned - 4-4-2009 at 08:07

you're not old,
only better, right?

Happy Birthday!!

Tell you what, seeing as how people are bummed that Aaron or Ray won't seem to make it to this upcoming leg of shows... I humbly offer to all the regulars here any ONE of the following zpz shows that I'll happily burn on cd from flac to wav and send to you any regular respondents here.
That much I can do. Don't tell the others at the other place please.
regulars:scallop, aquabot, poly (where is he), yoko, George, Jon, Paul or BB
2007 08 10 Norfolk, VA, good sound, average set
2007 10 02 Dusseldorf, good sound
2007 11 10 Kansas City, good sound, lifeless audience, like they play to an empty room
2007 11 13 Austin, 192 min long, great sound, pretty much everything played on the 2007 leg is on this tape

2008 07 29 Charlotte, NC cut bass by half from bass midpoint on here, good crowd so the band shines as show progresses, notable joe's garage run of songs
2008 08 07 Buffalo short but sweet, outside rig

2009 01 05 Victoria, a tad boomy, Billy the Mountain, ID, Outside Now
2009 01 06 Vancouver, not bad, but 'boxy' like an FM radio broadcast from the '70's... somehow
2009 02 26 Phoenix, bass needs cut by more than half from bass midpoint, maybe 75%, and suffers from distortion of such overpowering bass but otherwise real good ;-)
2009 03 07 Santa Rosa, Outside Now, Cleetus, Scott Thunes on Willie , Why Don't You Do Me Right

lemme know

aquagoat - 4-4-2009 at 09:04

Happy birthday bonny! :roll:

BBP - 4-4-2009 at 11:46

Thank you Punky and Aqua! It's very fun so far... haven't got my presents yet but we went to the second-hand store where we scored, yes, another keyboard, a Yamaha. A very nice one, but it's not working yet.

I also did my newspaper round, played Gabriel Knight 3 and burnt my hand while making tea.

DED - 4-4-2009 at 13:03

Originally posted by BBP
Thank you Punky and Aqua! It's very fun so far... haven't got my presents yet but we went to the second-hand store where we scored, yes, another keyboard, a Yamaha. A very nice one, but it's not working yet.

I also did my newspaper round, played Gabriel Knight 3 and burnt my hand while making tea.

Seems that the YAMAHA only has a minor power problem. A capacitor is blown, I hope that is the only one.

scallopino - 5-4-2009 at 12:20

Very generous of you Punkster. Unfortunately i don't think it would be appropriate for my internet connection. Scott Thunes has played with them?

punknaynowned - 5-4-2009 at 20:31

oh no!
No internet involved.
I'll burn ONE show for each of you onto ceedees and snail mail it wherever you are.
No problem. My pleasure.
Thunes played one show, about 1.5 songs, you can just about hear him.

MTF - 6-4-2009 at 06:16

Just got home from seeing Arlo Guthrie, at the same theater where we saw ZPZ a few weeks ago.... three blocks from our house.

BBP - 6-4-2009 at 14:36

Related to Woody?

I went to a second-hand store and found a VHS of Oscar (that's another Curry thing.) And the official manual of the 7th Guest.

Unfortunately I needed to get a new thingy for the keyboard, but the guy at the desk couldn't help.

punknaynowned - 6-4-2009 at 16:14

Originally posted by MTF
Just got home from seeing Arlo Guthrie, at the same theater where we saw ZPZ a few weeks ago.... three blocks from our house.

did he sing his new bailout song?

(oh yeh, MTF, if you want one of those zpz shows I listed above, the offer goes for you too -- I figgered you already had one of them bittorrent links)

BBP - 9-4-2009 at 13:14

Not today, no. But yesterday I got 2 fantastic late birthday presents: the Donald Duck Chronicles 2 and the Duckman Season 3 & 4 DVD sets! Duckman spans 7 DVDs and has nearly 18 hours worth of entertainment. :shocked:

scallopino - 10-4-2009 at 10:29

Originally posted by BBP
Related to Woody?

I went to a second-hand store and found a VHS of Oscar (that's another Curry thing.) And the official manual of the 7th Guest.

Unfortunately I needed to get a new thingy for the keyboard, but the guy at the desk couldn't help.

Yup, Arlo is Woody's son. He performed at Woodstock.

BBP - 10-4-2009 at 12:24

Ah ok.

Today I finished my birthday project:

aquagoat - 12-4-2009 at 08:12

bought myself a brand new computer cause i'm tired of the old one shutting down all the time, etc...

BBP - 12-4-2009 at 08:56

Hey! PackardBell! We have one too. It's a bit of a PC for those who aren't technically minded...

aquagoat - 12-4-2009 at 10:02

suits me just fine. :D

scallopino - 14-4-2009 at 13:20

I was awake for approximately 50 hours writing an essay on a Vietnamese war novel.

BBP - 14-4-2009 at 18:13

Goodness! Hope you got some sleep in the mean time... I don't think I ever lasted that long. My record is 26 hours... and I was mentally broken by then.

Not much happening lately... started doing the yardwork again. Pulling weeds, moving the strawberry plants... stuff like that. Yesterday Dad cropped down two of our acacia trees (they're still young and we really don't want them). I understand the name derives from the Greek word Akis, meaning sharp point. They're very thorny.

Unfortunately dad wasn't too caring about disposing properly of the thorny branches. Well, the container was full of removed dandelions. So he left them on the lawn...

...And of course I moved my bicycle over these early morning on my round, puncturing the rear tire. :duh:

Cycled back home during my round. Grabbed my sister's bicycle. Its pedals were all wobbly so I quickly turned back. Grabbed my dad's bike. Had to inflate the rear tire first. I could hear the air flowing out again, so I put it back.
Took my own bicycle. Inflated the rear tire. The air came flowing out too fast to continue, so I had to settle for my sister's wobbly pedaled two-tired wreck.

Repaired the tire today. It seems OK.

BBP - 18-4-2009 at 19:57

Had a nice Saturday for it...
Next Monday I hope to be training a new deliverer. Problem is, he's from Morocco, and thus speaks French. I have a hard time listening to French, it's very difficult and especially in an accent I'm not familiar with. He does speak English too, but I'm not sure how well. It may be problematic with the papers and stuff.

scallopino - 19-4-2009 at 04:53

Hmm. They say music is a universal language, maybe try that?

BBP - 19-4-2009 at 13:24

Nah... it's not universal... you also have to "speak it."

MTF - 20-4-2009 at 04:48

Just tell him " Hey Champ, my fists speak Dutch!"

BBP - 20-4-2009 at 06:34

Nah. Besides he's quite the looker. Anyway I managed this morning. Except with the French, god has that gone downhill since school.

BBP - 22-4-2009 at 20:14

Fortunately it's going a little bit better with the French tomorrow. I'll have to use it to the max tomorrow when I have to explain to the trainee why I have to do the work. Some paperwork issue.

aquagoat - 22-4-2009 at 20:41

If you've got trouble with that french thing, tell me, perhaps I can help you.;-)

BBP - 23-4-2009 at 06:26

He wasn't around today... hope I can see him again, he was a good worker. And cute.

On the other hand, while I was out on my own doing the delivery, I found 120 euros which I'll take to the police later today.

scallopino - 23-4-2009 at 09:54

No! I would just take it! And then, if the cops come to investigate you, just use some of the money to bribe them!

aquagoat - 23-4-2009 at 17:08

that's what I would do to. :D

BBP - 23-4-2009 at 18:48

Ha! No, I'm honest... now. When I was 10 or so I found 50 guilders (back then it would be 25 $) at the supermarket, and I confiscated them. And that gave me so much torment in true Crime & Punishment style. So this time I was a good girl and took it to the cops.

BBP - 24-4-2009 at 18:00

Baked bread. And burnt my hand in the process.

Gah, now I understand why bakers used to use their feet to prepare the dough... you REALLY don't want anyone to call you when you're busy with it. I think half the dough finished in the sink, it's so sticky!

BBP - 25-4-2009 at 14:51

Got another belated birthday gift: the Special Edition DVD of Legend (that's a film with Tim Curry. Yes I'm going nuts here.)

And another birthday present was at the second-hand store, the Roberta Williams Anthology. 4 CDs of quality games (King's Quest 1 thru 7, the Laura Bow series, Mixed-Up Mother Goose, first chapter of Phantasmagoria, and of course the first graphic adventure ever: Mystery House.)

scallopino - 25-4-2009 at 17:13

I think belated birthday presents are way more satisfying than early birthday presents.

BBP - 25-4-2009 at 22:08

Oh yeah! Especially with the ones I got, three DVDs that were all worth waiting for!

BBP - 27-4-2009 at 14:14

It sure has been my lucky week! Today I went scrounging at another second-hand store, and I found 2 boxed games at a euro each. Not to mention they had that cookbook I have too, but that I lost and I really needed a recipe that was in it. At 2,50 I thought it was too expensive to buy again, but luckily I had a pencil with me, and I found a Mona Lisa postcard in the bargain bin, so I copied it and bought the card.

And then I didn't buy the card. The lady at the register didn't know how much they cost, so she just said that "it was in the book" and so gave it to me.

scallopino - 28-4-2009 at 07:43

:grin: That is lucky! Hopefully you don't have a downturn of luck soon to make up for it. It always seems to go that way.

BBP - 28-4-2009 at 09:54

Oh yeah! Well, I was surprised by a downpour when I had just returned from the supermarket... but that's never been too big a problem for me.

BBP - 29-4-2009 at 15:07

And another lucky day today when I found 2 or 3 more of the paintings in the GK Gallery.

BBP - 30-4-2009 at 15:54

Today's been bizarre... It's our national holiday when the birthday of the queen is celebrated. The queen and her following visit some town where they have some celebration kinda, and in most cities there's an open market where everyone can put down a tablecloth and sell their possessions.

I had a nice day for it, bought 2 Curry-related videos and 3 comic books. And when we got home, we heard that the queen had been attacked during her parade. Some man drove into the crowd with his car. This far there are 4 casualties and 13 injuries. The royal family got away in their bus unharmed.

punknaynowned - 1-5-2009 at 09:28

odd how there was at least a 12 hour gap between when I saw you talk about this and when the national news here broadcast it, thru the bbc!
Surprised because it seems they can't stop talking about it when something similar happens here.
Do they know why?
was the driver dutch, an immigrant, a tourist?

BBP - 1-5-2009 at 14:11

Dutch 38 year old male. Karst T. * He was not unfriendly but not very social either. He had just lost his job and had also ended his rent and was moving stuff around in boxes. We may never know his motive now, because he passed away from his injuries last night.

*In Netherlands it's not allowed to name criminals by their last name. (As in Belgium and Germany it is permitted, it's never hard to find out the name of a criminal.) It can turn quite bizarre. One day a man escaped from a penitentiary psychiatric department, and the police warned us to look out for Wim Schippers. When he was caught and he had murdered a man during his escapade, he was apprehended and in the media he was suddenly called Wilhelm S. Or take that boxing champ, Regilio Tuur. Everyone knew his name, but when he beat up his girlfriend and was apprehended he became Regilio T. in the newspapers.

Edit: Tates! His last name was Tates!
There are now 7 casualties including Tates.

[Edited on 1-5-09 by BBP]

MTF - 2-5-2009 at 06:20

By printing his name, that makes you a criminal. Doesn't it, Bonny P?

BBP - 2-5-2009 at 11:57

Nah... really no. I think this website is American. Also Dutch bloggers will just use his last name. The only ones who may have issues are TV shows when they forget to bleep away his name.

Anyway I'm off to visit my blind friend today. Maybe I can record another song.

scallopino - 2-5-2009 at 14:40

Do it!

Today i went to a birthday party/get-together in honour of my former music teacher at my old high school. She turned 64! So we sang 'When I'm 64' instead of happy birthday. I had a wonderful time.

BBP - 2-5-2009 at 20:29

Aw that's nice!

Unfortunately I didn't have the chance to record her, we hadn't spoken in such a long time, so we talked a lot and the other guests didn't arrive much later...

One of the other guests was a nice young lady from Apeldoorn. That's the city (it has the largest area and the largest amount of train stations of The Netherlands) where that guy drove in the parade. Not just that: she also works at a police call centre where she takes in all the non-urgent phone calls. You know, of people who complain about the neighbor's geraniums.

Anyway she had a lot of distraught phone calls, and tips and the like... but even with all the chaos, she even got a phonecall like"I locked myself out, can you come and help?"

MTF - 3-5-2009 at 09:04

Originally posted by BBPI think this website is American.

I was wondering what .ws means, so I looked it up. It's the country code for Samoa, which is a territory of the US. So you're right: technically, it's American.

The site could be hosted anywhere, but the domain is registered out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...

BBP - 3-5-2009 at 16:56

And today we went to some Belgian friends. They're awfully nice and stuffed us. I made a lot of nice pictures again, will upload them soon.

BBP - 5-5-2009 at 11:59

Havin another national holiday today... bored sick.

punknaynowned - 5-5-2009 at 12:51

why do YOU sell-ebrate with a fifth of may?

BBP - 5-5-2009 at 16:29

Liberation Day. On May 5th 1945 the German troops in The Netherlands capitulated.

punknaynowned - 5-5-2009 at 17:33

OH! that's good.
I also learned about 'Children's Day' in Japan for this day.
Honors children and by extension mothers.
They used to call it Boy's Day because they're like that but changed it to be less discriminating.
Curiously I could only find Hydroc (or Hydoc) as the saint for this day.
I never heard of him, a Cornish hermit, either.

BBP - 5-5-2009 at 18:58

I learned about Mexico Day for this day. Isn't it bizarre? OK, not nearly as bizarre as November 11, but anyway...

punknaynowned - 5-5-2009 at 21:17

what's 11November?

BBP - 6-5-2009 at 11:15

Saint Martin.
It's when the Brits remember the end of WW1. In the weeks before they wear those red poppys on their chests, and on the day itself there's a parade with veterans.

It's also the day when children in the middle section (not near me) of The Netherlands make their own lampoons and knock on doors and sing off-key, trying to collect candy.

But it's also the 11th of the 11th, and as 11 is the number of madness, it's when Prins Carnaval is elected. This prince will lead the town during the pre-Lent festivities. This happens in the south of The Netherlands, and in Germany.

So if you watch the television, there's nothing but long faces on the BBC, and nothing but drunk partygoers at WDR.

punknaynowned - 6-5-2009 at 16:24

now that you explain, we do have Nov 11 as a holiday and I should have remembered. While technically a national and state holiday it is not widely observed as such by most people unless you work for the state or gov and even then it depends on what you do. In the regular world, businesses stay open and people do what they normally do. Some go to the park or the cemetery, some towns will have patriotic shindigs
I had never heard of a pre-Lent Prince designated the year before (doublethanx!) but recognize that most people use holidays as an excuse to socialize and drink.

aquagoat - 6-5-2009 at 18:18

Originally posted by BBP
I learned about Mexico Day for this day. Isn't it bizarre? OK, not nearly as bizarre as November 11, but anyway...
what's so bizarre about november 11th?:shocked: it's the day of the end of ww1 in France.

[Edited on 6-5-2009 by aquagoat]

BBP - 7-5-2009 at 12:17

And the Germans and south Dutch are celebrating the start of the Carnaval season. Switch on your TV on 11-11 on BBC, and there's mourning people. Switch to ze Germans and it's party!

BBP - 11-5-2009 at 12:40

Went to grandma for Mother's Day, which was fun. Saw some of my cousins again, which was great.

polydigm - 13-5-2009 at 00:03

The first noteworthy thing to happen to me today is that I actually found time to come visit the Goose. I don't know if I mentioned this before but my wife is the full time worker of the family and I normally work part time. But, since we moved to Adelaide I've been at home all the time with the plan to start work again after the renovations are finally finished. Well, all bar a few finishing touches, the work looked like it would be almost finished by the end of April. So, back in early April in the middle of a band practice one evening I get a phone call from a school principal wanting me to come and work for him. Thus, since the 27th April, the start of our second term (out of four per annum), I've been back in the deep end taking Info Tech classes with young teenagers. Between family, work and music I've hardly had a moment to visit here and I've only been to fleetingly a couple of times.

So, long time no see, how is everyone?

BBP - 13-5-2009 at 08:06

Hey Poly, nice to see you again! You sure keep yourself occupied!

My friend and I finally agreed to go to Amsterdam tomorrow. We've been postponing our get-together for two months now, so I'm looking forward very much to this!

DED wasn't this lucky. He was at a gas station yesterday when a car tried to pass him, and there was way too little space. There's a large scratch along the front door. I'll upload the picture soon.

Badchild - 15-5-2009 at 10:51

Not much today! So i have a few minutes to come and say Hiya! to you all. I know it's been a while but i still come around and check out what's happening. I trust all of you are well and that the spring weather (for us northeners) is putting smiles on your faces. I've been truly overbooked for months now. I spent a few weeks in hospital at the new year and another month recovery before going to South Africa with my kids. We had a great trip to say the least ! We fell in love with that country. Too bad it's probably going to get nasty some day... Otherwise, this economic situation is getting on everyones nerves and our bosses are taking advantage of the paranoia by heeping on more objectives and more work....Luckily the month of may in France looks like a piece of swiss cheese...four long weekends and a day off! Looks like i'm good to go to Ardèche and cut my grass....because i'm a very nice boy!!!

Talk to you soon i hope...

The Acadian

BBP - 15-5-2009 at 15:10

Wow! You've come a long way!

Yesterday I went to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam (that's where the Nightwatch is) with my long-time friend. It was great, although I was pretty pissed at finding 3 of my favourite artworks not on display. But I did manage to get a great look at the Nightwatch, learnt a lot about that painting that I didn't know yet, have a thorough look at Avercamp's winter landscape, that's one of those paintings you can look at forever and find new things all the time. And seeing Hugo Grotius's chest is always imposing.

And here's the photo of my father's car:

punknaynowned - 16-5-2009 at 16:12

poly and badchild the acadian were here and I missed 'em

rain rain rain here, chilly too

I've been bouncing from site to site pounding away at the keyboard trying to get people to realize that torture is still illegal and still immoral.

BBP - 16-5-2009 at 19:39

Aw Punky... (pats back) They'll be back sometime...

scallopino - 17-5-2009 at 14:16

Did the driver of the car stop after he scratched Ded's car?

BBP - 17-5-2009 at 16:33

Yeah he did, and the police came and looked at the surveillance camera footage, and it was clearly that guy's fault.

BBP - 20-5-2009 at 14:48

OK we're back! For a while I couldn't get on many websites, and as was out, I assumed something was wrong with the server.

And today I had my first turn at the lawnmower.

MTF - 21-5-2009 at 08:50

You broke the Internet with your lawnmower, eh?

BBP - 21-5-2009 at 16:50

Heh heh! I've no idea what the Zappas are up to this time... maybe they're just down...

jabba - 21-5-2009 at 17:20

"Apache is functioning normally"

BBP - 21-5-2009 at 19:34

Well today's Assumption Day,we went to some flea markets which is always nice. And I'm enjoying the birds in the backyard, I bet they wonder what happened to all the high grass there.

MTF - 23-5-2009 at 07:45

My wife asked me to sharpen some scissors for her, since she's a klutz and would hurt herself if she tried to do it.

So naturally, I sliced my finger open.

The good news is, I seem to be really good at sharpening scissors...

BBP - 23-5-2009 at 13:09

I'm a klutz with those things myself. Yesterday I broke off a toenail in my shoe, just by walking around. And it HURTS because some of the sensitive skin that's normally protected by nails, is now bare. And the last time I sharpened scissors I hurt myself on the table edge; but the scissors were still blunt.

ZPZ TONIGHT!!!:bouncing:

BBP - 23-5-2009 at 16:52

Had another first today: waxed the car. Except for the bit with the scratch. It's been a long time since I last saw our Opel THIS shiny.

punknaynowned - 23-5-2009 at 20:10

have a good time Bon!
I'll be thinking of ya

BBP - 23-5-2009 at 21:50

WHHHOOOOOOOOOOO! It was great! For now though I'm writing a review while everything is still fresh. And I hope my pics come out OK.

polydigm - 24-5-2009 at 00:12

Okay, other than the fact that I'm really enjoying living in our renovated house and that I'm contemplating strangling some of my teenage students, there's not much to report, but I thought I'd say hello anyway.

punknaynowned - 24-5-2009 at 00:57

hi poly!
glad you like your new house!

Never resort to homicide when under the influence of enforced pedagogy, I always say!

Also glad to see you didn't float away with the floods!

polydigm - 24-5-2009 at 03:12

I'm just flabbergasted by the level of disrespect exhibited by kids who are only 12, 13 or 14.

The floods don't occur in my part of the country, thankfully.

punknaynowned - 24-5-2009 at 05:08

Those kids. They don't know what they're saying do they?

The news in this part of the world about your part of the world is rather sketchy.
You get a flood, we hear of a drizzle.
You get a fire that kills 150 people and we're not sure if that was a heat wave or a terrorist bombing.
Just imagine the rumor mill.
Best not.
Wish I could be of some help but the semester should be over soon enough?

BBP - 24-5-2009 at 11:29

Poly! Great to see you again! How's the new home? Got any pictures?

(Strangling is a dangerous method for murder. If you want to get away with stuff like that, it's worth to watch Forensic Detectives or Delicatessen)

BBP - 26-5-2009 at 09:01

There's been a terrible thunderstorm out here... causing me to wake up at 5 AM. And I wasn't able to go back to sleep again, so I'm real cranky now.

MTF - 27-5-2009 at 09:33

Well, at least you don't have to get up and deliver newspapers anymore...

Okay: remember I told you about slicing my finger open with the freshly-sharpened scissors? It's a deep, clean cut and it wasn't healing very fast. So I tried a trick I learned from a guy who was a medic in Vietnam:

Super Glue.

Apparently, the first use of Super Glue was to treat flesh wounds in triage situations.

I hope this doesn't cause me to go into septic shock or something nasty like that. But just in case it does, goodbye..


BBP - 27-5-2009 at 14:52

I know that! When I cut myself in a most stupid method (a nasty gash in the chin caused by a tumble off-stage. Of course I'm in good company with such a fall, were it not for the fact that I had to fall off stage. It was in a play my sister wrote and I helped with the remake for the version we were putting up: it was MY idea to fall off stage in the first place), I did something more stupid: I just went home. My friends were saying I should get it stitched, but I hate needles (and I'm in good company with that too!) so I just cycled home. The bleeding wouldn't stop, and when Dad came home he dragged me to the hospital.

Anyway there they said they don't even stitch women anymore. They just use superglue. If I'd known that... Anyway I was too late to get glued so they put this special adhesive bandage on it that pulls the two sides of the gash together.

It's not the same glue as the one the doctors use: perhaps you'd better go to the GP or hospital to get it done for you.

scallopino - 29-5-2009 at 04:56

My mother's a vet nurse and super glue is standard procedure. Not for the animals though.

BBP - 29-5-2009 at 14:34

I saw on some of them Animal Planet shows that some vets choose to put honey in bandages to prevent infection. That sounded bizarre to me... what if the dogs eat the bandage?

MTF - 30-5-2009 at 09:20

I've heard that some people use bee stings as a treatment for multiple sclerosis.

Sounds bizarre; but really no more so than shooting yourself up with interferon, I suppose...

BBP - 30-5-2009 at 12:03

Don't bees die when they sting?

MTF - 30-5-2009 at 22:08

Originally posted by BBP
Don't bees die when they sting?

Yes, but not of multiple sclerosis...

polydigm - 31-5-2009 at 22:54

Another quick visit through a small time window. I came out to my studio yesterday morning to log on and say hi but I discovered it was completely without power. The power was still on in the house but no circuit breakers had dropped for the studio, so I assumed I would have to ring up the people who wired it to come out on an emergency call. Later that morning after I gone to drop my elder son off at rowing and visit my mother, my wife called me to say the power had now gone off in the house. She discovered some guys working on a fault in the power lines out in the street and the power came back on about an hour and half later.

Figure that out, how was only part of our power supply affected before the whole lot eventually went out?

DED - 1-6-2009 at 12:00

Power comes in three phases. Nowadays very household has at least to phases in the house so when there is a trouble with one you never will sit in the dark. I assume there was a power failure with one of the phases and later on when the work on the breakdown they have to switch of all three phases.

DED - 1-6-2009 at 12:03

grind and polish the car today, only a small scratch is left on the door. For a friend |I try to repair their sony ps2.
What a shit. The fault was found very easily but for repairing you need chines hands. Not my spade shaped claws.

MTF - 2-6-2009 at 08:44

We have solar panels on our house. You'd think that would keep us safe from blackouts, but that's not the case. If the power goes out, by law the solar panels have to disconnect; otherwise, it could endanger anyone working on the lines.

Makes sense when you think about it...

BBP - 2-6-2009 at 19:14

The Sony PS2 was fixed, but to test it I had to watch a cheepo DVD we're not attached to, AKA CareBears in Wonderland in awful voice-acting.

Playing Frankenstein: Through The Eye Of The Monster. And picking strawberries. Hope we can make icecream!

BBP - 4-6-2009 at 15:12

Did my civilian duty and went voting for the European Parliament. It was very difficult to make up my mind on what party I was going to vote for, and all the on-line tests didn't really help...

punknaynowned - 4-6-2009 at 15:50

ballot by computer!
And would you say ma'am that did or did not improve your experience of voting?

BBP - 4-6-2009 at 19:32

We stopped balloting by computer. It seems there was a problem with them and it was possible for people to rig up computers and walkie talkies to hear whatever had been voted, and now they're not used anymore. We had a huge ballot, a red pencil, colour one of the circles, and then slide it in a converted garbage can.
...I don't think that was very privacy-protecting either...

MTF - 5-6-2009 at 08:40

Here in California we had a special election a couple weeks ago. The turnout was pathetic: something like 25%. It was a bunch of initiatives to raise money for schools and such, and they all lost.

The election cost millions of dollars, and in the end it was a complete waste of time and money...

punknaynowned - 5-6-2009 at 09:56

chat at the zforum has been fun
come check it out
crazy conversation

BBP - 5-6-2009 at 09:58

I think this year the turnout was 34%, even lower than the European Parliament election of four years ago. The EP has little power so I'm not even sure what I've voted for...

BBP - 7-6-2009 at 14:11

Had a great fleamarket day! I bought a Charlie Chaplin vid, a CareBears button (yes, I adored those cute little bears as a kid, and watching the original episodes still makes me gooey), and...

scallopino - 10-6-2009 at 10:27

I accidentally scratched my laptop screen with scissors. D'oh times a million. Channel 10 here in Australia launched their new free-to-air digital sports channel, which they call ONE. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've been watching the NBA playoffs and the major league baseball along with other stuff, when i should have been studying. But i'm officially on "holidays" now, which means the same amount of study but no formal classes.

BBP - 10-6-2009 at 10:28

How on earth did you manage to scratch your laptop screen with scissors?

punknaynowned - 10-6-2009 at 15:00

yesterday talked to s3bbE yesterday who went to this show in Stockholm
the show starter, with a nice bit of dialogue wit Dweezil b4 a nice
and the surprising show closer that the crowd sang,
weirdos, they jump right into it!

BBP - 11-6-2009 at 11:47

Ooh! Nice! It really chuffs me how much Dweezil sounds like his daddy.
(And I'm increasingly proud of being among the crowd that originally sang "Fuck the Swedes!")

My sunflowers are coming up nicely and the strawberry jam I made is fantastic! (Must've been that bit of blood coming from my thumb... :-D )

[Edited on 11-6-09 by BBP]

scallopino - 11-6-2009 at 14:30

Originally posted by BBP
How on earth did you manage to scratch your laptop screen with scissors?

Funny story. Well not funny at all really. It's not even much of a story. I keep a pair of scissors on my desk behind the laptop. I used them and went to put them back but accidentally kind of softly rammed them into the screen. :singer:

punknaynowned - 12-6-2009 at 04:35

because of the rotation of the earth around the sun I turned 41

it doesn't seem possible and I sure don't understand it. Never thought I would get this far.

PLEASE, no well wishers. I can't believe I'm posting this

BBP - 12-6-2009 at 10:54

(hugs Punky) You don't look a day older to me!

Sorry to hear that Scallop... but that's the kind of stuff that happens to me a lot too, so you're not alone.

Unfortunately I'm still feeling a little unwell, hope that blows over. Otherwise I'm really getting dug into Gabriel Knight 1.

BBP - 12-6-2009 at 19:51

Heard one of my former teachers passed away. Odd.

DED - 14-6-2009 at 16:39

Would any of my teachers should be alive today?
Easy day today but I lost a tapedeck that I should restore.
But it was standing here for two years and now it is gone unless it is not a tc 280 but a tc 252.
Also bought a second betamax yesterda but he is eating the tape

BBP - 15-6-2009 at 10:40

You mean he eats the tape in the cartridge, or he eats the cartridge?

Still feeling queezy.

BBP - 17-6-2009 at 11:04

Feeling better. Did a round on my own for the first time. It went pretty well and I was done quickly, it's not a very big one. Unfortunately it's far away from my house.
Yesterday I didn't get much sleep before I had to go to the round, and it was my training day. I got up extra early, but that advantage was soon erased when I spent a full hour looking for the delivery station. Embarrassing. I've livedin this city for 25 years and I get lost at merely 15 minutes cycling from my house.

scallopino - 17-6-2009 at 15:44

Originally posted by BBP
Feeling better. Did a round on my own for the first time. It went pretty well and I was done quickly, it's not a very big one. Unfortunately it's far away from my house.
Yesterday I didn't get much sleep before I had to go to the round, and it was my training day. I got up extra early, but that advantage was soon erased when I spent a full hour looking for the delivery station. Embarrassing. I've livedin this city for 25 years and I get lost at merely 15 minutes cycling from my house.

:grin: Maybe that's a good thing! You can keep finding new places and not get sick of it. I hope you haven't got "swine flu" Bonny. It's a pandemic in Victoria at the moment. Fortunately it's much more mild than ordinary flu.

A few days ago Des "Tuppence" Moran was gunned down at his local shops. He becomes the 29th victim in the so-called underworld killings of Melbourne that began around 1998. About 15 members of the Moran family have been murdered in that time. "Matriarch" Judy Moran, who's husband and two sons were all killed over the past ten years, was arrested yesterday for being an accomplice in the murder. No one really knows at this stage why Des Moran was killed because he wasn't really a big underworld (= mob) player.

BBP - 17-6-2009 at 21:14

Sounds horrible... almost Amsterdam...

MTF - 18-6-2009 at 21:42

Originally posted by scallopinoA few days ago Des "Tuppence" Moran was gunned down at his local shops. He becomes the 29th victim in the so-called underworld killings of Melbourne that began around 1998. About 15 members of the Moran family have been murdered in that time. "Matriarch" Judy Moran, who's husband and two sons were all killed over the past ten years, was arrested yesterday for being an accomplice in the murder. No one really knows at this stage why Des Moran was killed because he wasn't really a big underworld (= mob) player.

So the Matriarch was arrested for being an accomplice to the murder of a member of her own family?

Not exactly a family of master criminals, is it?

BBP - 19-6-2009 at 14:26

Yesterday I wanted to listen to my copy of Does Humour Belong In Music?
When I opened the box, I found to my horror that the CD was missing! OH SHIT!

So yesterday and today I've been searching all my albums, and I have quite a few, searching for the CD. I failed to find it. :-(

On the brighter side, I did find 2 other CDs that had somehow fallen behind the rack. One of them was my Mr Bungle - Disco Volante, which I'd been looking for for months.

punknaynowned - 19-6-2009 at 16:19

I'm the same way, bonny!

I'm get ing a medical procedure done today. So wish me luck.
Wish everyone the best here and want to wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to Bonny for being so cool and gracious a host here.
If we lived in the same county bonny you wouldn't be able to get of me.
Just your simple presence, even in this virtual world, you've meant a lot to me.
Just saying :)
you are loved and appreciated for being you
and you can do whatever you want.
So go for it!

scallopino - 19-6-2009 at 16:50

@ MTF: :-D Nope. Des was her brother in law. She was married to a guy named Leslie Cole, who was murdered in 1982. She then married Lewis Moran. Her eldest son, Mark, was shot dead in 2000. The other son, Jason, was shot dead in 2003. Then Lewis was shot dead in 2004. Then Judy arranged or was otherwise heavily involved with the shooting of her brother in law, Des Moran, a week ago.

I hope you guys get to see an Australian drama called 'Underbelly' which is based on the Melbourne Underworld killings. It's a fascinating story and really great show. It was probably the most popular tv series here in history. Season 1 was all about the recent stuff, from 1998 up to about 2006 or 2007. It was huge. Then season 2 which has just finished screening was about the pre-history to it all.

[Edited on 19-6-2009 by scallopino]

scallopino - 19-6-2009 at 16:54

Originally posted by punknaynowned
I'm the same way, bonny!

I'm get ing a medical procedure done today. So wish me luck.
Wish everyone the best here and want to wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to Bonny for being so cool and gracious a host here.
If we lived in the same county bonny you wouldn't be able to get of me.
Just your simple presence, even in this virtual world, you've meant a lot to me.
Just saying :)
you are loved and appreciated for being you
and you can do whatever you want.
So go for it!

Seconded! And good luck with your operation Punk and hope your recovery is painless and quick. (But that's asking a lot).

BBP - 19-6-2009 at 19:27

Oh dear Punky, what have you gotten yourself into!
Hang in there and be healthy! And thank you for the kind words! :bouncing:

PS I found DHBIM. It was in my other CD player. I have 4 and had forgotten about this one.

MTF - 20-6-2009 at 06:51

Originally posted by punknaynowned
I'm get ing a medical procedure done today. So wish me luck.
Wish everyone the best here and want to wish to extend my sincerest gratitude to Bonny for being so cool and gracious a host here.
If we lived in the same county bonny you wouldn't be able to get of me.
Just your simple presence, even in this virtual world, you've meant a lot to me.
Just saying :)
you are loved and appreciated for being you
and you can do whatever you want.
So go for it!

Holy crap! I do not want to know what this procedure is. You sound like you're settling your affairs in case you die.

Whenever I have any kind of medical procedure, my philosophy is Don't tell me what you're going to do: just tell me when it's over.


(Of course we all knew that you have a thing for Bonny, so you may as well get that in the open anyway...) :P

BBP - 26-6-2009 at 13:01

Had an interesting morning at my newspaper round. The Dutch paper-for-the-celebs-and-sports had Michael Jackson Has Heart Attack on the front page. I snorted at that.
Then I noticed the christian newspaper had a similar head on the front page.
Then I noticed "Michael Jackson Dead" in quotation marks on the cover of "my" newspaper. Goodness, I thought, De Volkskrant is really going downhill.

And when I came home he was dead.

Never liked his music, but I'm still a little shocked nonetheless.

BBP - 26-6-2009 at 18:04

For Father's Day, we gave DED some 2G of extra computer memory. He installed it on Wednesday.

It has the strangest consequences! The top bar of Internet Explorer used to be blue, but now it's black. And WinTV, our programme to watch TV on the PC, wouldn't fogo full-screen anymore.

So Ded downloaded WinTV 2000, a newer version. Today I set myself to finetuning the channels.
It is an arduous task, to say the least. Especially if you have to do it on the wrong day and have to listen to Jackson while testing.

Anyway, it only works a little now. I need to set myself to do the rest.

scallopino - 27-6-2009 at 17:45

Originally posted by BBP
Had an interesting morning at my newspaper round. The Dutch paper-for-the-celebs-and-sports had Michael Jackson Has Heart Attack on the front page. I snorted at that.
Then I noticed the christian newspaper had a similar head on the front page.
Then I noticed "Michael Jackson Dead" in quotation marks on the cover of "my" newspaper. Goodness, I thought, De Volkskrant is really going downhill.

And when I came home he was dead.

Never liked his music, but I'm still a little shocked nonetheless.

Me too. When i was in primary school in the 90s he wasn't just a famous person, but the most famous person in the world. I listened to Thriller over and over again on cassette in about year 8. I haven't listened to him since but Rage, our best music show, did a special Friday night. They played those incredible films he did in full. I'd never seen most of them before and they look and sound like nothing else. No one else even attempted that kind of thing.

BBP - 29-6-2009 at 07:38

Not much going on around here... it's like the world stopped spinning without MJ. Or it's the heatwave that makes me too numb to undertake any adventures.

BBP - 2-7-2009 at 07:28

Goodness, being an Are You Being Served? fan is a bit painful. We lost John Inman in 2007, Wendy Richard earlier this year, and Mollie Sugden passed away yesterday. Oh dear.

BBP - 3-7-2009 at 11:34

Hit the town to buy a passport. Right on time. In September, all EU citizens can only get biometric passports, which store fingerprints. The Netherlands has unfortunately decided to store all Dutch fingerprints in a computer. Something I oppose: if the computer gets badly hacked and all the underworld can access anybody's fingerprint, the entire system of using prints to identify criminals could become corrupted and unusable.

aquagoat - 3-7-2009 at 15:37

isn't that good news, in a way ?

[Edited on 3-7-2009 by aquagoat]

BBP - 3-7-2009 at 18:45

It's bad news if criminals can do it unobserved (and it being a massive system it's very likely that there will be over a hundred people working on it, plenty of opportunity for error). It's possible to make a latex-type-of-hand that can leave other people's fingerprints and if they steal and use your prints, it's up to you to prove you were elsewhere.

MTF - 4-7-2009 at 07:31

I used to work for a software company. Part of my job was to create marketing lists, so I had table-level access to the company's sales database.

One day I noticed we were saving people's credit card numbers in the database. I figured this was an unnecessary security risk, so I emailed the Vice President of IT. He wrote back, telling me not to worry about it.

So I looked again, and found a sale in his name. I printed out the data - including his credit card number - and slipped it under the door of his office.

Right after that, we started encrypting credit card numbers...

BBP - 4-7-2009 at 08:22

Good going!
There is talk about encrypting the fingerprints, but there is reluctance from the people in charge as it will cost money.

scallopino - 5-7-2009 at 11:04

Originally posted by MTF
I used to work for a software company. Part of my job was to create marketing lists, so I had table-level access to the company's sales database.

One day I noticed we were saving people's credit card numbers in the database. I figured this was an unnecessary security risk, so I emailed the Vice President of IT. He wrote back, telling me not to worry about it.

So I looked again, and found a sale in his name. I printed out the data - including his credit card number - and slipped it under the door of his office.

Right after that, we started encrypting credit card numbers...

:wow: Cool!

BBP - 6-7-2009 at 15:15

Added a new Duck to my family. A fictional one this time.
Discovered my white lumps are probably caused by sun allergy.
Went to the second hand store and bought a nice classical album.

MTF - 7-7-2009 at 07:49

My white lumps are usually caused by not thickening the gravy properly...

BBP - 7-7-2009 at 20:09

Ain't that frustrating, those image host sites?

I fell for it again, I can't believe it. Yet another box to add to my collection of "musical hits performed by lousy artists and keyboard called Star Singers & Hollywood Orchestra or variations thereof". At least this 6 CD box does contain a lot of lesser known musicals, the worst TimeWarp I have heard (and I count my own singing here), and the occasional star performance.
And I now have a box to finally replace my broken Phantasmagoria box. It's so hard to replace jewelcases like that!

BBP - 8-7-2009 at 18:24

Spent quite some time fixing a broken video cassette. Failed.
Dad spent five minutes with it. Succeeds.

One of those days...

BBP - 9-7-2009 at 14:43

Picked up my new passport. Nowadays you're no longer allowed to smile on your passport photos. It's like there's a new Bonny who's much crankier.

MTF - 10-7-2009 at 10:32

Then I guess you should change your mood to "grumpy."

Today I took my daughter to a Boy Scout camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains. For the next ten days she'll be looking after a group of eleven-year-old girls; teaching them the basics of camping, first aid and so forth.

It's in the middle of a redwood forest. All the trees were cut in 1906 in order to rebuild San Francisco after the earthquake/fire. The trees are now 80-100 feet tall, which sounds impressive until you realize that many of the trees that were cut down were 1000 years old and more than 300 feet tall.

I hope she has a good time. Personally, I'd just stand there and gape at the trees...

BBP - 10-7-2009 at 11:12

That IS impressive... We do have a few very old trees that are huge, but they've usually become interred and their largest branches are mistaken for trees. Trees don't get that big here. Must be the climate. (looks out at the rain)

After yesterday's lengthy town stroll, my legs hurt terribly. I had a great night's sleep.

It was interrupted by my boss. I'd forgot to set the alarm. Second time in 10 years of newspaper delivery that that has happened.

BBP - 12-7-2009 at 19:55

Bought a vinyl Fillmore East. And a karaoke CD-I.

MTF - 13-7-2009 at 04:35

I bought a table saw, so now I can - like - saw tables...

scallopino - 13-7-2009 at 16:04

You saw it, you bought it.

BBP - 14-7-2009 at 18:40

Well, I'm taking another short hiatus from After that little brush-in with Trendmonger I realized that I tend to take those things too seriously sometimes.

In other news, I managed to download the most recent version of XMB forums. I'll check and see what it looks like (and I'll need to consult my father a little too, after all it was him who resurrected this forum after James's... ahem... issues, and he knows a lot more about computers than I). Hopefully I'll be able to get it to work soon, so that the log-in bugs can be resolved.
It doesn't seem to be too hard, but I really wouldn't want to make a mistake and lose all the fondness and writings here.

scallopino - 15-7-2009 at 11:26

Trendmonger must be a hundred and forty by now!*

*Very rough estimate.

punknaynowned - 15-7-2009 at 20:04

looks like Trendy got some snails in his oats the other day :swear:
you were right bon, that review board is not the easiest thing to find even if were printed on the ticket... or zpz or any other combination
do what you want of course, but like you said, it's him that needs a break.
Now to figure out where to put 'em...
that whole place has taken a downturn. Maybe it's just the summer dog days.
the show I saw in kansas city saturday held no surprises.
Dweeze was sick the gatekeeper said and I could tell he wasn't all the way on, seemed tired.
But still went thru all the motions, the band was great, Joe kept tellin jokes and making Dweez smile, Schiela was awesome, Jaime got in a couple great extended bits -- the most bluesy AND avant stuff of the night I'd say. Ben was just fine. This being the first I'd seen him, I was critical, but he's just fine. He should meet Napoleon. Whatever. Got to hear Apostrophe and Lucille and Outside Now -- which was the high point of the night for me. They played for 2 hours with a break before the encore. I like the venue, outside and with the sun going down it got cooler and we had a breeze in the audience that I don't think they had onstage in that shell...
Overall I thought they were sloppy and a bit disjointed even in transitions within songs, bum notes all over, noticed only because Glynn had the sound absolutely perfect for what they do and in that space. But it wasn't at all bad and there were a number of highlights. Many more people got to see them and were blown away.

on a more personal note, I'm fine. Still sleep a lot, on the mend. We'll see how I feel next month. ;)

BBP - 16-7-2009 at 08:26

Good to hear you're doing well, Punky! You got me a little worried!

Shame Dweezil wasn't feeling well... He wasn't too healthy at De Effenaar either, he had had some gastric distress.

I'm feeling a little better now myself, so I'll be visiting the forum again today. And after visiting the library I'll check up on how the update version of XMB works.

BBP - 16-7-2009 at 20:18

Looks like the big update will be around for tomorrow!

Huck_Phlem - 17-7-2009 at 06:18

I finally got a job offer! I will have to travel a long distance but it sounds like a good job.

BBP - 17-7-2009 at 06:20

That's great Huck! Congratulations!

scallopino - 17-7-2009 at 07:45

Good for you Huckster!

aquagoat - 17-7-2009 at 18:03

good news, Huck!

BBP - 18-7-2009 at 15:52

I found Gabriel Knight 2! YES!!! And I hadn't even finished playing with the other two installments yet!

BBP - 24-7-2009 at 12:45

Made lots of photos from the graffiti art zone here, for the third time. They'll show up on the Photo thread but I need to transfer them to harddisk first.

Huck_Phlem - 29-7-2009 at 05:42

So I get there to the Airport. (SFO) which is a 21.10 dollar round trip and that is after riding 5 miles to the train station on my bike. The lady tells me the job is only 18 hours and my fair is 1/3 of my wages. I told them I would still do it as it's a job and better than nothing.

Then the fucking lady tells me i am over qualified? what the fuck does that mean except that she can't think of a better reason to refuse me the job.

It's been about a week now and the contact who told me over the phone that I was going to be hired has not responded to any of my emails. what a flake!

scallopino - 29-7-2009 at 16:22


What can you do about it? Can you do anything?

BBP - 30-7-2009 at 09:03

(pats Huck's back)

BBP - 31-7-2009 at 11:49

The weirdest thing happened on my round today. This guy came out of a house I cycled past. He seemed disorientated and was talking intelligibly. Then he threw something on the street...


aquagoat - 31-7-2009 at 19:20

wooow, scary thing! It reminds me of some demented characters you sometimes see in David Lynch's movies. :freak:

[Edited on 2-8-2009 by aquagoat]

BBP - 1-8-2009 at 07:36

The poor chicken managed to find its composition again, it stood up and walked away. Don't know what happened after that, I didn't feel like staying.

Those things just happen. I've often seen bizarre things that made me wonder if I'd dropped off. Like the time I saw a perfect Frank Zappa look-a-like. I thought I was dreaming, but he showed up several times after that. I also saw him at the ZPZ concert last May.
Or that time I cycled through a used tampon. Yuck.
Or that time this guy opened the door of the house where I was supposed to deliver , wearing nothing but a pair of much too tight underpants. :shocked:

aquagoat - 1-8-2009 at 09:56


scallopino - 2-8-2009 at 12:53

Originally posted by BBP
The weirdest thing happened on my round today. This guy came out of a house I cycled past. He seemed disorientated and was talking intelligibly. Then he threw something on the street...


:P Surreal!

MTF - 3-8-2009 at 08:24

We didn't take a family vacation this year, so my wife spent a week as an adult staff member at a Girl Scout camp. She just got back today.

Funny thing: in her job she's a tax director, and has twenty people reporting to her. At the camp, she was getting her orders from two sixteen-year-olds.

And let me just say for the record: I'm glad she's home...


BBP - 3-8-2009 at 11:21

And? Did she like it?

I had another lucky strike at the second-hand store today. I now own tubular bells.

aquagoat - 3-8-2009 at 12:25

this: or that: ???

[Edited on 3-8-2009 by aquagoat]

BBP - 3-8-2009 at 20:26

A mini version of the one on the right. Mine only has 8 tubes, tuned from c'' to c'''. But the overtones are amazing. Plus cycling home carrying that was hilarious.

I also finished Gabriel Knight 2 and found many other games, such as the Gobliiins series and Grim Fandango.

aquagoat - 3-8-2009 at 21:20

cool, that must be a funny instrument to play.

BBP - 4-8-2009 at 08:40

It's delightful! I should make a vid!

Anyway I've decided to take up a second round for a week. It sounded OK at first, but it's in the business area and there are a number of addresses behind gates, you know and those won't be opened until a certain time. I hate that.
Fortunately there are lots of beautiful houses too. And I deliver at De Effenaar, our music hall (where ZPZ performed and where P/O will be in a few days).

BBP - 4-8-2009 at 14:47

Cleared my room looking for a book. Didn't find the book and cut my finger.

aquagoat - 4-8-2009 at 18:27

You could die from the danger
Of the dangerous bedroom.

BBP - 5-8-2009 at 07:07

:-D Thumbs up!

BBP - 7-8-2009 at 08:24

This morning some guy cycling past said "hi" to me. Not uncommon in this region, especially not at 5AM. So I said Hi back, and continued my work.

I noticed the guy kept talking. I couldn't make out what he said, so I assumed he was on the phone with someone, and carried on with my delivering. As I turned into a side road though, I clearly heard him say:
"And what if I lick you? 100 euros."

Fortunately he didn't chase.

MTF - 7-8-2009 at 11:16

Tell him for 200 Euros you'll let him deliver the rest of your papers...

Or the old standby:

"Look Buddy: I don't go down to McDonalds and heckle you while you're working..."

Or the prudent response:


aquagoat - 7-8-2009 at 16:44

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D freaky people!!!!!!

BBP - 7-8-2009 at 18:33

Aw thanks. It was a bit shocking... I've been chased before and you REALLY don't want that to happen on your newspaper round miles away from home.

I've also uploaded three tubular bell vids!

MTF - 8-8-2009 at 08:33

Our dishwasher died. Fortunately it was an electric one, and not a person.

There's a bunch of water still in it, which makes me suspect that the water pump burned out.

We'll see. I'll tear it apart tomorrow...

BBP - 9-8-2009 at 13:54

Oh dear... sounds like the old manual scrubbing is coming to you MT...

Discovered that I don't nearly stoop as much as usual when I walk on high heels. Of course they don't make women's shoes my size around here, so it's probably the most pointless discovery in the past 5 years.

BBP - 10-8-2009 at 08:38

Did 2 rounds today. Feel exhausted. But I saw a squirrel!

MTF - 15-8-2009 at 01:08

Check it out Bonny. You're on fire:

The fire's about seven miles from our house. The smoke is pretty thick here, and bits of ash are falling like snowflakes. Everything has this eerie yellow glow.

Most people are just staying in their houses with the doors and windows closed. There isn't much traffic for a Friday afternoon. That just adds to the eeriness.

BBP - 15-8-2009 at 21:02

Goodness MT! Hope you will all be OK, it looks horrible!

BBP - 18-8-2009 at 19:31

Today? Not really. I cleared the entire front yard of weeds, which is perfectly horrid. I took three hours.
Tomorrow I'll be running my new round.

And I learnt what's the deal with the guy chucking out a chicken. My boss had seen him before. He's letting his chicken out. And he does that on a frequent basis.

MTF - 19-8-2009 at 00:57

Well, at least he's not choking his chicken...


BBP - 19-8-2009 at 10:19

Today my secondary hard disk died on my dinosaur Win 98 upstairs. Unfortunately it's the E-drive with over 700 GB of space (pretty much for a PC back then) I hope it's still fixable... or else I'll have WAY too little space on it to do pretty much anything.

BBP - 20-8-2009 at 17:52

Saw the chicken guy this morning.
Wrote a lot for my site.

Have a nasty pain in my chest. :swear:

BBP - 21-8-2009 at 19:43

Still have chest pain.

Yesterday I had to get up even earlier (4:15), because I'm taking over another quarter for a week. The guy who normally does it, had to run me in.
He showed up so late I eventually went on my rounds and scheduled another appointment for the next day. And I was a little pissed on having got up extra early for no reason, and having to get up earlier again.

This morning they did everything to prevent the same scenario and gave him a very early wake-up call, and they called him twice while I was there.
Nice fellow, only problem was that he does WALK his rounds, not cycle. First he took me by car to his round, he parked, and then we walked the rest. It took quite a while, I was back at the station late and had to hurry for my rounds... with a blister as extra handicap.

Oh well. He's a friendly fellow, may contact me through the Tube.

MTF - 22-8-2009 at 11:05

Originally posted by BBPStill have chest pain.

Unless you know what caused it, you better go see a doctor.

Here we're still dealing with the Lockheed Fire (named after the company that owns the land where the fire started). At times the air is really bad.

It's been burning for nine days now, but it seems they finally have it contained. Yesterday one of those gigantic Sikorsky Air Crane helicopters flew over here several times. I figure they were using it to move tractors in and out of areas where there are no roads.

The fire is to the west of us, and the staging area for the firefighters is to the east. So every day it's a constant stream of airplanes, helicopters and fire trucks. Most of the tourists have left town, and firefighters from all over California have taken over most of the hotels.

BBP - 23-8-2009 at 14:54

Chest is feeling better now, thank you.

Isn't that the airplane company a Dutch prince took bribes from? Lockheed?

aquagoat - 23-8-2009 at 20:27

went to the sea today, swam for about one and a half hours, became red thanks to the sun, hurt my left foot because of the stones, had a pretty good day. I'll probably do it again next sunday. :roll:

BBP - 24-8-2009 at 09:06

Hey! Sounds like me!

Had another double round today. My new temporary one is in the classy neighborhood, lots of beautiful villas, lots of financial newspaper subscriptions... And I got minorly lost. And I saw another squirrel.

Sunflowers are doing great! One of them is open wide, smelling sweet.

aquagoat - 24-8-2009 at 17:03

not happenedto me but to my lady: She was employed for a new job today.:roll:

BBP - 24-8-2009 at 18:50

Nice! Congratz!

aquagoat - 24-8-2009 at 19:07

thank you.

BBP - 25-8-2009 at 09:43

I got totally drenched on my round, but aside from getting lost and having to resort to a map to find one of the streets, I made no real bad mistakes.

Currentý I'm working on a Wagner article, so lately I've been digging myself into his work. Today I'll be listening to Tristan und Isolde. Thing is, I don't really like Wagner.

MTF - 25-8-2009 at 23:47

Originally posted by BBPThing is, I don't really like Wagner.

Neither do I. But if it makes you feel any better, Hitler loved Wagner...

BBP - 26-8-2009 at 13:30

:rsvd: So did Ludwig II of Bavaria. I must say that studying his life has given me a little more respect towards his beliefs (indeed I can find myself in the atheist, philosophical, revolutionary and anti-aristocrat fields of his mind) but even after all that, listening to Tristan & Isolde... it just does nothing to me. It's cold and emotion-less music.

aquagoat - 26-8-2009 at 17:30

that just makes me think: Has music necessarily got to be emotionful?

BBP - 27-8-2009 at 10:11

No, of course, but if it evokes no sentiment with me whatsoever there's not much point in listening to it for me. It's just... boring, even if there is a story line attached.

BBP - 28-8-2009 at 17:43

Things are growing harsh here. Two of my family members have been hospitalized recently.

aquagoat - 28-8-2009 at 19:39

ouch, bad news, courage Bonny.

BBP - 29-8-2009 at 10:58

Thank you. We'll be visiting our grandmother today, hope she's doing better.

BBP - 29-8-2009 at 17:51

Went to visit Grandma. She's still got her fighting spirit, but seeing her tubed up is always painful. She has severe emphysema.

aquagoat - 29-8-2009 at 18:41

too much smoking ?

MTF - 29-8-2009 at 21:10

Originally posted by MTF
Our dishwasher died. Fortunately it was an electric one, and not a person.

We finally got it fixed. Turns out it was still under warranty, so they sent a guy out to take a look at it.

There was a piece of a rubber band stuck in the drain pump. It was just small enough to make it through the dishwasher's rather elaborate filtering system, and just big enough to get stuck in the pump mechanism.

Fortunately the pump shut off before it burned out.

BBP - 30-8-2009 at 12:50

Yes Aqua... poor Gran has tried to quit several times but to no avail... she'll have to now, of course.

Good to hear your dishwasher is OK now, MTF!

Huck_Phlem - 31-8-2009 at 06:22

I went to Berkeley today. I bought some records. I got Zoot Allures in great shape! Also Gentle Giant Aquiring the Taste, and Free Hand. The Tubes first album for 1 dollar! and I got McCoy Tyner Trios.

BBP - 1-9-2009 at 06:37

Yesterday I went to my favourite place in the world aside from my bed: De Efteling, the infamous Dutch fairy-tale themed park. It was fun, although we walked a lot and saw very little. I made a nice vid of the local jazz-band.

scallopino - 2-9-2009 at 15:22

Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. There are some good reasons:

About a month ago my family house got raided by about ten police who came at 6.30am, before dawn, in five cars. My father who is a policeman and local government official is under investigation for stalking. He has been suspended from the police force until it's over. Anyway, the police came and took every computer in the house including my laptop. I didn't get it back for over a week and they still have the main PC which my Dad never uses as well as his laptop. It's been four and a half weeks. The police came and announced themselves and then proceeded to go into every room turning every light on and off over and over again for no apparent reason. They treated my younger sister pretty harshly and were pretty rude all round. To say it was a surreal experience is a major understatement.

My father and me do not get along. I have never liked him at all from a young age. My parents' relationship is a completely miserable one. My dad is a real jerk, a terrible husband and a shocking father. He is intolerant, angry, secretive, a liar, racist, homophobic (i'm not gay but my sister has lots of gay friends), uncaring, selfish etc etc. But at the same time he is a much respected public figure in the community. No one knows the truth about him except his family, who have to live with it every day. What has been annoying about this whole stalking investigation thing (i have no idea if he's guilty or not) is that my mother, sister and me have nothing at all to do with any of it, but it affects all of us. My sister hasn't had her computer for almost five weeks even though she is not the one being investigated.

Also, about two weeks ago I was walking around Melbourne and lost my 4GB usb key that had all my work on it for the whole year, including my honours thesis. I hadn't backed any of it up. I was able to recover some work that i'd sent to my supervisor via email, so that was good. But the rest is gone. Luckily i take all my notes and stuff by hand in notebooks.

Yes...August has been an ungood month and i'm supremely glad it's over. :cool:

BBP - 3-9-2009 at 08:38

Goodness, Scallop... that's horrible!

If it helps, I broke off contact with my mother several months back, as dealing with her mental illness became too much of a strain after over a decade of putting up with it. It taught me I need to think of myself a little more: after all I am the most important person to me, I have to put up with me all my life and I need to do anything in my power to prevent me from ending up like my mother. I don't usually tell people because they won't understand (and then they bring up non-arguments like "it IS your mother"), but it's so deliciously quiet now that I don't have to be used as Barbie every month.

And you're not alone in forgetting to back-up either... I nearly lost some compositions when my hard-disk died in the middle of playing Gabriel Knight 3. Fortunately it wasn't the game's fault and the disk worked again the next day.

punknaynowned - 4-9-2009 at 18:57

sorry to hear that scallop. I had no idea your homelife was so tough.

big bummer too to lose all your work.

Here's to taking strong healthy steps toward the future.

scallopino - 5-9-2009 at 11:08

Yes yes yes. Thanks punk. And Bonny, it seems hard for people who have had a relatively *normal* family upbringing with both parents to understand because they think the bonds between husband/wife, parent/child etc are sacred and *unbreakable*. It isn't true, and in your situation it seems the best thing for you to do what you did. You aren't superhuman and some problems are unsolvable.

BBP - 5-9-2009 at 20:50

Oh yes... I don't often tell my family background to other people... I've even gone as far as saying quietly "I have no mother" just to shut them up. Even if people can make some idea of it and can develop some understanding, it will still change the way they're looking at you.

BBP - 6-9-2009 at 20:31

Went to my cousin's birthday party. She turned 12. As our grandma was staying at her place to recover, she didn't have many people over. I did get two slices of birthday cake... need to try extra hard on my rounds tomorrow to get those calories off!

BBP - 9-9-2009 at 17:42

Found out to my horror that one of the rides in my favourite-place-in-the-world De Efteling, a wooden coaster called Pegasus (from 1991) has been demolished. As it was the first large rollercoaster and the first woodie I ever rode, I have a lot of cherished memories to it... particularly that bend at the end where the lateral Gs nearly bruise your ribs. Oof! Before After.

MTF - 10-9-2009 at 10:04

In case you noticed I hadn't been around for a while, I was in the hospital.

On Monday of last week (30 August), I wasn't feeling well. I had a bunch of symptoms that pointed to a heart problem. I called my doctor to see if he could squeeze me in, but he was out of town. His nurse suggested that I go to the local Urgent Care facility.

I saw one of the doctors who helped diagnose me with multiple sclerosis eleven years ago. He did some tests, including an EKG and some blood work. Everything came back negative, so he figured I was having some sort of allergic reaction. He sent me home with a handful of antihistamines.

They didn't help. If anything, the symptoms had gotten stronger. By 7am on Wednesday I couldn't stand it anymore. So I got in my truck and drove to the Emergency Room at the local hospital.

As I was explaining my symptoms to the receptionist (who's actually a nurse) I could see her getting stiffer and stiffer. She was typing like mad to get all my information into the computer. Then she grabbed the intercom and almost yelled "Triage to Emergency." Pretty obviously, it was my heart after all.

Within a few minutes I was on a gurney. One person was placing electrodes for another EKG; another was drawing blood from my left arm; a third was setting up my right arm for an IV; and all the while the Triage nurse was asking me a blizzard of questions.

My wife showed up amid all this. She had that "What the fuck?" look, which didn't exactly fill me with confidence. But I didn't get much chance to dwell on it, because they were giving me some morphine with my nitro glycerine. Heroin and explosives: now there's a fun combination.

Eventually a doctor came in and explained the situation. One of my coronary arteries was completely blocked, and as a result I had suffered a small heart attack. But he was worried about the bigger one that was coming. He wanted to perform what he called an "intervention" to clear out the artery. Basically, he was talking about angioplasty.

Given the choice between certain death and a 20-minute, virtually painless procedure with a decidedly ugly name, I don't think it was much contest.

Oh wait; there was a third option: open heart surgery. But my Dad had his chest cracked twice, and I heard there's a limit of two per family. Too bad...

They rolled me into the intervention room about 10:30. I was pretty doped out, but quite lucid. The surgeon had an Indian name, and a Texas accent. He started by making a small incision near my hip and inserting a chopstick-sized tube into an artery. Inside was a smaller prehensile tube, which he was able to push to the clogged artery, about two feet away. Then he popped out the clog and replaced it with a small metal tube called a stent. Then he was done. It only took two stitches to seal the centimeter-long wound.

I had to stay in the hospital for three days, while they adjusted my medication and tried to see if they could get me sick some other way. They finally let me out late Saturday afternoon.

So now I have a new doctor - a cardiologist - and a bag full of tasty new meds. And I'm going to need them to be tasty: because I have to change my diet as well. No more pork ice cream or chocolate-covered cigarettes.

Oh well. At least it's fucking great to be alive...

[Edited on 9/10/2009 by MTF]

BBP - 10-9-2009 at 15:57

Is that the same as PCI? Great they discovered it in time! And I'm very very glad you're doing well!

Big hug!

punknaynowned - 10-9-2009 at 19:35

I'm glad you're still here

BBP - 12-9-2009 at 14:22

Nice! Smiley choreography!

Not much is happening here for me now... still doing my rounds. This morning I had to jump into my neighborhood instead of my usual round. It sucks: it's HUGE.
Yesterday I joined Curryfest, a fan forum for Curry fans. Discovered I'm still reasonably "sane", but it's the nicest place I've been to where there are pretty much no men at all. At least I haven't seen any.
And my Frankenstein videos are faring well with it!

Bought a Fraggle Rock DVD. Gosh. They're boring.

DED - 12-9-2009 at 17:34

Originally posted by BBP
Found out to my horror that one of the rides in my favourite-place-in-the-world De Efteling, a wooden coaster called Pegasus (from 1991) has been demolished. As it was the first large rollercoaster and the first woodie I ever rode, I have a lot of cherished memories to it... particularly that bend at the end where the lateral Gs nearly bruise your ribs. Oof! Before After.

Aren't you lying here?
According to my memory your first large wooden was the anaconda near Metz in 1993 or so

BBP - 13-9-2009 at 10:29

I definitely went into Pegasus in 1993, that was with Kzryzstov (or however he spelled his name) and with uncle, sister and aunt. We didn't go to Metz until 1994.

BBP - 14-9-2009 at 13:27

But I was lying there. My favourite place in the world is my bed.

Not much happened today... had an unsuccessful visit to the second-hand store in Geldop...

And my E-drive crashed again. Need to run ScanDisk next time I can get it to work.

BBP - 15-9-2009 at 13:47

Went to the dentist. I'm all-right!

But for some reason (probably ten solid years of no problems whatsoever), my dentist wanted me to have an X-ray taken. First time... very strange, one of those things straight from the heads of science-fiction writers... and not too pleasant to keep your tongue curled up for thirty seconds. But there was no problem whatsoever... no infections, no cavities, wisdom tooth coming up on the left...

BBP - 17-9-2009 at 08:24

Tomorrow DED will be leaving to pick up grandma. He'll take her back home to The Hague. Hope she can get around there...
Not to mention the house will be empty for four days when he's gone...

aquagoat - 17-9-2009 at 19:14

Let's have a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bouncy:

BBP - 18-9-2009 at 15:54

Sure! But you'll have to bring your own booze.

BBP - 19-9-2009 at 10:33

Still battling loneliness here... don't think DED has web access there.
Went to the supermarket. Fortunately I could go early with my rounds and all, but it's half an hour cycling... and half an hour back when loaded with milk and OJ. Oh well... leek at 19 cents for 500 grams...

BBP - 21-9-2009 at 20:22

Fighting the third day of loneliness and my own cooking. Fortunately I'm not that much a picky eater...
My potato soup was great, but when it lasts 2 days, it just becomes a bit too much. And today I made something else that will last 2 days: gnocchi. We're having way too much potatoes right now.

I managed to complete the Gabriel Knight section of my website. Sort of. I hope I can still tune it up by tomorrow.

BBP - 25-9-2009 at 10:22

A traincrash happened here last night. Two freight trains crashed head-on into each other at the Barendrecht train station, and a passenger train narrowly escaped disaster when it crashed into the collision at low speed. One of the freight train drivers died of his injuries.

BBP - 27-9-2009 at 12:27

Yesterday we went to visit my grandmother for her birthday. She is 86 today. Hence my silence.

I finished knitting the larger version of the sleeveless sweater I made earlier. It's still too short. The thing about knitwear is, when you stretch it horizontally, it'll significally shrink vertically.
Hmmm. Maybe I just need fatter arms for my vest.

punknaynowned - 27-9-2009 at 16:59

whatever, if it's knit and warm and still acts like clothing, I'd wear it.
is it that big green thing I've seen pictures of?
a friend made a knit hat that started from a point, but the 'w' pattern got all wrong and the colors didn't age well...
It was her first hat and she didn't like it much, but I used it for many years. She ended up going ahead and making hats and socks and stuff for years and ended up selling many in a local market...
nice stuff, she charged $40 for a hat ten years ago...
I'm lucky for all the friends I have, but this friend I mention, I haven't seen in nearly a year.
I don't worry or fret. I know she'll be fine. She's got good socks to wear.

BBP - 28-9-2009 at 14:34

Oh yeah! My little green monster. (Little? It's nearly bigger than me!)

Yesterday my sister and I walked over to the nearby museum of modern art: Van Abbemuseum. They have a great exhibition on El Lissitzky, a Russian avant-garde architect/painter/designer.
Lissitzky made various compositions he named prouns, seemingly random compositions of shapes but on closer inspection they do appear to make sense. Some of his artworks have been recreated in 3d, like this:
Fountain of The Gravediggers.

punknaynowned - 28-9-2009 at 15:44

the zforum is so sad
there's so much stupid :swear: I can't bear to watch.
Even the politics has become so poisoned here, smart people are letting the idiots run things and nobody seems to care about FACTS!

I can't talk to people if they wont start from facts. If you want to talk about fantasy, fine. But let's start that conversation by saying something like , 'Let's just talk about nothing,' and I'd be fine with it.
But people insisting they are right and arguing tooth and nail over it and not even know the facts. And our tv news is ALL opinion, no more info unless it's NPR ... education is bad enough here.
Now, without an awareness of difference between fact and fiction, there is no way people can learn critical thinking skills.

I'm sorry, not your fault.
Not your country, not your language.
I guess I'm feeling pretty alone...

BBP - 28-9-2009 at 17:39

No... it's... I know how it feels. And the Z-forum is definitely not the only forum I'm on that suffers this. There's not much to do on the Z-forum nowadays... I sometimes add a vid on the YouTube thread that nobody watches, or tell about my day that nobody reads, or tell about a film I saw the other day... The Internet is no longer the medium of the intellectual and the geeky. It's the medium of everybody. Without Internet you can't even follow school anymore. So all the schoolkids everywhere get online... and that's where the LOLCatz come in.

punknaynowned - 28-9-2009 at 21:19

thanx B! I think you are right. Your insight that now everyone is online all the time helps me put things in perspective and try again to be more patient.

BBP - 29-9-2009 at 08:50

If you like we could start a BB vs Punky Battle Of The Wits down there...

punknaynowned - 29-9-2009 at 15:11

hahahaha I couldn't find a way to disagree that much with you and then I'd let you win ;)
great idea though!!!

I really enjoyed finding youtube clips and stringing them together, like a travelogue: end up acting like windows for travel intended to spark imagination. The people who liked them were already inclined to that sort of thing. Everybody else said, 'What are you doing? What are you trying to do?'
Maybe I should include more clips where things blow up or people make fools of themselves...

BBP - 30-9-2009 at 08:33

I've been thinking about doing stuff like that with YouTube films... not sure if I have the right means though.

BBP - 30-9-2009 at 16:04

When was the last time you did something impulsive?

For me it was last Monday. After an unsuccessful rummage at the second-hand store, I visited the supermarket in Geldrop. There were posters everywhere, announcing that this shop was taking part in a world record jigsaw laying!

When I was 15 I got into jigsaws. About three years later I halted this hobby: many of the puzzles were either too easy or too loborious (long sections of "sky", by which I mean a big chunk where all pieces look about the same and you'll have to resort to trial and error). Still I made the occasional jigsaw, particularly Graham Thompson's Wasgij series. And whenever I started one, I could indulge myself completely, staying focused for hours on end.

So... it would be right up my alley!
Unfortunately the lady at the desk to whom I gave the participation form, wasn't too sure. She didn't know if adults could take part. She asked some of her colleagues and eventually ended up calling her boss. Oh shit. Suddenly I didn't know if I still wanted to do it. Nightmare scenes of being stuck with hordes of little kids, being snickered at by their parents, solving cartoony puzzles popped into the brain.

Today was the big day! I showed up and... to my surprise...
The puzzles turned out to be a lot harder than the Albert Heijn people imagined. There was indeed a lot of sky in these jigsaws, and there wasn't even air in it! The images were printed with a resolution that was way too high, and most of the participants were indeed very young; even too young to tell the difference between a good and a bad piece. The store attendants were getting panicky: there were still three puzzle pictures left, all had huge gaps and it seemed they would not be done in time.

Bonny to the rescue! I stood bent over one of the puzzles and managed to complete it almost by myself. It took 45 minutes. After this experience I'm thinking of re-trying that Neuschwanstein puzzle I already gave up twice. It was indeed very tough. Probably the Albert Heijn people are re-thinking their marketing strategies: it was sheerly aimed at children, and many of the kids I saw were having a troublesome time there. (half an hour in: "Mom! I placed one piece!)

Anyway I made the jigsaw attending lady very happy. She gave me my puzzle diploma so I can show to everyone that I and many other kids have worked together to make the world's largest jigsaw. And I got a pack of Maltesers, a Snickers and a slice of cake, all of these are being processed right now.

punknaynowned - 30-9-2009 at 18:09

Nice story!
I took the camera out for a stroll this morning. It was bright and clear and cool.
Got a lot of video of this squirrel that kept hiding and reappearing, yelling at me and running away and reappearing. Yelling. A friend drove up and stopped in the middle of the street and asked me what I was doing. I told her. She called me a squirrel and said she has chickens if I want something else to shoot.

I can't load the video up on youtube. It's too big and I don't have the right conversion stuff.

Also I've been responding over at the zforum. It feels kinda impulsive. But no politics today.
'Just say 'No' Punky!!'

BBP - 1-10-2009 at 08:30

You may like to try Internet Video Converter. It's free and works very well!

BBP - 2-10-2009 at 08:19

Cycled over a cat on my newspaper round. He is OK, but I feel horrible.

BBP - 4-10-2009 at 14:46

Happy Animal's Day to all of you!

aquagoat - 4-10-2009 at 19:22

happy animal's day to you, BB :)

MTF - 9-10-2009 at 08:37

After dinner tonight we took our dog Sam to the park. He was playing with some other dogs, and we were talking with the owners.

I mentioned that Sam has the annoying and embarrassing habit of peeing on people's legs.

A few seconds later - almost on cue - Sam snuck up behind me and started peeing on my leg.

In honor of Animal Day, I didn't kick him to Mars. :-*


In other news, I bought tickets to see ZPZ at a local theater in December. We saw them at the same theater last March...

BBP - 9-10-2009 at 10:39

Aw great! Is that with Dream Theater?

We broke the world record jigsaw making! You can find pictures here:

This morning, the front tire of my bicycle turned out to be soft; it probably caught some glass. Ever since they re-divided the quarters last week (I gained and lost a little, but gained more than I lost. Reminds me of my weight.) I deliver at a large number of student residences. You can easily tell them apart by the vast amount of bicycle wrecks in front of the door. And the broken glassware.

So I had to quickly move my bag onto my father's bike, which is a little too high. Riding it is not very... ahem... comfortable.
Ugh... one of those days. I need to repair that tire. And instead I do the worst thing I could: I started on a new jigsaw. :duh:

MTF - 9-10-2009 at 11:50

It's quarter to four in the morning. You might ask: what am I doing up at this hour?

About half an hour ago, Mrs. Flycoon got up and let Sam out. He was met at the bottom of the stairs by a skunk. He got it right in the face.

So we spent most of the past half hour washing the dog with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Once again, Praise The Lard for the hot-and-cold shower we installed in the backyard.

Unfortunately, now the whole house smells like burning tires...

BBP - 10-10-2009 at 14:47

Doesn't the stench go away with tomato sauce? It worked on MythBusters.

Hope you're OK... I experience every day how much it sucks if you get up too early. Especially this morning, Saturday with rain. Bhag.

Yesterday I managed to add 6 disks to my CD-I collection. There's something about me and cult, so it seems. :)

MTF - 10-10-2009 at 20:38

I'm sure tomato juice works fine, but there's one problem: anything you put on a dog will end up getting sprayed all over the place when the dog decides to shake. And unless you really like that decorated-by-Charlie-Manson look, it's probably best not to put anything red on your dog.

Fortunately, this time Sam didn't get it directly in the snoot. Something in his little lizard brain may have remembered the last time he got skunked, or maybe this skunk just didn't have very good aim. Most of the spray appears to have landed clear of the dog, which is very good indeed. That new skunk smell dissipates much more quickly from your yard than from your dog...

BBP - 11-10-2009 at 11:29

:roll: There you have it, I don't know my dogs.

Haaa.... slept late... had breakfast... Life is good sometimes....

polydigm - 11-10-2009 at 21:05

Originally posted by scallopino on 2-4-08: I had officially my worst public transport experience ever, which is saying a lot. After waiting 40 minutes for a train from Clayton where my university is, one finally came but said on it (instead of its destination) "Data Version 8.1". The station master had no idea where this train was going. I got on it anyway. The driver made no announcement and all passengers didn't know where it was going either. It was the MYSTERY TRAIN.

I'm just realised i'm too tired to relate the rest of this story. Sorry...

Did you ever finish telling this story?

BBP - 14-10-2009 at 07:09

He didn't. Scallop hasn't been here in a while either... hope he's OK...

My best friend had his birthday yesterday. Tried to call him three times but I couldn't hook up. You think he lost his mobile?

polydigm - 14-10-2009 at 22:48

It's funny how things can change. A few months ago there was a period when I almost stopped visiting the Zappa Forum. If it went off the air back then for two days I wouldn't even have noticed. Anyway, I'm visiting regularly again and when it went off the air last weekend I was very glad you were still here.

BBP - 15-10-2009 at 12:25

Yeah. I don't think I've posted on there in the past few days though.

Today I'm unfortunately sickly. My newspaperround was like hell. Didn't feel like making breakfast so I just had a cup of instant soup, sorta read the paper, took a shower and slept till noon. I'm still a little feverish now...

BBP - 16-10-2009 at 08:47

Feeling a little better, although I didn't get much sleep this night either: my friend called me at 11PM. We chatted for half an hour, but I was so sleepy I initially went over to my alarm clock to switch it off when the phone rang.

BBP - 16-10-2009 at 16:03

Kinda sad to see that the last 500 new members on this board have all been spammers. We've had around 1350 members now and only 80 of those are real. {sigh}... I need another promotion campaign.

DED - 17-10-2009 at 12:51

Originally posted by BBP
Kinda sad to see that the last 500 new members on this board have all been spammers. We've had around 1350 members now and only 80 of those are real. {sigh}... I need another promotion campaign.

Sorry that I am so little present at least seems to be, but bbp is logged in forever. I need to start another browser or log her off. But I don't know for sure if she still remembers the admin password. :P

polydigm - 18-10-2009 at 12:50

Sorry to hear about you being ill Bonny. I've just been away for three days and had no access to the internet. I hope you're feeling better now.

BBP - 18-10-2009 at 17:02

I'm improving! Hope it'll blow over soon, because it's horrible when I'm at work.

Today though I finally finished that Hitchcock jigsaw.
It's... odd. You have to read the story in the manual first: a psychiatrist has disappeared. At the crime scene there are various props from Hitchcock films. There are three suspects who all adore one of Hitchcock's movies.
You have to lay the picture of the crime scene, which is in black and white. And then you have to try to solve the case.

Naturally I failed at solving the case (I only knew Psycho, still need to watch Birds and Frenzy), but I'm happy I finally finished the puzzle.

BBP - 20-10-2009 at 09:18

It's one of those days again. I still have a cold, my bicycle broke down on my newspaper round (I could still cycle on it but it needs new pedals, and they're a nightmare to repair. We tried it before and broke many drills in the process). And I stepped in some dog do.

punknaynowned - 20-10-2009 at 11:04

It's not fun, but it seems we need days like that to learn to appreciate the 'good' days more.

BBP - 20-10-2009 at 16:50

Oh yeah. And I had a great day two days ago when I solved that jigsaw and watched Epke Zonderland take silver.

Anyway, I checked upon my pedal. It definitely needs to be removed: a piece of iron has broken off it and it won't be long until it falls off altogether.
The pedals are firmly stuck and they are attached by Allen (or hex) screws in awkward and hard to reach places. I did try to loosen the one, but well, that bicycle is well over twenty years old and the screws are so rust shut I couldn't figure out which way to turn it. Lubrication didn't help either.
(As it turns out, the left pedal (which I was working on) needs to be spun in opposite direction: normally you'd turn anti-clockwise to loosen, but on the left pedal it's clockwise, otherwise you'd unscrew the pedal while cycling. I didn't know that and spent quite some time not-spinning it in the wrong direction.)

Cleaning my show sure was easier, although gross (and naturally the poop was on the left shoe, and it was the left pedal that broke, so my attempt at un-screwing it was even more appalling).

punknaynowned - 20-10-2009 at 18:03

You call them Allen screws too!!!

But I think it is the direction that you face the screw that matters ...
but of course, it is not in front of me, so I can't tell!

show is what gets put on in a theater
shoe is what gets put on your foot :roll:
Good on you I say!! You made me realize another instance where English is just wrong and inconsistent!
A shoe that goes on your foot, SHOULD be pronounced 'shew' to our pronunciation as far as how it sounds to english speakers. But show sounds like a simple 'sho'. But English would normally put a silent 'e' after 'o' to make it sound long, except not in that case. Inconssitent.

I just spent an hour giving a solution to the Afghan war and the American political 'quagmire' that the left is stuck with here.
It answers the question, 'Who Needs The Peace Corp?'
You know, for the US to say, 'Woah! Look at the time! We have to be out of here, half past 2011 and we want you to be able to take care of yourselves. So we'll help you figger that out, but, we gotta go!'
We get them to do what we AND they don't want us to do and we can say we did our best at cleaning up the mess the Bushies gave us.
Anyway pretty proud of myself.

What's the weather like there? At least it didn't rain?

[Edited on 20-10-09 by punknaynowned]

MTF - 20-10-2009 at 19:20

A woman who works for my wife was just diagnosed with the swine flu.

polydigm - 21-10-2009 at 13:03

Jesus Bonny, that day your describing there was a real stinker!! :roll:

To be serious though, I feel for you, having some kind of bug makes things like that seem so much worse. I hope you're feeling better soon. A mate of mine is just getting over a prolonged bout of flu that ended up requiring asthma medicine to cope with, even though he's not an asthmatic. I'm considering getting flu shots, I've never tried them before.

BBP - 21-10-2009 at 13:21

No, we call them Inbus screws. Inbus is an acronym for Innensechskantschraube Bauer und Schaurte. Innensechskantschraube is that beautiful German habit of sticking adjectives to nouns, in this case translates loosely to inside six side screw, and Bauer und Schaurte is the company that invented them in 1931.
Yeah Punk, you're right. Normally whenever you face a screw it should turn clockwise to tighten. But on the left pedal you should turn it anti-clockwise to tighten. The wire is in reverse. That's because, otherwise if you'd have a regular screw, you'd un-screw it while cycling. And that's a bad idea.

Gosh I'm learning so much about bicycles. I've missed my call.

Yeah Poly flu shots may be a great idea! Flu is something that will completely incapacitate you once you acquire it. I just have a bad cold now, but the last time I had influenza it struck me twice in the same month, couldn't process food for days, lost a lot of energy. Flu is BAD.

Hope your missus stays clear from the flu, MTF...

BBP - 23-10-2009 at 07:36

Walked in vain to the bicycle repair office. I genuinely thought the sign said they were open until 8 on Thursday and Friday, but when I arrived after 6 they were closed. Mis-read. :freak:

punknaynowned - 23-10-2009 at 10:38

I never want some things from some stores until they are closed.
Like the thing with the left pedal nut.
i don't remember that and that bothers me. I keep wanting to rationalize it away and say, 'Oh, they do that in europe, but not over here', or 'My bike was probably made in Asia and with a different standardization or prioritization of methods in manufacture, with the pedals and screws being the same.' or something like that.
One of these days i will find my set of Inbus wrenches and find out myself. Meanwhile I want what I haven't got and can't remember what's right.

"Dreaming is hard without anything over your head."
Just awoke from a dream where I was at a marvelous party at a typical American restaurant, like a Denny's or IHOP with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while. As is usual I got distracted or went out to get something and got distracted and when I came back all my friends were gone. Missed them! Maybe they ditched me. The thought did cross my mind though that they wouldn't get far before they realized I was gone. But then I rolled over and woke myself up.

BBP - 23-10-2009 at 13:46

You know I very often dream I go into a CD-store that's having execution sale, and all the albums you REALLY want are there and dead cheap, so you buy a shiplad of CDs... and then I wake up and don't have any of them.:pissed:

Just picked up my bicycle! It's a bit odd because the pedals aren't shaped like feet anymore, but they twist very well! The one pedal on the right kept making a clicking noise, and that's gone too now!
Repair was dead cheap too, only 12,50 E. That's little compared to what we had to do to remove the pedals off my sister's bicycle oh so many years ago.
It was about 12 years ago, still in our old house. I had to hold back the bike as Dad was violently hitting the Allen screwdrivers with a hammer. As there was no progress and he broke all the Allen screwdrivers we had that size, he proceeded to drill out the screw. And he broke a drill. I was holding that bike and that was effin creepy, especially with Dad getting more and more frustrated.

punknaynowned - 23-10-2009 at 15:07

I guess you would remember it then since it was so difficult!

Much of this summer/fall I have been moving things in dreams, from one place to another. The item itself isn't consistent, but my emotional/symbolic importance is what seems important. The thing can be a book or a key or anything but it it is what I associate the item with in my memory ... that picks up again in the next or later dream. I'll spend a bunch of dreams trying to find this particular thing and then find out it is not a book or whatever I am looking for it is another item but it will *feel* the same and so I'll know that's it.
WHY I felt so driven to move things around? I have no idea except that it mimics what I do for work. Everything has a place to go.

BBP - 23-10-2009 at 20:25

Oh that's probably it. I have had so many dreams where I went to college or school or newspaper round... It's horrible if your dreams mimick what you do in real life, you just don't rest!

I'm discovering the joys of the Wayback machine!

BBP - 24-10-2009 at 10:42

When we returned from the supermarket, we discovered a suspicious noise coming from the front left car tire. A bolt had magically bored itself into the tire. So we went to the garage.
Amazing. It takes less time to fix a car tire than a bicycle tire.

punknaynowned - 25-10-2009 at 06:33

Originally posted by BBP
Oh that's probably it. I have had so many dreams where I went to college or school or newspaper round... It's horrible if your dreams mimick what you do in real life, you just don't rest!

I'm discovering the joys of the Wayback machine!

the way I understand it's not horrible but necessary...
our subconscioius has to process all we do and go through but according to IT'S own priorities. So we do all these things IN OUR DREAMS to 'unwind' and sort out all the things we do and think thru the day. Because if we don't get proper dream time or as some call it REM time, we get grumpy, clumsy, more easily disoriented thru the day when we are suposed to be awake.
Really, plus
MTF or Dr Noomie might have more detailed info about this...

BBP - 25-10-2009 at 20:27

Maybe I'm walking in my sleep again. Sometimes I get spasms when I'm asleep and they wake me up. It's creepy. Usually it's my right arm moving on its own.

BBP - 26-10-2009 at 08:18

Yesterday's flea market gave me a black eye. Some dopey had this wooden clown on a wooden parachute hanging next to his table. It hung over the aisle. My father was walking ahead of me and caused the clown to be lifted along, giving it enough momentum to swing back hard into my eye.

I definitely ran out of patience there. Geez.

punknaynowned - 26-10-2009 at 14:05

"Safety First!"

Did you poke the puppet in the eye?:-P

BBP - 26-10-2009 at 18:31

I pulled it off and threw it on the market stand of its owner. My eye is mildly black now.

Bought a guitar today! I'll post pics of it later.

BBP - 27-10-2009 at 13:41

Seems like the spammers have emerged from their slumber... leading me to believe that they're just some punk kids trying to earn a buck with it.

BBP - 28-10-2009 at 11:43

There's this creepy guy on YouTube PM-ing me. I think he has more interests than my videos.

Speaking of which: I got a friendly e-mail from my ex-boyfriend. He hasn't contacted me in two years! :puzzled:

Edit: So I made an appointment to meet him tomorrow! Kinda bizzarre how quickly that went. I'm very shaky!

[Edited on 28-10-09 by BBP]

MTF - 29-10-2009 at 07:55

I will now predict the future: :singer:

Tomorrow, my neighbor will have a baby. It will be a boy.

BBP - 29-10-2009 at 07:59

Ah! Caesarian then? Sounds great, although I hope you don't share a wall, that's usually inconvenient.

Well, I'm up for a big adventure today, meeting my ex...

BBP - 4-11-2009 at 17:18

Broke a pan lid. Damn. I'm a klutz.

BBP - 6-11-2009 at 08:47

Yesterday I went to visit my blind friend. It was great! She cooked for me (spaghetti). It's always interesting to get a glimpse of the troubles she faces every day. For instance, she couldn't find her oven gloves. I helped in her search, but they couldn't be found anywhere. So she had to phone her cleaning lady.

BBP - 12-11-2009 at 19:01

Scrubbed the toilets. Blegh.

Dad and I will be visiting the GLOW festival today. Photos coming up!

MTF - 16-11-2009 at 08:23

I finally got fed up with Windows Vista. So tonight I ordered Windows 7.

If it just doesn't suck as bad, I'll be happy...

BBP - 16-11-2009 at 10:16

Oh, I've heard lots of positive things about 7 from one of the testers I know... It can never be as bad, can it? I mean, when I started up the PC and it took 10 and a half hours...:umm:

On Saturday Dad and I visited GLOW Eindhoven again. It was a bit of a downer, there were sections where we walked quite a distance to watch a few spotlights in the water. But there was another show we caught, called Glisssando. A group of 9 (1 female), dressed as monks, with a hat on fire and standing on some segway-thing below their costumes, playing music (like Philip Glass and Steve Reich). Their show took half an hour and we were waiting for 20 minutes... but the crowd! Man it was huge! I did have a place at the front but the videos I made don´t look so good. Maybe I´ll upload the best one (and that one is still pathetic).

We also salvaged my Yma Sumac CD from the player. In the process, I had to unplug the device, and in doing so I scratched my head on a stump of the nearby palm. I now have a highly unaesthetic scratch over my right eyebrow.

Huck_Phlem - 17-11-2009 at 18:33

If it took 10-1/2 hours to boot up then there has got to be a problem with the computer. You would need to re-install the original software I think. at least that is how it works on Mac's. (each computer comes with restore cd's) That is why I have not been able to come on here because my laptop needs the disc one of two of the restore cd's. I am waiting till one shows up on ebay.

BBP - 17-11-2009 at 20:29

The Automatic Updates were on. At the time, whenever we installed a new update, there'd be a newer one online the next day. Usually we skipped all that and switched off the AU.
It had suddenly started off by itself. What exactly it was doing? We'll never know. The PC was usable to some extent but most of the CPU was sucked up by whatever it was working on.

It's working OK now... except for our ATI Radeon graphic card which gives me a BSoD whenever I've played Gabriel Knight 3.

MTF - 19-11-2009 at 10:20

I received the Windows 7 disc today. Spent much of the afternoon installing it.

So far, so good.

Goodbye, Vista...

BBP - 19-11-2009 at 16:02

Please MT, tell us all about your findings!

Today I scrubbed the bathroom and dropped a bottle of bath salt. You know, one of those pretty ones that stood idle for years because it looked too nice to use.

MTF - 22-11-2009 at 09:39

I finally figured out why my computer was locking up occasionally. It was my video card. Now I don't live in constant fear of crashes. Hooray...

Windows 7 is indeed better than Vista. The taskbar has some nice improvements, such as letting you move a window to the front temporarily just by moving the mouse over the window's icon. Explorer still has some problems, like not refreshing file lists when it should. And I also had some trouble getting Windows to recognize all three of my USB drives. I had to uninstall the drivers to get Plug and Play to work.

Windows 7 is definitely worth the $85 it cost me (most places sell it for $120) and the half a day it took to install it.

BBP - 22-11-2009 at 12:53

That's great! We've considered a downgrade for quite a while. Well, you know... anything's better than Vista! I've spewed my hatred of it on various forums. I even wrote a letter to our newspaper when they wrote that a PC should start up in 2 minutes (ours takes 5 on a good day).

BBP - 24-11-2009 at 19:38

Baked speculaas today. It tastes great! Somehow though I think it won't last until the end of the week.

MTF - 25-11-2009 at 00:50

Today I bought some tickets, so now I have tickets to see three upcoming shows; all at the same theater.We have:

Zappa Plays Zappa on December 2nd
The White Album Ensemble on December 29th
The Residents on January 23rd

The White Album Ensemble is a rotating group of local musicians who do a show every Christmas where they play one or two Beatles albums in their entirety. They originally formed specifically to play The White Album. This will be the first time they've played it in four or five years (last year they did Abbey Road and Let It Be).

I have to go to the Residents' show all by myself. The rest of my family hates them (Mrs. Flycoon says she still has bad dreams about the Bunny Boy). But my sixteen-year-old daughter is going with me to see ZPZ, so all is not lost...

Huck_Phlem - 25-11-2009 at 01:50

Where is ZPZ playing? You're down in Santa Cruz aren't you? I am making Irish Soda Bread right now. yummm!

MTF - 25-11-2009 at 03:24

Originally posted by Huck_Phlem
Where is ZPZ playing? You're down in Santa Cruz aren't you?

It's about three blocks from our house

Huck_Phlem - 25-11-2009 at 08:53

I wish Estradasphere would open for them!

BBP - 25-11-2009 at 09:47

Looks neat MT!

Huck_Phlem - 27-11-2009 at 05:47

I tried to cook with philo dough. I made an apple thing with pie filling and it was a bit soggy in the very middle but I think it's really good. Next Time I think I'll bring the temp up to 425F and then see how it works out.

I want to try to make Baklava. mmmmm

BBP - 27-11-2009 at 09:00

Had a hard time getting up (some asshole lit fireworks last night, and the storms outside...) this morning. Discovered my coat was still wet from yesterday's visit to the town centre (I got myself a nose flute), so I had to wear my extra-thick winter coat without hood. It was a bit too warm.

Made my way to the delivery station, where I had to fold 60 extra sections into 60 newspapers. Ugh.

My bag became loaded, and as a result, bound too tight so it was troublesome getting out the newspapers.

Early on in the round, my bicycle fell over. This caused the front mudguard to get too close to the wheel. I tried to kick it back, but it took me quite some time before it was out of the way. Time I didn't have, so I tried to fix this issue whilst delivering newspapers. Because the tire got rubbed against the mudguard, it gave so much friction it was very heavy to get forward.

And at the halfway point, it started to rain. One of those days...

punknaynowned - 27-11-2009 at 12:25

I always hated that:umm:

BBP - 27-11-2009 at 18:52

punknaynowned - 27-11-2009 at 21:45

that's pretty!
what is it?
almond pizza?
I am feeling like a dumb tourist today
forgive me

BBP - 28-11-2009 at 14:38

Gevulde speculaas.

Speculaas refers to all cookies with a certain spice mix (although there are probably countless varieties):
15 gr of cinnamon
2 gr of ground cloves
2 gr of ground nutmeg
1 gr of white pepper
1 gr of powdered ginger
1/2 gr of cardamom

This way of preparation gives a soft, sweet & spicy kind of cake. It's stuffed with almond paste.
To be edited to contain full recipe:

punknaynowned - 28-11-2009 at 15:16

Cake! it looks maybe 25cm across
I thought at first they were almonds
though I suppose they could be roasted sesames on a cookie size...
but no, and hot-spicy too!
Speculaas, that's an interesting word. We have speculate in english as a verb. I also remember it being related through misuse to scapula but in Latinized languages.

BBP - 28-11-2009 at 16:38

Recipe for gevulde speculaas:
200 gr of flour/baking powder mix (couldn't find Eng. transl)
125 gr of brown sugar
2 tablesp. of the spice mix described above
150 gr of unsalted butter
2 tablesp of milk
2 eggs
300 gr of almond paste
55 gr of almonds (to decorate it)

Grab your sieve.
Siefe the flour+baking powder, the sugar, the spices and a dash of salt into a mixing bowl.
Cut the butter into small pieces and put them in the bowl.
Add the milk.
Knead until you have a smooth dough, then roll it into a ball.
Wrap the ball in plastic foil and put it in the fridge for an hour.

Beat the eggs with 1 tablespoon of water in a bowl.
Take the almond paste and another bowl. Break the paste into small pieces and put these in the bowl. Add half of the beaten egg. Mix with a fork until you can smear it.

Preheat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius
Take out the baking sheet before it's hot in there. Make sure there's a free space in the middle of the oven for it.
Cover the baking sheet with waxed paper.
Strew flour over your workspace and rolling pin (to prevent the dough from sticking too much. This is a necessity.)
Divide the doughball into 2 equal parts.
Roll them both into sheets of 15*30 cm.
Put one sheet on the baking sheet.
Spread the almond paste over it. Make sure you leave a small border around the paste layer.
Put the other sheet on top. Press the sides of the sheets together.
Smear the remainder of the egg over the dough. Decorate it with almonds. Put the baking sheet in the middle of the oven.

The speculaas will be ready in 40 to 45 minutes. Take it out and let it cool.

Huck_Phlem - 28-11-2009 at 21:47

wow I thought it was confinement loaf.

Hey I got my laptop fixed!!!!! Whoooooo Hooooooo! Plus I got an antenna and digital converter so my kids can watch the boob tube but the only thing that comes in on a regular basis is the Mexican chanels. hahahaha

MTF - 29-11-2009 at 03:17

Watch out: my daughter got her driver's license on Wednesday.

We went to Lake Tahoe for Thanksgiving, so she got to learn how to drive in the snow. So far, she's turning out to be a better driver than Tiger Woods.

(but Tiger's a better putter)...

BBP - 29-11-2009 at 12:06

:bald: Congratz on your daughter MT!

Huck_Phlem - 29-11-2009 at 18:20

Originally posted by MTF
Watch out: my daughter got her driver's license on Wednesday.

We went to Lake Tahoe for Thanksgiving, so she got to learn how to drive in the snow. So far, she's turning out to be a better driver than Tiger Woods.

(but Tiger's a better putter)...

Where did you eat?

MTF - 30-11-2009 at 08:07

Originally posted by Huck_Phlem
Where did you eat?

The Sunnyside Inn in West Lake. It was rather expensive, but quite pleasant...

BBP - 30-11-2009 at 09:12

This friendly guy came over to clean out our household ventilation system. He was impressed my my father's tape recorder collection and he had a go on the pinball table. And we got new ventilations everywhere. Our toilets are a lot noisier now but I assume that it's for the benefit of all of us.

Huck_Phlem - 1-12-2009 at 08:54

Westlake is nice!

punknaynowned - 1-12-2009 at 10:56

B, I obviously don't live over there and so feel I can't comment, but I do feel you are 100% correct about the nationalist agitation. It is a vicious cycle that feeds and gets bigger on ignorance and starts with the individual and how they think about things.
Of course, amazingly, you said it better than I could in other than your native language!
>hats off<

BBP - 1-12-2009 at 19:30

Thanks! I can't believe how anyone could believe PVV. It... it boggles the mind, you know... Gosh. I truly hate the Zappa forum right now. Nothing sensible in weeks. I spend more time on my own forum even without counting the daily spam chuck.

polydigm - 1-12-2009 at 21:50

I've just been checking my post history. Did I really not come here between September 06 and March 08? That's almost a year and a half. I was under the impression back in September 06 that you were closing down the Goose, maybe that's why I stopped coming for a while - I can't remember.

Anyway, my news is that after an up and down year of work with pieced together contracts, teaching some really painful classes, I've finally got myself a contract for the whole of next year in a college where I really want to be with my ideal part time fraction of 0.6, teaching three Physics classes. These are international fee paying students, all in their late teens, and they're all there to do the work. It's called foundation studies - it's like a final year high school course to prepare students for university. Okay some of them have typical teenage attitudes but you don't get any of the discipline problems like in a regular high school.

MTF - 2-12-2009 at 07:00

Teaching three Physics classes only brings you up to 60% of full-time? Holy moley. Unless you're just lecturing straight out of the textbook, that sounds like a full-time job to me.

Does that include grading tests and homework?

BBP - 2-12-2009 at 09:22

Wow Poly! That's great news!

You were indeed away for a long time... in '07 things were so bad with the Goose that we only had one regular visitor outside DED and me; namely Scallopino, who I presume is busy now. I was indeed very close to shutting it down, but my father wouldn't hear of it. And now I'm real glad for it!
I have something up my sleeve for Zappadan, btw. But I'll post a newsletter and drop a word on about it.

polydigm - 2-12-2009 at 20:59

Originally posted by MTF: Teaching three Physics classes only brings you up to 60% of full-time? Holy moley. Unless you're just lecturing straight out of the textbook, that sounds like a full-time job to me. Does that include grading tests and homework?
Full time is 20 contact hours out of 38 per week. Each main subject has four contact hours including lectures, labs and tutorials. You do your marking and prep in the non contact hours. For me it's 12 contact hours and 10.8 hours prep time and, remember that I'm doing exactly the same thing in each of those three classes.

The only down side to the job is that it's an american owned school and comes with matching working conditions, like you only get a 47 week contract so they don't have to pay for your holidays at the end of the year. Mind you, the salary is higher than in the state school system, so I end up with a little less but not by much for a far more preferable job.

MTF - 3-12-2009 at 09:01

I saw Zappa Plays Zappa tonight. It was the last show of their tour. They played for almost three hours.

I'm trying to upload a scan of the setlist to my Photobucket account, but they're doing some site maintenance right now. I'll try again later...

Okay, it should work now:

People kept yelling for Inca Roads throughout the show. Dweezil finally gave in at the beginning of the encore.

[Edited on 12/3/2009 by MTF]

BBP - 3-12-2009 at 15:55

How was it? How was it?

BBP - 4-12-2009 at 08:55

Voted for Frank in the annual Top 2000.

polydigm - 4-12-2009 at 09:30

I've been teaching myself to play alto sax for 3 weeks now and during this last week I've had a go at two Zappa tunes. I'm still working on We Are Not Alone, but here's a link to a YouTube video of me playing Eat That Question.

[Edited on 4-12-09 by polydigm]

BBP - 4-12-2009 at 21:10

Very cool Poly!
Can I call you Zoot now?

[Edited on 4-12-09 by BBP]

MTF - 4-12-2009 at 21:46

Originally posted by BBPCan I call you Zoot now?

Just don't call him Scheila...

polydigm - 4-12-2009 at 22:12

Originally posted by MTF: Just don't call him Scheila...
Of course, there's no comparison, she's left handed. :rolleyes:

MTF - 5-12-2009 at 01:58

Originally posted by polydigmOf course, there's no comparison, she's left handed. :rolleyes:

That means she's right handed in the Southern Hemisphere, right?


Calvin - 5-12-2009 at 05:21

Originally posted by polydigm
I've been teaching myself to play alto sax for 3 weeks now and during this last week I've had a go at two Zappa tunes. I'm still working on We Are Not Alone, but here's a link to a YouTube video of me playing Eat That Question.

[Edited on 4-12-09 by polydigm]

John Coltrane was a poser.

polydigm - 5-12-2009 at 08:30

Originally posted by MTF:
Originally posted by polydigmOf course, there's no comparison, she's left handed. :rolleyes:
That means she's right handed in the Southern Hemisphere, right? Right?
I think you may have that front to back, or is it down side up? :rolleyes:

polydigm - 5-12-2009 at 08:32

Originally posted by Calvin: John Coltrane was a poser.
What can you do with a guy like that?

BBP - 5-12-2009 at 11:00

Marry him?

Huck_Phlem - 5-12-2009 at 21:17

Originally posted by MTF
Originally posted by polydigmOf course, there's no comparison, she's left handed. :rolleyes:

That means she's right handed in the Southern Hemisphere, right?



polydigm - 5-12-2009 at 22:44

Originally posted by BBP: Marry him?
Yeah, and the sax would be great. :freak:

MTF - 6-12-2009 at 09:32


BBP - 7-12-2009 at 13:02

Had my ol-time friend of 12 years come to visit. He chatted a lot with my sister. Hmmm...

I baked more gevulde speculaas becasue of St Nicholas on the 5th. Yesterday there was still quite a lot left, but today I can't find any at all. Hmmmm...

polydigm - 7-12-2009 at 20:44

Isn't it funny how you can be sitting around minding your own business and a phone call out of the blue changes everything? Well, now it seems I have 1 continuing physics class starting second semester (the college does mid year intakes), 1 new physics class and 1 new maths methods class starting first semester. So, all of a sudden, I have three sets of preparation. I don't mind though, it keeps things interesting.

BBP - 7-12-2009 at 21:49

Yes! Same goes for e-mails too!

aquagoat - 8-12-2009 at 20:23

Just bought that:

I should get it in a few days.:bouncy::bouncing::roll::roll::bouncing::bouncy:

[Edited on 8-12-2009 by aquagoat]

polydigm - 8-12-2009 at 22:13

Hey Aqua, that's one sexy guitar. I wouldn't mind being able to afford to add to my collection of guitars, but I can't complain about what I've got.

punknaynowned - 9-12-2009 at 09:11

I've been listening to spring'73 shows for the last week:
2 March Tampa, FL
7 March Columbus, OH
11 March Arlington, TX
8 May Boston, MA
9 May Passaic, NJ
XX May Toronto

They sound the best of the tapes I have
typical setlists include
RDNZL, Dog-Meat
Inca Roads
Cosmik Debris
Dupree's Paradise

other things that show up at least once in these
Big Swifty
Uncle Remus
Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?
Yellow Snow Suite
Farther O'Blivion (a la Imaginary Diseases)
Green Genes-King Kong- Chunga's Revenge - Green Genes
as the typical show closer
really great!!!

punknaynowned - 9-12-2009 at 09:13

oh wow! That is a beautiful guitar Aqua!!!!

BBP - 9-12-2009 at 09:52

Very cool Aqua! Congratulations!

aquagoat - 9-12-2009 at 18:27

thank you all. :)

MTF - 9-12-2009 at 19:02

Sweet guitar.

I was going to mention that it looks like the model that Brian Setzer plays, but then I zoomed in on the picture and I realized why it looks like the model Brian Setzer plays...

BBP - 10-12-2009 at 10:27

Hey MT! Check out the joke thread for a lot more of those on an external link. Some are brilliant!

Had a little too much rain this morning... nothing Zappadan won't cure! I'm proud to say Zappa's back in my life full-scale and I'm enjoying every second!

Huck_Phlem - 11-12-2009 at 06:14

I joined the Dweezil zappa world. I think it's a pretty cool site. I am interested to see him do things away from Gail.

BBP - 11-12-2009 at 10:25

I thought that site looked incredibly ugly and I don't think I'll be joining another community for a while. I have 5 running now!

BBP - 11-12-2009 at 14:29

Well... tomorrow I'll be guiding a number of blind people through a theme park... hope that it doesn't too much collide with my Zappadan. But I'm looking forward to it, even though it's a lot of work.

aquagoat - 11-12-2009 at 21:46

received my new guitar today, too happy, photos tomorrow. :)

aquagoat - 12-12-2009 at 12:23

here it is:

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

punknaynowned - 12-12-2009 at 19:22

what a beauty!!!
can I ask how much??

BBP - 12-12-2009 at 21:57

Dice! Fantastic! Congratulations Aqua! It's a beauty!

Went to the Efteling agin this time with a group of blind people. My sister, myself and a third person were the sighty ones, and there were 10 visually impaired. It was a lot of fun, but it was very exhausting! I didn't make many photos but I'll upload them all the same!

aquagoat - 13-12-2009 at 12:53

Originally posted by punknaynowned
what a beauty!!!
can I ask how much??
3200€ which is about 4676$. which is expensive due to custom taxes etc, etc, but i don't care, it's worth it.

BBP - 13-12-2009 at 13:07

:shocked: So, when can we hear you play it?

aquagoat - 13-12-2009 at 14:03

when I've got my amp home, or perhaps I'll ask someone to lend me his.

BBP - 14-12-2009 at 12:15

Frost is coming up here! Brrrr...

BBP - 16-12-2009 at 12:07

BBP 2009

Family drama: Granny's hospitalization
Family joy: breaking off contact with my mother
Friend drama: death of long-time acquaintance's son (he was 20)
Friend joy: NYE party at my blind friend's house. CHAOS!!
Love life joy: being reunited with my sweetheart!

Top purchase: tubular bells
Worst purchase: 4 Dogs Playing Poke 'r DVD
Best present: Duckman seasons 3 & 4 DVD box
Worst present: 4 Dogs Playing Poke 'r DVD. I'd just bought that, watched the first twenty minutes and complained for the next hour to the donator how bad it was.

Best movie I've seen: ties between La Cage Aux Folles, Tales from Earthsea, Fanfare, Glas, 200 Motels, Rocky Horror and Clue.
Worst movie I've seen: 4 dogs playing poke 'r

Best music moment: ZPZ in De Effenaar!
Worst music moment: standing in the toy store carrying 2 packs of clay, then putting them down ASAP and running out because some moron put Spears on.
Best CD I bought: collected works of Yma Sumac
Worst CD I bought: something by Sigur Ros.

Biggest pat-yourself-on-the-back moment: identifying a painting that left dozens of others looking for it for months in vain.
Biggest head-thud moment: a 78-year old, tipsy driver tried to fake in my father at a gas station, when there wasn't enough room, causing a large scratch on dad's car door. The guy, in pajamas and cosy little footies, maintained unsuccessfully that it wasn't his fault.
Biggest find: 120 euros on my newspaper round.
Best impulse action: taking part in the World Record Attempt Jigsaw Making. We got it!

Small Moment Of joy: Watching Epke Zonderland take silver medal at the world championships on the bar.

Worst Bonny moment: getting lost in my home town of 25 years.
Worst I-Want-To-Die moment: having to re-tune our computer TV... right after the passing of Michael Jackson, so I had to listen to him all the time...
Biggest Technical Drama: death of my mega hard-disk on my old Win 98

aquagoat - 17-12-2009 at 12:39

hum, that was quite a year, especially with those 4 Dogs Playing Poke 'r. :-D

polydigm - 17-12-2009 at 12:40

Great stuff Bonny you're on quite a marathon there.

BBP - 17-12-2009 at 14:04


Another small moment of joy came yesterday. I took part in the Dutch National Dictation, at home in front of the telly.
Het Groot Dictee Der Nederlandse Taal is an event that takes place between St Nicholas and Christmas every year. Two newspapers in The Netherlands and Flanders write out a spelling quiz, and the 10 best Flemish and 20 best Dutch, along with 10 famous Belgians and 20 famous Dutchmen, take part in the finals.
A famous author (this year: Gerrit Komrij. He translated Cats into Dutch) writes a very difficult dictation especially for this final. It's held in the Dutch senate, read by famous newsanchors Martine Tanghe and Philip Freriks, and shown on both Belgian and Dutch national television.
It's very popular, this year was the 20th edition. The dictation was of mediocre difficulty compared to the rest, with an average of 29 errors in the final.
I've always been on the good side of the average. Last year it was close, with 28 when the average was 29, but I've scored 12 errors on three occasions and on one easier dictation I scored 7.
This year, I had 14.
The winner had 7, and came from Eindhoven too. Usually it's the Belgians who win.

To illustrate how difficult Dutch spelling is (it changes every 5 years), here's an example from this year's dictation:
...zij sprenkelde eau de cologne uit de eau-de-colognefles... No hyphen in the noun eau de cologne, but when it refers to the bottle, it DOES use hyphens. I had this one correct btw. One of my errors was that jezusfreaks (Jesusfreaks) does not spell with a capital.

BBP - 18-12-2009 at 17:13

My Frank-N-Feather remake:

I like him! He has this neat expression!

Batchain - 19-12-2009 at 02:52

Worst moment of late: Being talked out of going somewhere (A club.) because, "You really won't like it there, I'm going with all friends you don't know and they don't warm up to people they don't know, especially an older dude in his 40s (One of them is 42!) and, besides, you'd hate the band that's playing. So you'd be mainly by yourself all night. It would be a shitty night for you.
But I was thinking, after closing most don't just want to go home so I was going to have everybody come here but with my mom still going through all her depression it wouldn't be right to stress her out having my friends come here. So, I was thinking that if I kept mentioning you and talked you up to them we could come back to your place and chill. You've got five rooms so that's really cool! Does that sound OK to you?"

And worse? Yes. The "contest" he won to have a "3 hour VIP Freebie" at was at the same club I brought him to at my expense -- no cover for either of us because I knew the band -- but somehow (I still just can't fucking figure out how!) he made sure I had no idea there was any contest going on at all. Well, $30 each way by cab and just under $40 in overpriced drinks. 22 hours to go and I ain't! I can't imagine the titanium balls on him being huge enough to call and ask, "Can we come over to your place? The club just shut its doors. But if there's a complete asshole who could and would he's the one!

--Bat :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

BBP - 19-12-2009 at 14:25

(Hugs Bat)

Huck_Phlem - 19-12-2009 at 19:54

13 months later still no fucking child support! Now the county has fucked it up!

BBP - 19-12-2009 at 22:24

(hugs Huck)

Huck_Phlem - 20-12-2009 at 04:09

I was supposed to be paid on the 1st but now it's the 19th and I finally got something but it's only half of what I was supposed to get. So now I have to wait another two weeks to get the full amount for December?

Now I see why they have bullet proof glass at the child support office!

aquagoat - 20-12-2009 at 13:22

Originally posted by BBP
My Frank-N-Feather remake:

I like him! He has this neat expression!
yeah, it's really good. :roll:

BBP - 21-12-2009 at 21:45

Thanks Aqua!

Prize for the worst reaction goes to DED:

"But he doesn't look at all like Frank Zappa!"

(then again, that was the point wasn't it?)

aquagoat - 22-12-2009 at 10:37


BBP - 22-12-2009 at 11:10

It's been very snowy out here. It was picture perfect when I first opened the curtains on Sunday, but minutes later it dawned on me: I'd have to deliver newspapers in those conditions the next day.

Yesterday was pretty awful. We're strongly under-staffed, our extra currently does 4 rounds (and no small ones either). On Monday she got stuck in traffic and didn't make it into work. Today she'd managed to get into an argument with the boss, but it's really she who pulls the strings.

Anyway the round itself was pretty miserable yesterday. Dad didn't bother to try and drive to work, so I saw him when I arrived at 7:11 (normally 640 on weekdays). I'd gotten up at 4:20 and left the house a few minutes later.

Today was even worse. It snowed again, not that much, but during my round. Egh.

And I cleared the snow from the pavement. I also made a little fort, but when I realized Dad would probably not appreciate that, I stopped working on it and shoved the snow to the side.

Huck_Phlem - 23-12-2009 at 06:55

You have a paper route?

BBP - 23-12-2009 at 09:06

Sure! I've been a replacement-deliverer for 10 years. I'm only used if there are way too little people working there, and I've worked continuously since June, before that I worked once a week, and last year I was stuck in another route for 6 months, so... We're short on staff, so if you can use a little extra cash, you know where to come...

Problem is, we're all free-lance workers, so the bosses don't have to worry about increasing salary and free days etc. The pay is good at times of economic bloom, but with the recession, well...

BBP - 24-12-2009 at 17:20

We've all had rough days today... I got up at 4:20 for my route, counted my newspapers, they were all there. As it's Christmas tomorrow, we had to deliver to all our subscribers, even the ones who normally only get the paper on Saturday. Meaning I had to deliver some 100 papers, and I had to fold in all the extras first.

The snow had mildly molten then frozen again, so it was rock solid, lumpy (ouch!) and slippery. It was pretty harsh.
Because I have so many thick papers I have to deliver them in two parts, so I go back to the delivery station halfway. While I was working, some moron took 3 newspapers from me, and because I made a mistake, I ended up with 4 papers short.
Cycled back to the station and to the house of our boss, but I couldn't get any, so I thought "Screw them!" and cycled back home. It was nearly 8 when I got there, all freezing.

Dad and I had planned to go to the store together. They have an all-you-can-eat breakfast at E 1,50, next to nothing. Besides we could use extra groceries, as we forgot about Christmas.

But the car wouldn't start.

I later walked to the nearby grocers, bought vegetables and meat. Walked all the way to the nearest magazine store to get a newspaper as the shortage had apparently affected the delivery of newspapers to the grocers and gasstation where I was.
Bought a newspaper. Went back home. Dad decided to try the car again. Cycled to the gas station with much trouble (snow) to get petrol (our car takes both LPG and regular gasoline: you have to start the car with latter. We knew we were short on gasoline.).
Dad came home, after much slipping, with very dirty gasoline hands. The car didn't work, and now the house smells of petrol.

I went back to the grocers again because Dad was not happy with my selection (no christmas bread or any snacks) so I had to go back and get some more stuff.

Oh, one of those days..

aquagoat - 26-12-2009 at 09:55

Poor Bonny! :-*

BBP - 26-12-2009 at 11:16

Thanks! We're having a fun christmas right now though. We finally got round to watching one Hitchcock.

MTF - 27-12-2009 at 10:56

We bought a new car today.

My wife's getting to be a big mucky-muck at her company. She was driving an eight-year-old Volkswagen - which is an okay car - but I thought she needed something a bit more commensurate with her stature. So she did a lot of research, and decided that what she really wanted was a Honda CR-V.

Last weekend she told the local Honda dealer exactly what she wanted, and how much she was willing to pay. So this morning - the day after Christmas - the dealer called her to say they had done a trade with another dealer, and that her car would arrive on the delivery truck about 1pm.

We got there about 1:30, and the car was waiting for us. We test drove it. Then we basically looked at each other and nodded. Two hours later the paperwork was done, and we drove it home. As the Honda ads say, simple.

The best part is that our daughter, who got her driver's license a month ago, gets the Volkswagen as a late Christmas present.

BBP - 27-12-2009 at 20:49

Aw neat MT!

Our car wouldn't start again today.

BBP - 28-12-2009 at 10:21

Same story today. We had the car towed out a few minutes back. We're keeping our fingers crossed, hoping it can still be fixed.

BBP - 29-12-2009 at 14:26

Got a flat tire on my newspaper round. Cause was a long piece of iron shrapnel, about as long as a ring diameter and as thin as a needle. Because I cycled a little on it while my tire was flat, it gave two punctures near each other.

Fortunately I was nearly done AND close to home. Whew!

After I had patched the two leaks and put the tube and tire on the wheel, I heard a muffled blowing sound coming from underneath. One of the patches hadn't stuck on properly. So I could do it all over again. Whoopee.

Yesterday I looked for the section of Cranford II (a dreadfully boring English costume drama starring Judi Dench) that I'd been waiting for: four minutes. Uploaded them onto my account, but at the advice of another forumer I removed it very quickly. I don't want to lose my account now. I haven't backed up most videos.

Today I uploaded it again. Created a special account for it too. I'm now a 63-year old male from Beverly Hills.

aquagoat - 29-12-2009 at 20:28

pretty sexy, for your age. hahaha

polydigm - 31-12-2009 at 02:39

Now that I've cracked this YouTube thing I got around to making a couple more videos and uploaded them today. One is me playing one of my compositions on acoustic guitar and the other is me playing another Zappa tune on the alto sax, now that I've been playing more than six weeks, this time with an accompaniment. You'll find them with the following links.

Multiple Folds

We Are Not Alone

Edit: I redid the guitar video because I originally used a program that reverses the sense in the video and makes me look left handed. The Eat That Question video will have to stay with me left handed as that's me after three weeks and I can't redo that can I? And, I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a left handed saxophone.

MTF - 31-12-2009 at 08:59

Today my wife Kathy spoke with her sister, who's a professor at the University of Wyoming.

On Christmas she attended a party with a bunch of other people who were away from their families for the holidays. One of them was a sociology professor from Los Angeles, named Maggie.

After the party, Maggie went home. Before going to bed, she went outside to have a smoke. It was about 10 degrees F, and snowing. Maggie slipped on the front steps of her house, hit her head and was knocked unconscious.

She froze to death. They didn't find her until the next afternoon, when someone noticed her shoes poking up through the snow.

Kathy's sister says she's been having nightmares. I can't blame her...

BBP - 31-12-2009 at 09:14

Goodness, that's horrible! (shivers) -12 C...

polydigm - 31-12-2009 at 11:54

Apparently this recently happened to someone in the UK as well in very similar circumstances. Kind of focusses your attention, doesn't it?

BBP - 31-12-2009 at 14:05

Today I went to deliver the New Year's cards from my paper route. You know that's when you go up to the door, ring the bell, wish the residents a happy new year and then they give you a tip.
I don't like the idea of doing that. It's frustrating when they ring my bell because I feel so obligated to give something on the spot, and there's never enough cash around... So I'd planned to write on every card to donate any tip to charity.

That writing was a bit too much. Plus I had to do quite a bit of writing because we didn't get the cards from one paper and way too many from the other ("Dear subcriber, because we have too little NRC cards we give you a Volkskrant card instead"). Instead I just put the card in the door, if anyone feels obliged to give they usually hang an envelope with content on the door. I found one only once.

I saw 1 lady with the financial paper. She was too busy with her groceries to see what I was up to.
4 people opened the door for me. I convinced two of them to donate my tip to charity, and the other two gave me ten euros.
(I have 100 subscribers. If they all give me 10 euros...)

MTF - 1-1-2010 at 11:05

Originally posted by polydigm
Apparently this recently happened to someone in the UK as well in very similar circumstances. Kind of focusses your attention, doesn't it?

Uh huh.

We bought a car last week, and we gave my wife's old car to our sixteen-year-old daughter. Talk about focusing your attention...

BBP - 2-1-2010 at 10:39

It's snowing now! And freezing. Fortunately my round was easy. I got three envelopes with in total 20 euros for New Year's tip.

MTF - 3-1-2010 at 09:54

Here's a good one. On New Year's Day I was driving downtown. I went past the local 7-11 (a convenience store). It was surrounded by yellow Police tape; and in the parking lot were five Police cars, two ambulances and a white van.

It turned out that the white van was from the Coroner's Office. That morning there was a murder/suicide in the store.

Happy New Year...

[Edited on 1/3/2010 by MTF]

BBP - 3-1-2010 at 12:32

Cosy... It's all happening around you MT... poor dear.

We went to visit Grandma yesterday and got caught in a lot of snowfall on the way back. It took us three hours to get home and we slipped several times.
I guess the secret word for today is:

polydigm - 4-1-2010 at 04:27

What I meant by focussing one's attention was about how quickly things can come to pass and I need to knuckle down and focus on my goals for this new year. As if being 2010 isn't enough to do that.

MTF - 4-1-2010 at 09:55

Here's an interesting irony for you.

Alfred Hitchcock used to live just a few miles from here. When he was planning the filming of 'Psycho,' he looked around for a building to use as the model for the Bates Motel. He found that building right here in Santa Cruz, at the corner of Ocean Street and Broadway.

Sadly, the building was torn down many years ago. But the place where it stood is right across the street from the store where the murder/suicide happened...

punknaynowned - 4-1-2010 at 21:14

yes,MTF, that's deffo an life-imitating-art irony

Poly -- I wish I had your resolve. Good luck!!

BBP - 6-1-2010 at 13:49

As a kid I loved to play with clay.
The last time I made something out of clay, I was 12. I had to make a bowl at school by rolling lengthy snakes out of lumps, putting them on top of each other, and molding them together. I was miserable at it. I never got further than three stacked snakes, and then my bowl would invariably crumble. We were given three classes for it. By the third, I'd given up so many times I didn't have any clay with my name on it. So I sneakily told the teacher my work was missing, and so I could move on to the next assignment. Which I didn't finish either.

Today I thought I'd revenge on that bowl. So I tried to make one using the same method... to fail.

Eventually I put most clay back in the package, and made a funny square head out of the remainder.

DED - 7-1-2010 at 22:33

Originally posted by MTF
Here's an interesting irony for you.

Alfred Hitchcock used to live just a few miles from here. When he was planning the filming of 'Psycho,' he looked around for a building to use as the model for the Bates Motel. He found that building right here in Santa Cruz, at the corner of Ocean Street and Broadway.

Sadly, the building was torn down many years ago. But the place where it stood is right across the street from the store where the murder/suicide happened...

WAs it only the Motel or also the house where Mum (not) live

MTF - 8-1-2010 at 09:31

Originally posted by DEDWAs it only the Motel or also the house where Mum (not) live

Just the house:

BBP - 10-1-2010 at 14:29

I love that house! (And Anthony Perkins too.)

It's snowing again. And poor Dad had only just swiped our pavement!

BBP - 11-1-2010 at 14:17

Scored another fluke at the second hand store:
For 50 cents I found this:
[url]'s-Adventure---Phillips-CDI-Game-RARE-Nintendo_W0QQitemZ290366689172QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091105?IMSfp=TL091105177001 r12647[/url]

BBP - 12-1-2010 at 15:35

Attempting to clear the house.

Adding to my post above:
Zelda's Adventure is the last of the three Zelda-games made for CD-I. It was made by the time CD-i was already dying. It met some very bad reviews: the animation has a very low frame-rate, the game controls are impossible, and the acting is dreadful.

As a result, Zelda's Adventure became an oddity. At a recent auction it fetched 58 British pounds, a current Dutch auctioner is selling his copy for 125 euros, and in recession-tame days it would score around $300 in auctions.

I, however, found it for 50 cents in the second-hand store.

BBP - 14-1-2010 at 16:55

Cycled to town today. A bookstore had an artbook box I was interested in. It wasn't cheap, but that was OK since I still have that prize I won with a crossword years ago: 50 euros in book coupons.

Anyway lots of snow prevented me from undertaking any large cycling trip that I wouldn't get paid for, but today I decided to go anyway.

It was sold already. Damn.

MTF - 15-1-2010 at 10:13

I'm told that these days some bookstores have telephones... :duh:

BBP - 15-1-2010 at 12:26

... I think I described my phobia of telephones earlier on in this topic, and I'm too embarrassed to discuss it again...

BBP - 15-1-2010 at 15:29

Removed a video in my BB-account for copyright violation.

WHich one? Oh, you probably missed it: it's my dad's impression collage of the photos and videos that we made during the prize festival of Het Financiele Dagblad, when I won 1000 euros because I'm so good at my paper route. He had used one of those songs he got for free with our Vista on the background. It had gotten 200 viewers in two years time, some losers gave it one star (so that yours truly, also loser, logged in under her male-63-from-Beverly-Hills account and gave it five stars), and out of the blue I get copyright issues with it. Stupid.

MTF - 16-1-2010 at 04:38

Originally posted by BBP
... I think I described my phobia of telephones earlier on in this topic, and I'm too embarrassed to discuss it again...

Ah, I'm afraid I missed that. My apologies, Bonny.

BBP - 18-1-2010 at 10:46

No worries, dear.

Things aren't looking too rosy on the BB edge. Saturday I had the shock of opening the door to my mother's husband (you may remember I broke with my mother a year ago), so I closed it immediately, put on the locks, closed all the living room curtains, went upstairs and ignored all the bell ringing. (that's pretty hard. Our doorbell's designed to give you a heart attack)

After that I grabbed my clay (after phoning my sister in panic, but she didn't answer) and started claying. Great stress relief!

And that night my grandmother was hospitalized again. Oh dear...

BBP - 19-1-2010 at 20:13

Today was uneventful, thank goodness. I could use a break after last weekend.

Tomorrow I will be doing two routes, as one of my colleagues is unavailable. Not looking forward to it, I'll have to get up at 4AM now.

BBP - 20-1-2010 at 10:57

Which I did this morning. I was home by 8. Guh. I felt horrible, pain in back and hips... feeling sleepy and hungry, coming home too tired to fix breakfast... I need a hug.

polydigm - 20-1-2010 at 23:51

You'll have to get a hug emoticon, Bonny. Hang in there.

BBP - 21-1-2010 at 10:30

I cannot add one! Even though I added several previously (such as the :pissed: and :rsvd: and :regan: ). That was when we were still with Servage. I really don't know how to do that anymore.

Either way I did make the "hugging pumpkin" once. Another forum I frequented at the time had a group hug smiley, so to improve loveliness on I made one to suit the group there.

Is it still here? I wonder...

I couldn't get it animated. Even though I did colour every pumpkin picture. I was PISSED!

[Edited on 21-1-10 by BBP]

polydigm - 21-1-2010 at 22:52

Pissed as in drunk or pissed as in angry? I have to say, I'm not used to you using such language!

BBP - 22-1-2010 at 10:12

I was really angry. It had taken me hours colouring all those pumpkins, and then I couldn't get them to work!
There are no good "mild" words that could describe the state I was in, only understatements.

BBP - 23-1-2010 at 20:50

Today was the last of four days.
We're in the middle of the bonus period now. They have such events twice a year to ensure good delivery: one is in the summer (work 9 weeks and get 11 paid) and the other one in January (work 9 weeks and get 10). I suddenly received much more complaints because I had to get up so early (and still finished way too late). Yesterday I had to explain it all three times to people who I caught walking out.
I'd be pretty angry if I'd lose my bonus because my colleague couldn't find a single replacement, which I said to my boss. She was kind enough to say that, if that would happen, she'd give me my colleague's bonus instead.

This morning was nasty. Normally the newspapers arrive at 4 (I'd be on the job at that time, get up 15 minutes earlier and race myself to the station), but today they came at 5! I'll receive extra money for the waiting, but... to be honest... I'd rather have an extra hour of zleep. I'm exhausted. And feeling sick.

BBP - 24-1-2010 at 15:12

Had fourteen hours of sleep last night. I feel good, although still a little sick.
Today is my boyfriend's birthday. I wonder how he is, it's been a while!

BBP - 27-1-2010 at 14:39

Found something I was looking for!

Chinese Girl by Vladimir Tretchikoff. It's in Hitchcock's Frenzy and in Rocky Horror.

BBP - 27-1-2010 at 19:06

^However I failed yet again to find this one...

BBP - 28-1-2010 at 08:59

BF mails he'll be coming back to The Netherlands... :D

aquagoat - 28-1-2010 at 19:35

cool news. :)

polydigm - 28-1-2010 at 21:21

I just started my new job this week. We've just had a couple of days of professional development. I knew one or two of the staff there as I did some casual work in a different section of the college last year, but I've met most of the staff this week and they seem a good bunch to work with, which is a relief of course. I've got one class starting their second semester next week, who were mid year intake students last year and my other two classes starting first semester the week after. The new kids starting at the beginning of this year have their orientation next week, but other than a meet and greet on Monday, I'm not involved in that, so I'm getting a good two weeks of gradual wind up to having a regular teaching job again.

BBP - 29-1-2010 at 16:00

Originally posted by BBP
BF mails he'll be coming back to The Netherlands... :D

BF mails to cancel due to lack of transportation... :(

BBP - 30-1-2010 at 16:07

Had snow AGAIN. It's getting tedious now...

aquagoat - 30-1-2010 at 17:52

Originally posted by BBP
Originally posted by BBP
BF mails he'll be coming back to The Netherlands... :D

BF mails to cancel due to lack of transportation... :(
:umm: poor Bonny!

BBP - 30-1-2010 at 20:51

Aw thanks for your sympathy! He mailed he'd try to come as soon as he found good transportation...
Hmmm... you think I could go to Bulgaria?

BBP - 1-2-2010 at 09:33

Got a back ache and discovered there's a suspicious lump between thumb and forefinger of my left hand. That's what snow-brooming does for you!

BBP - 2-2-2010 at 18:11

Cleaning the house. Or trying to anyway.:yawn:

BBP - 10-2-2010 at 09:59

Had a good night of sleep. Woke up just before Dad came crushing down at 6:30. He made me breakfast and gave me the newspaper. Had some more good sleep after he left.

Ahhh... sleep is good.

Yesterday the home care inspector came for the in-take. She also had to dress my wounds. But she couldn't. The hospital told me they'd provide their own bandage, but the home help told me they had to get the pharmacist to give me my own supply.
Fortunately there was still another lady coming to give me my Feramin injection (yes, I'm an aichmophobe) against trombose.
The bandage would be delivered before that, so she could wrap my wound.
The wounds are looking good, btw. Particularly the left one (largest at 15 cm) is healing well.

Feramin hurts. It's a very thick fluid that is injected into the skin through a thick needle. The ooze leaves nasty bruizes. They're very unaesthetic, and painful, particularly when they're injected into the abdomen. It also has negative side effects, like intestinal bleeding.

BBP - 10-2-2010 at 14:36

Well, that was unexpected. My home help today was the mother of a former classmate, who was a great friend.

MTF - 10-2-2010 at 19:36

Here's to no infections...

Sounds like you're doing fairly well with the shots. Just keep reminding yourself: no matter how bad the shot is, it's better than having your foot turn into a trombone (that's what trombosis is, right?).

I googled "Feramin." I got a brand of handbags, animal feed, and an airport in New Guinea. If the nurse is injecting you with handbags, it pretty well explains why the shots are painful.

Are you sure you didn't mean "theremin?" That would be more in line with the trombone growing out of your foot.

Keep smiling...

BBP - 10-2-2010 at 20:10

:D MTF, you're a gem! Seriously I can do with a lot of diversion now!

BBP - 11-2-2010 at 12:14

Found this gem. The comments are hilarious!

MTF - 12-2-2010 at 06:52

I actually found this one, for the UFO-01 detector, to be more useful:

BBP - 12-2-2010 at 09:22

I saw a squirrel! :biggrin:

BBP - 14-2-2010 at 09:23

5th batch of snow, and counting..

BBP - 18-2-2010 at 11:14

Triumphed over myself again, by washing my hair and torso hanging over the bathtub.

BBP - 19-2-2010 at 14:07

There it is! I have a bimalleolar fracture. The break in the X-ray on this page is similar to mine, too!

MTF - 20-2-2010 at 06:46

Originally posted by BBP
Triumphed over myself again, by washing my hair and torso hanging over the bathtub.

Ah, the little things.

I remember when I was in the hospital. For two days I couldn't get up to go to the bathroom. I had to.... um, nevermind.

BBP - 20-2-2010 at 13:17

Oh, that's terrible! I had that too the first time... when the nurse cleaned my private parts with a washcloth... eww.
Today I sat sideways in the tub, legs hanging over the edge, and showered that way. And now I'm relaxing while Dad is out shopping.

BBP - 20-2-2010 at 13:19

Dutch cabinet collapsed today. Whee!

MTF - 21-2-2010 at 09:35

It's okay. In Haiti the Presidential Palace collapsed, and revealed that they didn't have a government...

BBP - 21-2-2010 at 19:32

A turn for worse here: Dad has fallen ill. He's in bed upstairs now, so I just baked an egg for myself, while supporting my knee on a swivel chair.

Calvin - 22-2-2010 at 04:46

Tough all around there Bonny. Hopefully you didn't get too sick from the liver sausage?

All 3 of my forums are down - the host company's servers went down when their sprinkler system went off during a test and damaged the servers. The unmoderated is no biggie, since it's not very active, but the other two are usually really busy.

[Edited on 22-2-2010 by Calvin]

BBP - 22-2-2010 at 16:33

Unmod? I thought you quit that?

Dad and I got very sick, especially considering I had only a small amount of it. I spent the night throwing up, and my stomach only settled enough a few moments ago. I'm still a little puney, but at least I can get up now without getting too sick. It was a small nightmare letting the home help in.

polydigm - 22-2-2010 at 21:24

Bloody hell, Bonny, you're having a run of bad luck at the moment. I hope it stops soon. I'm certainly going to have to rethink my use of the term "break a leg" for wishing someone good luck.

Calvin - 23-2-2010 at 02:51

Originally posted by BBP
Unmod? I thought you quit that?

Dad and I got very sick, especially considering I had only a small amount of it. I spent the night throwing up, and my stomach only settled enough a few moments ago. I'm still a little puney, but at least I can get up now without getting too sick. It was a small nightmare letting the home help in.

Nah...I even sent you an email on the zappa forum saying I was bringing it back because some people missed it. It's still down though. You've even got some stuff about your leg on there. I just figured you didn't want to mess with it.

Good to hear you're feeling a bit better.

BBP - 23-2-2010 at 08:06

Oh wait wait... did you write that when I was in the hospital? It's possible that my father wrote that and forgot to tell me.

Had a small breakfast this morning. Yesterday I had an apple and a cracker, and especially that cracker felt like too much. But I just ate a bun with chocolate sprinkles, hope it stays indoors. My bowels aren't very quiet and I did feel some nausea when hopping.

We have more family bad luck. My other uncle (not the one with the heart attack last September) is in hospital, he'll get a heart research today with a camera looking for the blockage.

BBP - 23-2-2010 at 08:16

Just checked: I don't have your mail in my in-box. Could you re-send the link?

BBP - 24-2-2010 at 10:57

Having my final Fragmin shot today... otherwise not so much exciting news from this front yet. Tomorrow's the big day.

punknaynowned - 24-2-2010 at 11:54

Oh Bonny!
ouch upon renumbered ouch!!
I just found out!
Bet you don't want to do that again!
and sorry to hear you and ed have been sick
get well soon the both of you.

(you don't want that stuff in your ankle to infect... I've got horror stories I don't want to share)

BBP - 24-2-2010 at 16:55

Rear Window tactics could've paid off today. I just witnessed a car going round the corner here, then producing a KGGGGGGGGGG sound, and pulling over in front of the neighbor's house. I know the sound too well: it's an exhaust dropped onto the road.

Calvin - 24-2-2010 at 23:10

Originally posted by BBP
Oh wait wait... did you write that when I was in the hospital? It's possible that my father wrote that and forgot to tell me.

Had a small breakfast this morning. Yesterday I had an apple and a cracker, and especially that cracker felt like too much. But I just ate a bun with chocolate sprinkles, hope it stays indoors. My bowels aren't very quiet and I did feel some nausea when hopping.

We have more family bad luck. My other uncle (not the one with the heart attack last September) is in hospital, he'll get a heart research today with a camera looking for the blockage.

This was a couple of months ago, I believe. Maybe I just didn't get it sent to you. The server is down right now, and they're working on getting it back up. The URL is

I hope your uncle gets some good news.

BBP - 28-2-2010 at 15:13

Finished knitting my hat.

BBP - 1-3-2010 at 15:50

We suffered some damage from last night's storm. A conifer blew over in the garden.

Huck_Phlem - 1-3-2010 at 18:21

I have a new computer that I got from my new tax money coming back plus I am expecting my vintage Acoustic Research model 4x speakers to come tomorrow!

BBP - 3-3-2010 at 08:29

My blind friend is coming to visit me today. Insert Blind And The Cripple joke here.

BBP - 4-3-2010 at 21:18

Unadventureful day. Dad had a recovery day from the election. His party got one seat in the municipality council.

Batchain - 9-3-2010 at 08:35

Oh, not much today. But last night I was informed that the $165.00 owed to me wasn't forthcoming and the reason for that was, "I don't have it right now but I might in a month but first there's the job where I'm taking a pay cut and might not have for long because they're downsizing and I'm probably going to have to pay for my mother's therapy for her depression, bipolar issues and OCD so I'll have to pay you as soon as I can but there are other things that get even more complicated that I just can't go into but you will get it," and from there the bullshit got piled higher and suddenly sounded psychotically incomprehensible.

So, I was fucked out of $170.00 without this dick giving it a thought! I never knew he was that crazy! And what can I do to someone who's 5' 1", 125 lbs. as much as I'd want to?

--Bat :devil::devil::devil:

BBP - 9-3-2010 at 10:33

Midget throwing?

BBP - 10-3-2010 at 09:44

And here I am, whining on and on about my leg, while Polydigm has his birthday! Happy birthday Poly!

polydigm - 11-3-2010 at 01:29

Yes, who cares about your broken leg when someone like me has a birthday ... but, seriously, moving from 53 to 54 isn't really that momentous and yet psychologically it seemed it was. Time is the enemy. Anyway, thank you Bonny.

BBP - 13-3-2010 at 20:18

Having a bad day... I couldn't get much sleep last night.
I tried to hop to the nearest bus stop (under 2 minutes walking) to see if I could make it. I did, but I was exhausted. Tuesday I have a dentist appointment and I was hoping I could make it by bus, but now I have to reconsider.

And I decided to take the 4 CDs my sister brought to the hospital, up to my bedroom. I lost my balance just before I reached the living room door, dropped the albums (breaking the jewelcase of Waka/Jawaka) and put too much weight on my foot. OUCH.

punknaynowned - 13-3-2010 at 22:57

the joke I tried to make about you and having three legs or one leg?...
I had assumed you'd have sense to find some sort of a crutch sweetie.
Why torture yourself?
Get any old sturdy stick or have ded pick up a dandy second hand cane at some antique store. So you can go for walks and stuff.
It's only for a few months right?
And keep that bad leg working even if you can't walk on it -- every damn day!!!
You've already seen what happens when muscles atrophy.

I only give you a hard time B because I care.
Get a cane, use it with style, go to the show!!!! And a top hat???;)

[Edited on 13-3-10 by punknaynowned]

Huck_Phlem - 14-3-2010 at 18:42

Get a shillalah its almost St. Patrick's day for crying out loud!

BBP - 15-3-2010 at 11:17

I missed Pi-day! Ratz!

BBP - 16-3-2010 at 09:35

Up for the dentist today...
But in brighter, much brighter news: I'm walking!

Well, of sorts... it's still not pleasant, my muscles have deteriorated unbelievably, but I can walk!

MTF - 17-3-2010 at 17:36

Yesterday I took my daughter to the local clinic to get a blood test. As we were leaving, I held the door open for someone who was following me down the stairs.

It was the doctor who - six months ago - misdiagnosed my heart problem. He concluded I was having an allergic reaction, when in fact I had a blocked coronary artery.

He didn't recognize me. He just smiled vaguely and said thank you.

He never knew how close he came to getting his skull cracked open.,,

BBP - 18-3-2010 at 10:40

That's not really odd, that he didn't recognize you. Doctors see so many people on a daily base.

But I'm very glad you didn't hurt him...

polydigm - 20-3-2010 at 14:53

So, you got hacked? What happened?

BBP - 20-3-2010 at 15:20

Not sure what is the exact cause: a badly working firewall is among the possibilities. But some asshole(s) installed "index" files in all our folders that basically said "this place has been hacked, contact these people if you want it fixed".

Consequently, all sites showed the replaced file.

I replaced the PackardGoose and index files. My father reinstalled some other sites, downloaded a new firewall and replaced our password.

MTF - 21-3-2010 at 05:59

I think the operative word there was "asshole." It seems to be the only necessary part of a hacker...

BBP - 21-3-2010 at 18:02

True enough. Well, inbetween waiting for my father to record a WW2 documentary series onto DVD and opening (and closing) the door to my mother, I did some research into the hacker and sent a complaint to his server.

MTF - 22-3-2010 at 08:43

Tonight Mrs. Flycoon and I watched the final vote on the Health Care bill. It needed 216 votes to pass, and it got 219.

Nice piece of political theater. Various Presidents have been trying to pass a bill like this for over a hundred years, and it took Barack Obama to actually get it done. The Republicans were betting he couldn't do it, so they didn't bother to negotiate to get a bill more to their liking. As a result, the Republicans ended up with nothing. They got their asses kicked.

And it's about time. Like thousands of other people, my brother lost his house - and just about everything else - because he didn't have health insurance and got sick. Then he couldn't get health insurance because he had a pre-existing condition.

Hopefully it ends here and now. I'm fucking sick of living in a Third-World country...

polydigm - 22-3-2010 at 09:45

Congratulations MTF, it's always been one of the things that baffled me about the US.

BBP - 22-3-2010 at 13:00

Same here... The bill we have from our insurance is high at 800 euros (own risk) but at least I can still get sick this year without too much trouble beside the illness.

My plaster came off today. And I had another X-ray taken. Initially my doctor said I needed more plaster, but the doctor who was helping me decided against it. I now got a long brown sock I need to wear for support.

Right now I'm just letting my leg breathe. It looks GROSS, it's very flakey, particularly around the surgery wounds.

punknaynowned - 23-3-2010 at 21:48

progress B! Step by step. Here's something to while away a few hours

The second issue of the Rondo Hatton report: a Journal for those who have outgrown the ordinary,,,
much reading on various very zappa related topics

MTF - 24-3-2010 at 08:47

Originally posted by polydigm's always been one of the things that baffled me about the US.

You mean the stupidity? The myopia? The amnesia? The blind arrogance? Or all of it?

Yeah: it's baffling all right...

BBP - 24-3-2010 at 18:03

Had another day of nothing special.

BBP - 25-3-2010 at 09:35

Robert Culp passed away.
That Voyeur-thing gave me a lot of videos on my account of him...

BBP - 25-3-2010 at 16:48

Walked to the store and back, which is quite a distance. And when I came home I discovered a mis-posted letter, which I returned to the rightful owners, which was also a bit of a walk. That nasty crutch peeled some skin off my underarm.

polydigm - 25-3-2010 at 22:20

Originally posted by MTF
Originally posted by's always been one of the things that baffled me about the US.
You mean the stupidity? The myopia? The amnesia? The blind arrogance? Or all of it?
Well, I didn't want to rub it in ... ;-)

Originally posted by MTFYeah: it's baffling all right...
Well, there are a lot of things that baffle me about the US, but the lack of a national health system and the inadequacy of social security in general has always been pretty high on the list, seeing as I've always lived in a country where these things can be taken for granted. Mind you, our national health system is far from perfect.

[Edited on 25-3-10 by polydigm]

BBP - 28-3-2010 at 10:56

Been out for a day, visiting Grandma.

BBP - 30-3-2010 at 11:36

Cycled to a second-hand store today. Unfortunately there wasn't much that I was interested in, went home with a Worst Witch book.

MTF - 31-3-2010 at 06:52

Good, you're not scared to ride your bike.

BBP - 31-3-2010 at 09:25

Oh trust me, I am a lot more scared now, especially when I have to turn. Plus my foot is not yet strong enough to brake, or to catch a fall.

BBP - 7-4-2010 at 21:07

Went to the hospital again, this time by bicycle. The weather fortunately was very pleasant.
The doctor didn't carry out much of an investigation, he looked at the same X-ray from two weeks ago and asked me how my foot was doing. I took of my sock and shoe and demonstrated it. He told me to come back in two months, for another X-ray, and then they'll see if the pins need to be taken out. It's possible that the one on the end becomes irritating.

He also tells me that, once the swelling disappears, I can feel the screws on my fibula. (shiver)

BBP - 9-4-2010 at 21:49

Cycled to the market to buy cheese. We have the best cheese in the world out here!

polydigm - 10-4-2010 at 00:45

So, how do people with screws in their bones get through airport security?

feetlightup - 10-4-2010 at 03:03

I learned a way to give someone the finger online. I'm going to try it out here.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Cool, huh?

BBP - 10-4-2010 at 13:32

Looking good, Feetzis!

Poly: Actually airport security is in general used to people with iron, and according to one of the home helps I've had over here, it will be no problem at all.

However, metal detectors can get tricky. Another home help told me of her friend, a girl, who also has pins. She went to a festival. Security there pulled her out, but in spite of the metal there, they did use a full body search. "Sorry ma'am, we have to check the contents of your bra first!"

polydigm - 10-4-2010 at 23:48

Okay Feets, who are you giving it to?

MTF - 11-4-2010 at 05:03

To me, probably...

A couple months ago, we bought this absolutely hideous food processor thingie. It looks like it was designed by the Taliban as a torture device.

Sooner or later someone was gonna get it. It's probably good that it was me.

It took a nice chunk of my left pinkie, and about enough blood to do a lipid panel.

I threw the food processor in the garbage, which in retrospect wasn't such a great idea. About the safest way to get rid of something like that is to throw it into a volcano...

BBP - 11-4-2010 at 12:32

That's like good ol' DED and the chips/crisps maker! How's your finger?

DED - 12-4-2010 at 11:35

Originally posted by feetlightup
I learned a way to give someone the finger online. I'm going to try it out here.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Cool, huh?

I Think ┌∩┐(◣_◢;)┌∩┐
is much easier
Although i cannot find all the keys on mu keyboard. But
in my favourites and then [ctr]c [ctrl v]
will do.

DED - 12-4-2010 at 11:38

Originally posted by BBP
That's like good ol' DED and the chips/crisps maker! How's your finger?

Thanks of reminding it. I cannot help it that my finger is sometimes a little longer than the rest piece of the cucumber to be spliced.
I also have a quarrel with the modern Philips coffeemakers who act sometimes like a spitting lama.

BBP - 14-4-2010 at 15:01

Went to the physiotherapist today and met up with one of my colleagues.

polydigm - 15-4-2010 at 05:40

I'm in the middle of a vacation from college. I'm just starting to feel human again. Yesterday I actually found time to play some sax.

BBP - 15-4-2010 at 19:36

Aw that's nice!
Tomorrow it's DED's birthday, so I went present shopping. It was great to be in the shopping precinct again after such a long time!

I also had physiotherapy again. My therapist is a friendly young fellow, around 30. He moved and pushed my foot around today and gave me some exercises.

And I'm making preparations for the hazelnut cake I'm going to bake tomorrow.

polydigm - 17-4-2010 at 00:52

Last night I felt the Earth move. Literally. Soon after 11:00PM (+9.5) I was studying away in my studio when I suddenly experienced about 3 seconds of vibration that rumbled through the whole room and resonated through my body and as I stood up I felt a momentary loss of control that I don't want to feel again soon. It turns out that it was an earthquake rated at 3.8, which is significant but not that big. No damage has yet been reported. Puts things into perspective.

MTF - 17-4-2010 at 09:52

Yeah, a 3.8 isn't exactly big, but it's nothing to sneeze at. And when it's happening, you don't know it's a 3.8. For all you know it's going to last for five minutes and be a 9.2.

And I bet you have a better appreciation of Relativity now. That was surely the longest three seconds you've experienced in quite some time...

polydigm - 17-4-2010 at 14:48

Indeed MTF, that's what I meant by the loss of control thing, that once you're aware it's started, because it kind of swells up on you, don't know how bad it will get. Then all of a sudden it's over and it's a bit of an anti climax. Although, I'll never forget the awesomeness of that feeling.

Adelaide has experienced only three largish earthquakes in 120 years and the worst was 6.5.

DED - 17-4-2010 at 16:42

Originally posted by polydigm
Last night I felt the Earth move. Literally. Soon after 11:00PM (+9.5) I was studying away in my studio when I suddenly experienced about 3 seconds of vibration that rumbled through the whole room and resonated through my body and as I stood up I felt a momentary loss of control that I don't want to feel again soon. It turns out that it was an earthquake rated at 3.8, which is significant but not that big. No damage has yet been reported. Puts things into perspective.

I experienced an earthquake too in Greece (about 4.5)
When you experienced it once, you directly recognize a next quake. My second was in Holland It is a bad experience.

BBP - 18-4-2010 at 18:47

I slept through it then. I was 9 or so.

BBP - 20-4-2010 at 15:42

My ankle is making progress!

aquagoat - 21-4-2010 at 17:53

good news! :roll:

BBP - 21-4-2010 at 21:00


Found I'm posting less and less on the Zappa forum. It's just been completely ruined.

BBP - 23-4-2010 at 09:52

After increasing trouble with GoogleAds (our browser will often jam when a page has them, the ad won't load. It can be circumlocuted by pressing CtrlAltDel, then cancelling the task manager.
But suddenly a certain site wouldn't load at all if the wrong ad was showing on it. Nasty.

So dad's got a nice ad blocker, but it's a pain in the neck because a new tab opens with every new site I visit.

polydigm - 23-4-2010 at 15:47

Hey Bonny, what, in your opinion, has ruined Personally, I keep going there because of the obvious Zappa connection, but I've been finding the place really boring most of the time. I have Trendy on ignore, but too many people keep engaging him and quoting him. The man is clinically insane and he, combined with other nut cases that go there and ramble on, gives the place the ambience of a nut house recreation room. Every now and then it settles down and the place is nice enough to visit. I suppose my post count of 2.58 posts per day indicates that I haven't completely given up on the place, but if I stopped posting there today for a whole year, my post count would still be 2.11, so that doesn't prove anything, just that back during my first year, there was enough novelty to get my post count count up quite a bit.

BBP - 23-4-2010 at 17:36

Every time I see the last Randomonium post was made by Sabretoophairy, I don't even look at the subforum.
Every time I see Tripmyster has updated a thread, I don't check it out.

They're just... talking too much and saying too little. It's like the stupid association games you get anywhere. Consequently I back out, other people back out, and there's even less to do there.

MTF - 24-4-2010 at 08:52

I told Plook to fuck off a couple weeks ago. That was mildly amusing.

Other than that, I find the Z-forum about as exciting as a nap...

polydigm - 24-4-2010 at 16:31

Bonny, I know exactly what you mean.

MTF, yes I noticed that. There is stuff that I don't agree on with Plook, but I had at least given him credit for not being shallow, right until that shit about Dweezil.

BBP - 24-4-2010 at 18:30

Which shit about Dweezil?

polydigm - 25-4-2010 at 17:42

Right after it became public knowledge that Dweezil was getting divorced, Plook was speculating about Dweezil getting it on with Schiela. Pretty tacky I thought.

BBP - 25-4-2010 at 18:41

Wasn't that jocular? It's tasteless and painful of course, since there are two little kids involved (I was Ceylon's age when my parents split), but that's the sense of humour South Park and Family Guy drive on. Which is why I don't watch either.

I'm working on a little plan to stir up some fun again. It worked with my joke competition.

punknaynowned - 26-4-2010 at 11:20

I can't stand plook, have him on ignore, but never hardly login anymore or get the email messages saying a thread has been posted on. Sabretoophairy I think is delightful but I understand not everyone's cup of tea, especially if english is not a primary language. I also think Stp may be someone from before but not sure yet.
Not sure B if you made the connection between plook and south park on purpose, but I think that's a wicked yet precise and accurate assessment.
All hail Bonny!!!

BBP - 26-4-2010 at 15:18

Aw dear, that's not necessary! A simple kneel down will suffice. ;-)

Yesterday I fixed both my bicycle tires. The front one had a tiny leak (you know, when it takes days to run flat) that was a pain to find, and the rear one had a large puncture from an acacia branch.

This morning I did my paper route, for the first time in three months. All went very well.

Today I worked in the garden and got viciously attacked by the local stinging nettle population.

punknaynowned - 26-4-2010 at 23:54

Battling thorns and driving hazards must be better than sitting around all day and hopping for mobility, right?:bouncing::D:D

Moved a bunch of dead dirt from the basement and packed it around the outside of the house.
I have local sand-stone for foundation blocks here and cement floor. When it rains, the water just pours in and water piles up down there. Most springs I spend a lot of time downstairs sweeping water to the drain. If I don't, water stagnates, mold and bugs grow and with wooden floors and lots of gaps in the house, it heats up in summer and becomes a mold production facility.:pissed: So, I got the bright idea of putting the dirt on the outside to slow the spread of water getting down there.
We'll see how it goes.

Also, it is ant season. They are hunting for my sugar as I sleep.
"Must ... clean ... kitchen...."

Huck_Phlem - 27-4-2010 at 03:41

My son just got home from downtown where he played guitar for an hour and made 11 dollars to finance some Nacho's he said but ended up keeping the money instead. Good Job!

Huck_Phlem - 27-4-2010 at 03:43

Bonny have you ever tried using tire slime? You can get inner tubes with it already in or your can put it in there your self. if you get a small puncture you just pull out the thorn and then spin the tire and it seals itself. since I don't drive I rely on that stuff a lot!

BBP - 28-4-2010 at 20:05

I've considered that stuff, yes. If only to save myself the burden of doing routes with a flat tire. I'll give it a shot.

But how do you know you rode through a thorn (or a screw, or a needle) if your tire doesn't go flat?

BBP - 30-4-2010 at 14:46

Today is the Dutch national holiday. We went to the traditional market (basically anyone is allowed to sell their surplus goods). Often it is big and fun, but it was rather rainy (and we did get wet) so we didn't find very much. I did meet two friends and I bought a walking stick at the stall of one of them. Dad bought a radio, which was heavy.

polydigm - 2-5-2010 at 04:02

I'm just saying hello. Bonny complains that this place doesn't get enough attention but I do visit fairly regularly, I just don't always end up saying anything. So, I'm resolving to say hello whenever I visit. There it is, and now I have 470 posts.

BBP - 2-5-2010 at 09:40

Congratulations! You're on your way to the 500 border with new title!

polydigm - 2-5-2010 at 22:35

Hello again and thank you Bonny. Now it's 471 and I promise to change the subject next time.


BBP - 3-5-2010 at 20:38

Missed out on one of my best friends's birthday today... ayyyy...

BBP - 4-5-2010 at 13:23

Tried to get my Dino computer started again, installed a new hard disk. Failed.

BBP - 4-5-2010 at 21:22

Well... it's another evening of bad behaviour here. After the hooligans threatened to riot in Eindhoven on April 30, today the national World War 2 memorial was disturbed. Although the exact events are still unclear, at this time of writing I can inform you:

The traditional events on May 4th, commemorating the end of WW2, consists of memorial eulogies, flowers/candles etc at various mourning sites. The most major one is at the Dam. Every year, at 8PM, the Dutch Last Post (Taptoe) is played, then two minutes of silence are held, then the National Anthem is played, and then the Queen herself places a garland at the monument, then WW2 survivors place garlands, the Prime Minister has a speech, etc.

This year, towards the end of the two minute silence, a man screamed. Shortly after, panic ensued. It looked like this:

Roughly thirty people were injured, most had minor scratches but there were even a few with broken limbs.

Afterwards, the MC restored the rest and the ceremony was continued with silence and the anthem.

The motive is still unclear but it seems that the panic was caused deliberately. And disturbingly, it worked.

MTF - 5-5-2010 at 02:46

On Saturday night there was a riot here in Santa Cruz. A bunch of businesses downtown were vandalized. Broken windows; paint bombs; the works.

Happy May Day.

Don't expect too many Cinco de Mayo celebrations downtown tomorrow...

BBP - 7-5-2010 at 09:29

Guy who started the Dam panic has apologized. I'd have punched him in the face, now that I know how much trouble a broken limb is.

Dad fixed my Dino! It now has only one harddrive functioning (earlier I had 3 disk drives, and one had Windows 3.1). That one is smaller than the large drive that broke down, but it's good enough for now.

When installing it, I chose not to install several of the Internet functions, since that PC is not hooked up to anything. Somehow though, it did install Easy Access; but didn't install Minesweeper or Freecell. Grumble...

Anyway I installed a live action adventure game called Black Dahlia. Initially, on another forum, I wrote how impressed I was with the acting, but now that I've met more characters I'm eating those words.

polydigm - 7-5-2010 at 15:52

Over the last month I've had a gradual return of a health problem that I've been clear of for four years now. You know what I'm referring to MTF. It got pretty bad during the last week and I was thinking of heading off to the hospital tomorrow morning but it looks like it might be turning around again this evening, so we'll see. They say it's not been statistically established as stress related but I've been pretty damn stressed in this new job I started in January. And even though the job stress is going down a bit the thought that my current condition might cause me to lose time at work that could put me in a bad position is creating a different kind of stress, somewhat more fundamental. I'm hoping this turn around isn't just temporary.

Anyway, you've got to look on the bright side, at least I don't seem to be depressed.

punknaynowned - 7-5-2010 at 20:32

getwellsoon polydigm!

About a year ago, I underwent major maxillo-facial surgery.
They took out all my teeth. I went to three dentists and the last one said ,
if they weren't removed, it'd kill me. So of course I did it.
No regrets. A friend helped pay the cost outright and I pay him back when I can.
It's less than a thousand bucks.

But the even better news is how much better I feel.
Immediately upon waking up from the overall drowsiness and sleep post operative,

I felt better than I had in years. As the healing process continued for the next few weeks I felt better and better, as a big weight had lifted. My system no longer had so much to work against and so my health, including my mental outlook overall improved. A year later I am very glad I did it.

Of course, this can in no way be construed as some endorsement of any course of action, as I have no idea of your situation, nor do I need to, just an anecdote.

polydigm - 8-5-2010 at 00:06

Thanks Punky. I guess bad health only stands out when you're amongst healthy people. if you get really sick and end up in hospital surrounded by other sick people you don't feel so special any more.

I had to think a while before sharing my previous message as I'm not sure I'm comfortable talking about this stuff on the internet. I kind of know people here but then again I don't. None the less I've been encouraged by the frankness that is expressed here and so I'm giving it a go. After all, I do like this place because its more real than and if I want it to keep going I suppose I should open up a bit more myself. I haven't been a closed book exactly but I do draw the line a bit closer than some. I will say that my problem is in my colon but I won't be sharing any pictures.

I've woken up a bit rough this morning, but that's usually the low point with this thing so I'll see how the day pans out.

Anyway, how's life without teeth? I imagine the technology available these days for dealing with that is pretty impressive. That must be where the major part of the cost of this process comes in?

MTF - 8-5-2010 at 09:31

On the non-medical front, I got an iPod a few weeks ago. As it turns out, I'm rather liking it.

I just figured out that my collection of Rolling Stones bootlegs totals 636 hours of music (in other words: if it was my full-time job to listen to Rolling Stones boots, it would take me four months to listen to all of these).

Guess I better get cracking. And that's where the iPod comes in. Now I can listen dutifully while I walk the dog, work in the garden, or ride the treadmill.

After all, I've also got 300 hours of Led Zeppelin bootlegs. Let's not even talk about Zappa...

BBP - 8-5-2010 at 12:10

Oh dear Poly... hope you'll get well soon! I know how badly your mind can push you down, and to be honest, I wish I didn't.

My sister gave me a belated birthday present; a Samsung notebook with Windows 7!
Don't you all wish you had a sister like mine?

BBP - 10-5-2010 at 18:28

Un-installed and re-installed Muppets Treasure Island about ten times today on my laptop... what's up with THAT?

punknaynowned - 11-5-2010 at 10:42

my computer situation is troubled. That's really why I haven't been here for awhile.

mtf, I wish I had a bunch of things like that, but I have more zappa than I can listen to for many years now...

Poly, I feel like some of the best that we can do as humans is learn from each other. We always have to be careful of how much we share with each other especially over the internet. But these are quiet halls. No amplification. My brother in law had prostate surgery at the first of the year and now he's doing great. And his was complicated by a severe heart condition that he was recovering from etc and they wanted him to take care of it all at once but knew he couldn't handle it. So they made him space it out: a severe heart operation with kidney complications and so on and then after recovery from that for at least 18 months, then the prostate surgery. He didn't want to do it. Not at all. The heart thing he knew he had to do but he wanted to put off the other as long as he could. Then as soon as he got home he set up his office as it was tax season.
He's an accountant. Always a glutton for punishment as he recovers from surgery, he sits in a chair all day doing tax work!!! And he's older still. Graduated from Kent State (yes that Kent State) in 1965. So he is pushing 70.

punknaynowned - 11-5-2010 at 12:38

life without teeth is not so bad for me.
there were a couple months before I got the dentures so, had no kind of mandible action there.
Can't eat chips, salad doesn't work either. Soft things like a tortilla -- even though it is all soft food, you can't eat without teeth. Can't tear it which is what you need. There are lots of things like that you wouldn't think poses problems eating. Once I got the things it took a little getting used to them. Things like a burger is more difficult with dentures. You have to bury your face in it to eat it and thereby bite off a big piece but that doesn't work with those. Too much food in the mouth with those things causes them to unseat from where they are supposed to sit, so now you have all this food AND these hard plastic things moving around.
So always small bites whatever it is. Take my time. They wouldn't be so hard to clean if I didn't smoke. But you have to smoke sometimes in public, where I mostly wear them.
All in all, not so bad. Glad I'm still breathing you know?

BBP - 11-5-2010 at 12:49

Oh dear... poor Punky! I had braces when I was 15, my canine was growing much to the inside of my mouth so there was no way around it. My teeth were so weak and aching, I could only eat apples in cut parts. Nor could I eat hard bread or pizza. But I never liked pizza anyway.

punknaynowned - 11-5-2010 at 12:59

I had braces as a teenager for three years
I hated that. The ache!!!!
You'd think that might have made my later toothache easier? No way.
That became like a permanent cloud in the head, rather than just the few days around when you get the braces tightened. Still I shudder. Talk about torture.
I feel so much better now.:roll:

BBP - 12-5-2010 at 19:27

Ah that's good news! There was a time when my baby canine was to fall out. I shedded teeth late, it didn't start until I bumped into a doorpost, and it went very slow. I shedded a tooth at 13, one at 14, and I still have 2 babe teeth.

Anyway, that last canine... that was terrible! It grew out so slowly, and there was a night I could feel the pain shoot from my tooth, past my nose, into my brain. It was maddening, and I had a test the next day too!

In the mean time, my ankle is getting better. My foot can flex farther. Twisting it to the inside is still hard though.

polydigm - 13-5-2010 at 06:29

Polydigm coming up for air on the internet. My Daughter is visiting on her way to live with her boyfriend in London and she lent me her USB modem this afternoon. Well, I did end up in hospital lunch time last Sunday, I'm writing to you, albeit fully dressed, sat on my hospital bed. It turns out that this is probably the worst attack that I've had, but it's turning around now and I'm on the mend.

It looks like it might have been avoidable if I'd been handling things differently, but there is a massive learning curve involved with this thing and the catch 22 is that sometimes things have to go wrong in order to clarify the situation. I had another health problem that cropped up that led me to question the safety of the medicine I was taking and it turns out that was a misunderstanding.

There were a bunch of other factors that I was experimenting with that may have also contributed negatively and also some investigations that needed to be made that shouldn't have been left on the back burner. I now have a much better picture of how to proceed in order to avoid this happening again.

As I said, I'm on the mend gradually, and will probably be home by Saturday lunch time. But, after that there will be a long process of gradual healing. As long as it will be, I am able to return to a pretty normal life straight away. I'll probably be back at work early next week.

Yesterday I had a great moment when, after it had finally arrived, my daughter brought Greasy Love Songs in for me. What a great little package, I love it. I'm listening to it right now. The extended Stuff Up The Cracks mix is a real bonus. I think they've done a great job on this one. I like Zappa's remix of Cruising, but this original album mix is also pretty cool.

Anyway, I've got my laptop in here with me and I have Logic installed and I've been working on my music, so it's not too bad in here. I'm seriously missing playing my real instruments and will probably end up hurting myself when I get my hands on them on the weekend. Onwards and upwards.

polydigm - 13-5-2010 at 06:34

A kind of ironical PS. I jumped back to the top of this page where I wasn't saying much and promised to "change the topic next time". I did that didn't I. All the best everyone.

Huck_Phlem - 14-5-2010 at 04:00

I bought a new receiver today. No I don't need it but it's a top of the line Sherwood from 1970 and it's 215 watts so I got it for 57 dollars.

BBP - 14-5-2010 at 06:43

Aw dear Poly... It really helped me talking on my hospital events, even though I'm sure nobody is reading them... Just let it out when you need to.

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

polydigm - 14-5-2010 at 07:59

Thanks Bonny. Still looks like I'll be out this weekend, but my specialist doesn't want me back at work until the end of next week.

BBP - 15-5-2010 at 07:36

Oh dear... Takeyour rest... catch up on those books you always wanted to read, films you always wanted to see...

polydigm - 16-5-2010 at 23:20

Getting on with my music is on the top of my list. I've been home almost two days now and haven't had that much time for it yet. I've been settling into my routine and it's been the weekend, so I've been doing family stuff and just trying trying to relax and feel normal. The boys are off to school this morning so I'm going to have a crack at some projects today. I've only got around to my guitar for a few short bursts, so I'll have a longer go at that today.

BBP - 17-5-2010 at 18:04

Ah that's great! I went back to my keyboard when I broke my leg... guess I just wanted to stay a little longer in my bedroom. During my dark days I pretty much stopped playing, but I've been practicing on a daily base for months now.

polydigm - 17-5-2010 at 23:11

Well, it's 3 steps forward and 2 steps back for me. I didn't end up getting much done on music because I had a bad morning. One of the parts of my treatment was doing more harm than good, so last night I started using an alternative and today, it's early yet, looks like being off to a better start. I did get some some more substantial bursts of guitar practice in though, starting later in the afternoon. Anyway, I'm booting up Logic right now and having a look at an arrangement.

polydigm - 19-5-2010 at 23:19

I hope I'm not putting people off, I notice there have not been any posts for two days.

Well, my last post was wishful thinking, because starting right after making it I ended up being really crook all morning through to about 3:00 PM and began to realise I was being far too ambitious with what I was eating. The treatment had nothing to do with it so I've reverted to the original plan with that. I've put myself on a suitable diet and I've kept every meal down since and including Tuesday night and this thing has gradually settled down. Wednesday was much better than Tuesday, I also made a solid start on a significant new composition. Every sign this morning is that my day is starting at least as well as yesterday.

Anyway, I hope I'm not freaking people out, I'm still managing to find some laughs here.

A joke my son told me, which is probably as old as the hills and is very politically incorrect:

Life's hard, life's a bitch. If it was easy, it'd be a slut.

BBP - 20-5-2010 at 08:17

Don't worry Poly, I've been a little quiet... It's so busy having a new laptop you have to build from the ground up! And the physiotherapy... and drawing... I'll post the fruit of my recent artflow as soon as I can.

polydigm - 21-5-2010 at 00:36

Cheers Bonny. Yesterday did continue mostly as it started. There are always one or two really difficult points in my day associated with the fact that I still have a lot of healing to do that will take a long time, but these are not signs that it's worsening. Late afternoon and evening were pretty tough yesterday but by about 11:00 PM last night that sorted itself out and by that stage it was fairly clear that overall there was some improvement. I went to sleep feeling okay last night and I've woken up pretty smoothly this morning.

When you say you have a new laptop you have to build from the ground up, what do you mean? Did I miss something somewhere else?

BBP - 21-5-2010 at 07:22

My sister bought me a laptop for my birthday! I've had it for a week or two now! It doesn't have much yet (aside from the software and adware that came with it, I have Muppets Treasure Island, BB Flashback Express Screen Recorder, two video viewers and Gabriel Knight 3) so I still need to find a lot of decent software for it. And explore its software. I've found the MahJong this far.

Yesterday I had a good day for it. I saw two squirrels on my newspaper round, went to the physiotherapist, Dad fixed the car so we could finally do the groceries, I went to visit the people who helped me when I broke my ankle (one turned out to be a Hitchcock fan and lent me his copy of North By Northwest!
And I had a little fun with a forum game elsewhere, leading me to upload a video of me playing keyboard.

Later in the evening things took a turn for the worse, when our website got hacked, but we're all back in business. I did lose a post I made on this forum yesterday, but otherwise we're fine!

polydigm - 22-5-2010 at 01:06

Glad to hear the forum's okay.

Further to my last post, the difficulties I experienced on Thursday, although not as dramatic as last Tuesday led me to another diet adaptation which led to a smoothish day on Friday. I even got out to see my GP which was a big step. Today so far, it's 9:30 AM now, I've been walking around the house with a tangible spring in my step.

BBP - 25-5-2010 at 14:15

Celebrated my triumphant return to the real world by cutting my thumb.

polydigm - 26-5-2010 at 00:57

In what way was it a return to the real world?

BBP - 26-5-2010 at 07:47

:) Well, away from the ankle-related pampering...

BBP - 26-5-2010 at 19:32

Watched Eurovision. The acts, that is, not the results. As usual some good acts, some bad acts, some bad comes through, some good fails. Entries I liked best: Russia (win), Slovakia (fail), Belgium (win), FYR Macedonia (win),

BBP - 30-5-2010 at 17:45

Went to my friend's birthday, and I bought Greasy Love Songs!

polydigm - 31-5-2010 at 04:34

Well, I'm back in hospital. I got a fever late last Thursday, rang the hospital for advice and they told me to come in. They decided to readmit me. After a variety of tests and a couple of days under observation it's looking like my current type of treatment is not working effectively enough, so they're considering the next level, which is the last thing between me and serious surgery.

So my fingers are crossed that the next level works. The problem is that it's not progressing as opposed to getting out of hand, so they want to move to the next level to turn it around and avoid it getting out of hand. So, I'm not feeling particularly sicker than last week, and I'm still finding longish periods of time to mess around on the computer with this and that.

Last night I finally got my own usb wireless modem, so now I'm on the internet, which makes this situation a lot more comfortable.

BBP - 31-5-2010 at 09:30

Oh dear, oh dear! Poor Poly! Get well soon dear!

polydigm - 2-6-2010 at 04:10

Yesterday was probably my worst day. Then last night I had the first infusion of the next treatment and this morning I'm feeling a definite improvement. My appetite is back which means the side effects don't seem to be a problem. Don't worry too much about me, if it comes to surgery, as scary as that sounds, it would mean the problem being completely gone, never to return and I'd be able to return to teaching work, play in a band, participate in sport and so on with very little restriction. That almost makes me want to ask for it.

Onwards and upwards!

BBP - 2-6-2010 at 08:22

Oh dear, dear pal, please keep us posted!

Today I'll be visiting the hospital again, to see if the metal needs to be removed.

BBP - 2-6-2010 at 18:19

Some juggling...
"Don't do this at home, it hurts!"

BBP - 3-6-2010 at 20:36

It's been one of those mornings.
At ten to nine, I played a little Mahjong on my laptop.
Nine fifteen, I stop playing, thinking "it's time to go to the physiotherapist now." My appointment is at 9:30.
Then I realize I'm hardly dressed right. I change quickly, discocer it's almost 9:25. I remove the bags from my bicycle, jump on and scoot towards my PT.
At 2/5 of the road, my chain comes off.*
So I raced back as fast as I could, stepping forward and doing even a little running, and then I used my dad's bicycle.
I was still on time! And exhausted.

*In my younger years, the city-bike I had used to have that problem all the time, and I eventually learnt to fix such problems without having to step down. But my current two-wheeler is older than me. It's very retro and had all these neat old features, like old-timey stickers, oldfashioned tyres, old saddle and a fabric chain cover.
The saddle and tyres have been replaced. The chain cover is an almost obsolete part of a bicycle, it makes sure your trousers don't get into the sprocket or dirty from the chain. But it's a neat gizmo. It's wrapped tightly around the support that is around the chain, and it closes with a shipload of metal rings and long iron pins.
Unfortunately that means that, if your chain comes off, putting it back on is a monstrous task.

I tried a hand at it myself this time. It took well over an hour, and my hands were (and still are, even after all the Hand Cleaner Red and white spirit) jet black. My chain is in the right place again. It was badly stuck, and miserably rusty. But it's back up there.

However, I tore up the fabric pretty bad in the process. I could perhaps fix it with ducktape, or sew it, but it's lost that old-fashioned spirit and I'm thinking of wrecking it off.

Huck_Phlem - 7-6-2010 at 06:19

Sometimes I wish I had a chain guard for my bike. Never gets stuck but it dirties my pants sometimes.

polydigm - 7-6-2010 at 23:51

The last line of drugs just kept me hovering and things wouldn't turn back so 9:00AM Sunday they started surgery for over three hours. There were several possible complications with this, all of which turned out with the ideal outcomes. Sunday was a long, gruelling day, but by late evening, things started to settle, with help from painkillers of course. Early Monday morning I was wondering how far I might be able push it that day and the nurses appeared and almost dragged me to the shower. It was the best shower I've ever had in my life. Yesterday I ate three square meals and relished in foods I haven't been able to eat in a long time. I'll get back to you later as it's 8:20 AM Tuesday and I'm about to tuck into breakfast.

BBP - 8-6-2010 at 07:41

That's good news Poly! I'm glad the surgery makes you feel better (well, eventually... I know what it's like now and I'm glad I'm not in your shoes). Bon appetit!

punknaynowned - 8-6-2010 at 22:51

great to see ya on the other side Poly!
Eat Drink and Be Merry!!

Calvin - 9-6-2010 at 03:06

Did they implant a sense of humor? Hehe

Hope you feel better.

polydigm - 9-6-2010 at 13:58

Well, it wasn't all smooth sailing. I had a setback yesterday, which was one of food management only, all physical signs of the surgery have progressed well throughout, although that wasn't always clear to me, and I had a hell of a day and night yesterday. We got carried away with the food and I got quite ill. That seems to be back on track and we're going a bit slower this time. I should be out within the week.

Thanks for everyone's good wishes. A sense of humour wasn't part of the surgery and I'm happy with the one I've got, thanks Cal, just as I'm sure you're happy with yours.

[Edited on 9-6-10 by polydigm]

MTF - 9-6-2010 at 20:57

Hey Bonny: aren't you glad you decided to use BBP as your user name, instead of just BP?

polydigm - 10-6-2010 at 04:07

Coming up to lunch today and things are going well.

BBP - 10-6-2010 at 08:59

Well... part of the reason why I didn't want to use BP is the link to the gas station, of course. I was very fond of BP because of their name, and I was gutted they changed their old logo into that stupid flower "to give them a more environmental image". It's a PETROL company for crying out loud!

We've had elections here. Bad news for the left wingers, but at least prime minister Butterfingers bites the dust.

polydigm - 11-6-2010 at 14:33

Late in the evening the following day and things have continued to improve. I have really been enjoying myself doing a variety of activities moving toward full recovery. The food problem, as horrible as that was at the time, did not prevent my healing to continue at a very good rate. Thus my proposed discharge date has only been delayed by one day and I should be home next Tuesday.

The really good news is that in the case of my disease, the surgery is a complete cure and I will be getting my life back in full with a bonus, which is the knowledge that something which has plagued the majority of my life in progressively worse ways until the last attack which came very close to killing me is now completely gone. It's probably genetic, my father has it, but he's 87 now and his never got serious.

This last attack began late March. I was trying the usual medications to deal with it and it was out of hand by the 9th May when I went into hospital the first time for a week. Nothing really changed when I got back home and ended up back in hospital on 27th May where further drug treatments were unsuccessful. Basically, my life came to a standstill on 9th May and stayed there until I accepted the decision for a very scary surgery with many attendant risks of failure, which took place on the 6th June and I've come out the other side.

I'm still getting my head around it as you can imagine.

MTF - 12-6-2010 at 02:39

That's pretty cool, Poly. Surgery is always scary, but to know that it's over and it worked is certainly a big load off your mind.

Congratulations! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:

aquagoat - 12-6-2010 at 21:31

recover well, poly! :roll:

BBP - 13-6-2010 at 10:04

Been patting everybody's back here lately. A colleague of mine (that French cutie I used to train) has a brother who's just been operated on a nasty tumor, and since I'm the only French-speaker at my work I'm the only one that can sorta talk to him. Poor guy, he must be so lonely...
Mybest friend came over to visit yesterday, but he's going through some hard times too, and the same goes for my grandmother who phoned yesterday... and there's my ownshoulder which often needs patting... geez. I need some smiles here.

polydigm - 13-6-2010 at 16:38

Thanks for everyone's good wishes.

I came home yesterday, it was a very big day for me of course and the first thing I did was play the guitar. I've got a lot of strength to get back which will happen soon enough but I was surprised at what I was able to play. I had a go at the piano this morning and that's coming back too. The sax will have to wait a bit, I still can't do a full bodied cough let alone blow into a saxophone. It's good to be back home with my family.

BBP - 13-6-2010 at 17:28

Great to hear you're home, Poly! Enjoy your music!

punknaynowned - 14-6-2010 at 06:18

the last couple weeks I have seen a lot more of my older friends than I have in a while.
One I hadn't seen in eight years, the other in almost two years.
One seems to be in a good place, though she was here on a kind of vacation and only for a day. Great to catch up again after so long.
The other looks to be a new friendship, or now perhaps a chance to more better get to know. Spent the whole afternoon running around and talking at looking at this and that, let the random places in town get our attention. Fun. This also involves spending more time downtown which means running into more people. So I run into many more people who say 'Hey! I haven't seen you in awhile. Can I come over and visit?"
So attendant days of guests. Conversation and eats and cigarettes and coffee. Like the olde days all over again. Conversation that zigs and zags.
I have a small downtown area within walking distance. Shops and streets, pedestrian traffic and people walking up and down on mild summer days. People watching Saturday afternoons. Watching the bourgeois stream in a blue sky town.
My kind of 'Waterloo Sunset'

BBP - 15-6-2010 at 16:49

Aw that's great Punky!
My friend of 13 years came to visit me on Saturday. At least my ankle has incited him to visit me more often!

Today I hit the town for a Father's Day gift. And I came home with three bras and three DVDs for myself.

polydigm - 15-6-2010 at 23:07

Just passing and saying hi. Things are going well with me. Best wishes to everyone.

Bonny, that's a very familiar shopping tale to me. ;-)

BBP - 16-6-2010 at 08:19

You buy bras? :shocked:

polydigm - 16-6-2010 at 18:29

I thought that joke would turn up. I meant that I've been shopping for others before and ended up buying stuff for myself instead.

punknaynowned - 16-6-2010 at 23:06

today I went to our local 'microbrewery' where I met up with an old friend to give them a dozen zappa cd's. I had burned a bunch of things to give him a sense of the zappa world in the last ten years. And talked about zappateers.

I ran into a bunch of people I used to know and one of them gave me a pair of tickets to see a jazz combo Sunday at the place where zpz played last week. He said he could have used my help running stage crew for that show!!!
So I missed out on that entirely :crying:
but get to see a free show next week. :bouncy:
Some people would say I need to get out more often,
but most of the time, I'd say I show up just in time.:biggrin:

[Edited on 16-6-10 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 18-6-2010 at 07:31

Well,if you know the joke's coming, Poly...

Oh man, it wouldve been awesome to work on ZPZ! Hey, maybe I could do that! I still need a ticket to Melkweg btw.

polydigm - 20-6-2010 at 02:05

Don't worry Bonny, it was obvious you were only joking. I wanted to say I related to your tale, I just forgot to specify which part.

Moving on, it's just after breakfast time here in OZ, another day after a patchy sleep which is none the less getting much easier now. I got through yesterday without so much as a single paracetamol and I had a major epiphany about my piano playing early on before breakfast while practicing. To attempt to progress with it, I've used a fairly classical method with all the attendant pre 20th C pieces thrown in and always gave up after getting bored with the process. I don't know what made me think it was a good way to go about it. I don't want to push that stuff into my head any more.

On the guitar, I've always been self taught and have only rarely ever played any pre 20th century stuff and mostly my own work as I've developed as a composer. In fact my progress on the guitar has been integral with my progress as a composer. All this has been knitted together from a fairly extensive personal library of books about music theory ranging from the rudiments through increasingly complex levels of diatonic composition and then serial music and beyond into the rest of the 20th century. I eventually reached a point where the books became only reference material, as carving out my own sonic domain became my main mode of operation. There's still quite a variety of musical discipline going on in there as well.

Anyway, it occurred to me yesterday, why am I not playing the piano using exactly the same methods in principle as I use on the guitar? That's what I started doing fairly soon after I started the saxophone earlier this year. On the sax I only play my own stuff and a couple of Zappa tunes. The upshot with the piano? All the classical books are now permanently shelved and my progress is taking my breath away. I'm already playing things on the piano I wouldn't have considered possible previously and coming up with some new arrangements of my pieces. Right now I'm well into working on an arrangement of, and playing, the Fillmore East version of Little House I Used To Live In. It's great fun and I'm now highly motivated because the piano will do much more for me in the arrangement department than the guitar.

The only thing I don't do is sight read my instruments, but I can read music and pick up parts for them very quickly. I've also developed my music writing ability to quite a high level, somewhat untidy with a pencil, but I love physically writing it. I do most of my work with scoring software, but it's not always convenient to use and I've always got score paper, pencil and eraser about the place.

Well, that was a bit of a long one but I couldn't wait to tell people about it. Hope this finds everyone well.

BBP - 20-6-2010 at 11:32

That's great news! I love the piano for all the same reasons,although with a guitar it's much easier to play in a different key. I primarily play classical music on it though. But I love classical music so it's not a bad idea. Among the pieces I'm currently working on, is one of my favourites: Chopin's waltz no 7 in C sharp minor.
(besides that, there's Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor, the Ave Maria prelude, the infamous menuet, Mozarts Rondo Alla Turca, Beethoven's 14th piano sonata op 27/2 first movement, Greensleeves, and maybe a few pop songs I play every once in a while. I'm pretty upset now that I let my playing slip so badly. I've had to start over again, re-study songs I never had any trouble with.)

polydigm - 23-6-2010 at 02:07

Originally posted by BBP: That's great news! I love the piano for all the same reasons,although with a guitar it's much easier to play in a different key.
I disagree, because even though the guitar presents you with symmetric key changes, they still sit differently within similar pitch ranges, give you a wide variety of different possibilities for pull offs to open strings, etc and you still need to know them very well individually ti get the most out of them. I know certain keys really well like E, F, F# G, A, Bb, B, C and D in many of their major, minor, modal, chromatic scale variations and chord progressions but when I go to other keys I lose track. I'm talking about improvisation there, with fixed compositions that I learn it's no problem, I can do that equally well in any key, which is where I would agree with you.

On the piano, there's a logic with the pattern of black and white keys, which, even though the keys are very unsymmetrical makes them easy to pick out. Okay, having a black key as a root note is more difficult than having a white one, but there are techniques you can develop to minimise that.

Originally posted by BBP: I'm pretty upset now that I let my playing slip so badly. I've had to start over again, re-study songs I never had any trouble with.)
I know exactly what you mean, that's my main reason for changing the way I go about it from the bottom up, because I don't intend ever to give it up again. I started playing about 17 years ago in order to help my daughter who was 8 at the time and having piano lessons and then after she gave up I continued only to fall into a pattern of giving it up out of boredom. My current level of playing certainly does not indicate even a third of that time in experience.

polydigm - 23-6-2010 at 02:12

Anyway, yesterday's noteworthy was me driving our van around the the block, exciting hey? I won't be driving on main roads yet for some time. Today is just unfolding, I'll probably go for another walk at some point and do some guitar and piano practice in the mean time. At some point I have to start getting my head back around what I teach at school and do some preparation in advance to help ease my way back in.

polydigm - 23-6-2010 at 02:20

Now for the momentous post. This one's noteworthy right now.

Ta!! Da!! Geoff reaches 500 posts on the Goose!!

BBP - 23-6-2010 at 08:15

Wow Geoff! (APPLAUSE)
In the mean time therapy is going well, although my ankle gave me some trouble last week. And I'm trying to get a game to run, with help from a programming friend off the Sierra forum. He's great!

polydigm - 24-6-2010 at 02:09

So, Bonny, how much time do you think from today until total recovery? And, please remind me of the date of your operation. I hope it's going well.

BBP - 24-6-2010 at 07:38

The tumble and the operation were on February 3rd. Prognosis is it won't be as flexible as it used to be, but we're already diminishing the physical therapy. Maybe a month but I really can't be sure.

BBP - 26-6-2010 at 08:36

Yesterday I uploaded the zip file of the game I'm trying to get to run, so my scripting friend can help out. Isn't that nice? Okay, so uploading the first disc took two hours.

punknaynowned - 26-6-2010 at 09:13

That IS nice. I would volunteer but, of course I have no idea how to do that.
Spent 152 minutes on the phone with the IRS -- our tax collection service here.I talked to 5 people and was on hold for nearly 60 minutes. 152 minutes equals about $30 worth of minutes on the phone. And now I have to wait two more weeks to get more paper work, fill that out and then they will bill me. It may be $1200 or more. First time that's ever happened. I guess I must live and learn.:-D:-D:-D

BBP - 26-6-2010 at 19:10

Dad and I went to visit an architecture day in Eindhoven. Five normally closed buildings would be open. Besides the old textile building (OK, the tour sucked, he knew next to nothing and let us all try to find the exit ourselves, although it was a total maze) and the old art museum, it was rather disappointing. We went to get icecream afterwards.

And I just narrowly avoided a disaster. I slipped down the stairs. But I escaped with just a few scratches.

BBP - 27-6-2010 at 15:20

Dad'll be gone for the next three days... hum.

aquagoat - 28-6-2010 at 17:15

Party tiiiiiiiiiiiiiime !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bouncy::bouncing::roll:

BBP - 28-6-2010 at 20:21

Oh you bet! (makes a jump to the left...) Cooked myself a nice meal today. And I had therapy again, chatted with ma therapist about football. And he gave me advice on how to improve my running, as I can't run while using my regular foot movement yet. That hurts like hell.

So he adviced me to run slowly, touching the ground with the front of my feet only. Unfortunately it means running gets rather "springy", and I don't have any underwear that can... ahem... soften the blow, so it'll be an indoors activity. Ho hum.

And I cleared the piano. Man it's off-key! Beethoven's op 27/2 sounds much better on piano, though. Even if it's off-key.

polydigm - 29-6-2010 at 00:35

Hey Bonny, I can relate to the stair fall, I fell off a step ladder a week back and bruised my wrist and ankle and luckily managed not to damage any of my surgery. An overconfident momentary lapse of reason. That snapped me out of it I can tell you. What was I doing up a step ladder only two weeks after surgery, well .... ?!

Anyway, had my first checkup at the hospital yesterday and as I've been driving to local shops for a couple of days now and dropped my sons off at their Saturday sport games, I drove into the hospital. When I got there, I found what should have been a perfect park but some dick head had parked right across the line into the space and there were motor scooters parked right up against the other side. I was driving our Volkswagen Transporter Van and just squeezed in so the dick head would have to get in through his passenger door, a minor inconvenience after what he'd done.

When I came back, having realised earlier I'd forgotten to pay and display, I saw something blowing in the wind under the windscreen wiper and thought I'd been fined. But, when got to it, I found a scrap of paper with a note scrawled on it, "Are you a dick head, mate?". Hilarious.

Anyway, they were very happy with my progress at the hospital and happy for me to be driving again, with a warning to avoid activities like gardening and any heavy lifting until at least 6 weeks after surgery and even then I'll have to wear this special elastic waste band when playing tennis and so on, which is cool by me, 19 days to go and counting.

On the music front, my guitar speed is back and I'm now playing the fast parts of Echidna's Arf fairly accurately on the electric. The acoustic is still a bit hard on my fingers, but getting better. The piano's coming along in leaps and bounds and I've started working on a book of Cool Jazz tunes. Still no saxophone, it's killing me.

And, I've started learning French again, with a vengeance this time, but not using text books, just reading books, starting with a fairly advanced young person's book about Monsieur et Madame Curie along with a comprehensive pronunciation guide using sound samples and a comprehensive Grammar guide, both downloaded from the internet and a French - English dictionary which also has pronunciation and grammar guides to cross check with. Similar principle to how I'm approaching the piano now. I did do four years of French at high school so the foundation is in there already and I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's a damn complicated language, though. I want to able to speak to my Mum in French and also email my French relatives.

BBP - 29-6-2010 at 07:53

Tee hee! That's fun... then again, the "asshole" is also parked at the hospital. Maybe the passenger needed much space for a wheelchair to roll up the side.

The thing about French (which I did for six years in high school, I was great at it but barely half a year after I graduated I found it had slipped very badly) is that grammatically it's a lot easier than Dutch or German. With possible exception of verb conjugation, but that's pretty nasty in the Germanic languages as well.
My problem is with listening. It goes very, very fast, and half of the letters you read are swallowed by the speaker.

BBP - 1-7-2010 at 08:03

Today? Dad's coming back. I promised I'd try to clean the living room a little, but it didn't work.

BBP - 2-7-2010 at 17:10

:bouncing:Netherlands beats Brazil!

aquagoat - 3-7-2010 at 07:17

yeah, congratulations!!

MTF - 3-7-2010 at 08:39

Uruguay beats Ghana!!!

(well, somebody cares...)

polydigm - 4-7-2010 at 00:54

Germany annihilates Argentina!!!!

aquagoat - 4-7-2010 at 09:17

I beat my wife. :devil:

BBP - 4-7-2010 at 10:29

Hey! Did you get married without telling us?

Dad had organized a BBQ with some 120 former employees of one of his old companies. I came along to help out and make some photos. So we're both totally exhausted today.

aquagoat - 4-7-2010 at 12:34

no, no wedding.

BBP - 5-7-2010 at 18:08

Every person performs a part in the play called Life.

Today my part was The Git Who Forgets To Weigh His Apples At The Supermarket.

BBP - 7-7-2010 at 09:28

Having a hard day today... and yesterday too... discovered I didn't just miss out on Les Claypool and Pat Metheney and Mozart's Requiem, but also on another of my favourite groups, DAAU. I was so looking forward to seeing them again, their 2006 album Domestic Wildlife was on every day for ten months.
And now it looks like I can't make ZPZ either. I definitely can't get the day off.

punknaynowned - 7-7-2010 at 10:34

the first thing I thought when I realized I could not go this year was, "Well, I can't do everything I want to."
and the next was, "I should get a show via bittorrent any day." And I did.
Depressed thoughts of not 'being with the others' floated away.

punknaynowned - 7-7-2010 at 10:36

If I lived there and had a way to go, you certainly would not miss it.

BBP - 7-7-2010 at 13:37

I guess I'm going to take up a suggestion by SabreTooPhairy. Yes, shoot me. I'm going to bring my bicycle on the train with me.

The thing with that OV stuff I'm nagging about on the Zappa-forum: It's an awful system, currently it's only obligated in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. You buy this plastic credit card, load it with money.
If you want to travel by bus or streetcar, you have to wave the card past the reader until it beeps, then there's 4 euros taken from your credit, and at the arrival point you check out, and the money minus the travelling fee is restituted on your account. Travelling fee is 78 cents per kilometer (roughly 0.65 miles).

The Melkweg is not that close to Amsterdam Central Station. It's 2.1 km.
OV will round that up to 3 km.
If I want to go to Melkweg by public transport, I will need E 6.34 at least. The trip costs E 4.68 altogether, and the remaining money will probably stay on that card for the next five years.

Plus buying an anonymous card costs E 7,50 anyway.

punknaynowned - 8-7-2010 at 11:43


BBP - 9-7-2010 at 11:53

Off in a few minutes... Whee!

polydigm - 11-7-2010 at 06:22

Oh well, I'm back at work in a week. That's kind of awesome, exciting and dreadful all at once. I'm sure I'll be fine, but it crept up real quick. Everything else is going well with me, I've got my guitar chops back. I'm regaining some muscle definition and looking less like a starving refugee with every day.

BBP - 11-7-2010 at 11:21

That's great news Poly! Hang in there!

BBP - 12-7-2010 at 11:06

Had several gallons of rain poured over me. Tonight Dweezil is playing an open-air venue nearby. Hmmm?
(contemplates on going)

BBP - 12-7-2010 at 17:17

Too late to leave now...
Bought the new DAAU last Wednesday, but it turned out to be a let-down. Only listened to the first two tracks so far. That took 25 excruciating minutes. :rolleyes: Man, I was looking forward to that album, considering DAAU's 2006 album didn't leave the CD-player for ten months, but to have spent a large amount on a fancy wooden jewelcase...

BBP - 14-7-2010 at 12:47

I've tarted to miss Peccary, so I've knitted him a little brother.

BBP - 18-7-2010 at 10:06

This place is getting a little quiet now... I've discovered some files on my favourite game, Gabriel Knight 3, that are on the disk but not in the game, and these files suggest that a large section was cut. So I've been puzzling that out. It's very rewarding!

DED - 19-7-2010 at 17:35

On the flea market where BBP did not bought the painting I bought a old 45
Somewhere in the eighties it was a tophit in Holland.
Sometimes we as a nation fell for a stupid song.
This one is called Bloody Mary. The title suggests that you can understand the lyrics, but then you are in error.
The song is made and performed by 2 Dutch streetmusicians and is about the female pirate Bloody Mary who can drink and fight like a man. At the end of the song it will be clear that she can drink and fight but was unable to swim.

polydigm - 20-7-2010 at 02:08

Oh well, sorry folks, but I'm back in hospital again. This time it's a post surgery complication that can occur five to six weeks after the surgery. Basically it's a blockage in my small intestine. I've been back in here a week now. I'll skip the details, but apparently in a reasonable majority of cases these blockages sort themselves out so we're waiting to see at the moment.

This up and down thing is getting a bit weary but I'm trying to stay positive.

I hope everyone else here is doing well.

BBP - 20-7-2010 at 07:47

Oh dear, dear Poly! I hope you'll be back on your feet soon... (hugs)

aquagoat - 20-7-2010 at 10:17

recover well and come back soon, poly! :bouncy:

polydigm - 21-7-2010 at 04:32

Thanks for your wishes Bonny and Aqua. I'm able to keep fairly busy while I'm in here, I've got my laptop and my French books and so on. The thing is that I'm actually quite healthy besides the blockage so at least I'm not laid out feeling sick like I was before the surgery. I go for several walks and sit up in a chair working in between. It's driving me mad not being able to eat though.

Anyway, I'm trying to maintain a positive demeanour and succeeding fairly well.

BBP - 22-7-2010 at 07:48

I'm sure glad to hear you're feeling OK... poor Poly!

There was a huge fire not far from here, at a plastic disposal factory. It caused a huge black cloud that could be seen from tens of kilometers away.

Newspaper article with videos here:

BBP - 29-7-2010 at 11:12

Trying to get life to go on as hard as it is, so I went to my physical therapist today. He's a lovely guy. He told me he had a problem with the cruise control and as a result, bumped his car into a tree. He decided to buy a new one instead of getting repairs, as that would be too costly.

Huck_Phlem - 30-7-2010 at 07:49

A new cruise control? :P

BBP - 31-7-2010 at 07:20

Jokes like that are beyond me. I know nothing about cars. Except that the brake is in the middle.

I'm off to The Hague again, to bring my dad the steamer. Unfortunately if he'd done that a day later I could've used the coupons the Dutch Railways sent me, but noooo.

BBP - 1-8-2010 at 18:52

Dad and I are back home and back in business.

My neck hurts. I think it was from yesterday's bird-watching extravaganza.

BBP - 4-8-2010 at 07:13

I just had a very creepy mail in my in-box. Looks like a love letter from somebody who watched my Frankenstein: Through The Eyes Of The Monster playthrough. Help!!

BBP - 5-8-2010 at 08:30

Went to Youtube and saw that my video count of yesterday was over 700 views! :shocked:

Went to see how. It was caused by the video "Chloe Gets Murdered" from my Voyeur walkthrough.

It received over 200 views in one day.

Went to check Discovery how come.

Over 200 viewers came from the site

Went to check out the site but decided to go no further than the welcome page. :shocked::shocked::shocked:

punknaynowned - 5-8-2010 at 14:19

I didn't go thru farther than the front page either
but if the front page is any indication
AND if your game walkthrough's title 'Chloe gets murdered' is any indication,
maybe they used the game scenes for some game they were playing amongst themselves. A plausible and harmless guess.

Secondlife advocates are found a lot in graduate school as well. You said at the other place that the person that emailed you was both a teacher and a student. That usually means 'graduate student' here. Learning higher level stuff in their discipline while teaching lower level students in same discipline.

Never heard of a 'dying girl' fetish, most people here can't wrap their head around the idea of "Dead Girls of London", either.

Calvin - 6-8-2010 at 05:21

Well, I went beyond the front page to see if I could find why your video got so many hits, but couldn't find anything. It's definitely weird stuff and I don't think I'll be visiting it again.

BBP - 6-8-2010 at 08:01

I've found it. I googled on the video name and found

That's the Google cache.

Calvin - 10-8-2010 at 01:08

Ah, it was the youtube link only. That's why I couldn't find it.

BBP - 11-8-2010 at 07:07

Absolutely nothing extraordinarily happened over the past few days. On one hand I can use my rest, but on the other hand it's ****ing boring.

DED - 11-8-2010 at 21:01

If you areboard you can scan hundreds of pictures.
Esp picture of the period 1977 upto 1984

BBP - 12-8-2010 at 13:47

Ehm... no... I just watched that Hitchcock BBC aired, called Stagefright. And I went to the physical therapist.

BBP - 14-8-2010 at 21:23

Life's normalizing slowly here. Today I had a flat tire on my newspaper round. :freak:

Anyway that's repaired, and while we're waiting for the car to get fixed, we often have to go grocery shopping by bicycle.

It's been a long day... time for bed!

aquagoat - 14-8-2010 at 23:11

bed is always good, it's the safest place out there.;-)

BBP - 15-8-2010 at 10:06

Not from the nightmare I had, though. Was on my way to school with classmates when we were apprehended by Norwegian terrorists.

aquagoat - 15-8-2010 at 21:13

ooohh, Norwegian terrorists? creepy!!!!:-D

BBP - 16-8-2010 at 08:56

Yes, they made us take suicide pills.

BBP - 18-8-2010 at 07:29

And Dad's back to The Hague again. Reminds me of how I missed him when he went out to take care of Gran back in '06.

polydigm - 19-8-2010 at 08:55

Hello!! Sorry I haven't been by for a while, but my situation is so complicated with all the ups and downs I've had that I end up not wanting to say anything in case it might jinx my situation. I'm not really superstitious but I'm battling to keep a positive frame of mind. Anyway, two days after my last message, because the block wouldn't clear itself naturally I ended up having surgery again on 23rd July and it seems to have done the trick. I've been back home since 1st August.

I'm playing the guitar and the piano again but the sax is still on hold unfortunately, it's been ages.

BBP - 19-8-2010 at 09:04

Aw dear Poly! Glad you're back home and all-right! And it's great to see you again!

DED - 24-8-2010 at 11:31

Poly, keep on going.

BBP - 25-8-2010 at 07:50

DED is off to The Hague again. I'm not sure if he noticed, but I was doing my newspaper round and nearly cycled into his car when I came out of one of the other houses in our street.

BBP - 26-8-2010 at 09:39

Read Dweezil's blog about his daughters painting. That's ten seconds of my life I'll never get back.

polydigm - 27-8-2010 at 01:32

Thank you DED. I will definitely keep on going. Things are coming along okay so far. If I can get through the next two or three weeks without another blockage then you will be hearing from a very happy bunny.

BBP - 28-8-2010 at 17:36

Finished knitting my sweater today, I finally put all the pieces together.
I'll post pictures of it soon.

BBP - 29-8-2010 at 16:35

Made pictures of me and my new home-knitted jumper!
I put them on Sierra Help Pages, which allows you to upload attachments, but you can see them here:

polydigm - 31-8-2010 at 10:03

You can't view anything there, Bonny, unless you're a member, so that counts me out. Why don't you post your pictures here?

BBP - 31-8-2010 at 10:40

Darn, I forgot about that! I posted the attachments there so I could show them without having to turn to our Vista.

Anyway I uploaded them onto

polydigm - 1-9-2010 at 04:26

Nice jumper. It's normal size too (tee hee).

punknaynowned - 1-9-2010 at 13:28

I like the blue color. Some of my favorite hats have been woolen. I think wool would not work well with lots of rain however. Snow yes. Rain, not so much.:D:D

BBP - 2-9-2010 at 16:03

Thanks guys!

Had a nasty pervert phonecall today. Felt sick afterwards.

So when the garage phoned to tell our car has been fixed:
I pick up the phone, hear a sigh and a raspy male voice in the distance, and smash the phone on the hook.

polydigm - 3-9-2010 at 00:13

I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when you called the garage guy to explain why you hung up on him.


BBP - 3-9-2010 at 07:48

:D You don't want to be a fly on the wall in my house... though I prefer to catch them in a container and usher them outside, I'm very good at swatting flies.

BBP - 3-9-2010 at 16:00

We went to the grocery store by car today.
Our car had been having bad troubles, so Dad was given the option to either have it fixed for a lot of money, or buy another one.
He chose to have it repaired, and he came home with the car yesterday (after I hung up on the garage guy).
Our car had been giving us issues for over a month, and it became so bad at times that we could only get our food by bicycle.

Anyway, we went out for groceries... and when we wanted to go back, the car wouldn't start. After a few attempts we visited a nearby hardware and gardening store to allow the engine to cool, but our Opel wouldn't start after that. Dad went out to call the garage, he was away for quite some time, and when he came back finally, he told me that the garage was unable to pull us away from the supermarket parking lot.

We parted ways there, I went home by bus (lengthy, lengthy ride) carrying the bag with the fridge/freezer goods, and Dad was off to the nearby garage to get help.
I came home half an hour ago. Dad isn't home yet.

Huck_Phlem - 4-9-2010 at 20:47

I do all my shopping by bike. I have to go often in order to have enough stuff for the two kids and I.

DED - 4-9-2010 at 22:36

If you could do all of your shoppings in one day of the week, you save money. Every time you go you buy more than really needed.
I planned to call a friend to help to get the car to the garage. When we arrive at my car fortenately he started!!
We drove back and this morning I went to the demolisher who always repairs my car with secondhand parts. ( new is not handy in a 15 year old car. It was a search to find the problem but finally we found out that a pressureswitch was broken with a result that petrol was injected in the manifold. And that was completely wrong. After changing the part everything was ok....for now.

[Edited on 4-9-2010 by DED]

MTF - 5-9-2010 at 05:13

I'd go Batty. Broken shit just makes me insane.

BBP - 5-9-2010 at 21:24

:bald: Well it's running now... and it sounds like the on-going saga of the past two years of petrol problems is finally over.

In the mean time my sister and father are playing Scrabble. And arguing. I never know which they are enjoying more.

BBP - 6-9-2010 at 16:16

Bought a whistle in case I get another pervert phonecall.
It's hard to believe something as ordinary as a whistle could be so hard to buy.

punknaynowned - 8-9-2010 at 06:33

Hope your leg heals quick after your spill the other day B!
Glad the car works again for ya too. I wonder what it is like there as far as the ease of traffic with cars, cyclists, walkers, all on narrow streets. I imagine narrow streets with shrubs and parked cars and everyone having to work their way around and through the crowded space. Or maybe better in some areas with older areas connected by broader more open highways and the narrow streets are in older neighborhoods.

I ride my bike to the store as well but also have a friend who comes by and takes me for heavier canned goods and so on. I should mount a crate on the back of my bike. I've not had any spills yet but gotten close with the one hand bound up in the plastic handle of sometimes HEAVY bag of groceries and also needing in helping to steer now and then. I use mostly unused roads only and alleys to avoid traffic.

Today I'm going to finally order Philly'76 and Greasy Love Songs. Was hoping we'd get a notice of a new one. But No!!!

polydigm - 8-9-2010 at 07:21

Originally posted by MTF: I'd go Batty. Broken shit just makes me insane.
Sorry MTF, but there's barely room enough for one Batty, let alone two!! Seriously though, I know what you mean about broken stuff. If it's not one thing it's another.

And this year, I'm the one that got broken and kept having to go back for repairs. Anyway, so far so good and it looks like I'll be back at work next week. That's after having been away for four months.

punknaynowned - 8-9-2010 at 08:05

Also great to hear you're on the mend Geoff!!!

BBP - 8-9-2010 at 19:42

Oh I love Greasy Love Songs! It sounds so great!
I played it for my friend (the blind lady who sings Bend or Break on that vid I uploaded), she liked it! She sang Love Of My Life with her choir.

Either way my visit was very cosy. And I got a great amount of reading done on the train.

BBP - 9-9-2010 at 15:39

Taking a breather. We've put Gran's old closets in my sister's room, and now my room got my sister's closet extra. So more space!

Also found the old 9/11 newspapers I saved back in the day.

polydigm - 10-9-2010 at 07:53

Originally posted by BBP: :D You don't want to be a fly on the wall in my house... though I prefer to catch them in a container and usher them outside, I'm very good at swatting flies.
You give mercy to flies? I've caught spiders using a jar and then releasing them, but flies? Never. The only good fly is a dead fly.


BBP - 10-9-2010 at 08:22

Normally I am, but yesterday I had a fly in my bedroom. I'm sensitive about that ever since I had that banana fly trapped in my ear at 3AM.

I swatted it with my hand! How did I do that? Did it get stuck in the textile of my sweats or something?

Either way, it was badly hurt, so I grabbed it by its wing and put it outside. It looked alive to me.

punknaynowned - 11-9-2010 at 09:16

Originally posted by BBP
Oh I love Greasy Love Songs! It sounds so great!
I played it for my friend (the blind lady who sings Bend or Break on that vid I uploaded), she liked it! She sang Love Of My Life with her choir.

Either way my visit was very cosy. And I got a great amount of reading done on the train.

So tell us how Greasy compares with the '84 Ruben...
my copy is on the way next week

BBP - 11-9-2010 at 09:19

Oh it's much better! Sounds much less cramped!

I'm still going to write that review about it.

Huck_Phlem - 11-9-2010 at 19:53

Last week I had a fly stuck in my window. The next day there were 4 and then there were 12. It was hot and they just multiplied like crazy. The best thing that worked was fly paper rolls.

BBP - 12-9-2010 at 17:44

Went on a trip as guide dog. My blind friend (who I went to visit earlier this week and who sings Bend or Break on my YouTube account) asked me to help out at the annual weekend of the Blind and Vision Impaired Students. One of the people who agreed to help out couldn't make it. My sister went to help out on Saturday (they went canoeing), and I accompanied them on their walk through the city of Haarlem. It was lovely! The guide seemed to have an eye on me and gave me a chestnut. I saw the birthplace of Nicolaas Beets (who wrote Camera Obscura, the book I read last month), because of Monument's Day we could visit an old church that is usually closed, and because it was also Choir Festival we saw a choir of 5 singers perform Happy Together; and the local newspaper made a photo of our group!

polydigm - 13-9-2010 at 09:22

Successfully completed first day back at work.

BBP - 14-9-2010 at 08:05

Congratulations Poly! How was it?

polydigm - 15-9-2010 at 10:13

It went well. I'd been away four months so getting up early is taking some getting used to. They haven't got me back on classes yet so I'm doing all sorts of bits and pieces to make up my fraction, which may be easy money but I'd much rather be back teaching classes and being fully occupied. I'm a bit nervous about my prospects for contract renewal at the end of the year but the feedback I've been getting so far seems positive in that respect.

BBP - 16-9-2010 at 18:44

My helping around during a tour of Haarlem with a group of vision-impaired youngsters got my mug in a newspaper.

Spot the Bon!

polydigm - 17-9-2010 at 14:35

Behind the lady in stripes.

BBP - 18-9-2010 at 07:32

Yup! She suddenly stood in front of me as the photographer was about to take the picture, so I had to decide quick where I was going to stand so that I'd be in the shot. Shame I didn't opt for the other side.

polydigm - 19-9-2010 at 00:57

She's certainly taking up more than her fair share of room in that shot.

Anyway, I've finished my first week back at work and all is going well. I still can't quite shake this "looking over my shoulder" feeling but things seem to have settled down quite well. I've got one more concern that I'll be checking with my specialist later in the week and if that turns out alright maybe the following week I might start to get a little excited about it all.

BBP - 21-9-2010 at 17:24

That's sounding good there, Poly! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Had an action-packed day. Hit the town to get Gran's last film developed.
Then I went to search the rest of the town, to get my sister birthday presents, to look for cheap high heels so I can partake in the stiletto run, and to visit a museum that's closing down in a few months.

Film will be developed next week.

I didn't reach the museum until 10 minutes before closing time.

Didn't find anything else I could possibly buy. No, nothing, nothing at all.

Came home to find Dad clearing the garage.

Unfortunately Gran's fridge had been closed, so mold had formed in it, which I had to clean. BLEGH!! :regan:

[Edited on 21-9-10 by BBP]

BBP - 21-9-2010 at 17:28

(And then I had the cleanest mold on the block)

Calvin - 22-9-2010 at 03:07

I saw an advertisement for the season premiere of Criminal Minds and thought of you today Bonny. It has Tim Curry in it. I think you can catch the episode on the CBS site after it airs, if you don't get it there.

[Edited on 22-9-2010 by Calvin]

BBP - 22-9-2010 at 08:20

Yeah it''s the sequel of the Season 5 final, which I have seen already. The scriptwriting wasn't stellar, and although it's great to see the face behind the voice, when listening to Joe Mantegna I can't help but think "Fat Tony!". But Tim's performance is much loved, although he really frightens most of the girls at the Curry fanforum I frequent. Cute.

I'm sad to see him smoke though.

BBP - 25-9-2010 at 09:36

Watched the finale... it's pretty good!

Anyway, off to bake a cake for my sister!

polydigm - 26-9-2010 at 04:44

Just dropping by to say hi. Nothing to report. I've finished two weeks back at work and now I'm on holiday, crazy timing.

BBP - 27-9-2010 at 07:59

Today's Gran's birthday. We're off to visit The Hague today.

Absolutely nothing went wrong with baking my pie. Isn't it amazing?

polydigm - 28-9-2010 at 06:50

That concern I mentioned above turned out to be nothing sinister so tonight I may allow myself to celebrate.

punknaynowned - 28-9-2010 at 15:01

Poly, enjoy your holiday!

BBP - 28-9-2010 at 18:50

Yay! Time to get excited!
Today I hit the town centre again, to pick up the photos I'd sent for printing. My grandmother had made two more photos, that hadn't been developed yet.
One of them is a photo with too much light. It depicts two dogs in front of the heater. Since it was taken at low height, I assume it was taken by a cousin.
The second one is more interesting. It has too little light, but the depicted is still clear: Grandma herself at the photographer's, apparently struggling after her camera got new film.

polydigm - 29-9-2010 at 02:21

Thanks Bonny. BTW, I don't want to put my foot in it, but you talk about your Grandmother is that on your Father's side?

Thanks for your wishes Punky.

BBP - 30-9-2010 at 08:45

Read on DZW that Huck_Phlem AKA Flammaster got hit by a car, got a skull fracture, spine fracture, broken finger and broken collar bone.

Wishing you all the best, Huck! :bisou:

BBP - 30-9-2010 at 08:46

Yes, that's on Dad's side. The one on mother's side died in 1990 or so. She was very sweet.

punknaynowned - 30-9-2010 at 15:48

oh wow!
Sure hope he's got insurance and a way to pay for that!!!
I mean, that's a horrible accident that could cripple him for life even if he has sufficient medical care.
But Without proper rehab after ...

Wait: hit by a car? Does that mean he was on his bike?
Awful. I feel so sad for him ... and his son now too.
Who's gonna look after them?:(

punknaynowned - 1-10-2010 at 17:14

I am totally thinking about Huck today.

BBP - 2-10-2010 at 09:56

Huck is posting at already... I'll make him a postcard!

polydigm - 3-10-2010 at 02:36

Hey Huck, wherever you are, hang in there mate.

BBP - 5-10-2010 at 08:33

We went to The Hague again yesterday. Besides visiting the family grave and my lovable uncle Peter, we went to the bank to clear the funeral bill.

I'll start saving for a funeral. Maybe I'll have just enough in 50 years. Guh.

BBP - 5-10-2010 at 18:10

Also added some user ranks.

polydigm - 6-10-2010 at 00:31

User ranks?

BBP - 6-10-2010 at 08:54

You are currently Joe's Garage status, since you have 500+ posts. I added some for extra categories shortly after I took over this site (Scallopino complained he didn't get any higher than Apostrophe). Yesterday, recalling the Mini Star (which required one thousand posts) rank I once acquired at the Primus forum with muchas gracias to the 1,000,000 bottles of beer thread, and recalling I've managed to accumulate nearly 4000 posts by now, why not go beyond the 1000 post Frank Zappa status?

polydigm - 6-10-2010 at 08:59

All I know is, if you keep this forum going, I won't stop visiting. It might take me a few years to get to 1000 posts, but I'll keep on posting.

punknaynowned - 6-10-2010 at 16:39

dunno if I can stand the shock.
Might have to get sunglasses fixed and put them on before I come here
looks great folks!

[Edited on 6-10-10 by punknaynowned]

aquagoat - 6-10-2010 at 16:59

it looks really great, bonny.:bouncy:

BBP - 6-10-2010 at 17:50

Well... you got my father to thank, really.
The smileys look all cut in the preview box to the left of Quick Reply, I'll check if it works... :grin::bouncy:

DED - 6-10-2010 at 18:07

I even got my b-day in :biggrin:

aquagoat - 6-10-2010 at 19:42

That's true, it works, thank you DED. :bouncing:

polydigm - 7-10-2010 at 04:08

Yes my birth date is in and so is my correct time zone but it still needs a daylight savings option. I do like the default look.

DED - 7-10-2010 at 09:17

I like the 2,3 and more days in de Today's post section. It will give you the opportunity to look for posts in the last 96 hours. Instead of that message "no posts were made in the last 24 hours". I also like the up and down bottom.
I miss something as upcoming b-days at the bottom of the main page. But maybe there is a plugin somewhere.

DED - 10-10-2010 at 08:33

Found a b-day plug-in I will test it but today I have to work in the house. BBP is going to some sort of a concert, I must get the opportunity to get rid of a lot of things. On the other hand Saskia is visiting today so I think I go out with the bicycle.
Other thing is that I upgraded the guestbook and changed the looks of it. Next thing to do is the picturealbum and the chatroom although I hardly think someone is using that.

BBP - 11-10-2010 at 07:48

The cut smilies I was nagging about in my earlier post were caused by my zoom level, which was 105% instead of 100%. Oops.

Anyway, yesterday my blind friend, along with a visually handicapped friend (the lady in striped clothes in the newspaper photo I mailed earlier), gave a small concert in her own home. I taped all of it.

My friend is a choir singer and a pretty good performer, but Stripe was only singing, and incredibly nervous, so quite off-key. Oh brother. I decided to only upload a song by Dutch actor Antonie Kamerling, since he committed suicide recently and that may draw a small crowd of viewers.
Fortunately Hedda sings the lead. I'll save you Stripe.

Here she is singing Bend or Breakby Keane.

polydigm - 11-10-2010 at 09:58

Back at work again today after school holidays. A pretty uneventful day on the whole, can't wait to get back in front of classes again.

BBP - 11-10-2010 at 19:47

So glad to hear you're on the mend, Poly!

polydigm - 12-10-2010 at 00:22

Thanks Bonny, I'm at the stage now where I think my only problems are psychological. As serious as my original sickness was and as scary as the major surgery that fixed it was, mentally I was fine after all that. But the set back that took me back into surgery, just when I was ready to get back to work, really knocked me around mentally. It's been more than ten weeks now and I'm still having trouble shaking some of the negative feelings associated with it. I'm sure I'll sort it all out eventually.

punknaynowned - 12-10-2010 at 07:57

I'm thinking the routine will help Poly
Now if only Huck can get out of his sling
Bonny never ceases to surprise me

Heard a great FZ/CB show, Providence, RI 1975
Took place in a big gym though turns out a release-worthy recording
Ten feet from the stage, right in front of CB and Napi
most of the show sounds like you're right there with them
It just showed up in the circles. Dynamite performances!!!
Never thought I'd hear it sound this good, never knew it existed!!!

[Edited on 12-10-10 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 12-10-2010 at 16:36

When coming out of a thrift store, I noticed a sign put out in the yard by proud parents of a new arrival. They called their baby "Zappa". Sweet!

MTF - 13-10-2010 at 07:11

Poor kid...

BBP - 13-10-2010 at 07:33

I'm not all that sure if their parents are Zappa-fans. It occurs as a first name in a television show called Evelien.

According to the First Name Databank, nine males carry this first name, and nine males have it as second name. Under 5 women have it as a first name.

BBP - 16-10-2010 at 21:27

Had a long day. Feeling sleepy.

Drawed a little. It is starting to look pretty snazzy!:cool:

(I think I preferred the other cool smilie. That one has glasses like Nigel.)

DED - 16-10-2010 at 22:08

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had a long day. Feeling sleepy.

Drawed a little. It is starting to look pretty snazzy!:cool:

(I think I preferred the other cool smilie. That one has glasses like Nigel.)

Cant remember I throwed one away?
Is it still in the smilies directory?
I misunderstood the software. After loading them up you have to bring them up in the forum software. First is there a total libary, then one for the topic headers and third one for the messages.

[Edited on 16-10-2010 by DED]

BBP - 17-10-2010 at 11:58

Hey, another BBP smiley!

No, I can't find the other :cool: smiley anymore. Or was it 8) ?

DED - 17-10-2010 at 12:55


Ah, the new cool.gif came up with the upgrade. Has nothing to do with my adding of smilies. I found him at the original goose back up.
I hope you mean this one.
I found cool.gif, cool2.gif and one more.
I have stalled them on the packard Bell desktop pc
in the users/edward/documents/Printscreenfiles/zappa/smilies directory.
check that out please
I renamed this one in verycool, you will find him behind the more smilies link.

[Edited on 17-10-2010 by DED]

found over 4000 overhere
more and more smilies

[Edited on 17-10-2010 by DED]

BBP - 17-10-2010 at 20:28

Yeah, I noticed several were overwritten.
I like the variety they have here, but if, like we had back in James' day with that Star Wars smiley, any of them is going to screw up the layout of the Quick Reply, there's gonna be trouble.


BBP - 19-10-2010 at 09:49

Today? Nothing planned. Besides drawing. Hope to be able to show you the result soon.

I fear my RSI is coming up again, so I'll keep my surfing to a minimum.

aquagoat - 19-10-2010 at 20:26

Quote: Originally posted by DED  

Ah, the new cool.gif came up with the upgrade. Has nothing to do with my adding of smilies. I found him at the original goose back up.
I hope you mean this one.
I found cool.gif, cool2.gif and one more.
I have stalled them on the packard Bell desktop pc
in the users/edward/documents/Printscreenfiles/zappa/smilies directory.
check that out please
I renamed this one in verycool, you will find him behind the more smilies link.

[Edited on 17-10-2010 by DED]

found over 4000 overhere
more and more smilies

[Edited on 17-10-2010 by DED]
yeah!!!!! lots of smileys, me likes it.

polydigm - 20-10-2010 at 07:26

Tomorrow I'm having anaesthetic to have a tooth removed. They're not just taking the tooth out, they're also rebuilding the bone in preparation for an implant in six months time.

BBP - 20-10-2010 at 17:36

The torture never stops, does it Poly?

Having an internet-low day today, since my right shoulder, right elbow and right hand muscles are getting painful. Had RSI once before, in 2002, and I hope I'll never get that again.

Huck_Phlem - 20-10-2010 at 22:47

I feel your pain Bonny.

BBP - 21-10-2010 at 19:47

It didn't help much... guess I've been typing too much lately.

Either way I'm writing a letter to send out in the neighborhood hoping we can keep the cigarette butts, playing children and dog poo out of there. Scoop poop three times in a week in your own front yard, that's TOO much!

punknaynowned - 22-10-2010 at 06:34

ja ja !
how do you say
scoop the poop!
in dutch

or something more tasteful as
take nothing but photos
leave nothing but footprints

always liked that

polydigm - 22-10-2010 at 06:38

The thing is Bonny, after everything else I've been through this year, yesterday's dental surgery was a breeze. Okay I'm suffering some inconvenience while waiting for this thing to heal and will be for at least another week or two but this is fairly minor in comparison.

Anyway, I hope things are looking up again for you soon.

BBP - 23-10-2010 at 09:00

It's better! Yay!

My delivery station will merge with the one in the city centre.
This means I have to travel further to pick up the newspapers.

Also the routes are cut to 45 minutes each. Good idea, since, whenever I showed somebody new my (large) route, they'd run like hell.

Unfortunately that will take several months. In the mean time, I'll have to travel 15 minutes instead of 5... and since my route is so large I can barely finish it before 7 in the last half of the week, I'll probably have to get up 30 minutes earlier.

punknaynowned - 23-10-2010 at 09:44

that sux, I'm sorry
I can hardly believe you have been doing it so long

BBP - 24-10-2010 at 15:49

Me either. Ten years ago I started doing it for the holidays, for 5 weeks. That winter I did another route, farther away but much tinier, for a week. I was assaulted by a guy on the third day, and so for the remaining two days I only delivered with a friend who played body guard.
Year after I didn't do it.
Year after, friends went on holiday and I took over from them for three weeks, including friend's Kronan (brand of very hard-wearing bicycles). Did the same the nect two years. Then I started filling in during summers, and in winter, and since a guy couldn't make Saturdays, one day a week for a while.
Until 2008, when there was so little staff I ended up with the same route for half a year, and Saturday routes for quite some time.
In 2009 I ended up even farther away, a small route in the centre. For two weeks I took an extra route.
In November '09 the emergency for lack of staff was even higher nearby. A guy got fired. He was angry because he didn't get his raincoat (we're all issued rain gear, I had to wait 9 YEARS on mine) and so, when it started to rain, he just went home and left his bicycle and newspapers outside. He was fired and never allowed to return.

And since that time I've been here. Currently it's about the worst situation it could get, but when the routes are growing smaller, mine will probably be cut in two. Which means much, much more money per route (roughly 7 euros extra per day, for 6 days a week, means 42 euros extra per week... ka-ching). But where are they going to get the extra staff?

Anyway: we went to a flea market. It was very small and cost a lot to get in, but my boss had a stand there and she gave that this radio/cassette player/TV in one, for free. He can return it if he doesn't want it, and if he wants it he can pay it later.
I went home with a Rubik's cube (already solved), an English/Icelandic dictionary, and because I had to buy something with that, a glass.
And I watch my home town football/soccer team beat Feyenoord 10-0.

polydigm - 25-10-2010 at 09:43

I'm still slugging along waiting for my dental surgery to heal. I know I said above, the actual surgery was a breeze, but now four days have passed, I'm getting a bit impatient. I still can't handle it without pain killers. I'm sure it'll be worth it in the the long run. Whinge, moan, mumble ...

BBP - 26-10-2010 at 09:30

Aw yeah... It's such a sensitive area, the inside of your mouth! But be patient, the last thing you need is a wound like the one on my knee that keeps on opening.

Off to hit the town today, see if I can find some St Nicholas presents. Such as chocolate letters.

BBP - 26-10-2010 at 15:41

And I came back after three hours of St Nicholas present browsing with nothing except chocolate initials.

punknaynowned - 26-10-2010 at 19:26

it's a good day for me when I go to the store and get only what I wanted.
Like today, salad, fruit, coffee, filters and a phone card

BBP - 27-10-2010 at 10:04

I didn't get anything I wanted. Besides chocolate initials but you can get them in any supermarket. They'll probably taste better than the ones I bought too. (I was so upset I ate my B straight away... too much vanilla, too much sugar.)

UTP cable

DED - 27-10-2010 at 12:28

Yesterday I received my internet order for UTP cable, connectors and tools.
I was warned that it is a terrible job to get the wires in the right order into the connector.

They are totally right, y know.
It took me two hours with two reading glasses.
The reason I do this is that we use to have one long cable upto the modem and a short cable between modem and computer.
And that is wrong. The modem should be placed no further away from the incoming ISDN than 1m. It is now 20 or 25 m. That slows down the internet enormously. A utp cable can be 90 meters or so before it is slowing down. So I have to make some changes overhere.
BTW don't forget to fill in my Poll.

DED - 27-10-2010 at 12:30

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
it's a good day for me when I go to the store and get only what I wanted.
Like today, salad, fruit, coffee, filters and a phone card

That Phonecard was to order a Pizza? :forumsmiley73:

BBP - 27-10-2010 at 17:40

They still have phone cards? Or do you mean like one for your cellphone?

BBP - 29-10-2010 at 14:44

Had a good look at the chocolate initials I bought.

Turns out I bought a C instead of a B for myself.
(thuds head on table)

Anyway from now on my name is Conny. Thought I'd tell you.

Huck_Phlem - 29-10-2010 at 23:22

conny conny bo bonny fe fi fo fonny

punknaynowned - 30-10-2010 at 07:30

actually it was when I wanted a pizza that I realized I did not have enough minutes on my phone to make the call.:duh:
Yes, I use a phone card. Cheaper for me overall. I buy a card and scratch off the number, put that # in the phone and then I can use it for however many minutes the card is worth. Six months ago I used to be able to call overseas at the same rate. But no longer I think.
and I pay the phone company - AT&T for internet access:drool:

BBP - 31-10-2010 at 18:53

You OK there Huck?

Yesterday I went to visit Madurodam, for the first time since 1991. Accompanying a group of vision-impaired again. This time I got to clutch little with my friend, but it was a very cosy day in spite of that. Most of us went to a little restaurant in Utrecht later.

Pictures are coming up!

BBP - 3-11-2010 at 21:31

I'm knitting a huge purple scarf for carnaval.

Yes, yes. Life's rough.

punknaynowned - 4-11-2010 at 05:40

B: it's a children's song in english.
after repeating the first name twice, replace the first letter in anybody's name
with a 'b', then in the next line with an 'f',
then revert back to the original,
keeping the sing-songy syllables to generate and keep the rhythm.

So with me it goes:
neddy, neddy
bo beddy,
banana fanna fo feddy,
fee fi fo feddy,

yeah, it's not english, but it just occurred y'all may not have this over there...
don't know where it comes from, could be australian for all I know

BBP - 4-11-2010 at 09:05

If Huck knows it, it's probably more international... Interesting! Thanks!

DED - 4-11-2010 at 11:43

Bronx new york says wiki is the residence of Shirley Ellis. (long live wiki)

"The Name Game," or "The Banana Song", is a children's singalong rhyming game that creates variations on a person's name. It was written by singer Shirley Ellis with Lincoln Chase, and Ellis' recording, produced by Charles Calello, was released in late 1964 (see 1964 in music) as "The Name Game." That record went to number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100, and number 4 on the magazine's R&B charts in 1965. The record was re-released in 1966 and again in 1973. While Ellis' stock in trade was novelty hits, she was not a one-hit wonder. A serious R&B singer for 10 years before that hit, Ellis also charted with "The Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap)" (#8 pop and #16 R&B), and "The Nitty Gritty" (#8 on the Hot 100 and #4 on the Cash Box R&B chart). Ellis performed "The Name Game" on major television programs of the day, including Hullabaloo, American Bandstand, and Merv Griffin.

"The Name Game" has been recorded by dozens of recording artists in the years since, notably Laura Branigan, whose version produced by Jeff Lorber, appearing on her 1987 album Touch, features a classroom of third-grade schoolchildren singing along to the tongue-twisting game. The Brazilian singer Xuxa recorded a song using the same play and same sample in the song "Jogo da Rima". Often covered by relative unknowns on collections of songs for children, other cover versions have been recorded by artists as diverse (and campy) as Dean Ford and the Gaylords (1965), Divine (1980), and Soupy Sales (2002). In 1982, Stacy Lattisaw took her "rap" recording of "Attack of the Name Game" to #79 on the Hot 100. In 1993, this song was used on television as an advertisement for Little Caesar's Pizza.

Ellis told Melody Maker magazine that the song was based on a game she played as a child.

Using the name Micah as an example, the song follows this pattern:

Micah, Micah, bo-bicah,
Banana-fana fo-ficah

A verse can be created for any name, with X as the name and X−1 as the name without the first consonant sound (if it begins with a consonant), as follows:

(X), (X), bo-b(X−1)
Banana-fana fo-f(X−1)

If the name starts with a vowel or vowel sound, the "b" "f" or "m" is inserted in front of the name.

And if the name starts with a b, f, or m, that sound simply is not repeated. (For example: Billy becomes "Billy Billy bo-illy"; Fred becomes "banana fana fo-red"; Marsha becomes "fee fi mo-arsha".)

Playing the game with names such as Alice, Dallas, Tucker, Chuck, Buck, Huck, Bart, Art, Marty, Mitch, Rich, Richie, Maggie, Ruby, or, in British English, Danny or Annie, results in profanity or rude language.

polydigm - 5-11-2010 at 07:19

Had my dental stitches out today and it feels good, the dentist was happy with his work. I'm also having no more trouble with my major surgery wound and even started doing a little jogging. Very soon I'm going to have to celebrate. The only downer on the situation is that I have a bit of a cold, but it doesn't seem to be getting a heavy grip on me. So, taken altogether I feel pretty good.

BBP - 5-11-2010 at 09:46

That IS great news Poly!

Yesterday I went to the annual book fair, where gazillions of over-produced literature, lecture, crafts material and multimedia are being sold. Normally I have trouble containing myself, but aside from some second-hand comics (of which I put back all but one copy) I didn't find anything.
I bought a collection of Mickey magazines. Belgium had its own Disney magazine before The Netherlands did. It started back in 1950 and ran for nine years. I bought the first half year in book. The language is hilarious, the content almost frighteningly Christian.

Another to me shocking find was a book I was once very glad to have found: The Monstrous Memoirs Of A Mighty McFearless.
I really like that book. It was translated into Dutch. But it never got all that much publicity... let's hope that will be different when the film comes.

punknaynowned - 6-11-2010 at 19:17

my buddy took me to the store and I got groceries
wrote out two 'reviews', one for teh best of fz and teh other for you are what you is
as fast as possible to see if I could
they're over in the review section if Ed wants to use them to plug that error hole
i'll have to listen to filmore east again -- it's been so long

polydigm - 7-11-2010 at 00:57

It's alright, I've done a Fillmore East - June 1971 review already.

BBP - 12-11-2010 at 10:11

Laptop broke down badly. We can't get it fixed, it probably needs to go into repairs.

punknaynowned - 12-11-2010 at 12:41

In the next fifteen minutes, the entire Hengelo show will live in my hard drive!
It would be a very easy thing for me to make a cd of this and send it to you.
Call it an early xmas present. This way you would get to hear the whole thing and keep it as long as you want.
Easier than making pie. I also have the Paris show 11/8 and the London show 11/6. If you want those also that's easy as well, but the setlists are pretty much the same.
If you send a mailing address, they can be there within 6-7 days after I put them in the mail.
It would be my pleasure to send a little bit of light your way.

BBP - 12-11-2010 at 14:04

OOH I'd love that! Thank you so much! (hugs)

BBP - 14-11-2010 at 13:45

I got my PC working again, AND managed to chuck off FailSafe without any other problems. Built it up, downloaded several programmes that mean much to me, and now I'm trying to get into DZW. For some reason I keep getting login problems.

Muppets Treasure Island was on TV yesterday. Ahhh, life is good.

BBP - 15-11-2010 at 20:41

Wisdom tooth coming through. Maybe that'll stop me from entering my user name when the pop-up calls for the e-mail address.

polydigm - 16-11-2010 at 06:01

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Wisdom tooth coming through. Maybe that'll stop me from entering my user name when the pop-up calls for the e-mail address.


BBP - 16-11-2010 at 09:09

I had trouble logging in onto DZW, it was so bad I made a separate account for it and entered a topic in the It's Not Working section.

Two days later I discover the cause: I entered my username instead of my e-mail.

DED - 17-11-2010 at 15:38

saved my car again today.
The exhaust pipe was broken on the most expensive spot, the flexible part.
Every traffic island I have a problem finding my way to the lowest point.
Apart from fridays when we go to the market for real cheese (gouda) we won't have to many troubles.
But that one between the market and home is jus a few inches to high.
And another 500 $ is gone to the dogs.

Huck_Phlem - 17-11-2010 at 18:32

got up early today. I am not wearing my neck brace anymore. yesterday it hurt but today I feel ok. I am listening to Scheherezade Festival at Baghdad by Rimsky Korsakov. I think that is my favorite.

BBP - 18-11-2010 at 08:49

Hey Huck! Now is the time for a neck massage!

You knew Rimsky-Korsakoff was teacher to Stravinsky? He let Stravinsky make arrangements of melodies he wrote, then he'd compare them to his own arrangements, and in case of a difference Stravinsky had to explain why Rimsky-Korsakoff's was better.

BBP - 18-11-2010 at 17:55

Dad is with friends today, so I'm probably going to have to cook for myself. I am going on the bizarre tour tonight with peanuts, peaches, green beans and potatoes.

I also got inspired to expand my collection of double letter stack words. One of the few in English is "bookkeeper", which has three pairs of letters.
In Dutch, double letters are much more common. Demonstrating:
voorraad (supplies. This word can expand to the even more beautiful "voorraaddoos", supply box, or even to the nonsensical molotovvoorraaddoossoort)
plaaggeest (tease (noun))
eerroof (defamation)
straattaal (street language)
vuurrood (red like fire)
vuurroos (type of rose)
muurraam (window in the wall)
doorrook (1st person singular of "doorroken", go on smoking)
voorraam (front window)
voorreed (from voorrijden, say, when you drive a car from the parking lot close to the door so somebody else can get in easily)
haarrook (smoke from heath or peat-bog)

[Edited on 18-11-10 by BBP]

BBP - 18-11-2010 at 20:30

My peach/cinnamon/green bean/ginger/potato/egg/butter/olive oil/arachid oil mashup was great! I should try more experimental cooking.

polydigm - 19-11-2010 at 06:25

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I had trouble logging in onto DZW, it was so bad I made a separate account for it and entered a topic in the It's Not Working section.

Two days later I discover the cause: I entered my username instead of my e-mail.

I understood that part of it, but couldn't see the connection with your dental issues. But later I twigged, you're hoping the wisdom tooth will give you the wisdom not to be that dense again.

Theoretically I should be a complete dunce as I had all of my wisdom teeth out when I was younger than you are now because there was no room for them in my mouth. No room for wisdom in my head.

MTF - 19-11-2010 at 23:08

I have lots of wizz and lots of dumb, but I can't seem to put the two together...

punknaynowned - 19-11-2010 at 23:51

OK! Package with cd's sent. It ended up being a lot bigger than I first proposed. A bit like one of your sweaters this grew and grew.
Back over the ocean it goes rather than under to get here. Kindly let me know when it arrives. :bouncy:

BBP - 20-11-2010 at 09:10

Aw thank you so much Punky!
(Hey, I wonder if I'm on it. Okay, probably not. When Scheila told of that porn star bit and Dweezil said "we're not going to do any of that onstage" I couldn't resist saying "Come OON!"
Well, you know, you gotta strike the iron while it's hot. When at the ZPZ soundcheck in Amsterdam Dweezil allowed suggestions for songs ), I could, no SHOULD, have shouted "Take your clothes off" (To DED: you know the intro of Gruppo Sportivo's Superman? That's Take Your Clothes Off.))

punknaynowned - 20-11-2010 at 15:58

always a mistake :duh:
The list below is what's there, I left out the London zpz show. Found it after I got up today.

2010 11 05 Yellow Shark by LCO w 1973 11 22 L NY Dupree's Paradise Lounge story

2010 11 07 London Sinfionetta w 1973 10 26 Inca Roads

2010 11 08 Paris ZPZ complete w 1972 11 11 L Little Dots/Caravan

2010 11 09 Hengelo, NL ZPZ complete w 1973 03 11 Arlington, Green Genes medley

1969 02 23 E Rockpile, Toronto,
1970 03 07 Olympic Theater LA, CA
I Am All Day 1,2,3 a nearly three hour Canadian Broadcast Company Radio show sanctioned by and contributed to the zft and friends Jan/Feb 2009... not just Gail and Joe but Ruth and Scott Thunes, Steve Vai, Warren, one of the Fowler bros
1970 05 08 and most of
1970 05 15 LA

of course there's more details of what's there, I'll post it somewhere other than the news thread

[Edited on 20-11-10 by punknaynowned]

Huck_Phlem - 21-11-2010 at 00:42

hmmm I have a gruppo sportivo record. (mistakes) it's warped but I can play the inside cuts.

polydigm - 21-11-2010 at 13:20

Another weekend over. Just dropping in to say high. Up early for work in the morning.

BBP - 21-11-2010 at 18:45

Here's a video the local newspaper made about the scream. I'm on it! Look for a girl with green/blue knitted hat around the 1m mark.

BBP - 23-11-2010 at 11:38

This is in danger of becoming a ludicrous conversation, Tom...

Anyay I downloaded something called Schmoedipus today. It's odd.

BBP - 23-11-2010 at 18:04

Envelope with CDs came in... THAAAANK YOU PUNKY!!! :bouncing:

Played one of them, with the Sinfonietta playing some Boulez and Varèse and Revised Music... Wanted to take out the CD, but the drawer wouldn't open.

And of course the CD-player is at the bottom of our stereo...

DED and I took the radio out, then he lifted the amp + equalizer+tuner while I pulled out the CD player, then I had to unplug the thing while DED was still carrying all the equipment, then pull out the entire player. Dad then unscrewed it. I used one of Granny's old extension cords to hook up the player to electricity.
Not sure what's wrong; it's a bit of an oldie by now, we had it for 15 years or so. But I got the CD back and the drawer goes in and out again.

punknaynowned - 23-11-2010 at 18:46

oh good news! glad they got there, and fast too!
I promise, they were NOT designed to break the cd player!!!
Hope you get a chance to hear 'em without anything else getting broken - like Ed's back!!!

BBP - 24-11-2010 at 17:24

I got the impression he was trying to do just that. The garden needs to be done by the time winter gets here in a few days.

Bicycle broke down on the way between paper delivery station and newspaper round. Walked around quite a bit, but I was late all the same.
Just fixed it. Chain cover screw had broken off, so the chain cover was loose and knocked off the chain. It got messy, but I managed to fix it by myself.

Also, I'm looking for a new job. I'm going to quit the newspaper route by the new year, along with my boss and at least one colleague. They're going to ENLARGE the route, even though they haven't been able to get good staff for years because the routes are too long. They're going to make them TWO HOURS. So it'll be like the time when I delivered magazines, except they will have a three hour time frame to do it, while I had a 36 hour time frame back in the day.

My prediction is newspaper routes won't exist by next year. The mailman will be doing that then. Rescues the post in the same go.

Huck_Phlem - 25-11-2010 at 03:31

I need to buy you a new bike!

BBP - 25-11-2010 at 09:29

Nah. I'll quit after the Christmas bonus, copy a letter and put it in the letterbox of every subscriber. And send it to EVERY newspaper around. And Hyves and Facebook and who knows what else. They've been taking advantage of me for too long.

DED - 25-11-2010 at 11:58

Quote: Originally posted by Huck_Phlem  
I need to buy you a new bike!

Somehow I think you need one too :lol:
and an airbag for byciclists. (picture 1)
BBP doesn't need one (picture 2)

[Edited on 25-11-2010 by DED]

Attachment: zpz2008061.jpg (9kB)
This file has been downloaded 701 times

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aquagoat - 26-11-2010 at 17:42


BBP - 26-11-2010 at 21:43


polydigm - 27-11-2010 at 01:40

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I'm with you on that one, I'm really not sure what point DED is making.

BBP - 27-11-2010 at 09:50

He refers to my large cup size.

It's freezing cold, we even had a wee little bit of snow. Just 4 more Saturday routes left for me.

Had a brainwave: maybe I should just send all my complaints about work to the labour inspection.

DED - 28-11-2010 at 22:51

and also for the new Swedish invention of an airbag for bicyclists.

beatiful invention, good alternitive for those stupid bike helmets.

polydigm - 29-11-2010 at 07:55

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
He refers to my large cup size.
Seems to me that he was being a bit mean. But, I am a parent and my kids have probably suffered the odd mean joke from me.

[Edited on 29-11-10 by polydigm]

BBP - 29-11-2010 at 08:55

Yes. Some people pay a fortune to get my cup size, but I can't say it has been advantageous in any way. I cannot wear blouses, for one. Ugly bras. No running. Often painful or in the way. And the boys aren't exactly all over them and I dont wanna know about the girls.

MTF - 29-11-2010 at 09:57

In college, my wife shared a house with a woman who had enormous boobs. She got a lot of attention from guys, but she was miserable. Her main problem was back pain.

Finally she had reduction surgery. It seemed kind of drastic, but afterwards she was much happier. She went around flashing her new boobs to anyone who cared to see (and probably to several who didn't).

I haven't seen her in 25 years, but I guarantee she hasn't spent a minute regretting that decision...

DED - 29-11-2010 at 13:22

See it as a sort of Aunt Agatha - Bertie Wooster relation (Woodehouse)

Apart from that it is no fun driving with the glovecompartment open when she accompanies the ride :lol:

BBP - 30-11-2010 at 13:40

I don't like it one little bit, his jokes.

Anyway I transcribed a tiny FZ radio interview. Look for it on the General Board!

DED - 30-11-2010 at 15:23

That is quit usual with this kind a humor.
Best defense is attack. Vengeance

But now enough of this, or I read something about this all in a rhyme in a few days


My belly is like a :forumsmiley151:
someone wants to prick it soon

BBP - 1-12-2010 at 10:19

Anyway, today I fell with my bicycle eary on in my route, and I hurt my knee.

After that I got so scared, I walked pretty much the rest of the route.
It was also quite windy, and some of my newspapers flew away. I had to chase loose papers around on the slippery roads.

Shortly after that I passed my house, so I went in to fold the papers back together again, and to pick up the cellphone just in case.

punknaynowned - 2-12-2010 at 18:18

B, what you're doing trying to coax baddy out of his hole over there is noble and of course you are right.
Know that I am cheering you on. But your effort is probably fruitless regarding him. The effect on others however is incalculable. :)

And just think, DED is probably at least partly responsible for your big boobs. May even be the same gene that enlarges his belly. :lol: My guess is that while he may have contributed to your size, you have probably done far less to contribute to his. :wink:
love the way you work

punknaynowned - 3-12-2010 at 06:54

my thing is that I have crazy hair and by the time I was twenty I decided to go with it. But then a year later they made the movie Yahoo Serious. The character actually looked a lot like me. I hated it but stuck with it. A couple years later, when I joined the military, they shaved it off and wow did they make fun of me. That was my bootcamp, til I caught pneumonia and got stuck in the hospital in Orlando, FL, January 1990.
From marching around parade style with someone always yelling at someone for them to act right, down to how to fold your underwear and how much hair on your face to have and where and how to stand up straight and still and move your head and touch your cap. They grind it out one thing at a time if necessary to hold still and contain any individuality. But then after an awful day or two I was laying in a bed with a window, 8 flights up in a tower overlooking the parade grounds or a pond with tall Florida evergreens dotting the rim of the shore. I watched the invasion of Iraq thru the view of CNN from the hospital bed while my new buddies marched around and did endless exercise pushups and jogged miles. They didn't get to see what I could see even though everyone who visited me wore masks and gloves. Discharged from hospital I was assigned to a medical unit where other convalescents slowly got better. Mass Physical Exercise was not part of teh schedule as some like me had to repair themselves internally before they could begin again. I was also excused from the common practice where everyone wore gasmasks and exited a teargassed building. But without the extra training, I passed the needed last physical exams. Simple Timed pushups, situps and 3/2 mile jog. I made it anyway.
But everywhere they sent me, I always saw the left behinds, the sickly in bootcamp, the kitchen slurry mess, the smokers on the back patio, the delivery people on the move. Not the upfront or the store front, the guards at post, the commanders in their cars. That view I don't know. My memory of the guards out front is when I was drunk and they didn't like my attitude.
But that was twenty years ago. The way I figure I got my hair was from both of my grandmothers who each had crazy hair in different ways.

[Edited on 3-12-10 by punknaynowned]

polydigm - 3-12-2010 at 09:44

Hey Ned, I didn't realise you were ex military.

punknaynowned - 3-12-2010 at 21:00

yeah I don't advertize it. Less than 10% of my life and while my experience may have been an uncommon one there and no less 'important' than anyone else's, I figure people in general hear waaaaaaaayyy too much about all that kind of thing all the time anyway. So why add to it?
If I recall it I try to write it down as sometimes, as people sharing our personal experiences, we can help each other. Even if or even especially if, our experiences/life journeys are different.
Nice to see ya G!

polydigm - 3-12-2010 at 23:46

Don't worry, I don't like you any less now that I know. ;)

BBP - 4-12-2010 at 13:02

Whoa, has it really been three days since my last post here? Oh boy...
Anyway I bought an alto recorder. It's large, but they sound so cool!

BBP - 11-12-2010 at 09:47

Wondering how quiet this place has become. Come ON people! This isn't DweezilZappaWorld!!

MTF - 11-12-2010 at 10:54

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Wondering how quiet this place has become. Come ON people! This isn't DweezilZappaWorld!!

That's cold.

But it's true: Dweezil's about as compelling as a bucket of fish...

BBP - 11-12-2010 at 11:20

:bald: Weird, though. Such a fascinating background, and such a total boring blog writer.

DED - 11-12-2010 at 19:12

I also started out to write a blog. The first months I was surely delivering each week a blogstory, but somehow after sometime it slows down. Now I can write 10 or more blogstories a day, there is enough base material. but i think there is something in between my brain and keyboard that is disfunctioning.

polydigm - 12-12-2010 at 00:54

I'm really lonely at the moment. My wife and two sons got on a plane for Paris yesterday then they're off to England later in the week. I'm meeting up with them later on because I've still got work and stuff to do.

I know what you mean about DweezilZappaWorld. Right at the start it was interesting but got boring real quick and I stopped going regularly ages ago. I pop in every now and then. Last time I dropped in was to check out why some strange guy was serenading me via messages but I never really figured out why.

BBP - 12-12-2010 at 13:23

(hugs Poly in a friendly fashion) Play some Zappa!
I'm now listening to The Man From Utopia, in other words, we've reached the year of my birth. I really like the song SEX on it, which is playing now. Because it's on my second compilation (Have I Offended Someone?) I managed to get into it without having to listen to The Man From Utopia Meets Mary Lou.

MTF - 12-12-2010 at 19:58

I think of The Man From Utopia in the same way as Weasels Ripped My Flesh, Apostrophe and Sleep Dirt. These are all albums that don't have a central theme, and contain worthy songs that didn't fit on other albums.

Basically, they're albums of leftovers. But any good cook can whip up a fine meal from leftovers, and Zappa was the musical equivalent of a master chef...

BBP - 12-12-2010 at 20:36

To me the whole sound of Apostrophe is what binds the album, much more than on Weasels or Sleep Dirt. Also, track 1 and 2 belong together, as do track 3 and 4.

BBP - 16-12-2010 at 10:25

Knitted a baret.

Quit DweezilZappaWorld.

Feeling better!

polydigm - 16-12-2010 at 10:44

Thanks for the hug, still feeling lonely, but it's getting closer, not long to go now.

Huck_Phlem - 16-12-2010 at 15:42

I think sleep dirt has a sound of it's own more than any other Zappa album!

polydigm - 18-12-2010 at 03:09

Quote: Originally posted by Huck_Phlem  
I think sleep dirt has a sound of it's own more than any other Zappa album!

I think that's true whichever version you're talking about. I've always been in awe of this album.

BBP - 18-12-2010 at 11:14

It's a good album. I should listen more to it, really. I only have the vinyl, and by my digital 90s ears it seems to sound so soft!

Still living in a cheap christmas card here... listening to Make A Jazz Noise Here. Today I will be visiting a long-time friend of mine, am looking forward to it!

Huck_Phlem - 19-12-2010 at 04:07

I have a promotional copy on vinyl. Just listened to it today on my awesome vintage stereo. ahhhhh nice.

polydigm - 19-12-2010 at 05:16

I've been listening to the CD version for some time. My eldest son decided to get a bit nuts about vinyl a while back and recently got himself a turn table. One night he put Sleep Dirt on and I realised I missed the instrumental versions. But, I'm not one of those fanatics who hates the vocal versions.

BBP - 19-12-2010 at 14:00

I still haven't heard the vocal versions.
The visit to my friend was great. He became a fan of Japanese chess (Shogi) and we ended up making Shogi pieces out of paper.

Cleared up piles o' snow again.

Huck_Phlem - 19-12-2010 at 22:46

The only one i like the vocals on is Spider of Destiny the rest I hate.

BBP - 20-12-2010 at 12:13

There has been another casualty in the family: my grandfather's sister. I never knew her.

Huck_Phlem - 21-12-2010 at 07:56

It's still sad when a family member goes. So sorry.

BBP - 21-12-2010 at 10:58

It's not her death, I didn't know her at all and never heard a nice story about her, but it's a bit sad to see what's left: a total mess.

MTF - 22-12-2010 at 06:02

Getting old sucks. If you don't have anyone to take care of you, all the blind spots in your life become more obvious. Eventually, they become life-threatening.

Take care of your Dad.

PS: to celebrate the maestro's birthday, I'm listening to my favorite album; Over-nite Sensation...

DED - 22-12-2010 at 20:08

Quote: Originally posted by MTF  

Take care of your Dad.



Huck_Phlem - 23-12-2010 at 00:43

I think my kids will take good care of me since I treat them so well.

DED - 23-12-2010 at 11:24

Hope my kids do the same, although they are not very happy with me, since they discovered that they have the same strange sense of humor.
You and I are in Equal conditions and I think, we have done a good job.

BBP - 27-12-2010 at 10:30


Anyway, ploughing through the snow again... and again... It is quite slippery now, and the pavements are still covered with the muck. We had 20 cm (8 in) here. Newspaper delivery was hell. I frequently sank away up to my calves in snow, feet were soaked and freezing. Paper route took 5 and a half hours.
En route, I saved two bushes that had bulged under the snow's weight, I pushed a car, and received 20 euros from a friendly subscriber. Saw a sign that said "Let It Snow". Fought the urge to kick it over.

That was Friday. On Saturday I slept late, my sister came over and she stared in disbelief at the piles o' snow.
Sunday we went to friendly friends in Belgium, who stuffed us with food.
Today is my last week of paper route. And I'll start collecting tips.

BBP - 28-12-2010 at 10:17

Funeral is today. Dad has spent some time rehearsing his speech and I scrounged up the Lacrimosa off Mozart's Requiem. It's the only music that really moves me to tears.

DED - 30-12-2010 at 11:36

Thanks to my daughters it was a sollen funeral.

One for showing up an bbp for that and the music

BBP - 30-12-2010 at 20:50

I thought I spelled it out for you DED... it's solemn.

Today I finally managed to go around for christmas tips. The bulk of houses gave a no-show, and there was even one lady who opened the door but gave nothing (the house I always do first, no less), but I scored over 90 euros, and I'm only halfway.

aquagoat - 31-12-2010 at 09:30

Wow, you can get money by going to people's houses for Christmas?

BBP - 31-12-2010 at 11:08

Yes, it's a tip. All newspapers do that, even the door-to-door weeklies. Back in the day, even the Donald Duck deliverer was allowed to drop by. Last year was the first time I had the opportunity to do it, but I didn't, considered it too embarrassing. My grandmother told me off for it, she said I had the right to do that and she kept 2 euros for each deliverer that would come by her door.
Inflation is towering. When my sister (who delivered the same paper, which is how I got into it) went out for tips in the late 90s her top tips were 15 guilders, which would be 7 euros. My top tips are 20 euros. It might be the snow.

DED - 31-12-2010 at 11:25

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I thought I spelled it out for you DED... it's solemn.

Yeah, you're a lousy speller

punknaynowned - 31-12-2010 at 12:12

heard of the last kodachrome processor closing shoppe.
this video has a bunch of good kodachrome snaps with the paul simon song

hap:Ppy stew year all

[Edited on 31-12-10 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 31-12-2010 at 15:31

Happy new year!
(unfortunately, with today's illness and the family trouble, this year's effort is a little feeble. Which is how I feel.)

DED - 1-1-2011 at 00:35

Happy 2011 everybody

aquagoat - 1-1-2011 at 11:01

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Yes, it's a tip. All newspapers do that, even the door-to-door weeklies. Back in the day, even the Donald Duck deliverer was allowed to drop by. Last year was the first time I had the opportunity to do it, but I didn't, considered it too embarrassing. My grandmother told me off for it, she said I had the right to do that and she kept 2 euros for each deliverer that would come by her door.
Inflation is towering. When my sister (who delivered the same paper, which is how I got into it) went out for tips in the late 90s her top tips were 15 guilders, which would be 7 euros. My top tips are 20 euros. It might be the snow.
cool practice, we don't do that in France.

anyway, happy new year you all. :bouncing:

polydigm - 1-1-2011 at 15:18

Yes indeed, Happy New Year everyone.

Huck_Phlem - 2-1-2011 at 02:50

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
heard of the last kodachrome processor closing shoppe.
this video has a bunch of good kodachrome snaps with the paul simon song

hap:Ppy stew year all

[Edited on 31-12-10 by punknaynowned]

Wow. I have that in my stack of records to listen to right next to me. it's up right after The Dregs Industry Standard. That Paul Simon record has excellent sound quality.

BBP - 2-1-2011 at 21:23

Still sneezing and coughing. Watched Muppets Treasure Island.

Huck_Phlem - 3-1-2011 at 03:38

with your pj's on? The little booties attached to them even?

BBP - 3-1-2011 at 12:45


Still wheezing, although my temperature is down. I'm getting worried about our Aussie friends though, what with all the floods.

polydigm - 3-1-2011 at 21:35

Those floods in Australia are in a very particular region of Queensland which is prone to flooding in general.

Huck_Phlem - 4-1-2011 at 06:35

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plane but in Cincinnati it falls on the street. :bouncy:

BBP - 4-1-2011 at 14:01

Whoa, must be a large plane...

I am STILL having a temperature. Played piano for the first time in five days.

BBP - 8-1-2011 at 19:37

Got fed up with being ill and went to help Dad sort of with clearing aunt's house.

BBP - 9-1-2011 at 18:26

Deleted the first bot since the site update. Oh damn.

BBP - 10-1-2011 at 18:05

Had a hard day's work today. DED and I rented a trailer, rode it to aunt's home and loaded all the garbage bags we'd filled in the past few weeks plus some furniture, drove that to the junkyard and dumped the load, then went back, destroyed and loaded some old closets so we could get rid of them. One of them was infested with big black creepy spiders, so SpiderBon had to go out and kill them all while dad was climbing curtains.

MTF - 11-1-2011 at 06:23

Finally got my new glasses today. Suddenly the world's a whole lot less blurry...

DED - 11-1-2011 at 11:00

does it please you, this new world?
I am still trying to shave me with my reading glasses on, only with the result that you will find no single hair on my glasses

Philmore - 11-1-2011 at 12:22

I hate having to wear glasses. I wore contacts for years; then my eyes got old and dry. Can't use them anymore.
And I'm too chickenshit to get laser eye surgery.

If I don't wear my glasses...

"I can't see. Do-do-do-do-do-dooo."

BBP - 11-1-2011 at 15:10

Dad and I went on a mystic journey to Missing Laundry Sock Land. We rescued one sock that might be salvable, and three items that might be socks. It reminds me a bit of the result of the Mouse Eaten By Carnivorous Plant video I posted frequently:

After DED found there was dirty water coming out of the centrifuge, he decided to take a closer look and found a sock had gotten trapped between the drum and the edge.
He called for my help. I brought the sausage grips from downstairs. And so the Hunt for Socks began.

The culprit was easily found, and after some nasty drum pushing Dad got it out. But there was more in there. Dad removed a second item, apparently white in a former life, either a gym sock or a washcloth. A third item was so firmly lodged Dad accidentally dropped the grips while he was trying to retrieve it.
He rescued the grips with the nearby curtain rail, and while I was pushing the drum to one side and shining with a torch into the centrifuge, he found two more ex-socks. Blegh.

Afterwards we went to Aunt's house. Tomorrow we'll phone the second-hand store again to make an appointment for them to collect the stuff. We brought home the paintings, her centrifuge and her surprisingly modern TV. And we pulled the thirty-year-old carpet from the stairs, which was dusty and gross.

[Edited on 11-1-11 by BBP]

MTF - 12-1-2011 at 07:43

So Bonny, what other Chaplin movies were you in?

Huck_Phlem - 13-1-2011 at 02:35

who knows you could find a bucket full of money stashed away somewhere.

I hear that the old lady who used to live in my condo and who died was a real strange lady. She even put an alarm on the trap door in my room to the attic. I looked up there for hidden money but realized that the money would have been inside by the way she put the alarm sensors.

polydigm - 13-1-2011 at 13:46

Had a great week in France and we're back in the UK having a lazy day.

Philmore - 13-1-2011 at 20:13

I like winter, but I hate the snow.

BBP - 13-1-2011 at 20:16

Yeah the money was probably found by her heirs if the old lady died. I mean we've been turning over literally every stone, although we do occasionally discover some gems. Yesterday I found two silver spoons in the cutlery tray.
(polished them both. One came out reasonably well, but the other... Let's just say I'm learning a lot about cleaning silver nowadays.)

Well Philmore, you could pick up snow sculpting... :)

aquagoat - 13-1-2011 at 20:19

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Had a great week in France and we're back in the UK having a lazy day.
where did you go?

BBP - 14-1-2011 at 11:51

When did you come from?

BBP - 15-1-2011 at 19:57

Auntie's House Clearing Update
Today I scrubbed the Toilet From Hell. It was gross, but it is clean now! Of course now I'll be pissed off if they remove that toilet bowl.
I also attempted to clean the plughole from the sink, but it's probably too far gone. I also cleaned several window frames, attempted to wash a window (but no right equipment at hand), removed the plastic from the shed's door, cleaned the bathroom tiles and floor (yes, where she was found), packed two boxes, attempted to help my father with sanding down the stairs, and found the bell back I wanted.

Dad got all dusty lungs from the sanding. Boy.

We had dinner at a small cafeteria, which was nice.

Huck_Phlem - 16-1-2011 at 01:48

Man! Sounds like a chapter from Cinderella. You deserve a nice dinner and some flowers and maybe a back rub.

BBP - 16-1-2011 at 21:33

Let's sing the Cinderella song!

The plughole has been cleaned by me. And I washed all the windows on both sides. I think she paid the windowwasher, considering the outside of the windows was clean. The inside, however...
It's pretty tragic to see how someone can let herself slip into oblivion like that. The sheer curtains were filthy and removing them to get to the windows was terrible. All the dust getting into my eyes... I opened the front room window to let out the dust, but unfortunately the window was so badly jammed I couldn't close it.
We found a lot of Tegenaria domestica when we wrecked the closets in the shed. There were several in her house too, and today I found there was a reasonably fresh web in the corner of the room. She had a small cabinet there that we have gotten rid of since.
Normally domestic house spiders stay in their web, except for the males during the mating season (June to October), so the only reason why we've seen so many is because we're destroying their homes. Poor little blighters.

polydigm - 17-1-2011 at 02:23

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Had a great week in France and we're back in the UK having a lazy day.
where did you go?

My aunt and various cousins live around and about Alençon. We spent several afternoons and evenings experiencing their hospitality. Our daughter, who now lives in London, came with us and provided excellent translation as she speaks french quite well.

We stayed in a gîte on the outskirts of Alençon. We wondered about various places locally, visited one of their produce markets and sampled various delights from a nearby boulangerie.

We spent a day on Mont St Michel and another day in Paris, mainly visiting the Louvre, after parking underneath, followed by wondering around on foot along the Seine past the Notre Dame Cathedral. On the way back to the car we got some delicious crêpes from a street side stall. One with ham and cheese and another with nuttelex and banana.

I have to say the road tolls were a bit of a shock, driving from Callais to Alençon and later back again.

punknaynowned - 17-1-2011 at 06:54

sounds like fun! how long a drive in time, Calais to Alencon?

DED - 17-1-2011 at 10:33

That's fun allright
I think a 4 hour drive. Have you driven along the bridge in Le Havre. I first thought it was a roller coaster. Never been so high in the air with a car. Have been in Montauban quit a few times in a cheese and babymilk factory overthere (east of Le Mans). although it is nice I prefer the south and east of France.

Road tolls are high but the roads are very comfortable. If you take the Route national, it is free but will take a enormous time.
We managed to eat in Aix leaving the home early for the route de soleil. so it was including pauses a 12 our ride. from Eindhoven to Aix.
Riding on the N6 and 7 you see a lot but it takes you more than one day.
When i was in Paris for prof. reasons it was nice to see that when you drive in France with a 130 km/hr after an hour you are 130 km further. In Belgium 100 km in a hour speeding like hell but the road conditions are bad. In Holland speeding upto 140 km/hr you manage to reach a average speed of 85 km, due to the busy traffic.

polydigm - 17-1-2011 at 12:10

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
sounds like fun! how long a drive in time, Calais to Alencon?

We went by car. About 2 Hours from Reading to Folkstone, 40 minutes on the Channel Tunnel Train from Folkstone to Callais and then about 3 and a half hours from Callais to Alençon.

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Have you driven along the bridge in Le Havre. I first thought it was a roller coaster. Never been so high in the air with a car.

Some of the bridges en route from Callais to Alençon are the biggest I've ever been on. Seriously long and high over vast stretches of valley and so on.

DED - 17-1-2011 at 23:32

I ment this special one
The Pont de Normandie

[Edited on 17-1-2011 by DED]

Huck_Phlem - 18-1-2011 at 00:45

I would assume that bridge is arched so much for ships to pass under?

polydigm - 18-1-2011 at 11:16

Oh well, a tense and boring day at the same time today. We're packing in preparation for the flight back to Australia leaving this evening.

BBP - 19-1-2011 at 19:01

Have a good journey, Poly!

I believe that arch is in case the Eiffel Tower will be shipped to the UK.

Visited a second-hand store today and tackled the infamous Belgian codecracker key. It is an incredibly difficult calculation key that was used to con people in one of those games on TV that the audience can phone to and win much money with after they've spent an equal amount in phone tabs.

How it works: some text and a math sum is put on screen. Meanwhile a host is trying to lure people into calling to win a large sum of money, that no-one is likely to get since the key is too difficult. So difficult in fact that 1 out of 6 of the puzzles on TV were given the wrong solution by the quizmaster.

It is estimated that the code made over 2 million dollars. Considering it was night-time TV in a small area (Flanders, 6 million people) that's much, even though it took a year and a half.

Been playing with the code. They gave us two fake puzzles, with solutions, and I can't reach the solution with all data I have. Frustrating and fun, like Tetris.

Philmore - 19-1-2011 at 22:03

What a drag it is getting old.

BBP - 20-1-2011 at 17:59

Do you mean you are annoyed with getting old, or is this forum tiring you? :(

BBP - 22-1-2011 at 13:04

Sent out the newsletter.

Yesterday I accidentally performed a sword-swallowing feat. I was looking for the thinnest knitting needles I have. I found #1 and locked it between my jaws so I wouldn't have lost it by the time I found the other, and when I found the second one the first one shot into my throat for about 20 cm. Save a raspy feeling I'm allright.

Huck_Phlem - 22-1-2011 at 17:05

(cue Sabre Dance)

Ladies and gentlemen right before your very eyes we have the amazing Bonny.

polydigm - 22-1-2011 at 23:21

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
When did you come from?
Very funny.

I hope you haven't done any lasting damage with that needle.

Anyway, we're back safely in Australia and still battling with jet lag. People thought we would find the cold winter in the UK hard to handle, but it was no big deal at all. In fact, now that I'm back, I'm finding this summer a bit hard to handle.

BBP - 23-1-2011 at 13:23

Is it very wet out there Poly?
I'm OK.

Philmore - 24-1-2011 at 13:24

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Do you mean you are annoyed with getting old, or is this forum tiring you? :(

It's about all the stupid little pains you get with age.

BBP - 24-1-2011 at 17:58

There's nothing I can to about that... Except give you a hug!

polydigm - 25-1-2011 at 03:03

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Is it very wet out there Poly?
Adelaide and suburban areas don't really get floods, although the Murray region has been flooded quite heavily in the past. But even when that happens it's usually from rain that falls elsewhere. Look up the River Murray on Google. It's sourced in New South Wales, forms part of the border between NSW and Victoria, and eventually passes through South Australia arriving at the sea in the south in a place called Goolwa.

It's quite warm and dry here in Adelaide at the moment. The only bonus is that we got a lot of rain last year and our water restrictions are freer than they have been for a long time.

[Edited on 25-1-11 by polydigm]

BBP - 25-1-2011 at 13:28

My laptop has crashed badly. I couldn't even get Windows Recovery to start.

DED - 25-1-2011 at 15:20

Your scanlogbook (AVG) was ruined
That caused starting and stopping of the avg program.
it is now uninstalled.

If you had to download something pls use the desktop

polydigm - 26-1-2011 at 01:52

Today is Australia Day in Australia. A public holiday for everyone. We're going to the beach this arvo for a swim and some beach cricket and then coming back for a barby. Can't get more Australian than that.

[Translator: arvo = afternoon and barby = barbecue]

Philmore - 26-1-2011 at 13:50

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Today is Australia Day in Australia. A public holiday for everyone. We're going to the beach this arvo for a swim and some beach cricket and then coming back for a barby. Can't get more Australian than that.

[Translator: arvo = afternoon and barby = barbecue]

Happy Austrailia day! If you're going to the beach, don't forget your togs and sunnies.

DED - 26-1-2011 at 13:58

I had an old HPIIIp laser printer that was working quite allright together with a flatbedscanner on our old compaq pc.
With the new vista machine the scanner was not working (lack of a parallel port), the HP worked until the tonerdrum was empty.
It is hard to find a new one these days.
So I bought for 3 euro's a second hand Lexmark 3 in 1 printer. It scans like hell but printing in color was not working. B&W worked.
For another 3 euro's I bought a second one to exhange parts but it has the same problem.
Always something with second hand goods!!
So I bouht myself a brand new Canon Pixma 3 in1 printer.
It prints very nice and very good pictures. I made a copy of my pass when I needed it. Nothing above new???
When I had for a few weeks I want to make a scan. Printer is not connected properly was the message on the screen. With the handbook I tried to solve the problem. Tried in on another PC, Tried another USB port. Nothing helps. Read all about it in the forum, quite a few people have the same problem. In the mean time I placed the lexmark on the floor to make a quick scan and installed a old computer in a bedroom with the old flatbed for multiple tasks. We had that situation for over one year now.
Today I received a mail with a new forum post. Somebody had the same problem and tried another scan programm.
ACDsee-pro, with thatt he could scan. Today I installed a trial and yes my canon is scnanning pretty well.

Now I have to find out if there is a good reason to buy a peace of software, more expensive than the printer to scan a document.
I feel cheated by Canon.

Huck_Phlem - 26-1-2011 at 17:10

The ink is where they get you. I won't even buy ink and make my kids print out their school projects there by using flash drives.

BBP - 26-1-2011 at 21:00

Yep, popular marketing strategy.

polydigm - 27-1-2011 at 06:42

I had a great day at the beach yesterday. It's the first time I've gone swimming since my surgery. We played some beach cricket and although I've got sore muscles today it was great to be able play around like that again. Next step is to have a go at squash.

Badchild - 27-1-2011 at 10:19

Hi everyone. I got an Email telling to get with it and come here and Post....OR ELSE!
well here i am and i'm gonna post post post until the cows come home. You know what i mean jellybean??

I dont wanna end up lost in space and not being part of this, can we say "Historic" forum. How long has it been BBP ??

So what's happening ?? well i'm between jobs right now so i'm laying back a bit....doing the house husband -cleening and taxiing the kids to their activities....and listening to alot of music. I know got my whole appartment wired up with sound so it's nice to walk around and hear everything perfectly.

So there you's bloody cold here in Bordeaux and winter just is not letting's sunny though and that's better an nuthing right?

Am I ranting now ??? oh well i'll stop then..

Please don't kill my account here cause even though i dont post much...i still come and visit frequently...

Later people..and keep on truckin' Bonn!

there's a Hug for ya!

The Acadian

BBP - 27-1-2011 at 12:47

No don't worry Badchild, you're not on the Endangered Species list... that's for people who come here and have never posted.

Philmore - 27-1-2011 at 16:06

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I had a great day at the beach yesterday. It's the first time I've gone swimming since my surgery. We played some beach cricket and although I've got sore muscles today it was great to be able play around like that again. Next step is to have a go at squash.

My muscles are sore too, except it's from shovelling this goddamn snow.

We've already had over 50+ inches this year and we still have Feb. and March to go through.

BBP - 27-1-2011 at 16:13

Whoa! Where are you? North Pole?

Philmore - 27-1-2011 at 17:01

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Whoa! Where are you? North Pole?

Feels like it. Looks like it too.

polydigm - 28-1-2011 at 07:37

Quote: Originally posted by Philmore  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Whoa! Where are you? North Pole?
Feels like it. Looks like it too.
So where are you? Do we know you from that fun place called

BBP - 29-1-2011 at 10:12

Possibly in the New York area, I understand they've had the fifth snow-storm of the season.

In the mean time I did something stupid. One of my old newspaperfriends is on holiday for a few days (back Tuesday) and she asked me to do her round for the three times she's out.
That's yesterday, today and Monday. Her route is a large one at over 110 papers, it's far away for me, and it has a care centre for the elderly. At least there's one place where it's warm!
Tonight it was -5.

And DED, I was wrong: I do still have to do the folding. Unfortunately that meant I had to do that on the living room floor now that Lien has taken over here.

DED - 29-1-2011 at 22:29

Lazy day today because Friday was the last day in the house of auntie.
Tried another thing at the notebook of BBP (an back up of the D: partition of the hard disk. I succeed so no data will be lost forever.
Could not found the c:partition. I think it will end on bad sectors in the hard disk there where the registry is kept. That could be the reason of the error while extracting files. With a new HD it will be up quickly I think. Downloaded the first season of Baretta, the series where not so good as I remembered.

[Edited on 30-1-2011 by DED]

Huck_Phlem - 30-1-2011 at 05:27

barretta? hahaha I used to watch that when I was a pre teen.

BBP - 30-1-2011 at 18:39

Cleaned my room. Well, really only a section of it. Spent two hours. I gave Hammersmith Odeon a first spin, it sounds great!
Also found a great old Zappa review of OSFA in a magazine of which I can't remember how I acquired it.

polydigm - 31-1-2011 at 05:47

I'm suffering in the heat at the moment. This is the second day in a row reaching 42°C. Apparently it's dropping tomorrow to a mere 33° max and will stay there for about four days.

BBP - 31-1-2011 at 10:48

Poor Poly! That must be the worst!
Ah, the days in Portugal... Dad, sis, Gran and I went there on our 1995 vacacion. For some reason, Gran had little problems with the 39C heat, while I had reached boiling point and was barely fit to walk between sea and towel. She thought that was funny.
(of course, by the end of the holiday she wasn't fit to walk from sea to towel either. She'd broken her ankle. All her bones were still in place, so she could walk with it, but with much pain.

punknaynowned - 31-1-2011 at 13:28

after a couple days above 5C and bright, sunny, today they predict freezing rain and drizzle that will turn to snow and continue through Wednesday. Blizzard conditions with >56km/hr winds expected, so power lines might go out in all that. 30 - 40 cm snow expected which will drift in high winds.
I bought a professional microphone with a port for a cord for a USB connex.
And slowly play with audacity to see how it goes. So I have a new toy.

BBP - 31-1-2011 at 17:12

Hit the down. Apparently the US Blu-ray quality of Neverending Story is so bad that someone on another forum wanted to get the Dutch version, which I bought and then mailed to him.

polydigm - 1-2-2011 at 03:25

Hey Punky, I'd definitely not rather have a blizzard, but I am, in a strange kind of way, missing the UK. Mind you, I'm talking about on the same latitude as London or further south.

BBP - 1-2-2011 at 18:48

The aunt saga continues.

When my grandmother passed away, we found her camera, with some exposed film in it. We wound it back and took it to the photography store, where it got developed. Two pictures were on it: one of dogs that my cousin had made, and a picture of Gran she had made by accident. We were very happy with that Gran photo.

In my aunt's home we found a disappointingly low amount of photos, maybe about 30 while Gran had hundreds. But we did find a camera, containing a partly exposed Kodak film, of the pince nez shape. We wound back the film, and yesterday I took it to the shop.
"Can you do something with this?" I asked.
The friendly assistant replied: "I don't know if we still have the machinery for that. They stopped producing that type of film at least 15 years ago."
I quickly remembered that time my sister forgot her film and had it undeveloped in her camera for a year. When it came back from the shop, it had a warning card in it that leaving your film on the shelf for so long will cause damage to the photos, and they indeed were very blurry.
"So after fifteen years there can't be much left of the images, can there?"
"Well, we could always try."
And he went to call the lab. He warned me that it would be expensive, that the developing would cost 15 euros alone and that, since the film format didn't exist anymore, all prints would have to be cut manually. And that it would take two weeks. I paid the developing costs, left name and number, and went out.

Later that day we received a phone call from the photography shop. They'd started working on the film immediately and found only one photo on the film, and printing that would cost 10 euros. We agreed, and I went back today.

And so I went to pick up the 25 euro photo. It was in colour, but the photographer had it printed in black and white to make it slightly clearer.
In the foreground are a table and four chairs, which we don't recognize. The background looks like trees.
On the photo are a woman and child. Since the photographer told me the film dates back to mid-80s, it's possible that they are my mother and sister. But we can't be sure.

punknaynowned - 1-2-2011 at 19:22

I can't stand the heat in summer so I sympathize. Can never get naked enough while sweating on everything, never near a pool to cool down often enough, always tired. Just miserable without air conditioning. I admit.
On the other hand, I prefer winter, so long as I have a place to stay and it's warm. So far so good.

I like it here in Kansas because of the changes in the weather. Never the same day to day. That's what everyone says here, "Don't like the weather? Wait awhile, it'll change."
Always does. I would love to visit england or france to see the sights and so on. I don't think I could live there for long though. Rain all the time, why I wouldn't live in the northwest US, Portland, Seattle. Not bad for awhile...
I lived in Florida for just over a year. Didn't like it. No culture except for very specific spots that's all full of tourists (I'm thinking Key West and Miami). Plus it rained everyday. Then the sun would come out and be hot or always near 100% humidity. Yuck.
It's my perception that when it stops raining in england or normandy, the sun may come out but doesn't warm much. So it stays wet and cool more often with the warm sunny days less frequent. I may be wrong, but the culture, the tea drinking, the gabled roofs, the proliferation of hedges and bridges, awnings and smoke filled pubs, the clipped speech --- all speak to me as products of such a climate.
Lovely people, but dour climate produces pessimistic outlook. Just an observation, a generalization. Individuals are always different.

For comparison, I know it rains all the time in Holland. And again, I may be wrong in my perception but the dutch all seem sunnier in outlook somehow. Big bright colors on the buildings, even if the colors on a Rembrandt may be dark, the personality shines thru. As if because there is so much water in the lowlands, people have more time to see their reflection and have spent the time to scrub out the gloom.
Colors: Red and blue for england and france, I think of sea and beef blood. Holland's colors are bold orange and green which makes me think of bright banners and tapestries, big hunks of cheese :biggrin:

punknaynowned - 2-2-2011 at 08:05

but damn Poly! that looks a BIG hurricane heading for landfall...
I'm all safe and warm here, so far

BBP - 2-2-2011 at 20:20

Hope you're out of the hurricane zone, Poly...

polydigm - 2-2-2011 at 22:15

Think about North America. The hurricane zone is toward the equator, so, for example Florida in the south gets hurricanes but not New York in the north. In Australia, in the southern hemisphere, the directions are reversed. Northern Queensland or the north of Northern Territory get cyclones. I'm way down here away from the cyclone zone in the south of South Australia.

BBP - 3-2-2011 at 17:50

That's good news, I was worried there. Thing is I live in a stamp size nation in comparison to Australia and when there's harsh conditions up north the south is getting the same problem sooner or later.

punknaynowned - 3-2-2011 at 17:53

I see Milton Bradley over in the other place got some real snow in Michigan. We were ready here but got half of what we expected. Maybe 15-20 cm. It drifted. It's still real cold. But it took me 20 minutes to shovel off the walk. Pretty, white, cold. Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan all got hit pretty hard.

polydigm - 4-2-2011 at 03:53

Okay Bonny, seeing as you haven't answered my question on Cal's forum, here it is again. What is the year round weather like in Holland?

BBP - 4-2-2011 at 13:30

Year round? Changing. Really. Summers can be heatwave or five consecutive weeks of rain. We've had hail in June and very hot Januaries. This year's January had one warm week where I could go out in T-shirt, but it started freezing again a week later. In general, unpredictable is one of the better words.

Right now it's storming in the north, and over here it's quite windy too. That's why it's a bit confusing for me, weather in Australia. Netherlands fits many times into Australia, if something happens out north here the south will usually get some of the effects too. A storm on the other side of the country isn't ever as far away as you are from the floods.

DED - 4-2-2011 at 13:51

Measured from 1971 -2000
All are averages/year over this period

Days with rain (more than 1 mm) 131
Days with snow 25
Dry days 109
No sun 76
Fog 65

ours of sun 1524
rain in mm 827
Humidity % 82
Temp in winter 3.3 centigrade
Temp in summer 16.6 centigrade
summerdays (25-30 centigrade) 22
tropical days (30 and more) 3

source KNMI

At our base in Eindhoven it is alway a few degrees hotter in summer en colder in winter than close to shore (The Hague)
In Arabia we sell holidays with rain warranty. ( sure bet with 131 rainy days in average).

When we go on holidays in France we keep drivin' until the grass beneath the crash bars is brown. Due to all the rain Holland (where not urbanised) is green.
The painting of our houses is grey, white or standard yellow or brown bricks. The difference you will find is in tghe front door. Not a single one looks llike another.
For colorful painted houses you must go to the Algarve in Portugal or Crete.

And when we're home we have to make sure that we are save from the water

[Edited on 4-2-2011 by DED]

Attachment: zpz2008116.jpg (29kB)
This file has been downloaded 405 times

polydigm - 5-2-2011 at 03:45

I get your point Bonny. It's a 2,000 km road trip to Brisbane, the capital of Queensland and about 1,750 km as the crow flies. The region where the cyclone hit is several hundred kilometres north of Brisbane, almost 2,000 km as the crow flies from Adelaide. Brisbane got hit with bad flooding but has very little risk of getting a cyclone, here in Adelaide we get neither.

Thanks for the info DED. Wow, do you really only get three days a year above 30C?

polydigm - 5-2-2011 at 03:48

Does anybody know what's happening with Calvin's forum? It seems to be down at the moment.

BBP - 5-2-2011 at 11:58

On average over 30 years that is. We've had heatwaves that have made me wish I was on the North Pole, and we've had years where winter gave spring and summer a miss and went straight into autumn.

DED - 5-2-2011 at 13:43

We have seasons with just one tropical day and we have seasons (not many) with 18 in parts of the country, but that is an exception.
Our country is splitted in 4 parts, the one at the coast is the coldest and north-east part of Limburg in the south is the hottest. When there is a average is about the whole country (with is no greater than aprox 400 x 250 square km). The hottest part is only 50 km long en aprox 10 width. Traveling within our small country can give a difference in temperature of 6 or 7 degrees. 20 at the coast and 27 in Eindhoven. In Belgium (smaller than the Netherlands differences are even bigger from the hills (ardennes) in the east up to the coast.

Eindhoven itselfs lies in a lower part than the surroundings, so temp is mostly higher, but also the air polution has high marks.
We dont have actual mountains or hills in our country. Differences in hight are due to the redrawing meltwater in the iceages. In the highest parts of the country (350 m above sealevel) you can find fossiles of fish meaning that our whole country was covered by water ages ago. Springtides (1953) and meltwater from the alps can cause some problems but apart from that we don't have many real extremities in weather. Our bodies are use to the conditions. In our parts of the world (including scandinavia) it is enough to be outside for 20 minutes to get our vitamines (d) out of the sunshhine. Arabian migrants here still clothed in their portable prisons mostly suffer from a lack of vitamine D.

I was once on Rhodos in Greece ( 8 day trip) where temperatures raise upto 40 centigrade in shade. It was a hell of a holiday, crawling from one air conditioned bar to another. Back home I was ill for weeks.

aquagoat - 5-2-2011 at 14:04

:swear:wow, a great week-end beginning at my house, no more water because a pipe is broken, some guys from the water company repair service are working hard to fix it, hope they'll soon succeed. My vacuum cleaner just broke down, strangely just a few weeks after the expiration of the two year warranty, I took a warranty extension when I bought it so I hope it'll be ok and get out of the shop with a new one, or they'll lend me one until they get mine repaired.

Well, anyway, my girlfriend and I will go to the restaurant tonight and have a good time, if the place hasn't burnt down to the ground by the time we get there. :umm:

[Edited on 5-2-2011 by aquagoat]

BBP - 5-2-2011 at 14:16

We have six vacuum cleaners right now, can we help?

aquagoat - 6-2-2011 at 09:52

well, maybe, we'll see in a few days.:D

BBP - 7-2-2011 at 11:26

Finished knitting a beautiful jumper for my sister, with a lot of cables, took 30 hours... and now I have to wait for two more weeks for her to come over and see it.

DED - 7-2-2011 at 11:46

pictures please I'm curious. ????:cool:

MTF - 8-2-2011 at 06:25

Bonny, why do you have six vacuum cleaners? Isn't five enough?

DED - 8-2-2011 at 19:50

To tell you the truth we don't have enough money to buy a seventh one.

No reallly whe had two. a small one and a bigger one with a lot of noise and less prestation. Therefore ZAZ left us her vacuum cleaner. Than we had three.
Our late aunty had 4 one on a steel, one for the crums, a normal one and on the attic an almost antique Nilfisk (the powerful Norman). It stll works wonderfully. So we end up by having 7 vacuumcleaners, like every normal household :P

[Edited on 8-2-2011 by DED]

[Edited on 8-2-2011 by DED]

BBP - 10-2-2011 at 12:53

Sister and I are pleased as punch to see Primus coming to Europe, she'll buy us tickets as soon as they come out!

BBP - 10-2-2011 at 14:50

Today I received a form from Chartis. Over 1 year after my tumble I finally get my ex-boss's insurance to examine me!!

MTF - 11-2-2011 at 10:18

Bonny, I forgot that you're a big Primus fan. Well, you might like this: Primus did a run of shows around New Years at the Fox Theater in Oakland. They had the Residents open one of the shows.

A good friend of mine also happens to be friends with the Residents, so he got backstage passes and hung out with both bands. He had never seen Primus before, and was quite impressed.

Here's a really nice picture of Claypool from that show. It was taken by a news photographer named Josh Keppel:

polydigm - 11-2-2011 at 13:48

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
We have six vacuum cleaners right now ...

That sucks, big time.

(I couldn't resist)

BBP - 11-2-2011 at 17:40


Of course, we can't go to Primus now. Some asshole companies bought up all the tickets, and they're now sold out. Sure, you can buy them off those but at three times the original price. I'm angry.

MTF - 14-2-2011 at 10:04

Sorry to hear that.

But here's another picture, from backstage at that concert. You've got Les Claypool, Josh Keppel (the photographer of the last picture), And Josh's son Lazlo.

Josh has some amazing pictures on his Facebook page. You can see them here:!/joshkeppel?sk=photos

BBP - 14-2-2011 at 12:00

They are great photos Mental! Thank you!

BBP - 15-2-2011 at 13:30

I've started learning Italian, and it's going well!

punknaynowned - 15-2-2011 at 19:00

Some of this is specific to US like I said but it reaches across the west in many ways. You saying you're learning Italian and knowing the anger that Italian women are showing Berlusconi today reminded me of this I wrote last November- hope you can enjoy some of it. I'm on the side of the women here!!!

I am constantly reminded how the US has no mommy. It's all about daddy who would rather take the kid to go hunting or shoot off rockets than scold him for not doing his homework or 'clean your plate, wash your hands, don't lie'.
Think about it. We've never had a mommy to do this here. The church acted like that for much of our history, but when there's a chance to make lots of money or go fight a war, we always ignored her anyway.Oprah's not our mommy, nor is Hillary. Martha Stewart? Nope.
Britain may be the example that proves the rule. Victoria and Elizabeth so overshadowed the British for the
18-1900's, she IS the state and everything maternal values stand for.
Russia has them in her history, Germany too. Italy, Spain, France all still have some form of a Mary, still an amazing figure and they all at least have sense enough to have state healthcare.

I'm not saying this as a lark or a joke. It's rather serious and getting worse all the time. Glenn Beck seriously needs his mommy.

But in at least three big ways have I seen this maternal role being played out in our American history
)Churchly community-oriented models and methods, like hospitals the way they used to be
)the culture of the university -- one that used to teach distinctions like between self-interest and enlightened self-interest as some point out and which now measures things in a strict cost-benefit analysis -- no longer has a collective understanding of what is meant when it's graduates are asked 'Where did you matriculate?' Of course, Matriculation has been replaced with a superior sleaker, business friendly model that works students like the products and strict resource producing assets they are. So long as they pay.
)the media in her watchdog capacity, with a history of popularizing things like abolition, even actions against Tamany Hall, for Abstinence, for Prohibition, Suffrage, later the growth of Labor Unions and so on.

In short, the Nanny Culture, though folks will hate the term. We don't have it. Absent.

Oprah may have seen this best and maybe did her best. Made a lot of money by ... comforting people.
But the country hasn't had even a surrogate, besides television since ... I don't know when.
Not Elanor Roosevelt though she was probably the last nation-wide descendant of that set of cultural waves borne out of Suffrage, out of Prohibition rallies and so on.
Nobody to tell us to wash our hands, wash our mouth out, or even 'don't take your guns to town'
"Amen, pass the ammunition "

This is no indictment either of half the population, not at all. In fact, it is the cue I see taken by many amazing women all over the country standing up and saying what's on their minds, pointing out what's so often very wrong that I see so much real hope of what there is what we can be that's out there.
I know Europeans who love Rachel Maddow for example or think Elizabeth Warren could act as a popular and thereby even necesary corrective to what ails so much of American CW about just the economy. And just for the record I think Nancy Pelosi has done a wonderful job, despite what others may say. Yay Nancy!
Y'know, Jon Stewart has a mommy and it shows. The Right is building one or is she self-grooming already? Gosh how fast they grow up.
Silvio Berlusconi is instructive here. Today's story -- Thursday's scoop []
has him saying he likes beautiful women. But I don't think he respects them so much as he shown a pattern of acting like he owns them or perhaps, even more important to him, to then own the story.
Hence so much trouble. Ahh, he's a politician so he means the opposite of what he says. I Bet he didn't learn that from his momma.

polydigm - 18-2-2011 at 08:21

There's definitely something lacking in American culture in general. Mind you, I'm not saying Australia is much better, there are plenty of people here who would like to emulate the American example.

A quote from a movie I saw recently, forget the name, from a character who was very "American", as close as I can get it: "America is shit, but then at least, everyone else are the flies on our shit". Very depressing image.

polydigm - 18-2-2011 at 08:25

Anyway, on a much lighter note, after not having my teaching contract renewed from last year and falling into a bit of a slump while waiting for work and wondering how our financial situation would survive, I got a call today for four weeks work starting next monday. Wahoo. (I just watched that Einstein comedy the other day)

punknaynowned - 18-2-2011 at 12:40

glad you're working again!

BBP - 18-2-2011 at 17:49

That's great news Poly!

polydigm - 19-2-2011 at 06:40

Thanks for your thoughts guys. It's not just the money, I need to be working again. Music is an engaging past time but when you don't have a way into the business like FZ had it's hard to maintain your self respect in a vacuum. Anyway, teaching is part entertainment which is one of the reasons I keep doing it I guess.

DED - 19-2-2011 at 11:22

Pfff, after a period of months finally found a solution for you tube on our family website.
Problem first was that you had to choose your language again and again.
Second we modified the channel in our colorscheme and wanted to see only our uploads on a grid. It worked but you tube found it nessecary to add the profile and activity among a great with bar with a search field in top.
Since a few days there was another cange. You tube does not like frames anymore so the channel was opening on a new page and giving the standard startpage. That was enough for me. I found the video lightbox. A simple program to make xml pages with you tube movies. A free program for non commercial use. I cracked the javascript to get rid of their watermark. and now it works like the way i want. Why do i want to work with (invisible) frames? instead of drupa or joomla style? Well that is simple our menu sticks on the same place no matter how deep you are scrolling and we use the entire screen. You can check my work on using the button top right wich stated streaming AV in the screen use button Ed in the our channels part.
As you can see on the start screen it also work with self hosted flv's.
I even found a way to directly link to the player screen. That gives me the idea of entirely ripping a english spoken Dutch movie and put the link in a members only section on this forum. As a present for 5 years of goose our own movie theatre.

polydigm - 20-2-2011 at 03:27

So what do you do for a living DED? I was just wondering, seeing as how you seem to like mucking around with computers at a higher level than most.

DED - 20-2-2011 at 12:34

solving managerial problems.
ICT was in our family since dos 1.26. In that time you need a lot of fantasy when the only thing you saw was A:>
Where A:> stands for a 160 kB floppy drive sindle side single density. Before that an 8 bit Atari with Atari Basic.
So computers have been quite a while in our family for fun, business and study. I managed to deal with all the major changes. Apart from that it is in our genes to find a solution for the situations were wish and reality lies far apart. We never give up not even in situations where it is more effective to give up.

polydigm - 21-2-2011 at 07:49

I hear where you're coming from DED. I'm sure I've spent way too much time programming computers. And then are the times when I've moved house and I had to throw out a whole heap of books I had once been very familiar with that were now irrelevant because of system upgrades or some such thing. It can be soul destroying.

[Edited on 21-2-11 by polydigm]

DED - 22-2-2011 at 21:11

Trying to make something new on the Goose. a forum part for member with streaming AV.
Our own Theatre.
On this moment I have a problem with the large flv files for a complete movie. The won't fit in the player. and the file disappeared instantly. Maybe the host doesn't like these big files. Still working on a solution

DED - 23-2-2011 at 20:25

OK finished it works

punknaynowned - 24-2-2011 at 05:56

works good!
"Don't mess with the Dutch."

aquagoat - 24-2-2011 at 09:13

yeah, it works well, thanx DED :forumsmiley111:

polydigm - 24-2-2011 at 12:06

This new job's going well, but it's hard work and boy am I looking forward to the weekend.

punknaynowned - 24-2-2011 at 12:38

the week is downhill from here

DED - 24-2-2011 at 18:07

We here are pleased when it is monday.
(for an exception)
2 weeks ago I forgot the waste bin and they only collect once in a fortnight, so I have my waste now for almost a month in my garden.

BBP - 25-2-2011 at 18:24

Well Poly, it's always hard to start up again isn't it? How is it going?

polydigm - 27-2-2011 at 02:45

Thanks Bonny, it hasn't gone too bad at all. Year 8,9 & 10 can be a bit of a struggle but I think I've got it in hand. It's a relatively tough school but they seem to be pretty good kids mostly. I've given out a few detentions already, but that happens when you're a new teacher while they inevitably test the boundaries and find out you mean business. And when you're a temporary teacher it's even harder because you can't establish long term relationships, but all up it's going pretty well. None the less, I was glad for the weekend, which is rapidly coming to a close. I've got a whole bunch of preparation to do this afternoon ready for the week ahead.

Spacebrother - 27-2-2011 at 13:26

All I can say is that my day was noteworthy enough in the sense that I can say all is good. Haven't had a mishap or injured myself since I busted my ankle since September '09.

punknaynowned - 27-2-2011 at 15:33

Good to hear SB! I was just thinking about yer ankle. No really, wondering how you were doing before this whole Wisconsin thing blew up.
An old friend blew into town last night and a bunch of us who used to work together came out to have a night. It was really super to see everyone. We don't hang out anymore, all have different lives, different jobs or live in different parts of the country. And we all picked up where we left off. Pretty neat.

Earlier in the day went to the rally in Topeka (state capital) in solidarity with the workers in Wisconsin. A fair number of people showed up, still pretty disappointing. Tonight there's a grammy party at another set of friend's. Robs makes a whole bunch of kickass food and we sit around and watch the awards show on tv. How we do.

BBP - 27-2-2011 at 16:02

That's good Spacey! I hope to stay on my legs long enough myself. I broke my ankle last year, but you knew that?

BBP - 28-2-2011 at 22:59

Father's friend phones, he's coming by tomorrow morning. Doing some emergency cleaning. Sent DED off to bed, he's too cranky.

BBP - 1-3-2011 at 15:19

Sooo... after Dad's hard work nobody has seen the movie?

punknaynowned - 1-3-2011 at 19:01

I watched it. It was good, I never saw it before. Can't think of another way I could see it. Not that it's rare but it's not on a list of things I've been dying to see. I don't do rentals or netflix etc. But not a waste of time, free! Decent story, acting and toward the end, interesting editing. The american lead seems a real lucky dumbass. So, cautionary like that. Good movie.

I think it's great Ed put it up there. I'll watch anything.

polydigm - 1-3-2011 at 22:58

I've been too busy Bonny, to do anything other than drop by and say hello. I'll have a look at it when this contract is over.

BBP - 2-3-2011 at 10:57

You'd better try and save it then, since DED has had the idea of putting another Dutch film favourite in the theatre (thus pulling this one), and at any rate I'm not comfortable with this structure.
The other Dutch film is hard to get, and it's on my favourite movie list.

punknaynowned - 3-3-2011 at 22:19

found this today
Several studies trying to find the ways that neurons and synapses in the brain give rise to thought and action.
came to that via an article by George Lakoff. New to me.

I'll watch another movie I haven't seen!

polydigm - 4-3-2011 at 07:06

What gets me is this bullshit some psychologists are coming up with that supposedly proves we have no free will. That thing with neurones firing in the subconscious prior to the conscious impulse to do something. So what? We get unconscious input all the time and process many things subconsciously. This just tells me that their assumptions about what constitutes a conscious choice and how it is manifested in the human brain are faulty in the first place.

I mean, you can see the irony as well can't you? By their own argument their experiments to determine the nature of free will are not the result of free will, so why are they doing it?

Anyway, just as one example, the fact that we agonise over some decisions for weeks on end before making a final choice cannot be broken down into a single observable train of thought, so just how well are these experiments designed? The fact that we may be processing data subconsciously doesn't prove we don't have free will. When I studied maths at university, with some of the more complex problems, I often awoke at three in the morning with a solution, but this didn't happen to me unless I had decided to try and solve the problem in the first place.

Their philosophical conclusions based on where certain thoughts are triggered prove nothing about free will in my opinion and one day I will find a way to articulate a proper counter argument. They are failing to see the woods for the trees. Each impulse they analyse is just a "tree" but there are a whole wood full of trees involved in the decision making process. It's like saying a protein can be understood just by knowing the individual properties of atoms of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and so on.

Blah, blah, blah ....

BBP - 4-3-2011 at 11:32

Happy birthday Polydigm!

You should talk to my sister, Poly: whe is a philosopher and intended to get her PhD with a thesis on free will. There may be free will, but only about 5% or so.

DED - 4-3-2011 at 11:37

Yes happy birthday.....
And talking with my daughter, it is better to wait until tommorrow. Today is party time and not a day for a heavy discussion with our Sas.

aquagoat - 4-3-2011 at 17:50

happy birthday Poly! hope it was a good one.

punknaynowned - 4-3-2011 at 20:15

clapclapclapclap -- woohoo!!!

polydigm - 5-3-2011 at 06:03

Thanks everyone. Talking about free will, we went to see The Adjustment Bureau last night for my birthday, with just my immediate family, wife and two sons. My daughter's grown up and moved to the UK. The film touched on a few dodgy points but overall I thought it was pretty good, quite entertaining and enjoyed by all. Tonight we're all having dinner at my Mum's place with my brother coming as well. We're getting take away from a very good restaurant called Buddha's Kitchen. They do very, very tasty and good quality Thai food.

punknaynowned - 5-3-2011 at 10:35

heard an interview with some of the makers of that Adjustment Bureau today on the radio. He said those of the bureau were not angels or gov men but 'agents of fate'. As far as the story goes, Would you agree Poly?
Sounds like you had a good birthday.

BBP - 5-3-2011 at 19:40

Went to the carnaval parade. Will tell you about it later, because I'm on the wrong computer to upload photos, and I am totally freezing, spent 4 hours outside under-dressed.

DED - 5-3-2011 at 20:58

BBP - 7-3-2011 at 11:52

It's been two days and I'm still in pain. Yesterday was a bit rough: Dad and I went to a flea market, but it was so crowded it was way too much for me.

Anyway we did strike gold: an old lady was selling an old Donald Duck collection at 5 euros per complete year, which is very low for early 70s. I also found 3 CD-i's.

punknaynowned - 7-3-2011 at 12:16

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It's been two days and I'm still in pain. Yesterday was a bit rough: Dad and I went to a flea market, but it was so crowded it was way too much for me.

Anyway we did strike gold: an old lady was selling an old Donald Duck collection at 5 euros per complete year, which is very low for early 70s. I also found 3 CD-i's.

what's wrong? what did you do?

btw I want to get everyone - family, friends - to enroll here and watch Fanfare ... it cheered me right up, so I assume it would do the same for anyone

BBP - 7-3-2011 at 17:16

:) Glad you like Fanfare!

I went to the Carnaval parade and stood outside for hours in short dress, stockings and high heels. I was tired, cold and had sore feet.

I just made a page with all my photos:

polydigm - 7-3-2011 at 21:52

I don't want want to say too much about The Adjustment Bureau yet to give people a chance to see it. And the point that was made about angels versus agents of fate - it's actually a lot more complicated than that, but I will vent forth on it later, once people are happy I'm not spoiling the film for them.

[Edited on 7-3-11 by polydigm]

BBP - 9-3-2011 at 10:17

Fell for the first April Fools gag of the year. :swear:

Philmore - 9-3-2011 at 13:10

That Carnaval parade looks like fun. It's very colorful.

The parades we have in my town have some guys in suits, the horribly out of tune high school marching band, a truckload of Boy Scouts and a bunch of baton twirling girls who don't know the meaning of synchronization.

polydigm - 9-3-2011 at 21:53

Well, my four week teaching contract is going okay. I'm coming up to the end of the the third week. The majority of kids there are not impressed by school or teachers so it's quite a challenge to find something appropriate for them.

Bonny, you can't tell us you fell for a gag and then not tell us what it was. And besides, it only the 10th of March.

BBP - 9-3-2011 at 22:47

Well, out here they start their april fool's gags early, February is no exception.
Second, it was such good news I was all excited going to bed, then I woke up and discovered it was probably a prank, but now it doesn't look ike a prank anymore. So I might not have been fooled. But if you must know, there's been a hint towards a new Gabriel Knight game.

...Then again, it wouldn't be the first time this year I got excited over the Dutch proverbial dead sparrow, see Primus.

polydigm - 10-3-2011 at 21:49

I'd not heard of that before but I might have checked it out if there was a Mac version, but apparently not. I notice they use Tim Curry. Aren't you a fan of his?

BBP - 11-3-2011 at 10:28

You know I've played Sierra (game company) adventures since young age? I was a huge fan of Leisure Suit Larry, and I played GoldRush and Sid & Al's Incredible Toons. Later I discovered series like Phantasmagoria (I was so scared of it I couldn't finish it for a year) and Shivers. I discovered that Gabriel Knight was the most popular, so I played the floppy version of the first game, got nowhere and never looked back.

And then I saw Rocky Horror, wondered if that was the guy from Clue, checked Curry out on IMDB, discovered all the things I could have known him from if I had been paying attention (like Duckman and Pink Floyd: The Wall Live In Berlin), and decided to check him out more. Noticed Gabriel Knight on the list, and three days later I found GK3 in a goodwill store. Fell in love with the game music before Tim had even started talking.
You know, those books that are so good you can't put them down? Films that are so good you are biting your teeth until it's finished, when you completely forget time? I never knew a game could reach that level. And all three installments of GK are that good, even the one without Tim.

polydigm - 12-3-2011 at 02:35

I got right into xbox games for awhile after giving my sons an xbox about 8 years ago, but I went off them pretty quick. I don't like shoot em up games, or games with excessive violence. Elder Scrolls involved too much killing and what have you. The Harry Potter games were okay but I really only liked the second one. The original Wallace and Grommet wasn't too bad. Nightcaster was an engrossing challenge. I'm curious about GK, but if I can't find a Mac version I won't bother.

MTF - 12-3-2011 at 09:39

We had lots of tsunami fun today. The waves started hitting here about 8am local time. News helicopters were jockeying for space above the Santa Cruz harbor, so they could get the best view of boats smashing into each other.

I think everybody except surfers were surprised at how powerful the waves were 6000 miles away from where they were generated.

Here's an interesting little 1-minute time-lapse video of some of the early tsunami surges. Each surge is about five minutes real time. Under normal conditions, the tide NEVER goes out this far.

PS: You can see a surfer scurrying out of the water between surges, when he finally realizes what a fucking idiot he is...

BBP - 12-3-2011 at 10:29

Sounds like you will enjoy adventures more. They're more focused on problem solving, like reading Da Vinci Code and solving all the riddles yourself. Some are about solving concrete puzzles (like you're in a haunted house, and every room has a puzzle in it you need to solve, like an anagram or a chess puzzle. The 7th Guest is a game like that and it grew so massively popular it spawned dozens of imitations). In others there, say, might be a locked door, and you need to find a key. Or there is a locked door with a key on the other side, and you need to find a way of getting it out.

That's a cool time lapse, MTF!

BBP - 12-3-2011 at 19:02

Caught a peribalus strictus on the first floor, had a good look at him and took him outside.

DED - 13-3-2011 at 23:43

That means that our neighbours are right.
There do live strange creatures in our house......


BBP - 14-3-2011 at 14:24

Our Pinbot is breaking down, probably diode problem in the right flipper.

BBP - 16-3-2011 at 18:15

Dad fixed the right flipper, replaced the left flipper, replaced a rubber band and a small post that take ages to get to.

Painters came over to give the front door, garage door and all window frames a fresh coat of paint on the outside. All doors and most windows had to be open, so now it's freezing in here.

Also, I went to the dentist, and I'm OK!

polydigm - 19-3-2011 at 07:16

Good to hear Bonny. I've got dental surgery scheduled for May. It won't be as traumatic as the last batch, but it's still fairly major. Last time I had a tooth removed and a bone graft done, which has turned out really well, so the problems I was having with the tooth before have been fixed.

This time coming up is to put in an implant. If that goes well, six months hence I'll get a crown and it'll be just as good as a real tooth and infinitely better than getting a bridge. It's very expensive but it should end up like I never had any trouble there in the first place, which is miraculous, because I've been having trouble with that tooth for more than fifteen years.

Last time I had to have a general anaesthetic, but this time it's just with a local so I have a Valium at the ready.

MTF - 19-3-2011 at 10:28

Just got home from seeing Primus. Easily the loudest concert we've been to since ZPZ (when we were sitting in the front row right in front of the speakers).

The show was presented by Green Gopher Garden Supply; the business run by Les Claypool's brother. The show was a benefit for Les' nephew. Les also announced that his step-father was in the audience, and was seeing him play for the first time.

They played some songs from their upcoming album, including one about fishing. Les admitted he's never been fishing in his life. I couldn't really follow the lyrics, but I got the idea the song isn't really about fishing. I think "fishing" is a metaphor.

Les Claypool really is a kickass bassist. The bass is an easy instrument to play - even Sid Vicious could do it - but it's extremely difficult to play well. And to play it at a virtuoso level is very rare. Few musicians that good would bother with the bass.

And he's the only guy I've ever seen play a bass with a whammy bar. You gotta like that.

But seriously: I was not expecting a mosh pit. Fortunately we were standing behind two big guys; so we got knocked around some, but we didn't get smashed...

BBP - 19-3-2011 at 10:38

You were going to Primus and not expecting a mosh pit?
That's odd if he says he's never been fishing. It can't be what I think it means (that is, the type of hunting where you catch the denizens of the deep)

Hope you'll be all-right, Poly! It sure sounds nasty!

polydigm - 20-3-2011 at 05:14

Bonny, I'll be alright, the worst part is over with, apparently.

MTF, have you heard the Five Peace Band, either live or on CD? The bass playing there, by Charlie McBride is pretty amazing.

punknaynowned - 21-3-2011 at 22:16

wrote an article last night, finished another and then posted both.
Got up late. Responded to comments. Read a bunch of articles.
Looks more and more like the new normal for me.

polydigm - 23-3-2011 at 11:21

I finished my 4 week contract last week and I've been at a bit of a loose end this week, although I seem to be getting back into music composition mode. Tonight I got a phone call from the school I just worked in to do a day of TRT (Temporary Relief Teaching) tomorrow as one of their maths teachers is having a day off. I need the money and accepted enthusiastically but still have that deep down wrench if you know what I mean. Oh well, up early tomorrow.

BBP - 26-3-2011 at 20:07

Hope all goes well, Poly!
Been drawing a lot lately. Great to be back there. I've also tried to pick up my calligraphy again (the amount of calligraphy pens I have now is astounding... alas the bulk is not working).

polydigm - 27-3-2011 at 04:01

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hope all goes well, Poly!
Thanks, it did go well. Now I've got another TRT day on Monday.
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Been drawing a lot lately. Great to be back there. I've also tried to pick up my calligraphy again (the amount of calligraphy pens I have now is astounding... alas the bulk is not working).
I'm not trying to be pernickety about your English, I just want to make sure I understand your point, are you saying that the majority of your pens don't work?

BBP - 27-3-2011 at 12:10

Yes. It's those cursed fountain pens, you know. I'm very glad our arts teacher made my class do calligraphy for months: it improved my handwriting greatly. It was near illegible for years.

polydigm - 28-3-2011 at 07:34

My handwriting was bad as a kid, then I broke my wrist at 13. The doctors did a bad job fixing it and my hand writing has been pretty much atrocious ever since. If I make a really sustained effort I can be reasonable, but if I just let go and write it's a bit of a mess.

Anyway, today's TRT is finished, so I'm putting my feet up.

BBP - 28-3-2011 at 11:21

Ouch! Sounds like you fell pretty hard!
Did you ever consider getting another operation done? I can imagine a bad hand writing is tough when you're a teacher.

polydigm - 29-3-2011 at 00:04

I have a permanent break near the tip of my ulna in my right arm and I've been told it's virtually impossible to fix. It hasn't prevented me developing a decent squash game and is probably not that responsible for my bad hand writing. Back in school when we did archery I discovered that I was quite good when I did it left handed. I could push on the bow with my right hand (pulling is when I have a problem) and pull the string with my left, but the PE teacher, a complete asshole who was responsible for me breaking my arm in the first place, forbade me to do it left handed, so I gave up a sport I was potentially good at.

BBP - 29-3-2011 at 11:08

Oh god, don't talk to us about bad PE teachers! There were two at my school who were such a complete nightmare to have. They just wouldn't accept that there might be something you can't, and if you're too heavy AND too weak to climb rope, you're not going to learn it in two days time. I was relatively lucky, being a terrible sweetheart I never had much teacher trouble, but my sister once got kicked out of class because she wouldn't do a handstand on one of these things, and it looked downright dangerous, so she wouldn't and got kicked out.
He punished her by putting her in a handstand position for 15 minutes.

Anyway after three years of terror I finally had a good teacher. It didn't stop me from having a severe elbow bruise and a ring finger which I think I may have broken back then. And at least two concussions from balls hitting my head.

I'm completely in favour of banning PE from schools.

Huck_Phlem - 30-3-2011 at 02:15

A dresser drawer?

BBP - 30-3-2011 at 10:38

It's some sort of thing you're supposed to jump on and off. My sister, and classmates, had to do a handstand on the end, then flip over to the other side (that is, off the dresser). Since those things are built from several partitions, the end of the ones on the top came loose and flew up whenever someone performed such a stunt.

DED - 30-3-2011 at 18:22

this one

Attachment: springkast2.jpg (27kB)
This file has been downloaded 431 times

[Edited on 30-3-2011 by DED]

polydigm - 31-3-2011 at 12:19

Wow Bonny, those PE teachers sound awful.

BBP - 31-3-2011 at 19:04

Say, how did you break a wrist? Did you fall or something?

polydigm - 1-4-2011 at 01:44

It happened early in my first year in high school around my thirteenth birthday. We were being introduced to the parallel bars in PE. This basically weak bunch of 12/13 year olds were being asked to do a reverse dismount from the end of the bars set to the full six foot height, which is just insane. The person behind you in the line was supposed to support you if you came down awkwardly which was way too much to be asking of us - both in terms of the person doing the manoeuvre and the responsibility for the person behind. I was the pigeon who was first in line and the PE teacher left us unsupervised. I fell backwards and landed with my hands underneath, the person behind me just stepped out of the way.

My wrist was badly distorted by the fall. A couple of GPs in the local hospital thought they could fix it without help from a specialist and it's never been right. I had some exploratory surgery done when I was 26 after having some trouble with my wrist at work. It was found that my trouble stemmed back to the original break and the incompetence of those GPs. I had a cyst removed which helped me big time because it gave me back full movement of my wrist but I was told there was nothing they could do about the break.

It's not as bad as it sounds. They said that building up the strength in that arm would help a lot, which turned out to be true. It gets a bit sore sometimes but I can still play guitar, piano and sax and most of the time I barely notice it. I've had problems with my back from that fall as well, but it's hard to quantify just what those problems might be. But exercising and keeping fit helps and like I said, I've been able to play squash which is a pretty vigorous and demanding sport.

BBP - 1-4-2011 at 12:02

That IS insane! I could never do a reverse dismount due to the combination of heavy weight, little muscle and big feet that get in the way, so after a couple of failed attempts in which I hurt my feet badly, I just switched to forward. But at least my teacher had the decency to have them set to height. We did have to do a forward somersault on them by second grade, when I was 13.

Of course I have to note we had mixed PE in school. Which sucks from 4th grade or on, when you're playing basketball against people who are a head taller than you. Or when you're on your period and staying on the side (which I by consequence never did, too embarrassing). Or when your breasts have grown too large to control, even with sports bra.

That's pretty careless from your GP's. If you were in the States you could sue them.

polydigm - 2-4-2011 at 00:01

I was told when this was discovered that I could sue and legal aid were pretty keen to do it but my head was in a bad space at the time and I didn't get my act together to do it. Money aside, I should have done it because a message needed to be sent to that hospital about what was taking place there.

Sounds to me Bonny like your school was pretty insensitive. I expect stories like mine from people my age, but schools and, the law along with them, have changed. It doesn't sound like it has where you are, or did things used to be a lot worse? DED?

BBP - 2-4-2011 at 13:02

Actually that somersault was not as bad as it sounds. English language doesn't differentiate between a somersault on the ground, which all kids do when they're young and during which you always have support from the floor, and one in the air, which is only for gymnasts. The MO was, first you swing and put your legs on the bars, one on the left, one on the right, so you have your legs spread.
Then you move your hands in front of your legs, then you pull up your lower legs and hook your feet behind the bars, and then push off. While you're turning, your shoulders and upper arms are always supporting the rest of the body. It's pretty easy, but naturally quite scary looking.
Also: P.E. class is always dangerous. I broke my finger when a very fat girl ran into me during basketball. I always assumed it had been bruised, until I broke my ankle and realized I wasn't immune to fractures.
I bruised my elbow when, during basketball, I tried to get the ball from someone, but I fell, and he fell on top of me. We're still very good friends. And there was some charm in walking around with a black and blue arm with a gory wound, creeping out the girls.

My school wasn't really careless. It was a bit of a posh school, with very little foreign kids (three in my year with 110 kids), an inter-school sports competition between 4 schools, an artistic competition between 4 schools, and many after-school activities.

DED - 4-4-2011 at 14:29

Main problems in Holland are "the quality"of teachers esp. at Gymnastics. They don't seem to understand that we not all are alike.
Speaking with them on this issue seems to be not done. I was send out of the classroom many times and punished even often. Only because I was not the easiest guy around. For me, teachers are only right in what they say if they can prove it. When you say that things are the way the are, or because they say so, have a hard time educating me. It started out when I was six. I wrote done milk when I had to wrote milk, unfortenately by that time I wasn't aware of different languages. I had a Corgi Toy Milkvan with a large sign on top stated MILK. So when I had to wrote down Melk (Dutch for milk) I wrote milk. The teacher stated that I was wrong and I couldn't accept that. She didn't explain that people in England and some other places speak a different language and say milk to melk. If she had done that I could have some understanding, but to say I'm wrong was the start of a strange career in education.

polydigm - 5-4-2011 at 14:22

I was humiliated by my teacher in front of the class in grade 3 for not knowing my times tables properly. I decided on that day that no-one was ever going to do that to me again, so I learnt my tables quick smart and other stuff besides and went on to become the one who corrected teachers whenever they made mistakes. She created a monster.

BBP - 6-4-2011 at 20:39

:devil: Go Poly!

polydigm - 7-4-2011 at 00:55

Those humiliating experiences can go both ways, they can cause some people to shut off from education altogether.

Anyway, starting the day before yesterday I got back to playing my alto sax. I'd just transcribed the melody from "Overture To A Holiday In Berlin" and got really curious to hear it on my saxophone. I went back to it momentarily around October last year but that lasted 2 days. Other than that I haven't played it since before I got really sick back in May last year.

I've been kind of battling with what I'm doing with my life ever since my second surgery in July last year and music has taken a bit of a back seat. Although, I've been trying to keep my chops up on the guitar, but that's been about it. My brother bought me the book "The Rest Is Noise" for my birthday in March. I've been reading it bit by bit ever since, over 600 pages, and finished it yesterday. It's a history/critique of 20th Century music. I've found it very inspiring. I'm right back into full blown composition again and did that transcription on Tuesday as an exercise which then led to playing the sax again.

Remarkably enough, I haven't lost a lot from what I learnt at the start of last year. It all comes back pretty quickly with a little reinforcement. It'll need a little more time and practice before I can play OTAHIB well but I'm already happy with my progress after only two days. I don't exactly push myself, I'm just driven to keep playing and eventually I have to stop because my face muscles just can't do it any more. Maybe that's where the saying "chops" comes from: building up your jaw muscles playing a reed instrument.

Talking about composition, my latest is a major one, bringing together all kinds of seemingly disparate elements with a fairly large ensemble in mind. I've no idea yet how I'm going to get it performed properly, but I will at least put together a demo using my studio. Firstly, of course, I have to finish it.

Anyway, better go have my breakfast, I'm off to the hospital for a routine check up with my surgeon. Don't worry, I'm well, they just need to check up on my progress periodically. I'm fairly fit and back to being slightly overweight; taking the dogs for long walks with my wife; been to the beach swimming several times since Christmas; working in the garden and doing plumbing odd jobs and so on. The only physical challenge left for me now is to try some squash again.

punknaynowned - 7-4-2011 at 11:35

good to hear Geoff!
Overture to Holiday In Berlin is one of my faves!
Would love to hear any new songs when their ready too :)

polydigm - 8-4-2011 at 08:33

Just today I made a new section for my music on my web site. Try the following link:

Geoff's Music

I hope you like some of it.

punknaynowned - 8-4-2011 at 19:23

there's a number of pieces under 'perfect time' that I like. Haven't listened yet to 'Can't Stop It'.
The first one sounds almost zappa related. 'Been There' and 'It's Not What You Think' are actually compelling. Many of them I wanted them to keep going. Reparturnling starts out very atonal or dissonant and ends up in a very different place. Neat. Dabbling starts out intriguing and stays there almost til the end. I like it all and will be back.
Thanks for sharing!!!

punknaynowned - 8-4-2011 at 19:24

I have to do errands today and don't want to.

polydigm - 9-4-2011 at 01:24

Thanks for the feed back Ned.

Reparturnling has three components, each of which has a very different harmonic basis, but are none the less thematically related. The piece is ABABCD, I tend to use mostly pretty classical forms to structure my pieces, I don't buy into the total serialist view of the world. A is serial, based on a twelve tone row. When I work with serial composition I have my own way of doing things. I don't like really abstract mathematical type serial stuff. Sometimes I develop a series that I like the sound of, which is the most important thing, then I experiment with it and see what kinds of chords I can get out of it and other melodic variations. I try the retrograde and inversion but I'll only use these if they sound good to me, my variations are mostly non standard. B is kind of tonal, inspired by Stravinsky. It's not tonal in the sense of having a key centre but it's constructed using diatonic elements. C is modal using the dominant mode of F# ascending melodic minor. D, the cadence, is based on elements of A and B.

Been There has a similar mix of atonal, non tonal diatonic and modal elements.

BBP - 10-4-2011 at 14:30

Attempted to do some gardening, lost to the stinging nettles.

MTF - 11-4-2011 at 09:35

My daughter's about to graduate from high school, so she and my wife are taking some tours of colleges. This weekend they went to Chico State, which is a party school almost as notorious as my alma mater; U.C. Santa Cruz.

Last night they went camping on Angel Island, where my wife took this picture of the Golden Gate Bridge:

We're looking toward the west. San Francisco is to the left; Sausalito to the right; and the Pacific Ocean is on the other side of the bridge. That fog bank in the distance is the reason Mark Twain once said "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco."

BBP - 11-4-2011 at 11:44

...I was about to say "Gosh, the Golden Gate Bridge sure has deteriorated since it starred in Vertigo"...

aquagoat - 11-4-2011 at 19:18

Cool pic, mtf.

BBP - 12-4-2011 at 22:49

Started knitting a cape. It's a lot of stitches: knitting a needle takes about half an hour.

Huck_Phlem - 13-4-2011 at 01:35

Both my brothers went to Chico State to take GST (General Studies Thematic) to get all their basic classes out of the way then went on to other state schools. My oldest went on to CCAC and the other one went to SFSU.

MTF - 14-4-2011 at 05:12

Quote: Originally posted by Huck_Phlem  
Both my brothers went to Chico State to take GST (General Studies Thematic) to get all their basic classes out of the way then went on to other state schools. My oldest went on to CCAC and the other one went to SFSU.

Neither my wife nor my daughter was too impressed with Chico. So far it looks like San Francisco State is her #1 choice. Next weekend they're going to San Jose State and then they're flying up to Oregon to look at a couple places.

She managed to get a D in chemistry. This actually turned out to be a good thing, because it ruled out a lot of schools we couldn't afford anyway.

[Edited on 4/14/2011 by MTF]

Huck_Phlem - 14-4-2011 at 05:48

Yea my son got a D in Latin and Biology this quarter but some of the kids told him it's the Semester grade they look at.
He can fix it with Summer School they said.

DED - 14-4-2011 at 15:05

Finding the right school for your children is a hard job. And by the time that you have found one, they complain afterwards. I did what was right in my opinion that time. I hope someday they will understand.

BBP - 14-4-2011 at 16:01

Well dad, it's not like you ever said anything positive about my elementary school's principal.

DED - 14-4-2011 at 19:36

that rejected scout you mean.
There was no alternative there accept for a black catholic school

BBP - 15-4-2011 at 10:05


Not much happening here, but today I'm going to hit the town, trying to find Dad some birthday presents. The only thing he asked for is "solder". Thank you Dad.

polydigm - 17-4-2011 at 00:44

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
See, he must have sent you to a good school. :lol:

BBP - 17-4-2011 at 11:11

Actually I had a very bad English teacher. Fortunately my English was always ahead of school, it was a bit of a snooze subject for me.

MTF - 18-4-2011 at 05:52

I'm watching a National Geographic documentary about the Japan earthquake and tsunami. It was compiled mostly from news footage and cell phone video. There's very little narration: the pictures speak for themselves...

DED - 19-4-2011 at 20:58

To me, i found it fantastic that they also search for picturealbums and personal belongings. People who lost everything are very glad that they found some pictures and belonigings of the people they loved.

BBP - 19-4-2011 at 21:13

Spilt tea all over me. Whose genes do I have, anyway?

DED - 20-4-2011 at 07:12

I don't drink tea, so it must be genes from another one

polydigm - 21-4-2011 at 04:06


BBP - 21-4-2011 at 13:10

(Actually he does drink tea occasionally.)

BBP - 22-4-2011 at 13:53

It's incredibly hot in here today, incredibly hot in here...

Decided to walk to the market, but I soon regretted the idea. I even bought some Slush. (that's ground ice with syrup)

punknaynowned - 22-4-2011 at 15:38

it's rainy and humid here. We need rain too but as long as the mercury stays where it is and temps rise, I fear it will just get more and more humid and no added rain will come. But crying won't help it any. Coffee doesn't seem to perk me up today either. With the impending rain as well I can't get out and work either.
Slow news day it seems. I should be Grateful about that I guess.
I know, I'll put zappa on and read.

polydigm - 23-4-2011 at 04:37

We're having a very nice Autumn here and I have to say I don't mind the prospect of Winter either. It can be a bit inconvenient some times, but so can Summer in it's own way and overall Winter's becoming my favourite time of year you just have to make sure you get plenty of Vitamin D.

Spacebrother - 23-4-2011 at 09:28

Haven't been around here in a while. Thought I'd check out whats new since the last time I visited this forum.

BBP - 23-4-2011 at 10:10

Hi Spacey! Good to see you again!

MTF - 24-4-2011 at 08:41

Today I fixed the stairway in our back porch, and in doing so I found a lot of rotten wood. We'll have to replace the whole porch.

But not today...

BBP - 24-4-2011 at 09:14

Oh crap, that sounds like it will cost a fortune!

Happy Easter, everyone!

aquagoat - 25-4-2011 at 10:26

happy easter you all!

DED - 25-4-2011 at 16:41

Yes, it is almost over, but happy easter from a sunny Eindhoven

BBP - 26-4-2011 at 09:37

My blind friend came to visit yesterday. We went for a walk and had ice-cream. Very cosy.

polydigm - 27-4-2011 at 06:01

Australia is a secular nation and as such some things are rated higher than religious festivals. Anzac Day for one. For many years now we have held Anzac Day on the actual day rather than having a public holiday Monday in lieu. Anzac Day is the 25th of April which happened to be Easter Monday this year, so Monday this week was called Anzac Day and Tuesday was a public holiday in lieu of Easter Monday.

So, we've just had a five day weekend. Although, if you're a teacher, it's in the middle of a term break anyway, which has been the case ever since the government cunningly reorganised the school term structure. Back in the bad old days we had three terms with a two week term break in May and then in September, that is, Autumn and Spring, which is kind of logical for holidays. Now we get three two week term breaks, April and October for the first and third, which arguably places both of them in better weather, but the kicker is taking two weeks from the Summer break and dumping them in the middle of Winter at the end of June.

The reasoning is sound I guess, it was argued that we needed to have a two semester year.

Anyway, I forgot to mention here that I got a teaching contract at a good local school for all of second term - ten weeks this time - which is good news but my holiday's almost over, I'll be back at the rock face on Monday.

BBP - 27-4-2011 at 10:49

Wow, great news Poly! And educational too!

BBP - 29-4-2011 at 10:51

Summer has struck here, cars covered in pollen and rain being sorely missed. I've started juggling again.

aquagoat - 29-4-2011 at 17:37

it's raining again in here after 4 weeks of summer sun and heat, I'm longer used to that weather.

DED - 30-4-2011 at 07:38

Yeah we had a little thunder and some rain, now it is dry and sunny again. Fortenately because april, 30 is Queensday in Holland.
Music al over and free markets where everyone can do anuthing to earn money.
Selling old junk, making music, playing games etc.

polydigm - 1-5-2011 at 12:41

I'm counting down to my first day at work tomorrow. Thankfully it's a professional development day, a good way to warm up to actual work.

BBP - 1-5-2011 at 20:01

Good luck Poly!

I finished knitting my cape! It's huge and really very cool!

polydigm - 2-5-2011 at 08:38

Today went well. Tomorrow I start real teaching. I'm sure I'll be like a duck back on the pond after a stroll in the woods.

BBP - 2-5-2011 at 20:57

Thats great Poly!

Had a scary moment when my laptop got a BSOD in the middle of watching a Youtube video. I'm worried a driver got crashed.

Here are two pictures of the cape I knitted:

MTF - 3-5-2011 at 05:01

Nice cape. Are you a Superhero?

polydigm - 4-5-2011 at 10:28

That's a lot of knitting. I imagine that's quite warm.

BBP - 4-5-2011 at 14:57

It is, and quite heavy too!

Am trying my hand at Dvorak's Humoresky.

BBP - 4-5-2011 at 19:52

I get so sick of Google link of that account all the time. I made a special account so I could still log in to YouTube without having that linked to any of my active Google accounts. That worked OK but now Google links up all its services to that account. So I am also automatically logged in on G-mail, and the Google search engine etc. How on earth am I to believe they are not invading my privacy?

Anyway I've circumlocuted my problem. I've dropped Google as homepage and search engine. Now I'm using

MTF - 5-5-2011 at 07:20

I got my driver's license renewed today. I had to take the written test, so I had to actually go to the DMV. Yuck.

aquagoat - 5-5-2011 at 19:50

i move on saturday and probably won't have the internet before awhile, so see you soon everyone, I'll be back in two weeks, perhaps.

BBP - 5-5-2011 at 20:55

Good luck Aqua! Hope to see you soon!

MTF: DMV is what mysteries are made of. I'm not aware of the Dutch CBR being that annoying, but seeing Patty and Selma ("Some days we don't let the line move at all. We call those "week days".), or listening to the Primus song, I wonder: why doesn't the US govt just hire more people to deal with the work there?

MTF - 6-5-2011 at 10:20

The US government has no control over whether you can drive; that's controlled entirely by the states.

The California DMV is really, really bad. Matt Groening, Les Claypool and Frank Zappa all live (or lived) in California; and they all made their comments based on their experiences with the California DMV. Zappa said he stopped driving because of the DMV. I find this hard to believe; nevertheless, he said it.

Last time I renewed my license - five years ago - I stupidly mentioned that I have multiple sclerosis (it's true, but it was stupid). A month later, when I hadn't received my new license, I called to see what was up. The guy told me I had missed my appointment to take a driving test to prove I was okay to drive. I told him I had never been informed of this, and he agreed. But I still had to take the driving test, and the next available appointment was in three weeks.

I passed the test and got my license about three months late.

This time I had to wait three weeks just to get an appointment to renew my license. And when I showed up for the appointment, I had to wait in line to get a number. Then I waited half an hour for my number to be called. They issued the test, which I completed in less than five minutes. Then I waited forty-five minutes for someone to grade it (which took all of a minute). Then another fifteen minutes for someone to take my picture and get a thumb print. Total time: an hour and a half. Subtract out the waiting: seven minutes.

This time I didn't mention the M.S. My last attack was nine years ago, so legally I didn't have to mention it. But we'll have to wait and see if they want me to take another driving test. There's probably some idiot in Sacramento with a Magic 8-Ball who's making these decisions...

punknaynowned - 6-5-2011 at 19:54

I despise the dmv too, but I don't drive :lol:
you can count on one one hand the number of times I have in the last decade and even then it's a cross-town trip to help somebody move a vehicle or that sort of thing. I still have to go to the dmv to get my mandated state ID card though. Have to do that again next month. A buddy wants to sell me a car and for me to get my license again. I would use it to get groceries above what I can carry on my bike. Maybe drive to visit family 200 miles away once a year. So not something I have any great desire to do.
Gov doesn't want to hire more workers Bonny, as that costs them money.
Of course there is more money. There is always more money :devil:
the banks just don't want people to use it, they want corporations to use it so the banks can make more real money :devil:

BBP - 6-5-2011 at 20:52

Hey Punk, there's you, me, FZ, and Huck_Phlem, all grown-up non-drivers! We're in good company!

Checked it out: there's a Halloween episode of Punky and the Brain where they need to go to hell, which is depicted as DMV. I couldn't help but think of Primus watching that... :)

polydigm - 7-5-2011 at 03:42

Wow, people keep giving me more reasons why I wouldn't want to live in the USA. Our version of the DMV here is fine. Well, the ones in New South Wales and South Australia anyway, I haven't had experience with the ones in the other states. I've been to Victoria as well, but I didn't need to interact with their transportation authority. We have some strict rules to deal with at times but getting appointments and dealing with them in person is generally pretty user friendly.

Anyway, I've just finished the first week of my contract and this one's a great job. The sad thing is that it will finish and who knows what the next one will be like. I wouldn't mind getting a permanent contract in this school.

punknaynowned - 7-5-2011 at 07:57

A couple years ago they did a series of 'ten minute' plays I liked, all different writers, we try to do as many as we can every year. One vignette after another, we joke it's a kinda live theater for the Attention Defficit Disorder challenged. If you don't like it we tell the audience sometimes just wait a few minutes, it'll be different.

So one year many of the pieces were about waiting in line somewhere, and all from different points of view.

One was the DMV and two guys argue over who gets to go first as they have the same name. The clerk gets into it with them - when she's not on her break - and finds it entertaining. They end up wanting to kill each other and she couldn't care less.

Another is the info desk at the library. Answering questions, answering the phone, talking to patrons and answering to his boss. Same actor also played a priest listening to confessions in a different piece.

In one, a buddhist, a catholic, a Jewish mental patient and a hippie end up in a kind of after-life bus stop, waiting to find out what's next while they realize they're actually dead.

One more has the same guy travelling all over to convenience stores all over the country to find a product they no longer carry.

BBP - 7-5-2011 at 21:12

Oh that theatre sounds great! Would be a great format on YouTube too.

I've cleaned a small section of my room and am pausing right now. Hope I don't forget I still need to do the rest since my bed is covered in junk. And I called a long-time friend, who is planning to come by tomorrow.

BBP - 9-5-2011 at 06:54

Long-time friend stayed for about 45 minutes. He had little time.

We've survived the hottest day of the year but it's still very hot in my bedroom right now. It woke me up at 7.

punknaynowned - 11-5-2011 at 10:04

here's a clip of the Mosae Zappa fest the other day, one I liked
and Bonny says she likes men in dresses or something similar, here some do a nearly drunken sing-a-long of Sofa1 :bouncy:

[Edited on 11-5-11 by punknaynowned]

Huck_Phlem - 12-5-2011 at 03:40

I don't drive but when I go to the DMV for an ID card here in town it's real quick. Shhhhh! best kept secret because it's a small office but never very busy.

BBP - 12-5-2011 at 22:33

Lucky Huck!

Hey Punk, I like that Sofa! It's more of a sari thing that guy is wearing though.
But the grand question is: what on earth made you think I like guys in dresses?

At any rate, thanks for posting! I watch Eurovision and that usually gives me a headache, so I could use something different.

punknaynowned - 13-5-2011 at 01:04

haha, two words: Tim Curry!

and Bonny, I'll not likely spend any more time at the z forum. I realized all I was doing was talking politics and not anything else and trying to answer all the claptrap with facts and reason was getting nowhere fast.

But, I still consider a few people like you as very near and dear. As modern communication renders distances moot, I never feel like you're very far away. Just a couple clicks away at most. I could post more but it would be all the news mostly which wouldn't be much fun.

here's more from my fave japanese popgroup. Great music, amazing performances, many kinds of music and while intense there is a ton of structure and melody, from 2003, this is shiina's first dvd with her rockgroup,
the rest of the dvd is on the sheena ringo playlist
if you push the 'playlist' button it'll show up in the right margin...

polydigm - 15-5-2011 at 02:47

Wow, so I've finished two weeks of my contract already. Where does the time go? It's going well, which is the main thing. Now it's Sunday already and I've still got marking and lesson preparation to do before tomorrow. Tuesday I'll be at the dentist getting an implant. I'm looking forward to being able to chew on both sides of my mouth again.

BBP - 15-5-2011 at 20:53

Aw Punky, that's sweet...
Just remember to never take anything away from yourself that you love...

That procedure sounds painful, Poly! Hope all goes well...

Had my laugh of the day when Dad and I were going to two flea markets. The outside temperature has dropped considerately and it was raining a bit. When I walked out wearing a T-shirt, Dad said: "Are you sure you don't want anything else for wearing? It's very chilly." I said: "Sure, I'll get my cape."

We didn't even find the second flea market. Half the small town of Lieshout (famed for its beer Bavaria, the most disgusting beer from the Netherlands according to students) had been blocked because of a minor cycling event.

Huck_Phlem - 17-5-2011 at 01:11

I still like to read the politics on Z but do take certain members with a grain of salt and try not to engage them too much. There are still some very well read people on there.

polydigm - 17-5-2011 at 09:28

Well, the dentist thing came and went without any problems this morning. I took a valium a half hour before hand. The actual procedure wasn't that difficult and when the pain appeared a couple of hours after, ibuprofen and paracetamol were enough to cope with that. I'll be back at work tomorrow almost as if nothing happened. That's modern medicine for you. The only step left to go now is after 5 or 6 months healing I get a crown put in.

I've just been out in the garden helping my youngest son with his school personal project, which is designing and installing a water feature in our front garden. He had decided on a fish pond. He had already finished the digging out of the basic shape previously so today he put in the plastic lining and filled it with water. It's looking good.

BBP - 17-5-2011 at 22:03

Discovered we have a give-away store just a short trip away!

Give-away stores are a charming creation that spawned from the squatting circuit. You can visit them and get up to three articles from their shop, for nothing. It's a way of making us reflect our disposables society, how much we throw away.

It's a beautiful concept, and I decided to go there, bringing with me an article I got for free in the first place: a metal wire chandelier. I always wanted a chandelier, but I'd prefer a more "classy" rather than "late 80s fashion" model.
(I'd gotten those at a flea market. Sometimes people just give away their stuff for free as the market is about to close, since bringing all your junk back is often a pain in the butt. These people were giving away two chandeliers, and I got both of them: one a black wire circle with five evenly placed candle holders (it now hangs vertically on my wall) and one that has 5 bent wires that join in the centre. This last one I had no idea what to do with: it's large, clumsy and not all that pretty. It took up place in my closet for at least 5 years). So I thought I'd give it away and I dragged that sucker all the way to the shop, letting it dig into my back... and then I discovered they're only open on Wednesday and Saturday.

Oh well. Let's see what they have tomorrow.

punknaynowned - 18-5-2011 at 00:21

Help Me! I can't stop it!
Wealth To Spare
(another torch song)
loads of covers of this
acoustic cover, shows chords
acoustic guitar w whistle, good sound

[Edited on 17-5-11 by punknaynowned]

MTF - 19-5-2011 at 06:37

Here's some wild Dutch Indorock from 1960: the legendary Tielman Brothers.

BBP - 19-5-2011 at 08:57

Yeah I know them! They're the biggest band in the Indo-rock genre (which is the name for the rock music played by Indonesian immigrants in Netherlands). One of their performances became quite legendary, because the host described them as "bunch of monkeys", and because the tape went missing. One of my teachers found the recording at the Dutch TV storage, tucked away somewhere, and she recorded it illegally.

BBP - 19-5-2011 at 09:02
And here's the full version of their performance without some sonsabitch watermarking it and pretending it's his.

polydigm - 19-5-2011 at 09:07

My week turned to crap yesterday when a gear linkage in my van decided to snap just as I was going out of my driveway on the way to work. Since then it's been organising a tow and catching buses and long walks lugging heavy bags from work just at those times of the day when I'd normally be catching a breather. I won't be getting it back until tomorrow night after spending my first week's pay for the privilege, so my transport troubles aren't over yet. In the middle of all the palaver over the van yesterday morning the stud that buttons up my jeans decided to break, luckily before the taxi arrived so I was able change my jeans just before leaving. The cab got me to work 3 minutes before my first class of the day, phew.

Anyway, I'm still maintaining my usual sunny disposition.

BBP - 19-5-2011 at 11:52

Touch of Murphy's law... poor Poly!

BBP - 21-5-2011 at 19:05

Just in case the world ends today: it was nice knowing you! (waves)

punknaynowned - 22-5-2011 at 02:54

well, I'm still here.
wait! where did everybody else go???

there was a tornado warning in Topeka - west of here - an hour before (?!?) the rapture was supposed to happen.
The sirens went off, the wind it blew. But all the animals looked up and went back to what they were doing.
The storm passed north of us but Topeka got baseball sized hail.
Another storm is coming our direction tonight, while the rest of us will just have to get back to sinning.

MTF - 22-5-2011 at 06:21

Here's the headquarters of Family Radio, in beautiful Oakland, California. This is where Harold Camping broadcast his famous Rapture prediction.

Photo: Josh Keppel

Oakland was also the home of The People's Temple (of Jonestown fame), as well as the headquarters of both the Black Panthers and the Hell's Angels. And remember the 1989 earthquake, when a highway pancaked and crushed 42 people? That was in Oakland.

Oakland's murder rate is about 3 1/2 times the national average. It was also the place of which Gertrude Stine said "There's no there there."

Nice place, Oakland...

polydigm - 22-5-2011 at 06:43

Friday, on the way home from work, I decided to catch two buses to pick up the car, rather than pay $13 on a taxi. Then I lost my multi trip ticket on the first bus and had to buy a single trip ticket to get on the second one. All up it cost me not much less than the price of a taxi ride. What a week. So far though, my weekend is going well.

DED - 23-5-2011 at 05:55

$13 on a taxi ????

When you open the door from a taxi and get in you pay around 6 to 7,5 euros ($9-$12) That includes the first km. Km 2 upto XX cost you 1 euro upto 1,5 Euro ($1.40 -$2) A short drive from station to home 4.3 km can cost you in Eindhoven 20 Euro's. ($28)

polydigm - 24-5-2011 at 09:47

DED, we think taxis are too expensive here. The prices where you are just seem beyond evil to me.

BBP - 24-5-2011 at 21:40

That's a very adequate description... when my sister went to us by cab when gran had passed away she was charged over 30 euros I think.

Elderly and disabled people can get a severe price cut though. Gran could get her first 200 km or so at a low price so travelling to us by taxi was cheaper than by train. My blind friend gets a lot refunded due to her handicap.

punknaynowned - 25-5-2011 at 08:10

well that's a bit of kindness there I guess.
but don't get clever Bonny and go breaking your ankle again! :crying:

once every couple weeks I make marinara:
tomatoes, onions, garlic
pork, red pepper,
a spoon of fennel seed
a spoon of olive oil

tomatoes go in the pan, two 28 oz/ 794g cans, : crushed, whole, or sauce
one or two med-large onions (yellow, red or white) diced, go in the pan
6-8 garlic 'cloves', minced, go in the pan
spoon of olive oil
spoon of fennel seed, both in the pan
bring to boil, reduce to lowest simmer

pork I get in a tube like sausage, end pieces tastes like sausage and bacon
cook that AND DRAIN OFF THE FAT!!!
add two chopped fresh red 'bell' peppers
simmer on low, stir now and then til peppers are completely soft and both are almost mush
add to tomato sauce

simmer so that tomatoes/onions have cooked about an hour

I don't mind it chunky. If you don't like chunky sauce, use a blender.

Excellent sauce I never get tired of. No salt, pepper, sugar, basil, wine or mushrooms or anything like that.
The most expensive item are the peppers. Yellow and green peppers are fine of course but will change the flavor.
The pork, red pepper and fennel are perfect together: flavorful yet subtle and all showoff the humble yet beautiful tomato ...
I keep it ready in the fridge for times like now:
add it to a cup of rice and a bit of cheese. YUM
took as long to fix as writing this post. Most often I put in on prepared pasta I get in the freezer section at the store: ravioli, tortellini. A $4 bag of that will last three-four meals for me.

storms all across kansas and oklahoma today. Two people died when an uprooted tree impaled a van and caused it to crash. Everybody's nervous about storms today since what happened in Joplin.
I'm still here!

BBP - 26-5-2011 at 15:42

Don't worry, I have no intentions of breaking my limbs ever again.

Your sauce sounds good!

BBP - 27-5-2011 at 14:38

Had better days. I have to cancel my London plans since Curry had to quit his production, and I failed to get a part as extra in a film they're shooting here.

aquagoat - 27-5-2011 at 16:28

Ok, I'm back, it took a lil' longer than I thought it would, but I'm finally back. Glad to see you again, everyone.:bouncy:

BBP - 27-5-2011 at 20:31

Hey Aqua! How's the new home?

polydigm - 28-5-2011 at 05:34

Hey Aqua, I hate moving house. I hope it's all going to plan for you.

aquagoat - 28-5-2011 at 06:46

well, the new home is cool, in both the senses of the word, I have to change a part of the heating system and there was a water leak between the sink and the wall where the water pipe goes out of the house. The leak is repaired, I'll change the heaters in a few weeks. Otherwise, it's pretty cool, I've got a room for all my stuff, which is great cause i'm finally gonna be able to bring back all my instruments, CDs, comic books, etc, etc... I'll post pictures as soon as possible.

punknaynowned - 28-5-2011 at 13:09

glad your move went well!
I always hate it myself.
If you have more room that's the best.
Minor fixes are always the norm.
It'll take time to get used to all the little spaces.
You take good photos, too!
looking fwd>>>

polydigm - 29-5-2011 at 10:25

I've just spent the majority of my Sunday doing school work and finally I'm chilling out for the evening. It always feels good after it's done. I got a complaint from a parent last week. Apparently her precious daughter thinks I spend too much time telling stories and not enough time teaching maths and feels it might be holding her back. Bollocks. It's always been a part of my style as a teacher. I don't just tell stories at random, they always weave back into the work at hand and when they are more general I try to relate them to decisions they have to make as they grow up. Most students find me approachable and enjoy the stories, there's always one that has to fuck it up. Anyway, needless to say, that class is gonna be working their butts off next week and wondering why the change in tempo.

DED - 29-5-2011 at 22:21

Big computer problems here after installing vista SP1. Computer didn't start at all after the final restart.
I had to reinstall windows, my documents fortenately are safe, but no program is working unto a reinstall (missing all the libary files)
One of the important programs that did not work is mu subtitle manager. That keeps me from publishing a new movie.

DED - 29-5-2011 at 22:26

@Aqua. Your new house is in the same town? Hope you publish the pics soon.

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aquagoat - 30-5-2011 at 16:52

yes, i'm still in the same town. I'll take pics on thursday and post them the same day, I think.

Caputh - 31-5-2011 at 10:54

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've just spent the majority of my Sunday doing school work and finally I'm chilling out for the evening. It always feels good after it's done. I got a complaint from a parent last week. Apparently her precious daughter thinks I spend too much time telling stories and not enough time teaching maths and feels it might be holding her back. Bollocks. It's always been a part of my style as a teacher. I don't just tell stories at random, they always weave back into the work at hand and when they are more general I try to relate them to decisions they have to make as they grow up. Most students find me approachable and enjoy the stories, there's always one that has to fuck it up. Anyway, needless to say, that class is gonna be working their butts off next week and wondering why the change in tempo.

As a fellow teacher, I feel for you; my uncle (also a teacher) once produced the memorable quote "I would rather clean out the lav with my tongue than mark essays or exams". It is the only bit I find tedious in the extreme.
Don't let dumb parents get to you - I always find there is a far higher percentage of arrogant, ill-informed parents than there is of pupils - we can't pick and choose who our parents are after all. I know it's difficult to switch off after being totally annoyed by some busybody - my wife has had to leave the teaching profession because she can't do it. My advice (for what it's worth) is to carry on as you always would, if you're convinced that you're doing things the right way. I hope you take this the way I mean it - as friendly support and not as an attempt to be another busybody.

Huck_Phlem - 4-6-2011 at 02:30

I saw Kindle for sale on Amazon. Click Buy! I just had to get one just been waiting for the price to come down.

polydigm - 4-6-2011 at 06:50

No worries Caputh, I get your intentions. You're right about carrying on as is. If you can't be yourself, what's the point? I'll carry on doing my thing but being a bit more cleverer about it. Anyway, this week went by quite well without incident. There was a bit of a pain with some assessments being moderated, but by the end of the week I had that under control. The red tape in teaching is becoming unbelievable, or did I bitch about that one here already?

BBP - 5-6-2011 at 10:06

Huck: what's a kindle?

aquagoat - 5-6-2011 at 19:19

some pics of my new home:

the last room will soon be filled with my guitars and CDs and stuff and some things will change in the other rooms.

[Edited on 5-6-2011 by aquagoat]

BBP - 5-6-2011 at 21:47

Nice! Great bath too! (Well, unless you're in a hurry, but they're great when you broke a leg)

DED - 6-6-2011 at 11:04

Nice place, very nice . Girlfriend seems not too happy when photographed :-). Love the colors in your bathroom, ours is plain white, if the house was not rented, it should be one of the first thingsto change.

punknaynowned - 6-6-2011 at 18:58

looks airy and has light! Also wood floors where yu want and tile where that is handy, always a plus!

I see too that Waiter is up in the theater. Same male and female lead. I just started it and will get back to it.

aquagoat - 7-6-2011 at 19:01

thank you for the compliments, I'm beginning to feel home even if a few modifications are still to be made.

MTF - 8-6-2011 at 07:31

Nice place, Mr. Goat.

My daughter Rachel turned 18 yesterday. She did some of the things you do at 18: registered to vote, bought some lottery tickets. Didn't buy any cigarettes, though.

She graduates from High School on Friday.

And Bonny, the Kindle is Amazon's e-book reader...

Huck_Phlem - 8-6-2011 at 16:21

Congrats to your daughter! mIne graduates middle school thursday.

All of a sudden my kids want to read now that I got the kindle. the protective case for it should arrive later this week.

Calvin - 9-6-2011 at 03:50

Quote: Originally posted by MTF  
Nice place, Mr. Goat.

My daughter Rachel turned 18 yesterday. She did some of the things you do at 18: registered to vote, bought some lottery tickets. Didn't buy any cigarettes, though.

She graduates from High School on Friday.

And Bonny, the Kindle is Amazon's e-book reader...

My daughter graduated on May 8th. All 3 kids graduated, which is nice. I told my daughter she should do what Patton Oswalt advised: When you turn 18, buy a gun and shoot a ballot. Just because you can.

BBP - 9-6-2011 at 16:17

Congrats to your daughters Cal and MTF!

Has anyone seen Ober (Waiter) yet? It was one of the biggest award buffs at the annual Dutch movie awards (golden calfs) when it came out, but from the first few minutes it didn't look or sound too interesting.

punknaynowned - 9-6-2011 at 23:10

today on google front page in honor of les paul's birthday there are strings that can be plucked with your mouse. Plus a button to record what you do and then it will play it back.
Insta fretless guitar, sorta.
Still fun and cute

BBP - 10-6-2011 at 09:50

I'm still happy I turned Dogpile. OK, I can't search by date, but at least my searches aren't tracked.

Huck_Phlem - 10-6-2011 at 18:51

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
today on google front page in honor of les paul's birthday there are strings that can be plucked with your mouse. Plus a button to record what you do and then it will play it back.
Insta fretless guitar, sorta.
Still fun and cute

Oh that is what that is! I'll give it a try.

BBP - 12-6-2011 at 10:23

Made an extensive post series in the General Board, with translations of a number of Zappa-Hitweek articles from '67 to '68.

MTF - 13-6-2011 at 10:00

Today we attended the wedding of my brother's daughter Tricia. She married a Naval officer, so they were able to have the wedding at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey.

It's a beautiful location; on the grounds of the old Del Monte Hotel, which was once one of the classiest hotels in the United States. And even though it's now run by the Navy, they still run part of it as a hotel. It still has the ornate woodwork, the rose gardens and the wandering peacocks. It looks like something out of a book by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

At the reception I had lunch with one of my brother's dear friends, Rock Scully. For twenty years he was the manager of The Grateful Dead. My brother was a huge Deadhead, and by coincidence he and Rock went through rehab together. They developed a tight friendship. My brother died last year, and Scully was actually the last person to see him alive.

This was the first time I had seen him since then. We talked for about two hours. Fortunately it wasn't all about my brother: fortunately, he peppered it liberally with anecdotes about the Grateful Dead and San Francisco in the sixties.

All in all, it was a good day...

BBP - 13-6-2011 at 15:30

Sounds great MTF! Congratulations!
(Got any Grateful Gossip to share?)

Yesterday I gave my father a footbath and sanded off his calluses. Yes that's a very ugly picture.
Well, he's lost a lot of weight now.

polydigm - 13-6-2011 at 22:49

Wow, Bonny, that's dedicated. That's certainly something I'd never expect my daughter to do for me.

Congratulations and condolences, MTF. Was he a younger or older brother? I have a younger brother, but he hasn't been too frugal with his health and worries me sometimes (well, most of the time). If you didn't know us you might think he looked like an older brother.

polydigm - 13-6-2011 at 23:08

I tried that Les Paul Google thing.

Something I wrote: Ode To Les Paul
Frank Zappa: Eat That Question

BBP - 14-6-2011 at 07:12

That ETQ is uncanny!!

punknaynowned - 14-6-2011 at 10:35

I know it's difficult advice to follow but somebody told me: "Never take anything personally!"

hats off to mtf for old friends

hats off to poly for a new composition and I like that ETQ too. dunno how you did it but I like it

BBP - 14-6-2011 at 22:01

Use your keyboard... :)

polydigm - 14-6-2011 at 22:58

I couldn't have done it without the keyboard, I tried and got nowhere fast.

The top row of number keys:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

The other rows do the same, but I found the numbers easier to work with.

polydigm - 15-6-2011 at 09:52

Yee ha!! The place where I'm doing my current 1 term contract has just offered me a contract for all of the second semester.

punknaynowned - 15-6-2011 at 16:02

oh good! another semester of econ security for ya. Good news!

and that's great with the numbers on the virtual les paul thing

every year they have a get together called netroots nation.
I can't go - no funds - but it's being held in Minneapolis and gosh I love that town.
people are headed up that way and the buzz in the circles I follow now is electric.
We'll see what they come up with.

BBP - 16-6-2011 at 10:22

Hey Poly that's great news!

I've started on re-polishing my math skills. We divide math in two types, A and B. A is considered the easier one, dealing with probability, matrixes and stuff, and the other one deals with formulas, parabolas and trigonometry. I was forced to drop the hard math because my class had been at war with our math teacher, he wouldn't teach us anymore and he was replaced by some dipfish (once I asked him to help me with something I just messed up with even though I knew how it was done, he messed up himself all the time and I spent fifteen minutes after class waiting for him to figure it out. The day after he was asked in class how to do it; and he messed up again). Making it worse I couldn't pull up my grade in the probability exam because I forgot my calculator.

Anyway I had to drop hard math, and without the sinus science physics becomes near impossible so I had to give that a miss. I hated biology for the drawing though I was good at the other elements of it, and without those subjects there's little use for chemistry either. So I ended up with a lot of considered "loser" subjects, or a "fun package" with Dutch, English, French, German, macro-economy, history and math A. It wasn't a fun package, getting the literature straight is very hard, the oral exams were planned on and around my birthday (that's fun, I had to get up extra early to fail French literature on my birthday and spent my big 18 studying for German) , the listening exams were horrid, there was the English letter writing when we suddenly had to do a formal letter while we only had practiced informal letters, one complete class had not been taught what a two-line verse was called in Dutch and missed that question on the poetry exam (for which we had to examine a sonnet my Dutch teacher had written)...

Anyway it always stung me I couldn't do that type of math while I was good at it. So I've found some math B books in a second hand shop at a snip and I'm now digging my way through those, drawing parabolas.

aquagoat - 16-6-2011 at 18:39

cool news, Poly!:bouncy:

BBP - 17-6-2011 at 13:18

Yesterday I went on a lengthy trip to Woerden. After one and a half hour by train, I had to walk half an hour to reach my destination; a home of which the owner had two Primus-tickets on sale.

And I made a lot of photos!

polydigm - 18-6-2011 at 03:30

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
oh good! another semester of econ security for ya. Good news!

Cheers, mate.

every year they have a get together called netroots nation.

What is that?

polydigm - 18-6-2011 at 03:32

Cheers, Aqua, I hope you're settling well into your new place.

Hey, Bonny, I guess that means implicitly that you now have some Primus tickets?

MTF - 18-6-2011 at 06:42

Here's a picture from last Sunday's wedding reception:

Rock Scully's on the right; my lovely wife Kathy (a.k.a. Mrs. Flycoon) is on the left; and I have no clue who that moron in the middle is...

BBP - 18-6-2011 at 13:26

Nice pic MTF!

Well Poly: I'm not crying victory until I find myself in the Effenaar foyer, perhaps thanking Larry LaLonde for turning me onto Zappa. But I did buy tickets for me and my sis!

And I'm sore all over from yesterday's car shoving. I hope it'll be better tomorrow.

DED - 19-6-2011 at 14:34

Fathersday in Holland

BBP and Zaz brought me a book, bay leaf drop, peanuts, electric flycatcher, flour scraper and more.

BBP - 19-6-2011 at 16:54

Today's the day Primus performs...

BBP - 21-6-2011 at 10:55

Spent a day in Limbo and am trying to pick up life as it was.

polydigm - 21-6-2011 at 13:02

What's up Bonny?

BBP - 21-6-2011 at 15:56

Well, on Primus-day I was still sore from the car-shoving (my back and shoulders still hurt), and after the concert I had a sore throat and unusually deep voice and a painful neck from head-banging. Yesterday I got up at 5:45 to wake up my sister and see her out, after that I went back into bed and slept until 1PM, so now I'm busy getting back into my biorhythm and listening to Primus along the way.

punknaynowned - 21-6-2011 at 18:54

glad you were able to make it to the Primus show. I remember you were sad that you couldn't go, so it's great that you were able to work that out and take your sister. Sounds like you had fun.

Yesterday I cycled all the way to the store and gathered everything I knew I could afford. It was only when I got to the checkout that I realized I had four dollars, not the twenty I thought I had. so I got creamer and put everything else back.
Felt stupid.
But today is a different day.
Happy Solstice!
Today it's History of Genoa, Italy 1200-1300

BBP - 22-6-2011 at 11:13

Discovered that our fly buzzer really works. Ouch.

polydigm - 23-6-2011 at 09:35

Okay, if we're talking about being stupid, today on the way to work, running late, I discovered that my soy milk drink container had burst open in one of my work bags. It was everywhere. Luckily I was able to rescue all my marking because it was in a separate pouch of the bag. Luckily I had some shopping bags in the van so I had something to carry the stuff in when I got to work. This palaver made me even more late. When I got to school, there was a class waiting in the corridor because their teacher was absent and it turned out I was the pigeon doing the relief. By lunch time today I had a headache and took some panadeine and my year eights after lunch behaved badly. All in all, a crap day.

BBP - 23-6-2011 at 21:56

Aw dear Poly... Chin up!

polydigm - 24-6-2011 at 10:27

Thanks Bonny, it wasn't that bad, and I had an alright day today.

BBP - 24-6-2011 at 16:48

Aw nice!

I had bicycle trouble yet again: chain fell off. Now that I don't have that old-timey canvas chain cover, it's a lot easier to fix, and I managed to put it back on myself. Even though it was raining. I did go home straight away: you know what those things do to your fingers. Yuck!

Went home and discovered the chain is so loose it's going to happen again and again unless I shorten it.

polydigm - 26-6-2011 at 23:09

Do you not have an adjustable back wheel? Or do people not do things that way any more? There used to be a bit of a fork where the back wheel was attached and you could loosen the wheel nuts and drag the back wheel out a little bit increasing the chain tension. Mind you, it's a pretty limited adjustment depending on how loose your chain is.

BBP - 27-6-2011 at 10:52

The wheel is already as far as it can go without falling out. But yesterday we managed to cycle a good deal with it anyway, as long as I don't accelerate too much. It's probably what's been going on since at least last year when I was in a hurry to get to the physical therapist and my chain dropped.

polydigm - 27-6-2011 at 23:08

Looks like you'll have to take a link out. Have fun with that.

Meanwhile, I'm in the second to last week of term and holidays are around the corner, which I'm looking forward to. The downside is two weeks without pay, but now I know I'm going back for the rest of the year, a lot of the stress has been lifted.

BBP - 28-6-2011 at 20:40

We're having a delightfully ghastly thunderstorm here. Dad is out helping some friends move house. Hope he makes it.

BBP - 29-6-2011 at 17:08

The storm was pretty bad, flooding sewers and alike. In the nearby town Vught about 50 houses are about to collapse.

aquagoat - 29-6-2011 at 19:45

I had a bicycle accident coming back from work this afternoon, my cardigan got caught in the front wheel, stopped my bike and made me fly a while before falling on my arms and receiving that bloody bike on my legs. I can barely move my left arm, the elbow is probably broken, and my right elbow hurts too, I'll see how it goes tomorrow but I don't think it's gonna be ok.:umm:

DED - 30-6-2011 at 14:21

Broke elbow is a difficult one. No plaster and it needs a lot of time

aquagoat - 30-6-2011 at 18:22

yeah, finally, the right elbow is fractured, the left elbow seems to be intact, we'll see in a few weeks.

punknaynowned - 30-6-2011 at 21:57

OUCH! I'm sorry to hear that. You seem to type just fine! Get well soon...

DED - 30-6-2011 at 22:52

I hope that everything ready in the new house. If not don't force anything.

aquagoat - 1-7-2011 at 06:39

yeah, i know, i'll keep the things i wanted to do in the house on stand by until i've fully recovered my physical capacities.:(

aquagoat - 1-7-2011 at 06:43

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
OUCH! I'm sorry to hear that. You seem to type just fine! Get well soon...
thank you, i manage to type with my left hand fingers, it's not so difficult.:grin:

[Edited on 1-7-2011 by aquagoat]

BBP - 1-7-2011 at 11:11

My Get Well message got vanished in the last spam chuck so it seems...

Poor Aqua! That hurts so much! Get well soon dear!

BBP - 1-7-2011 at 12:41

Since it happened on way home from work, you may get your work's medical insurance, not sure how you have that arranged but anyway...

I just rolled over in amazement when my bank account contents had doubled. My insurance money came in today!!

aquagoat - 1-7-2011 at 17:38

yes, this is considered a "work accident" and therefore I won't have to pay anything. I don't know how long this system will last considering the government's policy in terms of health care insurance.

BBP - 1-7-2011 at 19:25

It's not much of a consolation when you're in pain is it?

How long will it be until you're better?

aquagoat - 2-7-2011 at 09:43

i should be a bit better by tuesday. I'll see the doctor again on friday and he'll tell me if I can get rid of that arm sling that's very annoying but necessary for the healing of the bone. My left arm already feels better, I can flex it more than i could on thursday but it still hurts when I try to clench my fist or when I move it too fast. It should get better in a few days.

polydigm - 3-7-2011 at 05:10

Sorry to hear about your fall Aqua but glad to hear it's no worse than it is.

Nothing new to report for me, just dropping by to say hello.

BBP - 3-7-2011 at 10:05

Whipped this up last night...

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aquagoat - 3-7-2011 at 16:03

oooooh, it's so nice of you, thank you very much.:kiss:

BBP - 3-7-2011 at 17:39

Any time! :bald:

DED - 4-7-2011 at 16:22

And the original is even better.
Red and blue glasses someone?

Puzzled by Bbp.

[Edited on 4-7-2011 by DED]

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MTF - 5-7-2011 at 08:03

Today was Independence Day here in the US, a.k.a. "Blow Shit Up Day."

BBP - 7-7-2011 at 19:45

Enjoying a Donizetti opera on TV. Otherwise it's been one of those days: burnt my index finger (ouch) on hot water while attempting to clean something.

BBP - 9-7-2011 at 11:22

[quote="BBP"]We had a small disaster here. Click here for background music

At a quarter past 11 last night, we suddenly heard a bang and some sparking noises coming from the area near the computer. What exactly happened,we don't know. But the results are:
-Computer has apparently melted. The Vista won't respond to the on/off button. The monitor and speakers are apparently still working. I'm fearing for the life of the terabyte external drive, since if we lost that as well we may have lost a lot of photo and film material.
-TV is out. It'll go on stand by, but when it's turned on the power light will flicker. VHS, DVD and CD-i all seem to be working, but it's hard to tell. Fortunately we brought my great aunt's television.
-Dad got a wireless phone set for his birthday just a few months back. The receiver's out. The phones themselves still work (although both were in the power slot) but with no receiver working they're of little use.
We hooked up our old phone. When Dad turned on the TV this morning (temporarily forgetting what had happened), the power light was still blinking, but on top of that he heard strange tones. They appeared to come from the phone. It had automatically gone on speaker mode, triggered by my father's attempt to use the TV.

In the past month we lost our coffee maker (which caused a power failure in the house), our car, and now TV, phone and computer. Tough times. :|

BBP - 11-7-2011 at 19:33

We had quite an adventure fixing the TV and PC. We haven't tried the TV yet but the PC wouldn't work with the new fuse. Looks like we need a new PSU for that.

aquagoat - 11-7-2011 at 21:02

Bloody technology!!!!!:swear:

[Edited on 11-7-2011 by aquagoat]

BBP - 13-7-2011 at 19:48

PC's working again!

DED - 13-7-2011 at 20:01

Yes I am back again. Used an outdated xp desktop last days but doing more than patience failed.

BBP - 13-7-2011 at 20:27

Patience is solitaire in English. The Klondike version.

DED - 15-7-2011 at 18:10

ha so, but you need a lot of patience to do a solitaire game.

Huck_Phlem - 16-7-2011 at 07:33

Finally after 10 months of waiting I will get my settlement. it will to be over 130k but still not enough.

BBP - 17-7-2011 at 09:37

That's still 4 times the average Dutch year salary. Doesn't it cover your medical costs?
I got less than 6K out of my settlement, but it's more than my cost, my cut income for two months and my college delay.

This night I dreamt there was something on my ceiling that fell down, and I tried to dodge it and fell out of bed. Got some nasty scratches.

polydigm - 19-7-2011 at 08:21

Bonny, that's daft. :biggrin:

I'm doing this with my new computer glasses, which are graded from mid vision down to close vision. They're fantastic.

Huck_Phlem - 20-7-2011 at 06:19

NO this is after paying the lawyer and the medical. it could be a little more. He is still working on the medical part. He got them down to half and is trying to get them to accept one third of the amount. It's at 142k now. I just got two thousand today and put it in the bank because the big check will take 9 days to clear.

[Edited on 20-7-2011 by Huck_Phlem]

BBP - 20-7-2011 at 10:34

Hoping the lawyer is worth the money...

Huck_Phlem - 21-7-2011 at 19:03

Well it's a system that has to be dealt with and they are helping me with real estate advice free of charge.

DED - 23-7-2011 at 17:24

Yesterday the 22nd BBP and I were in Den Haag visiting the grave of my father and mother, her grandparents. Main goal was the memory of them but we also bleached the grit. That was a hell of a job, it took over 3 hours. Next to the graveyard is the crematory and it was a busy business there. The wind helped us to smell a burning body every ten minutes or so. Yak. After we finished we went to the windy beach and walked along the shore for a while.

BBP - 25-7-2011 at 10:04

Making top use from the rental car, we went to the funfair in Tilburg. Since it's about the most expensive fair in the world we didn't do anything besides getting an ice cream. But I made fun photos of the haunted castle.

punknaynowned - 25-7-2011 at 17:53

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
the 22nd BBP and I

Dang! How many BBP's do you have? :roll:

BBP - 26-7-2011 at 11:41

There's 24 of us. While one went away with Dad to clean the stones the other twenty-three went on to clean the shower, tidy up the living room, do the washing up and inventing little forum jokes.

punknaynowned - 26-7-2011 at 19:32

BBP Smurfs?

DED - 26-7-2011 at 21:06

They make them here

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polydigm - 29-7-2011 at 08:23

Ho ho, funny people.

polydigm - 6-8-2011 at 08:47

So where's Punky?

BBP - 6-8-2011 at 11:05

He's been on the Zappa forum recently...

Been out sleepwalking again today. I half-woke up in the middle of my room with my blanket wrapped around me.

MTF - 7-8-2011 at 08:51

Hope you wear a nightgown: otherwise, it could be a bit embarrassing...

punknaynowned - 10-8-2011 at 21:18

Just a word to say hello.
I'm okay, my air conditioner works and I have food in the fridge. Bills still get paid and I watch The Wire on my computer. Talked to someone the other day who grew up in Baltimore and worked law enforcement there for over two decades. Now he is a prominent leader for leap, the law enforcement against prohibition organization here in the states. Says the Wire was a true story, only the names were changed and one other thing The Hamsterdam part of the story was a stretch of the truth. That he said was a 'needle exchange program on steroids'. The rest was true about the projects, teh docks, teh schols, the city etc.

Sobering. Great tv.

polydigm - 11-8-2011 at 00:27

Hi Punky. So, what do you make of the riots in England?

punknaynowned - 11-8-2011 at 02:50


[Edited on 19-8-11 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 11-8-2011 at 12:07

Seeing as Poly was kind enough to open a separate thread for it, I'll just continue with my everyday shenanigans and tell you Dad and I went to Best, by bicycle. It's quite a distance, we cycled 27 km in total. At a second-hand store I found a nice magazine with a FZ interview I'm inclined to translate for y'all.

polydigm - 11-8-2011 at 23:16

Nothing noteworthy. Having added a comment to my new thread, I'm dragging myself away from the computer to shave and then head off to work, grumbling, yet considering myself privileged to have such a good job to go to in the first place.

punknaynowned - 14-8-2011 at 16:33

I listen to a lot of radio. It's on all the time with the news. I've been doing it for years. I feel better having said that. But once a week there is an hour show with a topic. This American Life has fun looking at our idiosyncracies.

This week they are looking behind the scenes at Amusement Parks. One in particular is just up the road in Kansas City. It's summer, people who can will go on vacation. Many will go to an amusement park. They look at the competitive nature of different facets of 'play' as shown in the park. Here's the Australian link, or there's a link at the top of the page if that makes things easier,

hope you can hear it in Europe. It shows a lot about things here. Good stories.

polydigm - 14-8-2011 at 23:03

Ditto my last message. Although, I've got time to finish my coffee yet.

BBP - 15-8-2011 at 07:32

Been translating all those articles (well, most of them) that Slime posted to me. Check them out!

polydigm - 15-8-2011 at 13:30

Good stuff Bonny.

BBP - 15-8-2011 at 18:07

Thanks! Tell all your friends!

I accidentally typed Statue of Liperty. Seeing that made me think of a Mick Jagger version of the New York Lady.
Oh boy...

punknaynowned - 17-8-2011 at 03:14

wowsers Bonny! that's a lot of translated material!
really great, thanks a lot!!

polydigm - 17-8-2011 at 10:02

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Thanks! Tell all your friends!
Multiple Choice, pick the correct one:

(A) Come on Bonny, I don't have any friends, why do you think I frequent internet forums?
(B) All my friends are here already.
(C) Friends, who needs friends?
(D) All of the above.

BBP - 17-8-2011 at 22:05

All of the above I guess.

Been out as blind guide dog to De Efteling again, my favourite theme park. Pictures will come later. For now, I'm exhausted and sore. And watching the Timothy Treadwell doc.

punknaynowned - 18-8-2011 at 02:35

listening to Scott Parker's Zappa podcast. This time it's the Flo& Eddie band.
Lots of rare bootleg things, some history, a little discussion, some on the wah-wah from a technical standpoint, but all in all always good for the zappafan.
hope you can hear it in europe

MTF - 18-8-2011 at 09:40

Today my wife and I dropped our daughter off at San Francisco State University. Periodically we'll send money, and hopefully in four years she'll get a diploma.

Probably some other stuff will happen in the meantime, but that's the idea...

polydigm - 18-8-2011 at 15:58

Hey, MTF, that's certainly a huge milestone. We're at the stage of one gone, one practicing take off at the edge and one still snug as far as flying the nest is concerned. Sigh.

BBP - 19-8-2011 at 10:05

I uploaded my Efteling photos!

Part of the construction of the wooden coaster. It's a very cool one! I bought a key-chain of it, which I managed to lose within thirty minutes.

Caroussel palace, with one of the oldest working caroussels in the world.

Fata Morgana (1001 Arabian Nights themed dark ride) square.

The Little Mermaid statue in the Fairy Tale Woods. Americans aren't used to anything, I thought when Disneyland removed the Minnie Mouse-statue with Janet Jackson's clothes after Nipplegate. The Caroussel palace exterior and ths statue give Efteling boobs a-plenty.

Longneck, the theme park's icon

It's very Jeroen Bosch, this painting in Villa Volta.

Madhouse Villa Volta from the outside


[Edited on 19-8-11 by BBP]

punknaynowned - 19-8-2011 at 10:44

congrats mtf! You're work is mostly done!
Nice pictures B. I always like it when I learn something.
Pictures of Holland in August, even an amusement park is something I don't think I've seen before.

DED - 19-8-2011 at 23:55

Best compilation of the disaster at the Pukkelpop festival to be found here.

To avoid the dutch voice movie compilation starts at 47 seconds
Band on stage is Skunk Anansie

[Edited on 19-8-2011 by DED]

BBP - 20-8-2011 at 23:04

Now that I've reached the late 80s with the articles, I'm constantly bothered by a horse called Zappa. :duh:

polydigm - 21-8-2011 at 02:18

:question: :forumsmiley287:

BBP - 21-8-2011 at 09:13

:biggrin: I mean, many of the articles showing up are horse race results.

punknaynowned - 21-8-2011 at 13:50

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Best compilation of the disaster at the Pukkelpop festival to be found here.

To avoid the dutch voice movie compilation starts at 47 seconds
Band on stage is Skunk Anansie

[Edited on 19-8-2011 by DED]

That is Lots of wind and rain. Hope nobody died.:crying:


Wow! what the hell pissed cleon off? Maybe he just wants some excitement... to pick a fight to ummm ... hell, I don't have any idea. I Wouldn't worry about it. cleon :puzzled:

[Edited on 21-8-11 by punknaynowned]

DED - 21-8-2011 at 16:02


That is Lots of wind and rain. Hope nobody died.:crying:

Actually 4 ( 5th was not at the terrain) people died and over 100 wounded, 11 of them seriously and three of them are still critical. In fact this had his influence on any other open air festival throughout Europe and maybe world. In fact today there was a warning again for thunderstorms and a nearby jazzfestival stopped (Jazz in Catstown) and some horseracings were canceled.
We were in the center today but nothing happend.

[Edited on 22-8-2011 by DED]

polydigm - 23-8-2011 at 01:14

Hey Ned, how did Cleon come up. What did I miss?

punknaynowned - 23-8-2011 at 03:44

he's being a big jerk to B over in the zforum the last week. Of course she's the smart one, put him on ignore. Unfounded tantrum on his part from what I can tell.

Ed - that storm has to be unsettling to see as you're not accustomed to them. Some here would say global warming could be a factor. The thing is there is no way to really protect from the hazards they bring. :forumsmiley145:

BBP - 23-8-2011 at 10:39

Yeah, Cleon's normally OK but he's been drinking way too much.

We're having another horrible thunderstorm out here. Half an hour ago, at 11:10 AM, it suddenly became very dark, and since then it's been rain, wind and thunder. It's been calmer now although there is still rain and lightning, but vision was very low a couple of minutes ago.

polydigm - 23-8-2011 at 13:06

So is this weather you're having normal for Holland this time of year, or is it freak weather?

BBP - 23-8-2011 at 13:58

This weather is not all that unusual, but it is for August. Usually we have around three flood days per year, partially due to high ground water level.
I just slapped a video together I'm uploading, hope you'll enjoy it.

BBP - 23-8-2011 at 14:30

Ah, here it is:

polydigm - 23-8-2011 at 23:08

Thanks Bonny, I'll check it out later on.

BBP - 24-8-2011 at 20:33

The give-away store is a wondrous thing. I try to come there every Wednesday (they're only open two days a week), with Efteling and Best I hadn't been a while, and when I came there, some things in their policy had changed:
-Number of items you are allowed to take away went up from 3 to 5
-They don't accept clothes anymore, they've been overflooded with textile.

What had stayed is that copy they had of The Double by Dostoyevski in Spanish.

polydigm - 24-8-2011 at 22:40

That's a weird shop you have there. Nothing like that around here. How do they make a living and pay the rent?

BBP - 25-8-2011 at 10:53

They're squatters. Nowadays squatting is illegal here, but the idea surfaced when you could just inhabit a place that had been empty for a year (provided there were no plans with it. It would mean you'd have to break in first, and that is illegal, so you basically had to get as many people as you can to cover you up, and when you got in the building you call the police, they declare it empty and then you were a legal inhabitant). These squatters do have a contract with the building's owner. If the owner decides to step out, they'll just move elsewhere.

BBP - 27-8-2011 at 17:33

Not much activity this saturday... cycle trip to the supermarket again... Received a package...

BBP - 30-8-2011 at 19:19

Had a bit of a struggle with my father. He kept nagging he watned some soup, but there wasn't any, so I got dressed to go out and get some. Dad felt guilty, locked all the doors and bicycles, then hid the keys. I managed to get out and bought him some soup.

DED - 30-8-2011 at 21:14

With some of these soups you can win 25000 euros, than you won't complaint.

DED - 31-8-2011 at 13:18

Dear Bonny, I know you are plundering the archives of newspapers. Beware of the fact that Eindhovens Dagblad has digitalised all papers. You can not reach it by internet but for free from the premises of the Regional Historic Center Eindhoven at the raiffeissenstraat. That is aprox. 3 km from your headphones :bald:

BBP - 31-8-2011 at 22:34

Came home from the give-away store with two great art books and one book with cookie recipes.

BBP - 2-9-2011 at 19:32

Car is going to the wreck yard on Tuesday. :crying:

BBP - 4-9-2011 at 10:12

A friend of mine was supposed to come over today, but he just rang to cancel.

I also finished my Flakes comic. Check out the Zappa: General forum!!

polydigm - 4-9-2011 at 13:16

Boy, it's quieter than usual around here. Just thought I'd say hello so you weren't the only one posting here Bonny. Funny comic. I'm stressed at the moment about assessment and reports at school.

BBP - 9-9-2011 at 21:20

Off to visit the same friend who cancelled due to hangover. He asked me to stay over.

...It's a good thing I let my nails grow long.

Something that at least gets too little love is my Hammersmith album art.

It's mostly Doric temple. There's drawings of band members in the metopes, the tympanon has FZ in a sort of Adam in Touch of God pose, and two poodles. Of course that doesnt show. I need to put something in the temple, or on the columns, since now all the fresh information is on top and bottom, not in the centre. Right now I got the Light as if FZ were playing there.
It's two days work, but it hardly shows. Maybe I should've used a ruler for some of the inking I did manually now.

BBP - 11-9-2011 at 15:39

Discovered a highschool friend became a professional actor when I saw a photo of him in the newspaper. Cool!

BBP - 11-9-2011 at 22:06

Read the science section of the same paper and discovered another schoolmate in it.

BBP - 13-9-2011 at 19:02

Been to the dentist. I'm OK!!

aquagoat - 14-9-2011 at 08:44

cool, i'll have to go to the dentist soon for my yearly check up. It should be ok too.

polydigm - 14-9-2011 at 15:06

Wow, what's with the dentist? I went last Thursday to have a filling in a tooth that had a little decay damage over 30 years ago, that was so insignificant that various dentists have refused to drill good tooth to fix it and have just piddled around with it. It's been annoying me for years and finally it's been drilled and filled in a more permanently.

BBP - 14-9-2011 at 18:45

That's lucky. A college friend of mine, a pretty lady, had a cavity every time she went to the dentist. Until she was helped out by an assistant, who had to drill and said he couldn't find the bad tooth, she thought it was just bad habit or something. She hasn't had any cavities since she switched dentist.

BBP - 20-9-2011 at 10:54

Happy Birthday to my sister zazkia!
Unfortunately she is on holiday in Bulgaria and we haven't heard from her for a while.

punknaynowned - 20-9-2011 at 17:33

"Holiday In Bulgaria" sounds like a Dead Ceaucescu song?

BBP - 20-9-2011 at 17:47

...You know Ceaucescu was Romanian?

punknaynowned - 20-9-2011 at 18:21

yeah I just couldn't think of a dead Bulgarian leader's name ...

I'll watch the Zeemerman movie. It can't be as bad as Warhol's films, can it?

Hi Bonny! :D

punknaynowned - 20-9-2011 at 18:23

oh and happy birthday to your sis.
My sisters birthdays were the 18th and 19th and you have the same day as my mom. Weird.

DED - 20-9-2011 at 22:42

Not so weird
April happens to be 9 months after July our summer holidays
and September is nine months after the dark days around christmas and new year.
Not that most people only doing IT around that time, but people are more relaxed in those periods, ideal for conception.

polydigm - 20-9-2011 at 23:04

I'm contemplating changing my life around and returning to University, I'm tired of High School teaching, but it's complicated. So I'm a little preoccupied at the moment and those damn reports still need to be finished.

BBP - 24-9-2011 at 19:35

Having elbow trouble. Must've been all that drawing.

BBP - 26-9-2011 at 16:29

Bought a great deal of music books. Hope I can master rock piano now.

BBP - 27-9-2011 at 22:44

Dad's off to The Hague, so I'm all alone tonight.

aquagoat - 28-9-2011 at 07:46

The weather's sunny so my girlfriend and I are going to the beach.:grin:

polydigm - 28-9-2011 at 10:53

My head's buried in maths study at the moment which is not too easy to share on a music related forum. The good news is that Friday after work I'll be on mid semester break. Woo hoo.

Hey Aqua, there can't be too much beach weather left this time of year. What part of France are you in? I'm sure you've said before but I've forgotten.

aquagoat - 29-9-2011 at 08:40

I live in the blue zone of the map, in Amiens, Picardie, France, about 90 kilometers from The channel. We'll probably go again this week-end since the weather's supposed to be sunny until next week.

punknaynowned - 29-9-2011 at 11:09

Hello and Good Morning Aqua
always wanted to go and see Picardy
Good Morning to Bonny and Ed too
I watched some new television on hulu today, something I never do.
It wasn't all that great, Pan Am and the Playboy Club. I guess Hollywood tries.
This summer I spent a fair amount of time watching two television shows. An activity I picked up only recently after not doing that at all since 1994. The two shows were Madmen and The Wire. Both are well worth it, very revealing of their subject matter for different reasons.
Madmen is about an ad agency in New York in the early'60's and
The Wire is about Baltimore in the last decade more or less
great tv, great characters, great writing
I imagine there are examples on the intertube
anyway, highly recommended

have a great Thursday!

DED - 29-9-2011 at 11:15

Back form a great 2 days The Hague. 2nd day I went to the beach and it was warm enough to undress and enjoy some sun.
both days I road on a rented bikes trough the dunes. (visited the familygraves, studied in the national archive, shopping in secondhand stores and so on. The things of a good live.

polydigm - 29-9-2011 at 12:45

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
I live in ... Amiens, Picardie, France, about 90 kilometers from The channel ...
So, not in the south of France then?

aquagoat - 29-9-2011 at 17:13

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
I live in ... Amiens, Picardie, France, about 90 kilometers from The channel ...
So, not in the south of France then?
I used to live in the south a few years ago but I moved up north in 2007.

polydigm - 29-9-2011 at 22:41

So, Aqua, how have you found the change in weather? We lived in Sydney for a while which was sub tropical and quite humid at times and now we're in central southern australia with not much between us and Antarctica. When the wind blows from the north we sweat, when the wind blows from the south we freeze. It's crazy weather here. The only nice time of the year weather wise is in Autumn.

aquagoat - 30-9-2011 at 07:28

well, it's a bit more rainy than where i used to live but it's ok, it's not as bad as I thought it could be. I don't care when it's cold, I'am not sensitive the cold but i can't stand it when the weather's really hot, I wonder how I could stand th southern heat.

BBP - 30-9-2011 at 09:54

... I couldn't... I spent my summer holidays gasping like a puppy.

polydigm - 30-9-2011 at 10:29

Yes, it's weird, when I was kid used to look forward to the Summer here, but not now. People were wondering how I would handle going to the UK last Christmas, from Australian summer into the middle of UK winter, but I was fine.

BBP - 1-10-2011 at 20:31

Hottest October 1 ever here. I could hardly breathe when I went outside for some groceries.
Sister is coming over, we're celebrating her birthday. I baked an apple pie, it's delicious, and I didn't even burn myself!
The burning didn't come till later, when I noticed a burn smell. My sister had omitted to remove a teatowel from a precarious position near the stove, so there's a hole in it now.

DED - 2-10-2011 at 20:48

been to the shopping center with daughter for presents.
IN the end we eat an icecream.
Looking to her surroundingts she forget her ice and off course it fell on the ground.
Al left was the cookie. I bought her a new one.
I did that before....some 25 years ago.
some things never change.

aquagoat - 6-10-2011 at 10:01

My girlfriend and I went to my parents' house in Cognac on monday, I packed all the stuff I had left down there, went to the restaurant with my parents and came back home yesterday with one of my guitars, one of my pedalboards and a few other musical things. All I've got left to do now is organize the repatriation of all those cardboard boxes. It's gonna be expensive, I think.

BBP - 6-10-2011 at 19:19

Aw, that's when you know you left home... but why should sending cardboard boxes away cost so much money?

I went running yesterday, for the first time in ages. I'm not doing it again until I can find a better bra.

aquagoat - 7-10-2011 at 10:09

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Aw, that's when you know you left home... but why should sending cardboard boxes away cost so much money?
I planned to rent a little truck but my girlfriend didn't feel like driving twice 700 kilometres in a few days. So I'll have to hire professional movers unless I find someone who wants to spend two days with me and drive down there and back.

I went running yesterday, for the first time in ages. I'm not doing it again until I can find a better bra.
My girlfriend's got quite big boobs so she never runs because of that problem.

BBP - 7-10-2011 at 15:12

I feel her pain... got a large size myself. You know that joke of overweight characters unable to see their toes through their bellies? I can't see my toes either. And I have big feet.

DED - 7-10-2011 at 22:04

We all have our problems

[Edited on 9-10-2011 by DED]

Attachment: buikdikpr6.jpg (34kB)
This file has been downloaded 374 times

BBP - 10-10-2011 at 11:43

Discovered Round The Twist on YouTube. Ahh... those were the days. "Can I have your walkman if you don't come back?"
They aired just a little too late for me, so I had to rush off to school to see the ending.

BBP - 13-10-2011 at 22:15

Phoned my friend for his birthday. Took photogaphs of a lot of drawings with the intent of publishing them. Am now in doubt about doing so.

BBP - 15-10-2011 at 12:30

Joined DeviantArt. Look for Bonnzai.

polydigm - 16-10-2011 at 12:20

My last day of freedom is coming to an end. I'm off to bed with some maths books.

BBP - 16-10-2011 at 20:44

Poor Poly...
Worked in the front yard pulling weeds and cleaning turds. Why on earth people let their dogs crap in other people's gardens is beyond my comprehension.

polydigm - 19-10-2011 at 02:01

I should have separated my last post into sections. The loss of freedom thing was going back to work after a break. The maths books I actually enjoy and I'm going back to university next year. My year nines yesterday were horrible, I ended up with a migraine, but I don't want it to sound worse than it really is. It's not a bad job overall, I'm just totally over it.

BBP - 19-10-2011 at 22:26

What do you mean by totally over it?

Have new vacacion plans. I'm looking into Munich, as in: what's there and how can I reach it and stay at a decent cost.

polydigm - 21-10-2011 at 00:01

Totally over it? Teaching at that level just holds no appeal for me whatsoever any more.

I spent ten hours in hospital yesterday. I am now officially initiated into the world of pain called kidney stones. I had a half hour doubled over in agony on Wednesday morning and then about four lengthy bouts over a three hour period yesterday morning. The doctors think it may be over, but I'm sat here now, looking over my shoulder. The good news is that the cat scan I had yesterday also confirmed that the surgery I had last year has turned out quite well. So, if I get through today and the weekend without any more kidney pain, I'll be laughing by Monday.

Hey Bonny, maybe you could visit Fritz while your there?

BBP - 21-10-2011 at 11:15

It all happens to you doesn't it? Poor Poly! Be in good health now.

BBP - 22-10-2011 at 11:44

Just checked: Fritz lives in the Rhineland: probably one of the big towns by the Rhine: Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Dortmund, Essen... I believe he lives closer to my house than to Munich, which is in Bavaria.

polydigm - 23-10-2011 at 22:08

Well, the doctors were wrong, I was up at 4:00AM Saturday in pain on and off until 9:00AM. Another stay in hospital from 6:00AM to 1:30PM. They're still not totally sure of course what will happen next. I'm up now having a coffee getting ready to go to work waiting for the time bomb to go off again.

Aside from that I am in pretty good spirits in general. I feel good about my plans for next year. It looks like I'm in a good position for getting some first year maths tutorial work, so I'll be able to lower my high school class load right away. Anyway, I'm off to have a shave.

Bonny, when are you going to Munich?

BBP - 24-10-2011 at 20:26

Ah no, poor Poly! You stay cool and get well now.

Have no date set for Munich. Am still trying to figure out whether there's enough to do there for me.

Zappa Forum Conspiracy #72: IrishBoris = Zombie.

polydigm - 25-10-2011 at 09:09

I've conversed with IrishBorish in chat. He seems like a perfectly reasonable human being. If he's Zombie then his cover story is way too complicated. I believe he really is from Ireland and Zombie was a Yank. IB travelled to Australia a while back as a back packer. He's got strong opinions and there's nothing wrong with that, I think he's just finding his feet at and he'll settle down eventually.

BBP - 25-10-2011 at 09:57

Ah. Could be someone with a long thumb still, such as the jerk who made those Shaggy and Ius Rincewind accounts (who posed here as Trendy and as Guybrush Threepwood). After all, I'm Timothy Brown from Somerset.

Am now a converted pastafari. Anything that celebrates good humour and logic is cool in my book.

polydigm - 27-10-2011 at 13:02

Back in hospital. On painkillers to see if the stone comes out freely, otherwise, they're going in after it. Talking via my iPhone, cool, it's nice to be able to stay in touch.

punknaynowned - 27-10-2011 at 14:39

get well soon Geoff!!!
my dad had k-stones when he was about your age.
Said it was the worst pain he ever felt.
He passed his too.
>fingers crossed<

Hi Bonny!
Hi Ed!
Hi Aqua!
We had a good opening weekend for the horrorshow last week.
Tonight is a rehearsal and Friday, Saturday and Monday the last shows.
Several short pieces drawn from HP Lovecraft this year.
This weekend they are holding auditions for Waiting For Godot to be performed early next year.
I'm deciding whether I want to spend time on that. The writing is worth it, but the rest, I don't know.


BBP - 27-10-2011 at 15:39

Punky! Nice to see you again!
I'd do Godot without thinking. It's been so long since stage and I really miss it. Unfortunately with the musical craze, there's next to no non-musical amateur production. :mad:

Aw dear Poly, hope all will go well!

BBP - 30-10-2011 at 14:16

Played for guide dog again, toured 12 vision-impaired souls through a space exhibition. Was fun.

DED - 30-10-2011 at 17:50

hi Punk, how are you.
Poly, if possible enjoy your stay, they will take care of you and your stones.
Sawed a big trench off of our Acacia. Somehow I managed to cut in my finger with a trenchcutter.
The green bin is filled up now with much to large parts, I hope I won't have problems tomorrow.
The green bin is only for leaves and so on, not 4 inch width trenches.

BBP - 31-10-2011 at 10:43




[Edited on 31-10-11 by BBP]

polydigm - 31-10-2011 at 16:49

Bonny, you're a real card, I got a good chuckle from that.

Thanks for your wishes everyone. Yes Punky, it's a very special kind of pain. Anyway, I ended up in surgery about six hours ago and still have some unpleasantness to look forward to, but it's basically over. I've been back in the ward awhile under the influence of some very nice pain killers, listening to FZ on my iPhone. Broadway The Hard Way (extended cd version) is a brilliant album.

DED - 31-10-2011 at 18:01

That is why I couldnt find the movie the Franch Connection ........:crying:

BBP - 31-10-2011 at 22:08

Aw dear, dear Poly, this one's for you:

aquagoat - 1-11-2011 at 08:50

Recover quickly, Poly.

BBP - 2-11-2011 at 20:29

Got very close to witnessing a car crash. Walked past a crossing, nothing wrong, walked back ten minutes later, police and ambulances on the place where I'd crossed the road earlier. A 71-year-old female cyclist got hit by a car, that bumped into a lamppost afterwards. Pretty creepy.

polydigm - 3-11-2011 at 22:45

Thanks for your wishes everyone. I've been at home a couple of days now, doing time so to speak. Seems to be going okay so far. Should be back at work by Monday.

BBP - 4-11-2011 at 10:35

Hey Poly, glad you're home again! Hang in there!

DED - 5-11-2011 at 18:43

Yeah you've better doctors there I presume.

Hmmm Maybe it was not a good idea to remove your kidneystones by the natural way.

polydigm - 5-11-2011 at 23:27

DED, you'd have been right at home at before they introduced moderation. ;)

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good today. It looks like things have gone pretty well.

polydigm - 8-11-2011 at 22:03

Just having coffee before work, my third day back. It's been fine. Yesterday, my feral year nines were actually quite sympathetic. They're not bad kids really. Although, it was a bit quieter than usual as three of them had got themselves suspended while I was away and two of the other 'characters' were absent.

BBP - 8-11-2011 at 22:26

Sounds like a harsh school you go to. In my 6 years at school only one kid I knew got suspended, she placed a stink bomb in the classroom.

DED - 8-11-2011 at 22:48

And guess Our ZAZ (Saskia) is send out once in all those years and BBP never (altough I almost forced her to do so). It is not nice when there is a parents-evening and there is nothing to discuss apart from good grades,good behaviour.

DED - 8-11-2011 at 22:53

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
DED, you'd have been right at home at before they introduced moderation. ;)

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good today. It looks like things have gone pretty well.

Don't tell me, that this is something that could be subject of moderation in the States, I won't believe it.

polydigm - 9-11-2011 at 08:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Sounds like a harsh school you go to.
The school has a zero tolerance attitude to the disruption of the education of those who have come to actually do the work. Suspension is not punishment, it's protection of the rights of those who are doing the right thing.

polydigm - 9-11-2011 at 08:32

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
DED, you'd have been right at home at before they introduced moderation. ;)

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good today. It looks like things have gone pretty well.

Don't tell me, that this is something that could be subject of moderation in the States, I won't believe it.
It was an off the cuff remark about the proclivities of certain members of Proclivities that relate to a fascination with certain body parts or outputs. Nothing personal was intended.

MTF - 9-11-2011 at 10:27

My sister-in-law died yesterday.

She had cancer and knew she would die soon. The doctors discontinued chemotherapy a few months ago. On Monday morning she was really out of it, so her daughter took her to see the doctor. While she was in the waiting room she had a stroke. It was all over in a couple minutes.

punknaynowned - 9-11-2011 at 10:41

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
DED, you'd have been right at home at before they introduced moderation. ;)

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good today. It looks like things have gone pretty well.

Don't tell me, that this is something that could be subject of moderation in the States, I won't believe it.

ha! I take it as a joke! Americans can't hardly be accused of 'moderate' behavior! :biggrin:

Ed, things used to be a bit more wild and free on the zappa forum, some years ago. All sorts of crazy persons. Then moderators of all kinds flattened things out., sure. They kicked out jimmie d, the best non-cop we had.
But Geoff, I think it was the bullies that people got tired of. Those and the wanna-be bullies. Everyone knows that if bullies aren't given boundaries they take over.

You know this in your classroom. I like the positive outlook to class participation you have down there. In principle. With that model, you are showing your bosses the positive effect you are having on your own troublemakers. So much that when you are out, they lose it and get thrown out!
Or is my view too rosy?

BB, I liked the glowfest vid. I still dream of doing something like that here with projections. On a big canvas like a building, at night. Not waiting on Godot.

MTF, sorry to hear about your sister. Condolences to your wife.
[Edited on 9-11-11 by punknaynowned]

[Edited on 9-11-11 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 9-11-2011 at 11:10

My condolences MTF, very sorry to hear about her.

polydigm - 9-11-2011 at 12:11

Sorry to hear your sad news MTF.

Punky, I'm one of those teachers who tries to meet the kids half way. The only time I get really pissed off is if they take advantage of that. Those kids that got suspended while I was away do tend to get into less trouble with me than other teachers but it wasn't because I was away, they're high on the list to get in trouble at the best of times and seem to reserve their worst behaviour for others. I just don't overreact to the relatively minor stuff, so things are less likely to escalate to the more major stuff. Mind you, it can be a bit trying at times.

DED - 9-11-2011 at 13:02

My condolences MTF.

punknaynowned - 9-11-2011 at 14:20

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Sorry to hear your sad news MTF.

Punky, I'm one of those teachers who tries to meet the kids half way. The only time I get really pissed off is if they take advantage of that. Those kids that got suspended while I was away do tend to get into less trouble with me than other teachers but it wasn't because I was away, they're high on the list to get in trouble at the best of times and seem to reserve their worst behaviour for others. I just don't overreact to the relatively minor stuff, so things are less likely to escalate to the more major stuff. Mind you, it can be a bit trying at times.

Still staying in what I'm calling the 'positivist' frame, not reacting to the more minor stuff is just what my brother did for years as the only teacher in several districts that had any success at all with the behavioral disorderly kids. Just not react. The kids know the rules and if they want to diverge from that then they could do that, it just had to be elsewhere. And they weren't gonna get the reaction they expected from him. That was his whole deal. Most of those kids had troubled homes and were used to getting reactions for disruptions. That's how they normally got any attention at all.
In any event, it's an interesting topic.
He'd get hammered by authoritarian bosses who'd be upset because he wasn't consistently following policy that policed student's language. He didn't care about that. People get excited and say stuff but if they were on topic, following along and engaging with the material, he didn't see a big problem. for example. Some might say he was lenient, but he could show the students learned stuff and respected him to a degree because he was all about the topic.
I like how you put that: 'meeting them half way.'
Glad your recovery seems so swift.

Philmore - 9-11-2011 at 21:32

Man, that other forum is turning extremely nasty.

BBP - 9-11-2011 at 23:33

I should bring back the "lyrics that describe JPFunk" thread.

polydigm - 10-11-2011 at 07:54

Wow, Bonny, looks like you did that ... <cough> ...

BBP - 10-11-2011 at 16:40

The forum's down now, so it seems.

polydigm - 10-11-2011 at 21:34

It's still there, running fine, don't worry Bonny, you didn't break it. :bouncy:

BBP - 11-11-2011 at 10:51


polydigm - 13-11-2011 at 03:45

You'll notice that my avatar is not showing. My #$%?!@*& web hosting service has dropped me right in it this weekend. I'm dropping them as soon as possible, which is a hassle, but it has to be done. I can't get them on weekends so I have to wait till tomorrow. So all the pictures I'm using in various forums will have to have their links edited at some point. Using the internet can be a real pain sometimes.

punknaynowned - 14-11-2011 at 03:53

I still see your avatar. In fact, it hasn't gone away at all as far as I can tell.

something I found today that made the tears stream down my face. That never happens.
This weekend, Honolulu hosted the annual APEC (asian-Pacific economic counsel) meeting where many of the world's leaders came to discuss what's on everybody's minds. Economics. A local guy had been hired to do the light entertainment he played some old songs, dylan (Watchtower) and sting (fragile).
But then decided to go ahead and sing the new song he wrote this month. He was scared to at first but then realizing he wasn't getting in trouble, kept singing it over and over for 45 minutes!

His description is here
the video for the song is here and the lyrics are under this if u click 'Show More'

polydigm - 14-11-2011 at 08:51

Well, my website has been suspended and I certainly can't access it. I'm not sure why you can still see my avatar because its url is on my website. Weird. Anyway, the bastards still haven't fixed my problem and I can't move to another host until they unlock my domain name. Meanwhile, I can't access my email with that account, which is my main email.

BBP - 14-11-2011 at 10:25

I get an X too. It's probably locked in Punky's cache.

Oh dear, Poly, they're sure out to get you right now are there?

DED - 14-11-2011 at 21:32

Geoff is the owner of his Domain. That means you can find yourself a new hosting company. Via them you can move your domain. Check godaddy in the states. Your mail is a different problem. Moving to another hosting Company normally destroys all our email. Best you can do I think is to stay with tucows and create an different email acount at gmail. send all the mail to your gmail. It is free, only a lot of work, but you have all your mail. After that it is easy to move between hosting company's if you still want to leave tucows.

BTW nice house you have:D

polydigm - 15-11-2011 at 00:20

DED is correct, its my domain. That does mean, because the domain stays the same, that if I move to a new hosting service I can set up the same email address.

Hey, DED, what do you mean "nice house"? To what are you referring?

Yes, Bonny, I was thinking of you as well. Sometimes you have a run of bad luck where a series of your "noteworthy" posts are somewhat harrowing. It seems I've had a few of those throughout the last year and a half.

Anyway, I just got off the phone after working out some grudging compromise with my host and I'm doing another year with them. In the mean time I will be researching alternatives and if need be, I will be ready to switch without the hassle in advance of next time.

polydigm - 15-11-2011 at 07:40

Okay, my avatar is back.

So, on the way home from work today, I stopped to get petrol at a Shell station. They've got this stupid alert about mobile phones and petrol which is just rubbish. I had my hands free ear phones plugged in and a complete stranger comes up to me and starts giving me a lecture about my phone. I ignored her because I've been accosted by nut cases in public before. She walked off and the next thing I know the petrol pump stopped pouring. The woman had gone into the shop and complained and the attendant stalled my pump. I went into the shop to be told she was the manager having changed into civvies to go home. I told her as far as I was concerned she was a complete stranger, she didn't tell me she was the manager, she just started barking orders at me and what did she expect me to do. If shed' told me she was the manager I wouldn't have ignored her. What am I, some kind of disaster magnet?

While we're on the topic, somebody needs to do something about this stupid myth. Check the following link and you'll find out why Shell in particular has freaked out about this.

Relevant Article

DED - 15-11-2011 at 10:09

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
DED is correct, its my domain. That does mean, because the domain stays the same, that if I move to a new hosting service I can set up the same email address.

Hey, DED, what do you mean "nice house"? To what are you referring?

prtety simple. Sometimes you only "rent" the domainname. The administer adress is then that of your hosting company. Otherwise it is your private adress. (you can hide this information by making your site private, will cost a fee)
So I found your name as owner and a adress with a no 13.
I copied the adress in Google maps , streetview.

polydigm - 15-11-2011 at 10:36

I was about to say that when you look at my house in Google Maps street view, the blue Peugot out the front is our car and the two guys standing in the drive way are me with the brief case and the real estate agent selling the house just before the auction back in December 2007, but I just checked it and the picture has changed to a more recent one, still more than a year old. So I'm no longer famous.

I just found out two days ago that I can pay for privacy on my domain information. Prior to that nobody bothered to tell me it was an issue. DED, you've just highlighted to me the need to do so.

BBP - 15-11-2011 at 11:15

Mythbusters did that already didn't they? It's, if I'm correct, the one where Adam Savage burns off his eyebrow.

polydigm - 15-11-2011 at 13:27

Yes, the myth has been busted, but the point is that many petrol stations still have signs barring mobile phones.

DED - 15-11-2011 at 15:29


DED, you've just highlighted to me the need to do so.

I google myself on a regullar base, if you want to, you even can find my favorite colour of underpants. Nevertheless I understand you completely, but don't kill the messenger.

Handy's at gas station. I also see this signs in a train. Maybe we think that it is for safety, but in fact they basically can mean in order to avoid asocial behaviour. Keep your mind at what you're doing. And that should be filling up. There is a movie somewhere on the tube from a guy who was lighting up a sigaret during filling. Nothing happend until he mindless started to play with his lighter.

polydigm - 16-11-2011 at 09:21

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
DED, you've just highlighted to me the need to do so.
... I understand you completely, but don't kill the messenger.
I wasn't having a go at you, I don't mind that you googled my house, I meant that you've made me realise my information is out there and there might be people I don't want to be googling my house.

polydigm - 16-11-2011 at 10:01

Here's the previous view before Google's last update: Of course, you can't see the house behind all that bush and whatnot. Their updated view is still more than a year old, because that vine fence at the front got pulled down in early December last year. That's me on the left and the real estate agent on the right (note the sign) before I bought the place back in early December 2007.

polydigm - 17-11-2011 at 08:20

I had the structural engineer around today. We need approval from the council before we can mount our new solar system.

BBP - 17-11-2011 at 10:44

A new solar system?! What's wrong with the old one?

polydigm - 18-11-2011 at 08:25

The old one's overrun by human beings. Very funny, Bonny. It's a solar system and it's new. We don't currently have one.

It's a 6.58kW system and will pay for our bills while we are getting a decent feed in tariff. Hopefully by the time that runs out battery technology will have improved enough and its cost relative to the rising cost of commercial electricity will be favourable enough to take that next step. The problem is that you generate the most electricity when you're not using it.

BBP - 18-11-2011 at 10:47

Oh, like MTF has! That's confusing... someone needs to invent a new word there.
So you're getting solar panels and stuff? Cool!

polydigm - 19-11-2011 at 00:10

Oh, so you weren't joking? I suppose I should say Solar Power System, or something like that. Yes, it's pretty cool, but we're having to jump through some hoops to get there.

BBP - 19-11-2011 at 11:37

Half, I knew you weren't getting a new solar system obviously.
Did some sculpting. God that modelling putti is nasty.

polydigm - 21-11-2011 at 11:55

Still more hoops to jump through, we haven't got our approval yet. Now the engineer's worried about a crack in the wall. I have a mass of 80kg and stand on a space of about 0.02 square metres. Thats equivalent to a localised force of about 40 500 gm tubs of butter stacked on top of each other. One of these solar panels has a mass of 18kg and stands on a space of about 1.65 square metres. That's equivalent to a localised force of about one half empty 500 gm tub of butter. What the hell is he worried about?

The council is concerned about them getting caught in the wind and torn off your roof as a public safety issue, they're not so worried about them collapsing your roof in on itself, which is hardly likely. I'm getting a bit weary of this crap.

BBP - 21-11-2011 at 20:58

Ah, maybe that guy is just trying to get some extra moolah.
I've been photographing drawings and stuff that is in my agendas, then upload them to DA. I always make them myself and now have 15 of them. One comic I made can be seen here:

I love DeviantArt. Over 200 artworks uploaded now.

polydigm - 21-11-2011 at 21:47

Funny comic.

polydigm - 23-11-2011 at 08:47

I think you're right about the moolah Bonny. When I got the guy's plans which put a bit of a spanner in the works and then listened to him tell me that if there were any problems, we could get back to him and he would see what he could do, I realised he was fishing. Anyway, I've figured out a way to side step the problem, so it seems it's all steam ahead. Without any further hitches (touch wood) we'll be running on solar within 10 days.

BBP - 23-11-2011 at 12:12

That's good news Poly!
Here's more Fred & Derek.

polydigm - 25-11-2011 at 23:10

During a tutorial one time back when I was training as a teacher during a postmortem of a recently completed teaching practical we were asked about the highlight and lowlight of our experience. I answered that the highlight was that there weren't any lowlights but that the lowlight was that there weren't any highlights. Kind of how I feel right now.

punknaynowned - 26-11-2011 at 00:51

are you "in between things that only go halfway"?

I've decided that if the revolution is finally happening, I better be healthy for it. Or at least not 'dying any minute from something stupid like smoking related disease'. So I try one of these e-cigarettes that provide vaporized nicotine when you breathe in on the white end. The other end glows visibly, to tell you how much gets delivered...
{i'm told I don't have to like the slight aftertaste}

Welcome to the 21st Century!!!!

BBP - 26-11-2011 at 11:02

Those things are certainly only halfway...
You're guaranteed to not "die any minute from smoking-related disease". Except for Anton Webern (who went out for a smoke and was shot by a drunk soldier) smoking diseases like lung cancer and emphysema are slow and excruceating.

polydigm - 26-11-2011 at 14:21

Wow, Bonny, that's really comforting.

:duh: :lol:

Just as well I don't smoke.

Good luck with it Punky.

BBP - 28-11-2011 at 19:27


Went out on my usual trip to the second hand store, this week I went to one that's about 20 min cycling from here. I'd found a lot of CD-is, and among others a first edition (1955) of a book by Bordewijk (my fav author) that I didn't have,and tons more stuff...
and when I go to the coffee corner to check out my potential purchases, I discover I don't have my wallet on me.


polydigm - 28-11-2011 at 23:42

I hate that feeling. I hope you found it again Bonny. I've been going okay this week. So we're back to Bonny's hard times now.


Calvin - 29-11-2011 at 01:53

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
are you "in between things that only go halfway"?

I've decided that if the revolution is finally happening, I better be healthy for it. Or at least not 'dying any minute from something stupid like smoking related disease'. So I try one of these e-cigarettes that provide vaporized nicotine when you breathe in on the white end. The other end glows visibly, to tell you how much gets delivered...
{i'm told I don't have to like the slight aftertaste}

Welcome to the 21st Century!!!!

I'm not sure how that's supposed to help. If you were addicted to heroin would I give you vaporized heroin?

[Edited on 29-11-2011 by Calvin]

polydigm - 29-11-2011 at 10:24

Wow, Punky, you really came to the right place for sympathy, it seems. :duh:

BBP - 29-11-2011 at 10:52

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
are you "in between things that only go halfway"?

I've decided that if the revolution is finally happening, I better be healthy for it. Or at least not 'dying any minute from something stupid like smoking related disease'. So I try one of these e-cigarettes that provide vaporized nicotine when you breathe in on the white end. The other end glows visibly, to tell you how much gets delivered...
{i'm told I don't have to like the slight aftertaste}

Welcome to the 21st Century!!!!

I'm not sure how that's supposed to help. If you were addicted to heroin would I give you vaporized heroin?

[Edited on 29-11-2011 by Calvin]

No, they'd give you methadon. It's supposed to be not as bad as heroin but methadon addictions are pretty nasty too.

punknaynowned - 29-11-2011 at 19:18

thanks Geoff!

Bonny, I would likely feel the same as you about tobacco if my aunt and grandma were smokers and died so recently.

Cal, are you trying to be funny? Hope you're feeling better since you quit smoking.:duh:

update: I fell off the wagon yesterday after five days of steady progress. Today, Coffee's made and I'll cycle to the store and get me some creamer for it. Another thing I do two-three times a week is get a veggie smoothie: carrot, beet, spinach, garlic. I think the vegetables are responding to me.

BBP - 29-11-2011 at 20:51

Ah Punky, I didn't mean to be so harsh on your quitting attempts. It's in fact parallelled to how I quit taking sugar in my tea. I drank tea a lot, especially in my newspaper round days when I'd be freezing all over at least until noon, and I took sugar. Lots. A one and a half kilo bag wouldn't last for two weeks.
I decided to finally quit, and do so gradually: I bought one of those artificial sweetener dispensers. At first it took 4 of those pills to match the sugar content I previously used. One week later, I went to 3. Next week, 2. Week after, 1.

And I got stuck at 1 for several weeks. I was about halfway through the 650 pcs dispenser when I dropped it on the floor, so I bought a new one.
On my second use of that new dispenser, I got instant butter fingers and dropped it in my tea, top first so the contents contacted the liquid I was about to drink.

I drank it.
You know, the record number of lumps I've had in my tea was 31, I was getting bullied by two nasty boys and I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of a grossed-out face. But it was drinkable.
There may have been a few hundreds of artificial sweetener pills solved in that tea. And that was not drinkable. It was gross. Sticky. And I couldn't finish it. That was the last time I took sweeteners of any kind. Yeah!

Went to the second hand store again, with wallet this time. They still had the Bordewijk book and the other books I wanted, but the CD-is were gone. I did get (new) shoes and trousers at a nearby shop. Getting new shoes for me is a nightmare considering I have Paris Hilton size. Been wearing little but men's shoes since I was 15.

Calvin - 30-11-2011 at 23:25

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
thanks Geoff!

Bonny, I would likely feel the same as you about tobacco if my aunt and grandma were smokers and died so recently.

Cal, are you trying to be funny? Hope you're feeling better since you quit smoking.:duh:

update: I fell off the wagon yesterday after five days of steady progress. Today, Coffee's made and I'll cycle to the store and get me some creamer for it. Another thing I do two-three times a week is get a veggie smoothie: carrot, beet, spinach, garlic. I think the vegetables are responding to me.

Trying to be funny? No. It sounds like you didn't really make a decision to quit, you made the decision to try to quit. If you really want to stop, decide that you aren't going to have anymore, ever. And then focus on the fact that there is no pain in withdrawal, just a restless, uneasy feeling. After I reconciled that those things were true in my mind it was a snap.

polydigm - 1-12-2011 at 01:08

I went cold turkey on cigarettes, the green stuff and alcohol altogether for my birthday back in 1985. That was one of the hairiest things I've ever done but it was worth it.

Calvin - 1-12-2011 at 03:42

I've never used the green stuff, and have drank very rarely. My brother-in-law and his wife are as of now raging alcoholics and are not admitting to it, so they don't think they need help and get angry at people that suggest they do. I don't want them to hit bottom before they realize what's going on, but I don't know what else will do it.

BBP - 1-12-2011 at 10:53

Hairiest, Poly? Interesting choice of words, sounds like my dad should try it. :bald:

punknaynowned - 1-12-2011 at 11:57

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  

Trying to be funny? No. It sounds like you didn't really make a decision to quit, you made the decision to try to quit. If you really want to stop, decide that you aren't going to have anymore, ever. And then focus on the fact that there is no pain in withdrawal, just a restless, uneasy feeling. After I reconciled that those things were true in my mind it was a snap.

Calvin! You've given me a gift! The right thing at the right time! And something I can use every day! Thank You! :bouncing:

[Edited on 1-12-11 by punknaynowned]

polydigm - 1-12-2011 at 13:29

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
... they don't think they need help and get angry at people that suggest they do. I don't want them to hit bottom before they realize what's going on, but I don't know what else will do it.
I feel your pain there mate. I've been through that with a couple of people, it ain't easy.

polydigm - 1-12-2011 at 13:35

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hairiest, Poly? Interesting choice of words, sounds like my dad should try it. :bald:
It's a commonly used slang term in Australia and England at least, I can't speak for America. "It was a hairy situation, I nearly didn't make it."

punknaynowned - 1-12-2011 at 14:02

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hairiest, Poly? Interesting choice of words, sounds like my dad should try it. :bald:
It's a commonly used slang term in Australia and England at least, I can't speak for America. "It was a hairy situation, I nearly didn't make it."

"Looks like you made it!" :forumsmiley280::forumsmiley281:

polydigm - 2-12-2011 at 00:23

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
"Looks like you made it!" :forumsmiley280::forumsmiley281:
Well, it has been nearly 27 years now, but thanks for the fanfare anyway.

Good luck with yours. If nothing else, when you succeed, you will end up feeling better about yourself and that's priceless.

BBP - 2-12-2011 at 23:51

Lost a long post.

Anyway I've started on a set of cable knit gloves for my sister, but I'm quitting because the pattern in the book doesn't work. It must be a nightmare to correct every single pattern, there's so many numbers you can't easily look up, but it's very frustrating.

Calvin - 3-12-2011 at 12:43

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  

Trying to be funny? No. It sounds like you didn't really make a decision to quit, you made the decision to try to quit. If you really want to stop, decide that you aren't going to have anymore, ever. And then focus on the fact that there is no pain in withdrawal, just a restless, uneasy feeling. After I reconciled that those things were true in my mind it was a snap.

Calvin! You've given me a gift! The right thing at the right time! And something I can use every day! Thank You! :bouncing:

[Edited on 1-12-11 by punknaynowned]

Now you must be joking.

punknaynowned - 3-12-2011 at 13:33

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Now you must be joking.

Nope. See the pm or u2u I sent you here.:P

DED - 3-12-2011 at 15:05

Hairy as Australian,GB slang, but in Holland we also use our hair in our language when it is a hairy thing.
It was a hair(thickness) close. 't scheelde maar een HAARTJE.
And in Holland Slang we extend it to
it was as close as a hair(thickness) from an elephantstail (In Dutch it rhymes)
Het scheelde maar een haartje van een olifantenstaartje.

Even in language we are closer to eachother than we think.

punknaynowned - 3-12-2011 at 15:22

We use 'hairy' in amer-english to mean the same things. Like 'scary', like 'near' as Geoff and Ed used it.

An expression I heard once when someone asked 'how are you' was
'As fine as a frog's hair'. This was meant in a different way, I think. 'Fine' can mean 'quality' or 'good' or 'thin', 'tiny'.
But frogs don't have hair...

DED - 4-12-2011 at 00:56

Kermit does

BBP - 4-12-2011 at 17:43

That depends on the hand inside him. :bald:

polydigm - 5-12-2011 at 07:34

So, Bonny, are you having a go at your Dad's hair "situation".

BBP - 5-12-2011 at 12:17

Well, I could knit him a wig. I got a shade of brown that matches his old colour (which, btw, I've never seen, I only recall him as being grey). Could knit some more for myself too, since I'm getting very snowy myself and I'm very tired of meeting old friends I haven't seen in ages only for them to tell me "Wow, you've really gone grey!"

punknaynowned - 5-12-2011 at 15:33

speaking of thinning strands ( I know it's a stretch) yesterday, I went to the Cowtown Ballroom in Kansas City.
YES! That one!
They make a big deal about so many people playing there: The Beatles to FZ, Count Basie to Hall & Oates. The upstairs ballroom does have wooden floors but the structure is all concrete, except the roof. The sound id not great. Now they do play music there but as a background to it's primary use.

The Cowtown Ballroom is now the Cowtown Mallroom. It's a two-story flea market! Records and players, lamps and lunchboxes, artifacts and nostalgia trash, it's all there and prices are going up. It started about a year ago to gather a larger group of active sellers and now it hums with activity.
I got a hardbound copy of The Martian Chronicles and a box of girl scout cookies.

BBP - 6-12-2011 at 00:31

It's been St Nicholas, had and gave lots of presents. Most notably a home-knitted toy Shaun the Sheep. Shaun's a little thin on top in my version too, although he has a mullet on the show.

I'd love to visit Cowtown someday, sounds like my kind of place!

polydigm - 6-12-2011 at 08:50

I've just finished my last school reports for the year so I'm floating a few centimetres above the ground. It's just baby sitting from here on in. Next week is the last week of the year and there will only be year 8s and 9s left and they're having a special activities week. I get to take a group of four students around an eighteen hole par 54 course which are all par 3 holes on Monday and an eighteen hole par 60 course which has 6 par 4 holes and 12 par 3 holes on Wednesday. And they pay me for this?

BBP - 7-12-2011 at 19:47

Ah... the last week of school... We usually got a movie OD. Usually a Python in English class, and my French 3rd year teacher showed us Leon.

Calvin - 8-12-2011 at 22:07

Not today, but last night - my wife and I are in bed watching some news, when what comes on the screen but a picture of one of the supervisors I work for. She was charged with embezzlement of 4000 dollars from some community club that she was working for. All day I was expecting an e-mail from our manager that said she was let go. (She hasn't been there all week). Nothing yet.

MTF - 9-12-2011 at 10:20

That really sucks. Stealing from a non-profit earns you a trip to the same level of hell as child molesters. I hope she enjoys herself...

BBP - 9-12-2011 at 11:58

Of course we've experienced here recently that charged is not guilty and that people are innocent unless proven otherwise.

Calvin - 9-12-2011 at 12:33

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Of course we've experienced here recently that charged is not guilty and that people are innocent unless proven otherwise.

She admitted that she took the money to pay debts.

BBP - 9-12-2011 at 16:33

...At least she admitted it, but that's really low.

BBP - 14-12-2011 at 23:05

Not much happening here. We're very shocked by the events in Liege of course. It's a bit of a dull, grey, industrial city, with a nasty smell lingering over it; but they do have three months of fun fair a year. Friends of mine took me there once, and it was very cosy; I got a lot of Primus beer coasters and won a camel in the Camel Race.

DED - 15-12-2011 at 00:02

Will this Liege affair be the yearly Christmas disaster? Or is another one coming up?

polydigm - 15-12-2011 at 00:15

Who, what, where, when, why?

BBP - 15-12-2011 at 11:35

In Liege, Belgium, a madman aged 34, who had previously been convicted of owning a lot of cannabis and weapons, caused a rampage. He let 4 handgrenades explode at the christmas market and then started shooting around. It's not yet known whether he shot himself on purpose or by accident.
Currently there are 5 casualties: besides the killer, two teenagers, a 75-year-old lady, a toddler, and a 50-year-old caretaker of the man's neighbors. She was found near his home.
Over a hundred people are injured. Five of them are still fighting for their life.

Calvin - 15-12-2011 at 22:49

My supervisor was fired yesterday. I thought it was just inevitable.

BBP - 15-12-2011 at 23:25

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
My supervisor was fired yesterday. I thought it was just inevitable.

Yay! Justice!

aquagoat - 16-12-2011 at 21:28

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
In Liege, Belgium, a madman aged 34, who had previously been convicted of owning a lot of cannabis and weapons, caused a rampage. He let 4 handgrenades explode at the christmas market and then started shooting around. It's not yet known whether he shot himself on purpose or by accident.
Currently there are 5 casualties: besides the killer, two teenagers, a 75-year-old lady, a toddler, and a 50-year-old caretaker of the man's neighbors. She was found near his home.
Over a hundred people are injured. Five of them are still fighting for their life.
i heard about that news the other day, terrible thing that will happen more and more often, in my opinion.

[Edited on 16-12-2011 by aquagoat]

BBP - 16-12-2011 at 22:55

Now the blame game is being played of course: justice didn't want him to get parole (Belgian prisons are overcrowded), but according to his psychological tests there was little chance at recidivism.
I feel horrible for the toddler and his parents: they can't afford the lad's funeral.

polydigm - 16-12-2011 at 23:45

I had a funny accident at Dweezil Zappa World the other day. There's a thread there that I started in May 2010 about the suggestion that Dweezil might start playing his own music with ZPZ. I was a bit strident to start with but realised pretty quick that I basically don't give a toss. Even Trendy piped up and tried to reeducate me. He is such a dick head. It seems to me, that given he puts so much effort into changing peoples minds, that he should be pleased when someone actually changes their mind. But I wasn't even allowed to do that, hilarious. Not that I was actually agreeing with him, of course, I was backing off, not morphing into a sycophant at the same time.

Also, Dweezil revealed himself in that thread as being a bit of an arse. He did exactly what Trendy does, reacted without reading all of my words, jumped to the wrong conclusion and came off sounding a bit nasty and spiteful.

Anyway, the thread structure there is a pain, because every time a new page is started, the first post from the thread is redisplayed as the first post on the new page. This led some stupid people who can't be bothered to check before they open their mouths to start going off at my original post again as if I'd just said it. Finally, that second page settled down and since June 2010, nothing else has been said. Until last week that is, when some twat comes along, a year and a half later and tells us to move on. Then others began to add their two cents worth as well.

Next, a third page appears, with my first post reprinted yet again at the top of that one. So I thought I'd see if I could delete the reprint ... and guess what ... it deleted the entire thread!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... (pause for breath) ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... (calls ambulance) ... cough .... ha .... ha .... ha .... ha .... etc ...

polydigm - 22-12-2011 at 09:04

Is it something I said?

BBP - 22-12-2011 at 11:43

Nah don't worry. Zappadan had me covered there for a sec. Not much interesting stuff going on here, Im making new friends at the giveaway store but that's about it. Oh and I have a sore throat.

Huck_Phlem - 23-12-2011 at 01:35

I remember that thread. :D

polydigm - 23-12-2011 at 02:43

Hey, Huck. Where have you been? How come it says your friendship is pending at Dweezil Zappa World? Not that I care about that place that much, but it's not all bad. Dweezil's latest change to the appearance is crap. His header now covers up any custom headers. So the picture of my gibson on my home page is almost totally obscured by his new header. So much for a personal home page. He's quite the egotist.

MTF - 23-12-2011 at 09:59

Our oven died on Tuesday, just in time for Christmas.

I called an appliance repair place. He said he couldn't look at it until the 29th. And the appliance store I called said they couldn't even deliver a new one until after Christmas.

Anyone know how to barbecue a pie?

DED - 23-12-2011 at 13:23

BBP - 23-12-2011 at 17:27

Hey Huck, great to see you! How have you been?

Sorry to hear about your oven, MTF. Do you have a straw box?

Calvin - 24-12-2011 at 03:33

Had somebody offer to make me a doily sweater. That would be SO cool.:guitar:

polydigm - 24-12-2011 at 09:32

I'm not sure I could see you in a doily sweater Cal, not that I can see you at all, of course.

MTF - 24-12-2011 at 09:32

Quote: Originally posted by DED

I was joking about barbecueing a pie. I thought it was just a nice, absurd way to end the post. But somehow it doesn't surprise me that you found this video; in parts of the US Midwest, barbecue is nothing short of a religion...

DED - 24-12-2011 at 18:08

Me too was joking.
But how absurd you want to think, reality is more absurd than you think.

BBP - 27-12-2011 at 16:47

Not much going on here...

polydigm - 28-12-2011 at 22:47

The numbers are slowly ticking over. I would have thought with the holiday season, people had more time for idle banter. I'm working hard on my studies every day but still finding time to look in.

MTF - 29-12-2011 at 10:24

Fixed the oven today. The problem was the igniter, which is quite similar to a car's cigarette lighter.

A guy quoted me $250 to fix it, but said he couldn't do it until next week.

So I found the part online, had them overnight it to me, and replaced it myself in about an hour.

The money we saved will pay for our tickets to see two upcoming shows: They Might Be Giants (27 January) and Zappa Plays Zappa (15 February)...

BBP - 29-12-2011 at 10:44

Nice going MTF! Our local handiman DED would be proud!

Any ideas why Dweezil isn't visiting this side of the Atlantic anymore? Too much alimony or just having small kids in general?

DED - 29-12-2011 at 12:23

Yeah I'm proud

polydigm - 29-12-2011 at 14:29

Good one MTF. That's just the kind of thing I can't stand. Mind you, sometimes I'm just too lazy and take the expensive option. We had to cut down five trees four and a half weeks ago that would otherwise have shaded a significant percentage of our solar panels in the afternoon. I got a quote on one of them for $1500. Bugger that, let alone times five, I cut them all down myself with a little help from my sons. Money wise it only cost me the price of a chain saw, a little electricity and a few lengths of heavy duty rope. I haven't finished yet, there's some finalising required and a heap of branches to transport away, but no shade on the panels in the afternoon. It was hard work but well worth it and the first really hard work I've done since my surgery last year. It felt good.

aquagoat - 29-12-2011 at 19:18

I've got a cold, right in time for my holidays.:mad:

BBP - 29-12-2011 at 23:43

OOh Poly that is hard work! I hope they're not acacias, like the little nightmare in our backyard with thorns like a hedgehog. They'd be perfect in the garden of a sanatorium for tree hugging addicts.

Poor Aqua! Get well soon!

Some tears here today as the theatre where I had my grand debut at age 7 playing a part of a dragon, burnt down. A very charming theatre it was too. Take a virtual tour at

MTF - 30-12-2011 at 04:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Any ideas why Dweezil isn't visiting this side of the Atlantic anymore? Too much alimony or just having small kids in general?

I have no clue why he does anything. But as long as he plays at a theater three blocks from my house, I'll go see it.

BTW: now that the oven works, I'm off to another project. I'm refinishing a hundred-year-old cabinet from the house my wife grew up in. I spent most of the day sanding, and probably will tomorrow as well.

Tomorrow we're going to see a band play a couple of Beatles albums in their entirety; Revolver and Sgt. Pepper. These guys are fantastic: we've seen them every December since 2003.

polydigm - 30-12-2011 at 07:26

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
OOh Poly that is hard work! I hope they're not acacias, like the little nightmare in our backyard with thorns like a hedgehog.
No, three Jacarandas, one Olive and one Pine. The Pine is the one that I got the $1500 quote on, it was over 10 metres tall and very spread out with many long vertical side branches bunched together. The Jacarandas were at least as big and two much taller. One was quite a challenge to bring down. I'll post a video at some point. The Olive was massively overgrown, I've never seen an Olive tree that big before.

Watch the highest Jacaranda branch come down.

You'll see as the view scans right that we're surrounded by trees and piles of tree cuttings and branches. The Pine directly behind then a Jacaranda then the Olive and a Jacaranda together and finally the biggest Jacaranda that we're pulling the branch down from. There had already been quite a bit of lopping done to all of them by this stage.

BBP - 30-12-2011 at 19:18

Aw... pity about the pretty purple flowers, but nice to see you and Euan moving.

polydigm - 30-12-2011 at 22:19

Euan's laughing at the end and saying "Look at Darwin". Darwin is one of our two beagles and a bit highly strung. Both dogs, the other one's called Fitzroy, were inevitably curious about what we were doing, but when the branch came down Darwin scarpered into hiding up the back of the garden.

And yes, it's a pity about the trees, but they're yet another example of how previous owners of this property have stuffed things up. One of the Jacarandas comes out of the ground literally right next to the Olive. Two giant trees having to fight for the same space. The Jacaranda we're pulling down in the video is right next to the house and was consequently covering a significant area of the roof and filling the gutters with all kinds of crap all year around, hence a regular chore of mine to get up there and clear it up.

There's one huge tree there, I haven't established its type yet, that will probably get to stay, which is a plus. The other plus is that the placement of the trees we cut down was a bit random and not very conducive to arranging a nice back garden, which is the next step after we clear up.

Calvin - 31-12-2011 at 05:10

I'm going to watch a Dutch fighter against Brock Lesnar. Is Overeem popular there Bonny? Or is it not something you pay attention to?

punknaynowned - 31-12-2011 at 09:03

Good riddance: 2011!
In Holland, Happy Rains and sluices!
In France, Happy Hills and juices!
In Ausland, Happy Rays and ruses!
In Canuckland, Happy Trees and mooses!
In US, happy jobs and truces!
2012: Happy New Year !!

BBP - 31-12-2011 at 11:08

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
I'm going to watch a Dutch fighter against Brock Lesnar. Is Overeem popular there Bonny? Or is it not something you pay attention to?

What on eath is that?

Calvin - 31-12-2011 at 16:48

UFC? MMA? Alistair Overeem is the Dutch fighter. He won last night too.

DED - 31-12-2011 at 17:12

Not my sport BTW, but he seems to do quit well.

polydigm - 31-12-2011 at 22:43

Happy new year everyone.

DED - 31-12-2011 at 22:46

Yeah Happy New Year to you all.

May your wishes for 2012 come true

[Edited on 31-12-2011 by DED]

Calvin - 1-1-2012 at 06:52

Quote: Originally posted by DED

Not my sport BTW, but he seems to do quit well.

I think he'll be the next champion whenever his next fight is.

aquagoat - 1-1-2012 at 13:21

Happy new year everyone!!!:bouncy:

BBP - 1-1-2012 at 14:13

Wishing you all a fantastic 2012!

polydigm - 1-1-2012 at 14:21

I talk about my plans for 2012 and hope it goes well then I come back from dropping my son's friend off home and our carport auto door decides to play up. I ended up messing around with that for quite some time and didn't get around to doing what I had planned for the middle of the day today. Then we had to go out for various family related events and when we got back I eventually managed a kind of temporary fix which enables the door full movement but with some manual involvement required.

Everyone's on holiday at the moment so in two days time I'll need to involve a professional. I've repaired the door before and got a further 3 years of life out of it but now it's beyond my capabilities and needs a major overhaul. Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

BBP - 2-1-2012 at 11:50

Oh dear, hope the door gets sorted out...

polydigm - 3-1-2012 at 00:17

I'm taking it in my stride. Hopefully we can get someone out today.

polydigm - 3-1-2012 at 01:28

There you go. Life is full of surprises, not all bad of course. It's one hour since my last post. The first business I rang, because my explanation of how I'd tried to fix it made sense to the guy, he gave me a tip on how to finish it off properly, instead of what quite often happens with some people who can't wait to get your money out of your pocket. Anyway, I tried his tip and it worked and the door is now back in full operation.

BBP - 3-1-2012 at 09:31

I'll be going to visit my blind friend today. Would be lovely if it wouldn't be storming.

polydigm - 3-1-2012 at 15:53

El Nina?

DED - 3-1-2012 at 16:52

No Xynthia

BBP - 3-1-2012 at 23:16

I read several things to my friend, among them the Gogol story The Nose and a chapter on a man whose vision was restored after having been blind for over 40 years by Oliver Sacks. My throat hurts. Lots.

polydigm - 4-1-2012 at 02:37

Who's Xynthia? El Nina is the global weather effect currently dominating the planet's weather. It means we're getting a lot of rain down here. El Nina doesn't happen as often as El Nino, which brings dry weather down here more typically.

BBP - 4-1-2012 at 16:03

In Vaals, near the Dutch, German and Belgian borders, a German bus caused mayhem after dodging a dog on the road.

The dog's allright.

aquagoat - 6-1-2012 at 17:51

changed the pickups on my 7 string ESP, now I've got a real roaring guitar, me=happy.:bouncy:

[Edited on 7-1-2012 by aquagoat]

BBP - 7-1-2012 at 17:41

Great! Paint tiger stripes on it!

Went to a museum that's closing down. It's kind of horrible, the amount of money they have to setup an exhibition is about 5000 euros; next to nothing. When Dad and I went there a few months back, they had an exhibition on needlecraft, and among the things they showed were a great amount of books from the second-hand store I always visit (didn't even erase the pencil price in the back) and two racks filed with second-hand clothes where they didn't take the price-tag off, and the craftwork of a bunch of 11-to-12-year-olds.

Went back this time, and it wasn't much better. Geez. Entry was 5 euros: that's the same amount I paid for a ticket into the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, where all the Rembrandts are; or the Van Abbe museum, where there are two Picassos, a Chagall and a Christo.

aquagoat - 7-1-2012 at 20:07

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Great! Paint tiger stripes on it!

great idea, next step in the evolution of that plank of wood.;)

BBP - 9-1-2012 at 17:39

Recently found a flute with valves... looks like a piccolo. Am looking up things about it.

polydigm - 10-1-2012 at 00:02

Okay, DED didn't answer my question so I did a bit of research. Xynthia was a monster storm from 2010. The recent one in Europe is Joachim.

BBP - 10-1-2012 at 11:35

Oh thank you!

DED - 10-1-2012 at 16:21

Missed the question and used a wrong source sorry. Bad start in 2012.
The first storm is over, second storm comin up now is named Bonny, whens she blows with the finger below the mouth saying pfoe.
Seems to be for playing a few sounds from her new flute. pfoe pfoe pfoeeee

BBP - 10-1-2012 at 17:13

C'mon, it's hilarious. Watch it for yourself:

polydigm - 10-1-2012 at 23:53

Hey DED, there's no need to poo poo her poo. :biggrin:

BBP - 11-1-2012 at 12:00

DED - 12-1-2012 at 15:15

That's a lot of poo's :bouncy:

BBP - 13-1-2012 at 20:22

Happy black cat day today!

polydigm - 14-1-2012 at 01:14

You'll need to explain what that is, at least to me anyway. Are you referring to Friday the 13th?

BBP - 15-1-2012 at 12:07

Yup. Was it that obscure?

polydigm - 16-1-2012 at 01:48

No, not obscure, I was allowing for our Aussie/Dutch cultural differences. I've never heard it referred to as black cat day. So, yes, it was kind of obvious which day you were referring to, but I wanted you to explain the black cat part. Yes, we do have in UK/Aussie culture the superstition of bad luck from a black cat crossing your path, but many of us are not superstitious. Anyway, we don't have an association between black cats and friday the 13th so I'm curious about what yours might be.

I live at number 13 by the way, which is how much we care about superstition. And, in France, the number 13 is good luck. My guess is that at some stage of history there was a battle between the French and the English that the French won when the date happened to be the 13th. I'm half French and half English. Saying "merde" to someone in France to wish them good luck is based on a historical battle won by a famous French general who stepped in shit as the battle commenced.

When we migrated from England to Australia in 1961, we left on Wednesday the 13th of Sep and arrived on Friday the 13th of October. Basically, I'm cursed.

BBP - 16-1-2012 at 09:03

Interesting! I was aware that in some countries 17 is unlucky.
(checks up Wiki)
Aha! Apparently there is no source data for Friday 13 being unlucky until the 19th century. It also says in Spanish-speaking countries Tuesday 13 is unlucky. Friday has been considered an unlucky day since [strikethrough]Rebecca Blacks's song[/strikethrough] The Canterbury Tales (14th century).

There's at most 14 months between two Friday 13ths.

Checked out the French page, and it is decidedly different. In a complete Gregorian cycle, which lasts 4800 months, Friday 13 occurs more than any other 13 (Saturday 13, Sunday 13 etc).

Boy this is fun. Decided to look up "break a leg". Us Dutchies say toi toi toi.

polydigm - 16-1-2012 at 09:05

And, black cat friday?

BBP - 16-1-2012 at 09:17

Well it's a bit of a Donald Duck thing with me; almost every time there's a Friday 13th there is a bad luck issue of our Donald Duck magazine, usually with lots of black cats and ladders and stuff.
(checks Wiki)
Black cats are considered to bring good luck in UK and Ireland. And Japan.
In Celtic mythology a fairy known as Cat Sith takes the form of a black cat.

Where the European black cat fear comes from is not known but it seems much older than Friday 13; in the Middle Ages black cats were wiped out and burnt at the stake, causing rat plagues and pestilence.

Black Cat Awareness Day is August 17th. Black cats and brown cats have a very low adoption rate.

polydigm - 17-1-2012 at 14:47

So, you're saying it's not a Dutch thing, it's just a Bonny thing?

BBP - 17-1-2012 at 22:19

It is. :bald:

Dad's come down with gastric distress. Poor guy. Get well soon dad!

polydigm - 17-1-2012 at 22:37

Gastric problems, no fun, hope you get well soon DED.

BBP - 19-1-2012 at 13:04

Looking like there's more and more voices against SOPA. Methinks strike works.

polydigm - 20-1-2012 at 06:39

Goddamn Americans. Notice I'm talking about capital A Americans. There are many americans I don't have an issue with. Same thing applies to capital A Australians, although as a percentage of the total population I think think the capital A phenomenon is higher per capita in the US than it is in OZ. Which is a much bigger worry in terms of sheer numbers. In America (referring to the country, the capital A is just correct English, I can't help it) that's more than 200 million people I would have difficulty trusting with anything whereas in Australia its about 10 million people.

Capital A Americans, keep your goddamn hands off the internet!! It's a modern Global phenomenon and it doesn't belong to you.

DED - 20-1-2012 at 12:02

o, we can have an internet without USA.

polydigm - 21-1-2012 at 09:22

Totally agreed, but it's worth considering in what ways they might be able to hamper matters. Type in "Who's in charge of the Internet?" in Google. Brings up some interesting food for thought which I need to look into further. I can imagine there is a certain type of right wing evangelist American that can't sleep at night because of the global nature of the internet and their personal lack of power over it.

punknaynowned - 21-1-2012 at 14:18

:singer:yeah, you've heard of stuxnet and russian and chinese hackers. The puddle of piddle that used to be little is rising around them. xenophobes have a warped world view that's fer sure and as soon as they can voice a fear, nowadays they feel they have the obligation to tell the whole world and *project* that fear as an accusation onto whoever is their hated enemy this week. Namely muslims, liberals, socialists.
Top ten clues that show your 'conservative' 'friend' is an american xenophobe

a) there are always enemies that want to do away with all that is 'good'
b) 'they''re always out to get them
c) the worst case scenario is already happening and must be stopped yesterday
d) nothing will stand in their way until they can exert their brand of 'righteousness' on anything that stands in their way (repeat)
e) small problems, like a pimple need to be excised with the biggest heaviest weapon that will strike fear into any that might think a pimple is not the greatest problem to mankind - while encouraging people to eat more greasy foods
f) if 'mistakes' are made, deny them, blame the victim and then use the 'opportunity' in the spotlight to pivot and call for a new crusade on another in the list of made-up enemies
g) demand that humans have no worth other than what money and jesus gives to them
h)anything done to further the tribe's cause is given carte blanche to do whatever they want and told ''It's OK If You're A Republican"
i) deny facts or reason if it conflicts with any of the above - or if it conflicts with anything the above has twisted them into believing
j) whatever you don't like, ask the tribe experts how they feel and if they agree, go on FOX and tell everyone how the terra-ists and liberals should be cut up, dismembered and put on display for it - so they can learn their place - whether or not what you think you saw or heard is what you actually heard or saw

I live in it. It's their fear that drives their actions and increases their ignorance all along the way as they 'progress' on their scorched earth policy.

Thankfully they're only about 10% of the population. another 10-20% do what the bullies tell them. Another 20-30% do what they tell them sometimes to get them to shut up. There's a good 40-60% in the middle though who don't really care at all or have any understanding of what's going on. The presidential race is like a long ball game tournament to them that most people will tune into for a month or two. They pick their sides, cheer and then go home.

Nearly 200 years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville said that the american experiment had a good chance of succeeding if people could keep their faith, improve on education and make the vote available to all. From this vantage in time, faith has fallen to all but the most virulently despotic, and education as a national project has almost been completely gutted, by money. That's where we were, in my estimation, before the Iraq invasion, before the loss of the credit mills and the economic collapse.
So yeah, we've fallen down hill and keep tumbling. More and more people are acting like they'd rather have a king. Gingrich has always acted like he'd be the man for that job. Another nightmare scenario that the right wing nuts seem to ready to embrace.

Hold on folks, the year of the dragon looks to be a mighty bumpy ride.:puzzled:

polydigm - 21-1-2012 at 15:02

I'm sure I had a razor blade lying around here somewhere ... ( I'm joking ... I think ... )

Anyway, how's it been Mr Punky? I'm studying my arse off.

punknaynowned - 21-1-2012 at 15:25

I'm fine. Paid rent and much of my bills. Only three weeks late.
Next month, next due date is in ten days.
I have food and heat and water and electric.
I almost have enough work to make it by. Almost - so long as I can be late.
I don't like it and would rather spend my time working but so much of the time is spent negotiating for the next job, running around for supplies and preparation and then waiting for payment. That's why I'm late - waiting to get paid.
But I'm okay.

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and are back in the swing of things.:bouncy:

BBP - 21-1-2012 at 17:07

Been doing some embroidery lately...

I feel like a total fruit.

[Edited on 21-1-12 by BBP]

polydigm - 22-1-2012 at 01:03

Now there's a change of pace. Is that a book mark?

BBP - 22-1-2012 at 22:49

It is!

polydigm - 23-1-2012 at 03:16

Nice work. There are about a dozen maths books that I'm studying at the moment. I've got bookmarks all over the place.

punknaynowned - 23-1-2012 at 11:43

today I watched the new Downton Abbey episode up on pbsdotorg, a period piece set in a Yorkshire castle before and during WWI. Charming. Impeccable taste. I don't think I saw a single thing explode.

MTF - 24-1-2012 at 09:49

My daughter just returned to college after her Winter break. Her roommate informed her that her boyfriend - the son of a very famous Hollywood actor - proposed to her and presented her with a quarter-of-a-million dollar diamond engagement ring. She turned it down.

Good girl...

BBP - 24-1-2012 at 11:45

Goodness. Now I'm curious!

MTF - 25-1-2012 at 01:26

Here's the guy in question, along with his father and his stepmother.

Shhh, no names please...

BBP - 25-1-2012 at 10:26

Yes, I'd turn that down.

MTF - 26-1-2012 at 05:22

I can't blame you: his real name's Willard...

polydigm - 28-1-2012 at 01:26

Just got myself a Roland Cube 40 practice amp. I can now play anywhere in the house, whereas my 100W Fender was impossible, you only have to breathe on the volume knob to cause a riot.

BBP - 28-1-2012 at 23:26

Sister came over for the first time in almost twom months. She spent the day asleep on the couch.

Now we're having nuts. These are special: they have sateh flavour.
Sateh tastes like peanuts. So basically we have peanut-flavoured peanuts.

polydigm - 29-1-2012 at 03:26

Pushing the boat out. :D

In english we spell it satay. Basically a crushed peanut sauce (like crunchy peanut paste not smooth) with cumin, coriander and a hint of chilli or some similar type of flavour mix. I love it.

aquagoat - 29-1-2012 at 08:56

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Pushing the boat out. :D

In english we spell it satay. Basically a crushed peanut sauce (like crunchy peanut paste not smooth) with cumin, coriander and a hint of chilli or some similar type of flavour mix. I love it.
that sounds quite good, i'll have to taste that one day.

DED - 29-1-2012 at 11:08

You are too late for our tiger nuts :lol:

BBP - 30-1-2012 at 16:33

Been outside today. It's COLD!

punknaynowned - 30-1-2012 at 22:42

FYI, there's a lot of *pre*-historic evidence showing matriarchies were dominant or that women held greater degrees of power in tribal societies. But that's archaeological evidence. Think Venus de Milo, even stonehenge ...
but african and south american and asian cultures even today have strong females as leaders and having specific leadership roles.
There are traces of such dominance in ancient egypt, phoenicia and up to today as jews trace their genealogy thru the mother. You're not considered biologically jewish unless your mom and her mom were jewish/ Converts are not counted as biological, just converts. If your dad's jewish and mother some other ancestry, you're not born a jew though you can convert.

You're right bonny, greek and roman women were very much like slaves but so were the majority of people in their society, regardless of any rights they would eventually be allowed. Sparta had a different attitude but 2/3 of their population were kept as slaves - helots, the workforce, the army had no rights except in the hierarchy. There are a couple examples in the greek history of strong women but they were courtesans/artists and as such very much or very likely 'kept women'.

Of course, you know there is much speculation as to the Lilith character in the early part of genesis in the bible and what she may have represented ... and why she was supplanted. But it was a decided move into strict patriarchy and the story we have is all there is left.
Another example that feeds the speculation that previous to the story *being written down* there may have been more tolerance in matri-centric attitudes in prehistoric jewish culture.

The truth is that only in the last couple centuries have women been allowed and taken the opportunity to get education and tirelessly work their way into the male dominated world.
I say power to them. When women have more input into solving the problems of the world, we all benefit. Excluding them from the discussion is stupid and discounts half the population. When women can claim the power of their voice without the males shutting her down or trying to, the whole world benefits. Current case in point, Myanmar. Another, women in africa running org's that distribute mosquito netting, or teach reproductive education, or reading. The benefits are incalculable.
But also, there is a big cautionary tale here. Margaret Thatcher, Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice, Christiane Legard are all strong females with a huge track record. BUT, they had to take on the attitudes, modes of expression and tactics of their male counterparts to succeed. Their example, as a result, seems to show that women have to limit their feminine side and push masculine traits in order to make it. But as women move in and take over in the ways they do, men will gradually be more and more responsive and accepting. It'll just take a long time.

polydigm - 31-1-2012 at 00:50

Like I said on the other forum, the differences are over played. I'd be quite happy living in a world where women were totally equal and no-one gave it another thought. In Plook's case, maybe it is genetic, but not in the way he thinks.

BBP - 2-2-2012 at 10:57

Nah, education. No genes.
Went over to the giveaway store, when I had walked there they had a sign on the door: "closed due to cold". They have no gas or electricity, the only power they have comes from solar panels. It's used for one small heater they have that's not making a lot of difference. So I understand it. But I wish I'd known.

BBP - 3-2-2012 at 19:45

Had heavy snowfall today, lasted at least 4 hours. Swept the pavement and attempted to build a snowman, but the snow is too powdered.

polydigm - 4-2-2012 at 04:15

Lovely weather here, not too hot. Played squash today for the first time since my surgery and it went well.

aquagoat - 4-2-2012 at 09:11

It snowed a bit tonight, will perhaps snow again today and tomorrow, we'll see.

BBP - 4-2-2012 at 11:08

We had the coldest night in 24 years. -22.9 C.

punknaynowned - 4-2-2012 at 13:24

rain all day yesterday but quit by sunset.
cooler today, we might reach 8C

BBP - 5-2-2012 at 15:42

Still cold. We now officially have a cold wave, the first one since 1997. The frost is on this pumpkin.

[Edited on 5-2-12 by BBP]

polydigm - 6-2-2012 at 03:09

We're in the middle of a cool, wet change here. La Nina is still in force. I don't mind it at all, I'm not a summer junky. Our air conditioner died towards the end of 2010 and we haven't replaced it yet. Last summer (Xmas down here) was also a La Nina year (all that flooding in Queensland and ridiculously expensive bananas) plus we spent five weeks in Europe in the middle of it, mostly at around 0° C, so over all, we got by fairly easily without a cooler. We've had a few days this summer that were a bit tough, but again, mostly got by without a cooler. I guess we'll finally give in, but at least our budget hasn't been too taxed in the mean time.

BBP - 6-2-2012 at 19:44

Had an e-mail from Unica why he's not on the Z-forum anymore. :umm: I don't think he's coming back.

Calvin - 6-2-2012 at 22:27

I'm sure that upsets some people.

polydigm - 7-2-2012 at 00:58

Ask him to sign up here. I don't get why he couldn't at least say why. I appreciated his efforts at and it upsets me somewhat that he couldn't say why.

BBP - 7-2-2012 at 22:24

I invited him today.
Thing is, I get along great with almost anybody who doesn't give me any reason to hate them. It's weird if people you have respect for are having a feud in your face, like Spacebro and Baddy, but it's even odder if you have it behind your back and are confronted with it all of a sudden. Fortunately there's no-one at war of the few regulars we have here.

polydigm - 8-2-2012 at 05:24

Unica is Paul Berkholst, right? He's removed himself from Dweezil Zappa World as well.

BBP - 8-2-2012 at 11:14

:( Goodness... whatever it is, it got him hard.

DED - 8-2-2012 at 18:03

I'm almost shure that BBP does'nt like this one
My Bonny is pissed

Calvin - 8-2-2012 at 18:24

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
I'm almost shure that BBP does'nt like this one
My Bonny is pissed

For something that supposed to be playfully idiotic, it's actually really idiotic.

BBP - 8-2-2012 at 18:38

Welcome to carnaval Cal.

polydigm - 9-2-2012 at 00:53


Oh my god, what the hell was that?

MTF - 9-2-2012 at 08:29

Man, Holland's got some seriously ugly people. It's almost as bad as the U.S...

BBP - 9-2-2012 at 10:51

Thank you for your comiserations. Bonny is indeed a name to sing and taunt with, and I have been tempted to change it for that reason.

Calvin - 9-2-2012 at 23:15

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Welcome to carnaval Cal.

Why thank you, it's a real that good or bad?

BBP - 10-2-2012 at 09:43

Depends. I think carnaval is a lot of fun. For my father it probably has a bit of a bad aftertaste.

punknaynowned - 10-2-2012 at 10:54

Hope everyone has a happy Carnaval!
I dug up 1984 10 13 Padua, Italy Frank Zappa show
and that Outside Now is really great. Ike sings his little heart out.
I', also using ubuntu and feeling a whole lot better about computer experience

BBP - 10-2-2012 at 17:11

Hey Punky, always great to see you!

BBP - 10-2-2012 at 20:14

Oh, here's some more local "glory":

polydigm - 11-2-2012 at 07:52

Maybe next time, I dare not watch it right now.

punknaynowned - 11-2-2012 at 15:59

thanks Bonny!
I always feel welcome
and I often come by here.
I just don't have much to say

listened to 1984 10 12 Viareggio show. Great sound on that but the show overall not quite as splendid as the one on 1984 10 13.
1984 10 13 Padua has a surprise 'Sleep Dirt' done on electric guitar toward the end of the 'Let's Move to Cleveland' solo, raw and dirty blended with some Filthy Habits-type leanings.
Also listened to Ascolta 2008 11 29 show in the UK. this one:
then I started to listen to
1984 10 10 Bologna show which sounds pretty good too.

over here,
since there is forward motion on the housing crisis/foreclosure mess (though far from complete it's just starting)
and the Greek bailout will likely happen one way or another (far from over, I know, one step forward, two steps back)
the rightwing here has decided that Obama is to blame for contraception coverage that came into place when Bush was president.
So, more phony uproar because so many don't pay attention to the news.
I won't go on here at all.
It's just what I'm seeing.

It's sad that unica won't come back. He always seemed a nice guy. I'm still grateful that he shared all his stuff.

And I've sworn off the zforum.
If you look how long lumpy gravy is
that's how many posts I have. Silly, but it seems fitting to me.

punknaynowned - 11-2-2012 at 16:11

oh yeah, it's nice to see that Jakeobs did those interviews with Scott Parker and the idiotbastard,
supporting the Zappacast which is worth listening to, imo.
Episode 3 is my favorite as Scott talks to Greg Russo about the Paul Buff recordings.
Sometimes Greg talks too much but they include a number of surprising things.
Extended versions of Why Don't Ya Do Me Right? (about 48 minutes in) and in particular an instrumental labeled 'waltz' (about 54 minutes in).
Russo thinks it's very different than what Frank did later but I think it reveals a lot, being so early, of directions he would take later. Like Uncle Meat
the link

[Edited on 11-2-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 11-2-2012 at 16:14

You're just scared to watch it, aren't you Poly? :devil:

Yeah I really feel like it's up to me now, I really need to finish that FZ drawing I was working on some years back.

Calvin - 12-2-2012 at 00:56

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh, here's some more local "glory":


BBP - 12-2-2012 at 11:36

The lyrics of the chorus go
"when we take a rollercoaster ride
it shouldn't stall"
and further continues with god-awful amateuristic rhyming. It continuously gets spoofed in the comments, like the top rated comment:
"when we take a rollercoaster ride
there needs to be a crane".

DED - 12-2-2012 at 14:41

This one does not need a translation

BBP - 12-2-2012 at 16:39

Or this one.

polydigm - 12-2-2012 at 23:06

I dared watch that video this time ... OMG ... how is that entertainment? I was going to suggest that the reason comments had been disabled on the one DED just posted was that they might be getting death threats from Islamic Fundamentalists, but why would they be disabled on that last one Bonny posted? And, the concept of a young woman wearing a costume with fake breasts, that still aren't actually being shown, is ... bizarre.

Anyway, there go several minutes of my life I'll never get back. :freak:

Calvin - 13-2-2012 at 01:03

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Or this one.

Sukkel! Verliezer!

DED - 13-2-2012 at 08:43

You're right about the fact that Johan is receiving threats, but in the case of Johan that is more or less usual. He was also threated for a song about Polish workers.

DED - 13-2-2012 at 08:51

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Or this one.

Sukkel! Verliezer!

The first one is translated correctly. But verliezer is not the word in Holland. We use "looser". And a looser he is. But that is a long story. He costed his city Tilburg millions. He became known in Holland as sidekick in a TV program. Then he wanted to start his own theatre in Tilburg. With money from the city. But his plans were not convincing. The theatre was closed before opening. Leaving the city with a great loss.

BBP - 13-2-2012 at 11:27

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I dared watch that video this time ... OMG ... how is that entertainment? I was going to suggest that the reason comments had been disabled on the one DED just posted was that they might be getting death threats from Islamic Fundamentalists, but why would they be disabled on that last one Bonny posted? And, the concept of a young woman wearing a costume with fake breasts, that still aren't actually being shown, is ... bizarre.

Anyway, there go several minutes of my life I'll never get back. :freak:

I tend to switch off commentary just because there's a huge amount of infantile people making nasty comments on it. "Adje" is, or was, pretty big he was a character from a very popular TV show. The tune he sings is from that enormous fantastic Dutch theme park Efteling. It's a big budget thing even though you wouldn't guess it from the quality, and it's definitely bigger than its quality. So in Adje's case there would be a lot of people making horrible comments, on something that's supposed to be kid-friendly.

BBP - 13-2-2012 at 11:29

Dad, it's "loser". "Looser" means "more loose".

punknaynowned - 13-2-2012 at 13:42

I'm on chromium a version of chrome for ubuntu
listened yesterday to
1984 10 08 Milan
today it's
1984 10 14,15,16 stint in Roma

DED - 13-2-2012 at 14:38

I knoow

but soometimes it happpens to me

polydigm - 14-2-2012 at 00:16

Soomtimes, things get so lose around here I end up completely loosing my perspective.

:devil: :D

punknaynowned - 14-2-2012 at 09:38

1984 10 14 Rome show has three direct quotes of 'Sleep Dirt'!
1) in King Kong in the guitar solo
2) in Let's Move To Cleveland, he uses it to rev himself up for the big tortured guitar end-of-the-solo
3) in the Illinois Enema Bandit, in the solo, but just a line or two

BBP - 14-2-2012 at 20:40

Neat spots Punky!
Went to town today, notably to buy a book about the sorely missed theatre 't Speelhuis.

MTF - 15-2-2012 at 06:29

Nothing much happened today, but tomorrow my wife and I are going to see Zappa Plays Zappa.

They're playing at the Rio Theatre here in Santa Cruz. It's about a five-minute walk from our house.

This will be the third time ZPZ has played there. As you might expect, we're rather proud of that...

BBP - 15-2-2012 at 12:26

I can imagine that! In retrospect I could've begged ZPZ to play 't Speelhuis... :( Man I miss that place.
Still haven't heard from Unica.

polydigm - 16-2-2012 at 03:16

MTF, ZPZ are playing a cool set at the moment, too. I'm jealous. They're not coming to Adelaide when they visit OZ this time.

MTF - 16-2-2012 at 07:43

Just got home from ZPZ; and boy, are my arms tired...

They had Scott Thunes on bass. I don't know what happened to Pete Griffin. Maybe Stewie got him...

Good show, as always. Scheila did a killer sax solo during "Eat That Question."

At the end of the encore they played "Whipping Post." That was when we left...

BBP - 16-2-2012 at 08:16

Pete quit the band and they have a replacement lined up so he won't be back. :(
How was Scott Thunes?

punknaynowned - 16-2-2012 at 15:34

I picked up the Tucson zpz show w/ Scott on dimeadozen.
Haven't listened to it yet.
Instead I shifted gears and started to listen to the early 'B' grade or better rated '77 shows I haven't heard.
Yesterday it was
1977 01 26 Munchen and today it is
1977 01 27 Dusseldorf
exact same setlists, except 26jan has I'm the Slime and 27jan has a long City of Tiny Lights.
tomorrow, you guessed it,
1977 01 28 Brussels

all is well here
sun hits the front of this little house with the ground all frosted over under a dappled light blue sky

BBP - 16-2-2012 at 20:18

Went to De Efteling. Dad stayed home sick. Pictures are coming.

polydigm - 16-2-2012 at 23:05

I'm officially enrolled at uni as a student now and the fee hassle has finally been sorted out. Next week I find out how much work I'll be getting and sign up as a casual employee, so it's all coming together, gradually. I'm enjoying and getting right back into my study of maths. I've been doing a little work on a couple of new music compositions as well and tinkering around on the piano. When I'm not working on something, which is nearly all the time I'm awake, I still watch a tiny little bit of TV and last night I read a little more out of Zappa the Hard Way, which is turning out to be an interesting read. Also, of course, I'm still finding time for forum stuff.

[Edited on 16-2-12 by polydigm]

MTF - 17-2-2012 at 11:25

A funny thing happened at the ZPZ show. I didn't mention it last night, because it hadn't really sunk in yet.

A friend of mine is the assistant manager of the theater. Part of his job is to escort the performers from the green room to the stage.

I hate sitting down for longer than necessary, so before the show I was out in the lobby, talking with my friend. Then the manager gave him the nod. He went off to the green room to get the band, and I went to the bathroom.

When I got back, I figured they'd be backstage, so I was sort of hurrying to get back to my seat. Then I looked up to find myself face-to-face with Joe Travers. I did a double-take and mumbled "Hey Joe." He gave me the silent, this-happens-all-the-time laugh and said "Hey."

I would have loved to talk with him for an hour or three, but this was definitely not the time. So I just kept walking. I looked around, and I noticed I was surrounded by the entire band. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Most of them were just standing there fidgeting, and looking at the ground. But I could feel the energy. They were like a bunch of racehorses lined up at the gate. They had waited all day for this, and they were ready to go.

I felt like I was invading their space, so I turned to walk toward the theater door. I heard Dweezil say "Let's all follow this gentleman," to which I replied "Don't follow me: I'm lost too."

I held the door open, and they all filed past me into the theater. Although it was dark, a few people realized what was happening and started clapping. As my friend led the band down the stage-right aisle, the applause slowly built to a crescendo. Then they got to the stage, Dweezil said hello, and Travers kicked them into "Sexual Harassment In The Workplace."

I thought that was pretty cool...

polydigm - 17-2-2012 at 22:47

Sounds cool to me MTF, something to remember the night by for sure. What was the volume of the concert like?

punknaynowned - 18-2-2012 at 03:31

Haha MTF!
aren't those little in-between moments great?
I'll probably get to hear the Tucson show later on tonight

by the way that 1977 01 28 Brussels show of zappa was recorded very well and the sound on playback leaves little to be desired except maybe a hotter set of vocal mics and a bit crisper on the bass which gets a bit rumbly
but the sound is if you were there in the first few rows. You get to hear what they played rather than how it sounded in that hall or with that crowd etc. Little interference of the shape of the hall or noise of the audience. Remarkable sound! Makes the variations in arrangement stand out pleasingly. Like in Pound For A Brown.

BBP - 18-2-2012 at 10:32

Wow MTF, that's really awesome!
Hope the study finds you well, Poly! It sounds great anyway.

polydigm - 19-2-2012 at 23:39

I'm definitely a happier bunny lately than I have been for a long time. My illness in the middle of 2010 brought it all to a head and I've been figuring out what to do with my life ever since. I tried starting honours back in 1989 but I was way too distracted. I'm very focussed this time around and have my priorities sorted out, so it's all steam ahead.

BBP - 20-2-2012 at 20:38

Go Poly!

polydigm - 21-2-2012 at 23:02

Thanks for the cheers, Bonny. My current level of ebullience is not going down well with everyone I come across.

BBP - 23-2-2012 at 13:04

You can be really proud of yourself. DED knows it's not easy to start college again late in life.

[Edited on 24-2-12 by BBP]

polydigm - 24-2-2012 at 14:58

My first lectures start next week and then I have a couple hours work a week consulting first years starting the week after next.

BTW, does my avatar show here okay and has anyone ever noticed any problems with my pics in the 1000 thread?

punknaynowned - 24-2-2012 at 15:19

the avatar is fine and the pics in the other appear regularly, that I've noticed.
I listened to 1977 09 17 Baton Rouge FZ show. and a 40 min rehearsal tape
1978 08 XX where they did a bit of Flakes and rehearsed the don't eat the yellow snow suite of songs, which is always good to hear Ike sing those songs. Frank explains about the sausage patty and St Alphonzo.

polydigm - 25-2-2012 at 02:56

I have a web host that I'm beginning not to trust. Something funny happens with my links every now and then. I don't want to get technical, but I use an ftp mirror to update my website which basically only bothers with files when they've changed, which is very convenient and it used to work really well. Lately, though, it seems as though files are some how changing when I'm not actually doing anything to them which makes me wonder what my host is doing with my files.

BBP - 26-2-2012 at 14:20

Wrist continues to hurt. It feels cold. I'm limiting my online time to stuff that doesn't require intensie mouse work.

polydigm - 27-2-2012 at 12:35

What happened to your wrist?

punknaynowned - 27-2-2012 at 16:21 The Search Engine is fantastic!
I've already looked up shiina ringo, dubai hotels and airline tickets to mumbai!
now what?
today I listened to 1982 05 17 Paris - a show 128 minutes shows some rare panache like Packard Goose and Watermelon and Sofa an embarrassment of riches. King Kong and Sharleena are great on that date too.

tuesday I listen to random stuff

[Edited on 28-2-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 28-2-2012 at 11:19

It is isn't it? I've noticed how horrible Google has become with that filter thing when I was looking for scenes from Howl's Moving Castle, and all I got was kids playing the theme music.

My entire arm's been too overstressed. Yesterday I gave myself a slow day with no drawing, no keyboard, no knitting and no PC at all. It didn't help much. So today I'm just limiting use, as in: no more Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 4, which is too much fun and probably the culprit.
It's an odd sensation. It doesn't really hurt, it sort of... feels colder.

On my slow day I went to the second-hand store in Geldrop again. Not long before I was there, my chain fell off. After putting it back on and having it fall off immediately afterwards, I found there was too much play in the crankshaft.
There's a very good chance that I'll be needing a new bicycle.

I've had this one for nearly four years, which is great considering the age of the thing and the price we bought it for. My new bike, which I got when I was 11, lasted for three years when its sprockets became so worn down it was practically unusable. My chain would drop off three times on the 5km trip to school; I became an expert at replacing it without having to get off. What makes it real bad, though, is my dad's bike is also in disrepair; and we still don't have a car.

DED - 28-2-2012 at 18:10

Bonny came home with a new secondhand bike today. Actually it is the first one she buy herself on her own.
A remarkable milestone.
When arriving home I did my first repair on it ,the frontwheel was loose. I only had to tighten the nut and there is no fraction or whatsoever on the frame. Nice one BBP.
My bike has an bigger problem with the sturmey archer speed control. Something is wrong inside, so I think I need a new wheel at least.

MTF - 29-2-2012 at 04:46

Our power company - P. G. & E. - is replacing a power pole on our street tomorrow. As a result, we'll be without power, internet and cable for about seven hours. I'll be down to just my cell phone.

The horror, the horror...

polydigm - 29-2-2012 at 08:55

There's a coincidence, we had the power out for about 6 hours for a similar reason last Tuesday. The irony is that there is no legal way to take advantage of our solar panels while they have the electricity disconnected.

BBP - 29-2-2012 at 17:36

Aw that's CRUEL!

My arm feels better, provided I don't use it for typing.
Went to the giveaway shop and got some fleshy-tint fabric to make plushees with.

MTF - 1-3-2012 at 09:51

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
The irony is that there is no legal way to take advantage of our solar panels while they have the electricity disconnected.

Same here. When grid power is off, our inverter shuts off as well. The last thing the power company wants is some doofus like me pumping electrons into the grid when they have a guy in a cherry picker, trying to troubleshoot the lines.

BBP - 2-3-2012 at 12:11

Ah that makes sense.
Hope my arm will be doing better today.

KAPTKIRK - 4-3-2012 at 22:20

I logged on to The Goose wth no problemo! Fantastic! I also hosted a local Sat. night cable show with a new band called Box Of Screws.The lead guitarist is a friend and asked me to help "meet the band" inbetween sets.It was fun stuff! I had to wait for someone to introduce me! Then she said welcome Major Kirk a local improvisational actor and comedian.So all at once I got promoted and had to be funny too! The latter was easy but the former.Well,I only used Kapt.Kirk so I wouldn't be called Curt,Kirt,Kurk,and Cirt,so I don't know how to deal with this "on air" promotion! I guess I'll just accept it,just don't call me Major Tom! You know your old or talking to a real social misfit when they say who's Capt.Kirk and Startrek was a television program? Kaptian Kirk,Rock Interveiwer. :guitar::drums::guitar2::singer:
Hope your arm is better Bonny.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

punknaynowned - 5-3-2012 at 00:31

so right there's this aussie chick who's made youtube videos basically since she was a kid, all through uni and now after 280+ clips ... not so much.
she got a gig and did a world trip with lonely planet and after that pretty much quit talking to her youtube clan.
But she's funny. Funny in a way that points out our silliness by, get this, 'doing the stupid thing first' and thereby encouraging the shy people to follow. But this 'conversation' with the people who watch these things is of course hackneyed and messed up a lot of the time. A 'two-way' that doesn't quite go back and forth. More hilarity ensues. So, she's been away for awhile and people forget but she put a clip up the other day:
somebody said,

"there once was a natalie from austrailia
who spoke through communitychannelia
she made her subs waite
long past the promised date
and when she returned it was

funny girl.
Also listened to
1967 09 30 Stockholm
1967 12 03 Ann Arbor, MI
1968 04 28 Detroit, MI
1968 05 03 Denver, CO today
all about four hours and some of my favorite early mothers: gives a good view of what they were doing and even the kind of influence they would have. Fun.

BBP - 5-3-2012 at 11:01

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
I logged on to The Goose wth no problemo! Fantastic! I also hosted a local Sat. night cable show with a new band called Box Of Screws.The lead guitarist is a friend and asked me to help "meet the band" inbetween sets.It was fun stuff! I had to wait for someone to introduce me! Then she said welcome Major Kirk a local improvisational actor and comedian.So all at once I got promoted and had to be funny too! The latter was easy but the former.Well,I only used Kapt.Kirk so I wouldn't be called Curt,Kirt,Kurk,and Cirt,so I don't know how to deal with this "on air" promotion! I guess I'll just accept it,just don't call me Major Tom! You know your old or talking to a real social misfit when they say who's Capt.Kirk and Startrek was a television program? Kaptian Kirk,Rock Interveiwer. :guitar::drums::guitar2::singer:
Hope your arm is better Bonny.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

Welcome Kirk!

Wait wait... see that edited on date? You started time travelling or something? Or do we still need serious tinkering?

BBP - 7-3-2012 at 11:19

Monday: 2nd hand shop day. It's the week when I travel to the one that's further away, but that also has a nice cheap supermarket. I want to use my father's bicycle, but he decides against it since it had gear problems. Reason why I want to use his, is my bicycle that I bought last week has a flat rear tire, and I won't be sure I can travel back with enough air in it.
I go, get shaken a lot halfway on a clinker road, visit the shop, buy a book, want to go to the supermarket... Tire is too flat to ride. I end up walking back the full 8 km. It starts to rain.:swear:

Tuesday: I decide to go to that supermarket (and other nearby shops). I tighten the nut on my father's saddle and go.
Had a wee bit of problem with the gears, and since the chain guard broke off my trousers get caught in it twice. As I get close to the supermarket, the cycling takes a lot more force.
Cause is found quickly: the tire hasn't been screwed into position well enough, moved sideways and is rubbing against the frame. I manage to push it back into place, but the popping back gets worse, and after my visit to the supermarket I end up walking about 2/3 of the way back. :swear:

Today: give-away store. Normally I walk that. Shall I do that today? Hmmm.

MTF - 8-3-2012 at 06:11

Gail's going after YouTube videos now.

Dr. Dot and Andre and most of the Zappateers are pissed...

BBP - 11-3-2012 at 11:59

Me too. Thing is she doesn't have a leg to stand on, covers qualify as fair use, and by disputing deletion ZFT will have no leg to stand on.

Dad's been having serious PC issues. We lost everything on his Vista. Again.

punknaynowned - 12-3-2012 at 16:48

took me a week but finally finished listening to
1975 10 23 Boston, MA which is an excellent sounds-like-you-are-there recording, but Frank seems to be having an off night. He's just fooling around wit the guitar like it's out of tune or the pedal gizmos won't work. Or something. One of the best Any Downers versions I've ever heard. Because it's long and dramatic and Frank and Napoleon are making fun by acting like the slurred speech and dull attitudes of the stumblers, on downers. Funny.
We got a new late'81 show last week, So today put on that and cued up the next reportedly good sounding tape we have in that run to compare,
1981 11 03 L Philly, PA 87 minutes
1981 11 06 Hartford, CT 115 minutes

things are fine here. Ron Paul is a kind of nut. That pictuure in Lawrence, KS, at the zforum , that very hall I've been in many times. Holds 2000 people. Saw Ralph Nader there, he filled it in 2000. :lol:

the structure of zappateers is fluid and decentralized. She can't touch it.
But it's a good time to be IT lawyers.

BBP - 13-3-2012 at 12:24

Lifeliner helicopter landed on nearby grass patch. Excitement galore. Lots of people walking their dogs all of a sudden.

Will be going to the dentist in two hours. Oh dear.

punknaynowned - 14-3-2012 at 18:31

1981 11 03 L Philly, PA 87 minutes; short show, has a few decent solos, Black Napkins, Easy Meat; but the ending 10+ minute Black Page is the single stellar performance/improv here
1981 11 06 Hartford, CT 115 minute: overall very good show but the recording needs a lot of bass and the treble cut way back; the highlights are more frequent on this noght: Zoot Allures, Pound For a Brown, Sinister Footwear, Stecie's Spanking, Drowning Witch are all structured and out there and great. whew!

last night listened to 1980 04 03 Stanford, CA; it sounds like the '80's full of that mid-rangey keyboard sound and you have to turn the bass DOWN on this one as it sounds like the mic could only handle mid to upper ranges, so the bass clips and overpowers if you don't turn it down. Often a trick to tune the sound in so the playback sounds close to 'dry' or 'real'. This one you can get it to sound decent and is a 141 minute show... Frank sounds happy to be touring again and this is near the beginning of the YAWYI tour where they played the whole record, almost. And then some.

today I listen to
1974 11 27 St Paul, a 134 minute soundboard recording. Lots of clear rich tones. Much of the drums are buried in the abundance of other instruments in the mix... a pleasure to listen to though. They're so good, Village of the Sun sounds like a cartoon.. There's a 31:37 track labeled 'improvisations' that I'll try to breakdown:
- 01:15 Frank's intro to George Duke improv
01:15 - 02:40: George Duke improv
02:40 - 04:05: George and Frank talk amidst keyboard, about Frank who is very particular
04:05 - 05:50: Frank on injecting heperin into Pres Nixon w keybd vamp
05:50 - 7:00: George on Marty's dog and solo
07:01 - 09:00: full band improv, Nappy singing with Duke back-and-forth, about a dog, ending with two other singers (Birdlegs Youman?) again back and forth with, 'come here fido' and 'smell my beard'
09:00 - 09:40: at first band is quieter and strains of the theme to star trek are heard, then Frank starts a story
09:40 - 11:00: Frank tells a story about a dog in Memphis, TN with the star trek theme by Duke
11:00 - 13:00 music veers off into abstract, polyrythms set things going not far from the grateful dead, Frank takes a bar or three to solo
13:00 - 17:05: Napoleon takes a long sax solo; 14:00 - he adds echo to it, 15:20 takes it off the echo but plays with a pedal? 16:40 then back to the echo
17:05 - 19:40: Chester Thompson drumsolo, 18:24 trades licks with Ruth
19:40 - 24:20: Frank starts a soft guitar solo with a soft vamp band, 21:30 Frank gets louder, 22:30 frank races with the drummer some, 23:35 Frank's in bright-note land
24:20 - 28:15: full band joins in til it sounds like something possibly related to Montana.
28:15 - 29:40 Frank interrupts, "Oh, anyway, Ruth Underwood on percussion-..." and tells the names of the bandmembers in the rest of the band, as they jam out to what sounds more like San Ber'dino.
29:40 - 30:05: audience
30:05 - 30:35: Frank plugs in, thanks the audience and says, "The name of this song is 'Oh No, I Don't Believe It'. 30:55 introduces 'Birdlegs' Youman. Then, "So with that introduction, you better not make any mistakes in this one"
I hope to be better tomorrow

[Edited on 15-3-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 14-3-2012 at 19:54

Installed GIMP and am trying to get the hang of it.

BBP - 16-3-2012 at 16:20

Had some malware, managed to delete it manually.

punknaynowned - 18-3-2012 at 20:40

yesterday I met somebody, by chance, at a st patty's day party with dear friends. An Afghanistan war vet who has had to ask more questions and had more reasons shown to him than he cares to remember about why war is just wrong. He's been on tv shows, on FOX that he said he'd never go back to, spent time with journalists, the best really. Still he's frustrated how the truth hasn't got out to most people.
Smedley Butler said a long time ago, 'War is a racket.'

I still can't log onto the chat over at zappateers and haven't figured out the best way to tell them. I'm sure haven't found the right java synchron or whatever. But joining in spirit here in the sympathetic part of kansas, I'm listening to the wonderful sounding tape recorded from
1975 10 24 Providence, Rhode Island, incl a number of great versions: Black Napkins, Chunga's Revenge, Zoot Allures and a tasty apostrophe/Duke of Prunes at the end.
RIP Andre Lewis

DED - 18-3-2012 at 22:57

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had some malware, managed to delete it manually.

I had some malware and strange scripts on my blog in wordpress. All our sites are , according to google webmastertools" clean as can be.

BBP - 18-3-2012 at 23:03

Spent over two hours on the phone with one of my best friends. He had a nasty stench in his house, and while I was on the phone with him he looked for the cause and found a mouse ate his way into his sofa, where he lived and had a nest, and it passed away a few days ago.

MTF - 19-3-2012 at 08:20

My niece found an article about a second-cousin of ours who was murdered in 1969 (he was 15). It went unsolved until last year, when one of the guys involved finally spilled the beans. Turns out he was murdered because he was flirting with someone else's girlfriend at a dance. The guys who did it were a couple years older, and are now in their sixties.

The article's about what the parents have gone through for the last 42 years. Now that their son's murder has finally been solved, they still can't let go...

BBP - 20-3-2012 at 17:21

Forum's back!

The guy who was helicoptered away last week, didn't make it unfortunately.

DED - 20-3-2012 at 17:41

Forum problem caused by host (sql server rights) fortenately they managed. Not only we had problems, that make it easier to convince them that it is NOT our problem.

punknaynowned - 21-3-2012 at 00:29

yesterday I heard 1988 05 24 Stuttgart, DE show: full versions of Dupree's Paradise, Marqueson's Chicken, Sofa, Sharleena , parts of which make it onto the live albums released from that tour and a very good sounding tape it is too ...

today it's a new one, just plopped onto the tracker last night
1976 01 28 Perth, Australia

MTF - 21-3-2012 at 04:24

Today they replaced a telephone pole on our street. Amazingly, nobody was killed...

BBP - 21-3-2012 at 09:02

Now why does that remind me of the photos my sister took of Romania? (the one with the electricity posts that look like spaghetti)

DED - 23-3-2012 at 16:59

BBP is a little sick today. I think she underestimated the first days of spring. Sunny but cold.

BBP - 23-3-2012 at 18:43

Nah, guess I caught a bug at the giveaway store or something.

MTF - 24-3-2012 at 05:30

Today's my wife's birthday. She's 50.

That's older than she's ever been...

BBP - 24-3-2012 at 08:49

And now she's even older, and now she's even older, and now she's even older...

Still down and out. Barely slept at night, slipped in and out of nightmares.
Dad bought nasal spray for me to diminish swelling of the mucus glands. Discovered the label says "best before 2010".

punknaynowned - 24-3-2012 at 10:44

Bonny, drink plenty of fluids.
You want I should make you some tea?
Pull back the shades? Let some light in, or you should sleep some more?

polydigm - 24-3-2012 at 16:00

Hello all, I've been busy. Sorry to hear you're sick Bonny. I hope it doesn't last much longer.

BBP - 25-3-2012 at 10:17

Third day of major sniffles. Am using Otrivin which stops both slime forming and swelling, but it does give me a nosebleed.

DED - 27-3-2012 at 20:53

since our server works with PHP5 things that wouldn't work a year ago, spontaneously start to work. Strange where the minimum was php4. But finally the image wall is working, with some pictures made by BBP. Check it out here.

BBP - 27-3-2012 at 21:03

Went out to the second-hand shop today. Still swelling of the mucus glands though.

polydigm - 28-3-2012 at 01:15

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
since our server works with PHP5 things that wouldn't work a year ago, spontaneously start to work. Strange where the minimum was php4. But finally the image wall is working, with some pictures made by BBP.
The image wall is really cool. My time seems to be still working properly, but we'll see after next weekend. Not only that it's bloody April Fool's Day. Plenty of things could happen with the clocks given that.

All the DVR stuff relating to free to air TV goes ridiculous when the time changes as well. I have to reset all my recordings and there's always at least one that goes wrong because the TV stations themselves never get it all right.

Glad to see you're up and about again Bonny.

BBP - 28-3-2012 at 20:42

Went to the giveaway shop today, didn't find anything but the guys there had made their own ping-pong table from an old desk (it was a bit narrow though) and home-made bats from wooden sticks, old books and a ton of sticky tape. Before I knew it I was losing badly at round-the-table pingpong. And witnessed a domestic argument which once again made me remember why I'm not married. Gah.

polydigm - 31-3-2012 at 01:03

Bonny, you'll be happy to hear that based on a tip from MTF I downloaded Green Naugahyde and now I'm a bit of a Primus fan.

BBP - 31-3-2012 at 10:53

Wow, you're on the right track!

polydigm - 1-4-2012 at 00:11

Hey MTF, you don't read my U2Us. Was it something I said?

MTF - 1-4-2012 at 06:35

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey MTF, you don't read my U2Us. Was it something I said?

No. I just don't read them. Sorry...

BBP - 1-4-2012 at 11:35

Dad and I went to Amsterdam, to watch my sister act (pun hehehe). The play was stupid, but my sister's quite the actress! Very proud of her. :)

punknaynowned - 2-4-2012 at 10:04

may the world fill with thespians!

sry 2hear abt ur 'Letter of Admonishment' from 'teh Powers that BEE'
effin ridiculous lawyers got nuthin better to do than be bigbrother.
My thoughts are left on the last post I made @the-forum-that-will-no-longer-be-named

last week I listened to
1974 11 15 Buffalo, NY : long show, too much bass, but great end-of-year Yellow Snow Suite (not too many of those)
1974 11 29 Naperville, IL: great sound short show

1980 10 12 Albuquerque, NM: yes, it is that Albuquerque New Mexico show. Great sound, 120 minutes. Flank's guitar sounds great tonight but he barely plays it. Dead Girls of London is SO intense as are many other songs: vicious! Maybe they lost the amp power or something again and again and then it comes back - but there are lots of great vocals tonight. Wonderful crazy vocal variations on You Didn't Try To Call Me: unique!

Flanks Apple, the artist formerly known as...


BBP - 2-4-2012 at 10:21

Sweetie... did you check the date on that post? It was an April Fool's joke on my part. :bald:

punknaynowned - 2-4-2012 at 12:25

OH! I should post pages and pages of Gragantua & Pantagruel on the goose for that! OH!

BBP - 2-4-2012 at 15:27

For Dad:

DED - 3-4-2012 at 12:49

It's a pity I found several items on Fronk Zoppo
Now it seems to be a joke.
What shal I buy for a present.
I don't know

BBP - 3-4-2012 at 16:19

I'm very unhappy about that joke now. Some people sent hate mail, even death threats, to Gail over it.

punknaynowned - 4-4-2012 at 08:42

ouch! that's rather extreme.

last night I listened to
1988 03 03 Chicago, IL: 120 minutes, the one with Mr Sting. Otherwise notable were Strictly Genteel and a lush + exuberant Pound For A Brown!

tonight a 90 minute
1974 10 29 Harrisburg, PA

polydigm - 5-4-2012 at 05:49

Typical, I missed it altogether.

BBP - 5-4-2012 at 08:03

That's what you get for living just a little earlier than me. :)

BBP - 6-4-2012 at 20:51

Had a nightmare and woke up because I'd bitten a nasty wound into the inside of my cheek. Ouch.

BBP - 9-4-2012 at 20:04

aquagoat - 10-4-2012 at 18:24

industrial music for real.:D

BBP - 10-4-2012 at 21:17

:bald: There'll be some Rammstein on the Tube for ya.

Ah here! This song replaced Du Hast as my favourite Primus lyric: Du bist wass du isst: you are what you eat. It's about the German cannibale.

DED - 10-4-2012 at 22:13

And the link is.

aquagoat - 11-4-2012 at 18:20

i'm not a fan of Rammstein, I like their verses but i can't stand the choruses.

BBP - 11-4-2012 at 20:39

:bald: Each to their own. They have some songs I love, some songs I hate. I got Mutter for my 18th birthday (the special edition with the magnetic clasp) and I skip about half the songs on it, if I put it on, which nowadays is rarely. I love how Kruspe rolls his R.

polydigm - 12-4-2012 at 02:35

Just passing to say hello. I'm on "holiday" and lectures start again next week. I've passed through the first hoop - so far, so good.

BBP - 12-4-2012 at 10:40

Hey Poly! How's college going?

polydigm - 13-4-2012 at 01:27

"I've passed through the first hoop - so far, so good." I realise that wasn't a very detailed comment, but it means it's going well. I got the required standard in my first test just before mid semester break and if I keep on pushing the envelope I should be okay. Doing it for real now is definitely turning out to be the right thing for me. I guess I'll never lose that deep seated dread of assessments though.

BBP - 13-4-2012 at 21:12

Great to hear it's going well! :bouncing:

Not much happening here... fell a bit unwell today.
Yesterday Dad and I finally finished the apple pie I baked last weekend. Unfortunately the recipe I used, had its flaws: for one it used too much egg. That meant it was really, really very sticky, so it was hard to fill the form with it.
Second, it used too little sugar, so it just didn't taste nice at all. My father liked it, but I thought it was gross.

polydigm - 14-4-2012 at 06:22

You'll enjoy the next one, I'm sure.

BBP - 14-4-2012 at 21:46

Went birthday shopping for my father and all I could find was fun stuff for me. Even came home with a Ponyo DVD.

BBP - 16-4-2012 at 19:32

I hope none of our US friends is having tornado trouble...

punknaynowned - 17-4-2012 at 07:20

still here!

listened to a bunch of 1970 zappa last week
1970 05 08
1970 05 15
1970 08 21: the best example of the bunch w/ a full 200 Motels/groupie routine
1970 06 18
1970 11 13L
1970 11 14 E

I don't why I do this every year but that it still makes me laugh

BBP - 17-4-2012 at 09:40

I got that with Zappadan. :)

punknaynowned - 18-4-2012 at 19:04

ha! saw the reply over at gz says; she gave you free advertising!:bouncy:
and I thought all in all she was pretty cool to you and I dunno but
'death threats' for famous people, in Hollywood, while real and a
'clear and present danger' all the time, I really doubt there was any such thing
in specific response to your april fool. Seriously, the Zappa family lived just up the road from the Manson clan
back in the day. Laurel Canyon has been full of fruity sociopaths and nutty gun freaks since at least the '50's.
Throw the internet on top of that with everybody and their sick cousin in on the twitter and the cellphone sippiku
and so on... I mean does Sylvester Stallone's or Chuck Norris' cultural descendants really think they're 'for real'?
"But you gotta be watchin' 'em..."

today I'm listening to a collection of stuff from Lumpy Money and Greasy Love Songs on random.
My landlord came by yesterday and left a note for me to mow the grass or the city would. Today I went to the store and got gas for the mower and groceries and when I got back he was there and had cut half the lawn. He stopped the mower and told me he had broken his foot and been laid up for five months and last week he got the cast off and next week he has an appt with the doctor to see if he's free to use it, "...but I didn't want to get a letter from the city or miss it and they come out - the f*ckers - and mow it and charge you for it."
All in one breath.
I held up my hand and said, "All I have to say to that is, Congratulations. You didn't have to do that," and held up the gas can. His face went long and his mouth went slack, I laughed a little and said , "I hope you getting out and getting up and around then makes you feel better." We talked at length and it seems he's been thinking about the place. If he has something to work on he must feel better, more useful.

[Edited on 18-4-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 18-4-2012 at 20:58

She's rather motherly, isn't she? :biggrin:

BBP - 20-4-2012 at 10:50

Cycled to town, in order to buy one of the "Jump" comics, with Dweezil in them. I came home with the first comic and discovered how undefined Dweezil's character is. His range is from emptyhead to sarcastic asshole to cool guy to hero to golden heart boy. It's a bit confusing.
(insert joke here)

BBP - 21-4-2012 at 19:17

Dutch government tumbles. Party time!

polydigm - 22-4-2012 at 03:40

Just having a lazy Sunday morning lie in which has just spilled into the afternoon. I'm gonna get up and get something to eat now. I hope everyone's well and happy, or at least happyish.

punknaynowned - 23-4-2012 at 14:06

listened to 1973 08 18 Copenhagen yesterday; 2 hour show, pretty good sound, great long Dupree's Paradise, a rare BrownShoes for this band and w/ JLP, Farther O'Blivion has a long Bebop Tango section with no vocals in it instead of the usual drum solo; thru half the tape the drums are a bit muddy and the overall sound is tinny even with the bass way up... but great rare versions. Village of the Sun is in fine rare form + somewhat different than the Roxy version...
Today I listen to 1980 05 06 Columbus, Ohio. Also a 2 hour show and very different; but the peaks are all distorted and takes retreating on the bass a lot, and it's probably a hockey rink so there's a bit of echo on the vocals and bass drum sections, leaving the whole thing sounding like a hollow spacebulb. This show is special though because it gives a taste of the spring's outing and the material they were preparing for their Mudd Club debut in two days : like Outside Now, City of Tiny Lights, A Pound For A Brown, a great Pick Me I'm Clean/Easy Meat ~ for twenty minutes...

yesterday also I heard a noise outside in the morning I did not recognize. It was hundreds of joggers, as far up and down the street that I could see, all running up to half a marathon, to raise money for the local Health Care Access. Free health care for people who qualify. Hundreds if not more all jogging down my street on their route most of the morning long. Nice thing to see. So I went out and clapped for awhile and then went back inside.

BBP - 23-4-2012 at 16:30

Aw that's sweet.
Found a 1960s reprint of a 1930s Go Fish game Philips issued to make lightbulbs more popular. It has awesome graphics!
In the mean time we're clearing the house. We're getting a new heating installation soon.

polydigm - 24-4-2012 at 09:12

Heating? We're approaching winter down here and just had our first taste of it this week. I prefer this time of year but that doesn't stop me getting a wee bit blue from time to time as the days close in.

BBP - 24-4-2012 at 21:14

Is it cold or are you having snow as well?

Been making a lot of Celtic knots, they're very neat to do!

BBP - 25-4-2012 at 09:11

Elections here on Sept 12.
...This round was at least as unprofessional but nowhere near as funny as the LPF fiasco in 2002.

[Edited on 25-4-12 by BBP]

punknaynowned - 25-4-2012 at 13:49

yesterday listened to
1988 02 06 NYC : sound good to good plus, a very responsive audience; a complete packard goose with the Bartok bit in the middle. The kids were there so they came up and did stuff. Dweezil on Whippin post, diva and ahmet on dancing. A two hour show, seemed shorter.

Mowed the lawn. i'm thinking about changing my name and telling the idjits on the zforum how stoopid they are. So disappointing. The thing is they think they might be waging a culture war. The war is over. We're still fighting though over the scraps of what's left. So sad.:crying:

BBP - 25-4-2012 at 15:51

Makes you wish you could've been there.

Managed to score a guy's phone number. Now to figure out what to do with it.

punknaynowned - 26-4-2012 at 15:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Makes you wish you could've been there.

the show?: yes
the forum?: no

today's listening
1980 06 08 Dortmund. So far, City/Pound For a Brown are longer improv pieces. Great live romps and Frank pushes the envelope again and again but the rest of the band seem less engaged. Of course, I'm silly enough to think Frank woulda been better off putting out a whole bunch of long improvs from this tour rather than what came out in Tinseltown Rebellion or the first disc of YCDTOSA3. For example, in addition to the regular string of YAWYI songs, "If Only She Woulda" gets a bunch of solos and is fun.

BBP - 26-4-2012 at 18:02

...I still believe the nice people should unite. Which I believe happens in topics like What Happened To You Today in Randomonium, which gets no negativity.

Still I need to get one of my FZ-related ideas off the ground. Just remind me of it occasionally.

polydigm - 27-4-2012 at 10:30

No snow here Bonny, ever. In fact I don't think it's ever been below zero celsius. Mind you, cold is relative. Once you get below 15° it's easy to get a chill if you don't rug up.

BBP - 28-4-2012 at 10:50

Date's today.

Calvin - 28-4-2012 at 14:54

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Date's today.

So you called him?

BBP - 28-4-2012 at 17:13

Went to see him in person. It was a nice warm day and the entire crew at the giveaway store was sitting outside enjoying themselves. He was racing around on his skateboard and managed to jump over a barstool on it. Will call him to get a more personal chat, am still not sure what to make of him.

Calvin - 28-4-2012 at 23:32

Maybe trying to impress you? Or just showing off?

BBP - 29-4-2012 at 10:09

Yeah. At one point I went inside. Last week he had his arm in a sling because of a skating accident: dislocated shoulder. This time around he didn't got injured. I did, while I was helping him pulling sticky stuff from a ramp so he could use it to skate on. Thumb got trapped between ramp and wall.
Anyway it seems like he's begging the gods to injure him so I can Florence Nightingale over him. No thank you.

BBP - 1-5-2012 at 09:26

Dutch national holiday yesterday, was exhausting and hot but I did meet an old high school friend and bought a sack of walnuts from him.

BBP - 1-5-2012 at 22:25

Went to visit my frient in Nijmegen today, had dinner with him.
We cooked spaghetti with carlic, onions and bacon together. I cut the onions. :crying:

Anyway since he didn't have any sauce (that's no problem for me btw) he decided to use mushroom-flavoured instant soup to make a sauce.
It was not a bright idea, but it took tasting to find out why: bacon is very salty on its own, and so is instant soup. Put those together and voilà, instant high blood pressure.

Before visiting him, I went to a second-hand store, where I bought a CD-i. When I arrived at his place, I discovered the disk wasn't in the box, so I asked him to go back to the little shop with it.

And on the way back in the train I heard a loud beep. It came from a man in a booth in front of mine. He'd brought his smoke detector with him: it had broken down and he had taken it to his father to get it fixed. He couldn't turn it off and for the next few minutes, any serious conversation was impossible. He did manage to silence it... eventually, not after we all complentated on leaving it in the trash can as a prank.

Fun times.

DED - 2-5-2012 at 22:05

Played bicycle repairman today as in Monty Python.

BBP - 3-5-2012 at 20:00

Had that date today. Basically I just let him talk for an hour.

aquagoat - 4-5-2012 at 20:46

was this hour interesting?

Calvin - 5-5-2012 at 06:08

We can really be into ourselves, us males. Hopefully he'll wake up and realize what a great person is interested in him and gets to know her.

BBP - 5-5-2012 at 20:21

...Maybe... he's definitely got some stories to tell.

punknaynowned - 7-5-2012 at 17:41

Hesse's Magister Ludi is one of my very favorite books.
Neat to see you're reading it.
Heard this weekend that mom has colon and lung cancer.
They have to do the colon surgery, remove a section of of her large intestine
some time this week and then as she recuperates from that will look at how to treat the lung cancer.
It's okay. She's had a rough early part of this year and now knows what's wrong. Better than not knowing.
She's in good spirits and will do what she can to combat it. Plus she's 85 yrs old and lived a very full life.
She's a good friend as well as my mom and if it's time for her to go it will be sad.
But I can't think of anything she didn't get to do that she wanted to.
How great is that?

I figure the world is full of toxic poisons and it's just a matter of time before one or more of them or some accident drags us down.
We do what we can or choose to avoid them and work to have as good a life as we can despite whatever happens. She's done that.
It's amazing anyone in this world can live as long as she has. So good for her.

this weekend listened to 1982 06 08 Hamburg; atmospheric sound, great guitar, nice show
of I can get to it I'll listen to 1988 05 06 Hamburg

BBP - 7-5-2012 at 23:08

Your poor mum! I hope she recovers!

punknaynowned - 8-5-2012 at 10:21

me too, thanx B!
I have a feeling she will.

that mouse trap is funny...
ridiculous, but funny - especially so
to see you try again and again to get it to work

DED - 8-5-2012 at 11:59

Sorry to hear from your mum. My mother almost reached 87. With all her health problems a quite good prestation. But 87 or 26 it doesn't matter, I still miss her today. Wished I could have spend more time with her. So, be so much as possible with her and help her to fight.

polydigm - 8-5-2012 at 14:42

I hope it goes as well as it can Punky.

KAPTKIRK - 9-5-2012 at 21:20

She sounds like a wonderful woman,punk.Good attitude is half the good fight and she sounds like she has that in spades.Good for her! Hope she stays around for awhile longer.

punknaynowned - 9-5-2012 at 23:03

thanks guys!
I appreciate it!

BBP - 12-5-2012 at 09:49

Found this clock:

aquagoat - 12-5-2012 at 11:15

great find, bonny.

KAPTKIRK - 12-5-2012 at 20:22

Having been a carpenter,that's a facinating clock to watch how they will change the next second.How they approach the task of changing the time,each second,for me,is fun to watch.Cool find! Thanx. :cool:

BBP - 13-5-2012 at 13:43

Aw it doesn't appear anymore...

Anyway I gave up on that date, now that he's told me he sees dead people.

BBP - 14-5-2012 at 11:04

Friend told me he'd come by to drop off the CD-i I bought. Hmm... knowing him I could be here waiting all day.

polydigm - 15-5-2012 at 10:09

That clock is nuts!! Hey Kirk, where's your time zone, in another dimension? It doesn't do seconds only minutes and that's keeping them busy enough.

punknaynowned - 15-5-2012 at 10:24

well right now, the one I see says it is 4:24 and they fixing to turn it into :25

punknaynowned - 15-5-2012 at 10:24

and it's dark

punknaynowned - 15-5-2012 at 10:52

could well be it fixes on your location and directs the view to one in your timezone...
I thought of asking the other day but thought I'd wait to see...
mom made it through surgery and was up and alert yesterday, so that's good
the cancer doctor was pleased and said call next month, so that's double good news
this week I drive back to the small town that I graduated high school and stay with her as she recovers
til June. I almost always end up posting here so I guess I'll talk again soon.

the random think I've been doing the last month is tweets from the 16th century; quotes of Marin Sanudo, Venetian chronicler, member of the savi, ear to the ground, pen to the parchment. This week news of the war of the league of Cambrai, 1509, when Venice at last got ganged up on and shut down and was pushed back. Yeah, this week in Venice, 1509... :lol:

BBP - 15-5-2012 at 13:56

It works by what time your PC shows. Set yours to 19:55 and wait for the show!

BBP - 17-5-2012 at 09:58

More about the clock:

I managed to get the job as pianist. First performance? Next Friday. Tomorrow. Eek.

aquagoat - 17-5-2012 at 19:07

Congratulations, Bonny. Everything will be ok.;)

BBP - 18-5-2012 at 21:10

Well, he did ask me to come play again...

Now my arms hurt from lugging the keyboard around, and not just a little bit either.

punknaynowned - 19-5-2012 at 04:03

bench press that keyboard Bonny! One and two and three and... :lol:
got the car and now tidy up here before I go.
listened to
1978 01 29 Frankfurt with a long Wild Love/Yo Mama
and a bunch of stuff from the 20 Years of... boot, like stuff from Run Home Slow/World's Greatest Sinner which is nice if you already know FZ

BBP - 19-5-2012 at 19:45

Am sore now, from lugging ma keys...

BBP - 22-5-2012 at 16:24

Not much happening here, practicing keyboard and bought some new shoes.

polydigm - 23-5-2012 at 01:24

I'm just slogging my way through this maths at the moment. I have one lecturer who's very organised and approachable so that course is going well. The other one is disorganised and very unapproachable for whom students are just an inconvenience, needless to say I'm having to work very hard to figure that one out. I have major exams in a couple of weeks which I'm dreading. Ho hum.

BBP - 23-5-2012 at 09:37

That's nasty, be sure to complain about him at evaluation.
Say you do have evaluation out there, do you? We had that after every class.

BBP - 25-5-2012 at 10:19

In passing, let's think of the man who has it very difficult right now, my father.

And all because I'm mad enough to watch Eurovision.

BBP - 27-5-2012 at 21:14

Summary of today:
"Man, it's hot."

BBP - 31-5-2012 at 11:41

Knit a green loop stitch wig for a friend, since he really wanted a hat like mine. He was happy with it.
Unfortunately things were a bit shaken at his give-away shop. They're trusting people, but my date who sees ghosts trusted the wrong one and he went off with all the restaurant money.
Bang on cue, another shop friend comes in. She was very sick, threw up in a bag and was taken home by the shop boss.

Knitted another loop stitch hat, in bright green loops. I can combine it with my blue dress for that lemming look.

KAPTKIRK - 1-6-2012 at 06:52

She's gone,but I don't worry,I'm sittin' on top of the world.:cool:

BBP - 1-6-2012 at 10:09


BBP - 1-6-2012 at 10:09

Aw,why isn't it working here? Anyway copy & paste the link.

Caputh - 2-6-2012 at 11:25

Trying to avoid marking exams while posting here - which is, I suppose, not particualrly noteworthy. How's the thesis going - with or without Gail's help?

[Edited on 2-6-2012 by Caputh]

BBP - 2-6-2012 at 14:20

I'm browsing through another enormous amount of articles on the website of the Dutch royal library. Hopefully that will give me some nice extra body, since I'm not confident about my current writing.

Caputh - 2-6-2012 at 16:45

Finished marking the exams - bored and satisfied at the same time, now.
What's the title of the thesis; did you mention it before and I missed it or are you reluctant to say?

BBP - 2-6-2012 at 18:35

I didn't start with the title. But Peccary and Cornfed grace the cover.

DED - 3-6-2012 at 09:52

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

??? BBP the lemming

Attachment: niksz201.jpg (6kB)
This file has been downloaded 398 times

[Edited on 3-6-2012 by DED]

BBP - 4-6-2012 at 09:13

Woke up way too early... was a terrible mistake...
Finished a terrific book I was reading about Bertrand de Guesclin.

polydigm - 4-6-2012 at 09:27

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
She's gone,but I don't worry,I'm sittin' on top of the world.:cool:

Who's gone?

polydigm - 4-6-2012 at 09:29

Bonny, that lemming thing is hilarious. (I don't mean that offensively, I assume you did it for a laugh).

polydigm - 4-6-2012 at 09:35

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
That's nasty, be sure to complain about him at evaluation. Say you do have evaluation out there, do you? We had that after every class.
Yes, we were asked to do evaluation. I think everyone in his class pretty much laid the boot in. It's become a lot worse since I mentioned it before. On the bright side, I've pretty much figured his course out on my own so I'm not as bothered as I was.

Final lectures this week, swot vac the week after followed by exams. I'm now starting to feel a lot more positive about getting into honours next semester so it seems my plans are on track.

BBP - 5-6-2012 at 11:31

Thanks! I was kinda worried about that lemming thing. Hope I can make a few more, but I need a red/yellow brolly first.

BBP - 6-6-2012 at 11:22

It seems like I've just lost my bi-weekly gig at the book cafe. I've also probably lost my rare Philicordia organ with 2 manuals. And worse.

This night, the book cafe, which was located right next to the give-away shop and which gave shelter to tons of books, plus many articles (mainly clothes) for the give-away shop, plus any equipment that was there (turntables iirc), plus the green hat I made last week (see lemming gif), plus the lodgings of my ex-date Julien, went up in flames.
Causes are still unknown, but I'll be going over to have a look, make a few photos, and see if I can talk to some of my friends. Hopefully Julien is OK, he was taken to hospital with respiratory problems.

BBP - 9-6-2012 at 17:15

Funny how little interest there is in the fire... I'm heart-broken personally. It was such a lovely place, it's awesome not just to have a lot of bookshelves to nose through, but also to have the possibility of finding something real nice, and to not have to worry about the cost, since it's all for free.

punknaynowned - 10-6-2012 at 07:03

sounds like a mistake that went horribly wrong. sounds familiar enough but happening not long after you met them and went there, it would ! = strike me as out of the ordinary. Hope your friend feels better.

tonight after a long absence, I listened to burnt weeny sandwich and a 1984 07 21 LA, California "Let's Move to Cleveland" that has a mighty fine Tommy Mars kybrd solo and a ripping Frank.
In honor of efforts I listen to
1973 11 23 E Toronto show: even the 4 min+ intro and tune up, a long Pgymy Twylyte, Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Innca Roads, Penguin, T'mershi, DogMeat, RDNZL, Montana, Dupree's and the Green Genes medley with King Kong and Chunga's motifs! then the late show,
1973 11 23 L Toronto which is shorter at 44 min but whose sound improves,,, they do Eat That Question and Big Swifty...

BBP - 11-6-2012 at 20:34

Phoned them yesterday. They'll start again next month and do their best to pay off the damage.

Visited the second-hand store and met a lady at the coffee corner who just kept on talking to me for over an hour. I didn't catch her name, but I do know pretty much everything else that is to know about her.

polydigm - 12-6-2012 at 14:32


BBP - 12-6-2012 at 16:31

You know, that's what I was thinking.

BBP - 12-6-2012 at 22:16

There's been another fire in the neighborhood. Will put up the photos later.

BBP - 12-6-2012 at 22:17

BBP - 13-6-2012 at 17:06

Went into town, shot photos, went to visit the local alternative CD-store for the last time... sniff. :spin:

Bought a bowl of instant noodles. It came with three packets, none had any info regarding its contents and only one was seethrough. Opened and added the first one. The second packet was a lot more resilient, I couldn't tear it open. So I hold it between my teeth, and pull... and it's sambal.

punknaynowned - 13-6-2012 at 20:23

the other day was driving to the store with my brother and stating how difficult it was to get others to make more healthy choices in diet, exercise. Then reminded myself out loud how I know that I may not be the best trumpeter of that being a cigarette smoker. This is something he has always wanted to see me quit. So instead of saying what he usually does, he said, 'Yah, there is the one about the log in one's own eye."
Yesterday, back home, I bicycle to the store to get filters for my cigarettes. Cycling down the street, a bug flew in my eye.
It still bothers me today. I must have scratched it too vigorously.
And if Calvin reads this, the advice he gave on the cig topic, is still valid for me. I use it in other areas of life.

polydigm - 13-6-2012 at 23:51

The sigh is to indicate presence if nothing else. You know, how when you're physically in a room with a group of people, you don't always have to be saying something. It seemed to me at the time that if I was reading the conversation and sighed that although I wasn't moved to words I should indicate that I had participated at some level.

With the first fire, Bonny, are you sure it wasn't a failed insurance thingy?

BBP - 14-6-2012 at 11:33

I have no idea how insurance works with squatters, or what that particular policy looks like; but Julien told me he has to pay them back. Sad because the fire wasn't his fault, he wasn't even in the building. I thought he was, since it was his bedroom where the fire started, but he'd been staying with friends and another Portuguese guy was inside with a lit cigarette.

polydigm - 15-6-2012 at 15:44

I didn't mean to suggest that the squatters would have had anything to do with it. Obviously only the owner would be able to cash in. There must have been some difficulties that led to the place becoming "squattable" in the first place.

BBP - 15-6-2012 at 18:04

About 13% of offices in Eindhoven is empty, and not every owner is eager to rent a company to seek out temporary inhabitants. As my sister can tell you, such companies don't always take lodger's rights into account.

DED - 16-6-2012 at 11:10

Probably they catch money from both sites. As I understand from articles in the papers it was first squatterd, but afterwards there was an agreement to use the building as long it was empty. If there is some sort of contract, they are tennant and as a good "housefather" you have to insure the property.
But having your house insured in Holland is quite a costly business. It is combined burglary and fire. Altough your wallpaper will burn, it is not certain that burglars will steal your wallpaper :-). When you are underinsured, the insurance cost money but will not pay everything. If you are overinsured you have the same problem and when you are on target you have to prove a lot, since only what you have can burn.

BBP - 16-6-2012 at 18:44

I'll talk to Julien soon, see if I can get more information. And I'll suggest a benefit concert, maybe even bring my blind friend in (we'd already agreed we'd do something together at a cafe night).

BBP - 17-6-2012 at 10:04

Neighbor's dog ate all our strawberries... :crying::swear:

polydigm - 17-6-2012 at 23:22

That would anger me to say the least. I'm generally an animal lover but that dog would have to be converted to cat food.

BBP - 18-6-2012 at 16:10

Is there a substantial difference between dog food and cat food, or is it the same smelly goop with different labels?

Woke up early due to a heavy thunderstorm. It caused much delay with the trains.
Visited second-hand store, bought two Muppet-puppets, Gonzo and Statler.

BBP - 18-6-2012 at 19:38

One of the people affected by the train trouble was my sister. And she got on the news! Go sis!

polydigm - 19-6-2012 at 00:20

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Is there a substantial difference between dog food and cat food, or is it the same smelly goop with different labels?
It's not about the difference per se. Cats hate dogs. Dogs hate cats even more. It's about the ultimate humiliation for a dog being to end up as cat food.

punknaynowned - 19-6-2012 at 08:08

hahahha poly! never heard that before!
ZP! don't get washed away in the flood!
1969 07 08 Boston, MA: a favorite. A bit longer than the rhino-boot, 'The Ark' without those glorious skips! But the tape ends in the same place, I'm pretty sure. Hot in kansas. Crazy politics these silly people are yelling, huh? Nice to see gas prices have dropped again.

BBP - 20-6-2012 at 21:37

Home of the ill today. Neither one of us had been feeling well, and in the evening we both contracted stomach flu.

Yesterday I managed to score a massive allergic reaction from our conifers: I was tying these little wooden racks to them to keep the dog out, but unfortunately the work covered my hands with huge white bumps, like mosquito bites.

polydigm - 21-6-2012 at 01:09

I've got my first big exam tomorrow and this morning I'm just coming out the other side of a migraine which triggered off at 3:00AM overnight. I feel like crap but needs must when the devil drives.

punknaynowned - 21-6-2012 at 13:54

hurrah! we had a storm here last night and a measurable amount of rain!
we've had it very dry here this year, so any we get is welcomed.
I even turned off the air conditioner and opened the house.
Boy that was a mistake. It'll take hours to cool back down to what it was.
All the humidity filled up the air in here in a matter of minutes, raising the temperature 5F.
I would let it equalize and then remembered there's all these books and things out...
they'll warp and get wobbly from the wet!
Gotta keep my priorities straight!

So today I don't go to work, I listen to zappa!

aLways a favorite are the early mothers for me and today, one's I haven't heard in a while,
1968 10 06 Bremen - great recording after a little panning and distortion at the start, a blue suede/all night long kinda jam that falls away after three minutes into the middle section of king kong (which I think is only on record, aka officially released as a part of littlehouseiusedtolivein from 'bws') - followed by directed weirdness for a minute and then a nice pound for a brown, but short and direct, then sleeping in a jar a la 'ahead of their time', but for over 12 minutes - really a very balanced mix. A little bit in the red from the organ and bass but that's not bad and easily eased out. Drums sound great! And Roy, and Frank's guitar, then Don goes all Deep Purple, before they existed. Definitely an on-stage recording! Uncle Meat slides into Lohengrin, then they play Let's Make the Water Turn Black and a surprise Octandre ending. Exciting show that shows off the talents in great sound. But way too short. They probably had to open for somebody else.
the Amsterdam show is longer at 93 minutes, but is also a keeper
1968 10 20 Amsterdam: mostly great sound with definitive mothers songs;
a 13 minute song that starts out like 'Help I'm a Rock' and has some of the transylvania boogie in it and ends up with some very gypsy-sounding, aelian mode things, I think in a funny time sig. followed by a nearly 7 minute drum duet. after that comes the piece that sounds like prelude to 'what' - with an umlaut - on the rhino-boot on electric aunt jemima. Maybe I'm all wrong but it goes into that 'dog breath' too.
It's already been a long time since I heard this. Another great recording. Why it made my list.
there's got to be a dozen at least 1968-69 live recordings that I think are must haves for mothers fans. Maybe fifteen hours. Plus the radio shows for sure.

[Edited on 21-6-12 by punknaynowned]

polydigm - 21-6-2012 at 15:25

I'm not ignoring you Punky I'm just distracted. Now it's coming up to midnight and I have to find a way to get to sleep if I'm going to cope with tomorrow's challenge.

BBP - 21-6-2012 at 17:14

If you'd like to write your boot reviews for the site sometime...
Hope you feel better, Poly. Good luck on the exam!

polydigm - 22-6-2012 at 13:58

Yoo hoo!! It went well. One more to go.

BBP - 24-6-2012 at 11:51

I've volunteered for blind-dog again. This time it'll be paid for me, but it's short term: 7 and 8 July. Just had the form I needed to fill in: turns out I have to give up my length from shoulder to ground, my chest size, and shoe size. Oh dear, what have I gotten myself in to?

polydigm - 25-6-2012 at 02:05

I'm going to a funeral. A lecturer I first met when I first studied at Adelaide Uni 25 years ago. We'd been chatting quite a bit since I came back this year and he was very encouraging. I thought it was his age, he's 72, but apparently it was a car accident when he was visiting New Zealand. Sad.

punknaynowned - 25-6-2012 at 05:53

sorry to hear poly,
caring for others Bonny is maybe the best thing we can do!

tonight I'm listening to the recent deluxe version of the rolling stone's 2 disc version of 'some girls' on youtube. The new material is better than the original in many cases and maybe *because* the original was so overplayed.

BBP - 25-6-2012 at 10:34

Sorry to hear about that, Poly...

punknaynowned - 26-6-2012 at 12:08

"Outside Now" has always been one of my very favorite Zappa songs.

First, of course I heard it and fell for it on Joe's Garage. The lyrics in that point of the story I could relate to and on top of that was way better than what David Gilmore or Eric Clapton could even think of doing. A bigger deal I guess when I was 20. Ha!
The Guitar version was great and I got into the '84 and '88 version in my twenties. Figured I was 'target audience' in a way, too, but didn't think about that at the time, only later. The bedeviling part for the conscience brain will do it's thing.
But of course I wanted more eventually.
Turns out the song's genesis was neat too as displayed in the live recordings from early 1979.
There's half a dozen of those early 'Outside Now' solos that were structured as part of , that is, inside a 'City of Tiny Lights' solo. Complete with the rhythm backing - that ascending and descending lyrical line, that Frank would improvise over. And these have that sound effect/gizmo box of sounds played live as intro.
And also the same background rhythm was later used on synclavier in part of 'Outside Now' Again on The Perfect Stranger'.
There is also a rehearsal piece from December 1978 with the same background with the band working it out and Frank playing over it. This for me acted as a bridge, musically between the 'original' outside now and the 'again' version on The Perfect Stranger which seems very different because of the instrumentation.
Last night I listened to a bunch of these versions:bouncy:

polydigm - 26-6-2012 at 18:36

In 57 hours time I will be seeing what's it like on the outside.

BBP - 26-6-2012 at 21:35

It's been a strange day out here today.
An employee of a delivery company walked up to our house, looked, walked away and came back. My father opened the door to him and asked what he was up to: he was just busy writing a note that he delivered the package next door. He walked away, but didn't give us that note.
I went to the neighbors to pick it up. It was a set of helium tanks, enough to inflate 60 balloons. We weren't expecting anything at all, so I had a good look and found it was intended for the people at 35, not us.
So I grabbed the parcel and went up to deliver it myself: not easy. Helium may be lighter than air but those tanks certainly weren't. #35 wasn't easy to find, but I managed and delivered it. Came home. Mail had arrived: for the people at #21.
Hallucinogens in the coffee? ;)

Anyway, the graffiti festival Step In The Arena was last weekend. Unfortunately Sunday was quite rainy, so there wasn't as much superb stuff as the previous years, but I made a few nice shots anyway.

And this sheep at the petting zoo, of course. The key to a good petting zoo photo is to be quick taking a snapshot, before they realize that you didn't bring any food and lose interest.

Here and there I tried to add things so you can realize the scale: a pavement tile is about 1 foot long.

aquagoat - 27-6-2012 at 17:10

cool artwork here, thanks for sharing Bonnie.

DED - 27-6-2012 at 17:37

i love the one at the stairs with the line ho to cut. The paint on the road can be very slippy on rainy days.

polydigm - 28-6-2012 at 02:52

Nice pictures Bonny.

24 hours to freedom and counting.

polydigm - 30-6-2012 at 06:08

The exam was a disaster. He put a question in there worth ten marks out of a total of 60 that was a single undivided question, unlike the rest of the entire paper. One page out of 119 pages of notes plus 5 rather long assignments and 6 tutorial question sets to learn, and he puts an example I hadn't worked through in the exam and I worked my ass off for this subject. Four months of my life fizzled away by a one line question.

Anyway, I complained to the head of Maths and he put me at ease and it seems I will be starting Honours next semester. I'll know for sure within ten days. I'm now trying to relax and enjoy my break.

BBP - 30-6-2012 at 15:18

And now: enter the chill zone! Hope it works out...

Hot out here today.

polydigm - 1-7-2012 at 01:29

Heading for a high of 14°C. 10AM now and about 9°C. So, pretty chill, in spite of my mood.

BBP - 3-7-2012 at 19:02

Drew a lot, got a big project going.

[Edited on 3-7-12 by BBP]

polydigm - 5-7-2012 at 01:48

Lazing around. Enjoying not having any deadlines for a while.

KAPTKIRK - 5-7-2012 at 04:09

Your exams all over Poly?

polydigm - 6-7-2012 at 03:47

Yes, until the next time of course. I'm awaiting the decision to let me into honours. There will be at least five big exams and a massive project involved during that course when I finally get there.

BBP - 6-7-2012 at 10:33

The big wait...

Stepped on something today, got a gash in my foot. Ouch.
Tomorrow, of course, I'll be visiting the Archeon (historical museum) for a guided tour. Ouch!

BBP - 6-7-2012 at 20:42

I'll be off in a few hours. Will have to go to bed early and rise very early, curse you Dutch railways!

Dad, please don't forget my lavender and The Killing.

polydigm - 7-7-2012 at 09:02

You're probably there by now. I hope it goes well and your foot doesn't hinder you too much.

I now know my results unofficially and they weren't too bad but I'm still awaiting their decision.

BBP - 8-7-2012 at 20:37

This weekend I played blind guide again, overnight for the first time. 7 people, two guides, five visually impaired of whom three need guiding, went to visit the open air historical museum Archeon, in Alphen a/d Rijn. There were several problems, (among others sanitary conditions were bad, unclean and unfortunately located quite a bit away from our rooms) but in spite of that we had a fantastically fun time. The staff was great. And the food was fantastic. And I'm exhausted now.

Part of the deal was we got/had to wear these medieval clothes. Unfortunately Archeon does not allow people in costume to wear anachronisms: no wrist watch,mobile.... or camera. It didn't stop me from coming home with 120 snapshots.
Long dresses proved to be clumsy for the ladies, particularly getting up the winding staircases. I don't have pictures of the men's outwits: they had to wear a really silly white cloth on their head.

After closing time, middle right is where us ladies stayed on the top floor.

One of the murals in the ladies'.

Our room at long shutterspeed.

I considered faking poor vision to be able to touch this guy's chest.

It was pretty rainy on Sunday, this legionnaire looks really unhappy.

Some more photos:

polydigm - 9-7-2012 at 07:37

I'm in!!

polydigm - 9-7-2012 at 07:37

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I considered faking poor vision to be able to touch this guy's chest.
You didn't consider just asking him out on a date?

BBP - 9-7-2012 at 10:36

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I'm in!!

Congratulations Poly!

aquagoat - 9-7-2012 at 19:05

yeah, congratulations, Poly.:bouncy:

DED - 10-7-2012 at 08:07

Gratulations Poly.

[Edited on 10-7-2012 by DED]

polydigm - 11-7-2012 at 02:56

I'm on to a whole new level of stress now. This last semester was to convince them to let me into honours. I didn't just have to pass I had to get distinctions, otherwise they would have kept me at third year level for the rest of the year, even with credits. With honours I have to get some high distinctions in course work and I need to produce a very good project because I'm aiming to get a PhD and that will be very difficult without an allowance. They don't hand many of those out, as you can imagine.

Anyway, I'm not complaining. I really feel after all these years that I've found myself. In between bitching about this that and the other I really am enjoying my life.

BBP - 11-7-2012 at 11:17

Glad to hear it!

polydigm - 11-7-2012 at 13:25

Well, 2010 was a very tough year. It led me to reconsider a number of things. Then, although being quite well again, 2011 just seemed to go nowhere. So now, in 2012, here I am, doing something I should have done a long time ago.

punknaynowned - 11-7-2012 at 15:38

Congrats poly!
It's a great feeling when things seem to fall into place, especially after lots of hard work!
In my world, my mom has made something like a miraculous recovery. My 60 year old brother is staying with her this month and last, cooking and organizing her day, trying to encourage her to do more for herself - laundry, dishwashing, cooking etc. as she seems ready to. She wants to return to her normal self but she grows tired more easily. She's signed up for services to help her and so she has many visits that she needs to weather this week and last with all the people showing up and calling. Something she would not get as exhausted over before. But she's still with us and is still very much herself. Notable to us anyway. :D

polydigm - 12-7-2012 at 01:48

My mum's 85 and has slowed down quite a lot over the last year or so. She gets readily bothered by some pretty trivial things and spends all day mainly just looking after herself. She's also becoming more isolated as friends get too old or die. She's too proud and too private a person to get involved with government provided services and activities. I'm not sure what to do about her situation but we visit regularly.

KAPTKIRK - 13-7-2012 at 08:26

Have you tryed BINGO or a mixer with a band playing the tunes from her day?

BBP - 13-7-2012 at 10:30

It's been a little quiet out here: Dad and I went to The Hague yesterday, left early and stayed late. We visited the Royal Library, the antique market, the Bredius museum, a book store, Grandma, and the beach.

polydigm - 13-7-2012 at 13:27

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Have you tryed BINGO or a mixer with a band playing the tunes from her day?
If only it was that simple.

The good news is that I'm talking to my father again. I got sick of the impasse and just dropped in out of the blue. It seemed to go well. He's turning 90 this year and still seems to have a pretty rational head on his shoulders. I've certainly had a weight taken off my mind.

BBP - 14-7-2012 at 12:10

That's good news.

Am taking a rest from this week, it was pretty intense, The Hague.

polydigm - 16-7-2012 at 08:17

Had a migraine this morning which wiped out half the day but I'm back in flight. Tried a new medication which seemed to do a good job.

BBP - 17-7-2012 at 12:16

Oi is this place quiet.
Anyway, been clearing my bedroom lately.

Say Poly, you're good at math, can you help me out?
I had an X amount of stuff lying on and in my bedside table. I cleared this all away, browsed through it and discarded some of it, so I had less than X items to put back...

and then it doesn't fit. How did that happen?

aquagoat - 17-7-2012 at 19:03

you don't play enough tetris, bonny.:D

BBP - 18-7-2012 at 11:07

There's been an assault on the town hall of Waalre, of all places. Waalre is a small and green town just south to Eindhoven. And that's where two burning cars drove into the town hall last night. It's... bizarre.

polydigm - 18-7-2012 at 14:55

I'm not sure that's a pure maths problem Bonny, it just sounds like you momentarily lost your conceptual continuity, or perhaps you found a Higg's boson.

KAPTKIRK - 20-7-2012 at 05:42

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Have you tryed BINGO or a mixer with a band playing the tunes from her day?
If only it was that simple.

The good news is that I'm talking to my father again. I got sick of the impasse and just dropped in out of the blue. It seemed to go well. He's turning 90 this year and still seems to have a pretty rational head on his shoulders. I've certainly had a weight taken off my mind.

That's great Poly.You might of been real bummed if something was to happen and you didn't square things.Ya just never know and then it's too late.I hope you can get Moms outta her funk too.Maybe some spunky 70 year old? Ha,ha! Before my folks passed they used to dance alot.It seemed to keep them more alive and healthy.In attitude too! I'm following in they're footsteps sort of.I'm a Dancing Fool too! LoL!

polydigm - 21-7-2012 at 05:51

The news with my mum is not so good. She's losing it a bit lately and I think we're going to have to look at some kind of alternative housing situation or at least getting some kind of regular visitor. It's getting a bit sad.

KAPTKIRK - 21-7-2012 at 07:11

I'm so sorry to hear that Poly.As time goes on and the young become the old we switch places and take care of them.I had to agree to let my dads wife put him in a home.She started to work there on the same ward.He died a week later.I was the last person who he knew right away,and I had taken him out for a outing that same week.I was lucky I got to do that.
If you have to go that way with your mom,check on the place as you would normaly,but keep visiting on irregular hours,visit and talk to the more lucid folks in a home just to listen about they're complaints.They'll let you know right quick whether she's in a good place or not.It's damn hard but if you wait and she forgets the stoves on and goes to bed.....well you can fill in the rest.My dad had Alzhiemers and was going blind.If I didn't visit and make DR.'s appointments he would of gone sooner without sight.He had a wife 20 years younger "taking care of him". At least he didn't know what he had gotten himself into in the end.
That was back in the early '90's,they've come along way in medications and education about alzhiemers and dementia.I wish you both the best Poly.It's a tough spot for anyone to be in.

BBP - 21-7-2012 at 10:26

Terrible news, Poly, I hope she'll be allright...

In the mean time, we're having an encore episode of the jackdaw in the chimney. Now there's another one in there: he's been stuck for three hours and we've been trying to get him down, but no such luck.

polydigm - 21-7-2012 at 11:44

I may have exaggerated a little. It's hard to put into words. I don't think she's got dementia or anything like that it's just that she gets easily overwhelmed when things go wrong. We've just come back from there and for about four days now she hasn't been using the hot water because it ran out on her one night and she went on to assume the worst about it.

Then she didn't explain what happened very well even though today there was plenty of hot water coming out of the tap and got all upset because we didn't understand. Anyway, I got up into the roof and made like a possum for a while and struggled to where the water was and eventually discovered that the float valve needed some adjustment. It was still heating up the water but the replacement process wasn't keeping up so she still could have been using it just not getting as much as usual.

Anyway, the upshot is that I've fixed it for now and she's back on an even keel for a while until the next drama. But I couldn't live like that.

BBP - 21-7-2012 at 14:51

It took seven hours but I finally managed to get the jackdaw out of the chimney with a bit of violence and we ushered him out. Then I cleared some bird droppings he left behind on the carpet.

KAPTKIRK - 22-7-2012 at 01:33

Ah! I assumed the worst,sorry 'bout that Poly.Glad you got her settled for now.

How big are these things Bonny?

polydigm - 22-7-2012 at 01:35

An ungrateful stupid jackdaw stuck in the chimney. Sounds like someone else I know called Cleon.

BBP - 22-7-2012 at 12:24

Here he is, anyway:

They get 13 to 15 inch in length and can be very noisy, but this one didn't make much noise and flew and pooped around all over the place, until he'd settled in by the window and tried to get out. They're clever animals, normally.

[Edited on 22-7-12 by BBP]

polydigm - 22-7-2012 at 14:11

Again, more parallels with Cleon, as humans are also clever animals normally.

BBP - 22-7-2012 at 14:15

You know he drinks... had him on ignore for some time now.

polydigm - 22-7-2012 at 16:58

I can't help feeling sorry for the guy. I've just had another go at communicating with him but he's just too ridiculous.

punknaynowned - 22-7-2012 at 22:33

This is not a criticism of you or anyone. I think we see things similarly in that we ask questions to find out what's going on, hoping we can come to conclusions that may lead to a way out. But I've done a bunch of study on authoritarian social models and the consequences on those who would be in the group. Every system is different, people are different and more complex than mere models can show. But there are patterns.

You know 'Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way'? It seems like these are the only choices some people think they have when interacting with others, anywhere.
'Following is for pussies', getting out of the way is for "old folks, women and kids" ('if they don't do as they're told') and 'leading' is all that's left. By hook or by crook.
To lead, you have to be in front. To get in front, you have to scrap and fight one's way there - or that's all some see in 'leadership': a successful bully.

Of course, it isn't so simple. There are lots of ways to interact or not. As a teacher you know that often the best way to get people to see stuff or even just learn is by suggestion. If people feel they are being talked down to, then they won't want it. Whatever it is. But if they are shown the pieces and ideas on how to put them together and let them figure it out so it seems they got it by themselves - so they can feel proud of their 'work' - then they start to feel good about the process and may want to do more.

Once, when we had a politi-spammer, Diesel or somebody and they had an avatar of a bouncing bust - 'chrissy' maybe - cleon went and found a longer clip of that and presented it as evidence that this person wasn't who they said they were. I praised cleon, telling him he was doing the work of research like a journalist. It was a surprise and a ridiculous quip but he took it at face value and went thinking he'd done a good turn. He never bothered me again. This after talking with a group in chat once and cleon acting like he was gonna reach thru the internet and punch me in the face. Maybe it's a show, maybe he's lazy with punctuation or writin', doesn't care if spelling is near the mark, expects to be listened to and will fight any who questions or disagrees with him...
when an authority asks us questions, it's natural to turn defensive: "Do you know how fast you were driving? Do you have your license and registration? Does your mother know you masturbate?' To many, it's all a 'GOTCHA' when posed as a question - because that is their experience - and the natural and correct response, is huff and puff and bluster or submit and mostly, to not get 'got'.

I tried to get BS and some others to explain how they got to the conclusions they were spouting. They couldn't do it but got defensive with all my questions, said I was trying to mess with their head. I just wanted to show them what they were saying didn't make sense and wasn't winning any converts. But bravo doesn't care, doesn't look at consequences, only who comes out on top, this round. A fight is exciting, gets the blood going, plus it's easy. Thinking is hard. When I learned BS was a prison guard, it all made sense. His job is to stay on top, keep a lid on things, 'keep the devil in the hole'. Sense or logic or consequences don't matter so long as he feels he's on top at the end. No reason to reflect on a better way, you take your orders, you stay in line and get the riffraff out of the way. Lead, Follow or Get out of the way.
For this authoritarian model, human communication or interaction is permitted, so long as it doesn't get in the way of whatever the boss says has got to be done.... but according to this 'model of behavior', people get questioned when they are in trouble which puts those questioned on a lower rung of the totem pole.

I know this isn't why you were asking him questions, but some people don't know (or aren't willing to recognize) there's another sense behind 'that line of attack'. Just because we aren't attacking doesn't mean that's not how it's received. Because if they don't know the answer, they're afraid they will be taken down a rung, again. You know, 'The best defense is a good offense'? Some people just think it's always a conflict.
I feel more sorry for his wife and kids. But I don't know anything about that.

[Edited on 22-7-12 by punknaynowned]

KAPTKIRK - 23-7-2012 at 01:00

The cleon dynamic...:forumsmiley482: What you mean you don know what.I right you Dumb so? :lol: His use of smilies is ironic.

Makes sense to me.That's more than I can say for cleon sometimes.I try and agree with him to avoid this kind of negative responce from him.But the one thing he does when you think you're good with him is find something your wrong about.It doesn't even have to be directed at him.He will find something and start the "you don't know shit" stuff.So I would assume after reading your post that he also has a pecking order in his own "liked" sub group.Does that make sense? Does everyone know what I'm getting at? It would seem that that type of behavior has levels within levels of...hmm,what do you call it? I do notice that JP and him talk to each other the same way,but after you read a couple of they're squabbles back and forth it seem like that's they're normal dynamic.In other words thats how they always talk to each other.That leads me to think both of them think acting and talking this way makes you one of the kings on the hill.That kind of thing.
Thank's punknayowned,it's a good thing to remember when his attacks seem to come from nowhere and keep coming until you give-up and he thinks he's won something.Now it all makes sense.Cool.

polydigm - 23-7-2012 at 01:37

I'm not particularly troubled by Cleon - no more than I might be by certain aspects of life in general - it's not hanging me up or anything. I just thought I'd have another go at communicating with him. Babong!!!

Calvin - 23-7-2012 at 02:16

I posted something normal a couple of years ago, info on something, and he replied with something like "F you, you SOB" and I've had him on ignore since.

KAPTKIRK - 23-7-2012 at 05:19

I said: "I thought Bobby Martin made it big scoring movies or TV shows" as part of a discussion.It was more of a question than me stating a fact.I got the same guff outta nowhere from him.I tryed to be cute and said maybe it was Bobby Harris.Bad idea! I'm a stoopid dumb c.... well you guys know the rest,was his reply.So if he's not bothering me I take him off Ignore.Every once in awhile he finds some cool links.If he gets nasty,he goes back on Ignore.Nice little feature!

BBP - 23-7-2012 at 09:46

I just ignore him, if enough people do that he'll go away.

DED - 23-7-2012 at 09:51

or make him as angry as possible. Then he maybe makes a post that administrators ban him forever. I prefer that, but I must admit it sometimes happens without my intention.

polydigm - 23-7-2012 at 13:30

It's all quiet on the Cleon front at the moment. He didn't answer my last post which was me saying "I give in". He usually answers everything with something or other so maybe his internet connection is down.

BBP - 23-7-2012 at 18:07

Well DED, let's not get started on the work of the "admins" on the Zappa forum...

KAPTKIRK - 23-7-2012 at 21:05

Ha! Work and the administrators in the same sentence,what are you thinking? No one *works* there,they *Watch the sky's!* when it's convenient for them.

From my experience Poly,your good with cleon for awhile.You lost - he won,takes the wind out of his sails.He might,in his weird cleon way,try and be nice to you.Extend an olive branch to ya.Just to break it over your head when you least expect it!
I agree with Bonny,if he makes you mad *ignore* him.That's about the best feature they have come up with on since I've been there and they lost the chat room just before that.It was cool when someone was on at the same time.They need more people around the world to join.Now the vetting of future forum members is getting tiresome for the newbies.I try and assage their worries like a few other forum members here do,then I think I'm leading them to cleon with a chance of Trendy or Isaacc too.Frank makes it all worth it.I just found out some new things about his art and music I never knew before.Fascinating man,awesome stuff!
Frank's the Best!

BBP - 24-7-2012 at 09:28

Oh they still have the chatroom don't they? They removed the link but not the software.

KAPTKIRK - 24-7-2012 at 11:14

I can't find anyway into the chatroom without going to my favs. Then click on the link in a thread Mr.GG found.BTW I just posted there.I see you were on BBP,2 hours before me.Sorry I missed you.How do you get into chat?

I'll catch you on the flip side.I just noticed it's 3:00AM and way past my bedtime.Good night all. {-

DED - 24-7-2012 at 18:47

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh they still have the chatroom don't they? They removed the link but not the software.

we still have the link and the software. But if it stills works?
Never found anyone in there.

KAPTKIRK - 25-7-2012 at 05:01

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh they still have the chatroom don't they? They removed the link but not the software.

we still have the link and the software. But if it stills works?
Never found anyone in there.

There's never anyone on there the last year.Before I'd be talking to Aspy,Mr. GG,BBP,Poly,Dovey,Bat and the list goes on.Not alot at once,just 2 or 3 of us on.It was much more personable that way.They just need an easier link and let us know where it is.

BBP - 25-7-2012 at 14:09

What I Did Yesterday:

polydigm - 25-7-2012 at 18:57

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
From my experience Poly,your good with cleon for awhile.You lost - he won,takes the wind out of his sails.
He certainly hasn't responded to my last post to him where I said I give in. It seems to have had some effect and he's not posting as much at the moment. He's still managed to drop in and hurl abuse at someone else there though.

BBP - 26-7-2012 at 07:53

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
What I Did Yesterday:

I hate it when I fall off the page.

KAPTKIRK - 26-7-2012 at 10:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
What I Did Yesterday:

I hate it when I fall off the page.

Does it hurt as much as when you fall off you bike? LoL!
You gotta lotta ducks in a small space.Does that make you a hoarder or just plain quackers!?! Ha,Ha!

KAPTKIRK - 26-7-2012 at 10:39

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
From my experience Poly,your good with cleon for awhile.You lost - he won,takes the wind out of his sails.
He certainly hasn't responded to my last post to him where I said I give in. It seems to have had some effect and he's not posting as much at the moment. He's still managed to drop in and hurl abuse at someone else there though.

He did the same to me.Once you say give,he's off to someone else.He's PMed me to to say someone else is lyng about some petty detail that's important to him and no one else.Very tiring.

Kirk to bridge: Why have we changed coarse Mr.Chekov?
Chekov to Kirk: cleons Kapt.,cleons!
He's :crazy: as a loon!

BBP - 26-7-2012 at 21:57

All quiet on the BB front, spent a sick morning and OK afternoon, enjoying the sun while it lasts. Tried to get my legs to bronze, but they won't do that anymore.

KAPTKIRK - 26-7-2012 at 21:59

It's 2pm and I'm off to see the Grandmothers! :guitar::drums::guitar2::singer: The whole nine yards of them.

polydigm - 27-7-2012 at 02:01

So Cleon probably is some genuine kind of retard and I feel sorry for him. What's JP Funk's excuse? That guy has a nine inch nail for a brain.

punknaynowned - 27-7-2012 at 10:15

ha! and a hammer for that nail - and a chip on his shoulder big enough to carry it?
well, I guess I could have predicted it. But what I was just talking about with 'behavior c' the other day, and kiirk saw it in light as well with our dear Gianni, he in turn gave us a resounding example of one of the very things I was trying to elucidate. So I didn't predict it but maybe could have... call it the Key of 'G',,,:bouncing: started on page 34 of this thread

It looks like amero-centrism, feels like defensive ignorance but follows the pattern of 'lead, follow or get out of the way'

Frank used to say that mental illness was our biggest problem. Trouble is how to define it and define wellness? Psychiatry and psychoanalysis lost its way with pharma-industries and insurance and such. Scholarship has turned into a pay-as-you go 'research opportunity', at best. Yet there are degrees of wellness just as there are degrees of illness. Here too is where politics and economics insert their all-knowing heads into the batter and declares they know what's best, acc to their help which is the money people again... The experts still know things, as do law enforcement and yes, even people's practical common sense still exists!

Frank had a way of shocking people and getting them, forcing them to think, sometimes about uncomfortable topics. But if he was for anyone, it was the ugly, left-behind weirdos. I believe Frank talked about people's hangups - because it's funny, because the poodles react, but also, to get those listening to get over their own hangups. Imagine what people could do if they weren't crippled by whatever emotional tick or fetishism or whatever. But first you have to get them talking. Get them past whatever it is. And then recognize it for what it is and then maybe do something about it. But therapy is only afforded to those who can pay for it and most often it's the poor who most need it but have only the most destructive antidotes. Here in mid-America, crystal meth, and alcoholism have destroyed a generation or two. Oxycontin is the new contender. Bigger cities are decimated by crack and heroin.
I chalk all that up to an idiot drug war and lack of constructive local or national policies dealing with issues of mental illness. Since the '60's. Plus, it seems many more people than I was aware of thought school was to teach kids how to read the tv guide and maybe balance a checkbook. With the expected results.

[Edited on 1-8-12 by punknaynowned]

punknaynowned - 27-7-2012 at 10:33

jaypfunk? I think it's all just a game for him. He's a FOR REAL Zappa nut! I'd buy him a beer, go see him play drums. Send him $100 to help him with his rent or a hard drive in the mail if he lost his. Would I ask him why he's such an asshole so often? No. Because he'd say something like 'What is your heart broken? Does your little asshole of a heart cry for me?' or something better. So why bother?

polydigm - 27-7-2012 at 16:38

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
Yet there are degrees of wellness just as there are degrees of illness.
This pretty much hits the nail on the head for me. For all the negative shit that the USA gets associated with, the acceptance of psychotherapy has always surprised me. In Australia it's still only for the truly mentally ill. Once you've been analysed here in some way you become stigmatised and have to mention it on job application forms and so on. We're still a long way from acceptance that everyone needs therapy at some time or other in their lives and it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Sure, there are some full on mental illnesses that would need to be taken into account for employment purposes but the stigma prevents people who really need it from seeking it, after, for example, a bereavement or a car accident or an abusive father or whatever.

Humans are so full of shit sometimes. And I'm not referring to people in need of therapy, I mean the ones who are completely in denial and give therapy a bad name. Of course it's still a young science and there's a lot of junk therapy out there too, but we all have times to varying degrees when an impartial ear that can help unravel the pain without attaching any stigma to it wouldn't go astray.

polydigm - 27-7-2012 at 17:05

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
... our dear Gianni ... starts on page 34 of this thread ...
Is Gianni his real name? I rarely go to Zappateers but he's hilarious in that thread, or sad, I can't quite decide which.

punknaynowned - 28-7-2012 at 01:20

poly: agreed with all you said. Gianni was an alternate spelling I picked to be more discrete.

Bonny! I have a lot of collected things. I collect and then grow tired and then find something else to collect. Mostly they stay in a state of disorganization. Books, cd's, old notebooks. The things I currently use stay out, reference material - and I use a lot of things for that - is kept easy to find on a shelf. I have notebooks full of lists and others showing what I'm doing, what I listened to that day. Only be useful when I'm dead and gone and someone wants to make a movie or a book - way too much info. But it seemed important at the time. Why? Things are so weird today and I hear stories all my life of people doing average things and getting noticed for it. Of course I know, my life is normal to me, but someone else who doesn't live this life may one day find it interesting. Not because I am or think I am special but because how I live may be of interest some day. I've lived a life outside of the normal rounds, made choices that aren't expected etc.
As a history nut, out of the way but ordinary activity for those ordinary people centuries ago is really interesting today because it is different from us. The trick is securing long-term preservation.

polydigm - 2-8-2012 at 23:45

Things are worse with my mother than we first realised but at the same time we've achieved a lot in the last week in fixing up her situation, so, overall, matters appear to have improved.

BBP - 3-8-2012 at 17:57

Sorry to hear that, hope things will work out soon...

Tomorrow I won't be here again since I'll be playing blind guide dog, but today and perhaps/probably continuing after that, I am translating articles from various sources that can be found in the Dutch Royal Library. There are over 700 articles in total, so unless they're special I'm not translating them. Just did a gorgeous review of the '71 concert with Flo and Eddie, Billy The Mountain travelling to Amsterdam and visiting Soestdijk... man how I wish I could've been there...

polydigm - 3-8-2012 at 20:06

Thanks for your wishes Bonny. We're gradually taking things in hand so she has less to stress about and can focus on her remaining interests.

DED - 5-8-2012 at 11:34

And Poly be a little selfish. Altough a life never is completed, this is your change to say the things you want to say, ask the questions you want to ask, share the things you want to share. Things about your early years were you have no memories from, everything about your grandparents and the youth of your mother. For your mother are old memories closer by than you think. When she passes its all gone. It will help you later in that hard time that is coming closer and closer and its nice to give them through to later generations.

polydigm - 5-8-2012 at 23:37

DED, agreed. There's already been a lot of that. She's written quite a few stories down as well.

Anyway, the good news is that her scan showed no signs outside of what would be expected at her age and she has an infection that they believe was affecting her mind along with some dietary deficiencies which are being rectified. She's taking antibiotics now and hopefully we should see an improvement in her mood within a week or so.

BBP - 8-8-2012 at 11:31

Finished browsing 488 articles featuring the word Zappa from the Dutch Royal Library. A lot of those are announcements of a TV show, ads for record stores, articles featuring a football player called Zappa, and betting tips on a horse named Zappa. And one porn entry, which was a misread of the word "zappen".

polydigm - 9-8-2012 at 00:17

Dare I ask?

BBP - 9-8-2012 at 10:43

If the question is "what is porn doing in the newspaper", the answer is "that's the Telegraaf for you". If the question is "what sort of porn" it's the graphic two-word lines they use to sell those phone performances or whatever.

Anyway, I'm browsing the Volkskrant archive online, which goes back to 1994, and one of the things I found is:
"During an official visit to France, Khaddafi put a bedouin tent in the garden of his Parisian hotel. Everyone thought that was funny. Frank Zappa's elder brother: no conventions, surrounded by gorgeous women, old Sahara rocker."

[Edited on 9-8-12 by BBP]

punknaynowned - 10-8-2012 at 21:40

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I am translating articles from various sources that can be found in the Dutch Royal Library. There are over 700 articles in total, so unless they're special I'm not translating them. Just did a gorgeous review of the '71 concert with Flo and Eddie, Billy The Mountain travelling to Amsterdam and visiting Soestdijk... man how I wish I could've been there...


[Edited on 10-8-12 by punknaynowned]

DED - 11-8-2012 at 21:37

This day is a rest day. Bonny and I went to Delft yesterday . A very important and well conservated city in Holland. Delft is primarily known for its typically Dutch town centre (with canals); also for the painter Vermeer, Delft Blue pottery (Delftware), the Delft University of Technology, and its association with the Dutch royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau.We went to visit the Steen (a medieval prison) the new church and the old church and off course walking around the canals.

BBP - 12-8-2012 at 12:11

Here's what we did: ve visited Delft. Not Delft's prime attraction, but the old town hall prison and two churches.

The prison is called Het Steen and is part of the Delft town hall. The Delft town hall burnt down twice (wooden buildings, ya know) but after the second time, Delft had become a wealthy place. For the relative small sum of 12,000 guilders, it was built around the surviving stone tower of the previous town halls, by notable architect Hendrik de Keyser.

Entrance to the prison, where the interrogation also took place. It's built with solid and original oak (containing lots of inscriptions by prisoners) around stone: not easy to escape without bribing someone. The air is very stuffy, as you can imagine, with all that wood and little ventilation. It did have an extra window added to it.

The instruments in the pictures are all real and were actually used back in the day.
The most famous prisoner ever to be locked up in De Steen, was Balthasar Gerards, murderer of William the Silent. I won't repeat here what happened to this guy. His "interrogation procedures" didn't happen here though, that happened in the Hague: BG probably "only" spent time in the chokey.

This stuffy and small 4 by 4 meter cell was used for all the town prisoners and would often be full. The torture would be visible to all prisoners, so they could see what was in store for them.

Brekebeen in Dutch, the Break-A-Leg: nasty criminals would be tied to it and be hit twice on each limb, thus breaking all the bones in arms and legs, causing slow and agonizing death. If you paid a bit of extra money to the executioner, he'd hit your heart as a mercy kill. Of course, some people would pay the executioner to deal out the mercy blow. They also had one of those stretch banks but I apparently don't have a good picture. Nor did I take a picture of the "huik": a bottomless barrel with a hole in the top, that had to be worn by adulterous men as a coat. It was very heavy and wearing it would mean getting egged, mocked, spat at and all.

If orphans had been trying to escape the orphanage, they would be chained to these heavy blocks and force to bring them with them to school/church for days, which would result in mockery, rotten food throwing and all.

The cell within the chamber for the nastier prisoners. Food was only shoved through the window in the door and the bad prisoners had to rely on the ones in the main chamber to get their food.

Original window: 5 sets of iron bars thick. I took this pic through the holes of the first one so that doesn't show.

[spoiler]This is the chokey. After prisoners were sentenced to death, they were put in here between conviction and execution. It's 90 cm high (less than 3 foot), no fresh air, no food, unable to stand, naturally no bathroom facilities... A lot of people died in the chokey already: which could possibly be not as awful as the public execution.

The prison section of the tour only lasted fifteen minutes, but it's not something I'm likely to forget soon. Eek.

Anyway afterwards we went to visit two churches, the Old and the New church, which was also harsh on the lungs. Here's the New one:

It was new at the time of course, but it was built between 1400 and 1655. The colour differences of the steeple are caused by the different materials: the second octagonal is getting black from acid rain, an irreversible process. It's also darker on one side than on the other because of the wind. Most famously, this church is the final stop for the Dutch royal family and it hosts the imposing William the Silent tomb.

The Imposing William The Silent tomb. It cost a fortune to make: about 3 times as much as the town hall. Designed by Hendrick de Keyser, it was completed in 1623, has 7 major statues and is made of black, white and gold-veined marble.

The Old Church has a leaning steeple.

This one hosts other famous casualties: Johannes Vermeer, H.K. Poot (poet), Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (who founded microbiology, vastly improved microscopes and did a lot of research in the field), Piet Hein (captured the Spanish treasure fleet) and Maarten Tromp.

Interestingly, both churches have very new glass-in-lead windows, they didn't start re-installing stained glass until 1921. All the old glass was ruined in the Delftse Donderslag, when a gunpowder storage blew up, killed hundreds and destroyed 500 houses and every window in town.

punknaynowned - 12-8-2012 at 15:33

great pictures!
thanks for the tour!!!

BBP - 12-8-2012 at 21:57

You're welcome!
Didn't make the video, but I did take the ride at sunset, which was beautiful and awesome!

Sorry about the mistake, I updated the link now!

[Edited on 13-8-12 by BBP]

KAPTKIRK - 12-8-2012 at 22:24

Great tour of "The Torture Never Stops" kinda place BP.I wonder if your drifting off into S&M now? :lol:

Been in hospital for a few days.I bashed my elbow and it turned into an infection.Now I'm at home resting with antibiotics pumping into me on one arm and a suck vac attached to the other arm with wound.Can't comb/wash hair and am feeding myself left handed.What fun.It's going on 3 days of over 100 degrees with more to come.Oh joy.I'm to depleted of strenth to type anymore.

punknaynowned - 13-8-2012 at 15:22

get well soon Kiirk :bouncy:

BBP - 13-8-2012 at 16:35

Oh right, can you picture me in like a leather teddy? Yeah right, "hurt me hurt me" I'm sure, no way!
(Dad that's an FZ reference)
Get well soon, Kirk! (hug)

BBP - 14-8-2012 at 12:03

Read that there are riots in Amiens, where Aqua lives. Are you OK Aqua?

polydigm - 14-8-2012 at 16:27

Sorry to hear about your plight Kirk. Hang in there mate.

aquagoat - 14-8-2012 at 20:18

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Read that there are riots in Amiens, where Aqua lives. Are you OK Aqua?
Yes, I'm ok, I didn't even know about that until I read your post. It happened in a very specific district of the city that has undergone a lot of changes recently since a few derelict buildings must be destroyed to create new ones in the next 5 years. It's a district where a lot of poor people live and where a lot of drug trafficking takes place and there have been a few fights with the police since the beginning of the destructions a few months ago, because some of these buildings were used to stock weapons and drugs. It's a typical "ghetto" story.

BBP - 14-8-2012 at 20:29

Hmmm... I see a connection with Waalre...

KAPTKIRK - 17-8-2012 at 06:11

Thanks folks.I tell ya the cure was worse than the ailment.They took me off the antibodies today as my blood work showed it was shutting down my kidneys too.A side effect in some they say.Still shakey and now the damn walk about thingy is going off! I should have got a lap top.
Talk to ya'll soon as I can sit up for more than 10:00 min.The well wishes are much apprieciated,thanx folk's. {-

BBP - 18-8-2012 at 16:13

Feel better!

I'm hard at work to finish the forum B-day present.

KAPTKIRK - 19-8-2012 at 04:31

Finish that Frank damn project BP and I'll be on chat tomorrow.I'll try and be on from 3-7 PST,if that's alright with everyone.
Feeling better,still weak though.Saving my strenth for the forum chat room Frank damn special gab fest and all around good vibe thing for the 10th forum B-day.Talk to you in real time tomorrow. {-

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 20-8-2012 at 22:44

Finished it, will publish tomorrow.

KAPTKIRK - 21-8-2012 at 00:51

Oh boy,can't wait Bonny! Bet your glad your done with all of us bugging you about it.

Nurse is on the way,I seem to be swelling some.Water retention? I thought that was a female trip! My toes look like those little sausages,and only my left hand is swollen...Hmmm?
I probably got something like the west nile virus from a mosquito,the way this thing is playing out.Blood work-up should tell the tale.We'll see. {-

KAPTKIRK - 21-8-2012 at 01:55

Go to emergency,do not collect $200,go directly to emergency! Blood Pressure is sky high.Talk to you??????? Like Rosanna Anna Danna,it's always something! {-

KAPTKIRK - 21-8-2012 at 08:14

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Go to emergency,do not collect $200,go directly to emergency! Blood Pressure is sky high.Talk to you??????? Like Rosanna Anna Danna,it's always something! {-

4 hours + and back with new BP medicine. 210 over 110 Jeeze Louise!

BTW: BP = Blood Pressure,this time only.Sorry Bonny,I forgot until I reread the post! :blush: Besides I'm a sick guy,show some mercy...please. :grin: LOL!

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 21-8-2012 at 11:01

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Go to emergency,do not collect $200,go directly to emergency! Blood Pressure is sky high.Talk to you??????? Like Rosanna Anna Danna,it's always something! {-

Odd you say that, only yesterday I had the idea of a Zappa monopoly!

BBP - 21-8-2012 at 16:27

KAPTKIRK - 21-8-2012 at 22:20

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Go to emergency,do not collect $200,go directly to emergency! Blood Pressure is sky high.Talk to you??????? Like Rosanna Anna Danna,it's always something! {-

Odd you say that, only yesterday I had the idea of a Zappa monopoly!

That does sound very interesting and could be ...hey,alot of fun! Get your shoe's and socks on people,it's right around the corner from Park Place/Log Cabin/Santa Monica's Boardwalk etc.
By jove I think it could happen here! LOL :cool:

polydigm - 22-8-2012 at 02:14

Frank Zappa does have the monopoly on being Zappa.

Posthumously of course, I haven't got my tenses mixed up, that monopoly continues to reign.

And, with all due respect to the other "Zappas" of course.

KAPTKIRK - 22-8-2012 at 07:25

I don't want to step on any of the Zappa's Freakin' Toes or break up THEY'RE MONOPOLY,but we could just use flake names and make it up as we go.
I'll roll the a six.Landed at the Olive Green Hotel.I own it.Mwahahaha!
:forumsmiley461: to the Olive Green Hotel! Today I'm thinking of buying the Montana Rail Road. ;)

BBP - 22-8-2012 at 10:45

What streets would you include in Zappopoly? Streets mentioned in FZ-songs: could you find 40 of them? Album titles and track numbers?

KAPTKIRK - 23-8-2012 at 06:41

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
What streets would you include in Zappopoly? Streets mentioned in FZ-songs: could you find 40 of them? Album titles and track numbers?

Sunset Blvd. comes to mind.I don't think I could come up with 40 off the top of my head.I'd have to go through the whole FZ catalog to find 10 much less 40.Laurel Canyon and Sunset Blvd. where from one song.Plastic People.Short answer,I don't know.Good question,now I'm curious...skeptical but curious.How many streets in FZ's songs? Alot of towns & places,real and imagined,are more likely to reach 40.Go with hotels he's got 200 of them! LOL!

punknaynowned - 23-8-2012 at 07:16

I like kiirk's suggestion of places, for sure:

Sun Village
the Whiskey
the filmore east
the mudd club
concertgeboew even
or The Ahoy in Rotterdam
the roxy
The North
I think Cantor's has to be there
or that drum shop in San Diego
Edward's Air Force Base
Howard Johnson's and Holiday Inn's can act like the utilities

The Log Cabin could be Go or The Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
a luxury or poor tax could be Montreaux where they lose their instruments in a fire or where they lose their manager and all the cash on hand on tour...

But how to account that any place you may get sent to play may in fact be a money losing situation as well as a money gaining situation? Frank played near Canarsie and got Warren in the audience. He played in St Louis where a young Ike Willis approached him but had just played a string of shows that almost all lost money. How to account for that inthe changing nature of the game?

you guys figure it out

btw Bonny your diorama deserves a much bigger screen than I have so it is difficult for me to see enough, but amazing work!

BBP - 23-8-2012 at 10:04

Click the artwork in question to get a good view!
Top left
Top right
Bottom left
Bottom right

KAPTKIRK - 23-8-2012 at 10:34

Just toying with ideas punk.
I like the quandrant thing with the picture Bonny,the whole thing is quit,ahem,busy.Now I think I see The Planet Of My Dreams and it's Ethel dreaming it. Am I close or should I put this guess in :cool:

BBP - 23-8-2012 at 12:41

It's been guessed already, sorry! You can see in the second post on the first page which titles were guessed correctly already. Be sure to check it out!

KAPTKIRK - 25-8-2012 at 05:27

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It's been guessed already, sorry! You can see in the second post on the first page which titles were guessed correctly already. Be sure to check it out!

Thanx,and a great idea too!

BBP - 25-8-2012 at 13:34

Having a bad day. Fell pretty hard on the way back from the supermarket, because the crank arm of the right pedal broke off. Got large wounds on my elbow and knee now.

Bonny's In Da House! Hide your china!

KAPTKIRK - 25-8-2012 at 22:47

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Having a bad day. Fell pretty hard on the way back from the supermarket, because the crank arm of the right pedal broke off. Got large wounds on my elbow and knee now.

Bonny's In Da House! Hide your china!

Make sure the wounds are all clean! That's how my elbow started,years ago I bashed it and it must of never healed up right or rather it healed with something still in it.Take care of yourself Bonny or there will be hell to pay later,trust me!

polydigm - 26-8-2012 at 02:47

Personally I think the best setting for Zappopoly would be the set of 200 Motels. His face could be in middle of the board just like on the cover. It would not have to be strictly only 200 Motels stuff, but it's a good overall theme I reckon.

Sorry to hear about your injuries Bonny, chin up.

KAPTKIRK - 26-8-2012 at 03:41

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Personally I think the best setting for Zappopoly would be the set of 200 Motels. His face could be in middle of the board just like on the cover. It would not have to be strictly only 200 Motels stuff, but it's a good overall theme I reckon.

Sorry to hear about your injuries Bonny, chin up.

I like that idea.Especialy the Zappapoly part! He,he. :lol:

BBP - 26-8-2012 at 19:33

Thanks for the well-wishes Kirk and Poly!
For Punky!

punknaynowned - 27-8-2012 at 03:20

Thanks B, I enjoyed that. Watching the parade, pardon, Brabantsedag in Heeze was fun.
We had what they called a busker festival here. So much that I didn't go downtown at all this weekend.
But it looked like it was some fun,

also, here's a new series where this guy goes to different cities and talks about history and stuff. The third show is about Lawrence, where I live.
hope you can watch this as it is on hulu and I know some things won't play overseas

[Edited on 27-8-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 27-8-2012 at 17:15

Glad you liked it Punk!

Sister lefta few hours ago. We played ping pong earlier, and while doing that we spotted two buzzards hovering over us, making a lot of noise. An awesome sight, after which we went home to grab the cameras and go bird spotting.

Took my bicycle to the guy I bought it from. He was amazed by the break, said he'd never seen it before, and in view of how it happened, he decided to give me a 50% price cut.

Feeling a lot better. Though my leg is quite bruised.

BBP - 27-8-2012 at 20:22

Oh Punky: the busking festival looks fun, but I can't see Hulu at all.

aquagoat - 28-8-2012 at 18:03

bought this yesterday:

+ all the necessary parts to make it work correctly.:bouncing::bouncy:

BBP - 28-8-2012 at 19:44

Looking good, Aqua!

I found this on a defunct Timothy Carey (producer of the World's Greatest Sinner) page:
“When I was working with Debbie Reynolds for the second time (in THE SECOND TIME AROUND, a western comedy) at 20th Century Fox, a fellow came up to me and complimented me on my acting. He said he was a composer and the guy he came with, his next-door neighbor, played the guitar. I said, ‘What’s your name?’ he said, ‘Frank Zappa’. So I said, ‘OK, I have something for you. We have no music for THE WORLD’S GREATEST SINNER. If you can supply the orchestra and a place to tape it, you have the job’. And that’s what he did. Around the same time he was on the Steve Alan Show. That’s where our friendship stopped. Steve asked him what films he did. He said, ‘I did THE WORLD’S GREATEST SINNER, the world’s worst film and all the actors were from skid row.’ It wasn’t true. The press said I was the world’s greatest ham, and that THE WORLD’S GREATEST SINNER was a travesty of the arts. Zappa didn’t like that and he started to get on their bandwagon. The opening night at the directors guild, he was in complete awe. He walked into the window and banged himself in the head. He didn’t even know there was a window there.

KAPTKIRK - 28-8-2012 at 20:10

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
bought this yesterday:

+ all the necessary parts to make it work correctly.:bouncing::bouncy:

Very cool aquagoat.Who's the little cartoon guy at the top of the body on back? It looks like Homer Simson playing a guitar,but is really too small to make it out clearly.

aquagoat - 29-8-2012 at 07:23

It's a kind of turtle guy that serves the Warmoth company as a mascot:

[Edited on 29-8-2012 by aquagoat]

KAPTKIRK - 29-8-2012 at 17:28

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
It's a kind of turtle guy that serves the Warmoth company as a mascot:

[Edited on 29-8-2012 by aquagoat]

Well Homer is shaped like a turtle.Ha,ha! I really like the wood grain patterns very classy.Hope the tones right for you.

aquagoat - 29-8-2012 at 18:45

we'll hear that when I've received and assembled the parts. I think it'll be good.

punknaynowned - 30-8-2012 at 10:49

that looks really nice aqua. what kind of wood is it?
thanks for buying american ;)

aquagoat - 31-8-2012 at 06:49

The body's made of black korina with a glossy finish and the neck is wenge with an ebony fretboard with no finish. First I intended to buy that kind of body:

but you rarely see so much of that reddish/orange colour in that wood so when I saw the other body I knew I had to buy it. I plan to put a Floyd rose tremolo system and Dimarzio Fast track 2, Red velvet and Pro track pickups in it, so it won't really sound like a strat. haha :roll:

As to buying american, it wasn't really a criterion but I couldn't find a company doing the same thing with the same level of quality and for the same price in france, so I didn't really have the choice.:(

[Edited on 31-8-2012 by aquagoat]

punknaynowned - 31-8-2012 at 10:53

it looks very nice and I hope it gives you years of enjoyment!

ha! the buy america thing is an uncharacteristic thing for me to say anyway.
but it's also nice to hear that they had what you wanted.
To know that we still can and do that. Despite transatlantic costs...

BBP - 2-9-2012 at 15:56

As a kid, my favourite friends were my soft toys. Whether I got bullied at school or I had to rehearse a talk in class, my plushies were the place to go to.
Even in secondary school I just couldn't bear to throw them out of bed. Until that vacacion between secondary school and university.
I got these horrible sleeping problems, sore eyes and a runny nose kept me awake every night. After some deduction I found it were my dear friends who caused this grief. I spent one summer day cleaning them thoroughly, but it didn't help.
When there was no space in bed anymore, the 100+ toys quickly took over the room. Eventually, after a lot of nagging from my father, I succumbed to putting all but a handful of favourites in cardboard boxes. They were stored in the attic.

Disaster struck. Mice took over the attic and destroyed one childhood doll. Since I cannot climb up into the attic myself, I had no choice but to let them at my cherished friends. It broke my heart.

Today my father decided to pull them from there. He first got the boxes that held my sister's toys. The mice had been in there all-right: they were filled with droppings and the poison we had set on them. But lo, mice don't like toys! A few were slightly damaged, one had to be thrown away and a mouse needs a change of pants, but besides that, nothing we can't fix! I cleaned them all and they're now drying.

Then dad went up to get mine, and surprise: my boxes weren't broken into at all!

I got to rummage into the boxes. I could empty at least one of them, since many of the teddies I'm not attached to at all, but there's a couple that really melt me. How could I ever stick them in the attic in the first place?
Anyway if I'm not there anymore tomorrow, I will have died of nostalgia. By now I believe that's possible.

BBP - 3-9-2012 at 20:31

Hmmm. I believe those pictures of my leg killed the forum.

Leg's still blue.

aquagoat - 4-9-2012 at 06:58

hahaha, yes, the forum killing blue leg has stuck again. How did you do that to you?

[Edited on 4-9-2012 by aquagoat]

BBP - 4-9-2012 at 11:26

Just by falling over with my bicycle and getting my leg trapped between my bicycle and the kerb.

We almost had a war here years ago over the location of a game, a game only I liked: in English it's called Key To The Kingdom. It dates from the early 90s and is very complicated. I thought my sister had brought it with her when she moved out of the house, and my sister thought she'd put it in the attic. She was right and we just found it.
Played it twice with my father. Lost twice.

aquagoat - 5-9-2012 at 06:51

You're going to kill yourself with that bicycle. Careful bonny, a bicycle is a very dangerous vehicle, believe me.

BBP - 5-9-2012 at 14:49

Oh right! How are your elbows, have you got all functions back yet?

DED - 5-9-2012 at 16:34

lost twice? no young lady. we played it three times and I won all of them, altough we did not compplete the first game. I had the key, a treasure and the snake( :-( )

KAPTKIRK - 5-9-2012 at 16:52

Nerve damage in right hand from op-on elbow.Hurts like hell! Type with left hand. Ouch!

BBP - 5-9-2012 at 19:02

Oh poor Kirk! Get well soon hon!

KAPTKIRK - 5-9-2012 at 19:36

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh poor Kirk! Get well soon hon!

Thanx Beeps.I managed to do myself damage without the help of a bicycle! LOL!

BBP - 6-9-2012 at 18:23

That's my special skill too, Kirk. :)
Anyway, am thinking now what to do next on the Z-site now that the 50 titles are guessed. And am looking for birthday presents for my sister.

aquagoat - 6-9-2012 at 18:36

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh right! How are your elbows, have you got all functions back yet?
my elbow's ok, it still hurts a bit sometimes, but that's ok.

BBP - 7-9-2012 at 15:33

That's good, hope the pain will go away too. It's not easy to get joints to heal: my elbow sometimes still hurts from the time I bruised it with basketball in school.

Dad won't play Key To The Kingdom with me anymore since I won last time. That was an epic battle that lasted an hour and a half.

[Edited on 7-9-12 by BBP]

polydigm - 9-9-2012 at 01:36

Jesus, what a bunch we are. Luckily I'm not currently nursing an injury of any kind. I'm on the tail end of a round of antibiotics after coming down with the secondary infection from hell in my throat. Hope this finds everyone feeling not too bad. I'm having a pretty good weekend so far.

BBP - 9-9-2012 at 22:06

Oh help, it must be catchy...

BBP - 10-9-2012 at 15:10

Bought the infamous and pre-Internet-era book Broodje Aap by Ethel Portnoy. It's a collection of urban myths.

Much to my surprise I found FZ was mentioned in it: on a story about one Owsley (who dragged a holy book to the prison, to "read to" hippies, while each and every page of that book was drenched with LSD), Portnoy writes:

"In the 60s, there was an enormous fad among Californian teens about the mischievous Owsley. In the song Hey Punk by Frank Zappa [sic] the Punk says "I'm going to San Fransisco to sleep on Owsley's floor". In a book on the children of hippies (J. Rothchild and S. Wolf, The Children of the Counterculture, New York, 1976) a commune is mentioned where some ow "Owsley's children" live.
Did "Owsley" really exist? It might not be a coincidence that his name is similar to 'Uilenspiegel'.

Looked him up and discovered that Portnoy's research could've been much better, and not just because there's no "Hey Punk" song by Frank Zappa

Calvin - 11-9-2012 at 00:43

I expected this to be down. So you just don't get the domain from Go-Daddy, you host there also?

polydigm - 11-9-2012 at 01:24

Glad to see this place seems intact.

DED - 11-9-2012 at 08:52

We host for at least 10 years with Godaddy. Up till now there were no severe problems. A change in CEO at Godaddy was cause of main trouble because he supported SOPA. The stupid. When customers left the company massivly, they turn around and won't support SOPA. But hackers stil find that millions of people must be punished. A little stupid. We are back and hope that we are back for again a long time.

polydigm - 11-9-2012 at 09:06

That sounds incredibly stupid to me. I hear you DED. When Zappa talked about how much stupidity there is in the world it was kind of funny. But, it's actually quite sad is it not?

BBP - 11-9-2012 at 12:34

It is, but at least we're back on our feet!

KAPTKIRK - 12-9-2012 at 17:51

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It is, but at least we're back on our feet!

Now if we can just stay on our feet and not slip and fall,we just might make it a whole week without injury to ourselves or the sites we use! We seem to be a sickly and injury prone bunch! Hold the antibiotics!

DED - 12-9-2012 at 21:30

With hackers claiming to check the security of sites while doing harm to it, is not new. It looks like ddr with their vopo's.

BBP - 13-9-2012 at 09:40

I'm not on my feet again. Yesterday I got a weird allergic reaction below my mouth over my entire chin. Allergic reaction, perhaps, but I never had any food allergies before.

polydigm - 14-9-2012 at 12:53

I got myself a new bicycle yesterday and today I gave it/myself quite a work out. I need the exercise and it will eventually pay for itself in saved bus tickets. Now there's a story that only involves good health for a change. :freak: ;)

BBP - 14-9-2012 at 18:36

That's great, Poly! Be careful now: you probably have heard us on how badly you can injure yourself!

BBP - 15-9-2012 at 19:12

You may have seen these at

BBP - 17-9-2012 at 16:01


KAPTKIRK - 17-9-2012 at 23:14

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

I saw some on but not all.Are these pieces for a new board game?
I guess Poly must be out riding his new bike.Must be hard riding upside down and all....:lol:

polydigm - 18-9-2012 at 03:03

Yes, I've been out riding my bike, the right way up.

Hello Bonny. I've been busy.

I got knocked off my study perch by this business with my Mum. She's on her third round of antibiotics, which is ridiculous and what was going to see an improvement in her mind set in a week has now blown out to more than six weeks. If her infection test comes back negative again this week, my brother and I will take her to hospital.

Anyway, I'm getting my music and maths mojo back and even though I've had to delay some coursework I'm now back on track with my project.

I don't know if I mentioned that after 7 years I'm seeing my Dad again and today he's just turned 90. Physically pretty old and worn out but still very acute mentally.

BBP - 18-9-2012 at 10:57

Congratulations on your father, Poly! I hope your mom will be OK...

Very funny, Kirk. I made these Zappa Cluedo cards hoping we could start up a game at, but unfortunately that's not going to work.

KAPTKIRK - 19-9-2012 at 02:04

Hope your moms alright and your visit with your dad goes good too,Poly.
Where those cards loosely based on the game Clue,Bonny? I remember seeing some of those before.

BBP - 19-9-2012 at 11:47

Yeah. For my Zappa Cluedo I picked three characters whose name has a colour in it (Bobby Brown, Ms Pinky and Green Genes), the Father because there's a reverend in Cluedo, and the other two ladies just because (actually Rhonda because I didn't want another groupie).
Perhaps it's my style that makes it look familiar. Particularly on the little umbrellas, since I drew a lot of them on the 50 Titles picture.

Canarsie could alternatively be called Nowhere.

polydigm - 19-9-2012 at 12:15

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Canarsie could alternatively be called Nowhere.
I think the Carnarsians might object. :duh:

Unfortunately, with my Mum, it's good news and bad news. The bad news is that she has a persistent infection and we still have to wait for it to be gone before we can get any definitive long term diagnosis of her neurological health. Hence there are also catch twenty-twos about how to get home assistance with her situation, which is basically what we were trying to resolve by taking her to the hospital today in the first place. The good news is tentative, in that they are of the opinion that her health is not otherwise that bad. All three of us still feel like shit.

The birthday bash at my Dad's on Sunday went went well, and we didn't jinx him, for his actual turning 90, two days later on Tuesday.

BBP - 20-9-2012 at 11:12

Or maybe Canarsie is Nowhere.

My sister turns 32 today. That's 20 in hexadecimal numbers.

punknaynowned - 21-9-2012 at 18:03

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Bought the infamous and pre-Internet-era book Broodje Aap by Ethel Portnoy. It's a collection of urban myths.

Much to my surprise I found FZ was mentioned in it: on a story about one Owsley (who dragged a holy book to the prison, to "read to" hippies, while each and every page of that book was drenched with LSD), Portnoy writes:

"In the 60s, there was an enormous fad among Californian teens about the mischievous Owsley. In the song Hey Punk by Frank Zappa [sic] the Punk says "I'm going to San Fransisco to sleep on Owsley's floor". In a book on the children of hippies (J. Rothchild and S. Wolf, The Children of the Counterculture, New York, 1976) a commune is mentioned where some ow "Owsley's children" live.
Did "Owsley" really exist? It might not be a coincidence that his name is similar to 'Uilenspiegel'.

Looked him up and discovered that Portnoy's research could've been much better, and not just because there's no "Hey Punk" song by Frank Zappa

Augustus Owsely Stanley III (aka 'Bear') was a real person. He did sound for the grateful dead for years, manufactured and gave away a bunch of LSD and spent time in prison for that. He died March 2011 in a car wreck. The wiki is good and informative.

Warning! Pulled heartstring alert!
Glad to see folks on the mend. Sorry to hear about your mom and dad Poly.
We buried my mom on Monday. She died of cancer after beaten it twice before.
She was 83, lived a full life and bore six kids incl me. We loved her and she loved us with the gift of unconditional love - which seems incomparable. I am fine, and will drive her car away and carry some furniture and things I've known all my life back the 320km to where I live. Tomorrow. She never smoked or drank but on a few rare holidays. Wrote letters to her beau off in the Pacific in WWII. Married him when he got back. Lost her husband of 44 years to brain cancer. Lived the next 20 years with diabetes and insulin shots. She'll be missed. But it all has gone as well as can be expected. And so I remain grateful to her even in death. :crying:

So last night when I got back for a couple days,
I listened to,
1968 05 03 Denver
1982 07 07 Milano, IT
1970 11 20 Columbus, OH

BBP - 21-9-2012 at 19:23

Terribly sorry to hear about your mother, Punky, she sounds like a wonderful person...

polydigm - 22-9-2012 at 02:00

Hey Ned, I'm sorry to hear about your Mum. There's noting to be sorry about with my Dad, at this stage, we had a good time at his place and he's doing well for a 90 year old. My Mum is the only worry at the moment, but according to her latest tests the infection may finally be abating. We're having a meeting with her GP tomorrow to discuss how to proceed from here.

punknaynowned - 22-9-2012 at 14:01

Thanks Bonny and Geoff!
I got to see my aunt and uncle (mom's sister + husband of 60 years) on tuesday. They are 83 and are falling apart even after a whole life of healthy farm living here in Kansas. So I can only imagine about yer dad. It just happens. Mom was mentally sharp even after they put her on percocets. Aware of all that was going on but not able to communicate much after that.

One thing I should mention is how wonderful hospice was for all concerned. Paid thru medicare after the diagnosis of terminal cancer, they were able to provide everything for dying at home. Their focus is on making everyone comfortable in the dying process, which by itself is a profound notion. Mom was scared to bathe in the shower as she could no longer stand so hospice brought a chair and a hose so she could use the shower.

detail alert!!! :shy:
Hospice brought her a potty when she couldn't make it to the bathroom. Brought a hospital bed that could be raised, lowered, heated etc. Delivered meds, had a nurse on call to check vitals but talk us through all our issues, had an assistant who would come every day to clean her and when mom couldn't etc. It is astounding how essential they quickly became. There are different forms of this service all over the world. Check it out. We all agreed, if we get terminal cancer, we all definitely want to die at home with loved ones and with the help of hospice. didn't cost us a thing. They recommended things like anti-anxiety meds and raising her meds from percocet to morphine and the doctor just agreed on their recommendation. It was a very seemless process so that we could focus on mom and being with her and looking at her issues not running around trying to get meds or coordinating hospital visits, fretting about her estate or anything like that. Maybe it's hard to see what a relief hospice was without enduring it but there you go. Personal testimony right here if this should happen to you or yours. :thumbup:

punknaynowned - 22-9-2012 at 14:08

last night listened to Neil Young's Tonight's the Night:

aquagoat - 23-9-2012 at 12:06

Had an internet breakdown last week but now I'm back. :bouncy:

BBP - 23-9-2012 at 22:06

Great to have you here again, Aqua!

polydigm - 24-9-2012 at 02:10

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Had an internet breakdown last week but now I'm back.
Is that a type of nervous breakdown? A colleague of mine in 2010 told me about one of his sons at the late teenage stage whom they thought was too obsessed with the internet and decided to give him an enforced break from it. He then proceeded to have a nervous breakdown. Glad you're back on line. Whatever anyone says, it is a valuable and important part of modern life.

punknaynowned - 24-9-2012 at 08:43

Got back Saturday night. All is well.
listened to a couple shows yesterday whilst looking at all the stuff and cleaning and rearranging what I have to make the new arrivals fit.
1988 05 28 Linz, Austria
1970 11 27 Manchester, Great Britain

aquagoat - 26-9-2012 at 18:40

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Had an internet breakdown last week but now I'm back.
Is that a type of nervous breakdown? A colleague of mine in 2010 told me about one of his sons at the late teenage stage whom they thought was too obsessed with the internet and decided to give him an enforced break from it. He then proceeded to have a nervous breakdown. Glad you're back on line. Whatever anyone says, it is a valuable and important part of modern life.
well, no, it's not that kind of breakdown, I just wanted to say that my internet connection had broken down.

polydigm - 27-9-2012 at 04:45

Hey Aqua, I really didn't think you'd had a nervous breakdown, it's just that your being off the air for a week reminded me of that story. And it also made me think about how we have all become quite dependent on the internet. Not that I think that's a bad thing.

Anyway, you've told me many times before, but please tell me again, where do you live in France? I'll be there some time in January.

BBP - 28-9-2012 at 17:19


Hit the town earlier today, there was a CD fair. Was rather small, but I beat the odds and found Tim Curry's Fearless: Curry didn't tour The Netherlands in his rock star days and Rocky Horror never took off here, so over here it's a rare find.

aquagoat - 29-9-2012 at 16:36

Yes that's right I live in Amiens, a bit in the norh of the country.

polydigm - 2-10-2012 at 01:02

Hey, Aqua, you're not reading your U2U.

I'm just coming up for air after a big batch of marking. Nothing exciting to report. I hope everyone's okay?

punknaynowned - 2-10-2012 at 04:58

I'm fine, having to go thru a total house clean and rearrangement as appropriate.
New zppa product and all that will just have to wait.
But I do listen almost daily to something, like
1980 12 11 Santa Monica Early+Late shows and
1974 10 31 Felt Forum, NY E+L
each date either a little more or a little less than 4 hours
and very different, tho each have a different version of Night Owl


I'm finishing the second one tonight

[Edited on 2-10-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 2-10-2012 at 09:57

My sister came over for the weekend to celebrate her birthday with us. We watched Richard III (the Laurence Olivier version) and had a lot of fun.
I'd intended to make another theme park visit today, but unfortunately my sister had been ill and was still recovering, and I caught her bug. Now I have a sore throat and am filled with mucus.

BBP - 3-10-2012 at 16:25

Went to the store and bought cold meds and a camera SD card. Proceeded to enter each and every store I dislike to spread my germs.

polydigm - 4-10-2012 at 06:28

My third batch of 12 has just arrived. I haven't had time to get the shrink wrap and those stupid seal stickers off yet. Amazon shipped those on 26th September and here they are in my hot little hands 6 business days later with huge savings on buying them locally. They really are a top show.

My Mum's been assessed and accepted for some professional support in the home, so we're gradually getting there with her situation.

Just saw my surgeon today for my routine check up and no concerns there. It's been over two years now since my major surgery and life is good.

punknaynowned - 4-10-2012 at 07:29

I just noticed that Hammersmith Odeon has fallen off the barfko swill page, not in all musicetc.
It's been two years and it disappears. I know it'll prolly be back for xmas.
I have to do these in sequence!

get better bon!

BBP - 8-10-2012 at 15:52

Had a terrible cold and was indoors for 5 days. Went out for the first time in days today. Bought a Hesse book at the charity shop and a new set of headphones since I managed to bust my old one. It's my special skill, breaking headphones.

DED - 8-10-2012 at 17:32

poor bbp

Attachment: vandaag055a.jpg (95kB)
This file has been downloaded 406 times

punknaynowned - 9-10-2012 at 00:39

Glad you're feeling better B!
Nice card Ed! :biggrin:

BBP - 9-10-2012 at 07:01

And today I'll visit the local theme park. Would've waited longer but they're closing my favourite ride tomorrow.

BBP - 10-10-2012 at 18:47

Went there and am now feeling sick and sore. And I made over 380 photos.

[Edited on 10-10-12 by BBP]

BBP - 10-10-2012 at 21:40

Oh, and here's one of my photos:

polydigm - 11-10-2012 at 01:54

Nice pic Bonny. Nothing to report here. Tout est comme d'habitude.

DED - 12-10-2012 at 13:27

HAd a bad status on you tube. foced to remove a snippet from BIG. The one that shows our Ballygame.

view the original

[Edited on 12-10-2012 by DED]

aquagoat - 12-10-2012 at 20:41

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey, Aqua, you're not reading your U2U.
I do read my U2U, once in a while, hahaha
, sorry:P

edit: I was just answering your message but what I was writing was suddenly deleted, so I'll answer tomorrow when I don't want to kill a hundred internet cats, if that makes sense, of course.

[Edited on 12-10-2012 by aquagoat]

polydigm - 13-10-2012 at 00:55

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
... what I was writing was suddenly deleted ...
Oh, I read your U2U first, so now it makes sense. It made me think there might be a U2U size limit. Or maybe that is what happened? Bonny?
... I don't want to kill a hundred internet cats, if that makes sense, of course.
You may have to explain that to me.

DED - 13-10-2012 at 12:20

The problem now and then is shared hosting. Not for the site but for the server that contains databases. It could be that our database is on a very busy server and sometimes things like thes could happen. We also had a few other technical DNS issues with the nameserver but that was solved by the hoster.

Reacting however esp. when you want to type a large answer on any site (reactions on newsites, complaints etc. Always use notepad or equil. Some time they say after you have entered your txt. Your answer was too long and then you can start all over again. The typing remains the same and the only thing you have to do extra is ctrl A ctrl C ctrl V. This tip was given you by me, who was a donkey several times.

DED - 13-10-2012 at 12:23

Another tip is befor you tough the enter button and starts to send anything (select your txt and copy it into yr clip board. That can be handy sometimes, even with a short answer.

when i press contrl V now you get this
The problem now and then is shared hosting. Not for the site but for the server that contains databases. It could be that our database is on a very busy server and sometimes things like thes could happen. We also had a few other technical DNS issues with the nameserver but that was solved by the hoster.

Reacting however esp. when you want to type a large answer on any site (reactions on newsites, complaints etc. Always use notepad or equil. Some time they say after you have entered your txt. Your answer was too long and then you can start all over again. The typing remains the same and the only thing you have to do extra is ctrl A ctrl C ctrl V. This tip was given you by me, who was a donkey several times.

Im sure there are a few programs who can do this automatically.

BBP - 14-10-2012 at 10:45

I've found copy & paste to be a necessity on this forum. Try to work it into your system: type, select, copy, post.

DED - 14-10-2012 at 15:01

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I've found copy & paste to be a necessity on this forum. Try to work it into your system: type, select, copy, post.
For us it is a different problem. We still have a bad connection. There are plans for fiber, but in a strange way Our city get behind. Original plan was to have fiber all over in 2008..then 2010...then end 2012 and only a part in the north is being done now.

Our ISP say ok you have our second best solution with gave you 50% of promised so if you choose our best (far more expensive) option you still gat half of what is promissed, but then you have more bandwidth than now.

Strange guys

But it is not a problem of bandwidth, its the reachability.

BBP - 19-10-2012 at 19:58

We're moving furniture about in the living room. Our living-room is L-shaped and has an awkward (and not overly attractive) fireplace that causes a very nasty inusable corner. I have a similar odd corner in my bedroom, plus because of the chimney the house is noisy, and there are no windows in the bathroom (which only has a bath). I don't know who designed this place, but for as far as I'm concerned, he can go back to school.

polydigm - 20-10-2012 at 00:31

So no major dramas then? Things appear to be going okay with me lately.

BBP - 20-10-2012 at 13:08

Not really. I woke up today with lots of scratches where I didn't have any when I went to bed last night, notably on my chin. A bit of a puzzle.

polydigm - 21-10-2012 at 23:01

I've bashed my arm on the bedside table on the odd occasion during sleep, but I can't remember ever waking up with scratches on my chin - puzzling indeed.

I've been marking first year statistics papers this weekend. Just in case I haven't explained it before, it used to be my least favourite maths topic but I've developed an interest in it. This semester, I didn't even fill out the form to apply for any stats work, so it's a bit of a mystery how I got such a large amount of stats marking. Someone must have been doing me a favour.

Anyway, I'm having to teach myself the unit as I go along. It can be a bit of a drain sometimes when I've got plenty of other stuff on my plate but it is kind of cool - aside from the fact that marking can be pretty mentally laborious, it's like I'm being paid to learn stats.

BBP - 22-10-2012 at 07:40

I vaguely remember dreaming about getting myself entangled in spider webs a lot. Possibly that dream came because we'd been moving furniture and I got to put a cellar spider outside. That's lethal to the buggers. I suppose these are the kind of spiders that freak me out most, because those long brown legs look just like my hair. It'll cure when I go entirely grey next year.

Did I tell you I'm learning Japanese? It's what all that Howl's Moving Castle did to me.
I now have a full respect for people who have to translate that: for lip-sync, they tend to have the exact same amount of syllables, and Japanese puts a suffix behind the subject, object, predicate, possessive etc. The simple word I is watakushi in Japanese. A sentence like I am a man, 4 syllables, translates to Watakushi-wa otoko-de su, 10 syllables.

DED - 22-10-2012 at 21:10

When do YOU use I'm a man?

BBP - 22-10-2012 at 21:49

About as often as I use "Kore-wa naifu-de su ka? -Iie, sore-wa naifu-de ari-masen. Sore-wa fooku-de su.", which means "Is this a knife? - No, that is not a knife. That is a fork."

DED - 23-10-2012 at 12:33


BBP - 23-10-2012 at 15:40

If you look closely, the words "knife" and "fork" were directly imported from English into Japanese, but apparently they already had spoons there. Every syllable in Japanese is open (as in: ends on a vowel), but U usually gets swallowed at the end.

BBP - 25-10-2012 at 12:28

It's oh, so quiet, shh, shhh, it's oh so still...

polydigm - 25-10-2012 at 22:43


I made a promise to drop by regularly a long time ago and I've kept to it. The dark place is so boring at the moment it's like watching paint dry.

I don't have a lot to say at the moment, I'm not in a particularly good frame of mind, mainly due to the metal deterioration of my mother and the impact it's having on everything I do. The problem is that there's not much you can do about it and not much anyone can really say. It is what it is - shitty.

BBP - 26-10-2012 at 21:16

Terribly sorry to hear about your mother, Poly. It's terrible watching someone you love in that state.

Zappa forum's not what it used to be. I didn't even get a comment on the comics I published there.
Anyway, regarding Japanese and syllables: there's a lot of languages that have similar issues or short words for long descriptions (I love the Scottish "tartle"): Click the Real Life folder.

punknaynowned - 27-10-2012 at 16:47

this one always cheers me up

BBP - 27-10-2012 at 17:35

This video contains content from EMI, who blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.:(

punknaynowned - 27-10-2012 at 19:32

this is the song in a different clip

and can you see this page?
it's the one called kono yo no kagiri
anyway, here's the lyrics

Kono yo ni kagiri wa aru no?
Moshi mou hate ga mieta nara
Dou yatte waraou ka tanoshimou ka
Mou yari tsukushita ne

Jaa nando datte wasureyou
Soshite mata atarashiku deaereba subarashii

But still my dear if the end draws near what should I do?
If you hold me tight I'd feel all right but still be blue
But if a song were to play just for us for a moment
To take the heartache away

Well then Id say, I'll make a song for you
Nothing too old, and nothing too new
Sing to the light of day
You'll smile for me, well be happy that way

Da la la...

Just turn away and take this point of view
Nothing is old, and nothing is new
When you look at me and say I'll forget you...

If you were me who would you be when the sun goes down?
Two faces bright but I fear the night might come around
And if reflections appear from the past, all our moments,
Smiles, love and laughter, I fear...

Well then Id say, I'll make a song for you
Nothing too old, and nothing too new
Sing to the light of day
You'll smile for me, we'll be happy that way

And take this point of view
Nothing is old, and nothing is new
When you look at me and say
Nice to meet you, would you mind if I stay?

[Edited on 27-10-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 27-10-2012 at 19:58

I can't see it, sorry.
Can you see this?

punknaynowned - 27-10-2012 at 20:46

ah, that sux.
yes I can see the one you posted

BBP - 28-10-2012 at 19:01

Not much happening over here. Actually, I kind of enjoy the relative quietness here compared to the election-related stupidity at the Z-forum.

polydigm - 28-10-2012 at 22:23

I wrote a lyric to the tune of the finale of act 1 of swan lake. You know, that classic tragic tune with these notes (the bold F# is to indicate it's below the B, unlike the others which are above):

// B C# / D E / F# - / - D / F# - / - D / F# D / B D / B - / - F# / B C# / D E / F# - / - D / F# - / - D / F# D / B D / B - / - - //

When you say goodbye tonight, I'll miss you all night long, and
When that last goodbye arrives, the rest will all be wrong.

BBP - 29-10-2012 at 13:45

You know I played that tune a lot when I was younger?

polydigm - 30-10-2012 at 23:14

No, I didn't know, but now I do. It's one of the hackneyed tunes of the classical music world I guess, like Für Elise and so on.

DED - 31-10-2012 at 11:20

IMO it is one of the classical works that is played frequently and is used in more poppy songs. Maybe as a bridge between classical and modern music. But the popularity of a song can also means that an "oh,no not again" feeling appears. Something you see with candy sweet popsongs. I love the classical elements that walked over the bridge into populair music instead of me going over the bridge to classical music. I don't mean things as Swanlake by Madness, but more not on the surface floating elements like you see in for instance the music from Earth and Fire, Supersister, Focus, It's a Beatiful day, Chicago T.A. and others.

[Edited on 31-10-2012 by DED]

BBP - 1-11-2012 at 11:03

I played it "my way". That is, I didn't know how to do the left hand, and I played it in A-minor. I replaced the left hand with my regular 4-note accompaniment and on my Tamaha with the Single Finger Chords and the Duet setting, that would make a lot of noise! :devil:

polydigm - 2-11-2012 at 08:05

I used to like playing the scherzo, the third movement of Beethoven's 6th Symphony on guitar. I can imagine that arranged for a rock band.

BBP - 2-11-2012 at 20:24

You know, right now I can't really recall (Let's not call Zappa's Bolero cover since I don't have that one) a modern setting of a classical tune that I truly appreciate and would go back to listening, nothing Ekseption, definitely not the Madness Swan Lake, and I'd rather not hear Dweezil's attempt at the Carmen either. Even FZ's Habanera gets me cross because he missed the triplets.

DED - 2-11-2012 at 22:17

or this disaster

polydigm - 3-11-2012 at 01:49

I just made a few connections there. I've only ever heard that tune as the theme for the Babe movie. Now I've discovered that it's from the finale of Saint Saens' 3rd Symphony.

BBP - 3-11-2012 at 08:09

:crying: I love Saint-Saëns, he is my favourite pre-20th century composer (although he did compose in the twentieth century as well, he got very old). A love manifested my by favourite piece ever, Danse Macabre, but other faves are:
3rd movement of the Organ symphony
Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
Bacchanale from Samson & Delilah
And of course the Carnival of the Animals, the piano concertos, violin concertos, septets etc. My collection of his works is large.

People have often described him as being conservative, but considering he was the first to introduce xylophone and castanettes to orchestra... I just think he had a bit of bad luck. A prodigy, he started playing piano at age 2, wrote his first composition at age 3, and lived (and composed) well into his 80s, with such a lengthy career you'll become outdated eventually.

polydigm - 3-11-2012 at 23:39

A twist in this original composer versus popular song theme is the hymn "I Vow to Thee My Country". That tune was first composed as part of the Jupiter section of The Planets by Gustav Holst, written between 1914 and 1916. He himself in 1926 adapted that tune to fit a poem written by Cecil Spring-Rice in 1908 and voilà, "I Vow to Thee My Country".

BBP - 4-11-2012 at 14:07

Happens. Danse Macabre was initially a song for piano and tenor, that SS himself turned into a song for tenor and orchestra before he made the piano version and later turned that into the orchestra version we all know and love. It contained the full words of Cazalis' poem, while if you buy the orchestra sheet music, the more crude verses are cut out.

punknaynowned - 4-11-2012 at 17:14

Danse Macabre is one of my very favorite songs. Something one never hears here.

last night, listened to 2.5 hours of september 1980 fz rehearsals. The Blue Light is a slow 'Tex-Mex' rhythm funny. But even better is 25 minutes of teaching the band 'We're Turning Again', also 'The Radio Is Broken' and the Maddie Told Haddie thing overtop Torture. He was trying to figure out songs to play overtop or alongside some of his songs. You can tell Ike is hearing We're Turning Again and The Blue Light/ The Radio for the first time. At one point he can't stop laughing. But the details where Frank describes what he wants: "Like opera but more weasel-y', 'Do it DEVO but in an upper register and more weasel-y' and Frank uses this high pitch whining voice that is a charicature and very annoying through it as he 'sings' but this adds a very different effect on these songs. Very sarcastic, very dismissive and annoying. Frank was not happy with his world. Scathing.
here's one of three parts to one of these:

I'd like to hear the 'deluxe' Porn Wars but will wait on that. Did order Monkees and the Road Tape venue 1 which will arrive asap.
So you'll get an exclusive 'review' here.

BBP - 4-11-2012 at 18:57

Danse Macabre is of particular fame here, since it's used in our famous theme park De Efteling, in its haunted castle and in the fountain show.
Haunted Castle

Fountain Show

polydigm - 5-11-2012 at 23:36

As you can probably tell I've been trying to get my post count up here lately seeing as I am on the verge of 1000 posts. But don't worry, I'll keep on being a regular after that.

BBP - 5-11-2012 at 23:41

Hey, I can do that too!
Today I watched a Dutch actor and former superstud take a bad plummet in the "torture chamber" in Fort Boyard, earning him 6 weeks of physical therapy. Waved good-bye to my sister and found an odd micro-cassete-recorder-calculator-combo. Will visit my blind friend tomorrow.

polydigm - 7-11-2012 at 00:22

I'm literally up to my neck in stats marking at the moment. I copped a double batch for the final assignment as some of the markers drop out during swot vac. I haven't got any exams on so ...

BBP - 7-11-2012 at 12:37

Visited my friend today, which was cosy. She cooked up nasi. Another friend of hers dropped by, she was on TV that evening so I stayed a bit later than usual. The return trip was awful: I spent 50 minutes waiting for the train, the one I finally got in was cancelled half-way so I had to take the slow train to Eindhoven, there, while cycling home, my bicycle chain came off three times.:swear:

My friend is not overly careful with where she puts her CDs, which is of course problematic if you're blind: she had a lot of CDs that had lost their jewelcases and vice versa. She was a bit late in asking me for help to put things straight: she does put braille stickers on each of her jewelcases, but not on the CDs themselves (or else they won't play), so she would have to play each record first before she can tell what it is.
Now me, I'm not the tidiest person in the world, but my classical CDs are on chronological order by composer birth date.

polydigm - 11-11-2012 at 22:30

I see ...

:freak: :devil: :D

BBP - 11-11-2012 at 23:17

That was really mean, Poly.:bald: You could join my dad in making blind jokes next time she comes around...

polydigm - 12-11-2012 at 14:29

That's not really my style - it was your explanation about how you organise your CDs that inspired my joke, more than your blind friend's dilemma, if you see what I mean.


polydigm - 18-11-2012 at 00:14

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
My bicycle has had it. Need to bring it away Monday, for the last time, it can't be saved.
Sounds like you meant to post that here. Sorry to hear about your bike. I may have already mentioned it, but I recently got a new bike after not having one for a long time and I'm loving it.

polydigm - 18-11-2012 at 04:32

Recovering from a migraine overnight and still not feeling too flash. Meanwhile is swamped with spam ...

BBP - 18-11-2012 at 13:14

Hey, did that post disappear too? Strange...

polydigm - 19-11-2012 at 00:24

If you're talking about the one I quoted above, you posted that in the Photos! thread, perhaps inadvertently ... it's still there.

BBP - 19-11-2012 at 08:20

[zzz]...I'm so sleepy...
at the time I posted that I suppose, but right now I'm sleepy as well. Got up extra early to take out the trash. In addition to the large trash can, I also brought out my bedroom wastepaper basket. It does have a bag I put in there to facilitate trash removal, but since it's an open basket, it has a lot of holes in its walls, so the bag inside got ripped up as I pulled it out. Managed to litter quite a bit. :swear:

Dragged the rest of my bedroom waste to the little room between kitchen and garden. Had to put down all of it when I found that my father recently has the habit of locking the doors as well as bar it. It littered some more.:swear:

Anyway I got it all out after quite a bit of cleaning and still managed to enjoy breakfast (I'm very sensitive about dirty stuff, can put me off food), but it's not a good omen for things to come. Perhaps I should hit the sack.
Bad sack!

punknaynowned - 19-11-2012 at 18:29

The last week I listened to
1973 09 14 London 116 min
1973 09 03 Munich 111 min
1973 09 02 Zurich 125 min - which has a great Father O'Blivion starts with 'Join the march and eat my starch' section - it's the Steno pool that extends into the De Nameland shuffle, well done!

Also, this Royal Acadaemy of Music Manson Ensemble released:

and now there is also artwork for the different and separate two disc set, Finer Moments


[Edited on 19-11-12 by punknaynowned]

[Edited on 19-11-12 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 19-11-2012 at 21:01

I saw that somewhere at the Z-forum. Looks great doesn't it?

Yesterday I baked speculaas, which turned out quite nasty. First I couldn't succeed in making proper dolls with it (that's when you push the dough into a plank with a relief, dough was supposed to come out in cheery fellow-shape but didn't come out at all), so I changed my plans and made a large chunk of it; then, after it was done, it didn't taste very pleasant at all, not sweet enough and very peppery.
Made a dare with my father to see if he could make those little dolls. He couldn't either, but watching him struggle gave me a brainwave and I managed to make 11 dolls. They're all done and cooled down, I'll have some later. Not now, gastric distress.

Am also teaching myself to crochet. It's difficult stuff.

polydigm - 19-11-2012 at 23:32

How are your music studies going Bonny? What do you hope to do once you've finished?

BBP - 20-11-2012 at 20:24

I hope to be a composer.

FZ forum is doing maintenance. First time since 2006.

polydigm - 21-11-2012 at 00:29

Living on your wits? Or are you considering teaching or something?

BBP - 21-11-2012 at 10:59

I'd love to become a professional artist. But I have a good idea up my sleeve if it ever gets to piano teaching.

polydigm - 22-11-2012 at 04:01

So where's it at right now?

BBP - 22-11-2012 at 23:50

At the moment? Right now I'm clearing my mind from the awful book I read by watching Smurf cartoons. I'm looking for a sound clip in one of them: there's 256. That is, up to now I was doing that: it's now time for bed.

polydigm - 23-11-2012 at 01:03

No, I was carrying on the immediately preceding conversation. I meant at what stage are your life plans. Are you still doing any courses, have you started looking for work or whatever, in regard to your aims for a career in music.

BBP - 23-11-2012 at 13:12

Been looking for work for months, but it's not easy in this day and ageout here. Unemployment here hasn't been this high in my life.
I've been done with courses for a few years, actually, I already have more points than is needed.

polydigm - 23-11-2012 at 23:03

More points than is needed for what?

BBP - 24-11-2012 at 22:54

For a degree.

I finally found the Smurf episode I was looking for! I've watched 132 Smurf eps before I found it.
...Except I'm looking for the Dutch one, not the English one.

polydigm - 25-11-2012 at 00:50

You're really spinning this one out Bonny. What type of degree? Bachelor? Honours? Masters? PhD? Is it the type of degree for which the piece of paper would qualify you to teach music? etc ... etc ...

Please forgive me if you have related this information in the past in bits and pieces and I've forgotten some of it ...

BBP - 25-11-2012 at 13:06

Bachelor, and it would be a step-up to a master's degree and eventually a university career.
Apart from that, I can wrap my fish in it.

polydigm - 25-11-2012 at 13:59

So, you're not interested in spending any more time at uni then?

BBP - 25-11-2012 at 14:33

Not really, no. Besides there's only one vacant spot for a promotion every three years, there are so many people after that single spot and it's usually a teacher's pet who gets it.

polydigm - 25-11-2012 at 23:03

I can see awesome that would be. I am currently carving out a path for myself in mathematics at uni and I have a few mountains to climb yet that's for sure.

polydigm - 26-11-2012 at 07:45

OMG. I can see _how_ awesome that would be.

BBP - 26-11-2012 at 10:49

Nasty, huh, typing? It's terrible if you're sure you made a grammatically correct phrase, and then find out you've left out a word.

We had a storm here yesterday. Two men flew off their boat at the island of Terschelling, one's missing, the other is dead.

BBP - 26-11-2012 at 17:27

Went to the second-hand shop today. It was the turn of the one that was far away, and with my two-wheeled friend in disrepair, I took my father's bicycle.
When I got there, I discovered I forgot the lock.
Anyway an hour and a half later I did manage to get there eventually. I hate my brain sometimes.

In the mean time DED found out what the problem was with it: the sprocket that the guy I bought it from put on, has the wrong spacing between the teeth. Causing the chain to come off all the time.

polydigm - 26-11-2012 at 23:32

Humans? In spite of our imperfections we still manage to achieve some remarkable things. It's those that believe they're perfect that are a big part of our current planetary woes.

BBP - 27-11-2012 at 18:05

Ah, how true.
Walked to the second-hand shoppe and came back with a bicycle. Pictures to come.

polydigm - 27-11-2012 at 22:54

Is this bike better than the last one?

BBP - 28-11-2012 at 21:21

It's significantly smaller, which is what you have on older women's bicycles.

polydigm - 28-11-2012 at 23:48

Is that good or bad?

BBP - 29-11-2012 at 10:00

It's smaller than what would be ideal for cycling at high speed, but it's still manageable. It's about as big as my old brown bicycle. You can always put the saddle higher, of course.

KAPTKIRK - 30-11-2012 at 04:11

Bonny,at least now you'll be closer to the ground when you crash.LOL!
My Elbow has finally healed all the way except for the nerve damage.I'm doing exercises to get the feeling and dexterity back.Slow process. {-

BBP - 2-12-2012 at 13:20

That's good to hear, Kirk, I hope you'll be allright!

Yesterday, Dad and I went to Enschede, to visit a museum that might have to close down due to budget cuts. It was quite beautiful, but the 3 hour trip was exhausting.
One of our stops was in Deventer, which we've visited on a few occasions since it has Europe's biggest book fair (if you start at 11 you might just be finished by 6). But we'd never seen the pretty little train station.

The museum building dates from 1929 and was designed after a monestary.

Museum has a pretty mosaic floor.

A pretty drawing by Jan Toorop that's not on-line or appeared in postcard form:

This glass got damaged in the Enschede Fireworks Disaster on May 13, 2000. It killed 23 people. The museum got damaged and was in repair for a year. Dutch newsreel summary shows the footage that was repeated over and over at the time. Eventually the camera succumbs to the pressure.
Discovery Channel on the disaster will not teach you how to pronounce all those Dutch names, but it has good footage.

BBP - 2-12-2012 at 17:36

Oh, and here's the roof footage:

polydigm - 2-12-2012 at 23:08

I hadn't heard of that fireworks thing before - that's terrible.

I had a migraine on Friday and my weekend's been a bit up and down but it looks like I'm getting off to a good start this week.

I've started practicing the sax again but I'm about to bugger off for five weeks and can't take it with me. I suppose I could hire one.

BBP - 3-12-2012 at 21:24

Sorry to hear about your migraine, hope you're feeling better! And great that you picked up the sax again, it's a great instrument!
The fireworks disaster, man that was something. I was 17, that evening was the night of the Eurovision Song Contest. The broadcast of that was terminated out of respect and televoting banned to make room for emergency phonecalls. I remember the list of missing persons on Teletext. There was one name that never got off there: it was a girl who was five days older than me. That scared me.

I'm busy working on my sister's St Nicholas present, it's taking forever so it seems.

polydigm - 4-12-2012 at 01:28

This last migraine wasn't as bad as they can be but it still left me feeling a bit shitty for couple of days after. I'm feeling pretty good today. I've just been busy taking care of my Mum's business and now I'm going to get down to some maths after checking out

BBP - 6-12-2012 at 16:55

I'm glad my sister liked the book a lot!
I'd made 100 gags of my series "The Adventures Of Fred The Flea And Derek Dustmite, For Entertainment Before, During And After Class". My sister loves them, but had a hard time reading my handwriting, so I made her a new copy, with larger drawings and letters. Took hours, lost sleep and keyboard practice.

KAPTKIRK - 7-12-2012 at 00:12

That was real nice of you to do for your sister Bonny.

I'm glad you're migrains managable this time and is going away Poly. I rarely get headaches,but I've got empathy for any kind of serious pain.

I just wrapped up the latest Egyptian Revolution segment I'm doing at the local media access station.It's been real interesting following this revolution through Egyptian eyes and not western news media.

Ah! Plook just phoned from Milwaukee,he wants me to try and get him into a soldout sound check for DZpZ on the 8th in Madison Wis. ( I know Megan and DZ in a casual way and did them a favor last N.CA tour,the one with Scot Thunes) His wife just had a partial masectomy and when that heals it's chemo time for 6 months.So maybe this will keep his mind off home and on work after a little "live" Zappa music.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 7-12-2012 at 11:09

It sounds ghastly; but are you talking about Mrs Plook or Megan with the partial masectomy?

We're having much snow here. Photos to come.

KAPTKIRK - 7-12-2012 at 19:48

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It sounds ghastly; but are you talking about Mrs Plook or Megan with the partial masectomy?

We're having much snow here. Photos to come.

Mrs. Plook just had the masectomy.(poor Mrs. Plook) Mr. Plook called all bummed out,so I used what very little influence I have to see if I could get Mr.Plook into the sound check back in Madison,Wisconson on Sat..He has tix for the show itself.No answer back yet and I doubt if I'll get one.
So it snows in the Nederlands! Next you'll tell me there's windmills and dykes and wooden shoes there too! Ha,ha. LOL! I enjoy your pix Bonny,cant wait.

BBP - 7-12-2012 at 20:43

I'm waiting for the first snowy pictures of Kinderdijk this year. Just google that one for images, it's the stuff of which you'd think it only exists in paintings.

polydigm - 13-12-2012 at 07:59

My Mum has adapted to her new circumstances like a duck to water. Whatever we had to try and convince her before when she didn't want to leave her house she's now scared we'll take her away from the care home. Now I have the uphill climb of dealing with the financial side and shooting down the circling vultures. It's all good, though. As depressing as it can be sometimes, things are falling into place. I should potentially have a good year of focussing on my own plans for 2013 ... before I get any older ...

BBP - 14-12-2012 at 17:38

That's good, I hope your mother is well.

DED and I went out for the groceries. We had to, since last week because of the snow I only got to do some emergency stuff. Now it was raining, not exactly ideal circumstances for heavy cycling. I'm frozen. Suppose dad is too.

polydigm - 16-12-2012 at 23:02

We're now on holiday. I'm sitting here right now, jet lagged in a Paris flat right in the middle of many of Paris's high lights, within walking distance.

BBP - 17-12-2012 at 10:07

Beautiful city... Have fun in Paris! Let us know if you're doing any fun touristy things. My favourite is looking down at the traffic from the Arc de Triomphe.

polydigm - 18-12-2012 at 15:17

Yesterday we went to the Louvre, which is just a couple of blocks away. Today we're doing a kind of scenic tour on foot along the Seine taking in the Notre Dame cathedral and L'île de la Cité, coming back for lunch then onto Le Jardin des Tuileries and l'Arc de Triomphe. By this stage we may need to jump on the Metro to get back for tea.

... time pass ...

Ha ha, the plans of mice and men ... I'll tell you what actually happened later

[Edited on 18-12-12 by polydigm]

Caputh - 18-12-2012 at 17:35

Hey, you're in Yoorp? Have a great time. France is secretly my favourite country. Weirdly enough, I've never managed to spend more than a day in Paris i.e. just passing through. Must remedy this someday

polydigm - 19-12-2012 at 18:04

Yoorp = Europe??

Anyway, to keep it short, my eldest son and I started the day by going to do a quick shop and we decided to investigate SIMs on the way back. We've had our phones unlocked and we thought we'd buy local SIMs while here to save money on international roaming. Well, the whole thing got rapidly complicated and we didn't end up going sight seeing until 2:30PM.

So we walked to l'Arc de Triomphe and back along the bank of the Seine on the way there. Our walk was more than 8km total. My left hip and lower back were already complaining when we got to the ADT. We didn't climb it. We picked up some crépes with ham and cheese and also some with nutella and banana.

And, did I mention that our flat is on the 4th floor with an old fashioned winding wooden stairs. So, when I got back from the above I then had to climb the stairs. Funnily enough, I woke up today feeling much fitter, so I was probably a little out of shape and some of it is coming back.

Caputh - 21-12-2012 at 17:03

Yoorp is how I thought one of my favourite cartoonists - Steve Bell- thinks that George W. Bush says Europe.
Actually, he spells it "Yurp" here
I just think it's funny. Hope you're still having a great time.

polydigm - 22-12-2012 at 01:26

Yes, we've been having a great time, but we're on the plane to London in 16 and a half hours time. One more wander about Paris left before we leave.

BBP - 22-12-2012 at 12:25

Which is also a very beautiful city. Enjoy your holiday Poly!

polydigm - 24-12-2012 at 01:44

We're actually staying in Reading, but London is on our list of course. We're all still wearing the same clothes we arrived in because Air France lost our luggage. They've found three of the four suitcases but still haven't managed to deliver them. Here's hoping they arrive tomorrow. We still managed to have a most enjoyable day with relatives today. I'll tell the rest of the story at some point.

polydigm - 25-12-2012 at 21:30

Okay, the suitcases arrived in London this morning but the delivery service said they couldn't drop them off until tomorrow so I went and picked them up myself. The missing suitcase is my wife's, the one with all the Christmas presents in. So, the palaver is not over yet. My wife took our daughter to hospital last night, with what turned out to be the tonsillitis from hell and she's still there now.

So, all in all, Christmas has been wiped out. We're going to have a go at celebrating tomorrow.

BBP - 26-12-2012 at 10:54

Goodness, Poly! I hope your daughter is OK...

polydigm - 26-12-2012 at 15:40

Catherine is being discharged as I write this, she is now feeling a lot better. I had the same virus as her, she and I came down with the initial symptoms at the same time. I've kind of stayed on top of it while she went under. Mine, starting two days ago began develop a secondary infection. Saw the doctor today after having a bad night, but she thinks I'm on top of it so no antibiotics for me. Basically, go home and hang in there, and here I am doing just that. It could be worse, I could be a Justin Bieber fan.

BBP - 27-12-2012 at 08:41

:bald: That's good, hope it'll work out...

Google has a new easter egg: type askew. It didn't work for me.

polydigm - 27-12-2012 at 20:39

Okay, last night wasn't so bad and I'm feeling significantly better today. Took a ride to the airport today to drop my father in law and his girlfriend off for a flight to Italy. This afternoon we went to an exhibition of the pictures of 10 photographers taken during the 60s and 70s. Among them was David Goldblatt, a South African who is still living in Johannesburg and documenting the poverty that still remains there.

BBP - 28-12-2012 at 17:03

Grocery day today, I'm freezing!

punknaynowned - 29-12-2012 at 17:01

here's a random one for ya
I still get wolfgang-vault memos every day in my inbox for shows + posters + merch they promote. I always throw them away. But this time there was a miles davis quintet show @ Newport Jazz Fest, in Newport, RI on 2July67. Short set of just over 32 minutes, I'm instantly transported.
A year or two ago I caught a summer 1966 show of the same group, recorded for AFN in Europe I think that's just as good with different numbers. There is a general lack of this material in particular and we are just beginning to see a few coming out. I am hoping we will get a number of these old mid-late'60's MD quintet shows released by the columbia label under the 'bootleg series' aegis. The wolfgang blurb gives notice that the present promotion of this show as compared to the zillion others they have by everybody in that era... is in light of last year's official release of1967 shows,
columbia bootleg 1967 3cd + dvd set:

wolfgang Newport 1967 show:

sry I got tangled up in the links
But this '67 show from wolfgang is very nice. Hot show.

[Edited on 29-12-12 by punknaynowned]

polydigm - 29-12-2012 at 18:37

Finally, a week later, they've found my wife's bag. She's picking it up shortly. Hope it's not damaged.

DED - 29-12-2012 at 18:42

I see a birthday present wish coming up

BBP - 29-12-2012 at 23:13

...That's creepy.
It took me two days, but I've finally found out where Youtube stores its user information: in the Temporary Internet Files folder. I'll clear it out daily and hope there's some way I can tell IE9 to stop making that for YT.

polydigm - 30-12-2012 at 09:54

Isn't it just in a cookie? You can delete those en masse or individually easily enough in most browsers. If you turn cookies off, some web sites won't work at all.

polydigm - 30-12-2012 at 09:58

I'm off on a train to Birmingham this morning to go and meet up with a friend from school that I haven't seen or heard of for almost 41 years. I've been trying to find him on and off for a long, long time but I finally gave up and joined FaceBook and there he was, an unexpected surprise.

BBP - 30-12-2012 at 13:24

Nah, Youtube didn't put it in a cookie. I spent hours trying to locate it where it would be, but it's in a file in Temporary Internet Files. It'll go when you delete your cookies, but I got tired having to log in again everywhere.

Have fun with your school friend!

BBP - 31-12-2012 at 15:18 Let me buy you a casket...
2012 in pretty pictures.

punknaynowned - 1-1-2013 at 01:55

nice pictures!
O, Happy Day!

BBP - 1-1-2013 at 12:49

Have a happy new year everybody!

DED - 1-1-2013 at 13:25

tnx same to you, may 2013 brings you all, all the luck you wish for.

aquagoat - 1-1-2013 at 19:01

thank you and a Happy new year to you all.:bouncy:

polydigm - 2-1-2013 at 19:54

Yes indeed, one day late, Happy New Year to all. My afternoon with my friend went well. I'm currently rewriting my FaceBook page for friends only. Now that I know that I can do that, it's actually quite useful. I'm also trying to raise the standard of my French as we're about to visit my relatives in Normandy. I'm getting lots of practice as they've all been friending me on FaceBook.

BBP - 2-1-2013 at 21:05

Good luck with your French!
I noticed how much mine has improved with some practice. It's great! Just knowing all those years of Mrs Stefanova in school weren't in vain...

polydigm - 3-1-2013 at 16:53

I studied French at school for four years, but that was a long time ago. It probably formed some kind of base but I still feel like a beginner.

BBP - 6-1-2013 at 14:18

I had class for 6 years and got shocked how much I forgot from it after half a year of no French at all. Just watch something French every once in a while. Amélie is a good start!

Finished knitting another jumper. Photos to come.

BBP - 8-1-2013 at 22:51

Are you down under again Poly? I heard on the news it would be 53 deg C there next Monday. Stock up on ice cream!

polydigm - 9-1-2013 at 00:00

Nous sommes en France à ce moment.

All the major cities in Australia, except it's capital, are on the coast. It generally only reaches 50° in the interior. A few days ago it reached 44° in Adelaide, which is rare enough. Heat waves in the high thirties, typically skirting 40°, lasting two weeks are a feature of Adelaide summers, but not every year. And Adelaide summers are typically more extreme than the other Australian cities, except perhaps for Darwin. But Darwin is more tropical and potentially more relentless as opposed to more extreme.

polydigm - 10-1-2013 at 10:54

Last Friday I met with the Idiot Bastard in The Lord Moon Of The Mall in Westminster, London for a few a beers. Frank Zappa did not invent the English language and I just want to say that Andrew is a nice man. We managed to get through six pints of a variety of fine English ales and barely scratched the surface of a an animated conversation that will have to be continued anon. He's a scholar and a gentleman and I mean that in the best possible way and that's allowing for his sense of humour which is at least as wicked as mine. BTW, that's a Ryko badge he's wearing on his specs. He did name himself the Idiot Bastard and has to keep up appearances after all. The six pints barely put a dent in our ability to march off afterward through Westminster and catch a tube.

BBP - 10-1-2013 at 12:15

Last night I was feeling a bit nostalgic and paged through an old Snorks comic. Turns out one of the mainstay adversaries from the comics is a yellow shark. Really! He's called Herbert!

KAPTKIRK - 11-1-2013 at 00:00

Howdy y'all,
Happy new year,all in good health I hope.2012 seemed to be full of bumps and bruises,from falls,slips and infections.(last one-thats me) I still don't have all the feeling back in my right thumb and index finger.Makes writing,signing my name,very different everytime.Doing exerices to work back in the nerves and ligiments that have been damaged by the operation an my arm.
So that's the Idiot Bastard.Cool,I assume he's the one with the same named Zappa web site,nez pa? I'm glad you guys got together and had a good time.Wish I had been there too.So are you going to be in Normady during Zappanale Poly... and while your there are you and Bonny gonna meet up also? If I ever get that close to the Mother of the Packard Goose we're on,I'd at least try to meet for coffee or a concert.Bad luck and lack of $$'s have conspired to keep me away from Zappanale,for a few years now.Rotten luck!
I took spanish in grade school and only know the usual French saying's from the movies. Say la vee. Ha! ;)

BBP - 12-1-2013 at 11:42

I've never been to Zappanale... not sure if I should go, I'm not that fond of crowds...

polydigm - 13-1-2013 at 19:35

August in the northern hemisphere is the height of summer of course (well, June 21 is the longest day, but the best weather generally comes after). I've just come back to the UK from Normandy and was only there for a week, so I guess I've missed Zappanale, not just by being in the wrong place?? I'll be back in OZ Sunday week.

It would be good to meet up with Bonny and it may well happen if my wife and I decide to return to live in the UK or even France. We may then at some point decide to have a holiday in Holland. It's definitely on my list of places to visit. The next time we visit Europe, we aim to come in summer instead of winter, so who knows, Zappanale may be on the cards in the near future.

tweezers - 14-1-2013 at 04:11

I would bet the Idiot Bastard Son is a fount of Zappa knowledge and glad you got together poly

[Edited on 14-1-13 by tweezers]

BBP - 14-1-2013 at 09:05

Tweezers, hey! How are you?

BBP - 15-1-2013 at 21:21

Snow's here.

polydigm - 15-1-2013 at 22:55

Yes indeed, we had one day of snow here in Reading yesterday. My boys made a miniature snowman on the front porch and I took a short video of my eldest son throwing a snowball against the fence. Fun and games. I am really not looking forward to returning to the Australian summer, it's going to be tough.

punknaynowned - 16-1-2013 at 06:28

I know the news down there has been horrific of late.

polydigm - 16-1-2013 at 13:09

It's become a little cooler here in Reading today. I've just been out to town in -3°C. But, you can put warm clothes on when it's cold, there are no cold clothes for when it gets hot. Between Friday night and Saturday night GMT we'll be passing through a 35°C change upwards.

KAPTKIRK - 17-1-2013 at 00:17

Snow in the Mtns.,cold here.At night it's down to 28F.Daze are below 50F.That's cold for California,but not that strange at this time of year.If it stays cold the price of food will rise accordingly with the loss of crops.The farmers have the giant fans,smudge pots and anything else that will raise the tempature of they're crops above freezing.That's 32 degrees fahrenheit and it's been as low as 25F here for a week now.The cold really hurts my thumb and fore finger from that operation on my elbow.Slowly regaining feeling and strenth in the whole arm.I'm not the only one that's feeling the cold.It cracks me up that some Californians can be,going out in shorts,flip-flops,and a warm coat!Yeah,thats the ticket...for the flu! The hospitals emergency rooms are experiencing a 30% rise in admissions due to flu like symptoms.No wonder! (place rolling eyes pumkin here)

polydigm - 17-1-2013 at 11:11

So, 28F to 50F, that's -7.2C to 32.4C. And 25F is -12.6C, for those of us not still living in the 19th century. :devil:

It went down to -4C overnight here which is 29.8F for the 19th century folk. There's a very gossamer like snow fall happening this morning, enough to see little flecks of white but not enough to accumulate. Full on snow has been predicted for tomorrow and Saturday, so we may get to see a snow fall tomorrow morning while we pack to go back to OZ. :crying:

BBP - 17-1-2013 at 12:24

I doubt a pack of snow would facilitate your return home, so I guess it's better this way. Hey, if I see your plane flying over, I'll toss a snowball at you! :bald:

KAPTKIRK - 18-1-2013 at 04:37

Incoming! Your gonna need a bigger plane Poly! :forumsmiley288:

He can always flush the loo and send you a frozen yellow snowball from 30,000 ft.

Watch for holes with yellow rims in your roof Bonny. :D

BTW: I couldn't find one duck smilie.Not even a goose.What's up with that Bonny? Just wondering.No biggie.:cool:

BBP - 18-1-2013 at 17:19

:biggrin: This is the standard smilie pack that came with the XMB forum update. You could download/make more and upload them to be able to use them here.

Am not feeling well today. Went to the market, which was a bad idea.

DED - 19-1-2013 at 18:03

According to me we have more smilies than standard on XMB.

polydigm - 21-1-2013 at 16:46

The suggestion that I might meet up with Bonny at some point could have come fleetingly close on Friday. We were in the airport in Amsterdam for a very short period. Off the plane from London and straight into the queue for the plane to Kuala Lumpur.

And, see some snow while we pack?? Jesus!! Packing the snow covered car while snow fell, and scrunching through snow between the front door and the back of the car, was an interesting experience for me. Then, it took over one hour just to get to from the part of the road that we were staying on, to the turn off just past the local cinema, from that same road, towards the main freeway towards the airport. Luckily, the pace picked up after that. Also lucky, our flight to Amsterdam wasn't delayed. There were many disgruntled travellers at Heathrow facing bad news.

Then, when we finally got to Adelaide, as if the gods of global travel weren't done with us yet, they had lost my youngest son's bag. Thankfully, they found it and it was delivered to us late yesterday.

None the less, we had a great time.

BBP - 21-1-2013 at 17:43

I've heard! Problems in the UK have grown, over 5000 schools are closed I understand. It's slippery here too, especially in the north, where two people have died in accidents. I decided to stay at home and clean the pavement.

KAPTKIRK - 22-1-2013 at 01:05

Still freezing at night and warm to mild in the afternoon here.The BBC news makes it sound rather bleak over your way Bonny,cold front and storms all over northern Europe.I'm glad you had a good time Poly.Only one bag misplaced outta how many? Ya gotta feel lucky.
Today's MLK day here and Prez Obama's Inauguration too.Basically another holiday.Whoopee! {-

BBP - 22-1-2013 at 13:05

It's very manageable here. I understand in Germany there was a small fire in the wrong booth and because of that Siegerland has limited phone service: which also means ATMs and stuff don't work. How dependent we've got!

DED - 22-1-2013 at 14:02

Life is a keychain

Attachment: wvandaag064.jpg (40kB)
This file has been downloaded 407 times

BBP - 22-1-2013 at 18:27

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Life is a keychain


polydigm - 23-1-2013 at 15:47

Is your Dad saying that he named you after a brand of baby formula? None the less, it's a nice name.

BBP - 23-1-2013 at 21:26

I hate it. Always did.

Anyway I'm contemplating on quitting the Perfect Pitch course I just started on. At the current stage I'm in, I need to play two or three notes at a time and then sing them. The playing is not the problem, nor is the hearing but my voice control is way too poor and my throat hurts too easily for the singing part.

polydigm - 23-1-2013 at 23:32

I didn't realise you hated it. You seem to like it enough to complain when people don't spell it correctly.

My limited singing voice has always been a problem in the same way. There are many things that I can hear and understand without being able to sing them. Singing and whistling have both been an aid to my learning to some degree, but if you can't sing a particular note, you can't sing a particular note. Nothing beats messing around on a guitar or a piano when it comes to composing.

BBP - 23-1-2013 at 23:37

Got bullied with it as a kid, and still, for some odd reason, people enjoy singing annoying songs with my name in it (like this one) when I'm near. Even grown-ups like to say "Where's Clyde?" or stuff like that. :duh:

aquagoat - 24-1-2013 at 19:28

I understand you Bonny, my firstname, Renaud, is the name of a famous singer in France and also a very well known brand of cars (even though spelt differently) so there was always someone who thought it was extremely original and smart to refer to these and make fun of me. It usually ended with my fist in their faces when I was young, now I use sarcasm.

polydigm - 25-1-2013 at 01:22

Hey Bonny, it makes me wonder about the so called heights of civilisation that humans have achieved.

I'm relieved to hear you've put your fists away, Aqua, but I know what you mean. My surname is Pointer ...

Sarcasm is mightier than the fist. (Why do I have my doubts?)

BBP - 25-1-2013 at 12:40

It taught me that elementary-school-level kids have a society similar to gorillas or chimpanzees. Looking at grown-ups trying to buy things to impress/tease the neighbours, it might go for adults as well.

DED - 25-1-2013 at 21:30

Everyone makes jokes about the name of someone else. You even do it your self with your own name. Our surname Ploeg means Plough and team and shift. BBP still hope for a guy named Night so she will be known as mrs. Night-shift and so on. An what to say about Ed.
How many people referrred to it I don't know but If I had a dollar for every time I was a multimiljonair today.

BBP - 26-1-2013 at 12:10

People forgot Mr Ed as soon as they stopped showing that. People never forget Bonnie Kom Je Buiten Spelen, My Bonnie, Bonnie & Clyde etc.

Calvin - 28-1-2013 at 00:13

My last name is supposed to be something like "from the land of the cuckoos" meaning cuckoo clocks, not crazy persons. I hope. :)

BBP - 2-2-2013 at 11:24

You know those items that instantly bring a stream of funny user reviews on Amazon? Here's one of them:

polydigm - 3-2-2013 at 04:29

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
My last name is supposed to be something like "from the land of the cuckoos" meaning cuckoo clocks, not crazy persons. I hope. :)
I see that this post invited a respectful silence that lasted five days.


The actual meaning of my surname goes back to the days when building was much more of an art than it became after the second world war. This is not the meaning that was made fun of when I was at school. Mind you, I didn't have many bullying problems in high school and I was quite the bush lawyer so I mostly held my own and generally gave much better than I got in response to any smart arses.

BBP - 4-2-2013 at 08:39

We're clearing the living room. Changing carpet.
It's going to be very difficult: the last time we changed carpet while residing somewhere was in our old home over 15 years ago. I don't remember how we did it back in the day. Now we have the pinball table, a piano, a low cupboard and a mirror showcase cupboard extra to move. Yesterday we put the low cupboard in the hallway.

polydigm - 5-2-2013 at 12:31

Sounds like fun. :devil:

aquagoat - 5-2-2013 at 20:29

eeegood luck and be careful not to hurt yourselves, Bonny and Ded.;)

[Edited on 5-2-2013 by aquagoat]

BBP - 6-2-2013 at 21:46

Too late!

The carpet, particularly the back of it, is as rough as a cob, it did damage my knuckles and knees crawling on it, and earlier I got the sofa folding one of my fingernails the rong way. Ouch. DED was the first to injure himself though, muscle problems.

polydigm - 7-2-2013 at 03:39

Hang in there guys, I'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run.

The difficulties with my Mum's situation seem to be finally falling into place. With the large amount of effort so far and ongoing and with a little more luck, I should be able to settle down properly to my studies by the start of March. Touch wood.

BBP - 7-2-2013 at 20:12

Good luck Poly!
The carpet is in place after many hours of gluing. The carpet glue creepily resembles chocolate mousse, but smells like clay. I got to remove a bunch of it out of the carpet.

KAPTKIRK - 9-2-2013 at 11:03

I used to lay carpets and linolium,it's terrible on the knees even with pads on.
You guys think you had it rough with your names! Ha! Try Kirk the Jerk or Kirkey Turkey.I hit little Sherry Boron in the stomach when she called me the former in Kindergarten! 1st time I went to the principles office.I was informed that you don't hit girls......even if they hit you first or you are a jerk and a turkey too! Haven't hit one sense.Wanted to,but didn't.I didn't want to be known as Kirkey the Jerk of a Turkey.Kids can be so nice and understanding! Ha! :D

BBP - 15-2-2013 at 21:30

We're back!

KAPTKIRK - 15-2-2013 at 23:36

Where did everyone go? A Carnival Cruise? Haha!

polydigm - 16-2-2013 at 02:47

"We're back!"????

We are celebrating the offer of a permanent place for my Mum on reasonable financial terms. She gets to stay in the room she's in now, to which she has become accustomed. So, my next chore is to sell her house.

KAPTKIRK - 16-2-2013 at 03:58

Glad to hear about your Mum Poly.That set-up sounds real cool for her.
How's the housing Market down under these daze?

DED - 16-2-2013 at 16:12

Good to hear that you managed to find a place for your mum where she is not totally unknown.
We're back means we are back from a "work"holiday in Paris. Goal was to visit Louvre on a day they were open from 9 to 21:45.
We arived at 11 and stayed until we were thrown out. Knowing that we only have seen half of the Louvre me must go back sometime. Esp. since we known that part of the collection is now closer by in Louvre Lens. The cheapest en most comfortable way was to book a 5 day bustrip (with dutch spoken guide). Where they assume that they have to show us the city in five days the misunderstand our family. In fact after arriving in the hotel we went on our own and our guide saw us on the day we went home. So monday was travelling as wel as friday. Wednesday was Louvre XXL Tuesday was Musee 'd Orsay and Thursday an extra day for Hotel des invalides, Eiffel tower, Champs Elysee, and Place de gaulle with Arc de Triomph. But it was dark when we get there, so on friday morning we get back to the arc to cimb him.

BBP - 17-2-2013 at 18:48

Fought my way back to sanity after the last roadside restaurant gave me a nasty case of food poisoning. Made a compilation of my Arc de Triomphe videos, uploaded them, but can't find them on Youtube yet.

BBP - 17-2-2013 at 21:13

Here it is! Especially for Poly who didn't get to see it!

Oh and Poly: they do have an "ascenseur" there.

polydigm - 18-2-2013 at 08:36

Come on Bonny, those roadside restaurants are pretty neat. We had Churros and nobody got sick.

The housing market here is in the toilet at the moment. Particularly in Adelaide which used to be the sleepy town of mainland Australia and real estate used to be pretty cheap. In 2007, just as we moved back to Adelaide from Sydney - the biggest city in OZ and most expense real estate wise - the prices were ridiculously inflated here and crashed along with the Global Economic Tsunami. We lost a lot of money, but the move, and our lives were far more important than the vagaries of Capitalist economics. We are now doing things that were only possible with the move. The loss of money was bad but nowhere near the be all and end all.

The burst of the Adelaide housing bubble is only, after five years, just starting to catch up.

polydigm - 18-2-2013 at 09:13

I'm watching that movie and you're making me cry. None the less I have been to the top of l'Arc de Triomphe before and took some pretty nifty pictures, I just didn't go up the last time I was there. I've just spent a hot and sweaty time out in the garage trying to find those pictures and it turns out they're probably in storage. It's about time I sorted out what is important to me and threw out all the junk.

KAPTKIRK - 18-2-2013 at 09:18

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Come on Bonny, those roadside restaurants are pretty neat. We had Churros and nobody got sick.

The housing market here is in the toilet at the moment. Particularly in Adelaide which used to be the sleepy town of mainland Australia and real estate used to be pretty cheap. In 2007, just as we moved back to Adelaide from Sydney - the biggest city in OZ and most expense real estate wise - the prices were ridiculously inflated here and crashed along with the Global Economic Tsunami. We lost a lot of money, but the move, and our lives were far more important than the vagaries of Capitalist economics. We are now doing things that were only possible with the move. The loss of money was bad but nowhere near the be all and end all.

The burst of the Adelaide housing bubble is only, after five years, just starting to catch up.

Everytime I've bought a house it's been a sellers market and everytime I've sold one it was a buyers market.Bush and lack of work put me hand to mouth for awhile.I still can't believe the banks want to push credit after inflating everything connected to that little card.People bought houses (like mine) for $100,000.00 + more than they were worth or they could afford...most all leveraged on credit.I'm not rich,but I don't owe anyone and after being a carpenter for a few years,I know how much it cost to build a house.I can make it as expensive as you want,for cash! Ha!
Bonny,you need to eat out more and get your stomach used to different foods.It's half the fun of a road trip and most places are desent.Look for the lories/trucks.That's where the good food is! {-

punknaynowned - 18-2-2013 at 21:54

glad to hear you're back and ... recovered. Glad you folks could make the trip!
also nice clips. someday I'll make it to France. I love those traffic youtube clips. I could watch them for hours, anywhere in the world, dunno why.
Geoff, I'm also glad to hear you're back and safe. But you saying you need to go through your stuff gives me the shivers. I have to do the same thing and have been avoiding it for years.
Kirk, it makes me happy you know where the trouble lies in the economic world. Simply that you are not an obsessive news nut and yet you still know the gist of what's happened and know to act accordingly. Many do not and will not investigate and continue to support the errant banking clans. So, it cheers to me to see that there are people out there who have a handle on it and aren't business section/ news nerds. Huzzah!
- and if someone would send my good wishes to plook and caputh with regard to their wives' health issues, I'd appreciate it. Just that I'm another on the list of those wishing them well and speedy recoveries.
~warmest wishes to all~

and a clip from the queen of youtube on germs and psychoses :)

[Edited on 18-2-13 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 20-2-2013 at 23:54


KAPTKIRK - 21-2-2013 at 03:47

Real good pix of Paris,Bonny.It looks like you had fun.You look real cute and excited to be there in front of the Louvre.I'd be excited too,but nowhere as cute! Ha!
Punknayowned,I'll gladly pass along your good wishes for Mrs.Plook and Capuths wife too.Good to hear from you.
...and if Poly hasn't told y'all already,he's downloaded some of his original songs on youtube.Pretty good stuff and on piano this time. Check it out y'all,it's on Geoff Pointers youtube account of the same name.

polydigm - 22-2-2013 at 01:24

Okay Kirk, am I gonna have to pay you an agent's fee now? ;)

My good news is that I've finally been given a couple of actual tutorials to teach. So, I'm on the up, hopefully. I'm having a bit of trouble getting back into the swing of studying Maths, but I'm sure it'll come together ... I've always flown pretty close to the wind ...

The French is coming along quite well, the only down side is, now that I can talk to my French relatives directly, I get to keep up with their ongoing worries as well as the joy of being able to understand them. Don't get me wrong, that's not a complaint, but with my imperfect French, it's exhausting trying to make sure I've properly understood and not put my foot in it at the same time.

KAPTKIRK - 22-2-2013 at 06:41

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Okay Kirk, am I gonna have to pay you an agent's fee now? ;)

We'll talk after you get that big hit on the charts.....with a bullet! ;)

Punk,Plook lost all his contact info for you and asked me to give you his email.Do you want it here or on PM here.BTW,are you still on Just let me know,he said he was trying to get a hold of you last time he was in Chicago with PIB and wished you were there. {-

punknaynowned - 22-2-2013 at 17:40

hi Kirk,
Thank you, sir.
I don't really go to the zforum anymore. I do enough to know the basics but don't post there anymore.
I sent plook a post just now with an old email addie and if that comes back I would like his new addie.
But my phone is mostly jacked and so I'm not surprised if he tried to reach me in the last year that I didn't get it.
Again, thanks for trying to help with the links and the good wishes extended etc.
"you know we gotta stick together..."

punknaynowned - 22-2-2013 at 17:41

lovely pics B. I'm jealous. Wish I was there

BBP - 22-2-2013 at 21:16

Went to visit my blind friend today. We went to the CD shop together, which was great. I bought TBBYNHIYL, which in spite of its much uglier looks at least has the Bolero!

Unfortunately, my father is a little ill. He slept most of the day, poor guy.

polydigm - 22-2-2013 at 23:59

Best wishes to DED.

BBP - 23-2-2013 at 19:48

He's on the sofa, wrapped in a snuggie clearing his olfactory organs on occasion. I did the groceries and the cooking today. Of course, today it was snowing. Wet snow but it still gets in your face when you cycle. And then the potatoes were on offer at 4 euros for 10 kilos, and considering we really needed potatoes and all the other bags were a lot more expensive (the same price for 5 kilos) I decided to bring it. Hobbling back all the way from Geldrop with a 10 kilo bag of potatoes is something I've done before, but not with as much other groceries on me, but I made it home in one piece.

polydigm - 24-2-2013 at 00:35

And while it was snowing? Pretty impressive!

Eindhoven is latitude 51.43 and London is 51.48, so pretty similar distance from the North Pole. Hoe does the weather compare?

BBP - 24-2-2013 at 13:45

Usually equally wet.
Anyway some of the snow stayed, got to clean the pavement again.

polydigm - 24-2-2013 at 14:34

Is that it? Don't want to give a more detailed comparison of the weather?

BBP - 24-2-2013 at 19:28

It's kind of hard to tell since the "typical" Eindhoven weather is at least as difficult to define: or maybe it's easily defined by naming it "ever changing". I've had snow on my April birthday, I've had a heatwave on my April birthday. There's no easy telling and I suppose in London it's difficult to count on it too.

polydigm - 25-2-2013 at 00:45

Questions, questions, questions ...

So, is it within the same range? How do you define heatwave? In OZ, a heatwave means the temperature is around 40°C or above and stays that way for at least two weeks. Exhausting.

BBP - 25-2-2013 at 09:50

5 connected days of +25 C, of which at least two days have temps over 30C.

polydigm - 25-2-2013 at 13:33

Cool ... joke ...

BBP - 25-2-2013 at 16:57

Did anyone notice? Something odd happened today at the Z-forum; a number of posts have disappeared and I was logged out all of a sudden.

KAPTKIRK - 26-2-2013 at 02:10

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Did anyone notice? Something odd happened today at the Z-forum; a number of posts have disappeared and I was logged out all of a sudden.

Same here.Can't log in now either.Anyone know whats up?

polydigm - 26-2-2013 at 05:48

I can log in now, it's after 3:00PM in the afternoon here. I was on there earlier this morning my time but I missed the meltdown in between. I believe the crash was caused by censorship. There was some discussion this morning about how Gail goes about answering questions and DC Boogie was being particularly uncomplimentary towards Gail. Soon after that I logged off. I've just come back now and all of that stuff has gone .... highly suspicious ...

KAPTKIRK - 26-2-2013 at 06:24

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I can log in now, it's after 3:00PM in the afternoon here. I was on there earlier this morning my time but I missed the meltdown in between. I believe the crash was caused by censorship. There was some discussion this morning about how Gail goes about answering questions and DC Boogie was being particularly uncomplimentary towards Gail. Soon after that I logged off. I've just come back now and all of that stuff has gone .... highly suspicious ...

I had to get another pass word and it still won't let me change it yet.Alot of stuff is gone also,like Plooks avatar and missing posts.I wonder what DC Boogie said about Gail? There was definetly a reaction to it or a coincidence of errors.I doubt we'll ever know. {-

BBP - 27-2-2013 at 00:32

A girl I used to babysit was on TV today, with an animation she had made. Cute! ^-^

BBP - 1-3-2013 at 11:00

So, it's March already...

KAPTKIRK - 1-3-2013 at 22:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
So, it's March already...

Beware the Ides of Gail....or March.It's been really nice,beautiful weather here when what we need is rain! Lots of it or next year the reservoirs will be at drought levels.Just learned Ike Willis,Ray White and Robert "Bobby" Martin are playing with a Zappa cover band named For the Love Of Frank in Chico,CA..Close to me! I hope they do Whippin Post! The first time I saw Bobby sing WP was back in '74-5 at the Circle Star theater in the round.Chris North does an excellent rendition,but it's always the first one you heard that stands out for me.
The Allman brothers still do it best,thanx to Greg Allmans fantastic blues voice,but I really like Bobby's version too! As you can tell I'm excited.DZpZ hasn't been here for over a year and it's been since Sept.2012 that I saw The GrandMothers with slime.o.I'm ready for!
BTW: on youtube bri1tag has over 90 concerts and interviews with FZ/MOI and is definetly worth checking out. (must be a Zappateer)

BBP - 3-3-2013 at 12:49

Just saw a squirrel up our conifer, spent a good 15 minutes watching this delightful creature scrounging around for a meal. ^_^

polydigm - 3-3-2013 at 14:53

Over Xmas at my mother in law's place I got to witness several squirrels running along the side fence.

KAPTKIRK - 4-3-2013 at 00:47

Hot Rats.That's basically what squirrels are.Cute bushy tailed rodents.I still go squirrel fishing once in awhile.Tie a walnut to a fishing line and have some fun! Those little suckers will fight each other over it all the while your reeling them in.I once had a Red Squirrel hang on to a walnut as I pulled him up to the second floor,before he finally let go! Hilarious good clean fun! No squirrels were hurt during my fishing experiment either.Even after yanking them outta the conifers,40 ft.up,didn't faze the little suckers! They'll just keep going after those nuts!

BBP - 4-3-2013 at 12:23

Sounds cruel. Anyway these creatures are a lot quicker, less tolerant about each other (unless they're a family or in the mating season, there's usually only one squirrel per territory) and not as keen on humans. Seeing them is rare.

KAPTKIRK - 4-3-2013 at 22:31

It's different here and not cruel at all,just funny.It's really funny how possesive they get over a walnut.1st one there seems to own it and will fight the others over it all the while hanging on to the nut being pulled closer to me! Squirrels are all over here.We have Red,Grey,Ground,Tree and Flying squirels and a dozen or so more that range from Chipmonk size to the Ground squirrel size.They use the power lines to get around neighborhoods where there's no trees and really are considered pest by most.Not by me though.I have a little fun with them is all.Maybe I should tape/film it,it's really funny! I've got scub jays and racoons/opossums that come by for peanuts and scaps respectively on a daily basis.They all know their names and will keep the others away for peanuts and scraps.Quid pro quo,ya know? Ha!
BTW,Did you know feeding bread to ducks and geese is bad for them? Just heard that on the nature channel.I missed the 'why' of it though.

punknaynowned - 5-3-2013 at 12:00

this didn't happen to me, but have you heard that
Steven Spielberg will produce a mini-series based on a Stanley Kubrick-penned script about Napoleon ...

[Edited on 5-3-13 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 5-3-2013 at 15:59

Heard it. Horrible.
Kubrick was highly interested in his Napoleon-film; he was believed to have the world's largest library on the subject. He'd cast Jack Nicholson as Napoleon.
Spielberg is miles apart from Kubrick, I wish he'd realize that himself and leave the man's projects alone.

polydigm - 6-3-2013 at 08:01

KAPTKIRK - 6-3-2013 at 08:20

That's a big one.To fat for me to reel in.Cute little buggers aren't they? Squirrels don't get quite that big here unless over feed.When our ground squirrels sit up they resemble a smaller version of Merecats of the Serengeti.

BBP - 6-3-2013 at 12:17

He's fat! Our squirrels are skinny and frail. And red. And cute.

Caputh - 6-3-2013 at 16:40

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Heard it. Horrible.
Kubrick was highly interested in his Napoleon-film; he was believed to have the world's largest library on the subject. He'd cast Jack Nicholson as Napoleon.
Spielberg is miles apart from Kubrick, I wish he'd realize that himself and leave the man's projects alone.

I couldn't agree more; I hated AI. Spielberg was looking for the emotional/romantic/touchy/feely side. He demonstrated this in an interview too, where he stated that Stanley really did have a heart and described how the clip he watched with friends on the day of Kubrick's death was the last scene of "Paths of Glory" which is possibly one of the few scenes directed by Kubrick that I don't like very much.

BBP - 6-3-2013 at 19:16

Funny how that scene relates to the final scene of Full Metal Jacket. It's a bit of a relief after the disturbing scene with Timothy Carey sobbing on its way to the poles,starting off horribly as you sense a gang rape about to happen but turning into a breather. And ends with knowing the guys are to be sent to the front as soon as the song's over, and you can be pretty sure they'll be over the trenches and dead in no-man's land next.

Caputh - 7-3-2013 at 08:20

Actually, I'd never made the connection between the end of Full Metal Jacket and Paths of Glory; that's a very interesting thought!
The end of the latter just doesn't seem to "fit" for me, though.

BBP - 7-3-2013 at 12:02

Possibly. I suspect Kubrick was in love. He'd marry that girl later.

polydigm - 9-3-2013 at 23:49

Nothing much to report here. After the very turbulent second half of 2012 my life seems to be normalising. I'm having a very busy weekend, but nice busy, doing stuff that I mostly want to do. My Mum is now well settled in a care home and we picked her up for a family dinner at our place last night which went well.

KAPTKIRK - 10-3-2013 at 00:30

Glad to hear that Poly.It's about time you caught a break.
After an Inch of rain on Wednesday,it's been spring weather.Nice and sunny with a slight breeze.The trees are all bloomington Illinois....ooops,my hand was temporarily posessed by FZ.One more time for the world,the trees are all blooming at once.It's really nice weather right now.I have an audition Sunday for a part in an Indie film by Little Thunder Films about the Miwok Indians.The 1st natives of this land called El Dorado or as we say California.It's like serindipity as I was an extra about 35 years ago in a film called Ishi,about the last "wild indian" in California and a Miwok too of course! I hope I can be an asset to their production. :cool:

BBP - 10-3-2013 at 12:29

We're awaiting the snow; sort of bizarre since the weather was nice and warm this week.
Am rather sleepy; I'm knitting an elephant. For the eyes I needed black wool. Couldn't find black so I picked dark green.
The green turned out to have the mother of all knots in it. I spent two hours undoing it, until it ran so late I went to bed, but there's at least an hour worth of untangling it.

You'd think I'd be used to something with my hair, but no.

KAPTKIRK - 11-3-2013 at 01:41

Got a call back for the part of Old Jack,next Sunday.I think they'll use me as crew too.We shall see.Nice bunch of kids,taking their first steps outta university and makeing a few Indie shorts to start.I hope I can be of service to them.

KAPTKIRK - 11-3-2013 at 07:16

Got a call back to read for the part of "Old Jack" an old and wise American Indian,next Sunday.Should be fun.The old parts easy......the wise parts tricky! Ha! Ha!
Also scheduled an Egyptian Revolution hour update show with a member of The Muslim Brotherhood and two moderate christain Egyptians and a non-denominational Egyptian host. Should be quite exciting! I've produced 5 half hour shows and this will be my first hour show.(somebody's gotta do it)

BBP - 11-3-2013 at 16:00

Congratulations Kirk! Enjoy!

BBP - 11-3-2013 at 19:03

Hmmm... is out again...

KAPTKIRK - 11-3-2013 at 21:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hmmm... is out again...

I thought it was my computer.I placed an add on craigslist.Lotta,human-bots and stuff replying.So I went here and wahla! Presto Majico,Bonny has the same problem in a different counrty.
Thanks Bonny! BTW: In the thesbian world the proper salutations would be "Break a leg" It dates back to Shakespearian times I've been told.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 11-3-2013 at 22:35

(looks up) The origins of Break a leg are unknown but in writing it first popped up in the 1920s. There are similar phrases in Dutch, German and Italian that I'm aware of, not sure if there are other countries where they do that.

KAPTKIRK - 12-3-2013 at 00:21

That sounds more like it.In the 20's a real star was on Broadway here.Before the talkies came out stage shows were very big business.Who could imagine...I could,that someone "broke" their leg and still went on.The bravado and all that,would have been big media fodder back then.It's probably a Barrymore quote.(thinks he might wiki it)

punknaynowned - 12-3-2013 at 09:51


"... expression is often said to relate to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in his private box at Ford's Theatre.... The murderer .... Booth, a Shakespearean actor of some repute, made good his escape after firing the shot by leaping down on to the stage, breaking his leg.... [the phrase] supposedly as an example of black humour. However, there is no record of the phrase before the 1950's, and it seems more likely to be simply an example of the convolutions through which superstitious theatrical folk will go to avoid tempting fate (in this case, by apparently wishing someone the reverse of good luck). It may have been a partial translation of Hals- und Beinbruch, 'neck and leg break', which serves the same purpose in German."

-- from Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 18th ed. Edinburgh, Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. 2009

It was explained to me that if someone tells you before a show 'break a leg', they are rhetorically wishing they had your part in the show and would be willing to replace you should such an injury occur. But actually, in practice this almost never happens as directors/producers/actors would rather you just go on with crutches and work with it.
As far as superstitious show people, professional sports people often have similar fixations. The same clothing, the same pre-game rituals, the same repeated phrases etc. have wide currency from tennis, ping-pong, basketball, diving, golf, football, baseball, weight-lifting etc. "The show must go on..."

BBP - 12-3-2013 at 16:18

Zappa forum is back.
Tried stevia sweetener, gross.
Been to the dentist, had X-ray, all's looking well. Bought some extra bird feed on the way back.

punknaynowned - 13-3-2013 at 19:34

deleted post

[Edited on 13-3-13 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 13-3-2013 at 21:44

Little new on the agenda for today, am still looking for ideas for my birthday gift.

BBP - 13-3-2013 at 21:49

And my thoughts are qith Aquabot, I hope he's coping with the snow and the traffic.

aquagoat - 14-3-2013 at 10:06

I haven't worked since monday morning, we tried a bit but the road was too slippery so we came back to the warehouse and went back home. We tried again today but the situation is just the same. So I've spent almost all the week home. :bouncy:

punknaynowned - 14-3-2013 at 13:35

Thanks for telling about the snow out there! There was no mention here and so I went and found many gorgeous photos!

BBP - 15-3-2013 at 12:06

We've been having snow for days on end now; fortunately it just doesn't stay put.

polydigm - 15-3-2013 at 23:56

Hey Aqua, we managed to miss extreme weather while we were visiting France and my Aunt was telling me the snow was pretty heavy in Alençon a couple of times after we'd gone back to the UK, but I didn't realise it was so bad in some areas that you had to stay home from work. How often does that happen?

Calvin - 16-3-2013 at 03:41

It was 63 here today. I'm afraid the summer is going to be really hot again.

BBP - 16-3-2013 at 12:08

Had to re-instate the original factory settings on my laptop. Java has a serious security leak and a recent version got me a Trojan.

And through all of it, Gabriel Knight 3 still works.

aquagoat - 17-3-2013 at 09:49

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey Aqua, we managed to miss extreme weather while we were visiting France and my Aunt was telling me the snow was pretty heavy in Alençon a couple of times after we'd gone back to the UK, but I didn't realise it was so bad in some areas that you had to stay home from work. How often does that happen?
where I live (Amiens, Picardie) it usually happens once a year in january or February/March, it snows for one or two day and I have to stay home for two or three days until the snow has melted enough.

BBP - 17-3-2013 at 20:56

Having to stay home, I suppose that differs a bit per country and per snowfall. If out here, people are forced to stay at home due to snowfall, politics usually get a lot over them because they "weren't prepared enough".

BBP - 20-3-2013 at 15:23

Been snowing all day here. Spring has started.

Caputh - 20-3-2013 at 16:51


where I live (Amiens, Picardie) it usually happens once a year in january or February/March, it snows for one or two day and I have to stay home for two or three days until the snow has melted enough.

Well, it's the first day of spring and it's still snowing here. They never give you a day off in Germany for snow, though. We all have to buy winter tyres with which you can drive through any snow or ice, unless there's a drift. Recently, on visiting my parents in France, I rented a car and it didn't have winter tyres, even though it was a February. My parents say this is because it never used to snow as much in southern France, but they're English. Is there any truth in their statement?

[Edited on 20-3-2013 by Caputh]

DED - 20-3-2013 at 19:24

Meanwhile the Peregrines nearby have a hard time breeding their four eggs.

Attachment: zzzzzzzandzzaag055.jpg (39kB)
This file has been downloaded 393 times

BBP - 22-3-2013 at 12:17

Snow is gone but it's still cold here. It'll be the coldest temp ever in March this weekend. Poor baby falcons.

aquagoat - 22-3-2013 at 18:47

Quote: Originally posted by Caputh  


where I live (Amiens, Picardie) it usually happens once a year in january or February/March, it snows for one or two day and I have to stay home for two or three days until the snow has melted enough.

Well, it's the first day of spring and it's still snowing here. They never give you a day off in Germany for snow, though. We all have to buy winter tyres with which you can drive through any snow or ice, unless there's a drift. Recently, on visiting my parents in France, I rented a car and it didn't have winter tyres, even though it was a February. My parents say this is because it never used to snow as much in southern France, but they're English. Is there any truth in their statement?

[Edited on 20-3-2013 by Caputh]
it doesn't snow in the south of the country except in the region that is called Massif central, about in the middle of the country, in the Pyrenean mountains, etc... the rest of the southern part of the country is usually sunny.

[Edited on 22-3-2013 by aquagoat]

BBP - 23-3-2013 at 17:24

Snow again! Fortunately it's all gone already except for some bits of grass. Good thing I bought some extra bird food.

They still have a lot of sunflower seeds and those grease balls, but the peanuts are gone. :bald:

polydigm - 24-3-2013 at 00:41

Okay, I think I've proved my point so I'm sworn off Disco Boy, but the occasional friendly reminder not to take him off ignore will not be sneered at. It's a shame (well, not that much) because he sometimes brings some interesting info about concerts to the forum.

Calvin - 24-3-2013 at 05:36

I realized that I've been posting a bunch of crap over there and have pulled back on it.

The forecaster said we were going to get 2-4 inches of snow tonight, and they are going to be wrong. Maybe not even an inch.

polydigm - 24-3-2013 at 09:46

I think the point about you Calvin is that nobody really knows who you are. I get that mostly you go there for a laugh and I've laughed at your jokes often enough.

With me, I tend to say more about myself, because I'm planning on getting a band together to play live and once you're in the public eye, even in a small way, I believe honesty is the best policy. I know, it's old fashioned. Also, I've worked as a teacher for more than 20 years, which is a fairly public job, even if only locally, so I've become used to speaking my mind.

Back to you, you don't abuse your anonymity in my view. I'm not aware of you doing anything on the crap scale even close to that arsehole DB, so I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.

Calvin - 24-3-2013 at 14:56

Hmm, really? I think if somebody had been on the forum for a few years that they would know a few things about me. I run a private forum other than the Unmoderated, and I usually talk more about personal things there. The Zappa Forum is way too public for me.

BBP - 24-3-2013 at 19:18

Great to hear about the band, Poly! Good luck!

polydigm - 25-3-2013 at 07:18

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Hmm, really? I think if somebody had been on the forum for a few years that they would know a few things about me. I run a private forum other than the Unmoderated, and I usually talk more about personal things there. The Zappa Forum is way too public for me.
The zappa forum is a pain in the arse, period. You don't say that much about yourself on the Unmoderated. I've never visited your other forum, I don't even know what it's about. You do joke around quite a lot, so it makes it difficult to untangle when you might just be talking about yourself for real.

polydigm - 25-3-2013 at 07:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Great to hear about the band, Poly! Good luck!
It's only an idea at the moment, I have to find appropriately motivated personnel and that's not going to be easy. I've been tossing up the idea of doing a solo gig with synthesiser backup, or maybe just finding one other musician and trying a duet. I haven't started advertising yet because I have a heap of work to catch up on at Uni.

BBP - 25-3-2013 at 22:36

It seems like I've scored a publication of one of my artworks. :bald:

Calvin - 26-3-2013 at 01:20

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Hmm, really? I think if somebody had been on the forum for a few years that they would know a few things about me. I run a private forum other than the Unmoderated, and I usually talk more about personal things there. The Zappa Forum is way too public for me.
The zappa forum is a pain in the arse, period. You don't say that much about yourself on the Unmoderated. I've never visited your other forum, I don't even know what it's about. You do joke around quite a lot, so it makes it difficult to untangle when you might just be talking about yourself for real.

My other forum is private, and any new members have to be voted in. Guest can't even look at it. It's really closed off. I guess I don't really discuss much private stuff there either.

Calvin - 26-3-2013 at 01:21

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It seems like I've scored a publication of one of my artworks. :bald:

That's great! Any details?

aquagoat - 26-3-2013 at 13:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It seems like I've scored a publication of one of my artworks. :bald:
congratulations, Bonny.:bouncy:

BBP - 27-3-2013 at 11:59

Thanks guys!
Of course, I get paid by credit and copy. so... But it's publicity anyway, if the guy spells my name correctly.

Huck_Phlem - 28-3-2013 at 04:20

I bought the double album of Jean Luc Ponty "Canteloupe Island" that has disc one of all Zappa stuff for one Dollar! The Zappa stuff seems to have never been played while his stuff has small crackles in it. (very minor wear)

BBP - 28-3-2013 at 22:42

Ooh I'd love to hear that someday!
Today we went to the Hague again, main target of our visit was a rare documentary on Groenesteijn (a former children's home where the kids were brutally treated), we walked a lot and tried to dodge some major event, a recording of a live musical performance based on the Passion. You know, Easter's rolling up. Today's White Thursday in more ways than 1 since it snowed.

Also found a lovely CD-shop where I managed to score a copy of Ringu, a CD-box of Yma Sumac and something I've been looking for for 10 years: Peter Maxwell Davies - Resurrection.

polydigm - 29-3-2013 at 04:28

I bought that Cantaloupe Island double album back in the late seventies and my copy is still in pretty good nick. Recently I bought a double CD of Ponty's King Kong and Electric Connection bundled together. That King Kong project with Ponty, and hearing what his music could sound like played with musicians like that, must have added significant impetus to the break up of the early Mothers.

punknaynowned - 29-3-2013 at 19:47

that King Kong is really great, I listen to it more than many zappa records. Z did the arrangements so it sounds like a zappa record as well as mostly his songs... the revised music on there I often use as an intro for fz -- it's that good

and I found this today: one of those photo groups with a slider, comparing Paris today and 100 years ago. Neat!

BBP - 31-3-2013 at 18:52

Those photos are wonderful, Punky! Ah, how I miss Paris...

BBP - 2-4-2013 at 12:41

Birthday rolling up... Fell for some April Fools gags yesterday. Didn't pull any today since last year's went a bit awry.

BBP - 6-4-2013 at 19:04

Went to play guide dog. Ate one of these:

aquagoat - 7-4-2013 at 10:15

what's that? seems good.

BBP - 7-4-2013 at 11:13

Traditional Den Bosch pastry: the Bossche Bol. 12 cm diameter, filled with whipped cream, coated with pure chocolate. Impossible to eat without making a mess.

BBP - 10-4-2013 at 11:55

Recent purchase:

polydigm - 11-4-2013 at 09:52

I was woken up at 1:10AM this morning to find some psycho moron had set fire to our front fence. The flames were quite serious and were already spreading to a tree inside the fence and via that it could easily have reached the house. Had my wife not been awake at the time it could easily have been a much worse event, but it was bad enough. My entire family are quite traumatised today. The fire brigade took a long time to get here. Between four of us hurling buckets of water and finally me with a decent hose supplied by a neighbour, we had the fire almost entirely extinguished by the time the fire brigade arrived.

I was totally pumped on adrenaline, in pyjamas and bare feet which are quite sore today, but I could only think of putting the fire out at the time.

BBP - 11-4-2013 at 18:09

How horrible! I hope you are all OK and there's no irreplaceable damage...

polydigm - 12-4-2013 at 05:08

Thanks Bonny, we're all fine and home insurance will pay for a new fence. It was an incredible experience.

punknaynowned - 12-4-2013 at 12:12

sounds like it

polydigm - 13-4-2013 at 05:13

BBP - 13-4-2013 at 12:31

Looks like it too.

KAPTKIRK - 15-4-2013 at 18:50

That'll get your heart pumping fast! I'm so glad no one was injured. Did the fire brigade say it was arson Poly? Unless you have overhead faulty wiring or that's a lightning strike, it looks like an arson job for sure.
Got any mad neighbors or did you made some idiot mad perchance? That looks very suspicious bro'! I took fire science in college and the way that's burning, looks like some kind of incendiary device was used.

Nice pix of Paris punk, I enjoyed the one from yesteryear coupled with the one from today. Things change yet stay the same.

Did you eat the that whole thing Bonny? It looks very rich and filling, I think I'd have a hard time swallowing all that before I felt too full.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 16-4-2013 at 08:43

I ate the whole thing,yes. It's too good!

KAPTKIRK - 16-4-2013 at 08:49

Wow! That's way too rich for me, but I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's good to treat yourself to a treat once in awhile.

BBP - 16-4-2013 at 12:05

If you don't eat much the rest of the day, you'll eat it! Besides, a good deal of it will end up on the table anyway. :)

It's DED's birthday! Happy birthday DED!!

punknaynowned - 16-4-2013 at 14:49


I finally got Finer Moments. I like it. It's a great 'missing links' type release, connecting things that weren't previously linked

KAPTKIRK - 16-4-2013 at 17:49

Happy Birthday DED! Many more!

Punk, where do you think Finer Moments fits in? After ML'71 or after LG or UM? I know I'll get it anyway, just wondering if it overlaps songs too? From what I've read on it's from the Flo and Eddie era. That sounds about right, without looking at FZ's catalog release dates.

polydigm - 17-4-2013 at 02:38

There were two fires going at the same time. The one in the picture is to the right of the middle gate you can see on the left of the picture. The other one was just as fearsome at the other end of the left section of the fence on the other side of the middle gate. There's little doubt that it was deliberate.

It's a brush fence and apparently they are a common target for thrill seekers because they do unfortunately burn really well. I'l be looking at getting it sprayed with some kind of fire retardant after it gets repaired.

KAPTKIRK - 17-4-2013 at 03:56

I'm just glad that no one was injured during what must have been a harrowing time, to say the least. But the picture of you running between two fires in shorts or what not and then getting the hose going must have been a sight to see! Your a hero, you saved the castle, that's what counts, eh?
I hope they find the person(s) that did this quickly. It doesn't make for much sport and they're sure to do it again until caught.

aquagoat - 17-4-2013 at 16:57

happy birthday, Ded. :bouncy:

BBP - 19-4-2013 at 08:15

Kinda sad that the Texas explosion and the Boston events draw away attention from this report.

KAPTKIRK - 19-4-2013 at 08:28

They caught a suspect, big shoot out around Bats area. MIT officer killed. Breaking news.... What report Bonny?

DED - 19-4-2013 at 09:02

Thank you all for the Bday wishes, wasn't checking messages for days. Was so occupied with eating from my one of my presents. (Laurierdrop) Liquorice. At this very moment we are watching CNN but it is all a bit confusing when you see the same naked guy over and over. When they are the bombers you can say, police and FBI did a hell of a job.

BBP - 19-4-2013 at 09:21

Kirky: links here only show underline if you move the mouse cursor over it. If you move your cursor on "this report", you'll see it links to the report in question.

KAPTKIRK - 19-4-2013 at 09:44

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Kirky: links here only show underline if you move the mouse cursor over it. If you move your cursor on "this report", you'll see it links to the report in question.

Good to know, thanks Bonny. As Shakespear said ,"Please forgive it me, for I am slow of learning." The Lion sez to Pyrimus in A MSNDream.

I was aware the report was being put together just not when they were gonna release it and it looks like it did get buried at the back of this news cycle. Thanks. I voted to close Gitmo and that isn't happening fast enough for me or anyone! All our "detainees" are going to be tortured, they know this and now there's a hunger strike going on there. I think it's in it's 20th day.

polydigm - 19-4-2013 at 23:27

Hope you had a good one DED. And Bonny, I had been intending to wish you a good one as well - not sure how I forgot. The big three-oh!! How does it feel?

BBP - 20-4-2013 at 11:44

Not much different than 29, really.

aquagoat - 21-4-2013 at 06:58

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Kinda sad that the Texas explosion and the Boston events draw away attention from this report.
as usual, unfortunately.

BBP - 21-4-2013 at 20:35

True. But we know.
Dutch news has moved on to the song about the abdication and crowning of the new king. John Ewbank delivered such a monstrosity, after two days he was forced to repeal it. It's awful. The song, I mean.

polydigm - 22-4-2013 at 10:13

Said goodbye to my Mum's house today - very sad ...

BBP - 22-4-2013 at 19:55

Sorry to hear that, Poly. Have a hug!

BBP - 22-4-2013 at 22:24

Went to the zoo with my sister to see the baby polar bears.

KAPTKIRK - 23-4-2013 at 03:57

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Went to the zoo with my sister to see the baby polar bears.

Wow, that's neat! I count four Polar bears, how many are in there?

polydigm - 23-4-2013 at 09:45

Thanks Bonny. I saw her today and her current medication is having some very bad mental side effects, much like a very bad acid trip, which I'm going to have to complain about to her specialist tomorrow.

BBP - 23-4-2013 at 22:22

Oh your poor mother! I hope the specialist can do something about that!

There's 3 polar bears in that pic, Kirk, a mum and two cubs in the enclosure. The enclosure next to it has two other polar bears.

KAPTKIRK - 24-4-2013 at 07:08

I guess the one Polar Bear in back is playing with a rock then. Whoopsy! My bad,......darn Polar Bear rocks!

It's gotta be tough Poly. I was the last one that my Pop recognized before a heart attack killed him six months onto a "home". Dementia and Alzheimer's are terrible diseases for the kids of the patients/parents to have to witness as their Moms & Dads grow old and feeble way too soon before they're eye's. Damn shame man. May peace be with you & yours at this hard time bro'.

polydigm - 25-4-2013 at 07:16

Thanks Kirk. They've taken her off the medication. The specialist said it may be a progressive disease but major changes in a week just don't happen. This confirmation of my own opinion is important because the nurse I spoke to at the home seemed to imply that it was due to her illness. Various other comments have showed me that they don't pay very close attention to any one resident in that place, which is bit of a worry. It's called care ...

Anyway, my Mum is 86, so at least she didn't get it when she was younger, but it's still breaking my heart seeing her like this. I'm fairly sure this latest thing is due to the medication, so we'll see over the next week if she improves.

KAPTKIRK - 25-4-2013 at 08:53

Each case is different and your moms sounds like the meds were the cause this time. As I remember she was diagnosed as having the beginning stages of Alzhiemers/Dementia just a few months back, am I right about that? Pops started to go at 85 and passed when he was 87, still remembering me. I was really thankful for that. It's those little things that make our dads and moms unique to us.
I'm sorry your going through such troubling times Poly.

BBP - 26-4-2013 at 12:43

Hang in there Poly! I hope she'll be allright...

Caputh - 28-4-2013 at 17:08

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Thanks Kirk. They've taken her off the medication. The specialist said it may be a progressive disease but major changes in a week just don't happen. This confirmation of my own opinion is important because the nurse I spoke to at the home seemed to imply that it was due to her illness. Various other comments have showed me that they don't pay very close attention to any one resident in that place, which is bit of a worry. It's called care ...

Anyway, my Mum is 86, so at least she didn't get it when she was younger, but it's still breaking my heart seeing her like this. I'm fairly sure this latest thing is due to the medication, so we'll see over the next week if she improves.

Question (as well as my sympathy) - is she taking different kinds of medication? Just asking, as my Dad was convinced two months ago that he was about to die and was in a very poor way. They took him off a few of his meds (he has Parkinson's and was on about 28 different types of pill) and hey presto - he's back to mowing lawn again. The problem was compounded (I think) by having more than one doctor prescribing the meds.
Anyway, I sincerely hope she feels a bit better soon...

polydigm - 29-4-2013 at 00:35

Thanks Caputh. It's only one type of medication, the other stuff she has been taking for a while is just for her blood pressure. The specialist was purposefully not dealing with her other symptoms, the primary one being depression, because she didn't want the attribution of the outcomes to be confused. Now that my Mum's been taken off the Alzheimer's meds I'm going to insist that they deal with the depression symptoms as soon as possible.

polydigm - 30-4-2013 at 00:27

Saw my Mum last night and there is a noticeable improvement. Now I have to get onto hassling her specialist.

BBP - 30-4-2013 at 10:59

Aw that's great!

Last Sunday DED and I went to the comic book museum in Groningen.

The Martini tower.

Yesterday I went to the second-hand shop again. One unusual thing they were selling was an actual tombstone, that had the name of Kees de Jong (and the dates) inscribed, for 125 euros.
As I wanted to go home, I found my front tire had gone completely flat, so I got to drag it home, took two hours.

polydigm - 1-5-2013 at 07:06

Interesting picture but why the big focus on the lights in the foreground obscuring the tower?

BBP - 1-5-2013 at 21:49

The lantern is very nice, too, and this makes for a more interesting photo than just the tower.

BBP - 4-5-2013 at 20:57

Getting the hang of animation...

polydigm - 6-5-2013 at 10:54

Jesus, that's an oldie. Are you being served? Interesting manoeuvre.

BBP - 6-5-2013 at 14:52

I still love it! It's a dangerous manouvre though: used to try it myself but it would hurt my knee.

KAPTKIRK - 6-5-2013 at 18:34

So that's what restless leg syndrome looks like! Ha, ha! I here tonic water with quinine helps that condition.

BBP - 6-5-2013 at 22:18

Here's another one I made...

[Edited on 6-5-13 by BBP]

[Edited on 7-5-13 by BBP]

BBP - 9-5-2013 at 11:23

So... Assumption's day today...

KAPTKIRK - 9-5-2013 at 19:34 don't assume anything today! :)

BBP - 11-5-2013 at 10:36

Not much happening here, besides a vicious storm. And two boys have gone missing: their father was found after having committed suicide. Large groups of civilians have helped out searching for them.

KAPTKIRK - 11-5-2013 at 20:02

That's terrible, how old are the boys? No foul play?

Sunny and hot here. The Whole Earth Festival is today and tonight, culminating musically with Canned Heat and Barry Melton and The Fish tonight on the quad at the UCD campus. It should be fun and I've always liked Canned Heat. Henry Vestine is playing with them. He's an MOI alumni I haven't seen before without FZ.

BBP - 11-5-2013 at 21:19

The boys are Julian (7) and Ruben (9). Still no sign of them.

polydigm - 12-5-2013 at 05:01

Like Kirk said, don't assume anything ... :shocked:

BBP - 12-5-2013 at 17:12

Yeah, the poor lads... their mother must be in a right state.
Spent a lot of time gardening recently, since March was so cold the strawberries have only just got in bloom.

BBP - 16-5-2013 at 10:27

Am totally worn out today, been walking too much. Dad is on his way to visit my great aunt, who's 94 and in hospital with pneumonia.

polydigm - 18-5-2013 at 04:18

Pneumonia and old age are not a good combination at all. My condolences to you and DED.

My Mum got suddenly very sick on Friday a week ago and ended up in hospital. After suffering badly for two days they finally decided to do a cat scan and discovered a hernia. It's possible she'd had it undiagnosed for a long time and the problems it's caused with her digestion could be part of the reason for her previous mental deterioration. Last Sunday she had major surgery which went much better than expected, but her body and brain had taken quite a pounding and her progress has been quite slow. I've just seen her today and she was quite coherent and significantly improved. The doctors are very happy with the outcome so far and she may be back in the care home by the end of the week. So it was bad news initially, but it could well turn into relatively good news, as it explains a few things that were getting her down quite a lot.

punknaynowned - 19-5-2013 at 00:10

on the mend is good, eh?
make sure to get your questions out as she gains some strength and may not mind talking as time grows short for all of us...
another thing that ended up being fortuitous for us as adult children was a few recordings I made of mom remembering things in her life.
Things that she felt were important only to her, in her life, turns out, influenced her way of seeing things and in turn, affected us whether we knew it or not. In hind sight her views, almost subconscious thoughts to her, has meant a lot to us, now.

polydigm - 19-5-2013 at 02:26

Cheers Ned. My Mum had been writing down a bunch of biographical stuff for some time before she got sick - it's certainly good to have it now.

BBP - 19-5-2013 at 11:35

That's great to hear that she's on the mend!

My great aunt of 94, a former nun, has just been released to recover in the same nursing home where her sister lives. She still lives by herself officially.
Unfortunately, her equally sweet sister has recently been hospitalized with a broken shoulder.

BBP - 19-5-2013 at 20:39

Two corpses have been found in Cothen, not far from where teams have searched for the lads. It's not certain whether these are the missing boys yet, but most media are putting two and two together.

polydigm - 21-5-2013 at 14:58

Life sucks and then you die. Do we have anything cheery to say lately?

For example, my Mum's back in her room at the care home. Sounds like good news? No, I'm going to be finding a way to sue the hospital. I'll give the details later when I've recovered enough from being totally flabbergasted at just how shit some people can be.

BBP - 21-5-2013 at 16:01

Cheery? I do my best.. it's been very depressing, thousands of volunteers on the lookout for two boys, finding that their father strangled them with tie down straps and hid them in a drain, but sometimes I really need to focus on those things in life that make me smile and forget about horrible stuff that I cannot change. I spotted a lapwing, a pheasant, a cuckoo and a peregrine falcon today. And the clematis is in bloom and smells so lovely.

polydigm - 24-5-2013 at 07:26

I know you do your best Bonny, it's appreciated.

My rant about suing the hospital has finally calmed down. Basically, with very little effort to contact me, they dumped her back in the care home without letting me know. Firstly, they didn't look after her very well, then they may have caused new health issues that weren't there before and finally they couldn't get rid of her quick enough.

She seems to be in better spirits now and her outlook is somewhat positive but it will be a very slow process, and it remains to be seen if we did the right thing allowing the surgery. One thing's for sure, she won't be having any more ever again.

BBP - 24-5-2013 at 11:57

Let's hope she doesn't need any more then. Don't let her break ankles or other joints!

Side note: Belgian researchers have introduced a class of elderly people to tai-chi. The elderly that did that, fell much less often and improved walking skills compared to the ones that didn't do tai-chi.

polydigm - 25-5-2013 at 17:13

Exercise is vital, especially when you get old but it's harder to do.

BBP - 26-5-2013 at 14:58

Oh dear, and it was never even easy for me...

Anyway Dad and I went to the flea market. He bought a small reel-to-reel he's very happy with, bought me a Mozart symphony box and I bought two Mozart statuettes (I collect those, got 7 of them now and they all look so different!) and some knitting magazines at a snip. We also had icecream, the guy selling liked me and gave me an extra ball of ice. :)

KAPTKIRK - 28-5-2013 at 00:46

That's terrible about the boys Bonny and I'm sad to hear how badly your Mom was treated Poly. One thing is sure Bonny's right about Tai-Chi. It really helps the mind and body's coordination and isn't a stressful exercise at all. Quite the opposite in fact, I find it really relaxing, almost in a flowing meditative state. Real relaxing for the mind and body. (yes I do other things than smoke pot!) ;)

Yesterday was the first time I've froze in front of a camera! Now I know what all my friends meant by "you feel like a deer in front of oncoming headlights, only you can't move or yell". It was only in one scene and the rest went smoothly, but for me I was humiliated! I don't :swear: up! It makes people wait and get agitated, you lose your light and you don't get your shot. I wasn't quit that bad and made up for it in the end , but jeez, now I know that feeling. It's like a panic attack or something. I don't know. Everyone on this shoot had something else going on and no one felt right. So it was an off kilter day for all. Well if it don't look perfect, we'll do it again and I'll nail it the first time! Bet on it! ;)
It's Memorial Day in the states, so today I went over to Dixon where we have a big veterans cemetery and paid my respects. A couple of guys I new at school are there from the Viet Nam war debacle. I got a lot of strange looks with my freak flag flyin', but I figure that's what they died for. So we can all be free in our own way. Some of the Iraqi and Afghan soldiers and vets got it but those old farts from WWII still are tuff nuts to crack. But once they like you, they'll never waiver like fair weather friends do.......
That's all from California for today. Y'all have a great week!

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 29-5-2013 at 12:09

I will! My sister's come to stay over! Yesterday I even got the garden chairs out, but unfortunately it's singin' in the rain weather again here.

KAPTKIRK - 30-5-2013 at 01:54

So you almost had a Garden Party with your sis, that sounds real nice. I would have thought you'd like the rain Bonny, or do you like it from an inside view better?!? LoL It plays havoc on me hair! ;)

BBP - 30-5-2013 at 11:48

I love the rain! If you live in a country like Netherlands or Britain, loving the rain is one of the most useful things you need to learn.

Went into town yesterday. Wanted to go to the museum of modern art here and buy a Picasso postcard, but they are closed for renovation so I hit the town. Went to the comic book store and bought a book called The Art Of Howl's Moving Castle. It's so beautiful!

aquagoat - 30-5-2013 at 20:41

When you work outdoors, as I do, you tend to not really appreciate the rain at its fair value.

BBP - 30-5-2013 at 22:12

Well, when I had a newspaper round any rain, even a minute shower of tiny droplets was too much: newspapers don't like that at all. Nor did I: simply because you cool down too much.

polydigm - 1-6-2013 at 07:55

I prefer living in a climate with a lot of rain than one that makes you feel like you are are living in the ultraviolet equivalent of a microwave oven. It's raining here today and when I went out into the garden earlier and got a nice little breath of European nostalgia.

I'd like to maintain that dreamy note, but after my regular check up the other day I've been told I need major surgery, sooner rather than later, to finish off what they started in 2010. In a significant percentage of cases it's not required, but I've rolled the dice again and lost. The plus side is that if the surgeons don't have a bad day at the office I'm going to end up even healthier and happier than I am now. That doesn't stop me being petrified of going back into the "Big Room" again. The down side is that I don't need yet another interruption to my course.

Saw my Mum yesterday and she was a little improved. Who knows, within a month we may be having her around for dinner again at our place.

KAPTKIRK - 1-6-2013 at 11:49

More later Poly, I got a 7:30 call tomorrow. Glad moms doing better, and worried about you bro'!

BBP - 1-6-2013 at 12:25

Oh dear, poor Poly! Hang in there!

My sister's come down with asthma, and there's a good chance that I have problems as well. She just had medication and wanted to put it to the test yesterday, by running a lap around the nearby park.
That was something we'd have to do back when we went to elementary school, on warm days we'd have PE there and we'd have to warm up by running a lap first. Neither my sister nor I were able to run very long distances.

Anyway, my sister ran one, then I ran one without medication. Since I'm a wee bit more ardent about continuing to run although my lungs won't let me, I made it without pausing. Sis then gave me some of her lung-widening stuff in such a way I couldn't refuse. I've been feeling absolutely horrible ever since I had that: sore throat, chest and lungs.

polydigm - 3-6-2013 at 10:17

Don't mess with steroids unless you absolutely have to Bonny. One of my main medications back before my surgery was steroids and they play havoc with everything, but especially your mental state. I'm so glad they're not a major part of my life any more.

BBP - 3-6-2013 at 18:21

Ooh I doubt they were steroids. At any rate I'm not much of a medicine taker anyway. Aspirin would make me feel worse rather than better so I haven't touched that stuff in years, and as soon as I got home with my broken ankle, I quit the pain killers for that.

KAPTKIRK - 4-6-2013 at 08:10

Listening to Fleetwood Mac's, Then Play On. What a great album this is! After only hearing a "cut" song here and there over the years I love it! Acoustic pickin' and outright rock! Peter Green with Jeremy Spencer and Danny Kirwen, it's just...perfect. AND I'm a sucker for electric Chicago blues anyway and this is that and that English tribute that's s so honest and simple and acoustic too.
I gave a listen to the new old Exile On Main Street today too. Great rock album that at the time nobody knew or would say how good it really was. Sorta' the Hot Rats for the Stones,,,imho. {-

BBP - 5-6-2013 at 18:07

I've got some soft toy sewing kits that date back to the 80s. Just found them back and am putting one of them together. And now my lungs, clothes and carpet are filled with white plush.

polydigm - 7-6-2013 at 09:30

Those asthma puffers usually have some kind of steroid in them - I've come across minor athletes who have gotten addicted to the stuff.

KAPTKIRK - 7-6-2013 at 09:59

Some of those old 'Vicks' inhalers had speed in the wicks inside of them. I think the FDA made them take it out though. Amphedamine is used as a cough surpressent/dietary aid and is found in a lot of everyday "health" products over here.

BBP - 7-6-2013 at 20:22

Whoa! :shock: That's creepy!

Yesterday my father and I went to The Hague again, to visit our great aunts: the one who's 92 had pneumonia last month and is recovering at a home, and her sister who's 88 recently fell and broke her collar bone doesn't live far away. It was great to see they were doing well!

We also went to the antique market at Lange Voorhout, to the sculpture exhibition there, and to the Escher exhibition at one of the royal palaces. When he saw one of his Italian woodcuts, Dad remarked: "Hey, the Twin Towers!"

Can't say I blame him...

KAPTKIRK - 7-6-2013 at 22:28

I hope I'm that sprite when I'm 90+ or so! They sound very nice. Got any pix of your aunts you can share Bonny? Speaking of pix, <segues smoothly into picture resembling towers> That's what I thought when I saw that picture. Almost as if it were taken from the back and side in an old neighborhood. Your fathers spot on. Shots of those two big sticks are one of the most reproduced pictures ever.

Oh no! Breaking news....another multi-shooting...this time at Santa Monica College. It's happening right now. One of my girlfriends used to live close to the school when she was younger. We'd drive by the college every time we went to her mothers too. Terrible news and tragedy.....I hate this! All these bonker-nuts, young guys with access to guns, bombs and lots of ammo taking aim at schools/crowds, in a bid for political attention, religious redemption or personnel problems. In a lot of these cases, the parent never "thought" it would get this bad. Then they should pay more attention and take away the guns and ammo if they're not sure. You don't let babies play with guns, why would you let a sick teen/young adult have one then? Argghhhh!!!

KAPTKIRK - 8-6-2013 at 09:52

I'm bummed, no shoot for me this week. It should wrap soon, and I'm ready for my last 2 scenes. The 2 scenes I'm in and there's always a few "pick-up shots" to be shot and this should be the last 2 weeks of filming...then wtf who cares? On to the next project. I just need a real Iranian first.... and then there's squirrel fishing season coming up too. Busy as a Bonny Bee, I be! Wouldn't you like to be a Bonny Bee too! LoL ! (Not a bad idea for a cartoon either-sorry I couldn't think of a duck instead) Btw, how's Timmy doin? Is Mr.Curry gonna be alright Bonny? I've heard nothing over here. You?

Hey Poly and Aquagoat and Punk and our host. How you guys and gals doin', eh? I heard a slow version of Pojama People that I dig better than the original. It's really cool and only on youtube. Sorry I don't have a link, I'm trying to find it again but Yahoo is "working on this problem" at this moment.. Bet you I find it first! ;)

BBP - 8-6-2013 at 10:15

It was kind of hard to find news from my Dutch sources about the Santa Monica shooting. Guess five deaths in an American shooting is normal. Good thing you have no shoot this week, Kirk. [/bad joke mode]
Not sure how Tim is doing, there has been no official report on him since his voice acting agent said he was recovering very well last month.

punknaynowned - 10-6-2013 at 21:40

there's a few of those slow versions of PoJama People from the late '74 band. Very different tempo, maybe under-rehearsed, complete with Frank making his funny comments.

Shootings are not common but more numerous. There are so many news stories of all kinds, it does not surprise me if some don't make it to the news over there. I wish there were more news stories here about what happens over there. I have to tune into eyewitness accounts online of the protests in Turkey, for example, to get a sense of what's happening there. I am grateful there are citizens standing up and reporting what they see since the dominant media chooses not to, there. For example, there were many here, in the ramp up to the Iraq war, who, outraged, stood up and marched and acted etc. and reported what was happening since the dominant media was not doing so. It will be interesting to see people ditch their verizon contracts, for example. Or not. For many people they alrerady assume the GOV knows all, thru things like facebook. Or knew in 2006 when it was discovered that AT&T had allowed the Bush Admin to sieze it's records. So many people just don't talk about stuff.

The gun nuts have gotten quiet since the drone program has been 'mainstream exposed'. If news of the laser-guided gun makes it to the mainstream, you will hear less about the advocacy of personal hardware. Then the gun-control legislation can be rolled out as folks will realize there is no point in carrying a piece in town, as law enforcement will have the technology. A bad side-effect, is already the proliferation of tasers by law enforcement, which also kill people without due process.

but I'm okay :lol:

polydigm - 11-6-2013 at 04:24

Exams approaching ... very stressed ...

The good news is that my Mum is making very good progress. She's back on her legs, with some assistance, but getting around a lot more and the dark clouds appear to have passed, she's a lot more chatty.

BBP - 11-6-2013 at 10:42

That's great Poly,I hope the progress keeps up and your exams go well!
Will be going into town today, looking for mint-green wool. Colours and fashion, I'll never understand it.

polydigm - 12-6-2013 at 11:10

Given that there there are several different types of mint, what does mint green mean?

BBP - 12-6-2013 at 17:13
Something in the Fern style, pale and bluish. It's a dominant theme of our living room, black/mint/glass. I could knit a protective cover for the pinball table, since the orange-yellow does clash. :bald:

Mint Green

polydigm - 15-6-2013 at 03:33

I looked up "mint green" on the internet myself and it seems the only colours that look like real mint are those that are called just "mint". Mint greens are generally sickening bright colours that make no sense unless you think of artificial mint sweet flavours and colours. Try the following, but it's a long list and you'll have to do a text search in the page for the word "mint".

M Colours

BBP - 15-6-2013 at 11:37

Of course colours of fabric aren't as bright as on the PC screen. The curtains, and until February the carpet, are a nice gentle natural green. Sets off the plants nicely.

KAPTKIRK - 15-6-2013 at 20:39

Green was me mom's favorite colour. She really enjoyed the greens of the Mt. pines and grasses in the Sierra Nevada Mt. range through the flat farmlands to the green rolling hills that are the CA. coastal range.
Come to think of it my refried sister must like green too. She married Bob Green and they named they're kid Shannon Misty Green!

I don't like green all that much anymore, she (my sister) kinda' ruined the colour for me. I associate it with hypocrites and big bad gods now.

BBP - 18-6-2013 at 10:18

Had another one of my luck streaks. Yesterday morning I stubbed my right little toe on the vacuum cleaner. It hurt and my cry of pain was louder than I expected, and echoed through the chimney. It's still a bit painful.
Yesterday evening I had been working on my website and went to bed late: on the way there I stubbed my left little toe on a table. OUCH.

polydigm - 21-6-2013 at 01:13

Not taking so many chances?? Wearing shoes while busy?? Says the guy who still stubs his toes on a regular basis.

BBP - 21-6-2013 at 17:00

We stopped wearing shoes indoors when we got the new carpet. Keeping it clean and making it last onger.

polydigm - 23-6-2013 at 04:21

Broken toes versus longer lasting carpet ...

My Mum's back on normal diet and routine. She still needs a walking frame to get around and one assistant, not to help, just to observe in case she gets into difficulty, but she's well on the mend.

The good news for me is that after all my tests came back the surgeons aren't in such a hurry, so it'll probably be done in late November which means an uninterrupted second semester. It's still pretty awesome but I've known since mid 2010 that it had to happen some time and this time around I'm facing it from a position of good health and fitness.

Right now I'm flat out like a lizard drinking with two major exams less than two weeks away.

BBP - 23-6-2013 at 17:31

Oh that's great! I hope your mom keeps improving and your health stays good! Good luck with your exam!
I went to play guide dog yesterday, much to the dismay of my father who was organising a barbecue on that day. We went on a first aid course at the Red Cross in Barneveld. Refreshed my knowledge on reanimation and stuff.

BBP - 24-6-2013 at 22:15

Dad and I went to remove the ad board of his old company, that decorated the barbecue. Triangular and 2 metres high, and not a light-weight. With the location being in the middle of the woods, that was some work, considering we don't have a car and dad wasn't prepared to rent one for the short distance.
So this Monday, people on an outing between Eindhoven and Geldrop, could see a man and his daughter, lugging a little cart around through the forest.

Hoping I won't be sore all over.

KAPTKIRK - 24-6-2013 at 23:47

Going into the woods reminds me of a riddle.
*Q: How far can a wolf run into the woods?

Glad to hear your mom's doing better Poly. I don't think the surgeons can fix you though. They'll never get those Zappa tunes outta your head without making you just another plain ol' OZzie, kinda guy. You know the kind, the "Shrimp on the Barbie while watchin' Crocodile Dundee and listenin' to The Bee Gees" kinda guy. Ya gotta watch out for them thar Doc's Poly. They want to neuter all free thought down-under! :lol:
I'm glad you don't have to worry about it until Nov. or so. That's cool.

What does your Pop's old work sign say Bonny and what was it doing in the middle of the woods?

It's raining here. That's a big deal in the summer in California! But rest assured, it will be in the 100's f. by the end of the week.

*A: Halfway. The other half he's running out! ;)

BBP - 25-6-2013 at 11:52

Dad had used the sign for decoration at his barbecue of old colleagues at that camping farm in the middle of the woods.
Aaaand I'm sore.

BBP - 26-6-2013 at 11:34

My Youtube link on my favorites bar automatically searches for Tim Curry. Twice a day I check for something new.
For some reason, yesterday the "Adventures of Greggery Peccary" popped in there, bizarrely since the only link I ever found between TC and FZ is some fan once gave TC an FZ-shirt at one of his concerts. Oh, and Duckman, and Bench Pressley.

What was that spying programme called again?

[Edited on 26-6-13 by BBP]

BBP - 26-6-2013 at 23:13

Long-time friend suddenly phoned me. Was great. And now I have a sore throat.

KAPTKIRK - 26-6-2013 at 23:35

You can't seem to catch a break BP. Nice to hear from old friends though.

BBP - 27-6-2013 at 12:09

Had one break once, and that hurt so I'm not doing that again.:bald:

BBP - 30-6-2013 at 14:36

aquagoat - 1-7-2013 at 16:39

nice elephants, Bonny. :)

polydigm - 2-7-2013 at 03:20

Hey Aqua, how goes it?

Is that a mint green elephant Bonny?

BBP - 2-7-2013 at 10:22

No, but the curtain posing next to it was described as "mint green" when we bought it years ago.

aquagoat - 2-7-2013 at 19:06

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey Aqua, how goes it?
i'm fine, I've been busy trying to get a bit away from the internet to do more productive stuff like: swimming, playing more guitar and bass, etc, etc...

BBP - 3-7-2013 at 10:35

Very healthy!
I've picked up juggling again after finding different clubs, that are lighter than the previous and shouldn't crack my eye socket.

KAPTKIRK - 7-7-2013 at 10:50

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Very healthy!
I've picked up juggling again after finding different clubs, that are lighter than the previous and shouldn't crack my eye socket.

A. Bonny and juggling.

Q. What is an accident waiting to happen?


KAPTKIRK - 7-7-2013 at 10:56

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey Aqua, how goes it?
i'm fine, I've been busy trying to get a bit away from the internet to do more productive stuff like: swimming, playing more guitar and bass, etc, etc...

During the heat wave I gained close to 10 pounds. Sitting on the net/computer all day long makes you fat! I feel ya goat. Glad to here your exercising your libido too.

BBP - 7-7-2013 at 19:54

Hey! I do some decent juggling!
Oh... here's some indecent juggling. You can tell it's old because we don't have the pinball table there yet.

BBP - 9-7-2013 at 11:35


polydigm - 10-7-2013 at 09:20

... o ... o ... o ... o ...

BBP - 12-7-2013 at 08:44

My cleavage has the unique talent of stopping any conversation. Should I be proud or embarrassed?

Anyway, suffering sun allergy.

aquagoat - 12-7-2013 at 16:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
My cleavage has the unique talent of stopping any conversation. Should I be proud or embarrassed?
hahaha, my girlfriend's got the same kind power and dilemma.

BBP - 13-7-2013 at 14:31

I bet we could get along, would like to bump into her someday.

BBP - 14-7-2013 at 10:54

We had a bit of an adventure yesterday.
My sister came over for a surprise visit on Friday. She had left her door keys at work. She spent the night and will go back home with the spare keys today.
Anyway, with the nice weather we decided to have dinner in the garden. Right after the food was on the table, my father closed the sliding doors behind him. A few seconds later, we realized we'd forgotten the gravy spoon... and through some mystic way the sliding door slammed shut in the lock.

Oh F... With both the front and rear door locked and latched, the locksmith would've had a harsh time helping us get in. We got dinner out of the way first, but it's not easy to enjoy your cauliflower when you know you locked yourself out. It was getting chilly, and of course all the cellphones were in the house. I was already envisioning a long walk to the police station on my flip-flops.

But ho! My bedroom window was open! It's on the first floor (second for our American friends) and luckily the bay window of the ground floor gave a nice step in that direction.
Unfortunately none of us is the athletic type, so after a small debate we decided Dad and I would try to push up my sister. Thing is, our front yard is basically a thick layer of little rocks, making it hard to be stable there.
I stood in the corner of the house, Dad next to me, my sister took off her flip-flops. I folded my hands, she put her bare foot in there and pushed herself up on my dad. She used my dad's shoulder as a stepladder (he broke that in an accident twenty years back so it was painful) and was almost on top of the bay window, when the neighbor from across the street brought a ladder. She got down, which unfortunately put a lot of stress on my right knee. With the aid of the ladder she eventually got into my room and back in. The remaining potatoes and cauliflower had gotten cold, but we still enjoyed them.

polydigm - 15-7-2013 at 00:44

You seem to have a talent for this kind of thing Bonny. I can relate and do have some similar stories. I have a nasty bump on my shin just below the knee after a collision with an out of place chair during the night two days ago.

I've passed both of my first semester courses which is good news. Although I didn't do as well as I'd hoped, things are on the up compared to the previous semester and I'm now busy working on my project which is 30% of my final grade.

KAPTKIRK - 15-7-2013 at 19:36

Glad your studies are going good Poly, what are you going to be when you graduate? Are we gonna have to call you doctor then?

That's some pretty fancy juggling Bonny! :cool:
I'm glad you weren't the one on top trying to get into your house, that would have made the news here had you fallen. Bonny breaks every bone in her body!!! Details at 11:00! You need to stay on the earth BBP, less room to fall and hurt yourself! ;)

BBP - 15-7-2013 at 23:04

It's all go at my place! Well, not all go that fast, but it goes all!

polydigm - 17-7-2013 at 08:31

Nice juggling Bonny. I've tried myself but never had the patience or inclination to practice to even a basic level of continuous juggling.

And sheesh Kirk, I thought you were a little more enlightened than your YouTube comment indicates ... anyway, I still think you're okay ...

My current course is Honours Maths, the type of course you do after completing a bachelor or degree or whatever you call it over there. It's a stepping stone to being allowed to study for a PhD, so I have to complete this successfully first. Later, after I've completed the PhD, then you can call me Doctor if you want. I don't really care about the title, but these days, if you want to teach at University level you need to have a PhD.

KAPTKIRK - 17-7-2013 at 09:08

It's calvin's Birthday today. The big 5-0. Here's to many more!

BBP - 17-7-2013 at 09:17

Happy birthday Cal!

polydigm - 21-7-2013 at 09:49

Are we trying to break a record? Bonny's last post was 4 days ago.

BBP - 21-7-2013 at 10:36

Had a bit of a rotten day yesterday. Knee's feeling worse and on top of that I don't feel 100% right now either. Took my painful knee out to a distant supermarket to get three things, and they turned out not to have two of them, so I cycled a long distance through the heat for a cheap box of crackers.

polydigm - 21-7-2013 at 11:31

Bloody supermarkets!! I hate what your referring too, inconsistent stocking of various items. Then there's getting used to some item over a period of time and suddenly having it discontinued. Bastards!!

I hope you're feeling better soon Bonny. I have a nasty bump just below my right knee so I can perhaps directly relate at the moment. What's wrong with yours?

KAPTKIRK - 21-7-2013 at 11:31

I'm listening to "Balls" a mellow jazz R&B sounding CD by NMB. I saw the GrandMothers tonight. Fantastic! I was ashamed the place was empty. They were great and very generous with their time. 3 + hours of all FZ music. These cats are just as good as DZpZ are, but I wouldn't compare them as musicians. They're all great!. If you like a Zappa front man you can't beat NMB with Don Preston as a muse, it's all out Zappa fun! The sheeple sat where the seats were. I moved mine to front & center. It helped the show as several folks followed my lead. Great show! Nice musicians too!
5 outta 5 stars! No doubt!

KAPTKIRK - 21-7-2013 at 11:41

I'm listening to "Balls" by NMB. It's good! I just saw him and Don Preston with the GrandMothers! Freakin' great show. DZpZ has nothing on these cats!!! IMHO. :cool:

I repeat myself I see. It was a great show though! :guitar::drums::guitar2::singer:

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 21-7-2013 at 22:00

Thanks Poly. See the bit about my knee in the story of our lock-out on page 137.

KAPTKIRK - 21-7-2013 at 23:05

I hope both your bumps and bruises feel better soon. I'm constantly bumping and bruising myself too, so I know how that feels. Plus me backs been bad since 15 yrs. old. It's a bumpy, bruisey road to hoe out there.

polydigm - 22-7-2013 at 23:37

Sorry about that Bonny, I remembered the lockout saga but I forgot about your knee. Something I'm curious about is what you meant by sun allergy.

BBP - 23-7-2013 at 07:38

Not sure when it started,when I was first getting some tan on my legs and they were covered in red spots in ten minutes (this is The Netherlands, not down under with high UV zones). In 2006 my sister dragged me to the Tour de France in Valkenburg, we spent hours in the sun waiting for Floyd Landis, when I came home my hands were covered in white bumps that would break open and theydid hurt. Every year, when the summer comes, I get white bumps on my hands.

polydigm - 23-7-2013 at 11:31

I've not heard of that before. I remember a couple of times when I was a kid other members of my family getting these yellowish blister like things on their shoulders but that was over exposure to the sun and their skin had gone beyond just being sunburnt. A bunch of poms we were, who had no idea about the sun.

BBP - 23-7-2013 at 21:40

Pom, I don't know that phrase! To the Dinkum Aussie Dictionary!

Knee still hurts. Then again, I wasn't too careful testing out the velcro climbing wall at the Evoluon science exhibit.
Here I am doing the nail bed experiment. It should be more comfortable than the ball bed next to it did.
It didn't.

polydigm - 24-7-2013 at 01:56

I know that nail beds are doable but I'm still not doing it.

Poms are what Aussies call the English. My family emigrated to Australia from England when I was five.

BBP - 24-7-2013 at 10:22

It's not that bad, but the bed onlyrises when you press both buttons, you have to make sure you lie down first and you have to stay lying there until the pins go away again.Getting up from or sitting down on it, that's when you place too much weight on a certain spot.
My problem was with the bit of the back on the other side of the chest.

BBP - 31-7-2013 at 11:20

It's been a bit hard on me lately, this life thing. Dad and I went to the Hague, with the intention of spending some time on the beach, but it was way too rainy. Came home all hungry, ate noodles which turned out not to be very good, logged in to read my mail and had the message they'll close it down shortly. Bugger: I've had my jelliclemail-address for over 13 years. Spent the better part of the day transferring mail and letting people know.

Also Eileen Brennan died and a mosquito bit me on the sole of my foot.

polydigm - 1-8-2013 at 00:21

I guess you need a big hug. Hang in there Bonny. Maybe Roxy by Proxy will cheer you up although I'm personally not so sure about that.

BBP - 1-8-2013 at 10:06

Zappa in the Royal Albert Hall did. I'm listening to the recording I made yesterday. :D It starts off a little poorly, Greggery, with the narrator overdoing and Greggery missing a few cues, but becomes very colourful.

BBP - 2-8-2013 at 11:18

Roxy is here!

Attachment: roxy.gif (2kB)
This file has been downloaded 744 times

aquagoat - 2-8-2013 at 20:50

yeah i think I'm going to pre-order that thing.:guitar:

tweezers - 2-8-2013 at 23:03

Got in Bonny, glad to be aboard:cool:

tweezers - 2-8-2013 at 23:06

I pre-ordered. Wonder if anyone knows of someone who purchased ROXY BY PROXY license and is now facing the ZFT in product sales. I knew that would be the result.

polydigm - 3-8-2013 at 03:21

It does make make me wonder how that is going to work. Should I preorder now or wait until some indie offers it for sale. I wish I'd made a copy of that license now so I could check the rules of competition. It seems to me that because the licenses aren't available to existing businesses, any licensee has no machinery with which to compete with the ZFT. So the ZFT is effectively goading people into giving them $1000 as the cost of proving they should have shut their mouth with their comments about the uselessness of the ZFT.

How's that for cynical?

KAPTKIRK - 3-8-2013 at 03:57

...and the ZFT has all those little tidbits of Franks that us ZappaFreaks love they can include in they're package. It's tough to be hawkin' Roxy by Proxy as an independent against them right now and into the future. You might as well hang it on a wall and fugettaboutit. Might be worth something to the grandkids.

How's that for cynical? :grin:

tweezers - 3-8-2013 at 22:24

Look Kapt, you and the rest of the world know that license ain't worth squat. GZ wasn't into a Kickstarter campaign and she doesn't seem excited by subscriptions. Some of us would have helped out...but I pay bills so I don't have a grand laying around to prove how devoted I am.:verycool::verycool::verycool::forumsmiley201::forumsmiley201::forumsmiley201::swear:

BBP - 4-8-2013 at 20:48

Juggling is going well! Mastered clawing and am working over my head, and club catching is working too!

tweezers - 5-8-2013 at 04:15

Do you have a video of you juggling, I am always impressed by that skill.

KAPTKIRK - 5-8-2013 at 06:09

I think if you go back a page or two tweeze, she has some really good juggling videos.

BBP - 5-8-2013 at 10:25

Though I could barely juggle back then. Emphasis on the bare.

KAPTKIRK - 5-8-2013 at 22:12

You used to barely juggle and now you juggle bare. Interesting, does that help your juggling or just feels good? :roll:

BBP - 6-8-2013 at 12:14

Can't laugh now. George Duke has passed away.:crying:

And when you look him up on Google news, you get that William and Kate kid called George and who's a duke.

Huck_Phlem - 9-8-2013 at 04:24

My son competed in drum corps international open class. They came in 2nd place but won percussion for their 5th year in a row! They were undefeated all season. Then lost to their arch rivals from Santa Clara. Hearing about George Duke just made it worse! :crying:

On a positive note though both Concord and Santa Clara moved up in World Class. I am awaiting their final scores. They compete again tomorrow in Indianapolis to see if they can make the top 12 in world class. (if they do then they compete Saturday against the big boys of world class)

BBP - 10-8-2013 at 11:34

Hey Huck, nice to see you!

polydigm - 11-8-2013 at 03:19

Bonny, a sane voice in the wilderness.

Hey Huck - all that percussion activity in the US. If we had something similar here I might not find it so hard to find a drummer that enjoys a challenge. It gets depressing sometimes writing all this music that may never end up getting a decent live airing. I've had a bit of a burst and come up with three new compositions recently. I get excited about it for a while but the lack of a band to play them wears me down. I guess I could do multi track builds but I just don't have enough spare time for that lately. At least my guitar chops keep on improving.

BBP - 13-8-2013 at 11:19

Zen is very Zappa.

Yesterday I got bombed. While I was juggling a pigeon dropped an egg that missed me by a hair.

BBP - 13-8-2013 at 15:19

Sadly, my great aunt passed away last night, aged 94. She will be sorely missed.:crying:

Huck_Phlem - 15-8-2013 at 18:58

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Bonny, a sane voice in the wilderness.

Hey Huck - all that percussion activity in the US. If we had something similar here I might not find it so hard to find a drummer that enjoys a challenge. It gets depressing sometimes writing all this music that may never end up getting a decent live airing. I've had a bit of a burst and come up with three new compositions recently. I get excited about it for a while but the lack of a band to play them wears me down. I guess I could do multi track builds but I just don't have enough spare time for that lately. At least my guitar chops keep on improving.

They have it in Europe, Japan, Indonesia, and it's growing in other places because drum corps go and teach there. It is growing again here in the US in the way of High School bands. My son is off to go teach a new one at a high school nearby today.

think I will have to suggest they go teach down under too.

polydigm - 16-8-2013 at 01:13

Sorry to hear about your Aunt, Bonny, my condolences.

How many sons have you got, Huck?

BBP - 16-8-2013 at 20:56

In case he doesn't come back in a while, Huck has a son, Connor, and a daughter whose name I can't recall right now, sorry.

We went to the funeral today. Her closest relatives opted for a simple service with little but music, mainly Mozart. Afterwards the entire group went for coffee and lunch at a restaurant near the beach.
Afterwards, Dad, sis and I went to the beach. It was a nice, sunny day and I got my feet wet.

I miss aunt Fides. :(

punknaynowned - 17-8-2013 at 08:36

Sorry to hear of your loss Bonny.

I am dreading that I may have to move. The landlord no longer has any attachment to the house, he is recovering fromm chemo and throat cancer. I have to find out how much he wants for the house - or is willing to accept as a down-payment. I want to stay here, but may not have any choice, since I don't have the cash to purchase the property I live in. It's a sad day for me.

[Edited on 17-8-13 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 17-8-2013 at 09:31

Sorry to hear that, Punky... hope you can set up a deal with the landlord. And I hope he recovers well.

aquagoat - 18-8-2013 at 13:04

Really sorry about your loss, bonny.

Yesterday I went parachute jumping, that was freaking awesome, I recommend everyone to do it if they can, it's great fun.

BBP - 19-8-2013 at 10:17

Thanks Aqua...
I'd love to go parachute jumping sometime. As anyone who knows me at funfairs, I'm a bit of a thrill seeker. Even went in the Booster a day after that horrible accident in France.

Past two days have been quiet, since I'm still puffed from The Hague. Early rise and long walk on shoes that aren't made for that, is a bit much.

BBP - 21-8-2013 at 17:28

My mammoth is done!

aquagoat - 22-8-2013 at 16:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Thanks Aqua...
I'd love to go parachute jumping sometime. As anyone who knows me at funfairs, I'm a bit of a thrill seeker. Even went in the Booster a day after that horrible accident in France.
you should definitely try it if you've got the occasion, it's awesome.

polydigm - 23-8-2013 at 13:32

I might do a parachute jump as a last request, but that's it. It's not for me. And I used to fly around at high speed on a motorbike - that was a thrill.

BBP - 24-8-2013 at 11:11

We all have our thrills and our Kryptonite, I suppose. Shortly after that horrible accident I really enjoyed that Booster ride, but don't put me in go-carts or on anything I have to drive myself.

BBP - 25-8-2013 at 09:01

Punky: if you want to see the Brabantse Dag-parade again, check You can see it live in 4 hours 15 minutes, or watch the summary later.

punknaynowned - 26-8-2013 at 06:01

awww, that's really nice of you to remember that I enjoyed that!
of course I missed it today, but I can catch up, can't I?
thank you :biggrin:

punknaynowned - 26-8-2013 at 06:09

Aha! I found a two hour survey!
I love a parade for some reason. Makes no difference I can't follow what they say... the musicality of the language is compelling enuf, somehow

I see it's a making-of documentary... and they play a symphonetized 'Born That Way' throughout, topical, funny

[Edited on 26-8-13 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 26-8-2013 at 11:10

There was one contestant that had to pull its float at the last minute and became a walking group instead. The last float (with the market benches LED screens) won the jury, press and audience awards. Among my favourites were the group about late medieval composer Guillaume Dufay, complete with his groupies, and a group about fun fair / church mass (the Dutch word for fun fair derives from church mass), they had a cute litthe church choir singing typical funfair lines like "remain seated during the ride".

punknaynowned - 26-8-2013 at 20:20

the one 'Kirkmis' with the church-goers that became roller coaster riders was quite the concept-leap, funny, very different than one might see here. In fact, many of the visual expressions of abstract ideas are complicated. many in cages, the long set of pieces that showed bent back buildings, a bent lampshade, alongside the people with the arrows seemed to be conveying MOTION itself with everything blown back by the wind of that motion.


BBP - 26-8-2013 at 20:26

The topic was "What do you mean, medieval?" and was a sort of Middle Ages vs Modern World. Scribes vs Facebook, markets vs online auction site Marktplaats, church mass vs fun fair, medieval map sketchers who'd show travellers the way versus GPS, mills throughout the ages, bookpress... etc.

BBP - 30-8-2013 at 20:55

I can't stand Google Ads, especially since they're supposedly based on your on-line behaviour. Why am I getting lesbian contact adverts? (gets heebie-jeebies)

punknaynowned - 31-8-2013 at 16:51

I don't like ads either, generally.
just remember, algorithms don't judge. People do, right?

I got a lot of non-pertinent ads, F/M singles ads, then I bought some books on amazon and then books started showing up. Then for a while there were ads for 'fantasy games for men' which I have never even inquired about, and now this week there is some pen holder for sale marketed to Jewish scholars.
I imagine there are people that assign values and create 'buckets' of 'types' of people, but it's the algo's that uses those values without a brain behind them and also easy to see this as beginning steps. Hopefully it will get better at targeting, or putting users in appropriate ad-target-locations.
But if an ad is like an arrow, the ones that widely miss the mark are easier to ignore.

BBP - 5-9-2013 at 14:43

I suppose you mean "ignore" as in "not clicking on it" rather than "not paying attention"?

It's tropical weather out here, very unusual for this time of year. I'll be going to a theme park on the 8th, hope it'll be a bit cooler by then. Juggling, too is quite a feat.

Mastered clawing and club juggling, mastered columns, am improving on over the head, and started to learn to juggle 4 balls.

punknaynowned - 6-9-2013 at 00:59

yeah, I pay attention to the news about the changing nature of marketing, rather than the products (the ads) that marketing puts in my viewer. I compare trends in ads with what the news tells me to see how those allign with each other, but never pursue or click on ads themselves.

For example, I do not and will not sign up for facebook but notice when facebook puts out a 'public relations piece' on what they are doing next which makes the news. And then think about what this might mean for larger online trends.
Because, the last few years, facebook has been influential in marketing online. Ignoring them all together would mean I miss 'what is happening'. The trends may infuriate, but they influence people and effect how they see things. Yes, both how facebook sees things and how they're consumers see things.

Google's model is different but not any better as far as I can see.

BBP - 6-9-2013 at 10:11

Then again all that ad-stuff might be because I have cookies from a lot of ad-services blocked in my browser.

BBP - 9-9-2013 at 11:19

Keep my dad in mind since he has a nasty dental appointment coming up...

I'm sore and hoarse from yesterday's Efteling trip.

Huck_Phlem - 10-9-2013 at 02:52

My son toured the summer with his drum corps and they were undefeated all season until the end and lost to the nearby rivals but won drums for the 5th year in a row and got featured on Pearl drums web site. (he is the one next to the drum set player in the back with the two big torpedo things hanging down)

Then he starts college at San Jose State University and three weeks into college he gets a gig playing Jazz guitar for 90 dollars. (I have video of it but no server and refuse to upload to youtube anymore)

My daughter is a Junior and drives better then he does.

I still can't find a job though. I have enough to last me another year and a half though so I'm not broke yet.

BBP - 11-9-2013 at 10:50

Nice to hear from you Huck!

Just a note to all of you: my Jelliclemail address will be defunct in the future, so don't send any mail there. Take it to my Gmail address (look in the Announcements section for that), or to bbp AT musician DOT org.

BBP - 15-9-2013 at 16:42

Cooked lental soup and am resting from eating it. Delicious, but powerful. Saturday I went on a special supermarket trip to buy three things I'd need and didn't have in stock: a carrot, celery and garlic. Then I went to check the recipe today. It mentioned cloves and laurel. Oops. And then it turned out I just had those on stock for some time.
...And then I found I still missed something: onions. The vegetable they only sell in bulk and of which you have to throw away half because it's too much of a hassle to prepare and makes you and your kitche stink, the vegetable of which you always seem to have too much...

Oh well. The soup was great!

BBP - 17-9-2013 at 20:17

Not much going on except I got to wreck another bike (snapped chain).

My favourite theme park Efteling has, for many many years, released countless pins on the collecting audience. Collecting stuff is not my thing, but I did buy the Haunted Castle-themed set a few years back.
Discovered this set has doubled in value since. Hayoo.

aquagoat - 19-9-2013 at 06:52

is it enough to buy a new bike?

BBP - 19-9-2013 at 11:27

Ha-ha, no. It's € 7,50. I was even nervous about buying that set.

polydigm - 19-9-2013 at 13:59

Haven't been by for a while, just thought I'd drop in and say hello. I've been pretty busy.

BBP - 19-9-2013 at 18:50

Hello Poly!
DED and I hit the town to find birthday presents for my sister. Went to the design store where they had so much wicked stuff it was hard to choose,but eventually I let the special spaghetti fork (that you can spin like an old-fashioned hand drill) be and bought a wallet with ye olde Dutch 10 guilder note print.

BBP - 21-9-2013 at 21:11

Yesterday was my sister's birthday, today we had groceries... Been feeling sore and tired today. I need a hug.

And a foot warmer.

BBP - 26-9-2013 at 18:53

It's always been my intention to introduce as many people as I can to my favourite groups: Primus, DAAU, and of course to FZ. Seeing that I accidentally turned somebody into a Kate Bush fn, that's a bit depressing.

BBP - 28-9-2013 at 16:46

A few days ago, I found a charming French booklet entitled L'Art d'Être Aimée, a curious thing by Dominique Le Bourg with charming font and illustrations on how to be a seductress, from 1948. Am considering translating it.

BBP - 3-10-2013 at 12:28

While I'm busy translating that I'm cursing my French class from high school. I didn't learn a single proverb or idiom from that. With the subject matter being as sensitive as it is, it's full of proverbs and idioms.

Added: I'm getting more into it and finding it more and more hilarious. But it does trouble me that after 6 years of French class, basically what I've learnt is 100 Different Ways To Ask For Directions To The Nearest Beach.

[Edited on 3-10-13 by BBP]

BBP - 3-10-2013 at 15:58

BBP - 4-10-2013 at 21:02

I'm at 35% of translating the little book. It is a tad bizarre already, and I haven't even reached the part about "travelling to the blue land" yet. Not sure whether I'm looking forward to that or fearing it intensely.

BBP - 9-10-2013 at 18:46

It's oh so quiet... shhh... shhh... it's oh so still... shh...shh..

Calvin - 11-10-2013 at 15:09

Here you go, I'll post so it's not so lonely. I got to see my granddaughter yesterday!

BBP - 12-10-2013 at 16:26

Thanks Cal, Lovely!:bald:

Not much happening here... Still battling and losing the eternal fight against freezing feet, nothing seems to help them.

Caputh - 12-10-2013 at 22:02

Got wet picking up walnuts. Amazingly, my eldest doggedly helped me. Though his criterion for a good walnut took at least five minutes deliberation.

Calvin - 13-10-2013 at 03:45

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Thanks Cal, Lovely!:bald:

Not much happening here... Still battling and losing the eternal fight against freezing feet, nothing seems to help them.

Thermal socks?

BBP - 13-10-2013 at 11:55

Don't help. Nothing helps, no hot bath, no heating pits...

Calvin - 13-10-2013 at 17:34

Hmm, I had an aunt that had the same problem. The doctor told her it was a circulation problem, but I can't remember what they did for it.

BBP - 13-10-2013 at 21:24

There's a distinct problem about me and doctors. Besides the one I visited for the insurance when I broke my ankle, the last time I went to a GP was when I was 19 and had a bad throat infection, before that was when I was 12 and had bronchitis.

Phoned my best friend for his birthday. He's going to go to France to live in a Buddhist commune for a few weeks.

[Edited on 13-10-13 by BBP]

aquagoat - 14-10-2013 at 06:48

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

Phoned my best friend for his birthday. He's going to go to France to live in a Buddhist commune for a few weeks.

Where is it located?

punknaynowned - 14-10-2013 at 10:46

here's something random I found.
Bedrock, home of the Flintstone's is a place, in Arizona:

The whole messynessy blog is really cool with lots of unexpected things

BBP - 14-10-2013 at 22:30

Creepy, those Flintstone characters don't translate to 3D. It's really puzzling it's still open, how could they ever make it profitable?

Aqua: don't know where he's going. I'll ask him when I can catch hold of him again next week.

BBP - 16-10-2013 at 09:30

This weekend I'll be in Arnhem, guide dogging.

BBP - 22-10-2013 at 16:35

Here's one I took in Arnhem...

BBP - 23-10-2013 at 13:43

Shall I shut this place down then?

punknaynowned - 24-10-2013 at 15:34


BBP - 24-10-2013 at 18:00

There are too many days when I'm the only visitor... Too many posts of which I think "Hm, I thought that was going to provoke some replies"... I realize a lot of you are busy but if nobody but me posts here, what's the point of this forum?

BBP - 26-10-2013 at 09:20

You see what I mean?

punknaynowned - 26-10-2013 at 09:29

Bonny, you do what you need to do.
I would be sad to see the goose go.
It is at very least a way for me to keep in touch with you and Geoff/polydigm, both of which I would like to.
There is also a bunch of stuff I've put up here that I'd like to not lose to the cracks of the internet.
And it will take some time for me to go through it and copy it all. I have been busy all week and will not be able to do anything like that this weekend either.
So, if you are planning to shut this place down I would like a little time to scedhule for me to do that.
<3 u

BBP - 26-10-2013 at 12:03

Just tossing up some coins... Things have gotten so quiet without Poly.
I was thinking of putting my translation project up here, you know, that weird French booklet I've been working on? I'm almost done.

[Edited on 28-10-13 by BBP]

aquagoat - 28-10-2013 at 08:33

yeah, i think you should put it here, i'd like to read it.

Caputh - 2-11-2013 at 16:06

I think it would be sad if you closed it down. I don't post that often, I know, but I like to read other's posts here.

[Edited on 2-11-2013 by Caputh]

BBP - 2-11-2013 at 16:15

That's nice, Caputh... Things get quiet online now and then: not just here, also at and DeviantArt and other places I frequent. Anyway, hope you'll enjoy the book I translated.

punknaynowned - 3-11-2013 at 03:09

Quote: Originally posted by Caputh  
I think it would be sad if you closed it down. I don't post that often, I know, but I like to read other's posts here.

[Edited on 2-11-2013 by Caputh]

hi Alex, it's nice to see you too. This is whatI've been doing the last couple years. It shows my weak method that I've followed for years. This time with a new huge topic of eurorenaissance, it documents online my first passes in this material and will chart first impressions and struff I think is neat and bits of newslinks as they come up too. I'm not looking for comments. I am more and more interested in just writing stuff down and shelving it as a reference-curiosity for future readers/searchers.

I also read aloud and record the readings of big modern english fictions. I did Infinite Jest of Wallace and now Against the Day of Pynchon. It's good practice for when I get stentorian enuf to get paid doing simpler stuff. I can dream.

Bonny already knows this I think

BBP - 3-11-2013 at 21:44

Of your reading fiction aloud? No, but it's a great idea. You know I managed to get several visually handicapped friends, I've often toyed with the idea of recording myself but... you know...

Been thinking of starting a blog about my books. That way I can catalog my curioes before they go missing. :)

BBP - 4-11-2013 at 13:36

Furious storms out here. Yesterday a tornado hit Wijk bij Duurstede.

Caputh - 5-11-2013 at 18:19

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Of your reading fiction aloud? No, but it's a great idea. You know I managed to get several visually handicapped friends, I've often toyed with the idea of recording myself but... you know...

Been thinking of starting a blog about my books. That way I can catalog my curioes before they go missing. :)

I love books too and have quite a large library, though as some might have noticed I tend to concentrate more on history books than fiction. Somehow, I can only read the latter on holiday, when I'm really relaxed. Here's a personal question to both you and Punky - do you try and keep your books pristine? If you do, I think it's highly commendable. I myself take them everywhere and most of them look that way. A while ago, a pupil of mine borrowed a book and gave me back a new copy. When I asked her why, she said she was so enamoured by the crushed fly on page 128 she asked if she could keep my copy.
Nice to hear you're reading books out loud, Punky. Where are the recordings?

BBP - 5-11-2013 at 18:25

I keep them pristine and neat: in fact I was furious that, when I lent my sister my neat, barely folded (yet well-travelled and fully read) paperback copy of Crime and Punishment, I got it back all creased and water damaged. She took it with her when she went camping near Whitby. Still there's, besides my art books, only one item in my collection that'd be worth the velvet glove care: a first edition of my favourite book Karakter by Bordewijk, dates from 1938.

Caputh - 5-11-2013 at 20:30

Ah- art books are an exception with me too; I inherited a lot of them from my wife's grandfather. I also think twice about taking a nice hardback into the bath to read. But paperbacks go everywhere.
I also (probably criminally in many people's view) used to treat my records in a similar fashion.

[Edited on 5-11-2013 by Caputh]

BBP - 7-11-2013 at 15:17

Take your records with you in the bath? :D
I never take baths anymore, haven't really done that since my cast went off. It's too dull and I'm too clumsy to read anything without getting it soaked.

DED - 7-11-2013 at 21:53

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
Quote: Originally posted by Caputh  
I think it would be sad if you closed it down. I don't post that often, I know, but I like to read other's posts here.

[Edited on 2-11-2013 by Caputh]

hi Alex, it's nice to see you too. This is whatI've been doing the last couple years. It shows my weak method that I've followed for years. This time with a new huge topic of eurorenaissance, it documents online my first passes in this material and will chart first impressions and struff I think is neat and bits of newslinks as they come up too. I'm not looking for comments. I am more and more interested in just writing stuff down and shelving it as a reference-curiosity for future readers/searchers.

I also read aloud and record the readings of big modern english fictions. I did Infinite Jest of Wallace and now Against the Day of Pynchon. It's good practice for when I get stentorian enuf to get paid doing simpler stuff. I can dream.

Bonny already knows this I think

Everybody is now on facebook making groups and pages. Someday when the adss are growing in number it will be quite there en then there still is the Goose.

BBP - 8-11-2013 at 12:46

As soon as the Z-forum is down, this place'll be full. And I'll be going to ZPZ tomorrow, will have something when I come back.

Caputh - 8-11-2013 at 19:26

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Take your records with you in the bath? :D
I never take baths anymore, haven't really done that since my cast went off. It's too dull and I'm too clumsy to read anything without getting it soaked.

I've never actually taken my records into the bath, but they look that way - (Jaypfunk would have me shot at dawn if he saw them).
Ah, you haven't seen my bathroom! The guy who bought the house off turned our bathroom into a mixture of an Italian restaurant and a sauna:shocked: It's utterly tasteless, but surprisingly comfortable. This means that all the males in our house love taking baths. My wife can't stand the decor or the jacuzzi and I'm always making plans to reduce the size of the bathroom to create a small library. Unfortunately, finances have held us back thus far. So, 'till then, I'm free to take my books into the bath.

[Edited on 8-11-2013 by Caputh]

[Edited on 8-11-2013 by Caputh]

BBP - 8-11-2013 at 20:12

I'm very curious now. :) What decor could be so horrible it'd stop you from taking a bath in a jacuzzi?

Caputh - 8-11-2013 at 22:41

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I'm very curious now. :) What decor could be so horrible it'd stop you from taking a bath in a jacuzzi?

The previous owner (not us, honestly, not us!), introduced a kind of moulding-cum-terracotta tiling-cum faux stone motif into the bathroom. Unless you're very good at tiling, this is almost impossible to remove personally. My wife's solution is to shower in the bathroom upstairs. My solution is to read weighty tomes in the horribly terracoted, but pleasingly jacuzzied bathroom downstairs.

BBP - 9-11-2013 at 09:51

Interesting. I'd close me eyes meself.

In today's Expy of Boringness, I'm knitting stockings. I've never knitted socks before. Unlike what is usual with socks, these are knitted from the bottom up, making it very easy for yours truly to make a pair of socks that fit her oversized feet. But I'm running into a problem: I'm using a US pattern and they instruct that you have to keep knitting in a certain pattern before you increase, up to the point at the base of the calf muscle. But where is the base of the calf muscle? At the bottom? At the top? In the middle? At the heel or a little higher?

Today I'll be dragging a guitar and an amp to my sister's, just before going to ZPZ. So I might take a bath tomorrow after all, to get rid of sore muscles.

BBP - 11-11-2013 at 15:12

Since my stocking is starting to get so big it fits my father, I'll have to uravel it. Beh.

BBP - 12-11-2013 at 11:21

Busy recovering from the concert... Most of the sores have eased now but my back is still protesting.

KAPTKIRK - 12-11-2013 at 11:36

Was it the last ZpZ tour that you had to leave early to catch a train back home Bonny? I know how you're back must feel, my back is always giving me fits after a concert too. It gets worse if it's a long ride to and from. Good soak in a hot tub will help that.

BBP - 12-11-2013 at 11:42

That was Hengelo 2010, because Hengelo is truly in the middle of nowhere.
The thing was, if I'd known I'd miss my train and would have to wait an hour for the next train, I'd have hung around at ZPZ longer, talk to Unica 'n all.

KAPTKIRK - 12-11-2013 at 12:12

How is Paul anyway? You were going to mention him in the three part review but I must have missed it.

BBP - 12-11-2013 at 17:10

Paul is fine, he told me he recorded the entire show (he had a great view from the balcony). I wasn't too sure if he recognized me, it's been three years since I last saw him.

KAPTKIRK - 12-11-2013 at 22:44

That's great about Paul. He always did take cool pictures and ended up in some too. You can see him on one of Dweezil's FOH releases in the crowd,front stage left. He's so tall and always has that baseball cap on, it's easy to spot him.

BBP - 13-11-2013 at 00:47

Went to the GLOW festival, was a bit of a let-down. Passed the bench-mark: I made over 10,000 photos with my camera since I first got it.

KAPTKIRK - 13-11-2013 at 00:54

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Went to the GLOW festival, was a bit of a let-down. Passed the bench-mark: I made over 10,000 photos with my camera since I first got it.

I wonder if I've taken close to 10,000 pix ever!

BBP - 13-11-2013 at 17:17

There's a thing about digital cameras, when you don't have to be careful with your film, you just shoot forever!

KAPTKIRK - 13-11-2013 at 20:35

Us old analog folks still can't get over the fact that it's not wasting film at all. I've gotta get me one of them thar digital camera thingy's! Looks like a lot of fun too! :cool:

BBP - 14-11-2013 at 14:12

Even with film I tended to get trigger-happy, although I had APS back then (almond-shaped film that's harder to get hold of) and I couldn't turn the flash off. Was a nice camera, but after I had a leaking battery, it'd been opened and it didn't make a single good shot. Was especially nasty when I'd manouvered myself onto a balcony I wasn't supposed to be, and took a picture of the view: it's a horrible gritty picture. At Brussels 2006 ZPZ concert I shot too many pics and didn't get any when I was within handshake-position of DZ. In the mosh pit.

BBP - 15-11-2013 at 10:03

Police came to the door, there's been an attempted break-in at our back neighbors yesterday.

KAPTKIRK - 15-11-2013 at 12:33

Did you hear anything that night? By "attempt" it sounds like someone was chased off, what happened Bonny? Any of you property missing or damaged. Was it day or nighttime when it happened??? Is there much crime in your area?

I wrapped up 3 - 20 min. discussions on Egypt with my Egyptian friends and a collective-eclectic crew of 4 tonight at our DMA studio. One of my guests, Nancy Zayed, drove over two hours from the south SF bay area. She was the spark to a good informative show. I had changed the format from one straight hour into 3- 20 min segments with public service ads in between breaks. It should be more interesting this way and you can take a break in between each subject. I like it, it works for most of our people's time and I have open dates through Dec., so that's a very good thing.
I'm trying to get a friend Sarah Moussa an Egyptian activist to host a show for women in the Mideast or just Egypt. Haven't heard back yet, but I hope she can do it.
I started this whole thing at the beginning of Arab Spring, I hope there's a resolution in my life time. Where Egypt goes, goes the middle east. imho. They don't want to loose that respect/power.

Me back's killin' me or I'd be asleep right now. Ouch, I can't stand for long periods anymore. I saw you on Unica's you-tube channel. I have always tried to sit in front of Sheila. She' soo talented and a very nice lady too. Like you Bonny!

BBP - 15-11-2013 at 19:58

What exactly happened, we're not sure, but they did smash in a window and tried the doors on either side of the house. Was a bit of a shocker, I did put my notebook out of sight for sure. Like, totally.

KAPTKIRK - 15-11-2013 at 20:44

I wonder if it was just random or if they cased the place beforehand. Do your neighbors have anything of value that people would know about? I'm glad they didn't get your notebook, like, fer sure, totally out of sight's the best way to go, totally, ya know?

punknaynowned - 15-11-2013 at 23:59

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Did you hear anything that night? By "attempt" it sounds like someone was chased off, what happened Bonny? Any of you property missing or damaged. Was it day or nighttime when it happened??? Is there much crime in your area?

I wrapped up 3 - 20 min. discussions on Egypt with my Egyptian friends and a collective-eclectic crew of 4 tonight at our DMA studio. One of my guests, Nancy Zayed, drove over two hours from the south SF bay area. She was the spark to a good informative show. I had changed the format from one straight hour into 3- 20 min segments with public service ads in between breaks. It should be more interesting this way and you can take a break in between each subject. I like it, it works for most of our people's time and I have open dates through Dec., so that's a very good thing.
I'm trying to get a friend Sarah Moussa an Egyptian activist to host a show for women in the Mideast or just Egypt. Haven't heard back yet, but I hope she can do it.
I started this whole thing at the beginning of Arab Spring, I hope there's a resolution in my life time. Where Egypt goes, goes the middle east. imho. They don't want to loose that respect/power.

Hey Kirk! that a hour long radio show you do? A discussion on Egypt with Egyptians? That's really awesome! Like Super Wow! Really impressed. People need to know and the best way to get a sense is thru personal stories from folks directly affected. Hope more and more tune in!

To reply abt books from last week - where does the time go? - I have a lot of books. As I get older I try to get hardbound ones as much as possible, and I take better care of them as time goes on, too. I Don't have a bathtub.
I don't write in or underline books anymore like I did sometimes, 25 yrs ago. One thing that seems to happen tho is that on a second read - like with the audio projects - is that binding splits on big books unless it is woven into something more substantial like buckhram or leather. So, even hardbound first editions get split because they are usually made with layered paper. Also with paperbacks of course, the glue often comes undone with focused study. Books I speed through stay intact, ironically.

Caputh I'll send a pm with a link for the audio collections. And good luck on your presentation tomorrow!

KAPTKIRK - 16-11-2013 at 02:20

Thanks Punk, it's a talk show on local channel 15 TV. I thought it would be better to get the story from all sides in Egypt from Egyptians and not just what the American Media wants you to see and hear. I've made some friends and a place to stay if I can save enough to go visit the pyramids and these little talk show are being passed around in Egypt. That's pretty cool to me.

punknaynowned - 16-11-2013 at 08:52

are you kidding? That is extraordinary, which is way better than cool! We need all the friends we can get! :bouncing:

KAPTKIRK - 16-11-2013 at 09:19

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
are you kidding? That is extraordinary, which is way better than cool! We need all the friends we can get! :bouncing:

I quite agree, we need friends from all over the world. One way to do that is to get the news out from the peoples about just what's what in any country and not rely on just the west and American media propaganda machines. At least I can give them a voice to pass around when they shut down twitter and any alternative media sites so no one can organize as fast. They know at the grassroots level the people of the USA do care and would like to help, not interfere, with they're politics or policies. It will all work out. The Brotherhood knew how to manipulate and scare the ignorant masses into believing they were Egypt's answer. The Brotherhood have a different agenda and those people won't be fooled again. No religion in politics. All Egyptians at heart want to unite and prosper. 1% want Shia' laws and religious leaders. 99% don't!

BBP - 16-11-2013 at 13:09

Fantastic lot you are!
I just made an extra account for a new member, hope he can roll in...

Caputh - 16-11-2013 at 19:35

I was only joking about the ardours of going in on saturday to persuade primary school kids to come to our school (on the Z forum) - I don't really mind doing it - in any case they were lovely kids; one (Pakistani) kid was particularly keen and very bright.
Spent the day wandering around Sansouci (a big palace with gardens in Potsdam) with the wife and my youngest. They're thinking about charging entry for this soon - what a pity...

Will listen to the audio from P. as soon as I can.

[Edited on 16-11-2013 by Caputh]

BBP - 16-11-2013 at 22:32

Geez, I set the member registration from 0 to 1 for a day to allow one new member, made an account for him, and hey presto, a spammer rolls in. :freak:

KAPTKIRK - 16-11-2013 at 23:27

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Geez, I set the member registration from 0 to 1 for a day to allow one new member, made an account for him, and hey presto, a spammer rolls in. :freak:

It's like they're laying in wait for just that chance! Rotten spammer people, I wish they'd all go away!!!

BBP - 18-11-2013 at 11:47

Aaaaand welcome Basel, glad to see you got in!

BBP - 20-11-2013 at 11:05

First snow of the season's been predicted here...

aquagoat - 20-11-2013 at 19:35

It snowed a bit this afternoon, but nothing serious.

BBP - 20-11-2013 at 19:49

We didn't see anything out here. Great since I had to lug 5 kilos of potatoes home.
Just had ZPZ, good friend phoned today, new Miyazaki in cinemas soon, Kamagurka will be playing here in three days time... Life is good.

BBP - 21-11-2013 at 16:53

I'm thinking of including some FZ books in Zappadan this year. Re-reading Necessity Is... at the moment. It's pretty interesting. Should put it next to Butcher's book.

BBP - 25-11-2013 at 11:06

Sis came down to visit us this weekend.
She left at 6AM this morning. I'd have gotten up, but at a few minutes to 2AM I heard a loud BANG and saw a flash. Thinking it could be a gunshot, I looked out the window to see if there was something to see, but no. Was listening for sounds of footsteps or a car for the next fifteen minutes. Had nearly dozed off, when there was another BANG at 2:20, from a different direction.

Probably some assholes with fireworks.

BBP - 25-11-2013 at 23:40

It's been two weeks and I'm still working on that sock.

After that I'll have to make another one.


aquagoat - 26-11-2013 at 19:08

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It's been two weeks and I'm still working on that sock.

After that I'll have to make another one.

it must be a very long sock.:D

BBP - 27-11-2013 at 12:37

It qualifies as stocking and reaches over the knee, yes. Red fishnet. Since they're rather wide I have to tie them down, so that means extra work braiding a cord and pulling it through the edge.

BBP - 28-11-2013 at 16:36

Just subscribed to volunteer again, on 14 December. I couldn't resist the chocolate taste testing. :)

BBP - 30-11-2013 at 09:29

Baking speculaas today.

KAPTKIRK - 30-11-2013 at 10:02

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Aaaaand welcome Basel, glad to see you got in!

Hi Basel, glad you made it. Woo-Hoo! :freak: Now you can Freak Out here with us ZappaFreaks! :guitar2::guitar::drums:::singer::cool:

Oh btw, DavisMediaAccess is on Youtube now. If you enter the name as shown in search, you should be able to see the latest Egyptian Update show on there that I produce for DCTV channel 15.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 30-11-2013 at 14:47

Neat Kirk! Will check it out!

Just finished baking the speculaas... oh that smell... that smell... that mouth-watering smell...

KAPTKIRK - 30-11-2013 at 23:44

I can smell them from over here! Well maybe it's just my imagination running away with me a little!
They sound delicious!

I posted a couple of links on the "Breaking News...this just in..." thread.

This one is my favorite of the 30/min "In The Studio" format show. I'm doing hour shows now. These are only one of the many projects I'm doing at the DMA studio.

BBP - 1-12-2013 at 17:04

Sis phoned me for St Nicholas. She wanted to buy me a Zappa record for St Nicholas.
There she goes, listing a massive number of records...
me saying "I got it" at all of them...
Kinda like a very boring game of Go Fish.

BBP - 2-12-2013 at 17:06

Shopping spree today, at least I tried... 5th December is approaching and I just really don't know what I could get my father.

BBP - 3-12-2013 at 11:23

Zappadan starts tomorrow... will hit the town today, hope I can find something for Dad. Looking forward to Zappadan, there's been quite a few times this month when I really wanted to listen to some Zappa but decided against it over Zappadan.

aquagoat - 3-12-2013 at 18:04

It's horribly cold in here, my fingers are almost frozen.:mad:

KAPTKIRK - 3-12-2013 at 20:51

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
It's horribly cold in here, my fingers are almost frozen.:mad:

Today & tomorrow, the temps. are supposed to go down by 25-30 degrees. It's cover the plant and wrap the pipes time out here. It will be well below freezing tonight and should struggle to reach 50 degrees by midday tomorrow. That's real cold for here!

BBP - 4-12-2013 at 00:37

Poor Aqua!
There's been a noticeable temperature drop here as well, plus fog. Made the shopping trip today very unpleasant.

BBP - 4-12-2013 at 21:14

Checked the TV Tropes entry for Awesome Music
and looked under the Other... header... Dweezil Zappa is there. Who added him, you reckon?

aquagoat - 5-12-2013 at 18:10

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Checked the TV Tropes entry for Awesome Music
and looked under the Other... header... Dweezil Zappa is there. Who added him, you reckon?
does it start with a B?

BBP - 5-12-2013 at 18:17

No I didn't. Was suspecting Trendmonger or something. Kinda sad though: the only entry for FZ in the Awesome Music wiki is Over-Nite Sensation, and I wouldn't rank that one in my top 10 albums.

There's a vicious thunderstorm out here now. Hope the garden tree holds out.

BBP - 5-12-2013 at 23:21

Way to end St Nicholas... Rest in peace Mr Mandela...

KAPTKIRK - 5-12-2013 at 23:35

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Way to end St Nicholas... Rest in peace Mr Mandela...

What a great man he became in country that hated, then came to embraced him. RIP Mr. Mandela.
(I heard it here on the Goose 1st! ;))

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 6-12-2013 at 17:50

Very sad, but his health troubles are over now. Bought a newspaper, said he left behind his wife, four children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and 7 billion friends.

BBP - 7-12-2013 at 10:07

Last night I went to bed with two knees in good condition. This morning I woke up with a nasty bleeding gash in my right knee.

My nightlife is so exciting I'd better not be conscious while it happens.

aquagoat - 8-12-2013 at 08:42

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Last night I went to bed with two knees in good condition. This morning I woke up with a nasty bleeding gash in my right knee.

My nightlife is so exciting I'd better not be conscious while it happens.
can it be you're a sleepwaking super hero who fights crime in your sleep?;)

KAPTKIRK - 8-12-2013 at 09:09

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Last night I went to bed with two knees in good condition. This morning I woke up with a nasty bleeding gash in my right knee.

My nightlife is so exciting I'd better not be conscious while it happens.
can it be you're a sleepwaking super hero who fights crime in your sleep?;)

Funny you should mention it aqua, I was thinking she sleep-rode her bike delivering papers in the wee hours!

I've been making a stew in the Croc-Pot today that turned out rather well, if I don't say so meself. All free veggies from around here and I added some pork & spices to it and fantastico! I have a lot of good stew for under $5 bucks!
I wish you all a very merry Zappadan! Here's to all on The Goose!

BBP - 8-12-2013 at 16:04

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Last night I went to bed with two knees in good condition. This morning I woke up with a nasty bleeding gash in my right knee.

My nightlife is so exciting I'd better not be conscious while it happens.
can it be you're a sleepwaking super hero who fights crime in your sleep?;)

I smell a comic... :biggrin:

BBP - 12-12-2013 at 19:55

Signed up a new member. Welcome Jaminbenb!

aquagoat - 14-12-2013 at 09:21

welcome to the new member!!!:forumsmiley111:

BBP - 15-12-2013 at 13:18

Yesterday was the Tapas workshop. We also were scheduled to have a chocolate tasting thing, but the organizers cancelled that in a jerk move by e-mail last Wednesday evening. Since the organizer, a lovely near blind young lady singer, was having health issues (she needed surgery on Friday) there was no time or opportunity to organize anything to replace it.
Anyway we had lots of fun and I'm exhausted!

BBP - 16-12-2013 at 21:05

The moment you've all been waiting for: the Mothers Of Invention singing in Dutch!

aquagoat - 17-12-2013 at 20:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP

The moment you've all been waiting for: the Mothers Of Invention singing in Dutch!

BBP - 18-12-2013 at 10:26

Managed to find a photo of Tim Curry at a recent signing session he did at his home. Wish I hadn't though.
His home looks nice.

BBP - 18-12-2013 at 23:09

Scored 1 error less than the winner of the National Dictation (that's a sort of classy Test The Nation that deals with spelling). Second year in a row I could've won that.

aquagoat - 19-12-2013 at 17:45

why don't you participate ?

BBP - 19-12-2013 at 18:41

Didn't pass the preliminaries. There's a massive pre-test to see who gets in (it's an almost snooty event, held in the Dutch senate). It's easy to do any of your spelling checking at home, IF you happen to have both the latest editions of the Groene Boekje spelling guide AND the most recent official dictionary. I have neither since by Dutch law, spelling is revised every 5 years (last time they decided not to make any changes but the 2005 amendments were met with harsh criticism), not to mention both books are rather expensive and I don't really see the point of owning them. Thus I can't cheat on the preliminaries, thus I can't get in; there's only 20 slots available for thousands of Dutch contestants.

BBP - 19-12-2013 at 22:51

Happy birthday Aqua!

aquagoat - 20-12-2013 at 17:43

Thank you very much, Bonny.:roll:

BBP - 20-12-2013 at 20:28

And today is Kirk's birthday! And tomorrow it's Frank's! Yay!

Congratulations Kirk, have a good one!

aquagoat - 21-12-2013 at 11:34

HAppy b-day, kirk.

BBP - 22-12-2013 at 21:12

Not much happening.
I'm making my christmas card something special. My happy holidays drawing was finished on the 10th but for all my vision impaired friends I wanted to do something to listen to. So I recorded after much finnicking four audio files of me reading several stories from the Bulgarian classic Bai Ganyo, which I love.
Through BB Flashback I unfortunately can't upload to Youtube anymore, so I made an account at the Dutch video site

Checked out the videos there: turns out the audio skips. BAAAH! :swear:

BBP - 24-12-2013 at 13:00

Had a box of chocolate in the mail as christmas Thank You from the visual handicapped organization I volunteer for. <3

aquagoat - 25-12-2013 at 08:15

Merry christmas to you all. :bouncing:

BBP - 25-12-2013 at 15:44

aquagoat - 26-12-2013 at 11:41

nice colors!;-)

BBP - 27-12-2013 at 12:10

Ta! Though the purple on the right hand side of the bonfire didn't work out as purply.

Still enjoying life, picked up bass again...

aquagoat - 27-12-2013 at 21:47

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
picked up bass again...

[Edited on 27-12-2013 by aquagoat]

BBP - 28-12-2013 at 13:17

I need a band. :)

polydigm - 29-12-2013 at 03:36

Long time no visit.

As I said in my last post in September, I've been really busy. I've had some difficult decisions to make. I've withdrawn from pure maths honours because I wasn't really happy. Next year I'm returning to undergraduate study of physics and applied maths which is much more my thing, so the PhD is going to take a bit longer than I'd originally hoped. None the less I've taken a major reality check and I'm now a lot happier with how things are progressing.

I started visiting a little more regularly a couple of weeks ago after having a long break with rare visits, but I'm already sick of it. Bonny, you've probably seen my last post there, I got a bit angry with the psychobabble some of the people there go on about and I blew up at a couple of them. I should stay away altogether - it's dominated by some really sad over analytical weirdos. That downer mydnite is really starting to piss me off. I think he just hasn't gotten over Frank's death and nothing else is ever going to be good enough for him - perhaps he should try immolation.

Anyway, I will try to keep in touch more regularly here as this place always seems more grounded to me. I hope everyone is having a good festive season.

Addendum: I fell off the wagon and left two more replies at They are none the less fairly calm and considered compared to the earlier one.

BBP - 29-12-2013 at 12:16

Hey Poly, good to see you here again!
I try to dodge any political debate over at You've probably spotted the Debate topic, and how that is going wrong. No forum debate is worth getting angry over, absolutely no-one, and if you are being bullied, just leave, remember your company is your addition to a better forum and if they don't like it they can shove it.

polydigm - 29-12-2013 at 14:21

It wasn't a political dispute, it was the thread about FZ's serious music. Describing the ensemble modern's performance of his music as lacking "the joy and spontaneity of playing music" is beyond me.

BBP - 29-12-2013 at 14:46

I love that album. Except for Greggery.
Checked up on it and you do get a bit up in arms for that one...

BBP - 29-12-2013 at 20:44

Aaaanyway last night I spent the entire length of the Zoot Allures album trying to find the five kanji FZ used to attempt to spell his name. Couldn't find the last one. Blast.
The first character is pronounced Fu and means dis- or un-, etc;
The second is pronounced Ran and means civil war or riot;
The third is pronounced Ku and means pain or anxiety;
The fourth was a lot harder to find and is pronounced either Zatsu or Zo and means rough.
Foreign names and words are spelled using Katakana in Japanese: Frank Zappa spells フランク・ザッパ.

At the Tim Curry-forum, somebody posted a previously unknown Robert Klein-show from 1979 with Tim in it: played it and found that it also has Flo & Eddie! Great listen but you'll have to sign up for them first.

aquagoat - 31-12-2013 at 08:35

Happy new year to everyone.:bouncing:

BBP - 31-12-2013 at 10:05

Yesterday I spent a few hours roaming the town of Geldrop, looking for a piece of black string to repair a necklace. I never thought it'd be so hard to find a simple black string.

Today I'll be spending NYE with a friend, so I won't look back here until tomorrow.

Happy New Year!

polydigm - 1-1-2014 at 08:18

Happy New Year.

punknaynowned - 1-1-2014 at 18:23

Happy New Year All!

found something that may be of interest, if the thing works in your various countries...
loads and loads more music...

BBP - 2-1-2014 at 14:24

Thanks Punky!

Had a NYE party, 4 gals in total. Was fun. The most absurd moment was when we're at like 2AM. My friend put on a CD that friends of her made for another friend: a CD with deliberate awful songs and a few comedy blurbs. (for DED: among them Herman Finkers's Almelo considering the another friend is from Almelo: "One traffic light is red, another one is green, there's always something to do in Almelo"). As we all sat in our respective seats listening to it, man if someone had shot a photo of it it'd be entitled "World's Worst Party."

My friend is getting rid of her piano: it's old and hard to tune, but blue and her father insulated it entirely from the inside. I got to say goodbye to it when my friend played a beautiful song on it, was a very emotional moment.
It's the same piano she plays here and here (introductory talk is about that song: it was performed by a guy who had just committed suicide when she played that song).

polydigm - 5-1-2014 at 08:46

Are you meaning to say that the guy who originally performed the song had recently committed suicide when she played that song or did her playing that song cause him to commit suicide?

BBP - 5-1-2014 at 13:18

The guy was Antonie Kamerling, he was an actor who had a hit single years ago (the song they played). Drop-dead gorgeous, talented actor, with a wonderful wife and two lovely kids, but he was unfortunately suffering manic depression and committed suicide. While my friend was studying that song to play it at an indoor concert for friends, that I attended.

polydigm - 5-1-2014 at 14:23

That's what I thought. My question was partly tongue in cheek, but I wasn't 100% sure. Thanks for clarifying.

BBP - 6-1-2014 at 11:26

Said friend had a bit of a surprise on Saturday morning. There's a radio channel that does a Wake Up Call thing, where friends of the victim visit the house and wake up the victim, live on air. So they woke her up a bit too early. But the radio was funny and she's surprisingly articulate when she's fresh out of bed.

BBP - 8-1-2014 at 11:13

Not much happening to me, but my sister got in a train where there was a confused man who threatened somebody and said he had a weapon, and that caused a lot of traffic mayhem and cops in bullet-proof vest making sure nobody'd leave the train.

BBP - 10-1-2014 at 12:29

Baked speculaas and didn't get burned. Yay!

Makes up for the disastrous lentil soup I made this weekend, where I cut my wrist, my hand and my little finger within the time space of five minutes. And then I had to apologize to my sister for the soup not being entirely vegetarian since it might have some BB blood in it (the one in my pinky was bleeding badly).

aquagoat - 10-1-2014 at 17:49

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Baked speculaas and didn't get burned. Yay!

Makes up for the disastrous lentil soup I made this weekend, where I cut my wrist, my hand and my little finger within the time space of five minutes. And then I had to apologize to my sister for the soup not being entirely vegetarian since it might have some BB blood in it (the one in my pinky was bleeding badly).
stay away from knives and sharp objects, or wear thick gloves.

BBP - 11-1-2014 at 20:56

:) Or get a better night's sleep. :D

Found a piece of music I've been trying to identify for a few months, was a very pleasant surprise!

BBP - 14-1-2014 at 11:58

Not much happening here... I'm knitting a lot of pink elephants for a friend who drinks too much. And who loves Pink Elephants On Parade.

aquagoat - 14-1-2014 at 20:25

External hard disk broke down on Sunday morning, I'm now in the process of redownlaoding the approximately 200 Go of files I had on that thing. Goddamn technology!!!:swear:

BBP - 14-1-2014 at 21:18

Sorry to hear that, that blows!

BBP - 16-1-2014 at 22:42

Went to Leiden to visit a museum that had an exhibition on the Jordan archaeological dig Petra. Was great.

Hit the Leiden town afterwards. Found a music store (they still have those, wow) where the CDs, DVDs and vinyl was stacked in barely orderly fashion (there was a "classical" corner but that was about it) from the ground to the ceiling, rows thick. Perfect set-up for some slapstick of somebody wanting the bottom DVD.

BBP - 18-1-2014 at 17:32

Not feeling well today, in need of a hug...

aquagoat - 20-1-2014 at 17:52

what's wrong? anyway, here's a kiss :kiss:

BBP - 20-1-2014 at 18:38

Not sure, nausea, feverish shaking but no temperature...

BBP - 21-1-2014 at 16:45

That smilie needs better timing. Now that I got the hang of animation, I could do my own smilies.
Who's up for unique PackardGoose smilies?

aquagoat - 21-1-2014 at 18:18

That would be cool! :D

BBP - 22-1-2014 at 13:57

Hmmm... okay let's see... we'd need to design a Packardgoose Goose first...

BBP - 24-1-2014 at 17:03

Did I ever show you a picture of my bass? I made a new one today, the old one's a bit dark.

Attachment: bas.jpg (139kB)
This file has been downloaded 527 times

aquagoat - 25-1-2014 at 09:42

I don't remember seeing this sparkle purple Hamer bass, pretty bass indeed. Is it active or passive?

BBP - 25-1-2014 at 16:34

It's the one I play, yes. Or is that some terminology I'm not familiar with?
I also have a 4-string fretless Stagg but it's a nightmare to play (it makes your fingers turn black from the paint) so my sister's been borrowing it for years. In exchange I was borrowing her guitar, but she has that one back now.

BBP - 26-1-2014 at 15:31

Chopped a branch off a tree. Got a couple of scratches but do I feel tough now! Rawr!

aquagoat - 26-1-2014 at 22:43

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It's the one I play, yes. Or is that some terminology I'm not familiar with?
I wanted to know if the pickups were active or passive pickups, do you need a 9V battery to make it work?

BBP - 26-1-2014 at 23:20

No, I don't need batteries for the pickups.

Anyway, made another addition to the Gallery Of Great Guitarists.

punknaynowned - 28-1-2014 at 20:49

it certainly did not happen to me but,

congrats to Daft Punk and Lorde for their best record/song grammys.
The performance of DP/Pharell Williams and Stevie Wonder was fun/nice
also there is something almost dangerous, an under-the-skin anarchy in that Royals song...
it's been a long time since I've heard somethig like that, that is brand-new and isn't part of any genre that has that quality.
That kind of 'menace' is in metal and some rap, Mike Patton has it too.
It's interesting to me that the grammy board of all orgs has recognized them

BBP - 29-1-2014 at 12:03

Pretty amazing Daft Punk gets such a mainstream award, especially at this point in his career. He was at his biggest with Around The World.

Yesterday I took part in a dictation competition where the first prize was a job. Turned out there were 100 contestants and a lot of those were people who do dictations as a hobby and spend hours studying Dutch spelling, I didn't stand a chance. Especially because I nearly came in too late and had to run a lot, and to make matters worse, during the dictation my pen failed. Also the provincial TV was there with a camera. Not sure if I'll be on telly but it won't be at my best.

[Edited on 29-1-14 by BBP]

polydigm - 30-1-2014 at 03:59

Just passing through. Our second big heatwave has just started. I hate this weather. High thirties centigrade is bad enough but we're having several days over forty degrees centigrade. That's over 104 degrees fahrenheit. During the last heat wave a couple of weeks ago, we had several days over 45 degrees C which is over 113 degrees fahrenheit. There are places in Australia that went over 49C which is over 120F.

I'm doing a little summer teaching work at Uni but have no courses of my own until March. I'm psyching myself up for the onslaught.

BBP - 30-1-2014 at 18:25

That sounds brutal! Keep it cool!

BBP - 31-1-2014 at 17:05

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Aaaanyway last night I spent the entire length of the Zoot Allures album trying to find the five kanji FZ used to attempt to spell his name. Couldn't find the last one. Blast.
The first character is pronounced Fu and means dis- or un-, etc;
The second is pronounced Ran and means civil war or riot;
The third is pronounced Ku and means pain or anxiety;
The fourth was a lot harder to find and is pronounced either Zatsu or Zo and means rough.
Foreign names and words are spelled using Katakana in Japanese: Frank Zappa spells フランク・ザッパ.

I found the fifth one yesterday. Reason I couldn't find it before is it seems to miss a few strokes. But it looks like Ha or Pa, meaning sect. (few kanji (and few Japanese words) start with P anyway. )

polydigm - 2-2-2014 at 07:51

It reached a max of 44.5° an hour and a half ago. I just finished a batch of marking.

Which version of Zoot Allures are you looking at. My original US vinyl has the complex red square middle bottom front and the five red characters middle bottom back.

Then, your web site swallowed my post and I had type this all again.

BBP - 2-2-2014 at 11:38

Am talking about the five red characters middle bottom back. My CD has them.

DED - 2-2-2014 at 22:59

I was a little quit sorry, but upcoming elections eat a lot of time. Designing and ordering a give away, designing and ordering Posters in different sizes, designing T-shirts for the campagne, making yellow shawls, appearing in tv shots for local tv, flyering, collecting support form in the townhall every party needs at least 30 when you are new. making website fram and texts, completing official listings with candidates, preparing for debates, buying a lot of candy, and so on and so on. Tomorrow final go or no go every form must filled in correctly, if we cannot correct its all for nothing. 10 am deadline. But if it goes it should go. Dissapointed Citizens (Teleurgestelde Burgers) is part of the elections.

BBP - 3-2-2014 at 11:29

Anyway Poly, I meant it's very hard to look up the strokes in the dictionary. Japanese dictionaries order kanji by stroke count and that's not easy, besides you'd still have a huge pile of kanji to peer at even if you find the right amount of strokes. It's possible that they're ordered by stroke order (there's a strict order in which the lines need to be written in Japanese characters) but I haven't mastered that yet.

BBP - 4-2-2014 at 12:19

Welcome to our new member Mike!

BBP - 4-2-2014 at 18:49

Last week, at the second-hand shop, I found something I'd never expected to see. Neither did I expect to be as moved to tears as I was.
Back in the day, from when I was 4 to when I was 7, I had a very nasty stepmother who had the habit of giving away or throwing away our toys. Most of the toys she gave away went to her family and friends. One such item was a little dashboard-shaped driving game, that looked like a car on one side, had a steering wheel and gear shift on the other side, that would spin a little film on the screen if on, and that made a lot of noise. I only had it for a week or two before it was given away, though I loved it very much.

And then I found one. It's like that scene in Amélie where Bredoteau (or was it Bretodeau?) finds that little cigar box in the phone booth.

Rear side: the lights actually light when the game is running. A bit pointless since you can't see it when you're playing, but cute. ^-^

Front side: to switch it on, turn the key in the ignition and the screen lights up. To start driving, you have to pull the gear, in either Fast or Slow setting.

Under the hood: a loose wire prevented the game from running. Also the key in the ignition slot could be attached better.
The steering wheel controls a lamp in the big round thing with the picture of the car and road on it. That big round thing is hooked up to a motor, it spins around, causing the pictures to be projected onto the game screen.

[Edited on 4-2-14 by BBP]

BBP - 6-2-2014 at 20:33

Anyway, still not much happening here...

polydigm - 7-2-2014 at 04:17

Good luck DED, there's nothing wrong with taking a stand. More of us should do it.

polydigm - 7-2-2014 at 04:39

So, Bonny, you've looked up and found all five symbols now? Can you remind me what they mean?

BBP - 7-2-2014 at 16:53

Here it is...

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Aaaanyway last night I spent the entire length of the Zoot Allures album trying to find the five kanji FZ used to attempt to spell his name. Couldn't find the last one. Blast.
The first character is pronounced Fu and means dis- or un-, etc;
The second is pronounced Ran and means civil war or riot;
The third is pronounced Ku and means pain or anxiety;
The fourth was a lot harder to find and is pronounced either Zatsu or Zo and means rough.
Foreign names and words are spelled using Katakana in Japanese: Frank Zappa spells フランク・ザッパ.

I found the fifth one yesterday. Reason I couldn't find it before is it seems to miss a few strokes. But it looks like Ha or Pa, meaning sect. (few kanji (and few Japanese words) start with P anyway. )

I miss Pappawas1975 around here. He used to live in Japan, IIRC.

polydigm - 8-2-2014 at 06:12


BBP - 8-2-2014 at 14:37

"So" in Japanese is a strong yes you'd use to indicate a person's right, sort of like "indeed". Can also be used as question word "really?".

Not enough people use the word "indeed".

polydigm - 9-2-2014 at 01:36

That is the only Japanese phrase I know and I learnt it as a kid watching shows about Ninjas and Samurais. Even though they were overdubbed in English there was one Ninja in particular who when something complicated had just been explained to him would blurt out "Ahso!!" very enthusiastically. I knew that it didn't just mean yes.

BBP - 9-2-2014 at 12:22

Useful Japanese terms:
(when pronouncing these, bear in mind that Japanese doesn't have stressed syllables like English)
arigatoo - thank you
This phrase is short for "doomo arigatoo gozaimasu", a simple "doomo" can also be used for "thank you" in colloquial speech

doozo - there you are

kudasai - please, placed at the end of a sentence
onegai - bigger please, placed in front of a sentence
watashi no niwa ni murasaki zou ga imasu - there's a purple elephant in my garden

polydigm - 12-2-2014 at 08:13

Matte Kudasai, King Crimson, Discipline

BBP - 12-2-2014 at 13:46

Mate means "wait". It's a term I picked up from the Dutch comic Douwe Dabbert when I was, like, 12 or something, and you can hear it a lot in Miyazaki films. I remember hearing it in the Japanese Ponyo thinking "hey, it really means "wait!" I thought they were just doing something with that comic!"

Turns out that, for Douwe Dabbert, Thom Roep did some thorough research after making the mistake that whales don't eat polar bears in a comic about the North Pole. Particularly his research on the pirates comic that came after that is as impressive as the beautiful vessels Piet Wijn drew for them.

BBP - 14-2-2014 at 13:00

Soooo... Done anything interesting lately? Me, I'm drawing again.

polydigm - 14-2-2014 at 14:28

I'm doing some physics revision and enjoying it. Lectures start in the first week of March. I'm continuing to write music and practice guitar. I'm pretty close to nailing Echidna's Arf now. I'm still a bit rough on the top notes of that ascending thing near the end.

BBP - 14-2-2014 at 20:07

Nice! I love that tune!
On bass I'm perfecting the Eat That Question-riff.

aquagoat - 15-2-2014 at 08:19

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Nice! I love that tune!
On bass I'm perfecting the Eat That Question-riff.
let's hear that. :)

BBP - 15-2-2014 at 17:05


Yesterday was Valentine's. I hate that. Went to the market place and got a rose from a political party. As I walked back to my bike, I noticed the cute guy from the zaziki stall was standing outside his little booth, and in an impulse I gave him my rose.

Today there was a CD fair I went to. Did not find any Dir en grey. They did have other interesting stuff, likeCorrie En De Grote Brokken (sounds familiar huh?) and Tom Waits, but after two hours of digging through unsorted boxes I didn't much feel like buying anything.

Caputh - 15-2-2014 at 17:09

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
"So" in Japanese is a strong yes you'd use to indicate a person's right, sort of like "indeed". Can also be used as question word "really?".

Not enough people use the word "indeed".

You can use "indeed" too much though IMO. My brother uses it all the time, rather than the just saying "yes". It makes him sound a bit pseudo, which he isn't really.

BBP - 16-2-2014 at 14:12

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

Corrie En De Grote Brokken (sounds familiar huh?)

Surprised this didn't get any more reactions. Come on, this is the missing track 6 on Grand Wazoo!

polydigm - 17-2-2014 at 14:37

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Corrie En De Grote Brokken (sounds familiar huh?)
Surprised this didn't get any more reactions. Come on, this is the missing track 6 on Grand Wazoo!
I wouldn't go that far, that music is pretty good but it's not standing out to me as being that original.

BBP - 17-2-2014 at 17:46

Original not anymore, had it been made around 1970 it would've been... But it's very pleasant listening indeed, wish I'd bought some of those albums I found now.

And I found Sequenza III with sheet music and as performed by Cathy Berberian on the Tube, finally:

polydigm - 18-2-2014 at 09:56

Did you read the comments there? There are some really sad people in this world. I found it very entertaining, thanks for posting the link.

BBP - 18-2-2014 at 12:57

I enjoyed Youtube a lot when all the comments were suddenly unreadable unless you're logged in: there are a lot of stupid people in the world posting on it.

tweezers - 19-2-2014 at 05:36

In the area of amazing, I found out yesterday that the carbon monoxide levels in my basement were above 4,000 (900 is unacceptable) and I didn't die and the heater got cleaned!

BBP - 19-2-2014 at 13:46

Wow Tweezers! Glad you're still with us, that was a close call!

tweezers - 19-2-2014 at 22:14

I felt that way too. Thanks Bonnyh!

BBP - 20-2-2014 at 11:42

So what exactly happened? Did you get headaches as you went into the basement or something?

punknaynowned - 20-2-2014 at 17:58

hi tweezers!
most water heaters too, the stand-alone ones you see all over,
and commonly found in basements,
need proper ventilation to the outside...

Did they check that? It could be a contributing factor as well as a furnace.
carbon monoxide makes us- and pets - sleepy,
oxygen perks us up.
Crazy but true.

BBP - 22-2-2014 at 16:04

While we're waiting for Tweezers to answer, I'm knitting a herd of elephants.

punknaynowned - 23-2-2014 at 05:26

elephants are awesome...

Good on the Dutch for all the olympic medals you've won this year!

smaller world,
one person dead and 27 more treated for suspected CARBON MONOXIDE poisoning in a Walt Whitman shopping mall in Huntington,New York...

punknaynowned - 23-2-2014 at 05:35

i'm on twitter these days and follow the news there...
realizing even the bbc or reuters or AP get it wrong sometimes...
it still is interesting to watch news unfold with lots of sources and commenters
watched hurricane sandy come to newyork last year thru that medium,
it's plenty interesting: I know about Abbott and the heat in Australia and the floods in England n North Europe, the volcano in Indonesia, the weird shit happening in Venezuela, the people excited about the Olympics or the Ukraine revolution.

busy February

[Edited on 23-2-14 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 24-2-2014 at 19:43

It is, with the Olympics here. Surprising to see The Netherlands doing so well, 5th on the medal's list. We beat Germany!

polydigm - 25-2-2014 at 14:19

Hey Punky, how's it been going old man?

punknaynowned - 26-2-2014 at 01:10

it's weird gettin old, for sure!
I get aches + pains where I never had them before,
male pattern baldnesss has crept up and accelerates, surprisingly,
I have to wear reading glasses for anything but a computer,
and sadly
it has become difficult for me to listen to entire concerts in one sitting.
even FZ!
On the flip side, people increasingly give me the benefit of the doubt on things, based on, it seems, how I say it, which is a new one on me.

How are you?

BBP - 26-2-2014 at 10:42

I'll knit you a wig. How about a green one?

aquagoat - 26-2-2014 at 19:04

cool wig, bonny.:D

punknaynowned - 27-2-2014 at 05:05

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I'll knit you a wig. How about a green one?

I'd love it!
But, green?
Then I could only wear it St Patty's day and Xmas, maybe halloween...

But I would cherish a knit anything from you!
Homemade stuff is the best!

polydigm - 27-2-2014 at 09:09

I'm pretty well. I'm 58 next week and a major surgery coming up around September, hopefully nothing complicated after that. I'm still getting around on a bicycle and pretty fit so I should handle it a little better than the last one in 2010. I'm back into full on study next week, but I think I've finally narrowed down the best way to proceed. I have no teaching work this coming semester and I'm very much looking forward to just being a student for a while.

BBP - 28-2-2014 at 12:04

Sounds harsh, Poly, hope it'll go well... Keep on cycling!:biggrin:

[Edited on 28-2-14 by BBP]

polydigm - 1-3-2014 at 14:00

Cheers Bonny.

I've been letting my standards slip and baiting Cleon at, it's not really that much fun, but he gets so ridiculous sometimes. Anyway, I've had enough and I'm thinking of coming clean and telling him I'm just taking the piss.

There won't be any time for stuff like that after this weekend, I just don't do anticipation very well.

BBP - 5-3-2014 at 10:55

B-day is approaching. First time in years I actually have something to ask for!

polydigm - 5-3-2014 at 15:18

Mine's just passed. 58. Awesome.

My courses have only just started but I'm already getting the feeling that my change of plan was a good idea.

BBP - 7-3-2014 at 12:01

Me at Carnaval.

BBP - 10-3-2014 at 23:15

Will have to go to the dentist tomorrow...

BBP - 13-3-2014 at 19:50

Dentist trip was fine! No cavities and I got to read a hundred pages from my book while waiting.

aquagoat - 13-3-2014 at 20:05

:puzzled: A hundred pages? how long was the wait?

BBP - 13-3-2014 at 22:09

Quite long since my habit of leaving early and his habit of letting me wait a little (which I once put as a request so I could stay away longer from school). Plus I'm a fast reader, even if the radio plays annoying shit. (I think Michael Jackson's Beat It was the best song I heard, and that says something.)

punknaynowned - 14-3-2014 at 07:53

glad you're okay B!

saw this at Doonesbury's website and thought, 'O Wow! The Dutch have got it together!'

BBP - 15-3-2014 at 17:57

Say what?

Not much adventure today... still working on elephants (and will post a picture of the Giant Elephant Mound that's growing here).
Good news from both Tim Curry-front (he's having a fan evening soon, tickets sold out but it will be recorded) and Dir En Grey-front (fresh DVD and single out, and new album coming in November).

punknaynowned - 16-3-2014 at 09:54

wopps forgot the link!

saw this at Doonesbury's website and thought, 'O Wow! The Dutch have got it together!'

BBP - 16-3-2014 at 11:38


The nefarious Hovenring out here suffered a lot of construction problems. It swayed in the wind too much, needed extra anchoring, took lots of time and money. (all the while, an important road was closed for cars) It also suffered cracks in the asphalt and damage caused by a truck that had underestimated its size.

punknaynowned - 16-3-2014 at 12:01

I'm sure draining the swamps to make the dry land and canals, in Holland, didn't happen in a day, or without some expense :)

BBP - 16-3-2014 at 19:03

Let's say that, this thing's cost exceeding, during an economical crisis, causing a lot of traffic mayhem (= leading to extra traffic in residential areas and additional traffic trouble in places where drivers try to avoid queues/), getting closed down again and again thus causing all that traffic trouble again... that doesn't go down well. At the Carnaval parade in 2012 there was a float spoofing it, naming it "horrorring" (instead of hovenring)

punknaynowned - 16-3-2014 at 23:27

it's always so fresh to get the local perspective. Thank you!

We have so many broken things that we're all quite overwhelmed here. Making something new and useful is pretty low on the seeming endless list of chronic problems all over the place that need more attention.
Got to write a complimentary piece giving some context on the times of Desiderius Erasmus today. That was fun to do :)
that really remains a future research project. I'll get to it in time.
This week in 1494 Columbus the Genoan explorer came inland to the Janisco River as Santo Tomas: after 'building the first road'.
I know, all the names are wrong...

KAPTKIRK - 18-3-2014 at 21:16

Nice Mardi Gras costume Bonny. I always love Carnival time! :cool:
I'm trying to get a roommate again. I have a nice Korean mom coming over to see if the room is acceptable for her son. They want him to stay with an English speaking person for 3 months while he takes a total English emersion class*. Well, 3 months is better than none and I could really use the bread right now. So today I'm cleaning everything, even the round corners and other hidden stuff in The Dangerous Kitchen at my house today!

Hey punknay, that link took me too a jibberish wiki site. Didn't understand a word of it! :roll:

*Won't they be surprised when I start speaking Zappaneze! :lol:

Edit: I rented the room out! I have a little room to move around in now, financially speaking.
The Hovenring thingy in Eindhoven looks like the same person designed it that designed the Sun Dial bridge in Redding, CA.. It too ran way over budget.

[Edited on 10/10/10 by KAPTKIRK]

BBP - 19-3-2014 at 12:46

Congrats Kirk!

Election day today.

KAPTKIRK - 19-3-2014 at 21:12

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Congrats Kirk!

Election day today.

Who are you voting for?

BBP - 19-3-2014 at 23:27

My dad of course!

KAPTKIRK - 20-3-2014 at 00:40

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
My dad of course!

Your not gonna buck the electorate vote at your own house? Good for you! Does he have his victory speech ready yet? :singer: Four score and seven years ago...oops, wrong country!

BBP - 20-3-2014 at 09:46

His party didn't get any seats in the councl unfortunately, but looking at the percentage they did pretty well for a new local party.

KAPTKIRK - 20-3-2014 at 14:49

A rock to build on so to speak. Good for them!

BBP - 21-3-2014 at 17:41

Still on my elephants...

BBP - 22-3-2014 at 11:43

My Jelliclemail has finally ended service today, half a year after the first announcement. I'll miss it.

BBP - 24-3-2014 at 21:55

All go here today... Dad's ill in bed, so I was cooking, was just about to roll meat balls when my sister phoned to tell me my ex-uncle died. She phoned me later for an update, during the rolling of the balls, and then the doorbell rang. Was a bit of a hassle.

Meat balls turned out great BTW.

KAPTKIRK - 24-3-2014 at 23:29

It's all in the rolling of the balls. What spices did you use if any? I like to use sourdough bread crumbs with some red onion and a little celery all chopped up pretty fine. Add a dash of pepper and start rolling. They seem to cook better the rounder they are for some reason. You'd think it wouldn't matter if they were a little oblong or in squares.
I'm glad they turned out good. :cool:

BBP - 25-3-2014 at 15:06

Wow, sourdough... No, regular breadcrumbs, coriander, pepper, ginger and... can't remember.

Card came in, funeral is on Monday.

BBP - 26-3-2014 at 09:39

Hey, is down or something?

BBP - 31-3-2014 at 18:52

Missed out on a cremation, of an ex-uncle who committed suicide. Heart bleeds for my cousins...

polydigm - 1-4-2014 at 00:12

Just coming up for air to say hi. Being an almost full time student again is going well so far. Hope everyone's going okay.

How does one become an ex-uncle? Ex husband of an aunt? I've never heard that said that way before. I have a soon to be ex brother-in-law and my kids will always see him as an uncle.

BBP - 1-4-2014 at 11:27

I don't see him as an uncle anymore. He was a guy whose company I enjoyed a lot as a kid, but he was an army doctor and got sent to Kosovo and came back with PTSS and a morphine addiction. He did lots of unforgivable shit in that period of time. So the uncle I once had died a long time ago and now the monster is buried with him.

BBP - 3-4-2014 at 09:31

Hunting for a good cake recipe...

BBP - 4-4-2014 at 20:29

Had two friends over for my birthday, was awesome!

BBP - 6-4-2014 at 21:32

Cooked lental soup and worked in the garden.

BBP - 7-4-2014 at 18:13

I never thought this site would be so quiet on my birthday... :(

aquagoat - 7-4-2014 at 19:18

Happy birthday Bonny, sorry for not being more present in here.:shy:

BBP - 8-4-2014 at 11:24

Finished my Murakami book and am already engrossed in Zappa The Hard Way. Had those for my B-day, great reads!

KAPTKIRK - 10-4-2014 at 02:22

I'm sorry, I forgot to wish you a happy B-Day here Bonny. I remembered on though. ;)

BBP - 10-4-2014 at 15:50


Good news for artists, bad news for downloaders: illegal downloading finally becomes illegal in The Netherlands.

Huck_Phlem - 12-4-2014 at 07:34

Sorry I missed your birthday! Happy Belated! :bouncy:

BBP - 12-4-2014 at 16:10


Worked in the yard, got injured as usual with allergic reactions and a nasty thorn in my finger, and filled an elephant with Genuine Icelandic Wool that we got from the Late Great Aunt House. I had a lot of that Icelandic wool, over 400 grams, but it's unusable for knitting as it tears apart too easily. And now I'm covered with bits of wool. Already vacuumed myself, didn't help much.

KAPTKIRK - 15-4-2014 at 01:12

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

Already vacuumed myself, didn't help much.

Betcha' it felt good though! ;) :lol:

BBP - 15-4-2014 at 20:26

Nope, sorry.

A couple of times I jokingly suggested on this forum that I could censor the word "the" and have all instances of said word replaced by the word "zwembroek". Somehow I thought that was very funny and original, but at yesterday's Bob & George marathon, somebody gives his friend a birthday present: "the Bible for atheists, in which the word "God" was replaced by the word "pea soup".

Huck_Phlem - 16-4-2014 at 02:18

OMPS! I like it!

BBP - 16-4-2014 at 15:56

Ha, that took me a little too long to get... :)
I'm considering making transcripts out of them and translating them (mind you, there's a lot of So Incredibly Lame Puns It's Hysterical jokes I could not translate, like the paard-time hoefsmid).

Huck_Phlem - 20-4-2014 at 03:16

Puns to some are champaign. To others they are a champ pain.

[Edited on 20-4-2014 by Huck_Phlem]

BBP - 20-4-2014 at 09:33

Happy Easter everybody!

aquagoat - 21-4-2014 at 06:33

happy easter, Bonny.:grin:

BBP - 21-4-2014 at 21:16

Making a drawing for Mrs Plook...

BBP - 25-4-2014 at 19:05

Inadvertedly caused an explosion in the microwave. Was poaching an egg.

aquagoat - 26-4-2014 at 07:22

haha, must have been a mess.

BBP - 26-4-2014 at 20:19

It was, but fortunately the glass was still intact, so...

Been digging myself underground to make sure I get as little to do with the Dutch national holiday as possible.

BBP - 29-4-2014 at 11:11

Still nothing new... Kanji is progressing. I now know 130 kanji. When I found a Chinese language course at the second-hand shop yesterday, I managed to recognize 3 symbols on the box. Out of 15.

BBP - 2-5-2014 at 17:35

Losing my patience over installing the Internet Explorer update.

aquagoat - 3-5-2014 at 18:21

computer updates can really be a pain in the ass, sometimes.:swear:

BBP - 4-5-2014 at 12:48

Oh yeah!

Anyway, new Miyazaki is out here, it's got rave reviews... am thinking of going either Monday or Tuesday... Monday's a bank holiday out here (WW2 liberation). Today's Remembrance Day, with the 2 minute silence at 8 o'clock.

BBP - 5-5-2014 at 19:49

Before I forget...

BBP - 7-5-2014 at 23:24

Went to the cinema for the first time in... (browses web) 8 years. To Miyazaki's final work The Wind Rises.
I miss the theatres of yore... the Rembrandt that had a curtain in front that would open at the start of the film... EuroCinema where I saw many a Disney classic... the old Plaza Futura with the tiny little arthouse settings that were so cosy... Plaza was forced out of their old location and into a new one, because the municipality wants to develop that area in the centre of town, but the move is problematic: they are no longer able to host theatre, furnishing is expensive, and worse: the electricity bill doubled because of heating problems. They had a net loss of 50,000 euro last year, hope they'll pull through.

punknaynowned - 8-5-2014 at 01:29

random funny:
Moon Zappa on twitter, twelve minutes ago:
"My car got a flat so I bought a new bicycle. Reckless like that."

BBP - 8-5-2014 at 09:09

I wonder how Gail is... Moon was our only source on that...

punknaynowned - 10-5-2014 at 07:55

no news, I guess, isn't bad

happy eurovision contest...

BBP - 10-5-2014 at 09:52

I don't think I'll be watching... there's not a single nice song in the bunch. And it's about 90% ballad, that's tedious. Oh, and that earbleed Polish song who got through on cleavage - that's another Eurovision rumour disspelled.

punknaynowned - 12-5-2014 at 04:52

that Polish gal is so pretty. Why would she feel the need to get big fake tits? I don't get it. I know americans probably started it but is that the way the world is going, selling false fantasies just for money? :forumsmiley145:

BBP - 12-5-2014 at 11:02

Peeeenisss Diiimeeeensionnnnn!

BBP - 12-5-2014 at 21:07

Bumped into a car that was standing still today.

BBP - 14-5-2014 at 13:39

Checked out that the car should never been parked there. I still have a headache though.

BBP - 15-5-2014 at 11:43

It's the 15th, so happy birthday Ahmet!

aquagoat - 17-5-2014 at 07:23

Never slam the car door on your index finger, it hurts an awful lot. Now I know it.:crying:

[Edited on 17-5-2014 by aquagoat]

BBP - 17-5-2014 at 14:07

I did that by accident to my sister once. She didn't talk to me for hours.

aquagoat - 18-5-2014 at 18:30

I can understand that reaction.

BBP - 18-5-2014 at 20:20

Found a replacement copy for Dub Room Special at the flea market. Finding Zappa at a flea market is pretty rare, let alone something you're actually looking for...

BBP - 20-5-2014 at 15:40

Discovered that tuning zithers is pretty much a nightmare.

aquagoat - 20-5-2014 at 18:29

haha, I'm not astonished, with all those strings. Tuning is always a pain, anyway, whatever you tune.:swear:

BBP - 20-5-2014 at 22:15

It's a lot worse with zithers and other instruments where you directly tune the peg.At least with guitar and bass (ok ok, there are also 5 strings on my orchestral zither that have tuning pegs, but it has 30 that don't) you have an extra wormwheel to finetune. Even the slightest twist of the key can cause your tone to jump more than a semitone.

punknaynowned - 21-5-2014 at 20:24

a zither! wow!

right now Jimmy Page is talking about the recording of first Zeppelin albums...
so far pretty neat!

BBP - 22-5-2014 at 09:35

I tuned my mini-zither as fully as I can get it now. Two of the strings broke, so I tuned all the strings above it a little lower to compensate. And I'm looking for new strings for it.

BBP - 29-5-2014 at 19:44

Assumption day today...

aquagoat - 30-5-2014 at 07:09

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I tuned my mini-zither as fully as I can get it now. Two of the strings broke, so I tuned all the strings above it a little lower to compensate. And I'm looking for new strings for it.
how do you tne that? I mean, what are the notes?

BBP - 30-5-2014 at 09:15

I'll see if I can find a scheme... it's tuned in fifths and has a section of 5 strings with a fretboard that are tuned separately.

Tilt your head and zoom in! Or visit the page and download it!
Is what they sound like when you have the skill. You may notice he doesn't use the lower snares at all except for the lowest C# at the end.

[Edited on 30-5-14 by BBP]

BBP - 30-5-2014 at 17:26

Oh, and the mini-zither is 15 snares: I tuned in C major starting with the lower G. Alternatively you can tune them to G or F.

Cleaned mildew in shower.Lungs hurt.

aquagoat - 1-6-2014 at 08:31

Thanks for the info, BB,I really like the sound of these instruments, I'll probably try to get one sooner or later, with a dulcimer, a sitar and other stuff.

BBP - 1-6-2014 at 20:42

Count about 3 euros per string... They still make new ones, that's still preferable over those antiques. And, ideally, you'll need a thumb ring with a pick attached to it.

BBP - 2-6-2014 at 21:27

Went to visit my blind friend again. She now has 2 pianos in her living room.
I'd brought my zithers along and demonstrated them to her. We had a nice little duet of Bach/Gounod's Ave Maria with me on my mini zither.

punknaynowned - 3-6-2014 at 12:24

so six months ago I finally plunked down the money to get Hammersmith Odeon.
It sat in a stack unopened until last week. I opened it, listened to it over a couple days.
The third cd has been in the player since.
I keep playing the watermelon (prequel).
this one:
It's pretty, gentle, sublime.
Is it worth $50 for a four minute song?
Some enjoyment is priceless, right?
Had no idea it was on youtube.
I didn't read the booklet or play with the goodies.
It's nice to hear it in such clear sonics
and this one isn't at zappateers

BBP - 3-6-2014 at 17:56

Great huh? I played some tracks over and over myself. Mainly Trying To Grow A Chin, which I continue to adore. Terry's a powerhouse!

BBP - 5-6-2014 at 22:42

Went to a guitar shop. A small cosy one, four workers and no customers. The lady at the till was very charmed by the little zither, she used to have one of those as a kid. She took me to the restorer, who measured the thickness of the old strings and gave me two possible steel guitar strings. Had a nice chat with him: when I told him about the problems with the concert zither, as in amount of strings needed which will cost, he replied he is having the same trouble with a harp he acquired.
Anyway, found a little place to remember!

BBP - 6-6-2014 at 18:55

Since we've been having moth problems, I cleaned my piano thoroughly. And I do mean thoroughly. Opened the top, removed all the panels, the hammer mechanism and even all the keys.

If reincarnation exists and you come back as a spider or moth, move into a piano.

My piano was a present from a family I befriended. They apparently hadn't cleaned it thoroughly for the longest of times either. Plus, the kids sometimes used the instrument as a table to do their crafts on. Underneath the keys was a massive slab of dust, a lot of little paper clippings, some little things like pins and washers, a little old misplaced memory card, and money. Three guilder quarters and a good old Dutch dime. 'Course we don't pay with those anymore but it was a nice trip through memory lane.

aquagoat - 7-6-2014 at 07:54

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Since we've been having moth problems, I cleaned my piano thoroughly. And I do mean thoroughly. Opened the top, removed all the panels, the hammer mechanism and even all the keys.

If reincarnation exists and you come back as a spider or moth, move into a piano.

My piano was a present from a family I befriended. They apparently hadn't cleaned it thoroughly for the longest of times either. Plus, the kids sometimes used the instrument as a table to do their crafts on. Underneath the keys was a massive slab of dust, a lot of little paper clippings, some little things like pins and washers, a little old misplaced memory card, and money. Three guilder quarters and a good old Dutch dime. 'Course we don't pay with those anymore but it was a nice trip through memory lane.
little paper clippings, pins and washers, little old misplaced memory card, money? This piano was clearly prepared for John Cage's music. :D

BBP - 7-6-2014 at 10:38

:grin: Good one!

BBP - 8-6-2014 at 08:48

Off to Amsterdam today, to meet my sister...

BBP - 10-6-2014 at 08:54

Brought back my 4-string fretless. It definitely needs a better paintjob - the borders look all splotched, like someone didn't want to use masking tape. Not to mention the paint still rubs off on your fingers.

punknaynowned - 10-6-2014 at 15:57

been listening to Road Tapes, venue 2, Helsinki, 1973.
A great addition over all. The JLP bits are nice, but I could understand him seeing his part as session musician.
The early instrumental numbers especially with JLP are a treat, and it is good to get this band documented officially doing Eric Dolphy, Dog/Meat, + RDNZL!
But it is the loose feel for Dupree's Paradise, extending over 26 minutes that makes me pay attention.

There are many extended versions of this and, in this year, with Montana. This one they veer off into a standard vamp and Frank gives us lyrics from PoJama People. "One night only, here in Helsinki, The PoJama People", which gives us all the indication we need that he is referring to the band.

I've listened to all of these Montana/ Dupree's Paradise that exist out here in the existing world, on zappateers, and this one from Helsinki (which is not), really is as good as any of them. And it sounds good! You can tell what they are doing!

Walt Fowler, Tom Fowler give great solos. Frank has to retune his guitar in the middle of it but it turns out alright and representative of time and place.
All Skate Dun-Dun Dun is an on the spot improv, starting with Ian playing w/ synthesizer knobs before the band goes ahead w/ a blues jam. Frank takes the solo and the whole for several minutes sounds like a contemporary JJ Cale and Leon Russell session: like this some years later:

Still, I prefer the second disc of this set. Getting it documented and released is great! The slightly earlier versions of Echidna's Arf and Don't You... w/ JLP! are splendid enough and make up for the sad start on this version of Village of the Sun. George Duke's voice is nice to hear. Don't You Ever ... ends w/ an Allman Brothers-type coda. Really.

Big Swifty is extra big here. Bigger than what used to be my favorite, the roxy version on YCDTOSA 1. And this is because Frank gives a solo like he only rarely did, anywhere. Next up, Farther O'Blivion, after the header, JLP gets to drive the epic Chicago-Only-Just-Beginning-outro section - and then the Fowler Brothers go back and forth, w/ more and more instruments added til it it sounds like a cartoon. With monsters in it.

BBP - 10-6-2014 at 19:42

Looking into the possibilities of painting my bass entirely.
It's that cheepo Stagg that has the finish on the neck rubbing off onto my fingers when I play it. When I had a good look yesterday, I noticed how poorly the edges were done, like someone had attempted them freehand. Besides, it's all black and boring.

I've found a nice How To Paint Your Guitar tutorial on Youtube, but that all refers to the body, not the neck. Luckily I won't have to worry about frets, it's a fretless.

aquagoat - 11-6-2014 at 20:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Brought back my 4-string fretless. It definitely needs a better paintjob - the borders look all splotched, like someone didn't want to use masking tape. Not to mention the paint still rubs off on your fingers.
Fretless bas, that's a cool instrument, I'd like to get a 7 string fretless guitar made one day.:guitar:

BBP - 12-6-2014 at 11:28

That does sound awesome...

No my instrument is unfortunately a cheepo. Today I'll try to find some paint remover and perhaps a bit of lacquer to get the neck paint over and done with.

aquagoat - 14-6-2014 at 18:02

If you do it, don't forget to take pics of the process, I adore those build/modification types threads.

BBP - 14-6-2014 at 20:52

I'm definitely going to do that, it's hilarious how bad the paint job is!

Spent some time looking for a good father's day gift, didn't find anything. For some reason every shop now seems to be selling that Loom stuff, you know those little rubber bands that you can braid? Drives me nuts.

BBP - 16-6-2014 at 21:36

Joined a bass forum for help on fixing that fretless. But it's a terribly sexist place, which made me check out some of the sites collecting that.

Seriously, when you see they sell separate pink-princess-for-girls and blue-pirates-for-boys EGGS, recorders (as in - flute type), frisbees, marzipan... you know something's deeply wrong.

BBP - 17-6-2014 at 17:39

Made a start on removing the fretboard paint.
Dismantled the bass to a degree - removed the strings and unscrewed the neck. Took the neck outside and splotched it with paint remover, waited thirty minutes, and started clearing it with putty knife and 400 grit sandpaper.
Work barely progresses. Huge black slobs do come off, but they continue to appear.
Do the paint remover thing again, work with putty knife and 240 grit sandpaper.
Although progress is more visible after the second leg, I give in when the water I put on it becomes as black as ink. For a third time I put on the paint remover, and now I switch to 180 grit sandpaper. Wood is clearly lighter, but unfortunately paint still comes out of the grains.
After a few hours of work and a massive back-ache, I give in.

aquagoat - 17-6-2014 at 20:49

Removing finish on a guitar is quite long and boring, I've never tried to do it with paint remover though. I'd avoid putting too much water on that neck, though, it can absorb it and twist the wood.

edit: oh, yes, also: pics or it didin't happen! :D

[Edited on 17-6-2014 by aquagoat]

BBP - 17-6-2014 at 21:31

Yeah I just used it for wetsanding. Except at the end because I was worried it was just sanding paper coming off instead of paint.

Now that it's all dry and rested, it appears to be a lot better than I first expected. It still rubs off, but only a little. Now for the fine sanding...

aquagoat - 18-6-2014 at 17:52

ok, cool, keep up the good work. :thumbup:

BBP - 18-6-2014 at 18:18

It's now as smooth as a baby's bottom.

BBP - 18-6-2014 at 21:37

Aand I rubbed it in bee's wax and rubbed it off. Brings out the colour nicely. Beautiful rosewood.

Put bass together, it's looking a lot better.

[Edited on 18-6-14 by BBP]

BBP - 19-6-2014 at 12:36

And here it is! Stagg BC300FL.

1: screenshot from video: The Instrument
2: screenshot from video: A piece of toilet paper rubbed up and down three times looks like this:
(other two are coming but I reached limit)

Why on earth did they bother to paint it in the first place?

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BBP - 19-6-2014 at 12:37

Does this work? This is the "before" picture.

Attachment: bass_1.PNG (127kB)
This file has been downloaded 416 times

BBP - 19-6-2014 at 12:38

And the after picture:

Attachment: bass_2b.jpg (181kB)
This file has been downloaded 533 times

aquagoat - 20-6-2014 at 16:13

Looking good, now you should change the color of the body... :D

BBP - 21-6-2014 at 09:44

There's some awesome guitar painting videos on YT...

This guy makes it looks so easy... particularly with those pens...

Was thinking of dark blue, like navy, and perhaps silver details.

aquagoat - 22-6-2014 at 18:52

yeah, pretty good looking guitars.

BBP - 24-6-2014 at 08:19

So, sister came and went, was fun. We went to that lovely little guitar shop where she got a bag to bring her blue C&W with her, and I got strings for the 4-string. The guy there did advice against putting roundwound strings on a fretless because it leaves marks. So maybe... I'm thinking putting them on my Hamer. That one's had the same strings since 1998.

BBP - 28-6-2014 at 11:08

Poly hasn't been around since April 1st... getting slightly worried...

polydigm - 29-6-2014 at 05:51

Okay, my bad. I have been thinking about you guys but I've been snowed under with study. Calvin sent me an email which has finally jolted me into action to post a message. I'm actually quite well.

I'm in the middle of swot vac. I've completed two major exams, third year applied probability and second year quantum mechanics, which went fairly well and there's one to go, modelling with ordinary differential equations. The physics exam is worth 50% of the final grade and I also went through a fair bit of stress getting my prac report completed. Final exams in maths are worth 70% of the final grade so there's a lot of pressure with those too.

I've been sick of for a while. I've been there once since months ago to answer a PM that Moshkito sent me.

I hope everyone who comes here is okay. I'll try not to let so much time go by again.

BBP - 29-6-2014 at 11:22

Poly, hey! Glad it's the studies keeping you away, was worried it might have been health problems.
Main reason I check in on now is to keep a bit of an eye on Plook, poor guy lost his wife and his brother in the past two months.

polydigm - 29-6-2014 at 11:35

Bloody hell!! I knew his wife was pretty sick for a while, but that's really sad to hear.

BBP - 29-6-2014 at 11:54

Check out the Plook On Tour thread, he talks heart-breakingly about it on there.

BBP - 1-7-2014 at 20:57

Soooo... anything happening yet?

polydigm - 3-7-2014 at 23:54

Well, my current batch of exams are now over, after the last one yesterday. It didn't go too well. It was a good paper, there wasn't anything in there that I didn't understand or couldn't solve given the time, but I just couldn't make a good fist of it in the time available. Out of my three courses it was on the bottom of my list - only because one of them has to be - and I guess that was the one where I just hadn't had enough time to get fluid with it, combined with the fact that I was mentally exhausted. My head's been in a vice since the start of March. Now I've got the agony of waiting two weeks or so for the marks.

BBP - 4-7-2014 at 11:04

Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

BBP - 5-7-2014 at 15:36

Will be volunteering again tomorrow, am looking forward to it!

polydigm - 8-7-2014 at 02:25

Just had a scheduled power outage. I thought I'd use my wireless modem to connect to the internet. Ended up using 20% of the battery and an hour of my time with tech support getting the thing going. Then before the process was complete, the power came back on. Irony.

BBP - 8-7-2014 at 11:09

Am still a bit sore from survivalling, but it was a lot of fun!

polydigm - 9-7-2014 at 03:12


BBP - 9-7-2014 at 10:56

This stuff.

aquagoat - 9-7-2014 at 17:56

^^ I adore this kind of stuff, I did it with my girlfriend and it was pretty funny.:bouncing:

BBP - 10-7-2014 at 12:06

As in "she was squealing at every crossing"? The girl in front of me saw things blurry and couldn't see depth; that got her scared a lot because she couldn't prepare for landings. Guy behind me only saw dark and light and didn't have any trouble besides the hook fiddling.

polydigm - 12-7-2014 at 17:17

I'm going to need more explanation.

BBP - 12-7-2014 at 20:44

It's like a luna park, but in nature. Little platforms attached to trees are connected by wobbly bridges, and on a few occasions, just a cable. You are always attached to a safety cable and basically have to do a lot of climbing, balancing and crawling. And, in a few cases, make an instant cable cart. Whee!

Dad and I went to The Hague, walked around, visited grandma, went to the beach. I have a real bad headache now.

polydigm - 17-7-2014 at 01:26

Now I get it. Is this just a Dutch idea? When I Googled survivaling I didn't get very far.

I've got my marks now. I just missed out on credits for my two maths courses (61,62) but I got a distinction for physics (78). I'm pretty happy about the physics result but I need to rethink my time management for the maths because I didn't make best use of the available assignment marks.

BBP - 17-7-2014 at 21:19

Doubt it's Dutch... it's probably called "climbing" or something similar elsewhere.
(gets on Wikipedia)
Ah, try Adventure Park or "ropes course".

polydigm - 18-7-2014 at 09:47

Ah yes, it seems we have a few around Australia.

punknaynowned - 18-7-2014 at 18:59

Really horrible to hear of the downed plane in Ukraine.
My heart goes out to those who've lost loved ones...:forumsmiley326:

[Edited on 18-7-14 by punknaynowned]

BBP - 18-7-2014 at 19:40

A friend of my father's was travelling to an island near Malaysia on the same day - fortunately he was on a different plane. Among the casualties are some renowned AIDS researchers who were on their way to Melbourne for a congress, and a Dutch senator and his family.

BBP - 19-7-2014 at 20:14

Also shocked to see some people with the name Ploeg on the list; it's a rare name, they might've been family.

BBP - 22-7-2014 at 12:41

Heatwave... pfff...

punknaynowned - 22-7-2014 at 13:58

ha! here also. You won't hear me complain though.
The western half of the state is in a record drought. Where I am is just barely out of that.

Also last winter was mild, not too cold, for too long, with plenty of snow over the season.

In May here, temps ususally shoot up and then gradually get higher and higher over summer.
July and August are almost always brutal. But June and Spetember are often just as bad.
Not this year. Everything stayed mild all spring and well into summer.

Today is the first day we will reach near 37C.
Must get out and get my errands done before the heat arrives in waves.

Stay cool!

polydigm - 22-7-2014 at 15:25

Drop me a line when it reaches 45°C. I'm enjoying Adelaide winter right now, but I'm generally happy once it gets below 30°C.

BBP - 23-7-2014 at 08:12

Pfff... it's between 25 and 30 here and I can't stand it... can't sleep, can't play keyboard...

aquagoat - 23-7-2014 at 17:55

Yeah, it's about the same here and I work on roofs, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, too hot, too hot!!!!!

BBP - 23-7-2014 at 22:32

Had a day of national mourning for the first time of my life... did some plane watching.

BBP - 28-7-2014 at 11:30

My habit of wearing gloves doesn't turn out to block sun allergy. :(

BBP - 30-7-2014 at 20:48

It's still hot hot hot out here...

BBP - 2-8-2014 at 00:13

Remining hot. It's never comfortable on grocery day, especially not today since there was a CD fair listed in a local door-to-door. I went to town and spent ten minutes searching for the exact location, and when I found it, the people there informed me it would be tomorrow. There was a mistake in the paper.

Cycled all the way back (although I did stop halfway at a cute little second-hand book shoppe, bought a little art print book there) and passed by the market place. Was crowded since they're having a small funfair on the same square. Old lady in front of me dropped a 2E coin. She thought it had rolled under the wagon, so I got on my knees to check, but it wasn't there. It had fallen into her bag.

Also got very cold today when I cleaned the accumulated water from the fridge. Man that was freezing.

BBP - 5-8-2014 at 11:00

Went to the fair with my sister, which was unusual. She seemed to be having a better time than me, especially when she noticed the Mat & Pat prizes.

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BBP - 7-8-2014 at 11:33

Head's feeling a little better, but I'm still woozy. Had a fit after seeing one of the fun fair rides.

I feel old.

aquagoat - 7-8-2014 at 17:26

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Head's feeling a little better, but I'm still woozy. Had a fit after seeing one of the fun fair rides.

I feel old.
:lol:, poor Bonny.

polydigm - 7-8-2014 at 23:36

Just dropping by to say hello. Coming up to the end of the second week back to study. So far so good. I hope everyone here is doing okay.

BBP - 8-8-2014 at 11:10

Hey Poly, nice to see you. How are you?

BBP - 9-8-2014 at 20:28

Still not feeling well... gee.

punknaynowned - 10-8-2014 at 22:10

Hope you felt better today B!

It is cool and humid here. Normally, weeks of 38C + is to expected here. We had one day like that in June.
These weeks since have been 27 -29C which is warm, especially with high humidity. But still unseasonable cool.
I fear this may be our last 'cool' summer. Until we close the coal plants and grow more trees.
The holes in north Siberia have been a curious phenomenon, no?

BBP - 11-8-2014 at 11:48

Had a very black day yesterday, hope it'll go better today.

(watches news) In Friesland a woman has attempted to kill two children by driving into them.

aquagoat - 13-8-2014 at 19:05

New guitar day: a B.C. Rich Mockingbird, bought second and but in mint condition, plays well, very versatile, i like it.:guitar2:

aquagoat - 13-8-2014 at 19:06

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had a very black day yesterday, hope it'll go better today.
sorry to read that Bonny, hope you're better today.

BBP - 13-8-2014 at 22:49

Nice Aqua!

Dad and I went to visit his aunt, all the way in Appingedam. Excruciating trip of three-and-a-half hours to and more than four hours on the return. But it was great to meet her - the last time she saw us was in 1988, at my grandfather's funeral. She would have come to Gran's funeral in 2010 (her sister) but she had a bad back. Nice, fun, feisty lady. Quite the artist too.

BBP - 14-8-2014 at 22:02

Note to self: research Filippo Lippi.

aquagoat - 15-8-2014 at 05:52

The painter monk?

BBP - 15-8-2014 at 09:44

Yeah, I'm doing another painting search (after this music video upon seeing all the Hieronymus Bosch in there) and there's one that appears towards the end that looks like Lippi.

Huck_Phlem - 16-8-2014 at 04:03

My son's drum and bugle corps won the world championships.

BBP - 16-8-2014 at 11:01

Congratulations! Great news!

aquagoat - 16-8-2014 at 15:17

Cool news indeed, congratulations! :bouncy:

polydigm - 18-8-2014 at 00:25

Hope you're feeling better Bonny. I'm doing much better since I discovered I'm extra sensitive to caffeine. I've given up coffee, which was a pity and am now drinking tea instead, with much lower levels of caffeine and having a hot chocolate late evening, which has even lower levels of caffeine than tea.

BBP - 18-8-2014 at 09:57

Ah, that's a good discovery.
Back when I studied instruments with Rudolf Rasch, I had to wake up at 6AM to get to the most boring class teacher and listen to him trying to explain things. No matter what it was, it was horrible. Back when I had music theory I from him, he tried to explain the difference between major and minor by playing it out on the piano. I thought I'd never hear anything that awful in my life. But I was proven wrong during musical instruments class - it turned out he plays the violin.

Rasch was a very nice person though. He's seen both FZ and Jimi Hendrix live back in the 60s. And he tended to make jokes without realizing it.

Anyway, back in those days, it took me four cups of coffee to get me going - I'd be shaking all over. One day I quit cold turkey, and every time since that I've drunk coffee, I had a terrible stomach ache.

But I do drink lots of tea.

aquagoat - 19-8-2014 at 05:43

Coffee is not good for us. Says the guy who's just sipping a mug of hot black coffee. :shy:

BBP - 23-8-2014 at 09:57

Still fighting the black... :(

BBP - 24-8-2014 at 17:26

Dad and I went to visit a flea market. Considering the extremely bad weather we've been having with heavy rains on a daily basis, we both brought an umbrella and I had my raincoat. And we could use them, oh boy. Heaven tore open at one point. An unfortunate seller I was talking to told me he wasn't prepared for the rain as he'd checked one of those weather radar sites, which said it wouldn't rain until 5.
Props to the DJ who displayed great humour in playing It's Raining Men after the rain stopped.

Came home with a great book with 19th century knitting patterns.

BBP - 25-8-2014 at 16:01

Still on a picture hunt: here are two of the images I'm still looking for:

BBP - 27-8-2014 at 15:40

I found the bottom one of those, so now I just need 2 more. Am planning to do a comedy write-up on Lotus.

Today I went to the town to get a new ID.

polydigm - 29-8-2014 at 09:43

The change from coffee to tea seems to be going quite well. I've been through periods in the past where I was either full on into coffee or gave up caffeine entirely and both of those approaches didn't seem to work out for me. Realising I have a sensitivity to caffeine and sticking to drinks with low levels of caffeine seems to have done the trick. I grew up drinking tea and chocolate milk shakes and even when I took up coffee in my teens it was mostly only instant which is not as strong as properly brewed coffee.

Just now at the end of week five of semester two, seven to go. So far managing to stay on top of the work. It feels good and I'm hoping I really have finally found the subjects that suit me.

Lotus? New ID? Who are you now?

BBP - 29-8-2014 at 11:38

I'm Seremela Leralonde, of course. This name was given to me by an Elvish priest.

polydigm - 30-8-2014 at 03:50

I put that name in Google and it came with a member on Gaia, whatever that is.

BBP - 30-8-2014 at 11:54

I pulled it out of a Random Name Generator once and rather liked it, possibly because of the relation to the name of Primus's guitarist.

BBP - 31-8-2014 at 21:06

For Punky: last Sunday in August is the day of the parade in Heeze: the Brabantsedag.

BBP - 2-9-2014 at 18:50

Found the last painting in the art search! Yeah!

punknaynowned - 3-9-2014 at 14:48

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
For Punky: last Sunday in August is the day of the parade in Heeze: the Brabantsedag.

Thank You!
It's amazing to me it's already that time of year... and past again.

BBP - 3-9-2014 at 14:51
Here's the entire summary!

Themes of the carts is headlines of newspapers:
1: military chapel of St Oedenrode about the accidental shooting of a musician who was fishing and got caught in WW1 shootings. The Netherlands was neutral, but St Oedenrode's not far from the border.
2: The gang of Oss. Criminalty in Oss was rampant from 1888 (when a military man was murdered) to 1934, with 29 murders, numerous robberies and burglaries and arson in the not very large town.
3: Rebuilding of the Station of Eindhoven. Before, there were no tunnels, and whenever a train came by it caused major traffic jams. In the 50s the tunnels were dug.The tower with the clock is a notable element of the new station, colloquially known as "the radio".
(Interview with major of Heeze)
4: Norwegian influences on Tilburg student life, featuring the entry ritual, the song Io Vivat some vikings.
5: EIndhoven 1935: legendary Dutch player Max Euwe plays world tournament match against Aljechin.
6: Aalst in Belgian Brabant: a Punch & Judy show got cancelled.
(interview with retiring chairman of Brabantsedag)
7: Winners Vriendenkring Van Gaal about emigration to Canada in the 1920s.
(interview with cultural mascotte and singer/songwriter Gerard van Maasakkers)
8: Philips (Eindhoven company) sport company foundation. Still one of the major employers of this province.
9: Introduction of traffic lights. L indicates a learning driver.
10: Arrest of jews in hiding in WW2
11: New church in Woensel (part of Eindhoven). Rise and fall of the Catholic church: this particular one had construction started in 1913, but wouldn't be a church for 50 years. It was converted into a children's playground, where I was a lot as a kid.
12: Centralization of dairy industry.
13: Rebuilding the heavily bombarded city of Eindhoven. In WW2, the city was bombed 3 times, twice by the Brits (one a very major one with over 170 casualties on St Nicholas, our Christmas) and once by the Germans in an attempt to stop the allied forces in their tracks on 19 September 1944.
14: Clock of Amer-powerplant. The real-life plant has a gigantic clock, 10 meters high. Love the little shot of the church clock. It's a clock by famous company Eijsbouts in Asten.
(interview with audience, weather, come here often? Funny moment when she mentions she's from Eersel, which has a bond with 7 other villages called Acht (8) Zaligheden, but the host mentions 7 Zaligheden. )
(interview with kids, both liked the Philips sport cart best)
15: Flower parade of Zundert, biggest dahlia parade in the world. Voice by the actual host of the Bloemencorso.
(interview with the host. "You're a week too early!" "Oh it's a week too early! I was wondering why there were so few flowers on the carts!")
16: Creation of labour in 1936 during the low points. Population dug the sewer system in Eindhoven.
17: Last cart: Man and Machine. Based on an article from another province where they mention they're working so hard in Brabant. The men at the arms of the cart have to hang on that machine for three hours.

punknaynowned - 3-9-2014 at 14:56

It is a rainy day here. Perfect to sit inside and watch a parade! :bouncing:

BBP - 7-9-2014 at 23:21

Today I watched a Japanese horror movie and saw a spider in the bathroom.

The spider scared me most.

punknaynowned - 10-9-2014 at 04:53

Quote: Originally posted by BBP
Here's the entire summary!

Themes of the carts is headlines of newspapers:
1: military chapel of St Oedenrode about the accidental shooting of a musician who was fishing and got caught in WW1 shootings. The Netherlands was neutral, but St Oedenrode's not far from the border.
2: The gang of Oss. Criminalty in Oss was rampant from 1888 (when a military man was murdered) to 1934, with 29 murders, numerous robberies and burglaries and arson in the not very large town.
3: Rebuilding of the Station of Eindhoven. Before, there were no tunnels, and whenever a train came by it caused major traffic jams. In the 50s the tunnels were dug.The tower with the clock is a notable element of the new station, colloquially known as "the radio".
(Interview with major of Heeze)
4: Norwegian influences on Tilburg student life, featuring the entry ritual, the song Io Vivat some vikings.
5: EIndhoven 1935: legendary Dutch player Max Euwe plays world tournament match against Aljechin.
6: Aalst in Belgian Brabant: a Punch & Judy show got cancelled.
(interview with retiring chairman of Brabantsedag)
7: Winners Vriendenkring Van Gaal about emigration to Canada in the 1920s.
(interview with cultural mascotte and singer/songwriter Gerard van Maasakkers)
8: Philips (Eindhoven company) sport company foundation. Still one of the major employers of this province.
9: Introduction of traffic lights. L indicates a learning driver.
10: Arrest of jews in hiding in WW2
11: New church in Woensel (part of Eindhoven). Rise and fall of the Catholic church: this particular one had construction started in 1913, but wouldn't be a church for 50 years. It was converted into a children's playground, where I was a lot as a kid.
12: Centralization of dairy industry.
13: Rebuilding the heavily bombarded city of Eindhoven. In WW2, the city was bombed 3 times, twice by the Brits (one a very major one with over 170 casualties on St Nicholas, our Christmas) and once by the Germans in an attempt to stop the allied forces in their tracks on 19 September 1944.
14: Clock of Amer-powerplant. The real-life plant has a gigantic clock, 10 meters high. Love the little shot of the church clock. It's a clock by famous company Eijsbouts in Asten.
(interview with audience, weather, come here often? Funny moment when she mentions she's from Eersel, which has a bond with 7 other villages called Acht (8) Zaligheden, but the host mentions 7 Zaligheden. )
(interview with kids, both liked the Philips sport cart best)
15: Flower parade of Zundert, biggest dahlia parade in the world. Voice by the actual host of the Bloemencorso.
(interview with the host. "You're a week too early!" "Oh it's a week too early! I was wondering why there were so few flowers on the carts!")
16: Creation of labour in 1936 during the low points. Population dug the sewer system in Eindhoven.
17: Last cart: Man and Machine. Based on an article from another province where they mention they're working so hard in Brabant. The men at the arms of the cart have to hang on that machine for three hours.

I did not see this before!

It should be in a wiki somewhere, or something.
Example of how the Dutch honor and remember their peoples and past accomplishments and losses. In a parade!
Such a fine tradition.
Thanks for writing all this out - and in English, too!

BBP - 11-9-2014 at 11:54

There's a nice online collection for Brabantsedag, see if I can dig it up...
Jaren for years, groepen for groups.

BBP - 14-9-2014 at 19:34

Have little to report... been trying to look onto DeviantArt but they've been down for me for a considerable time now: three days. Of course now when I actually have stuff to upload.

BBP - 16-9-2014 at 19:48

Still elated with my 2nd hand store find. Played Uroboros 5 times today already!

BBP - 17-9-2014 at 18:15

And playing it for the third time today. Might as well hook it to my veins.

Oh no wait. That'd require needles.

punknaynowned - 17-9-2014 at 19:36

Knitter humor.

Thx for the links of the parades.
Really extensive!

BBP - 17-9-2014 at 20:01

:D I was knitting when I read that... a book cover with cable knit patterns. I was busy counting and getting the stitches to wrap around.

polydigm - 19-9-2014 at 15:41

Mid semester break just started. Don't know what to do with myself.

BBP - 19-9-2014 at 16:36

Enjoy your peace, I suppose...
Oddly I've dug up my old math books about a month ago, while searching for my favourite demi-carré (couldn't find the English term, one of those ruler + protractor things) I thought I'd search my old math books and lo and behold, I got caught in a factorisation loop. Great thing is now I can do all the extra assignments without needing permission.

BBP - 19-9-2014 at 23:18

Went to the supermarket and the regular market for groceries. Friend came to visit today and that was a lot of fun. Because it's my sister's birthday tomorrow, I made a cake: in view of time saving I baked that while he was looking on.

Found that the 200 g pure chocolate bars they sell at the shop have a cunning health info data specification. They put the information about calories, fatties, salt, sugar content et al on the front: but they only measure it by cube, which is 7 grams. Did some math and found that by consuming that entire bar you get 114% of your recommended daily allowance of sugar and 200% of your rda of saturated fat.

polydigm - 22-9-2014 at 00:34

Might be in Amsterdam for a day with my wife sometime in December.

Surely you're not surprised about the chocolate bar?

BBP - 22-9-2014 at 12:16

That's great Poly, have fun!

I'm not surprised by chocolate being unhealthy - I'm surprised by them getting away with such advertising!

polydigm - 4-10-2014 at 03:38

Break's nearly over - back into it next Tuesday.

BBP - 4-10-2014 at 10:22


It's weird how I've dug up my old math books. And I went through a year's material in like a month. Wish I still had my 4th grade books since that's the year I had trouble, a bad depression in the middle of the year and at the one occasion where I could pull up I forgot my calculator. I now have the B-type from the final two years of HAVO, which is the second-highest school type.

BBP - 5-10-2014 at 09:29

Off to go to friend's party. Baked some strawberry muffins for the occasion. Yum!

polydigm - 6-10-2014 at 02:26

When you say school type, is that secondary or tertiary?

BBP - 6-10-2014 at 14:11

We divide kids in secondary school by intelligence level already. I got sent to the second-highest after primary school in spite of doing better at school than several of the kids who got sent to the highest. After two years of battle and full marks I managed to get into the highest level, and proceeded to be among the best in most subjects there. Until a year later I'd taken the physics/science curricular path, and ended in a class with lots of testosterone-poisoned boys. The science teacher I loved very much (father-figure type) suffered hypertension over it and our math teacher refused to teach us. My grades dropped over this and personal problems. By the third term I was doing much better and top of the class in physics again, and got to pull up my grades. Except for math: because at one of the last tests that I know I would've scored well at, I forgot my calculator and only got to borrow one until test time was over. Eventually I didn't make the 6/10 grade for math, by a small margin, 5.4/10 became 5/10 while 5.5 would've become 6. In spite of having gotten a full marks over winning a math contest. I had to drop the difficult math type because of that. Without math B, physics would be nigh impossible as it does include a lot of goniometry; biology I detested because I couldn't draw and scored bad marks just because of that while scoring full marks on genetics and reproduction. So I was forced to drop math B and physics, didn't want to do biology, and without all that, chemistry isn't of much use either. It was a big disappointment to me since math was my favourite subject and in the first two years, when I went to the lower school type, I was way ahead of the rest of the class, so much that the teacher repeatedly told me to slow down. I know I could've done it, and I know I would've loved it, but circumstances were different.

Once I bought math B books to do all by myself, and I've done the first chapter a few times but never carried it further. Will carry on and I do have the idea of doing an adult math class - problem is I don't know what other purpose it would serve besides my revenge.

polydigm - 7-10-2014 at 08:19

I've never heard the term goniometry before, so I looked it up. It's the mathematics of joint movement. That's interesting that you had it as a specific topic.

Basically, I was miserable towards the end of my high school years. I started in the top grade and was very good at both maths and languages. My teens were quite troubled though for a variety of reasons. In retrospect I think I really did enjoy languages but peer pressure put paid to that. Bullying wasn't an issue, but struggling to figure out what was really cool in life led me down a couple of really stupid dead ends.

My parents made the mistake of pushing me into Year 12 when I'd basically had enough of school. It went badly and at the end of that year I applied for an apprenticeship in WRE (Weapons Research Establishment). I was told during my interview that from the previous year's applications, one of my class mates was now their top student. I used to sit next to that guy and help him with his physics and maths, but between my not so good reputation at school and my communist father, they weren't letting me anywhere near the WRE. I ended up getting an apprenticeship in telecommunications, which lasted two and half years.

Fast forward through eventually dropping out completely and a whole bunch of continuing angst for one reason or another and I started buying books and educating myself. I returned to do some formal education a couple of times and by the end of 1981 I had three Year 12 subjects under my belt and needed two more to be able to apply for University in my own right without any of the mature aged bother. I was rejected when I applied to do Year 12 Maths in 1982, which comprised two subjects. The course had already started, they believed I wouldn't cope and wanted me to take Year 11 Maths first. I told them where to stick it, taught myself, took the exams independently and got 92 for Maths 1 and 86 for Maths 2. I rang that school up and let them know how wrong they were, but I didn't study it just for the revenge, they just got in my way.

Whatever you study you have to want to study it for the sake of it. I did it and I'm still doing it because I really enjoy it.

BBP - 7-10-2014 at 10:57

Not sure what you mean, but I meant the calculating of angles and lengths of lines in triangles and in shapes that contain triangles. The math problem I posted about on the Zappa-forum, the one that took me three days to figure out how to solve it (even Dad was stumped), was just that. Bright side is it'll be a long time before I forget about that now.

polydigm - 8-10-2014 at 00:23

About which part are you not sure what I mean? You mentioned Goniometry in your post. Goniometry is the study of joint movement, like elbows and knees and so on. Did you mean to say Geometry, which is more general of course?

BBP - 8-10-2014 at 10:00

Brain mess, sorry.
Dutch scientifical terms were for the large part translated in the 17th century by Simon Stevin: terms like mathematics, physics, science, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication etc derive from Latin or Greek: we have our own words for that: Stevin invented them. Math for instance is wiskunde, which means "knowledge of that which is certain". As a result, learning school subjects when you're a kid is a bit of a pain, because they're all difficult terms that don't sound a bit like their Dutch counterparts.

Stevin was an adept of the Dutch theologist Goropius Becanus, who believed that Paradise was located in The Netherlands: according to this linguistic theory, Adam and Eve spoke Dutch in Eden and all the world's languages have derived from Dutch. Charming, isn't it? :)

BBP - 9-10-2014 at 11:18

Friend's party was great btw. Although the location she picked was a bit iffy (glass greenhouse was tunnel-shaped and too low to stand in for a large section) but I met some wonderful people and my friend played some lovely music.
When I arrived, the party was just starting and Hedda was trying to install her keyboard. I managed to get it to work, which earned me the Zappa-esque nickname Magic Fingers.
Got to talk to some of her vision-impaired friends and am once again shocked by the discrimination they face, even in this day and age. Hedda is a brilliant pianist and singer, but at the music school they wouldn't accept her because her blindness "would make it hard for her to find a job in the field later". Her visually impaired friend, a viola player, lied through her teeth to keep on studying - she was asked if her handicap was temporary, and she just replied that it was and that she will see again. For three years she had a punctured bicycle wheel: walking with a stick would've gotten her the boot, so she used a bicycle for that purpose.
She's now a successful viola teacher who has about 60 concerts each year, and married with three kids to boot.

polydigm - 9-10-2014 at 12:11

That's quite a story. She's got guts.

So, did you mean Geometry? High school Geometry is usually similar to the stuff done by the Ancient Greeks. Euclid in particular of course. The angle subtended at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference and so on.

BBP - 10-10-2014 at 11:52

(thinks back of the Simpsons)

The basis of this lane seems to be simple geometry...

"I can't believe it. You've actually found a practical use for geometry."

You know what, Poly, I believe you're right! :bald:

polydigm - 11-10-2014 at 07:54

A proper study of joint movement, which does involve some geometry, requires first or second year university physics because it also involves the study of curvilinear and rotational equilibrium including a study of the concepts of force and torque.

BBP - 11-10-2014 at 12:52

See? There's the problem: we have all Dutch words for that. Thank you Simon!

BBP - 13-10-2014 at 19:10

Waved bye to my sister who stayed with us for a week.

polydigm - 14-10-2014 at 11:15

I'm just trying to get my motor running again after a moody hiatus following a viral attack. The wind is out of my sails, I'm sure it'll return again soon enough.

Do you miss your sister when she's not around? Does she live far away?

BBP - 14-10-2014 at 15:29

Amsterdam is about an hour and a half by train, so getting there when you don't have a car costs a bundle. Besides that, even with a car, it'll cost you a bundle because you have to pay a parking fee outside her door. She has a single room on the 4rd floor (5th for Americans) and there's no lift - we had to move her into that apartment twice and out of there once, that's a nightmare with all her books. My sister's very sweet but her living space is rather cramped and lives in a miserable neighborhood - a couple of years ago a man was stabbed to death over a parking space below her balcony on her birthday, and once a guy was shot dead around the corner behind the steering wheel of his car: it was in the middle of the night and the sound effects were considerate. It took an hour for the police to arrive, but they couldn't move the corpse and they'd had to wait another hour for the forensics - by then, an angry neighbour had pulled out the car battery.
if you go to visit her, better do something in town than actually stay at her place.

polydigm - 15-10-2014 at 01:54

That's a grim picture. Is Amsterdam really that bad, or were they just isolated incidents? A long time ago when I lived in North Carlton in Melbourne, there was a shooting just down the road. The chalk outline of the body in the road was quite creepy. The cops were quite jumpy for a while. Once, my brother and I were in a hurry to go some where and as we ran out the front door a bunch of cops jumped us and threw us in their car and hassled us until they finally realised we actually lived there.

BBP - 15-10-2014 at 12:53

Amsterdam is the hubbub of everything and is a major player in drugs criminality. It depends on where you go of course, there are a lot of nice places, but my sister doesn't live in one.

punknaynowned - 18-10-2014 at 23:00

Hope she knows hope to stay safe!

but wait!
Primus is on NPR for their new record doing the songs from Willy Wonka?


BBP - 19-10-2014 at 13:27

Whoo! Will check out!

Went to my pal yesterday for his birthday, baked some strawberry muffins for him. He's given up ganga and alcohol, but he's smoking all the more for it. Hm.
He took me to the botanical gardens where he works, was quite beautiful.
Discovered I didn't pay for my return trip. Oops.:shy:

BBP - 20-10-2014 at 20:14

Not much news here...

BBP - 23-10-2014 at 13:00

Am having a hard time mailing with my blind friend - her internet browser is out of date and updated versions don't support her refreshable braille display. (For the record, that's a total space age apparatus that she clicks under her laptop and that converts text on the computer into braille so that she can read it.)

BBP - 26-10-2014 at 20:47

Baked bokkenpootjes.

Attachment: bokkenpootjes.jpg (146kB)
This file has been downloaded 410 times

BBP - 28-10-2014 at 00:13

Spent some time looking for a distant cousin, the one of whom my great aunt told me that in WW2 he was in the resistance and died in a concentration camp. Found he was sent to Neuengamme and passed away on 16 December 1944, in the additional camp Husum-Schwesing. Husum-Schwesing only existed for three months - the captives there were male political enemies who worked on the defense system Friesenwall. After a change of tactics, the Friesenwall was deemed unnecessary and the camp was closed, with 300 people worked to death (or possibly shot by the sadistic Untersturmführer Hans Hermann Griem) in vain. Most of the remains were repatriated after the war, and he now rests at the military cemetary in Loenen.

BBP - 28-10-2014 at 12:43 As to not lose this link.

polydigm - 28-10-2014 at 15:08

In the pressure cooker at the moment. Three big exams coming up and a major practical report due through mid November. Yikes.

aquagoat - 28-10-2014 at 17:52

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Baked bokkenpootjes.
What is this made of?

BBP - 28-10-2014 at 22:30

Laconic version: it's sugar that's been glued to sugar with sugar, then dipped in sugar.
Long version: egg whites, sugar, almonds, butter and chocolate.

Good luck Poly!

aquagoat - 29-10-2014 at 18:25

huum sugar, it seems good.

BBP - 29-10-2014 at 22:59

You'll need:
for the biscuits:
3 egg whites
180 grams of sugar
chipped almonds

for the coating:
pure chocolate

for the cream:
powdered sugar
coffee extract or cocoa
How much depends on the size you decide to make your bokkenpootjes. But the standard recipe is 2 parts butter for 1 part powdered sugar, and a teaspoon of cocoa. This time around I had to use regular butter cream as I'd made a mistake.

-Remove baking tin from the oven and preheat the oven to 120 degrees Celsius. Put waxed paper on the tin.
-Beat the egg whites all the way stiff and mix in the sugar.
-Use a pastry bag to spray the whites in the chosen shape of your bokkenpootjes. Traditionally that'd be more or less rectangular, 2 by 6 cm. Or you could make rosettas.
-Cover the biscuits royally with almond chips.
-Bake the whites for an hour to 90 minutes, depending on the size of the biscuits. There's a nice margin of error.
-Remove them from the oven and pick them off the paper. Let them cool.

-Prepare the cream: mix the butter with the sugar and heat it slightly.
-Stick the biscuits to each other, flat side to flat side. Be careful: meringues are fragile. Let them set.

-Melt the chocolate. Dip the ends of the biscuits in, put them on waxed paper and let them cool.

aquagoat - 30-10-2014 at 18:40

Thank you for the recipe, I'll have to try that, it seems good.

BBP - 30-10-2014 at 22:12

You're welcome!

I'm giving my room a massive cleaning. Normally that's for springtime but it was really necessary. Am finding lots of stuff that was presumed missing (I'm now learning Go since I found my book about the noble board game). And I get the sniffles.

BBP - 2-11-2014 at 16:13

Went to the book fair and came home with a contract to help break down the fair.

BBP - 3-11-2014 at 16:33

Helped at the book fair yesterday, loading unsold books into crates... back hurts...

BBP - 6-11-2014 at 14:56

Room is clear and I filled it up again with a jigsaw puzzle.

BBP - 8-11-2014 at 16:15

Delivered the door-to-door mags today and taught Dad how to fold a paper plane.

aquagoat - 9-11-2014 at 07:28

Yeah, paper planes. :bouncy:

polydigm - 11-11-2014 at 00:45

One exam down - not a complete disaster - two to go.

BBP - 11-11-2014 at 12:54

Hey Poly! Good to hear!

I finished my jigsaw and am working on reading 1984.

BBP - 13-11-2014 at 23:27

Not much happening here... not feeling too good...

punknaynowned - 15-11-2014 at 17:26

Bonny are you okay? If you don't want to talk about it I understand.
But I saw what you wrote after dove the other day and I started wondering about you.
I know you think your a clutz and lose your balance sometimes.
Could the two be related ? You know how the stuff in our ears is like the gyroscope for our balance?
And if that gets out of whack - any way: sinuses, barometric pressure - simple motion thru space can be disorienting.

Also I know that changes in seasons can mess me up. Mostly change in pressure as well as weather...

I don't have any answers but do be sure to get checked out, ok?

BBP - 15-11-2014 at 18:07

Actually I'm not feeling 100% because of my POM. And my back hurts from paper delivery. I seem to be missing out on the GLOW festival entirely - waited for my sister to come over, she said she would but cancelled out at the last moment, and now it's the last day and I'm exhausted.

Also got me a nasty bleeding scratch on my hand. This was while I was loading my bicycle and I have no idea how it happened - it had to be patched up well though, or else I'd get infected, or at the very least blood all over the papers.

punknaynowned - 15-11-2014 at 23:14

ok. Sounds like it'll pass. OK.
Sad you miss this years glowfest.
Weather looks poor there: fog today, rain tomorrow...

it's cloudy here, got a tiny bit of flurries,
enough to notice snowdust on the car. No more.

BBP - 16-11-2014 at 15:53

Well yeah, it´s November... Weather´s been unseasonably warm but yesterday it was drizzling - not bad enough to stop me from going out delivering papers, but still far from ideal. Then again, the advantage of this round pre Christmas is you get extra pay.

polydigm - 20-11-2014 at 09:00

Last exam over. Again, like the first, not a complete disaster. The second one, Monday this week was pretty good. Anyway, you live with this tight band around your head for the best part of nine months and then all of a sudden nothing. More than three months to go now before the next round. I have to try and maintain some kind of balance.

BBP - 20-11-2014 at 10:45

Nice... Enjoy your break!

polydigm - 21-11-2014 at 06:27

How did 1984 go?

BBP - 21-11-2014 at 09:43

He's dead. Why?

Great book,enjoyed it a lot.

polydigm - 22-11-2014 at 11:16

I don't understand the question. You said you were reading 1984 on 11 Nov and I was just asking how it went?

BBP - 22-11-2014 at 15:31

Yah that's how the book goes. It went well, I understand the work and enjoyed it. Not sure what you mean by "how did it go?", that's what you ask to a person who's just had his first driving lesson, "how did it go, did you knock over anything or wreck the car?". Is that an Australian-type phrase?

punknaynowned - 23-11-2014 at 09:53

" Is that an Australian-type phrase? "

No, we use it here too.

Anymore, 'go' doesn't necessarily mean motion, travel, direction, process or operation. It means essentially, how did you like it.

What I find humorous is your answer, 'He's dead'. Which may be what confused Geoff. It's a literal response! Since a book is a product of an author and a book doesn't technically go anywhere, unless someone takes it there... then, the only thing that miht have gone anywhere is the author... and we all know he is dead... like Bela Lugosi...

what you are getting at... :)... is the very subtle, slippery gaps between languages .. just the sort of thing that tickles me ... or, more literally, makes the corners of my mouth turn up.

Reminds me of that Marxist joke: "Use the car, but make sure on the way to get gas. And if you can't find that, get ethyl. And if you can't find Ethel, get Mabel." -Groucho

BBP - 23-11-2014 at 12:44

Actually I was referring to the lead character of the book, analogous to "how did that joke go?" I answered "How did 1984 go?" with "He's dead". Hope I didn't spoil it for you...

punknaynowned - 23-11-2014 at 21:35

Or that!
1984 must have been one of those books that informed me how the world was or could be.
I read it when I was 15, so still very impressionable. A long time ago.
So I sit here thinking about the kind of person it may have helped mold me to be.
Today I feel isolated, knowing enough of history to see what's wrong
but so far from everything that anyone looks at or pays attention to make much difference.
So I have been watching it all fall apart and feel helpless to do much about it.

Yesterday, there was an online book salon that was hosting the author of a new book.
People log on and for a couplehours can chat with the author.
This author was James Risen who broke the story in 2005 for the New York Times
how the US gov was funneling online user data from the backdoor of AT&T.
When I got back online, I wrote a story, in haiku, even put it on the zappa forum
and other places hoping somebody who could do something might figure it out.
Years before Snowden, Risen went through hell to get that info out.
He is still hounded, subpoenaed to this day and still doesn't know how it will turn out.
Along with several others, we all got to ask questions and he answered well.
So, 1984 still causes ripples.

polydigm - 24-11-2014 at 03:06

"How did it go?" is a fairly ordinary everyday English phrase where the questioner is asking how a particular experience was for the questioned. Any type of experience. Reading, running, sleeping, swimming, any verb/experience you like. It's not a particularly Australian phrase.


Bonny: I started reading 1984.
... a fortnight passes by ...
Geoff: How did 1984 go?
Bonny: I got bored with it half way through and fed it to my dog.

BBP - 24-11-2014 at 10:40

Well, this is what got me to read it:

polydigm - 24-11-2014 at 14:15

I just got sucked in and watched that whole episode. I don't watch the show often but I always enjoy it when I do. It's so long ago that I tried reading 1984 that I can't remember whether I finished it or not. The other common one at school at the time was Brave New World and I can't remember if I finished that either.

BBP - 24-11-2014 at 15:48

I did read that one and watched the 1984 film at school. I'd bought the book some time ago and read the first page, with the intention to continue but lacking the energy - English is, after all, my second language and, although at school they were clever enough to teach sayings and idioms (reading French is much more difficult partly because of this), there's still an enormous gap when it comes to legal terms, jargon, technical terms that aren't IT etc.

My father was reading a book and stumbled on the phrase"pig iron" on the first page. I know that a pig is a mammal and iron is the chemical element Fe, but what is pig iron? (we looked it up now, no need to tell us it's ruw ijzer)
So, dictionary doesn't help (even the best ones have their limits) - it's off to Wikipedia. And then you're on the WWW already so you might as well check your e-mail and your farmville and before you know it it's midnight again. I'm not as susceptible to it, but still to a degree: Ulysses by James Joyce frequently uses "kip", not in the sense of sleep but with another meaning attached to it. It's distracting because "kip" is the Dutch word for chicken, and if you don't know the definition of kip all you can think of are chickens when you read that word.

BBP - 26-11-2014 at 23:36

Came down with a nasty cold, got a temperature.

BBP - 2-12-2014 at 13:07

Woke up to find I've won a prize with a crossword puzzle. It's a book with 100 iconic Dutch press photos.

polydigm - 3-12-2014 at 08:40

Hope your cold is better. I got good marks for all my courses and we're all just going out to celebrate. Finally I can relax for a little while.

BBP - 4-12-2014 at 17:25

Better enough for me to hit the town. I got a free roll of peppermint when I tried-tested spinach and garlic creamcheese.

Speaking of Creamcheese, Zappadan has started and the topic is rolling!

BBP - 10-12-2014 at 23:01

Tried to solve the christmas puzzle of the Dutch CIA and now I have a headache.

BBP - 11-12-2014 at 12:53

Tried my hand at solving it again and found two more puzzles. Out of 14.

BBP - 14-12-2014 at 15:04

I'm now at 11 out of 43 of the ciphers. You're allowed to seek help (but for the sake of sportivity don't use puzzle forums or work in teams of more than 4 people) but I can't think of anyone who could help.

polydigm - 19-12-2014 at 21:06

We arrived in Amsterdam yesterday morning to be greeted by people handing out flyers to warn people of some dangerous cocaine that had already killed three people. Welcome to Amsterdam!! Anyway, my wife and I ended up having a very enjoyable day there, all the way down to the smallest house in Amsterdam, which is the width of the front door. Our main activity was a visit to the Van Gogh Museum. It was very interesting to finally see all those originals painted by my favourite painter.

BBP - 19-12-2014 at 22:18

You're in Amsterdam? Great!
(Actually it's not cocaine: it's white heroin, but if you're like me you'll bring that flyer as an oddball souvenir)

BBP - 22-12-2014 at 22:05

Cal's thinking of closing down Unmod... and I must say the lack of activity is not exactly making me feel positive about the Goose either.

punknaynowned - 23-12-2014 at 08:29

Sorry I've not been around since they shut the cable off at the house.
It's a long sad story I don't want to retell tonight.
Currently at the the cafe downtown.
Saw a bunch of people I used to see regularly.
That's been nice.

It looks like it may be awhile before I get things turned back on again.
I will have to work a bunch and for awhile to get back to something that resembles 'normal' again...
Wish I had better news or at least something mildly interesting.

Hoping next year is better!

Peace and good wishes for all!!

BBP - 23-12-2014 at 11:28

Sorry to hear about your predicament, Punky... wishing you all the best!

BBP - 23-12-2014 at 17:25

Clipped my father's toenails today. It's even worse than it sounds. Grody to the max, I'm sure.

polydigm - 26-12-2014 at 22:30

Hey Ned, all the best.

Bonny, I did keep that flyer.

The problem was that the dealers involved were selling it as cocaine and the people buying it didn't realise what they were consuming.

We were only in Amsterdam for a day. Next time we'll stay longer.

Don't shut down down the Goose. This place is an oasis.

BBP - 27-12-2014 at 00:28

Yeah, it's a real bizarre case since white heroin is much more expensive than cocaine, so they think it's a serial killer.

BBP - 27-12-2014 at 12:15

Snowing here... another kind of white powder.Wish I didn't have to deliver junk mail now. Normally I have the Sunday paper as well, but it's not appearing today, so it's just junk that gets thrown away.

polydigm - 28-12-2014 at 11:00

Currently just having a fairly normal time for this time of year catching up with family and friends in England.

BBP - 28-12-2014 at 20:29

Sister wanted to take a picture of the snow, took one step outside and slipped. Bruised her ankle.

BBP - 29-12-2014 at 18:28

Walked for two hours to and from the seond-hand store. Nice day out.

BBP - 30-12-2014 at 12:31

Got hooked to Dir en grey's Chain Repulsion, only to find they just removed the video. Gunk.

polydigm - 30-12-2014 at 17:56

Off to Rome tomorrow amidst a plane crashing in the sea and another one having trouble with landing gear.

BBP - 31-12-2014 at 16:18

When I went to Portugal by plane in 1995, it was a Boeing 747 - the same type that crashed into an apartment block in Amsterdam in 1993 - it went to Faro, same airport as the ill-fated plane that crashed upon landing on Dec 21st 1992. It was a flight from the Martinair company - same company as the Faro crash. Was not happy. But got there safe and sound.

BBP - 1-1-2015 at 13:58

Started my new year with an upset stomach, threw up last night.

...And then you log on to and read the topic "Happy barfday, Gail". Hmm.

polydigm - 1-1-2015 at 20:41


BBP - 2-1-2015 at 15:25

Sour irony rather than bitter irony.

aquagoat - 3-1-2015 at 10:24

Well, well, well, what can I say? the end of 2014 was almost the end of my life, I must thank my "perhaps future ex-girlfriend" for cutting the rope that got me swinging in the doorway of the cellar. Spent a few days in hospital, came back home on Wednesday. End of the year, probably end of an eight year relationship, 2015 can't really be worse, can it? We'll see what tomorrow will bring, I'm sure it's gonna be pretty tough, at the beginning at least. Well that's that stupid thing we call life that we keep spreading around.:umm:

BBP - 3-1-2015 at 11:42

Goodness Aqua... Hang in there buddy!

aquagoat - 3-1-2015 at 12:42

I'll try, I'm pretty lost and scared, but I think the worst is behind me. It's just really hard to see all I'll probably have lost in a few days, we've decided to have a break, but we all know that 99.99% of the time "break" means "goodbye that doesn't say its name", who knows, maybe I'll be in the 0.01% category.:umm: I've now got a psychiatrist following my butt, perhaps it'll help.

Caputh - 3-1-2015 at 15:04

Worried to hear about your problems Aqua. The future may not look too bright now, but who knows what it will bring? Clichéd but probably true. Has the psychiatrist suggested any medication for your depression?

aquagoat - 3-1-2015 at 15:09

No medication yet, we'll have to discuss that when I see him (tuesday) but I definitely need something to make me sleep, I've barely slept 3 hours a night for about a month. It's not enough.

BBP - 3-1-2015 at 16:36

Poor fellow, that lack of sleep will definitely make you feel awful! My Learn To Sleep Better book by Chris Idzikovsky (not too sure about the spelling) names depression as a possible cause for sleep deprivation and says explicity you need to seek help then. Unfortunately sleep deprivation is also a cause for depression.

If you have problems beause you can't set your mind still, what might help is: get a little exercise book and spend 15 minutes every day thinking about all the stuff you want and writing it down, so it's out of your system by the time you need sleep. All other tips I can give you are straightforward: go to sleep at a set time and wake up at a set time, don't sleep during the day (unless it's a catnap at set time), don't do drugs, don't drink alcohol (it's a known depressant as well) and cut caffeine. A lot of people are addicted to caffeine: try not to have any at all for a day, and if you get a pounding headache, you've found what you need to cut back on.

aquagoat - 3-1-2015 at 17:50

thanks a lot for your advice BB, I've just started writing things down today to get it out of me (and maybe use it for something else later), I don' t do drugs, I don't drink much alcohol (only during the week-end, but I haven't drunk any since Saturday afternoon) and I'm gonna quit drinking coffee, I didn't drink coffee before I met my girlfriend and moved to the north of the country (where they're known for drinking a lot of coffee), this may help.

BBP - 3-1-2015 at 23:43

Poor guy, can't stop thinking about you... :forumsmiley8:

KAPTKIRK - 4-1-2015 at 01:46

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
thanks a lot for your advice BB, I've just started writing things down today to get it out of me (and maybe use it for something else later), I don' t do drugs, I don't drink much alcohol (only during the week-end, but I haven't drunk any since Saturday afternoon) and I'm gonna quit drinking coffee, I didn't drink coffee before I met my girlfriend and moved to the north of the country (where they're known for drinking a lot of coffee), this may help.

Smoke some herb mon. Put you where you wanna be...happy! Seriously, thats a bummer Goat. When you're invested and used to something being there and all of a sudden it's gone, can freak anyone out. But love is like spilled milk, you can cry over it or go out and get some want some mora? Right here on the floora? Maybe in Sonora? It's a tough pill to swallow, but go out and just make yourself available. By this time next year, it will all seem like a foolish bad joke. Don't try and fix it, it's broken, go out and get a new one, the old one would never hold anyway! It's a new year and a new start my friend. Your lucky! Your free at last, thank dog almighty you're free at last! Well, as free as you can be down in France. Stay positive, take a valium and get some sleep. Things will look better on the 'morrow.
We love ya man!

Calvin - 4-1-2015 at 02:36

Sorry to hear about your problems, Mr. Goat. Sounds like the worst is probably over, though!

aquagoat - 4-1-2015 at 09:11

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
thanks a lot for your advice BB, I've just started writing things down today to get it out of me (and maybe use it for something else later), I don' t do drugs, I don't drink much alcohol (only during the week-end, but I haven't drunk any since Saturday afternoon) and I'm gonna quit drinking coffee, I didn't drink coffee before I met my girlfriend and moved to the north of the country (where they're known for drinking a lot of coffee), this may help.

Smoke some herb mon. Put you where you wanna be...happy! Seriously, thats a bummer Goat. When you're invested and used to something being there and all of a sudden it's gone, can freak anyone out. But love is like spilled milk, you can cry over it or go out and get some want some mora? Right here on the floora? Maybe in Sonora? It's a tough pill to swallow, but go out and just make yourself available. By this time next year, it will all seem like a foolish bad joke. Don't try and fix it, it's broken, go out and get a new one, the old one would never hold anyway! It's a new year and a new start my friend. Your lucky! Your free at last, thank dog almighty you're free at last! Well, as free as you can be down in France. Stay positive, take a valium and get some sleep. Things will look better on the 'morrow.
We love ya man!
I tend to think you're right, but stupidly I feel it's a bit too early to start a new relationship but I think I won't stay alone too long, it's far too difficult, I really need someone beside me. First thing to do is find a place to go and start a "new" life.
Thank you all for your support and the kind words.

aquagoat - 4-1-2015 at 09:17

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Poor guy, can't stop thinking about you... :forumsmiley8:
yeah, kisses, thanks a lot BB.

aquagoat - 4-1-2015 at 09:18

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Sorry to hear about your problems, Mr. Goat. Sounds like the worst is probably over, though!

I hope so.

polydigm - 5-1-2015 at 00:19

My wife and I will be in the north of France in a couple of days time. I'll be thinking of you. Things will get back on track and the numbness will pass. All the best.

aquagoat - 5-1-2015 at 18:46

thanks a lot poly, hope you'll have a good time in the north.

BBP - 7-1-2015 at 16:59

Utterly shocked to hear of the attacks in Paris - hope you and Poly are allright... {hug}

aquagoat - 7-1-2015 at 18:09

yeah I heard about that today, I don't really know what to think about it yet, I haven't got enough information, but don't worry I have nothing to do in Paris.

BBP - 7-1-2015 at 18:28


Checked the Qu'ran for any relevant quotes. The copy I had lying around is in German and that's not too easy to interpret.
Then again, neither is the Qu'ran. The book is built of the direct sayings of Muhamad and as such is the most important holy book to Muslims (they also have the books of other prophets like Moses and Jesus as holy books, but because they're older they're tarnished). The earliest written copies of Muhamad's quotations were penned on palm leaves in the 9th century AD, still a few generations after Muhamad who died around 730 AD. At the time, Arabic didn't use any diacritical marks, you know those dots you can see in Arab writing? They denote important differences in pronounciation. It's possible that, over the course of the ages, the 72 Virgins thing actually is a deformation of the original 72 grapes.

polydigm - 9-1-2015 at 07:48

Nous sommes à Alençon. In France this thing is all over the tv all day - understandably I guess. Alençon is a fairly quiet town but yesterday evening the town square was packed with hundreds of people. These gunmen are nut cases, you won't find an explanation in the Koran.

BBP - 9-1-2015 at 10:31

That's a happy translation of the Qu´Ran. Muhamad was a warlord and a lot of the things he said were war speeches: that's what accounts for the contradicting texts: some preach peace and forgiving (One of Allah's names is the All Merciful), and others say "kill everyone who's not one of us". The same goes for alcohol usage: some sunna say you may drink a lot, others say you may not drink at all.
It's not easy to determine which he said at what time: sunna are ordered by length, not by age.

aquagoat - 10-1-2015 at 18:28

I moved to a workmate's house today, since the girlfriend and I have decided to have a break for awhile, I'll pay half he rent + extras, etc... the bedroom's a little creepy but it's big enough to put most of my vitally necessary stuff, so it's ok.:grin: Hope it'll turn out fine.

BBP - 10-1-2015 at 20:34

Sounds good!

aquagoat - 10-1-2015 at 23:53

hope so.

polydigm - 11-1-2015 at 16:49

Bonny, what I meant is that there a fruit loops who relish in violent acts who will adopt any cause that validates their hypocrisy. They're not what I call true believers. The current choice of violent madness is Jihad or whatever it's called and you'll probably find that the knowledge of nut cases of the religion they follow is paper thin. The christian bible is full of a similar amount of contradictory messages but that doesn't seem to have given rise in the modern world to an organisation committed to destroying anyone non christian. Yes there is a large following of some weird and wonderful religious fundamentalism in the USA but they're not suicide bombing anyone - yet.

polydigm - 11-1-2015 at 16:56

Anyway, we arrived in France and had breakfast and spent the morning in Caen early last wednesday morning and arrived in Alençon by midday to the news of the shootings in Paris. It has continued to be the very insistent background to our entire visit.

BBP - 11-1-2015 at 21:59

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Bonny, what I meant is that there a fruit loops who relish in violent acts who will adopt any cause that validates their hypocrisy. They're not what I call true believers. The current choice of violent madness is Jihad or whatever it's called and you'll probably find that the knowledge of nut cases of the religion they follow is paper thin. The christian bible is full of a similar amount of contradictory messages but that doesn't seem to have given rise in the modern world to an organisation committed to destroying anyone non christian. Yes there is a large following of some weird and wonderful religious fundamentalism in the USA but they're not suicide bombing anyone - yet.

Surely you may remember the IRA, ETA, RAF... Aum Shinrikyo (committed the sarin attack on Tokyo subways in 1995) is sort of Christian... there's the International Sikh Youth Foundation... Irish National Liberation Army, Irish People's National Liberation Army, PKK, Kangleipak Communist Party, Maoist Communist Centre of India, Loyalist Volunteer Force...

BBP - 13-1-2015 at 14:13

Sounds like we won't be getting Charlie Hebdo out here. Only 500 copies out of the 3 million printed will be sent to NL.

polydigm - 16-1-2015 at 13:33

Yes, the problems in Northern Ireland continued into modern times, but although sides were grouped according to religion on the surface, the original real reasons for the difficulties go back to the Anglo-Norman intervention of Ireland in 1167. Members of the IRA were Irish and fighting for their own independence. Okay, the situation in Northern Ireland is complicated by the fact that even amongst the Irish, there is disagreement about how to resolve the situation, but given the presence of English armed forces maintaining what many see as foreign oppression, the situation is much more complicated and fundamentally different than a bunch of religious fanatics believing the whole world must subjugated to their religion and roaming the planet murdering relatively innocent people.

My point is that psychos often attach themselves to causes as a "valid" release for their own sick fantasies. This applies to any movement that uses violence, including the IRA.

BBP - 16-1-2015 at 18:28

Heard today there was another hostage taking in Paris - news said it was a confused man with love troubles.

You okay Aqua?

aquagoat - 17-1-2015 at 10:51

:lol: Hahaha, no it's not me, don't worry, I'm not gonna kill anyone, I'm at my workmate's house having coffee. Feeling pretty okay, talked to my psychiatrist yesterday, it was pretty interesting, I'm in a more positive mood now in spite of the difficulty of the situation, I'm pretty confident I'l get out of it. So no killling from me.:lol:

polydigm - 17-1-2015 at 11:33

I considered making a joke there Aqua, but I'm always putting my big foot in my mouth, so I'll keep it to myself. Good to hear you're making progress. I imagine, being a guitarist myself, that playing helps a lot as well. My music has often taken me out of a down period.

aquagoat - 17-1-2015 at 12:31

yeah, I play quite a lot, it keeps my mind and hands busy. i'll probably make somethig with all those riffs and parts written everywhere some day.

BBP - 17-1-2015 at 14:38

That's gonna be great! If the shadows of the Zappa Forum band wasn't such a cast-over I'd consider starting a group here.

Piano playing really helped me a lot when I had broken my ankle - I couldn't leave the house on my own and didn't get many visitors, was alone for twelve hours each day. The most interesting thing I'd seen in the first week was a squirrel - the most interesting thing I'd seen in the second week was a car that lost its exhaust in front of my door. I was happy when, after the first week, I was finally able to make it up the stairs scuffling on my butt. I couldn't yet walk on crutches and bringing my walking rack up was too much of a hassle, so I basically crawled upstairs to my CD-player. And then I started playing keyboard again, really playing, hours on end.

BBP - 21-1-2015 at 14:53

Out on a cleaning spree today - decided to try to stay on top of it before I have to get into one of them multi-week cleaning sessions again.

aquagoat - 21-1-2015 at 18:55

well, there'll be no more Us, there's only me now. :(

KAPTKIRK - 21-1-2015 at 23:36

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
well, there'll be no more Us, there's only me now. :(

Hi Aquagoat! Just popped over to see how your doin'? So, you're on your own and fancy free. Thats a good thing, it's always fun to run the show yourself. Ya know now ya can come and go without having to "check out & in" and that stuff. You can do things your way and not get a guilt trip laid on ya for doing it.
Well, you know music is the best, so thats what I'd be doing if my hand didn't have permanent nerve damage. It even hurts to play the piano! My rt. thumb & forefinger are tingly and numb and I'm rt. handed.
I'm glad you seem to be handling (the breakup?) as well as ya are. Time will heal ya, it just takes time...d'oh! Darn time! Stay crazy my friend. ;)

polydigm - 22-1-2015 at 03:36

Back in OZ in shorts and a teeshirt.

BBP - 22-1-2015 at 14:11

Sorry to hear that Aqua... here's a hug! {}

aquagoat - 22-1-2015 at 22:37

Thanks for the hug, bonny... well, perhaps it's better that way.:umm:

aquagoat - 22-1-2015 at 22:42

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
well, there'll be no more Us, there's only me now. :(

Hi Aquagoat! Just popped over to see how your doin'? So, you're on your own and fancy free. Thats a good thing, it's always fun to run the show yourself. Ya know now ya can come and go without having to "check out & in" and that stuff. You can do things your way and not get a guilt trip laid on ya for doing it.
Well, you know music is the best, so thats what I'd be doing if my hand didn't have permanent nerve damage. It even hurts to play the piano! My rt. thumb & forefinger are tingly and numb and I'm rt. handed.
I'm glad you seem to be handling (the breakup?) as well as ya are. Time will heal ya, it just takes time...d'oh! Darn time! Stay crazy my friend. ;)
Yeah, music is the best, I'm gonna concentrate on that, I think, as soon as I've got a new home, and find a new girlfriend a bit later.:)

polydigm - 24-1-2015 at 01:30

Hang in there Aqua. I've got all kinds of advice that ends up looking real corny as soon as I write it down. The main thing: be yourself and don't let anyone else try to change you unless that change suits you as well. Don't just change to please someone else.

BBP - 24-1-2015 at 21:29

Had snow today, got to deliver papers in that...

polydigm - 24-1-2015 at 23:22

I'm back in Adelaide summer and even though, due to the current neutral state of the ENSO cycle, which involves El Nino and La Nina effects caused by various major ocean currents, it's a mild one, I would still prefer to be in English/French winter. I'm lucky it's not one of our extreme summers. I'm not sure how I would cope with it if it was.

We returned last Tuesday to low thirties temperatures but it's since settled down to mid twenties which is not too bad.

aquagoat - 25-1-2015 at 09:01

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hang in there Aqua. I've got all kinds of advice that ends up looking real corny as soon as I write it down. The main thing: be yourself and don't let anyone else try to change you unless that change suits you as well. Don't just change to please someone else.
thank you for the advice, Poly.

BBP - 25-1-2015 at 23:57

Any tips for total losers like me Poly?

polydigm - 26-1-2015 at 05:36

My first bit of advice to you Bonny is to stop being so self deprecating. Who or what has made you feel that way?

BBP - 26-1-2015 at 10:21

Been single since 2007, when I had a relationship for less than four months, the only one I had to date, and now when I meet new family they start getting worried about me not getting any children...

BBP - 26-1-2015 at 16:45

Took over a year of searching, but I finally found a pair of shoes that fit, that actually have a decent sole, that don't have high heels and that are actually designed for women. Yay!

polydigm - 26-1-2015 at 23:39

I had a series of failed relationships until the age of thirty five (never simultaneously - I'm a monogamist at heart). By that stage I was resigned to being a bachelor. I had been living alone for a long time and was very happy being my own person. Yes, when alone I missed female company, but I wasn't going to have it at the expense of being myself. A partner should enhance your life not diminish it or make it difficult to be yourself, which is also a reason not to search for your clone. You already have yourself in your life and you would be much better off with someone with a different skill set (a poor abbreviation of a much more complicated point - two heads are better than one but not if they're the same head). I'm sure you don't only like people exactly the same as yourself.

At the age of thirty five when I first met my wife, I wasn't looking for a partner, it just happened. I'm not a very easy person to live with but I've been lucky to find someone who accepts me as I am. We are dependent on, and independent from, each other in equal measure. Remember that whoever it is you think you're looking for, you have to be the person they are looking for. Step one is to know who you are yourself, to maximise that person and have the courage of your convictions.

DED - 27-1-2015 at 18:24

snow in Boston 37 cm ??

Attachment: Stien1006.jpg (41kB)
This file has been downloaded 388 times

aquagoat - 27-1-2015 at 19:21

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I had a series of failed relationships until the age of thirty five (never simultaneously - I'm a monogamist at heart). By that stage I was resigned to being a bachelor. I had been living alone for a long time and was very happy being my own person. Yes, when alone I missed female company, but I wasn't going to have it at the expense of being myself. A partner should enhance your life not diminish it or make it difficult to be yourself, which is also a reason not to search for your clone. You already have yourself in your life and you would be much better off with someone with a different skill set (a poor abbreviation of a much more complicated point - two heads are better than one but not if they're the same head). I'm sure you don't only like people exactly the same as yourself.

At the age of thirty five when I first met my wife, I wasn't looking for a partner, it just happened. I'm not a very easy person to live with but I've been lucky to find someone who accepts me as I am. We are dependent on, and independent from, each other in equal measure. Remember that whoever it is you think you're looking for, you have to be the person they are looking for. Step one is to know who you are yourself, to maximise that person and have the courage of your convictions.
These two points are extremely important, I think, that's what we found when my girlfriend and I met, we were very different but we accepted each other as we were, that's why it was so great the first five years, then routine interfered ... Now I hope it's not gonna be too long before I found someone like that again.

KAPTKIRK - 28-1-2015 at 02:40

There will come a time when everyone will have a lover that loves them as much as they love them.

BBP - 28-1-2015 at 17:35

Hit the town today, am freezing. There's a local cheepo books & crafts shop that has taken to sell stuff to make condolance cards. Weirdest stuff I've seen in a long time, silver and gold "our deepest sympathies" stickers.

BBP - 29-1-2015 at 17:52

Whoa, how long's it been? I finally managed to find women's shoes that fit in a Schoenenreus in Geldrop on Tuesday, the day after, as I'm about to leave the house I hear they had to shut down, and today the chain's declared bankrupt.

BBP - 3-2-2015 at 12:59

Went to my blind friend in Utrecht yesterday, we'd arranged to meet at 12:00 and go to the cinema at 14:30. I woke up about an hour early so I'd have time to do some PC stuff, but ceased that, sent an emergeny mail to Hedda and ran off to try and catch a train. Utrecht is the central big city of the Netherlands and as such the core for all train traffic - and there was a massive technical problem, so no train could enter or leave.
At 9:10 I arrived at the train station of Eindhoven - which would mean that at 10:30 I'd be on Utrecht Central - but all travellers to Utrecht were advised to go to Rotterdam. That's an hour and a half of travel extra, not including waiting for trains.

Fast forward to Rotterdam - I spoke to one aide who told me to give up. Of course he should have told me to give up when I was still in Eindhoven, not in Rotterdam. I almost called my friend to cancel, but decided to go for a second opinion - and that guy told me to travel to Rotterdam Alexander station, from there buses go to Gouda and from there I could take the bus to Utrecht.

Had to wait for 40 minutes for the train to Alexander - where I arrived after ten minutes and got in the bus to Gouda. My seat was broken, so I couldn't rest my back. D'oh.
In Gouda I got onto a disco bus with cute lights, but unfortunately during this trip I got very seasick.
Finally, at 14:10, I arrived in Utrecht Central, and from there I could walk the rest to my friend. We had to give up on the cinema but it was very cosy all the same. She currently has 2 pianos.

aquagoat - 3-2-2015 at 18:39

the joys of travelling by train. lol.;)

BBP - 3-2-2015 at 20:38

Here's the thing: she has a new and a very old piano - the old one is untunable, but very dear to her - she'll give it away to a friend but it'll be some time before that friend can fit it in, so my friend has had two pianos in her home for over a year now.

The old one cannot be tuned, and the new one she gets tuned twice a year - in fact she has a contract with Bechstein for this maintenance. Both my friend with absolute hearing and her piano tuner noticed the new Bechstein got unusually badly out of key for a brand new instrument - at the same time my friend notices the old one gets a little more into key. Is that possible?

aquagoat - 5-2-2015 at 16:55

I started packing my stuff, threw quite a lot of stuff to the garbage can, gave a few things away, just one or two more trips to my former home and it should be all packed and ready to move in my new flat. It's a weird feeling going back to your house after one month of absence, some details are really difficult to stand. :umm:

BBP - 6-2-2015 at 13:17

Poor Aqua,good luck!

aquagoat - 7-2-2015 at 08:40

Thank you, Bonny.:)

BBP - 7-2-2015 at 16:05

Got to deliver again, could time me at 2 hours 15 minutes.

aquagoat - 8-2-2015 at 00:16

Is it better or worse than your average time?

BBP - 8-2-2015 at 12:49

It's hard to put an average time on it since the amount of things I deliver varies from time to time - this time I could bring everything in one go but often I have to go back for the rest.

polydigm - 10-2-2015 at 12:21

My wife and I back in the UK. Almost two weeks ago one of my wife's aunts died, which was sad, but we were expecting it because she had cancer and was very ill. A day later my wife's mother had a massive stroke and died soon after in hospital, which was almost totally unexpected. We are here to help with the family and attend the two funerals. It's been exhausting only two weeks after returning form international travel.

BBP - 10-2-2015 at 16:17

Goodness, Poly... that's a lot for your wife and the family to cope with, poor dear... My sincere condolances to you...

aquagoat - 10-2-2015 at 18:55

My sincere condolences to you and your wife, Poly, that's really sad news.

polydigm - 11-2-2015 at 08:21

Thanks Bonny and Aqua. We're bearing up.

BBP - 12-2-2015 at 17:36

News in my inbox this morning Dir en grey are playing Eindhoven in May. Rushed to buy a ticket, already too late for the first buyers meet & greet but I am going all the same. So today I'm experiencing pleasure overload!

Caputh - 12-2-2015 at 21:07

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
My wife and I back in the UK. Almost two weeks ago one of my wife's aunts died, which was sad, but we were expecting it because she had cancer and was very ill. A day later my wife's mother in law had a massive stroke and died soon after in hospital, which was almost totally unexpected. We are here to help with the family and attend the two funerals. It's been exhausting only two weeks after returning form international travel.

Very sorry to hear about the deaths in your family, Poly. It must be a trying time for you both.
However, I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but wouldn't your wife's mother-in-law be your mother? Or was your wife married before and you both kept up contact with her ex-husband's family?

polydigm - 13-2-2015 at 10:46

Yes, I'm an idiot. I had started by writing "my mother in law" and then changed it too hastily. I've edited the original post. Thanks for your concern.

My wife's name is Julie. Julie's dad has two sisters. It was his youngest sister that died. He has three children, she has four and the other sister has six, which is thirteen cousins on that side of the family. Several are married with several children and there are some great grand children in there as well. In contrast I grew up in Australia in a family of five. Julie finds all those relatives a bit claustrophobic, which I get, but I grew up in a very compact family which was very claustrophobic for me. Grand parents, aunts and uncles and cousins can provide you with different perspectives on your own immediate family that I missed out on. I've been kind of making up for it spending time with my French relatives which is a similar situation to Julie's.

The aunt's funeral was yesterday and so as you can imagine there were lots of people there. It went well. We're now preparing for Julie's mum's funeral next week. It's still a bit unreal.

Caputh - 13-2-2015 at 22:45

You're not an idiot - everybody mistypes now and again. I can understand your wife finding things a little claustrophobic vis a vis family matters. I used to have a grandmother (from New Zealand) who was the Archbishop of Claustrophobia. She used to spin little "amusing" tales, play family members off against each other, invent stories etc, etc. Plus, she used to have dogs that you had to take out for a "pull".
When she was alive, I was the one "stood up to her". Now, I regret having stood up to her and yearn for the good old claustrophobia of yonder year.
Anyway, all he best to you...

polydigm - 14-2-2015 at 01:21

This time not a typo, but a misunderstanding about numbers of children. Thirteen cousins not ten.

Hey Bonny, my post doesn't show that I edited it. A new feature?

BBP - 14-2-2015 at 08:47

Yeah, turns out you can switch it off. I always thought it was a bit of a nuisiance.

polydigm - 15-2-2015 at 10:26

Sounds good, just don't let The Trendmonger in here. :lol:

BBP - 15-2-2015 at 11:56

:D Fortunately he wouldn't come here if you paid him.

BBP - 18-2-2015 at 01:55

Writing an article about Eindhoven, spent hours today making photos.

polydigm - 19-2-2015 at 10:55

The funerals have passed and we're heading back home on the weekend. My next ordeal is major surgery early in March. 2015 is already well off to an auspicious start.

BBP - 19-2-2015 at 11:25

Goodness Poly... that's a trying time to be in. Be strong!

BBP - 19-2-2015 at 11:43

Just heard Oliver Sacks has terminal cancer... :(

BBP - 21-2-2015 at 12:45

All go now at the Zappa forum, this time with KUIII. Poor guy...

polydigm - 24-2-2015 at 00:55

To what are you referring Bonny? I see a post from earlier in February about his flatmate, but nothing else of concern.

BBP - 24-2-2015 at 19:56

Yah his flatmate... can imagine that's quite a shock. He's on my ignore list, I'm not sure why, so it took me a while to notice.

I'm still making photos of Eindhoven and writing a little guide of the city, hope it's finished by March since I keep thinking of things I really need to include.

polydigm - 24-2-2015 at 21:43

Why did you have him on ignore?

BBP - 25-2-2015 at 17:31

I don't know, possibly politics, possibly an argument that got out of hand, possibly because of an oversized sig pic.

polydigm - 25-2-2015 at 23:49

I remember thinking some time ago that he was a bit of a redneck so I'm pretty sure your objections would have been political. I can't remember exactly what bothered me about him but his opinions are a bit like pedro's only maybe not as backward. He seems like a nice enough guy but I probably couldn't be real world friends with someone like that without arguing all the time.

BBP - 26-2-2015 at 10:49

Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?

aquagoat - 26-2-2015 at 18:16

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?
I don't think so.;-)

BBP - 27-2-2015 at 19:23

Aren't you nice and positive! :bald:
Sister's come round to visit today and I phoned my friend last night. They're both doing very well, great!

polydigm - 28-2-2015 at 01:33

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?
What I meant was that his opinions are different enough to mine for us not to be able to be compatible friends. He's a very conservative American.

polydigm - 28-2-2015 at 01:35

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?
I don't think so.;-)
I get your joke. ;)

aquagoat - 28-2-2015 at 21:41

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?
I don't think so.;-)
I get your joke. ;)

And now for something completely different, Today I moved into my new flat and I've already got the internet. Now i'm having a glass of 10 years old Talisker with a bit of fried chicken and potatoes, listening to Monsters & Robots. That's pretty cool. Still a lot of cleaning to do though, but it's ok, there's enough room to cram all my stuff into, it's quiet, I feel pretty lucky, actually.:forumsmiley111:

aquagoat - 28-2-2015 at 21:44

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Aren't you nice and positive! :bald:
Sister's come round to visit today and I phoned my friend last night. They're both doing very well, great!
I'm always nice and positive, bonny.;-)
It's cool your sister and your friend are doing great.:)

BBP - 28-2-2015 at 22:02

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?
I don't think so.;-)
I get your joke. ;)

(runs off to feel stupid)

aquagoat - 2-3-2015 at 18:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Some people seem to argue for the sake of arguing, don't they?
I don't think so.;-)
I get your joke. ;)

(runs off to feel stupid)
don't! ;)

BBP - 3-3-2015 at 11:53

Dental appointment in one hour...

polydigm - 3-3-2015 at 16:22

I take a couple of valium before visiting the dentist.

BBP - 3-3-2015 at 17:12

My dentist is a nice man who usually has good news, so usually hairdresser appointments freak me out more.

polydigm - 4-3-2015 at 00:03

Long periods of time with my mouth jammed open getting my teeth descaled are hardly freak outs, but they're very trying and a sedative enables me to care less.

BBP - 4-3-2015 at 20:31

Yah descaling is no fun... fortunately I'm usually done in a snip, but when my father had a major procedure he had pretty bad neck pain that needed chiropractor's assistance.

aquagoat - 7-3-2015 at 23:11

I've just shaven my hair, it's a weird sensation having a bald skull after 17 years of long hair. :freak:

BBP - 8-3-2015 at 12:15

I can imagine that... Do you like how it looks? :bald:

aquagoat - 8-3-2015 at 12:34

Well, it's not as bad as I remembered (I already shaved my head when I was 22), actually I don't really know if I like it or not, I'm not used to this new look yet, but I think I'm gonna stay that way for a while. :)

hey, I look a bit like that, only a bit younger:

so you decide: good or bad?

BBP - 8-3-2015 at 19:36

If you're getting cold, let me know and I'll drop a hat in the mail!

Just finished a knit-crochet jumper. I measured the sleeve length but they turned out to be too long anyway. :mad:

aquagoat - 9-3-2015 at 17:55

That would be nice. It's ok for now but if it gets too cold I'll let you know.;-)

BBP - 9-3-2015 at 22:11

In the mean time, we're partying over the departure of Dutch secretary of justice Ivo Opstelten and secretary of state Fred Teeven.

polydigm - 11-3-2015 at 14:50

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Today I moved into my new flat and I've already got the internet. Now i'm having a glass of 10 years old Talisker with a bit of fried chicken and potatoes, listening to Monsters & Robots. That's pretty cool. Still a lot of cleaning to do though, but it's ok, there's enough room to cram all my stuff into, it's quiet, I feel pretty lucky, actually.:forumsmiley111:
Good News!

polydigm - 11-3-2015 at 14:54

Hey Aqua, so that picture is not you? I often cut my hair quite short. I use a number 2 clipper in Summer. I've often wondered what it would be like to shave my head.

polydigm - 11-3-2015 at 14:56

Day six in hospital just ending. It's been a roller coaster ride but I should be home by the weekend.

BBP - 11-3-2015 at 16:19

Are you allright Poly?

aquagoat - 11-3-2015 at 18:11

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey Aqua, so that picture is not you? I often cut my hair quite short. I use a number 2 clipper in Summer. I've often wondered what it would be like to shave my head.
no, it's Christoph Waltz in The Zero Theorem, but I actually look quite a lot like that right now, just a bit younger.:D you should try shaving your head, it's a weird sensation in the beginning, but it's quite funny.

BBP - 11-3-2015 at 20:24

Primus now has a show in Utrecht on the 16th, two weeks after Diru.

BBP - 14-3-2015 at 00:43

Had to visit my sister in a bit of a rush today, she was having a bit of a crisis.

punknaynowned - 14-3-2015 at 21:05

I love that they are calling this pi day, as in
happens only once a century...

BBP - 14-3-2015 at 22:39

Will be a riot at 9:26...

aquagoat - 15-3-2015 at 11:11

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had to visit my sister in a bit of a rush today, she was having a bit of a crisis.
What's wrong, if you don't mind my asking? I hope she'll get better soon.

BBP - 15-3-2015 at 11:27

Hard to explain.

Enjoying lazy Sunday with a back ache.

punknaynowned - 17-3-2015 at 05:30

This was sent to me today.

BBP - 17-3-2015 at 11:27

That looks like a wonderful volume!

polydigm - 17-3-2015 at 12:45

Yes Bonny I'm okay. Came home last Friday March 13th. It's a long road yet but the operation was a success.

aquagoat - 17-3-2015 at 20:53

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hard to explain.
No problem.:)

BBP - 18-3-2015 at 01:59

She needs a bit of regularity in life, as in sleep. Sleep deprivation got her bad.

aquagoat - 19-3-2015 at 17:57

Ha, I understand. I hope she'll get better soon.

BBP - 19-3-2015 at 23:40

She called today, she's much better. We both suffer from periodical migraine with many of the not-so-well-known symptoms of migraine, recommended to her to start using a calendar.

aquagoat - 21-3-2015 at 07:52

ha, migraine, it's a real pain, I had a workmate who regularly had migraines, he had to go back home and stay in the dark for hours, you could see sometimes he hadn't slept a lot at night because of that. I'm glad your sister's feeling better.

BBP - 22-3-2015 at 00:05

I don't have the headaches and the visions much, but my poor sister does have them.

polydigm - 24-3-2015 at 15:03

I have about ten migraines per annum. Starts with kaleidoscopic vision followed by all kinds of weird symptoms which last a couple of hours and ends up with sudden massive pain which lasts a couple of hours. I'm usually okay after about five to six hours, but I can still feel the residue of it for a couple of days afterwards.

BBP - 24-3-2015 at 22:10

Poly: Have you read Oliver Sachs's book on migraine? Was an interesting read but it did give me a headache.

Had a bit of a spell today but that was just me going to bed way too late.

polydigm - 28-3-2015 at 10:58

That's very funny if that was intended to be a joke. No, I haven't read Oliver Sachs's book. I'm 59 and I've been getting migraines since I was 13. None of the usual medications seems to work and then recently a locum doctor recommended that I see a neurologist, which I will be doing soon.

BBP - 28-3-2015 at 12:32

One of the things Sacks describes in his book that one nasty thing about migraine is there's no medication, and that if you cure one symptom, the patient might/will get another. He describes that he's seen two male patients getting migraine from ejaculation. That's one for the category "it could've been worse".

Very interested in what your neurologist could tell you.

aquagoat - 28-3-2015 at 20:53

"getting migraine from ejaculation" ???? wow, poor guys.:umm:

BBP - 29-3-2015 at 13:14

Among the alleviating actions he does list vomiting, and a power nap. Some of his patients never get a headache if they go to sleep by the time they see the swirls.

BBP - 29-3-2015 at 14:13

Just read the updates on Philo's thread...
dear god...

polydigm - 31-3-2015 at 09:46

At least I have a significant chance of being cured of my difficulties. Recently had a relative die of cancer - it was not pretty at the end.

polydigm - 2-4-2015 at 00:03

Saw the neurologist yesterday. He's convinced that my Migraines are just that and definitely not some type of epilepsy. The type of my Migraine is Migraine with Aura, one of the less common types.

BBP - 2-4-2015 at 01:21

That's good. I had a blackout at the funfair last year (and looking at video footage of the ride is something I really shouldn't do) and I hope it never ever happens again.

KAPTKIRK - 4-4-2015 at 10:42

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I remember thinking some time ago that he was a bit of a redneck so I'm pretty sure your objections would have been political. I can't remember exactly what bothered me about him but his opinions are a bit like pedro's only maybe not as backward. He seems like a nice enough guy but I probably couldn't be real world friends with someone like that without arguing all the time.

KUIII's a nice guy but brought up like a "good ol boy". He's also a concert going friend of mine, we've shared rooms, gas and all that. His political views are like Poly sez... redneck, but not like Pedro's! I'm tryin' to change KUIII's perspective and he's receptive to new ideas. Not your ordinary redneck. He's a seeker, that was raised and educated in a place not fit for seekers of the truth. It makes him very frustrated that he can agree with us but we can't disagree with him. He doesn't even see it, ya know?

I'm so sorry for all the deaths in your family Poly, but at our age, it's to be expected. It doesn't make it any easier. I lost my last really close friend last year and there's a big hole in my heart, fer sure. Hate it! I miss her!
I got me. Thats it. You still have young family around.

I haven't had any relations alive for years now. Sorta nice that way, they don't die. They already have.
What I wouldn't give for a non judgemental friend right now close by or at my side.

Sorry, I forgot to ask about you Agua, how are you and things doing now?

And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to BONNY! The real pride and joy @! May your goose never be cooked! :wink:

aquagoat - 4-4-2015 at 13:29

Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  

Sorry, I forgot to ask about you Agua, how are you and things doing now?
I'm fine, feeling much better since I moved in my new home, there's lots of stuff to do in here, that keeps me busy.:)

BBP - 4-4-2015 at 18:27

Thanks Kirk!

Glad you're feeling better Aqua! {hug}

KAPTKIRK - 5-4-2015 at 00:15

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by KAPTKIRK  

Sorry, I forgot to ask about you Agua, how are you and things doing now?
I'm fine, feeling much better since I moved in my new home, there's lots of stuff to do in here, that keeps me busy.:)

That sounds great Aqua, glad to hear it!

BBP - 5-4-2015 at 19:52

Hope you're all having a great Easter!

BBP - 8-4-2015 at 12:24

That was a fun Easter. Sadly ruined by my sister's absent-mindedness. She lost her traffic card and we couldn't find it in time, so now we're searching all over the house for it.

BBP - 9-4-2015 at 21:42

Hmmm... apparently research indicates that plucking out hairs may stimulate hair growth. :bald:

aquagoat - 10-4-2015 at 15:18

ha, too late, I've just shaven mine again.:umm:

BBP - 11-4-2015 at 20:48


Did my route today. Spring is really coming up!

polydigm - 12-4-2015 at 15:58

Thanks for your thoughts Kirk.

I'm still struggling a bit healing from my surgery. I've missed a lot of tutorials and the associated benefit, but luckily now we're on mid semester break. Two weeks to catch up on lecture recordings and exercises and hopefully by the end of that I'll be ready to return to the fray.

BBP - 13-4-2015 at 22:23

Sorry to hear that Poly, hope you'll recover soon!

A man was shot dead in Eindhoven last night, possibly a liquidation. His name and age check out - it seems like I went to school with him. He was a year younger than me but we've been in a combined group a few years.

punknaynowned - 15-4-2015 at 21:22

xox for yer lovely elegant elephant :lol:

BBP - 16-4-2015 at 01:43

Happy birthday Dad!

aquagoat - 16-4-2015 at 16:32

Happy birthday DED.:bouncy:

polydigm - 17-4-2015 at 10:41

Ditto DED!!

BBP - 17-4-2015 at 16:30

He's now suffering old record love since the Earth & Fire drummer died.

punknaynowned - 18-4-2015 at 19:28

Happy (belated) Birthday, Ed!

BBP - 19-4-2015 at 17:59

PSV Eindhoven is football champion of The Netherlands. Town centre is erupting.

BBP - 21-4-2015 at 23:15

The party atmosphere died down sooner than expected. An amateur football team from Nuenen became champions in their league the day after and were celebrating by riding a party bicycle. That's basically a large table that is pedalled by the people sitting on the sides of it (usually hooked up to beer) and a driver in front. The party bicycle got trapped on a railway crossing and the unfortunate team had to run for their lives. One had an injury and didn't make it.

Had to search for one for three years (since my visit to Paris), but I've finally got a baguette baking form!
Unfortunately the form won't stand heat over 200 degs and all the recipes I've found so far (I'm looking for recipes in French as I don't want anything that could even remotely be contaminated by Dutch "taste") require hotter ovens than that.

BBP - 22-4-2015 at 21:30

Heard today of an Eindhoven couple who found a dead mouse in their bread. Saw photos and video, shouldn't have done that. Showed it to my father, and now he doesn't feel well either.

BBP - 25-4-2015 at 11:23

Aaaanyway... another day, another batch of papers awaiting delivery...

aquagoat - 26-4-2015 at 05:48

yeah, I want my papers, quick, so I can start a fire and cook sausages for lunch..:D

DED - 26-4-2015 at 11:21

Wasn't around here for a while, but thanks for your congrats regarding my b-day. To store our wacky bicycles on the ceiling i asked for years for a bycycle lift. Then suddenly BBP came home with one. For over 6 months it was stored in in the box, BBP was complaining. He was asking for it for years and now he has one, and he won't use it. In december BBP was clever and wrapped the lift in as an end of year (Sint Nicolas) present. In april 4 monts after Sint Nicolas it was still in the box. My wishlist no1 was a Bicycle lift (Joke). But the other daughter misunderstood this and bought 2 new ones. I have 3 now and finally mounted the first one.

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BBP - 27-4-2015 at 15:44

Baked baguettes today. Got slight burn out of it but the bread's great!

BBP - 27-4-2015 at 21:01

And here's what it looks like!

Attachment: baguette.jpg (141kB)
This file has been downloaded 378 times

aquagoat - 28-4-2015 at 16:52

lunch tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

BBP - 28-4-2015 at 21:01

Oh dude that bread was SO good! Totally worth the hand pain from kneading!

DED - 29-4-2015 at 16:11

The zither I bought on a auction togeher with a radio, box camera's and an extra radio/turntable combination. had a nasty crack. Today I repaired it. You can see the crack just left of the name and on the right sight a little above.

Attachment: PICT0068small.jpg (137kB)
This file has been downloaded 380 times

aquagoat - 29-4-2015 at 17:40

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh dude that bread was SO good! Totally worth the hand pain from kneading!
ha, I'd like to try that one day, making my own bread, I've already made my own pasta , my own pizza but I've never tried to make bread.

BBP - 30-4-2015 at 11:58

I used this recipe:

aquagoat - 30-4-2015 at 19:18

I'll have to try that as soon as I've got my own oven, thanks for sharing BB.

polydigm - 1-5-2015 at 09:41

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
... BBP was complaining. He was asking for it for years and now he has one, and he won't use it.
Don't tell me, you always wanted a son ...

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
... My wishlist no1 was a Bicycle lift (Joke). But the other daughter misunderstood this and bought 2 new ones. I have 3 now and finally mounted the first one.
That's too funny for words.

BBP - 1-5-2015 at 21:35

That may be true but with that "he" Dad was referring to himself. :)

BBP - 5-5-2015 at 07:14

Have a temporary job building at the book fair. Fun but painful.

polydigm - 5-5-2015 at 15:33

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
That may be true but with that "he" Dad was referring to himself. :)
I read it again and now it makes sense.

BBP - 6-5-2015 at 21:37

Job at the book fair has left me injured - very painful wrist. At one point I damaged a fingernail that's now bleeding and quite a bit about it is breaking off. The combination meant I had to give up shifting books and I got to start sweeping. Typing, piano, knitting are all hard.

BBP - 9-5-2015 at 18:44

Wrist is still troubling... :(

polydigm - 11-5-2015 at 11:51

Has anyone ever referred to you as accident prone Bonny? Hope it gets better soon.

I'm getting better but I've ended dropping out altogether this semester. I ended up missing too much to be able to catch up. The good news is that I can still proceed with my second semester courses, so at least it's not setting me back an entire year. I still have access to course notes and I'm continuing to work on stuff that will be good preparation for what comes next.

I've been taking the opportunity to spend more time on my music and I've been working hard at the piano as well as the guitar.

BBP - 11-5-2015 at 18:43

Sorry to hear about that, Poly, hope you're in good health now...

My wrist is feeling a little better, the swelling has decreased but it's still cracking a little.

punknaynowned - 13-5-2015 at 15:33

I washed dishes for about 5 years last decade. Lots of constant rotary motion for my wrists. Lots of quick motion and activity picking up multiple dishes bewteen my fingers, loading up glass racks, etc. Soon after I started, my wrists started audibly cracking.

It never hurt. But they did feel tight. So off work and while there I was constantly rotating my wrists as if I was undoing the rotary motion that generated the tightness. All day they'd get wound and the rest of the day I'd unwind them til that became unsconscious. Especially my right hand. After I quit washing dishes in time the sensation lessened. It's not ever gone away completely but it's also never hurt exactly. With my luck it's probably primed me for arthritis or since I drink so much coffee for gout.:duh:

Sorry to hear about your pains. I would think that your time at playing video games might prepare you for what you're doing now.

punknaynowned - 13-5-2015 at 15:33

AT&T said the new hookup was ten times faster and blahblah

Today it is slow and hiccups, with delays before posting and then double posts. Same sort of glitches even with gmail.:umm:

BBP - 13-5-2015 at 19:27

It even hurt when I typed or used the touchpad. But it's entirely gone now.
Two days ago I recorded the sound of my wrist moving. It sounds like footsteps in fresh snow.

All of The Netherlands had web loading issues today. It even was on the news.

punknaynowned - 13-5-2015 at 23:29

Nice poetic description. My back would make sounds like that when I stretched. Still does. Glad to hear you're feeling better.

And oh, interesting. I was thinking AT&T the server here was throttling speeds on the internet. I expect them to at some point even though there is legislation passed to prevent that.

polydigm - 14-5-2015 at 16:53

I have a permanent break in my right wrist. The lump that sticks out at the end of the smaller of the two forearm bones is broken clean through. I can make audible clicking noises with it so I do it every now and then to prove that I can but it's unpleasant so I generally avoid it. It's been like that since I was thirteen after a nasty accident. The repair of my wrist was bungled by a couple of local medical incompetents who believed they didn't need the help of an orthopaedic surgeon. I didn't discover this until over ten years later when my wrist swelled after working in a woollen mill for a while. I was completely gob smacked when the doctor showed me my xray which demonstrated various anomalies that had been perplexing him since he'd first seen it himself.

BBP - 14-5-2015 at 20:59

If you're talking about that bump below the pinky - the one on my left hand is split in two as well. I am accident prone, as you rightly noted- when I was a kid rollerskates were the thing and I had the tendency to be conquered by gravity. My left wrist is the one that I bruised a lot.

Breaking my ankle taught me I'm not immune to broken bones, and now I wonder if injuries that I sustained as a kid were actually more serious than I thought.

BBP - 19-5-2015 at 08:00

Hm, five days without posts... should try better, sorry.

BBP - 21-5-2015 at 22:42

Eurovision time... unfortunately today I got a bad sensitive response from Israel in that it was too much flashing. Head still hurts.

BBP - 23-5-2015 at 08:15

On Whit Monday (that's next Monday) it'll be open day in most castles in this region. Looking forward to it and am deciding whether to go to Geldrop or Asten. Asten is further away and more expensive, but as it's a ruin it can only be visited with a tour guide for safety reasons. It got damaged in WW1 (not sure how) and attempts to restore the castle were definitely shattered when a phosphor bomb burnt down most of the 12th century building.

It has quite a history to it: the booming age of the castle came in the 1500s when Bernard van Merode became lord of Asten. He developed the building and enlarged the area - at the cost of the people living around him, who he arrested for witchcraft and tortured and even killed in his dungeon.

punknaynowned - 24-5-2015 at 01:20

This is fascinating B! Of course I love all things from 14-1500's. But I love these 'portraits' of specific places. Little details allow me to imagine what it must have been like.

polydigm - 25-5-2015 at 13:11

Sorry about the five days plus. I'm a little caught up in that all stars band thing at It's been an amusing distraction during a period when I need a few. I'm seem to be healing pretty well but I'm feeling a bit flat, I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon enough.

BBP - 25-5-2015 at 13:44

Great to hear that Poly!
Ended up feeling a bit too tired to go castle tripping. Besides I have 2 days left to prepare for the Diru concert! (is totally stoked)

BBP - 30-5-2015 at 17:08

Diru was awesome but I did come down with a cold.

aquagoat - 31-5-2015 at 06:50

i often get a cold when I go to shows, I drink too much alcohol, get excited, end up going outside in t-shirt, etc, and then go back home with a sore throat and a cold, happens almost everytime. lol.

BBP - 31-5-2015 at 11:00

Not me: I don't drink, but I did sit and talk with German girls who had a cold.

BBP - 1-6-2015 at 17:42

Weirdest thing happened!
Went to the second-hand shop, was browsing through books that I probably was all going to put back, when I heard someone playing piano.
A familiar tune: I listen closer and can't believe it:
There's a woman in the second-hand shop in Geldrop PLAYING ZOOT ALLURES!!

Talked to her. She's from Helmond, used to play in a Zappa-coverband and she took down my name and number, in case she ever needs a bassist.

aquagoat - 1-6-2015 at 18:10

that's pretty cool.

BBP - 2-6-2015 at 11:13

Unbelievable! And I was so feverish I almost didn't leave home...

BBP - 2-6-2015 at 15:55

Found this a very interesting read:

BBP - 3-6-2015 at 12:08

Cold is still there. And getting worse rather than better.

aquagoat - 3-6-2015 at 16:45

Some motherckufer hacked my credit card to himself a few things, including a trip to the USA, fortunately this the bank reacted fast enough, but I'm pretty pissed.:swear:

BBP - 3-6-2015 at 17:08

Sorry to hear that Aqua... did he do much damage?

aquagoat - 3-6-2015 at 19:43

stole about 210€ apparently, I've got a new card coming as well as a form fr refund and i must go to the police department and file a complaint, I should get my money back in a few months, I think.

BBP - 4-6-2015 at 10:36

Sorry to hear that bud, that blows...

Just spent some time browsing other people's photos of De Effenaar. Found one that probably has me in it.

Primus is in 2 weeks, will I still have some pep left by then?

aquagoat - 5-6-2015 at 15:11

Last night I won a free ticket from a local radio to go to a show of bands I absolutely didn't know, went there alone, met lots of people, had fun, listened to cool music, drank all the money I had on me so I couldn't eat anything today, came back home at around 2 AM with a few phone numbers and a red wine stained white shirt, my last white shirt. All in all, a pretty good night.

BBP - 5-6-2015 at 20:05

That's great Aqua!

BBP - 5-6-2015 at 21:15

Guy has just been found dead in his home this morning, on one of the streets where I'm delivering tomorrow. Creepy.

aquagoat - 6-6-2015 at 08:18

Oh! my! god! what did he die from? natural cause or something more violent?

BBP - 6-6-2015 at 10:12

Violent. His friend who was taken to the hospital has been arrested. The neighbors in the same house who lived above them, didn't hear a thing.

BBP - 6-6-2015 at 14:51

Boyfriend who was taken to the hospital has now been arrested. Neighbours saw it coming as they fought a lot. And used drugs.

Went there today, there was one of those white tents in the front yard and a police truck parked outside. There were some police cars out in the neighborhood. A lot of kids were taking a peek at what was going on.

aquagoat - 6-6-2015 at 17:08

ha, that kind of situation really sucks.

aquagoat - 7-6-2015 at 07:59

went to the restaurant with ex-girlfriend yesterday evening, that was pretty ok, the food was excellent, but we were both tired so it didn't really take off, nice warm evening nonetheless.

BBP - 7-6-2015 at 10:35

That's nice!

I still have a cold, can you believe it? It's been over 30 degrees here!

Reminds me it's strawberry season again, need to pick them again today. When it's over 25 degrees they ripe like mad!

aquagoat - 7-6-2015 at 15:17

hooking up with old friends, it's not that easy.:lol: I often had a cold in summer when I worked with my former workmate, don't worry,i t'll go away, and profit from the strawberries, gal. it lasts so fucking not long...:grin:

BBP - 7-6-2015 at 17:39

The problem is my arms look like strawberries when I'm done with them!

Found a photo of the concert online that has me recognizable on it. It's now my wallpaper!

BBP - 8-6-2015 at 17:29

Dad's just whipped up the first bunch of home-made icecream from home-grown strawberries...
Best icecream you'll ever have. Seriously!

aquagoat - 8-6-2015 at 18:48

hummm, I wish I could taste that. I love strawberry ice cream.

BBP - 8-6-2015 at 22:12

If you have a large enough freezer, you could get an ice-cream maker. That's a sort of thermos that you can put in a machine with a mixer on top. The thermos has to have been deep-frozen beforehand (you'll have to leave it in at -18 C for at least 24 hours: Dad leaves them in fulltime) and it's not easy to clean it once you're done mixing it; but even simple vanilla icecream is SO good... you have the advantage of being able to make it with fruits instead of syrup, you can use actual vanilla (most store-bought ice creams contain castoreum, which is made of beaver reproductive gland fluid, yes for real) and you can try out exotic flavours.

aquagoat - 9-6-2015 at 15:14

I might buy that thing in the future, home made ice cream must be so good, I already think about some flavours i'd like to taste, like passion fruit, pinapple, etc...

BBP - 9-6-2015 at 16:08

Pineapple's great, we tried that too! Some fruit is better structured for icecream, like avocado or banana: pineapple's a bit wet but it's very good! We've also made a lot of melon icecream. And chocolate, mmm!

BBP - 10-6-2015 at 10:47

Guy who was found dead OD'd, so they don't think it's murder.

aquagoat - 10-6-2015 at 17:01

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Pineapple's great, we tried that too! Some fruit is better structured for icecream, like avocado or banana: pineapple's a bit wet but it's very good! We've also made a lot of melon icecream. And chocolate, mmm!
yeah, banana and melon must be really good.

BBP - 10-6-2015 at 18:30

Am covered in white bumps but that's one more pound of strawberries!

punknaynowned - 11-6-2015 at 14:23

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Guy who was found dead OD'd, so they don't think it's murder.

knowing is better than wondering. Still tragic.

OTOH, ice cream is an old summer favorite for me.
Lately I make smoothies with strawberries and bananas and vanilla yoghurt. Just takes a blender! I use whole frozen strawberries makes it cool... yum!

BBP - 12-6-2015 at 11:21

Sounds yummy!
Looks like I brewed up a storm at Hm.

polydigm - 12-6-2015 at 16:15

I'm not going to say anything about it Bonny, but you have my support. I really can't stand JP and I've always thought Galoot was a bit of a dick.

aquagoat - 12-6-2015 at 17:08

What's wrong with the Zappa forum, Bonny?

punknaynowned - 12-6-2015 at 18:14

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I'm not going to say anything about it Bonny, but you have my support. I really can't stand JP and I've always thought Galoot was a bit of a dick.

I feel the same way. G-C is from NY. That's just how they are. You could say they can't help it. People who serve you like waiters and bartenders act the same way. Life is hard, strength is necessary. But they think that being an asshole improves your chances. The fact that being a jerk also improves your chances for getting beat up, mugged and shot, merely proves for them this simplistic view that life is hard.

It's a viscious circle that they follow toward the drain. It's not that they can't see another way. They don't even believe there can be another way. Jpfnk doesn't even realize he's doing it. He got all the kindness beat out of him a long time ago. Thinks it's for suckers. Can't see past his own tender nose.

and Geoff, like I told Caputh, trying to play chess with a pigeon may seem funny at first until you try it. Intelligence has nothing to do with it. He'll cajole and wheedle and complain 'why won't anyone talk to me or play with me?' Then when you try to put him in his place he'll knock the pieces off the board and crap all over it while aiming to pick out your eyes. Playing the game, having a debate, abiding by rules is not what he aims to do.

I got a job yesterday, on my birthday. I start today. I'll be a monitor at a homeless shelter. We'll see how it goes.

BBP - 12-6-2015 at 21:49

Happy birthday Punky! Great news about the job too, so a double congratulations!

Aqua: There's this one user calling himself Galoot Co-Log-Nuh, you may remember him from when his wife was expecting twins and he asked everybody for name suggestions? He's gone most of the time, but occasionally he pops back up. Whenever he pops back up, he tends to bump the old threads where he was fighting with Isaac. I pointed it out to him and called him a bully, and things went down a slippery slope with the forum bullies JayPFunk (come on, you HAVE to remember that guy!) and a new one you don't know yet. What didn't help was some... let's use the adjective disturbing, remarks he made in a thread about the Ferguson riots and that he needed to tell about his masturbating habits in what was otherwise a perfectly nice topic. So he's fresh on my ignore list.

aquagoat - 13-6-2015 at 10:27

Yeah, I remember JayP and Galoot, didn't really like them, I stopped going there a long time ago cause every thread was becoming an open war, this plus the Moderation issue.

aquagoat - 13-6-2015 at 10:27

Congratulations for your job, Punky.

BBP - 13-6-2015 at 18:21

It's been very calm there now for the past two days. Hmm. Could use the quiet since I'm pretty fully booked with Primus in 3 days and Patatje Metal in 7 (managed to get a date for that, wonder how that's gonna go) and I'll be blind-guiding soon.

punknaynowned - 14-6-2015 at 15:33

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Congratulations for your job, Punky.

Thanks to you Aqua and BBP too!
I'm looking forward to it. I'm on for overnight tonight Sun/Mon. I'll tell y'all how it goes.

BBP - 15-6-2015 at 10:24

Be sure to let us know how it goes!

BBP - 16-6-2015 at 10:13

About to go for Primus!

aquagoat - 16-6-2015 at 16:58

have a nice show!:bouncy:

BBP - 17-6-2015 at 00:37

I did! Also went to visit my blind friend who lives in Utrecht. Forgot to bring my camera though. Full report will come tomorrow as I'm exhausted.

BBP - 21-6-2015 at 23:30

Had met up with somebody from another forum yesterday, because of that I woke up extra early for my rounds and stayed up late for the Patatje Metal-concert. So I spent father's day exhausted.

BBP - 22-6-2015 at 12:26

The weekly door-to-door mag just quit, so now it's just advertising I deliver. Crap.

BBP - 22-6-2015 at 19:32

I keep finding black fiber under my fingernails and on sections of skin. Shoddy T-shirt quality from that free shirt.

BBP - 23-6-2015 at 22:40

Started clearing my room again... never ending story...

BBP - 25-6-2015 at 17:40

Still at the never ending story.

polydigm - 26-6-2015 at 06:42

Bonny, you should probably get out of that stupid thread at I knew Galoot was a bit of a dick and now I see he's totally obnoxious. And JPF, don't get me started on him ... I totally agree that Isaac was bullied by these guys. Slime was nearly as bad. I used to like him when I first joined the forum, but he's turned out to be a bit of a dick as well. The thing about Isaac though is that he didn't have any boundaries and could be extremely nasty. Read the last post he made at, just before being banned.

I hope your never ending story is finished. :D

We have been having intermittent problems with our internet since we moved into this house in December 2007. Skipping the majority of those problems, last October we were having a pretty bad patch and finally in November a tech guy game out to a switch box in our area and said he'd found some dodgy wiring and after repairing it, our connection improved significantly. We've been getting a fairly consistent maximum speed of 8.2Mbps which, because it was better than before and was stable for some time, gave me no reason to complain.

Then, early this June, our ISP did some work in the area, supposedly to improve their service and since then our connection has become unstable again and the maximum speed dropped. I was told that it should be about 9.4Mbps, which it has never been close to. Another tech has just been out, and he did some tests on the link to the exchange and decided it was dodgy. Instead of waiting to find out what's wrong with it, he connected us to a new link. Stability has returned and now we're getting 9.3Mbps max. So we've been putting up with a basically dodgy connection for years now. You really have to push these people to get anything properly fixed.

BBP - 26-6-2015 at 09:43

We had the same thing. Because we lived too far from the antenna, we only got about half the oomph that we paid for. Now we have glass fiber. When I uploaded a video without shrinking it down, I was flabbergasted it only took 10 minutes.

BBP - 28-6-2015 at 23:33

Just got back from a blind guiding weekend in Leeuwarden - got a guided tour of the provincial TV/radio studios (got on TV), went to a pancake restaurant on a ship, took a yoga class on Saturday, and played minigolf and had a guided tour through town today.

aquagoat - 29-6-2015 at 18:15

^^quite an interesting week-end, it seems.

BBP - 29-6-2015 at 23:50

Yah. Particularly the minigolf.

polydigm - 30-6-2015 at 01:50

The introduction of broadband internet is a farce that's been going on since the early 1990s in Australia. The original plan was a cable network, with an upper limit of 100 Mbps, which was halted part way through because people weren't subscribing at the rate desired by Telstra in order to provide enough profit. So we've ended up with some areas where cable is available and they get very good internet, while everyone else has to put up with ADSL, which has a much lower upper speed limit than cable of 20 Mbps. Of course, you don't get the full 100 Mbps on cable as speeds are limited and the theoretical upper limit of ADSL is not achieved in most cases, ours currently being just over 9Mbps.

The current national plan for developing internet access in Australia is called the NBN. National Broadband Network. This time they're rolling out a network with a fibre back bone but it's implementation is seriously slow. There is yet only a small percentage of the total area of just the inner metropolitan area of Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia. We live right next to one of the main areas where it's been completed and who knows when they'll get to us, it's frustrating. Our daughter, who lives within Greater London is on the new fibre network there and it's fantastic.

Huck_Phlem - 30-6-2015 at 10:04

That is not much more than I get and I have the shitty comcast cable which is only one of two providers in my area. Yet I am a hop skip and a jump to silicon valley.

BBP - 30-6-2015 at 11:54

Those things get more annoying the longer it lasts since internet traffic is taking up more and more space. When I visit Tumblr the connection does have a hard time.

polydigm - 30-6-2015 at 13:12

Yes Bonny, that's the other side of the coin. Even you have a fast internet connection you have to deal with the cheap bastards on the internet who won't provide enough bandwidth for their entire customer base.

Hey Huck, long time no see. The modern world is riddled with irony.

Huck_Phlem - 30-6-2015 at 18:34

My son is on his way to Boston to start tour.

watch it before it gets taken down.

BBP - 30-6-2015 at 21:51

Which is great, I'd appreciate the activity here. At the moment the big Z place has lost its appeal.

polydigm - 1-7-2015 at 01:24

The Z place is degenerating into pre Isaac banning ridiculousness.

Hey Huck, doesn't your son play guitar? Those Blue Devils are pretty impressive, though it's hard to hear a lot of the detail in the percussion in that recording.

Huck_Phlem - 1-7-2015 at 06:38

He plays 7 instruments. He teaches high school front ensembles (3 of them so far) Yet he graduated in 2013. He is the one furthest to the left behind the timpanist playing vibes and going mover to the concert bass drum and gong. He is the youngest one in the front ensemble. He just spent two years in the lower B corps who won their division last year. Now he is playing with the 16 time and defending world champion.

They sent a smaller unit of 97 members to Holland, Italy, Switzerland and UK to compete in their league. They compete a couple years longer till age 25 I believe.
Over a thousand people auditioned for those spots.

My son will be playing guitar in Individual competition with the combo they put together. They almost had him play this year but scrapped the idea due to logistics and could not figure out how to fit it in the show.

BBP - 1-7-2015 at 11:18

Very cool! How old's Connor now?

Huck_Phlem - 1-7-2015 at 22:18

He is 19. The youngest member of his section. (the pit)

I have not heard from him for almost two days so they must be practicing real hard for the Boston show tomorrow night.
They are staying in Rode Island now.

polydigm - 2-7-2015 at 11:25

Cool indeed, you must be very proud.

BBP - 3-7-2015 at 08:22

That's great! Maybe he gets to travel to Europe in a year or so...

Summer heat's taking its toll. I'm up way too early and my sun allergy has spread to my lower arms.

polydigm - 4-7-2015 at 02:44

I'm not a summer person either.

There's a significant weird thing about the difference between northern and southern hemisphere seasons. When it's summer in the south and winter in the north, the sun is closer to the earth than when it's winter in the south and summer in the north. So in the south, we have a close sun with summer and a far sun with winter. In the north it's the other way round which is weird. Far sun in summer and close sun in winter. In the northern hemisphere you're more likely to need sun glasses on a clear day in winter than in summer. I started thinking about this the last time I was in the northern hemisphere in their winter. I was wondering why the sun was so bright while eating outdoors at a café and after a little thought fairly quickly realised why. The difference in distance is actually over five million kilometres and causes brightness differences of about seven percent.

I guess the reason people in the north don't notice it as much is because of the short days in winter. The brightness of the sun in southern hemisphere summer is relentless.

BBP - 4-7-2015 at 13:43

Really? Never knew that...

It's really very hot out here now, 35 degs officially but a bit higher according to my thermometer... Today is also the start of the Tour de France in Utrecht.

Huck_Phlem - 5-7-2015 at 06:22

I can't wait for this day to be over! two holidays I never celebrate. christmas and 4th of july. I am neither religious or duped by this crappy country that sold it's people down the river 45 years ago!

BBP - 5-7-2015 at 14:32

Itching with sun allergy and the storm they promised us is nowhere in sight. Pfffffff...

polydigm - 6-7-2015 at 04:13

So, Huck, what was significant in the US about 1970?

BBP - 6-7-2015 at 22:25

Flares and Flo & Eddie.

Huck_Phlem - 7-7-2015 at 03:34

That was during the Nixon years.

It just goes downhill from there.

BBP - 7-7-2015 at 16:17

Found some fresh yeast, means I can bake baguettes again! :drool:

Huck_Phlem - 7-7-2015 at 22:37

They played with the Boston Symphony Orchestra yesterday and did 1812 overture. Here is their own music though. the first part is the drumline and hornline doing fun stuff then they start their actual show.

*fixed the link for you: - BBP*

Huck_Phlem - 8-7-2015 at 07:44

Oh boy! I had a friend totally go off about a breakfast eatery and if you have the patience to read her missive she pretty much answers why she got the treatment she did:

"Has anyone ever eaten at Bar Carlo on Foster in Portland? If so, what was your experience? I've been going there for four years, and Dann's been going since they opened seven years agao, and we've both noticed their service and food getting worse and worse, and the waitstaff getting less and less patient. We ask for a little special treatment here and there, but nothing too extreme. With me, it's always "dressing on the side; milk instead of half and half with the coffee." Coffee is self-serve so I always go to the bar and request a tiny cup of milk. They never had a problem with it, until yesterday. A few weeks ago we had to send our scrambled eggs back, because they were raw inside; the griddle was too hot, cooking only the outsides of the food, and did not cook them through; my pancake was raw throughout as well. Those are the only two complaints I've ever had about the food. Yesterday their manager pulled us both aside and said she felt like they couldn't do anything right, and said things like "We just don't feel that you're happy with us, and we're wondering if it's worth continuing this relationship..." Needless to say, we were surprised. I told her not to tell us how we felt, but to focus on how she was feeling about us. She said she was unhappy, because we were unhappy. We said we were NOT unhappy and again said "Stop telling us how WE feel and tell is if there is a problem with something we have done." We showed up as a party of two, saying we expected three more to join us eventually but that we were instructed by our friends to go ahead and start eating without us. They said they don't seat until the full party is there, so we opted to be seated only as two, taking a very small table outside. I pointed to the table and said I wanted to sit there, and the hostess said okay and seated us. Our friends did eventually show up, and we invited them to sit with with us, thinking this was pretty normal for restaurants. They were busy, so I grabbed two of the self-serve menus for my friends: normal, you're supposed to grab your own menus. The waitress, who's helped us for several years and -was- one of our favorites, practically short-circuited when she saw there were to more people at our table. She complained to the manager that we weren't "following protocol" or some such. Okay, no problem, next time we'll know, right? Don't invite people to sit at your table AFTER you order... wait for your friends or go somewhere else. Okay, we get it. That was never the rule before, but now that they're far more popular, they've chanced the rules. No problem? Not so fast. The friend who sat with me is extremely allergic to onions, and she and her husband requested a salad with no onions, explaining in a concise sentence that she cannot eat anything touched by onions: the plate, the salad, and other food must not come into contact with onions. Server said, "okay, no problem." Her salad arrives. She takes one bite of a cucumber and starts having an allergic reaction: her throat starts to close up and her breath becomes shallow. The knife used to cut the onions was used on the cucumbers, without having been washed, probably in early morning food prep, prior to the place opening. An honest mistake. Her salad was sent back, but because she was at my table, the manager of the restaurant lumped this "incident" in with my having sent food back for being raw two weeks before, claiming it was just somehow impossible to please ME... She also brought up another "incident" in which I requested a plain crepe (almost a year earlier) when they were out of the crepes I requested. I said "It's okay, I would love just a plain crepe without any filling." She said she wasn't sure the kitchen would do it. I asked if I could pay extra for one, and she agreed to put in the request. The kitchen agreed, and I didn't think it was a problem, yet, yesterday, the manager brought up "the crepe incident," which I thought wasn't an issue at all. She claimed I was pushy and insistent. Yet, I was nothing of the sort. All I did was ask if they could accommodate me, when they were out of something else. They normally offer substitutes (such as Havarti for Chevre, when they're out of Chevre). It wasn't busy that day, and I don't feel it was out of the ordinary. But because she pulled me aside and felt the need to "discuss the situation," I agreed never to make any more special requests. THEN--get this: she says, "And there was this one time you only tipped five percent." I said "I've been coming here for years, and I always tip well. Dann overtips. He tips between 20 and 30 percent. I typically tip 15 to 20 percent. If I EVER undertipped, and all you have to cite is ONE incident, you need to look at my history as a customer and tell me if you remember any of the huge tips we've left, as that seems to be getting left out of this conversation. Our server hasn't come back to our table with our change yet. We are waiting so we can tip her." Our change was then brought to us. I said to the manager, "My math skills suck so please let me know what 20 percent of $73.00 is and I'll leave at least that much as a tip." She calculated it to be $14.60. I tipped our waitress $20.00, which is 28 percent. My server / waitress refused to make eye contact the rest of my visit, and I did not even get a thank you. I am a "bad customer" now and obviously unwelcome at this place. The manager and I gave each other a hug and I thanked her for bringing our indiscretions to our attention, saying we would be more mindful in the future; I also asked that they keep their issues separated from ours: I don't want to feel like uncooked food can't be sent back, or like we're asking for special treatment when pay top dollar for food that's inadequate. We aren't that picky, but we're not the Sunday hung-over types on Foster, who're maybe happy to eat whatever they're given, because they're not quite as discerning. There's more. The manager claimed that we just took the table we were at without asking anyone. Another misunderstanding. We said we wanted a specific table, because it was in the shade, and the hostess said "Okay, sure." She seated us. After all of this, we feel unjustly treated, and though we (used to) love this place, we're tired of waiting two hours to be served, and we're tired of the wait staff getting progressively less and less patient. Maybe it is time we do move on."

So I just came out and told her that if I were a server I would not want to wait on her either and after 30 years in the business I have heard it all. I have dined out with her and I can see why this happened.

Then she flipped out on me!

"Fuck you. I used to love you, but I just need to be rid of you for a while. Just please stay the fuck away from me. Stay out of my life. Don't call me anymore. Don't even fucking talk to me. Be well, and be real, but do it somewhere else. I can't afford to have people in my life who think they know me, and make gross errors in judgement about me, my intentions, and who I am or what I do or, especially, how I treat others. The way I am speaking to you now is not typical. You fucking earned it.

Huck_Phlem - 8-7-2015 at 07:55

I also said that perhaps they should just stay home and cook. I really believe that if you have an allergy that bad then you should not eat out period.

She has since sent me a whole bunch of other stuff but I don't even want to wade through it.

BBP - 8-7-2015 at 09:55

Sorry Huck but I have to stop you there.
Everybody has the right to go to a restaurant. Nobody wants an allergy and that woman is the victim, not the perpetrator.

The customer clearly stated the severity of the allergy.
The waitress accepted the order. By doing that, she made an agreement with the customer that whatever food was served would be safe to eat for her. Did she check with the cook whether it was possible to have this to the extent

The restaurant is in the wrong, either for waitress error or the cook's error.

It's possible that you don't agree with the way she acts in restaurants, but from what you post here, it looks like you're making light of a life-threatening condition. Maybe just saying nothing would've been a better option.

Why do you literally quote everything she said, but only paraphrase what you say?

Somehow... I guess you don't have an allergy. I have no life-threatening food allergies that I'm aware of (there is one food that gives embarrassing red spots on my chin). I have sun allergy. Should I stay indoors all day in summer? Wear gloves, like I did last year but it didn't help much?

Huck_Phlem - 8-7-2015 at 11:57

a peanut allergy is one thing but something as severe as onion? That is something that is everywhere in a kitchen and needs to be dealt with with severity. Breakfast cooks are the least trained of them all. It is a type of cooking that requires speed not culinary knowledge.

I had to paraphrase because she deleted the posts but I had copied hers to ask a friend what they think of her missive.

BBP - 8-7-2015 at 13:18

If the cook can't, then the waitress shouldn't have offered it. The waitress should've asked the cook if it was possible, and if the answer's no, apologize to the woman that the restaurant can't comply (and offer a complimentary coffee).
By making the suggestion that she could eat it while she couldn't, the servers put her in a life-threatening situation. She has every right to sue, as far as I'm concerned.

This training should be normal within the serving industry: the way of dealing with dietary demands. As a customer you are the one entitled to state what you eat, whether this is about a food allergy or any other form of diet or something as simple as the way you drink your coffee.

Huck_Phlem - 8-7-2015 at 18:57

The thing is something like that you could have no idea weather just rinsing it off or a complete wash would do.

Read the initial rant. It is obvious that she has been antagonizing this restaurant for quite some time.

I dined out with her once and returned after we left to offer the waiter more tip money for the mess they left and showing up at the very end of the night.

My friend is the epitome of white privilege tech worker. Her final post to me shows her true colors.

"I'm still kind of mad... I do love you though. Maybe someday when you say something about not being able to understand a technical manual and I tell you you're just too stupid to understand user guides and you shouldn't even bother buying or trying to understand electronics or computer applications, we will be even, because it isn't the way tech manuals are written, it is just the stupid, uneducated, picky reader who has to be coddled and shown in baby pictures how to use software or new televisions. Just like the customer who has a bad experience in a restaurant is just too picky and too much of a difficult asshole to be taken seriously. Do you get my point?"

BBP - 8-7-2015 at 21:13

If she's agging on that restaurant, that's nasty. It has nothing to do with her friend with the allergic reaction, although she uses it as weapon. I was agitating against you saying that people with allergies shouldn't visit restaurants. Most restaurants here have veggie, gluten and nut indication on their menus here. If my sister asks if a dish is vegetarian and the waitress doesn't know, she'll say "I'll check it with the cook."

She also complains that she is being called out on being a bad tipper. Weren't tips supposed to be voluntary?

Sorry about lashing out on you on the allergies: I'm itchy all over with sun allergy.

Huck_Phlem - 8-7-2015 at 22:41

I don't know what is up with the allergy thing but I do know her very well and you don't just all of a sudden add people to your table and just grab a menu for them. She sounds so entitled and has no clue how much she has angered them over the years.

It is not the restaurants job to check if your allergy can be triggered by something so easily. a lot of people claim to have allergies just to make sure they get fresh cooked food.

I have went back and re read her original post and am baffled by how she can even think she is right! She treated them badly in my opinion without even knowing she did.

BBP - 9-7-2015 at 08:58

Let me break down her post as a person who doesn't know her at all would read it:

-Its up to you to tell a restaurant that you're allergic (and to what degree), and it's up to the restaurant to see if they can comply. Since she mentioned the severity of her allergy and the waitress said "OK", it's restaurant's fault.
-From what she says about tipping: a tip is not compulsory.
-You're fully entitled to send badly cooked food back, even on bullshit charges (remember that's how crisps/chips were invented, by a picky businessman who kept on sending his baked sliced potatoes back because the slices were too thick). Badly cooked food is a different story - it could give you severe food poisoning from eating it. She mentions an uncooked egg - salmonella-risk.
-Funny, when my father came to join us at a cafe after we'd already ordered, they were appreciative of his custom. You know, customer = money. It's not at all uncommon for parties to drop in in segments - if there's a table available there's no reason to give somebody a smaller seat.

It may be a cultural difference, but here customer is king, not a person who exists to give restaurants money. This sounds like a place I would not go back to.

The thing is: you know her, I don't. From what I read from what you post here, you are making yourself look like the bad guy now. She knows what to write to get sympathy. You don't. Especially that allergy remark was below the belt.
(pauses typing to scratch her fingers)

Huck_Phlem - 11-7-2015 at 02:56

I spoke with the restaurant. They all talked about it and no one remembers her "Allergy" statement.

they say they have been trying to get rid of her for years. Not something a restaurant would admit freely.

BBP - 11-7-2015 at 10:17

Who made the order? I can't believe that if anyone is that badly allergic, she would've mentioned it.
(scratches hands)

Off to work in a coupla minutes...

BBP - 11-7-2015 at 16:17

Back from work, exhausted. Man it's hot!

BBP - 12-7-2015 at 16:24

Baked baguettes again... yum!

polydigm - 13-7-2015 at 01:28

The reason I can't tell about that restaurant fiasco is that we only have her word for what happened. Like Bonny says, you know her Huck whereas we can only read her words. I have to say, just based on her words in that first post, that the restaurant are the assholes. There is nothing she mentions that I wouldn't complain about myself, not that I have ever had much to complain about with restaurants. Generally, if I think a restaurant is no good I just never go back.

And, the US culture of tipping is bullshit. People should get paid properly for the work they do and customers shouldn't be obliged to supplement anyone's income. Waiting is part and parcel of what a restaurant provides and they should be employing/training and paying people to give good service because that is part of the job.

BBP - 13-7-2015 at 09:08

Depends where you go: in Japan you pay a lot for a drink, but you don't tip at all.

BBP - 16-7-2015 at 16:45

Crap connection...

polydigm - 18-7-2015 at 03:16

Hello ... Hello ...

BBP - 18-7-2015 at 19:42

Worked today. It's very hot.

Huck_Phlem - 18-7-2015 at 21:32

I just had the pleasure of watching the worlds oldest drum and bugle corps. Jubal from Dordrect Netherlands. ( I hope I spelled that right)

They were great! They have come many times to the U.S. to compete in international drum corps. This is the first time I got to see them. (online but live)

This is the second very big regional competition of the season. My son's drum corps has started falling behind another corps from the East Coast called The Cadets. They are the defending world champions and have won 5 of the last 8 years and 3 silver medals and 4 of those championships have been undefeated seasons with 09,10 being consecutive.

There is a lot of pressure to win of course but I think this years show is better IMO than last years show which garnered the highest score ever. (99.65)

BBP - 19-7-2015 at 09:33

You missed an H there, it's Dordrecht. Nice town.

polydigm - 20-7-2015 at 00:24

Just passing. I'm a week away from full time study after too long a break. I'm a wee bit apprehensive.

BBP - 20-7-2015 at 16:30

Enjoy those last few days, Poly... you'll miss them soon enough...

BBP - 25-7-2015 at 15:09

There's a superstrong storm here, trains aren't going in certain areas, the rides in theme park Duinrell are closed, and we're advised to stay off the roads.

Currently I am knitting a Victorian-age white cotton hat. For that I needed 1,5mm knitting needles, both for straight and for circular knitting. And matching white thin cotton. This was used a lot up until the 1980s for table cloths, window decoration, closet borders and such, but nowadays this is so out of fashion, you can't find any knitting needle with a size below 3.0 mm at the regular shops. Fortunately I'd located both yarn and needles at a second-hand shoppe in Geldrop. The cotton I brought home straight away, but to get the needles (had to double check on the size) I had to go out during the storm.

After work, which was wet, I decided to go to Geldrop. On the way there I noticed the windmill of Geldrop, het Nupke (, was working. "Right, it's Saturday, they're open!" So I went to have a look, which was pretty (but since it was spontaneous I didn't have my camera on me) and while I was there, the miller had to put the brakes on.

Anyway the knitting needles were free, could've brought them along earlier.

polydigm - 26-7-2015 at 01:23

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Enjoy those last few days, Poly... you'll miss them soon enough...
I was tossing up between doing some reading in preparation for the last week or two and just having a proper break, before returning to study. I opted for the proper break and I've been mostly working on my music and having a pretty good time with it. I'm pretty sure it will all fall into place when I go back.
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
... since it was spontaneous I didn't have my camera ... the knitting needles were free, could've brought them along earlier.
Sounds like one of my normal days. How often does stuff like that happen? :D

BBP - 26-7-2015 at 15:43

The storm claimed one life. Wind blew at speeds of up to 120 km/h in IJmuiden and 110 km/h in Amsterdam. Tree in Amsterdam falling over Wobbly plane landing on Schiphol

BBP - 29-7-2015 at 15:57

A WWII bomb has just been found in the town centre of Eindhoven. Media differ on the weight, some say 500, some 1000; but it's probably a British one from the raid of 6 December 1942.

BBP - 29-7-2015 at 22:48

Hear ye hear ye. They're updating the Z-forum!

BBP - 30-7-2015 at 22:52

The Zappa-forum is still being updated. Major overhaul? Will Jimmie be found out?

I'm beginning to get withdrawal symptoms. Where do I post I just saw 7 Samurai or what I learnt about HNLMS Abraham Crijnssen?

polydigm - 1-8-2015 at 03:28

I'm not sure what the difference is at Clicking on the "View your posts" link just gives the threads, not the posts, and orders them according to the latest post in that thread, not your posts, which is totally useless. A tip there is to either add &sr=posts to the end of that link or use search, type your user name in, leave the search field blank and select the display as posts option. And the "View active topics" link still doesn't work.

Any ideas what has changed?

What's the significance of that navy boat to you, Bonny?

BBP - 1-8-2015 at 14:15

It's a pretty amazing story!

Found my vision got blurry in my right eye. Since I'm left-eyed, visually it's not too much of a problem but I do wonder how this happened.

polydigm - 2-8-2015 at 05:31

What does left-eyed mean? I'm not sure I can really tell the difference when I use either of my eyes one at a time.

BBP - 2-8-2015 at 09:11

You're not just right- or left-handed, but also right- or left footed, eyed, and eared, and since we smell in stereo we might even be left- or right-nostrilled. A lot of people are right-side dominant throughout, but about 10% of people are crossdominant.

To determine which eye your dominant eye is:
Look at an object with both your eyes. Make a circle with thumb and forefinger and hold this in front of the object, so that you can see the object through it when you're looking with both your eyes.
Close one of your eyes. Is the object still in the circle? Then the eye you're looking with, is dominant.

polydigm - 3-8-2015 at 12:56

The first time I did that test I came out right eyed. But, the problem with the test is that because I'm focussing on a distant object, my hand interferes with that focus and I can move it two ways to clarify. Repeating the test several times I started getting the left eye a lot. Then I tried lowering my hand, focussing on my fingers and the object alternately, until I thought they lay in a line, and then lifted my hand and found I mostly got the right eye. I had a break and then started getting the left eye more often even with the modified test.

I am now walking away and going to do some much needed study.

BBP - 3-8-2015 at 18:25

Good luck Poly!

Eye's still blurry. I'm also busy determining of a necklace plus pendant where it comes from. I traced it to the makers and era by the mark on it: Bijkamp & Co in Steenwijk, in the 1943-1946 period. Thing is - that company didn't make jewellery, for as far as I could see. Maybe I should get it appraised.

BBP - 6-8-2015 at 08:09

I love these Area Maze puzzles!

polydigm - 8-8-2015 at 03:05

Another deadly distraction for me. If you've solved area maze 4, the one with the 21,43 and 29 area rectangles, then click on the following link to see my solution, which is more elegant than the one in the Guardian.

area maze 4 solution

aquagoat - 8-8-2015 at 06:21

I'm on holiday for two weeks, it was about time.:bouncy:

aquagoat - 8-8-2015 at 06:24

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I love these Area Maze puzzles!
I'm gonna try that.

BBP - 8-8-2015 at 19:39

Where are you then Aqua?

aquagoat - 9-8-2015 at 07:47

I'm gonna stay in Amiens but perhaps I'll go the south for a few days to see a friend, if her schedule makes it possible.

BBP - 10-8-2015 at 07:55

Nice! Pretty place, Amiens, hope you have time to visit the cathedral... ;)

Just made an appointment with the doctor for my eye...

aquagoat - 10-8-2015 at 18:46

Bonny, I've been living in Amiens since August 2007, lol. :D Yes the cathedral is awesome, I even visited its highest tower that is about 60m high and it was great.

Now go cure that eye thing.;)

BBP - 10-8-2015 at 19:32

I know sweetie, I was joking... A book of mine (famous young adult novel here) relates of the plague running rampant there during the 100 Year War. Knowing how much research that author puts in her work... rather frightening. It relates of the house of a Jewish family being burnt down.

The GP looked at my eyes, then looked at them again using one of those special bright ligit plus looking glass things. On my right eye that really hurt. Then he made me do one of those chart tests with rings that get smaller. (looks it up) A Landolt C chart.

The good news is there's no damage to the retina and there's no increased pressure on the eyeball, so there's no glaucoma.
That leaves little option besides migraine. I've had my spells, but in general my symptoms are that I get terribly nervous and get bad nightmares (and my keyboard playing gets notably worse), never visual. Besides my eye has been seeing blurry for 10 days now.

BBP - 11-8-2015 at 10:59

This morning I woke up at 7AM with a major, pounding headache that spreads through various parts of the head, and nausea. Could barely open my eyes. For an hour I was feeling very sorry for myself, then the nausea came up so badly I decided to relocate myself to the bathroom, but nothing happened, went to bed again, fell asleep eventually and woke up at 11. Headache's still there but not as vile.
Eye still sees blurry, although it appears to be getting better.

aquagoat - 12-8-2015 at 06:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I know sweetie, I was joking... A book of mine (famous young adult novel here) relates of the plague running rampant there during the 100 Year War. Knowing how much research that author puts in her work... rather frightening. It relates of the house of a Jewish family being burnt down.

The GP looked at my eyes, then looked at them again using one of those special bright ligit plus looking glass things. On my right eye that really hurt. Then he made me do one of those chart tests with rings that get smaller. (looks it up) A Landolt C chart.

The good news is there's no damage to the retina and there's no increased pressure on the eyeball, so there's no glaucoma.
That leaves little option besides migraine. I've had my spells, but in general my symptoms are that I get terribly nervous and get bad nightmares (and my keyboard playing gets notably worse), never visual. Besides my eye has been seeing blurry for 10 days now.

Sorry Bonny, I didn't get the joke.:D

Cool to know there's no damage to your eyes.

aquagoat - 12-8-2015 at 06:34

Started a new diet and a 1 hour to 1 and a half hours workout program yesterday, I'm gonna try to do this 4 to 5 days a week, there's too much fat on my body, the main purpose is to see my abs again, lol, but coffee without sugar is pretty "degueulasse"!:D

aquagoat - 12-8-2015 at 06:39

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
This morning I woke up at 7AM with a major, pounding headache that spreads through various parts of the head, and nausea. Could barely open my eyes. For an hour I was feeling very sorry for myself, then the nausea came up so badly I decided to relocate myself to the bathroom, but nothing happened, went to bed again, fell asleep eventually and woke up at 11. Headache's still there but not as vile.
Eye still sees blurry, although it appears to be getting better.
ha, headaches, it's really a pain in the ass... well it's more in the head, actually... lol... ok, I am out:forumsmiley395:

BBP - 12-8-2015 at 19:23

Went out today but am now regretting that.
I'm reading up on migraine now, well, as far as I can find it without my Sacks book since my sister is borrowing that. It's very creepy to me since I never had any serious visual discomfort or intense headaches.

BBP - 14-8-2015 at 01:35

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Started a new diet and a 1 hour to 1 and a half hours workout program yesterday, I'm gonna try to do this 4 to 5 days a week, there's too much fat on my body, the main purpose is to see my abs again, lol, but coffee without sugar is pretty "degueulasse"!:D

Wow Aqua, hope you get there... Good luck!

It was hard for me to quit taking sugar in my tea. I came from the fizzy drinks corner when I started on tea - fizzy drinks have about 4 sugar cubes per glass. For adding sugar I used a shaker, so I didn't know how much I put in there. When I moved to sweetener to get me off sugar bit by bit, I found I did put the equivalent of 4 lumps in there. Went to 3 sweeteners, then 2, then 1... Getting rid of the last one was the hardest. I succeeded by accident when I dropped the sweetener container in my tea. I tried to finish it but... ewww...

Actually, if you're thirsty, coffee is not a good drink. It is a laxative meaning it'll make you more thirsty.

aquagoat - 14-8-2015 at 07:03

Yeah, definitely hard to get rid of sugar, I like them cookies and stuff, and I'm used to saying I drink Sugar with coffee and not the other way around, plus sugar is almost everywhere so it's hard to efficaciously cut down on it . Funny thing is I didn't drink coffee before moving to Amiens-I didn't drink alcohol either-I think I'm gonna quit after the holidays, it's gonna be easier since I generally don't have breakfast.

BBP - 14-8-2015 at 08:47

My grandmother told me it's very important to eat breakfast to get your system going, since it would've been half a day since your last meal. When I was at school I never had breakfast and I usually went without lunch as well. That would get me in embarrassing situations if I had a science test in the last hour and my stomach would be growling.

aquagoat - 15-8-2015 at 06:09

breakfast is no big deal for me, I'd never had it since very recently, and when I was in college and art school I didn't have lunch either, keeping the money to buy records, lol....Now with the work that I do it wouldn't be good to skip lunch. Problem is I should eat healthier food at lunch than I do, will probably start cooking something in the evening and take it with me the next day as my workmates do, but it's not a practice I like.

BBP - 15-8-2015 at 07:59

Cooking something the day before doesn't sound like the standard Dutch lunch - most people here just bring in their sandwiches. Our school canteen basically only had worstenbroodjes (sausage roll - a sort of sausage with the bread baked in close contact all the way around it) and apples in the canteen.

polydigm - 16-8-2015 at 16:16

I've been pretty busy. These courses are getting very serious. Sorry to hear about your migraine situation, Bonny. I've been a migraine sufferer since age thirteen, they're no fun. Luckily, I don't get them as often as some.

BBP - 16-8-2015 at 23:34

NOTE: Edited to take out headache-English. Which is going to be hard since I still have a headache.

Thanks Poly... it's not fun but I have faith it will get better soon.

Today was a bit action-packed: managed to build a plywood windmill and bake baguettes at the same time. Go multi-tasking!

In May I bought a windmill model building package at the book fair. They had one set up and they were so charming I couldn't resist. And I had staff discount. :D
When I finally decided to build it, I couldn't find the plate that had #1.
For good reason. There was a bit of a snafu when it was assembled, so I had 2 wooden plates twice and missed two others. Dad contacted the factory and sent the two missing plates.

So I thought. Then I compared the fresh plates to my kit and found I'd made a mistake in identifying the missing bits, so I got something else double as well, and still one plate missing.
We were too embarrassed to call the company again, so instead Dad dug up some old plywood and I got some figure saws, he printed the instruction manual's drawing life-size so I could use that as template.

I am absolutely no star at putting things together, whether woodwork or paper or clay. My craft projects at elementary school were usually poorer than the rest of the class's, and at the thought of sawing out something my mind reeled back to high school.
My teacher on the technics and crafts subjects, and later class mentor, was the lovely mr Van Kemenade, with whom I got along like a charm. It happened to me twice that he literally pulled a project out of my hands because I was failing miserably, then he set it together at an incredible speed, let me do the last bit and then give me 7/10. Sawing was particularly lousy. And soldering. And clay.

It wasn't easy, but I managed to saw out the octagon. Then I had to drill holes at the right places, so measured them out and made the holes bigger until it fitted.
Then I found there was another piece I needed: one that was much tinier and needed precise working. I sort of got a good shape and good depth, but somehow the result was too uneven - the plywood I used for the missing parts was thicker than the rest of the mill-to-be. Sanded that side down a bit but eventually my father got to help out on that, and on making it all fit since it was fiddly.
Fortunately the rest went smooth and some time later I had a lovely little wind mill that can rotate, and had some yummy baguette to enjoy!

BBP - 21-8-2015 at 12:15

Made an appointment with the eye doctor.

BBP - 22-8-2015 at 18:43

The connection is terrible again. I think the neighbors are streaming Heimat. :)

BBP - 24-8-2015 at 22:04

Went to Geldrop and got sick...

BBP - 27-8-2015 at 17:11

It's oh so quiet...

aquagoat - 28-8-2015 at 15:10

it'a oh. so still

BBP - 28-8-2015 at 20:07

you're all alone...

aquagoat - 29-8-2015 at 07:50

And so peaceful until... :D

BBP - 29-8-2015 at 20:03


Punky: not sure if you're reading this, but tomorrow is the Brabantsedag again. The topic is Brabantian heroes - among the depicted are Van Doorne, who built the DAF car/truck factory (and built the first car with automated gearshift), inventor and creator Peter Reijnders, who has built many of the early attractions in De Efteling, Ambiorix, Jacques Brel and Henri van Abbe.

BBP - 30-8-2015 at 09:56

Starts in three hours!

BBP - 30-8-2015 at 20:40

Going to the eye doctor tomorrow...

aquagoat - 31-8-2015 at 18:58


BBP - 31-8-2015 at 22:09

First was the GP,but he didn't know what it was and decided I should get an eye doctor. His preliminary diagnosis was migraine, and after my master of all headaches the day after the research I could see that - but the blurry vision didn't go away like a scotoma would, so I relented and contacted the hospital when my eyes became bloodshot.

Today was the big day of the eye exam. Went well prepared with a photo of my bloodshot eye, a complete written medical history of the past 5 weeks, passport and insurance card.
With the appointment at 8:30 it was a bit early in the day for me, but still manageable. On the way there I spotted a frog that jumped away from right in front of my bicycle.
After checking in, I was picked out of the waiting room to get a preliminary check. The doctor had me sit at one end of the room and had a nifty computer screen with letters on it at one end, I had to read them with one eye. It showed that the right eye indeed is rather blurry, but I already knew that. After that doc pressed a button and a hi-tech machine used to test for myopia and such. Everything was bad for me, but there wasn't much deviation in that regard.
Then he put some drops in both my eyes for measuring the eye pressure. The drops weren't pleasant, to say the least. Doc gave me a tissue to wipe the tears in. I noticed the drops were a toxic yellow. Maybe my eyes will glow in the dark!
The pressure measuring device came straight from hell. A large apparatus with a bright light in the distance and a large pole with a blue light at the end poking out has to be placed pretty much on the eye - my right eye is sensitive now, the proximity hurt, not to mention the light.
He jotted the data down, did some more eye movement tests and eventually set me up to meet the eye doctor.

Inbetween the doctor visits I'm called to update my info. My old GP retired and they wanted the name of my new one.

The second doctor was thoroughly looking at the eye, made me do all types of test I don't remember well, but they were rather painful. All I remember is at one point he told me to look at a box and asked me if one eye saw a different hue of red than the other. The one on the right was a bit more red.
After the tests, he asked me if I felt one eyelid hanging down a bit lower than the other. No, why? He directed me to the mirror, and lo - my right eyelid was drooping.
He noticed that my right eye veers off. It has always done that, for as far as I know. I primarily look with left and ignore the right image. So he referred me to the orthoptist, and I got to the waiting room again.

A friendly little lady comes to pick me up. As I walk into her office, I immediately notice that her average patient is a lot younger than me. Children's drawings thanking her for curing her eyes line the wall. After some following the little lamp research, she sets me behind the Viewmaster Master. It is a device where each eye has to see a different image, and you have to merge them. The first one is a puppy and a dog house, where the assignment is "move the dog until it's in the dog house". The second one has a mother rabbit with one baby bunny, and the same mother rabbit with another baby bunny, and I have to merge the two pictures to see one mum and two bunnies.
Apparently I have a noticeable deviation on both sides.

So now I have two follow-up appointments. For my blurred vision, more data is needed. On September 28 I'll be getting more tests, and I need to administer eye drops an hour, and at 30 minutes, before the appointment. These drops will dilute my pupils and relax my lenses, so vision will be troublesome.

For the eye straightening - the orthoptist is fully booked. My next appointment for that is November 9.

BBP - 31-8-2015 at 22:11

There's this photo of the cultural festival Brabantsedag I've been sharing:

aquagoat - 1-9-2015 at 18:51

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
First was the GP,but he didn't know what it was and decided I should get an eye doctor. His preliminary diagnosis was migraine, and after my master of all headaches the day after the research I could see that - but the blurry vision didn't go away like a scotoma would, so I relented and contacted the hospital when my eyes became bloodshot.

Today was the big day of the eye exam. Went well prepared with a photo of my bloodshot eye, a complete written medical history of the past 5 weeks, passport and insurance card.
With the appointment at 8:30 it was a bit early in the day for me, but still manageable. On the way there I spotted a frog that jumped away from right in front of my bicycle.
After checking in, I was picked out of the waiting room to get a preliminary check. The doctor had me sit at one end of the room and had a nifty computer screen with letters on it at one end, I had to read them with one eye. It showed that the right eye indeed is rather blurry, but I already knew that. After that doc pressed a button and a hi-tech machine used to test for myopia and such. Everything was bad for me, but there wasn't much deviation in that regard.
Then he put some drops in both my eyes for measuring the eye pressure. The drops weren't pleasant, to say the least. Doc gave me a tissue to wipe the tears in. I noticed the drops were a toxic yellow. Maybe my eyes will glow in the dark!
The pressure measuring device came straight from hell. A large apparatus with a bright light in the distance and a large pole with a blue light at the end poking out has to be placed pretty much on the eye - my right eye is sensitive now, the proximity hurt, not to mention the light.
He jotted the data down, did some more eye movement tests and eventually set me up to meet the eye doctor.

Inbetween the doctor visits I'm called to update my info. My old GP retired and they wanted the name of my new one.

The second doctor was thoroughly looking at the eye, made me do all types of test I don't remember well, but they were rather painful. All I remember is at one point he told me to look at a box and asked me if one eye saw a different hue of red than the other. The one on the right was a bit more red.
After the tests, he asked me if I felt one eyelid hanging down a bit lower than the other. No, why? He directed me to the mirror, and lo - my right eyelid was drooping.
He noticed that my right eye veers off. It has always done that, for as far as I know. I primarily look with left and ignore the right image. So he referred me to the orthoptist, and I got to the waiting room again.

A friendly little lady comes to pick me up. As I walk into her office, I immediately notice that her average patient is a lot younger than me. Children's drawings thanking her for curing her eyes line the wall. After some following the little lamp research, she sets me behind the Viewmaster Master. It is a device where each eye has to see a different image, and you have to merge them. The first one is a puppy and a dog house, where the assignment is "move the dog until it's in the dog house". The second one has a mother rabbit with one baby bunny, and the same mother rabbit with another baby bunny, and I have to merge the two pictures to see one mum and two bunnies.
Apparently I have a noticeable deviation on both sides.

So now I have two follow-up appointments. For my blurred vision, more data is needed. On September 28 I'll be getting more tests, and I need to administer eye drops an hour, and at 30 minutes, before the appointment. These drops will dilute my pupils and relax my lenses, so vision will be troublesome.

For the eye straightening - the orthoptist is fully booked. My next appointment for that is November 9.
My ex-girlfriend had some of your tests when we met cause one of her eyes veered off, which gave her a certain charm but also headaches and she felt dizzy when she was tired, then she had to take a few appointment with a doctor to exercise her eyes and make them look in the same direction, now her eyes are ok, no more squint, no more headache, etc...

BBP - 2-9-2015 at 08:42

Not sure if that's going to work for me. My sister had surgery on her eye years ago.

aquagoat - 3-9-2015 at 18:36

Well, I hope you won't have to go through eye surgery.

punknaynowned - 4-9-2015 at 02:14

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Starts in three hours!

Thank You! I'm way late, I've been away, but I think I can watch it still... :bouncy:

punknaynowned - 4-9-2015 at 02:31

sorry to read about your headaches and eye uncertainty. Disconcerting.

I had a minor ear irritation earlier in the year and would lose my balance, especially laying down and getting up from sleep. It got worse, off and on until I told someone. They said to let a drop of isopropyl alchohol sit in the ear well until it evaporates. The infection went away. The balance problem too. Looks like I'm lucky again. But I've been sick again this last week. A cough, headaches that have been better the last couple days. Visited my brother this week ~320km away in Wichita, KS. We went to a favorite bookstore there owned by an old friend and long time bookseller. He's a greek orthodox living in Wichita for over the last thirty years. Wonderful guy.

BBP - 4-9-2015 at 09:10

Hi Punky, nice to see you again and thank you for your concern!
Here's the summary:
The theme is known, famous and loved.

1 Vincent van Gogh - lived in many villages in Brabant - float shows absinthe, and Starry Night in money. "Who is mad here?" also sneakily refers to the immense amounts of money paid for his work.

2 Anton Philips - initiator of Eindhoven's biggest factory. The lightbulb-making glass blowers blow the life into Eindhoven, with many buildings made possible by Philips - the station, the Evoluon, the village... Actors display the many many products
-interview with Bjorn van der Doelen, cultural representant

3 René Magritte (it's the old duchy, including Flemish and Wallonian Brabant and Antwerp. The woman with the head covered is Magritte's mother, who threw herself into the river when René was 13. When René saw her later, her face was covered with her nighty.
Float won 2nd place

4 Jan Fentener van Vlissingen built a factory in Helmond that weaves cloth for the African market. Dresses in this float are painted live, during the parade.

5 Jacques Brel - this is a music video for Ne Me Quitte Pas. In the broken heart are several scenes of lonely men .

6 Ferdinand Peeters - invented the first successful birth control pill.

interview with the mayor

7 King Albert I of Belgium, commanded the Belgian troops on a very tiny bit of unoccupied Belgium during WW1.
Float won 3rd place.

Interview with woman from Heeze

8 Henri van Abbe - Eindhoven cigar factory owner (cheap labour attracted many tobacco companies to Brabant). Van Abbe was also a collector of still-living artist, among others he commissioned a self-portrait by Kees van Dongen. His collection became one of the most important museums of modern art.

9 Sjef van Dongen - when an Italian fascist zeppelin attempted to reach the North Pole in a supremity stunt, it was successful in the sense that they reached the North Pole - but they crashed.
Interview with the son of Sjef van Dongen.
This group won - to understand their dedication - it was 30 deg Celsius (hothothot) and they were wearing fur coats and pretending it was freezing cold for hours.

10 Peter Reijnders, inventor who built the early fairy-tale technics in the theme park Efteling. His mushrooms and the Indian Waterlilies (their signature tune is Afrikaan Beat by Bert Kaemfert) are shown.

11 Jos Orelio - opera singer. Died in 1926, so before our time, but he was very popular.
The children have real microphones

12 Hub van Doorne - built the DAF factory in Eindhoven, the world's first car with automatic transmission. The float builds actual little cars, that drive backwards since the DAF cars were known for their reverse driving capabilities (as fast as forwards, so over 60MPH).

interview with local resident

13 Ferdinand Verbiest was a missionary sent to China, and hobby astronomer. The missionary thing didn't work, but his astronomical influence was... ehm... (dodges bad joke) He removed one month of the Chinese calendar to make it work with real life.

interview with Heeze mayor

14 George van Heukelom, architect, designed stations all over Brabant.

15 Ambiorix - Germanic tribe leader who beat the Romans 2000 years ago.

interview with the organizer of the flower parade in Zundert
interview with local resident

16 Teunis Jacob Overwater - built the candy factory Red Band.

punknaynowned - 4-9-2015 at 19:50


Typing all that would give me a headache!
But I have done the same sort of thing before myself. Thank You!
I'm sending this along to family to show them a bit of what I delight in.
Be well friend!

BBP - 4-9-2015 at 23:27

Labour of love! Glad you spread the word!

polydigm - 6-9-2015 at 06:33

Been really busy at uni - have managed to keep up so far - first big test coming up Monday week.

Sorry to hear about your eye problem Bonny. I hope it can be sorted out.

I had a migraine last Sunday morning and managed to get through it without pain killers, so it seems at least that they're getting milder. I still felt pretty shitty for most of the day, but not having to take pain killers was a bonus.

BBP - 6-9-2015 at 19:17

Good luck on your test Poly!

BBP - 7-9-2015 at 22:36

Scored a decent Japanese dictionary! :bouncing:

DED - 8-9-2015 at 17:10

damned. Found my super 8 projector on the attick with worn out belts. Yesterday I managed a swap with a new one. But now I have a frame error. I cannot cortect it enough. Some other films work well. I have to change something...but what. Its a Canon PS 1000.

BBP - 9-9-2015 at 19:52

We cut down a tree today.

aquagoat - 10-9-2015 at 16:36

and you didn't hurt yourself? lol.

BBP - 10-9-2015 at 19:24

We're both sore and scratched, but that's to be expected with major yardwork.

polydigm - 11-9-2015 at 01:45

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Yesterday I managed a swap with a new one. But now I have a frame error. I cannot cortect it enough. Some other films work well. I have to change something...but what. Its a Canon PS 1000.
I have no expertise in this but if it's a new one, how come it doesn't work?
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
and you didn't hurt yourself? lol.
You're a real card. I have to admit though, this probably would have occured to me also if you hadn't pointed it out.

So, could get any worse? The place has completely degenerated into a high school playground.

BBP - 11-9-2015 at 10:36

Terrible isn't it? Like watching a car crash or reading Youtube comments.

aquagoat - 13-9-2015 at 07:34

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by DED  
Yesterday I managed a swap with a new one. But now I have a frame error. I cannot cortect it enough. Some other films work well. I have to change something...but what. Its a Canon PS 1000.
I have no expertise in this but if it's a new one, how come it doesn't work?
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
and you didn't hurt yourself? lol.
You're a real card.
yes I am.

polydigm - 13-9-2015 at 15:59

Should be asleep by now, big test in the morning.

BBP - 13-9-2015 at 18:46

Poly, go to sleep! :biggrin:

polydigm - 14-9-2015 at 09:56

I eventually got to sleep but had a pretty restless night. The weather's been pretty cool for a long time now and then all of a sudden, in the last couple of days, it warmed up significantly, so now I'm getting sweaty at night.

Anyway, the test went pretty well, but I won't say anything more until I see the marks.

BBP - 14-9-2015 at 10:44

Fingers crossed!

polydigm - 17-9-2015 at 14:01

Just had a rough day. Went to the Quantum Mechanics lecture where it was announced that our tests were available for viewing in the lecturer's office and so was was keenly looking forward to see mine. Then, about ten minutes before the end of the lecture, I started getting a migraine and had to walk out and go home. It was a pretty bad migraine this time and I needed some strong pain killers to get through it. And, to boot, I won't be seeing my test until tomorrow.

BBP - 17-9-2015 at 18:38

Sorry to hear about that, Poly... hope you'll feel better! {hug}

BBP - 19-9-2015 at 00:06

It's a busy few days for me... hope I can elaborate a bit tomorrow.

polydigm - 20-9-2015 at 10:12

Well, I got 100% for the test! I am usually incapable of getting full marks, no matter how well prepared I might be, I always manage to forget some small detail or make a silly mistake.

aquagoat - 20-9-2015 at 11:27

congratulations, Poly!

BBP - 20-9-2015 at 12:00

Wow, Poly, amazing! Congratulations!

I remember how proud I was that time I scored 100% at uni... worth much more than all the 100% tests at high school combined.

We had a rough adventure here yesterday. Long and terrible story, but basically we saved two horses.

DED - 22-9-2015 at 11:50

My grats to Poly.

Sit was down for a short time due to the migrationt to another server. Everything is ok now.

BBP - 22-9-2015 at 13:18

We're BACK people! :bald:

aquagoat - 22-9-2015 at 16:43

were we gone?

BBP - 22-9-2015 at 17:23

Yeah, for about 18 hours.

DED - 22-9-2015 at 17:43


Attachment: Suzanna4481.jpg (48kB)
This file has been downloaded 360 times

DED - 22-9-2015 at 17:45

Sites were moved to a new server by our host. Everything worked but al references to database were wrong after that (10 out of 10).
Madee some alterations and we are back

DED - 23-9-2015 at 12:16

Dutch words explained

aquagoat - 23-9-2015 at 16:57

Quote: Originally posted by DED  
hahaha, it's a good one.

aquagoat - 23-9-2015 at 16:57

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Yeah, for about 18 hours.
ha, :shy:

BBP - 24-9-2015 at 01:11

I'm bored with, I can't believe it!

DED - 24-9-2015 at 11:49

is there nothing to read about our little adventure saturday? BBP

BBP - 24-9-2015 at 12:18

Nah, they don't need to know there.

aquagoat - 24-9-2015 at 16:03

I wanna know, now.

BBP - 24-9-2015 at 16:29

Check your U2U, these things had better not be made public.

BBP - 26-9-2015 at 00:06

Papers didn't get in until 9PM today. Think I should complain about that.

polydigm - 26-9-2015 at 02:40

I'm currently working on my next QM test during the break, which is a take home assignment this time. I have a test on special relativity right after the break which I'm also preparing for.

I've hardly posted at all at for some time now. It holds no interest for me any more.

The French word for "potato" is "pomme de terre", just like the Dutch. What is strange is that the French also have the word "patate" for potato as used in the phrase "être une patate chaude", "to be a hot potato".

aquagoat - 26-9-2015 at 08:03

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  

The French word for "potato" is "pomme de terre", just like the Dutch. What is strange is that the French also have the word "patate" for potato as used in the phrase "être une patate chaude", "to be a hot potato".
Yes, we're like that. lol.

aquagoat - 26-9-2015 at 08:05

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Check your U2U, these things had better not be made public.
U2U checked.

BBP - 26-9-2015 at 11:50

"Aardappel" doesn't sound sexy at all. The only phrase we have for them is you can have them "in your throat", which means you use an English R instead of a Till Lindemann R when speaking Dutch.

BBP - 26-9-2015 at 11:59

Caputh and I have started a topic on WW2, so I actually sat here researching my posts. Embrace Godwin!

aquagoat - 27-9-2015 at 08:31

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Caputh and I have started a topic on WW2, so I actually sat here researching my posts. Embrace Godwin!
good point...

BBP - 27-9-2015 at 15:17

He's already had me baffled. I spent two days researching Seyss-Inquart to see how the Dutch feel about them.

BBP - 28-9-2015 at 16:29

Went to the eye doctor today.
Missed the blood red super moon eclipse for it.
I had to administer pupil enlarging eye drops an hour before the appointment - in the hospital a fellow patient helped me out with that until my father came.
The stuff is slightly prickly and immediately blurs badly - before long I can barely read.

Evntually I wasn't at the doctor's for long. She measured my eyes and detected I'm ever so slightly far-sighted (would have NEVER guessed that, short-sighted if anything...) and detects astigmata in the right eye. Basically that means that the eye is not perfectly round. Possibly caused by damage.
She then gave me the tip to buy cheap reading glasses to see if it is improving with the farsightedness. And absolutely nothing on the blurry vision in one eye, which was what I came in for.

I am seriously thinking of going to the GP to get another eye doctor.

BBP - 4-10-2015 at 17:36

Aaaand Back again!

Had some trouble this week after I lost my ID - we turned over the couch in order to find it and I checked with about 20 different stores. Turned out the man on the market who sells me cheese had found it. So now I got it back again, yay!

polydigm - 5-10-2015 at 01:06

Bonny, I see you're keeping them on their toes at You won't ever change JayP, he's an idiot. It occurred to me when I was reading an article there about the Firewater Myth posted by MGG that idiots like JayP just wouldn't understand it.

And Downer is far too arrogant to be argued with. I think somewhere deep down, his heart is in the right place, but he's too clever with his arguments for his own good, hence he can say some very interesting things about a variety of issues but then come up with all that ridiculous crap about gun laws. And, "Which came first, bigotry or humans?", what the hell does that even mean?

Anyway, back to my work for the test tomorrow.

BBP - 5-10-2015 at 09:03

Yah better not get distracted. I don't mind flexing my muscles if I'm sure I'll win.

BBP - 7-10-2015 at 20:23

Found a beautiful book at a charity shop. It's a remembrance book about the battles of May 1940 in The Netherlands.

polydigm - 8-10-2015 at 08:39

The test was a disaster.

Too bad about Gail. Too sad.

BBP - 8-10-2015 at 13:34

Sorry to hear about your test Poly...

I opened a topic on the Zappa section about Gail.

polydigm - 8-10-2015 at 16:00

I wonder what they're doing with the forum.

BBP - 8-10-2015 at 16:34

Bring it back and not care about it?

DZ is scheduled to play Amsterdam on the 24th, less than three weeks from now. Do you think he'll still play?

BBP - 8-10-2015 at 18:33

In relatively good news, a Dutch court has fined 8 people for making racist remarks on the Facebook page of the ultra-right-wing party.

polydigm - 9-10-2015 at 14:16

Well, is back and gone only for the reason of paying Gail a tribute, it seems. Haven't noticed anything's changed otherwise.

My test was on special relativity and it turns out I got 12.5 out of 15, which isn't so bad. The lecturer must have been very lenient.

BBP - 10-10-2015 at 16:08

Hey that's pretty good!

Made a slide and fell with my bicycle. It's in need of a new pedal nut, the steer got bent so badly it had to be replaced, my shoelace broke and the trousers I recently bought are worse for wear.
I'm bruised - it was hard going to sleep but otherwise I'm not badly injured.

polydigm - 11-10-2015 at 06:09

You and bikes!!

That reminds me, that I actually haven't said much about the day my wife and I spent in Amsterdam a week before Christmas last year. One of the main lasting impressions for me was how many people there were riding bikes. And the bike parks! Massive - everywhere.

Just finished the take home test with three days to spare. Now trying to catch up on all the theory I'm still struggling with.

BBP - 11-10-2015 at 09:10

They do, don't they? :) They're very practical to get around in a country without mountains.

BBP - 11-10-2015 at 19:15

Plook did some research after noticing Kapt. Kirk hadn't been online for a while and found he had a heart attack and is in a hospital in San Francisco. Sending some good vibes his way!

polydigm - 13-10-2015 at 01:50

Yeah, that was a bit of a shock. I don't talk to Kirk much on but we've had several conversations elsewhere about my music and other stuff. I was sorry to hear about his heart attack, he's not that old.

BBP - 13-10-2015 at 18:12

Hope Plook got to visit him today...
Dad fixed my bicycle and it now works again, great!

polydigm - 15-10-2015 at 23:01

Our internet has been down for two days. I've been using the hot spot on my mobile phone. The technician is at the exchange, right now, having a look.

BBP - 16-10-2015 at 20:20

KK's doing bad and ordered to be treated in secret, so sending postcards is not going to help... poor guy...

aquagoat - 17-10-2015 at 06:17

^^ouch, that clearly sucks!

BBP - 18-10-2015 at 00:05

It does. Not sure if it's related to his bullshit court charge...

Anyway, sister's come over, it's very cosy!

BBP - 18-10-2015 at 20:19's been out all day.

BBP - 19-10-2015 at 16:00

A few days ago I bought a DVD of the Polygoon (Du cinema) news between 1940 and 1945. It was published by the NIOD, the Dutch institute for war documentation.

Beforehand Dad pointed out something to me I should've guessed: it's all nazi-propaganda that says a lot. One item deals with a female member of the Dutch nazi movement NSB - the Catholic and numerous protestant churches had denied NSB members of religious rites, and when the woman died, she wasn't allowed to have a service at church or be buried in sacred ground. Which the NSB solved by occupying the cemetery.

BBP - 21-10-2015 at 15:31

Just spent another day in The Hague browsing for infos. Got two articles on FZ too - one on his passing, and a review of the Grand Wazoo-show that appeared in Haagsche Courant.
These are both in the Zappa-forum:

aquagoat - 21-10-2015 at 18:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
A few days ago I bought a DVD of the Polygoon (Du cinema) news between 1940 and 1945. It was published by the NIOD, the Dutch institute for war documentation.

Beforehand Dad pointed out something to me I should've guessed: it's all nazi-propaganda that says a lot. One item deals with a female member of the Dutch nazi movement NSB - the Catholic and numerous protestant churches had denied NSB members of religious rites, and when the woman died, she wasn't allowed to have a service at church or be buried in sacred ground. Which the NSB solved by occupying the cemetery.
that's cool, I like watching old news or reading old newspapers, especially from that era, it very interesting, hystorically speaking.

BBP - 22-10-2015 at 17:57

I find it difficult to watch actually. It's a lot of marching and other things we call vlagvertoon.

polydigm - 24-10-2015 at 04:12

Drowning in another take home test, way harder than the previous one.

BBP - 24-10-2015 at 07:50

Ooh Poly, good luck!

I started on a get-to-work-project that basically means I have to do production work 2 days a week and take classes for 2 more days. I hope it's the path to a better future, but for now I feel pretty miserable.

polydigm - 24-10-2015 at 13:35

Get to work project? Production work?

BBP - 24-10-2015 at 17:13

Is my English that bad? Sorry.
Had to apply for unemployment benefits, and under current Dutch legislation this means you have to do some work in exchange - meaning you have to work for about half minimum wage.
Some municipalities, like Eindhoven, refuse to do that (other cities are less friendly. One sad case was of a street sweeper in The Hague who was fired over budget cuts, ended up getting dole and was forced to go to work through the municipality - as a street sweeper. Of course these are the people who don't have the money to sue.)
In Eindhoven you end up in a 3-month traject where you have to work a bit (2 days a week, initially factory-ish work like packing but after 3 weeks you'll get something that suits you more) and get classes 1 day a week. In the mean time there's a team of ten job hunters getting those jobs that you don't see on recruitment sites.
Considerig 60% of the people who enroll find a job before the traject is over, they're doing pretty well.

polydigm - 25-10-2015 at 00:31

There is no problem with your English, I wasn't implying there might be. The problem is with context. You're talking about things that occur in Holland that I don't know about, that's all. I had some idea what you meant as those things sounded familiar to the unemployment situation in Australia and one of my sons had been on the dole for a while recently. But, as you hadn't mentioned that you were on the dole, I didn't want to jump to any conclusions.

Work for the dole is a morally bankrupt concept. The street sweeper example you gave highlights this perfectly. What we should be doing is finding a way to get everyone working for fair pay. This will never happen as long as we put up with the Western World being run by the super rich and letting them continue to shamelessly avoid their social responsibilities in the name of some bankrupt concept of so called freedom.

Anyway,pigs might fly.

On the topic of English, what is a traject? I assume it's the Dutch literally for route or section?

BBP - 25-10-2015 at 07:54

In Dutch we can use the word traject for that, but also for a non-physical route.

aquagoat - 25-10-2015 at 08:55

I hope it'll work well for you BB.:)

BBP - 25-10-2015 at 22:54

I hope so too...

At least next week I don't have to work there - I got a temporary job at the book fair.

Today I went to my favourite theme park with four friends. It was beyond awesome! The weather was great, the new ride was amazing, and since my ticket was a present and for thetrip I could ride along for free, and because I found a 10 euro note - I actually made a profit.

polydigm - 27-10-2015 at 01:05

Excellent. Nothing like a perfect day to shake out the cobwebs.

You still haven't told me what the use of the word traject means in the context of your unemployment program. We don't use that word in English at all. There is the word trajectory, when you're talking about the path of projectiles and so on. Less often it's used to mean the path someone's career might take or the progress of a plan or some such.

BBP - 27-10-2015 at 07:42

A path in the non-literal way.

polydigm - 2-11-2015 at 03:55

My current trajectory is headlong into two exams. I'm just working my way through past papers hoping to build up some match fitness.

BBP - 2-11-2015 at 18:17

Mine was working today. I'm exhausted.

BBP - 3-11-2015 at 12:46

First day off in quite some time, and I'm feeling it! Oh boy.

BBP - 3-11-2015 at 17:56

Bad day today, eye hurts...

polydigm - 3-11-2015 at 22:54

Hang in there Bonny.

Have you ever considered becoming a teacher? Weren't you studying music at university? How did that end up?

BBP - 4-11-2015 at 07:51

Yes, yes, nasty since I had to quit over finances and bad government.

BBP - 5-11-2015 at 19:26

And today I managed to knock something into my left eye. OUCH.
Vision is now difficult on either side. I hope the damage on the left is not permanent - at least it still sees better than the one on the right.

polydigm - 6-11-2015 at 13:56

You're in the wars at the moment, I hope things sort themselves out soon.

We have a fee scheme here where you repay university fees as an extra tax but only while you earn over a certain level of income. What was your difficulty with the government there?

BBP - 6-11-2015 at 18:24

In 2010, the horrible right-wing government was formed of the Christian middle party, the right-wing business men party, and the ultra-right-wing-foreigner-hating populist party. Officially only the first two, but they got support from the third party. They disbanded explosively in 2012.
This government created a fine where you had to pay an additional 3000 euros on top of the 1500 tuition money if you took too long with your studies, as in: more than 4 years. Since our prime minister (at the time and current) studied for 7 years and many other major politicians took more than 4 years AND got much more college subsidies because of the major cut in the early 1990s - this was considered hypocritical and awful, and a deterrent. The law was repealed as soon as it was possible - the same year, and everybody who paid the fine eventually got it back - but I didn't have the funds to pay for tuition at the start of the year.

As a point of interest, 3000 euros is the fine you'd have to pay if you use any college title illegally.

polydigm - 7-11-2015 at 13:00

That's outrageous! That almost makes the scum we have in power here currently look not so bad, but there is plenty of that type of hypocrisy here.

Your general area of Europe including Holland, Denmark, Sweden and so on used to be considered fairly enlightened compared to the rest of the Western world. What happened?

Will you be able to go back and finish your studies at some point? Are you still inclined to do so?

The attitude here, in spite of the current right wing dominance, is that if you wanted to return to study it would be preferable to finish a course rather than be on the dole.

BBP - 7-11-2015 at 14:18

Right-wings in power on all counts. Right-wings usually get the power when the economy grows troublesome.

I'd love to finish college.

polydigm - 8-11-2015 at 13:24

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Right-wings usually get the power when the economy grows troublesome.
Aside from being totally ironic it's insult to injury.

I hope things get better for you at some point Bonny.

BBP - 8-11-2015 at 14:54

I hope so too...

In the mean time, my sister has her old best friend from high school over at our place, she hasn't changed a bit!

punknaynowned - 10-11-2015 at 03:05

I'm sorry to hear about your woes Bonny. Hope it gets sorted and you are on the mend.

I'm okay. Working, paying bills, keeping the lights on.

polydigm - 10-11-2015 at 10:56

Just had an exam and in spite of all the stress it went quite well. That's one down and one to go and then I can get back to my music again.

BBP - 10-11-2015 at 17:53

Went to my eye doctor's today. She found my astigmatism is not the cause for my recent problems, but thinks that it's been there for a long time and that it's why my left eye is dominant. So she's on a dead track. I had retina photographs, but there was nothing special on it. Next Friday (the 13th, yes...) I'm getting another test, for the vision field.

Welp... got a busy day tomorrow, today I folded a lot of cranes.

BBP - 11-11-2015 at 16:50

Today I had class, got to visit a stylist and had an application talk with Manpower. Not every woman gets two pairs of shoes in one day!

Huck_Phlem - 11-11-2015 at 23:14

After almost 11 years in this neighborhood in Pleasanton CA I have to move out. My landlords are selling the place and gave me very little notice.
My family is going to have to all go their own ways now. Both kids are adults but still this sucks.

I have decided to move back to my hometown of Martinez CA as I have childhood friends there and not many here in this town. Plus there is a pretty good music scene there and I will be able to play music again.

I do have one restaurant that is interested in meeting me and giving me a try out.

I will be staying in a friends garage until I can find a place.

BBP - 12-11-2015 at 23:22

Sorry to hear about that Huck, that's miserable...

polydigm - 15-11-2015 at 02:03

Very unsettling Huck, but who knows what might come out of it.

On another note altogether, I'm totally shattered about Paris. My wife and I were on our way to Alençon while the Hebdo thing was happening and arrived to the reactions of my relatives there. We had just been in Paris for a week, two weeks earlier. Now this.

People are banging on about peace time attacks and acts of war, but, since at least the end of the Cold War, the West has been involved almost perpetually in wars somewhere in the world other than the West, with no casualties for themselves except soldiers. For many countries, growing up with death and destruction is the norm and that destruction is caused by weapons made in the West. Surely we must expect that there will be consequences for this behaviour. These people are nutcases but what situation has created them?

The second world war, was a war that led to massive suffering on all sides. The wars we have been involved in since, have been very different, and very one sided, and that is why I believe this kind of terrorism is on the rise.

aquagoat - 15-11-2015 at 08:34

Quote: Originally posted by Huck_Phlem  
After almost 11 years in this neighborhood in Pleasanton CA I have to move out. My landlords are selling the place and gave me very little notice.
My family is going to have to all go their own ways now. Both kids are adults but still this sucks.

I have decided to move back to my hometown of Martinez CA as I have childhood friends there and not many here in this town. Plus there is a pretty good music scene there and I will be able to play music again.

I do have one restaurant that is interested in meeting me and giving me a try out.

I will be staying in a friends garage until I can find a place.
ha, dude, that sucks, hope the situation will get better soon.

aquagoat - 15-11-2015 at 08:36

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Very unsettling Huck, but who knows what might come out of it.

On another note altogether, I'm totally shattered about Paris. My wife and I were on our way to Alençon while the Hebdo thing was happening and arrived to the reactions of my relatives there. We had just been in Paris for a week, two weeks earlier. Now this.

People are banging on about peace time attacks and acts of war, but, since at least the end of the Cold War, the West has been involved almost perpetually in wars somewhere in the world other than the West, with no casualties for themselves except soldiers. For many countries, growing up with death and destruction is the norm and that destruction is caused by weapons made in the West. Surely we must expect that there will be consequences for this behaviour. These people are nutcases but what situation has created them?

The second world war, was a war that led to massive suffering on all sides. The wars we have been involved in since, have been very different, and very one sided, and that is why I believe this kind of terrorism is on the rise.
that's exactly what I was telling to a buddy of mine on another forum, when the west will stop playing with fire, perhaps they won't get burnt anymore, but natural resources are so important to us...

polydigm - 16-11-2015 at 00:40

Plook at seems to think that all we need to do is isolate them and then blow them all up. I've always found him a wee bit ignorant, but that takes the cake.

Anyway, I need to concentrate, my next exam is only three days away and I'm nowhere near as prepared as I was with the last one.

BBP - 16-11-2015 at 18:39

Good luck with the work Poly!

First day of work at external location - spent 8 hours ironing. I'm now the Ironing Master, not to be confused with the Irony Master, that is still my achilles heel. And I only took a couple of burns for damage. Less damage than I got from wearing heels earlier.

polydigm - 16-11-2015 at 22:58

Work for the dole ... ironing? Where were you doing that?

BBP - 17-11-2015 at 11:20

It is a heel-face-turn, yes. It's about 45 mins of cycling away and since I have to be there at 8 and wanted to take my tendency for getting lost into account, I had to get up at 6AM. It's a major company called Ergon who make a fortune by getting free labour like that.

punknaynowned - 18-11-2015 at 14:06

hey! have you ever tried wearing those big foam sneaker-shoes? I call them boats, instead of boots and You'd have to get used to the bigger shoe/ toe-point ... but that might be easier than high-heels? :bouncy:

BBP - 18-11-2015 at 20:35

Poly - how about before WW2? Between the wars and just before WW1 there was the mass colonisation which left us with a fair share of tensions in the colonies in Africa and Asia. And WW1 was an extension of the Franco-Prussian war and the fall of the Ottoman empire.

polydigm - 19-11-2015 at 07:30

I was not intending to come across as absolute. Many an imperialist war has been won without weapons, requiring merely a suit, a briefcase, a little paperwork and a pen. The point we are discussing is the current upsurge of terrorism and trying to make sense of that, but yes, imperialism has been around for a long time along with various reactions to it.

Anyway, I finished my last exam for the year this morning and all of sudden felt somewhat empty.

BBP - 19-11-2015 at 23:20

Enjoy your holiday Poly!

BBP - 20-11-2015 at 22:33

Found Danzig's album 4 in a second-hand shop today but decided to hold with buying it until I'd tried listening to it first. Am trying it out now, can't say I like it.

polydigm - 24-11-2015 at 09:11

Just busying myself with all the boring chores I've been putting off while studying. I'm just working my way through all my online accounts that use a certain email address which I'm going to dump because it gets drowned in spam. Told you it was boring ...

BBP - 24-11-2015 at 17:01

Bird flew and hit the window, killed him. :crying:

polydigm - 24-11-2015 at 23:40

We have a lot of blackbirds in our area. A juvenile one flew into one of our windows recently, depositing a big splat of bird poo. It didn't die though, but I had to go out and rescue it from our dogs.

BBP - 25-11-2015 at 23:09

From next year, one neighborhood in my city is chosen to get "supportive benefits" - with all the complaints about the demeaning labour, one party opped the idea of giving people the freedom to make extra money on top of their benefits and to end the benefit "duties" of either the forced labour for the able workers, or the 5 sollicitations a week. Let's hope I won't need it.

It is indeed a very demeaning situation - numerous of the smarter people in my group have experienced depressions over this insult to injury. Last Friday, there were 5 of us - and 4 of us were emotionally so shattered the group leader let us go home early.

I have been having a lot of problems there - mainly migraines, which I never had until I was forced to go to a building with bright red floors. Today was extra terrible. I lost a lot of sleep last night over depressions and hadn't recovered, was still shaking and crying... al things put together the group leaders decided to suspend my work/learn-company duties to get me in contact with another support group. I'd get more infos about them but their website is in need of serious TLC. I'm at least the 3rd of the group to leave for this reason.

polydigm - 26-11-2015 at 13:57

Hang in there Bonny.

BBP - 27-11-2015 at 14:36

Thanks Poly! {hug}

aquagoat - 27-11-2015 at 19:31

I'm a hug you too, dear, really hope the situation will get better.

BBP - 27-11-2015 at 23:33

Thanks Aqua! How are you? :forumsmiley8:

Huck_Phlem - 28-11-2015 at 08:09

I had to move out of my home of 10-1/2 years and nth kids kids have gone their own way. My son is doing well but I am worried about my daughter as she is living with her mother and they can't seem to find a place to live. I am currently in a friends house and stay in a cold garage but it's not outdoors and have to look for a new job since my good one is way too far away now.

aquagoat - 28-11-2015 at 09:47

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Thanks Aqua! How are you? :forumsmiley8:
I'm fine, dear, I'm fine.:grin:

BBP - 28-11-2015 at 12:15

Sorry to hear about all that, Huck...

BBP - 2-12-2015 at 21:43

Had a letter from the hospital, I now have an appointment on Dec 21st.

I think I can remember that date...

BBP - 3-12-2015 at 23:07

Made this photo yesterday:

polydigm - 4-12-2015 at 00:13

I hope you're not feeling so down Bonny and I hope your situation is improving Huck. You probably may not want to hear but I'm having a great time. Just got my exam results and I got two high distinctions for physics. It seems I'm back on track after the first half of the year was kind of wiped out by my surgery in March. I've been using the spare time while on summer break to work on the garden and do some work on our two vehicles. One's a VW Transporter van which we bought new back in 1998, upgraded with two rows of removable seats in the back as a people mover and the other is a Peugeot 206 which we got back in 2002 - a tiny car in comparison.

They've both got pre USB and BlueTooth music units (they're called head units in the trade) and we'd been using a cheap add on solution with terrible sound output so I finally, with the help of my eldest son, tracked down a really good special on replacement head units. I had helped him install one in his car a while back, which involved a lot of soldering work because the old one was an aftermarket system that had not been installed properly. I learnt a lot doing that and was prepared for difficulties when doing mine. I didn't just fit new head units, I also installed phone brackets and microphones. This was easy in the van because it's got plenty of dash real estate but the Peugeot was quite a challenge. I also managed to repair a few other faults in both vehicles at the same time while I had their dashes open.

I like a lot of variety in my life and this has been a refreshing change from full on academic study. I found that going out in the garden and doing various maintenance chores for a short time each day helped me get through swot vac without going crazy. I've also been working on upgrading my musical setup and got a RAM upgrade on my laptop and the latest version of Logic Pro to get ready for some serious music development time. My next courses don't start until March next year, which is a ridiculously long break.

PS: What is that in the picture Bonny?

BBP - 4-12-2015 at 22:54

Great to hear you're doing well! I imagine it feels odd to break a couple of bad news messages. Likewise I didn't yet want to post the picture I made in the Zappa - What Happened To You Today topic yet, with all Caputh is going through.

The mushroom is the Eindhoven landmark Evoluon. I posted pictures of it before, but this one I made today is so lush with the colours...

polydigm - 4-12-2015 at 23:50

Yesterday, again with the help of my eldest son, we drained the fish pond, scraped out the mixture of fish poo, algae and gravel from the bottom and then removed the old lining. It's a big pond and was originally a school project constructed by my youngest son about three years ago when he was still in high school. It's a feature of our front garden that we have really enjoyed, but there have been some issues with maintaining it. It seems our algae problem was related to overfeeding the fish and having gravel on the bottom has turned out to be a really bad idea, so no more gravel. We're going to use small porous baskets with gravel in and various plants to jazz it up. Also, the plastic that it was lined with was not really the best for the job and had deteriorated and was losing water at a ridiculous rate, so we've replaced that with some specialised heavy duty pond liner. The picture shows where we got up to yesterday. All that remains is a little shoring up with more dirt under the edges, the replacement of the edging stones and another plant box in the deep end on the left with some lilies.

BBP - 5-12-2015 at 13:16

Nice pond!

I'm baking speculaas now, while listening to Hot Rats.

polydigm - 6-12-2015 at 23:26

Did you take a picture of those speculaas? What shapes do you use?

We're having a heat wave here, it was 41°C yesterday, Sunday, with an overnight low of 31°C. It was 34°C when we worked on the pond on Friday and then 39°C on Saturday, so nothing else got done. Yesterday all we did was buy a lily. Overnight it got seriously windy so I went out and checked the pond in the middle of the night and some of the liner over the edges had blown into the pond so I had to retrieve it and place some of the rocks to hold it down. It was half covered in debris this morning so I had some cleaning to do, but it was nice to see the lily had settled in well.

BBP - 7-12-2015 at 10:24

Poor fishes, I hope they can take a lack of oxygen like that... If we have weather like that, the fishes end up floating.

I did take a picture of speculaas. You can make dolls and such with them indeed, you need a plank for those with the cutout, but this one has almond filling, and then you can't really manage any special form. It should be rectangular but it now had a bit more of a wavy shape. I was in a hurry. Turned out we'd run out of brown sugar, so you have to get some - it needed to be done before dark, because I wanted a picture of it, and I also had to wrap some gifts and write verses so it was a tad hectic.

polydigm - 7-12-2015 at 22:14

The fish are fine, the edging is not wide enough to cover the whole pond and even if it were there's a lot of water in there.

I was wondering about your speculaas because I'd checked out a couple of articles online, which indicated that they're traditionally made with various shapes and patterns.

BBP - 8-12-2015 at 13:00

There's a crispy variety that you make little figures with (and large ones, that would be traditionally decorated and given to a sweetheart but that isn't done very often these days) and a softer, stuffed variety. I've made both but the stuffed one is liked the best here, so that's the one I make. It's incredibly addicting sutff, you can't just have one.

polydigm - 14-12-2015 at 02:34

I don't suppose it's possible to make gluten free speculaas?

BBP - 14-12-2015 at 11:17

It should be... seen some around. Are you on a gluten free diet then?

polydigm - 14-12-2015 at 13:34

I just thought I'd try it to see if it made any difference. One thing that has stopped is the manic itching I had on the skin on my legs. There is a detailed explanation of what it is about the gluten that ultimately causes the itching and I won't go into that, but abstaining from it appears to have worked.

BBP - 14-12-2015 at 23:06

The recipes I see use almond flour. I wouldn't recommend it with the soft filled speculaas, that would be avoiding gluten by eating a lot of cyanide.

polydigm - 17-12-2015 at 04:24

We're having another heat wave of 40°C weather here. Not much work being done outside, but I managed finish digging out a tree base the other day. That was hard work.

We use almond flour sometimes, but mostly an off the shelf mixture of non gluten flours which is not too bad. It's a combination of corn starch, rice flour, tapioca starch, rice bran and guar gum.

BBP - 18-12-2015 at 10:55

Heat waves aren't really the kind of weather for speculaas.

Good job on the tree base!

BBP - 20-12-2015 at 21:29

Going to the doctor tomorrow for my eye... brrr.

BBP - 22-12-2015 at 00:48

Had a tear test. The outcome of all the tests was nothing unusual that could explain the sudden blurriness, so now I have an appointment with the neurologist for Wednesday.

aquagoat - 22-12-2015 at 08:42

fuck, Bonny, when will they find what the problem is?

BBP - 22-12-2015 at 09:31

Beats me...

BBP - 23-12-2015 at 11:27

Quite a day and it's not even noon...
The neurology appointment was today, after the intake and the preliminary testing I was set up for a VEP-scan (with electrodes on the head) and an MRI-scan. The MRI takes time to plan, but for the VEP I am "lucky", that's tomorrow.

Worse was the Christmas card we had from my uncle, informing us that they found cancer on my aunt.

Calvin - 23-12-2015 at 12:48

Merry Christmas! (Oh, and your aunt has cancer.) Not a very uplifting card.

BBP - 23-12-2015 at 19:59

Well, they're not as laconic about it... It was clearly written by my aunt out of the name of both of them. Auntie is a dear, but she's not the brightest crayon in the box. And when you visit her you'll mimick her speech for a fortnight.

BBP - 24-12-2015 at 16:42

't Was the day of the VEP test. VEP stands for Visual Evoked Potential.

For this test I was not allowed to wash my hair or use any hair products or make-up today. You get a very, VERY tight hat on, like a swim hat, there are electrodes on that. The assistant then makes scratches on your scalp so the electrodes are in better contact with your nerves. That was rather painful.
My hair was rather high after the ponytail was removed, so I got a tight strap around the chin that wasn't exactly pleasant. I sat in front of a screen with a chessboard pattern on it, with a yellow square in the middle. I had to focus on the square while the chessboard pattern switches colour. The total time for the test is about 20 minutes, in total 2 minutes of staring for each eye.

aquagoat - 25-12-2015 at 10:20

The way you describe it conjures up this image in my head, Bonny:

polydigm - 27-12-2015 at 23:07

So, I hope there weren't any untoward results from that last test Bonny. Are they any closer to knowing what's up?

BBP - 28-12-2015 at 11:45

I don't know. The assistant couldn't tell me much and now I'm waiting for the MRI-date.

aquagoat - 28-12-2015 at 15:00

:mad: Computer died, computer nearly learnt to fly by the window, computer was dismembered and thrown in garbage can, baby computer is on its way. :D

BBP - 28-12-2015 at 17:28

Sorry to hear about the PC, that blows... hope you didn't lose much data!

aquagoat - 28-12-2015 at 20:57

well, most of it is copied on an external hard drive but a few recent folders are gonna be missing, I hoped my computer would start one last time so that I may transfer the mising bits etc, etc, but it didn't want to. The boring thing is that I'll have to reinstall a bunch of softwares, etc on the new one, but well...:D

polydigm - 28-12-2015 at 23:36

Did the internal drive itself break down? If not, the data can be pretty easy to get off of that.

BBP - 29-12-2015 at 11:50

It is recoverable but if the experience with my sister's crashed external drive is any indication, recovering data from the PC is going to be expensive.

aquagoat - 29-12-2015 at 12:21

I've kept the internal drive to ask a friend what he can do with it, I'll see if he can get something back.

BBP - 29-12-2015 at 18:11

MRI is scheduled on 29 January.

polydigm - 29-12-2015 at 22:54

So, what actually broke down in your computer aqua? Was it a hard drive crash or a motherboard failure or what? There was a motherboard failure in one of my children's computers once, but it was a manufacturing fault and they replaced it for free. I'd bought that one second hand, so it turned out to be a real bargain.

aquagoat - 30-12-2015 at 08:55

well, you know it was quite old, and when I'm home it's on all day long, it had been working badly for a year now, took ages to start, was pretty slow, couldn't do two things at a time, etc, etc, plus the multiple shocks it had received didn't help.

polydigm - 30-12-2015 at 10:03

It'll be nice to get a new one then.

polydigm - 30-12-2015 at 11:29

Apparently MRIs give a lot more detail than cat scans. I had a fit about ten years ago after a very gruelling five set squash match. I had to go and see a neurologist to see if I'd somehow developed epilepsy in middle age. The hospital had given me a cat scan and I took the films along with me to the neurologist's appointment. You expect medical specialists to be pretty formal and serious about their profession and this guy just said that a cat scan was as useless as tits on a bull. After some pretty intense testing he concluded I didn't have epilepsy and had had what is known as a syncope. My potassium level was too low and I was very dehydrated.

BBP - 30-12-2015 at 13:02

I once had a second-hand computer with three drives, one was real big... I used the big one for games. This was at my Gabriel Knight addiction, when I was playing GK3 it suddenly stopped working. The drive gave in because one of the dealies of it had broken down. Smoke was coming out of it 'n all.

BBP - 30-12-2015 at 17:29

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Apparently MRIs give a lot more detail than cat scans. I had a fit about ten years ago after a very gruelling five set squash match. I had to go and see a neurologist to see if I'd somehow developed epilepsy in middle age. The hospital had given me a cat scan and I took the films along with me to the neurologist's appointment. You expect medical specialists to be pretty formal and serious about their profession and this guy just said that a cat scan was as useless as tits on a bull. After some pretty intense testing he concluded I didn't have epilepsy and had had what is known as a syncope. My potassium level was too low and I was very dehydrated.

Have you ever been through an MRI-scan? I'm worried, to say the least - half an hour of laying still in a narrow tunnel... I do have a slight touch of claustrophobia that I hope to overcome within a month.

Today I called the radiology department to ask if my ankle's pins were going to be any problem. No, fortunately - but there's another catch.

There's a huge list of things I have to check upon - if you bring your hearing aid in, it'll break with the magnetism. People with pacemakers can't have an MRI. I'm not allowed to wear make-up, mascara can still contain traces of metal, but that won't be a problem. Neither will tattoos or permanent make-up be a problem for me, but it's interesting: the tattoos won't explode, but they may run out. That must be terrible, permanent run-out mascara.
People who have had a metal splinter in their eye can't take an MRI without getting a photo first to check for scraps left in. This means that I can't bring dad with me: he had a splinter in his eye back in 1977. It's been drilled out of course (eek eek eek eek eek eek) but there might still be remnants, and for people accompanying they won't take any photos.

polydigm - 30-12-2015 at 22:43

I had a nuclear bone scan once and that involved being strapped up and closed in and lasted ages. I hate stuff like that with a passion but somehow managed to get through it.

aquagoat - 31-12-2015 at 10:35

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
It'll be nice to get a new one then.
I already have a new one, lol, mine died on monday, I got a new one on tuesday.:D

BBP - 31-12-2015 at 12:17

Nice! How's it working out for you?

aquagoat - 2-1-2016 at 09:21

Just fine. :D

BBP - 2-1-2016 at 22:40

Beat my sister at Scrabble. First time I won that!

polydigm - 3-1-2016 at 00:40

So now you can put your feet up and retire. :D

aquagoat - 3-1-2016 at 09:06

Congratulations, Bonny!:D

BBP - 3-1-2016 at 20:58

I'll get my cosy little footies now... :)

BBP - 4-1-2016 at 14:41

Seriously I'm ready for the nursing room. Went to the second-hand shop today when the shop assistant pointed out to me (while I was going in) that I was wearing odd shoes.
Spent my etire visit manoeuvring trolley and bag in such a way that they wouldn't be easily noticed, and I haven't heard anybody else burst into laughter (besides Dad when I told him) but man, is that embarrassing!

polydigm - 5-1-2016 at 04:06

I did that once, but then again, I'm an old man ... :D

It's easy enough to do if your shoes are in a pile and have a similar style.

BBP - 5-1-2016 at 13:23

They are both dark,but one is a tidy shoe and the other is a sneaker that has a bright orange rim.

BBP - 6-1-2016 at 11:08

Noticed yesterday that my bicycle tire is about to explode - luckily I noticed it in time. So I don't think I have time to bake an epiphany cake today. :(

BBP - 7-1-2016 at 17:35

Got drenched when I went to buy potatoes. Brrrrrrr....

polydigm - 7-1-2016 at 22:32

You must have been in a real hurry with those shoes. Auto pilot is a very important part of being human, but it can get out of control. Auto pilot is what puts sugar in the tea pot instead of tea leaves when you haven't quite woken up yet. The longer you live the more elaborate your auto pilot gets and I probably rely on mine far too much. I figure that's how I will eventually die - death by auto pilot.

So, you're getting soaked and frozen while we're getting baked. Although, we've had our air-conditioning system revamped and it is now keeping the whole house properly cool.

BBP - 8-1-2016 at 18:19

Today was a nice day for it though. I went to the market and the flea market to meet my old bosses. Henk's eye problems are still terrible unfortunately, but he did manage to reassure me for the MRI.
And I saw a 10 million Mark note from 1923, the era of hyper-inflation. I wonder what it would've bought at the time. It was only valid for two months.

BBP - 11-1-2016 at 19:51

Am absolutely freezing after a trip to the 2nd hand store. At least I got two calendar clippings of Mucha for free. And I bought a knit book, there's a great Celtic knot on it. Hopefully I can design celtic knits myself someday. I can do celtic drawings.

polydigm - 16-1-2016 at 01:04

I've been busy in the garden again. I got rid of that other tree stump. There's one more troublesome tree to come down before the front garden is finished and a next door neighbour has offered to get rid of that. The front garden is looking really good now. The next big projects are in the back garden.

BBP - 16-1-2016 at 15:47

Watch out for your back, Poly!

polydigm - 17-1-2016 at 01:32

Funnily enough, the garden doesn't appear to have done me any harm, but I did hurt my back recently moving a piano. It seems to be muscular and is getting better slowly.

BBP - 17-1-2016 at 02:05

If Laurel & Hardy didn't warn you sufficiently about moving pianos there's a story I could tell you about the time we had to move the piano to the hall to fit new carpet...

BBP - 18-1-2016 at 17:44

It took me 6 attempts but I managed to make the knot!

polydigm - 18-1-2016 at 23:44

Knot bad.

As far as L&H's piano goes, it must have been a toy piano. There's no way two people could pick up a solid modern upright piano that easily. And dropping it on his back from that height would followed by his funeral.

aquagoat - 19-1-2016 at 11:29

That's really cool, Bonny

BBP - 19-1-2016 at 12:45

Yeah I noticed that. But even if it was light-weight the lowering onto his back was a very stupid idea that would have resulted in a hernia.

aquagoat - 21-1-2016 at 09:32

Haven't worked since monday because of the cold weather. It gives me time to fill the forms for a new passport.:D

aquagoat - 21-1-2016 at 09:35

Always be very carefull with moving a piano, I've seen may persons having back problems because of that.

BBP - 21-1-2016 at 13:04

Fill forms for a new passport? Whoa...

Don't worry Aqua. We have absolutely no intention of moving the piano in the near future.

aquagoat - 24-1-2016 at 12:21

Good news, Bonny, good news!

BBP - 24-1-2016 at 23:41

We had some weirdness here. Dad and I often play a card game of the Rummy family in the evenings, usually a best-of-5. Getting the deck properly shuffled is difficult, but we found a system where we deal the cards in 3 stacks and shuffle the one unused stack with the remainder after the 13 cards you start with have been dealt.

Since it's a rummy game, you have to form groups with them: either sets of the same value or series of the same suit - and with our dividing system I was surprised to start on the first game of the evening with a 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 of clubs.
Second round: Dad is dealt 7, 8 and 9 of clubs.
Third round: Dad is dealt 7, 8 and 9 of clubs.
Fourth round: Dad is dealt 5, 6 and 7 of clubs.

(cue X-files theme)

punknaynowned - 26-1-2016 at 07:19

People here are also talking in excited tones about the return of The X-Files. It's hilarious.

I work at a homeless shelter. There's a couple hundred people we see regularly with 130-150 staying routinely any night. Especially when it's cold.
It's challenging work acting as temporary nurse, cop, judge, jury, mom, counselor, teacher, stern warner, harsh critic and sometimes friend. But I love it despite daily having to decide on/do something I've never done before, without any training or warning. And hopefully before shit gets out of hand. Constantly I'm having to set priorities for these actions, do them as quickly as possible, while not forgetting the lesser important things I've been asked to do along the way, and then often having to defend these immediate judgements if necessary for someone who thinks their needs must instead be the priority, while remembering to praise people for their patience, when justified. Expressing continual gratitude for everythingfolks volunteer to do, from cleaning the bathrooms, washing the dishes, picking up cigarette butts or answering the phone, trying to steer people from claims of a sense of entitlement toward expressions of gratitude, with or without snark.

And everyone has a story, experience, memories and hopes. So many stories, so many people. It can be wonderful and amazing, but is often tragic.
I get paid just under 8.3 euros an hour. We are very much understaffed. My schedule changes radically every few months with hours worked thru the week also changing frequently, as this or that person gets sick and shifts need covering. We're so tightly scheduled - money-wise - that to bring on another staff member during peak hours means I have had to cut back on my hours. And I've just learned that to bring me on at all (six months ago) meant a couple longer term staff took schedule cuts without my knowledge. But they did it without a word of it to me or a hint that it cut into their hrs worked/dollars earned. Remarkable. Both staff and guests seem to have accepted me with open arms and for this I can only be grateful. I need to reciprocate.

BBP - 26-1-2016 at 13:30

Had a letter from the hospital today - it turned out that my personal data, along with that of over 4500 others (name, birth date, patient file number and hospital speciality) has been out to see for people who don't have permission, for 33 days. There will be something on the TV about it tonight and the hospital installed a special number - that could be reached on three days only: specifically the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Website doesn't have any information.

BBP - 28-1-2016 at 18:00

Whelp, I'm set up for the microwave tomorrow...

On Wednesday I bought Bulky yarn, extra thick yarn that I had to buy 10mm needles for. But it was cheap, good quality and a great colour, so I got 3 balls weighing 200g each. I'm making a Celtic sweater with it.

The front of the sweater is finished, but it took almost one whole ball of yarn, meaning 3 balls of yarn is probably not going to be enough. Today I cycled to 4 different shops that sell it, but they're all out.

aquagoat - 29-1-2016 at 14:26

Unemployed again. :swear::mad:

BBP - 29-1-2016 at 21:19

Sorry to hear that Aqua... (hug)

I missed the MRI scan, managed to knock over nasty soap on a wooden table and had a complaint from the papers... can't wait til tomorrow...

polydigm - 30-1-2016 at 16:53

Interesting job Ned, I'm not sure I could handle it. Although I have had some pretty tough classes teaching high school.

aquagoat - 30-1-2016 at 22:29

and now I'm sick, I've got fever, headache, I'm cold and hot at the sae time... gosh!!!

BBP - 31-1-2016 at 01:02

Poor Aqua!

polydigm - 31-1-2016 at 15:41

Get better soon Mr Goat. How long did you have your last job? What's it like finding work in France at the moment?

Bonny, what happened to your MRI? Will you have to wait long for another appointment?

BBP - 31-1-2016 at 16:57

Well that was realy stupid - at some undefined moment in time, it got into my head that I needed to be there at 14:30 - I am kicking myself over not checking the exact time of the appointment. At 12:10 I had a phonecall that I missed it, the appointment was at noon.

aquagoat - 1-2-2016 at 09:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Poor Aqua!
thank you Bonny.

aquagoat - 1-2-2016 at 09:35

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Get better soon Mr Goat. How long did you have your last job? What's it like finding work in France at the moment?

Bonny, what happened to your MRI? Will you have to wait long for another appointment?
my last job lasted a bit more than 2 years. Finding a job can be quite difficult depending on your profession, but I'm quite optimistic, I'm pretty good at what I do and there's usually work for a good roofer, so we'll see.

aquagoat - 1-2-2016 at 09:37

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Well that was realy stupid - at some undefined moment in time, it got into my head that I needed to be there at 14:30 - I am kicking myself over not checking the exact time of the appointment. At 12:10 I had a phonecall that I missed it, the appointment was at noon.
ha, shit, when can you have another appointment?

BBP - 1-2-2016 at 10:00

Roofer? Do you use those screws with those disks around them, like I had to make when I was at WLB?

I'll be at the bottom of the waiting list again, so four to six weeks.

BBP - 1-2-2016 at 10:25

Okay it's on 26 February, 14:30.
(sets off notifications)

polydigm - 1-2-2016 at 22:36

Aqua, were you working for a builder who had a downturn in building orders or something like that?

One of my cousins, who lives near Alençon, is in the building trade. I'm not exactly sure what his area of expertise is - carpentry, I think.

Bonny, the last time I missed an appointment was because the receptionist put the appointment in a week early and as I was sure I wouldn't forget the correct date, I never checked the appointment letter. The time before that I had put the wrong time - later than the actual time - in my calendar app and got the call asking where I was while I was getting ready to go.

aquagoat - 2-2-2016 at 09:55

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Roofer? Do you use those screws with those disks around them, like I had to make when I was at WLB?

I'll be at the bottom of the waiting list again, so four to six weeks.
hum, I don't really see the kind of screws you're talking about, bonny, any picture of them?

aquagoat - 2-2-2016 at 10:01

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Aqua, were you working for a builder who had a downturn in building orders or something like that?

One of my cousins, who lives near Alençon, is in the building trade. I'm not exactly sure what his area of expertise is - carpentry, I think..
hum, no, we just had an argument as to why the work wasn't finished yet which ended by me telling him rather aggressively that if he wasn't happy he could do my job in my place, so he decided to put a term to my interim contract.

BBP - 2-2-2016 at 14:56

We had these lense-shaped plates (circles but with a round side) with a hole in the middle that we had to drill screws into. The supervisor told me they were used to keep down plastic foil during roofing. I don't know what they're called and failed at finding a photo.

BBP - 2-2-2016 at 15:35

Next hospital appointment is 8:40 on March 2.

BBP - 3-2-2016 at 21:56

Went out twice for groceries today - the second time to buy bread. Turned out we still had some.

polydigm - 3-2-2016 at 21:58

There are these special roofing screws, for corrugated iron roofs, that come with a rubber washer that helps seal the hole when screwed in.

BBP - 3-2-2016 at 23:39

Nope. It was a larger disk, about 5 cm diameter with a hole in the middle, and convex/concave shape like a gigantic robot contact lense. We'd drill regular screws through the hole in the middle, on the convex side. I enjoy working with power tools but 4 hours of screwing on end... Sometimes the robot lenses were badly produced and the screw'd go in crooked... sometimes I'd get bits of metal in my eye. Sometimes the drill slipped and hit my fingers.

(This was way after the start of my eye problems and the only eye accident I had there was with a dolly in a blister pack.)

aquagoat - 4-2-2016 at 09:54

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
There are these special roofing screws, for corrugated iron roofs, that come with a rubber washer that helps seal the hole when screwed in.
that I see and that I use, yes.

aquagoat - 4-2-2016 at 10:02

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Nope. It was a larger disk, about 5 cm diameter with a hole in the middle, and convex/concave shape like a gigantic robot contact lense. We'd drill regular screws through the hole in the middle, on the convex side. I enjoy working with power tools but 4 hours of screwing on end... Sometimes the robot lenses were badly produced and the screw'd go in crooked... sometimes I'd get bits of metal in my eye. Sometimes the drill slipped and hit my fingers.

(This was way after the start of my eye problems and the only eye accident I had there was with a dolly in a blister pack.)
Aren't you supposed to wear protection glasses when doing that?

You mean that kind of screw?

If so, yes I use them.

BBP - 4-2-2016 at 13:11

No, not those. Anyway the supervisor told me they got shipped to England, so you wouldn't have been in contact with my handiwork anyway.
After the incident with the blister packs I did start to bring my own glasses in. They had them there but maybe they didn't think there was so much risk.

aquagoat - 5-2-2016 at 08:48

Where I worked they always gave us glasses when we had to drill some metal stuff, I received bits of metal in my eyes once or twice so I always used them, probably ther only piece of protection I used systematically cause those tiny slags can really damage the eye.

BBP - 5-2-2016 at 11:06

I know. Dad had one of them in his eye and they had to drill it out. Eeeeeeeeow!

Because of that he's not allowed to go to the MRI chamber with me.

polydigm - 6-2-2016 at 00:26


BBP - 6-2-2016 at 10:02

No, sorry... It's closer though, but the disk was much larger and you only drilled the screw in for one cm.

BBP - 9-2-2016 at 22:02

aquagoat - 11-2-2016 at 10:27

who's that good looking knight?

BBP - 11-2-2016 at 12:06

He was in the fanfare. His father asked if I wanted a picture with him.

BBP - 14-2-2016 at 09:53

A big hug to you all for Valentines!

aquagoat - 15-2-2016 at 11:01

A big hug to you too, Bonny.:grin:

BBP - 16-2-2016 at 15:27

Had a join request from a new member!

aquagoat - 17-2-2016 at 09:29

cool, a new member.

BBP - 17-2-2016 at 11:41

He hasn't signed in yet, though.

BBP - 21-2-2016 at 11:57

Hmm... looks like a bust...

Had a couple of nasty days with headaches...

polydigm - 22-2-2016 at 12:27

Sorry to hear you haven't been well Bonny.

I've been having a very good summer so far. The original major surgery I had in June 2010 not only saved my life, but after some recovery time, gave me much better health than I'd had for some time, but it was only the first stage of the process and there have still been some niggling problems. The surgery I had in March 2015 was the second and final stage of the process and seems to have taken care of the remaining niggles. By October 2015 and since I have been feeling very well. The bad news is that I have arthritis in both thumbs. Playing guitar and piano now routinely involve dealing with a certain amount of pain. Anyway, I'm back in lectures next week, having transformed our gardens during the summer break and I'm very pleased with the results. I haven't been this physically active for a long time.

Based on the last six years of my life, having said all that out loud, something will now go very wrong.

BBP - 22-2-2016 at 19:09

Good day in all. Found a Simpsons Season 3 Deluxe Edition DVD box at the charity shop and had a phonecall from my blind friend.

Stay healthy Poly!

polydigm - 23-2-2016 at 07:06

Staying healthy is the plan. The hardest thing I'm finding is losing weight. I can manage not to drink too much alcohol why can't I stop having eating binges? I just ate far too many Maltesers this afternoon and that was after a lunch that I could have well done without. I've lost some weight working in the garden but I'm back in academic mode starting next week. Let's hope riding the bike and walking between lectures will be enough exercise.

BBP - 23-2-2016 at 10:45

Oh I know that... it's why I stop buying sugary stuff. Just yesterday I was tempted into getting some chocolate waffles but I put them back, went home with an apple.

polydigm - 23-2-2016 at 23:08

My wife was given a gift of chocolates at work the other day. She's recently been diagnosed with diabetes, so I took one for the team. Then my son turned up with the box of Maltesers and wouldn't eat them. I have at least done my best to not go out and buy that crap myself, but when it's there in the fridge ...

BBP - 24-2-2016 at 10:40

...I understand...

We did get two boxes of Tofifee once, but that was so gross we only finished one. I've had Tofifee since, I don't know how I ate those knowing how foul it is. I hate caramel.

You may have heard Mars is taking back a lot of candybars?

polydigm - 25-2-2016 at 14:46

What's happening with Mars?

BBP - 25-2-2016 at 19:07

Still orbitting the sun at a speed of 24,077 km/s!

Anyway they found a mars bar with plastic in it in Germany. The factory is located in Veghel, not too far from where I live - they said that one chocolate pipeline had been replaced and one of the caps hadn't been removed. The chance is low that you'd find any plastic in your bar, but the edges could be sharp and could cause injuries.

aquagoat - 26-2-2016 at 11:04

I've probably found a job.

polydigm - 26-2-2016 at 13:17

Funny Mars joke, Bonny.

Good news Aqua!

aquagoat - 26-2-2016 at 16:25

yes it is, and it comes with a better pay.

BBP - 26-2-2016 at 21:54

Terrific news Aqua! Congratulations!!

I had my MRI-scan today. After I'd put on the special unflattering MRI-clothing, I was led to the bench into the machine, got a surgical cap on my head, laid down with my head in a brace and shoulders against the brace, got a pillow under my legs and an emergency button in my hand. Then my face was covered with a mask, with a little mirror in it so I could see out the tunnel, and headphones on. There was a radio in it, the assistant asked me if I wanted to listen to it. I replied yes, so music was put on. Terrible music but after I was slid into the machine and the photos started, I couldn't hear that anymore.

Man that's noisy! A lot of banging at all frequencies... at times so loud that the machine vibrated along. The nurse talked to me a few times if I was still OK, and to warn for a particularly loud photo.
I had a session of 40 minutes, since I got two researches at once: one of my brain, one of my eye socket. It was so noisy my head hurts. I was very dizzy coming out, still am.

And then I still had to fold papers. Luckily there were the newborn baby polar bears at the nearby zoo on the cover.

aquagoat - 27-2-2016 at 12:01

Thank you very much, Bonny.

Fuck! That MRI-scan sounds like quite an experience.

polydigm - 27-2-2016 at 23:31

I would have to take valium to put up with an MRI.

BBP - 28-2-2016 at 12:35

It's not the kind of MRI that they show on House, no. The doctors do talk a bit to you inbetween photos, the "how are you holding up?" and in one case the note that the next photo would be very loud but only one minute long. Looking back I'm kinda proud I didn't panic too much but I definitely hope that was my last MRI.

Head still hurts.

BBP - 2-3-2016 at 17:38

The neurologist said that my scans were clean, as in no infections or growths. She puts my pain down to muscle tension and now I get pain killers. Which in higher doses are used as anti-depressants.

BBP - 4-3-2016 at 13:17

Went to The Hague yeserday for archive research, visited the beach afterwards... Slept for more than 12 hours. Medication makes drowsy.

polydigm - 4-3-2016 at 14:17

My doctor wanted to discuss pain relief for my arthritis, but I told him I wasn't interested.

BBP - 4-3-2016 at 20:43

One side effect of these meds is they blur your vision. Considering I went to the hospital because of blurred vision, I'm finding this a bit weird.

aquagoat - 5-3-2016 at 08:45

haaa, the mysteries of medicine...

BBP - 5-3-2016 at 19:07

They're not doing too much so far... although I do feel drowsy...

BBP - 7-3-2016 at 22:10

Very drowsy indeed. Today was the second time I slept around the clock.

polydigm - 7-3-2016 at 22:33

Sleeping is good if you really need the rest, but pain killers can make you drowsy even if you don't need the sleep. I probably will give in eventually and use them if the arthritis gets really bad but in the mean time I need to be alert. I'm back in the thick of it at uni and I mostly don't even drink during the week. One or two beers is enough to significantly reduce one's concentration.

BBP - 8-3-2016 at 11:48

I don't drink, so I wouldn't know that...:bald:

BBP - 10-3-2016 at 18:10

Bought two tickets to the Jeroen Bosch-exhibition!

aquagoat - 11-3-2016 at 18:24

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Bought two tickets to the Jeroen Bosch-exhibition!
One of my favorite painters, are you allowed to take pictures?

BBP - 11-3-2016 at 21:25

Don't know... I'll bring my camera just in case!

(This is the kind of exhibition that happens once or twice in a lifetime and that is worth a long journey - tickets are a hefty 22 euros but a lot of these paintings are normally in the States, or in Spain or Italy... if you're interested please don't hesitate to go there. The tickets sell like hot cakes!)

BBP - 14-3-2016 at 21:51

Three days without a post Bon...

Managed to get up a bit earlier than before today...

BBP - 16-3-2016 at 22:33

Scoured the town looking for a smartphone...

polydigm - 16-3-2016 at 22:34

I'm snowed under back at uni. It's the usual madness of balancing assignment deadlines and staying on top of the content. I was up past 1:30AM over night and up early again this morning. On top of that I'm dealing with a combination of hay fever and common cold and my nose has been running like hell since yesterday morning.

Sounds worse than it is though, the nose is really bugging me, but I'm quite fit now and staying pretty much on top of things. I am kind of enjoying all four of my courses.

BBP - 16-3-2016 at 22:48

HOoo sounds like a tense time... Good luck!

BBP - 18-3-2016 at 23:24

Pfff.... long day of folding brochures...
Played lots of Zappa! Played all of CD2 of Uncle Meat - normally I skip through the long excerpt after a while.

polydigm - 20-3-2016 at 22:55

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
HOoo sounds like a tense time... Good luck!
The day before I wrote that message, when the illness started, I rode my bicycle to uni and back 3 times and had several handkerchiefs with me to survive the lectures. It's 4k away, so that's 24k total and I ride as fast as I can go. That night I'd taken antihistamines and so the following day my nose ended up settling down but my throat was on fire. After writing that message I rode to uni and back twice. That was Friday and by Saturday morning it was already starting to clear up. I've just spent the weekend clearing out my upper respiratory tract - you don't want to know the details.

It's now Monday morning and I'm feeling pretty good. Hopefully I can now just focus on my studies. Although, it's the time of year when weeds start to go mad, so at some point very soon I've got to get out into the garden with weed spray and a hoe.

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Played all of CD2 of Uncle Meat - normally I skip through the long excerpt after a while.
Originally I discovered you could fit all the original parts of that on one CD, so I didn't have to put up with the movie excerpts. But I had to micro edit a little bit of noise from the start of King Kong I. Then the Universal version came out without that little bit of noise.

BBP - 21-3-2016 at 01:33

A few days ago I spent hours programming a silly march into NoteWorthy Composer. Now I only have the demo of NWC, which doesn't allow you to save or export. Since the sonic version was all I needed, and NWC worked best because I still have all the shortcuts memorized, I decided to program this sheet music for my father in NoteWorthy Composer, then record it with my screen recorder to keep the audio, and then make our merry ways with it.

Just found out I recorded without the sound.

Rookie mistake that cost hours. So this is what it must've felt like that time Dad put a freshly programmed cassette on the TV.

BBP - 22-3-2016 at 18:32

Quite a shock, Brussels... I hope our Belgian friends and family are all OK...

BBP - 26-3-2016 at 01:23

Bosch tickets are sold out now.

polydigm - 27-3-2016 at 06:17

The Brussels thing was frightening, but my wife and I undeterred, we still want to move to Europe.

Isn't it exciting that the save the vault thing has gone past $500,000?

I've had two migraines since I last posted, which is unusual for me. Not sure what's going on. I free pretty good in general though.

BBP - 27-3-2016 at 13:40

I don't understand what's going on with the vault... why does it need saving? Inheritance cost?

BBP - 29-3-2016 at 10:54

Hope the migraines stay away Poly!

polydigm - 30-3-2016 at 23:11

I'm not sure what you mean by why does the vault needs saving. There are four inheriting children so they will obviously want the house sold and the proceeds divided and I imagine they would want this sooner rather than later. Where will the contents of the vault go then? Having it all digitised solves that problem, because then it just goes on a hard drive. Either that or eventually it all ends up on a dump. It would be sad for it not to be saved, but very expensive to do so. Rock and a hard place.

BBP - 31-3-2016 at 19:40

I have a hard time imagining Dweezil would let it go that far with the vault - and I assumed one of them would take over the house... guess not. Sad...

Am checking out what else to do in Den Bosch on my birthday. Maybe a boat trip on the Binnendieze.

polydigm - 2-4-2016 at 03:27

Just imagine you're one of four siblings inheriting a house worth four million dollars. Your share is one million dollars. Do you want to forego one million dollars while one of your siblings lives in the house? I know I wouldn't.

I'm not sure what you mean about "go that far with the vault".

So you're going to Den Bosch on your birthday. Is it far from where you live? Is the name just a coincidence given that you were talking about the Jeroen Bosch exhibition above?

BBP - 2-4-2016 at 10:21

The painter named himself after the place he came from. He was born as Jheronimus van Aken. It's great to have the works back in the place where Bosch made them!
's-Hertogenbosch, as the city is officially known, is about 20 minutes by train for me. It's a beautiful old town that got rich in the late Middle Ages over wood-trade with the Swedes. The abundance of water made it an easy town to defend.

polydigm - 4-4-2016 at 07:55

My wife and I are planning on moving to Europe eventually and we will definitely be visiting the Netherlands again.

BBP - 4-4-2016 at 23:31

The exhibition was amazing!!!!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!!!!!!

BBP - 8-4-2016 at 10:27

Aqua, you're in luck: the Bosch exhibition is lengthened again!
I have to stress - this is an awesome exhibition. In spite of it being busy, you can get real close to the paintings, up to 30 cm.
(try a couple of times until the tickets are on sale again)

aquagoat - 8-4-2016 at 17:44

I wish I could go, that would be great, but I've got other plans for that period of time. Thank you anyway, Bonny.

BBP - 8-4-2016 at 21:11

Pity... it was such an amazing exhibition!
The Ship Of Fools is in the Louvre. It was once part of a triptych: the panel was detached from the back and then sown in two, the bottom of the ended up in Yale's art gallery in New Haven - it's known as Gluttony and Lust. At the other end of the Ship of Fools would have been one half of the Wayfarer, which is in Rotterdam. The back of the other half of the Wayfarer was Death And The Miser. Four places, three countries, two continents, one triptych.
Now they're all in one section of the room, the parts of the Ship of Fools reunited, with informative screens showing how the triptych would've looked, showing details and showing the infrared photography, which shows how Bosch worked and what changes he made.

Here's the website of the Bosch Research Project, for a good time:

aquagoat - 9-4-2016 at 07:48

That must have been an awesome exhibition... I'll have to go see The Ship Of Fools when it's come back to the Louvre, I haven't been there for a long time. It must be great to see all the different parts all gathered together in one room!

Thanks for the link, Bonny.

BBP - 9-4-2016 at 11:05

If you're going to the Louvre for just one painting: remember there's another part of the Louvre in Lens now. When we went to the Louvre my sister wanted to see Liberty guiding the People, but that turned out to be in Lens. I'm not sure where they put the Ship of Fools when it comes back (and IIRC it may spend some months at the Prado).

aquagoat - 10-4-2016 at 07:56

Thanks for the info, I totally forgot that Lens thing.

BBP - 11-4-2016 at 18:57

Found an awesome book at the secondhander today:

BBP - 12-4-2016 at 22:45

And here's a picture!

aquagoat - 13-4-2016 at 17:12

looks good, what is it about?

BBP - 14-4-2016 at 10:36

It's a fairy tale book. This one is about four brothers, one a thief, one star gazer, one hunter and one tailor...

Wait wait I typed it in yesterday for somebody:

aquagoat - 15-4-2016 at 08:24

That's cool!

Going to Thailand from April 25th to May 11th.:bouncy::bouncing::grin:

polydigm - 15-4-2016 at 09:19

Thailand? Is that something you've wanted to do for a while, or have you been there before? I've not been myself but I've noticed it's very popular with a lot of Aussies living there on the cheap apparently.

BBP - 15-4-2016 at 09:54

In this region of the world Thailand's known for its loose attitude towards sexual criminality - it's the holiday destination of pedophiles.

Aaaaanyway... Great Aqua, hope you'll get to see elephants!

aquagoat - 15-4-2016 at 15:27

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Thailand? Is that something you've wanted to do for a while, or have you been there before? I've not been myself but I've noticed it's very popular with a lot of Aussies living there on the cheap apparently.
It's one of the countries I've wanted to go to for a long time, with Brazil, canada and Egypt. I intended to go to Mauritius or the Seychelles, in the first place, but I couldn't get what i wanted for a reasonable price, so I thought why not go to Thailand? It's beautiful, people are nice, etc, etc...

aquagoat - 15-4-2016 at 15:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
In this region of the world Thailand's known for its loose attitude towards sexual criminality - it's the holiday destination of pedophiles.

Aaaaanyway... Great Aqua, hope you'll get to see elephants!
I think I will, it's one of the things I want to do, that and eat lots of food I don't know yet, lol

BBP - 16-4-2016 at 15:11

Happy birthday DED!

aquagoat - 16-4-2016 at 16:15

Yes, happy birthday, DED!

BBP - 17-4-2016 at 11:36

Friend coming to visit today!

BBP - 19-4-2016 at 11:34

Went to the zoo yesterday. It was exhausting (it's an hour of cycling away) but I took a lot of photos:

aquagoat - 19-4-2016 at 17:57

Haha! Nounours!!

BBP - 19-4-2016 at 19:26

Here's momma bear:

A dik-dik:

Oriental small-clawed otters:

aquagoat - 20-4-2016 at 16:58

Momma Bear is awesome!

BBP - 21-4-2016 at 00:37

Here they are playing:

BBP - 21-4-2016 at 18:35

Well... I made over 300 photos, so there's still more where that came from...

aquagoat - 22-4-2016 at 17:39

I love elephants too!

BBP - 22-4-2016 at 23:42

Me too!

polydigm - 23-4-2016 at 02:40

Belated happy birthday to DED.

BBP - 23-4-2016 at 21:52

Maybe DED'll drop by later...

In the mean time:

DED - 23-4-2016 at 21:57

Tnx. Everyone. Haven't been around lately.

BBP - 25-4-2016 at 09:25

Having bad headaches... {grump}

BBP - 29-4-2016 at 10:51

Got a free bouquet of roses yesterday when I went to use the hand scanner at the supermarket and had to wait over 10 minutes to pay for my cucumber and yeast.

polydigm - 30-4-2016 at 09:50

If it were me I'd be asking for free cucumber and yeast!

Did the roses make you feel better?

BBP - 30-4-2016 at 10:17

She did take the ugliest roses in the box - it was the last day these could be sold, it was running late, they don't look like the bouquet you'd give to your mother.

BBP - 30-4-2016 at 20:06

Inbetween the Zappa turmoil and Pinkerton Road closing... I've had better days...

BBP - 2-5-2016 at 23:23

It's a bit quiet here now... sorry...

BBP - 4-5-2016 at 11:20

^Aaaaanyway, the Pinkerton Road stuff...
Pinkerton Road is Jane Jensen's farm and home game studio. They had a Kickstarter back at the same moment as Leisure Suit Larry, and I found myself financially unable to support them.

Jane Jensen is the creator of Gabriel Knight,the exceptionally fine adventure game series by Sierra. She also wrote King's Quest VI, which is easily the best King's Quest and a fantastic game, and Gray Matter, which too was pretty darn good, but unfortunately like GK3 it had production hell stamped on it. GK3 ends on a cliffhanger and GK4 is much much wanted by the Sierra fans. Pinkerton Road was a way to test the water, to see if they could produce GK4 independently, to see if the market was there.
Unfortunately Pinkerton Road's first projects, another adventure called Moebius and a remake of GK1, didn't sell well enough to provide future games, even on their small scale.

So basically that's shut the door to any GK4.
It's not the first time GK4 got close, but they never got this close.

So I'm pretty bummed about that - and with the Zappa family feud that's floating to the surface now...

BBP - 7-5-2016 at 21:31

Aaaand we're back!

DED - 8-5-2016 at 07:44

I tink it was down due to back up reasons or so. Their night is our morning.

DED - 8-5-2016 at 09:35

The Packardgoose app

DED - 8-5-2016 at 10:01

Love to hear your opinion
My first app ever on
Android only
For Google play store it is to Early

BBP - 8-5-2016 at 22:58

Its been a wacky day here, both the local hockey team and the local football team becoming surprise champions!

DED - 9-5-2016 at 10:59

Yes it Will be a madhouse in the city center today.

polydigm - 10-5-2016 at 13:04

Yeah, sorry, I've been pretty busy with uni. Add to that some trouble with a tooth and a run of migraines. Anyway, the tooth is being dealt with in stages.

It's definitely too bad what's happening with the Zappa siblings. I'm not saying anything about it but there are plenty who don't seem to have that trouble, unfortunately.

BBP - 10-5-2016 at 23:02

Sorry to hear about your tooth and migraines! Have a hug, I hope you'll feel better soon!


Normally I watch the Eurovision Song Contest every year, as professional habit for my musicology skills, and when it's over I usually have a headache and a renewed appreciation for all the music I love. This time I forgot the first half, and found that Goldfinger was aired at the same time. Still I saw about half the songs - and I have a headache from the flashing.

The Dutch entry was silent for 10 seconds - some were joking to extend that to the duration of the song, but it's nice to have a bit of quiet among all the violence of that show.

aquagoat - 11-5-2016 at 11:16

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back!

BBP - 11-5-2016 at 17:44

Aqua! Great to see you again!

polydigm - 12-5-2016 at 13:51

So, Aqua, how was Thailand?

aquagoat - 12-5-2016 at 14:38

That was awesome, I'll post pics as soon as I've got them.

BBP - 12-5-2016 at 17:51

Great! Can't wait!

Did you see elephants?

aquagoat - 13-5-2016 at 10:13

No I didn't see elephants, cause I was on an island, called Koh Samui, where there were none. But next time I go there I think I'll stay a week in the north of the country and see them.

BBP - 13-5-2016 at 11:27


Here's Madiba, the first African elephant born in the Benelux, in Beekse Bergen in Hilvarenbeek, NL.
The first day she could be seen by the audience it was Assumption Day and the safari park had to call on people to stop coming, there were so many!

aquagoat - 13-5-2016 at 11:40

Haha, what a cutie!!

BBP - 14-5-2016 at 10:14

Isn't she?

We had a small disaster in the backyard with the strong winds, even lost a tree...

polydigm - 17-5-2016 at 04:56

We've had some nasty weather in Adelaide. A few people have lost quite a lot. Luckily, we weren't affected.

BBP - 20-5-2016 at 13:06

Stuck at home with a bad cold and fever...

aquagoat - 21-5-2016 at 09:01

Glad to hear you had no trouble, Poly.
Cold and fever? In May? I got one last week-end, it was pretty annoying.

BBP - 21-5-2016 at 22:44

Yep... still sick...

BBP - 23-5-2016 at 12:19

Did my paper route yesterday... I feel rather sick still. And I sound hoarse.
Got my referral for the academic hospital today.

BBP - 24-5-2016 at 09:50

Caught an eye inspection on top of my cold. Whay.

BBP - 24-5-2016 at 21:03

Went to the doctors actually, it wasn't an eye infection but a side effect from the cold. Apparently, if the tear duct gets plugged, your eye can get snotty.

aquagoat - 25-5-2016 at 07:19

Yes I got that kind of thing happen to me when I was younger. Good to know it's only due to the cold.

polydigm - 25-5-2016 at 16:24

Well, I hope everyone's getting better!

BBP - 25-5-2016 at 19:13

Not today!

How are you Poly?

BBP - 26-5-2016 at 16:01

Found a blog by Shinya (Dir en grey's drummer) where he talks about Terry Bozzio! :drums:

When I went to Dir en grey, I wore my lucky Zappa concert shirt, thinking "if there's a guy in this crowd who likes Zappa he's coming home with me". Unfortunately there was no such thing as guys in the crowd. :bald:

BBP - 27-5-2016 at 21:53

Cough is still there but at least the fever is down. Went out to buy cheese today. Lots of paper folding too.

aquagoat - 28-5-2016 at 09:06

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Found a blog by Shinya (Dir en grey's drummer) where he talks about Terry Bozzio! :drums:

When I went to Dir en grey, I wore my lucky Zappa concert shirt, thinking "if there's a guy in this crowd who likes Zappa he's coming home with me". Unfortunately there was no such thing as guys in the crowd. :bald:
Hahaha, not even one????:D

BBP - 28-5-2016 at 09:59

Not many, and the few ones I saw were with their girlfriends. There were two nerdy guys on either side of me, one at least a head shorter than me who got in the way of my elbow most of the time (but then again, the lead singer of Diru is about that much shorter than me and he's awesome). But the bulk of them were girls, much to the enjoyment of the guitarist and bassist, who get the most screamers.

aquagoat - 29-5-2016 at 05:50

I should start a band... Definitely... :D

BBP - 29-5-2016 at 10:42

Need a bassist? :bald:

'Course I'd like to remind you that those guys had and maybe have to go through some intense shit for what they've got - absolutely nothing is known about their personal life, not even their names. And early on in their career they did have to resort to "fanservice", kissing each other to make the girls squeal.

polydigm - 30-5-2016 at 07:24

I'm sort of okay. I had the nerve removed from the bad tooth last Friday, but I still have to chew on the other side of my jaw. At least the continuous pain is gone. I'm busy preparing for exams at the moment, I've got four, two hour exams coming up towards the end of June.

Also, is down.

BBP - 30-5-2016 at 10:26

They've been having a lot of technical issues for a while...

Caputh - 30-5-2016 at 19:46

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Great to hear you're doing well! I imagine it feels odd to break a couple of bad news messages. Likewise I didn't yet want to post the picture I made in the Zappa - What Happened To You Today topic yet, with all Caputh is going through.

The mushroom is the Eindhoven landmark Evoluon. I posted pictures of it before, but this one I made today is so lush with the colours...

I didn't read this at the time - you are very sweet and a truly nice person...

BBP - 30-5-2016 at 21:51

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I'm sort of okay. I had the nerve removed from the bad tooth last Friday, but I still have to chew on the other side of my jaw. At least the continuous pain is gone. I'm busy preparing for exams at the moment, I've got four, two hour exams coming up towards the end of June.

Gosh that's serious! Poor Poly! I hope your teeth get well soon...

Nice to see you here Caputh!

aquagoat - 31-5-2016 at 09:11

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Need a bassist? :bald:

'Course I'd like to remind you that those guys had and maybe have to go through some intense shit for what they've got - absolutely nothing is known about their personal life, not even their names. And early on in their career they did have to resort to "fanservice", kissing each other to make the girls squeal.
If you become my bassist, do you think we'll have to resort to "fanservice" to make our audience squeal?:D

I need a good drummer more than anything else, actually.

BBP - 31-5-2016 at 11:01

Want that guy we have next-door, banging away for two hours every day Take him! Please!!

aquagoat - 2-6-2016 at 06:52

Is he good?

BBP - 2-6-2016 at 11:20

Not sure. I make sure to get headphones and music as soon as he starts.

BBP - 3-6-2016 at 14:17

How's life with the floodings down your way Aqua? We've been allright but in nearby towns streets have been flooded, especially in Boxmeer and Asten.

aquagoat - 3-6-2016 at 14:26

My town is ok, no flooding, but I've heard some other part of the country has had some problems. I don't really know since I don't watch the news and I haven't been outside for about a week. But it's pretty cold and wet for early June.

BBP - 3-6-2016 at 15:03

You may've heard that the Louvre is closed now, so they can save the artworks in the lower areas near the river... I remember how high the Seine level was when we went there.

There've been a number of casualties so far, 7 in Germany and one in Belgium, and a number in France as well. The castle Chambord has its feet in the water now. Gorgeous photos but I hope there won't be any more damage... always hoped to visit that someday...

aquagoat - 3-6-2016 at 19:53

I didn't know anything about all that, I've spent most of my week reading, watching movies and playing the guitar. It sucks though, I hope it's gonna stop soon.

BBP - 3-6-2016 at 23:39

That's a fun way to spend a week of course... mind you I preferred looking out the window over TV. Amazing storm... wish my camera got a better hold of it...

aquagoat - 4-6-2016 at 08:02

Yeah, sometimes I do that too, watch the storm, lightnings and rain, when the sky looks quite apocalyptic.

BBP - 4-6-2016 at 16:38

Weather forecast said it would be dry this weekend, but a thunderstorm with a lot of rain and hail just came down and the sky's still rumbling.

aquagoat - 5-6-2016 at 09:48

Yeah, it should pretty sunny here this week too, but looking by the window, it doesn't seem so.:(

BBP - 5-6-2016 at 19:04

Today was steaming weather though... when it gets real hot here, there's usually high humidity levels and a storm round the corner. Right now there's a storm in nearby Geldrop.

polydigm - 6-6-2016 at 16:42

After a year of full El Niño we've now been on La Niña watch for a month. It's been raining here like mad as well.

Turns out that dentist the other week was only giving me emergency treatment and I had to go back again last Thursday to get the nerve taken out properly. After almost two hours he had to stop because the anaesthetic was wearing off. There's still some nerve left in there and I have to go back later this week, but I am feeling significantly better than I was a week and a half ago.

Swot vac is going okay so far. is back with no explanation.

I've been in Paris before when the Seine was washing up onto the footpaths along the banks.

BBP - 6-6-2016 at 18:58

Ouch... Glad you're feeling better though!

Dad's recovering slowly from the flu I gave him. Unfortunately, when my sister came round, she seemed to have caught the same bug. Beh!

BBP - 8-6-2016 at 10:29

Here's one for the arachnophobes:

aquagoat - 9-6-2016 at 05:33

I know someone I'm going to transfer this article to, :biggrin:

BBP - 9-6-2016 at 22:14

Here's another fun one:

BBP - 10-6-2016 at 23:24

Phew... rough day...

Why is it I decide to go do major cleaning late in the evening?

aquagoat - 11-6-2016 at 07:40

That's something I've never understood. I lived with girl like that, once, she always decided we had to clean the flat around 6 or 7 PM, it's too late, let's do it tomorrow morning.

BBP - 11-6-2016 at 12:08

I had the idea at 10 PM. And went through with it.

DED - 12-6-2016 at 10:34

Wat a clean bathroom , time to handwash my Black socks.

BBP - 12-6-2016 at 19:17

We both got soaked when going out to a flea market.

polydigm - 14-6-2016 at 15:33

Still busy swotting, exams are looming. Got another tooth that's been having problems for a while and that's being dealt with on Thursday. Hopefully that's the last major health thing for a while.

BBP - 14-6-2016 at 18:54

Hi Poly, great to see you!

Not much news here...

aquagoat - 14-6-2016 at 19:18

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Still busy swotting, exams are looming. Got another tooth that's been having problems for a while and that's being dealt with on Thursday. Hopefully that's the last major health thing for a while.
Take care of yourself, dude, and good luck for the exams.

BBP - 15-6-2016 at 23:29

Good luck with your teeth and exams!

Been getting another cold. Rain's been as terrible today as it's been for the past two weeks.

polydigm - 16-6-2016 at 23:23

One week to go until the first exam.

With that other tooth, the dentist, after careful study of the x-ray, had decided that the nerve seemed healthy and it was just a crack causing my problems so instead of root canal treatment, which is quite a chore, I've had a band put on the tooth instead. That didn't even require anaesthetic, was relatively cheap and seems to have gone well. We'll see. So far, I've been able to fully enjoy eating again, which is a problem in itself.

So what's going on with the weather up there, we're the ones, down here, who are having winter at the moment. It's been quite cold in the last couple of days, Australia's version of cold that is, around 4C overnight.

BBP - 17-6-2016 at 12:07

Right now it's sunny and dry, but with risks of rain and storm. We've had over 120 mm of rain in the first two weeks of June - normal would be 70 for the entire month. There have been numerous floods in the region, no casualties fortunately but the economical damage to the agriculture here is running in the millions of euros.

BBP - 17-6-2016 at 22:39

Had a migraine last night, and am not feeling too well now...

BBP - 18-6-2016 at 20:54

Why is all the Zappa Family Feuding making me so f*ing tired of Zappa? I can't bring myself to buying any of the new albums, let alone visit the concerts.

BBP - 22-6-2016 at 10:08

In Impossible News:
The Zappa-forum is getting updated and Mikey decided to let us know in advance. He advised us to backup our PMs, which I just did (Kirk ol'boy...).

BBP - 24-6-2016 at 14:20

We just had a supercell storm here. hailstones the size of tennis balls! Lucky we don't have a car...

BBP - 24-6-2016 at 14:23

And here are some impressive photos of the supercell, to take our minds off Brexit...

aquagoat - 24-6-2016 at 15:18

This morning I bumped into the very first woman I approached in the street last summer, I hadn't seen her for at least 8 months, we had a little talk, she's very sweet, kind and beautiful, too bad she's still with her boyfriend. :umm: :lol: But I'm glad I saw her, it started my day pretty joyfully. I'll probably meet her again in the near future since she works close to where I live.:cool:

aquagoat - 24-6-2016 at 15:18

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Why is all the Zappa Family Feuding making me so f*ing tired of Zappa? I can't bring myself to buying any of the new albums, let alone visit the concerts.
I'm not even aware of that, what's the deal with ZFT?

aquagoat - 24-6-2016 at 15:21

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
And here are some impressive photos of the supercell, to take our minds off Brexit...
fuck![/url] impressive! Well I see a roof that needs some of my professional help. :D

BBP - 24-6-2016 at 21:15

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Why is all the Zappa Family Feuding making me so f*ing tired of Zappa? I can't bring myself to buying any of the new albums, let alone visit the concerts.
I'm not even aware of that, what's the deal with ZFT?

Where do we begin? Ehhhh... let's see...
Dweezil published something because he has to change the name of his band. This unearthed some conflict that has been going between the various members of the ZFT - apparently Dweezil had to pay a lot of money for his use of the name Zappa Plays Zappa to the ZFT, and hand over all the merchandise profits, which then proceeded to use the money to sue people left and right. It ends with ZPZ now being called "Dweezil Zappa Plays Whatever The F@%K He Wants" and his tour is called "The Cease & Desist Tour".

I finally lost my Dweezil fanhood when he proved to be very arrogant in his blogs towards some fellow Zappa fans, and in his dealing with this I am convinced that that was a good move. It's been like looking into a sewer.

Frank's music's still awesome though...

aquagoat - 24-6-2016 at 23:03

Ha ok, I understand a bit better.

BBP - 25-6-2016 at 10:33

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
And here are some impressive photos of the supercell, to take our minds off Brexit...
fuck![/url] impressive! Well I see a roof that needs some of my professional help. :D

Oh yeah! One guy in Luykgestel already fell off the roof trying to fix things!

BBP - 27-6-2016 at 21:17

Haaa... builders came from all over the country to work there... they need it too!

BBP - 30-6-2016 at 21:29

Sorry for being a bit quiet... am planning a short holiday...

aquagoat - 1-7-2016 at 07:10

holiday is good, have fun, Bonny.

BBP - 1-7-2016 at 08:12

Not sure when I'll be going but it'll take at least a week...

Just then I typed awake. Which I am, but barely. I went to bed but forgot to close the bedroom window, and as such was bothered by mosquitoes. Was kept up most of the night and woke up before the alarm.


BBP - 1-7-2016 at 21:23

Little squirrel visited our squirrel feeder!

Attachment: eekhoorntje.jpg (177kB)
This file has been downloaded 299 times

aquagoat - 2-7-2016 at 05:27

It's cute. I like squirrels, we've got a few of them where I live, they're really fast and fun to watch.

BBP - 2-7-2016 at 16:17

Aren't they sweet? And so clever!

It's another day to get soaked, but at least my vacation starts on the 6th. I'll be back on the 7th.

polydigm - 3-7-2016 at 16:42

Exams are now finished and I'm coming up for air. Hope all is well with you guys.

BBP - 3-7-2016 at 22:05

I'm OK, looking forward to my holiday... But I just smashed my finger in the door... ouch!

BBP - 5-7-2016 at 18:07

Spent most of the day in the kitchen, baking bread and muffins.

aquagoat - 6-7-2016 at 07:34

In the kitchen? It's good to know some women still know where their place is....:-P :lol: I'm just kidding.

BBP - 7-7-2016 at 13:45

Just got back! It was unfortunately cut short because bf wasn't feeling well, but we had fun!

polydigm - 10-7-2016 at 04:44

Bonny, I hope your finger is feeling better.

I've got one of my marks back and I'm pretty happy with it but I still have to wait until the end of next week for the other one. The other one is this complicatedly organised double physics subject, which is actually three subjects crammed into two and inevitably ends up being harder than two single subjects. So I've got three exam marks which will all be rolled into one, which is irritating. Anyway, I've finished my degree and next year it's onto physics honours. I'll be spending the rest of this year winding up to it. It will be a punishing year, but I'm still looking forward to it.

Bonny, I missed the fact that you had a boyfriend, is that something you mentioned recently? I hope he's a good bloke.

BBP - 10-7-2016 at 09:17

Congratulations on your progress! I hope all goes well for you!

Well, I've known him for years from the Sierra forum, last year I met him in person when I'd won two tickets to Patatje Metal and my sister was on holiday, I just asked him, never thinking he'd come since he lives very far away by Dutch standards. But he came and we had a lovely day.
And yes, he's wonderful!

polydigm - 12-7-2016 at 02:23

I got my other mark and it was pretty much as I expected. It wasn't bad, but not my usual standard. I've had a few difficulties this last semester, which seem to be partly sorted out, but I'm still not pushing myself because of the run of migraines I've had during the last six months. I'm just off to the doctor now to get my results on lactose intolerance. If it's positive, it'll explain a few things, but I'm kind of hoping it's negative because there are some dairy products I'd rather not have to give up.

aquagoat - 12-7-2016 at 07:30

I couldn't be lactose intolerant, cheese represents 33% of diet, lol.

BBP - 12-7-2016 at 10:48

From what I understand, lactose intolerance does mean you can have a glass of milk a day... cheese is usually low in lactose.

I hope your migraines will blow over though, they really suck...

BBP - 13-7-2016 at 23:00

I still can't get over actually having a boyfriend - a year and a half ago I asked you for tips for "total losers", and lo and behold, I find somebody!

aquagoat - 14-7-2016 at 07:34

I'm glad for you, Bonny, I wish you the best in your relationship.:grin:

BBP - 14-7-2016 at 16:54

Thank you! He's absolutely wonderful!

polydigm - 15-7-2016 at 11:00

So, according to the test, I'm not lactose intolerant. The funny thing though, is that every time I give up milk, I have to get used to the taste of fresh milk when I take it up again. This time I'm just not going to bother with fresh milk. I was still eating cheese, as many types of cheese have almost no lactose and I love cheese of most types, but now I don't have to worry about how much lactose they might contain. I was a bit sad about not eating yoghurt, but now I can eat that. The taste of fresh milk makes me feel a little nauseous. I haven't found out why that is. Anyway, I can now eat any dairy product I want, I'm just having soy milk instead of fresh milk.

BBP - 15-7-2016 at 11:57

Oddly I'm not that good with milk either. But hey!

BBP - 20-7-2016 at 16:12

Whew, it's hot here today!

aquagoat - 21-7-2016 at 06:46

Yes, pretty hot, almost 30° celsius in my flat.

aquagoat - 21-7-2016 at 20:26

Just bought 4 of these:

+ this:

BBP - 21-7-2016 at 23:05

Hey I still have some dumbbells! Should do more with them but I got RSI from them...

The music video to Dir en grey's new single Utafumi has popped up. In it, 10 artworks are being used, so I set myself up for another picture hunt like I did for Lotus and GK3 - then I was linked to Pinterest and found most of the paintings on one page.


BB post:

aquagoat - 22-7-2016 at 06:25

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hey I still have some dumbbells! Should do more with them but I got RSI from them...
Yes, it can happen if you don't do the exercises correctly or do it too much or if the weights are too heavy.

BBP - 22-7-2016 at 13:25

Okay... I'll guess they were too heavy, 2 kgs.

polydigm - 23-7-2016 at 02:51

Thursday I had a tooth extracted. That seems to have gone pretty well and is settling down okay. Friday my wife and I met up with my brother in the city and we checked out a couple of interesting art exhibitions. Had a break for coffee/tea and the cake I ate gave me problems later in the evening, but other than that we had a nice day. Just now, Saturday morning, I'm trying to get back into the study of French.

I built up a fair bit of body strength working in the garden last summer (your winter), but I've been far too sedentary since late autumn. Winter has now very much set in and we're on La Niña watch now and it's wetter and colder than last year at the same time, when we were on full on El Niño.

aquagoat - 23-7-2016 at 08:10

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Okay... I'll guess they were too heavy, 2 kgs.
hahaha, well, I don' know what to say.

aquagoat - 23-7-2016 at 08:19

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Thursday I had a tooth extracted. That seems to have gone pretty well and is settling down okay. Friday my wife and I met up with my brother in the city and we checked out a couple of interesting art exhibitions. Had a break for coffee/tea and the cake I ate gave me problems later in the evening, but other than that we had a nice day. Just now, Saturday morning, I'm trying to get back into the study of French.
All in all, good news.

BBP - 23-7-2016 at 11:53

Glad to hear your tooth extraction went OK! {hug}

BBP - 26-7-2016 at 09:13

Meeting up with my bf again next week... :biggrin:

BBP - 27-7-2016 at 21:38

Not much to report... I gave my room a good airing and now I'm hunting mosquitoes.

aquagoat - 28-7-2016 at 07:10

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Meeting up with my bf again next week... :biggrin:
Good news, have fun!

BBP - 28-7-2016 at 09:29


I'm a member of Tumblr, which I use to keep up to date with the latest news of Dir En Grey. It does have its drawbacks - you get all the fan-shipping, fans fantasizing about and creating photoshops and animations about their favourite two band members in a relationship.

You don't see that with Frank, do you?

aquagoat - 29-7-2016 at 07:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

I'm a member of Tumblr, which I use to keep up to date with the latest news of Dir En Grey. It does have its drawbacks - you get all the fan-shipping, fans fantasizing about and creating photoshops and animations about their favourite two band members in a relationship.

You don't see that with Frank, do you?
Hahaha, that would be funny though.

BBP - 29-7-2016 at 09:57

To be honest I think he was more than usually enamored by Terry Bozzio - he has three songs written for him, more than any other band member, one of them about how cute he is, and Zappa only gay-bashed on albums with Terry Bozzio on them. Maybe Bozz made him uncomfortable...

Aaanyway, the Zappa forum is getting a massive overhaul to the extent that it's getting pruned (if you have something dear to you left there, save it).
So I'll post this here for now:

I'm already doing the rice trivia thing!

BBP - 31-7-2016 at 14:33

Busy saving the last few bits off the Z forum... have problems with eye and nausea.

I'll be visiting my bf for a few days from Tuesday to Thursday, probably Friday, and I won't be posting in the mean time.

polydigm - 1-8-2016 at 10:44

I have recently technically finished another degree, this time with majors in theoretical physics and applied maths. I have one bureaucratic detail left to finish it off, which involves this communication skills course for which I'm tracking down employers from the last ten years to get proof that I have work experience that counts as prior learning. It's a tedious process, but will be worth it once I've finished.

BBP - 1-8-2016 at 22:08

Congratulations! :bouncing:

aquagoat - 2-8-2016 at 07:14

Congratulations, Poly!:bouncy:

BBP - 3-8-2016 at 10:08

I'm way up north right now... with my sweet one. Eating grapes even. :)

polydigm - 3-8-2016 at 10:35

Is he peeling the grapes for you?

Thanks for the congrats guys. I'm back at the pointy end next year as I'll be doing honours in theoretical physics and that will probably turn out to be the most difficult year of my life.

aquagoat - 4-8-2016 at 06:38

Enjoy, Bonny, Enjoy!

BBP - 4-8-2016 at 09:04

I am, Aqua, I am!

Best of luck to you Poly!

BBP - 5-8-2016 at 14:40

I'm just coming back now... using the train's WIFI. It was a great calm couple of days, no TV, healthy food, lots of love... He's absolutely wonderful!

BBP - 6-8-2016 at 23:31

One of the casualties of the weekend was my Blackberry 8250 - the letter A had stopped working. Yesterday I took it apart and found one of the little plastic pokes of the keyboard had broken off, the one from the A. Today I spent some time looking for another Berry to fix it, but decided to try to glue it myself.
Which I did, seems to be reasonably successful. My phone's still working and the A is holding up so far!

aquagoat - 8-8-2016 at 07:09

MacGyver style!

BBP - 8-8-2016 at 22:35

Taking it apart wasn't easy without instructions, but it's in one piece now!

polydigm - 10-8-2016 at 13:38

It's very satisfying fixing something for yourself.

We're a very small group here are we not?


BBP - 10-8-2016 at 19:51

Well yeah... I'd opened up registrations but it's really fighting against the bots...

BBP - 14-8-2016 at 09:43

Hi everybody,
This may sound like a surplus warning, but I reopened registration and end up deleting bots every day.


Huck_Phlem - 14-8-2016 at 22:04

I had a stroke. I am doing rehab now and am walking again and obviously typing.

It was nothing I expected it to be like. Afected my right side so I thought nothing of it. I just felt very weak and thought it was low blood sugar. My daughter was the one who noticed my symptoms and took me in.

BBP - 14-8-2016 at 22:34

Oh my god Huck! That's awful!

Good of your daughter to notice the symptoms!

polydigm - 14-8-2016 at 23:39

All the best Huck!!

aquagoat - 15-8-2016 at 07:10

Fuck! Huck, hope you're feeling better.

BBP - 16-8-2016 at 21:57

Wishing you all the best Huck...

BBP - 18-8-2016 at 11:25

In odd Zappa-forum news, JayPFunk is now banned.

BBP - 19-8-2016 at 06:33

Nother day of work for me...

aquagoat - 19-8-2016 at 07:14

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
In odd Zappa-forum news, JayPFunk is now banned.
wow, te guy's been on this forum for more than a decade.

BBP - 19-8-2016 at 15:45

He was getting really bad, making a lot of racist remarks... but he got banned by being disrespectful to admin.

BBP - 20-8-2016 at 23:05

Bf and I finished playing Space Quest and talked for a few hours on the phone.

aquagoat - 22-8-2016 at 07:50

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
He was getting really bad, making a lot of racist remarks... but he got banned by being disrespectful to admin.
Well, he always seemed a little crazy, imo.

polydigm - 22-8-2016 at 10:02

It's quite simple, JP asked for it and now he's in denial.

I got that credit I applied, so my degree is now finished. That was really stressing me, so I'm glad that's done now. The funny thing is that as a reaction to the guy that was really rude to me, I ended up supplying them with references from six different jobs and one of them ended up being enough to get the credit.

I'm back to studying French with earnest as we'll be visiting my relatives in Normandy again in January.

BBP - 22-8-2016 at 16:04

Bien! J'espère qu'on peut vraiment ecrire en français ici!

Went to work as temp aagain, cleaning... The last house was filthy! So much trash! There were balloons and popcorn and doritos everywhere. It was a battle, that one, but as extra reward we got to keep the groceries they'd left behind. So now I have a bottle of Sprite and a jar of applesauce.

Just heard Toots Thielemans passed away, legendary jazz musician. Sis and I saw him live in 2006.

polydigm - 23-8-2016 at 02:08

Je suis capable de comprendre ton voeu, mais mon français est limité en général. Je suppose la forme familière est acceptable. Je suis sûr que ton français est supérieur au mien.

aquagoat - 23-8-2016 at 06:57

On peut parler français, si vous voulez. Pas de problèmes.

BBP - 23-8-2016 at 10:10

Où est Mij? Il a voulu de joindre un forum dont on peut parler français.

polydigm - 23-8-2016 at 13:05

Je pensais que nous ne voulons pas effaroucher quelque uns, mais il n'y à pas beaucoup de personnes ici.

This is fun, but maybe we should continue to speak English. No reason to not throw a bit of French in every now and then when things are quiet. You see, even that is very ironic.

BBP - 23-8-2016 at 20:14

I don't think it's going to attract many more people than we have already no matter what language you speak.

polydigm - 24-8-2016 at 02:05

English speaking people from those countries where English is the dominant language - US, UK, Australia - are quite commonly monolingual and are often intimidated by other languages.

BBP - 24-8-2016 at 10:27

I only allow spiders to intimidate me, but that's not a conscious decision.

Had another mail from Huck, he's really up a creek... poor guy.

BBP - 24-8-2016 at 22:00

And Punky: this Sunday is the Brabantsedag!

polydigm - 26-8-2016 at 03:55

All my best to Huck.

There is a survey, that I'm not sure I trust because they only asked 3,000 people, that actually purports to show that multilingualism is seen as desirable by 71% of people in the UK and the US. Go figure. There are still plenty of parochial bigots to go around.

BBP - 26-8-2016 at 17:40

Does that mean that the 29% believe it's undesirable or that the 71% think it's dead sexy?

polydigm - 27-8-2016 at 02:09

In my original comment I was basing myself on anecdotal evidence of bigotry that I've come across throughout my life towards anything non English . My own father would not allow me to be brought up speaking French around the house. He deprived me of a very useful skill, which I'm now having to try and absorb as an adult.

BBP - 27-8-2016 at 22:05

^Sorry to hear that... It's very important to learn the base of other languages before you're 12, after that you'll have a hard time learning a new language.

My sister escaped death and destruction when she noticed the neighbor's barbecue'd gone on fire. She alerted the emergency line, alerted the neighbor and helped putting the fire out.

I on the other hand spent hours on the phone with my sweetheart.

Looks like the Zappa forum is finally moving. The new address will be

polydigm - 28-8-2016 at 03:56

So life's not dull up there.

I tried the new link. It's a live site but a long way from functional. Just a bunch of links to Diva's knitwear.

aquagoat - 28-8-2016 at 07:27

Glad to hear your sister didn't end up as a khebab.

BBP - 28-8-2016 at 10:56

Punky: Brabantsedag live at 14:15 my time here:
In two hours 20 minutes from this post.

BBP - 28-8-2016 at 19:29

The Zappa chat still works:

polydigm - 30-8-2016 at 10:27

Nobody is ever in chat when I try it out.

BBP - 30-8-2016 at 15:22

Sorry to hear that... I caught GG last night but that was really an inconvenient time.

I'm at my bf again. Unfortunately I forgot my laptop plug and adapter.

polydigm - 31-8-2016 at 11:34

Let's hope your bf's battery doesn't run out. (tee hee)

My dental difficulties are still dragging on. Another tooth that was supposedly fixed recently started to go bad again and I eventually lost it, but he couldn't get it all out so I then had to see a oral and maxillofacial surgeon to finish it off. That finally happened today, so I'm currently languishing under the influence of strong pain killers. So I now have a double vertical gap, both number sixes gone, top and bottom, on the right.

BBP - 31-8-2016 at 15:59

Ouch! Poor guy!

aquagoat - 1-9-2016 at 07:29

Poly, wouldn't it be simpler to get rid of all them teeth and replace them with metal teeth, Winslow Leach style?

BBP - 1-9-2016 at 13:29

Full extraction? Is going to be painful...

polydigm - 1-9-2016 at 23:57

Aqua, the short answer is no. The long answer is unrepeatable - what possesses someone to do crazy shit like that? While the surgeon was removing my tooth, after I'd already told him about various stupid exploits of my youth involving opening beer bottles with my teeth leading to some of the problems I'm now suffering later in life, he was telling me a story of someone who had dental implants shaped specially for opening beer bottles. That's just completely nuts.

Anyway, it seems to be healing very well. I had the surgery Wednesday morning and needed some pretty strong pain killers to get through the rest of the day, but from waking up Thursday morning I haven't needed to take anything.

aquagoat - 2-9-2016 at 07:25

Haha, opening beer bottles with teeth, I did that when I was younger, I quickly stopped after slightly breaking one tooth. I realized that teeth arte one of the most important parts of your body, I didn't want to destroy my teeth and have to et soup for the rest of my life.

BBP - 2-9-2016 at 23:18

Whoa, special dentures for that purpose? :duh:

Glad the pain has subsided enough to be off the painkillers!
Big hug to you!

BBP - 7-9-2016 at 10:20

Has it really been four days?
Sorry... got a temp cleaning job again, this one needs quite a bit of cycling to get there...

polydigm - 7-9-2016 at 23:13

The tooth gap is healing well. The next thing I have to look forward to is getting implants.

Spring is just starting here, so you guys are now into Autumn.

aquagoat - 8-9-2016 at 06:51

Not before September 22nd, Poly, let us have a bit more sun, please. :D

It's been a while since I bought clothes, so that's what I just did, bought 4 shirts, 4 t-shirts, 1 pair of jeans and a jacket.

BBP - 8-9-2016 at 08:31

Ít's been really hot here you know, pretty much the summer we were supposed to have in July.

One Second-hand store I used to visit in Valkenswaard got badly damaged in the hail storm (the one I posted pictures of earlier.!+Kringloopwink...

I went to visit them yesterday. It was a bit empty somehow.

BBP - 9-9-2016 at 19:40

Sore throat. Spent hours on the phone with BF yesterday.

polydigm - 10-9-2016 at 05:11

What I meant about autumn is that there is more than one system for determining what their boundaries are. The main factor is the tilt of the earth. June 22nd, Summer Solstice, is the longest day in the northern hemisphere, but that part of the Earth has already been warming up as the days have already been quite long for some time towards June 22nd and similarly with the Winter Solstice and the Autumn and Spring Equinoxes. Whatever their effect, they don't form weather change boundaries. The meteorological Autumn starts at the start of September. The astronomical Autumn starts on the autumn equinox, June 22nd. I've always based myself on meteorological seasons because it's the weather that determines seasons, not astronomical niceties.

Of course, there are other factors than just the tilt of the Earth and the weather doesn't always cooperate.

aquagoat - 10-9-2016 at 06:50

Haha, I didn't want to start a debate, lol. I actually find the official season dates pretty stupid cause most of the time it doesn't correspond to weather changes, we're still in summer here, but the weather changed a few days ago, by that I mean the way it "behaves", it's still hot, but the course of the day is more autumnal than summery, if you see what I mean.

BBP - 10-9-2016 at 17:15

Here it's a heatwave again. Not normal for this time of year!

polydigm - 13-9-2016 at 09:42

There are many variables that determine the weather, which is why any method for determining season boundaries will have its limits. Crops can be destroyed by uncooperative weather, for example too much rain at the wrong time. Freak weather can cause plants to think it's spring when it's not, they bud too early and everything goes to blazes.

We've just been dropped into a cold wave here, in contrast to your heat wave. Cold when it should be warm one place, hot when it should cool another place. Weather has not been straightforward my entire life, so I'm not expecting anything different.

BBP - 13-9-2016 at 10:29

Ah that's good.

Busy day for it, went to the 2nd hand shop inbetween jobs.

aquagoat - 13-9-2016 at 19:54

Spent a nice day at the beach with a friend.:D Managed to stain my new shirt with wine. I got it last week and it's already good for the trash can. :swear:

BBP - 13-9-2016 at 20:41

Sorry to hear that...

Wine stains: be quick:
flush with cold water, use salt on it with water, then treat it with soap.

aquagoat - 14-9-2016 at 06:46

yeah, but since I was at the beach I couldn't do that. Or maybe I should have tried some sea water. I cleaned it a bit when I came back home, the staisn seem to have disappeared a bit, I'll see what it looks like when I've watched it. But fuck, fourtunately I didn't pay the full price for that shirt, it would have been 150€ out the window.:swear::swear::swear:

BBP - 14-9-2016 at 09:07

Nasty when that happens, huh? One bankrupcy store here once bought a stack of Le Piaf merchandise - then a rare thing here and I loved that little guy, I cycled quite far to get a shirt from him and within a day it had a tea stain. >:(

polydigm - 17-9-2016 at 23:52

Don't talk to me about stains on shirts. I hate that. I've lost many a favourite shirt with an unremovable stain. Cotton is very stainable in particular.

aquagoat - 18-9-2016 at 07:41

It very rarely happens to me cause I pay extra attention when I eat, but well, not in this case.

BBP - 18-9-2016 at 09:30

Good luck getting it out!
I managed to land myself a 7-day work week... pfffff

BBP - 18-9-2016 at 14:16

My apologies about the spammer... he's been deleted.

polydigm - 19-9-2016 at 00:28

I must have missed the spammer. I thought you'd switched off auto join up?

BBP - 19-9-2016 at 09:26

Switched it back on again. I think we miss several new members because of the signup barrier.

BBP - 20-9-2016 at 17:31

I had a great track record of well over 15 years of perfect teeth at the dentist, but now he's diagnosed me with paradontitis. :(
Gotta go back on Oct 5th 10AM, then get treatment with narcosis and full root cleaning.

BBP - 20-9-2016 at 21:55

It's my sister's b-day today. Baked a Scandinavian bread that's stuffed with dates, walnuts and sugar. Looks great, tastes nice...

polydigm - 20-9-2016 at 23:24

Sorry to hear about your teeth Bonny. Happy birthday to your sister. How's the seven day work week going?

With the stains on shirts thing, I just often get carried away when I'm doing stuff. It could be with cooking food and not bothering to put an apron on and getting splashed with cooking oil, or doing a quick job in the garden with the chainsaw and getting a bit of chain oil on my shirt, not having changed into an old one. For someone who's supposed to be intelligent I'm a bit of a goose.

aquagoat - 21-9-2016 at 07:09

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It's my sister's b-day today. Baked a Scandinavian bread that's stuffed with dates, walnuts and sugar. Looks great, tastes nice...
I bet it does.

aquagoat - 21-9-2016 at 07:12

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Sorry to hear about your teeth Bonny. Happy birthday to your sister. How's the seven day work week going?

With the stains on shirts thing, I just often get carried away when I'm doing stuff. It could be with cooking food and not bothering to put an apron on and getting splashed with cooking oil, or doing a quick job in the garden with the chainsaw and getting a bit of chain oil on my shirt, not having changed into an old one. For someone who's supposed to be intelligent I'm a bit of a goose.
Ha, one of the first things I got when I started cooking last year is an apron, cause I know what oil, tomato sauce, etc, can do, and strangely enough these things always seem to jump in your dirtection.

BBP - 21-9-2016 at 08:56

^Yeah! Unfortunately one of the few times a dough stain did hit my garments just over where the apron is, it stained one of my Zappa shirts.

Work is exhausting Poly... I'm lucky I got Friday off so I can visit my bf. We spent a long time on the phone yesterday after I texted him about my teeth.

I got special toothpaste and mouthwash today, need to floss as well... spent five minutes doing all of that. I hope I'll get used to the taste...

BBP - 23-9-2016 at 08:56

Off to a short weekend in Barneveld, land of chickens and church towers to jump off of.

aquagoat - 23-9-2016 at 16:05

Base jump is too dangerous. Stay on the ground.

aquagoat - 25-9-2016 at 07:20

So I bought these contact lenses to give it a try, but the problem is I can't manage to make 'em stick to my eye, it really, really annoys me.:swear:

BBP - 25-9-2016 at 17:17

Careful Aqua!

Haha no not base jumping. One of our folk heroes is Jan van Schaffelaar, who was an army captain. Cutting a long story short, his troop was at one point encircled in the tower of the church of Barneveld - since the tower only allowed access for one person at a time, the troop couldn't be brought down. They shot cannonballs at them, but the people of Barneveld didn't like that their pride was being shot at, so they set an ultimatum that they had to surrender their captain, then they could go free. The captain cut discussion short by jumping off the tower to save his troops.

aquagoat - 26-9-2016 at 07:26

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Careful Aqua!

Haha no not base jumping. One of our folk heroes is Jan van Schaffelaar, who was an army captain. Cutting a long story short, his troop was at one point encircled in the tower of the church of Barneveld - since the tower only allowed access for one person at a time, the troop couldn't be brought down. They shot cannonballs at them, but the people of Barneveld didn't like that their pride was being shot at, so they set an ultimatum that they had to surrender their captain, then they could go free. The captain cut discussion short by jumping off the tower to save his troops.
Wow, quite an interesting story.

BBP - 26-9-2016 at 09:27

When nationalism rose after the French invasion, local heroes like Van Schaffelaar got on the rise. They now named the local castle after him and have a statue in his honour, and every year they reenact one of the better-known books on him.

BBP - 28-9-2016 at 20:44


Church tower, the one he jumped off. Barneveld still has a strong religious community and is located in the Dutch Bible Belt. I didn't stand at the front at the time I had my camera with me - there was a wedding going on.

Castle Schaffelaar (named after the folk hero) dates to the mid 1800s.

Orangery at the castle. Now an expensive restaurant with Michelin star.

Large sand ground, largest of its kind in north-west Europe. These sand grounds are caused by over-grazing heath grounds. Oddly this environmental damage is now a protected biotope.

polydigm - 29-9-2016 at 09:43

Just saying hi. I'm pretty busy at the moment. Hope all is well.

BBP - 29-9-2016 at 09:51

That makes two of us!

Just fixed my tyre again. Had to call in my dad to help find the leak.

polydigm - 1-10-2016 at 06:51

I don't know if South Australia has been the news internationally or not, but the state just experienced twin tornadoes and lots of flooding. The river at the end of our street was raging last night. We went down there this morning and it's subsided quite a bit, but a foot bridge we use often was still covered as shown in the photo.

On the way back I found a yabby in a small puddle on the path. I took it home and put it in our fish pond. The photo is a close up, it's about two inches (5cm) long.

BBP - 1-10-2016 at 08:38

Whoa Poly! :shocked:

What is that, some type of lobster? I hope he'll like it in your pond!

polydigm - 1-10-2016 at 23:44

Yabbies are relatively common in Australian fresh waterways. They're a species of small crayfish that typically grow to 10 to 20cm in length. People usually use traps to catch large numbers of them and boil them up and eat them like is done with crabs. It'll be safer in our pond than where it was before. We've got another major storm front coming tonight.

aquagoat - 2-10-2016 at 07:35

I used to hunt and eat them with my grandpa when I was a young boy.

polydigm - 3-10-2016 at 01:18

Depending on your geographical knowledge of Australia, we have a major river here called The Murray River. It's 2,500 kilometres long and there are many places along its length that are popular for holidays. It forms the majority of the border between New South Wales and Victoria and reaches the sea at Goolwa in South Australia, the state I grew up in and where I live currently. In my late teens we had a two week family holiday on a houseboat on the Murray not long after it had been flooded. We had yabbies for dinner several times, they were prolific and far too easy to catch. Caught some really good fish while we were there as well using yabbies for bait.

BBP - 3-10-2016 at 12:13


I have a real bad cold...

polydigm - 4-10-2016 at 23:48

I hate colds. Get better soon.

BBP - 5-10-2016 at 09:09

Thanks Poly!
Wish I had more to say but this work is leaving me ragged. When will men ever learn to sit?

BBP - 6-10-2016 at 18:16

Still down with a cold... it's been a week now. But it's getting better, first day without APC in a while.

polydigm - 8-10-2016 at 00:30

Glad to here the cold is subsiding. What's that about men sitting?

BBP - 8-10-2016 at 12:18

I work side jobs cleaning. Often the dirtiest ladies is cleaner than the cleanest gents because there's spilled urine under the seat. Or worse.

aquagoat - 9-10-2016 at 07:48

I've never understood why men don't sit. Maybe cause I'm lazy, I've always sat in the loo, it's cleaner and more relaxed.

BBP - 10-10-2016 at 08:27

Started on a pre-uni math course.

polydigm - 13-10-2016 at 22:34

If you've ever got a maths question, ask away. Why have you decided to study maths?

It has ended up that none of the three bad teeth I had could be saved and I just had the third one out yesterday. I'm in pain right now and taking pain killers, but I'm looking forward to seeing what impact it has on my health, which has had a bit of an edge on it for some time now.

I can't face having implants because mine would involve having bone grafts and I've had my fill of surgery, so I'll be putting up with dentures.

BBP - 14-10-2016 at 09:31

Sorry to hear about that Poly... that must've been painful...

...I'm getting worried about my upcoming dental visit, two hours of root cleaning...

I love math and always wanted to finish up on the B-section.
We have two types of math here, A and B,in the higher grades. A is generally easier and has probability, B has metrics and stuff. I loved math in high school and wanted to do math B, but my class got at war with my math teacher who then refused to teach us. My grades plummeted and I scored a 5.4/1 0 average while I needed a 5.5 to continue. That was a crushing blow.

I've also gone back to star gazing, now that I'm up early again.

aquagoat - 15-10-2016 at 08:38

Sorry to hear about your teeth again, Poly, I hope you'll feel better and your health will improve now they're gone.

Cool news about the maths course, Bonny. I wish I had been better at maths when I was younger, but maths and science weren't really my cup of tea, at that time, I regret it a bit now, actually. I've got enormous respect for the people who master this discipline.

BBP - 15-10-2016 at 22:34

There's lots of great studies around in maths in the States and Netherlands at least, there'll probably be some free online colleges in French as well...

One of the reasons why I think Dutch kids perform so well in math, is the great Simon Stevin provided accurate and intuitive translations of most mathematical terms. For mathematics he invented the word wiskunde, skill of what is certain. Hypotenuse? Schuine zijde (tilted side). Equilateral triangle? Gelijkzijdige driehoek (equal side triangle). Subtract? Aftrekken (pull off).

BBP - 16-10-2016 at 14:13

One of my highlights of today is listening to a Tim Curry Q&A at UCLA in 1988: hearing him call Andrew Lloyd-Webber's music "more than a bit derivative" and "if I wanted to sing Pucchini, I'd do opera". Wow.

polydigm - 18-10-2016 at 00:39

I was in pain all weekend and finally called the emergency number. He said the pain was unusual and it turns out that I had what's called a dry socket where the clot doesn't form properly. I was getting sick of taking strong pain killers. He put a special dressing in it yesterday morning and the pain subsided soon after. It seems to be healing okay now. I don't seem to be able do anything without there being complications.

Anyway, I'm feeling much better today. Got some new plants for the fish pond yesterday after visiting the dentist and they seem to be doing well also.

My first university major in 1988 was pure maths, but I've gone over to the dark side now and I'm studying physics.

BBP - 18-10-2016 at 21:27

Sorry to hear about that Poly... (googles the problem) Ew! That sounds horrible!

Careful with rinsing... Do you need to get the dressing changed?

BBP - 20-10-2016 at 21:41

Big day tomorrow... very nervous...

aquagoat - 21-10-2016 at 07:36

Everything's gonna be ok, Bonny, no stress, just breathe deeply.

BBP - 21-10-2016 at 11:39

It hurts a lot... :swear:

BBP - 21-10-2016 at 22:47

Bad day for it... did extra work at the school and my contract at the other job ends.

polydigm - 22-10-2016 at 09:12

The pain came back by the following night and the next day after that the dentist had to put an other dressing in. I think it's finally settling down now. I'm normally a really good healer so there must have been something really wrong going on under that tooth. It obviously really did need to come out.

How are you going now, Bonny?

BBP - 22-10-2016 at 10:21

Sorry about your tooth troubles, Poly...

After sleeping on it I'm primarily sore from keeping my mouth open. Bleeding has largely ceased. I'm now on two broad-spectrum antibiotics. And I have special mouthwash.

The upside is I'm free for next week - hopefully I can visit bf again.

aquagoat - 23-10-2016 at 07:11

Damned! You really got no luck with your teeth, guys, I hope it'll get better soon.

BBP - 24-10-2016 at 13:33

I'm now at my bf's having a terrific time!

polydigm - 24-10-2016 at 14:22

Good for you, Bonny.

I felt almost normal again today. The gum is finally healing the way it should.

Did either of you two do anything with Alex Winter's Kickstarter? I ordered two song books and they're now trying to tell me that the postage is $40. Ridiculous.

BBP - 25-10-2016 at 08:17

Seriously? 40 dollars in shipping?

aquagoat - 26-10-2016 at 07:51

Shipping from the USA became ridiculously high a few years ago, I no longer buy records there cause simost of the times the shipping costs more the items I'm interested in.

polydigm - 26-10-2016 at 12:02

Now it says the price of the books was $20 each but I was originally charged $40 each. They need to get their act together.

BBP - 27-10-2016 at 09:06

Hmmm... what's up with that?

polydigm - 27-10-2016 at 23:20

I noticed online that they had reduced the book shipping charge from $40 to $10, which is good, but they've just replied about the book prices, saying they were $20 each, without noticing in my message that I'd said I'd already paid $40 per book. So I've sent another message to point that out. We'll see what they have to say next.

BBP - 28-10-2016 at 12:55

Very curious...

BBP - 31-10-2016 at 20:48

Had a bit of a long day today with much cycling. Consequently I'm pooped.

polydigm - 2-11-2016 at 01:17

They've confirmed that the books are $40 each.

polydigm - 2-11-2016 at 01:23

My latest drama involves the loss of fish from our pond. Seven altogether during the last week. I've been really stressed about it since discovering that four were missing last Friday. Another two went on the weekend and then another one on Monday morning. I got up early yesterday morning and spied on the pond from inside the front room. I caught a snap of a large bird on the fence about two hours after dawn:

It's a little pied cormorant. Little is part of the name of the bird. It's beak is not as long and the bird is smaller overall than the regular pied cormorant. The rings of wire along the top edge of that fence are 24 cm apart so that bird is about 70cm long at full stretch. I had also noticed that the pond was losing a lot of water and thought it might need repair, but it turns out that that was the other clue that it was a cormorant taking the fish. It would have just leapt in to the pond, displacing water and soaking it up and chased the fish around splashing water everywhere.

It didn't stay for long as either it realised I was watching or possibly because it found the mesh I'd put in place by that stage enough to put it off.

I've been putting that together in stages and there was still a large gap Monday morning when it managed to catch another one. There were still a couple of small gaps when it came yesterday morning but I've since finished it off. Hopefully that's an end to my pond drama. It's horrible that that bloody bird took some of our fish, but at least the mystery is now solved and I can relax again.

BBP - 2-11-2016 at 09:19

Ow poor fishies... And that one little yabby you put in there, is he OK?

polydigm - 2-11-2016 at 13:37

The yabby went by the way side a while back. I think it had an argument with the main pond pump and lost. I probably should have kept it in a separate tank until it got a bit bigger and stronger before putting it in the pond.

BBP - 2-11-2016 at 17:16

Poor little guy...

BBP - 4-11-2016 at 22:19

Bad day for it but I got some stuff done and had a foot bath.

polydigm - 4-11-2016 at 23:12

That's a bit vague Bonny: bad day;some stuff.

Our grid appears to be working so we got some new fish.

We've made some rearrangements around the house so I've now got a proper workshop again. I haven't had one since we moved back to Adelaide nine years ago. It's centred on a large work bench that I built out of scrap wood when we were living in Sydney. There's an old garden shed here where I've been able to do various odd jobs but it's not a very hospitable environment and just wasn't the same thing. I've been getting all kinds of odd jobs done around the house and garden and yesterday, to help improve organisation in the worksop, I made myself a little bench out of wood salvaged from my youngest son's old bed. The garden's looking really good again too. It was easier to get back in shape this Spring as a result of all the work I did last Summer.

BBP - 5-11-2016 at 19:59

Yeah I try to keep up my mystique...

Nice to hear about your work shop and your fishes!

Today my day all of a sudden got a lot better when bf called out of the blue, we had a great chat!

BBP - 7-11-2016 at 22:49

Went to the dentist for the checkup, it's looking good, return in Feb.
After that I cycled to Aalst - on my last visit to the Timco (big shop that buys stock from bankrupt shops) I saw that silver polish with actual silver particles, HG Silver Plating Polish. Originally it's quite expensive stuff and I have a collection of 7 adorable silverplate duck-shaped moneyboxes which could use maintenance. On top of that we have some silverware that sustained damage when a much younger BBP tried to be helpful by cleaning them with a scrounging pad.

Stuff doesn't work. Good thing it was 70% off at that shop, it's only 50 ml and quite expensive at 16 euros retail price.

Tried to get Fine Girl in my head while polishing but had to settle for the Dutch version of Rubber Duckie Song.

BBP - 8-11-2016 at 12:44

Deleted a bunch of spammers.

polydigm - 12-11-2016 at 08:06

Sounds exciting.

I managed to drop a very large rock yesterday and got my finger jammed between it and a section of tree trunk. The top segment of my finger got crushed so hard that it burst and produced what looks like large cut. It's the ring finger of my left hand so no guitar for a while. I can still play the piano with nine fingers so it's not a complete wipe out of musical activity.

The locum doctor who came to see me last night put a butterfly strip on it, which was not really necessary and he put it on too tight. I should have cut the bloody thing off last night before going to bed because I woke this morning with it in worse condition than before I saw the doctor. The swelling had increased and moved into the joint which was fine last night and it was throbbing like hell. I cut the butterfly strip off myself and it proceeded to get better almost immediately. I saw my usual doctor today and the nurse put a really groovy bandage on my finger and gave me tetanus shot.

I don't need this injury right now and it's my fault. My stupidity astounds me sometimes.

BBP - 12-11-2016 at 13:08

Aw Poly, accidents like that happen, you can't help it. No need to talk yourself down like that, you're hurt enough already.


BBP - 12-11-2016 at 23:41

Cleaning up my room.

Anybody have a steam shovel I could borrow?

polydigm - 14-11-2016 at 08:04

Talk about putting oneself down. Very funny.

BBP - 14-11-2016 at 14:34

I managed to get it pretty tidy in a short time though. Reason was my boyfriend came to visit. He'd been on a business trip to Germany and was able to visit me and the Glow lights festival yesterday. He'd planned to go back the same night but we could hardly send him back on the road for a three-hour trip at midnight, so we had to improvise a place to stay. For me, since I let him have my bed. Ended on the floor with a few foam mats and a chilly sleeping bag. So I'm exhausted but at least BF had a decent night's sleep. He's off again.

And we went to visit Glow, which was ace!

BBP - 19-11-2016 at 17:59

I'm now trying out my airbed, see if it's still in one piece.

BBP - 21-11-2016 at 10:00

The airbed is in one piece but my back isn't. I'm exhausted.

BBP - 22-11-2016 at 21:21

I'm letting my phone run out to fix the battery memory.

BBP - 23-11-2016 at 19:57

Scanning for viruses...

BBP - 23-11-2016 at 21:48

And the scanning is done!

My ankle has been giving me trouble lately, to the extent that I'm thinking of having the pins removed.

aquagoat - 24-11-2016 at 08:59

You've got pins in your ankle? I didn't remember. How did that happen?

BBP - 24-11-2016 at 10:40

I broke my ankle in 2010.
Immortalized in this topic:

BBP - 24-11-2016 at 21:45

I'll be going to BF again this weekend, this time I won't bring the laptop...

aquagoat - 25-11-2016 at 08:36

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I broke my ankle in 2010.
Immortalized in this topic:

well, apparently my memory is longer what it used to be..

polydigm - 25-11-2016 at 10:05

I haven't been in touch for a while because I've been in transition from Australia to the UK. I have some bad news and some good news.

The bad news is that the day after we settled in, in Reading, my son Lachlan let me know the fish pond was suddenly draining really fast and might have a bad leak. Two days after that my son Euan and my brother Phil drained the pond but couldn't find an obvious leak, so they are going to reline it at some point. We've found a better way of doing that, so that at least is a positive.

The good news is that when they drained the pond and got all the fish out they found the yabby, which was much grown and in good condition, so not a poor little guy.

BBP - 25-11-2016 at 10:26

Hurray for Yabby! Does he have a name?

Busy preparing for my journey today... food management is going to be tricky but I really feel like it!

BBP - 27-11-2016 at 21:51

Got back today! It was lovely! I baked speculaas for them, which was much appreciated.

polydigm - 28-11-2016 at 00:33

The yabby doesn't have a name yet, but we will think of one. Here's another pic showing more clearly how it's developed a solid shell. It's only been in the pond since 1st October, so it's doing very well.

BBP - 28-11-2016 at 09:13

Lovely little fellow!

BBP - 30-11-2016 at 08:53

Seems like they're moderating over at the FZ forum. Now that Dweezil is headlining Zappanale there are topics on the subject disappearing.

aquagoat - 1-12-2016 at 08:45

I love how a forum about a man who was 100% pro freedom of speech has become the opposite of this principle....

BBP - 1-12-2016 at 10:01

It's easy to be 100% pro freedom of speech if you've never seen the Internet...

BBP - 4-12-2016 at 23:29

Started on Zappadan! Matching topic is in Zappa - General.

polydigm - 6-12-2016 at 02:51

Censoring topics about his own brother? That's the pits. And the irony of remembering Frank Zappa vs Warner Brothers, now that we have Dweezil vs Ahmet and Diva.

Currently in the UK enjoying meeting up with family and friends and seeing the sights.

BBP - 7-12-2016 at 08:39

Have fun in the UK Poly!

BBP - 9-12-2016 at 09:50

I'll be going to my BF again on the 16th. Looking forward to it!

BBP - 10-12-2016 at 11:44

It's oh, so quiet....

polydigm - 11-12-2016 at 12:17

Bjork reference, I get it.

I've either got nothing to report or too much. We're doing all sorts of things. A visit to Liverpool and Manchester next week. We're moving to London the week after for Christmas and New Year. It's all largely been going to plan so far and I've been having a good break.

I've received an offer to do Physics Honours but the Masters offers, which is what I really want, don't come out until the middle of next week, so I'm on tenterhooks.

BBP - 11-12-2016 at 12:49

Nice you're having a good time!

Newspapers arrived way too late, I've complained to the boss about it.

BBP - 14-12-2016 at 10:57

Still on Zappadan, pretty heavily this time 'round. Mainly because I'm visiting BF and a friend this weekend.

BBP - 16-12-2016 at 11:11

Quiet week huh!
And it won't be much noisier this weekend. I'm out to go visit my boyfriend and my blind friend.

polydigm - 17-12-2016 at 02:02

It's official, I'm into the Master's course!!

aquagoat - 17-12-2016 at 09:03

Congratulations, Poly.

BBP - 18-12-2016 at 23:24

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
It's official, I'm into the Master's course!!


Just got back. I stayed a few hours longer than expected at my friend's. She's been on TV recently, a documentary about war graves shot when she went to visit her grandfather's final resting place in Thailand. We had a great time, talking and singing.

The two nights at my BF's.... well... I didn't sleep. Not for the right reasons, though. I haven't gotten used to sharing a bed with him yet. Neither has he. We both had huge bags under the eyes today. I'd love to spend more time with him but we need to resolve the sleeping arrangements somehow. Besides overcoming the distance.

BBP - 19-12-2016 at 20:35

Sore all over...

polydigm - 20-12-2016 at 11:01

Thanks for the congrats. I'm now trying to make the most of my holiday. From the 13th of February, it's nose to the grindstone.

Bonny, if you guys really like each other I'm sure you'll figure something out. I'm happy for you.

We're not visiting the Netherlands this time around, otherwise I'd suggest meeting up for a toast. Although, our long term plans are to move to Europe, so it'll most likely happen at some time in the future.

BBP - 20-12-2016 at 22:10

Pity, I'd have loved to meet you! Enjoy your holiday!

It's quite a conundrum isn't it? :biggrin: The ideal way to overcome the distance is staying longer, and the best way to overcome the sleeping problem is staying for a shorter time. It's like a sitcom brewing!

BBP - 22-12-2016 at 00:16

The AIVD (Dutch CIA) has an annual Christmas puzzle that I first did in 2014, this is my third attempt. It's the most difficult set of puzzles I even bother to try. Just solved 1 question in full so far.
This one's based on cryptography.

On the one question I just solved in full, I was given 6 ciphers:
xdaaw mnzlyomn
acn aqisjwq
jq sot wdpne hjnnq edws
qlmjr koodsy
pqtqkjg qj pqtqkjg
Every one of these ciphers uses a different encoding. Yet they're all connected.

BBP - 23-12-2016 at 00:25

Solving another question, but my head hurts now.

aquagoat - 25-12-2016 at 09:43

Merry Christmas to you guys.:bouncy:

BBP - 25-12-2016 at 13:47

Have a very merry Christmas everybody!

polydigm - 27-12-2016 at 15:25

A belated merry Christmas to all.

BBP - 28-12-2016 at 00:37

Way too many famous people dying. I don't like this.

BBP - 29-12-2016 at 18:03

One of my bags was stolen or lost today. I checked my route several times and asked in shops if they had seen it.
There wasn't anything of value in the bag (possibly a little plastic bag or some groceries I forgot last time) but the bag itself is made to hang down your bicycle, we always use them when we go for groceries, they're hard to come by and when they're new they aren't cheap.


BBP - 30-12-2016 at 23:52

Sorry if I've been a bit quiet lately - I'm not sure why but for about a month I've been feeling terrible, eye pain, nausea... I'm at a loss now, I don't see the end of it...

polydigm - 1-1-2017 at 10:49

I'm not happy at all to hear that Bonny. Is the medical fraternity not able to figure it out?

BBP - 1-1-2017 at 12:19

They weren't the first time and a second-opinion is not covered by insurance.

polydigm - 2-1-2017 at 01:01

I don't understand. Are you saying that if you continue to feel sick and return to the doctor, it's not covered?

BBP - 2-1-2017 at 18:01


Thank you, "New Healthcare System Based Off The USA One".

BBP - 6-1-2017 at 09:59

Now that Epiphany rolls up it's the last chance to wish you two a good New Year!
Happy New Year guys!

polydigm - 6-1-2017 at 11:58

And a good new year to you and Aqua too.

We have politicians in Australia trying to do the same thing to our health system and so far they've been held at bay. Our health system, Medicare, has none the less gradually deteriorated somewhat over the last few decades.

So why is it only you, me and Aqua here? Where is Punky and why can't others come here? Maybe I'm putting them off!

We have friendly conversations here and the atmosphere is preferable to that other place.

I hope Huck is going alright as well.

BBP - 6-1-2017 at 18:30

I don't know why Punky's staying away now...

I'm still at the insane AIVD cipher puzzle, inching forward. I wish I knew more about cryptography.

aquagoat - 7-1-2017 at 09:20

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
And a good new year to you and Aqua too.

We have politicians in Australia trying to do the same thing to our health system and so far they've been held at bay. Our health system, Medicare, has none the less gradually deteriorated somewhat over the last few decades.
They do it everywhere. They do it in France, too. They've been doing it since the beginning of our healthcare system. Mainly to destroy it and force people to take private health insurances. Telling us the public system is too expensive for the country. Now how can it be too expensive for a country and not for a private company? I wonder, since they both more or less function in the same way. There's something in France called Le trou de la securité sociale, The hole of social security, if you will. We're being repeatedly told that this hole cannot be filled. Yet there are numerous studies by economists, and even investigations by journalists, with actual proofs, that show that the government has had the necessary money to fill this hole for years, but they just don't do it. Why? Maybe because all those bastard politicians' campaigns are funded by the banks, who also tend to dabble in insurances -how surprising?- so they do what they're told, like the good dogs they are.
If you had to that that each european country has given up control of their money to the Central European Bank years ago, and can't now produce their own money, as they used to, to create inflation or deflation when necessary, they also have to obey the european econimical rules, or they will have to pay fines, and the current economical policy of the EU is: restrictions, restrictions everywhere, in education, in healthcare, etc, etc... Best thing to do right now would be to get out of the EU, as the IK did, and regain control of the economy of our country.

aquagoat - 7-1-2017 at 09:23

And a happy new year to you guys!:bouncing:

BBP - 7-1-2017 at 11:01

EU has no control over your nation's healthcare. It's those bastards you keep electing who do that.

polydigm - 7-1-2017 at 12:10

I get what Aqua is saying. If you are an EU member, you have to follow the rules. But this is not a reason to leave the EU. It needs to be fought within the EU. Australia is a small (population wise) independent nation and the same bullshit is going on there.

The UK is leaving the EU, but it is in the thrall of conservatives, some of whom are even talking about the advantages of war. Believe me, health, education and employment will not improve after Brexit is complete. Brexit just makes it easier for the vultures to exploit the isolated population of Britain.

You are right about the banks. I keep asking myself why banks are more powerful than countries; that's upside down. All countries should nationalise their banks and renationalise all the utilities that have been sold in a false economy to raise government funds.

I have come to the conclusion that unemployment is now the main issue everywhere in the world. If everyone in Britain had a job, why would they care if those Pakistanis around the corner also had jobs? The status quo in Britain of fear mongering about foreigners taking jobs would just vanish if everyone had a job. Employers should not be allowed to function without following strict rules, the main one being providing plentiful employment.

All you hear about is how the current rules make it hard for small employers, meanwhile, they are, all taken together as a group, only a small fraction of the whole economy. Multi nationals are the true rulers of the Western World and they are getting away with murder. Unemployment is a crime against humanity!

aquagoat - 7-1-2017 at 17:06

You can't fight it from inside the EU cause it's the central european bank that makes the rules and says what economical policy you have to apply, once you've regain control over your money, you don't have to borrow money from the central european bank, as we have to do now. It wasn't the case when I was young. When I was young, the government didn't need to borrow money to apply the policies they wanted to apply.

Plus, everybody knows that EU politics is a game of lobby influences, what do you want to do with that? It's not the way a sane healthy political system works. That system is rotten to the core.

As for the UK, it'll depend on what the politicians will do in the next few years. Of course, if there was full employment in the country, most of the resentment against foreigners would be appeased, but it won't happen unless the government stops the companies from sending the work in countries with little to no social security, payroil charges, etc. It's up to them to take the decisions necessary to do what they want, if they still have the power to do it. Cause, as you say, multi nationals rule the world, but they rule it cause we let them do it. But there's a tool called nationalization, we used to use that tool in the past.

And by the way, Brexit wasn't just about the fear of foreigners, just like Trump's election isn't just the result of some racist white votes, this aspect of the thing was largely exaggerated to prevent any other argument in favor of leaving the Eu from being discussed. It was a simple plan to divide the population into two groups, the good morally superior guys who vote for staying VS the bad racist old-fashionned guys who voted for leaving. Such an easy way of discrediting a part of the voting population.

BBP - 7-1-2017 at 18:54

It's because, whenever an impopular decision was made, politicians blamed it on the EU to wipe their own slate clean. The EU is largely invisible to people in the street. Making its position in The Netherlands extra hard now that it's the only country that's a net payer - all the other EU countries get more money from the EU than they contribute.

The EU would've worked out if it wasn't for the southern countries not obeying the financial regulations, thereby dragging all the other EU countries in their fal; and the expansion to Eastern Europe where the governments are owned by organized crime syndicates.

We had a double dip economy-wise but with Brexit and Trump it's going to be a triple dip. I blame short-sighted people who think that the situation in their individual country will get better if they leave the corrupt powers in but cut the large treaties.

Heathcare is not going to improve if France goes out of the EU, for the simple reason that EU doesn't regulate healthcare.
It will be very bad economically for France because it's a net gaining country, one of the largest gainers at that - because it's going to be bad for French economy it's going to be bad for healthcare since if there are budget cuts to be made by your government, it'll be done in the healthcare section.

polydigm - 7-1-2017 at 23:51

I obviously need to investigate the EU system further. But I can't accept that many isolated countries is good for the future. I see only conflict coming out of that.

aquagoat - 8-1-2017 at 08:33

Bonny, the EU doesn't regulate healthcare, that's true, they regulate the money we need to continue to apply that policy, so in the end, yes they control it, their only economic policy is: cut the expenses, cut social charges, cut social security, etc, etc It's the policy of restriction imposed by the central european bank that led to the state Greece is in, or at least aggravated it.

Getting out of the EU will make us regain control on our money, we won't have to pay interests, we won't follow restriction policies that don't work.

And I agree with you, the political class in each country is corrupted, but the european one is just as corrupted, if not more, their decisions are mainly influenced by financial lobbies with only their interests in mind. That's also one of the reasons why the nationalist parties in each country are on the rise, cause people wrongly think they will do what they say they'll do. People are tired of being told they have restrict themselves when they know the system worked well in the past, when the government hadn't given up their power to the big companies and banks.

The idea of a united european state isn't bad in and of itself, but it wasn't well prepared, and wasn't well applied. And it was quickly infected by greedy bastards.

aquagoat - 8-1-2017 at 08:42

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I obviously need to investigate the EU system further. But I can't accept that many isolated countries is good for the future. I see only conflict coming out of that.
Well, there was a time when each of these isolated countries ruled the world. So it's not necessarily a question of size.
Now, I agree with you, in the end, a united europe can be a good thing, but how can we create it? I don'treally know, but it surely won't work if we let the banks and the big companies create it.

BBP - 8-1-2017 at 13:15

Wel we have a bad track record when it comes to having European states coexist without war...
The main reason why healthcare is going down everywhere, is the prolonged economic crisis, healthcare and education are always the first categories to get the boot. There is no way leaving the EU will improve your healthcare.

The Greek crisis is because the situation that existed of hyper-rich people leeching the country, went on for way too long. The EU was lied to all the time about the financial state of the country, until it was too late. There's a limit to what the Troika can and will bail out - they're tied to other countries facing crises, remember.

polydigm - 8-1-2017 at 22:59

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
... but it surely won't work if we let the banks and the big companies create it.
There we are in total agreement. Like I said, banks should be nationalised and big companies should be made to follow very strict rules. It's an upside down world.

aquagoat - 10-1-2017 at 09:13

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Wel we have a bad track record when it comes to having European states coexist without war...
The main reason why healthcare is going down everywhere, is the prolonged economic crisis, healthcare and education are always the first categories to get the boot. There is no way leaving the EU will improve your healthcare.

The Greek crisis is because the situation that existed of hyper-rich people leeching the country, went on for way too long. The EU was lied to all the time about the financial state of the country, until it was too late. There's a limit to what the Troika can and will bail out - they're tied to other countries facing crises, remember.

I agree with you about our conflictual past. But I don't think it's necessary to be in the EU to live together without having a war every 50 years, lot's of countries in the world live side by side without conflicts and without being in a conglomerate of states.

Damned, I started a political debate without wanting it, I hate that, it's a very useless thing to do.

punknaynowned - 10-1-2017 at 12:06

Thank you all for this discussion on the EU. I learned stuff!

punknaynowned - 10-1-2017 at 12:07

And certainly, have a happy new year all!

polydigm - 11-1-2017 at 00:27

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Damned, I started a political debate without wanting it, I hate that, it's a very useless thing to do.
The world does change. I don't believe it's useless to talk about and we're all being quite civilised about it. You've both given me food for thought anyway.

Happy new year Punky, it's about time you dropped by.

aquagoat - 11-1-2017 at 09:02

Hey, happy new year, Punky, glad to see you around.

BBP - 11-1-2017 at 11:01

With BF up north again... :bald:

polydigm - 12-1-2017 at 23:41

Some predicted bad weather in Normandy forcing us to change our plans tomorrow. Still having a good time meeting up with relatives.

BBP - 13-1-2017 at 17:45

There's been some snow in The Netherlands, not much where I am right now but storm's been predicted.
It may be Friday 13th but I haven't had any bad luck so far, unlike on Tuesday, Wednesday and yesterday when I contracted food poisoning.

BBP - 16-1-2017 at 22:13

Back home!

polydigm - 17-1-2017 at 00:14

I hope it wasn't all bad.

BBP - 17-1-2017 at 09:56

It was rather intense but we had a lot of fun, in spite of a large series of mishaps. I got food poisoning from a high tea we went to.

polydigm - 17-1-2017 at 11:07

I'm glad you had fun. It's a pity about the food poisoning.

We're back in London with only a week left of our holiday.

BBP - 17-1-2017 at 19:50

Enjoy Poly!

polydigm - 18-1-2017 at 10:27

I've been out of my tree for more than eight weeks now, it's getting a bit weird. But, of course, I'm not complaining, I'm lucky to be able to do this.

BBP - 18-1-2017 at 17:26


Looking at my photos of last week, I found I made a couple when I'd gotten something in my eye. I'd almost forgotten that incident. It looked terrifying but it's OK now...

polydigm - 22-1-2017 at 01:02

That's a relief.

Off to sleep then off to the airport, heading home. I shall be substantially warmer within 34 hours.

BBP - 22-1-2017 at 17:22

Have a safe journey!

polydigm - 23-1-2017 at 21:49

Home safe and sound, back to reality.

BBP - 23-1-2017 at 23:27

Welcome back!

aquagoat - 28-1-2017 at 09:11

I had to get dressed and pay a visit to my neighbour, at 3:30 in the morning, cause the bloody bastard listened to music so loud it made my floor vibrate under my bed. I was pretty diplomatic. Firm and concise, but pretty diplomatic.

polydigm - 29-1-2017 at 00:36

Makes you wonder what goes on in the head of someone who behaves like that. I mean, it's pretty obvious what effect that behaviour will have. Although, one time, I had a neighbour who worked in a sheltered workshop (I don't know what his condition was). I paid him a visit and showed him how to use the tone controls and explained that if he wanted to turn the volume up a bit he should turn the bass down as well, because that is what travels through the walls. I demonstrated various settings and then took him into my flat so he could hear the result and after that things improved vastly.

Now, if he could learn that, you'd have to wonder who couldn't. Another time, another neighbour, who we had banging on our door complaining about the music keeping his baby daughter awake, told us to turn the bass up after bragging that he was a head of music in some school or other.

aquagoat - 29-1-2017 at 11:44

Yeah, it's pretty obvious it will cause trouble with the neighbours, but some people seem to think they're the only ones living on this planet.

BBP - 29-1-2017 at 17:03

Sorry to hear about that Aqua, I hope it won't happen again...

aquagoat - 30-1-2017 at 08:43

Well, we'll see that next friday, but I think he understood.

BBP - 30-1-2017 at 22:26

Good luck man!

Nothing much to report here...

polydigm - 31-1-2017 at 00:28

I'm still waiting for various enrolment details to fall into place, but I've got my desk at uni now and I'm getting ready for the hard slog ahead.

BBP - 31-1-2017 at 12:09

Good luck and good will to you!

I found a university-level calculus book I'm making (slow) headway in. So far the lack of a graphic calculator is getting painful.

polydigm - 1-2-2017 at 05:19

Anytime you've got a question just send a U2U.

Macs have the built in Grapher, what system are you using?

BBP - 1-2-2017 at 10:35

BF sent me a link to which apparently does the same.

The question that was troubling me was about a tin can. The tin can must have a volume of 500 cubic cm. The cost for the lid and bottom is 0,02 ct per square cm, the cost for the tin wall is 0,01 ct per square cm. What will be the radius of the cheapest tin you can make?

I tried it by hand and then I found I'd made a mistake - either way there's a limit to what is doable by the time you have such a long formula.

BBP - 1-2-2017 at 11:56

BF helped me with the highly information to zoom out on your graph in Fooplot. Yay! Now I can put that to rest!

BBP - 2-2-2017 at 22:05

Spending way too much time on a drawing...

aquagoat - 3-2-2017 at 08:49

Come on, drawing is a sane occupation. Much better than doing coke.

BBP - 3-2-2017 at 15:00

You haven't seen the results... ;)

polydigm - 4-2-2017 at 01:13

aquagoat - 4-2-2017 at 09:43

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
You haven't seen the results... ;)
Hahaha. Show me.

BBP - 4-2-2017 at 10:51

^^Haha thanks Poly! Fortunately I did manage to get the formula right eventually (initially I'd forgotten to multiply the height by the circumference to get the wall surface) and after my BF explained to me that there would be two lines and that I could zoom out on that thing, I managed to get the visual instead of just doing the maths.

Even so I have to tell you that getting the derivative for such a complex formula is still way away for me to do. In doing this book I gave myself a gap of 2 years math ed.

The pencil sketch doesn't look too bad but I have ways to go with digital painting.

polydigm - 5-2-2017 at 02:01

aquagoat - 5-2-2017 at 08:22

Hey Bonny, that's pretty good. I've never done anything with digital painting. And I haven't drawn anything at least a year.:umm:

BBP - 6-2-2017 at 20:43

Thanks Aqua! I'm making a revised version. I'd hoped I could do that on Sunday, but at 10AM I had a phonecall from my boyfriend who decided to pop over. Bearing in mind he lives on the other side of the country, a three-hour drive!

He came by and we had a great time together, drinking tea, reading a book with beautiful photos and going on overly long walks. He's only just left.

^Thanks for that explanation Poly! I was aware of how to deal with exponents but am not yet well-versed in negative powers.

BBP - 7-2-2017 at 23:23

There's phase 2 of my drawing right here. I've managed to figure out how floating layers work.

Attachment: shinya_sketch4.jpg (149kB)
This file has been downloaded 260 times

aquagoat - 8-2-2017 at 08:51

Yeah, good progress here, Bonny. Also, glad you spent good time with your boyfriend.:grin:

BBP - 8-2-2017 at 12:22

I noticed Mucha uses very thick lines just around the subject... still trying to get the paper to look better though... maybe a different colour for the peacock feathers and the green... I'm also reworking it on paper and that hasn't been nearly as much trouble.

polydigm - 8-2-2017 at 22:30

I need graphics software to produce physics diagrams, but they're mostly far too complicated (the graphics software that is).

BBP - 9-2-2017 at 21:32

Good luck finding one!

Got me a bad case of the sniffles, nose is runny beyond control.

polydigm - 11-2-2017 at 01:56

I hope it passes soon.

BBP - 11-2-2017 at 13:31

Not for today! Then again, we have snow now!

polydigm - 13-2-2017 at 14:27

Any better today?

BBP - 13-2-2017 at 17:02

Little better but Dad's caught the bug.

polydigm - 14-2-2017 at 10:39

Oh dear.

BBP - 14-2-2017 at 11:42

Yup! Right snot fest here!

A truck drove into our pavement this morning. Not sure what happened - I was barely awake when I heard a truck revving outside, didn't go out to see what was happening... when I went off to the dentist the pavement turned out to be all muddled at the corner which is just out of sight in our living room. Kinda scary - there's also deep tire tracks in the grit and skidmarks on the pavement. I'll take better photos today...

BBP - 14-2-2017 at 20:57

Made better photos and received a Valentine's card from my bf!

polydigm - 15-2-2017 at 14:21

We've been having lots of earthquakes. Turns out that I live in an earthquake prone region. I don't understand how I've been living here most of my life and I didn't know that.

BBP - 15-2-2017 at 20:55

That's strange... as long as you keep upright!
Do you get good earthquake-drills out there?

This was our pavement yesterday. This morning it was fixed.
I've been trying to work out what happened: there's one track in the sand underneath the tiles and there's one skidmark that's about 2m long leading right to that track. The track is probably not wider than 8cm. Because there's only 1 skidmark I guess it was made by a two-wheeled vehicle. Motorcycle?

Attachment: stoepie.jpg (206kB)
This file has been downloaded 253 times

BBP - 17-2-2017 at 22:52

I'll be spending a few days with my BF up north again... not sure how that will affect my productivity here...

polydigm - 19-2-2017 at 00:41

Looks to me like it would take more than a motorbike to cause that damage.

aquagoat - 20-2-2017 at 09:15

Never forget to wear an OLD t-shirt when using bleach...:swear:

BBP - 20-2-2017 at 15:06

Sorry to hear that, Aqua... one of my favourite shirts was ruined because I did the washing-up after my father had cleaned the kitchen edges with bleach...

Thanks for your insight Poly! I'd hoped to get up early so I could see who was making all the racket earlier, but I'd forgotten I'm not home right now. I'm in Leeuwarden in a ground floor apartment, overlooking a channel and seeing the occasional boat sail by.

polydigm - 20-2-2017 at 22:41

Sounds relaxing!

BBP - 21-2-2017 at 10:04

It is! Bit lonely now though now that bf is away for a few hours, then again it gives me the chance to catch up on my news!

BBP - 23-2-2017 at 12:54

On my way back now...

BBP - 24-2-2017 at 12:48

I'm back! Had a great time! Nothing notable happened - basically we took care of the two guinea pigs, one of them is a nervous wreck who keeps hiding and who won't let you pet him, the other one is more dominant.
The boats were coming at a very close distance, at one point this huge boat filled with containers came by, was kinda weird... We cycled to the street in Leeuwarden where my grandma used to live when she was little...

BBP - 25-2-2017 at 18:21

Not feeling well today... :swear:

polydigm - 26-2-2017 at 14:09

Not another cold?

BBP - 26-2-2017 at 20:39

Nope, just bad time... I'm feeling better now.
In my bf's family there's a nasty virus making rounds, his sister has been having an ear infection for months.

polydigm - 26-2-2017 at 22:31

I hope today is better.

BBP - 26-2-2017 at 23:15

Me too, I'm scheduled for a cleaning job again. So it's off to bed!

BBP - 27-2-2017 at 18:45

Went out cleaning again and got soaked.

BBP - 1-3-2017 at 12:08

They're working on the pavement corner again!

BBP - 3-3-2017 at 14:35

Scored a job again!

aquagoat - 4-3-2017 at 08:36

Cool, let the money in.;-)

BBP - 4-3-2017 at 09:33

It's more than welcome!

I really love my boyfriend and think we can go far - but visiting him costs a chunk out of my budget every time...

aquagoat - 5-3-2017 at 08:40

Yeah, I know what it is, I was in the same situation when I met my ex-girlfriend, ten years ago, which prompted me to move from the south to the north of the country.

BBP - 5-3-2017 at 19:25

That must've been quite a change of climate...

It would be a huge change for me. Frizian is considered a separate language. Not sure if I buy that but it's going to take quite some time before I master it...

aquagoat - 6-3-2017 at 09:08

Ha, yes, it was, but I didn't mind the weather.
Well, maybe he could move?

BBP - 6-3-2017 at 09:45

He lives close to all his family and is the resident repairman. Gonna be difficult for either one of us...

BBP - 6-3-2017 at 13:40

Put some stuff on an auction site... bass and amplifier among them...

BBP - 7-3-2017 at 22:55

Here's hoping I sold the amp...

BBP - 8-3-2017 at 11:43

Sold it for a good price! To a rental company, so if I miss it I can rent it for a day.

aquagoat - 9-3-2017 at 09:19

Good news, Bonny.

BBP - 9-3-2017 at 09:52

I do miss it, oddly. I used to play for three, four hours every day and had gotten pretty good when I snapped my finger with basketball in high school at 17. After that I barely used it, it may have been tucked away in its corner under the table for more than 10 years.

BBP - 10-3-2017 at 09:22

Chucked a spammer out...

polydigm - 11-3-2017 at 01:24

Sorry, I've been really busy. I'll try to drop in more often. Time flies, I haven't been here since February!!

aquagoat - 11-3-2017 at 09:10

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I do miss it, oddly. I used to play for three, four hours every day and had gotten pretty good when I snapped my finger with basketball in high school at 17. After that I barely used it, it may have been tucked away in its corner under the table for more than 10 years.
Yeah, I know that feeling, it's always a weird sensation when you get rid of something you've had for a long time, it's a bit of your life that goes away.

BBP - 11-3-2017 at 12:48

Hi Poly, nice to see you again! How's college?

Thanks Aqua! :bouncing:

polydigm - 13-3-2017 at 22:01

It's hectic. This is a whole new level of difficulty and it's freaking me out.

aquagoat - 14-3-2017 at 08:24

Don't worry, Poly, just a little time of adaptation and it's gonna be ok.

BBP - 14-3-2017 at 18:48

Good luck bud!

BBP - 14-3-2017 at 19:59

Pfff... posted a thread on the DeviantArt forum that's going like hot cakes!

It often happened to me that I thought "wow, I really thought I'd get more views for this artwork!" so I posted a thread inviting people to share the arts of which they assumed it'd do better than it does - and it's apparently a familiar feeling.

BBP - 16-3-2017 at 09:52

Counted votes last night until 12:30 AM, got up at 5:30... I'm pooped.

polydigm - 16-3-2017 at 13:28

I'm slogging away and some of it's starting to make sense.

Which votes are you counting?

BBP - 16-3-2017 at 14:04

Dutch parliamental election! Was a lot of work, didn't finish until 12:30 AM... and had to get up at 5:30 AM... zzz...

I'm all in favour of return to voting computers...

polydigm - 19-3-2017 at 14:16

Sitting up in bed late in the evening all sweaty after a hot day. This is crazy weather for the start of Autumn.

BBP - 19-3-2017 at 16:59

BF came to visit me this weekend, we went to my favourite theme park De Efteling. I had to since I'd gotten a gift card for my birthday three years ago and had less than a month left to use it, with 44 euros to go.

Initially I was going to buy my ticket at the till, the most expensive option but the only way with the gift certificate, but my father saw one of his former colleagues in trouble: she had bought 15 tickets for March 18th including parking, and had to sell them because hubby needed surgery. They were a lot cheaper than anything I could buy, without me knowing he bought 2 tickets instead of 1 for boyfriend.

It turned out to save the day: Rabobank had rented the park for its customers and I wouldn't have been able to get in otherwise.

With BF I did a very different tour than I'd usually do; he'd downloaded an app where you can see the waiting times and used it a lot in deciding where we'd go next. With this specific event luring a lot of young families, the rougher rides were low on waiting time. And so I did their dive coaster Baron 1898 5 times.

The Dutch word "ploeg" doesn't just mean plough, it can also refer to a team or group of people. As you are about to enter the ride, you're given a ticket based on where in the cart you want to sit (front row typically lasts longer to get there, and there's a single riders line to max out the capacity). You're divided into team A and team B, and as I went in for the first time through the regular entrance, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a ticket that said "PLOEG B".

And of course I had to hand that ticket back.
Next time we went in, I got another ticket for team B, BF talked a bit to the guy taking back the tickets - and I got to keep mine!

Here's the Baron 1898 Experience:

polydigm - 20-3-2017 at 09:03

That's quite a drop!

BBP - 20-3-2017 at 10:18

At the stop before you drop, you can hear one very loud expletive!

BBP - 25-3-2017 at 13:10

Wow, that theme park visit took it out of me!

BBP - 26-3-2017 at 09:26

Why oh why do I always get sick on weekends?

BBP - 29-3-2017 at 20:41

Guy phones, offers me a job and sends me the details.

I reply that I applied for the same vacancy nine months before that.

I get a rejection.

Some people...

BBP - 30-3-2017 at 11:53

Had a trade with Slime-oofy.tvset off the Zappa forum. Turns out I had a magazine he didn't have yet.

BBP - 1-4-2017 at 22:31

Survived another April Fool's... Anyone else been pranked here?

aquagoat - 2-4-2017 at 07:11

No, fortunately. I don't know why but I really don't like that day. I think it's the day of the year I like the least.

BBP - 3-4-2017 at 09:26

Dad said the waste paper collectors came in that day because next Thursday would be White Thursday, sister and I spent some time hurrying to get the waste paper ready to put on the side of the road when he informed us it was April Fool's. Should've guessed since White Thursday is not next Thursday and it's not a bank holiday either.

It is the national Boekenweek, a week in which book sales are stimulated extra. If you spend 15 euros on Dutch-language books, you get a book for free that's been especially written for the occasion.
It is my birthday tomorrow, Dad's present for me had been delayed so much he had to cancel it and get a book instead, so he also got the free book.
The Dutch railways sponsor the Boekenweek - with your free book you can now travel by train for free for one Sunday. The plan was for my father to go to Amsterdam and visit my sister - she however came to us because of my birthday, and so we had one free book ticket.

So, of course, I made a quick round-trip to my special someone who lives quite a way away. Took three-and-a-half hours to get there, three-and-a-half hours to get back, spent six hours there... Was good fun! Among others he showed me the new Zelda-game.

BBP - 4-4-2017 at 16:47

Celebrated my birthday by knocking a large mug of tea over my freshly-gotten books. :duh:

aquagoat - 5-4-2017 at 07:41

So, Happy Birthday Bonny, I hope it was a good one.:bouncy:

BBP - 5-4-2017 at 10:32

It was, sister and I went out for ice-cream!

BBP - 8-4-2017 at 17:16

Pfff... finally week-end...
With the cleaning job and the brochure delivery I now work 6 days a week...

aquagoat - 9-4-2017 at 07:58

Went from 80kg to 68kg in about 6 months of working out and diet. It feels pretty good being in a better shape. Now let's stabilize that for a few months. I can see my abs!:bouncy:

aquagoat - 9-4-2017 at 08:00

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Pfff... finally week-end...
With the cleaning job and the brochure delivery I now work 6 days a week...
feels good, doesn't it?

BBP - 9-4-2017 at 09:10

Wow, great job Aqua!

aquagoat - 9-4-2017 at 14:07

Thank you, Bonny.

BBP - 9-4-2017 at 19:49

Seriously, amazing job! I couldn't do that!

polydigm - 10-4-2017 at 00:56

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Went from 80kg to 68kg in about 6 months of working out and diet. It feels pretty good being in a better shape. Now let's stabilize that for a few months. I can see my abs!:bouncy:
How tall are you? If I weighed 68kg, I wouldn't be well. I am however 88kg at 178cm tall and would be much better off at 78kg.

polydigm - 10-4-2017 at 00:58

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Celebrated my birthday by knocking a large mug of tea over my freshly-gotten books. :duh:
Sorry I missed your birthday. Sounds like you had a good day.

aquagoat - 10-4-2017 at 08:17

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Went from 80kg to 68kg in about 6 months of working out and diet. It feels pretty good being in a better shape. Now let's stabilize that for a few months. I can see my abs!:bouncy:
How tall are you? If I weighed 68kg, I wouldn't be well. I am however 88kg at 178cm tall and would be much better off at 78kg.
I'm 173cm. The main purpose of that diet is to get pretty lean, just to lose my belly fat and see my abs again, hadn't seen them for more than 20 years, actually. Then in a few months, I'll start eating more again and work out more intensively, to gain muscle, and be around 70 kg. The main goal is to look like Brad Pitt in Snatch or Fight Club, the body, at least, cause concerning the face, it's fucked up beyond any possibility of improvement. :lol:

aquagoat - 10-4-2017 at 08:19

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Seriously, amazing job! I couldn't do that!
I'm sure you can, it's bit tough in the beginning, but it's just good habits to acquire.

BBP - 10-4-2017 at 09:20

I'm really very broad for a woman - the average shoulder length of a woman is 11cm, mine is 16. Due to my broad body build I'm often mistaken for a man. I'm not likely to fit into the Quetelet index.

aquagoat - 10-4-2017 at 09:42

Well, I don't care about arbitrary indexes, all I care about is: Do I look good and do I feel good with my body? I clearly didn't a year ago, so I did what was necessary.

BBP - 10-4-2017 at 16:09

Very good of you!

aquagoat - 15-4-2017 at 07:45

Happy Easter, everyone. And lots of chocolate to you all.:D

BBP - 17-4-2017 at 16:14

Thank you!

BF came over on Friday, it did put a dent in my schedule! He's just left. We had a great time going on walks!

aquagoat - 19-4-2017 at 07:05

That's a good way to spend the day.;)

BBP - 19-4-2017 at 09:07

We also went to Evoluon together. The exhibition wasn't much but the building's gorgeous as ever!

Unfortunately on the way there I got lost and we cycled way in the wrong direction.

aquagoat - 21-4-2017 at 08:20

Haha, that reminds me when I was 18, with a bunch of friends we were supposed to go see a show in a local town, and we arrived elsewhere cause the shortcut one of us knew wasn't really a shortcut, so we had to make a few more kilometres on our mopeds to reach the final destination.

BBP - 21-4-2017 at 08:24

Ah, mopeds, then you have gasoline.

aquagoat - 22-4-2017 at 12:59

Ha, yeah, less effort involved, that's true.

BBP - 24-4-2017 at 09:24

But not as cost-effective!

I spent the weekend over at BF's - they do their Christmas at Easter. Was a lot of fun! We kicked off with presents and snacks, then had lunch and put up the ping-pong table in the living room!

polydigm - 24-4-2017 at 09:32

Where does the time go? Last time I was here was two weeks ago. I've been so busy it's ridiculous. Hope you guys are well.

BBP - 25-4-2017 at 18:00

Hi Poly, great to see you again! Good luck at uni!

I got a temp cleaning job at an office building way out of the way, started today... Getting there wasn't easy but I managed without getting too lost (miracle considering how confusing the Flight Forum is) but unfortunately one of the places I had to clean was the smoker's room, and that took too much from my lungs.

aquagoat - 28-4-2017 at 07:11

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Where does the time go? Last time I was here was two weeks ago. I've been so busy it's ridiculous. Hope you guys are well.
Yep, time flies like a mofo, and it accelarates with age. Or maybe WE slow down?

BBP - 28-4-2017 at 08:43


polydigm - 28-4-2017 at 10:32

I'm still hanging in there, Bonny.

Time passing? That's another four days - ridiculous!

It could be age that makes it go faster, but I think it's more likely to be a growing concern with time that makes it seem to go faster as you get older. When you're young, you want to be older, so you can be more free and you feel like you'll live forever and don't care much about time. Then you get older and become more concerned about the fact that you won't live forever and time just seems to go faster the more you care about it.

Being occupied makes it go faster as well - time flies when you're productively occupied with something interesting. Now - I'd rather be productively occupied with something interesting than not - so there's a catch 22 for you. It is what it is.

BBP - 28-4-2017 at 12:06

Baking a chocolate cake...

BBP - 28-4-2017 at 20:49

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had a trade with Slime-oofy.tvset off the Zappa forum. Turns out I had a magazine he didn't have yet.

The package he sent arrived today. Man has he spoiled me! Now I have 4 extra dictionaries in my collection, in Swahili, Sanskrit, Welsh and Dari (spoken in Afghanistan).

polydigm - 29-4-2017 at 01:09


aquagoat - 29-4-2017 at 07:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Haha, probably, yeah!

aquagoat - 29-4-2017 at 07:42

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Baking a chocolate cake...
Want some! Please?

aquagoat - 29-4-2017 at 07:44

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had a trade with Slime-oofy.tvset off the Zappa forum. Turns out I had a magazine he didn't have yet.

The package he sent arrived today. Man has he spoiled me! Now I have 4 extra dictionaries in my collection, in Swahili, Sanskrit, Welsh and Dari (spoken in Afghanistan).
That's great. I think the dictionary is the best book in the world, kind of the REAL bible.

aquagoat - 29-4-2017 at 07:45

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I'm still hanging in there, Bonny.

Time passing? That's another four days - ridiculous!

It could be age that makes it go faster, but I think it's more likely to be a growing concern with time that makes it seem to go faster as you get older. When you're young, you want to be older, so you can be more free and you feel like you'll live forever and don't care much about time. Then you get older and become more concerned about the fact that you won't live forever and time just seems to go faster the more you care about it.

Being occupied makes it go faster as well - time flies when you're productively occupied with something interesting. Now - I'd rather be productively occupied with something interesting than not - so there's a catch 22 for you. It is what it is.
That's totally right.

BBP - 29-4-2017 at 18:02

Sure, come quick it's almost gone!

aquagoat - 29-4-2017 at 18:13

Ha, by the time I get there it'll be completely gone. Well, I guess I'll have to content myself with some pastries I bought this afternoon. :D

BBP - 30-4-2017 at 13:13

I could give you the recipe:

Chocolate Pound Cake:

6 eggs, split
150 g butter
125 g sugar
125 g self-raising flour (or flour and baking powder)
150 g pure chocolate

Oven set to 160 deg C
Buttered form
Pans with water to melt the chocolate.

Melt the chocolate au-bain-marie and take it off the fire to let it cool a bit.
Mix the butter and sugar to a mass, then add the 6 egg-yolks and the chocolate.

In another bowl, beat the egg-whites stiff.
Sieve the flour.
Mix the flour and egg-whites in with the chocolate mix, beat until it's properly mixed, then put it in the form and smooth it out.
Put the cake in the oven for 60-65 mins. Then let it cool in the form for 10 minutes before taking it out and munching it all.

Calvin - 1-5-2017 at 02:00

That might take me a while, I've got the 150 gallons of butter, now I have to wait until I can afford the 150 gallons of sugar.

aquagoat - 1-5-2017 at 08:34

Thanks a lot Bonny, I'll have to test that soon.

BBP - 1-5-2017 at 20:46

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
wopps forgot the link!

saw this at Doonesbury's website and thought, 'O Wow! The Dutch have got it together!'

It's been a while since Punky posted that, but I actually got to go there today:

It's really frightening to cycle over that - the barriers are cycle-steer high, so it'd be easy to tip over.

BBP - 1-5-2017 at 20:49

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
That might take me a while, I've got the 150 gallons of butter, now I have to wait until I can afford the 150 gallons of sugar.

Ooh that's going to take a large whisk!

BBP - 4-5-2017 at 09:26

BF is coming over for the weekend. So I'm cleaning here.

BBP - 5-5-2017 at 07:58

And deleted another spammer.

BBP - 7-5-2017 at 16:52

Was a great weekend!

polydigm - 7-5-2017 at 23:14

Nobody wondered about the squeak? Bonny was talking about all those dictionaries and I was demonstrating that although my main language is English and I can speak a little French, I can also speak mouse.

BBP - 8-5-2017 at 16:47


polydigm - 10-5-2017 at 12:47

That's very good Bonny. Although, there aren't too many words in the mouse dictionary.

BBP - 10-5-2017 at 16:26

Yup, very easy language!

Went to the second-handshop yesterday. They had a big Revell-model kit of a 1953 Corvette car. I know those kits, getting them brand new will set you back quite a bundle of around 30 euros, more than I'm willing to spend on a craft kit since I'm lousy at crafts and likely to break such things. Checked to see if it was complete. There seemed to be a missing wheelcase, so I left it there.

But I did tell my father, he was immediately interested and told me to buy it. So I went out to get it today...

And came home with something else I bumped into at that place: an Angel glockenspiel.

polydigm - 12-5-2017 at 01:15

A chromatic one with 25 bars? Did you get it cheaply?

BBP - 12-5-2017 at 08:13

Chromatic, 2 octaves, €4,50.

Dad can't hear it when I play it upstairs so I can ram at it all I want! :biggrin:

Any suggestions for Zappa songs I could try on it? It goes from G to G so Eat That Question was awkward.

polydigm - 16-5-2017 at 08:29

If it's in good condition, that's a good price. I think G to G is standard. I would have thought Eat That Question was a good choice, given that it only ranges a major ninth.

Try the Cosmic Debris riff.

BBP - 16-5-2017 at 16:41

It fits, yes... it's a bit fiddly though but then again I'm new at this...

BBP - 16-5-2017 at 19:48

My T-shirt caught fire while I was making tea. Sustained minor burns.

It was my "Me, sarcastic? Never!" T-shirt. Bummer!

polydigm - 18-5-2017 at 15:54

Does that mean nobody believed you were on fire? :wink2:

BBP - 19-5-2017 at 19:27

:biggrin: You can tell from the smell...

The theme to Lumpy Gravy sounds great on glockenspiel!

BBP - 20-5-2017 at 17:21

On the train right now... hoping the battery'll last a while. This journey has been pretty troublewome. I'm off to BF again, but there was railway maintenance on the way so I had to get off someplace else - lengthening my route by a lot. Making it worse, my first train left the station so late I missed the connection and had to wait half an hour in Den Bosch.

On the way to BF...

polydigm - 22-5-2017 at 15:08

Transport hassles!!

Hope you're alright Bonny.

BBP - 24-5-2017 at 11:37

Weŕe alright and having fun! I did forget my laptop cables (I even disconnected them back home so that was NOT a smart move) but Iḿ now borrowing his laptop to jot this down and delete all the spam.


BBP - 25-5-2017 at 17:35

Back home again, laptop plugged in and charging...
Road back was NOT pleasant!

polydigm - 27-5-2017 at 15:50

Having a spell of rain at the moment. The garden needs it anyway.

Exams are coming up soon. Squeak.

BBP - 27-5-2017 at 22:31

Good luck with the exams!

We're having unseasonal heat- 33.4 C here, if it gets over 25 C tomorrow we could have a heatwave in May.

aquagoat - 28-5-2017 at 08:06

Good luck for the exams, poly. I'm sure it's gonna be ok.

BBP - 28-5-2017 at 20:42

Hot weather's got me off... nauseous a lot...

polydigm - 30-5-2017 at 14:49

Thanks Aqua. Haven't seen you for a while. I was wondering if you were okay.

Over 30C in your part of the world in May does seem a bit much, Bonny. Hope you're feeling better today.

BBP - 30-5-2017 at 22:32

Things have been cooling down a bit. There was a big set of waves in The Hague causing damage though.

aquagoat - 31-5-2017 at 08:03

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Thanks Aqua. Haven't seen you for a while. I was wondering if you were okay.

Over 30C in your part of the world in May does seem a bit much, Bonny. Hope you're feeling better today.
Yes, everything's ok, I've been busy working, and working out and playing the guitar, I've learnt quite a few songs, actually. :guitar2:

BBP - 31-5-2017 at 21:49

You know what I'm doing now that it's 30 deg C here?
Knitting a jumper. :biggrin:

aquagoat - 1-6-2017 at 07:01

Haha, let's prepare for the cold season. Far-sighted Bonny.

BBP - 1-6-2017 at 10:50

Hey, I have 2020 vision! I can totally picture what will happen in three years! :biggrin:

aquagoat - 2-6-2017 at 07:41

So you're a kind of supergirl, what other special powers have you got?

BBP - 2-6-2017 at 08:18

I don't know, I only domy hero stuff while I'm sleeping!

polydigm - 2-6-2017 at 10:18

Good to see everyone having a laugh. I've just been hammering away at the piano. I need a break from all this physics from time to time. On the up side, I can tell you what a Higgs boson is, if you've ever wondered.

BBP - 2-6-2017 at 15:17

Ah that's great, how's the piano working out for you?

Found a very strange bug in the garden earlier today, wish I'd taken a photo...

aquagoat - 3-6-2017 at 08:33

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I don't know, I only domy hero stuff while I'm sleeping!
Damn, that's not very practical, but I guess that where you draw your astonshing and renowned fearlessness.
You should make a comics of your adventures, you could call it The Astounnding Somnambula.

BBP - 3-6-2017 at 08:34

Ha I don't think I draw well enough for that... :biggrin:

aquagoat - 3-6-2017 at 08:43

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Good to see everyone having a laugh. I've just been hammering away at the piano. I need a break from all this physics from time to time. On the up side, I can tell you what a Higgs boson is, if you've ever wondered.
Nonono, poly, you don't play the piano with hammers, it's not the proper way, or perhaps if you belong to the John Cage School of Bricolage and Music.

I've read a bit about the Higgs boson when it came out, it's overrated, imo. ;) Just kidding, that's awesome actually.

Another awesome thing I read about yesterday was articles about the discovery of gravitational waves, check them out.

polydigm - 4-6-2017 at 08:56

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Nonono, poly, you don't play the piano with hammers, it's not the proper way, or perhaps if you belong to the John Cage School of Bricolage and Music.
Very funny!

Meanwhile, not very funny at all, is London right now.

BBP - 4-6-2017 at 20:54

Or Manchester...

BBP - 6-6-2017 at 09:15

Or Eindhoven...

My old bosses from the newspaper round had had enough on their plate last year - husband Henk suffers diabetes and had a long list of problems with his eyes, feet and kidneys - as he was brought home from dialysis, the taxidriver helping him let him slip and Henk stubbed his toe on the taxi porch. Harmless for most, but because of his diabetes and ill foot health, it meant he had to amputate two toes. In the hospital the wound got infected and he gradually lost more and more, then the infection spread to his other leg - now both legs are amputated.
Henk and Nel were hoping for a quiet year after all that happened - but yesterday they were pulled out of their house at 1AM by the fire brigade. Something burning had landed on the balcony above them and set fire to the entire block. Their flat is now uninhabitable. Lines of inquiry are into an aimed attack.

aquagoat - 8-6-2017 at 07:58

Damned, that sucks!

The same thing happened to my grandmother (on my mother's side), she had diabetes, hurt her toe, had it amputated, then the leg, then the other leg, and then she died. It was strange seeing her disappear piece by piece, but after the first leg, I knew she wouldn't last long. She was not the kind of woman who would finish her life in a wheelchair.

BBP - 8-6-2017 at 08:54

Sorry to hear that... poor woman...

Police no longer think it was arson, so that's a plus I suppose...

polydigm - 8-6-2017 at 11:31

Wow. That certainly changes the mood. But I can relate. My mother is really far gone with dementia and it kills me every time I visit. And my exam today was complete disaster. Luckily it was only for part of that particular course and I have a chance to redeem myself with the exam for the other part in a week and a half.

BBP - 8-6-2017 at 17:15

Sorry to hear about your mother... it's such a dreadful disease...

aquagoat - 9-6-2017 at 07:57

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Wow. That certainly changes the mood. But I can relate. My mother is really far gone with dementia and it kills me every time I visit. And my exam today was complete disaster. Luckily it was only for part of that particular course and I have a chance to redeem myself with the exam for the other part in a week and a half.
Damn, sorry about your mother Poly, that's really a difficult situation to go through.
As for the exams, i'm sure you'll do just fine in 1&1/2 week, come on, we know you can do it. Actually, we know you WILL do it. ;)

BBP - 9-6-2017 at 22:42

Tomorrow I'll be going up north to BF again... this time hopefully with all the cables!

BBP - 12-6-2017 at 09:40

I'm here, with all the cables!

aquagoat - 13-6-2017 at 07:12


BBP - 13-6-2017 at 08:44

Didn't even know my laptop had troubles, but apparently it missed an update that speeds up the Windows Update process tremendously. Apparently 50% of the CPU cycles were unavailable because it was too busy trying to update.
BF fixed that. Never even noticed anything was wrong!

He's awesome!:bouncy:

aquagoat - 14-6-2017 at 07:36

Hahah, good. Yeah, boyfriends are awesome, most of the time.

BBP - 14-6-2017 at 14:36

Windows users: install the latest update ASAP, it contains important vulnerability fixes!
Apparently it's so bad they even made one for XP!

aquagoat - 15-6-2017 at 07:43

Apparently it got updated this morning.

BBP - 15-6-2017 at 15:12


THe University of London was just victim to ransomware, possibly a new virus.

BBP - 18-6-2017 at 21:51

Will start working again tomorrow...

BBP - 21-6-2017 at 21:11

Primus played Tilburg yesterday, but I had to give them a miss for feduciary reasons.
I hate that.

BBP - 23-6-2017 at 22:21

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Or Eindhoven...

My old bosses from the newspaper round had had enough on their plate last year - husband Henk suffers diabetes and had a long list of problems with his eyes, feet and kidneys - as he was brought home from dialysis, the taxidriver helping him let him slip and Henk stubbed his toe on the taxi porch. Harmless for most, but because of his diabetes and ill foot health, it meant he had to amputate two toes. In the hospital the wound got infected and he gradually lost more and more, then the infection spread to his other leg - now both legs are amputated.
Henk and Nel were hoping for a quiet year after all that happened - but yesterday they were pulled out of their house at 1AM by the fire brigade. Something burning had landed on the balcony above them and set fire to the entire block. Their flat is now uninhabitable. Lines of inquiry are into an aimed attack.


Today I caught Nel as she was leaving the apartment block. Had a good chat.

She told me:
The night of the fire, around 1:30 AM, Henk woke up from the sound of stones and people shouting "brand" - Henk misunderstood and thought they said Frans, a name. When the noise continued he woke Nel up and asked her to call the police. They assumed there was some sort of pub brawl. As Nel reached for the phone, she noticed the heat, the smoke and the many people outside - she dialled the emergency number, did her story and then called her sister who lives nearby. Nel and her sister tried to get Henk out of bed, but they couldn't. Then sister ran next-door to rouse the woman there, an 87-year-old who can't walk either, it took ten minutes before that lady managed to get out of her house.
Meanwhile a policeman had arrived to try and lift Henk. On his own he couldn't. Then another cop came, they managed to lift him together and walk out. They're on the first floor (2nd to Americans) and of course the elevators can't be used.

All the flat's inhabitants are safe and sound, no serious injuries.
Henk and Nel were temporarily placed in a motel, but that was not ideal for blind and legless Henk so they were moved to a nursing home. Nel doesn't like it one bit though - although there live 300 people she hardly ever sees people there, people are almost forced to catch up in the restaurant, which will cost them money... not to mention the place has a view on the graveyard. Henk mentioned the windows don't open and the airco isn't too effective, which with yesterday's unprecedented heat (body temp) makes for an evil combination.

Luckily their house was mostly spared - the balcony is pretty much gone but the fire started higher up and was about to travel down, but it was put out in time. They can move back in on Monday. Also they both realize how lucky they were - the news of London was more than enough evidence of that.

aquagoat - 25-6-2017 at 07:57

Damn, yes, they're lucky, it could have been way worse than that.

BBP - 26-6-2017 at 09:51


Went to the 2nd birthday party of BFs nephew yesterday, so up north again, 4 hour trip...

BBP - 28-6-2017 at 14:56

Lost my phone... :swear:

polydigm - 28-6-2017 at 15:19

I've been away for a while sorting my head out. I've decided physics masters was not for me and I've withdrawn. I'm back working on my physics book and also helping one of my ex lecturers with his book. I'm also finding more time for my music again.

aquagoat - 28-6-2017 at 18:30

Cool, thanks to the wind, the window of my kitchen has just shattered. It gives me some more air. Isn't it great? Fortunately, no-oone was under the window when it happened.

aquagoat - 28-6-2017 at 18:31

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Lost my phone... :swear:
Ha, sorry abaut that, Bonny.

BBP - 28-6-2017 at 22:26

Whoa Aqua! How does that happen?

Sorry to hear about your masters, Poly... hope you'll feel better soon!

aquagoat - 29-6-2017 at 07:33

Well, all my windows were opened, then it started raining and there was a lot of wind and before I could close the windows, a draught decided to violently shut the one in the kitchen. The left glass is completely destroyed. I live on the first floor, so I'm lucky no-one was walking underneath that window, cause 140 cm of glass broken in long sharp pieces can do a lot of damage on somebody's head. And fortunately it's summer, so I don't really mind having a window half opened all the time. Now I'm waiting for the assurance company to react. And i've contacted a few glaziers to get the job done. Unless I can do it myself, it musn't be more complicated than making a roof.

aquagoat - 29-6-2017 at 07:34

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've been away for a while sorting my head out. I've decided physics masters was not for me and I've withdrawn. I'm back working on my physics book and also helping one of my ex lecturers with his book. I'm also finding more time for my music again.
Ha, sorry about that, man.

BBP - 29-6-2017 at 09:19

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Well, all my windows were opened, then it started raining and there was a lot of wind and before I could close the windows, a draught decided to violently shut the one in the kitchen. The left glass is completely destroyed. I live on the first floor, so I'm lucky no-one was walking underneath that window, cause 140 cm of glass broken in long sharp pieces can do a lot of damage on somebody's head. And fortunately it's summer, so I don't really mind having a window half opened all the time. Now I'm waiting for the assurance company to react. And i've contacted a few glaziers to get the job done. Unless I can do it myself, it musn't be more complicated than making a roof.

Okay, I get it! It used to happen to us all the time in our old house, there was a door between the kitchen and the hall. If both the front door and the back door were open, it could slam shut. I think the glass window in it broke about 7 times.
That was a single-sheet of window in an indoor setting, and Dad usually fixed it himself. Installing double glass that also needs to be a waterproof fit is a lot more work.
And my BF (whose father is a builder with his own business) has often told me about how glass easily cuts you if it only slides a bit on your hand, so wear tough gloves.

polydigm - 29-6-2017 at 10:04

Don't worry about me, it was the right decision. I'm feeling better than I did before making that decision.

So, breaking glass, losing phones, I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes.

BBP - 29-6-2017 at 11:44

Apparently! :bald:

aquagoat - 29-6-2017 at 15:46

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Well, all my windows were opened, then it started raining and there was a lot of wind and before I could close the windows, a draught decided to violently shut the one in the kitchen. The left glass is completely destroyed. I live on the first floor, so I'm lucky no-one was walking underneath that window, cause 140 cm of glass broken in long sharp pieces can do a lot of damage on somebody's head. And fortunately it's summer, so I don't really mind having a window half opened all the time. Now I'm waiting for the assurance company to react. And i've contacted a few glaziers to get the job done. Unless I can do it myself, it musn't be more complicated than making a roof.

Okay, I get it! It used to happen to us all the time in our old house, there was a door between the kitchen and the hall. If both the front door and the back door were open, it could slam shut. I think the glass window in it broke about 7 times.
That was a single-sheet of window in an indoor setting, and Dad usually fixed it himself. Installing double glass that also needs to be a waterproof fit is a lot more work.
And my BF (whose father is a builder with his own business) has often told me about how glass easily cuts you if it only slides a bit on your hand, so wear tough gloves.
I think I'll get it done by a professional, not that I feel unable to do it myself, but since it gives on the streets, if anything happens after the repair, I'm sure my insurance company won't cover me cause it wasn't done by a pro.

aquagoat - 29-6-2017 at 15:47

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Don't worry about me, it was the right decision. I'm feeling better than I did before making that decision.

So, breaking glass, losing phones, I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes.
Apparently, daddy. :D

BBP - 29-6-2017 at 17:32

Found the knitting needle that went missing like a month ago.

By the end of next month I'll be using my phone again!

aquagoat - 30-6-2017 at 07:32

Don't you think you probably left it at you bf's place?

BBP - 30-6-2017 at 10:00

I'm positive that the day before I lost it, I recharged it late in the evening at my place. I had the intention of putting it on the table, then taking it with me to work the next morning. As I was recharging it, there was an app error and it restarted automatically.

I'm not even 100% sure if I put it on the table and put it in my pocket the next day - it was too early in the morning - but I do know that when I arrived at work, I wanted to check the time but my phone wasn't in my pocket or in my backpack.

polydigm - 3-7-2017 at 08:34

I hope you find it Bonny.

Just settling in to the middle of winter here. It's quite chilly today, but not by UK standards

BBP - 3-7-2017 at 09:02

Haven't found it yet though...

aquagoat - 5-7-2017 at 07:42

Perhaps you lost it on your way to work..;:umm:

BBP - 5-7-2017 at 10:16

I'm afraid so, but let's check home...
I even cycled back to work as soon as I noticed it wasn't at the table either - it's at 40 mins cycling. On the way back I hadn't found it and it was raining cats and dogs.

Still on a knitting spree - after the jumper I made a pillowcase with a Celtic knot, and now I'm trying to find similar-but-not-matching cables. Just stumbled onto this:

polydigm - 5-7-2017 at 14:16

Intricate pattern, very satisfying when it's finished no doubt.

BBP - 7-7-2017 at 21:38

It's a bit tricky, yes... fortunately adding cables to the side didn't make matters much worse since I need to keep track of where I am anyway...

I'll go to my BF again on Sunday!

BBP - 10-7-2017 at 20:23

Back up again, BF took me to the island of Schiermonnikoog today, was great!

polydigm - 11-7-2017 at 02:31

So your BF lives a long way from Eindhoven - must get a bit frustrating sometimes.

aquagoat - 11-7-2017 at 07:34

But even more of a pleasure when they meet.

BBP - 12-7-2017 at 19:25

Yes and yes! Three hours by train (plus half an hour to get to his house by car)!

aquagoat - 13-7-2017 at 07:40

Reminds me of when my ex and I could only see each other once a month cause we lived 800 kilometres apart, that was sooo annoying, but when we met, there was so much excitement and fun.

aquagoat - 13-7-2017 at 16:17

New job, better pay, let's celebrate!

aquagoat - 13-7-2017 at 16:21

It always feels me with joy and excitement when I see a new username posting on this forum, but then, inevitably, I notice the post is about some sort of sportswear, and I think: Oh, well, another spammer. The disappointment is strong with this one!

BBP - 13-7-2017 at 18:58

Congratulations on your new job!

Still at BF's, we're solving a lot of puzzles!

aquagoat - 14-7-2017 at 07:10

Thank you, Bonny.

BBP - 14-7-2017 at 19:21

On my way back now... WIFI in the train... Am approaching Amersfoort, one of my favourite sections ofthe rail because of the beautiful view on the old town gate...

polydigm - 16-7-2017 at 01:36

Congrats on the new job Aqua.

Bonny, I suppose if you two were really compatible you might eventually consider moving in together, or is that just too serious?

aquagoat - 16-7-2017 at 07:19

Thank you, Poly.

BBP - 16-7-2017 at 11:08

We're casually mentioning moving in together - it's a bit problematic because the distance is going to leave at least one of us without footing and the area where he lives is hardly known for its high employment rate.

aquagoat - 18-7-2017 at 16:27

The heat! The MF heat, I'm melting!

BBP - 19-7-2017 at 11:49

There'll be a thunderstorm tonight again...

BBP - 20-7-2017 at 22:06

Was trained today at a new space where I'll be working for a week.

... Oh god...


aquagoat - 21-7-2017 at 17:24

What's wrong with them men?

BBP - 21-7-2017 at 19:38

It's... how they leave the sanitary facilities behind...

aquagoat - 22-7-2017 at 07:08

Well, I cleaned some ladies room, in the past, it wasn't a beautiful sight either. Some of us humans are just basic pigs.

BBP - 22-7-2017 at 09:09

There may have been isolated incidents but in roughly 99% of cases the women's bathroom is cleaner. They usually don't try to stand pee in a pot that's not made for it while another pot that is made for it is five feet away, which causes most problems.

aquagoat - 23-7-2017 at 07:57

Well, bad luck for you. Where I worked it was usually the ladies room that was the dirtiest, due to the fact that these ladies didn't want their precious and soft little buns to touch the seats, so they hovered over the seat while doing their business, splashing piss all over the place. Without talking about the blood. And the clogged toilet caused they flushed their pad and tampoons.

Other places, it was the men's, especially in bars, the high level of alcohol and the lack of precision of their stream lead to disgusting urine disaster.

BBP - 23-7-2017 at 10:10

You just need one person who's filthy to mess it up...
We fortunately have good trash cans in toilets, emptying then is a job on its own (meaning somebody else comes by once in a while to set them in a machine where they're emptied and cleaned so nobody is confronted with that stuff).

BBP - 24-7-2017 at 10:45

First day... exhausted...

BBP - 25-7-2017 at 11:18

Had to do another office of cleaning on top of the one I also did yesterday... had to hurry inbetween jobs and all... bah.
Going to rest well today!

BBP - 26-7-2017 at 12:00

And another exhausting day...

Managed to stir up a bit of discussion in the Z Kids topic at the Zappa-forum...

aquagoat - 27-7-2017 at 17:11

I feel your pain, dear Bonny, this week is exhausting, i can't feel my lower back anymore.

BBP - 28-7-2017 at 11:20

Last day was today, so no more cycling huge distances for a while! :bouncing:

aquagoat - 28-7-2017 at 18:02


aquagoat - 28-7-2017 at 20:02

Yesterday evening I talked a bit with my rather pretty young black female neighbour about food, cause she's used to cooking a lot and it usually smells very good, so I ,more or less, accidentally alluded that I would like to taste one of her apparently delicious meals. Just a few minutes ago, I heard a knocking on my door, and now I've got a big plate filled with very appetising food. And delivered by a very elegantly and sexily clad "waitress". I suppose I'll have to cook something for her, now.

BBP - 29-7-2017 at 11:34

Suave move Aqua!

aquagoat - 29-7-2017 at 21:46

Thank you, Bonny.

BBP - 30-7-2017 at 09:03

I don't like to be a censor here, but I linked to an interview with Moon in a topic in the Gossip section and quoted from it. Since then, Moon had asked the interviewer to remove it, which he did, and I felt it was the right thing to follow suit.

aquagoat - 30-7-2017 at 18:02

What was it about? What was the big deal with that interview? Damn! I didn't even know we had a Gossip section, how did I miss that?

BBP - 31-7-2017 at 08:51

Well, essentially Moon let the cat out of the bag that she has 4 half-siblings, Gail said that on her deathbed.

aquagoat - 31-7-2017 at 18:22

hum, ok.

BBP - 1-8-2017 at 09:56

As one can see, censorship is no good, especially since it's too late already. We know!

aquagoat - 3-8-2017 at 17:45


BBP - 3-8-2017 at 19:51

Been a busy bee today with work and a trip to the city to hand in data...

My BF's niece very much wanted a crocheted unicorn, so I'm making one of those.... spent the better part of the day looking for gold yarn and not finding any.

aquagoat - 4-8-2017 at 04:26

Where's my goddamn avatar? :puzzled:

aquagoat - 4-8-2017 at 04:27

Also, can't fucking sleep!! Fuck!!!

BBP - 4-8-2017 at 10:22

Sorry to hear about that...

aquagoat - 4-8-2017 at 18:46

Ha, don't worry, I'll sleep more tomorrow. But where the fuck is my avatar?????????????

BBP - 4-8-2017 at 21:08

Your user profile doesn't contain any avatar URL. Did you have one on Photobucket by any chance? You should be able to change it in your User Control Panel.

aquagoat - 5-8-2017 at 07:27

yep, it used tpo be on Photobucket. But yesterday it disappeared. Don't know why...probably the CIA/FBI/NSA.....It actually tells me my pic is too large, though it's size has never changed, go figure...

BBP - 5-8-2017 at 10:56

Photobucket has called it quits for free hosting.

As of June 30, 2017, Photobucket requires a $99 annual subscription to allow external linking to all hosted images and a $399 annual subscription to allow the embedding of images on third-party websites, such as personal blogs and forums. This policy change, enacted with no advance notice, has been highly controversial.[6]

aquagoat - 5-8-2017 at 11:15

Ho, cool news! What a bunch of c*$ts! Time to load my images on another site, I guess. Thanks for the info, Bonny.

BBP - 5-8-2017 at 20:30

You're welcome!

Normally I'd invite you to upload it to the family site, but unfortunately we've been having trouble with the hosting...

polydigm - 8-8-2017 at 13:51

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
We're casually mentioning moving in together - it's a bit problematic because the distance is going to leave at least one of us without footing and the area where he lives is hardly known for its high employment rate.
As a compromise you could move to neutral ground.

polydigm - 8-8-2017 at 14:03

Yes, it's me, after more than three weeks. Time flies! I've been busy working on these books. I didn't realise it had been that long without saying hello.

BBP - 8-8-2017 at 17:30

Hi Poly, how are you?

BF's niece (almost 7) asked me to make her a crochet rainbow unicorn.
BF's sister sent me a wedding invitation.

I'm getting a lot of family all of a sudden!

BBP - 12-8-2017 at 13:27

Been down for a whle with food poisoning, 3rd case this week! Or is it one continuous case? I don't know anymore...

The rainbow unicorn is finished, niece liked it so much she mailed me a picture made with ironing beads.

Here's Uni:

aquagoat - 13-8-2017 at 07:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hi Poly, how are you?

BF's niece (almost 7) asked me to make her a crochet rainbow unicorn.
BF's sister sent me a wedding invitation.

I'm getting a lot of family all of a sudden!
That's good, if you get along well with one another, it can be lots of fun.

Crochet rainbow unicorn? Damn! I want to see one. Actually, I might want to have one...

Edit: well I didn't read our latest post before comment, Bonny, so now, I definitely want one. How much do you charge?

Edit 2 (the comeback!): What's with the food poisoning? Wht did you eat?

BBP - 13-8-2017 at 10:07

Uni's most expensive part is the golden embroidery floss, that is 2,90 per pack, and I used more than half for the horn and the legs. Then the eyes are about 20 cents per set, the cost of the rest is peanuts in comparison.
And then there's shipping, which means I'd better go to Belgium to post it... saves 60% in cost...

aquagoat - 13-8-2017 at 12:34

Ok, could you make me one, please?

BBP - 14-8-2017 at 08:17


aquagoat - 14-8-2017 at 15:42


BBP - 14-8-2017 at 23:09

Working on it...

One nasty side effect of gold floss is it never is quite as soft as you'd like...

aquagoat - 15-8-2017 at 07:24

Awesome, Bonny. :D

BBP - 15-8-2017 at 14:46

Here it is!

aquagoat - 16-8-2017 at 06:06

Excellent!, how much do I owe you? And how do we deal with this?

BBP - 16-8-2017 at 13:01

First off I'm going to need an adress. I already have a box. If you could help out with postage and gold floss support, I'd be grateful!

BBP - 17-8-2017 at 09:52

This Saturday I'll be visiting my BF for about a week.

BBP - 18-8-2017 at 14:36

Your hobby horse is on its way!

aquagoat - 18-8-2017 at 15:53

Cool! Thanx a lot Bonny.

Have fun, you and your boyfriend.

BBP - 18-8-2017 at 17:27

Ha haa... we will...

aquagoat - 18-8-2017 at 17:50

have a drink on me. ;-)

aquagoat - 19-8-2017 at 16:47

I'm bored. I shuld find new stuff to do, and new people to do it with. But I can't seem to get my ass off my seat cause I'm bored. :|

BBP - 20-8-2017 at 13:16

I'm not really bored, luckily - great thing is I met my boyfriend on a small internet forum, not unlike this one (except with more visitors). We haven't told the people there yet...

BBP - 20-8-2017 at 14:55

It's so quiet in this tiny village here... there's a school and a church and a handful of roads... there used to be a baker's but they went bankrupt.

aquagoat - 21-8-2017 at 07:32

Haha, I met my ex-girlfriend on a little forum too, back in 2006.

Is the village quiet in a good or in a boring way?

BBP - 21-8-2017 at 20:46

It's quiet in a way that could be both bad and good, but it's great to have BF all to myself!

aquagoat - 22-8-2017 at 07:17

Hahaha, I understand.

BBP - 22-8-2017 at 15:42

Beautiful sunny day here today! We celebrated by fixing things around this house. :)

aquagoat - 23-8-2017 at 07:26

Good useful and agreeable occupation.

BBP - 23-8-2017 at 07:43

This is truly a different environment. Here if I want anything I have to cycle or drive, there's nothing in the village...

aquagoat - 24-8-2017 at 06:58

Reminds me of the little village I spent my summer holidays at, when I was young.

BBP - 24-8-2017 at 12:58


Did some genealogical research into the Ploeg family that resided/resides here. They're not related and only got their name in 1811, which is rather late.

Also did some plant surgery.

BBP - 24-8-2017 at 17:05

Plant surgery became a massacre... :(

BBP - 25-8-2017 at 14:53

We bought some new plants for sis-in-law to spice up her home. We had to throw away around 30 plants...

aquagoat - 25-8-2017 at 16:50

Hey Boony, I've just received my rainbow unicorn! It's awesome! thanks again. As soon as I can take a picture of it I'll post one here. :bouncy:

BBP - 25-8-2017 at 18:42


The other Uni is here up north now, and will stay here. I'll be off tomorrow. Was a terrific vacation!

aquagoat - 26-8-2017 at 07:38

I'm glad to hear it, Bonny.

My unicorn is proudly standing on the mantelpiece in my living room. Among book by Zappa, Schopenhaur and many others. I think it's in good company.

Spent the evening with my young neighbour, she prepared salty and sugary crepes for us to eat, and we talked till about 2 o'clock in the morning. She's such an adorable lass.

BBP - 26-8-2017 at 10:23


I'm preparing for the journey home...

aquagoat - 26-8-2017 at 17:43

Just bought a silver chain, a wood secret ring and two rings made out of coins.

The wood secret ring should look like that:

BBP - 26-8-2017 at 20:40

Pic doesn't work for me I'm afraid...

Made it back home!
Was great to stay with BF for so long, especially because I didn't have to share him!

aquagoat - 27-8-2017 at 08:14

Just edited the message, does that pic work?

Glad to know you had a great time.

BBP - 27-8-2017 at 09:27

It does now! Looks pretty cool!

Downside is I miss him terribly now...

This is the local church:

aquagoat - 27-8-2017 at 11:52

Nice little church.

Yeah, that's the excruciating counterpart of this kind of good moments spent with someone you love. But you'll see eachother again, soon. :grin:

aquagoat - 27-8-2017 at 15:34

Bonny, have you heard the brand new primus song? If yes, what do you think of it?

BBP - 27-8-2017 at 17:31

Is there a brand new Primus song?

(checks YT)

Wow! I love the 7/8 sections!

aquagoat - 27-8-2017 at 18:00

There's going to be a new Primus record soon. And I don't know why, but I've got the feeling it'll be better than Green Naugahyde; i hope so, at least. New record will be out on Septembre 29th.

BBP - 28-8-2017 at 18:16

Hey, Les's birthday!

Here's one for Punky, if he's still around:

1: The quack and his tickle-machine. To understand these people's dedication, the parade lasts 2 hours - the actors on this float were being tickled under their armpits for 2 hours.

2: Early aviation. Won an award for the little bike-plane behind the main float

3: Puppets

4: Haunted house

5: Amusement park

6: All Soul's Day

7: Gypsy cart

8: Biker's honking parade, (when biker groups have a parade with people with mental disabilities, who are invited to ride along and honk the horn as much as possible)
Winner of the Press Prize and Audience Award

9: Freak Show

10: Flea circus and its demise due to improved hygiene

11: Charivari, specifically about an 1811 incident in Den Bosch when an adulterous woman was made to ride a donkey

12: Balance between the sweet/unhealthy foods and the health foods.

13: Hot air balloon festivals

14: "Mirror of entertainment" where the audience gets mocked by jesters

15: 19th century barrel organ vs 21st century dance party. You'll notice the barrel organ tune is the same as the dance tune. Also features dresses made of vinyl, CDs and cassette tapes.

16: Circus Salto Mortale, circus where everything goes wrong: the clown's car crashed in the lion cage, the lions have escaped and the clowns in the Beetle try to lure it back by calling "here puss...", the bearded lady has her beard trapped in the cart wheel, numerous performers hobble past with broken limbs and there's even one with a chainsaw juggling incident going horribly wrong... and then there's the human cannonball...

BBP - 1-9-2017 at 13:33

BF's come over for a surprise visit! Yay!

aquagoat - 1-9-2017 at 17:29

Great news!

aquagoat - 1-9-2017 at 21:07

truest words I've ever heard:

All stars in the sky are for you
All songs in the world are for you
Everybody is for you
Everything s specially for you
All the Universe is just for you

BBP - 2-9-2017 at 09:48

You could squeeze 42 in there...

aquagoat - 3-9-2017 at 07:42

Definitely, haha.

BBP - 3-9-2017 at 09:37

He made me read it... :bald:

polydigm - 3-9-2017 at 09:56

I'm still around. I've just been really busy. You'd think now that I'm back on my own schedule I'd be putting my feet up a little but I've got lots of shelved projects that I've been getting back to. Hope you two are well.

BBP - 3-9-2017 at 17:16

Nice to see you again Poly!

BF left, he intended to go home today so that was not a surprise... it was annoying that he had a terrible night. He couldn't sleep properly and eventually went down to drink water and read Donald Ducks until he could fall asleep.

BBP - 3-9-2017 at 23:34

Apparently Tim Curry had a Q&A session at a convention in Toronto, which yielded an hour-long video of the man showing just how funny he still is...

BBP - 4-9-2017 at 19:43

BF got ill sadly...

The weekly second-hander trip was interesting! I bought a pack of DVDs to give to my sister for her birthday, a magazine and a CD for me, and I saw three things that caught my eye.
The first was an Asian band with Chinese script, called JTL.
Second was a CD by a group called Medieval Baebes.
Third was a highly unusual musical instrument.

Checking out JTL (cheesy Hong-Kong hiphop) and Medieval Baebes (celtic choir) I was happy I left both of them in the store.
But then there was the musical instrument. A Crumar Panorgan X-76.
It was huge, yet in a portable case (as in: has a handle), and had all the switches of an electronic organ, but the keys were knobs like that of an accordeon.

It was 99 euros, so on the expensive side: we already have a 70s electronic organ which doesn't sound too hot and which is so heavy it's busy rotting away in the garage. These instruments tend to sound poor, be unwieldy and not to have much value, so I left the panorgan at the shop. Wouldn't be able to carry it home anyway.
It sounds like this:
(fast forward a bit)

aquagoat - 5-9-2017 at 17:53

Sounds pretty cool, very tangerine Dream like.

BBP - 5-9-2017 at 19:45

Those buttons... sure love all those buttons!

BBP - 5-9-2017 at 22:32

Those Dir En Grey managers sure know how to line their pockets! For 6000 yens, some 42 euros, I could be the owner of a Dir En Grey trash can!

BBP - 6-9-2017 at 10:34

Aaand we're back after a brief downtime!

Tough day today - yesterday evening I got drilled out of bed by an overly loud metal concert:

And this morning I got drilled out of bed by the neighbors removing a garbage container and leaving a truck run stationary for fifteen minutes.

polydigm - 6-9-2017 at 16:13

Bloody neighbours! The family over the road made use of our garbage bin last week without asking.

BBP - 6-9-2017 at 19:38

What a jerk move... they could ask...

BBP - 8-9-2017 at 16:44

I'm in full Curry swing now. I noticed Stephen King's It was on TV last night, and decided to watch it in full.
Considering I already knew that once the spider comes on, the film becomes pure shite.
Considering it lasts 4 hours including commercials and I sat up until 2:45 AM...

... considering I have it on VHS.

aquagoat - 9-9-2017 at 15:25

Young neighbour and I will eat at my place, tonight. I spent most of the morning cooking stuff, but it looks pretty good. If it actually is good, I'll post pics of it. Wish me luck. :D

aquagoat - 9-9-2017 at 15:28

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I'm in full Curry swing now. I noticed Stephen King's It was on TV last night, and decided to watch it in full.
Considering I already knew that once the spider comes on, the film becomes pure shite.
Considering it lasts 4 hours including commercials and I sat up until 2:45 AM...

... considering I have it on VHS.
I only very recently watched that movie, maybe last year, and I found it soooooo lame, I don't understand how one can be scared by this thing, unless you're 5 year old or you've got a phobia of clowns...

BBP - 9-9-2017 at 17:21

Not lame, no, at least not until the giant spider and the tacky ending. The sections with the kids I enjoyed a lot, they were acting better than most of the adults. Jonathan Brandis (young Bill-with-the-stutter) is very good!

I'm more sensitive to horror I suppose. As a kid I couldn't sleep at night because I was afraid of ghosts - which I didn't believe in by day. IT doesn't work much for me however: I'm both not-scared-of-clowns and only-watching-because-I-liked-that-clown-in-fishnets.

aquagoat - 10-9-2017 at 10:33

My neighbour took a pic of my Rainbow Unicorn on my table:

BBP - 10-9-2017 at 22:12

Teehee, cute!

I went to visit my good friend Hedda today. Was so cosy it was 18:45 by the time we realized we also needed to eat!

aquagoat - 11-9-2017 at 18:16

Cute indeed. I like it a lot.

BBP - 11-9-2017 at 19:24

Glad he's got a good home!

There's a nearby sunflower field I've been making photos of:

BBP - 14-9-2017 at 09:57

Feeling puney...

aquagoat - 14-9-2017 at 18:58

Why? What's the deal, bonny?

Been working on the roof of an arabian family since the beginning of the week, they're so nice and typical arab people, you won't get out of there without having an extreme amount of coffee and homemade bakery, which I've always really liked. Plus, the younger girl is really pretty and we seem to get along well...

BBP - 15-9-2017 at 10:16

Nothing to worry about...

Your job sounds cool!

aquagoat - 15-9-2017 at 17:39

If it was always like that, it would be cool, indeed. It's pretty cool when the weather's fine, which is n't quite often. :D But I must say I've quite liked going to work this week.

BBP - 15-9-2017 at 19:53

Ha! We'll keep our weather a little longer then...

It's been raining cats and dogs here. Yesterday it rained all day. To the extent that the Swim Against Cancer-event in Den Bosch was moved to Vught, because the sewers in Eindhoven have so much water to deal with, that water will be in Den Bosch in the channel by the time the swimming event takes place. So they moved it to Vught.

BBP - 18-9-2017 at 09:21

Not much going on here, besides my sister's birthday rolling up and a temp job tomorrow...

BBP - 19-9-2017 at 11:15

Temp job went well!

Yesterday's second-hand shop was a bit of an eye-opener.

If there's one thing I rarely see it's books by Roald Dahl in the second-hand children's section. Yesterday, the shelves were chock-full of quality Dutch teens and young adult literature, those books that were never available at the school library because they're so widely known to be good... and the complete biography of Dahl's children's work!

However the weather had been so appalling I was totally soaked, I went to the coffee corner to warm up. When I came back half an hour later, they were all gone. All of them. Chocolate Factory, Glass Lift, Giant Peach, Magic Finger and all the minor titles. And the major ones they still had of course.
Then again, I had taken Matilda, The Witches and The BFG off the shelves, so I have those now. And am feverishly reading them!

aquagoat - 19-9-2017 at 17:37

Excellent, Bonny!

BBP - 19-9-2017 at 22:45

I've just read 4 novels by Roald Dahl, and two of his Revolting Rhymes, in 24 hours.

Hmmm... I still have that one story collection by him...

BBP - 20-9-2017 at 10:19

Baking a cake while thinking of what to pack when I go to BF after visiting my sister...

BBP - 23-9-2017 at 18:16

On the way back from BF... unfortunately he was unwell the last day, so basically we didn't do much this weekend, except I took a turn at the family's Annoying Jigsaw and watched Great British Bake-Off.

BBP - 25-9-2017 at 22:13

I'm quite a busy little bee right now. Saturday I came home from BF, Sunday I delivered the first round of papers and volunteered at a block party selling drink coupons, today I delivered the second round of papers (heavy books with toy ads, 250 g each and over 200 of them, you can do the math...), then tomorrow I'll have a third batch to deliver, and on top of that my father is planning a visit to The Hague for Wednesday.

polydigm - 26-9-2017 at 09:03

I hope you guys are well, I'm doing okay. Just dropping by quickly. I've been busy with family stuff, work, music and the garden.

BBP - 26-9-2017 at 15:51

Hi Poly, how are you?

BBP - 2-10-2017 at 08:57

Just had BF's birthday...

BBP - 5-10-2017 at 11:27

Absolutely nothing of interest happening here. Which is great since after the business of the past 2 weeks, I could use a break...

BBP - 6-10-2017 at 22:01

I'm increasingly thinking of closing down the Goose... there's not much here anymore...

aquagoat - 7-10-2017 at 09:59

I would understand that decision, with only three of us coming more or less regularly. Even though I would sadden me.

BBP - 7-10-2017 at 11:10

Membership has been opened up for about a year or two, but people don't find us. Spammers do, hoo boy.

BBP - 8-10-2017 at 09:51

I'm rather stiff after yesterday's rain stroll...

BBP - 8-10-2017 at 15:47

Hey I haven't told anything about our trip to The Hague...

Well it was exhausting. Dad had rented bicycles to get around (dead cheap, less than 4 euros for a whole day) and we went to places that feature in a book he's writing. Also means I visited 3 cemeteries.

I hate cemeteries.

aquagoat - 9-10-2017 at 18:55

Went to watch Blade Runner 2049, it was really good, much better than I expected.

BBP - 9-10-2017 at 20:39

That's great!

I turned down the captcha settings, it had gotten really hard to read!

punknaynowned - 11-10-2017 at 10:52

hi, I'm sorry it's been so long since I dropped in to say hi.
I have been busy the last couple, or three years.
I'm still tired. Tonight I have a hedache.
Such joy I bring :duh:

I was surprised when I put packardgoose into googlesearch and this site didn't come up.
Lots of FZ links but not the goose.
It worked only when I typed 'packardgoose website'.

And yes, duckduckgo is far better in that regard.

Ah yes! Here: I found a lovely 200Motels promo the other day. Enjoy!

BBP - 11-10-2017 at 18:49

Lovely, great find!

Google bans sites that aren't 100% mobile compatible, I guess that's the problem...

BBP - 12-10-2017 at 08:30

Good morning everybody!

aquagoat - 12-10-2017 at 18:29

Good evening, Bonny!

BBP - 12-10-2017 at 22:43

Had a bit of an adventure at DeviantArt.

Somebody had started a Ponzi scheme - hopefully unwittingly - to buy DeviantArt premiums at a discount price. (We're talking about a cake badge, a picture of a cake on your profile page that costs 80 points per cake. Points are dA currency and 80 points are equivalent to 1 dollar.) They'd arranged that you'd pay 20 points to get you on a waiting list, and when you reach the top, you get a cake badge.
Some other accounts were made, by people who did leave their name, for other premiums - Golden Membership (more expensive, several thousand points depending on the length you chose) and llama accessories (basically pictures of bow ties and sunglasses on a Llama badge, which is a picture of a llama on your profile picture).

I'd been warning against this type of activity for weeks, both to the staff and to the admins, but it took a bit of a shock for things to finally get noticed. The Cake Badge account had taken a run for it, leaving numerous people without cake badge, and was inactive for months.
Finally the Golden Membership owners realized their mistake, apologized for their actions, blaming them on lack of math skills, and repaying every dime.

In total I spent a lot of time writing tickets to the support desk of dA, writing forum posts, comments, reports to help desk etc etc... Now I've joined the repay club and wrote a hopefully helping article on why you shouldn't contemplate starting one of those schemes.

The Gold Membership admin is now busy gathering funds for the $163,75 she owes.

punknaynowned - 13-10-2017 at 16:26


BBP - 13-10-2017 at 18:00

It's hard work... I'm using what I can with my excess points and my account to help fill in the financial gaps for them... I don't want to pay dA money for points, since they should've banned that illegal activity early on instead of letting it run for months.

BBP - 14-10-2017 at 22:56

And now that I've lowered the captcha settings, the bots can read it and are logging in en masse. :swear:

aquagoat - 15-10-2017 at 07:32

Haaa, the marvelous world of the internet!!!

aquagoat - 15-10-2017 at 17:49

All that had to be done is done. :bouncing:

BBP - 15-10-2017 at 18:03

That's nice Aqua!

Whelp lots of projects running all of a sudden... Need to call my friend today!

BBP - 17-10-2017 at 16:21

Called my friend, will be visiting him soon! With one of my plants! :bald:

In the mean time, I'm desperately trying to clean up here.

aquagoat - 17-10-2017 at 18:00

I spent the whole sunday cleaning my flat and other things. But it won't stay clean very long, I assume.

My young neighbour offered me a plant. It's slowly, but steadily, dying.,I think. Well, at least it looks like it's dying. I guess I'm not good with plants.

BBP - 17-10-2017 at 23:45

When was that?

The most common cause of plant death is too much water - it'll sink to the bottom of the pot and start a rotting process.

The other thing to look at is how much light they get - since you live in the north of France, it just may need more light. Is it by the window? What do the leaves look like?

Finally, plants don't like draft, though some are more sensitive to it than others.

aquagoat - 18-10-2017 at 17:45

Well, it sits on my window sill by day, and I take it in when I go to bed. I give it water every two das or so. The leaves are green but some of them have white stains.

She gave it to me about three weeks ago.

BBP - 18-10-2017 at 19:16

Hmmm... sounds like mildew... what sort of plant is it? Photos?

aquagoat - 19-10-2017 at 18:01

It's a little rosebush. Apparently, it should be powdery mildew, it looks like a picture of it, at least.

BBP - 19-10-2017 at 18:09

Oh dear... roses are very sensitive to that kind of thing... I've seen suggestions of baking powder and slinging affected foliage in the bin...

BBP - 20-10-2017 at 17:56

Well, well... upped the settings and no spammer in sight!

aquagoat - 20-10-2017 at 17:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh dear... roses are very sensitive to that kind of thing... I've seen suggestions of baking powder and slinging affected foliage in the bin...

I cut all the affected leaves, we'll see what happens next.I don't know why she gave me that, cause I'm not very fond of plants. But she's so nice...

aquagoat - 20-10-2017 at 17:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Well, well... upped the settings and no spammer in sight!
That's good news!

BBP - 20-10-2017 at 19:25

Wait wait, a girl gives you a rose bush and you don't know why?

aquagoat - 20-10-2017 at 20:55

She didn't give me HER bush... I know she likes me, but she keeps on telling me she doesn't want a relationship, etc, etc but acts totally the opposite way...She could be my daughter, so I think the difference of age troubles her a bit and she doesn't want to seem easy to get, she told me, the second time we talked together, that the man who'd get her would have to struggle, so I guess it'll take time.

BBP - 20-10-2017 at 22:51

Hmmm... complex case...

aquagoat - 21-10-2017 at 07:22

Well, we had a conversation last night. Apparently, I misinterpreted her signs of interest. So I guess the case is close, we'll be just friends. Which is fine too.

BBP - 21-10-2017 at 10:50

Ah, that's good I suppose...

BBP - 22-10-2017 at 18:28

Came back from visiting my friend, he finally taught me how to play go, and now on the way to BF.

aquagoat - 23-10-2017 at 17:02

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Ah, that's good I suppose...
It is.

BBP - 23-10-2017 at 17:23


At BF's now, he's out to his running club, while I catch up with the web... I brought my roll-up keyboard and taught him how to play the Zelda theme. :)

aquagoat - 24-10-2017 at 16:23

Have a nice stay, Bonny.

BBP - 25-10-2017 at 11:25

We're trying to catch a mouse. Tomorrow I'll be going to BF's sister to paint a castle on the bed of her 2-year-old son.

aquagoat - 25-10-2017 at 18:00

Should be fun.

BBP - 26-10-2017 at 21:22

Did that and moved and unpacked some furniture. Cosy day for it!

BBP - 28-10-2017 at 20:53

Yesterday I went home, after a trip that took me from Eindhoven in the far south, first to Nijmegen in the far east, then to Middle Of Nowhere all the way up north, then back to Eindhoven. A three hour train journey... and as I arrived at the station, I found I'd misplaced my bicycle keys.


So I took the bus back home, had to walk for the last 10 minutes with heavy stuff. I called BF and bestie to see if they happened to have my keys, and even after checking them many times at the station, I checked my bags again. No dice.
Filled in a lost and found form of the Dutch railways.

Today I phoned the Dutch railway lost & found to be sure, they really didn't have it, then I rang a bicycle repair man to ask if he could bust the lock. He could.
Then I walked all the way to the station - about 45 minutes. At the service desk there I asked again if they happened to have my keys. Still nothing. Walked through the station to where I'd parked it, looking for them, but no key. Triple checked the area. No key.

Well that's it. I took my bicycle, holding up the rear end with the lock and steering the front end, to the front station bike park. They hadn't seen it either. They did have a repair shop, and I asked them if they could bust the lock.
"We don't just do that for anyone..."
"I can show my ID..."
"No we still can't..."
"What do I have to do in order to get my lock busted?"
"Well, the repair man won't be in with his tools until Tuesday."

Grabbed the bicycle and went up the stairs, walked to the nearest shop. The one I'd rang earlier. It's normally a fifteen minute walk but carrying a bicycle on top of that meant I took twice that time. When I arrived at the shop, I was exhausted.
The gentleman of the shop was very nice. He brought my bicycle in straight away, set it on a rubber mat, grabbed an angle grinder, and after two minutes and a lot of sparks, Bikey was free. Cost 5 euros.

Of course, after arriving home, I still had to do my paper route. After an hour and a half I felt well-rested enough to start. Of course by then it'd already started to rain.


It was a heavy lot and it took three trips total to get it all to the houses. I got very wet. After the second load, it was time for dinner and I decided to wait until after that.

Dinner was nice, potatoes, meat and cauliflower. After the second chunk of cauliflower I noticed something was on my plate. It took a few seconds to sink in but there was no mistaking it... it was a dead spider.

I've had enough adventure for one day.

aquagoat - 29-10-2017 at 09:40

Damn! Bonny! What a day!!!

BBP - 29-10-2017 at 16:48

Thanks Aqua! I feel better now, am making most of my Sunday!

aquagoat - 30-10-2017 at 21:35

Good thing!

BBP - 31-10-2017 at 07:50

Whew, working at the book fair is hard work!
Currently I'm with the management books. Don't like them that much.

aquagoat - 2-11-2017 at 19:12

Ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend are gonna go live in South Africa for 3 years. Now, a part of me thinks it's cool. And a part of me thinks it sucks.

BBP - 3-11-2017 at 07:55

Sorry to hear that Aqua... {hugs}

aquagoat - 3-11-2017 at 18:48

Thank you Bonny. And by the way, she found your crochet rainbow unicorn gorgeous.

BBP - 5-11-2017 at 08:19

Aw that's nice! :bouncing:

Day of hard work for me, breakdown of the book fair I'm working at...

aquagoat - 5-11-2017 at 08:52

Courage, Bonny!

BBP - 6-11-2017 at 11:50

Well,it was difficult and I lost my sense of humour early on, but I survived and cane home at 12:30 AM.

BBP - 7-11-2017 at 12:25

Few, sustained a lot of minor injuries!

BBP - 7-11-2017 at 22:33

Went to the secon-hander and baked muffins.

polydigm - 8-11-2017 at 09:41

Sorry I haven't been here for a while. I've been really busy. My father died a month ago. He was 95 and had a good innings. in the mean time I've built an entire verandah up one side of our house after the old, incomplete one built by the previous owners collapsed on top of me.

I've ordered that Halloween box and it's on the way. I've been reduced to buying my guitar picks online since nobody stocks the ones I like in Adelaide anymore.

I haven't posted on since July. I still check it out occasionally but haven't been moved to post anything.

I hope you guys (Bonny, Aqua and Punky) are okay. It would be a shame if you shut this down Bonny.

BBP - 8-11-2017 at 11:24

Sorry to hear about your father Poly... my sincere condolances...

aquagoat - 8-11-2017 at 20:18

Ha, sorry about your loss, Poly. 95 is a nice age, though.

polydigm - 8-11-2017 at 22:16

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Sorry to hear about your father Poly... my sincere condolances...

Thanks Bonny.
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Ha, sorry about your loss, Poly. 95 is a nice age, though.

Indeed. I hope I've got more of those genes that led to him keeping his wits until the end and less of those that led to my Mum's current state.

On a more ordinary note, the weather here is crazy. It's to do with being on the south coast of a very large land mass with nothing but sea between us and Antarctica. We get warm winds blown off the deserts one week and chill winds off the sea the next. Your body thinks it's almost Summer and all of a sudden it's Winter again. We're just at the start of a Summer burst now.

My new picks arrived yesterday and I put new strings on my favourite guitar, so I'm back in guitar mode again for a while.

BBP - 9-11-2017 at 12:09

Guitar mode sounds great!

I'm still resting from the book fair, it was pretty intense. Yesterday I had to flyer in a large section of town, that was no fun, so I'm kicking back today.
Yesterday I baked some kruidnoten, our famous spice cookie that you just cannot put down...

polydigm - 10-11-2017 at 10:05

I might have a go at making some of those myself!

BBP - 10-11-2017 at 12:37

Good luck! Totally worth it!

My recipe:
100 gr self-raising flour
50 gr brown sugar
40 gr butter
2 tablespoons of milk
1 teaspoon of speculaaskruiden (I got mine pre-mixed but this contains cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, orange peel, coriander, nutmeg, cloves. If you're doing without one and aren't making a little reserve, go a bit harder on the ginger and cinnamon than the others)

Sieve flour and sugar, add cut butter and milk and spices, mix into a paste, wrap it in plastic and leave in the fridge for an hour.
Preheat oven at 175 degs.
Roll into 1x1x1 cm balls, put them on a flat baking surface with waxed paper on it, press them so they get a wee bit flat. They'll grow in the oven so leave some space between them.

Bake for 20 mins, let cool, munch, whip up second batch, repeat...

aquagoat - 10-11-2017 at 18:34

Sounds delicious!

BBP - 10-11-2017 at 21:26

I'm now onto the third batch in three days!

BBP - 11-11-2017 at 23:20

Not feeling too well today...

polydigm - 11-11-2017 at 23:46

What's up?

Thanks for the recipe.

The ingredients I found for speculaaskruiden were the following:

4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground mace
1/3 tsp ground ginger
1/5 tsp ground white pepper (a pinch)
1/5 tsp ground cardamom (a pinch)
1/5 tsp ground coriander seeds (a pinch)
1/5 tsp ground anise seeds (a pinch)
1/5 tsp grated nutmeg (a pinch)

The reasoning is that mace (from the nutmeg shell casing) is much milder than nutmeg (from the nut itself).

BBP - 12-11-2017 at 00:28

There are a lot of different spice mixes. The one I use is bought as a ready-to-use spice mix. Once I had a different one, but that one was unfortunately waaaaay too heavy on the non-sweet stuff. Result was like eating black pepper.

polydigm - 12-11-2017 at 14:53

Are you feeling better?

BBP - 12-11-2017 at 17:49

Not much, but I had to do my route... rainy weather...

I'm gonna hit the shower.

(cue hologram FZ writing a song about a housewife engaging in sadist acts with household items)

aquagoat - 13-11-2017 at 19:12

What's wrong, Bonny?

BBP - 13-11-2017 at 19:33

General feeling of malaise.

polydigm - 13-11-2017 at 23:13

It's 11:10pm in Eindhoven. I hope you're getting some good rest.

BBP - 14-11-2017 at 09:48

Got up early for work...

aquagoat - 14-11-2017 at 18:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
General feeling of malaise.
Ho, ok. I hope it'll dissipate, soon.

BBP - 14-11-2017 at 20:35

Me too! :bald:

polydigm - 15-11-2017 at 01:57

Having finished the verandah, the water from which runs onto our kitchen garden, I've had to put guttering on the garden shed, because that water runs in under the end of the new verandah. The down pipe runs into a 70 litre bucket at the moment until I find a suitable rainwater tank. We've had about 7 mm of rain so far this morning and that's already almost full so I've had to fill up a couple of other buckets. The water is for the kitchen garden. We're growing tomatoes, aubergines, capsicums and french beans this season and a permanent boysenberry hedge and herb garden. The only thing I have to replace periodically in the herb garden is the parsley and basil. The sage, thyme, mint, oregano and chives are perpetual and well established.

The garden shed was built by the previous owners as well and the verandah on that was also in a state of collapse, so I had to rebuild its verandah as well before I could install the guttering. The kitchen garden has been a project for a while and it's really good to see it finished.

BBP - 15-11-2017 at 18:10

Sounds neat!

I did my flyer route today...

aquagoat - 16-11-2017 at 19:44

Went out for diner with a girl friend, yesterday evening. We had way too much alcohol, so this morning it was a bit difficult. But the cocktails were so good.

BBP - 17-11-2017 at 11:19


Lemme tell you about my day: It was the last day of my temp cleaning job at a company I've worked for before. It's located at about 45m cycling away.

I was not too far from that location when I heard a loud BANG and suddenly sat a lot lower to the ground. My tyre had exploded. Timing is close for me. I lifted the rear end of my bicycle and dragged it to my cleaning location, arriving juuuust in time.
During cleaning I got my little finger caught between a chair and a table. Nail's now blue and painful.

With 9 fingers I still had to fix my tyre. I had low hopes because when they explode like that it can mean it's beyond your repair kit.
It was a huge leak, but I had a large enough patch to cover it. I noticed the outer tyre was worn and that there was a hole at roughly the place where the leak was. That was indeed beyond what I could fix right there, but with the patched tyre not fully inflated and a few bits of paper between the tyres where the hole is, meant I could roll it home instead of having to lift it.

Walk home took 2 hours 15 minutes.


polydigm - 18-11-2017 at 00:23

You've got a lot of stories like that Bonny. Your luck sounds a lot like mine.

polydigm - 18-11-2017 at 00:25

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
We had way too much alcohol, so this morning it was a bit difficult.
Dare I ask what was a bit difficult?

aquagoat - 18-11-2017 at 08:23

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

Lemme tell you about my day: It was the last day of my temp cleaning job at a company I've worked for before. It's located at about 45m cycling away.

I was not too far from that location when I heard a loud BANG and suddenly sat a lot lower to the ground. My tyre had exploded. Timing is close for me. I lifted the rear end of my bicycle and dragged it to my cleaning location, arriving juuuust in time.
During cleaning I got my little finger caught between a chair and a table. Nail's now blue and painful.

With 9 fingers I still had to fix my tyre. I had low hopes because when they explode like that it can mean it's beyond your repair kit.
It was a huge leak, but I had a large enough patch to cover it. I noticed the outer tyre was worn and that there was a hole at roughly the place where the leak was. That was indeed beyond what I could fix right there, but with the patched tyre not fully inflated and a few bits of paper between the tyres where the hole is, meant I could roll it home instead of having to lift it.

Walk home took 2 hours 15 minutes.


And that's the reason why I always have spare inner tube in my bag.It happened to meonce, and I had to walk for an hour with my bike beside me,it was really annoying so I decided it would never happen again, bought spare tyres, tubes and an air pump.

aquagoat - 18-11-2017 at 08:41

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
We had way too much alcohol, so this morning it was a bit difficult.
Dare I ask what was a bit difficult?
Getting up,already. :D And the first hours of work. Fortunately, the construction site where I currently work is just 5 minutes away by foot from my place, so getting there was ok, at least.

Anyway, at the beginning of the week, on that same site, I met a postgirl I'd very clumsily tried to pick up in 2015, a few months after my then girlfriend and I separated. She had a boyfriend back then, and refused to do anything with me, which was fine. We've met a few times by chance since that first encounter. Anyway, I suppose the boyfriend is no longer around since she gave me her number and we get to see each other next week.

BBP - 18-11-2017 at 09:54

Good luck to you!

aquagoat - 18-11-2017 at 10:50

Thank you, Bonny.

BBP - 20-11-2017 at 17:46

BF came over on his way to a job in Germany, so I was a bit quiet for a day. We went to the GLOW festival out here and we watched Clue together, he helped me with my paper route and we had a lot of fun!
I still need to check if the GLOW photos worked out...

polydigm - 20-11-2017 at 22:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Good luck to you!

aquagoat - 21-11-2017 at 17:52

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Good luck to you!
Well, apparently, she blocked my number. Lol. Two messages, two calls going directly to the voice mail...

BBP - 22-11-2017 at 20:29

Hmmm... strange...

aquagoat - 22-11-2017 at 20:58

Yep. I don't know what to think. She's not the kind of girl who says yes and finds a way to eschew her engagement. She's usually quite blunt about what she wants or not. I won't be able to see her on her round before two weeks, son ot sure If I'll ever get an explanation.

polydigm - 23-11-2017 at 00:38

Two weeks isn't long to wait if she turns out to be compatible in the long run. Try not to over think it and focus on something else in the mean time.

polydigm - 23-11-2017 at 01:16

Hey Bonny, perhaps you wouldn't mind translating this for me? I can kind of intuit most of it, but don't want to take any chances.

40 gr Kaneel (= 8/8)
10 gr Nootmuskaat (= 2/8)
5 gr Kruidnagel (= 1/8)
5 gr Kardemom (= 1/8)
5 gr Witte Peper (= 1/8)
5 gr Korianderzaad (= 1/8)
5 gr Gemberpoeder (= 1/8)
5 gr Anijszaad (= 1/8)
5 gr Foelie (= 1/8)

BBP - 23-11-2017 at 10:21

Kaneel: cinnamon
Nootmuskaat: nutmeg
Kruidnagel: cloves
Kardemom: cardamom
Witte peper: white pepper
Korianderzaad: coriander seed
Gemberpoeder: powdered ginger
Anijszaad: aniseed
Foelie: mace (nutmeg aril)

I can tell somebody's heading for Speculaasland...

polydigm - 23-11-2017 at 14:26

I'm going to try a gluten free flour version of kruidnoten.

aquagoat - 23-11-2017 at 17:25

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Two weeks isn't long to wait if she turns out to be compatible in the long run. Try not to over think it and focus on something else in the mean time.
You're right but the problem is, in two weeks, I'll probably be working elsewhere,so I might not see her again before long. Anyway, she's not the only woman I have"in sight"...:D

polydigm - 25-11-2017 at 00:47

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
You're right but the problem is, in two weeks, I'll probably be working elsewhere,so I might not see her again before long.

If she's really interested, she knows where to find you.

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Anyway, she's not the only woman I have"in sight"...:D

Positive thinking.

polydigm - 25-11-2017 at 00:54

Gluten free Kruidnoten. Probably not the consistency expected from wheat flour but delicious none the less. I made twenty and these are the remaining twelve.

aquagoat - 25-11-2017 at 08:55

Damn! This looks delicious. If I've got enough money in December to buy a washing machine and a new oven, it's probably the first recipe I'm gonna try. :grin:

Priscllia (postgirl), episode 3: Well, I saw her yesterday morning, we had a little talk, she says she didn't block my number, and gave me some explanation I find rather fishy, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and will try again next week, and if it doesn't work, I'll leave it at that. There's plenty of fish in the see, they say. Provided you know how too fish. :D

polydigm - 26-11-2017 at 08:19

Where's Bonny? The spammers are taking over!

polydigm - 26-11-2017 at 08:23

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Damn! This looks delicious.
Four left and counting.

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Priscllia ... I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and will try again next week, and if it doesn't work, I'll leave it at that.
Very philosophical.
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
There's plenty of fish in the see, they say. Provided you know how too fish. :D
That's a very apt and funny rejoinder to that overused phrase.

BBP - 26-11-2017 at 12:07

I'm here and chucked the spammers!
BF came back on Friday and took me back to his house yesterday, was a pretty long car trip of 3 hours...

Your kruidnoten look great! How are they?

polydigm - 26-11-2017 at 14:46

All gone now and very much enjoyed. I'll be making more soon.

BBP - 27-11-2017 at 11:24

I'll be making another batch when I get home next Wednesday...
Had the 2-yo son of my BFs sister on my lap, he slipped off. Scary!

polydigm - 27-11-2017 at 21:21

Scary for the boy. Is he okay?

BBP - 28-11-2017 at 11:39

Sure, he'd forgotten all about it by lunchtime, but I'm still a bit shaky...

BBP - 30-11-2017 at 20:19

Came back yesterday, delivered flyers today... not much going on yet...

aquagoat - 1-12-2017 at 12:10

Too much snow on the roofs, let's go back home where it's warm & cosy.

polydigm - 1-12-2017 at 13:05

My aunt just posted a picture of a significant snow fall in Alençon.

BBP - 1-12-2017 at 17:05

Wow, snow? You guys still have that?

aquagoat - 1-12-2017 at 17:05

There is none where I live, but a few kilometres away, where the construction site is located, there were about 5 to 6 centimetres of on the roofs. I really hope some will fall for Christmas, I'd like to wake up in the morning of the 25th and see the streets and my backyard all covered in white.

BBP - 1-12-2017 at 17:16

Let's hope so!

aquagoat - 1-12-2017 at 18:57

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Wow, snow? You guys still have that?
Yes, once in a while...

BBP - 1-12-2017 at 21:05

I found the infamous Evoluon radio, hadn't seen one before... Back when my beloved flying saucer shaped building was still housing a permanent exhibition, one could buy little radios in the shape of the building. They cost 45 guilders (21 eur nowadays, not corrected for inflation) back in the day. My father saw them and decided not to buy one. He felt the price was steep for the tiny little thing, and that the radio in it was poor quality.

Had he known that they fetch 200 euros in auction, he'd probably gotten one or two...

polydigm - 2-12-2017 at 02:32

Last time we were in France in January this year there was tons of snow all over the place at least around the Orne department. When we arrived from the tunnel, we saw heaps of snow on the drive from there to Alençon.

BBP - 2-12-2017 at 23:28

It's getting a tad frosty out here early mornings...

aquagoat - 3-12-2017 at 12:50

Wow, it's been that way for almost two weeks, around here, especially wednesday and thursday morning, I had the feeling my fingers were going to fall due to the cold.

BBP - 3-12-2017 at 14:15

Not far from here a guy chased a burglar out on the street at 1AM... in his birthday suit. He caught him in his kitchen as he was going to his bathroom in the middle of the night.

They caught him too!

polydigm - 4-12-2017 at 01:18

That would have been very arresting to watch.

BBP - 4-12-2017 at 12:06

There's a mental hospital nearby, some of the people who saw him running thought he'd escaped.

aquagoat - 4-12-2017 at 20:44

Why lying? Why say yes when you actually want and can say no. I don't get it.

polydigm - 4-12-2017 at 22:55

Many people suffer from a lack of confidence to be honest. A related condition is feeling the need to please everyone. They believe the only way to escape from an uncomfortable situation is to give the expected answer regardless of its truth. This often goes back to being afraid of one or both of one's parents.

BBP - 4-12-2017 at 23:52

Different story, but same message,and a strange story you won't hear on your news because it's in The Netherlands... anyway...

Two weeks ago, Dutch Voice-winner Maan (translates to Moon) was performing live at radio 538. The programme makers, all men, thought it was "funny" to have a streaker enter the studio and do a little dance. Maan was so frightened she burst into tears. It took about 30 secs for the hosts to realize they really shouldn't have done that, but the most disturbing thing in the sound bite is:
Maan keeps apologizing for blubbing into tears, because she was so frightened.

Women are taught from an early age on that they shouldn't be a burden. Priscilla is in a misogynist society, she's probably had more than one person make a nasty remark because they won't take no for an answer.

Keep on looking, it's her loss...

BBP - 7-12-2017 at 12:49

Been feeling cold-miserable for days and I still have a large flyer-route to do... :duh:

polydigm - 7-12-2017 at 15:09

The weather here is pretty ridiculous; it's all over the place.

BBP - 7-12-2017 at 16:52

Flyer route took like 4 hours in the rain... not feeling too rosy...

BBP - 9-12-2017 at 22:33

They say snow's coming up but I haven't seen too much of it...

aquagoat - 10-12-2017 at 10:04

Just slept 12 hours straight, I guess I was a bit tired.

Yes, snow is coming. Or so they say. I hope it won't really come before the 22, though.

BBP - 10-12-2017 at 12:41

We have snow!

BBP - 10-12-2017 at 17:05

You wake up, clear the snow, do the groceries, have a chat with bf and it's already time to close the curtains...

BBP - 10-12-2017 at 19:00

I'm playing YAWYI now and it's giving me a headache again.

aquagoat - 11-12-2017 at 09:06

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
We have snow!
Well, we've got rain...

BBP - 11-12-2017 at 09:09

At the moment there's nothing, which means I have to do some groceries since There Will Be Snow.

polydigm - 11-12-2017 at 13:40

We've just had three very sunny days on the trot and generated 131.6 kWHr of electricity.

BBP - 11-12-2017 at 14:28


We have Code Red here, which is ony reserved for the most severe traffic wrenching situations. Eindhoven Airport is closed, buses won't go from the central station and the highway between Eindhoven en Maastricht is closed.

It's near as bad as that December 24th when we had 20 cm of snow. I mean, it's like 7 cm and it's already sorta melting.

polydigm - 12-12-2017 at 00:27

Do I really want to move to Europe?

BBP - 12-12-2017 at 09:23

Dear dear Poly, The Netherlands has never been a country to visit for its beautiful climate.

BBP - 12-12-2017 at 21:06

Looks like I got a nifty Zappadan gift: Trouw, Volkskrant and NRC, the three intellectual national newspapers of the country, have today published their archives for all to see on Delpher. So I'm busy browsing and translating... don't tell others yet!

polydigm - 12-12-2017 at 21:46

We had Sunny day number four yesterday and there's another one on the way today with a maximum of 38° C predicted.

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
The Netherlands has never been a country to visit for its beautiful climate.
Ultimately, the weather won't put me off, but listening to you and Aqua I was beginning to wonder.

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
That would have been very arresting to watch.
This was a very poor joke based on a play of words by the way.

BBP - 13-12-2017 at 01:07

Oh OK, sorry...

Spent a lot longer than I intended translating this stuff and I've only had the 60s now. Interesting!

aquagoat - 13-12-2017 at 19:36

Why are you beginning to wonder, Poly?

polydigm - 14-12-2017 at 14:26

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Why are you beginning to wonder, Poly?
You guys have been talking about some problematic European weather and I was wondering whether or not I really should be considering moving to Europe.

Anyway, it's basically extreme hot weather versus extreme cold weather (okay it's not arctic, but it's colder than Australia). I'd rather have a really cold winter than have a really hot summer.

BBP - 14-12-2017 at 19:23

We say out here: you can dress to combat the chill but you can't dress to combat heat.

Our winters are hardly extreme because of the Gulf stream, we refer to our winters as "kwakkelwinters". "Kwakkelen" is what a person does who is often a little ill and keeps on going, but at the 50% setting. There have been isolated winters that were harsh - my father was able to walk on a frozen sea in 1963 and my BFs parents up north were treated to nigh 150 cm of snow in 1979. Yet the nefarious Elfstedentocht, the 200km ice skating match on natural ice, hasn't been held since 1996 because there haven't been any winters cold enough.

There are often a couple of real hot days in the summer season, but it rarely gets over body temperature here. And if you choose a place above sea level there's not much to fear for a few decades either.

BBP - 14-12-2017 at 21:08

That's some interview translating I have ahead of me...

polydigm - 15-12-2017 at 15:16

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
We say out here: you can dress to combat the chill but you can't dress to combat heat.

BBP - 15-12-2017 at 18:43

You know you're a Zappa-fan when you hear like the inth Torture Never Stops (let's see, Zoot, ZINY, Thing-Fish, YCDTOSA 1, YCDTOSA 4, Best Band, now Hammersmith... and you're still living it and not eager to turn it off just because it's supper time.

aquagoat - 15-12-2017 at 18:44

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Why are you beginning to wonder, Poly?
You guys have been talking about some problematic European weather and I was wondering whether or not I really should be considering moving to Europe.

Anyway, it's basically extreme hot weather versus extreme cold weather (okay it's not arctic, but it's colder than Australia). I'd rather have a really cold winter than have a really hot summer.
You can go to Spain or Italy, it'susually pretty hot, or the south of France.

aquagoat - 15-12-2017 at 18:46

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
You know you're a Zappa-fan when you hear like the inth Torture Never Stops (let's see, Zoot, ZINY, Thing-Fish, YCDTOSA 1, YCDTOSA 4, Best Band, now Hammersmith... and you're still living it and not eager to turn it off just because it's supper time.
That 's a pretty good description, metinks.

polydigm - 15-12-2017 at 23:53

I actually do prefer colder winters because when it's cold, it's cold and you just get used to it. Here we get cold spells interspersed with warm days and it's just much harder to settle into it. And don't get me started on the summers here.

Anyway, the weather isn't the only reason we want to move to Europe; it's not even the main reason.

BBP - 16-12-2017 at 00:05

If you're looking for continuity in weather, the Netherlands is not the right place.

Just translated another interview and I'm still at 1971! How can I ever finish all this before Zappadan is over?

I like this interview from De Tijd, especially because the interviewer notes that when Frank gets agitated to the point that you really want to stop pushing your luck, he'll begin with "first of all". Put that in the back of your head just in case you ever have the chance to interview a zombie FZ.

polydigm - 16-12-2017 at 13:52

Do you get two week long heat waves around 40° C?

BBP - 16-12-2017 at 13:58

No, that'd be continuity. Although we have eight-week-long rain waves, but if you think that's a barrel of laughs, you'd be wrong unless you really like jumping in puddles and swatting mosquitoes all night.

Still on 1971! I don't believe it! How am I ever going to get the interviews finished by the 21st!

polydigm - 17-12-2017 at 23:58

*Crosses The Netherlands off the list*

Seriously, we're actually considering getting an out of town place near Alençon.

BBP - 18-12-2017 at 12:45

Not a barrel of laughs today either.
Started off with a trip to the dentist. Hygienist was way too firm with cleaning them and at one point had to stop and let me spit because there was too much blood.
No cavities though, but I'll be feeling this for a few days.

Just had a mail from the book fair, I worked there in November. My salary won't be paid for some time and they apologized for the delay.

TV just went on for no reason. I'm spooked. And sore. Primarily sore.

Listening to Zappa, about to continue the translating I was doing. Yesterday I got interrupted because of the AIVD christmas puzzle becoming available - a monster as always. I solved one teensy question so far.

aquagoat - 18-12-2017 at 16:01

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
*Crosses The Netherlands off the list*

Seriously, we're actually considering getting an out of town place near Alençon.
Well, Alençon's not really the most sunny place around here. But I lived in Angers, which is about 140 km away, for a few years, and it was ok, sunny summers, rainy winters, etc...

aquagoat - 18-12-2017 at 16:05

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Not a barrel of laughs today either.
Started off with a trip to the dentist. Hygienist was way too firm with cleaning them and at one point had to stop and let me spit because there was too much blood.
No cavities though, but I'll be feeling this for a few days.

Just had a mail from the book fair, I worked there in November. My salary won't be paid for some time and they apologized for the delay.

TV just went on for no reason. I'm spooked. And sore. Primarily sore.

Listening to Zappa, about to continue the translating I was doing. Yesterday I got interrupted because of the AIVD christmas puzzle becoming available - a monster as always. I solved one teensy question so far.
What reason did they give you for the delay?

BBP - 18-12-2017 at 17:51


Hey, I waited for the ZPZ tour...

aquagoat - 18-12-2017 at 20:36

None? You worked for them and they gave you no reason why you money will be held back folr a while? Fists would be flying if I was in that situation. I hope you'll get your money soon, please, dont let them play you, you MUST get yourself respected and get your money before christmas!

BBP - 18-12-2017 at 21:28

Tomorrow I'll start looking for my work note.

aquagoat - 18-12-2017 at 22:20

Honey, take that seriously, or they'll get used to doing that. They didn't give you favour, working for them, YOU gave them a favour. It's your money, they must give it to you as planned.

BBP - 18-12-2017 at 22:38

I am taking it seriously. It's my proof that I worked for them for 60 hours.

aquagoat - 19-12-2017 at 19:13


polydigm - 20-12-2017 at 01:12

My Mum passed away recently, after a long difficult time with dementia, so it was a blessed relief. I'm now starting to reemerge from a five year long shadow.

BBP - 20-12-2017 at 12:32

Sorry to hear about that, Poly...

aquagoat - 20-12-2017 at 19:14

Ouch, sorry about your mum, Poly.

polydigm - 20-12-2017 at 23:09

Thanks for your thoughts guys. A great weight has lifted off my shoulders.

BBP - 21-12-2017 at 22:21

I've found my note. It was still in my wallet. I now put it in a noticeable place on the side table, underneath the lava lamp.

BBP - 22-12-2017 at 16:29

Remember last time I worked as a cleaner? When my tire burst and I had to walk home for over 2 hours?
Turns out I wasn't paid for that either, little snafu...

My dole was put on hold because the people in charge there know I've worked at this time.


polydigm - 22-12-2017 at 22:36

Surely that's good news? That's money you'd forgotten and should get at some point.

BBP - 23-12-2017 at 00:47

Dude! I don't have a steady income! How much money do you think I have now that neither the unemployment benefit nor regular salary came in! I'm invited to visit my family up north on the 28th (BF's parents have their wedding anniversary, talk about a pleasant change of environment) and I could go there, but I'm not sure if:
A I can get everything arranged on time, because everybody's out;
B I have enough money to come back.

That's a great thing to learn right before Christmas, I tell you that.

polydigm - 24-12-2017 at 07:19

That's not what I meant- I obviously misunderstood. I thought you meant that you had discovered the possibility of some income that you had forgotten about.

BBP - 24-12-2017 at 13:45

Sorry Poly, I understand. I was very upset about the whole thing...

BF bought me some train tickets, so I can go back. Thanks sweetheart! <3

(OK not like he's going to read this...)

aquagoat - 25-12-2017 at 07:55

Merry Christmas to you all, guys! :grin:

BBP - 25-12-2017 at 16:56

Merry Christmas everyone!

polydigm - 25-12-2017 at 23:50

Merry Christmas indeed!

BBP - 26-12-2017 at 01:15

Merry Christmas!

I've finished translating!

aquagoat - 26-12-2017 at 08:26

Good job, Bonny, now, that's dedication.

polydigm - 26-12-2017 at 09:50

I know I haven't said anything yet, but I have been checking out your latest batch of translations. One of the things that has appealed to me in the past about the Netherlands is that it seems a little more progressive than places like the US and Australia. That's what I get reading a lot of the stuff you've translated. Now that may not be unanimous and may have been a struggle, but we've been going backwards here in Australia for the last 40 years and we weren't that progressive to start with.

BBP - 26-12-2017 at 10:46

Yay, people read it! :bald:

There's been a lot of surprises while I was making this, most recently it was finding Theodor Holman, a grumpy rightwing foreigner hater columnist, turned out to have interviewed FZ at the age of 16, with his friend, lugging a forty pound tape recorder - and speaking too little English to pull it off. Sure was a perceptive changer!

But also stuff I didn't write down, like how often his music was played by classical music players, flanked by other classical music, even during his lifetime. All the little projects he mentioned like once in an interview somewhere and that never got off the ground.

BBP - 27-12-2017 at 08:19

I'm gonna have to make a lot of phonecalls today... after that I can hopefully get on the way to my BF!

aquagoat - 27-12-2017 at 08:31

Tried to call my granny on monday, to wish her a merry christmas, couldn't reach her. I tried again yesterday, couldn't reach her either. Finally, my mother called me late in the afternoon to tell me my grandmother was hospitalized for a little stroke, nothing serious, apparently. It sucks.

BBP - 27-12-2017 at 08:36

I'm sorry to hear that Aqua, I hope she's allright...

aquagoat - 27-12-2017 at 18:40

Apparently, she should be back home tomorrow.

BBP - 28-12-2017 at 13:00

Oh that's good, I hope she's fine!

BBP - 28-12-2017 at 14:23

Back at BF's again...

BBP - 29-12-2017 at 11:48

Went to a pancake restaurant with BF's family, parents, three kids plus their sweethearts, and 3 grandkids. Was fun!

BBP - 1-1-2018 at 22:45

Happy new year everybody!

NYE was great, all BF's family went to celebrate it at his sister's house, we lit fireworks and watched the fireworks from the roof at midnight, which was breathtaking.
Today I had to go home, and I celebrated by throwing up my first dinner of the year.

polydigm - 1-1-2018 at 23:31

Happy new year!

I hope your grandmother's okay Aqua.

Too much of a good thing Bonny?

BBP - 2-1-2018 at 00:05

No, just your regular food poisoning.

BF's family's hit hard times, with his mother and both grandmothers in need of specialized healthcare - there's a good chance he'll lose both his grandmothers in the same month.

aquagoat - 2-1-2018 at 09:01

Happy new yearto you, guys.

Well, my grandmother's been hospitalized again, she should go out this week. I don't think she's gonna last long. We'll see.

Sorry to hear about your boyfriend's family's health difficulties, Bonny. It's a bad time for grannies; apparently.

BBP - 2-1-2018 at 09:17

Sorry to hear about that Aqua...

aquagoat - 2-1-2018 at 16:27

Well, it's ok, she's pretty old, she doesn't want to stay around forever anyway, these are her words, lol.

And by the way, regular food poisoning is the best of food poisonings, you can really feel the pain, not like those fancy artsy millennial food poisonings derived from the consumption of soy related products and veggies that they have nowadays... ;-)

Actually, at Christmas, I ate so much in such a restricted period of time I nearly thres up. I'm no longer used to eating that much.

polydigm - 4-1-2018 at 14:28

What's the health system like in the Netherlands Bonny?

BBP - 4-1-2018 at 17:21

At the moment it's rather difficult "thanks" to twenty years of right-wing politics, we're all obligated to have health insurance or else pay a fine. The state subsidises poorer inhabitants like yours truly - I get 85 euros per month to pay for healthcare.

There's a legally set obligated fee you have to pay before you can get to the insurance - I think it's around 300 euros now, this means that a lot of poorer people who are in need of (often mental) health care are not getting it becuase they can't afford it.

Generally healthcare quality is quite good. BF's family however living up north, which is not the ideal place for people to live permanently. Whether that influences the healthcare, I hope not. But one problem he told me about is the local hospitals sometimes run out of money before the year is out, which means bigger surgeries and treatments are sometimes either moved to another hospital, or postponed to the new year.

BBP - 5-1-2018 at 00:44

Made a fresh translation!

BBP - 9-1-2018 at 13:27

Not feeling too well today... Sick bay here!

polydigm - 11-1-2018 at 07:54

I've been busy cutting down a very large tree.

I hope you're feeling better Bonny.

BBP - 11-1-2018 at 09:21

Better... How's the tree coming along? Are you still in one piece?

We now no longer have a paper phonebook, talk about the end of an era.
I've never been in a phone book in my life.

BBP - 14-1-2018 at 13:46

I'm doing the last strains of the AIVD puzzle. Tomorrow's the last day we can hand it in.

Besides that I've got another temp job...

aquagoat - 15-1-2018 at 19:01

Congrats on the job, Bonny.

BBP - 15-1-2018 at 20:22

I'll b without it agaun next week...

polydigm - 16-1-2018 at 14:27

I'm fine. I've got all the branches with foliage down. I now have to bring down the remainder of the tree one log at a time.

BBP - 17-1-2018 at 10:09

Good luck on that!

Managed to cut my lip while licking an envelope.

BBP - 18-1-2018 at 16:38

We're in the news again - a fierce thunderstorm has so far caused 2 or 3 casualties in The Netherlands. In my street, 2 trees blew over. It's been 11 years since we last had a storm of this ferocity.

BBP - 20-1-2018 at 18:49

DED - 25-1-2018 at 00:34

On saturday nothing worked, due to a migration at our provider. Domain redirection was not working, subdomains were not working. By now or in the next 24 hours it should be working when you use

BBP - 25-1-2018 at 15:22

Million thanks! It works again!

aquagoat - 25-1-2018 at 19:30

Haaa, that's the reason why I couldn't reach this place. Glad everything's back in order.

BBP - 26-1-2018 at 09:40


I'm at BF's again, for his sister's bachelorette party. We're going to a silver smith to make rings.

BBP - 27-1-2018 at 13:47

My ring turned out... let's call it rustic...

DED - 27-1-2018 at 14:16

ah a rusted ring :D

Attachment: Uschi446.jpg (21kB)
This file has been downloaded 231 times

BBP - 27-1-2018 at 14:17

No it's silver, it doesn't rust.

BBP - 29-1-2018 at 21:58

How's everybody holding up?

aquagoat - 30-1-2018 at 19:32

I'm fine. Lots of work recently, but it's a good thing.

polydigm - 30-1-2018 at 22:38

I'm alright. My wife has just started a new job and that's pretty exciting. She's moved over to the consulting side of education. We've had a cool change since Monday after a long heat wave culminating in above 40°C temperatures over the weekend. I'm just working away on my physics book at the moment and trying to save our garden from being destroyed by this weather.

BBP - 31-1-2018 at 21:15

I'm at the temp job again since the woman I'm replacing has fallen ill. Today was very wet - I got soaked getting there, then again I got soaked leaving there, I got soaked for a third time when I went to Geldrop, and then I was soaked a 4th time but that was in the shower.

Been looking into bookbinding and book restauration: at a tiny second-hand shoppe I found a first edition of a Heinz (silly newspaper comic about a cat that ran for quite a long time). Only thing is - it smells terrible. How can I get the smell out without buying kitty litter or digging up our misplaced blow-dryer? Hmm...

polydigm - 31-1-2018 at 22:29

I've got a couple of books, whose bindings fell apart, that I rebound myself. They don't look professional, but I got a lot of satisfaction out of repairing them.

BBP - 31-1-2018 at 23:09


There's at least one book I have that I'm considering to have fixed - it's a first edition of the 1938 novel Karakter by Bordewijk, my favourite book. It's very, very high in my most prized possessions - unfortunately the binding on one side's not too good anymore...

I bought that for 15 euros at a second-hand bookstore, which I felt was "expensive to my taste but worth it". Just found it auctioned for 175 euros.

polydigm - 2-2-2018 at 23:27

The oldest book I have, which is in serious disrepair, is from 1890. It's a book about chess from England and its new price was one shilling.

BBP - 3-2-2018 at 09:43

The oldest one I have is from, what is it, the mid 1800s? It's German and written in Fraktur.

aquagoat - 4-2-2018 at 09:07

The oldest book I have is from the early 1900's, it's titled: "L'avortement, sa Nécessité, ses Procédés et ses Dangers" by G.Hardy. It's about the control of the population growth and the "Sexual Problem" and it's "solution, Neo-Malthusianism . I found it in an old empty house where I worked, a few years ago, with a few notes about some classical music shows the owner had attended. I decided to keep it because I assumed it hd some sort of "historical" value. Might take it to the library, one day, to see what they think about it.

polydigm - 5-2-2018 at 02:40

I've started reading the book The Intellectuals and the Masses by John Carey. It's quite shocking when you look into what the intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th century really thought. People who I had just assumed by default were authors worthy of respect that basically turn out to be a bunch of fascists. That book you're referring to there seems to be of that ilk. In the early stages of the 20th century, these intellectuals weren't worried about population growth due to limited resources (they were still behaving as if those were infinite), but instead they were afraid of being overrun by common people. This is the period when eugenics was coming into fashion.

BBP - 5-2-2018 at 20:10

It's very difficult, and I can't help but relate it to #MeToo, but as a musicologist you can't get around Wagner. Or Stravinsky.
Or longer ago, Tromboncino, don Gesualdo, Nicolaas Gombert... even Mozart was known to be quite a cad. Zappa himself had a number of objectionable sides.
If there's something we need to put a halt to, it's continually using our 21st century perspective to judge people, their deeds and their work from a completely different era. A lot has happened over the past hundred years. By the late 1800s, industrial revolution had a strong grip on society - along with 7 day work weeks, 16 hour work days and child labour as about the only way to make ends meet for a major class of people.

polydigm - 6-2-2018 at 22:18

The importance of John Carey's book is that we are all still living in that era. We all still live in largely patronistic societies. Our economies are still controlled by people who largely believe they are destined to rule.

BBP - 8-2-2018 at 18:18

'Tis the season to feel puney I guess...

polydigm - 9-2-2018 at 10:27

Why's that?

BBP - 9-2-2018 at 12:03

Been having intestinal turmoil for some time now... combined with the cold has been making me feel miserable...

polydigm - 11-2-2018 at 00:21

That's no good, I hope it gets better soon.

aquagoat - 11-2-2018 at 08:37

Hope you'll get better soon, Bonny.

BBP - 12-2-2018 at 10:07

On Saturday sis and I went to the carnaval parade, but I paid for it on Sunday with a migraine. Today it's back to work because I'm replacing somebody who's celebrating the season more than I do.

Will post the pics eventually but I'm exhausted...

BBP - 13-2-2018 at 18:32

Turned out to be quite a good day with the Dutch secretary of foreign affairs forced to resign!

polydigm - 16-2-2018 at 13:57

I've joined the ranks of injured bicycle riders. I was riding home from a meeting the other evening and came across a mother and her very young son on push bikes waiting at a side street that I was approaching. It seemed clear to me that the mother had seen me and that they were waiting for me to pass before crossing the road. At the last second, the boy decided to shoot across right in front of me. I did everything in my power not to injure that boy and ended up doing a somersault over my handle bars and over the boy. I ended up with some significant injuries but it seems no bones are broken. To add insult to injury, while I was dragging myself up off the road, the father appeared and started shouting abuse and blame at me. Some people are just unbelievable.

BBP - 16-2-2018 at 15:24

Sorry to hear about that Poly, that's nasty! What part of you got hurt?

polydigm - 17-2-2018 at 08:43

Lower right shin. Both knees and right shoulder. Heels of both hands. Lower right ribcage, which is the most painful and the reason I still need pain killers. I banged my head as well but my helmet minimised that.

aquagoat - 17-2-2018 at 09:04

Ouch, bicycle accidents can be pretty brutal, I've broken my wrist several times because of that. I'm sorry for you, Poly.

BBP - 17-2-2018 at 21:33

Sorry to hear about that...

I recall when you broke your elbow, did you fully recover from that Aqua? My ankle still gives me trouble.

polydigm - 17-2-2018 at 23:39

Thanks guys. I broke my wrist when I was 13 and that is still problematic. Wrists and ankles - not good things to break.

aquagoat - 18-2-2018 at 09:57

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Sorry to hear about that...

I recall when you broke your elbow, did you fully recover from that Aqua? My ankle still gives me trouble.
Yes, totally, but it took quite a while before I didn't feel any pain or difficulty using my right arm.

I've had a pain in the left elbow for a few months now. I thought it was a tendinitis, so I stopped doing sports, but my work still requires physical effort, so it doesn't heal as fast as I wish. I'll probably go and see a doctor if it doesn't improve.

On a different note, I've just bought myself a 32 cm wide life guaranteed inox frying pan. I'm finally gonna be able to cook the quantities of food I want without being extremely careful that some doesn't fall on the ground when I stir it. What a relief! lol.

aquagoat - 18-2-2018 at 09:59

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Thanks guys. I broke my wrist when I was 13 and that is still problematic. Wrists and ankles - not good things to break.
I'm lucky my right wrist still works perfectly despite having been broken at least 3 times.

polydigm - 19-2-2018 at 00:29

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
On a different note, I've just bought myself a 32 cm wide life guaranteed inox frying pan. I'm finally gonna be able to cook the quantities of food I want without being extremely careful that some doesn't fall on the ground when I stir it. What a relief! lol.
That's why I like cooking with a wok. I use a very large one with a wooden handle.

aquagoat - 19-2-2018 at 19:57

Yeah, a wok is great too, I might buy one someday.

BBP - 20-2-2018 at 10:21

We once got a big one in Dad's X-mas package - it's so big it won't fit in any closet and is now on the top floor, waiting until we cook bami again.

At BFs again, his sister got married yesterday. Was beautiful!

BBP - 23-2-2018 at 16:24

Looks like is down...

polydigm - 23-2-2018 at 23:02

That's no big deal for me, but there will be several people going into withdrawal around about now.

aquagoat - 24-2-2018 at 10:55

Due to the wave of cold that is announced on my part of the country, I won't be working next week. Which is fine by me, cause I needed a little break.

BBP - 25-2-2018 at 13:11


I'll be working next week, riding a bike at 5:30AM at -10C... not looking forward to it.
The wedding party was last night. I'm pooped.

aquagoat - 26-2-2018 at 08:45

Ouch, I'm sorry or you, Bonny.

Well -6 around here, today, so the roof is gonna be completely frozen, which is pretty dangerous. Plus, the zinc sheets we use would break to easily to work with them. The sun spending most of its time on the other side of the bulding, that roof won't be unfreezed before 2 in the afternoon, giving us about 2 1/2 hours of work, so all in all it's not worth it.

polydigm - 26-2-2018 at 10:14

You two can just stop that - you're not putting me off.

BBP - 26-2-2018 at 11:35

First day was today. I'm going to wear extra trousers I think... brr brr brr brr brr!

aquagoat - 27-2-2018 at 08:18

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
You two can just stop that - you're not putting me off.
At least we tried. :D

aquagoat - 27-2-2018 at 08:23

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
First day was today. I'm going to wear extra trousers I think... brr brr brr brr brr!
I never need to many extra layers when it gets cold, never any extra trousers, but my hands, damn, as soon as it gets a bit cold I feel like my fingers going to fall off.

polydigm - 27-2-2018 at 13:32

I said stop it! :D

BBP - 27-2-2018 at 19:26

Went out for a second-hand cycling trip. Took a shower to get warm again, but I got a Stephen Fry pocket book.

Thinking of sending him some fanmail...

aquagoat - 1-3-2018 at 08:35

Let it snow, let it snow let it snow!!!

BBP - 1-3-2018 at 14:28

No snow here, just f***ing cold this morning, -7 with a very strong wind, feels like -20...

BBP - 3-3-2018 at 12:24

Snow here!

polydigm - 3-3-2018 at 22:46

Well, it's the official start of Autumn here and the bureau of meteorology is predicting a run of four days over 30° C starting on Wednesday.

Plus, I'm 62 today. That number just looks very abstract and strange.

aquagoat - 4-3-2018 at 09:05

Happy birthday, Poly.

BBP - 4-3-2018 at 09:55

Happy birthday Poly! :biggrin:

polydigm - 4-3-2018 at 23:40

Cheers guys.

BBP - 6-3-2018 at 18:26

Had a good day Poly?

BBP - 10-3-2018 at 21:51

Posted an animation that took hours today. So far the response is underwhelming.

aquagoat - 11-3-2018 at 09:15

Where can we see it, Bonny?

BBP - 11-3-2018 at 10:56

Here's one of them:

Was the original intention of the film to have Sweet Transvestite start out like that, but they didn't over budget trouble.

polydigm - 15-3-2018 at 11:13

I've been really busy. I hope you guys are going okay.

BBP - 15-3-2018 at 12:44

Still working for a while... I'm often exhausted and had a migraine yesterday. And in mourning for one of my heroes Stephen Hawking.
In other news my father was sent an article in a Dutch science magazine about recent research claiming to have pinned down migraine to a vitamin deficiency: specifically of vitamins B2, D3, folate and Q10. In female patients it would often be related to Q10 deficiency and in male patients to vitamin D deficiency. So I've turned to supplements - little to lose and a lot to gain.

Still, Poly, I have a hard time believing that you down there in Australia would have a D3 deficiency. Although vitamin D deficiency is so common in The Netherlands to the extent that the government advises all people under 4, pregnant or nursing women, senior citizens and people of colour to take supplements.

BBP - 15-3-2018 at 18:33

Today, 15 March 2018, we installed a new lamp in the 70s light fixture. It's an expensive type of which I can't find the English name, but it has a pleasant light. We keep on trying to keep track of how long they last, but the data failed in the last few years.

BBP - 16-3-2018 at 10:12

Off to BF again, won't be back till Sunday...

polydigm - 16-3-2018 at 14:31

I was diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency a couple of years back and have been taking a supplement daily ever since. This certainly hasn't reduced the number of migraines I get - maybe the severity - it's not clear. I'd not heard of Q10 before. Apparently it's not a vitamin but a coenzyme.

BBP - 18-3-2018 at 19:54

True. It's hard to find too: only in beef, fish, and to a lesser extent in avocado. Dad's already anticipating eating beef liver. Yegh.

Just got back from visiting BF.
There's an annual week to promote Dutch book sales, it's a big thing every year. Most noticeable to the common audiences is there is one short book written by a prominent author that's given away for free when you purchase over 15 euros worth in Dutch-language books. Now that the Dutch Railways are the main sponsor, they allow you to travel for free with this book on the last Sunday of the week.
So that's how come I spent a weekend at BF, a day of free train travel is too good to lose out on. This year's free book was nothing to write home about, BTW.

One other action I saw this year is notable author (until he was found guilty of plagiarism) Adriaan van Dis, he used to host a TV show where he interviewed other authors. A few days ago they revived it for a day, and it resulted in a wonderful interview with Stephen Fry. Here's a fragment:

polydigm - 19-3-2018 at 04:34

Yes, Fry is a compelling thinker and communicator.

aquagoat - 19-3-2018 at 09:46

Fry really is an interesting person. I should delve a little more in his stuff.

And, Bonny, beef liver is excellent.

BBP - 19-3-2018 at 09:47

I'm reading his first book "The Liar" now. I'm not going to pretend I understand it yet, but I can be completely honest about it being occasionally disgusting.

ThreeHeadedMonkey - 21-3-2018 at 14:06

Have you finished it yet? I read it about 2 years ago and found it quite brilliant. Smart and funny, kind of reminded me of David Foster Wallace in some ways. (Infinite Jest is still a "read once every year" novel for me.)

Hope your migraines are better! I used to get them too, but they mysteriously disappeared over the years. Doctors can't explain it.

BBP - 23-3-2018 at 10:03

I hope to make a bit more progress this weekend, work's been hard...

BBP - 25-3-2018 at 21:21

Didn't work, got a bad cold...

BBP - 27-3-2018 at 11:02

Still pretty sick. I went to work but didn;t feel right, all sweaty...

aquagoat - 27-3-2018 at 18:19

Get well soon, Bonny. I spent most of the day working in the rain to try to gain time cause my boss completely fuck up his estimate, and now we have to run to compensate for his mistakes.

BBP - 27-3-2018 at 20:08

Sorry to hear about that Aqua...

BBP - 29-3-2018 at 08:56

Still stuck with a bad cold but I'm beginning to settle: fever's diminished, voice sounds a little better, not as slimy...

BBP - 30-3-2018 at 21:30

Today was a busy day!

I woke up real early, thinking it was the alarm clock. I was so sleepy so I don't remember much, but I put the light on, fiddled with the alarm to turn it off, then realized it wasn't time yet, checked the alarm to see if it was still set, then went to bed.
Woke up at the sound of the alarm. Stood up, got dressed, walked down, about to turn on the light in the kitchen when I noticed the microwave clock at 4:18, one hour earlier than my usual wake time. In my sleep I had advanced the clock one hour. I grumbled, went back upstairs, set the alarm forward 23 hours and went back to sleep.
On my way to work I notice an awkward guy standing still with a blue plastic bag. Paranoid as I get with too little sleep I continuously repeat every detail to myself.
Work goes as normal, except it's the last day of the receptionist. We shake hands.
Home for the weekend.
On the way I pass a now nefarious crossing that has only been re-constructed a few months back, but that has since seen a number of near-accidents, and unfortunately one major accident with one casualty. Apparently an accident had just happened there. A young female cyclist was sitting by the roadside in the grass, obviously in pain, the young male driver and quite a few other people around it.

Later in the afternoon Dad does two things: one is starting to repare the pinball table again. It says justage fehler - means something's wrong with the batteries. When measuring it appears one battery is not giving out any power, but it is full enough, and sanding of the holder's edges doesn't help. Couldn't fix that, but Dad did solder two loose wires and I removed a dead spider from the headboard glass.

Otherlong-term project we were working on: a radio cabinet my dad had gotten for free at an auction, somebody didn't want it but it came with the lot. Dad took it home, but it turned out to have woodworm.
Over the past two years he's tried the ammonia in plastic bag trick, which caused a woodworm massacre but there were still more than enough in there. Last time he filled all the holes to be sure they were gone, but there were quite a few new ones.
There's something to be said for looking a gift horse in the mouth.

On the way to buy cheese I see a guy, rather intoxicated, walking his dog and kicking and hitting it to make it behave - a woman speaks up and an unpleasant conversation follows.

I am really looking forward to going to bed...

Goodnight guys!

aquagoat - 1-4-2018 at 09:46

Ha, quite a busy day, indeed, Bonny. Hope you slept well after that.

aquagoat - 1-4-2018 at 17:20

And by the way, Happy Easter, everyone.

BBP - 1-4-2018 at 17:35

Merry Easter!

Too many chocolate eggs...

BBP - 1-4-2018 at 17:40

Lately I've spent a lot of time on this site:

It's the site of the Jheronimus Bosch researchers who, in the vein of the 500th year since death anniversary in 2016, have been working on restoring and researching the paintings of one of the greatest Dutch artists. You can view a lot of the man's works in intensely high resolution (Garden of Earthly Delights is 156547x89116 pixels, zoom WAY in!!) and the X-rays and infra red images if applicable, using curtain view for easy comparison...

aquagoat - 2-4-2018 at 06:51

That's awesome, Bonny, I like Bosch a lot. I'm gonna check this out.

BBP - 2-4-2018 at 12:55

How many characters do you reckon there are on Garden of Earthly Delights?

BBP - 3-4-2018 at 15:23

Recovering from the flu, unfortunately Dad's just caught it. I decided to call off the visit of my BF and his mother because of it...

aquagoat - 3-4-2018 at 18:14

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
How many characters do you reckon there are on Garden of Earthly Delights?
I have no idea. I should know, since I studied Art, but it was such a long time ago.

BBP - 4-4-2018 at 14:33

Really? Cool!

35 today...

aquagoat - 4-4-2018 at 18:58

Happy birthday , Bonny. I hope it was a good one. And you got rid of that darned flu.

BBP - 4-4-2018 at 19:35

Not really, BF and his mother were supposed to come over, but I called them off. Dad's not well. I'm still in bad cold mode with stuffy nose, headache and elevated temperature.

BBP - 8-4-2018 at 22:46

4 days since my last post?! I must do better!

I'm currently hosting a Cluedo game at the Cluedo fan forum.

polydigm - 9-4-2018 at 01:01

Sorry I missed your birthday Bonny. I hope you're feeling better. I've been really busy. I'm back working on my music almost full time. I got a really amazing deal on a new trumpet from an auction of stuff from a closed down music shop about a month ago, which I'm teaching myself to play. I also got a really amazing deal on a second hand drum kit about a week ago, with the help of an old drummer friend, which I'm also teaching myself to play. I'm also working on my alto sax again and have a new baritone sax arriving later today.

I've cleared out all the junk from my studio and I've been spending a lot of time in there, practicing various instruments and reacquainting myself with Logic Pro and my 8 track digital audio interface. To start things off, I'm working on an arrangement of one of my compositions for drums, piano, acoustic and electric guitar, bass guitar, trumpet, alto and baritone saxophone. It's been a dream of mine for some time to play all the parts on one of my pieces. I'm also getting a Roland Integra synthesiser, but won't be using that until I've achieved this first piece with all live recording and no programming (but probably with lots of editing).

My first main goal is to put a demo tape together and then I'm going to advertise for musicians for my second main goal, which is to play some live gigs. This has been a long time coming.

BBP - 9-4-2018 at 14:30

Wow, that's so cool! Good luck to you Poly!

We're all under the weather now, which is nasty since I really need to get to my inlaws tomorrow.

polydigm - 10-4-2018 at 16:34

Get well soon!

aquagoat - 10-4-2018 at 18:52

Great news, Poly, I'm already looking forward to listening to some of your stuff!

BBP - 11-4-2018 at 08:44

At the inlaws, we had dinner yesterday which was great fun!

BBP - 12-4-2018 at 10:31

Still at the inlaws, having a great time!

ThreeHeadedMonkey - 12-4-2018 at 18:52

Spring cleaning. First time in my new appartment, since moving about 6 months ago. I forgot one of the benefits of living in a tiny (affordable) appartment in a large city - less space to clean! I do love my new digs though, back in my hometown after many years of absence!

Good to hear you're feeling better BBP (caught the damn thing myself a few weeks ago), and good luck to Polydigm with the musical ambitions!

aquagoat - 14-4-2018 at 07:13

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Still at the inlaws, having a great time!
Good, have fun.:roll:

aquagoat - 14-4-2018 at 07:18

Quote: Originally posted by ThreeHeadedMonkey  
Spring cleaning. First time in my new appartment, since moving about 6 months ago. I forgot one of the benefits of living in a tiny (affordable) appartment in a large city - less space to clean! I do love my new digs though, back in my hometown after many years of absence!!
Ha, I plan to do that this week-end. Clean everything, fix this or that, get rid of unnecessary stuff, etc, etc.

BBP - 14-4-2018 at 22:31

That's what I had planned before I got ill... and it's what I'm planning for the near future too.

Inlaws were awesome but today I went home and straight away the dredge starts...

polydigm - 15-4-2018 at 02:17

I'm basically spring cleaning my studio. While I was back at uni it had been gradually encroached upon by various items for storage and various drawers and shelves had become filled with junk and outdated equipment and cables and so on. And various species of insect had taken advantage of the lack of activity in there, including an army of ants, so some significant cleaning has been required. I've also forgotten a lot of the detail of some of my equipment including digital recorder, mixer for the the drum kit and vast quantities of microphones, stands and cables and am rethinking how it should best be organised.

I ordered my baritone sax Tuesday before last and after being told 2 - 3 days delivery, they didn't get it until Wednesday last. Anyway, I love playing it; its sound is amazing and it's instantly become my favourite instrument.

BBP - 16-4-2018 at 13:56

It's DED's birthday!

aquagoat - 16-4-2018 at 18:06

Happy birthday DED!!!!

BBP - 17-4-2018 at 12:40

Local football team became champion!

BBP - 18-4-2018 at 17:54

Methinks I finally fixed my bike...

aquagoat - 18-4-2018 at 18:30

Good news, Bonny!

And another good news, the sun is finally over my part of the country, hallelujah!!!

polydigm - 19-4-2018 at 04:07

A belated happy birthday to DED.

BBP - 19-4-2018 at 18:04

Scored a job! :bouncy:

aquagoat - 19-4-2018 at 19:02

Now, that's great!!! What kind of job?

BBP - 19-4-2018 at 19:05

Customer service.

polydigm - 20-4-2018 at 04:06

Are you going to turn this into 20 questions?

For which product will you provide customer service?

Will it be in person or over the phone?

... etc ... ?

BBP - 20-4-2018 at 18:18

Over the phone, inbound, it's for @Leisure, which is a business that intermediates between people who want to let out their summer houses, and the people who want to hire them. On Monday I start training. I was hired for my skills in German and French.

News from my little area has been wild:
at a nearby park, a woman walking her dog found the remains of around 5 cats. A specialized organisation went to check for other kitties - now around 10 have been found, one belonged to the woman who found the first remains. It sickens me that people would do that to living creatures, let alone other people's pets.

Yesterday, a 22-year-old idiot was speeding on a cyclist's road (means cyclists have priority and max speed for cars is 30 km/h), going so fast he got launched on the speed bump, he hit a 76-year-old cyclist, then threw a tantrum at the victim, the witnesses and the police. He was arrested.
Unfortunately the cyclist passed away last night...

aquagoat - 22-4-2018 at 07:38

Well, pretty bad news for cyclist and kittens. But congrats on the new job.

Today, I'm gonna try tocook my first Gratin Dauphinois, wish me luck. :D

Edit: well, we can say it's a success.

BBP - 22-4-2018 at 21:15


BF came over for a surprise visit, which was lovely!

BBP - 23-4-2018 at 07:08

Starting at my new job today!

polydigm - 23-4-2018 at 14:09

Sounds like a good job. Better than dealing with energy customers, for example and an interesting challenge with the languages.

I just found a little work as a maths and physics tutor so I'm pretty happy too.

BBP - 23-4-2018 at 21:34

That's wonderful!

Work appears to be a great place - salary is relatively low but provisions to the employees are pretty good, free fruit and all that.

BBP - 23-4-2018 at 22:26

Et puis je doit parler et écrire en français.

aquagoat - 24-4-2018 at 18:26

C'est une tres bonne chose, Bonny. J'espere que ce boulot te plaira.

Congrats, Poly!

BBP - 24-4-2018 at 22:10

Merci, c'est un boulot assez intéressant, mais il y a beaucoup des mots à apprendre. Et même l'écrire: quand j'allait à l'école, j'ai bien appris d'écrire des lettres formels, mais pas du courriel. Même "courriel" est un mot qui j'ai appris quand j'avait un Hotmail français, je ne sais pas le prononcer.

polydigm - 25-4-2018 at 01:22

So far understanding with only looking two words up in a dictionary. I do need to improve my French.

BBP - 25-4-2018 at 06:59

Bien fait!
Moi je ne connaissais pas le mot "boulot", peut-être c'est un mot trop populaire. Travail, oui, je connais.

aquagoat - 25-4-2018 at 19:26

Yes, boulot is an informal word for work, you can translate it by using the word Job. You speak good french, Bonny. Now I'm gonna correct your previous sentence (:D):

Merci, c'est un boulot assez intéressant, mais il y a beaucoup des mots à apprendre. Et même l'écrire: quand j'allait à l'école, j'ai bien appris d'écrire des lettres formels, mais pas du courriel. Même "courriel" est un mot qui j'ai appris quand j'avait un Hotmail français, je ne sais pas le prononcer.

Et meme à ecrire. Or you can say: et meme à l'ecrit.
J'ai appris à écrire. Formelles.
Quand j'avaiS.

And almost nobody uses the word courriel, most of us say mail. You pronounce it like Court plus iel of Ciel.

If you've got any question, don't hesitate to ask. ;)

BBP - 25-4-2018 at 20:06

Thank you! Looks like I need to use my long weekend to brush up my grammar!

polydigm - 27-4-2018 at 11:34

Anyway, how's things? I've either been busy in my studio with one thing or another or out sight seeing with my two brothers in law from the UK who are staying with us until the end of April.

BBP - 27-4-2018 at 17:03

Sounds great!

It's the national holiday today, its main attraction to me is the free market (basically they assign a certain place in town where absolutely anyone can roll out a blanket and sell their stuff, or make music or sell food or organize a game to make a little money. I snatched a Heinz comic book and a Simpsons season 2 DVD box.

BBP - 30-4-2018 at 16:54

Last day of class, tomorrow I have to sit and wait for calls...

BBP - 30-4-2018 at 21:08

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Yes, boulot is an informal word for work, you can translate it by using the word Job. You speak good french, Bonny. Now I'm gonna correct your previous sentence (:D):

Merci, c'est un boulot assez intéressant, mais il y a beaucoup des mots à apprendre. Et même l'écrire: quand j'allait à l'école, j'ai bien appris d'écrire des lettres formels, mais pas du courriel. Même "courriel" est un mot qui j'ai appris quand j'avait un Hotmail français, je ne sais pas le prononcer.

Et meme à ecrire. Or you can say: et meme à l'ecrit.
J'ai appris à écrire. Formelles.
Quand j'avaiS.

And almost nobody uses the word courriel, most of us say mail. You pronounce it like Court plus iel of Ciel.

If you've got any question, don't hesitate to ask. ;)

Any cute French language Youtube films? I'm still stuck at La Révolution des Crabes.

aquagoat - 1-5-2018 at 07:39

Well, this I don't know, I don't watch a lot of french things on youtube. What kind of films you like?

BBP - 1-5-2018 at 19:38

Well, did you check the Youtube thread? :)

BBP - 3-5-2018 at 19:39

Was planning to work on my French all weekend (I needed it today, we're also hooked up to the Belgian line Ardennes Relais and sometimes French speakers call to the Dutch line - happened twice) but BF is coming over.

aquagoat - 3-5-2018 at 20:07

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Was planning to work on my French all weekend (I needed it today, we're also hooked up to the Belgian line Ardennes Relais and sometimes French speakers call to the Dutch line - happened twice) but BF is coming over.
Teach him French, if he doesnt know ho to speak it. Or, if he knows, both of you should speak French for the next two days.

BBP - 3-5-2018 at 22:03

He was taught French at school, but you know how that slips... Most people don't speak German or French after they're done with school. German is enough like Dutch to make sense of it when you hear it, but French is so different...

aquagoat - 5-5-2018 at 07:42

Yeah, it's very different, and one can lose it very quickly if not regularly practised. for sure.

polydigm - 5-5-2018 at 11:17

Well, the job may be short lived. I didn't perform a miracle in four lessons and it seems like they might not be using me again.

On the other hand, my studio projects are coming along very nicely. I care much more about the music so the other thing is just too bad. Something else will turn up.

BBP - 6-5-2018 at 14:31

Sorry to hear about that, Poly...

Work proves tricky, next week will be my true baptism of fire...

aquagoat - 6-5-2018 at 17:46

Ha, sorry to hear that Poly.

BBP - 7-5-2018 at 20:05

Not yet onto French, good for me I suppose...

polydigm - 8-5-2018 at 23:25

Thanks guys, but don't worry about me. I'm very happy with my current plans and as they develop one thing will lead to another as it always does when you consistently pursue a suitable trajectory. It's already coming along quite nicely.

BBP - 9-5-2018 at 21:09

I hope they work out!

Had a few firsts as a customer service agent for a major holiday home intermediate: my first SOS (people who booked a stay at a villa were confronted with a lot of lice in the garden that was giving them nasty allergic reactions), my first celebrity, my first real compliment and my first impromptu elementary addition teaching. Last one took half an hour but I could convince someone she was a bit mistaken.

aquagoat - 10-5-2018 at 06:42

Good job, Bonny!:D

BBP - 10-5-2018 at 22:16

Bank holiday today, and my sister came over! 'Course since she works nights she's been mostly sleeping... poor thing...

polydigm - 12-5-2018 at 02:43

We're in winter proper now, although it's still pretty mild compared to Europe. You guys must be seeing the buds of May by now?

BBP - 12-5-2018 at 09:20

Sure! The apple tree bloomed fully, the clematis too, and the rhodondendrons are gorgeous!

polydigm - 13-5-2018 at 00:34

It's Mother's Day here and we'll be having a family get together for my wife. This is the first one without my mother.

aquagoat - 13-5-2018 at 07:38

The cherry trees, at my client's, were in full bloom, just a few days ago, it looked awesome. That vision, plus the warm rays of the sun, provided me with an intense sensation of summery well-being.

BBP - 14-5-2018 at 06:48

How are you hanging in,Poly? My fresh inlaws have plenty of mothers in them but it was usually difficult for me.

All the trees in the street blossom. They're robinias, late to get leaves and the first to lose them, plus thorns a plenty that have caused many a puncture so far, but now's the time to love those trees.

polydigm - 14-5-2018 at 14:56

I'm good thanks, Bonny.

It's good to hear you guys not complaining about the weather for a change. :D

BBP - 15-5-2018 at 06:54

Dad had one of my bicycles fixed. Repairs cost more than I paid for the bike.

It's the one I bought in 2012, that, after three months of use, turned out to have a tear in the pedal nobody noticed, it broke off while I was cycling.

BBP - 16-5-2018 at 21:08

Last person on the phone today was an elderly lady who wanted to go on holiday with her sister, who has a walker on wheels. I spent an hour trying to help her find an apartment, found a little house in Luykgestel, not too far from here.

BBP - 18-5-2018 at 07:11

Will be off to my boyfriend's this weekend, so I probably won't be posting much. Since I'm travelling directly from the office I'm packing light.

aquagoat - 18-5-2018 at 17:33

Have a nice week-end, Bonny.

polydigm - 19-5-2018 at 03:42

Have a good one, Bonny.

BTW, we're planning a week in Holland some time next year and we'll be driving there from Paris in a left hand drive vehicle. Maybe we could meet up for lunch at some point?

On a more serious note: Yet another school shooting in the US!! What a place! I will never be visiting there. It has zero appeal. That would be metaphorically like a sight seeing tour of hell. I find US culture abhorrent and the conservatives here in OZ are in a desperate race to catch up.

BBP - 19-5-2018 at 12:39

Oh that would be awesome!

I always said to myself I didn't want to visit the States with GWB in the office, and I always said to myself I didn't want to visit the USA with Trump in office, but BF had an offer from his American client to come visit him at his expense, and client said "you can bring your GF"... Talk about an offer you can't refuse...

polydigm - 20-5-2018 at 13:43

Pack a bullet proof vest!

BBP - 22-5-2018 at 06:27

Will do!

BBP - 24-5-2018 at 06:31

Phew, so many spammers...

aquagoat - 25-5-2018 at 18:29

So, yesterday evening I went to a small concert venue to watch Zenzile play live, it was great, I met a young lady, in the stairs of the building, by the name of Lucille, chatted with her a good bit, etc, and confided my brand new leather jacket to go fetch a drink. When I came back from the bar, the main act had started playing, so I went near the front of the stage to have fun, met a few other women, had fun, etc, etc.
When the show was over and after saying good-bye to the girls, I wanted to get my jacket back and have a little chat with Lucille, but she was gone. No trace of my jacket. I ask the barmaid, the bouncer, a few guys who work there, no-one left a black leather jacket anywhere. The big boss takes my name and my number, tells me he'll see what he can do and he will contact me if there's some result.
This morning, I called the business where Lucille works to see if she kept the damn thing, but no, she left it where we met. Ok, cool. So no more jacket, no more credit card, no more Identity card, etc, etc. cause all my papers where in that fucking jacket! Now I've got to go to the police, the city hall and all that to get all these things made again. :swear::swear::swear:
But I met a very nice and funny italian woman, named Maria Grazia, that I should see tomorrow.:D

BBP - 25-5-2018 at 19:49

Sorry to hear about that Aqua... {hug}

aquagoat - 26-5-2018 at 07:23

Thank you, Bonny. You could think I know you can't trust people by now, but no.

BBP - 26-5-2018 at 07:54

It's very tempting to start singing a Zappa song now, but you're in enough pain as it is...

aquagoat - 26-5-2018 at 16:27

Haha, I actually thought about it when she told me her name. And once more when I left the venue without my jacket.

polydigm - 27-5-2018 at 01:45

Trust is something that develops with getting to know someone. I am certainly rarely tempted to trust a stranger. That doesn't mean people in general can't be trusted, you were just unlucky to pick a bad one.

aquagoat - 28-5-2018 at 18:02

That's why it's better to start with the premise that you can trust no-one.

BBP - 28-5-2018 at 21:01

Hmm... depends on what to trust them with... just start low.

BBP - 29-5-2018 at 16:58

Anticipating a big thunderstorm...

polydigm - 30-5-2018 at 23:17

There you go again. :D

aquagoat - 31-5-2018 at 06:43

I don't work today, I took a day off to have lunch with an old friend. I haven' seen her since I was 18. It's going to be a bit weird. And probably quite emotional.

aquagoat - 31-5-2018 at 06:43

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hmm... depends on what to trust them with... just start low.
It's a slippery slope. :D

BBP - 31-5-2018 at 16:42

How was lunch?

aquagoat - 31-5-2018 at 17:20

Lunch will actually become diner, cause there was some mishap this morning, so shecouldn't leave before noon. I'm impatient.:bouncy:

polydigm - 1-6-2018 at 01:17

I hope it goes well. How old are you now? (If you don't mind me asking) How come you haven't seen her since you were 18? I was reunited with a friend in 2012 after not seeing him since 1971.

aquagoat - 1-6-2018 at 16:41

Well, it was great. She came with her cousin Kate. They arrived at my flat around 18:30, and after a few minutes of awkwardness, we quickly went back to our old habits, me speaking french and she, speaking english. Weird thing is I didn't remember the tone of her voice. Then we went to the restaurant for about an hour, before they left. We'll meet again this summer, when I go visit another friend I haven't seen for years.

Poly, I'm 44. We didn't part on good terms, back in the day, cause I left her for another girl. Then I moved a lot around the country, and there was no internet, back then, so keeping contact wasn't as easy as it is today, etc, etc... We got back in contact thanks to facebook, in 2015.

polydigm - 2-6-2018 at 02:07

Facebook was how I found my friend as well. I'm glad it went well for you.

aquagoat - 2-6-2018 at 07:18

Thanks. What about you, how did it go for you and your 1971 friend, and why did you stay away form each other for so long (if you don't mindmy asking)?

BBP - 2-6-2018 at 12:05

Just had word that Dir En Grey will be coming to Europe this October ... but they won't be going to the Benelux. Leaving Cologne (19 Oct) and Paris (16 Oct) as only options. I'm looking all over forums for people I know who live near there and could give me a lift or a place to stay or something.

aquagoat - 2-6-2018 at 18:35

I'll gladly offer you a place where you can sleep, but I don't think I can take you to Paris.

BBP - 2-6-2018 at 19:12

There are decent connections between Eindhoven and Paris, Amiens is still quite a way away from Paris though, it wouldn't be practical...

Travelling to Cologne by bus is about half the price of travelling to Paris by bus.

polydigm - 3-6-2018 at 00:24

My 1971 friend lived in my neighbourhood and we went to the same high school. We were both immigrants from the UK as were many in our town (it was built for that purpose in the first place). When we were 15 his parents decided to go back to the UK. Voilà!

aquagoat - 3-6-2018 at 07:32

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
There are decent connections between Eindhoven and Paris, Amiens is still quite a way away from Paris though, it wouldn't be practical...

Travelling to Cologne by bus is about half the price of travelling to Paris by bus.
So I guess Cologne is the way to go, then.

aquagoat - 3-6-2018 at 07:33

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
My 1971 friend lived in my neighbourhood and we went to the same high school. We were both immigrants from the UK as were many in our town (it was built for that purpose in the first place). When we were 15 his parents decided to go back to the UK. Voilà!
Ok.And did you reconnect, or was he like a totally different person when you met him again?

polydigm - 3-6-2018 at 23:57

We got on like a house on fire. We spent time together again in 2014 and 2016 and I will meet up with him again next time I'm in the UK.

BBP - 4-6-2018 at 06:48


aquagoat - 4-6-2018 at 18:31

That's cool!

polydigm - 5-6-2018 at 00:19

Yeah, I have mixed feelings about Facebook, but I wouldn't have found him otherwise.

aquagoat - 5-6-2018 at 15:02

Yeah, I'm not fond of Facebook, but it can be useful, sometimes.

BBP - 5-6-2018 at 22:46

Bought my concert ticket this morning...

I'm going to Cologne!

aquagoat - 6-6-2018 at 18:52

Good choice!

polydigm - 7-6-2018 at 06:29

I've never visited Germany.

BBP - 7-6-2018 at 07:35

No? I have... been to Dresden... been to Europapark twice, went to Aachen...

aquagoat - 7-6-2018 at 16:50

I've never been there either.

BBP - 7-6-2018 at 21:58

Had a full day's work, starting at 12:30 and wrapping up at 21:00... Day started out with me rushing to get towels to clean my table and desperately try to dry off my papers. My drinking glass was leaking.

The building closes at 21:30, but as it turned out the bicycle basement closes early. I couldn't get my bicycle out and had to walk home. :swear:

Which is of course when it starts to rain.

polydigm - 9-6-2018 at 15:45

It's just not fair is it?

BBP - 9-6-2018 at 22:17

Those days where it all comes at once...

Ah well. Had a good chat with BF today!

aquagoat - 10-6-2018 at 07:28

Sorry about your day, Bonny, sometimes you've got to hang in there and wait until it passes.

I might change job again. I was proposed to work for another company. I've got to check how much they pay, what the conditions really are, etc. The situation I'm in right now is pretty crappy, i.e.the work is good but the management is really bad, so depending on how much the other company pays, I may ask my boss for a substantial rise. If they don't accept, bye bye then...

BBP - 10-6-2018 at 20:48

Sounds stressful...

aquagoat - 11-6-2018 at 21:22

It's ok, actually. Whatever happens, I know I'll have a job and a better pay.

BBP - 12-6-2018 at 20:40

That's good,if you have that sense of security...

BBP - 13-6-2018 at 17:54

The Cluedo game is getting exciting. One of my fellow players made an accusation, and I had guessed this was a good player.

polydigm - 14-6-2018 at 15:08

Which Cluedo game is that? The last game I played wasn't that long ago. One Christmas not so long ago Father Christmas brought us a Doctor Who themed Cluedo set.

BBP - 14-6-2018 at 16:53


It's the one we're playing on the Cluedo forum ( . With 7 players and one game master, 15 suspects, 15 weapons and 15 locations it sure is taking time!

The full game can be viewed here - if you like I can tell you my cards and which cards were shown to me, so you can play along.

aquagoat - 15-6-2018 at 06:07

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
That's good,if you have that sense of security...
Well, I stay where I am with a 1€ per hour pay raise. We'll see how long it will last.

aquagoat - 15-6-2018 at 06:09

I've only played Cluedo once, when I was about 10. I didn't really like it, but I think I was a bit too young to appreciate the game. I'm sure I would like it better now.

BBP - 15-6-2018 at 07:15

That's good news Aqua, good luck to you!

polydigm - 15-6-2018 at 14:36

Cluedo is basically a logic puzzle. If you like any kind of logic logic puzzle you should like Cluedo.

polydigm - 15-6-2018 at 14:37

I won't play along Bonny, but I checked it out. You guys are pretty intense.

BBP - 15-6-2018 at 16:31

:bald: Oh yes!
I wonder how this turn goes. Although I cannot be sure about the 6 cards Cluedokid held, it's safe to say his move to accuse was wild. Yukon could still be owned by Sir Shamrock and the Hothouse had never even been considered.

aquagoat - 15-6-2018 at 16:54

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Cluedo is basically a logic puzzle. If you like any kind of logic logic puzzle you should like Cluedo.
Yeah, I really like logic puzzles, so I'm sure I would like that game.

aquagoat - 15-6-2018 at 16:55

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
That's good news Aqua, good luck to you!
Thanks, Bonny.

BBP - 16-6-2018 at 17:38

Ah, to be free! I'm not working on Sunday and Monday. :D

BBP - 18-6-2018 at 06:57

Finally got to see the Godfather yesterday...

aquagoat - 18-6-2018 at 17:01

What did you think of it, Bonny?

BBP - 18-6-2018 at 17:16

It's a good film but unfortunately I am a bit face blind - this makes it hard for me to tell people apart. Unless the characters look sufficiently different I confuse the lot. I can tell Marlon Brando apart, but that guy who's at the wedding rehearsing his lines I can't tell apart from the guy who's dancing and remarks something along the lines of "who are you, the dance competition judge?". I remember the murder scene of the first and the fish being delivered, but because the other guy shows up after that I couldn't piece all the bits together until I read a summary afterwards.

aquagoat - 20-6-2018 at 05:48

Ha, it must be really problematic when watching movies like Lord of the Rings.

BBP - 20-6-2018 at 06:51

In LOTR I had the dvantage of having read the book first.

I had a lot of trouble with Schindler's List. Though I also read the book of that before I saw the movie. In general, black and white, and when people wear the same suit and have the same hair.

punknaynowned - 20-6-2018 at 16:44

I'm sorry I haven't been here for so long.
I'm sorry I haven't been a friend in these intervening years.
But I can't abide the bs on the zappa forum anymore.
I feel bad for Alex who's doing it all by himself.
I will check in from time to time and let you know I'm still alive.
I wish things were different. I wish a lot of things.

Things are actually a lot worse here than what you may see in the news.
But when good people like calvin say there's nothing to do about it...
he gives the fascists the space necessary to take over and then run our towns.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Sad and disgusted.

BBP - 20-6-2018 at 21:30

Sorry to hear about your problems, Punky... I'm always glad to see you here!

aquagoat - 22-6-2018 at 05:47

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
In LOTR I had the dvantage of having read the book first.

I had a lot of trouble with Schindler's List. Though I also read the book of that before I saw the movie. In general, black and white, and when people wear the same suit and have the same hair.
Ha, ok, I understand.

polydigm - 25-6-2018 at 23:52

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
... I can't abide the bs on the zappa forum anymore ...
That's why I don't interact there much any more. It's good to hear from you again.

polydigm - 25-6-2018 at 23:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
... unfortunately I am a bit face blind...
My wife has that a little, but is in denial. When we watch new shows she's always saying that an actor is so and so when they aren't and I can tell straight away. I then have to look up their pictures on the internet and show her they're different.

BBP - 26-6-2018 at 16:07

There's more and more interest coming into this problem, partly owing to the faceblind Oliver Sacks who wrote a great article about it in The Mind's Eye. He related it to getting lost easily, which is something I also have troubles with.

BBP - 1-7-2018 at 15:31

It's so hot and dry the farmers are now banned from watering their crops...

polydigm - 1-7-2018 at 23:44

Water or food, which do you choose? Rock and a hard place.

BBP - 2-7-2018 at 20:50

Seems it'll be hot and dry for at least another week. :(

aquagoat - 3-7-2018 at 05:27

The heatwave has been pretty persistent here, which is a good thing. I hope it'll last, I need some sun after the crappy rainy winter we had. In a week, my skin passed from practically white to a nice golden brown, apart from certain areas that remain covered all the time, making me look a bit like a human version of this:

polydigm - 3-7-2018 at 23:28

Where's the happy medium?

BBP - 4-7-2018 at 06:28

Believe it or not, but the Cluedo game is still going, from mid April on. We're reaching the end phase, now that the weapon and room are known we're still looking for the suspect. There's one player whose answer we await, if he doesn't have this suspect it's game over and somebody else wins (which is logical since he had 2 turns more than me.)

aquagoat - 5-7-2018 at 05:18

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Where's the happy medium?
I don't know, Poly, I don't know.

polydigm - 5-7-2018 at 05:45

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Where's the happy medium?
I don't know, Poly, I don't know.
That makes two of us.

polydigm - 5-7-2018 at 05:52

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
... the Cluedo game is still going, from mid April ...
One evening after dinner, I can do it, but waiting a couple of months for a result? I wouldn't have the patience for that.
... he had 2 turns more than me ...
How is that possible in Cluedo?

polydigm - 5-7-2018 at 05:55

I've been playing drums for more than three months now and really enjoying it. Talking about patience, I ordered a set of effects cymbals from eBay last week and the guy still hasn't shipped them. I'm really looking forward to using them. Come on!!

Caputh - 5-7-2018 at 18:25

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
It's a good film but unfortunately I am a bit face blind - this makes it hard for me to tell people apart. Unless the characters look sufficiently different I confuse the lot. I can tell Marlon Brando apart, but that guy who's at the wedding rehearsing his lines I can't tell apart from the guy who's dancing and remarks something along the lines of "who are you, the dance competition judge?". I remember the murder scene of the first and the fish being delivered, but because the other guy shows up after that I couldn't piece all the bits together until I read a summary afterwards.

Ah - great movie (my 19 year old son's favourite). I show it to my English classes as a view on American Dream/American Nightmare/capitalism/immigration/patronage at the end of term. Most of them love it. However, I do always draw a family tree on the whiteboard, including the rival families. When one dies, I cross the name off the board, which generally makes the pupils laugh, particularly towards the end. The 2nd one is as good as the first. I don't like the 3rd part, but my son swears its excellent, so I bow to his superior judgement.
How about a WWII thread here, btw?

Caputh - 5-7-2018 at 18:34

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
I'm sorry I haven't been here for so long.
I'm sorry I haven't been a friend in these intervening years.
But I can't abide the bs on the zappa forum anymore.
I feel bad for Alex who's doing it all by himself.
I will check in from time to time and let you know I'm still alive.
I wish things were different. I wish a lot of things.

Things are actually a lot worse here than what you may see in the news.
But when good people like calvin say there's nothing to do about it...
he gives the fascists the space necessary to take over and then run our towns.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
-Sad and disgusted.

One thing I always liked about Zappa was the ability to laugh at incredible political stupidity. If we keep laughing, they'll never get an entire grip IMHO. The danger is, that one might resort to their methods, of course i.e. personal attack, repetition, an inability to want to learn and to question. But I don't think we should get too depressed about the state of the world. Weirdly enough, the older I get, the more optimistic I become about the human race...

BTW, poly - fancy having our long delayed discussion about Lenin here? State your case if you feel so inclined and I'll attempt a reply.

aquagoat - 5-7-2018 at 21:39

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've been playing drums for more than three months now and really enjoying it. Talking about patience, I ordered a set of effects cymbals from eBay last week and the guy still hasn't shipped them. I'm really looking forward to using them. Come on!!
-I'd really like to play drums. I think it s an awesome instrument. I've got great respect for them drummers, especially death metal and jazz drummers, they make me feel like the guitar is such an easy instrument to play.

polydigm - 6-7-2018 at 01:48

Quote: Originally posted by Caputh  
BTW, poly - fancy having our long delayed discussion about Lenin here? State your case if you feel so inclined and I'll attempt a reply.
I'll start a new thread. I'm calling it Saving the World - tongue in cheek.

polydigm - 6-7-2018 at 01:52

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've been playing drums for more than three months now and really enjoying it. Talking about patience, I ordered a set of effects cymbals from eBay last week and the guy still hasn't shipped them. I'm really looking forward to using them. Come on!!
-I'd really like to play drums. I think it s an awesome instrument. I've got great respect for them drummers, especially death metal and jazz drummers, they make me feel like the guitar is such an easy instrument to play.
I know a drummer who tried to play the guitar once but gave up because it was too difficult.

Drums are like anything else, even you have a knack for playing them, they require consistent, concerted and ongoing effort to master.

aquagoat - 6-7-2018 at 05:29

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've been playing drums for more than three months now and really enjoying it. Talking about patience, I ordered a set of effects cymbals from eBay last week and the guy still hasn't shipped them. I'm really looking forward to using them. Come on!!
-I'd really like to play drums. I think it s an awesome instrument. I've got great respect for them drummers, especially death metal and jazz drummers, they make me feel like the guitar is such an easy instrument to play.
I know a drummer who tried to play the guitar once but gave up because it was too difficult.

Drums are like anything else, even you have a knack for playing them, they require consistent, concerted and ongoing effort to master.
I agree with you. Every discipline is a question of training, applying yourself to it and doing it.

I'm getting a bit tired of playing the guitar, at the moment, I'd really like to play a new instrument. i'm thinking about a keyboard or drums.Or maybe a saxophone.

BBP - 6-7-2018 at 06:40

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
... the Cluedo game is still going, from mid April ...
One evening after dinner, I can do it, but waiting a couple of months for a result? I wouldn't have the patience for that.
... he had 2 turns more than me ...
How is that possible in Cluedo?

Well, my fellow players seem to be getting tired. We've picked up the pace in the sense we no longer wait 4 days for a person to respond before game master steps in, but there's now an iron rule of 24 hours - 24 hours to disprove or else game master does it for you, 24 hours to make a suggestion or lose a turn.

The person before me asked a suggestion, I couldn't disprove. The player after me said he couldn't disprove, but we later learned he could. As his punishment everybody got to see this card he should have shown. He asked if he got to go again, which game master allowed (I personally thought that was a bit much since that puts you at a great advantage provided you ask well, and this is a good player). So he has 1 extra turn.
And this is 2 turns more than me when he has asked and I haven't yet.

Good luck with the drums Poly!

BBP - 7-7-2018 at 06:49

My apologies for leaving the spammer out two days...

polydigm - 7-7-2018 at 17:42

I’m not sure I get why he should have an extra move, especially after cheating. I’d be banning him from the next game.

BBP - 7-7-2018 at 20:20

No the person who asked for those cards got an extra move.

Caputh - 7-7-2018 at 21:13

You need to play against my older brother - he's useless at Cluedo. Mind you, he's very good at Monopoly. He has an amusing, but annoying habit of singing: "Riding along on the crest of a mortgage", when you're losing to him and have just mortgaged "Old Kent Road".

BBP - 8-7-2018 at 09:13

It's no fun playing against people who are useless at Cluedo. :)

Well I thought I had the winning suggestion but it's just been disproved... :(

polydigm - 8-7-2018 at 14:45

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
No the person who asked for those cards got an extra move.
That wasn't clear from how you explained it. The other guy should not get an extra turn as the information he asked for still came to light.

BBP - 8-7-2018 at 16:46

You're right, sorry about that...

polydigm - 10-7-2018 at 01:47

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
You're right, sorry about that...
Don't worry, no harm done. :)

polydigm - 10-7-2018 at 02:42

My effect cymbal pack arrived yesterday. I'm like a kid in a toy shop. I got my drum kit at the end of March. An old drummer friend found it online for me when I was considering buying a new set, which would have been expensive and limiting. I ended up with a second hand, PDP Concept Maple, seven piece drum kit with a Sabian XSR, six piece cymbal set plus all the appropriate hardware, and a bonus double bass pedal, all in very good condition for a ridiculously cheap price. I'm currently using the single pedal. There are plenty of very inspirational drummers out there using only a single bass drum pedal.

My new effects cymbals include an 8" china plus 9" splash stack, which you can see to the right of the hi-hats, which came with the extension arm hardware included. This is what inspired me to get this set in the first place. I was watching a video of Sarah Thawer, who is an amazing drummer, who uses a single bass pedal, demonstrating the use of Indian rhythms on a drum kit and she has a three cymbal stack to imitate a clapping effect. So I did some research and eventually came across this effects set by Rech Cymbals, a company created by this Australian guy who gets them made in China and also Turkey.

I really wanted to get a bell as well and this new set included a 6" Bell. It sounds fantastic. You can see it mounted above the 16" crash cymbal on an included mount, above left of the hi-hats. The third cymbal, that I was least excited about, is a 10" splash, because I already have one, but I was getting this new set for virtually half the price and as it turns out, it sounds very different to the other one and is already coming in very handy. This is mounted above the 18" crash, also on an included mount, in the top left corner of the picture. You can see my other splash, mounted on the bass drum, in between the two crash cymbals.

I started a new composition inspired by twiddling around on my classical guitar while watching that film called Denial yesterday. If you haven't seen it I can recommend it. Later on I got on the drum kit to work on the drum part which significantly features my new cymbals.

aquagoat - 10-7-2018 at 05:32

Hahaha, brilliant! Have fun with that new toy, Poly!!!

As for me, after a while feeling tired and stuck in a rut guitar-wise, I'm starting rbuild interest in the instrument thanks to the use of the tapping technique. I used to use this technique but quie simplistically. Now i'm training to try to use all my fingers, and it provides me with the possibility for interesting entertwined lines, counterpoints and stuff, or even for rhythm parts. The possibilities for wide intervals are quite appealing. It's refreshing.

BBP - 10-7-2018 at 07:42

Awesome Poly!!

My music is getting stuck in a rut now with work, but I'm so happy with work it's OK...

polydigm - 10-7-2018 at 12:46

Bonny, there's nothing wrong with having a job and earning money. It's an important fundamental. You'll find time for your music. Look at me, I'm 62. Have you seen that 103 year old French pianist who just released an album of her playing?

polydigm - 10-7-2018 at 13:09

Aqua, it's always good to have goals. I won't go into one of those self help type rants, about scheduling and focus and so on, because I don't have the personality to follow them myself. I need to follow my whims musically and most of what I do ends up helping in some manner or other in the long run and I rarely get bored with it. I am able to persist with various instrumental exercises for quite long periods of time and I think that's enough discipline for me.

But goals are definitely good. For example, I resurrected my classical guitar recently and have set a goal of eventually recording a performance of an arrangement of Echidna's Arf. I was already trying to play it recently on a steel string acoustic and an electric, which I've been doing on and off having transcribed it a long time ago, but have never ended up with an arrangement I was completely happy with. Now with the classical guitar, I've come up with a complete arrangement that's very satisfying, which sounds really cool on that instrument - pick style, not finger style - I just have to practice it now until I master it.

Then there's that new composition I started yesterday, so now I'm also driven to come up with a suitable drum part. Then when I'm tired of all that I play the piano for an hour or two and there are a couple of pieces on the piano that I'm getting ready for recording. So I have multiple goals, I can't work linearly, I have to have several on the go at a time and periodically one get's completed.

aquagoat - 11-7-2018 at 05:32

Yep, Poly, setting up goals is a very good thing, indeed. When I was unemployed, I started doing sports again cause I wanted to lose weight. And cooking my own food, to eat more healthily. I also decided to learn to play a song per day, in different style. Acheiving these simple goals really boostedmy self confidence and made mefeelbetter. It also forced me to have better self discipline, which is something I lack a lot.

I'dreally like to hear that classical arrangement of Echidna's Arf. Don't forget to share it wth us when it's recorded.

I have lots of compositions I'dlike to record. But I don'tknow yet how. I hesitate between going the old way using the semi professional equipment I still have, or using my computer and recording softwares, etc. I think i'll go the second route, since I live in a flat in town, and i can't really record a real drumset or guitar amp in my room. So other goals are set for the near future.

This, and going in Dordogne in a few weeks, to see old girlfriends I haven't seen for almost 30 years. Probably i'll check the roofing business down there, to determine my chances of success if I decide move back to this place.

aquagoat - 11-7-2018 at 05:37

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Bonny, there's nothing wrong with having a job and earning money. It's an important fundamental. You'll find time for your music. Look at me, I'm 62. Have you seen that 103 year old French pianist who just released an album of her playing?
That's what I think too. I've got time, so no need to stress and beat myself upside the head cause I haven't done this or that. I still can do it tomorrow.

aquagoat - 11-7-2018 at 05:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Awesome Poly!!

My music is getting stuck in a rut now with work, but I'm so happy with work it's OK...
I'm glad your job makes you feel that way Bonny, it's a good thing.

polydigm - 11-7-2018 at 15:56

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
... going in Dordogne in a few weeks ... i'll check the roofing business down there, to determine my chances of success if I decide move back to this place.
Moving closer to the equator. I imagine the weather is part of the attraction?

BBP - 11-7-2018 at 17:42

At the moment we have weather that's reminiscent of the south of France down my way - so dry we're not even allowed to wash cars.

Have fun in the Dordogne Aqua!

aquagoat - 11-7-2018 at 18:41

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
... going in Dordogne in a few weeks ... i'll check the roofing business down there, to determine my chances of success if I decide move back to this place.
Moving closer to the equator. I imagine the weather is part of the attraction?
It is. Much better weather, down there. Plus, it's the place I've always felt the most at home.

aquagoat - 11-7-2018 at 18:41

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
At the moment we have weather that's reminiscent of the south of France down my way - so dry we're not even allowed to wash cars.

Have fun in the Dordogne Aqua!

Thank you, Bonny.

BBP - 12-7-2018 at 21:01

Well... sometimes you make good turns at work... but today I had a bad one when I made a ridiculously tiny snafu. I had to rebook a person, so I made a new booking and then accidentally set the new booking to rebooking instead of the old one. Tiny mistake but takes time to fix, and while fixing the trafficker noticed I wasn't on the phone and opened my lines, and then I had an irate AirBNB customer on the line.

polydigm - 13-7-2018 at 00:12

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Yep, Poly, setting up goals is a very good thing, indeed. When I was unemployed ...
Back in my twenties when I was unemployed for some extended periods of time is when I began an extensive study of music theory and composition. I ran a very tight budget and any spare money went into buying books relating to music and also science, philosophy and sociology.

polydigm - 13-7-2018 at 00:15

Bonny, I'm assuming the irate AirBNB customer wasn't your fault, just one of the hazards of doing your job.

BBP - 13-7-2018 at 06:31

True, but you have to deal with them...

BBP - 19-7-2018 at 17:32

Day off today, went to my temp agency and got a little present - a plastic waterbottle with a pen in it.

polydigm - 20-7-2018 at 00:52

Same old same old with me.

BBP - 20-7-2018 at 08:50

One of my videos on YT has been flagged, now I have a strike on my account.

polydigm - 21-7-2018 at 15:47

You'll have to explain what that means, Bonny.

BBP - 21-7-2018 at 21:28

Three strikes and you're out. The "offending" video has been removed.

polydigm - 22-7-2018 at 01:05

Yes, but flagged for what?

BBP - 22-7-2018 at 21:57

Adult or suggestive videos.

polydigm - 23-7-2018 at 16:06

Bonny, I'm shocked. (slightly joking)

So what is the flagging process and is there a human being at the end of it actually checking that the flag is not malicious?

BBP - 23-7-2018 at 16:18

They say they checked but I doubt that... I work in customer service and know all too well there's no time for checking.

polydigm - 24-7-2018 at 23:35

So what was actually supposed to be wrong with your video?

BBP - 25-7-2018 at 09:01

Adult situations I suppose...

polydigm - 28-7-2018 at 01:19

Adult situations? I'll leave it that.

So, I guess Aqua must be on the road.

aquagoat - 28-7-2018 at 06:12

Not yet, Poly, still one week before the holidays.But I was pretty busy with work this week, doing extra time, and with the heat, it's bit tough. But I've never had such a greaat tan. :-D

BBP - 28-7-2018 at 07:15

True... my vampiric tint has turned a nice toasty brown as well.

Work is my break time, since it has airconditioning that I value a lot at the moment. At home I can hardly sleep.
Weather's cooling down this weekend...

aquagoat - 29-7-2018 at 07:39

Yesterday, me and two of my workmates spent the whole day at some clients' house, in the country, for an axcellent barbecue. It was planned a few months ago, to celebrate the end of the renovation of their roof.

Most of the family members we'd met were there, plus a few neighbours we'd spent good times with. So we ate excellent food, drank excellent wine, laughed a lot, talked a lot about lots of different thing. And since the father has an old Porsche 944, we had a little ride on the country roads that was much fun.

To top it all off, both my colleagues and I received a thank you present, I had a boxset of Zacapa rum and a book with all the modes, scales and stuff, my older mate had 3 excellent bottles of wine, and the younger one had an acoustic guitar, thing he'd wanted for quite a long time.

So I guess we can say that was really a awesome day. We already lan to do again after the holidays.

aquagoat - 29-7-2018 at 07:44

Careful with the sun, Bonny.

Yeah, sleep was sometimes difficult, last week, especially thursday night, it was so hot I could barely sleep. But we had abig stormon friday evening, so now the temperatures have decreased to an acceptable level.I hope it stays that way till the end of the week, and then goes back to superhot and sunny for the holidays!!!

BBP - 29-7-2018 at 10:35

That's wonderful! Enjoy your book!

I sleep with a frozen bottle now...

aquagoat - 29-7-2018 at 14:46

I will, Bonny, I will. I've just had a look at it, and it seems to be a good book, with lots of concise but plain information. I'm pretty stoked, even though I more or less already know some of this stuff after 28 years of playing.

Frozen bottle, that's a good idea!

polydigm - 29-7-2018 at 22:55

I guess in the parts of the world you guys are in, air conditioners are about as common as central heating where I am.

aquagoat - 30-7-2018 at 17:36

Air conditioning is getting more and more common, noawdays, especially in public places, like townhalls, etc.

BBP - 31-7-2018 at 09:55

In public places, yeah, but in people's homes not so much.

polydigm - 1-8-2018 at 02:05

Reverse cycle air conditioners are the solution. It's what we have. The cooling is really necessary in summer, but the heating gets used quite a bit in winter. In a part of the world where air conditioners are common, the change to reverse cycle air conditioners is pretty straightforward. In parts of the world with central heating, scrapping that and changing to a reverse cycle air conditioner is a bit more of a pain.

BBP - 1-8-2018 at 19:33

Still looking to improve my French... found my old high-school text books. Was great... :)

BBP - 4-8-2018 at 07:12

How are you coping Aqua? Dad's reaching breaking point here...

aquagoat - 5-8-2018 at 07:53

I'm doing ok. I try to stay in my batcave as much as possible. :lol: Seriously, I can't stand the sweat, otherwise it's ok.

BBP - 5-8-2018 at 21:54

We went to the funfair today - bad idea. The temperatures in the shade were very manageable but the sun was so intense we spent most time resting under trees.

BBP - 7-8-2018 at 20:44

It'll be cooling down today!

BBP - 8-8-2018 at 06:56


aquagoat - 8-8-2018 at 08:01

Yes!!!! it's so good to have a little rain.

Bought my train tickets. Bought my presents for the girls. Packed up my bag. Now waiting until thursday afternoon for the departure.
First, I spend a bit more than two days in Lille, with Laëtitia. Then one day in Paris, with Maria Grazia, and then five days in Montignac, at Johana's place, where I should be able to see Mercedes, and I hope, Sandra. These last three lasses I haven't seen for 25 years. It's gonna be emotional, I guess. :D

BBP - 9-8-2018 at 17:34

Have fun!

Prepping myself for tomorrow... I won't be home for the weekend and won't bring my laptop, so I'll be off for a few days except for what I can do with my phone...

polydigm - 10-8-2018 at 00:36

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
First, I spend a bit more than two days in Lille, with Laëtitia. Then one day in Paris, with Maria Grazia, and then five days in Montignac, at Johana's place, where I should be able to see Mercedes, and I hope, Sandra. These last three lasses I haven't seen for 25 years. It's gonna be emotional, I guess. :D
Wow, you're a busy man.

BBP - 12-8-2018 at 23:10

Back from BF!
Played quite a few board games!

polydigm - 15-8-2018 at 23:19

Sounds like you had fun. How's the crazy weather going?

BBP - 16-8-2018 at 08:15

Rain! That's how I know my Dutch summers! :biggrin:

BBP - 16-8-2018 at 08:16

Game day at BF's was fun. We played a game called "Ticket to Ride" twice, not a bad game.

polydigm - 19-8-2018 at 23:24

I had not heard of that game before, so I looked it up. Which version do you play - Europe?

aquagoat - 20-8-2018 at 08:44

I'm back! After an intense, fun, emotional and sometimes dangerous week and a half of parties and interesting encounters.

BBP - 20-8-2018 at 11:12

We first played the American version - close call, I lost - and a day later the Dutch version without coins, which I lost by a much larger margin.

BBP - 20-8-2018 at 11:13

Great to have you back Aqua!

aquagoat - 21-8-2018 at 07:37

Thank you, Bonny.

BBP - 21-8-2018 at 19:56

I became a moderator at the Cluedo forum I frequent. Basically I chuck spam,

BBP - 23-8-2018 at 19:02

Chucked some more spam! Now that everybody has turned PHPBB, the spambots there have gotten so sophisticated they even send PMs...

aquagoat - 24-8-2018 at 06:37

You can't stop progress, I guess.

And congratulations for the moderation appointment, Bonny.

BBP - 24-8-2018 at 06:46

There's something satisfying about chucking spam on other people's forums. Like squeezing bubble wrap.

aquagoat - 25-8-2018 at 17:10

I think I get what you're saying, Bonny. Especially the bubble wrap squeezing thing.

My lovely young guadeloupian neighbour spent almost all the month ather parents' place in Guadeloupe. She just came back this morning. And she brought me a bottle of local production rum. Isn't she adorable?
Of course, I brought her some foie gras from my stay in Perigord , last week.

BBP - 25-8-2018 at 20:51

Lovely exchange!

Had a pretty tough week at work. Highlight was when I had a man on the phone who was looking for a place to stay with the family around New Year's, his three-year-old son was quite audible on the background. He said "The youngest one's three, but he's so tiny he can still sleep in a children's cot."

BBP - 25-8-2018 at 21:13

I can break out into hysterics over tongue breakers and funny assonances, something I already had as a toddler. It's effective but also annoying and embarrassing when you, as a grown-up woman, literally lose sleep because you can't stop laughing at rabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbaardenbarbier.

And then I discovered there's a longer version:
In einem kleine Dorfe, da wohnte einst ein Mädchen mit dem hübschen Namen Barbara.

Barbara war in der ganzen Gegend für ihren ausgezeichneten Rhabarberkuchen bekannt. Da jeder so gerne von Barbaras Rhabarberkuchen aß, war sie überall eher unter dem Namen RhabarberBarbara bekannt.

RhabarberBarbara bemerkte bald, dass sie mit ihrem Rhabarberkuchen bares Geld verdienen könnte. Daher eröffnete sie eine Bar: die RhabarberBarbaraBar.

Natürlich gab es in der RhabarberBarbaraBar auch nach nicht allzu langer Zeit einige Stammkunden. Der Bekannteste unter ihnen, ein Barbar, kam so oft in die RhabarberBarbaraBar, um RhabarberBarbaras herrlichen Rhabarberkuchen zu verspeisen, dass man ihn fürderhin nur noch den RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren nannte.

Der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbar hatte aber einen prächtigen und ungeheuer dichten Bart. Wenn es dem RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren nach Pflege für seinen RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBart verlangte, ging er natürlich zum Barbier.

Der einzige Barbier, der einen RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBart bearbeiten konnte, wollte das natürlich betonen und nannte sich RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbier.

Der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbier kannte vom RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren RhabarberBarbaras herrlichen Rhabarberkuchen und trank dazu immer ein Bier, das er irgendwann feierlich auf den Namen RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBier taufte.

Das RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBier wurde aber nur in einer ganz bestimmten Bierbar gebraut. Die Verkäuferin des RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBieres an der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBar hieß Bärbel, war aber besser bekannt als RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbel.

Mit Karte konnte man in dieser Bar übrigens nicht bezahlen, sondern nur in bar; denn Bärbel hatte eine tiefe, tiefe Abneigung gegen solch modernes Zeug. Diese Eigentümlichkeit veranlasste bald, dass das Phänomen mit einem eigenen Namen bedacht wurde: die RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlung.

Um aber soviele RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlungen überhaupt bezahlen zu können, mussten die Kunden der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbel gesondert Geld sparen; der hohe Andrang veranlasste sehr bald die Gründung einer eigens hierfür vorgesehenen Bank: der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierbarBärbelBarBezahlBank.

Und wisst ihr, wem diese Bank gehörte? Man kann es kaum glauben, aber es war der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbar, besser gesagt der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierbarBärbelBarBezahlBankRhabarberBarbaraBarBarbar.

Nach dem Bearbeiten des RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlBankRhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBarts geht der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbier meist mit dem RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlBankRhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren in die RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBar zur RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbel, um sie mit zur RhabarberBarbara in die RhabarberBarbaraBar zu nehmen, auf dass sie alle zu von Bärbel gebrautem RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBier, das mit auf der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlBank angespartem Geld per RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlung erworben wurde, ein besonders großes Stück von RhabarberBarbaras herrlichem Rhabarberkuchen verspeisen.

aquagoat - 26-8-2018 at 07:18

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Lovely exchange!

Had a pretty tough week at work. Highlight was when I had a man on the phone who was looking for a place to stay with the family around New Year's, his three-year-old son was quite audible on the background. He said "The youngest one's three, but he's so tiny he can still sleep in a children's cot."
Hahaha, I can picture this very well.

aquagoat - 26-8-2018 at 07:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I can break out into hysterics over tongue breakers and funny assonances, something I already had as a toddler. It's effective but also annoying and embarrassing when you, as a grown-up woman, literally lose sleep because you can't stop laughing at rabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbaardenbarbier.

And then I discovered there's a longer version:
In einem kleine Dorfe, da wohnte einst ein Mädchen mit dem hübschen Namen Barbara.

Barbara war in der ganzen Gegend für ihren ausgezeichneten Rhabarberkuchen bekannt. Da jeder so gerne von Barbaras Rhabarberkuchen aß, war sie überall eher unter dem Namen RhabarberBarbara bekannt.

RhabarberBarbara bemerkte bald, dass sie mit ihrem Rhabarberkuchen bares Geld verdienen könnte. Daher eröffnete sie eine Bar: die RhabarberBarbaraBar.

Natürlich gab es in der RhabarberBarbaraBar auch nach nicht allzu langer Zeit einige Stammkunden. Der Bekannteste unter ihnen, ein Barbar, kam so oft in die RhabarberBarbaraBar, um RhabarberBarbaras herrlichen Rhabarberkuchen zu verspeisen, dass man ihn fürderhin nur noch den RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren nannte.

Der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbar hatte aber einen prächtigen und ungeheuer dichten Bart. Wenn es dem RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren nach Pflege für seinen RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBart verlangte, ging er natürlich zum Barbier.

Der einzige Barbier, der einen RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBart bearbeiten konnte, wollte das natürlich betonen und nannte sich RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbier.

Der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbier kannte vom RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren RhabarberBarbaras herrlichen Rhabarberkuchen und trank dazu immer ein Bier, das er irgendwann feierlich auf den Namen RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBier taufte.

Das RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBier wurde aber nur in einer ganz bestimmten Bierbar gebraut. Die Verkäuferin des RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBieres an der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBar hieß Bärbel, war aber besser bekannt als RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbel.

Mit Karte konnte man in dieser Bar übrigens nicht bezahlen, sondern nur in bar; denn Bärbel hatte eine tiefe, tiefe Abneigung gegen solch modernes Zeug. Diese Eigentümlichkeit veranlasste bald, dass das Phänomen mit einem eigenen Namen bedacht wurde: die RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlung.

Um aber soviele RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlungen überhaupt bezahlen zu können, mussten die Kunden der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbel gesondert Geld sparen; der hohe Andrang veranlasste sehr bald die Gründung einer eigens hierfür vorgesehenen Bank: der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierbarBärbelBarBezahlBank.

Und wisst ihr, wem diese Bank gehörte? Man kann es kaum glauben, aber es war der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbar, besser gesagt der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierbarBärbelBarBezahlBankRhabarberBarbaraBarBarbar.

Nach dem Bearbeiten des RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlBankRhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBarts geht der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbier meist mit dem RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlBankRhabarberBarbaraBarBarbaren in die RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBar zur RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbel, um sie mit zur RhabarberBarbara in die RhabarberBarbaraBar zu nehmen, auf dass sie alle zu von Bärbel gebrautem RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBier, das mit auf der RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlBank angespartem Geld per RhabarberBarbaraBarBarbarenBartBarbierBierBierBarBärbelBarBezahlung erworben wurde, ein besonders großes Stück von RhabarberBarbaras herrlichem Rhabarberkuchen verspeisen.
Oh! My! God! I can't even begin to imagine learning this. Let alone uttering it.

polydigm - 26-8-2018 at 09:20

My thoughts exactly. I got a headache just looking at it.

BBP - 26-8-2018 at 10:57

It's about a woman called Barbara, who was so famously known for her rhubarb cookies, she was called Rhubarb Barbara. She decided to make money out of it and open a bar, the Rhubarb Barbara Bar. Soon a clientele grew, the most famous of those was a barbarian, the Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian. This chap had a lovely, well-tended beard, the Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian Beard.
To have his beard taken care of,the barbarian often pays a visit to the barber. The Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian Beard Barber.
(at this point, the version that gave me an attack of the giggles ended. But it goes on:)

The barber loved having a good cold frosty beer after his work. He lovingly referred to his beer as the Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian Beard Barber Beer. This specific kind of beer was only poured at one location: the beer bar. The Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian Beard Barber Beer Beer Bar.
The owner of this beer bar is a lady named Bärbel, also known as Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian Beard Barber Beer Beer Bar Bärbel.

This bar won't accept credit cards. No, you have to pay cash, or "bar bezahlung" in German, or "contant" or "baar betaling" in Dutch, so at this point the translation won't get as funny.
And you have to get your cash at the bank of course, giving you an extra B.

And who is the owner of the bank? The Rhubarb Barbara Bar Barbarian!

The final phrase is:
After working on the "beard", the "barber" often goes with the "barbarian" to the "beer bar" hostess "Bärbel", so they can all stop at "Barbara's bar", drink Bärbel's beer and with the "cash payments" they saved at the "bank", buy an extra large slice of "Barbara's rhubarbcookies."

BBP - 26-8-2018 at 20:42

For Punky: Brabantsedag 2018!

BBP - 31-8-2018 at 06:25

Off to boyfriend again,hurray!

BBP - 1-9-2018 at 10:18

At BF's, found some time to moderate forums. Had my first professional haircut in 18 years today!

aquagoat - 2-9-2018 at 07:19

Wow, 18 years, that's a long time! How did it go? Did you completely change your style? What does it look like?

Going back to work was really a pain. I realize more and more that I can't stand that roofing thing anymore. It's time I found something else to do. Unfortunately, I'll have to save a bit of money, first, so I won't change job before a while.

BBP - 2-9-2018 at 22:45

It's shorter and rounded off at the edges. It's still definitely long.
The hairdresser is a very nice woman who likes to give me clothes she doesn't wear anymore, and this time was no exception! I also got new shoes from my mother-in-law, and when BF took me for a walk I found 2 euros, not a bad day!

Aw Aqua, that's rough! Good luck to you!

aquagoat - 4-9-2018 at 06:01

Yes, it was a pretty good day, indeed, Bonny.

I started giving away clothes I no longer wear, ever to workmates, or to Emmaüs. These clothes are brand new, some of them I've never even worn cause I bought them when I started losing weight and they're not my size anymore.

BBP - 4-9-2018 at 21:12

Was a heavy day today. I had a phonecall from a woman who had only just booked a stay at a holiday park for this weekend like an hour earlier, had only just paid and printed the documents, when she received a phonecall. Her mother had suddenly died.
She was beyond upset, as you can imagine.
Since the booking was completed, the stay was for this week and the booking was at a holiday, it was not easy for me to cancel this - we require written permission from the holidaypark, which can be days underway and for which she'd first need to agree to the cancellation costs - 90% of cancellation costs. We have a "rebooking" service which is cheaper, but it would still be way too much money going up in smoke for somebody who needs to pay for a funeral. There is another option - asking the holiday park if it is possible to cancel without costs. The standard procedure that has to be followed, is we have to write a mail to the park, and then they give us written permission. Process can take days.

I could hardly get permission for cancellation - she was so distraught she probably didn't catch very much from what I said - she said she was going to call the holiday park, I told her I was going to do my best for her.

I informed my chef I couldn't get permission because of the state of the client, and asked about the best course of action. The sooner the booking is cancelled, the better. I had permission to phone the holiday park to ask them to send us an e-mail - since if we send one out first, the cancellation process is about 5 days, for such a short-term booking this is no solution.
Now the holiday park collective company is notorious for its long waiting times, phoning them took 10 minutes of listening to Spandau Ballet. The attending customer service agent was nice, but referred me to the Touring Operator division, which I'm normally not allowed to call unless I have Special Permission.
Touring Operators told me that when a cancellation is made within 24 hours, they'll always cancel - but I couldn't ask them for a cancellation by phone.
I went to my senior for the third time with this case - told him that cancellation without cost within 24 hours is always possible. Senior called the holiday parks division and then gave me permission to cancel the booking, without cost.

Called back the client, but couldn't reach her. Wrote down the story in her file, but before I was done, she'd called back and I got interrupted by a colleague. I told her "I only just updated it, but it's been cancelled free of cost." Unfortunately I couldn't hear her reaction to that, but fortunately our company allows to send cards to clients, which I frequently do when I have to cancel people after they've fallen ill or if someone passed away (and once for a client who had ALS and wanted to surprise her family). So I got to send the client a postcard.

The case did leave me perturbed, I had to take a break afterwards...

BBP - 5-9-2018 at 19:22

Bought a guitar amp!

aquagoat - 6-9-2018 at 05:53

Damn, Bonny, that's a pretty sensitive situation dealing other people's loss. I can't imagine the state of stress this person must have been in. And your state of stress too.

What kind of amp? What brand?

BBP - 6-9-2018 at 20:52

There doesn't appear to be a brand. I'll post a picture...

BBP - 7-9-2018 at 17:09

Here it is!

Attachment: xxl_amp.jpg (100kB)
This file has been downloaded 211 times

aquagoat - 8-9-2018 at 07:11

Nice looking little practiceamp, you've got there, Bonny. But, does it djent????

BBP - 8-9-2018 at 07:14

It doesn't do much, it doesn't even have a microphone input like my old Guyatone did. There's a button "clean/drive", the knobs are volume, bass, medium, treble. And there's a power on switch. It can run using a 12V adapter or using batteries.

ThreeHeadedMonkey - 10-9-2018 at 16:07

I didn't know you're musically inclined! What do you play?

As far as the call center story... sadly I can't say I've never heard similar things before. I don't mean to get political, but this country's obsession with bureaucracy does get out of hand far too often. Prompting this type of result. Good for you for sticking up for this customer!

BBP - 10-9-2018 at 17:52

We work mostly with private home owners.

Let's say you have one home you let for several months per year. If a person rents it for two weeks a year in advance, and then has to cancel his stay a week before the time he rented, your home was off the market for almost a year and the chance you get it re-let afterwards is slim. It can be very costly to put up a home to rent for the tourist industry.

In this case it was a holiday park - parks have a lot of costs since they're always open and staffed, no matter how many people come to visit. We're always bound to contracts.

Today I had a call from a man who had to cancel after his mother-in-law passed away. There wasn't just a death in the family - he also had a nasty lung infection that left him bed-ridden for 4 to 6 weeks. Luckily he did have insurance. As he hung up I heard a horrible cough through the phone. Poor guy.

BBP - 14-9-2018 at 20:18

Bought my bus ticket to the concert. Asked for the last time if BF could come with me, but he said no. Since the last concert I'm worried I might faint.

aquagoat - 15-9-2018 at 07:18

Don't worry, Bonny, it's gonna be ok. Have fun. ;-)

BBP - 15-9-2018 at 17:17

Can't say I appreciate the new single...

Some of the new merch is "dir en grey plushies", soft toys that are sort of vaguely reminiscent of the band members. From the photos they look to be about 10, maybe 15 cm high. Price? 3000 yen each, or €22.

BBP - 20-9-2018 at 08:52

Sister's birthday, baking a cake...

Unfortunately she'll wake up with the horrific news of a freight bicycle getting stuck on the Dutch railroad tracks, killing 4 children. :crying:

aquagoat - 21-9-2018 at 04:29

Hooo, that's very sad news. But happy birthday to your sister anyway.

BBP - 21-9-2018 at 19:43

Thanks! It was fun!

My father has unfortunately gotten sick... I hope he'll be allright...

BBP - 25-9-2018 at 20:33

Dad's getting better, which is good to hear...

BBP - 27-9-2018 at 16:54

I really need to pick up posting pace...

Was home early from work. Yesterday at work was the first day I was put on senior tasks, which was pretty exciting, not to mention a voice saver.

Went to the second hand shop and came home with a Japanese film music book. Lots of Hisaishi of course!

aquagoat - 28-9-2018 at 16:41

Glad to know Ded is getting better. And glad to know you're doing a fine job.

Yesterday evening I went to see a show at a local venue. I had a very good time but had a bit too much alcohol. Today's work was a bit difficult.

BBP - 28-9-2018 at 20:16

Ooh careful! Wouldn't want you to stumble on the roof!

aquagoat - 29-9-2018 at 06:58

Don't worry, I stayed at ground level. I didn't take any risks. I never do, before the week-end.

BBP - 29-9-2018 at 20:33

Went on a survival weekend with work... my team won (close call though) but I'm exhausted... Will type a bigger report...

BBP - 30-9-2018 at 22:12

I had asked my colleagues if one of them was able to take me to the place of action in Best, around 16 km and too far to cycle in combination with survival. A nice woman was able to pick me up.

Besides general clumsiness I have some other nasty flaws - mild prosopagnosia has made it difficult for me to recognize people, and complete horror trying to find my way. I discovered I'm not alone - the colleague I went with was equally bad. Luckily she had GPS - unfortunately her app wasn't always 100% clear. At one particular crossing we had to turn left on a bridge to end on the right side of a canal, but we turned left too early, ended on the left side of the canal and had to drive in a circle, which cost us ten minutes.

Ten minutes late, but we were on time for the course. I had brought a T-shirt and legging and a towel, since we were warned things might get dirty. We had formed 2 teams - team South was 10 people of which 3 were male, and I was in team North, 9 members with only 1 man. One person would occasionally have to run an extra loop.

We started with a walk through the woods towards an obstacle race. Treading through tires, diving through tires, climbing a net, climbing over and ducking under cables and poles, and ending with a 2 cable walk, you know the deal, walk over one cable and hold the other. The higher cable was way overhead rather than chest hight, which makes walking difficult.

It was a relay race, and one of our runners would have to go a second time.
My team was in the lead for some time, but unfortunately the two less sportive individuals, myself and a nice colleague, were right after each other, by the time I finished after getting a mouthful of sand at the tire ducking, getting my foot trapped in the rope ladder and nearly losing balance on the rope bridge, we were 20 seconds behind. Fortunately after me came The Guy, who made up for most of it. A fast girl who began the running did the last lap, but it was getting all too much. Totally exhausted, we lost the first race.

We went back to the central terrace to have a short pitstop.
Then: game 2, Cow Milking. A more complex game with the opposing teams playing at the same time.

Both teams have one bucket. One team starts milking a fake cow. While that team milks, the other team runs a small lap using a very tricky pair of clogs - they're attached by a metal rod, no lateral play and if you walk with them you have to lift your knees up high. The clogs are big, painful and unwieldy, and since they have no lateral play, you have to jump with them to turn.
Once a runner finishes his lap, he starts milking, and continues to milk while a member of the opposing team runs.
It was close, but my team won!

Straight on to the third game, the Tire Game. Two posts with 5 tires numbered 1 to 5. The explanation was a bit tricky, but some members of my team were quick to realize it was the Towers Of Hanoi, with the small handicap that you could never see more than one pole at the time and only one person is allowed to run at a time.
At some point in the game, the Game Master mentioned that my team had made a thinking error and that the opponents should take advantage. Oh no!
With a pit of a pow wow we could correct the issue and fortunately some of my colleagues managed to keep oversight, and on occasion I even got to run.
By the time we had tire 5 and 4 on the target pole, we looked at the opponents - and they had tires 5, 4, 3 and 2... on the STARTING pole! "Are you guys starting again?"
GameMaster decided to give them tactical advice. Too late since we were down to the last tire - which we brought to the finish, all together in a polonaise (= conga line without the sidestep),and there was much cheering.

We took the tires back to the starting poles for the next users and took our lunch break.

Except well, I didn't have lunch, but I did get a roll from a colleague.

During the break, the Game Master announced we were allowed to use the slide. The company organizing the challenges is part of an entertainment complex by a lake, with a pool, a little kiddie park and a surf company. They had a tower with base jumping and sliding options - the water slide is one of those steep things that goes up towards the end, launching the slider. Worth a thought, but with no swimming gear, no change of underwear or socks and since, well, I hadn't swum in 17 years, maybe not the best idea.

After that it was time for the Bungee Run. An inflatable installation with two narrow running lanes - players are tied to a big elastic and get three attempts to place a ball to a velcro line as far as possible. 2 people run at the same time, and for competitive value, these would be people from opposing teams. One of us had to run an extra time, and we'd wait to see who was best of us.
It wasn't going well by the time I got to start, as 4th, we'd lost the first three tiers. But, what do you know, bungee run is one of those rare things where packing extra weight is actually an advantage, so I scored much better than the opponent, and that got me some high fives. Felt good!
Our best runner was the only male of the group, he got to go twice after each other.

In the end, our scores would be added up and then calculated, we wouldn't know the results of this game until the prizes were handed out.

The fifth was also inflatable, and we had to first get a couple of buckets of water from the lake for that. It was a steep run up, and then a steep slide down, basically we had to take a spunge and carry it through the course, run up, slide down and then back to the starting point, to put the spunge in the team bucket.
Our tactic was "get BBP up, so she can help other people up from the top", but my body weight thought otherwise, I couldn't make it. Eventually my team found a rhythm, but still, we lost.

Two for two, results were to come later, big question: do we go down the slide?
Since the inflatable track from the last game is wetted with water from the lake, which is all collected at the bottom of the slide, I was already wet and very dirty. So I thought "I might as well, may be last chance and I'm not going to get much wetter." And since we had to wear a helmet and flotation devices, I was secure. We went up the tower, 10 metres high, looking down the wetted slide, all steep...

Game Master gives us instructions to slide on our backsides for the first slide, and to pull up our knees after the launch. Reason: because of the dry summer, nearby farms use the lake for watering crops, which meant the water level was like a foot lower than usual.


I watched one colleague after the other go - oddly the one flirtatious guy who's normally always ready to try to impress the ladies and the lady who begged for the slide to open in the first place - were struggling themselves. As second-last I decided to take a plunge, set myself feet first, buttocks on the edge, watching a colleague trying to get well out of the way. As she is clear, I cross my arms across my chest, curse myself for being such an idiot, and lift my buttocks. The slide commences at a very untheatrical pace, I almost worry about halting in the middle of the slide, but then...

I don't remember much of it - at some point I hit the water in the dip, before the slide goes up, and water splashes everywhere. Then I'm launched, it's an eternity before I feel the water under me. I land, and sure enough, I feel the ground. I re-emerge, water all up my nose and disoriented.
Then I see the steps and sort of swim out of the way, but swimming is slow. Since the water's not deep, I turn to wading. Soaked thorougly, I emerge from the water. I'm allowed to go again but decide against it, and hit the showers.

There are only five showers per gender and our group was 4 men, 15 women, so that was tricky. Plus some have brought their soaps and shampoos from home. I begin with washing out my socks, and put them in a plastic bag a colleague picked up. When the middle shower gets free, I take it. It's a camping shower with a knob you have to push occasionally, but the water is hot and welcome. I put my soaked clothes in the plastic bag, and enjoy. After I've warmed up sufficiently I dry off, shuffle through the room to my clothes bag, get dressed but without underwear or socks in the clothes I came in with.

We finished off with a barbecue. I'm exhausted and find it hard to socialize.

Then the Game Master comes with the score - all colleagues are rounded up, the organizer brings a trophy and medals. He announces that the score was incredibly close - only 2 points, equals 5 cm on a game with 10 runners each, 665 to 667 - and the winner is my team!
We all get a medal and take a picture where I'm holding the trophy (yeah), some stay to party but my colleague drives me home (she has another party!).

Back home I took another shower.

Piccies to come...

Up to the fourth game

BBP - 2-10-2018 at 20:01

And now I've been named Employee Of The Month, who could've guessed? :bald:

polydigm - 4-10-2018 at 04:07

Whoops - I haven't posted here for more than a month! I hope you two are okay.

That survival weekend sounds like it was pretty hefty, Bonny. You definitely were not riding a bike there as well!!

BBP - 5-10-2018 at 06:28

I've recocered enough to visit BF... up north I go!

aquagoat - 5-10-2018 at 06:51

Congratulations for the Employee of the Month title, Bonny. Keep up the good work.

Wow, that looked like a pretty epic week-end indeed.

BBP - 7-10-2018 at 21:33

This one was also intense: went to BF. We celebrated his birthday which tired us to the extent we just sat around until it was time for bed.

BBP - 8-10-2018 at 21:25

Booked place to stay in Cologne today!

aquagoat - 9-10-2018 at 05:35

Got an intense pain in the right elbow, assembling the scaffolding, yesterday afternoon. As if it was fractured. And it still hurts, this morning.i can barely move my right forearm. So I think I'm gonna go see my doctor. I hope it's nothing serious.

Also, I've got a date with a very good looking 50 something blonde woman. We'll see how it goes.

BBP - 9-10-2018 at 06:29

Sorry to hear that... is it related to the break you had a few years ago?

aquagoat - 9-10-2018 at 17:37

I don't know. I didn't see my doc. I remember, at the time, the surgeon said I might have some after-effects, though. I think it's due to the repetition of the same movements. Plus my hammer is quite heavy.And I did some sports the day before, so maybe my tendons were a bit weak and got inflamed. It seems to be better now. I'll see how it goes tomorrow morning. I think it should be ok.

BBP - 9-10-2018 at 19:53

Careful you don't develop RSI!

aquagoat - 10-10-2018 at 18:48

Yes, that's what I fear. I'll see how it develops.

polydigm - 11-10-2018 at 04:46

I hope that arm doesn't become a problem for you Aqua.

One of our dogs is sick and it's not clear yet how that will turn out.

I'm okay - business as usual and very busy.

I designed and built some wine racks and upgraded the kitchen garden roof recently, but other than that, it's all music and studio work.

BBP - 11-10-2018 at 21:24

Aw, poor dog...

aquagoat - 12-10-2018 at 17:22

Yep, that's what I hope to, Poly.

Sorry about your dog. I hope it'll get better quick.

Tonight, second date. Hope it will work out well.

polydigm - 14-10-2018 at 04:58

Fitz has improved noticeably, but he's not out of the woods yet.

BBP - 14-10-2018 at 19:44

Poor dog, how old is he?

polydigm - 15-10-2018 at 01:23

He and his brother will be eleven in December. Beagles tend to have long life spans and the vet doesn't think it's age related. He has kidney and liver damage caused by something toxic - bacterial, not poisonous. He seems to be rallying. The second blood test showed some improvement, but still wasn't too good. We'll see how he goes this week. He's been having fluid infusions pumped in under the skin, rather than intravenously, which achieves the same result.

BBP - 15-10-2018 at 17:46

Aw, they're cute...

I read up a lot on dogs nowadays since sometimes people want to bring one or more extra dogs to a holiday home, for which we require permission of the home owner. In such cases it helps if you know the breed and height of the animal. When I have to ask a French homeowner, I invariably have to look up the breed name, which is often quite different from what you'd expect.

3 more nights of sleep till the concert...

and I'm coming down with fever. Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

aquagoat - 16-10-2018 at 17:28

I got my Internet/phone bill today. Interestingly enough, they bill me for a call I didn't make, to a phone number I don't even know. It costs 18€. I'll have to call tomorrow to explain the case and try to get refunded because, off course, you can't join them by mail. I hate it when that kind of thing happens!

BBP - 16-10-2018 at 18:23

Actually I'd recommend dealing with such cases on the phone. Make sure you don't get overly angry, write down the name of the people you speak to and use it in conversation, and repeat the questions they ask.

polydigm - 16-10-2018 at 23:33

Bonny: Which concert is that? I checked the previous five pages and the only mention of a concert relates to a bus ticket and fainting, but nothing about what the concert is.

Aqua: Dealing with providers on the phone is also one of my least favourite chores. I'm generally pretty good at getting what I want, but it requires considerable patience and I just ended up paying for the last problem I had because I just wasn't in the mood for the tussle.

aquagoat - 17-10-2018 at 05:03

Thanks for the advice, Bonny. I usually tend not to be angry when dealing with hotline people cause I know it's useless.

Poly: yeah, these problems would be dealt with without having to use the phone, it's 2018. And they're internet providers, after all.

BBP - 17-10-2018 at 18:23

Today I had a guy on the line who apologized for his behaviour earlier. :)

BBP - 17-10-2018 at 18:58

Poly: Dir en Grey. Considering I missed out on Primus last year due to lack of funds ( AND they played Southbound Pachyderm at that set :crying: ) and a number of ZPZ concerts I'm going to make amends to myself.

Bought the trip there, bus ticket - bought the concert ticket itself, reserved a bed at the local hostel, but haven't booked the trip back. Because the buses all leave way too early and I did want to spend some time in Cologne, I'm going back by train.

BBP - 18-10-2018 at 07:05

I'm getting really excited now!! It's tomorrow!!!!!!

polydigm - 18-10-2018 at 15:53

Bonny: Have a good trip.

Aqua and Bonny: What are your internet upload and download speeds? Mine are 8.5Mbps down and 0.9 Mbps up. Ridiculous.

BBP - 18-10-2018 at 20:20

29.8 MBPS down and 23.6 MBPS up.

Still looking for reasons for moving to Europe? :bald:

BBP - 19-10-2018 at 07:00

So excited! :bouncing:

aquagoat - 19-10-2018 at 15:40

Have fun and enjoy the show, Bonny.

Date number 4 was the good one, apparently. I spent the night at her place and only went to work around 11 Am.

Now going to spend the whole week-end at my ex-girlfriend's place, in Lille.

BBP - 20-10-2018 at 22:38

Nice going!

I'm back, the Dir En Grey concert was awesome and it AWESOME and it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E and Kyo did a dance where he pretended to tear his heart out of his ribcage and catapult it into the audience and then he did a dance where he held the microphone at the height of his belly button and pulled at the cord in such a way so it looked like he was disembowellig himself and then stomped on it and at the final song he took off his shirt and...

(goes off to take a shower)

Anyway here's Rinkaku:

aquagoat - 21-10-2018 at 19:04

I'm glad the show was great, Bonny. You seem to have had a great time.

As for me, I spent an awesome week-end.

BBP - 21-10-2018 at 22:27

I put a review of the show in the Music section and on my Tumblr (latter has pictures) and a report of my trip without pictures in a separate topic here.

Nice to hear you had a good weekend!

BBP - 24-10-2018 at 15:22

My apologies for letting the spammers get out of hand...

Still a cold here...

polydigm - 26-10-2018 at 15:10

Bonny: Your download speed is four times faster than mine and your upload speed is twenty four times faster.

Aqua: You still haven't told me your internet speeds. My understanding is that internet speeds in France are pretty spectacular.

aquagoat - 27-10-2018 at 15:57

Poly: 1.77 Mbit/s for download and 0.50 Mbit/s for upload. I plan to subscribe to fiber soon.

Tonight I'm going to have diner with my, I suppose, girlfriend, she's going to introduce me to her 26 year old daughter and a few of her friends. I've got a bottle of Nicaraguan rum for me and a bottle of Sauternes for her daughter, it should be ok.

polydigm - 28-10-2018 at 00:08

Aqua, your internet service is terrible, why do you put up with it?

I hope your dinner goes well.

aquagoat - 28-10-2018 at 08:21

I know, I guess it's due to my laziness.... I'm gonna fix that problem soon.

Dinner went perfectly. The food was good, so were the wines. And everybody was nice and fun.

polydigm - 28-10-2018 at 14:22


(On both counts)

BBP - 28-10-2018 at 18:45

Lovely Aqua, nice going!

aquagoat - 29-10-2018 at 19:06

Thank you very much.

BBP - 31-10-2018 at 19:49

Biggest story today was an unfortunate customer who has a reservation for tomorrow for 15 people - then the home owner called because there's a power failure in the entire village.

polydigm - 2-11-2018 at 06:06


BBP - 2-11-2018 at 09:05

Unfortunately my father's caught my cold... Will be doing a 13:00 to 21:00 shift today. Not a fan of those...

polydigm - 4-11-2018 at 05:01


BBP - 4-11-2018 at 11:34

Hmmm. do you have a macro for that?

Sorry I've been off so much... been a bit sickly for the past month...

polydigm - 5-11-2018 at 22:00


polydigm - 5-11-2018 at 22:07

Just kidding, of course, but right after the first one you made an other ouch worthy comment. And, I came back just now to find another ouch worthy comment.

I hope things start looking up again soon.

I've just been really busy with some significant extra work on top of everything else in the garden. I'm not complaining and I'm looking forward to the results, but I've got a lot of music work that I would like to get finished before Christmas.

The sad news is that we will probably lose one of our dogs later this week.

BBP - 6-11-2018 at 20:40

Aw, poor Fitz...

Today was interesting. One of our new colleagues got to listen in. I called a (French) home-owner, but as soon as I said I was from Belvilla, the guy got furious. No fun.

Was more fun when I had a client on the line whose toddler discovered the piano.:bald:

punknaynowned - 7-11-2018 at 09:56

just checking in,
making sure the internet is still connected to europe.
Looks good!
Now to go link to pacific rim...

BBP - 7-11-2018 at 18:53

Hey Punky, how are you?

BBP - 8-11-2018 at 20:13

Had a wonderful free day today!

BBP - 9-11-2018 at 16:06

The news (fire) from Paradise, CA is not good - and one resident, KillUglyIII, lives there...

polydigm - 12-11-2018 at 07:03

We just had some idiot bastard fruit loop set fire to his car and stab a few people, killing one in Melbourne.

BBP - 12-11-2018 at 09:20

Sorry to hear that Poly...

GLOW Eindhoven has just started. This year has the catch that I'm actually working in one of the buildings that is part of the route, meaning they'll project stuff on our outer wall. I've had the instructions to start working on the river side of the building after18:30. Since I have to work until 20:00...

Calvin - 12-11-2018 at 12:51

Hey Bonny, I saw your response about the US having a gun control problem, and I'm not sure if people appreciate what gun control people are against in this country. The National Rifle Association is probably one of the most powerful lobbies in the government, plus we were "guaranteed" by the constitution to be able to carry guns. My own brother has lots of guns to "protect him in case somebody tried to break in to his house or come after him". There's thousands and thousands just like him and worse. That's why I don't think we'll ever get rid of the problem. (I didn't want to discuss this on the Zappa forum.) :)

BBP - 12-11-2018 at 13:13

And are you aware that Australia had exactly the same problem but they managed to get rid of it after only one mass slaughter?

Calvin - 12-11-2018 at 16:07

Yes, I'm aware. Did Australians threaten to shoot anybody that tried to take their guns away? That's what is happening here. As long as they think they have a constitutional right, ain't nobody takin' their guns away. Nothing gets done here and nothing will. It's depressing.

punknaynowned - 13-11-2018 at 15:13

I'm fine these couple days,
It's cold here,
the ground is covered
here in day-old snow.
Sky is clear and
bright with new sun
perched just above
near-distant roofs.

Caught up with a little mail,
tried to start some fiction reading.
Made the coffee,
changed out loads of laundry.
Looked at internet:
twitter, mail, news:
four hours pass.

It's morning now.
Sky aglow with winter-bright.

Calvin's right of course, but I try to avoid those arguments by simply refusing to
go down the rabbit hole of 'what might happen'. :)
'Nobody can predict the future,' I say,
'In fact, you might be surprised by WHO's disallowed
ANY research into what has actually happened. Today, ER and Trauma-unit doctors are pointing out they are the ones to combat this lack of awareness as to what's been happening, cleaning up this plague of people with inexplicable bullet-holes in them ...
Until very recently when the Washington-Post teamed up with a number of other houses to figure out what has actually transpired, where they can get the data, on their own. Because as Laws have been passed by lobbyist enducement to ensure not just their narrative... but an actual lack of evidence from which to compile their own conclusions. They say GOV should not spend money to find out how harmful which guns or their accesories, or their users are actually dangerous! But actually, so far, the only consistent data we have about their widespread use are with practice-range sheets for cops who get on avg.18%-21% at best accuracy rates...".
But they want to predict the future :duh:
It is depressing.

That's why I go for questioning the lack of evidence, because that means widespread opinions can be shown to be really based on ignorance.
That is, when I feel compelled to. :grin:

punknaynowned - 13-11-2018 at 15:20

I'm listening to the Mothers 13 Nov 1970 (late) Filmore East, NY show: Paladin Routine, Call Any Vegetable, The Sanzini Brothers, Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?, A Pound For A Brown, Sleeping In A Jar, Porko The Magnificent (incl. Johnny's Theme, Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head, I Can't Give You Anything But Love), Sharleena, The Air, Dog Breath, Mother People, You Didn't Try To Call Me, King Kong, Improvisations

Calvin - 14-11-2018 at 00:23

I didn't want to start a political discussion, just wanted to answer here instead of there. :)

I'm hoping for something new from the ZFT, I'm not going to the hologram stuff.

BBP - 14-11-2018 at 07:50

I doubt the hologram will make it across the ocean...

Had adreadful night's sleep. Woke up in the middle of the night thinking it was 7AM already, turned off my alarm, found I was so sleepy I set my alarm to7:30 and went back to bed, only later realizing that it probably wasn't 7AM when I got up to reset the alarm. After that I became restless not knowiing what time it is. I sure wish I could curl up right now...

BBP - 15-11-2018 at 07:25

Anyone else digging through their closets for KU? He lost his house in the Camp Fire.

Calvin - 19-11-2018 at 03:29

I have a couple I might be able to send him, I really don't have many duplicates.

BBP - 19-11-2018 at 07:51

I have a couple... thinking of adding YAWYI to the list.

BF came over this weekend, which is why I have been quiet.

polydigm - 20-11-2018 at 08:38

The last post that I thought I'd posted here is absent. That's weird.

Anyway, I'd said I was sorry to hear about KU's plight, but wouldn't be offering any material help. I talked about Darwin being depressed now that his brother Fitzroy is gone. He's finding it difficult being a lone dog, they'd been together since birth, almost 11 years. He's getting better now, but he's a more needy dog on his own. I forget if there was anything else.

My latest news Bonny, as hinted at some time ago, is that plans are now firming up and my wife and I will be passing through Eindhoven around 12th July next year in a camper van. It would be nice to meet up with you and DED somewhere you could recommend for lunch or dinner. We're thinking of visiting the modern art museum there, but you might have something else to recommend that we shouldn't miss.

We haven't heard from Aqua for a while, I hope he's okay.

BBP - 20-11-2018 at 09:39

Oh that would be lovely!

BBP - 22-11-2018 at 10:33

Unfortunately they've started building right near my house... :(

aquagoat - 24-11-2018 at 17:50

Been pretty busy recently, but it's ok. I hope everyone is doing fine.

BBP - 26-11-2018 at 18:05

I'm fine! Busy doing St Nicholas shopping

BBP - 29-11-2018 at 10:43

Busy bee still... worked a 12 hour shift yesterday...

aquagoat - 29-11-2018 at 19:11

12 hours? That must be exhausting!

BBP - 29-11-2018 at 22:55

Well technically there were breaks and there was 45 minutes between end of worktime and start ofworkshop... and at the workshop it was listening and eating pizza. And we had a quiz and I won. Prize was chocolate.

The chocolate has already been processed.

Calvin - 2-12-2018 at 06:54

When you can't win money, chocolate is good.

aquagoat - 2-12-2018 at 08:28

Haha, chocolate is always good.

BBP - 3-12-2018 at 00:02

We had a cosy day voting for the Top 2000 here, and I cut my finger on a bladeless kitchen utensil.

BBP - 4-12-2018 at 23:38

This year's Zappadan is going to be tricky with my job, but I'm trying to play as much as possible on my free days. Today, it was Freak Out, Absolutely Free, We're Only In It For The Money, YCDTOSA 5/1, Lumpy Gravy, Ruben/Jets Greasy Love Songs version, Burnt Weeny Sandwich, Hot Rats, and now Weasels Ripped My Flesh.

polydigm - 6-12-2018 at 01:59

I've also been pretty busy.

So, Bonny, do you have any suggestions about things to visit in an around Eindhoven? Anything that might require a booking?

BBP - 6-12-2018 at 08:05


No. There's not much to do here, let alone stuff that would require a booking, unless you really want to see the castle ruins of Asten and they're way out of the way and tiny. We have a museum of modern art, Van Abbemuseum, and a few industrial museums, a historical open air museum and a lively shopping centre that has anything but record stores.

I wrote an Eindhoven tour guide once. Except for the shops (some of them are defunct) it's still rather valid, particularly the title. It's on my site:

BBP - 7-12-2018 at 22:35

Keeping up with Zappadan while juggling a job... I'm presently as far as I was last year, listening to OSFA as last album of the day...

God I love Andy.

aquagoat - 8-12-2018 at 12:50

Went to the dentist yesterday, fot a yearly chekup. Everything is in good shape.

OSFA really is a great record. And ANdy is probably in my top ten Zappa tracks.

BBP - 8-12-2018 at 17:03

Nice! Good job!

Squeezed in Bongo Fury and Zoot Allures before I went to work. I now also need to clear up the area in front of the stereo so I can play Sleep Dirt and Sheik.

BBP - 9-12-2018 at 18:24

Played Sleep Dirt and Sheik but Orchestral Favourites will have to wait until I find back the copy Poly burnt for me.

BBP - 9-12-2018 at 23:10

Failed to find OF, resorted to YT. So today was Studio Tan, Sleep Dirt, Orchestral Favourites, Sheik Yerbouti, Baby Snakes, TTR and now YAWYI, which as I often mentioned is one of my least favourite albums. I have bought 3 copies of that hoping I'd get something that sounds better since the poor sound is really what kills it, but neither the newer release nor the vinyl helped much.

polydigm - 11-12-2018 at 04:19

Zappanale tickets paid for!

Still plenty of details to iron out.

BBP - 11-12-2018 at 19:51

Congrats! Glad to hear you're going!

Currently playing YCDTOSA vol 2. Also did TMFU and LSO today.

BBP - 13-12-2018 at 10:48

Francesco at the moment...

polydigm - 13-12-2018 at 14:26

I'd forgotten about that OF burn. Have you found it yet?

BBP - 13-12-2018 at 20:00

Not yet... I'm thinking of getting a decent version eventually.

Today I had some great news! My contract will be taken over by my company, which means no more staffing agency! :biggrin:

polydigm - 15-12-2018 at 15:21

Good news!

aquagoat - 15-12-2018 at 20:52

That's cool, Bonny, enjoy!

BBP - 17-12-2018 at 16:22

Christmas package today... :) not much since I'm still a temp but I got a small speaker and a chocolate bar.

polydigm - 18-12-2018 at 09:17

More chocolate?

BBP - 18-12-2018 at 15:20

Caramel salt,hardly my favourite flavour...

BBP - 18-12-2018 at 23:27

BF's out of the door, played Playground Psychotics, Ahead Of Their Time, YCDTOSA vol 6 and the two Zappa covers Klodderige Jus and Wij Zijn Niet Alleen by the Rosa Ensemble. Two more lifetime-CDs to go and ample time to re-watch 200 Motels!

BBP - 20-12-2018 at 22:58

In today's episode of BBP against the AIVD Christmas Puzzle I'm doing a word search from hell - like 50 names in 5 categories that you first need to encrypt and then find in a huge diagram.

I found three so far... 47 to go...

BBP - 22-12-2018 at 08:12

Managed to juggle Zappadan with afulltime job!

aquagoat - 22-12-2018 at 13:30

I gave my blood today. My girlfriend does it quite often so she asked me if i would do it. I did. I'm not really a fan.

BBP - 22-12-2018 at 23:24

Well done!
My father's been a blood donor since his teens, his mother too was a blood donor, and my sister was one until her tick bite. Dad's blood is quite popular with them, he's O-.
I considered it since I might just be O-, but I'm too scared of needles.

BBP - 24-12-2018 at 07:30

I don't typically 'do' Christmas. It's kitsch and full of bells, pine, christianity and other things that make me itch.
2018 was a pretty big year for me though, since I got a new job. And in the canteen, they have a radio. Which plays Christmas songs all the time. Now I liked Slade's Christmas song but hearing it twice a day...
And then there's the company Christmas party...
Which was totally awesome - at the Evoluon, my beloved UFO-shaped building, with a circus theme and great spare-ribs. Could've stayed there forever! :)

Like some other members of my family, I'm a bit impulsive, but I'm also timid, that does curb my spontaneity. Yesterday I did something highly impulsive.
As I was cycling home from work, I noticed a sign that said "Free (couldn't read)." This peaked my interest, after all, I'm Dutch, so I walked over, bicycle in hand, to see what was free.

It was Christmas trees! We always used to have one, but back in 2007 the combination of high prices and my worsening pine allergy made us stop getting them, so now we have two little plastic things to keep things sort of Christmas-y. In a split second decision I decided to salvage the poor tree that would otherwise have been burnt, laid it on my bicycle and walked home.

Dad was a bit dumbfounded, he hadn't expected me to come home with a tree, but he directed me to the tree stand, and brought the decoration boxes from the attic.
All the baubles are there, from the newest one I got at work to the old aluminum baubles that my father made because mini-BBP loved to squeeze them. The newer lights break all the time but the oldest lightbulb ones that were in the tree when I was tiny are still there. The wooden figurines, the disco-ball, the elegant purple pendants, the beautiful mat purple baubles, the old silver baubles that are older than me, the paper angel I made aeons ago, the pompon balls we bought at the christmas market when I was in elementary school... It's a jumble of different colours and textures but all baubles are welcome here. For the first time in years, I feel the Christmas spirit. Not the tacky stuff from the movies, but a nostalgic spirit of the good ol' days when Christmas was worstenbroodjes and free from school, sleighing at Grandma's and gazing at the beautiful tree.

Unfortunately the tree toppled today, I hope it'll stay up this time... and that after Christmas is over, we can put him in the yard.

I wish you all very happy holidays!

aquagoat - 24-12-2018 at 10:09

Haaa, that's a very nice and lovely story Bonny.

Happy holidays to you. Have fun!

polydigm - 24-12-2018 at 22:40

Merry Xmas guys!!

I agree with Aqua, that's a lovely story Bonny. My wife has always been a full on Xmas person and I've gradually been drawn into it over the years. It's always a big production here.

BBP - 27-12-2018 at 00:01

Tree's still standing!

I spent Christmas at BF's, which was wonderful, we went to see his grandmother, had dinner at his sister's and solved a lot of puzzles!

polydigm - 27-12-2018 at 03:14

I'm just taking it easy in the wake of all the festivities. All that preparation and then it's over in a flash.

BBP - 28-12-2018 at 07:46

Exhausted.. hope I can make it through my work day...

punknaynowned - 30-12-2018 at 02:36

this guy has a nice feel for this on solo piano!
Son of Mr Green Genes - Fred Handl

punknaynowned - 30-12-2018 at 02:36

oh, and Happy New Year!

polydigm - 31-12-2018 at 23:16

Happy New Year!!

BBP - 31-12-2018 at 23:57

Happy new year! in five minutes

polydigm - 3-1-2019 at 04:28

Anyone set themselves new year resolutions? I've just taken up regular swimming as exercise and aim to keep it up three times a week. I'm still formulating other resolutions.

BBP - 3-1-2019 at 07:28

Keeping my job and losing weight.

aquagoat - 4-1-2019 at 15:33

Happy new year to you, guys. No particular resolutions for me, just trying to continue what I started last year would be fine.

BBP - 4-1-2019 at 22:20

Rough day today... :freak:

BBP - 8-1-2019 at 20:03

My best-viewed post on my Tumblr has been flagged and condemned to being "inappropriate". I'm really upset about this now that it's been reviewed and still marked as inappropriate.

polydigm - 12-1-2019 at 03:17

Sorry to hear you had a rough day. I didn't think it had been over a week since I was here last.

I don't know much about Tumblr, they sound pretty strict. What do they say is wrong with your post? Is it the same one you mentioned some time ago?

BBP - 14-1-2019 at 07:25

My apologies for staying out of touch for so long - I was on a weekend away with the inlaws.

BBP - 16-1-2019 at 21:48

Weekend away was fun but exhausting - I'm not used to little tykes running around while you're trying to get some sleep.

punknaynowned - 17-1-2019 at 18:20

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Anyone set themselves new year resolutions? I've just taken up regular swimming as exercise and aim to keep it up three times a week. I'm still formulating other resolutions.

I had set myself to read more of the 'French experience' last year. This means more history and literature in English translation. Some looking at maps. The period I've studied in general over the last ten years is Euro Renaissance and one of the first things I read (and it was online) were memoirs of Philippe de Commines. He attended and acted as sometimes ambassador to Louis XI who died 1483. A bio of him I finished some ten years ago too.
Anyway this time I go around this circle of topical study it gets wider and deeper.
Today I read a Social and Cultural History of Early Modern France ~1450-1789, from Cambridge Uni Press
I should get thru this year a bio of Francis I taht is on the shelf
I should finish the last ten stories of Balzac's 'Droll Stories' (published 1842, translated 1874) this month or next - and which has been hilarious
and, later, I will continue to read various stories of his, the famous ones, lots of the early ones, and I have also been reading
a bunch of Inspector Maigret stories of George Simenon from the 1930's - '50's.\

The 20th c. mystery stories are so easy to pick and speed through :drums:
I like all of it.
If any one has recommendations, I'm all ears and eyes today :bouncing:

BBP - 18-1-2019 at 20:06

You could try François Villon or Guillaume Apollinaire...

polydigm - 19-1-2019 at 05:39

Not a lot to say really, except I hope everyone's doing okay.

BBP - 20-1-2019 at 21:26

Puney andsick, and solving a jigsaw.

One of those fashion things out here is tiny jigsaws - they take about a quarter of the space your regular jigsaw does. My sister-in-law has taken a shine to them. I found three at the second-hand shop, but before I give them to her I need to make sure they are complete.

So now I'm doing one of the island of Terschelling - and let me tell you I am not impressed with these tiny things. It's very hard to make out what's on them.

aquagoat - 21-1-2019 at 08:40

This week-end I helped my ex-girlfriend move in her new flat. There was my ex-step brothe, his husband, my ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend and my ex-nephew. We all had a great time, ate good food, drank good wine and whisky, and laughed a lot.

Today, I'm not working cause of the weather, everything is frozen around here, so working on the roofs is out of the question.

BBP - 21-1-2019 at 20:08

That's a nice thing to do Aqua!

Learned that one of my favorite colleagues won't get a contract renewal, which saddens me greatly.

Also saw a kingfisher, which was odd because they don't typically hang out in the city.

punknaynowned - 22-1-2019 at 10:48

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
You could try François Villon or Guillaume Apollinaire...

Thank You Bonny!

BBP - 24-1-2019 at 18:46

Zola too, of course... Camus... Sartre... I'll look for my French literature book to see what I enjoyed...

punknaynowned - 25-1-2019 at 01:28

hey! this plopped in my email box today: an ad w/ Don Pardo for the Xmas 1976 run at the Palladium in NY w/ a cruising for Burgers guitar solo. And Alex says it's not the one on the upcoming box...
can you get to hear this?:

BBP - 25-1-2019 at 23:28

Had my contract today, and I organized "Hot Chocolate Friday" at work (which basically meant I bought some and put it there).

polydigm - 2-2-2019 at 00:33

Things are going well with me. Just plowing on with my new full time composing life. I tend to have many projects on the go rather than woking on one composition at a time, which I find overall way more productive, but one has to be very patient. It keeps my inspiration running almost constantly. Every now and then one comes to completion and that's very satisfying. I'm currently working on thirty eight projects.

Keeping in mind that I'm also the house chef, network/entertainment/utilities/vehicle maintenance manager/engineer, supplies manager, accountant and gardener.

Thirty are all original band projects which involve a lot of instrumental practicing on guitars, drums, piano and saxes (I'm leaving the brass instruments out at the moment because it was just too taxing on top of everything else I do and was holding me back - I'll get back to them in good time). Of those, three tracks for two guitars, bass and drums composed as short phone tone type pieces and one longer composition are produced completely. Another is finished bar the drums and I'm very happy with the track when played with a fairly ordinary drum arrangement played by sampled drums, but the trouble there is not so much the difficulty of the drum parts, but getting the inspiration to write them in the first place. Sometimes the drum parts flow really naturally out of a composition other times I have to really coax them out.

One of them is a band project covering a Shankar/FZ thing. That has been a monumental enterprise, with various guitars, bass, drums, piano and sax parts to practice, sampling various sounds for percussive effects and building sampled instruments and voice sampling. That is now at the polishing stage and still has a month or two to go.

Two of them are videos of solo FZ covers on guitar, Uncle Meat on steel string and Echidna's Arf on classical guitar. Redoing Uncle Meat was inspired by a comment on my previous YouTube video that had a crack at my lack of rigid rhythm and I'm enjoying playing that now to a rigid beat.

The remaining five projects are videos of five of my solo piano pieces. It's taken me a while to get to the level of playing ability required and with these five I'm finally on the verge - the light at the end of that tunnel has only a few small patches of darkness remaining. The two piano pieces I already have on YouTube are much simpler compositions and I've come a long way since then.

This may seem indulgent, harping on like this, but it can get a bit lonely from time to time not sharing with anyone outside my family. I'm still on my first year with this as a full time pursuit, which is not just a hobby - but as publishable material starts to appear and employable skills start reaching an appropriate level, I will be able to start sharing more publicly. Some income would be good, but I'm particularly looking forward to the stage when I'm ready to involve other performers.

BBP - 2-2-2019 at 19:14

Good of you to take it on as a full pursuit! Can't wait to hear your stuff!

polydigm - 3-2-2019 at 04:46

Thanks, Bonny. I've just uploaded the first of those piano compositions: Moonlight Mingle.

BBP - 3-2-2019 at 21:31

Nice,I like the jazzy feel.

polydigm - 4-2-2019 at 02:31

Thanks, Bonny. I've just uploaded one of my guitar compositions, which wasn't on that list above.
That's the way it works with me. No sooner have I given myself a schedule (if you can call how I work a schedule), I get side-tracked on something else.
It's all part of my schedule in the end, I guess.

A Dime A Dozen

polydigm - 4-2-2019 at 09:04

And another one:

The Lap Of Luxury

punknaynowned - 5-2-2019 at 16:18

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
And another one:

The Lap Of Luxury


I like the melody!

And your processs of having lots of simultaneous projects going is the same as mine. Lots going on satisfies the multiple aspects/facets of my interests... I never get bored and and exercise / work at improving multiple skillsets. At least that's how I rationalise my perambulations and procrastinations and such. :roll:

punknaynowned - 5-2-2019 at 16:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had my contract today, and I organized "Hot Chocolate Friday" at work (which basically meant I bought some and put it there).

New arrangements at work? Tell us how it goes.:forumsmiley482:

After many tumbles and much uncertainty at my work, at last things look like they might fall into a semblance of a cohering mass rolling forward. We will see and I might stick around long enough to see how they get...

BBP - 5-2-2019 at 21:45

Nice work Poly!

Somehow guitar feels more natural to you, could that be right?

polydigm - 6-2-2019 at 13:30

I wouldn’t say the guitar is more natural to me, just more accomplished. I’ve been playing guitar much longer than I’ve been playing piano. I used to do most of my composing using the guitar, but I’ve been doing more and more on the piano and my playing ability continues to improve. I’ve passed the point of no return and it’s under my skin just as much as the guitar. I’m confident that the fluidity will come in good time.

BBP - 6-2-2019 at 17:30

Hmmm, good job!

I found they're very different instruments - when I play them I treat (tonal) keys differently and I tend to use different notes. Also because on piano you press down the key as soon as you want to hear it and on guitar you press the string before you want to hear it (except hammers).

'Course I haven't played guitar in years since it was painful.

polydigm - 7-2-2019 at 00:53

When I play the guitar, I don't think of the finger down and the pluck as separate, they feel simultaneous to me. And, if you persist with the pain and bleeding, your fingertips eventually adapt and harden.

polydigm - 7-2-2019 at 01:02

Quote: Originally posted by punknaynowned  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
The Lap Of Luxury

clapclapclap ... I like the melody!


polydigm - 7-2-2019 at 01:05

Another video, one of my songs this time (another one not on the above list):

Turn Around

By the way, my caveat with these YouTube videos, that I post from time to time, is that they are snapshot sketches, that is, me in the process of developing my ideas. I will eventually (for better or worse) be publishing albums with fully produced versions of my compositions.

I do already have one album of material edited down from two garage bands I had going in my early twenties and one album of material edited down from a short garage band project in my early thirties including some multitrack stuff I produced at that time using a four track tape recorder playing along with a drum machine.

From around fifteen years ago, I have one complete album and ongoing from that time, one nearly finished album, on which the majority of instruments were played by a computer using various peripheral audio devices.

Finally I have from nine years ago an album of material from another garage band project.

I'm undecided as yet as to what to do with those.

I'm very much looking forward to completing my next album and many after that, but I'm basically trying not to wish my life away and just getting on with immersing myself in and enjoying the process of getting there.

BBP - 10-2-2019 at 23:05

Sorry I haven't found the time to construct an answer yet, come down with a bad cold.

polydigm - 11-2-2019 at 13:16

Sorry to hear you're having a cold.

BBP - 11-2-2019 at 17:44

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
When I play the guitar, I don't think of the finger down and the pluck as separate, they feel simultaneous to me. And, if you persist with the pain and bleeding, your fingertips eventually adapt and harden.

Oh it wasn't the fingers, it was the elbow and shoulder... and the other appendages. Guitars weren't designed to be played by women. When St Vincent designed a guitar to fit the female body shape I was both happy and wondering "what took so long?"

polydigm - 18-2-2019 at 22:47

A bit quiet here at the moment?

Bonny, have you ever played an Ovation acoustic guitar?

BBP - 19-2-2019 at 09:00

That's the thing about me. As soon as the conversation turns to my breasts, everybody shuts up. :)

Unfortunately I haven't had the pleasure of playing an Ovation acoustic guitar.

There's a nasty virus roaming around at the office. Many colleagues have gotten infected and been forced to stay at home - me, I had no fever but my voice is affected. It's been hoarse for more than a week -I was on nothing but e-mail last week because of it. This week I'm on the line again, we'll see how it goes.

polydigm - 19-2-2019 at 13:50

Ovations have that smooth bowl like body. I imagine you would find them more comfortable. I had one a long time ago and got really irritated with it slipping out of my lap while playing.

BBP - 20-2-2019 at 21:27

hmm... I wonder...

They're quite a problem you know... (resists using the word "handful") I have a short body and guitars wouldn't fit under them. Not surprising to me that the finest Dutch female guitarist, Corrie van Binsbergen, plays a bodyless guitar (also known as "stick").

BBP - 21-2-2019 at 18:59

One of my best friends at work didn't get a contract renewal, today was her last day. Very sad to see her go. She's a huge panda fan, so I crocheted a couple for her.

aquagoat - 23-2-2019 at 08:14

Sad to hear about your friend, Bonny, hopefully, she'll find another job soon.

As for me, after quite a busy period, I'm unemployed for probably two weeks, due to delay in the constuction of the building I must roof. So i'll take a one week vacation with my girlfriend, in the little flat she's got by the sea. With the weather we've had for awhile, it should be very cool.

polydigm - 24-2-2019 at 13:33

Bonny: That sucks. Employment is a human right, not something to hold over people's heads.

Aqua: Sometimes there's a silver lining. Enjoy!

BBP - 24-2-2019 at 21:48

She's got a new job, hope that works out for her...

I spent the weekend at my boyfriend's. He took me out shoe shopping, which is something I hate due to having very big feet. First shop was no success, but at the second one there was a pair that fit. So now I have some very fine shoes. Happy!

BBP - 24-2-2019 at 22:55

Looks like exciting stuff happens when I'm not here. Just a brief cycle way, a cement mixing truck broke down and lost its load of concrete, then got stuck in the concrete.

aquagoat - 25-2-2019 at 08:47

Glad to hear your friend's got a new job, Bonny. And glad you found some nice shoes. Shopping with my girlfriend is something we do quite a lot, it can be rather fun.

Don't worry, Poly, I'll definitely enjoy my little unexpected vacations. I also had a peek at my future roofing site, it's pretty big and should be quite interesting. Plus, it's only a few minutes away, by foot, from my girlfriend's flat, so it should be cool.

BBP - 26-2-2019 at 21:31

Utterly pooped... was set on senior tasks (that's basically the less pleasant side of the work - people who withdraw payments etc) and found there's a fraud active...

BBP - 28-2-2019 at 22:04

Ah, free day today... started with the fresh Donald Duck magazine and Dir en Grey, went to a second-hand shop and found three CDs and finally a magazine cassette (I need them for all those Donald Duck magazines) and even sored a children's book for free. One I'd been dying to have! :)

BBP - 3-3-2019 at 22:15

Re-discovered the cheerful Brabantian bar lady Betty, who hosts the carnaval TV at the regional channel and became so popular that they gave her some work outside the carnaval season.

Among the stuff that she did is a couple of hilarious recipe videos. Her cheer is infectious and the recipes give you a cardiac arrest from just watching them - like her croquette lasagna which layers puff pastry with croquettes, mayonnaise and mustard, and is topped with plenty of cheese - and it's intended for breakfast.

polydigm - 4-3-2019 at 22:18

Sounds like you've had a good week. I don't think I could eat that lasagna thing - sounds horrendous.

BBP - 4-3-2019 at 23:08

Ha! You haven't seen it yet! :D

She has 6 of those recipes online now, the bulk of them based on Dutch snacks like croquettes and frikandellen but more translateable are her Egg Bombs, which use croissant dough, milk, around 7 eggs, butter, chives, bacon and cheddar. Beat eggs with milk, butter up a muffin form. Cover the forms with croissant dough, put beat eggs in them, add bacon, chives and cheddar, and bake.

BBP - 7-3-2019 at 22:44

Not having a good day today...

Two days ago I decided the front yard needed some severe weed pulling. We hadn't done that in quite a while, unfortunately - lead cause of that is people tend to let their dogs shit in our front yard.

The weed pulling was exhausting - since it wasn't progressing I got DED to help. We spent a few hours on the first half. Our garden trash container's now full, so we'll have to wait before we can do round 2. I'm still sore.

So, as I went out to work this morning, guess what I found in the front yard? Dog poop. :swear:

Work was rather frustrating, but that's a long story. During the day the rain picked up badly. A beautiful rainbow appeared outside. Made some pictures and nearly missed a call.

Went home after work and got hit by a car. Not badly, just a few scraps, but my poor bicycle took a bad hit.

polydigm - 9-3-2019 at 12:58

No sooner do I comment and you have a bad day.Sorry to hear about your crash.

BBP - 9-3-2019 at 23:10

Thanks, I appreciate it. I am finding more and more bruises - mainly on my belly, legs and left hand and arm - basically I bumped into the car with my left side, then fell to the ground with a bicycle between my legs that tilted to the left.

'Course I can thank my lucky stars and oddly I was pretty chirpy at work today.

polydigm - 10-3-2019 at 10:51

The benefits of having a job and the associated self esteem. I've said it before - unemployment is a crime against humanity. There's many a time when I've awoken to an alarm and felt like crap and dragged myself to work and within moments of starting felt on top of the world. Of course, there are some pretty shitty jobs and many a person in an ill fitting job, but the self esteem of having a job and the benefits of the associated income are undeniable.

polydigm - 10-3-2019 at 10:53

I've posted another video - a new version of one of my FZ covers. This time on electric guitar with a regimented harpsichord background.

Uncle Meat

BBP - 10-3-2019 at 12:08

Nice, well done! clapclapclap

BBP - 13-3-2019 at 21:02

That Awkward Moment When Your Boyfriend Will Be Visiting Soon Which You Hadn't Anticipated...

polydigm - 14-3-2019 at 00:39

Trouble in paradise?

polydigm - 14-3-2019 at 00:41

At the time of posting this, FaceBook is broken. Imagine all the nervous breakdowns that will be occurring during the next few moments.

polydigm - 14-3-2019 at 00:42

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Nice, well done! clapclapclap

BBP - 14-3-2019 at 08:16

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Trouble in paradise?

No it's just cleaning the house at short notice. :)

aquagoat - 14-3-2019 at 09:17

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've posted another video - a new version of one of my FZ covers. This time on electric guitar with a regimented harpsichord background.

Uncle Meat

Nice one, Poly. I've never tried to play Uncle Meat, that doesn't seem easy, lol. That's a nice little music room you've got there.

aquagoat - 14-3-2019 at 09:17

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Not having a good day today...

Two days ago I decided the front yard needed some severe weed pulling. We hadn't done that in quite a while, unfortunately - lead cause of that is people tend to let their dogs shit in our front yard.

The weed pulling was exhausting - since it wasn't progressing I got DED to help. We spent a few hours on the first half. Our garden trash container's now full, so we'll have to wait before we can do round 2. I'm still sore.

So, as I went out to work this morning, guess what I found in the front yard? Dog poop. :swear:

Work was rather frustrating, but that's a long story. During the day the rain picked up badly. A beautiful rainbow appeared outside. Made some pictures and nearly missed a call.

Went home after work and got hit by a car. Not badly, just a few scraps, but my poor bicycle took a bad hit.

Sorry about your accident, Bonny, I hope you're doing ok.

polydigm - 14-3-2019 at 14:15

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Nice one, Poly.
Thanks Aqua.
That's a nice little music room you've got there.
It's something I've dreamed of doing for more than forty years, so it's about time.

polydigm - 14-3-2019 at 14:19

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Trouble in paradise?
No it's just cleaning the house at short notice. :)
I understand that kind of pressure and I'm glad to have guessed wrongly.

aquagoat - 15-3-2019 at 08:31

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Nice one, Poly.
Thanks Aqua.
That's a nice little music room you've got there.
It's something I've dreamed of doing for more than forty years, so it's about time.
I'd like to get one, one day. Right now, all my mucisal stuff is scattered everywhere in my flat. lol.

polydigm - 17-3-2019 at 08:39

I thought it was about time I demonstrated one of my fully produced works, so I've published my first YouTube video of the first cut of one of my recently fully produced compositions.

Take It Or Leave It

aquagoat - 17-3-2019 at 18:10

That sounds really good, Poly. Keep 'em coming.

BBP - 18-3-2019 at 13:36

Nice job Poly!

Unfortunately it looks like a terrorist attack in Utrecht... :crying:

polydigm - 19-3-2019 at 13:33

Thanks guys!

polydigm - 19-3-2019 at 13:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Unfortunately it looks like a terrorist attack in Utrecht... :crying:
The thing that gets me is that the alert involves posting paramilitary police at mosques. Maybe there's some rational, probabilistic reason for doing so but it still smacks of profiling. Imagine what it must be like to be a muslim in today's world.

BBP - 19-3-2019 at 18:52

Don't forget that media outlets are quick and the suspect Turkish.
People have been quick to retribute in the past. A namesake of a guy who shot a politician in 2002 found a mob ready to lynch him outside his door later that evening.

BBP - 19-3-2019 at 22:03

Had fun with this:

Guess the city from the Soviet spy map!

polydigm - 21-3-2019 at 14:21

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Don't forget that media outlets are quick and the suspect Turkish.
People have been quick to retribute in the past.
Yes, I get the logic behind it, but it's none the less tough on Muslims.

We've got this ridiculous arsehole of a politician here called Fraser Anning, who said Muslims were to blame for the recent mass shooting in NZ. The other day he was talking to the press and a young kid in the crown sidled up to him and smashed an egg on the back of his head. Anning then turned around and punched the kid in the face and tried to continue bashing him, but others in the crowd pulled him off. Two of his cronies then tackled the kid to the ground and he was having trouble breathing because one of them had him in a choke hold around his neck. Meanwhile the other one was giving him this absurdly ridiculous lecture about what was wrong with what he did. It was all caught on video. Fraser Anning is a horrible man.

BBP - 21-3-2019 at 19:41

Don't forget to check out today's Google Doodle.

BBP - 22-3-2019 at 07:19

Off to BF again!

punknaynowned - 24-3-2019 at 09:56

called in sick to work again tonight
napped a bunch
Probably said this before but I've been reading Balzac and love it.
Also reading American John Dos Passos' U.S.A. trilogy.
It will take me thru summer...
reminding me of how much has changed and how much things stay the same.
It's really brilliant and I highly recommend it!

BBP - 24-3-2019 at 22:12

Great to hear!
I've tried my hand at Dickens (The Old Curiosity Shop) on the way to and from the train but found it hard to get stuck into.

polydigm - 24-3-2019 at 23:52

I'm reading a book called "How Will Capitalism End?" by Wolfgang Streeck.

I hope your new boss is okay, Bonny.

BBP - 25-3-2019 at 16:31

New boss?

Stomach ache, flat tire...

Days like that... :(

aquagoat - 25-3-2019 at 19:43

Sorry you had a bad day, Bonny. Mine was pretty aweful, too, I should have stayed in bed.

polydigm - 26-3-2019 at 04:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
New boss?

I was commenting on this.

BBP - 26-3-2019 at 10:42

Oh thanks!

I enjoy working for Belvilla, since it's a product you can really back and I get to look at pretty pictures of holiday homes all day.

BBP - 3-4-2019 at 07:31

Birthday tomorrow...

BBP - 4-4-2019 at 21:13

Had birthday and am pooped.

aquagoat - 5-4-2019 at 16:32

Happy birthday, Bonny, hope it was a good one.

BBP - 8-4-2019 at 20:57

Sure was! Got an oblie maker (stroopwafels, here I come!) and a baguette form.

My best friend and I went to visit theme park Efteling yesterday, which left me exhausted and voiceless but it was great catching up!

polydigm - 9-4-2019 at 14:01

Belated happy birthday wishes from me!

BBP - 9-4-2019 at 18:10

Thanks Poly! And a belated Happy Birthday to you too!

aquagoat - 10-4-2019 at 08:11

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Sure was! Got an oblie maker (stroopwafels, here I come!) and a baguette form.

My best friend and I went to visit theme park Efteling yesterday, which left me exhausted and voiceless but it was great catching up!
I'm glad you had fun. I know I shouldn't ask, but how old are you?

BBP - 10-4-2019 at 17:08


BBP - 11-4-2019 at 18:06

It's weird but I find myself spending less and less times on forums, Zappa and SHP all seem to be sliding downhill...

aquagoat - 12-4-2019 at 17:14

Forums are about dead, now. Everything takes place on facebook, instagram, etc. I remember the days when I used to spend hours discussing various subjects on different forums. Yours and are the only forums I still visit. I left Zappa a loooong time ago, when there was a kind of redesign, with the appearance moderators, beings who'd been, until then, completely absent from the forum.

And, by the way, 36 is a great age.

BBP - 12-4-2019 at 20:44

Not only that but I find the discussions a lot less interesting.

Or maybe I don't have enough time to delve into other people's experiences.
The mods are largely gone at Except for the deletion of JPFunk (which took way too long) there doesn't seem to be any moderation at all. There've been some trolls since then that make me lose interest.

BBP - 15-4-2019 at 22:51

My condolences to you and all Frenchmen, Aqua...

aquagoat - 16-4-2019 at 20:53

Yeah, that really sucks! Damn! Thanks, Bonny.

polydigm - 18-4-2019 at 02:54

Something woke me up in the middle of the night around 2:00am on the 16th here in OZ and I checked my phone and saw the live stream of the cathedral burning. Very disturbing.

BBP - 18-4-2019 at 18:26

I sat up until the message came through that the structure core could be saved... :(

Easter's a busy time. We fortunately got our easter packages today: a huge chocolate egg! Yumyumyum!

polydigm - 21-4-2019 at 02:18

Now that my wife's a consultant, she no longer gets school holidays, so she's currently enjoying the Easter four day weekend. We've had little family get togethers every day so far and one more today, so some food prep is coming up shortly. Tomorrow we'll just put our feet up.

BBP - 21-4-2019 at 08:30

That's lovely!

I've found a little art project to do with all those perler beads I have.

BBP - 24-4-2019 at 17:10

Went to town today, had a bicycle breakdown and had to walk home. The usual.

Will be at BFs over the weekend!

polydigm - 25-4-2019 at 00:19

You and bikes - what is that all about?

BBP - 25-4-2019 at 06:18

A bike is with ease the best way to get around with distances under 10km in these parts. And they're tiny Rube Goldberg machines with a lot of parts. If one fails on you, they'll all fail.

polydigm - 26-4-2019 at 23:54

I understand the value of a bike, but you do seem to have a lot of bad luck with bikes. That's a funny joke about them being Rube Goldberg machines, but modern bikes are engineered to be very efficient in their purpose - localised circular motion in, transverse motion out. I haven't ridden a bike since I had my nasty accident last year.

BBP - 29-4-2019 at 06:13

Is true.

Just got back from BF. Instead of Christmas the family gets together at Easter, so that was fun. Left me exhausted though. For some reason I couldn't get much sleep and I got up at 6:30.

BBP - 29-4-2019 at 21:36

A sad day for Zappa fans. Both John Smothers and Bruce Bickford have passed away. :crying:

BBP - 2-5-2019 at 20:53

My holiday started today. Hurray!

polydigm - 3-5-2019 at 05:06

Yay!! - to your holiday - of course.

BBP - 3-5-2019 at 23:49

I used my stroopwafel iron for the first time today. It's a waffle iron for thin waffles, oblies, ice cream horns and such, and the ideal tool for making the infamous Dutch delicacy.

I unfortunately started too late. I had 25 balls of dough that needed to be baked, and each took 4 minutes to bake, so you can do the math. I'll have to do the treacle tomorrow.

aquagoat - 5-5-2019 at 08:01

Happy holiday, Bonny.

BBP - 5-5-2019 at 13:20

Thanks! At BFs now, he's lovely as always!

polydigm - 8-5-2019 at 00:24

Nothing beats a relationship that actually works.

BBP - 8-5-2019 at 12:24

Still at BFs having a great time! :cool:

BBP - 12-5-2019 at 10:10

I came home two days ago but found I forgot my laptop cable (dunce dunce dunce)

So now I'm quickly doing all the necessary stuff online. BF sent me a new one but it won't be here before Monday.

polydigm - 12-5-2019 at 14:37

There's always something.

BBP - 13-5-2019 at 21:12

Got my laptop cable! Three cheers for my boyfriend! :bouncing::bouncing::bouncing:

BBP - 19-5-2019 at 09:09

Worked an extra day because of the work overload we're having (it's like coming back from vacacion and finding your housemates left a huge washing-up) and watched The Netherlands win Eurovision - something akin to watching Hell freeze over.

polydigm - 19-5-2019 at 14:49


I've had a complaint from the neighbours about the thumping noise from my studio, which is already pretty well sound proofed. The problem is the low frequency contact vibrations of the bass drum, so I've got to work out a solution.

BBP - 19-5-2019 at 22:24

Sorry to hear that, hope you can fix it...

aquagoat - 20-5-2019 at 17:52

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  

I've had a complaint from the neighbours about the thumping noise from my studio, which is already pretty well sound proofed. The problem is the low frequency contact vibrations of the bass drum, so I've got to work out a solution.
kill your neighbours!! problem solved!! LOL

BBP - 21-5-2019 at 17:14

Nah, then you'd get new neighbours. Just pierce their eardrums.

aquagoat - 21-5-2019 at 17:50

Good strategy, Bonny!

BBP - 24-5-2019 at 07:14

On the list of stupid things I've done I've just added "participating in the work-organized bootcamp."

aquagoat - 25-5-2019 at 05:56

And how did it go?

BBP - 25-5-2019 at 07:07

I couldn't even make the jog to the park and I'm really sore.

polydigm - 29-5-2019 at 00:40

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've had a complaint from the neighbours about the thumping noise from my studio, which is already pretty well sound proofed. The problem is the low frequency contact vibrations of the bass drum, so I've got to work out a solution.
kill your neighbours!! problem solved!! LOL

I have a temporary solution, which involves filling the bass drum with quilts and blankets. This cut the transmitted vibrations more than half. I'll eventually have to build a raised platform for the drum set at one end of my studio.

BBP - 29-5-2019 at 06:30

The bootcamp pain's subsided.

Sorry to hear about that Poly, but I'm glad you found a temporary solution.

polydigm - 2-6-2019 at 00:12

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
On the list of stupid things I've done I've just added "participating in the work-organized bootcamp."
Hadn't you done one of those before?

BBP - 2-6-2019 at 10:40

That wasn't a bootcamp training, that was a survival programme. The first was an obstacle course and the last part of the programme was a nightmare but inbetween we had relatively mild activities.
Bootcamp is a collection of extremely intensive exercises, planking, push-ups, tossing a 6kg ball around, kettlebells, boxing, squats... Bootcamp is genuinely not for the people who aren't in shape.

polydigm - 3-6-2019 at 00:03

Indeed, it's not a good idea to push yourself too hard without adequate build up. Sounds like your employer thinks it's cool to have these events but doesn't really think through the full ramifications.

BBP - 4-6-2019 at 08:42

Considering one of my colleagues is getting a replacement knee because of her tennis playing I'm not convinced that sports are healthy.

BBP - 5-6-2019 at 18:23

So our nation's largest bank ING, with whom I have had an account ever since they took over Postbank, has decided to use people's bank account data for targetet advertising

(searches new place to get bank account)

polydigm - 5-6-2019 at 23:45

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Considering one of my colleagues is getting a replacement knee because of her tennis playing I'm not convinced that sports are healthy.
I used to play squash regularly, which kept me very fit, but over a period of time, a right shoulder wall impact injury reshaping my collar bone, having my left shoulder dislocated twice and rapidly deteriorating knees, I figured I'd better find another way to keep fit. Since then, I'd been riding a bike regularly, for a along time, but after a nasty accident, I decided that swimming for about 45 minutes, a little over 1km, three times a week is the best thing for me.

BBP - 7-6-2019 at 18:29

It's almost Pentecost. I have Sunday to Wednesday free, so I'll be visiting BF! Hurray!

polydigm - 8-6-2019 at 02:47

Nothing like a break. Ours is coming soon.

BBP - 9-6-2019 at 16:38

Now at BFś. Hurray!

BBP - 12-6-2019 at 21:54

Back and exhausted!

BBP - 14-6-2019 at 07:06

Spent all evening looking for something. I hate it when that happens.

aquagoat - 14-6-2019 at 16:55

Glad you had a great week-end, Bonny.

BBP - 14-6-2019 at 22:22

Had a fun day: as I usually say, I have a good day when I end up speaking Dutch, English, French and German. Usually I'm on the German lines only (because German speakers are scarce and Dutch are ample). Today I had an Austrian-based Brit on the line. Which was a bit of switching but went fine. I also had a Dutch caller when the Dutch lines got overcrowded.

At the end of the day, the lines close. If there are still people on hold by closing time, they will need to be dealt with by and after closing time. We cannot shut down the system if there are still people on hold.
We're supposed to stay on the lines until all the queues are clear but some people have trains to catch or family to come home to so that's not easy, especially if you work till 6 because by then you are getting hungry.

Turned out there was a French speaker in the queue, but all French-speaking colleagues had already left! I'm not on the French lines because I cannot juggle French and German and I was needed most on the latter. Plus my French needed coaching but my German was fine. But I was literally the only one who spoke French to such a degree that I could deal with the client. After some stuttering I agreed to take the client.

And then of course it was a cancellation. I immediately apologized for my French and asked her for her reservation number.

And then she wanted to cancel her booking. Difficult procedure but I managed somehow by the skin of my teeth. Fortunately for me she was aware of the cancellation costs.
Unfortunately the reason for discontent was dissatisfaction with our service - she wanted to bring her dog and had asked if it was possible to bring him a week earlier, and the home owner still hadn't been asked! So being there as an obvious non-native speaker, after the client's been on hold for at least ten minutes, cancelling because of our service... oh dear.

polydigm - 16-6-2019 at 01:13

Fun and games!

BBP - 21-6-2019 at 21:09


I'm considering another trip up north to BF tomorrow, since it'll be difficult for us to meet during the high season...

polydigm - 22-6-2019 at 23:13

Middle of winter here, but we’ll soon be in the middle of that high season.

BBP - 24-6-2019 at 06:40


Went to my BF over the weekend. It ended in a most unusual fashion when we had to clean a car. An owl had vomited on the windscreen.

Owls cannot digest parts of their food (hairs and bones). They vomit these. The piles of vomit are dry, making them uniquely studyable objects. I had to dissect them on several occasions. This one'd obviously eaten mouse.

Was slightly nauseating.

polydigm - 24-6-2019 at 14:26


BBP - 24-6-2019 at 19:23

Well, maybe for a big city girl like me but Friesland still has quite a few places where there's actually some nature left and Wergea is at the edge of civilization...

Mind you it was gross, especially because it was still warm...

polydigm - 26-6-2019 at 00:07

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Mind you it was gross, especially because it was still warm...


polydigm - 26-6-2019 at 00:18

I finally made that Echidna's Arf video yesterday and posted it on YouTube.

BBP - 26-6-2019 at 20:51

Good job! That's a very difficult song!

polydigm - 26-6-2019 at 23:30

Thanks Bonny.

aquagoat - 27-6-2019 at 17:34

Good job, Poly! We want more of them!

polydigm - 27-6-2019 at 18:06

Thanks Aqua.

BBP - 28-6-2019 at 17:15

Just bought my concert ticket for Dir En Grey in Dortmund!

punknaynowned - 28-6-2019 at 19:18

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I finally made that Echidna's Arf video yesterday and posted it on YouTube.

that's FANTASTIC!!!
Well done!

I didn't know anybody could do that!
and u friggin nailed it!

polydigm - 29-6-2019 at 15:14

Ned, you’re too kind. Thanks!

polydigm - 29-6-2019 at 15:16

Enjoy the concert, Bonny.

BBP - 30-6-2019 at 21:24

Looking forward to January!

For more than one reason. We're melting here! :) It's hard to get anything done. I sleep with a frozen bottle to keep cool.

polydigm - 30-6-2019 at 22:58

What are the temperatures like?

BBP - 1-7-2019 at 06:20

Hothothot. Because thid country's quite himud, it's not a pleasant heat.

polydigm - 1-7-2019 at 13:19

Is it like that throughout July or are there some cool periods?

BBP - 1-7-2019 at 16:47

The weather in The Netherlands is as unpredictable as (insert clever joke here, my brain has melted). We've had an intense heatwave last year that caused massive droughts all over Europe. The current European heatwave has set record after record. But we've had summers with 8 weeks of rainy days on end, at least in 2006, 2011 and 2016 (which doesn't mean there'll be another one of those in 2021).

polydigm - 2-7-2019 at 23:54

What actual temperatures have you been getting? I guess it would be cooler in Amsterdam than where you are?

BBP - 3-7-2019 at 15:27

Yes, Amsterdam is closer to the sea and therefore slightly cooler. We've had temperatures in the mid 30s. But right now they're back in the pleasant category. Plus we bought a fan!

aquagoat - 4-7-2019 at 14:17

Damned computer is dead. I have to use my exgirlfriend's old laptop, and I can't buy a new pc before a while. It sucks! And mp3 player is dead too.

Edit: Great, I can't even remember the passwords for my email accounts. what a great day.

BBP - 4-7-2019 at 19:12

Sorry to hear that Aqua, that blows...

polydigm - 5-7-2019 at 00:56

Hey Aqua, computer and mp3 player dead at the same time and forgotten passwords (for use on your phone I guess) - that's bad luck! I hope your luck improves soon.

aquagoat - 5-7-2019 at 07:45

Thanx guys. Well, it seems I already have better luck, since the mofo started again this morning. I'm gonna do backups of everything on other drives, just in case. And, thanks to that unexpected event, I managed to change the password for one of my mail accounts.

BBP - 7-7-2019 at 20:52

Good to hear! Good luck with the backups!

polydigm - 8-7-2019 at 05:50

Flight went well. We’re now just waking up after our second night in Versailles. This camper van lark isn’t too bad.

BBP - 8-7-2019 at 06:37

Enjoy your trip Poly!

BBP - 10-7-2019 at 18:55

Will have to be doing a lot of baking soon...

aquagoat - 11-7-2019 at 17:47

Enjoy your trip, Poly.

Huuuuum, baking!!!!:bouncy:

BBP - 11-7-2019 at 18:37

Settled on 1 cake instead of two, since it was getting a bit much. It'll be apple pie!

BBP - 15-7-2019 at 13:47

Met Polydigm on Saturday!

polydigm - 15-7-2019 at 18:18

Met Bonny on Saturday!

BBP - 16-7-2019 at 18:51

Sunday's boating trip was exhausting and personally I hope we never have to do that again. Too tiny and with over-excited kids in a cramped space is a bad idea.

polydigm - 16-7-2019 at 20:54

Indeed. A little earlier on this evening, I had to tell the parents on the pitch next to ours to stop their kids running around our van as a short cut. The first time they did it, the Mother went with them, then on the way back, the kids were chasing each other around our van. I let the parents know I wasn't happy about it when they returned soon after.

BBP - 17-7-2019 at 16:35

How did the photos turn out Poly?

polydigm - 18-7-2019 at 00:07

The links are in a U2U. They're low resolution, and for some reason, displaying upside down in the U2U.

BBP - 18-7-2019 at 10:27

They're pretty decent! I'll send them to my BF and ask if he's OK with publishing.

Say hi to Mrs Poly from me!

polydigm - 20-7-2019 at 08:46

Will do.

BBP - 20-7-2019 at 19:18

BF's okay with publishing, but only at the Goose. :) Meaning I can lure more people to the Goose!

Having bad teethache since my last dentist appointment.

BBP - 22-7-2019 at 15:57

Went to the dentist again, got some icky stuff smeared on it to stop me from waking up with toothache in the middle of the night. Hope it helps...

polydigm - 23-7-2019 at 20:56

I have had some tooth troubles in recent years, but things seem to have settled down.

BBP - 24-7-2019 at 15:18

How are you coping with the heat wave, Poly? We broke records here.

polydigm - 24-7-2019 at 16:07

Not an unfamiliar experience for an Aussie.

BBP - 25-7-2019 at 19:12

Until two days ago, the record highest temperature measured in The Netherlands was in Summer 1944, 37,8C. Yesterday Eindhoven became the hottest ever measured at 38,9 and today that record was broken again, is now 40,7 in Gilze-Rijen (half an hour drive from here).

The heat brought on a lot of smog. Walking outside is intense. I've never experienced such heat, not even on holiday in Portugal. And I hope I'll never experience it again. '

Good thing DED bought a fan a few weeks ago!

polydigm - 28-7-2019 at 20:48

"On 24 January 2019 the official Adelaide weather observation station (West Terrace) reached a new record high temperature of 46.6 °C (115.9 °F), breaking the 1939 previous record."

Last summer in Adelaide was quite brutal. When we move back over here, it'll be at least 100 miles north of London.

BBP - 29-7-2019 at 06:39


The worst heat has fortunately subsided. The heatwave coincided with the biggest, best-known and most expensive funfair in The Netherlands. They lost a lot of business over it.

polydigm - 30-7-2019 at 17:44

That’s a shame. We were going to Stone Henge today, but the weather’s too wet and stormy.

BBP - 31-7-2019 at 17:23

Oh that's a shame, I'd love to see it myself...

polydigm - 31-7-2019 at 20:56

We have seen it before, but that time it was heavily overcast, damp and freezing. We had been hoping to get some summery pictures this time.

BBP - 4-8-2019 at 21:07

Went to the funfair but didn't enjoy myself.

Perhaps I'm getting old...

polydigm - 6-8-2019 at 06:21

If you’re old, I’m ancient and I’m still having plenty of fun.

BBP - 6-8-2019 at 07:17

Yes, but what gives you the fun?
When did the noble hammock turn from "fun" into "a sure way to embarrass yourself" for me?

polydigm - 7-8-2019 at 08:04

What gives me fun? Music, family and travel. I haven't been into fun fairs since I was about eighteen, but I enjoyed taking my kids.

What is the noble hammock and what does it have to do with a fun fair?

BBP - 7-8-2019 at 20:13

At last year's funfair they'd installed a number of hammocks. I was tempted to try one but with my weight I didn't dare to do it. Where where the days when I leapt in carefree?

polydigm - 13-8-2019 at 17:51

Have you cheered up since?

BBP - 13-8-2019 at 19:41

Well yes, went to visit my boyfriend, which was great fun!

BBP - 14-8-2019 at 18:47

Had a rough moment today - one of our clients was on holiday with his wife, when, in the holiday home they'd booked with us, she suffered a heart attack on top of the stairs. She fell down and laid in her own blood for some time.
The trauma helicopter ushered her to the hospital, where she was stabilized, but she unfortunately passed away during the night.

A colleague was set to write a condolance card, she asked me for help and I ended up writing most of it. We both had to brush away tears a couple of times.

BBP - 22-8-2019 at 09:37

First visit to the GP in over a year. Got some meds but it became a wild goose chase to get them. I hope they'll be there this afternoon.

BBP - 27-8-2019 at 08:54

BF's here! :D

polydigm - 27-8-2019 at 21:00

I wonder what’s up with Aqua?

BBP - 28-8-2019 at 22:19

Me too...

BF was great. We went on a walk at dusk and saw a lot of bats!

BBP - 1-9-2019 at 19:27

For Punky, should he ever get here again:



BBP - 4-9-2019 at 19:11

Sister went on holiday - she booked a holiday at Belvilla, where I work. :) Guess I take my work home!

Still waiting to see how my medical issue pans out. Getting me nervous.

polydigm - 7-9-2019 at 17:57

I hope you’re okay Bonny.

I’m run off my feet at the moment. On top of having plenty of my own work to be getting on with, we’re having some major renovations done. Currently demolishing the old garden shed with my son Euan. I’m too old for this.

BBP - 8-9-2019 at 22:13

Good luck with the works!

So far my health seems to be OK. Just got back from BF's which was great. In two weeks I have a short vacation so I can spend more time with him. I spent my free minutes knitting and crocheting for the nephew/niece that's due this month.

BBP - 9-9-2019 at 22:28

Pfff... crocheted a panda baby shoe. Just putting the little parts together took me three hours.

polydigm - 11-9-2019 at 15:37

That's very patient.

Glad to hear your health is okay.

BBP - 12-9-2019 at 18:44

Sooo for the past few months I've been eyeing the Nine Lives Entertainment site daily. Reason - there were going to be VIP upgrades offered to Dir En Grey tickets. I've been wanting to meet the band and they don't hang around after shows for photo opportunities (plus addressing them at random isn't easy with the language barrier). Plus it's nigh impossible to get a good place at the concert - if you check my photos from the queue you'll understand why.

A few weeks ago they announced the release date: 12 Sept, 6:0 PM CET. I noted the date, and good fortune, I would be home at the time!
The purchase link would be released 48 hours before the sale. Couldn't find a link, but a quick search yesterday led me to a well-kept-up French fansite that linked to the sales page. Found the official link after that.

So, today, 18:00 PM, I get in to buy tickets. Prices weren't announced in advance, they were €99 including service costs. First I need to set up a PayLogic account. Did that.
Login to my bank account failed five times in a row. Unfortunately this meant I lost the ticket. Tried to get another one but apparently 15 minutes is all it took to sell them all out.


BBP - 15-9-2019 at 11:16

Still crocheting for the baby. I'm making a puzzle ball now.

And on present hunt...

BBP - 18-9-2019 at 09:23

Not much new going on here...

polydigm - 20-9-2019 at 17:38

That’s a pity about the ticket. Maybe they should do two nights. How big is the venue?

BBP - 23-9-2019 at 08:41

No idea. Never been to Dortmund either.

Two nights sounds fun and it appears there's room in their schedule but Diru doesn't typically add dates. I'm happy they announced a new tour so recently after the last one (possibly it had to do with the technical issues. They work with computerized images and the keyboard sounds are also added by computer, but the sync-ing failed - in London it was so bad it couldn't be fixed and they had to build a setlist of songs they could play without computer - while doing a show. )

I'm currently at BFs. His sister had a baby yesterday, which was wonderful. So cute!

BBP - 24-9-2019 at 09:48

And yesterday I had the news that my old boss Henk passed away. That's the one who was left blind and legless by diabetes and whose apartment burnt down last year.

BBP - 27-9-2019 at 21:51

Attended the funeral today - that is, the church mass, not the burial. Henk is now buried at 200m from my house, which is a bit strange.

They went all out for the church mass - Henk was brought to the church by hearse drawn by four horses, massive amount of people, packed church - a beautiful church with colourful interior (piccies here) , a professional live singer with professional sound system, a lengthy service with much Dutch schlager, pigeon release and standing ovation. Exhausted...

aquagoat - 28-9-2019 at 07:08

I'm sorry to hear about that loss Bonny. It seems your old boss had quite a good and attended funeral. People seemed to appreciate him.

BBP - 28-9-2019 at 17:57

Aqua! (hug) How's your computer?

aquagoat - 28-9-2019 at 22:46

Haha, it died a few weeks ago, I just bought another one last weekend. In the meantime, I lost my job, my girlfriend, my workmate retired and my super friendly black neighbour went to China. So the last month was pretty mentally hard to deal with,reason why I was a bit away, but I'm feeling better now.

BBP - 29-9-2019 at 10:29

Sorry to hear about all that, Aqua... (hug)

aquagoat - 29-9-2019 at 17:45

Well, it's ok. That's life. Thanks for the hug, though.

BBP - 1-10-2019 at 06:40

BF's B-day today!

aquagoat - 1-10-2019 at 17:14

Hope it's gonna be a good one.

BBP - 1-10-2019 at 20:38

It's his big 40. I bought him the new Zelda game, which I mockingly call "lawn mowing simulator" since there's so much cutting grass to get rubies.

He used to cut the grass, he was a very nice boy...

aquagoat - 2-10-2019 at 17:27

Hahaha we all know how it ended... Lol.

BBP - 2-10-2019 at 20:14

Haha he's happy now...

Dad found that a lot of media regarding the funeral had been published - there was a professional photographer. He made 2 films that he put on Youtube and a couple of hundred photos that I already browsed. Quite a few are of poor quality - bad lighting, unsharp or really bad timing.

aquagoat - 3-10-2019 at 17:49

Professionalism at its best. lol.

BBP - 3-10-2019 at 18:03


Will be visiting BF tomorrow, hope I can shake off the cobwebs. It was rougher on me than I thought to have birth and death so close to each other. It'd been some time since I last saw Henk and since he was a blind and legless diabetic kidney patient you know it isn't going to be all that long, but still... he was a good guy. And much loved.

BBP - 6-10-2019 at 10:49

Dropping in from Friesland to say a brief hello... Am baking apple pie for my BFś birthday party.

BBP - 8-10-2019 at 22:50

Two days off in a row! Finally visiting my best friend on Thursday, it's been so long!

polydigm - 9-10-2019 at 17:24

Hey Aqua! Good to hear from you. Sorry you've been having a bad time, but good to hear you're bouncing back.

Sorry about your loss Bonny.

polydigm - 9-10-2019 at 17:26

I've got a bit of news. The latest Andrew Greenaway/Cordelia Records Frank Zappa tribute, Lost Meat, has been published and I have a track on it. I'm Turbulator and the track is No More Mr Nice Girl.

aquagoat - 11-10-2019 at 16:51

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey Aqua! Good to hear from you. Sorry you've been having a bad time, but good to hear you're bouncing back.
Thanks, poly. :bouncing:

BBP - 11-10-2019 at 17:49

That's great Poly!

Had a great time with my friend, wish I saw her more often!

BBP - 19-10-2019 at 18:05

It's been a long time, sorry... work suddenly decided to hit me today. Tomorrow however I'll be visiting my other friend.

I've had a lot of trouble with flat tires - my previous tire kept getting leaks at the same spot on the side of the tube that would be "inside" the wheel - it was due to a sharp spoke screw. The screw's been sanded down and I got a replacement tire...

which got flat within three days. I repaired it myself and replaced it, it was going well and I was happy I succeeded in replacing it...
And two days ago, on my free day, I went to the second-hand shop and halfway... yep. Walked back home, spent the remainder of my free day watching Donald Duck cartoons trying to cheer up.
Thing was - the initial leak was at the height of the valve, exactly on the fold on one side. The leak from two days ago was at the height of the valve - exactly on the fold on the other side.

I'm seriously doubting the quality of the tire in this case.

BBP - 20-10-2019 at 21:52

Went to visit my best friend again, was a bit of a shock. He told me on the phone that he suffered a fracture and was at present with his parents.

Today he told me that while trimming the hedge at his parents' place last July, he fell off the stepladder and broke his right wrist and right ankle. He had surgery to have a plate installed. Unfortunately he had a resistant bacterial infection from the surgery and spent a few weeks in hospital - he's lucky that they could stop it in time!

He's lucky to be alive.

polydigm - 24-10-2019 at 15:00

There's definitely something not right with your bike Bonny. You shouldn't get that many flats. I find that puncture proof tyres are worth the initial expense due to the money and trouble they save down the line. Sorry to hear about your friend. Resistant bacterial infections - scary stuff.

BBP - 24-10-2019 at 20:23

I used to have those leak proof things. In my newspaper round days I lasted 3 months with a regular tire and 1 year with a leak-free one.

BBP - 24-10-2019 at 20:24

Just heard the book fair I used to work for has gone bankrupt three months ago. Sad...

BBP - 27-10-2019 at 14:35

Enjoying the weekend!

polydigm - 28-10-2019 at 05:31

I've posted a new video on YouTube.

Substance Affection Intro

aquagoat - 28-10-2019 at 08:38

Yep, that bicycle definitely must be posessed, or somehing, I don' see any other explanation. You shouldn't have so many problems with it.

Nice little piano piece, Poly. Keep 'em coming.

As for me, work is really becoming special. I'm now working with a guy called Erdin. He's very nice. He's from Kossovo. Practically doesn't speak french. And he's a mason. My boss doesn't seem to remember we work in the roofing business. Lol. I think I'm gonna finish my week, call it quit and work elsewhere. This year, I've worked with two masons, two plumbers, and a few other things. I'm fed up with this management.

BBP - 28-10-2019 at 22:16

Nice work Poly!

Possessed! That must be it!

polydigm - 30-10-2019 at 15:06

Thanks guys. I'm hard at work practicing the drum part for what follows the piano intro.

polydigm - 30-10-2019 at 15:08

So, Aqua, are any of these guys any good at roofing or do they just hold you back?

aquagoat - 30-10-2019 at 19:11

Answer B Poly, I always have to keep an eye on them to check if they don't anything wrong, so it slows me down. But I won't happen again cause I quit today. I'm gonna take a week off, and my temp agency will find me another job next week.

BBP - 1-11-2019 at 08:36

Sounds rough Aqua... good luck!

I'll be off to BF's again.One of my late-night (ahem) road trips...

aquagoat - 2-11-2019 at 08:29

Well, as planned, I quit on thursday. I'm gonna take a week off, then my temp agency will find me another job.

Have a good week-end with BF, Bonny.

polydigm - 6-11-2019 at 18:16

How’s BF, Bonny?

How’s your week off going, Aqua?

aquagoat - 6-11-2019 at 19:50

Week is going pretty well, doing sports, rebuilding a guitar of mine, reading, etc... Just ordered a few books, a few records, food for the mind, you know? What about you, Poly, how is your life going?

BBP - 6-11-2019 at 20:38

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
How’s BF, Bonny?

Adorable as always!

Asked BF for you, he replies he's doing well and preparing mentally for his trip to De Efteling tomorrow.

BBP - 13-11-2019 at 00:04

Efteling was good fun! Next time I think I'll go alone again though. BF was so enamoured by the love-it-or-hate-it (and my vote's hate) darkride Carnaval Festival he dragged me into it three times. It is a merrier version of It's A Small World - and with a tune that is even more of an earwurm. Been trying to get that infernal brass out of my head for the past week.

Don't look it up for the sake of your sanity.

polydigm - 13-11-2019 at 13:37

I've finished that piece and put it on SoundCloud.

Substance Affection

BBP - 17-11-2019 at 23:00

Nice! I can tell your Zappa influence!

polydigm - 18-11-2019 at 13:48

Thanks Bonny!

BBP - 24-11-2019 at 11:58

oh, been lacking in posting, sorry:
-Was very down on Saturday 16th to the point I hadn't slept, but feeling better now thanks to a very sweet boyfriend.
-Went to cycle to a new-to-us second-hand shop, nothing spectacular. Except I had fun with my dad on that outing.
-Last wek I went to a completely new one, where I bought a Zelda game for Gamecube, The Wind-Waker. BF had informed me that the old Zelda games are still popular but rarely newly released, and since new fans also want to do the old stuff, that gets expensive. Indeed I can easily get €25 for something that cost me €2,50. Will be bringing it to BF since he has a Gamecube (which he bought expressly so he could play Wind Waker :) )
-Discovered something called "swing knitting" and found a pattern that's fascinating but expensive:
-Had a bake-off at work, baked a quiche for the first time. With feta and spinach - unfortunately the ingredients are too expensive to try it again on short notice.
-I got a trial subscription to an educative channel, so now I'm learning Spanish.

aquagoat - 24-11-2019 at 18:49

Spent the whole weekend in Lille with my old friend Laëtitia, going to restaurants and drinking and having fun. In spite of an awful pain in the right shoulder, it was awesome. Now I want to move tio this city. Lol.

aquagoat - 24-11-2019 at 18:54

Wow, that pattern is great indeed, Bonny.

Learning new languages is something I'm very intereted in. One of these days, I'm gonna learn German.

BBP - 25-11-2019 at 00:01

Haha! We could talk sometime! I speak German all day long at work!

I speak French pretty decently but I'm out of practice - I don't speak it on the phone however since I got a panic attack with every French caller. Like with German, I learnt it the school way at my secondary school but there are so many accents... If I have somenody from Austria, Switzerland or around Munich on the line, I do have to try my best. With French it's the same thing but French doesn't have the advantage of being similar to Dutch the way German is.

polydigm - 25-11-2019 at 14:53

My French has continued to be poor. I spend time with my relatives in France, with every intention to work on my French when I get home, but there's not enough time in the day for the things I ordinarily do, let alone study French. I'm torn, because I would really love to be able to speak French.

BBP - 26-11-2019 at 11:24

Unfortunately the odds of me speaking French at work will diminish over time.
Fortunately that's because I've been promoted to HomeOwner Service. :D

aquagoat - 26-11-2019 at 18:17

Congratulations, Bonny. That's so cool.

polydigm - 27-11-2019 at 13:10

Off to hospital in the morning for major surgery. See you on the other side.

aquagoat - 27-11-2019 at 18:48

Arf, whatr's wrong, Poly?

polydigm - 28-11-2019 at 19:34

I had some major surgery in 2010 and 2015, which basically fixed my health problems. This time it’s to deal with side effects of that surgery. The surgery itself appears to have gone well and I’m recovering quickly, but it will be some months before knowing how successful it’s been. The hardest part will be not playing drums and sax for at least six weeks. And, I am going to have to be very patient in general for a long while.

aquagoat - 30-11-2019 at 08:07

So I can only wish you a quick long recovery, then. Patience is a vertue, they say. That's why I'm a sinner. Lol. Anyway, glad to see you back.

BBP - 30-11-2019 at 10:56

Sorry to hear about that Poly... BF and I wish you a good recovery!

polydigm - 1-12-2019 at 01:29

I'm going home this morning!! Just wrapping up a few details and I should be eating lunch in front of my own TV today. I'm not watching TV while I'm in hospital, but I've got a desk in my room and I've been working on my computer during the day.

The surgeons are very happy with how it's turned out. I'm tentatively happy that the difference it appears to be making will persist and that there should be no complications.

Thanks for your good wishes guys.

BBP - 1-12-2019 at 10:51

Nice to hear you can come home so soon and that alll is going well!

Big hug from The Netherlands!

polydigm - 2-12-2019 at 04:08

I have been playing the piano this morning.

I stopped for a little entertainment: The Sisters Brothers. A strange, but compelling movie.

I seem to be able to handle practice on the drum pads (I use two with contrasting sounds arranged one behind the other). I haven't tried a guitar yet and the saxes will definitely have to wait. Drums? Forget it! I guess with guitar, I'll try an electric first, with a strap, standing up.

Anyway, it's really good to be able to play the piano and to try out some challenging stickings on the pads. I will have no trouble keeping busy.

BBP - 4-12-2019 at 00:03

Wonderful to hear, Poly!

In other news I am getting a contract for indefinite term at Belvilla. Hurray!

BBP - 4-12-2019 at 23:11

On the first day of Zappadan my true love gave to me
A really bad cold. During the brief holiday at my bf's to the entrance of St Nicholas, which in spite of us being St Nicholas people at home was a first for me. Not that I'm the intended audience but I liked to see my baby nephew again, you know how fast they grow... Anyway it was great fun for the kids, such a picturesque little village and he arrived in a traditional skûtsje (type of sailing boat). It was a bit of a shock to hear him speak Frizian but all the happy kids were a great sight.

Of course it's the ideal moment to catch something - BF, BF's mother, BF's brother-in-law and both nephews are also in the sick bay.

Had tremendous bicycle trouble past week - the rear wheel of mine was tilted so the wheel touches parts it shouldn't touch whiule cycling, meaning it wears down your tyre and it's a lot of extra friction when cycling.
So on Monday I got to borrow my father's - I was almost home when my tyre went flat.
Curses. I fixed it myself and the next day I could leave home with it again. About half-way on my way to work I had another flat! Fortunately I made it to work in time but it's a long walk home. That day I spent hours trying to patch up the tyre again.
Luckily it wasn't the same leak. However, I found out I had managed to roll Dad's bicycle through a pile of dog poop.

I patched the new one. After putting everything in place (for the inexperienced - putting the outer tyre back on is a tough job requiring strength, and in the pantry where I did all of that it's freezing cold making it even harder on your fingers), it had gone flat again!
For the second time that day I removed the outer tube, found a leak and patched it. Put back the tyre.
It goes flat again!
Repair number 3 reveals a third leak that I apparently overlooked. Patched again. At this point it was already midnight and I needed my bed.

Went to sleep after a day of bleeding fingers and gagging from the smell.
Woke up this morning to find a flat tyre.

For the rest it's been your typical December 4th - gift-wrapping while listening to Zappa. Did Freak Out, Absolutely Free, We're Only In It For The Money and Lumpy Gravy.

polydigm - 5-12-2019 at 13:59

Bloody hell Bonny - you and bikes. It's just not fair.

Congratulations on your new contract. In this day and age job security is not easy to come by.

BBP - 5-12-2019 at 17:26

Aw thanks Poly! How are you doing?

Today I took up two hours of leave since it's quiet and I don't feel too well and I still need to write two verses. I could use that since I needed to walk home again - dad'd fixed it but the rear wheel tilted again, so...

St Nicholas today, had a surprise package from work with seasonal candy (kruidnoten, speculaasbrok, chocolate letter, chocolate coins, yum...)

aquagoat - 5-12-2019 at 18:27

Congrats on your new contract, Bonny! Careful with that bike, Bonny!

aquagoat - 5-12-2019 at 18:28

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I have been playing the piano this morning.

I stopped for a little entertainment: The Sisters Brothers. A strange, but compelling movie.

I seem to be able to handle practice on the drum pads (I use two with contrasting sounds arranged one behind the other). I haven't tried a guitar yet and the saxes will definitely have to wait. Drums? Forget it! I guess with guitar, I'll try an electric first, with a strap, standing up.

Anyway, it's really good to be able to play the piano and to try out some challenging stickings on the pads. I will have no trouble keeping busy.
Sisters Brothers is on my to watch list.

Glad to read you can play a bit of music.

polydigm - 5-12-2019 at 22:58

I'm healing very well. I can already do almost everything I ordinarily do and I've even managed a little bit of drums and alto sax, but will stay away from the bari for a while yet. Heavy lifting is what I have to avoid, so no digging in the garden or carrying heavy bags of shopping. We're going away for a week in January, so I'll have to get help with my suitcases.

They seem to have fixed what needed fixing, but only time will tell. I'm pretty happy about the result so far.

BBP - 6-12-2019 at 12:39

St Nick was very good to me! We'll be playing some Ticket to Ride soon!

BBP - 6-12-2019 at 12:41

On the second day of Zappadan my true love gave to me
Lots of seasonal candy!

I also have played YCDTOSA vol 5 in full and part of Cruisin' with Ruben and the Jets. Now playing the rest of it. :)

polydigm - 6-12-2019 at 14:05

I know the track Ticket to Ride, what’s the significance of your gift?

BBP - 6-12-2019 at 19:35


Ticket to Ride is a board game. Relatively new but very popular. You have to place railroad tracks on a map to score points.
It spawned so many spin-offs it makes your head spin. I played the original which takes place in the US, the Dutch version, and now I have the Europe version.

BBP - 7-12-2019 at 07:41

On the third day of Zappadan my true love gave to me
a good night's sleep
a Ticket to Ride victory
the rest of Cruisin' with Ruben and the Jets
Hot Rats
Uncle Meat
Burnt Weeny Sandwich
Weasels Ripped My Flesh
and a large chunk of Chunga's Revenge

Am now playing the next two songs. I'm way behind on schedule, I hope I'll make it...

BBP - 8-12-2019 at 10:43

On the fourth day of Zappadan my true love gave to me
an adorable selfie with his nephew
another Ticket to Ride victory
the last songs of Chunga's Revenge
200 Motels
Fillmore East June 1971
Just Another Band From L.A.
The Grand Wazoo

BBP - 9-12-2019 at 07:23

On the fifth day of Zappadan my true love gave to me
an overdue joke
an Anti-Monopoly defeat
Over-Nite Sensation
Apostrophe (')
Roxy & Elsewhere
One Size Fits All
Bongo Fury
Zoot Allures
Zappa In New York

BBP - 10-12-2019 at 09:56

On the sixth day of Zappadan
my true love threatened to kick my butt if I make that joke again
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol 1
Studio Tan
Sleep Dirt
Orchestral Favorites
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol 2.

Got up early so I could get some music played, had Sheik Yerbouti, now onto Joe's Garage!

BBP - 10-12-2019 at 23:05

Day 7 of Zappadan:
Sheik Yerbouti
Joe's Garage
Baby Snakes
Tinseltown Rebellion
You Are What You Is
Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch
The Man From Utopia
LSO vol 1 and 2
Now onto The Perfect Stranger. Since I'll be working the next few days and will be visiting BF from Saturday to Tuesday, I'm getting some listening done!

polydigm - 11-12-2019 at 21:02

Your true love gave you nothing on the seventh day?

What’s Anti-Monopoly?

BBP - 12-12-2019 at 09:04

Well, I got tired of the joke.

Anti-Monopoly is Monopoly's darker brother. The version we played is also played on a monopoly board, with the following differences:
-At the beginning of the game, players decide whether they are monopolists or competition.
-Monopolists are allowed to ask double rent for all property in cities where they have more than one street.
-Competition is allowed to build on any street they buy. Monopolists need a monopoly (2 streets in a city or more)
-Instead of the Inland Revenue and Chance cards, on these spaces you roll dice and act accordingly.
-In prison, competition is allowed to charge rent, monopolists aren't.
-The Free Parking space is a place where a competitor may win a small amount of money, and where a monopolist will always lose a lot of money.
-Rolling double means you get to go again, but you're only allowed two turns in a row. If you throw double again, it is still your last turn. This means you will spend a lot less time in prison, making the "orange" streets less desirable and the green ones more desirable.

As competition your main job is to prevent monopolists from getting a monopoly. Since my sister (monopolist) had 3 out of four train stations early in the game competition Dad and I couldn't nearly make enough revenue to compensate for the amount of money we would invariably lose when we land on a station.

The building of houses if you only have one street seems fun, but ingame the house prices are 10 times higher than the rent, so they're not usually worth the investment (save for the streets you can get on through the dice rolling spaces).

BBP - 12-12-2019 at 09:06

Day 8 of Zappadan:
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore vol 4
Shut Up N Play Your Guitar
Frank Zappa meets the Mothers of Prevention
Francesco Zappa
Them Or Us
first disc of Thing-Fish.

Now onto disc 2 of Thing-Fish.

BBP - 12-12-2019 at 22:46

On the 9th day of Zappadan
my true love gave to me
Some help with the AIVD Christmas Puzzle
The Rest Of Thing-Fish
Jazz From Hell
Broadway the Hard Way
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore Vol 4

polydigm - 14-12-2019 at 04:34

AIVD have an English version of their website, but it doesn't include the puzzle.

polydigm - 14-12-2019 at 06:48

I've posted another recording on Soundcloud.

Palindromatically Inclined

BBP - 14-12-2019 at 08:46

You can find it over here: , click the top link under the header "Opgaveformulier downloaden".

Don't worry about not speaking any Dutch, it actually will help with some of the questions! Question 2 should be doable without any knowledge of Dutch (the accompanying text reads "it's of all ages but not always as extreme"). I would like to recommend against finding the answer to 2e though. :lol:

So far I have solved questions 1a, 2 and 30. I even managed to solve question 2 while listening to the FZ concert with John and Yoko and that's not even the worst headache I had yesterday, since it was company christmas party, and I am no good with loud music or strobe lights.

On the 10th day of Zappadan
the Guardian printed a nice FZ article
And I sorted my FZ collection
Does Humor Belong In Music?
Playground Psychotics
Make A Jazz Noise Here

Now listening to YCDTOSA 6/1. I play a lot of songs on here a lot.

aquagoat - 15-12-2019 at 08:26

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've posted another recording on Soundcloud.

Palindromatically Inclined
Sounds really cool, Geoff, I'm looking forward to hearing it with the piano and sax parts added.

BBP - 15-12-2019 at 13:12

On the 11th Day Of Zappadan
I went to visit my BF
and listened to YCDTOSA vol 6 just before leaving.

Now I still have Ahead Of Their Time, Best Band, Yellow Shark and CP3 left. I'll make it this year! :bouncy:

aquagoat - 16-12-2019 at 19:05

Great, Bonny. I thionk I'll listen to all my Zappa records during the holidays, next week.

BBP - 17-12-2019 at 11:28

On the 12th day Of Zappadan
I didn't get much listening done

On the 13th day of Zappadan
BF and I listened to:
Ahead Of Their Time
The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life CD 1

BBP - 18-12-2019 at 17:06

On the 14th day of Zappadan
BF and I listened to The BestBand You Never Heard In Your Life CD2

And when I came home I played Yellow Shark!

Today it's been Mystery Disk, right now Trance-Fusion...

BBP - 19-12-2019 at 11:34

On the 15th day of Zappadan
My true love gave to me
Mystery Disk
Feeding the Monkies at ma Maison
Lost Episodes
Imaginary Diseases.

polydigm - 19-12-2019 at 15:32

I’ll be listening to some FZ tomorrow as my Hot Rats Sessions download appeared this evening.

BBP - 19-12-2019 at 23:03

Cool! Will you let us know how it is?

On the 16th day of Zappadan
my true love gave to me
Dance Me This
Hammersmith Odeon

BBP - 21-12-2019 at 07:55

On the 17th day of Zappadan
My true love gave to me
Zappa Wazoo!

polydigm - 21-12-2019 at 14:17

Still haven't listened to much of Hot Rats Sessions, but so far some very interesting items.

BBP - 21-12-2019 at 23:11

How's the board game? Invited the missus for a round yet? Maybe we could set up a video conference so we can play together!
I really liked how they used guitar pics as tokens. :)

On the last day of Zappadan
my true love gave to me
the answer to one question of the AIVD puzzle and a lot of headway in another one
A new Betty recipe
Civilization Phase III

BBP - 21-12-2019 at 23:56

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've posted another recording on Soundcloud.

Palindromatically Inclined

Finally have a chance to listen to this...

Very nice and sunny! ('course 6/8 is the key you get the girls with... :lol: )

polydigm - 22-12-2019 at 22:28

There's something in there for everyone. There's also 4/4, 6/4 and 10/16.

BBP - 23-12-2019 at 21:40


BF's coming over for Christmas. (looks for the steam shovel)

aquagoat - 25-12-2019 at 09:17

Merry Christmas, guys!

polydigm - 25-12-2019 at 12:41

Indeed, merry christmas!

Steam shovel???

BBP - 25-12-2019 at 14:49

Well, BF grew up with both parents and has a mother who cleans up all the time - our house is a lot more chaotic by comparison.

We're having a nice time, solving lots of puzzles!

BBP - 27-12-2019 at 21:53

He's back home but I'll be visiting him over new year's! Hurray!

BBP - 28-12-2019 at 00:30

Allright, confession time ladies and gentlemen...

I was a huge fan of Cats for a brief period of time after seeing it in London in 2000. When a new film was made of the show it did get my interest.

There was a film version from 1998, a direct-to-video edition that had sort of the master-cast you'd want for such a production (with Elaine Paige and John Mills) that in spite of all the cutting that was done ("Growltiger's Last Stand" aka the pirate bit was cut in its entirety, numerous songs miss a verse and many dance sections have people appearing and disappearing) I really enjoyed, thanks to the great production values. Until there was a point when I realized I never saw it in full from start to finish. Even the show itself was just too much at points.

A new film has just come out - after the trailer was released last July there was a Twitter storm on how incredibly off-putting, hideous and kind of scary it looked. Like the 1998 video there's big stars - Judi Dench and Ian McKellen among them - but you really don't want to see them like that.

I was curious to see how it pans out - but after seeing the second trailer, the third trailer, hearing the film version is to be replaced ASAP with an updated version... I think I'll hold off. After reading a few hilarious reviews and seeing some stuff no man was ever meant to see I am doing my best trying to bring back the fond memories of finally getting to see the show way back when...

aquagoat - 28-12-2019 at 08:40

Not a Cats person, myself, but I've heard about this new version with Dame Dench. I've even seen a few clips of it. It doesn't look good indeed.

BBP - 29-12-2019 at 13:46

Back in the Happy Memory Cats Zone. I remember before the show started we had about two hours to ourselves, which five friends and I spent in the café across the road, drinking hot chocolate and playing cards.

The AIVD puzzle is proving too much for its solvers. I'm incredibly stuck myself.

polydigm - 31-12-2019 at 14:47

It’s 2020 here in Australia! I hope everyone’s having a good time and I wish you all a good new year.

aquagoat - 1-1-2020 at 08:39

Happy new year to you, guys! Hope it'll be a great one for everybody.

BBP - 1-1-2020 at 23:41

Happy new year to everybody!

I spent it with the inlaws. Two years ago I spent NYE with them and it was good fun, gourmetting with the family, lighting fireworks with the kids, and at midnight, go to their roof and watch the fireworks from there. Since they live in the middle of nowhere (sister-in-law lives in a village with a church, primary school and that's it) their roof offers a terrific view of the next few villages - plus the people there tend to spend more on fireworks since there's little else to do. :)

I told my dad how amazing the view was from the roof there, but as night fell, there was a heavy fog that was so dense that we couldn't even see the fireworks from three streets away. :shock:

It was a scary cycling trip back, I can assure you! My inlaws were slightly more laconic since apparently 2008 was even worse - to the extent that my sister-in-law and her husband got caught, hubby walked in front of the car to lead it since even the pavements were hidden by the fog. Still we're all happy that we're all back home in one piece.

polydigm - 2-1-2020 at 22:34

Yes, I don't like driving in fog. We had a pretty bad experience a few years ago in the latter part of driving from Alençon to Calais in the late afternoon. A very freaky experience if you've grown up in a part of Australia where such things never happen.

BBP - 3-1-2020 at 22:35

New York Times posted a highly critical article about OYO, which is the company that bought Belvilla.

polydigm - 5-1-2020 at 09:29

I'm building a shed and it's more than half finished. It's a pretty substantial one with a solid, garage like structure. It will be my new workshop - somewhere to put my work bench and all my tools, plus all our gardening tools. The small room in the house that is currently my workshop is about to be incorporated into a master bedroom renovation. It was a very strange tiny room, open on one side, that made no sense at all and we've come up with a plan that involves knocking a wall down and putting a couple of others up that will result in a layout that makes perfect sense all around.

BBP - 5-1-2020 at 16:17

How's stuff with the fires, Poly? It's worrying news what seeps through here...

aquagoat - 6-1-2020 at 17:32

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I'm building a shed and it's more than half finished. It's a pretty substantial one with a solid, garage like structure. It will be my new workshop - somewhere to put my work bench and all my tools, plus all our gardening tools. The small room in the house that is currently my workshop is about to be incorporated into a master bedroom renovation. It was a very strange tiny room, open on one side, that made no sense at all and we've come up with a plan that involves knocking a wall down and putting a couple of others up that will result in a layout that makes perfect sense all around.
That sounds like a nice project. Any before/after pics, so we can see the evolution of the work?

polydigm - 9-1-2020 at 14:58

Maybe some pics later.

As far as the fires go, we don’t live in the bush, so we’re not directly affected, but some days there has been significant smoke in the air. Regardless of our personal situation, the fires are devastating. Our prime minister is an idiot.

BBP - 9-1-2020 at 16:44

I guess you knew that before the fires started...

Been having medical minor issues here of the embarrassing kind, hope it pans out to be nothing...

BBP - 9-1-2020 at 20:34

Just saw a Red Cross ad, collecting money for the fire victims and evacues in Australia. Followed by money collecting for starving kids in Yemen.

polydigm - 13-1-2020 at 14:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Just saw a Red Cross ad, collecting money for the fire victims and evacues in Australia. Followed by money collecting for starving kids in Yemen.
It’s all connected.

BBP - 15-1-2020 at 18:14

Handed in the AIVD puzzle and had a breakdown at the dentist. Wisdom tooth needs extraction. :(

BBP - 22-1-2020 at 20:31

BF came over two days ago to make me feel better, which he did! Love him to bits!

polydigm - 23-1-2020 at 18:40

I had all four wisdom teeth out when I was 22. It was quite a traumatic experience. My daughter has just had two out recently and that seemed to go fairly well. I wish you all the best and I’m sure you’ll be fine.

BBP - 24-1-2020 at 17:57

I sure hope so...

Having a weekend all to myself since BF has an elementary school reunion. (lays back)

aquagoat - 25-1-2020 at 13:00

I've never had any wisdom tooth problem, but I've always heard people say it's awful and painful. Hope you'll be fine, Bonny.

BBP - 27-1-2020 at 20:44

Bought bus ticket from Dortmund to EIndhoven (not the other direction since that one was either leaving at 20:00 or at 1:30) and had a frustrating time trying to buy tickets from DB. (German railways)

polydigm - 28-1-2020 at 20:16

You might have to explain that.

BBP - 28-1-2020 at 21:22


I'm going to Dortmund on Friday because of the Dir En Grey concert.
To visit it I have to get there and back. Since I have no better transportation than my bicycle I'll be going by other means of transport. Coach travel is ideal, but the only offers I could find between Dortmund and Eindhoven were of FlixBus and only offered for departures 8PM (either too late or too early, meaning I'd have to spend an extra day in Dortmund) or 1AM (not going to happen).
For the return trip I decided to take an 8PM coach from Dortmund.

So it would be train, and I bought that from Deutsche Bahn, the German railway provider. Paying for it was a bit of a nightmare but I succeeded. Initially I used private window from Opera with VPN (which usually gives me Google results in either Russian or some Nordic language I haven't yet identified) but when I bought them with a normal browser I could get it done.

Now there's just the place to stay, and now that I work at Belvilla I know exactly where the pitfalls are. So now I'm reading a lot of Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (because the Germans are clever enough to use the German-language terms and conditions as the valid ones).

At work I did a lot of detective stuff. I found a number of fraud cases that should be grouped together.

BBP - 30-1-2020 at 19:28

Dortmund's up tomorrow!

polydigm - 31-1-2020 at 15:34

Have a good trip!

BBP - 2-2-2020 at 15:55

Back home safe and sound. Busy writing review. Not fun show. :(

polydigm - 5-2-2020 at 19:35

Sorry to hear about how the concert went for you.

BBP - 5-2-2020 at 21:10

I could go to the Paris one on Feb 8th... :)

BBP - 6-2-2020 at 20:01

And what do you know, I can get Saturday off... getting to Paris is more costly than Dortmund but I could do it...

...Edit: the tickets appear to be sold out.

Edit 2: there are still tickets but getting there can't be done without staying somewhere and it's just too tricky to do by bus. Unless I can hitch a ride, which probably will not happen, no Paris. I think I'll pass.

BBP - 8-2-2020 at 19:51

Pretty rough day today at work...

BBP - 9-2-2020 at 22:32

There's currently a pretty violent thunderstorm in The Netherlands.

BBP - 10-2-2020 at 20:09

Unfortunately our fellow and member KillUgly (KUIII) has passed away... very sad to hear this...

aquagoat - 11-2-2020 at 17:11

Ho, bad news indeed! How old was he?

BBP - 11-2-2020 at 18:26

According to his account here he was 58 when he succumbed to his pancreatic cancer. Dean joined last September but he never logged in, so he doesn't show up on the member list.

Dean lived in Paradise, CA for a long time. Last year he lost his home, including FZ collection, in the Camp Fire. A lot of Zappa forumers pulled together to send him Zappa records, which was lovely to see.

aquagoat - 13-2-2020 at 09:29

Ho, ok. I wasn't aware of all this, since I don't go to anymore. He was still very young.

BBP - 15-2-2020 at 18:54

I know... we miss you there...

am feeling better fortunately!

polydigm - 17-2-2020 at 16:09

Crap ... that's really sad about KUIII.

Sorry, I haven't been around for a while, this renovation is driving me nuts. We've been living in the lounge room since 27th January and there's still a couple of weeks to go.

BBP - 18-2-2020 at 16:20

Sorry to hear that Poly... it's for a good cause.

I went to the dentist again because of the pain I have been having - this time to good old Leo who has been my dentist for some 30-odd years. I thought my wisdom tooth was going to be extracted, but my dentist thought otherwise. He couldn't explain the cause of my pain either - teeth and gums are all looking fine and there are no infections. He did think we should wait half a year with the cleaning so my teeth can heal, if something's wrong with them, and that extracting the wisdom tooth now was not a good idea (since it is not urgent).

I was also supposed to visit a colleague in hospital today but as it turns out the hospital doesn't allow visitors on Saturday.

polydigm - 18-2-2020 at 23:46

No visitors on Saturday - that's nuts. I can't imagine being in hospital and having a day when no visitors are allowed.

BBP - 19-2-2020 at 08:35

...I meant Tuesday actually. But it's nuts, such limited visiting hours.

polydigm - 19-2-2020 at 14:01

Yeah, the day doesn't matter.

BBP - 19-2-2020 at 16:27

I remember there were two visiting hours per day when I was up with my ankle - and that it was a bit tough that I didn't have anyone come by for one morning (but then again I could leave that evening).

BBP - 19-2-2020 at 22:41

Went to visit him today with another colleague. He's doing a bit better and was very happy to see us.

BBP - 22-2-2020 at 19:30

I have Sunday and Monday off, which is fun. It is carnaval, is even more fun. Unfortunately most parades are being cancelled due to wind - basically all the major ones and the ones near me. :duh:

BBP - 23-2-2020 at 23:54

Sister's sent me on a wild tune chase, looking for a specific tune played often in football matches. I haven't found it yet but I have found this brilliant write-up on the Simpsons theme:

polydigm - 24-2-2020 at 13:03

A good piece of music - I've always liked it.

BBP - 24-2-2020 at 18:34

Unfortunately due to weather conditions over 50 carnaval parades were cancelled over the weekend - most parades in the south-east region where I hail from. This is very nasty for the groups who spent half a year building a float and making costumes, only to find their hard work won't be shown at all.

So the provincial channel Omroep Brabant gathered photos of as many floats and groups as they could. Have a nice look at the above link and enjoy!

(I'm partial to that elephant!)

polydigm - 1-3-2020 at 16:20

Impressive floats - the Dutch seem pretty serious about float making. That’s a pity about the weather.

BBP - 1-3-2020 at 22:22

The south of the Netherlands, primarily. Though I went to Drogeham up north with BF, but that one was so tiny compared to the stuff I've seen...

BBP - 5-3-2020 at 16:05

Went to visit BF where I went bowling and baked 2 batches of peanut brownies for my colleagues. And I didn't even get injured! :bouncy:

polydigm - 7-3-2020 at 20:09

That’s a nice change!

We’re still living out of the front room, but the work is nearing completion.

BBP - 7-3-2020 at 23:32

Had bad luck with my bicycle again - I left it about one third of the way to work and had to bring it home on the way back. The rear wheel wasn't secured well enough and was loose to the point it couldn't be rolled anymore.So I walked to my work, walked back from my work, and had to lift my poor bicycle home.
Upside down since the wheel wouldn't stay in.

At work a guy ringed whose wife had booked a home the night before and had failed pretty miserably - it was in a home that was too large since there would only be 2 of them, it was a stay of 28 days which was too long - but more importantly the arrival was today (!) and the home itself was on a holiday park that was 10 minutes away from the client's house.

'Course since a complete payment had already been made there was nothing I could do - and with arrival today it was 100% cancellation costs. With cancellation costs that high we need a manager to accept a request for cost-free cancellation and of course during the weekend they actually have weekend and are unavailable. Guy decided to keep his booking.

polydigm - 10-3-2020 at 19:39

You must be dreaming of getting another bike by now!

BBP - 11-3-2020 at 23:51

Well yes!

Anyway, that guy from my last post could cancel his booking for free, so all's well that ends well for him. Well almost. Park deducted €150 from the costs on site he had already paid to the park, their standard policy for noshows. Still losing 150 is ten times less bad than losing 1500.

Currently my province is banning sporting events and concerts - Brabant is the hardest-hit province in The Netherlands. Work called me to ask if I wanted to work from home. Sure, but my laptop is 10 years old and still going strong - it's not likely to handle the booking system, the toolbox for access to e-mail and our booking system database, the phone programme, the chat for office communication, the planning, the company e-mail and the company Facebook at the same time. The computers at work have enough trouble with that :biggrin:

polydigm - 12-3-2020 at 08:29

If they want you to work from home they should provide you the computer!

BBP - 12-3-2020 at 23:41

Guess what? Today they did! Well it does depend on how well my Wifi runs here...

BBP - 13-3-2020 at 23:00

Cleared and cleaned the desk in my sister's bedroom. I find it a bit scary to be honest...

Calvin - 14-3-2020 at 01:57

Your sister's desk or working at home?

I've been working at home for over 10 years now. While I don't feel part of the culture at work, I love being able to just sit there and do my typing and listen to my stereo without distractions.

Oh, hello by the way. :)

BBP - 14-3-2020 at 19:23

Hi Cal, great to see you!

I have a sore throat from all the talking. Work has been in-cre-di-bly busy, more than twice as busy as a high season Monday. I can't imagine how that would be if all the seats in the office would be occupied.

I cleared my sister's desk for nothing since the WIFI wasn't good enough.

Calvin - 15-3-2020 at 04:50

Darn. We just changed ISPs and got some really nice speeds for the internet.

My wife is still working because she's the manager, but with the school closed down here, her drivers can't work. (She manages a bus company.)

BBP - 16-3-2020 at 07:22


I'm off for day 2 of working from home... I hope I can use a USB mouse since working with the touchpad is a pain in the neck

polydigm - 19-3-2020 at 14:28

The touch pad on my Mac laptop is great. When I use an older computer with a mouse, it feels very hampered.

So, you did mean that working from home was scary?

BBP - 19-3-2020 at 21:45

You're really on your own - so that if I need help or permission I can't put a client on hold and walk off, I need to use a chat programme and hope that I get an answer in considerable time.

I'm quite accustomed to the touchpad on my laptop but this one's very different, I don't like the buttons yet. Also the shortcuts - F5 as refresh I need to use a lot when I work with our computer system since it often doesn't load properly - however I need to hold the function button in order to activate F5. It took a frustrating day before I found out that just pressing F5 only turns the keyboard lighting on and off.

F5 is right next t F4, which turns the microphone on and off. On Saturday I could work, but on Monday I couldn't get the sound to work - I asked help to three or four people on the chat but none of them could figure it out - it wasn't until I noticed a tiny LED next to a tiny microphone mute symbol when I realized what was going on.

polydigm - 20-3-2020 at 09:22

Talk about love hate relationships - computers are definitely the ultimate. I really love what they can do for me, but sheesh, can they be a pain in the butt.

BBP - 20-3-2020 at 20:36

Oh I know...

Talk about learning new things. "It's Oh So Quiet" that Björk made famous is a cover from the song by the same title by Betty Hutton, which is a translated cover of the 1948 song Und Jetzt Ist Es Still by Harry Winter.

Betty Hutton
[url]'s+oh+so+quiet+hutton&iar=videos&iax=videos&ia=videos& DhorRWtbAJoI[/url]

Harry Winter

BBP - 22-3-2020 at 20:38

I bought a USB keyboard, hope it helps... :)

BBP - 25-3-2020 at 19:27

It does! My working station is coming along now... am thinking of a few extra books to put the laptop at a nice height but for now the "Bulgarische Volkskunst" is doing its job just fine. :D

Been great to have a few days off after each other, had a longer day today but it hasn't been as stressful.

polydigm - 26-3-2020 at 20:03

My new Mac laptop has a fundamental flaw that is still irritating me beyond measure. The keys are too big and too closely spaced together. I’m just not getting used to it and constantly making typos due to finger overlap. My previous Mac laptop was smaller, but I still didn’t have that problem. Smaller keys and more spacing forces you to aim better while typing.

Anyway, our renovation is finished and life is back to normal with some nice improvements, so I can’t complain. Our regular swimming laps have had to stop due to pool closures so we’re trying to go for more walks. I’m missing the fact that swimming is all over exercise all at the same time, whereas walking only exercises your legs.

BBP - 26-3-2020 at 20:18

Yeah true... too bad about the pool.

It sounds really irritating, that keyboard. I'm personally getting used to the home and end buttons at the usb keyboard I use now but at least it's better than needing the Fn button to get the function keys.

polydigm - 26-3-2020 at 21:05

Is your laptop a Mac or Windoze machine? Isn't there a system setting that changes whether the fn key is needed or not? There is on a Mac, where you can choose whether you need the fn key for the standard function keys or for the special features.

BBP - 27-3-2020 at 17:49

Windows, but I'm very happy with the USB keyboard. Not only because of the function keys a=but also because of the distance between keyboard and monitor I can use now.

There's another issue - our system works better on a smaller resolution and now I have to do sideways scrolling on pages that I could see in full on the computers at work. I set te browser smaller to counteract it but that's not ideal.

BBP - 27-3-2020 at 17:51

In a total shocker Till Lindemann (singer to Rammstein) was admitted to ICU due to Corona.I hope he recovers fully...

BBP - 28-3-2020 at 18:11

Good day today, it was relatively quiet on the line and of course Dir En Grey livestreamed a concert.

polydigm - 29-3-2020 at 14:51

Yes, we’re in quite a pickle aren’t we? Mind you, it’s a fraction of the upside down world my parents found themselves in during the Second World War.

BBP - 29-3-2020 at 19:51

We'll see what happens in a few months. The problems have barely started, quite a lot of industries are going to suffer.

BBP - 4-4-2020 at 11:25

I'm somewhat wiser now... and one whole year older...

polydigm - 4-4-2020 at 14:12

Happy birthday Bonny!!

BBP - 5-4-2020 at 18:23

Thanks Poly!

On the second day of being 37 I am apparently none the wiser. I had made some tea and wanted to have some honey in it. Unfortunately the honey plastic squeeze bottle hat crystallized so badly it wouldn't come out.

I had this problem before. Then I attempted to solve the issue by puting it in a basin of warm water, but that didn't work, not even after 12 hours. A few days later the honey was clear - Dad had put it in the microwave. The bottle had changed shape somewhat, but the honey was usable again.

So I attempted to clear the honey by putting it in the microwave. After taking the bottle out I noticed it'd worked - and then the bottle exploded.

Honey was everywhere and a large hot lump had landed on my head, plus more honey on chest and belly. Thanks to my bra there's no burn on my chest but there is one on my belly (even though I wore a thick home-knit jumper and a T-shirt. And there's a painful burn on my head. All my clothes are now soaking in water, I hope it helps a bit. The floor is clean now. And the cupboards. And the fridge.

aquagoat - 6-4-2020 at 07:28

Happy belated birthday, Bonny. Don't worry, wisdom will come a little bit further in time. Or maybe not... lol.

BBP - 7-4-2020 at 12:02

I think I got all the honey out of my hair by now... :D

polydigm - 9-4-2020 at 20:24

I’m 64 and apparently quite experienced in life and I had a nearly full chocolate milk shaker explode all over me and half the kitchen last week!

aquagoat - 10-4-2020 at 07:35

Haha, the kind of accidents happens, we're never safe, Poly.

BBP - 10-4-2020 at 19:58

:forumsmiley183: I bow to you, Poly, oh master of mishaps...

polydigm - 11-4-2020 at 20:36

Yesterday I gashed my shin (about 3 cm by 0.5 cm) while concreting a veranda post. It bled quite a lot, but I had to keep going, because I’m using quick set concrete for these posts. Each hole requires 9 20 kg bags of concrete mix and each bag is added by pouring the water in the hole first and then emptying the bag contents on top. Each one requires a bit of mixing and sets very quickly and the following one has to go in at just the right time. It’s a very intense process. Julie bandaged my leg in situ while I carried on.

None the less, that’s funny you calling me the master of mishaps!

polydigm - 11-4-2020 at 20:37

Hey Aqua, how have you been?

BBP - 11-4-2020 at 20:53

Oh dear Poly, I'm so sorry to hear that... how did it happen?

aquagoat - 12-4-2020 at 07:54

Sp, there are traces of your dna all over concrete, Poly? Lol, I quite often cut my shins when I work in the summer cause I wear shorts, so there's some of my blood on most of the roofs I make between June and October.

As for me, cause of the virus, I've been unemployed since mid March. Also in lockdown, so it's a bit difficult to see my girlfriend, since we don't live together. But thre weather's beautiful, and I can do all sorts of things I hadn't got time to when I worked. Now we'll see how long it lasts.

polydigm - 14-4-2020 at 20:22

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Oh dear Poly, I'm so sorry to hear that... how did it happen?

The process might be time sensitive but I was in too much a rush and carelessly tripped over one of the guide lines. Thankfully, it hasn’t held me up.

polydigm - 14-4-2020 at 20:38

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
... it's a bit difficult to see my girlfriend, since we don't live together...

My youngest is 24 and still lives at home, as does his girlfriend. They rotate between his place and hers.

BBP - 14-4-2020 at 21:52

That's fun. Unfortunately since my province Brabant is the hotspot of The Netherlands (mainly focussing in Breda, Tilburg and Uden/Meierijstad) and his parents are in the low-struck northern provinces (and in a high risk group, but so is my dad) his parents don't like it if I go to him. :(

BBP - 17-4-2020 at 06:47

My plaid is finished! I'd post a picture but I haven't got a good one yet.

polydigm - 17-4-2020 at 20:41

Sorry to hear about your relationship restrictions, Bonny and Aqua.

That recent mishap of mine may have hurt and still does, but it hasn’t held me up. I’ve done quite a bit since then. Adding new structures to existing ones almost always involves complications. Two significant problems have required storm water reconfigurations, one of which was quite elaborate. Weather permitting, I should finish the current column tomorrow and then I’ve saved the easiest one until last.

aquagoat - 18-4-2020 at 10:04

As far as I'm concerned, it's ok, cause we live in the same town, so we can manage to see each other. The more problematic situation is the financial one. Being unemployed drastically diminishes my incomes so I've got to be careful how I spend my money.

Congratulations on your home extensions, Poly.

polydigm - 18-4-2020 at 14:55

Are there not income support options in France for the current situation?

It’s 11:20pm here. I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck after today’s efforts. One more column to go and then the old veranda gets demolished.

aquagoat - 20-4-2020 at 07:36

Only the usual support I get when I'm unemployed, nothing extra.

polydigm - 20-4-2020 at 16:01

So, no income support in France like in the UK or Australia?

BBP - 20-4-2020 at 16:10

Sorry to hear that... that's rough!

My boyfriend's family has allowed him to come over, so with a little bit of luck he'll be here on Saturday or Sunday.

polydigm - 21-4-2020 at 21:20

Couples being kept apart is also rough.

BBP - 23-4-2020 at 06:45

Fortunately BF has been given the OK to come over to us. Unfortunately his mother's got sick so we're hoping she recovers soon and that it's nothing serious.

aquagoat - 23-4-2020 at 07:49

No, no special support. But my employment agency contacted me, yesterday, so, with a little luck, maybe I'll work again soon.

Yes, it's not easy being kept apart but we manage to see each other quite regularly. Even though it's gonna be more difficult during the next few weeks since her daughter is back at home due to the fact that she's got to be operated on because of an hernia.

Hope your boyfriend's mom has got nothing serious, Bonny.

BBP - 24-4-2020 at 20:53

The doctor came to check her up and now it's the waiting game.

Sorry to hear about your girlfriend, I hope she's OK...

aquagoat - 25-4-2020 at 06:54

Ok, it's never fun when you're kept waiting in the dark, like that.

As for my girlfriend, she's ok. I realize my previous post isn't really clear. It's actually her daughter who must be operated on. It's nothing too serious but she will have to stay at her mother's place for a few weeks.

polydigm - 27-4-2020 at 09:51

Well, all the best to everyone, just in case!

aquagoat - 28-4-2020 at 08:40

Thanks, Poly.

I should start working again as soon as May 11th, actually. We'll see.

BBP - 28-4-2020 at 09:55

BF's here! :)

aquagoat - 29-4-2020 at 08:30

Good news!!

BBP - 29-4-2020 at 22:04

Well he went back home again, but we had lots of fun playing Full Throttle, going on walks and tinkering with computers and wifi. :D

aquagoat - 2-5-2020 at 07:16

Cool, glad you had a good time together, Bonny.

It is confirmed that I'll resume work on May 11th. I've got plenty of gloves, masks, gel, etc.. to work with. I'm ready.

BBP - 2-5-2020 at 07:26

Good to hear! Congratulations!

polydigm - 2-5-2020 at 21:37

I’ve finished the veranda, but now have to sort out the floor.

BBP - 2-5-2020 at 23:00

Nice! Hope you don't have to do any concrete for that :)

My bosses were in a sweet mood and sent all employees a box of chocolates. They're from Tony Chocolonely, the first slave-free chocolate brand. I'm happy they've done so well and so many chocolate manufacturers have followed suit.

In the past few years there has been a trend of inventing weird chocolate flavours, Tony's were also one of the first, if not the first, to try this out. My favourite is dark milk which combines milk chocolate's creamy structure with pure chocolate's flavour. Once I bravely (haha) bought their limited edition Pina Colada chocolate - white with pineapple and rum. And this comes from somebody who doesn't like white chocolate too much and who doesn't drink: it was way too good. :drool:

Even so I found some of their chocolates more... questionable... like the White Raspberry Poprock bar. It's an expensive brand due to its fairtrade nature and spending three euros on 300 grams of chocolate for something that may taste horrible... Luckily the package work sent also had one of these.
Well, at least it satisfied my curiosity... but I'm glad I've never bought a full bar. Too sweet and not that much pop.

Aside from milk, dark, white and hazel, and my beloved dark milk, there are other weird flavours in it. Today I had dark almond seasalt, which I didn't like much. I still have milk caramel seasalt, milk nougat and milk pretzel toffee still to go.

BBP - 4-5-2020 at 18:35

Today is the Dutch WW2 memorial day. There are usually remembrance services at military graveyards, the concentration camps and other places - the biggest ones at the Monument on the Dam in Amsterdam, where the king land many officials place wreaths, and the Waasdorpervlakte, where between 250 and 280 jews and resistance fighters were executed by firing squad. (ironically also two WW2 criminals, among them one of the big fish, Anton Mussert).

I once attended the Monument on the Dam. Having a group of 100,000 people be silent for two minutes is awe-inspiring.

This year will definitely be unique.

aquagoat - 5-5-2020 at 07:35

Good news, Poly.

Ha, chocolates can definitely be hit or miss. Not very much a fan of chocolate, myself.

Yes, this year's celebrations are gonna be quite special.

polydigm - 7-5-2020 at 14:53

Well, there has been the issue of two roof leaks, which I have now almost completely fixed. As I'm sure you can appreciate Aqua, having a hole (for a flyover bracket) in a corrugated iron roof where two sheets overlap is very problematic. You can't just seal it with a rubber boot lined with silicone, as water's capillary action is notorious and it sneaks in between. Out of seven flyover brackets, two have given me real grief. Add to that, one is through an overlap that wasn't done properly by a builder a long time ago and I discovered that the facia board in line with it has been silently rotting for years. It's fixable, but par for the course with this house - there have been many dodgy things that needed fixing up since we've lived here.

I like chocolate far too much.

BBP - 10-5-2020 at 18:02

Good to hear you got it fixed Poly!

Sorry about having been a bit quiet: BF came over on Thursday and he has only just left, so I had 4 days to enjoy him.

polydigm - 10-5-2020 at 20:45

That’s as it should be. I hope you guys had a great time.

Some of our restrictions are being lifted this week.

BBP - 12-5-2020 at 15:36

That's nice!
Yesterday I had the first international booking in like two months, a German travelling to The Netherlands.

BBP - 13-5-2020 at 17:58

And from now on I'm allowed to work at the office 1 day per week. First day will be 22 May. :D

polydigm - 14-5-2020 at 22:04

Will going back to work still involve social distancing?

Things haven’t changed that much here. We still can’t go swimming because the pool’s not going to bother opening for a maximum of ten people - same with restaurants. We’re having a family get together Sunday for the first time in a while.

BBP - 15-5-2020 at 18:04

It probably will involve that. Today I had a training with about 8 colleagues. Two were at work and there wre 2 chairs between them, one on the far left and the other on the far right of the screen. There's not going to be many colleagues either but it's been so great even watching them on the screen. (highlight was one of our seniors had an attention seeking cat walking through the screen and giving headbutts.)

BBP - 17-5-2020 at 11:37

When there are alternative versions of one of your favourite books...

punknaynowned - 18-5-2020 at 07:59

just saying hello,
I'm fine, scared for the future, still not chicken little

had no idea B you were a fan of Anthony Burgess

BBP - 18-5-2020 at 22:51

Oh absolutely! Have read four books by him but Earthly Powers was the best!

polydigm - 19-5-2020 at 14:59

Hey Punky!! Good to hear from you.

I've almost stopped reading altogether, except for news.

BBP - 19-5-2020 at 18:35

Dad found a huge bug in the shower, which turns out to be a common cockchafer. Also learnt that up until the middle of the 20th century these critters were being eaten in France and Germany, they were cooked in broth to make cockchafersoup.

BBP - 21-5-2020 at 16:14

Lost the Cluedo game. :crying:

BBP - 23-5-2020 at 18:14

Tooth pain's been killin me lately...

BBP - 25-5-2020 at 07:42

Dental pain got so heavy pain killers don't cut it anymore and i didn't sleep at all. Got an emergency appointment with dentist today

BBP - 25-5-2020 at 10:17

Had wisdom tooth pulled. At the moment I cannot speak so I write a lot to compensate :)

My teeth had been giving me problems since my last oral hygienist appointment - culprit after much unnecessary pain turned out to be the wisdom tooth on one side. It had always been a problem since it came in bent and the area around it was sensitive. Since that treatment, when my butcher spent a good five minutes pulling at that tooth, I had been having an insane amount of sensitivity.

Last night was especially bad - the APC I had taken last night at 11 didn't work. At 12:30 I walk around a bit to cool down, but it doesn't help. I put on a CD for two nice mellow tunes, but the rest that gave me is gone.
At 1:30 I take a sip of water and rinse it in my mouth. It cools somewhat but half an hour later the effect is gone. I think about taking more painkillers but I don't want to exceed the dose. Instead I slap petroleum jelly on the sore spots.
2:30: I rinse my mouth and lie on my bedroom floor. As I'm lying on my back the stress on my teeth relieves somewhat but as soon as I turn my head it's back.
3:30: I rinse and drink a little. I rub Sensodyne onto the sore spots. Again I lie on the bedroom floor.
4:00: I give in and take an extra dose of paracetamol
4:05: Pain is so much relieved that I wish I'd taken them earlier
4:15: Pain is back.
4:20: I go to the bathroom, wash hands, drink, fill my water bottle and head for the CD player for some mellow songs. Occasionally I rinse water in my mouth which seems to ease the pain.
4:50: Done listening, back to bed
I spent the next two hours tossing until my alarm goes. First I set it to 7:30, then to 8:00 . I get out just before 8 . As I walk down I notice today's the day the trash is collected, so I but the garbage outside. Then I call the dentist and my team manager at work to explain: she thinks its best I take sick leave because I didn't sleep at all. Appointment is set at 10. I check news and toss spam, then I call my boyfriend. It's hard. Often during the night and morning I break down in tears because the pain is so bad.
At 9:00 I clean my teeth, way too early I go to the dentist. Aside from hand sanitizer there's the guideline that max 4 people are allowed in the waiting room - something the clients don't heed much. I fill in a form about Corona, answering questions like "do you have Corona?" "Do you have cold symptoms?"
The last question is "Are you feeling well and healthy?" To me the answer is no, I'm in agony and didn't sleep, but that's tooth related, so I enter yes. When it's finally my turn I hand in the form. Dentist assistant sees it's really the wisdom tooth causing the problem. My dentist will be able to pull it straight away. She gives me anaesthesia, lets me sit in the waiting room, ten minutes later I'm called back in to good ol' Leo, my dentist of 30 years. After small talk he grabs his grips, says "I need to feel how your tooth moves," I feel some painful cracks, he says "It's loose already", grabs another tool and pulls it out. That took all of two minutes!

I'm flabbergasted, it seems like ten months of agony are ended with a few seconds of work. Under other circumstances I could've hugged him but it's all about keeping distance nowadays, so I bow to him, I'm so rediculously happy.

So now it's biting gauze and waiting, but for now I don't feel any pain, just a bit nausea from anaesthetic and sleep deprivation.

polydigm - 27-5-2020 at 18:14

Wow, at least it’s now over. I hope you get some good rest soon.

BBP - 29-5-2020 at 16:13

I hope so. I still have some minor pains that are unfortunately similar to the ones I've had in the past 10 months.

polydigm - 30-5-2020 at 07:16

Hang in there Bonny.

BBP - 30-5-2020 at 16:47

Hard day at work today but at least I now have three days off!

BBP - 2-6-2020 at 20:22

Was a bit of a shame that I couldn't visit my BF but on the other hand it's been nice to have some time to myself. Took a lot of jigsaws to the second-hand shop. They had a lot of metal albums this time around, Biohazard and other stuff that my sister has, so I left it there.

polydigm - 2-6-2020 at 20:30

I’ve been feeling a bit down for a while - probably the onset of winter. There’s just something melancholy about late autumn that gets me every year. I’m fine once winter sets in properly.

BBP - 4-6-2020 at 15:23

Sorry to hear that Poly... here have a hug!

BBP - 5-6-2020 at 14:10

Went to the office again today. We will open up further (now there are max 10 persons, there will then be max 35 callcenter and max 15 others). However we have to maintain the distance of 1.5 m, meaning only 2 people may use the lift at the time, and only 15 people may use the canteen (so during lunch hours you're not allowed to get a coffee).

Because of the lift limitations, nobody may use the lift unless they have a mobility issue. So we now all have to use the stairs - the ones by the lift for going up and the emergency exit for going down.

We're on the 5th floor. There's a secret floor between ground and first floor, and I park my bicycle in the basement, so that's 7 floors up daily.

Remind me to wake up earlier in the morning.

polydigm - 5-6-2020 at 15:48

Thanks Bonny. I'm already on the mend.

No can say you're not getting any exercise.

BBP - 7-6-2020 at 12:25

I wonder how some of my colleagues are going to do that...

BBP - 8-6-2020 at 18:54

Pretty heavy day, at the office again.

BF has decided to join me in playing Whodunnit, the ITV game show from the 70s that I've taken a shine to. We watch it at the same time and discuss who we think it is over WhatsApp.

BBP - 9-6-2020 at 09:48

Work is getting intense - we're not allowed to give out our last names anymore since one of our colleagues got harrassed to the point all her notes are now signed as pseudonym. Heavy stuff.

polydigm - 12-6-2020 at 15:10

I had a bit of an accident in the garden last weekend. It feels like I’ve got a broken rib, but the X-ray says otherwise. I’ve not been able to get a decent night’s sleep since last Saturday. Today is the first day I’ve noticed a slight improvement.

BBP - 12-6-2020 at 15:39

Oh poor Poly, that sounds painful! What happened?

aquagoat - 14-6-2020 at 06:38

Hello everyone, long time no see.
Work's been quite intense for a while, which he's good cause I'll get more money. But it's exhausting.
And I'm single again. Well, that's life.

Poly, hope you'll get better soon.

Going up and down stairs is very good for your health, Bonny.

polydigm - 14-6-2020 at 06:40

I was digging out a tree stump with a large digging chisel and it suddenly lost grip. I might have been able to fall naturally if I was out in the open, but I collided with a veranda post which spun me around and I fell very awkwardly. I landed on some broken bricks.

BBP - 14-6-2020 at 12:19

Oh no guys, I'm so sorry to hear that! Hugs all round! :forumsmiley8:

aquagoat - 15-6-2020 at 17:50

Thank you for the hugs, Bonny.

Ouch!!! I can feel your pain, Poly.

BBP - 17-6-2020 at 15:27

Approaching burn out stages myself at the moment.

I'm in favour of a hug fest.

aquagoat - 18-6-2020 at 17:37

Yes, hug fest for everyone!!!!

BBP - 19-6-2020 at 06:56

I'll be off to Friesland today for the first time in months, since my nephew has his 5th birthday. Also it'll be 5 years since I first met my BF at the concert.

For my nephew's birthday I decided to crochet a dinosaur. Unfortunately he looks kinda... phallic from some angles.

aquagoat - 19-6-2020 at 17:00

Already five years with your BF?? T'ime effing flies!!!

Nothing wrong with some phallic looking dinosaur, methinks.

BBP - 22-6-2020 at 22:30

Just got back. Exhausted, pff.

Could be worse - the 10 month old baby of my sister-in-law is crying to the point his parents have been running on 3 to 4 hour nights for weeks.

polydigm - 23-6-2020 at 03:11

Hugs have been awkward for me due to the physical damage. I understand the sleep deprivation thing, that previous little improvement I felt wasn't much and I haven't had a decent night's sleep for two weeks. Last night was a little better, so things appear to be on the up from now on. When you can't even properly enjoy the fundamental pleasure of a good sniff, life is tuff, but that seems to be getting better now.

I hope you guys are doing well.

BBP - 23-6-2020 at 21:11

Coping... work stress is pretty bad.

polydigm - 24-6-2020 at 09:41

I hope that sorts itself out soon Bonny.

aquagoat - 24-6-2020 at 15:24

I'm doing fine, Poly, the sun is shining.

aquagoat - 24-6-2020 at 15:25

I'm doing fine, Poly, the sun is shining.

BBP - 26-6-2020 at 22:06

Today I had my first day being question master. That is going to look cool on my resumé! :bald:

Also had a wild trip through my company's study platform Studytube, where they put all our trainings. Studytube is a company that offers not just web space, but also online learning. Most of it is neither interesting or on my level, but as of yesterday I have my theory forklift driving certificate. Also there is a great training about preventing burn-out.

Then a very long-awaited e-mail came in, four months later than expected. It was the mail from the makers of the nefarious AIVD puzzle, letting me know I had scored 26.5 points,giving me a shared 137th place out of 469 entries in one of the hardest puzzles of The Netherlands. I aim for the top half, but I'm also in the top 30%.
Aside from Corona the big delay was caused by a question:
"You have 100 points that you can divide over 10 envelopes, number 1 to 10. Envelope 1 contains €1, envelope 2 has €2, etc. Your envelope score is competing against 1 opponent at the time, the person who puts the highest amount of points on the envelope wins it. Every contestant plays every contestant. The top 50% get 2 points, the 50-75% get 1 point, the rest 0. There are also bonus points for the winner and the top 10%."
I'll never know what possessed them to do that. It's not like they make money out of that.

BBP - 29-6-2020 at 21:45

Finally found me a copy of 13 Dead End Drive! It was never released in The Netherlands, so it's the German version.

BBP - 2-7-2020 at 19:33

Rough day at work today. I'm finding out that of numerous colleagues the contract hasn't been extended, which is terrible since it means I'll never see them again. In some cases they were good friends who didn't say bye.

aquagoat - 4-7-2020 at 06:23

Ha, ti's the kind of problem in the business you work in, there's a big turnover.

BBP - 4-7-2020 at 17:34

It's weekend, hurray!

polydigm - 4-7-2020 at 19:36

Sorry to hear about your lost work friends Bonny.

With that AIVD puzzle I’m not sure I understand your last point about making money.

BBP - 5-7-2020 at 13:38

It's embarking on a huge enterprise for the sake of it. It reminds me a bit of the time I dug into Gabriel Knight 3's subtitle files. Every line of the game had its own subtitle file and there were over a thousand. Took a month. From these I reconstructed the Gabriel Knight 3 Screenplay - it's huge! Other than just being head-over-heels in love with GK3 I had no motivation whatsoever to do so.

There were 469 puzzle entries. If every one of those 469 plays every single opponent, how many games are played?468 + 467 + 466 + 465... +3 +2 +1. I make that 109746 games to be played in total. Unless the game masters were particularly interested in the mathematical side of it and wanted to try a real-life version I don't know why they'd want to put themselves to comparing so many puzzle entries with each other.

polydigm - 5-7-2020 at 15:28

Of course, a very large triangular number.

BBP - 6-7-2020 at 17:05

Now we will have to figure out a way of going through life without Morricone... :(

BBP - 10-7-2020 at 07:47

Will be visiting my boyfriend again today. Am even thinking of staying longer with him, which I can now that the logon codes have changed.

aquagoat - 13-7-2020 at 18:39

Just spent a few days in Lille, visitin ex-girlfriend anda few members of her family, went to a few restaurants, etc, etc. It was a pretty good week-end.

BBP - 15-7-2020 at 21:16

Just got back! Was great to be able to spend some more time with my bf, and just him (last time I visited him was a social visit to pretty much all his family).

polydigm - 19-7-2020 at 04:39

Good to see you guys have been enjoying yourselves.

I’m doing alright except for RSI in the middle finger of my right hand and pain In my left jaw joint. They both seem to be subsiding.

BBP - 20-7-2020 at 22:06

All was going well after our trip - sure there were some nasty moments, like when I had to take a very extended route due to works on the railroad, when the Great British Bake-Off that we had been looking forward to watching together for days - had been cancelled in favour of a racism debate, when my favourite MythBuster (and celeb crush) Grant Imahara passed away and when the computers at a company my BF does work for, malfunctioned and BF was tinkering PCs for a night, and the minigolf trip that couldn't happen because the owner hadn't cleaned the tracks, plus real bad nights of sleep due to bad bed, but all in all it was good fun. We ended up watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, played Tantrix a couple of times, napped in the day, went for a few walks and cooked together.

Less than 24 hours after leaving BF the high of the visit was crushed when I had to call a very nasty customer who is honestly the first client in 2 years to call me names. I broke down ten minutes before the end of my working day to the point that my team manager offered me a week of holiday - in the high season after Corona it is so impossibly busy I never imagined that would happen, but they fear I'm approaching burn-out. So do I bytheway. A week from now I have a week off.

So, past few days... I watched a lot of Mythbusters, played a lot of music and consulted my BF if we can meet again that week.

polydigm - 21-7-2020 at 14:09

Bloody hell, Bonny, my last couple of days have been a cakewalk in comparison. I think we should stop trying to outdo each other, it could end up pretty dangerous. :duh:

BBP - 22-7-2020 at 21:48

Been doing some amateur sleuthing at work, it seems to be paying off in that I got a pat on the back from one of the bosses. It's relating to an individual that has scammed our company way too many times.

aquagoat - 23-7-2020 at 16:30

Damn, Bonny, that week off is gonna do you good, I'm sure.

BBP - 24-7-2020 at 06:15


I wish I had the transportation to take me to France...

BBP - 25-7-2020 at 23:07

I'm on vacation!

BBP - 27-7-2020 at 22:26

So, first day of vacation, I baked a lemon cake and finished the prototype of my chandelier project.
Two weeks ago I was elated to find 13 Dead End Drive (German edition) at the local second-hand shop. This game was never published in The Netherlands and I'd been dying to have it as a Cluedo fan. There aren't many games where you actually get to kill your opponents.

13 Dead End Drive has been described as a cross between Cluedo and Mouse Trap. The unimaginably wealthy Aunt Agatha has died, without any living relatives. Her 12 closest friends, employees and cat have gathered at her house to see who will inherit the vast fortune... but there are strange things afoot in the home and there are less and less potential heirs left...

Each player is dealt 3 to 4 heirs in secret, and must keep these secret throughout the game. A stack of cards with the characters shows who is the favourite heir at that moment. If the character manages to flee the house while (s)he/cat is the favourite heir, the player owning that character wins. A player can also win if the inspector arrives at the door when his character is the favourite heir.

Or, by being the last character alive. There are several fun ways of disposing the game's cast with actual working traps: flip them down the stairs, let the bookshelf ladder collapse while they're climbing it, drop a statue on them, cast them into the fireplace or, my favourite, drop a chandelier on them.

And the chandelier, that's where the issue is.

The game chandelier drops 20 cm - it is therefore pretty likely it'll not survive the murderous mayhem.

The game has become a cult classic, thanks to the violence, the surprisingly interesting gameplay although marketed at 9 and up, the violence, the astonishing artwork, the violence, the elaborate set-up, the violence... Copies of the game sell for 20 to 50 dollars - depending on whether the chandelier is still in one piece.

The chandelier in my copy works and is still intact (although missing decals), but I've noticed that this won't last long. There appear to be some weaker spots in the plastic, and the bulk mass at the bottom is held up by a little thin bit of plastic, if you have bad luck the chandelier flips 180 degrees during its fall and there goes an inreplaceable piece of plastic.

So I am making a chandelier to use instead of the original one. It has to look good enough to be fun, and soft enough to not cause damage to board or pieces.Today I finished a very nice looking prototype.

Here's a review of the game showing all the traps at work:

Picture of chandelier coming up...

BBP - 29-7-2020 at 21:43

Went to the local open-air museum, now again known as Prehistorisch Dorp. When I was a kid there were three replicas built of iron age homes that were found in the region. Back then entry was free so we went there a couple of times - at 15 minutes cycling from my house it was quite convenient. But I hadn't been there since my elementary school years.

A lot has changed since then - a medieval section was added and they charge 9 euros now, but I decided to go anyway.

I had to reserve a time slot and couldn't spend more than 3 hours there. In fact after 90 minutes I'd seen and done pretty much anything and couldn't stretch it much longer than 2.5 hours. And in this short time I shot 195 photos. And one film that didn't get saved.
Prehistorisch Dorp has 25 reconstructions and is with that a lot smaller than the Archeon. There's a stone age hunter's camp, a Bronze/Iron age long shed, work shed, small home, pug sty, sheep farm, loam pit, grave hill and holy oak, there's a Roman era (50BC to 500 AD) lookout tower, work shed, cow farm, Roman work shed, and herbal garden. There's a Framks era (500-1500) dwelling, archery course and arena (= patch of grass), a late Middle Ages crafts home, blacksmith and medieval celebration market. And of the 80 Years War (1568-1648) there's an inn, marketplace, chapel, pottery house, and entrance.

Image here:

Their website is here. I already noticed their German was noticeably not done by native German speakers, and I get the same feeling reading their English site.

So, what did I do in those two hours besides making 200 photos?
-Passed the market place, made a lot of photos of the blacksmith;
-Noticed the arena was a patch of grass with a tent and hobbyhorses.
-Moded to the Frankish section with the fireplace and a lots of kids in costume. In the Frankish farm it is possible for kids to dress up in medieval costume (as in, linen, square and only top dress and/or shirt), but god that looked adorable. Also there was a weapon set for kids to try on for size and weight, and wooden shields/swords for playfight, and all that stuff..
-Went to the archery setup and missed three arrows. Was fun though.
-Walked back and noticed there was a chapel with a medieval style cemetary (= wooden crosses), took more pictures
-At the potters only 1 family at a time is allowed (Corona), and it's empty. I go in and find that here it is possible to make your own pottery. With spinning disk! Hey that's one I'd love to try - unfortunately as soon as I dip my fingers in clay, three kids walk in. I have to leave due to Corona rules.
-Next to that is a stone throwing game, but as soon as I want to try some woman with kid pushes me out of the way to let her kid throw stones. Seriously. To throw with rocks.
-The sheep stable normally has a sheep, but now it's just a big plush sheep due to Corona.
-Behind the stone throwing is a pull ferry (basically you have a wooden raft, you step on it, and pull on the rope that's attached to one end to advance.) It was too popular to have a go every time I checked.
-Climbed to the top of the Roman Watchtower, took pictures and had to leave because it's so small and only one exit and Corona.
-A lot of little paths are closed due to Corona, most farms have a one-way route. With the smaller locations this gets awkward.
-The bronze and iron age square is a huge activity hub - besides the few farms and treehouse and pig sty (without actual pigs) there's wood splitting, fibula making, loam amulet making, wheat grinding, canoe peddling... I make a fibula and decide against getting myself dirty with the loam amulet making, but it looks like fun!
-The best photo opportunity is at a Frankish oven - one of the free-roaming chickens hops into it and finds a nice place to hide. Unfortunately I couldn't make a photo but such chickens are convenient. Now we just need to train them to eat rosemary sauce and pluck themselves before they climb in.
-At the Holy Oak there are some musical instrument replicas of the Roman era, but I don't get a chance to play. At the Hunter's camp a woman gives a fire making demonstration - I shoot some film but my camera gives in unfortunately. It's very crowded and not many people still do the 1.5 m thing.
There's a spear throwing activity at the oak - I got quite the action shot!
-I visit the various farms. They're a bit spartan with information - the museum has an app with audio tour and TimeViewer but I can't download that on my old phone.
-I head back to the market square, where there's a block building activity, a guess the age of this item game, hoops, stilts and numerous other games. The tilting at the ring and Quantain looks tantalizing!
-Unfortunately the crossbow shooting is proving too popular. I visit a fortunately quiet museum store, have fun browsing. I find a nice necklace but the only one left is the one that was on display and somebody broke the chain. The shop attendant gives me the pendant for free. I also come out with a medieval replica bracelet, another necklace with pendant (compass), a postcard, a 12th century Endehoven coin replica, a postcard and a handful of gems that I got from the gumball machine with a large "THIS ISN'T CANDY" sign.
-I have some fresh ginger tea in a quiet corner. The family at the table before me are waiting for their pancakes - as they arrive, the mother has to gather all the kids and temporarily leave the table - a jackdaw spots the opportunity and gets a good chunk of apple pancake.

Other activities are a barefoot path, Nine Men's Morris, and a sandbox for archaeological excavating (the staff put stuff in there for kids to find).

BBP - 31-7-2020 at 11:00

Went to the Dutch Lithography museum in Valkenswaard, where they had a gorgeous Mucha exposition!

BBP - 31-7-2020 at 20:35

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aquagoat - 1-8-2020 at 07:05

13 Dead End Drive, that seems to be an interesting and funny game.

Prehistorisch Dorp looks great and amusing. We've got the same kind of thing in different regions here, it can be pretty interesting and exotic.

I'm now on holiday for 3 weeks. Don't know exactly what I'm gonna do, yet. I'll start with doing sports and music, and I'll see if I can go somewhere around the country.

BBP - 1-8-2020 at 15:04

If you feel like exploring The Netherlands we could meet up, I have vacation until Wednesday :D .

aquagoat - 2-8-2020 at 07:17

I don't know about The Netherlands, but I'll probably spend a day in Belgium, with a girl-friend of mine. Unfortunately, it will be next week-end.

polydigm - 2-8-2020 at 09:12

I don't know ... these people on holidays!

BBP - 3-8-2020 at 09:36

Am baking baguettes for the first time since... well, ever. Let's just see how the dough's proofed...

aquagoat - 4-8-2020 at 12:10

Yeah, let's see that! One of these days, I'm gonna try making my own bread.

BBP - 4-8-2020 at 17:52


Baguettes aren't as easy to make. Or, well, they are, but one thing is having the key ingredients, one of them is really hard to come by. (T45 flour in The Netherlands is pretty hard to obtain)

aquagoat - 5-8-2020 at 07:59

Ho, ok. Dindn't know that. Why is it so difficult to get?

BBP - 5-8-2020 at 17:47

Aside from Corona? Unfortunately the Dutch don't label their flour in the way that is done in France - we either have bloem or patentbloem (in English it would be flour and strongflour). Bloem is protected but patentbloem (the "better" flour for baking) isn't. Because of the lack of indication on the package it's unfortunately a matter of trying out.

aquagoat - 6-8-2020 at 07:47

ha, ok, I understand.

BBP - 7-8-2020 at 16:56

So... hot...

aquagoat - 9-8-2020 at 16:34

Yes, so fecking hot!!!!

BBP - 9-8-2020 at 18:18

I can see the ice cubes melting in my lemonade... pfff...

aquagoat - 10-8-2020 at 07:36

Hahahaha. ok.

BBP - 10-8-2020 at 20:26

Was great to be at the office again...

Thing was I had a meeting with my team manager and I hadn't brought my laptop, and I had forgotten my phone.
Another team manager sat right across me and she allowed me to use her work phone...
until at 14:00, that team manager packed her stuff and went. Our manager had made a surprise visit to the office and there is a maximum number of people allowed, so somebody had to leave and she chose to go.
So I ended up borrowing a third team manager's laptop. Office adventures...

BBP - 11-8-2020 at 19:26

Thunderstorm today, brilliant! Temperature dropped 5 degrees!

BBP - 14-8-2020 at 06:43

Two days off in which I did precious little due to weather conditions. It was supposed to rain here yesterday and there has been real bad rain in my province but unfortunately none out here. Am trying to cool the house, it's still suffocatingly hot.

aquagoat - 16-8-2020 at 07:43

It's rained a lot lately and the temperature has decreased a good amount, but I hope it's gonna get sunny again for my last week of vacation. I'm gonna stay a few days at my ex's appartment in Le Touquet, so it would be cool to be able to go to the beach, have long walks, etc, etc.

aquagoat - 16-8-2020 at 13:12

Well, my home cinema system seems to be fried. Actually, it's only the wireless system that seems to have broken down. I'll try to get it repaired when I come back from vacation. Since it's my main way of listening to music in my flat, I really hope it can get fixed, I don't want 1to have to buy a whole new system when only a part of it doesn't work. It sucks.:(

BBP - 16-8-2020 at 13:51

Aw sorry to hear that...

polydigm - 16-8-2020 at 14:19

Don’t get me started on faulty technology.

BBP - 16-8-2020 at 16:15

Decided to move outside with a laptop. Within five minutes a harvestman dropped down - into my hair. Eek.

aquagoat - 21-8-2020 at 14:09

Quote: Originally posted by aquagoat  
Well, my home cinema system seems to be fried. Actually, it's only the wireless system that seems to have broken down. I'll try to get it repaired when I come back from vacation. Since it's my main way of listening to music in my flat, I really hope it can get fixed, I don't want 1to have to buy a whole new system when only a part of it doesn't work. It sucks.:(

Well, I've just come back from a few days at the beach, and I now, this system works perfectly fine again. Go figure!?!?!

polydigm - 22-8-2020 at 01:17

When you say wireless, what exactly do you mean? We previously had a Sony TV that had all the connectivity in a separate box, which then communicated with the TV via wireless. This meant you could have the box inside the display unit and bring all the cables in through the back. After about ten years, the wireless started intermittently dropping out and eventually got so bad, we ended up having to get a new TV. That extra tidiness factor, probably wasn't worth the extra cost, so this time we didn't get a wireless one.

BBP - 22-8-2020 at 20:07

Today I got to finish feeling really good about myself - we're, for the first time in months, not behind on or proofs of payment! :D

aquagoat - 23-8-2020 at 08:30

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
When you say wireless, what exactly do you mean? We previously had a Sony TV that had all the connectivity in a separate box, which then communicated with the TV via wireless. This meant you could have the box inside the display unit and bring all the cables in through the back. After about ten years, the wireless started intermittently dropping out and eventually got so bad, we ended up having to get a new TV. That extra tidiness factor, probably wasn't worth the extra cost, so this time we didn't get a wireless one.

well, it's this system here:

The wireless part concerns the satellite speakers, there's a little box that serves as a receiver for the signal emitted by the dvd player, the satellite speakers are connected to this box so that you have no wires running through the room. I opened that box and cleaned it up before going on holiday, perhaps that's the reason why it started working again.

aquagoat - 23-8-2020 at 08:45

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Today I got to finish feeling really good about myself - we're, for the first time in months, not behind on or proofs of payment! :D
Congratulations, Bonny.

BBP - 23-8-2020 at 22:05

Glad to hear your audio system is still working!

I'm starting to work out again - Corona got me hard. :(

polydigm - 24-8-2020 at 13:08

Swimming pools are open again so my wife and I have been back swimming regularly again. I was starting get out of shape.

polydigm - 24-8-2020 at 13:18

I was getting no attention at all with my stuff on SoundCloud, so I’ve put the two tracks I have there on YouTube.

Palindromatically Inclined

Substance Affection

aquagoat - 27-8-2020 at 17:48

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Swimming pools are open again so my wife and I have been back swimming regularly again. I was starting get out of shape.
Good! Swimiming is good for you! I should do it more often, if only I didn't swim like block of cement...:D

aquagoat - 27-8-2020 at 17:48

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I was getting no attention at all with my stuff on SoundCloud, so I’ve put the two tracks I have there on YouTube.

Palindromatically Inclined

Substance Affection

I like Palindromatically Inclined a lor. And what a cool title.

polydigm - 29-8-2020 at 04:31

Thanks man, I appreciate the feedback.

I find it interesting that I do get positive feedback and have never had a negative comment except from Cleon at who said that my guitar in my Zoot Allures cover sounded like shit. I'm aware that it's just a practice amp recorded through a single microphone and far from a professional production, but that wasn't the point, I just had the camera going while I was practising. My recent Echidna's Arf and Uncle Meat videos are examples of when I put a bit more effort into the production.

So, Cleon aside, if there are people out there who think my music is okay, my problem is how to get more people to listen to it. I haven't put a lot of effort into that so far, because I wasn't particularly bothered, but now I'm doing this full time and I'm working towards my first fully produced album, I'm starting to give it some thought.

So thanks again to you, and Bonny, for her positive feedback so far, you've helped inspire me to take it further. Watch out when the world is looking for someone to blame later on.

BBP - 29-8-2020 at 17:11

Very nice, great to hear about your album! Hope it works out!

Been doing too much talking today. I wish governments wouldn't decide on Friday evening to appoint new orange zones so that we're stuck doing customer service on Saturday while we'll have to wait until Monday for the corporate decision.

polydigm - 29-8-2020 at 20:32

Orange zones?

BBP - 30-8-2020 at 22:13

Travel warning that holiday trips are not recommended.

BBP - 31-8-2020 at 17:48

typed a long forum post and seeing it gets lost !! noooooooooo

BBP - 31-8-2020 at 21:05

Well, now that I have two hands (one and four fifths of a hand actually) available I'll summarize the story I'd attempted to write in full, only to fail when I pressed alt-F5 insteald of alt-5 when I wanted to make a Euro symbol:

-Woke up, took out the trash, found the garbage bag had leaked a nauseating brown ooze in the trash can and on the floor, so I'd have to start cleaning. It's a day that starts at 8:30 for me and I need to use all the time for my morning routine - never too happy with a cleaning interruption;

-Upon taking it out, disaster strikes. I grab my keys, but something green disagrees and pricks my left forefinger. It hurts. I pull it out and bring the trash container to the front.

-I wash and inspect my wound, it is small and not bleeding much although it aches, so I set to cleaning the ooze, thoroughly washing my hands, then making breakfast.

-While making breakfast I notice my whole finger has swollen to the point I can barely bend it. I put ice on it, but the amount of swelling is too much for a simple thorn puncture. I decide to try to call the doctor, but the tape informs me they don't open until 8, and it's 7:30. I app my boyfriend but he doesn't respond. I try to have breakfast and put several .

-At 8 I start calling my GP numerous times, but I keep getting the busy tone instead of the queue I'd normally get in. When it's 8:15 I should sit at my PC to get started, but I want to make sure I am not in need of dire medical attention.
I call my team manager. Not there either. Dad comes in and notices the stress I'm enduring.
I call my back-up team manager. She's not there either, but another team manager answers her. I explain what happens and she puts me on absent. Some time after that I finally get the queue at the GP, and BF responds.
I talk to the GP assistant, since it's busy she can only fit me in for this afternoon but she doesn't think it's urgent and recommends me to keep an eye on it. A few minutes later I head up and fire my work laptop, and call my team manager again to tell her I'm ready for work.

-I'm on senior tasks, which is a nice and varied set where we contact the client for things related to his booking - requesting group composition or other data, informing client of changes at his accommodation, but sometimes the major things - telling a client the jacuzzi is not available or dealing with frauds. In one booking it's a short-term one, arrival today - the accommodation doesn't allow groups where all travellers are under 30. With us home owners are allowed to place such restrictions, and they're put on the website - if the client books for a group of youngsters even if they are not allowed, and even though it's mentioned on the website, it's the client's responsibility, and he can either rebook to costs or cancel to a lot more costs - and since it's arrival day for this client, the cancellation costs are 100% of the rent.
I don't like to be the bringer of bad news. Fortunately for me, client doesn't answer and I mail a callback request, with one finger down.

After I'm done with the priority tasks I do the minor ones and pick up one that I haven't ever done yet - contact a client to merge his accounts. The client apparently had multiple client accounts and I was supposed to call him to ask if we could merge them. But since there were several accounts with the same mail address and phone number but a different name, I didn't trust it entirely and went to research.

Three hours later, I close some 30 tabs and wrap up research that showed individual is a fraud that has already cost my company well over 20K euros - inform my senior and go on my lunch break, two hours too late. And one of the fraud accounts just happened to be the one I just tried to call for the group of youngsters.

You know, those days.

polydigm - 2-9-2020 at 09:31

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I try to have breakfast and put several ...

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
You know, those days.
Yes I do.

I hope your finger is getting sorted out.

I had some bad trouble with the middle finger on my right hand and then after much hassle for several weeks and no improvement following a mis diagnosis, I got a second opinion a couple of weeks ago and it was diagnosed as trigger finger. A few days later I had a steroid injection and it has vastly improved.

BBP - 2-9-2020 at 17:10

Ooh I forgot what I wanted to say there, sorry.

Sorry to hear about your trigger finger, my father actually has one. I hope your story helps to convince him to go to the doctor, he's had it since February.

Yesterday I found that the individual had made a new booking, I made a quick bid to senior to block the mail address, senior blocked it. Towards the end of my working day senior asked if I could put it in an Excel sheet. Sure! Except I don't really know much about Excel so it took me an hour and a half to get that done. I mailed it in reply to the seniors, the finance department and two higher up people...

Today I worked at the office instead of home, so I didn't have my work laptop, and then I found out I'd forgotten to mail the attachment.

I phoned my dad, he was kind enough to send it to me but then he had mailed the wrong one... and in the mean time I found the SOB had made another booking last night - arrival today.

Fortunately Dad found the correct one, I adjusted it to add the new booking and finally got the ball rolling. I hope they get them as soon as they can. Heaps of stress and got a virtual pat on the back for it.

BBP - 7-9-2020 at 21:45

Just got back from a stay at my BFs.

polydigm - 8-9-2020 at 10:38

Posted another acoustic guitar/drums duet video. This one predates Palindromatically Inclined by six months.

Cardboard Shuffle

BBP - 14-9-2020 at 09:39

Lovely Poly! I have a soft spot for 6/8.

I love the slogan on the drum sticks. So many perfect pairs! :D

Sorry about being so quiet for so long. My holiday starts next week so I hope to improve soon.

polydigm - 14-9-2020 at 10:45

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Sorry to hear about your trigger finger, my father actually has one. I hope your story helps to convince him to go to the doctor, he's had it since February.

It depends on how bad it is, but it's definitely worth getting investigated. I was having a lot of trouble, particularly with sax and piano and I was beginning to worry about it being a permanent problem. Luckily for me, the cortisone injection worked very well and my finger is almost totally cleared up.

BBP - 17-9-2020 at 21:31

Pfff baking again. This time I'm making something with caramel. I don't like caramel and unfortunately it proved pretty hard to do - 2 tins of condensated sweetened milk (basically fat and sugar), 90g of butter and 90g of sugar, melted, brought to boil, then cook for 5 minutes on low fire, and don't burn it. And stir all the time.

Unfortunately the low fire had to be a permanently low fire - even when stirring, if I put the heat juuuust a bit higher, it would already burn. So I spent half an hour getting that to cook.

Condensated milk is weird stuff. It's 58% sugar and 9% fat.
I hope it turns out OK, I can't go back now.

polydigm - 17-9-2020 at 23:06

Why are you making something with caramel if you don't like caramel?

BBP - 18-9-2020 at 21:08

Three colour marble chocolate top layer.

Looked stunning, proved very popular and I could still take something home. It's not bad but it's really sweet.

BBP - 22-9-2020 at 08:42

Had my sister's birthday on the 20th, which was fun. My BF came and took me to his place, where I'm staying for a week to hopefully get rid of some stress.

polydigm - 23-9-2020 at 04:25

Have a good break, Bonny!

BBP - 24-9-2020 at 08:21

Quite different from the lifestyle I would've had at home. I actually go to bed before 11 and get up early (no easy feat). Spent hours solving nonograms and went gardening in BF's grandfather's garden.

BBP - 25-9-2020 at 15:50

I solved 11 nonograms this week.

It must be vacation!

polydigm - 26-9-2020 at 06:22

I’m currently embroiled in a painful computer upgrade situation.

BBP - 28-9-2020 at 08:31

Sorry to hear that...

After a week of rest (aside from my nephew's first birthday, which was exhausting - his brother is a handful) I'm back home, missing my boyfriend but sure glad to see my father again. He surprised us all by going to the GP in my absence, he's getting a cortisol shot tomorrow.

polydigm - 1-10-2020 at 00:27

I hope your dad's cortisol shot goes well.

I'm still embroiled in computer problems, but every cloud has a silver lining. This situation has forced me to develop some of the less glamorous skills required for music production, which has turned out to be a big help. A major down side is that Logic Pro X 10.5 introduced some great new sampling software that was really making a big difference to a current project I'm working on, but now that I've had to go back to 10.4, I'm having to do that the old hard way again.

BBP - 2-10-2020 at 06:50

Sorry to hear about your computer issues. Fortunately
I now have a bf who helps out with them.

Back to work...

polydigm - 4-10-2020 at 02:20

I'm generally able to do what's required, I have a fair bit of experience with the grittier side of computer systems and Apple support is pretty good when things get gnarly, but that doesn't stop this kind of happening being a major pain. I'm through the worst of it now. In fact, having gone back to work with the old EXS24 sampler has pushed me to figure out a few important techniques to make it a bit easier to work with them. Now I've got to give comprehensive feedback to Apple and hopefully I'll see a bug fix soon enough, so as I can return to upgrading my computers and get back to the new version of Logic Pro X.

Have fun at work! Are you still doing it from home or are you back at the office?

aquagoat - 4-10-2020 at 07:39

Hello everyone.:D

Bonny, why does your dad need a cortisol shot, if you don't mind my asking?

Poly, yeah, it's always a pain when a piece of equipment fails us, or doesn't want to work as it should, and you have to go back to your old way of doing things. It's crazy how easily we get used to the comfort of new software features or a new piece of gear.

BBP - 4-10-2020 at 13:01

Hi Aqua! Great to see you again!

Dad has a triggerfinger, a condition where it becomes hard and painfu; to bend your finger - and once it's bent it won't stretch anymore, unless you try real hard, then it shoots straight. The cortisol should get the inflammation in the tendon area down.

Poly - iniktially I was scheduled to go to the office on Thursday and Friday, but two days before the Futch government decided to step up Corona measurements and now it's back to working from home full time for the next three weeks at least.

polydigm - 4-10-2020 at 23:17

Bonny, how are you finding working from home?

Long time no see Aqua, how’s it going?

aquagoat - 5-10-2020 at 17:31

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Hi Aqua! Great to see you again!

Dad has a triggerfinger, a condition where it becomes hard and painfu; to bend your finger - and once it's bent it won't stretch anymore, unless you try real hard, then it shoots straight. The cortisol should get the inflammation in the tendon area down.

Ho, ok, I understand. I think I'm gonna get that in a few years. I've got a finger that gets "blocked", once in a while, impossible unbend it. Hoipe the cortisol shot will do Ded good.

aquagoat - 5-10-2020 at 17:32

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Bonny, how are you finding working from home?

Long time no see Aqua, how’s it going?
Doing ok. I've got a lot of work. I've started doing sports again. Honestly, everything is fine. :D

BBP - 5-10-2020 at 20:39

It's lonely and I need a better chair. I'm considering going into team meeting tomorrow even if I have to get in earlier for work, to see my colleagues.

BBP - 12-10-2020 at 20:36

Hatches are out at work - colleagues who reached the 2 year stay point don't get an extension of their contract. :(

polydigm - 12-10-2020 at 22:58

How long have you been there now?

BBP - 13-10-2020 at 15:44

2.5 years. I was lucky to get my contract in February, just in time.

polydigm - 17-10-2020 at 00:40

That's good to hear.

Zappateers has recently been reborn, which is good news.

aquagoat - 17-10-2020 at 07:24

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
2.5 years. I was lucky to get my contract in February, just in time.
Thank your lucky star, Bonny.

BBP - 17-10-2020 at 21:10

Yes. Mind you work is in the stress zone. Very happy to have a day off tomorrow.

BBP - 19-10-2020 at 16:46

Dad's finger is better but not all there yet.

BBP - 25-10-2020 at 11:56

THe halloween event at a forum I frequent has turned so low-key - only 4 people competing - but still I'm up late to make sure people think I'm American with the time difference.

BBP - 27-10-2020 at 21:56

Cancelled over 70 bookings force majeure today... it's starting again...

polydigm - 28-10-2020 at 10:03

So, after having gone through the major pain of downgrading to avoiding this weird file problem with iCloud, the Logic Pro X engineers at Apple are saying definitively that they will not support the use of Logic Pro X with iCloud. So, I've bitten the bullet and back on the upgrade trail again with my Logic Pro X system on an external SSD drive. It's a shame to not have the advantages of iCloud, but it's a system that's actually working quite well. I just have to remember to do regular backups.

Anyway, things are basically back to normal for me, just getting on with my music.

BBP - 1-11-2020 at 14:31


BF came to visit me!

BBP - 3-11-2020 at 23:08

BF's stay was great! Definitely had my cuddle fix!

Back in the rat race... it's odd to see the infection rate has dropped in the past few days. Hope for the future!

aquagoat - 4-11-2020 at 19:48

Haha, how I understand that, it's important to have a good amount of cuddle. :D

polydigm - 5-11-2020 at 00:16

Amen to that!

BBP - 13-11-2020 at 16:27

So my fraud hunting earned me the Top Gun award at work. What it means? No idea.

BBP - 15-11-2020 at 10:37

Asked our team manager and she said something small is on the way. Still I haven't seen the video announcing it.

aquagoat - 17-11-2020 at 18:45

Something small??? Hum Hum...

polydigm - 17-11-2020 at 22:42

How's it going guys? Things are well with me. Except the swimming pool has closed down again because we just had a Covid spike.

BBP - 20-11-2020 at 07:41

Doing fine, getting a bit stressed out with the St Nicholas shopping...

polydigm - 20-11-2020 at 23:56

Another Christmas already!

Our lockdown is going to end 3 days early at midnight tonight. It turns out that one of the cases admitted to lying about his contacts. He won't be fined, but he'll have to live with having caused a lockdown that wasn't necessary.

aquagoat - 22-11-2020 at 08:53

Glad your lockdown will soon be other, Poly. But damn, how dumb some people can be, sometimes.

Everything's fine, as far as I'm concerned. I'm impatiently waiting for Christmas, though.

BBP - 23-11-2020 at 17:31

Back to work after a weeken. Now to clean the house for the next weekend! BF may be coming over next week.

BBP - 25-11-2020 at 18:32

Hope you're all holding up...

aquagoat - 25-11-2020 at 19:18

We do, we do!!!!

Have a great week-end with your BF, Bonny. By the way, what's his name?

polydigm - 25-11-2020 at 22:49

Back to swimming again this week.

It looks like we'll have Covid vaccinations starting in March next year - hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel.

BBP - 25-11-2020 at 23:51

BF is called Peter. I met him at another internet forum that we still both frequent and we've been keeping it under wraps, they don't know there. :D

aquagoat - 26-11-2020 at 19:16

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
BF is called Peter. I met him at another internet forum that we still both frequent and we've been keeping it under wraps, they don't know there. :D

Ok. You did well, nobody has to know.:D

aquagoat - 26-11-2020 at 19:17

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Back to swimming again this week.

It looks like we'll have Covid vaccinations starting in March next year - hopefully a light at the end of the tunnel.

Glad you can go back to swimming, Poly.

BBP - 27-11-2020 at 07:43

Top gun award came in. It's a bar of chocolate.

BBP - 29-11-2020 at 19:59

BF's going back home. He was very brave in dealing with the wasp nest that has been bugging us since the end of summer. They have made an underground nest under the conifer hedge - and a few months ago one of them stung me in the finger, which swelled completely and hurt for a week. So I'm very happy he was brave enough to inject their lair with poison.

I hope that's the last we'll see of those buggers!

BBP - 1-12-2020 at 22:32

Haven't seen any wasps around in the last two days. When BF and I checked it out there were two disoriented ones.

aquagoat - 2-12-2020 at 18:48

That's good news, Bonny. I hope they won't come back again.

BBP - 4-12-2020 at 09:12

Primus is organising a livestream and that angel boyfriend I'm dating bought me a ticket <3 !

(The concert is available to stream for 72 hours afterwards)

polydigm - 9-12-2020 at 00:13

Are you talking about about those black and yellow striped European wasps? We had a nest of those in the front wall a while back. They are very aggressive wasps. The Council came and sprayed them with a special powder for free.

BBP - 10-12-2020 at 17:43

I didn't care to take a closer look, but yes, they are aggressive!

Back from BF's, he's so sweet! :biggrin:

BBP - 14-12-2020 at 07:51

Back doing the nefarious AIVD puzzle - spent all day on it and failed on all accounts.

polydigm - 22-12-2020 at 22:48

I hope nobody’s getting too stressed with Xmas preparations.

aquagoat - 23-12-2020 at 09:09

Nope, Poly, no stress here.

BBP - 23-12-2020 at 17:43

I'm most definitely way too stressed, but I'm visiting my boyfriend starting tomorrow for a week. Hope it stops the shaking!

aquagoat - 24-12-2020 at 09:29

Why all that stress, Bonny, if you don't mind my asking?

polydigm - 25-12-2020 at 23:08

Merry Xmas guys!!

aquagoat - 26-12-2020 at 09:12

Merry Christmas to you and your family too, Poly . And merry Christmas to you, Bonny and Bonny's family and boyfriend.:bouncy:

punknaynowned - 31-12-2020 at 00:25

Merry XMAS and Happy New Year all!
just checking in saying I'm still existing

...2020 24 hrs to go...:bouncy:

BBP - 1-1-2021 at 20:31

Work and my sister :bald:

A happy new year to all of you!

BBP - 2-1-2021 at 22:02

BF is and continues to remain totally sweet. :biggrin: New Dir En Grey single coming out and all, so in the end it's a good day!

About the most famous case at the office currently was one idiot who had booked a stay on Mallorca while not knowing that's an island. He had arrived as close as he could to Malllorca at 6PM, finding himself unable to travel to the accommodation because no ferry or plane and then he had to spend the night in his car, rather than his villa with pool.

Just encountered the tale of a Dutch woman who chatted on the AirBNB site on one of our accommodations, then placed a booking on our site. With such a short-term booking it's never a booking straight away but a request, so we can verify with the home owner that the stay can happen. She then travelled all the way to Germany to the accommodation, where she was turned down by the home owner - since there is a lockdown in Germany prohibiting all stays for tourist purposes. And then of course her car broke down, according to the client during a snow storm, she was nearly hospitalized with hypothermia and her car had to be towed away and she had to take the cab so she's trying to get her money back for us.


polydigm - 4-1-2021 at 21:50

Happy new year everyone.

Not so happy for those two, Bonny!

BBP - 5-1-2021 at 12:05

The Mallorca man happened two, three years ago. And that's the kind of stupidity that prevents happiness.

Making progress in AIVD puzzle, so I feel a bit smarter now.

aquagoat - 5-1-2021 at 18:42

Happy new year to you, guys. I hope it's gonna be great.

BBP - 6-1-2021 at 18:27

This is making me feel conflicted. It's... cute?

BBP - 9-1-2021 at 18:15

Sooooo... one new year's resolution was to get rid of my spider phobia.

On day 1 I had some pretty bad nightmares but I'm OK now... i think...

aquagoat - 10-1-2021 at 08:41

Courage, you'll manage to control that fear with time.

BBP - 13-1-2021 at 19:10

Handed in the AIVD puzzle, so back to life now...

BBP - 14-1-2021 at 17:31

Unfortunately there's a Corona outbreak in the nursing home where my boyfriend's grandmother lives. Keeping my fingers crossed...

aquagoat - 16-1-2021 at 08:45

Yep, let's hope nothing bad happens to her.

BBP - 16-1-2021 at 18:36

Snow here! It's beginning to look like winter!

aquagoat - 17-1-2021 at 08:29

It snowed for a few hours, yesterday, but then it got a bit warmer and the snow didn't stand, unfortunately.

BBP - 17-1-2021 at 12:49

Not much here either unfortunately... anyway... Feeling a bit under the weather and am contemplating on buying a new mattress.

BBP - 18-1-2021 at 20:07

My BFs grandmother fortunately doesn't have Corona. She's doing pretty well without visitors - oddly better than with visitors.

aquagoat - 19-1-2021 at 18:51

That's very good news, Bonny. I hope it's gonna stay that way.

BBP - 19-1-2021 at 21:03

I'm having lockdown issues in that I really need a new mattress and am not eager to just buy one online if I don't get to test it before buying.

BBP - 20-1-2021 at 14:12

Bought one online since my old mattress (approx 25 years old) has started to bite back.

aquagoat - 20-1-2021 at 19:10

25 years old? It's done its time, indeed. You're gonna like your new matress.

BBP - 20-1-2021 at 22:12

You think that's old? My dad's current mattress is one he's had since the 70s.

aquagoat - 21-1-2021 at 18:18

:forumsmiley10::forumsmiley10: Yes, but, in the 70's, things were still built to last. I guess. :lol::lol:

BBP - 21-1-2021 at 19:01


It was quite a lot of searching - bigger store chain Kwantum had the guts to charge €49,50 for delivery alone - with a delivery time of 15-25 days. I have found one that delivers within 24 hours and to no costs - but it's not there yet. This morning I brought it down from my room and I just had to hoist it back up the stairs since mattress hadn't arrived yet.

BBP - 24-1-2021 at 12:28

Mattress needs to get used to.

Back at playing chess, which is great fun.

BBP - 24-1-2021 at 21:22

Today two protests (Pegida and anti-corona measures) in Eindhoven were supposed to be held, but they were forbidden bu the local mayor - what followed was violent protest, riot, pillaging and vandalism. I'm in utter shock seeing this in my home town of 35+ years.

aquagoat - 25-1-2021 at 18:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Mattress needs to get used to.

Back at playing chess, which is great fun.
I should go back to playing chess. I haven't played that game since I was 13. that was a long time ago.

Yep, a new mattress needs to get used to, it can even, sometimes, be uncomfortable in the beginning.

It's Bad But It's From The Heart

BBP - 25-1-2021 at 22:45

That is my town. That is the sleepy little place we used to joke about.

"You? A tourist? And you came here?"

It's the city where I'd walk hand in hand with my father as we went to the library, waiting at the busy zebra crossing until we could finally cross. That street that is a pedestrian zone now, where the kids play in the fountains on hot days.

Where the little honeycomb shops stood, now all gone. The ones a friend of a friend designed the art for.

Where there is a monthly record market where on one glorious day I found a Tim curry vinyl.

The Chinese restaurant with the giant dragon mural that scared me so badly as a toddler. Where I later learnt raged a huge fire in the seventies that killed some 30 people.

The station, with the huge windows, the restaurant behind it that I always wanted to visit.
That station where I rushed in and out several times a week as a college student. Where we'd wave goodbye to Granny whenever she went back home.

The station square where Philips held its 100th anniversary exhibition where I first encountered touch screens and smell-o-vision and CD-i.

The concert hall where my life changed three times. Where I saw my first rock concert - converting me to Primus and bass guitar.

The hard pavement where I waited in line to see Dir En Grey live, with some friendly German ladies - within hours I looked upon them as sisters. When I was named Visitor Of The Month for being the only Dutchman waiting in line, and won tickets for that concert I asked someone I only knew online to come with, not knowing that was the start of a beautiful friendship.

The Light Tower square, where my boyfriend and I first met. "You didn't see the Mediamarkt?"
The concert hall where he first held me when I fainted.

That little corner where the Cardboard shop used to be, where you could get anything provided it's made from cardboard.

The Piazza square - now with roof but without the sculptures - where I made the first photo that was genuinely cool and artsy. With the large rectangular artworks that were lost to us in a storm.

The bunker where I used to sit and draw the people walking by.

The little street with the book store I loved to duck into.

This town - hideous and bare to some, but full of memories of special moments. The town where I was born and bred, the town where I have lived for 35 years.

I saw this town on fire today.

How can people do this? How can people ruin the station piano? How can people throw fireworks at a police horse? How can people throw bicycles through advertising boards? How can people set cars on fire? How can people rob the convenience store and thrown in the windows on the first floor restaurant?

But the biggest question is why? If anyone wanted to protest a curfew the last thing you'd do is something that warrants a curfew. Why would you protest the Corona measures because of what it does to local entrepreneurs - then throw in the windows of those local entrepreneurs?

More and more answers treacle into the mail slot, into the newspapers. How my sleepy little home town got in the global news. How the miscreants are rioting youngsters aged 15-25 in black hoodies.
How people who are at best "naive" and at the worst "complete morons" think that just because they have a camera they feel the need to go out and film the riots when the police have officially ordered everybody to leave the town centre - and then complain they've been hit by the police water cannon on a cold day.

BBP - 26-1-2021 at 22:54

Punky said at the Zappa forum he was having login issues (that may be because of the cookie thing) - he sends us all his regards.

BBP - 29-1-2021 at 22:47

Rough day today - backlog got to me - but I now have a two day weekend!

...Away from my boyfriend due to the curfew and the riots...

BBP - 1-2-2021 at 18:40

I'm doing my best to post more but unfortunately there's not much happening... I'm still scared of spiders...

Also trying to knit gloves. And yesterday I had an issue when I went for groceries. A shampoo bottle (of the Shampoo For Men kind) I bought opened in my backpack and consequently there was Musky Glob all over its contents.

Plus my backpack now smells Manly. Yuck.

aquagoat - 2-2-2021 at 09:24

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Punky said at the Zappa forum he was having login issues (that may be because of the cookie thing) - he sends us all his regards.
Say hello to to him for me, please.

aquagoat - 2-2-2021 at 09:31

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
I'm doing my best to post more but unfortunately there's not much happening... I'm still scared of spiders...

Also trying to knit gloves. And yesterday I had an issue when I went for groceries. A shampoo bottle (of the Shampoo For Men kind) I bought opened in my backpack and consequently there was Musky Glob all over its contents.

Plus my backpack now smells Manly. Yuck.
Ha, it happened to me once. My billy can opened in my backpack in the morning, but I only noticed it when it was time for lunch. All the smoked chicken and ratatouille was scattered at the bottom of the bag. I was seriously pissed off. And the backpack reeked of smoked chicken.

Don't worry about the spider thing, it takes a looong time to master your fear.

BBP - 2-2-2021 at 22:54

Today I went sprinkling baking soda everywhere. I knew it was both good for cooking and good for cleaning, but seeing on the website what else you can do with it... Making clay, bath bombs, paint... List is seemingly endless. Weird.

BBP - 7-2-2021 at 00:23

Pretty tough week but finally a two-day weekend... with snow!

BBP - 7-2-2021 at 15:45

Snow! Snooooooow!

aquagoat - 8-2-2021 at 08:33

Snow here too. So no work today.

BBP - 8-2-2021 at 17:20

I did have to work, but only half day. spent the other half cleaning the pavement and going to the supermarket for 10kg bag of potatoes.

Was a bit precarious.

aquagoat - 9-2-2021 at 08:45

I suppose it was. Be careful when walking on snow. IT didn't snow much here, but it's too cold outside for me to work with zinc, it would break, so today is home again. Probably the same tomorrow.

BBP - 9-2-2021 at 14:25

Hope you can enjoy your time off!

Swept the pavement again. Good exercise.

aquagoat - 11-2-2021 at 10:09

I do enjoy it quite a lot, actually. Thanks.

Yep, sweeping the pavement is good simple exercise.

aquagoat - 11-2-2021 at 17:57

Just bought another 7 string guitar for about 100€, it's an Ibanez. Action and neck relief are completely off. I'll try to make a fretless out of it. It should be fun.

BBP - 12-2-2021 at 10:51

That's so cool! Seems dirt cheap for a 7-string Ibanez, good buyer skills!

aquagoat - 13-2-2021 at 09:11

Yes, it's a very cheap one, and since the strings buzzed all over the fretboard and they didn't want to adjust the neck relierf, etc, they sold it almost for nothing.
Yesterday, I completely disassembed the guitar and straightened the neck. The truss rod works perfectly fine, which is cool.
I'm gonna sand the body and refinish it. Haven't decided yet what kind of finish I'm gonna use, though. Maybe I'll do something like that:

or what I usually do:

BBP - 14-2-2021 at 18:26

This got a chuckle out of me!

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aquagoat - 15-2-2021 at 18:31


BBP - 17-2-2021 at 07:20

Going to the bright Steve Vai look for your guitar?

aquagoat - 17-2-2021 at 18:35

I'd really like to try a swirl, one day. Something like this,for example:

But I think I'm gonna go with something like the first pic in my other post. I received the spray paint cans today. Base coat will be silver, and other layers will be red, orange and blue. I'll see what it looks like. If I like it, cool, otherwise I'll try something else.

BBP - 17-2-2021 at 19:49


BBP - 18-2-2021 at 22:31

Cat versus guitar:

(check out the site - for every video you watch a small amount of money is donated to a good cause!)

aquagoat - 19-2-2021 at 17:15


BBP - 23-2-2021 at 10:57

Been a bit quiet here since BF came over. He's still here being utterly adorable.

BBP - 24-2-2021 at 19:16

Guess what? He could stay an extra two days! :biggrin:

aquagoat - 24-2-2021 at 19:28

That's good news!!!!! Enjoy, darling.;)

polydigm - 27-2-2021 at 00:47

Hey guys. It seems my last post here was to wish happy new year on 5th January. I remember reading Bonny's post about the Corona outbreak in the nursing home where her boyfriend's grandmother lives and typed a reply, but somehow it didn't get posted. Anyway, I've caught up with what I missed.

That riot in Eindhoven is freaky. Having been there it seems even freakier. It must have been pretty upsetting, Bonny. Those riots are orchestrated by right wing extremist groups. They're totally hypocritical as pointed out by that article you posted. Looting the small businesses that they claim to support against the deprivations of Corona lock downs.

It's not enough though, to throw labels like "right wing extremist" around and use fancy concepts like "ideologies" and so on. Close up, simple common sense psychological analysis of these people shows that they are basically disaffected sociopaths that have adopted makeshift excuses like "it's dog eat dog, man", to behave like complete assholes. It's like the term fascist, whatever deep analysis that implies, fascists are basically just jumped up bullies.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I saw you're working on a guitar rebuilding project, Aqua. How's it going?

And, long time no chat, how are you both going in general?

aquagoat - 28-2-2021 at 09:06

Hey Poly, glad to see you back. Life's pretty good, as far as I'm concerned. What about you?

The guitar project is going well. I've removed the frets, and started sanding the body. It should be done pretty quickly if the weather remains shiny.

BBP - 28-2-2021 at 15:00

We've had pretty freaky weather here in the past two weeks: -10 (Celsius) one week and +19 the next. It feels like spring and two weeks ago I was still clearing snow from the pavement.

Just waved goodbye to my boyfriend, who's going back up north. We had intended for him to stay until Wednesday because I had the weekend off and Tuesday I was on leave due to dentist appointment, but since I had Thursday off as well, and a short working day on Friday, we could make it until Sunday afternoon. This because the car has to be back Monday and there is a curfew here. (which I know is worse in France than it is out here, it's 9PM to 4:30AM. All the same it means he can't have dinner here because he wouldn't be back in time.)

I've never had BF stay here for so long, over a week. Quite refreshing. There isn't much to do here at the moment but we went on walks, played computergames, watched some Baumgartner Restoration videos and Tod Browning's Freaks together.

aquagoat - 1-3-2021 at 18:40

Bonny, if you don't mind my asking, why don't the two of you just live together? You've been together for quite a while, now, perhaps it's time for you to move in?

BBP - 1-3-2021 at 21:14

We're both somewhat stuck to the location where we live, due to work and family. Plus neither of us is earning at top capacity - house prices where I live are towering and house prices where he lives may be affordable, but I'd have to learn to drive.

Watched Tod Browning's Freaks again with him of course, which was great fun. We rarely watch films together due to the distance, and I noted to him that we have primarily watched cult films (others are Clue and Kung Fu Hustle).

Looked into Johnny Eck after it - he's the one without legs and who polishes his gun in the ending) - he was a Baltimore guy like FZ, a keen artist, photographer and model builder. Together with his twin brother of normal stature Robert, he joined an illusionist in 1936 to perform with the ultimate maiden-sawed-in-half trick. Robert would heckle the illusionist, who would then call him onstage to use in his next trick. During the trick Robert would be swapped with Johnny and a midget in a suit that's just trousers - after the "sawing", Johnny would exclaim "I want my legs back!" after which the "legs" would run off, with Johnny chasing them - sometimes even into the audience. They'd be joined and swapped with Robert, who'd storm off angrily threatening to sue the illusionist.

I would have loved to see that!!
And here's the Johnny Eck-museum!

aquagoat - 4-3-2021 at 18:22

Ok, I get it.

Freak is an awesome flick. I should watch it again. I didn't know about Johnny Eck, though .It must have been a cool variation of the trick. I, too, would have loved to see that.

BBP - 5-3-2021 at 22:18

Work's exhausting...

polydigm - 6-3-2021 at 17:30

Yes Aqua, life’s pretty good for me, certainly better than just “I can’t complain”. We’re currently enjoying some delicious home grown watermelon. But, no Easter hay to lounge upon.

Remind me Bonny, it’s AirBNB you work for? So there‘a still a significant demand in spite of COVID?

BBP - 7-3-2021 at 14:14

No, I work for the company behind Belvilla (nowadays that's Oyo Vacation Homes).

We are a link between home owners and people who want to rent a holiday home. Besides from our own website ( and our other brands, we have over a thousand partners that work with us - travel agencies, and web partners like, Trivago, Locasun, HomeAway, and also AirBNB,

AirBNB is a horrible site - we don't communicate our prices to the client because they pay more for ABB - ABB terminates all possible contact with a client after two weeks and ABB clients tend to be the poorest informed about costs on site and such. Now that Corona is making itself known it's shocking how many people book without looking into the restrictions of the country they're going to.

Within The Netherlands it's very well possible to have a stay in a holiday home - especially for a family it's a safe and comfortable way of staying out - Belgians can still book within Belgium, the French within France... Germany and Austria are completely locked tourism-wise.

That said, I don't think this company will be around much longer, primarily due to mismanagement.

The demand is much lower of course, especially now it seems that this is the second Easter high season we miss.

BBP - 10-3-2021 at 18:37

In good news my spider phobia is calming!

polydigm - 12-3-2021 at 15:33

Bonny, are you trying anything in particular to deal with your spider phobia or just toughing it out?

BBP - 12-3-2021 at 16:19

Looking up a lot of information and studying them in their natural habitat, moving forward to the point I can hold any of the spiders which freak me out but which aren't dangerous (notably Pholcus phalangioides, which are very frequent in my home and which scare me badly - partly because they have the same colour and "stringy legness" as my own hair. I have gotten scared of my own hair thinking it was a spider. And vice versa.

BBP - 19-3-2021 at 20:56

Whoa, has it been a week? I can barely think of anything that happened to me that's worth mentioning this week.

aquagoat - 20-3-2021 at 07:56

Time flies so fast. I barely saw that week pass. But I managed to hurt my right shoulder and my left knee at work, and one of my co-workers has to take the covid test cause he's apparently been in contact with someone who was in contact with someone who was in contact with... etc, etc.

And I'm bald again, no more hair on my face and head. :D

BBP - 20-3-2021 at 11:17


Sorry to hear about your injuries... I hope that your colleague's COVID free.

Enjoying a 3-day weekend. Think I'll do some more Excel classes.

polydigm - 21-3-2021 at 04:23

Julie's dad has been in care for a while and has just taken a turn for the worse, so he probably hasn't got very long. It's very difficult to get clear cut information at this distance. We had a surprise visit from our eldest son this weekend, which was lovely. I've just entered a composition competition - music appropriate for dance. The winning entry is then used in a choreographer competition. The winning composer and choreographer then team up to produce a work for a performance by the Royal Academy Of Dance in 2022.

BBP - 21-3-2021 at 11:17

I'm sorry to hear about Julie's dad... all the best to you two!

polydigm - 22-3-2021 at 02:13

I've just been to the vet with our unwell dog to find out he's very sick. He's 13 and will probably be euthanised today or tomorrow.

We're having a run of bad news and I hope it stops there.

BBP - 22-3-2021 at 08:55

Oh your poor dog!

I'm not familiar with Australian topography, I hope you're not near NSW with the flooding...

aquagoat - 22-3-2021 at 18:12

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Julie's dad has been in care for a while and has just taken a turn for the worse, so he probably hasn't got very long. It's very difficult to get clear cut information at this distance. We had a surprise visit from our eldest son this weekend, which was lovely. I've just entered a composition competition - music appropriate for dance. The winning entry is then used in a choreographer competition. The winning composer and choreographer then team up to produce a work for a performance by the Royal Academy Of Dance in 2022.
Sorry about Julie's Dad. You don't think there's any possibility of improvement?

This music and dance competition is a cool concept.

aquagoat - 22-3-2021 at 18:13

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
I've just been to the vet with our unwell dog to find out he's very sick. He's 13 and will probably be euthanised today or tomorrow.

We're having a run of bad news and I hope it stops there.
Ho man, it sucks. :umm:

BBP - 24-3-2021 at 22:25

W've been delighted by a squirrel in the back yard for the last few days. He's discovered our squirrel feeder and has been eating from it every day!

aquagoat - 25-3-2021 at 18:59

That's awesome! I really like squirrels, watching them run up and down tree trunks, their vivacity, their colour. They're so cute!

BBP - 25-3-2021 at 20:59


That is, almost adorable. I did once find out what sound they make - crazy hissing!

Here's what people in the middle ages, before printing was invented, did to prevent books from being stolen in the library:

polydigm - 27-3-2021 at 09:24

Julie's dad is 89 and he has an untreated form of leukaemia, he could go any day now. Our dog Darwin is gone and it's now very quiet here during the day, during the week, working on my own. Yes it sucks, but I'm over having the responsibility of looking after a pet and Julie's dad has had a pretty good life, we did think he had a few more good years, but he had a pretty bad fall a few years back. Once he recovered from that initially, it didn't seem to hold him back too much, but I think that is what ultimately turned the tide on his health.

polydigm - 27-3-2021 at 09:59

On a more positive note, I completed two more demos of my music yesterday and posted them on YouTube.

BBP - 28-3-2021 at 21:33

Haha fun to hear the Zappa influence :D

Very nice, thanks for sharing!

BBP - 29-3-2021 at 21:22

Went out shoping something that wasn't food, which was for the first time since the Corona regulations were tightened on 19 Dec. Now shops are allowed to open but they're only allowed guests by appointment, so you have to make an appointment first before you are allowed in. And there has to be 4 hours between making an appointment.

I made 4 appointments, one for the second-hand store, one for the household articles store and two for textile discounters. Ended with satisfying birthday presents for DED (16 apr) and a large stack of booklets on the Japanese language. Got my fix! :D

Was a great sunny day for it too. Feels great to get out of the house.

polydigm - 30-3-2021 at 19:09

Sounds like you had a great day Bonny, good to hear.

I don’t want to put a damper on things, but Julie’s Dad passed away on Saturday. Life is now returning to an even keel. We’re in our sixties, so these aspects of life are to be expected, we’re okay.

Thanks for your comments about my music. An album’s still a way off but I’m happy about how things are progressing.

BBP - 30-3-2021 at 22:05

Sorry to hear about Julie's dad, my sincere condolances...

aquagoat - 31-3-2021 at 18:01

Sorry to hear about Julie's dad passing, even though it was to be expected it's still a difficult moment. :-( I'm sending good vibes to you and your family, Poly.

About the music, I really like Foreveranda Café, especially the sax solo, it's really good. Keep up the good work.:forumsmiley281::music4:

polydigm - 31-3-2021 at 22:26

Appreciate the condolences, guys.

Thanks for the boost, Aqua.

aquagoat - 1-4-2021 at 18:03

You're welcome, Poly. Hope the rest of the year will be better for you and your family.

polydigm - 2-4-2021 at 22:23

Cheers, that’s the plan.

BBP - 3-4-2021 at 18:06

Last day of being 37 today... up to a better new year! At least this year I can bake a cake!

aquagoat - 5-4-2021 at 07:24

Happy birthday, Bonny. Hope it's gonna be a excellent one and everything is fine for you. I'm sure the cake will be great.

BBP - 5-4-2021 at 11:03

Haha it was my 4th attempt at the Sachertorte. Since I'm from the 4th of the 4th (apparently a bad luck day in Asia) 4 is my lucky number and with me it's usually 4 times a charm rather than 3.

Sachertorte is not an easy cake but it involves my 3 favourite things in the kitchen - sieved flour, molten chocolate and stiff egg-whites.
I began by greasing the tin and gathering the ingredients. For the dough I melted the chocolate au bain marie, beat the butter with some of the sugar, added sieved flour and then chocolate to the mix, and beat it thoroughly. Then came the tough part of the mix - the egg whites. I made sure my bowl and the beaters were clean and grease free, split 6 eggs (which took 7 eggs, I baked the 7th) and then beat the whites stiff, and added sugar. They went stiff beautifully and all sparkly.
The difficulty is in Sachertorte that the rise comes from the egg-whites, there is no other rising agent. So you have to mix the whites stiff, then fold them in with the dough carefully - if you're too rough, you'll break all the air bubbles in the egg and you get a very dense and chocolate-y pancake. I was ever so careful - using the tip to first mix in a third of the egg whites firmly to get the mix loose, then slowly fold in the rest of the egg.

And as I was one, I looked to my right - and saw the six egg yolks in their little bowl. That had to be added at a much earlier state and needed to be beaten in vigorously.

Drat. I added the yolks and some baking powder.

The rest of the cake was moderatey successful in that I got a rise, I asked Dad to cut it through the middle so I could put the apricot jelly into it, and the glazing went well for a first time.

Result was sweet and the coffee taste of the glaze is really powerful, but it wasn't too bad.

BBP - 6-4-2021 at 16:39

Today the biggest Dutch travel agency chain D-reizen went bankrupt. This is bad news...

aquagoat - 6-4-2021 at 18:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Haha it was my 4th attempt at the Sachertorte. Since I'm from the 4th of the 4th (apparently a bad luck day in Asia) 4 is my lucky number and with me it's usually 4 times a charm rather than 3.

Sachertorte is not an easy cake but it involves my 3 favourite things in the kitchen - sieved flour, molten chocolate and stiff egg-whites.
I began by greasing the tin and gathering the ingredients. For the dough I melted the chocolate au bain marie, beat the butter with some of the sugar, added sieved flour and then chocolate to the mix, and beat it thoroughly. Then came the tough part of the mix - the egg whites. I made sure my bowl and the beaters were clean and grease free, split 6 eggs (which took 7 eggs, I baked the 7th) and then beat the whites stiff, and added sugar. They went stiff beautifully and all sparkly.
The difficulty is in Sachertorte that the rise comes from the egg-whites, there is no other rising agent. So you have to mix the whites stiff, then fold them in with the dough carefully - if you're too rough, you'll break all the air bubbles in the egg and you get a very dense and chocolate-y pancake. I was ever so careful - using the tip to first mix in a third of the egg whites firmly to get the mix loose, then slowly fold in the rest of the egg.

And as I was one, I looked to my right - and saw the six egg yolks in their little bowl. That had to be added at a much earlier state and needed to be beaten in vigorously.

Drat. I added the yolks and some baking powder.

The rest of the cake was moderatey successful in that I got a rise, I asked Dad to cut it through the middle so I could put the apricot jelly into it, and the glazing went well for a first time.

Result was sweet and the coffee taste of the glaze is really powerful, but it wasn't too bad.
I would say: Good job, bonny! This seems to be quite an interesting cake. If you could share the recipe, I'd be glad to try it. I know the part with the egg whites can be tricky, I've had to use them in other cakes, as in a Mousse au chocolat. Just do it slowly, not brutally, and it should be fine.

aquagoat - 6-4-2021 at 18:39

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Today the biggest Dutch travel agency chain D-reizen went bankrupt. This is bad news...

As to your job?

BBP - 6-4-2021 at 20:19

For the travel industry in general since they're about the biggest travel agency chain, this is along the line of Thomas Cooke bankrupcy. It's also a Big Red Flag signalling the state of travel agencies in The Netherlands. Aside from KLM the tourism has been given hardly any support and 90% of income is lost.

polydigm - 6-4-2021 at 22:52

I hope you had a great birthday, Bonny.

aquagoat - 8-4-2021 at 16:38

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
For the travel industry in general since they're about the biggest travel agency chain, this is along the line of Thomas Cooke bankrupcy. It's also a Big Red Flag signalling the state of travel agencies in The Netherlands. Aside from KLM the tourism has been given hardly any support and 90% of income is lost.
Ok, I understand.

BBP - 8-4-2021 at 20:50

Pfff recovering from Easter... though working 8 less hours this week has been a nice bonus. 16 Apr I took leave because it's my dad's birthday, and 27 Apr is our national holiday.

polydigm - 13-4-2021 at 13:36

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Doing poorly again - will be having 4 days off in a row though this weekend, so I'll be visiting BF again.

I’m assuming you meant to post that here. I hope you get better soon.

BBP - 13-4-2021 at 17:05


Had a pretty bad spider scare - still haven't killed a spider all year but dear god it was terrifying.

BBP - 14-4-2021 at 06:33

Haven't been able to get onto the Z forum for days.

BBP - 16-4-2021 at 12:28

DED's birthday today!

aquagoat - 16-4-2021 at 16:41

Happy birthDED!!!!!!:bouncy:

polydigm - 17-4-2021 at 02:19

Happy birthday DED!!

The Zappa forum is back - don't get too excited.

BBP - 25-4-2021 at 22:15

Back here! BF was utterly sweet!

aquagoat - 1-5-2021 at 07:40

Nice to hear that you boyfriend's a sweet guy, Bonny.

As for me, for the four preceding nights I couldn't sleep more than four hours per night. For no apparent reason I seemed to be stressed. Tonight I slept for about 11 hours straight. It feels good. :D

BBP - 2-5-2021 at 08:55

Good to hear you're recovering. It baffles me after every night of bad sleep how important it is.

Our squirrel feeder is a big hit. At least two and probably more squirrels are feeding on it regularly.

They're so cute!

aquagoat - 3-5-2021 at 17:26

Squirrels are so cute indeed! And they are sedentary, so they should stay there for quite a while.

Thanks, my sleep is going much much better than last week. Yeah, it's really important for your health and well being. And the older you grow, the more important it becomes.


BBP - 6-5-2021 at 20:18

Cute huh!

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BBP - 7-5-2021 at 16:34

When Tim Curry comes to the UK...

and you decide you're not going to do it after thoroughly reading the terms and conditions and taken every option in overview... feel old.

aquagoat - 7-5-2021 at 17:11

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

Cute huh!

Cuty cuty cute!!!!

aquagoat - 7-5-2021 at 17:12

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
When Tim Curry comes to the UK...

and you decide you're not going to do it after thoroughly reading the terms and conditions and taken every option in overview... feel old.
Welcome to the club. ;)

polydigm - 8-5-2021 at 16:59

Oh dear, you poor darlings. ;)

BBP - 9-5-2021 at 18:31

BF came to visit and brought his camera. Both squirrels paid us a visit and one stayed for like half an hour. Sweet! ^-^

BBP - 9-5-2021 at 19:36

Here's the dark squirrel BF photographed in the yard...

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BBP - 12-5-2021 at 11:44

He made some more pretty squirly photos today... <3

BBP - 13-5-2021 at 20:19

Assumption's been a slow day here... played lots of Cluedo, both with and without BF. He's working at my place now.

BBP - 15-5-2021 at 15:37

My old school's getting demolished. Went to see it with my boyfriend, and took photos of it.

polydigm - 15-5-2021 at 15:56

To make way for what?

BBP - 16-5-2021 at 18:58

It's still a school of about the same size when I was a pupil. A new school will be erected on the sport fields that is sustainable (solar panels I guess). Haven't been inside but it looked allright from a distance.

BBP - 20-5-2021 at 22:39

Got to be at the office for training today - seemed quite fun but became heavy when I saw one of my colleagues in mourning - her sister of around 30 had died of Corona - feeling ill one day, being taken to hospital two days later, in ICU in one week, in a medically induced coma and then death in two weeks. The doctors said she'd pull through.

So terrible, the poor dear...

BBP - 23-5-2021 at 12:44

Sunday after Eurovision is the closest I get every year to a hangover. Why do I watch it?

polydigm - 23-5-2021 at 20:10

That’s a good question, I can’t stand it. I hear that the UK affirmed its reputation. “Royaume Uni, nil points.”

BBP - 25-5-2021 at 06:30

Yep, not that it was a terrible song, just a bland singer with non-working act. Germany's singer was better-looking but their act blew it - but we'll see that unfortunate woman dressed as a hand a lot.

Netherlands ended quite low - not a good song and poor slap-together act. It was a good year though, many songs I enjoyed (Iceland, France, Belgium) and many songs that were tolerable but I wish LED lights would disappear, they don't work well with my head.

BBP - 27-5-2021 at 07:29

With Pentecost over that's the last of the easy-going May holidays. Am happily knitting gloves - getting better and better at it :D

aquagoat - 27-5-2021 at 18:42

I have no idea what the french song may sound like. I haven't watched the Eurovision show for, at least, two decades. I don't see the point.

BBP - 28-5-2021 at 08:26

The French had a pretty chanson called Voilà. It was my favourite in the set :D

I think I prefer watching squirrels.

I've really taken to making gloves lately. It's not easy but it's so rewarding!

BBP - 29-5-2021 at 21:05

Bad day today... got cursed at for the second time by a customer at work and was called fatso by some idiot kid riding past on his bicycle.

aquagoat - 30-5-2021 at 18:51

Don't mind that, Bonny, some people are just plain stupid.

BBP - 30-5-2021 at 19:08


I found a DVD box of Il Etait Un Fois - L'Homme, which I often watched as a kid. As an adult I find it entertaining and going a bit quickly - was though a bit shocked at the series depicting Muhammad (that would get people killed nowadays) and both insinuating rape and infanticide in the bit about Sparta.

aquagoat - 31-5-2021 at 18:45

I really liked that show, I used to watch it all the time when I was young.

BBP - 1-6-2021 at 10:37

I hope I can find the others on DVD someday. When I first saw it I was a bit too young to understand much but I remembered that time measure at the top left corner and of course the opening theme. When I was at secondary school I found the show was being repeated and taped it - it was the Cathedral Builders - and it had me in stitches at points. Watched the rest after that if I had the chance.

One of the voices in it is Ger Smit, who died in 2021 but who did such a plethora of brilliant voices that, when he passed away, I couldn't be sad. I remembered the time I heard him as Greedy Smurf saying "my poor soufflé" that made me laugh so hard just from the way he said that, that I couldn't hear the word "souffle" for weeks without bursting into laughter.

BBP - 4-6-2021 at 16:17

Made a vaccination appointment. Never been this happy to get an injection.:bouncy:

polydigm - 7-6-2021 at 15:54

I know what you mean. I had my first on May the fourth.

BBP - 8-6-2021 at 21:42

Rough day - was given a senior task that ended up being such a Gordian Knot I spent 2 hours untangling it. It involved a client who found bookings in her account she hadn't made and another client who found her bookings got cancelled and there was a strange name in her account.

Turned out one colleague had merged two accounts of people who didn't know each other - and unfortunately had shifted payments around between them, so that a refund on a payment of client A was issued to client B, and client B's payment was on a booking from client A.

I hope I never have to go through that again.

aquagoat - 10-6-2021 at 18:13

I understand you, Bonny, it's the kind of thing that could have been easily avoided but takes time to resolve. Without taking the customer's impatience irritation into account.

As for me, I've got sooo much work I'm exhausted and go to bed around 9 pm, these days. But I've got a pretty good looking tan and I've met quite a few enjoyable women. :D

BBP - 11-6-2021 at 20:59

That sounds good Aqua!

Doing relatively well considering one of my co-workers had a brain infection and another one had a stillborn child. Will be visiting my BF tomorrow.

Unfortunately for me his family is football-mad and the EC has just started.

BBP - 16-6-2021 at 22:44

Back from the in-laws!
BF was sweet enough to limit his football watching to just the Dutch team. Poor guy had terrible shoulder pain.

aquagoat - 17-6-2021 at 17:13

Glad you had a good time at your in-laws, Bonny. What's wrong with your bf's shoulder?

BBP - 17-6-2021 at 21:17

He's quite stiff everywhere and with his work being PC-oriented his shoulder muscles have gotten so tense it's caused chronic pain. He's got stretching exercises now, hope that it'll be fixed after the physical therapy is done.

aquagoat - 18-6-2021 at 17:26

You should massage him, it would do him good.;) But I get it, we've got that kind of problem too in my line of work, carpal tunnel syndrome, backache, etc, etc. Hope he's gonna get better soon. Does he work out?

BBP - 18-6-2021 at 19:02

I've massaged him a lot of times - when he stayed here for a week, and when I was with him for a week, I massaged him daily. Same with his foot which appears to have a similar injury.

aquagoat - 20-6-2021 at 09:02

The poor guy isn't lucky with his health.

BBP - 20-6-2021 at 10:51

I guess with all the colleague issues I'm seeing, with one with an aneurysm, one with a brain infection, one with a sister who died from Corona and one with a stillborn child - being sore is hardly something to complain about. Like the heat rash and fallen off toe nail I have.

When I was at the office on Friday, the guy with the stillborn child dropped in to talk with my team manager. It was good to see him again, although odd since you just don't know how to behave.

BBP - 23-6-2021 at 17:38

I got my first vaccination with Pfizer today, and met a former colleague too! :bald:

polydigm - 26-6-2021 at 10:23

I’m not sure what to say about your work situation Bonny. That’s pretty grim. I hope you are okay. And you too, Aqua?

Thing’s are good with me music wise, having made an important qualitative leap with the production side of things recently and creatively I’ve had a burst of new material. Health wise also pretty good except for a run of migraines after being migraine free for a couple of months.

BBP - 26-6-2021 at 18:51

Nice to hear your music's coming along! My music's been at a standstill since Belvilla.

BBP - 26-6-2021 at 19:07

My work was generous enough to send all customer service and home owner service colleagues a box of brownies. Sweet!
Very sweet. I tried the blondie and it was way too sweet, with weird white chocolate chunks. It's being consumed in very tiny bits - and then I have to wash the flavour down with water. :D

I have a Steam account with precisely 1 game I bought last month - Clue / Cluedo. I love Cluedo! So happy to be able to play it so frequently now :D

Also, yesterday I finally had the results come in of the AIVD puzzle I did last Christmas and new years. It's fiendishly difficult and I'm pleased with the result - in the top 3rd (just) and one of the puzzles I solved - and I solved myself on my own - turned out to be more difficult. Usually I can only solve the ones in the "easy" category.

BBP - 29-6-2021 at 09:23

Haaaaa three days off :D

BBP - 29-6-2021 at 09:54

I've had great fun following the murder mystery of Create Your Own Game Night last year, they have a new one. If you want to play along, visit !

aquagoat - 29-6-2021 at 17:57

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Haaaaa three days off :D
Good! Have fun!

BBP - 30-6-2021 at 19:30

Back to work today... and I didn't get the right answer in the murder mystery.

BBP - 3-7-2021 at 07:01

Didn't get the right answer, but apparently nobody did, so they gave the prize to the best wrong answers - and then I got an e-mail I'd won. :D

aquagoat - 3-7-2021 at 08:00

Congratulations, Bonny, you got the best wrong answer. Who said making mistakes didn't pay? :lol:

BBP - 4-7-2021 at 20:34

teehee... since I don't live in the States I got a mail that I'll be winning another prize than what was initially awarded. Wonder what...

aquagoat - 5-7-2021 at 17:49

Surprise, surprise!!!

BBP - 7-7-2021 at 06:32

:biggrin: I'll keep you posted!

Am exhausted today, I think it's too warm in my bedroom...

polydigm - 7-7-2021 at 19:30

It’s too cold in mine.

BBP - 7-7-2021 at 20:21

I think staying in a bedroom down under would not be good for my arachnophobia project but otherwise I'd consider a swap :bouncing:

polydigm - 8-7-2021 at 14:20

There aren’t that many spiders where I live. The dangerous ones are on the east coast. You occasionally get a large huntsman indoors, but they’re harmless, although somewhat frightening.

BBP - 8-7-2021 at 17:23

(looks it up on Wiki)
(huddles in a corner)

I am now so far that I have a favourite spider, the poecilotheria metallica or Gooty Sapphire Ornamental spider.
Here's a picture:

And yes, that's real :D Unfortunately the poor things are critter-cally endangered - they have only been found in one or two small forested areas that are being threatened by logging and firewood harvesting.

aquagoat - 9-7-2021 at 18:18

It's really a beautiful spider.

BBP - 11-7-2021 at 07:20

When you have your day off... and you wake up at 6 and can't go back to sleep...

you play some FZ!

aquagoat - 12-7-2021 at 17:59

Ha, happens to me all the time. You think you're gonna sleep till 10 o'clock but you wake up at the same hour as you usually do.:puzzled::puzzled::puzzled:

BBP - 13-7-2021 at 17:37

Day off, having a massive headache.

BBP - 15-7-2021 at 11:08

Another day off. I'm still a bit worried I've gotten corona last Sunday.

There's been a terrible rain storm in the south-east of The Netherlands, east-Belgium and the Eifel in Germany. In Germany 19 people have lost their lives, in Belgium 2 casualties and 1 missing.
The rivers Roer and Maas will reach their highest level ever today.
We've been on the wet end with the usual flooded tunnels. The rain water came bubbling up in the back yard. Looks like we need to level the terrace.

Today 25 years ago the Hercules-disaster in Eindhoven cost 34 lives. A plane crashed at the airport - emergency services weren't aware there was a fanfare in the back of the plane and started putting out the fire before rescuing the victims.

On a different level we just enjoyed a documentary on the painter Carel Willink - Poly might remember his highly realistic portrait of himself and his wife in the Van Abbe museum we visited.

polydigm - 19-7-2021 at 15:21

Have you guys had any vaccines yet?

BBP - 22-7-2021 at 06:55

First one yes, second one due next week. Pfizer.

BF got his second yesterday, I was with him :D

polydigm - 22-7-2021 at 15:22

My second Astra Zeneca is next Tuesday.

BBP - 22-7-2021 at 19:01

Ah, one day before my second Pfizer!

polydigm - 22-7-2021 at 19:53

I forgot to add that we’re on lockdown right now. Fun and games.

BBP - 23-7-2021 at 06:24

They eased it here way too soon, now we have an incredibly high amount of infections and barely any measures.

polydigm - 25-7-2021 at 03:23

It sounds like the Netherlands and the UK came to a similar conclusion. My theory is that behind closed doors, governments of this ilk have decided, with the levels of vaccination they've reached, which was initially, primarily aimed at the vulnerable, it's now okay to allow nature to take its course.

BBP - 25-7-2021 at 10:05

Wouldn't say that, NL has never been remotely as strict as the US was. There was never an obligation to stay at home for instance. During the first wave all shops stayed open. Sure our economy wasn't hit as badly as of surrounding countries but we had a relatively high toll and had to resort to moving intensive care patients to Germany very early on in the crisis.

We were back to under 6000 new infections, which considering not too long ago was a dayly 11000, is a good thing. We hope it continues.
A lot of infections came from the nightlife circuit, and all discos etc are now again closed.

polydigm - 25-7-2021 at 15:26

Sounds like the herd immunity solution was on the table from early on in the case of the Netherlands then. Not as blatant as Brazil though.

BBP - 25-7-2021 at 21:55

True. Doesn't look like it's working.

polydigm - 28-7-2021 at 16:53

Two days after second vax and don't appear to have any adverse effects so far.

BBP - 29-7-2021 at 07:03

My second shot was pretty high up in my arm, more on my shoulder than in my arm. It was quite painful last night, had to get out for some paracetamols because I just couldn't find a way of lying down without it hurting badly. Feels better now but I'm zleepy.

Then again I had 2 days off and played an unfathomablte amount of Cluedo. Hurray!

polydigm - 1-8-2021 at 06:53

Hope you're okay Bonny.

polydigm - 1-8-2021 at 06:55

After deleting my beginner sax videos from YouTube, I have finally got around to posting a video of me practicing the bari sax section from my composition Antelope Tweeds.

BBP - 2-8-2021 at 08:37

Very nice!

Arm's OK unless I workout.

Funfair is in Eindhoven about now but I don't think I'll be going unless it's raining cats and dogs. :D

polydigm - 2-8-2021 at 14:56

You’re not going UNLESS it’s raining cats and dogs??

BBP - 2-8-2021 at 16:07

Absolutely! I hate crowds at the best of times and Eindhoven being the sleepy place it is, the funfair is beyond crowded when the weather is good. Even now that they have less attractions.

polydigm - 3-8-2021 at 00:06

Ah! That makes perfect sense now. I'm the same with public venues. I'm pretty gregarious when I'm in the mood, but I don't like crowds.

BBP - 3-8-2021 at 21:12

Pfff, back to work. I had a video conference with the guy with stillborn child. Nice guy, friendly and like me interested in Japanese culture, so it was quite a shock to hear what happen of him - especially since, due to the forced distance, I didn't even know his wife was pregnant.

It's still him but you can tell the experience got to him.

BBP - 4-8-2021 at 20:19

Having a nasty day, very busy at work and I am feeling tired and prickly.

All the same half of my prize came in.

I had a gift voucher for Amazon with a value of €30, as a prize for that murder game I won. I wanted to buy something Cluedo related and when I saw Cluedo: Master Detective, a spin-off with extra suspects, weapons and rooms, for 24 USD, I was tickled pink.

But when I made an account and added my voucher, Amazon automatically added it to a Dutch account and I could only use it when I was on the Dutch Amazon site, not the American one. Aside from being treated to cringeworthy machine translation, iis offer was decidedly less, half of it was overly expensive scoring tabs - and the Master Detective game cost more than €80.

So then it was shopping. Highly frustrating when I searched for Dir en grey and the automatic translator turned it into "dieren grijs" (animals grey) and proceeded to produce grey animal results.

And then I remembered - for years I had the complete Primus collection but for feduciary reasons I was 2 albums behind;
And a day later I have both Chocolate Factory and Desaturating 7 lying next to me.

Right now, life feels pretty good all of a sudden!

polydigm - 5-8-2021 at 22:27

Unfortunate when winning a prize turns into a bit of a nuisance.

BBP - 6-8-2021 at 06:53

All is forgiven. I'm back on track with Primus now!

BBP - 7-8-2021 at 10:41

Had a dinner party with 2 of my fellow colleagues, which was great fun! Was quite a bit of a cycling trip though, it's been a while since I cycled this far.
My colleague is a brilliant cook - had some great Indonesian food - , she lives in a flat with a view on a large park, so we could watch the bunnies late in the evening, and we talked lots.

polydigm - 8-8-2021 at 13:14

Is there a vaccine pass in the Netherlands or is it completely lax?

BBP - 8-8-2021 at 22:04

There is a vaccine pass (basically a QR code you get) and it's been cracked I think.

polydigm - 12-8-2021 at 20:50

It’s interesting to see that COVID stats for the US are worse than those for India, even if their populations were the same. Meanwhile, China is way down the list.

BBP - 12-8-2021 at 21:30

I'm back to work - after having 4 days on end off, Saturday to Tuesday - yesterday was beyond hard but today I managed, quite happy about that. I'm worried about the state of me in connection to my job, which has been little but stress for the past 18 months.

BBP - 14-8-2021 at 18:08

BF sent me this impressive video of the German flood, before and after:

polydigm - 15-8-2021 at 20:02

So is dealing with difficult customers the problem?

BBP - 15-8-2021 at 21:09

That doesn't help, certainly. Let's say the amount of people I've had on the line asking me out has decreased sharply since Corona. The only upside to having 2 hour waiting queues is that the clients you do get to speak, are very patient.

We have been flooded with help questions since the Corona outbreak, and it's hard to imagine how badly it is - to the point that we received over a thousand mails per day where 50 would be a normal amount. During Corona the company learned that 200 calls is the max amount of calls we can receive at a time - we often received more than 200 calls at the same time, while previously 20 was almost unheard of. This is for the most part still continuing. It has unfortunately led to completely halting parts of our service that aren't vital but that are crucial for client satisfaction, and that is hard to swallow.

Due to the overflow not even all half-urgent work can be picked up. Our workload has changed because of it - before we were not to touch e-mails or letters that were written by lawyers - now we have to unless it's a court case. Of course the low-level job that we have means we have largely no relevant education (even the ones that did weren't set to do that kind of work) to do any work of that kind - and we don't have a salary to match either.

There is a pile of work ahead of us that is so endless that it's depressing. If you ever do something right so that you'd normally give yourself a pat on the back - there's no time for this now.
It happens so often that I see a cancellation mail that was not picked up in time because of the mail overload - I've cancelled bookings of which the client asked us to cancel over a year ago.

BBP - 17-8-2021 at 21:46

The fourth and last part of the prize came in.

I bought a Cluedo keychain. It is a keychain with a box that contains everything you need to play Cluedo - pawns (though only 4), 2 dice, all 21 cards, a playing board, instructions, notepads, and since it's a new game, Cluedo cards.

It cost €6,98. But I had to pay €6 in shipping, so the price approached €13.

It has come in by mail today. Had to pick it up at a post point. The assholes charge €7 import costs.

I paid €20 for something that should only have cost €7.

Am looking into this, looks like VAT has been charged double.

polydigm - 18-8-2021 at 15:14

Sorry to hear about your job difficulties I can see that's a tough situation.

Those import costs are alarming - sounds like a rort to me. Our customs service hasn't caught that disease as yet.

BBP - 19-8-2021 at 06:38

Stayed up way too late... they were showing the Alex Winter doc on TV here...

polydigm - 20-8-2021 at 16:43

I’ve forgotten if you mentioned it before. Is that the first time you’ve seen it?

BBP - 21-8-2021 at 18:12

Yep. At the time of the crowdfunding I wasn't in a financial position to support it, so I don't have it, but we taped it off the TV.

Ruth Underwood is a dear.

polydigm - 23-8-2021 at 23:56

You can see that Ruth was between a rock and a hard place when it came time to move on from Frank Zappa. Any other instrumentalist with the skills built up working for him, who wanted to continue in live performance, would have a significant chance of finding work elsewhere, but who else in the music business was hiring mallet percussionists?

BBP - 24-8-2021 at 20:01

Went to town on my day off and twisted my ankle.

That one's for the poll.

Huck_Phlem - 24-8-2021 at 22:51

So how did they like your Cubby Checker impersonation?...

Broomp Pishhh

polydigm - 26-8-2021 at 20:22

Bonny: For the poll?

Huck: How’s it going?

BBP - 28-8-2021 at 17:15

Great to see you here Huck!

My pool that I ran at the Zappa forum years ago :D


polydigm - 29-8-2021 at 09:11

Okey dokey, taking bets on what bad things can happen to you?

Not very positive thinking, Bonny.

BTW, 2010 was probably the worst year of my life. September of that year, things were starting look up again.

BBP - 29-8-2021 at 17:14

For me too - my grandmother passed away, my father lost his job and I broke my ankle.

Huck_Phlem - 30-8-2021 at 05:22

Well I had a stroke in 2016 and applied for Social Security and got it.

I moved back to my hometown and have had my own studio for 4 years while my kids are doing great.

BBP - 30-8-2021 at 21:53

That's wonderful to hear! <3

polydigm - 31-8-2021 at 09:35

Huck, how has the stroke affected your drumming?

Huck_Phlem - 31-8-2021 at 16:14

I had to quit because of the nerves but I am playing electronic drums. I can't play guitar with my fingers but have been playing a lot of slide.

My son is teaching a lot of music programs on mallet percussion.

Huck_Phlem - 2-9-2021 at 20:10

The electronic drums have less of an impact on my joints but I have been taking collagen for a year now and my arthritis isn't as bad and i have started drumming again.

The best part is i can write a measure or 5 and just continue it using Logic. So i can just write music instead. I doubt I could last for a whole performance.

BBP - 3-9-2021 at 15:03

Pff, sounds harsh! Glad you were able to pick up drums again.

BF is coming this weekend, so we did a good speed-clean here. Ankle is doing better but not 100%.

polydigm - 4-9-2021 at 16:17

Huck, it’s good to hear you’re finding your way around it. I can’t imagine having to give it up altogether.

BBP - 6-9-2021 at 21:29

Waved goodbye to BF today. Was harder for me than usual.

Huck_Phlem - 7-9-2021 at 16:27

I just got into photography to do something different.

Not really giving a F with the way all the governments are acting like Nazi's. the BS vaccine killed my dads 3rd wife day after his 85th BDay.

At least i don't live in Authoritarian Australia or Canada.

polydigm - 7-9-2021 at 20:54

Well, I’m living in Australia and I’m doing just fine.

Huck_Phlem - 10-9-2021 at 01:56

My fathers 3rd wife died the day after his 85th birthday. My dad took the shot and gave it to her. She died he didn't. This mass hypnosis is so sad to see. Go listen to Eric Clapton.


polydigm - 10-9-2021 at 14:23

Eric Clapton is the case that proves the rule. The vaccine does not contain active COVID virus. What happened to him probably shows that he’d be one of the people killed by the virus if he caught it. It just kills me that in the hundred or so years previous how many serious illnesses like polio, tuberculosis and smallpox have been virtually eliminated by vaccines and now all of a sudden, apparently, we don’t know what we’re doing.

Bonny, I’m really sorry to hear about your sister.

BBP - 10-9-2021 at 22:14

You may have noticed I blocked the forum and removed above post - I realized that this is not stuff to put out in public about your family, no matter how off-beat.

One of the stressful things about COVID was for my job I had to be completely into all the regulations - if anything happened we were informed about it - and The Netherlands was by far the easiest-going country - in the Netherlands holiday homes were allowed to open to the public since they have separate facilities. Camping sites with shared bathroom facilities had to close, and a lot of them suffered over it.

Will open the forum in a week or two.

In the mean time I have my other leg up - I spilled burning hot tea on my left foot (the one I broke in 2010) and suffered first and second degree burns. It was pretty awkward standing on my right leg, sore foot up high in the sink to cool it - especially since that right leg itself got sprained when I fell two weeks ago.

Because of the awkward place I'm not able to put shoes on yet - wanted to put some Biogaze (sterile compress with oils) on it to protect it from friction and keep it moist. Found the package on the kitchen shelf. Noticed the colours and type set were a bit timid, then noticed the price tag that said F11,95 (guilders) and had a name of a shop that is still a chemist but has been renamed several times since...
After double checking I found the best before date - November 1991.
Last time I remember it got used was when I was in kindergarten, fell hard when I ran to my stepmother and had a huge wound on my knee.

Aaanyway, still happily watching squirrels here, playing Cluedo, on the phone with BF... the regular stuff...

polydigm - 11-9-2021 at 06:56

At least there is that. It's basically just me and Julie here most of the time.

We're mostly gluten free, but allow ourselves proper French croissants on Sunday morning and tonight we're going out to a restaurant that supposedly has stellar fish and chips. We'll see. We don't eat fish and chips very often, but I get sick of finding a fish and chip shop that does a really decent job of it for a while and then going down hill. Restaurants are more likely to produce good quality fish and chips, hence the night out tonight, as a treat, but it's more expensive, so we don't do it often.

BBP - 11-9-2021 at 20:47

For some reason I never liked croissants. Weird.

Wrapped up another work week, two days off now. I cancelled Tuesday's turn to go to the office because of my foot (doubt I'm wearing shoes by then).

polydigm - 13-9-2021 at 07:44

I'm a bit of a maniac with croissants. They're already buttery, but I like them with extra butter and jam and either a cup of tea or a cup of cocoa. We mainly just buy plain croissants. I prefer them with jam than I do the other fancy sweet ones. We've got a local native French baker, but I don't like the way he makes his croissants amande, he just won't put enough of the frangipane filling. If you've had a variety of French pastries with plenty of frangipane filling, there's no going back.

The fish and chips Saturday night turned out to be pretty good, so we had a good night out.

Enjoy your time off. Is your foot actually getting better?

BBP - 13-9-2021 at 11:46

It is but slowly, there's a large blister on it.

BBP - 16-9-2021 at 16:31

My foot still qualifies as injured (still can't wear shoes), but the blister is healing well.

Am teaching myself tatting now. After learning music and crochet.

BBP - 19-9-2021 at 20:58

Foot is recovering well. Today I took a shower (other than splashing in the bathtub) for the first time since I got burnt 9 days ago. I also went outside for the first time since then.

Tomorrow's my sister's birthday. It's a bit tricky right now.

polydigm - 21-9-2021 at 16:02

A couple of days ago I posted another ensemble demo on YouTube, my arrangement of an old FZ classic with a twist.

BBP - 23-9-2021 at 10:53

Are you OK Poly? Has the earthquake affected you?

polydigm - 23-9-2021 at 20:29

The earthquake was near Melbourne, Victoria. I’m in Adelaide, South Australia.

BBP - 25-9-2021 at 18:03

Nice version of Holiday In Berlin!

polydigm - 26-9-2021 at 00:41

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Nice version of Holiday In Berlin!

Thanks Bonny. FZ was not solely about difficult music. Pieces like Duke Of Prunes, Holiday In Berlin, Sofa and that Inca theme, that grew out of HIB, are very melodic and moving pieces. I really enjoy the versions on Burnt Weeny Sandwich, but the production still has some issues, so I thought a lot about my arrangement and I really enjoy the way it sounds and how it ends in a flourish with the Inca theme.

BBP - 26-9-2021 at 11:15

Duke of Prunes is one of my favourite FZ melodies, especially the orchestral version mystery disk is quite moving...

polydigm - 28-9-2021 at 19:43

I like that version too.

BBP - 30-9-2021 at 06:55

I need to get more sleep at night... :drool:

polydigm - 1-10-2021 at 00:14

Are you very busy at the moment?

BBP - 1-10-2021 at 18:17

Yup, well I have been since Corona broke out of course. Fortunately my vacation is almost due.

BBP - 4-10-2021 at 16:14

Vacation starts in a week.

I can use it to look for a new job. BV will outsource its customer service starting January.

BBP - 7-10-2021 at 16:40

Still in shock over the outsourcing. So many friends will lose their job - probably including me.

polydigm - 8-10-2021 at 18:48

That’s rough, Bonny. I hope something else turns up. All the best.

BBP - 9-10-2021 at 19:44

My holiday's started but I'm hardly in vacation mood now...

BBP - 12-10-2021 at 17:49

Got a call from a temp agency about my job application - first interview is Monday.

BBP - 13-10-2021 at 19:48

Visited the Dutch Lithography Museum in Valkenswaard today, they had a lovely Dutch art nouveau exhibition.

BBP - 14-10-2021 at 08:24

Off to my boyfriend, but am bringing my laptop

BBP - 15-10-2021 at 12:22

Damn, contacted my job about how long it would take for me to get available for a new one - if I quit now I'm available from Dec 1st.

Training for the new job I applied for starts on the 22nd November.

polydigm - 17-10-2021 at 01:22

Sounds like some tricky juggling.

Has your current employer told you that you're definitely going to be laid off? If so, you'd think they'd have an obligation to be supportive of you finding other work.

BBP - 18-10-2021 at 08:39

No, and they do. We are getting job interview training and stuff. Well, not me, I'm on holiday.

BBP - 20-10-2021 at 14:24

Second talk with the temp agency went well.

BBP - 22-10-2021 at 08:43

Streaming cold today - not going home yet.

polydigm - 24-10-2021 at 08:00

You might have to explain that a bit more. What do you mean by streaming cold and where were you?

BBP - 24-10-2021 at 17:15

I went to stay with my boyfriend for a week, but that week got extended by 3 days because we all managed to get a cold - probably from my nephew. I caught it the worst with uncontrollable phlegm production. My boyfriend and I used up 2 tissue boxes in three days time.
Masks are still mandatory in public transport, and from his place to mine is a 3 hour trip. 3 hours with mask is a long time but with a cold it didn't seem like a good idea in many ways.

Nowadays the Dutch Railways publish an estimation of how busy trains will be, with the one I had as being very quiet.

Of course when I got on, there were tons of students (50 at least), all with pizza boxes and lots of luggage, trying to get a seat, so quiet it was not. Probably another factor was that today is the last day of the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, which is a popular event.

Oddly my cold was behaving better with face mask - I didn't blow my nose even once during the trip and I didn't have much phlegm loss.

BBP - 24-10-2021 at 18:51

Anyway, had a nice extended stay with BF, he did have to work, but all the same:

-Came on Thursday 14th. On the 16th October the family had planned a get-together (that's BF, both his sisters with their partners and their children (one has 2 boys of 2 and 6, the other has 2 girls of 8 and 11) and BF's parents, and me.

Thing is, they do that with "surprises" - I cannot find a translation, it's pronounced in the French way. It's something that's usually tied to St Nicholas celebrations and that involves a lot of craft.

It begins with the lottery - you draw cards to anonymously decide who gives something to whom.
Then you use all your craft skills to make an elaborate gift wrap, often shaped as something related to the hobbies or tastes of the receiver of the gift. Sometimes the gift is jocular (my BF once said, when he was little and his younger sister received a larger gift than him: "That's not right, I should receive the biggest present!" He hasn't lived it down nearly forty years on. A few years ago he got a huge box, that contained a smaller box, that contained an even smaller box, etc etc etc, until he finally had a small box with one tea bag.).
Sometimes the gift leads you to a chase in the house, (check the fridge, then you open the fridge and it says "check the attic", etc.

Anyway, that's what we call a "surprise" and the young girls wanted us to do this - with BF having his own company and me working and living far away (so not able to make anything at home because I can't get it there properly) - we had to craft two surprises in a record time.

I crafted a bunny for a sister-in-law and BF and I made a sword for the 6-year-old nephew. Nice results.

It was a very cosy day but BF, both of his parents and yours truly, got the cold from our little nephew. And shortly after the poor dear got chicken pox.

Sunday at his place involves solving cryptograms and watching football, which last week was unexpectedly over-exciting when a tribune collapsed during the NEC-Vitesse game.

BF had had his birthday, I gave him a game for the Nintendo Switch called Metroid - Dread, which he played while I watched (man the name "Dread" really discribes the game at times, the EMMI is intense). We also played Cluedo together and I showed him around the "Ticket to Ride" computer game he gave me. We also watched a video on a YouTube channel we like to watch called Baumgartner Restoration.

Fun times, shame about the cold.

polydigm - 24-10-2021 at 20:17

Now streaming makes sense. Sounds like you and your boyfriend get on very well.

BBP - 25-10-2021 at 09:49

Well, you met us... :D

We're coming up 5,5 years now, first holiday abroad is in April, by then it will be 6 years.

Called in sick today, I'm not capable of much thought.

polydigm - 28-10-2021 at 11:25

Well, I've probably mentioned this before, but are you guys thinking about taking your relationship to the next level?

BBP - 28-10-2021 at 16:22

We're taking our first holiday abroad in April.

We're aware that we don't work as fast as other couples, most of that is due to him having his own company plus me having uncertain jobs - and us living as far apart as we do. Travelling to each other is expensive and neither of us has his/her own place (with housing the way it is in NL that's not going to happen shortly either).

In other words - circumstances are working against us.

polydigm - 29-10-2021 at 18:59

I hope you two can find a way.

BBP - 29-10-2021 at 22:21

Me too. He'll be coming over again this weekend! :)

BBP - 2-11-2021 at 18:25

And he came and now he's in Germany at work.


BBP - 4-11-2021 at 18:41

It was supposed to be my day off but they planned me in for job application training, so I had to go to the office all the same.

I baked brownies and a cake for the occasion. Not many people there but the brownies were all but gone in four hours.

BBP - 10-11-2021 at 18:55

Yesterday was supposed to be my day off but they planned the meeting about the outsourcing on it.

I doubt I can stay on, so am busy searching.

BBP - 11-11-2021 at 21:24

Big talk today. I can stay on if I want, my contract will be valid then. Am tempted but I need to read further.

BBP - 13-11-2021 at 18:54

Was an interesting day at work - the system went down, so we couldn't do anything at all. The system had been down for 6 hours before the shift started, for like 3,5 hours we were talking to guests on the phone (pretty much non-stop since I couldn';t leave any notes), they said it'll be ready in 15 minutess, it'll be ready in 20 minutes etc... at around 3:30 they said it would be down until at least eight o'clock so, so we were sent "home" early.

Spent the time between lines closed and snow day declaration in a Zoom meeting with colleagues.

BBP - 17-11-2021 at 18:27

Monday wasn't much better but the site is functioning now. Sort of.

St Nicholas is coming up, so doing a lot of shopping...

BBP - 19-12-2021 at 23:27

The Goose was down for a day. We called the hosting service but it turns out we've lost a month's worth of posts. Beugh

polydigm - 20-12-2021 at 13:25

I was surprised to see that my last post was Oct 30. Can’t remember what I was talking about. Glad to hear you’re okay. That’s pretty poor form from your host.

BBP - 20-12-2021 at 18:09

Yup. Not happy about the loss of posts, good thing I wasn't translating any articles or something like that.
I could post a new Zappadan thread but that could contain the whole FZ discography. :D

BBP - 20-12-2021 at 18:14

Hurray, found this little thing here:

Finally a full studio version of Superman by Gruppo Sportivo. I loved the intro as a kiddie and of course still do :D

BBP - 21-12-2021 at 22:15

Went to visit my blind friend Hedda today. Played CP3 cd1 before leaving and am about to play the 2nd, don't worry :bouncing:

BBP - 23-12-2021 at 19:08

Particularly tough times at work today - this time with Dutchmen who booked for Austria - we now need to go into quarantine (unless they had a booster) when we enter the country. Of course this is during the ski season.

polydigm - 24-12-2021 at 23:05

Having a good Xmas eve? We did. Just getting up for Xmas breakfast now.

BBP - 27-12-2021 at 19:41

Yeah was pretty good. I'm at BFs, we went to one sister on Xmas Eve for a soup buffet and bingo, and to the other one for a Christmas brunch which involved chicken rollade, which is a bit much before noon. Lots of puzzle solving!

polydigm - 29-12-2021 at 07:37

Good to hear!

BBP - 2-1-2022 at 21:26

Came back today!

Played a lot of board games: a pocket detective, Bunny Kingdom (so many plastic rabbits!) , Lost Desert and Pandemic.

I had been thinking about getting Pandemic for some time - it's a legendary and loved board game but it's so hard to find people to play it with - but now I've played it I want it now. :D It's in my top 2 games now, below Cluedo.

BBP - 3-1-2022 at 18:21

When two things you love combine... <3
(starts about 30 minutes in, with English subs)

Dir en grey's drummer, Shinya, made a Youtube video of him fact-checking his Wikipedia article. And then they speak of "drummers they like to talk with", the subject turns to Terry Bozzio:

Q: And for "drummers you like to talk with," KORN, You met with KORN during recording didn't you? With Terry Bozzio.
A: Terry Bozzio was there as the drummer of KORN, at recording. I watch his instructional videos a lot, he even did a drum cover to hide's solo. {hide = late guitarist of X-Japan). So I knew about him from a while back.
Q: He did a hide solo?
A: And his drum set is so fortified. This set is amazing.
Q: He's famous for that, isn't he?
A: Yeah. Well, I already knew him, but when I went to America on tour we were told that KORN are recording, so we went to hang out in their studio.
Q: Oh, you went!
A: All of us. So Terry Bozzio was there, but I didn't know then that Terry Bozzio was going to be involved in their recording. The set was incredible. And I was like: "Wow, this set is like Terry Bozzio's. And the drummer and Terry look really similar." So I thought "Woah, this guy really loves Terry!"as I looked at him from afar.
And as we left the studio, I said "That guy looked a lot like Terry Bozzio, didn't he". And I think it was Masuda there, the writer who went with us, so when I said "He had Terry Bozzio vibes", he was like "Oh no that was Terry Bozzio."
I was like "What! Tell me earlier!"
Q: And that's how you found out?
A: Yeah.
Q: And if you found out sooner, you could have spoken with him.
A: Absolutely could have done.
Q: Right? You wanted to ask so many things, right?
A: Yep.

Terry, if you're listening, give the boy a call. :D

BBP - 5-1-2022 at 11:06

Two days off in a row are the best :biggrin:

BBP - 7-1-2022 at 18:09

Well, back to work... am unfortunately down with a cold, but on the bright side I'm now on a Terry Bozzio trip again, so thank you Shinya!

polydigm - 9-1-2022 at 19:44

Things are gradually returning to normal here. Although, it’s a new normal as Julie’s about to start a new job with a different routine. We’ve just begun a heat wave, meaning I’ll have my work cut out saving the garden.

I hope Aqua’s okay.

BBP - 10-1-2022 at 07:33

Me too, it's been a while since we've seen him here...

Hope Julie's new job works out for her!

polydigm - 10-1-2022 at 14:57

You’re probably aware of the general trend in the West to extend retirement age. The weird thing here in OZ, is that because of the gradual increase to 67, Julie who’s one year and a third younger than me, has 67 as her retirement age, whereas mine is 66 and a half. What are they doing in the Netherlands?

BBP - 10-1-2022 at 23:14

We've started to increase towards the 67s (used to be 65). It was hard on my dad because his retirement kept getting shoved back but he's retired last August, at 66 years 4 months. By 2023 it will be 67.
Government has decided to link retirement age to life expectancy.

Pensions have been frozen for the past 10 years, like with most old age benefits, but it's still much better than being on the dole.

polydigm - 13-1-2022 at 11:12

If you decide to retire in another country, does the Netherlands government make it difficult to keep your pension?

BBP - 13-1-2022 at 19:01

If you and your partner are over 65 when you move abroad, you'll keep your pension, otherwise it depends on if NL has a treaty with that country.

I had an app message sent to me by my brother-in-law - his friend group rents with our company and they had tried to rebook via e-mail.

Which they did, and then they received a mail back.
In German. The guy pulls it through Google Translate and is floored when he sees "we thank you for demolishing a nursing home with Belvilla."

Checked it out, turns out that the ID10T who wrote it, had sent this text to just about every client of which he believed they spoke German.

BBP - 14-1-2022 at 23:58

Best friend Hedda calls.

Spent three hours on the phone with her.

BBP - 17-1-2022 at 20:59

Happy Blue Monday everybody!

polydigm - 17-1-2022 at 23:42

That's very funny.

BBP - 18-1-2022 at 17:39

Finally bck out after 2 weeks of staying at home due to agressive cold...

Unfortunately Corona has landed in my inlaws family - BFs nephew came home with it from school. Of course this was right at the time they were getting a new floor at his place, so he's in quarantine at his grandmother's, where Peter also lives. His mother has caught it as well.

I'm not going up north for a few weeks!

BBP - 18-1-2022 at 23:10

Handed in the AIVD puzzle, back to normal...

BBP - 22-1-2022 at 22:38

The amount of Corona cases in BF's family is now 4. His sister and kids, and unfortunately his mother. I'm a bit upset about it considering BF and I didn't see each other for months to make sure she'd stay healthy.

BBP - 25-1-2022 at 17:31

BF caught it noo now. :(

Efteling is going to demolish one of my favourite rides, I'm very upset about it.

BBP - 27-1-2022 at 17:45

I'd never read Anne Frank's diary (in spite of being Dutch, having studied history and having become a WW2 buff). Probably because my sister was involved in a play about her at high school and I saw it three times or so.

Just finished reading it for the first time, it's a very touching book.

BBP - 30-1-2022 at 20:45

Sixth patient in BFs family, the 9-year-old niece. She's been pretty sick.

BBP - 31-1-2022 at 23:26

Went to the office, which was fun because there were a lot of colleagues (relatively speaking), felt a bit like old times.

Of course the reason that there were so many people was that five or six of them had their last day, plus two others had had their last day and came in to hand in their things. And my team manager came to say hi to them. Did have to choke back the tears.

BBP - 2-2-2022 at 12:13

One of the squirrels had made its way into our living room. I have my day off, when dad came down and opened the door he saw Squirly jumping at the window, trying to escape. He was making a lot of noise. As dad opened the French door, Squirly ran under a chair. We haven't seen him since, we assume that he has run out by now.

Squirly knocked over a plastic tiger, a painting my grandfather made, and the wooden windmill I made years ago. The tiger didn't survive but fortunately the painting is OK.

We have no idea how it came in and we can only assume it ran out since there's no noise or anything and we can't find it.

polydigm - 2-2-2022 at 18:11

We had a possum running around our bedroom one night a few weeks ago after it got caught with the blinds down on our back veranda. I’d gone out there because I heard noise in the middle of the night and it ran in the back door in its confusion. I eventually got it out after catching it in a large basket. A pair of them had been living in our roof. Two days after that I managed to spot them both going out for the night and blocked the gap where they were getting in. No more scratching in the roof.

BBP - 2-2-2022 at 18:59

Sounds scary.

As it turned out, the squirrel was still in the living room. We managed to coax it out after watching it eat some nuts and climb up the curtains.

BBP - 3-2-2022 at 18:29

8 patiens in BFs close family now.

But at least we're now in a squirrel-free house.

polydigm - 3-2-2022 at 22:00

I hope no-one’s getting too sick. Is your BF vaccinated?

BBP - 4-2-2022 at 07:38

Yep, BF and both his parents and his sisters and their spouses are all vaccinated. Part of that quarantine thing is that the patient must be in quarantine in a room and none of his family join him, but my nephew who contracted it at school is 6 and quite a handful, leaving him alone in a room is no option. Their floor was being renewed so they couldn't go into quarantine in their house, to they took it to BFs mother. There they didn't obey the quarantine either so BFs mother got sick and then BF got it later.

Niece got it at school as well. Of the 11 family members there 4 have gotten sick, and 4 of them had already had their booster. BF is still under the weather but all the rest are doing fine.

BBP - 6-2-2022 at 15:28

Currently 9 out of 11 immediate inlaws have caught it. BF is improving but still a bit under the weather. His sister and her partner are still sick, all the others have recovered.

BBP - 10-2-2022 at 12:24

Not much news to report. I'm trying to write my COVID diary and found this forum a useful source on day-to-day notes.

polydigm - 11-2-2022 at 16:27

I've been almost totally preoccupied with getting our back garden ready for chickens. We've been planning on it for a while, but then Julie got two chickens as a going away present finishing up her last job, so I've been working long days in the garden for about three weeks now. Clearing up and reorganising the back end of the garden, putting up posts and fencing for a chicken run, modifying an old dog kennel for a temporary chicken coop and then, after they were settled in, designing and building a proper chicken coop from scrap left over from our old rear veranda. It was almost finished in situ by this evening, just a handful of details to sought out in the morning.

My music has been almost on standby throughout, just playing a little piano and guitar, but I've managed to write a new composition and I'm looking forward to getting back to my music thing full time on Monday.

Is BF okay and have you avoided catching it Bonny?

BBP - 11-2-2022 at 20:46

Well, it's one advantage of a long distance relationship :D I haven't seen BF since January 2. My next stay is planned for next weekend (his sister will be away for the weekend so he's got to house-sit for their two bunnies and three guinea pigs) . I hope they'll all be better by then since I have no intention of catching it whatsoever.

BBP - 12-2-2022 at 22:32

I'm exhausted... work week's left me feeling awful.

BBP - 13-2-2022 at 12:23

Good night's sleep, feeling a lot better.

polydigm - 15-2-2022 at 14:30

Glad to hear it Bonny. I haven’t been sleeping too well for a while - it’s this bloody weather. I’m feeling pretty good otherwise. A couple of other tasks have kept me busy so far this week and I only got back to drums and sax today.

BBP - 15-2-2022 at 22:13

Went to the dentist, am Ok.

Cleaned the squirrel feeder. ewwewewew Our squirrels don't like sunflower pips, apparently - a lot of them had sprouted. I scattered the sprouts, hope we may be getting some sunflowery goodness here.

The squirrels haven't been around much since the Big Squirly Adventure of 2 Feb, and we miss them. Hopefully they'll come back more often now that the box is clear and filled with yummy new nuts and pips.

BBP - 18-2-2022 at 18:35

Eunice is blowing around ferociously down our chimney. So far 3 dead in Amsterdam.

BBP - 19-2-2022 at 14:20

4 dead in The Netherlands, and no train to BF who I was supposed to visit on Friday, then today.

Maybe tomorrow?

polydigm - 20-2-2022 at 18:18

I’ve been hearing about the storms up there. It’s pretty bad in the UK as well. I hope you’re okay Bonny, that’s a pity about the trains.

Covid has hit my niece and her young son in Sydney.

BBP - 20-2-2022 at 20:08

Sorry to hear that... hope they'll recover soon.

I had to give up on visiting my boyfriend, we're both a bit gutted about that (it's been a while - but also, we'd be staying in his sister's house, since she's on vacation, so we'd have some space for ourselves). We're now on our third storm this week, after Delano and Eunice we now have Franklin around.

In the mean time I play Pandemic a lot, the co-op board game I've taken a shine to.

BBP - 21-2-2022 at 21:39

Heard today that unfortunately, one of the colleagues who was made redundant after the outsourcing, passed away way too young at 61, brain haemorrhage.

Rather upset about it, she was a sweetheart.

BBP - 26-2-2022 at 07:46

Cremation is today. I can't make it, I have to work, but some of my colleagues are going.

polydigm - 28-2-2022 at 08:46

My niece and her partner both had it, but they are both vaccinated and didn't get very ill at all. They're assuming their son had it because he was sick for a while around the same time, but wouldn't allow them to do the test properly. He is five and a half and not vaccinated, but didn't get very sick.

So Pandemic is a board game you can play on your own?

Sorry to hear about your colleague - a bit of a shock at that age.

BBP - 1-3-2022 at 10:49

Hey where's the post I made yesterday?

BBP - 1-3-2022 at 10:55

Well, I'd made a nice little guide on how to play Pandemic, but it has disappeared :(
So for the rules I'll refer you to:

The game is a co-op game that is advertised for 4, but you can just assume all characters and play on your own. The board came is a massive challenge, I only beat it half the time on introductory mode.

BBP - 5-3-2022 at 18:08

I bought Diplomacy a few days ago - it has some aficionadoes on the Cluedo forum I moderate - but I don't understand a word of it!

Been battling an annoying eyelid infection for a few days, it's rather painful.

polydigm - 6-3-2022 at 06:05

Annoying eyelid infections should be banned. All the best with that, Bonny!

BBP - 7-3-2022 at 21:39

Aw thanks!

Still puttering along, working on my French...

BBP - 8-3-2022 at 10:18

Poly, my father asks how you are doing with the floods.

(He also calls you Mr Bicycle - like me he has next to no memory for names and the brand of his bicycle has the same name as your last name :) and then he can't remember the name of his bicycle brand :bald: )

BBP - 10-3-2022 at 17:42

Domme is out, so no holiday in France this year.

Kinda expected it, but sooner for a different reason.

polydigm - 14-3-2022 at 07:47

The floods are in the east of Australia. We’re in the south. Thank your father for asking. We’re in the middle of a low thirties heat wave and it’s early autumn here.

BBP - 15-3-2022 at 22:18

Good to hear Poly!

I'm back from visiting my BF! It was good fun, we played games, watched videos and went on walks and cycling trips.

polydigm - 23-3-2022 at 17:20

My youngest son (26) has just had Covid. It was like having a cold and he’s feeling better now with still a bit of a cough. He doesn’t live with us anymore, but I had to isolate for a week as a close contact after picking him up from the airport.

It’s good to hear that you’ve been able to visit BF again.

BBP - 23-3-2022 at 20:15

Aw sorry to hear that...

It's been a week since I posted in this topic. Haven't been feeling well lately, job is really getting worse by the minute...

polydigm - 24-3-2022 at 19:01

And I’m sorry to hear that.

BBP - 24-3-2022 at 19:43

Today I had the expected phone call that I won't be moving to home owner service this April - the move that was supposed to happen in January - is again postponed for an indefinite period.

The vendor people are just not good enough.

polydigm - 28-3-2022 at 18:31

Did I miss something earlier? Have you been offered some kind of promotion?

BBP - 28-3-2022 at 22:13

A sort of promotion (CS would consider home owner service as the cushier version of their job) but it was always to the same salary, with the upside that you wouldn't have to work evenings or weekends.
I signed a contract for it as well, but they won't let me go now since they need me too much. Because the idjits in charge think that they can outsource Dutch to a cheaper country - guess what, Dutch is not a language spoken worldwide.

polydigm - 29-3-2022 at 16:44

Funny that.

BBP - 30-3-2022 at 16:35

Today on my outing, as I left a highly forested area, I saw something brown moving slowly down a tree. It looked a bit like a rat, but upon closer inspection it was a squirrel... carrying a baby squirrel around her neck. It was entirely wrapped around her neck like a fur collar.

I swear it's the best thing I've seen all year, maybe even better than anything that happened in 2021. <3

BBP - 3-4-2022 at 21:59

she's over 30, getting old...

polydigm - 5-4-2022 at 15:38

Happy birthday!!!

BBP - 5-4-2022 at 16:36


I had to work yesterday and went for a drink with some colleagues afterwards. The day before I spent most of the day in the kitchen, baking brownies and speculaas.

polydigm - 7-4-2022 at 20:45

No celebration with BF?

BBP - 8-4-2022 at 17:51

Nope, he's busy doing his administration. We'll be celebrating by the time our holiday in France was supposed to be planned.

polydigm - 10-4-2022 at 01:13

When you say "supposed to", are you not going?

BBP - 10-4-2022 at 11:29

Nope, it was given to us by my BF's client, but he decided to cancel his holiday plans there so we won't be going either. :( let's see if I can find any replacement on such short notice...

polydigm - 13-4-2022 at 18:36

I’ve posted a new piano video on YouTube.

BBP - 14-4-2022 at 06:31


polydigm - 18-4-2022 at 18:22

Thanks for checking it out.

BBP - 20-4-2022 at 21:05

Am completely baffled by the passing of one of the co-workers who was laid off. He committed suicide, aged only 26.

polydigm - 21-4-2022 at 14:36

That’s sad. I hope you’re okay.

BBP - 21-4-2022 at 20:58

I still can't believe it... poor guy.

Tomorrow is the big Belvilla goodbye party for the staff, at the unlikely time of 16:00 to 20:00. I wonder how it will be since a lot of colleagues haven't heard the news yet.
At work I see his, and that of the other colleague who died of a haemorrhage in January, notes he has left at all the bookings he's work on. It's like nothing has changed, nothing has happened and he'll come in to work tomorrow. Googled him and most of the things you get is social media, Facebook, LinkedIn... and then you reach page 2 and see the site of his undertaker...

BBP - 26-4-2022 at 21:12

Party was great, meeting up with so many old acquaintances and friends. Work didn't provide any catering so before the "afterparty" a number of colleagues raided a chips shop.

BBP - 4-5-2022 at 21:37

Spent a week of vacation at my BFs, which was great - we played a lot of games, went to stay at his sister's place for a night to take care of their guinea pigs and bunnies while they were on a weekend away, we went to a pancake restaurant, another restaurant and a tea museum/shop/terrace called De Theefabriek. Latter was highly recommendable as an outing if you're ever in that area. Though it was a bit of a shock when we were presented with the tea menu - which had over 700 (!) types of tea available - white, yellow, green and black, plus oolong, plus infusions and milk teas and matcha and whatnot. I was enamored by the Witch blend (black tea, cinnamon, apple, ginger, cardemom, cloves) and got to take a bag home.

I also finished Max Havelaar on the train, so I can wrap that diary up n all.

BBP - 7-5-2022 at 11:21


I could get used to these one-day work weeks :D

polydigm - 9-5-2022 at 18:17

Glad to hear you‘ve been having an enjoyable break. We had a double family birthday celebration over the weekend. Other than that it’s been things as usual.

I hope Aqua’s going okay.

BBP - 10-5-2022 at 09:45

Me too, it's been a while...

BBP - 10-5-2022 at 19:48

I am currently at the most sane I'll be this year, since it's about the longest possible time between two Eurovision shows.
So Ready...

polydigm - 14-5-2022 at 16:15

The Eurovision Song Contest affects your sanity?

BTW, earlier today this site stopped loading.

BBP - 15-5-2022 at 13:45

Glad it works again now :)

Joking mainly - I stopped watching in around 2002 and started watching agaiin in 2006 after a college mate said he watched it out of professional reasons (from a musicological point of view) , which made sense, so I decided to watch it - and was treated to a glam metal act. They went through to the final, which amazed me even more and when during the show they went all the way to the top of the leader board - and won! Hilarious :D

I watch it and the amount of enjoyment is different per year (2015 was forgettable for instance), and there's usually something that makes me smile. something that I want to watch again and something that makes me cross.

BBP - 15-5-2022 at 16:09

But yeah, I'm sensitive to flashing lights and got a nasty headache from the show.

polydigm - 16-5-2022 at 13:20

I’ve never watched it. I’m familiar with the “Royaume Uni, nils points†saga and Julie saw in a news bulletin that this year the tradition was broken and the UK came second. I’ve seen that comedy with Will Ferrel about Iceland and the Eurovision Song Contest, which was mildly entertaining.

BBP - 17-5-2022 at 12:20

The idea is nice but it works very strangely in practice.

UK used to be a very good competitor, winning in 1997 with Love Shine A Light, but in 2003 they scored their first 0 points with a horribly off-key performance (which they attributed to the Iraq war) and have since tried mostly with either artists that were big 20-30 years ago, or with something pure shite. Major exception was 2009, when Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the song and UK ended 5th.

What this year's entries will do to me is a long-term question but some of my favourites in the past have been (make sure you throw away your cookies after watching unless you like songs about bananas) : Moldova 2009, Armenia 2009 for Eastern folk vibe,
Albania 2012, France 2011 and Italy 2011 for quality,
Greece 2013 for the only ska entry at EV ever but we want more, Georgia 2011 for rocking out and Romania 2013 to tease people.

BBP - 21-5-2022 at 16:14

The Post That Shut Everybody Up! :D

polydigm - 23-5-2022 at 03:03

I wouldn't say it shut me up. I'm just not into that kind of music at all. I listened part of the way through to all of the songs you linked and none of them are remotely original and all have that over the top kind of production that drives me nuts. And this year's UK entry is no exception. And don't get me started on the over use of falsetto.

As an aside, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with TESC, I also can't stand operatic voices. I much prefer hearing a good singer using their natural voice.

BBP - 23-5-2022 at 17:26

teehee well it IS my bad self :D I've put the ESC songs away now and won't be playing them again for a year. :D

I was on a pretty major opera trip recently, although it's hardly my favourite genre - I love Don Giovanni, The Nose (Shostakovich) and Resurrection (Peter Maxwell Davies). Latter features a rock singer who's easily the best part.

BBP - 26-5-2022 at 17:53

not much going on here... crocheting...

polydigm - 30-5-2022 at 13:53

Lots of planning going on for our holiday. Organising where we’re going to park during our road trip. Our chickens aren’t producing eggs yet.

BBP - 30-5-2022 at 17:00

Aw that's a pity about the eggs.

Had a busy weekend with the record fair on Saturday (bought nothing) and the fabric fair yesterday (bought 1 thimble).

Crocheting has hurt my arm, so I'll leave that for now and start sewing.

Currently reading Hunchback of Notre Dame, am really enjoying it.

polydigm - 31-5-2022 at 09:47

Stayed at home all day for a very important delivery and then got a message that there was a problem with the address, which had already been confirmed earlier. I have complained to customer service and arranged to have it delivered to a newsagent tomorrow so I'm not stuck at home all day again. That bloody delivery driver!!

BBP - 31-5-2022 at 10:21

Oh bah, I hate that... I make a habit of being out pulling weeds or raking the front yard so they don't do the "no car, not at home" thing.

Repaired my bag today, using my new thimble. In case you don't know what they should do - you wear it on the middle finger of your dominant hand and use it to push the needle through fabric.
The thimble unfortunately doesn't appear to be strong enough - I poked a hole in it already (it's sillicone) and there is a weird cross shape on the inside that hurts your finger.

Broke 1 needle during the repair, backpack material is so tough! At least thanks to that sewing channel I watch, I not only learnt how to use a thimble - I also learnt that the running stitch is no good for seams that need to be strong, so I used the backstitch.

polydigm - 3-6-2022 at 20:46

They tried to deliver the following day before heading to the newsagent and luckily I was home.

I’ve done a bit of sewing myself with very “bespoke†results. I wouldn’t trust anything but a metal thimble.

BBP - 4-6-2022 at 10:44

Technically I'd need 10 thimbles and perhaps a gauntlet or something, the amount of pricks I attract is astounding :D

BF is coming over to stay until Tuesday, hurray!

polydigm - 5-6-2022 at 05:57

I've always assumed BF is not a prick, so not always!! :D

BBP - 7-6-2022 at 18:12

No he's very sweet :D he bought me a laptop for my 2021 birthday present (he initially wanted me to have his own, but the new laptop he'd bought himself doesn't have a CD-rom player so I told him he could hold onto it until he was fully done with it - he's still using it so he bought me a refurbished HP notebook. :)

Monday is Pentecost Monday, which is a bank holiday in The Netherlands, additionally it's open castle day when all partaking castles open their doors to the public. A few years ago I visited Kasteel Asten, immortalized here:

and this year BF and I cycled to Heeze, all 10 km through a beautiful forested area. The castle of Heeze is still inhabited but also hosts marriages and stuff. We found it hard to appreciate since there were a lot of stalls and stuff for children, we couldn't see the castle through the people, and the band that was playing, well, the less said about that the better. We did have an overexpensive cup of coffee/tea from a mobile seller that was hawking from a 1973 DAF van. Highlight of the day.

Today we cycled to the media store in town to buy a memory card for his camera, we visited the board game store for fun, I showed Pandemic: Rising Tide for him (Pandemic but then set in The Netherlands with rule variation :) ), told him I asked it for my birthday but it wasn't given to me - and a few minutes later he sent me out the shop and bought it for me.
We had great fun with Pandemic, we played the board version twice over the weekend (twice saving the world) and this time, we won as well, provided we didn't make any mistakes.
Told BF he'd best bring it back home to him since Dad and I won't play it, and his siblings have expressed interest, and I can play it with him when I visit him.

So, not short of exercise over the past few days.

polydigm - 9-6-2022 at 03:13

Swimming is my main exercise these days.

BBP - 9-6-2022 at 06:09

Haven't swum in more than 20 years...

polydigm - 11-6-2022 at 16:09

I recommend it! It’s a very low impact and fun way to keep fit.

BBP - 13-6-2022 at 17:37

I loved it but when I was about 15 I started to become very aware of my looks and now I couldn't think of much worse than wearing a bathing suit in public.

polydigm - 14-6-2022 at 14:23

I’m sixty six and my days of looking slick in bathers are long gone. I care more about being able to swim than about what anyone thinks about how I look.

BBP - 15-6-2022 at 17:36

Maybe some day the day will come for me...

BBP - 17-6-2022 at 20:35

Had a rough day today and then a squirrel came to visit, he came real close on the terrace and climbed over the fence to steal a strawberry from the neighbors' garden. Made the day.

I love them squirlies to bits!

polydigm - 18-6-2022 at 05:45

Our two eldest hens have been laying for a week now. Ten between them.

BBP - 18-6-2022 at 16:13

Great! Eggs are expensive here, hope it's better on your end. Are you going for chicks or omelettes?

polydigm - 19-6-2022 at 05:14

No rooster, as we're not into breeding or growing chickens for eating at this stage. We'll be having some soft boiled for lunch today, so I'm looking forward to seeing how strong the shells are, what the yolks look like and what they taste like.

When you say eggs are expensive, we didn't do this to save money. The initial setup cost, even with me doing all the work on fencing and building a coop using materials salvaged from our old back porch would take quite some time to make up in egg sales. We'll be eating as many eggs as we can manage and giving the rest to friends and family.

BBP - 19-6-2022 at 14:36

That I can imagine... the eggs will be a lot better than the ones you get from the supermarket though. Mu BFs uncle has them and he did once bring 10 fresh eggs along when he came to stay with us... they disappeared VERY quickly. Yumyumyum

polydigm - 19-6-2022 at 16:56

We ended up having them scrambled because we wanted to see what the raw eggs looked like. They’re amazing and they tasted delicious.

BBP - 20-6-2022 at 17:57


BBP - 26-6-2022 at 10:08

Been having lots of sleeping issues lately.

We had the company summer party at Evoluon this year, which was a bit odd due to so many colleagues being lost but at that location I get snap happy anyway.

Delved into the wonders of photo editing because of it, since most of the photos were taken in the shade with a light background - it's amazing how the software can put the colours back in.

polydigm - 29-6-2022 at 01:08

Which photo editing package did you use?

BBP - 29-6-2022 at 06:16


BBP - 29-6-2022 at 17:00

New Dir en Grey album out - why can't I buy it for less than €90? :(

BBP - 30-6-2022 at 22:04

Off to my bf for the weekend!

polydigm - 1-7-2022 at 00:51

That's a lot of money for an album. Is it just a regular album?

Have a great weekend!

BBP - 6-7-2022 at 21:45

It became an extended weekend which got further extended when, in a true Bonny action, I realized that this week's day off was Wednesday, not Tuesday. BF and I went on walks, petted cats and played Pandemic - Rising Tide a lot.

Yes, it's a regular album but right now it would have to be imported from Japan, which is not cheap.

BBP - 9-7-2022 at 09:01

Zappa forum will apparently be close down on the 15th..

BBP - 9-7-2022 at 09:14

Opened up registration for the people who want to sign up/rejoin due to the Zappa forum closing.

punknaynowned - 10-7-2022 at 03:11

Found out the zforum is getting the plug pulled.
Makes me sad.

BBP - 11-7-2022 at 06:30

I know...

Had to close registration again after getting 20 spam sign-ups in 2 hours.

ursinator2.0 - 11-7-2022 at 18:06

Hi, just went member of this forum :bald:, leaving the sinking ship :crying:.

BBP - 11-7-2022 at 20:26

Welcome Ursinator! I see you made a second account though :D

It's really bad turning the registration on, I get like 3 spammers per hour...

ursinator2.0 - 11-7-2022 at 22:11

Yes cause i wanted my username exactly the way it is now ('ursinator2.0' - i also once tried it this way when register for the old forum but it didn't work). Please xcuse the trouble i have caused this way and thnx very much for your effort :rolleyes:

BBP - 12-7-2022 at 09:26

Off to back-up - I have downloaded my "babies", the joke competition about my vest, the 50 Pictures in one zappa album topic, Learned Something New Today and WW2 thread, and the original Duck Duck Goose. Also "rescued" a lot of jokes from the bad joke topic and am looking further. Fortunately I still have a lot of backup from the time I started backupping two years ago, when I saved notable instances of What Happened To You Today.

Good thing I got this new laptop!

polydigm - 12-7-2022 at 13:17

New laptop Bonny, nice!

polydigm - 12-7-2022 at 13:18

Hi Urs!!

polydigm - 12-7-2022 at 13:23

It will be interesting to see what the new Zappa forum will be like. I was similarly pissed off with Dweezil when he dumped his original forum. I lost a lot of stuff there without any warning.

BBP - 12-7-2022 at 15:12

On Sunday I had organized a tea party with 4 friends, all female group. It was great!
One of them was Tjitske, the viola player who has more strong tales in her repertoire than anyone I know - and she's an expert at telling them. She had me in stitches when she told me about the time she played Bach's Mattheus Passion - it is traditionally performed the 2 weeks before Easter here - and on the stage before the show, they had chocolate easter eggs. She was legally blind at the time. The double bass player asked: "Hey, toss me one of those," and she threw one in the general direction of the sound.
And lo and behold, she did something a professional pitcher wih 20/20 eyesight couldn't do - the egg landed straight into the bass's F-hole! They did everything to get the egg out, but since those holes aren't very big the egg had to be in a specific rotation and they got nowhere by holding the unwieldy instrument upside down.

As the stage lights had warmed up the egg to a softer state, they had the idea of grabbing the conductor baton to wiggle it out. Success!

However, the baton had gotten sticky from the egg, and during the performance about the death of Jesus, the poor conductor had a baton that kept sticking to the music sheet, while the musicians had to clench their teeth to avoid bursting out in laughter.

BBP - 12-7-2022 at 20:59

And we;re back! We have no idea why we were down for a few hours

Eddie RUKidding - 12-7-2022 at 22:22

Good to see the site back - I'm offline till the 16th gotta go do my Sh!t work :biggrin:

ursinator2.0 - 13-7-2022 at 21:04

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
On Sunday I had organized a tea party with 4 friends, all female group. It was great!
One of them was Tjitske, the viola player who has more strong tales in her repertoire than anyone I know - and she's an expert at telling them. She had me in stitches when she told me about the time she played Bach's Mattheus Passion - it is traditionally performed the 2 weeks before Easter here - and on the stage before the show, they had chocolate easter eggs. She was legally blind at the time. The double bass player asked: "Hey, toss me one of those," and she threw one in the general direction of the sound.
And lo and behold, she did something a professional pitcher wih 20/20 eyesight couldn't do - the egg landed straight into the bass's F-hole! They did everything to get the egg out, but since those holes aren't very big the egg had to be in a specific rotation and they got nowhere by holding the unwieldy instrument upside down.

As the stage lights had warmed up the egg to a softer state, they had the idea of grabbing the conductor baton to wiggle it out. Success!

However, the baton had gotten sticky from the egg, and during the performance about the death of Jesus, the poor conductor had a baton that kept sticking to the music sheet, while the musicians had to clench their teeth to avoid bursting out in laughter.

I always guessed those classical music folks being the real true rock'n'rollers :)

ursinator2.0 - 13-7-2022 at 21:10

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
It will be interesting to see what the new Zappa forum will be like...

Hi Geoff!
I am quite sceptical against what's coming up but maybe they will surprise us in a positive way. Actually everything is still in the state of a bad surprise :freak:

polydigm - 14-7-2022 at 07:49

My bad surprise is that I was very unwell overnight on the ferry from Harwich to Hook Of Holland and have been in a Rotterdam hospital since yesterday morning. The situation has righted itself overnight and we hope to be back on the road by this afternoon.

Update: On the road since 1100h. Yay!!

BBP - 15-7-2022 at 06:14

I'm sorry to hear that, stay healthy!

BBP - 15-7-2022 at 23:23

For the curious, I had the forum open from 20:29 to midnight CET. In these 3.5 hours, we received 20 spam registrations and 0 clean ones. One account had managed to "log on".

In my admin tools I can set member search to "Pending first login" - these members don't yet show up in the Members list. There are 4 users of that variety that I won't delete since they were Zappa forum dwellers, and one of them is the sorely missed KU. The 19 spammers who never logged in could then easily be found and deleted.
However, one logged in. Since I intend to keep sign-up closed as much as possible, I changed that spam account into Placeholder3. Otherwise, if a new person would want to join, I'd have to re-open, make a new account registered to my e-mail, open my e-mail and log in, then change all the user data, then close before disaster breaks out. Now, all I need to do is change U/N and P/W for that account.
Or: When Spammers Are Useful.

It's unfortunately not manageable to add better spam check than the Captcha as XMB software has been discontinued, and any new spam prevention measures would have to be either written by us, or we would need to upgrade to PHPBB.

Upgrading to PHPBB is still going to require round-the-clock spam control. It's nigh impossible to win. Leave the site open, spammers come in, forum breaks down until you chuck them up. Shut the site, forum breaks down because nobody can join. I mod a Cluedo forum at and joined due to the all-too-frequent spam. Currently we get an influx about every 2 days, and I delete, ban and IP-ban straight away. The admin there needs to come in and change the security questions regularly.

Eddie RUKidding - 16-7-2022 at 08:51

Good to hear you are back on deck polydigm

polydigm - 18-7-2022 at 06:01

Cheers Eddie!

Bonny, yesterday when Valentina Ciardelli, playing double bass, performed with her trio, including piano and viola, she kept talking about viola player jokes, which I found ironic having already read your story above.

BBP - 19-7-2022 at 07:24

hey I thought I'd posted an answer to this oh well... At any rate, looking forward to today, although the heat has left us in a pretty poor state. It'll be 38 degs C today which is not as hot as I've had here.. but damn it's close!

RINGTONE! Mortgage! Pharmacist!!! Freedom!!

Eddie RUKidding - 19-7-2022 at 21:08

Should come down my way (Cohuna lol ) was -2 Deg C yesterday morning and looks like the same today :D

BBP - 20-7-2022 at 17:12

Poly and I met up for the second time, which was fantastic - alas the road back home was quite an ordeal - I had to walk back to where I parked my bicycle - and I was wearing murderous shoes that gave me massive blisters on the ankles, to the point I even took them off and walked on my socks. Dad couldn't watch that, since he was on his bicycle he let me cycle on it - but the heat quickly became overpowering. We made a stop at the pavillion where we met up with Poly and Mrs Poly, but alas we weren't allowed to sit inside by the fans, we had to sit outside on the hot hot terrace - where they were having an even hotter barbecue. With the smoke taking whatever was left of his breath away we both went to our bicycles and attempted to cycle home.

I had refilled my water bottle at the restaurant, but it wasn't enough, we weren't even at the halfway point when my dad had already paused to rest three times. Without water and there being a long hot road ahead, I went ahead home, to nurse my feet and get lots of water.

Arrived home, cut the very loose skin from one massive heel blister and put bandaids on both heels, put on extra heel protectors and my sneakers, filled 6 bottles with water and put them in the isolation bag to bring them back to Dad.

When I found him he had again paused, maybe 300m from home, and was in such bad shape three friendly neighbors were checking him out and inviting him into their airconditioned home. By then the temperature was officially 38, but reaching the 40s in places.

One neighbor finally persuaded my father and me to come in, gave him some energy drink and let him rest, then brought him and his bicycle home.

We're both recovering from the ordeal. Dad is doing better, still not 100% though, but it's still hot.

Lesson learned - take more care when selecting your shoes.

Eddie RUKidding - 20-7-2022 at 20:32

Or thicker socks lol

polydigm - 21-7-2022 at 03:05

We should have picked a location closer to where you live, but it was lovely to meet you guys again.

BBP - 21-7-2022 at 17:19

Well, it doesn't get much closer, it's just that the distance became unbridgeable. Plus the shoes thing. Anyway we made it and now that it's 18 degrees C (or 20 degrees colder than it was 2 days ago) we both feel much better. I've opened every window I could find.

In case you're curious here are the paintings Vincent made of the water mill:

Eddie RUKidding - 21-7-2022 at 20:55


BBP - 24-7-2022 at 17:39

We went to a local market - didn't buy anything but coincidentally we met the woman who saved Dad's life a few days ago. I think as we were talking to her, four or five others came to say hello.

polydigm - 25-7-2022 at 06:42

Nice community connection!

Thanks for the VG info.

BBP - 25-7-2022 at 21:52

Pretty area huh, I took a lot of photos there in 2008 and the place hasn't changed much.

Except the environmental education centre is gone.

BBP - 26-7-2022 at 15:23

Went to the second-hand store and found a magazine with FZ on the cover - the same magazine I felt a bit sore about when I traded it with Slime. So now I can study soloing Frank-style!

BBP - 29-7-2022 at 20:19

Colleague of mine had her last day today, so we went for a drink after work and then a shopping trip with another colleague. I normally never do that stuff.

polydigm - 7-8-2022 at 18:56

Did you have fun?

Life is very quickly returning to normal here.

BBP - 7-8-2022 at 19:08

Yeah, spent two hours shopping and not buying anything.

Will be visiting my BF's starting Tuesday s from then I'll be a bit quieter than usual.

BBP - 16-8-2022 at 14:06

Back! We were looking after the bunnies and guiney pigs of his sister's.

BBP - 21-8-2022 at 15:51

Busy day today - housework, groceries, flea market... My sister taught me how to make iced coffee - 1/2 coffee, 1/4 full-cream milk, 1/4 cream, ice cubes and sugar in the cocktail shaker).

Learnt that I don't like iced coffee but I got a very toberable version when I replaced the 1/4 full cream milk with 2/4 chocolate milk (so more 2/5 coffee, 2/5 chocolate milk and 1/5 cream) Down side was it still tastes like coffee :D

polydigm - 22-8-2022 at 01:32

Just another Monday stuck in Adelaide.

Eddie RUKidding - 22-8-2022 at 02:00

Getting ready to go Caravanning to Bribie Isl next Sunday hooray

BBP - 26-8-2022 at 16:47

went to the office every day last week due to poor web connection - should be fixed now with new dial-up. Let's hope!

polydigm - 26-8-2022 at 19:54

New dial-up?

Eddie RUKidding - 26-8-2022 at 22:22

Sounds steam punkish :mad:

I'm off caravanning se ya in a few weeks :cool:

polydigm - 27-8-2022 at 01:55

I hope the weather does turn out to be an improvement for you up there.

BBP - 28-8-2022 at 15:14
For Punky!

BBP - 30-8-2022 at 09:48

Day off again - we'll get to spend it killing wasps. :(

polydigm - 1-9-2022 at 13:46


BBP - 1-9-2022 at 17:41

Yup, we found a nest of wasps under the hedge. They're in the path from the front yard to the back yard and already attacked me when I went to take out the trash.

I haven't dared to shower them with poison yet. I'm terrified of them and whenever I went out at night, hoards of them are on guard.

polydigm - 2-9-2022 at 20:51

Here if you have a wasp infestation the local council deals with it. We had one a while back and a guy came to spray a special powder on their nest, but he was wearing a full body protective suit.

BBP - 2-9-2022 at 23:08

The council used to do that here a long time ago, but not anymore. Considering how dangerous they can be and how it's a better idea to not do it yourself, it's odd that they decided to stop with providing that service - if you want to get rid of a wasp's nest you'll have to hire a professional and in that case be sure to lose a chunk of budget. Not something everybody could afford. And that's how people start to get stupid ideas.

Dad was the big hero today when we went out after dark to introduce them to permethrin. It seems to have been a smaller nest than the last one, my BF emptied the can on them two years ago. No resistance from the buggers whatsoever.

polydigm - 3-9-2022 at 02:03

They're both brave men. My sister's friend got attacked by wasps when I was young child and I've obviously internalised the drama surrounding that occasion.

BBP - 3-9-2022 at 08:55

I was stung in my foot by a wasp when I was 6 and the pain was so fierce they told me to pipe down, my stepmother was very cross with me about it. That incident stuck to the point that I got so terrified with them I panic when they come near - unfortunately I smell sweet and do get picked out by them - and then it doesn't help if you run around in circles to avoid them.

I always looked upon myself as having two phobias - needles and spiders - and the wasps is one I forget. I can't stay calm near them.

Well, YOU try to stay calm when they try to fly into your mouth while you're drinking water.

Evening got extra tense when I found a spider in my bed, but he was removed safely and still resides in a jar upstairs, need to let him out.

BBP - 4-9-2022 at 20:44

Pondered on starting a Youtube channel filled with nonsense videos - inspired when I started to consider the spider I captured my "prisoner", who is now out on parole.

BBP - 8-9-2022 at 19:55

Grew into Furoshiki, the Japanese art of wrapping things in cloth. Practical and looks neat, simple philosophy.

polydigm - 9-9-2022 at 10:36

Business as usual here, but our hens are laying apace, at a rate of at least two dozen a week. We're giving them away to family.

BBP - 9-9-2022 at 19:54

Colleague of mine buried a child for the second time today. His wife had a stillborn baby after 35 weeks of pregnancy last year, this year his baby was born 6 weeks too early and died within the month.

Such a nice guy, I feel so bad for him...

polydigm - 11-9-2022 at 00:40

I've had some pretty bad stuff to deal with in my life, but that confirms how lucky I feel.

Eddie RUKidding - 12-9-2022 at 02:33

Back from Hols and 3,300km later was good road trip and nice weather up north in Qld.

BBP - 14-9-2022 at 17:24

BF came over, he's off to Germany to visit a client.

The wasps were regrouping, so we wiped them out together - this time I got to spray.

I got nightmares about wasps last night but I conquered them!

Eddie RUKidding - 15-9-2022 at 08:25

You better not watch

BBP - 15-9-2022 at 17:18


Went to the office - we try to get whatever's left of CS in Eindhoven together at times - and all three of us were there. I baked brownies that all magically disappeared.

BBP - 15-9-2022 at 17:49

Let's give it up for Gray Ghost! Welcome to the Goose buddy!

polydigm - 16-9-2022 at 03:35


BBP - 16-9-2022 at 06:39

Customer Service.

Last day of work before my vacation!

BBP - 16-9-2022 at 16:55

HURRAY!!! Vacation at last!!

polydigm - 17-9-2022 at 02:20

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
HURRAY!!! Vacation at last!!


BBP - 17-9-2022 at 10:36

I was kinda jovial with the last client on the line - at least she laughed at my jokes :)

ursinator2.0 - 18-9-2022 at 22:25

Just came home from my first concert / watching a movie on the big screen experience, since all that covid mess started.
It was the original Nosferatu movie from 1922 accompanied by young german jazz pianist Michael Wollny together with members of the Norwegian wind ensemble. The music was entirely improvised and sounded less jazz than more like modern chamber music. There were lots of moments when i was sucked completely into the movie and forgot totally that the music just happened live.
Fun fact: The last concert I attended before covid, was the local radio symphonic orchestra accompanying the original King Kong movie from 1933 ;-)

Mij - 19-9-2022 at 19:00

Reading a book called "L'engrenage" (in French) by Seguei Jirov.
That guy worked in the KGB and he knew Putin.
And he doesn't like him a bit.

Every bad things I think about that ashole reveals to be true...

Mij - 19-9-2022 at 20:02

Weird... I can edit a post and correct it but there's no SUBMIT button...

Mij - 19-9-2022 at 20:03

So, no way to correct a post once it's posted

BBP - 19-9-2022 at 20:35

What do you mean? There should be! Hope it has nothing to do with the recent outage - I can't ask dad for help, he's busy getting his book published.

Edit: there's an edit post below the editor when you edit your post. It should work.

BBP - 20-9-2022 at 10:20

Coming down with a cold... and it's my vacation :(

Mij - 20-9-2022 at 14:58

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
What do you mean? There should be! Hope it has nothing to do with the recent outage - I can't ask dad for help, he's busy getting his book published.

Edit: there's an edit post below the editor when you edit your post. It should work.

You're right. It works when it's in the text it seems. I tried once to correct a title and it didn't work. (maybe a temporary bug...). The button "Edit Post" could be renamed to "Submit Post" to avoid the impression of being caught in a loop of edit. Maybe it's just me. . .

polydigm - 21-9-2022 at 04:59

I agree it's weird Mij, but once you get used to it, it's not difficult.

BBP - 21-9-2022 at 22:33

Went on another outing to the thrift store and bought a Flipsiders game - never thought I'd flind one! They're pretty cool in that late 80s-early 90s style - travel board games that are styled like a cassette. There are mini magnetic pawns in a little section at the top, a board folds out the bottom and there's a switch on the side you can pull back and let go so it makes a very satisfying VRRR! sound while the gears spin to show you how many steps you may move.

Unfortunately the spring is missing on mine - technically, since the game only has numbers 1-6 on the gears, you could use dice to play it, but where's the fun in that?

I have three of them now - one was actually my sister's, Chopper Chase, and the other was mine called Pyramid Adventure. When we looked up the rules like 10 years ago and played them again, we found that Chopper Chase stood the test of time and was still good fun. Pyramid Adventure - not as much. Dragon Master looks like it's nothing but dice rolling (cog spinning), so I think chopper chase still has the edge.

GrayGhost - 22-9-2022 at 00:12

We used to have Danger Dive.....damaged by my cousin Christopher
and disposed of by the ex wife a million years ago.....

I loved those games, no internet connection required.....

BBP - 25-9-2022 at 09:15

Cool! I hope I'll find that someday - however this was like the first time in more than ten years I found a Flipsider at a thrift store.

BF came back from his work in Mannheim - unfortunately my sister decided to drop by unexpectedly so the house is rather full - Ã'm making a run for it and leaving with the BF earlier than expected.

BBP - 1-10-2022 at 09:25

A cheery hello from Friesland where Iḿ staying with my sweetheart!

GrayGhost - 2-10-2022 at 04:45

Friesland has an interesting flag.....

Ohhhhh, Friesland, the land of love.....


BBP - 2-10-2022 at 22:35

Not quite, the Pompeblaere have a different shape. They're supposed to be leaves but their similarity to hearts has been noticed.

Personally, I prefer the other association with Friesland:

Calvin - 4-10-2022 at 17:10

Today I found out that Dove Grey died in July. I was really surprised and sad. She sent me some ZPZ souvenirs when they weren't touring Omaha and I remember chatting with her way back when in Zappa Chat. :(

GrayGhost - 5-10-2022 at 07:17


I pmed Dovey just prior to the shut down.....

It would have been her birthday yesterday.....

polydigm - 5-10-2022 at 13:14

Bugger indeed!! I’ve never met her personally, but she’s been a voice in my life for a long time. I’m very saddened to hear this.

BBP - 5-10-2022 at 15:35

Oh that's terrible! Poor Dove!

BBP - 12-10-2022 at 06:17

Big day is today - dad's presenting his book. It's been taking over most activity in the house.

GrayGhost - 12-10-2022 at 08:50

Excellent! an author in the family.....

I recently discovered that a couple of kids books from my childhood
had been written and illustrated by my mother's older sister in the mid 1940's.....

I can't remember anyone ever mentioning aunty Margaret had been
an author and artist, apparently once married, her career was shelved
and never spoken of.....

ursinator2.0 - 12-10-2022 at 19:49

Deactivation of a bomb near my place. Two days ago they found it on a construction ground (remnant of ww2, not uncommon in bigger german towns). I saw it in the news yesterday but didn't care very much till i took a closer look onto the map that defined the evacuation zone. My place was inside the red zone (though quite close to the border). All inhabitants were ordered to clear the zone till 9 o'clock this morning. No problem cause i am already at work at that time. At about high noon i took a look into the internet and had to learn that they were still busy clearing the zone (including few idiots who refused to leave). That delay made me a little bit concerned about my return back home in the evening but luckily they succeeded fast enough. So this finally turned out to be a lousy wednesday as usual, absolute not noteworthy.
Btw no writers in my family but one of my two sisters worked long years as teacher until she suffered a nervous breakdown. A while ago now she started to work as lector, correcting manuscripts of new books, which seems to work pretty good.

BBP - 14-10-2022 at 17:04

Lived through another week after wading through a cesspool of poor service for a court case file.

BBP - 15-10-2022 at 19:34

Will be going up north again tomorrow, to meet up with the bf...

polydigm - 16-10-2022 at 02:01

Have a good one!!

GrayGhost - 20-10-2022 at 07:01

The Official Discography page has finally been updated to include
the last two offerings.....along with some new merch.....

BBP - 23-10-2022 at 11:45


Originally the plan was for me to come back home today - but since my father got struck with C-19 I cannot go home at the moment.

Dad is doing well under the circumstances, still his joking self.

polydigm - 23-10-2022 at 12:19

Bonny, please wish him the best from us.

GrayGhost - 23-10-2022 at 16:36

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Bonny, please wish him the best from us.

+ One.....

With reported Covid-19 numbers spiking in Wellington last week,
we chose not to attend the George Thorogood & The Destroyers concert
last Saturday night for fear of infection.....

Thus promoting the "complementary" CD that came with the concert tickets, to the most expensive CD on the rack.....

BBP - 30-10-2022 at 09:29

Fortunately Dad has recovered well, for which I'm very grateful. Thanks for your well-wishes. I'm still at my BFs place and have now come down with a bad cold but I do plan to go back home on Monday.

GrayGhost - 31-10-2022 at 06:44

That is excellent news BBP, hopefully you can kick your cold too.....

polydigm - 1-11-2022 at 03:52

^ Seconded

BBP - 4-11-2022 at 07:25

Cold was so harsh I had to stay put at bf's and even take sick leave, but yesterday I could go back to wrk AND go back home. Dad looks great!

GrayGhost - 5-11-2022 at 06:52

Great results all around BBP, except the having to go back to work.....

BBP - 7-11-2022 at 19:44

Been suffering from 90s nostalgia lately.

Went to the thrift shop's - where they have a 90s themed week. Far out!

BBP - 13-11-2022 at 17:50

I don't think we have a replacement FZ forum yet, do we?

polydigm - 13-11-2022 at 20:33

I’m pretty sure there’s no new FZ forum yet.

BBP - 16-11-2022 at 23:33

Starting up in my new function as trainer - basically it's a lot of talking and feeling smart :)

GrayGhost - 17-11-2022 at 07:15

Excellent, a step up the ladder, more benefits BBP?

BBP - 17-11-2022 at 11:03

I should be getting more salary yes, but mainly Ill be meeting colleagues, which is severely lacking at the moment.

Apparently one of my new colleagues is the most heavily tattooed man in Romania. Each to their own I suppose...

BBP - 19-11-2022 at 00:12

Weekend, finally, after exhausting six unfortunate individuals with all the tedious ins and outs of our aged computer system...

BBP - 22-11-2022 at 07:35

Back at teaching six lovely people and I'm already exhausted :D

Just noticed the last news item on the front page of the Goose is 10 years old. Happy 10, Last News Item!

BBP - 23-11-2022 at 17:30

Been totally frozen over for like the last 10 days. Can't wait to go back to the office, so I can work near the heater.

BBP - 25-11-2022 at 18:48

Weekend, hurray! Went to the office today and was chuffed to find it was 22 degs C there - I'm at home with 17 max. I was prepared for a cold day and ended up wishing for some iced drinks.

Said goodbye to a colleague and gave part of the training on my own, which was neat.

polydigm - 27-11-2022 at 01:54

Bonny, I'm late to the party here, congratulating you on your promotion. Great stuff!!

BBP - 27-11-2022 at 10:57

It's not much of a promotion looking at the salary increase, but it'll give me a great stepladder if I want to leave here.

GrayGhost - 28-11-2022 at 07:33

Absolutely, promotions always look good on the Curriculum Vitae.....

Speaking of the tattooed employees, occasionally we get variations of this guy looking for work.....Kiwi's love tattoos.....

ursinator2.0 - 3-12-2022 at 01:19

Have attended a concert by the Genesis coverband The Musical Box which was quite a dynamite show (and a bit of nostalgia for us old folks of course). They played the lamb lies down on broadway album using the original slide show that Genesis once had used (Peter Gabriel attended one of their shows with his children to demonstrate them how his yesteryears were). I shot lots of pics with my smartphonecam, most of them are out of focus. Put a few of the better ones together. Encores were the musical box and watcher of the skies. They announced to come back in 2024 with selling england by the pound - any progfan should see them!

BBP - 3-12-2022 at 20:15

Nice! Good to hear!

It's been since Jan 2020 I last visited a concert, and that was a let-down.

BBP - 4-12-2022 at 10:18

Happy Zappadan everybody!

I don't think I'll be aiming for the full collection - my job no longer allows for much music listening on the go, plus I'll be having a vacacion in a week's time - but I'll get as much listening as I feel like.

BBP - 4-12-2022 at 16:04

^(says that)
(plays MOFO)
(plays Absolutely Free)
(plays WOIIFTM)
(plays Lumpy Gravy)
(plays YCDTOSA vol 5 CD 1)
(plays YCDTOSA vol 5 CD 2)

BBP - 4-12-2022 at 22:27

(plays Ruben)
(plays Burnt Weeny Sandwich)
(plays Hot Rats)

BBP - 6-12-2022 at 17:58

(played Uncle Meat)
(plays Weasels)
(reads Frank & Co by Co de Kloet)

polydigm - 6-12-2022 at 21:31

Bonny, why are you not getting more than 17 degrees at home? Is your heating broken down?

BBP - 6-12-2022 at 22:31

It does but I had to negotiate pretty heavily to get it up to 17 with my dad, who believes 15 is enough. Even if it kills all the plants in the house.

Anyway, it's pretty harsh trying to get the computers to work at the office - I'm at war with every single one of them.

BBP - 7-12-2022 at 18:44

(plays Chunga's Revenge)
(plays Fillmore East)
(plays JABFLA)
(plays 200 Motels)
(plays Waka Jawaka)
(continues reading Frank & Co)

BBP - 8-12-2022 at 11:26

(plays Grand Wazoo)
(plays Over-Nite Sensation)
(is about to embark on the Summum 70s)
(is done reading Frank & Co)
(has confirmation that it was Aynsley with the champagne bottle)
(causing her to forget all the other fun stuff she learnt)

BBP - 9-12-2022 at 07:16

(plays Roxy & Elsewhere)
(plays One Size Fits All)
(plays Bongo Fury)
(plays Zoot Allures)
(plays ZINY in full)
(thought yesterday was a good day until I proceeded to drop all 5 CDs on a tile floor)

(playing Studio Tan right now)

GrayGhost - 9-12-2022 at 08:34

Stupid tile floor, I broke my favorite breakfast bowl the other day,
the last of an ancient set belonging to my parents,
been through thick and thin for maybe 70 plus years and then,
during an uncoordinated attempt at immobilising a suddenly appearing
medium sized cockroach that was strolling along a pot plant vine,
whilst simultaneously putting the bowl on the bench.....
Stupid tile floor.....

We're deep in talks regarding when to commence our Christmas/New Year 22/23 Zappadan.....
FZ's birthday, the first day of the holidays, which is the 23rd/24th this year or Christmas day.....
There was even some loose talk about December 1st or the anniversary of FZ's death,
both of which are now moot.....

Myself, I want to get started ASAP.....

BBP - 9-12-2022 at 18:01

Relax, play some Zappa...

Highly efficient, Miss Snodgrass!

polydigm - 11-12-2022 at 14:27

I haven’t been recreationally listening to any music lately, let alone Zappa’s. I have though, been making a detailed study of Dupree’s Paradise.

GrayGhost - 12-12-2022 at 07:12

^^^^^Thank you BBP, I've been taking your advice.....:)

Have you come across the Zappa/Erie versions Poly'?
Well worth a listen.....

polydigm - 13-12-2022 at 06:32

@GG: Yes, I have come across the Zappa/Erie versions. There’s an interesting discussion on Zappateers about Dupree’s Paradise, with two scores with a significant difference so I’ve been listening to all the different versions and haven’t been able to find an example of one of them.

Calvin - 13-12-2022 at 12:23

I ordered the Grand Wazoo/Waka thing. I was going to get the deluxe version with the 2 shirts but decided 47 dollars less for just the CDs was a better deal.

BBP - 14-12-2022 at 19:18

I'm on vacation at my bfs, which is why I'm more quiet than usual. No Zappa for now and no niece, since I took this holiday to coincide with my sister-in-law's due date. 'Course the baby isn't showing signs of arrival as of yet.

The AIVD puzzle has been published, so I have something to do - unfortunately no Zappa to listen to but hey.

Went out for a haircut and cycled past the Pointer bicycle factory in Boelenslaan. Took photos as well.

polydigm - 16-12-2022 at 19:12

I’d forgotten about my bikes.

BBP - 18-12-2022 at 19:10

Back home
Pl,aying Joe's Garage

BBP - 19-12-2022 at 20:58

Well, Saturday I had my boyfriend's sister's newborn daughter on my arm and this morning I heard my boyfriend's grandfather passed away. That's different, I tell you.

He was 91 and since he had numerous medical issues, it was to be expected. He spent his last night watching the world championship football and then celebrating Argentine's victory with a nice meal and a bit of drink, and passed away in his sleep with his daughters nearby. Not a bad way to go.

GrayGhost - 20-12-2022 at 08:53

Oh boy, from congratulations to condolences all in one go.....
I hope you guys don't have the Christmas stress as well.....
or maybe that's just an NZ thing.....

BBP - 20-12-2022 at 20:33

Went to the office and then found out it was my day off. Just another day in the life of a Bonny.

Calvin - 21-12-2022 at 18:26

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
I ordered the Grand Wazoo/Waka thing. I was going to get the deluxe version with the 2 shirts but decided 47 dollars less for just the CDs was a better deal.

Hmm, supposed to be shipped on the 16th, but there has been no notice from the company that it's on its way. I'm shocked that it isn't delivered yet, Zappa has such a sterling reputation for such things!

BBP - 21-12-2022 at 19:03

oooo we need a sarcasm smiley!

Calvin - 21-12-2022 at 22:30

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
oooo we need a sarcasm smiley!

Yeah, right.

polydigm - 21-12-2022 at 23:43

Amazon took my money five days ago, but still haven't shipped. Normally, they take the money at the same time as they ship. It says I should get it by Jan 3rd. They've been early with the last few items, so we'll see.

Calvin - 22-12-2022 at 02:41

They haven't taken my money yet. Hmm.

GrayGhost - 22-12-2022 at 07:32

Ordered Waka/Wazoo back on October the 24th, no eta.....

November the 2nd, an eta of between December the 29th
and January the 3rd was suggested.....

December the 16th, I can download rip 'n' play right now.....

December the 17th, Your package has shipped and will arrive on: January the 13th,
and thank you for the: NZ$125.47.....

Also on December the 17th, let me know that I
could now Stream + Buy Waka/Wazoo and Shop the Merch.....

And there I was thinking it might news on the forum.....

Calvin - 22-12-2022 at 20:01

My wife told me that they actually took the money on the 11th of December. So I wouldn't think it would be too much longer.

polydigm - 24-12-2022 at 22:46

It’s finally shipped!! But, they’ve updated the delivery date to Jan 11.

BBP - 26-12-2022 at 21:35

Aw bugger...

Just came back from an impromptu visit to my boyfriend, to attend the burial of his grandfather. Still busy with the AIVD puzzle, Elsevier rebus puzzle and Dr Denker puzzle.

polydigm - 27-12-2022 at 23:17

I was going to post this in the weather thread, but that has a lol in the title and I didn't want to spoil the mood. After a very mild Xmas, this bastard OZ summer weather killed one of my hens yesterday, so I'm pretty upset.

BBP - 28-12-2022 at 07:38

Oh poor hen! Sorry to hear that...

BBP - 29-12-2022 at 21:49

Heck of a day today, glad it's over...

BBP - 1-1-2023 at 13:21

And a happy new year to you all!

polydigm - 2-1-2023 at 13:00

Happy new year!!

BBP - 2-1-2023 at 17:16

In the Local Faits Divers news, a petrol thief in Breda tanked and intended to drive away in Breda this morning...
but his car stalled.

His car was a Diesel but he tanked unleaded.

Eddie RUKidding - 3-1-2023 at 04:35

What a Gasser :biggrin:

GrayGhost - 3-1-2023 at 04:48

Nice one karma, going unleaded, decreasing your carbon foot print for the good of the planet.....

GrayGhost - 3-1-2023 at 10:11

Quote: Originally posted by GrayGhost  
Ordered Waka/Wazoo back on October the 24th, no eta.....

November the 2nd, an eta of between December the 29th
and January the 3rd was suggested.....

December the 16th, I can download rip 'n' play right now.....

December the 17th, Your package has shipped and will arrive on: January the 13th,
and thank you for the: NZ$125.47.....

Also on December the 17th, let me know that I
could now Stream + Buy Waka/Wazoo and Shop the Merch.....

And there I was thinking it might news on the forum.....


December the 28th the spam folder weeded out an e mail from Amazon

We’ve received the item below and have issued your refund.
Thank you for sending the item back.
Your return is now complete.....

I thought it was BS, however today two payments totaling NZ$251.12
turned up in my bank account, a better profit than a Trump NFT.....

Calvin - 4-1-2023 at 00:17

So, should I be concerned that I haven't gotten one email or a notice from the tracking company informing me when I'll get this?

BBP - 4-1-2023 at 07:10

Whoa GG!

Careful, it may be a Ponzi scheme! :biggrin:

Eddie RUKidding - 4-1-2023 at 22:56

Sounds strange did you do a return ?

GrayGhost - 5-1-2023 at 20:30

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Sounds strange did you do a return ?

No, it wasn't programmed to arrive until the 13th of January. I'm regretting not doing the download when I had the chance.....

I'll give the Amazonians a nudge about their reverse pyramid scheme after the holidays.....

Eddie RUKidding - 5-1-2023 at 22:50

You could order it again and come out in front, more so if they keep giving double refunds :D

BBP - 6-1-2023 at 07:09

Did Shkreli take over Amazon when we weren't looking? :D

tinkamok - 6-1-2023 at 21:48

Yes , indeed it did .
I requested permission to join this forum , and was accepted by our host Bonny :-)
Greetings to all who may remember me from the much missed Zappa forum .

Eddie RUKidding - 6-1-2023 at 21:53

Hi tink good to see you here :cool:

tinkamok - 6-1-2023 at 22:01

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Hi tink good to see you here :cool:

Thanks , good to be here .
Just got to learn how to do "stuff" here now :lol:
Learning is slow at my age !

BBP - 6-1-2023 at 23:38

Great to have you hear Tink!

tinkamok - 7-1-2023 at 11:55

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Great to have you hear Tink!

Thanks Bonny , good to be here .

BBP - 13-1-2023 at 21:25

Happy Friday 13th!

In a devious ploy to lure people back to the office, I baked a red velvet cake last night and I didn't even injure myself!

(but I did injure myself two days ago? burned my throat on hot sauerkraut.

BBP - 17-1-2023 at 19:11

Am exhausted, didn't sleep last night. I'm getting too old for that kind of shenanigans.

Today the AIVD-puzzle must be handed in. Anxious, hoping I can solve that last puzzle.

BBP - 19-1-2023 at 21:49

Baked chocolate chip cookies and didn't get injured.

polydigm - 20-1-2023 at 00:57

This is becoming a theme Bonny. How many things you can do without getting injured.

I was accident prone as a kid, so the fact that it is still happening is hopefully not a sign that I'm losing it (any more than it was already lost at birth). I live with a certain amount of pain, but I certainly don't feel old, whatever that is supposed to feel like.

BBP - 20-1-2023 at 20:55

I think I was 10 the first time I felt old. In a minor theme park (Duinrell) near The Hague (where Dad hails from, by consequence I often visited), I was too old for the ball pit.

Today when I saw it was snowing, I felt 7. :)

Calvin - 29-1-2023 at 06:24

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
So, should I be concerned that I haven't gotten one email or a notice from the tracking company informing me when I'll get this?

Monday, the 23rd. Checked the listing again: shipping date Jan 26!
Jan 26th: Checked the listing. Shipping date Jan 28th!!!
Jan 27th: Checked the listing. Shipping date Jan 30th!!!!
Jan 28th: Checked the listing. Shipping date Jan 31st!!!!!!!

Calvin - 29-1-2023 at 15:17

Checked today. February 1st is the new shipping date.

BBP - 29-1-2023 at 19:37

I wonder what happened. Did they have to put warning stickers on it again?

BBP - 30-1-2023 at 10:32

Back home from an extended visit to BF, in which we did very little because his sister with toddler and baby came over each weekend, but BF did get baby spit on him.

BBP - 31-1-2023 at 20:34

There's a reason my shoulder's been painful - I keep leaning on it. Wow.

Calvin - 1-2-2023 at 13:45

"Doctor, it hurts when I do this"

Doctor: Don't do that.

The shipping is up to February 4th now.

BBP - 1-2-2023 at 21:25

I could run another predict-when-it-will-come-out contest, with the advantage that there's no Trendy around to ruin it for us.

I think I'll get the claxon from the QI board game from its box and tie it to my elbow, so it'll sound every time I lean on it.

Tried the chocolate chip cookies again. After 10 minutes of baking the cookies fell apart, but ten minutes longer in the oven they managed to sustain themselves more. Dad seems to like em.

GrayGhost - 2-2-2023 at 07:57

Waka/Wazoo update…..

Back on the 14th of January I contacted the Amazonians regarding the apparent
return of the album prior to having received it and the double refund…..
They're looking into it…..

While their digital backs were turned, I reordered and received an eta of the 10th of February…..

On the 21st of January the Amazonians confirmed the 10th of February as the delivery date…..

Around midday today, the 2nd of February, Waka/Wazoo arrived…..:yes:

Now for the refund…..

BBP - 2-2-2023 at 19:45

Hurray, congratulations on your purchase!

BBP - 6-2-2023 at 11:25

Have a busy work week ahead with a class every day, pfff.

polydigm - 11-2-2023 at 04:27

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this"

Doctor: Don't do that.
The issue I have with this is that, for example, I lie badly on my wrist, while I'm asleep. I'm not consciously choosing to do it and I haven't yet found a solution.

BBP - 11-2-2023 at 13:21

When I was struggling with my eye and found out I'd lie on it during sleep, I wore pajamas (never wear anything in bed normally) that had pockets, and put a tennis ball in my right pocket so I couldn't lie on my right side anymore.

Before I broke my ankle I never slept on my back, but during the healing process I had no other choice and now I tend to fall asleep on my back and wake up on the right side, so you can sort of alter what side you like to sleep on.

Calvin - 11-2-2023 at 17:58

Quote: Originally posted by GrayGhost  
Waka/Wazoo update…..

Back on the 14th of January I contacted the Amazonians regarding the apparent
return of the album prior to having received it and the double refund…..
They're looking into it…..

While their digital backs were turned, I reordered and received an eta of the 10th of February…..

On the 21st of January the Amazonians confirmed the 10th of February as the delivery date…..

Around midday today, the 2nd of February, Waka/Wazoo arrived…..:yes:

Now for the refund…..

Did you get the deluxe edition with the Blu-Ray?

GrayGhost - 12-2-2023 at 06:15

Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Quote: Originally posted by GrayGhost  
Waka/Wazoo update…..

Back on the 14th of January I contacted the Amazonians regarding the apparent
return of the album prior to having received it and the double refund…..
They're looking into it…..

While their digital backs were turned, I reordered and received an eta of the 10th of February…..

On the 21st of January the Amazonians confirmed the 10th of February as the delivery date…..

Around midday today, the 2nd of February, Waka/Wazoo arrived…..:yes:

Now for the refund…..

Did you get the deluxe edition with the Blu-Ray?

Yes Cal', I sprung for the deluxe…..

GrayGhost - 12-2-2023 at 06:37

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
When I was struggling with my eye and found out I'd lie on it during sleep, I wore pajamas (never wear anything in bed normally) that had pockets, and put a tennis ball in my right pocket so I couldn't lie on my right side anymore.

Before I broke my ankle I never slept on my back, but during the healing process I had no other choice and now I tend to fall asleep on my back and wake up on the right side, so you can sort of alter what side you like to sleep on.

Allegedly the side you sleep on can influence your dreams,
serenity on the right, action/nightmares on the left…..

or vise versa if you're a lefty…..

BBP - 12-2-2023 at 20:34

nope that's bollocks from my end, I get horrible nightmares when my period is due and those happen no matter what side I'm lying on. I typically have the pancake approach at night and will fall asleep on any side.

Eddie RUKidding - 13-2-2023 at 03:11

^and what if your Ambidextrous :D

GrayGhost - 13-2-2023 at 07:27

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
^and what if your Ambidextrous :D

According to a highly respected Cambridge Hotel study, sleeping on the left or right, the dreams of the ambidextrous are largely written and directed by Stephen King, face down; written by Ron Jeremy and directed by William Friedkin…..

Being a shifty bunch no consensus on the face-up/on-yer-back sleep could be reached, the split decision was between Penn & Teller and JK Rowling…..

Calvin - 13-2-2023 at 11:41

Quote: Originally posted by GrayGhost  
Quote: Originally posted by Calvin  
Quote: Originally posted by GrayGhost  
Waka/Wazoo update…..

Back on the 14th of January I contacted the Amazonians regarding the apparent
return of the album prior to having received it and the double refund…..
They're looking into it…..

While their digital backs were turned, I reordered and received an eta of the 10th of February…..

On the 21st of January the Amazonians confirmed the 10th of February as the delivery date…..

Around midday today, the 2nd of February, Waka/Wazoo arrived…..:yes:

Now for the refund…..

Did you get the deluxe edition with the Blu-Ray?

Yes Cal', I sprung for the deluxe…..

Ah, well I started looking around the web and lots and lots of people already have theirs. When I email them, it's "we'll get back to you when we have an update."

BBP - 14-2-2023 at 22:50

Spent aeons trying to crochet a bunny - first attempt failed, second attempt I'm translating the original from Spanish (which I don't speak) and am double checking every step of the way - and it's looking worse than my first attempt.

BBP - 16-2-2023 at 19:38

Planned for weeks to get BF to come over this weekend (carnaval).

Failed today due to too busy at work - we're with 3 trainers and 2 are now under the weather.

BBP - 17-2-2023 at 21:31

Today's training on our phone programme went catastrophically badly because the vendor neglected to do both its part of the onboarding - checking if all the programmes are on the agent's computers. Was training two newbies nd neither had working software.

polydigm - 17-2-2023 at 21:49

I’ve just checked my post history and discovered I don’t have a post about receiving my Waka/Wazoo blu-ray package. That’s weird, I definitely wrote one out. Anyway, I ordered mine from Amazon US and it arrived on Jan 3. The highlight for me is the full Winterland Petite Wazoo concert. The surround mixes are also pretty cool.

I ordered mine very early. Cal, did you wait till later?

Amazon US have it in stock still and are now offering an 8% discount - rats.

Calvin - 18-2-2023 at 00:53

I ordered mine on December 11th.

I've asked for a refund. I wanted it for the surround mixes, but oh well.

Calvin - 18-2-2023 at 00:56

Amazon eh? I'll order it from them and let Universal/Zappa refund the other money. I can have it by tomorrow with Amazon.

GrayGhost - 18-2-2023 at 01:59

I'd love to buy from but their freight cost awaaaaay on down too NZ is :swear: astronomical…..

It's mostly Amazon for me…..

Plook - 18-2-2023 at 17:31

Due to all this talk I went on-line yesterday afternoon and ordered it on Amazon for $54 and change it arrived on my porch at 7 am this morning, less than 24 hours...we are getting close to the apocalypse...:lol:

GrayGhost - 18-2-2023 at 22:16

Either Amazon have adopted the Santa Claus Delivery System® throughout North America,
or the Target on Butte House Road is an Amazon delivery hub…..

Plook - 18-2-2023 at 23:58

Very astute observation there Gray ironically I went there earlier today on my goffer run to get some scented candles...Those with flowers, good mood lighting, some great tunes, some medical bud, and a little wine gets the Kat into a romantic frenzy...:guitar2:..or she passes out its a bit of crap shoot she is a verified lightweight...:shocked:

BBP - 24-2-2023 at 23:31

Looks like the hectic is going to die down soon, this monday one of the sickies will be back at work. I'll only hope the other one will be back.

polydigm - 25-2-2023 at 03:11

Hang in there, Bonny!

PS: It's my understanding in English, that it's not compulsory to put a comma in, before ending a sentence with a name, when addressing someone. But the grammar check thinks I should be saying they're, if I don't. What kind of sentence begins with Hang in they are?

Plook - 25-2-2023 at 16:21


Poly I can give a perfect example:

Scene - Two surfers at the beach in treacherously large conditions one has a bad wipeout and is being taken away in ambulance...

Hang in there dude you went for some tasty waves with a cool buzz but got totally gnarled doing battle some humungous waves it was so bitchin...hang in there Bra!

BBP - 26-2-2023 at 23:09

Finished crocheting a lamb using fluffy yarn.

Fluffy yarn, for the benefit of the laymen, is about the most impossible stuff to crochet with because you cannot see what you're doing. Am very happy with the end result and wondering what on earth I could do with the rest of the yarn, since I don't intend to work with it ever again. :D

polydigm - 27-2-2023 at 01:51

Sorry Plook, but they're examples of what I wanted to say (hang in there), not what the spell check was trying to make me say (hang in they're).

BBP - 27-2-2023 at 10:58

There their they're, no need to suffer anxiety over grammar... :D

Plook - 28-2-2023 at 01:00

Poly I am not known for being a top tier speller so hang in their...:)

Eddie RUKidding - 28-2-2023 at 07:36

Were their waves still hanging by the time they got in there? .............:biggrin:

BBP - 28-2-2023 at 18:32

nono it's were they're waves still hanging by the time they got in their.

Plook - 1-3-2023 at 01:39

Now I'm totally confused dudes and dudetts...:freak:

Eddie RUKidding - 1-3-2023 at 03:05

There's waves in them there hills or are the hill waves?

change of topic
Pic of my stuff at home ready to rock - basically remaining gear less that taken by sons- (the 79 cherry red fender strat was off limits :guitar: )

Attachment: IMG_4030.JPG (95kB)
This file has been downloaded 144 times

GrayGhost - 1-3-2023 at 21:48

^^^^^ Very nice! ^^^^^

Made me look across the room at mine, then reach for my dusting cloths…..

BBP - 1-3-2023 at 23:09

Came down with a bad cold affecting my voice - of course right at the start of the new batch training when we're one woman down.

(looks at picture)

Ooooooo 12-string!

Plook - 2-3-2023 at 02:20

I hope you feel better Bonny, my older daughter caught Covid Monday but is already on the mend, she is vaccinated and had it some time ago...Having a 5 and 7 year old is like living in a petri dish with school and day care...The good part about being a grand parent is you send them back or don't let them come over...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 2-3-2023 at 03:09

Hope your feeling better soon Bonny.
Yeah the 12 string is nice, had it for a long time since early 80's, (its Itaiian, early 70's sold in Oz under Eston name) with pickup.
i broke the headstock on it about 10 years ago and it cost me $800 bucks to get it fixed but it was worth it.

BBP - 2-3-2023 at 20:50

hahaha my voice is kaputt and Im using every opportunity to throw in gratuitous Zappa references. What really bugs me is my sense of taste is gone and I'm hungry but food doesn't taste good. You know the feeling.

BBP - 2-3-2023 at 21:55

Well, I avoided it for almost three years but I contracted COVID. Tested negative two days ago and had a bright pink test stripe popping right up today.

And to think I only bought an extra box of tests because it had these cute biohazard ziplock bags that I now use for the Pandemic board game cubes.

GrayGhost - 3-3-2023 at 08:04

^^^^^ Bugger! get well soon BPP, I know you'll kick Covid in the butt! ^^^^^

tinkamok - 3-3-2023 at 14:21

Quote: Originally posted by GrayGhost  
^^^^^ Bugger! get well soon BPP, I know you'll kick Covid in the butt! ^^^^^

Thats bad news .
Get well soon Bonny .

BBP - 3-3-2023 at 21:27

Hoping it's not getting any worse for us - of course if my current state of feeling would be the worst I'll experience all year I'll take it.

Currently I have a fever, sore throat, stuffed and running nose, crackling voice, headache, loss of taste and a terrible taste in my mouth. Oddly, my bladder appears to be affected as well. Even if I drink less, I have to get out at night (last night even twice) to go to the bathroom which I never had to do before.

Plook - 4-3-2023 at 01:11

You have all the symptoms except extreme exhaustion, drink plenty of fluids and rest, get well soon Bonny!

BBP - 4-3-2023 at 14:34

Read half a year's worth of Donald Duck magazines yesterday and am already quite far in the next batch. Hope I don't run out :)

polydigm - 4-3-2023 at 19:33

Crap Bonny, I hope it’s not getting any worse and that you recover soon!

BBP - 4-3-2023 at 20:26

hahaha fortunately I feel better today than I did yesterday, I didn't spend too long in bed and hope to be back cycling in a few days' time.

Eddie RUKidding - 4-3-2023 at 23:17

Had the Zappa documentary by Alex Winter on TV last night, first time I'd seen it - made me think if only the original Mothers could have gone on for an LP or 2 more- apart from the 'posthumous' Mothers releases Burnt Weeny and Weasels Ripped My Flesh...... I guess we got Hot Rats that we might not have otherwise got....
For me Uncle Meat was a Zappa high point.

BBP - 8-3-2023 at 07:20

Today I'll be working again, from home. On the mend but I'm still tasteless.

GrayGhost - 8-3-2023 at 08:00

All the best from the bottom of the world…..

Has C-19 effected your sense of smell as well BBP?

polydigm - 9-3-2023 at 02:15

Bonny's sense of smell as well? She probably can't smell as well as she did before?

BBP - 9-3-2023 at 19:05

Yup, can't smell very much now. I'm tasteless. Otherwise I have only few symptoms left, the occasional cough once per hour or so.

BBP - 10-3-2023 at 19:58

Scored 21 points and got a shared 131th spot out of 283, so in the top 50%, which is what I was aiming for.

polydigm - 10-3-2023 at 20:58


BBP - 10-3-2023 at 23:19


Oh boy I need to pay more attention at what I write.

BBP - 13-3-2023 at 10:02

Dentist later today... oh dear...

BBP - 13-3-2023 at 20:13

I'm allright but my jaw does hurt a bit.

Plook - 13-3-2023 at 23:56

Bonny it's good that you are taking care of your teeth real good they are key to a healthy life...:)

polydigm - 14-3-2023 at 01:33

I'm pretty sure your sense of smell comes back. You may not want it, of course.

Here's another grammar check anomaly, it wanted me to say off course, and ironically, here, it wanted me to say that as of course.

You can satisfy it by putting certain commas in, which ordinarily are not necessary.

BBP - 14-3-2023 at 20:23

That is weird, the grammar check can steer your message off course.

Sense of smell appears to be recovering but I'm still tasteless.

(plays another 90s album)

polydigm - 16-3-2023 at 06:03

You made that joke for yourself I see. :lol:

BBP - 16-3-2023 at 20:08

haha I'm a living joke :) if you can't laugh with yourself, what can you?

BBP - 16-3-2023 at 22:22

Local accident - truck bumps into the truck in front om him and its load spills on nearby cars and tarmac.

The load? Offal.

And there is a video! Yu-um!

Plook - 16-3-2023 at 23:34

OMG Bonny what is that butchered animal remnants???:shocked:

Eddie RUKidding - 17-3-2023 at 07:13

Not Uncle Meat I hope :devil:

BBP - 19-3-2023 at 17:38

;) Exactly, Plook!

I am currently staying at my boyfriend's for the long weekend, will go back home tomorrow. Petted bunnies and played a cute board game called Calico, a tile placing game with kitties.

polydigm - 19-3-2023 at 19:49

Long weekend? Had one of those a week ago and my son from woop woop was visiting.

Plook - 19-3-2023 at 21:10

Bonny saw a Sunday Morning TV show and they covered an exhibit at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam museum, it is the largest exhibition ever by the famous Dutch painter Vermeer.

Although I knew of his work from being an artist it wasn't that much until seeing Girl With A Pearl Earring movie. I became interested in his technique of use of light and his experimentation with colors.

Just out of curiosity is this something you would go see or would interest you?

Also Americans are known for our horrible understanding of the geography of other countries, I am no exception so my dumb question is this near you?

Sorry if I am being to nosy just thinking out loud...:)

BBP - 21-3-2023 at 20:10

Haha Plook, I could go and yes I'm very fond of the arts, but the tickets are already sold out :D

Vermeer is lovely but his work isn't as one-of-a-lifetime for us to see here the way Bosch was. I'd seen several paintings of his before in the Mauritshuis, National Gallery, Rijksmuseum, Louvre and when they were exhibited there, The Hague. Bosch I'd never seen because the only one that was at the Louvre was not in Paris at that time.

I now have a permanent long weekend scheduled, from Saturday to Monday. This means now Tuesday sucks.

BBP - 21-3-2023 at 20:50

Woot, came back from boyfriend just in time. If I had still been there, it would've been at least 2 weeks before I could go back home. Reason?
Badgers have buried their sett below the very busy railroad track Den Bosch - Eindhoven, which is the gateway to the north and a very busy route - the trains now will not ride for at least a week via this section.

I love animals, it's sad that these poor creatures have no place to live anymore. This is not the first case this year - at a not-so-busy track in Friesland train traffic is now halted until June - but for the busybusy Den Bosch - Eindhoven route this is not an option.

Plook - 22-3-2023 at 01:07

The Badgers my European cousins...:lol:

Bonny I was extremely influenced by Bosch in my early works, he and Roger Dean were my biggest influences...Never got to stand in front of a Bosch myself.

BBP - 22-3-2023 at 21:34

Minor tragedy at the inlaws. Their daughters, now 10 and 12, had 2 young rabbits they were both very fond of. BF and I looked after them a few times.
Unfortunately one of the bunnies got ill about two months ago and died very suddenly. The girls were upset. The bunny breeder that sold them to the family felt so sorry for the girls, that she gave them a gorgeous prize-winning bunny, Milo. And on top of being gorgeous and prize-winning, the new bunny also loved cuddling, so the nieces spent hours holding and petting him. It's rare for bunnies to allow that.

Thing was, Milo was male and his would-be companion female, so he had to be castrated. Which he did not like one little bit, he had to be cared for at home and stay warm and dry and stuff. Then he got an abcess, so he was needing antibiotics. My sister-in-law had to inject them.

This weekend I got to meet the new bunny. I didn't hold him, but he did let me pet his soft nose. Such a charmer.
Sunday happened to be the birthday of the other bun, and Monday the birthday of Milo. The nieces apped us asking to congratulate them with their birthday (we couldn't miss it, it was on all the calendars)
I had crocheted 2 look-a-likes of the dead bunny to give to the girls, which they appreciated. The oldest, who owned the dead bunny, was still struck and didn't want to go to her aunt's birthday so she could spend more time with them.

On Monday we received pictures of the birthday bunnies - complete with bunny cake, little presents (chill teepees) and of course party hats. Tuesday afternoon, mom gives Milo the next antibiotics shot - and Milo snuffs it.

The girls and their mother are very much in shock - according to the vet it was a heart attack due to all the medical treatments, so not her fault, but it must be horrible to watch your daughter's beloved pet die in your hands right after you gave it its medicine.

On one hand I try to be rational but my heart bleeds for the girls.

polydigm - 22-3-2023 at 23:17

Sad indeed.

Plook - 23-3-2023 at 00:19

Any loss of a pet is tragic especially for children...:(

BBP - 23-3-2023 at 23:03

In bunbun news my sister-in-law bought another bunny, primarily to aid the kids through the mourning process (the youngest is the biggest bunny fan and was there when Milo died, the oldest was the owner of both dead bunnies).

The new bunny is 12 weeks old, cute, brown and called Mowi.

Plook - 24-3-2023 at 17:38

Just an FYI Gray has not been on this Site for 11 days when he left for the coast, we have communicated thru email before so I sent him an email about a week ago and another Tuesday with no response.

BBP - 24-3-2023 at 20:28

Oh dear, I hope GG's allright...

Eddie RUKidding - 24-3-2023 at 22:39

Hope we hear something soon, oops

polydigm - 25-3-2023 at 02:28

Seconding that (hearing that is)!

Plook - 26-3-2023 at 01:23

I heard from Gray he just got back from a major adventure he needs to sleep and I am sure will excite us all with his mighty tale...I am relieved...:cool:

polydigm - 26-3-2023 at 07:43

I was going to say, I hope we here, hear something soon, but Plook has let us off the hook. Good news!

BBP - 26-3-2023 at 13:11

Oh wow, a tale to test the ages! Make us proud, Grey!

Yesterrday I had a wild night - woke up at 6 AM because my dad said good morning to me - except he didn't, he was where most clever people are at that time, in bed. So I was awake and shortly after noticed my duvet had really sunk low in the inen, so I sat up straight in bed to put it back - and thud my head really hard on one of the Tomado shelves. Had a headache for most of the day, am feeling better now but should keep my fingers away from the sore spot.

polydigm - 27-3-2023 at 02:49

I remember doing that as a child on holiday. I was in the top bunk and the space between it and the ceiling was very narrow. When I woke up in the morning I sat up as though I was still at home and bang.

BBP - 27-3-2023 at 08:31

Funny, I did the exact same thing when I went to London in 1999 with my father and sister.

polydigm - 28-3-2023 at 04:38

How's the new bunny?

I was almost too afraid to ask.

BBP - 28-3-2023 at 06:17

Haven't heard anything about dead bunnies, so I guess that's good. I understood Mowi fell asleep in the little pup tent that was gifted to Milo the day before his demise, and that it was apparently a very cute sight. But I didn't see the video. :(

Plook - 29-3-2023 at 18:56

I emailed with Gray again and he is back at work (The Coal and trying to get some sleep so all is well...:cool:

BBP - 29-3-2023 at 20:14

Good to hear...
(but I do still want that tale to last the ages)

Plook - 30-3-2023 at 02:15

Trust me it's worth the wait and I only saw the preview, but I do not want to be a spoiler...:)

ursinator2.0 - 31-3-2023 at 18:33

Good to know the good ghost being alright and expecting a nice story as kind of bonus material.

Plook - 1-4-2023 at 00:18

Man, he has us waiting longer than for a pre-order Zappa release...:lol:

BBP - 2-4-2023 at 12:36

It'd better not be an April Fool's joke!

BBP - 4-4-2023 at 18:50

40 today, got lotsa gifts and brought cookies and brownies to the office.

Plook - 4-4-2023 at 22:04

Happy Birthday Bonny!!!...:drums::guitar2::guitar::singer:

tinkamok - 4-4-2023 at 22:48

A very happy birthday to you Bonny :bouncy:

ursinator2.0 - 4-4-2023 at 23:05

Happy birthday!

polydigm - 5-4-2023 at 11:09

I hope you had a great birthday, Bonny!!

BBP - 5-4-2023 at 21:04

Thanks guys, it was great!

Stay I'd booked couldn't happen, booked a new one, but had to pay it straight away. Hope I can still get my staff discount now.

Plook - 5-4-2023 at 23:10

I forgot to mention that I spoke with Penguin In Bondage (Scott Fisher) a couple weeks ago and he was touring for a second time with Furious Bongos a very good Zappa Cover Band playing keyboards and singing.

Scott is on the left front

I just went on their website and the they wrapped the tour, they next will be playing Zappanale in Germany this summer and Scott is slated to go!

I told him some of refugees are here at the Goose hopefully Bonny can get him in the cult...LOL...:lol:

You can check them out here at their website:

They have a lot of YouTube videos linked there, enjoy!...:cool:

Eddie RUKidding - 6-4-2023 at 04:00


BBP - 7-4-2023 at 06:22


I still miss the Zappa forum - haven't checked if there was any replacement lately, but I doubt it.

Got staff discount on the new booking, hurray - almost time to go, cases are packed...

tinkamok - 7-4-2023 at 08:31

I think we have seen the end of the FZ forum .
I mailed regarding this several months ago and recieved no reply.
A shame because it was a great forum . haven't updated the FZ discography since the release of Erie .
oh well, at least we are getting some great FZ releases .:bouncy:
Have fun y'all :bouncing:

Plook - 7-4-2023 at 23:26

I agree but the message is still up and the link is there, therefore hope springs eternal...:grin:

Eddie RUKidding - 8-4-2023 at 00:59

I think that packardgoose is about all there is.

I'm on Zappateers but it makes "tears began to fall" for me - think I even manage to get banned from its old version once :biggrin: To me that site is way too self-righteous :bald:

BBP - 8-4-2023 at 08:10

See you in a bit guys! Hopefully with lovely photos!

polydigm - 8-4-2023 at 20:44

Have a good one Bonny!

Plook - 18-4-2023 at 01:18

Just an update on Gray Ghost I last heard from him a little over two weeks ago, I reached out to him again when he had not posted here about a week ago and received no reply, I suspect he had to head back out to the Coastal Colony. He mentioned there is no internet or reception even for a phone you have to drive to make a mobile call.

Without creating a spoiler alert one person out there had a problem and he left the Little Lady there while he made a trip home and return to work, my guess is he had to go back because the wedding invite received no response either.

Sorry I do not have more news but if a message comes in ai will let you all know...:cool:

Eddie RUKidding - 18-4-2023 at 04:12

Good to know Plook, thanks for keeping us posted
I was thinking the Hippies had kidnapped GG :freak:

polydigm - 18-4-2023 at 19:41

I hope he’s okay.

BBP - 21-4-2023 at 20:53

Good day everybody, I'm back.

I had been on vacation to France and Italy, which was wonderful. Sadly, BF and I had to rush home after my sister informed me Dad had been hospitalised and is currently in intensive care.

On Tuesday he woke up discovering blood on his pillow - he cycled to the GP, who referred him to his lung doctor (he has COPD). Lung specialist wasn't too sure if hospitalisation was needed, but as it was running late, the lung clinic was closed and they had to bring someone in. Dad got a tube in his throat for an endoscopy, but he took to it so badly he coughed up a lot of blood - and the staff took him to the IC directly.

His heart is clean, he has no tumors and no infections - but they did find two clots in his lungs. They put a coil to stop one of the bleeds, but they couldn't reach the other one.

I arrived at around 5 o-clock in the hospital, Dad was glad to see me. He couldn't speak because of the tube, but he could sign. I showed him some vacation photos and Dad expressed malcontent at the tube in his throat.
Tube was removed and all was looking well, they were thinking of putting him into regular care, and then he started coughing up again. This afternoon they put a coil on the other bleed as well. I got to see him a few hours ago. He's still on the breather and kept asleep, but he had a good colour skin and was looking healthier and thinner.

Things are a bit rough here but we are having good hope that he will get out of the IC soon.

tinkamok - 21-4-2023 at 20:57

I am very sorry to hear that Bonny .
My best wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery .

Plook - 21-4-2023 at 23:47

Bonny Kat & I have your Father and Family in our thought, please keep us informed when you have an update.

polydigm - 22-4-2023 at 10:23

That sounds just like Ed, Bonny. Suffers from COPD, wakes up with blood on his pillow and CYCLES to the GP. Please pass on best wishes from Julie and me.

BBP - 22-4-2023 at 19:48

It's DED to a tee. Thank you all for the well wishes.

At the moment, things are looking pretty OK - he's on the vent and under narcosis, but his stats are good.

Plook - 27-4-2023 at 03:11

Still no word from Gray Ghost, it has been nearly a month, I must say I am worried...:(

BBP - 27-4-2023 at 10:53

Dad's conscious and no longer in the vent, so he can sort of speak now. He's as sharp as a tack and is worrying about taxes and paying the bills - even remembering exact amounts. He remembers what he did the day before so that's all working. Just called the IC and he is now sitting in a chair.

tinkamok - 27-4-2023 at 12:44

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Dad's conscious and no longer in the vent, so he can sort of speak now. He's as sharp as a tack and is worrying about taxes and paying the bills - even remembering exact amounts. He remembers what he did the day before so that's all working. Just called the IC and he is now sitting in a chair.

Glad to hear your dad is making progress Bonny .

Plook - 27-4-2023 at 16:36

I also am glad for his improvement Bonny thank you for the update.

polydigm - 27-4-2023 at 20:08

Indeed, good news.

BBP - 27-4-2023 at 21:33

He even tried to stand up today but that didn't go too well.

BBP - 29-4-2023 at 10:18

DED made a great step - as of yesterday he's no longer in ICU!! The experience is still hard on him, he cannot stand up and even moving around in bed is hard.

Plook - 29-4-2023 at 16:10

Little by little Bonny hang in there.

BBP - 1-5-2023 at 09:37

We're getting by, I'm doing a lot of washing to make sure we get on top of it when Dad gets home.

BBP - 2-5-2023 at 21:12

Dads recovering, saw him today without oxygen, katheter or IV, he may leave the hospita as early as Thursday.

tinkamok - 2-5-2023 at 23:07

That is good to hear Bonny.

polydigm - 4-5-2023 at 08:39

Good news Bonny, give him our best. Tell him that, next time, we'll visit in autumn.

BBP - 5-5-2023 at 16:44

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Good news Bonny, give him our best. Tell him that, next time, we'll visit in autumn.


We expect Dad to come home as soon as possible after home help is arranged.

Plook - 5-5-2023 at 18:13

That's great news Bonny good to hear.

BBP - 10-5-2023 at 07:59

DED came home yesterday but he's completely exhausted all the time, he requires a lot of help getting about his business.

tinkamok - 10-5-2023 at 11:59

Glad to hear your dad is home Bonny .
Another step on the road to recovery :)

BBP - 10-5-2023 at 20:21

Me in an hour:
"Wake up dad, it's time to go to bed..."

BBP - 15-5-2023 at 21:14

Went off to my boyfriend's for a couple of days. I bought him the new Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom. He loves it. I like to watch along when he's playing (it's absolutely gorgeous, along with its predecessor Breath Of The Wild) .

Dad is now able to go to the bathroom himself, which is a major advantage, but getting things out of the fridge is still ways to go.

BBP - 17-5-2023 at 21:24

I'm a chaotic person in a family of chaotics - which is occasionally frustrating, like today when we lost a phone (found it) phone charger (missing) and painkilling joint gel (also missing). Been searching for hours with painful joints, little result on either missed item.

Though I did find my manicure kit.

BBP - 19-5-2023 at 21:44

Dad had been looking forward to the Gruppo Sportivo concert - so much in fact he mentioned it to all his nurses and doctors - I bought tickets for him and arranged him to get a wheelchair seat.

Got an e-mail a few days ago that the concert, which was supposed to take place today, has been postponed to September. By then I hope he won't need that handicapped seat.

Eddie RUKidding - 19-5-2023 at 23:45

Hope so to Bonny

BBP - 23-5-2023 at 21:53

While I'm happy my dad twice danced with the grim reaper and stepped on his toes, my boyfriend wasn't so lucky. He lost his grandfather five months ago, an uncle three weeks ago and his grandmother last weekend.

I'll be travelling up north again this weekend to say goodbye. Sadly the nan suffered dementia, but she was very sweet.

Plook - 23-5-2023 at 23:49

That is so sad, family loss's are trying times, travel safe.

BBP - 25-5-2023 at 22:35


Tina's passing struck hard here as well. Dad loved sixties soul music and I listened to her as well.

polydigm - 26-5-2023 at 04:40

Our condolences to your boyfriend, Bonny.

BBP - 29-5-2023 at 21:41

Thank you, I'll pass them on.

Last Saturday was the funeral, which was very low-key, similar to gran's husband's five months ago. BF's mom related of grandma's life in a designated room in the nursing home, a poem was read, then the coffin was taken to the car (care personnel formed a line at the exit and applauded her), she was taken to the cemetery, where the family carried her to her final resting home, then another poem was read and we all said the Our Father together, left flowers (and drawings by the great-grand children), and that was it.

Sooo now I know the Dutch Our Father by heart. The 2010 version.

BBP - 29-5-2023 at 22:02

Punky has issues logging into the Goose, but he says Hi!

polydigm - 30-5-2023 at 13:09

I hope everything’s good with him.

BBP - 30-5-2023 at 21:03

Me too. Hey punky! How are you? (he's reading)

PackardGoose doesn't have a safety certificate,, which means that some browsers automatically ban cookies. The effect is that, directly after you logged in, you're still not logged in. You can change this in your browser's settings, to accept the Goose's cookies.

Plook - 30-5-2023 at 23:49

Just want to update everyone that I have not heard back from Gray Ghost his last email was 03/29/23 that is also the last day he visited the "Goose".

I emailed him in the beginning of April and 4 times this month (May) with no response.

I had told him back in March I was concerned because I had not heard from him and he said his Little Lady would contact me if something was to happen him.

He and the Little Lady had taken a trip to the coast to assist some hippie friends of theirs that have a farm, one had had some sort of mental break and the other was unable to handle the situation alone.

The one that had the issues had to be hospitalized they spent 10 days there "rounding up cattle, fixing fences and a barn" that got ran into by the hippie with a mental break.

While Gray returned home the Little Lady remained behind tending to the remaining hippie, he had to go back to work on his returned and emailed me the next day to say he worked 12 hours the first day and 10 the next but luckily got his copy of "Zappa '80" that saved his long day.

I am not sue what to do at this point but was considering checking the newspapers around Wellington.

Well there it is...:(

Eddie RUKidding - 31-5-2023 at 03:59

Thanks for the update Plook, sounds like Gray is tied up with issues, he will get back to us when he can I'm sure

tinkamok - 31-5-2023 at 08:41

Hoping all is well with Gray .

BBP - 31-5-2023 at 17:22

Poor Gray, sorry he's been through that.

I received an e-mail late last night, when I was in bed. The big reorganization has started, I've received my severance settlement - been given up until today 10PM to sign it - less than 24 hours.

Plook - 31-5-2023 at 23:45

Bonny so sorry to hear that, I have lost some work mates to reorganization that I have been with 12 years it is painful.

BBP - 1-6-2023 at 20:58

I know, hopefully your colleagues were well taken care of in their social plan.

Plook - 1-6-2023 at 23:44

My company is based out of Sweden and we get all the Social democratic perks, so yes they give a great severance package and even have a company that helps you find another job.

BBP - 10-6-2023 at 20:59

It's so hot I turned to my pink dresses.

BBP - 11-6-2023 at 19:31

Went to the flea market at the ice skate rink. It's 31 deg C here (87,8 F) and bloody hot - especially since our heat is also humid - so hardly weather to ice skate.

Normally the skating rink charges high entry costs and has next to nothing - I didn't get there anything in the last 3 visits, but I decided to go anyway -
and broke my budget. Had to get extra cash for the Fort Boyard board game after I bought 4 magazines. A couple of times I had scored bargains at second-hand shops to make Slime.oofy.tvvset happy - but these were not cheap.

In one pile I found a Muziek-Expres from December 1971, and one from April 1980, both with article about FZ - the shopkeep helped searching and found a Veronica magazine from November 1971 with the maestro on the front - and in a Hitweek pile I found the 21 Oct 1966 Hitweek - the first magazine with FZ on the cover.

Altogether they cost €35, the shopkeep let me have them for €32 - and when I found the French-languaged Fort Boyard game I snipped it up.

Eddie RUKidding - 12-6-2023 at 00:11

^ Nice find

BBP - 13-6-2023 at 21:08

For ease of finding stuff back, I put all the interviews we have on the forum in General in a new topic within General called Interviews and Articles:

Which will now get some new additions!

BBP - 17-6-2023 at 22:15

New translation!

Plook - 19-6-2023 at 18:05

Good stuff Bonny thank you for posting...:cool:

tinkamok - 19-6-2023 at 21:00

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
Good stuff Bonny thank you for posting...:cool:

Thanks for that Bonny .
Frank was on good form :lol:

BBP - 19-6-2023 at 21:48

I wonder what he'd say if he knew that people would now gladly pay 20 dollars for a magazine what contains a bit about him, created by one of those dreaded rock journalists :D

The article I just translated of Veronica Magazine from 1971 was created by someone who didn't know what he was doing and had just smoked something or other.

BBP - 22-6-2023 at 19:05

Dad had a milestone a couple of days ago. He took a shower!
(the shower is 2 flights of stairs away)

Plook - 22-6-2023 at 21:48

Good news sounds like he is getting back on his feet.

polydigm - 23-6-2023 at 14:53

Good to hear, Bonny.

BBP - 23-6-2023 at 20:47

Had a little meet-up with two ex-colleagues and a colleague at a café, was good fun gossipping.

polydigm - 26-6-2023 at 03:03

Hey Caputh, good to hear from you.

I'm really mad about those bastards at the ZFT who just completely cancelled a community like that, with no replacement. I don't care what some people say about the old forum, it was mostly harmless and whichever person or persons that decided to wipeout that forum are obviously sociopaths with no understanding of community.

tinkamok - 26-6-2023 at 07:29

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Dad had a milestone a couple of days ago. He took a shower!
(the shower is 2 flights of stairs away)

Thats good news Bonny.

tinkamok - 26-6-2023 at 07:33

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Hey Caputh, good to hear from you.

I'm really mad about those bastards at the ZFT who just completely cancelled a community like that, with no replacement. I don't care what some people say about the old forum, it was mostly harmless and whichever person or persons that decided to wipeout that forum are obviously sociopaths which no understanding of community.

@polydigm - Completely agree with you . It is much missed here at the tinkamok estate as well .
I don't think it will ever be seen again and that is a shame .
I emailed them about it a while age , but preditably received no response .

polydigm - 26-6-2023 at 14:34

@tinkamok: It’s almost a year since they said “see you soonâ€. They obviously don’t care.

BBP - 26-6-2023 at 18:46

Whoa, has it been a year? I think is still the first hit in my address bar when I type F.

tinkamok - 26-6-2023 at 20:23

They still have the "see you soon" message on the site .
They haven't updated the FZ discography fully either .
Oh well lol at least we have "Funky Nothingness" to look forward to this week or next .:bouncing:

BBP - 29-6-2023 at 20:02

Posted a new article!

BBP - 10-7-2023 at 21:41

Took my dad to see his physical therapist, which was quite a bit of exercise in this warm weather. Dad's been struggling the past few days, the heat combined with a minor viral infection is a bit much. Trying to get him to drink and take extra oxygen.

tinkamok - 11-7-2023 at 07:34

My best wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery Bonny .

BBP - 12-7-2023 at 20:58

Took him out for a walk in the evening today, hope he enjoyed it since I heard him complain towards others he can't get out of the house from Tuesday to Friday - because I work.

BBP - 18-7-2023 at 19:15

I have a new life otto: If you put "Eat chocolate" at the top of your daily To Do list, at least you'll get something done each day!

polydigm - 18-7-2023 at 23:20

I’m trying to give up chocolate for the sake of my weight. Plus I’m on the borderline for diabetes, so I don’t want to push my luck.

BBP - 22-7-2023 at 08:05

I should. And I tried back in 2015, with hellish consequences.

tinkamok - 22-7-2023 at 09:22

Me love chocolate :lol:

BBP - 10-8-2023 at 18:39

8 more nights until I'm on my last leave from work... I feel odd.

polydigm - 11-8-2023 at 00:49

Last leave?

BBP - 12-8-2023 at 09:37

Yeah I was fired along with everyone else in the Dutch branch, I was lucky in that my manager gave me leave for 2 weeks.

It's a bit surreal but time for greener pastures.

tinkamok - 12-8-2023 at 19:15

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Yeah I was fired along with everyone else in the Dutch branch, I was lucky in that my manager gave me leave for 2 weeks.

It's a bit surreal but time for greener pastures.

Here 's hoping you can find a job you love Bonnie :)

polydigm - 13-8-2023 at 13:33

Amen to that.

Plook - 13-8-2023 at 21:54

Good luck Bonny, it seems a lot of companies are doing lay-offs right now. Somehow I have survived at my company but a lot of people I know got let go it is very sad and they will be missed...The good news is you are young and intelligent which makes you a very desirable candidate for a business...:)

BBP - 14-8-2023 at 09:13

Thanks guys!

On Saturday Dad and I went to the funfair. My sister had announced that she would be staying at her place this weekend, but it turns out she was at our place - without keys so she couldn't get in, noticced the bicycles were there and having no idea where we went. She ad called us but in the hustle of the fair we hadn't heard our phones - so she was looking for us all over the neighborhood. When I finally got my phone to take a picture I noticed I had received an SMS with "where are you? I'm so worried."

Dad told me to text back that he had got lost on the heath and I was looking for him.

Today Dad has to go to the hospital for a check-up on his legs. He went by electric bicycle together with my sister. Then I got a text from hers saying "Dad fell down and we're waiting for the ambulance, he didn 't want me to tell you."
Spent an hour being distraught and asking my sister if dad's okay when I received another text with "you didn't fall for that, did you? We cycled straight to the hospital and were there early."

Dad's back being nail in the coffin again. He'll be callng friends assholes in no-time flat.

polydigm - 15-8-2023 at 20:26

That’s a cruel joke.

BBP - 15-8-2023 at 22:32

Yeah we now made a promise that we will not joke about Dad's health.

Hes's gaining independance, Friday he went to the market on his own and today to the physical therapist. He's eager to try the supermarket.

BBP - 16-8-2023 at 21:54

Heard the saddening news that one of my former co-workers passed away, a sweet girl. She had just turned 24. I can't believe it...

Eddie RUKidding - 16-8-2023 at 23:49

too young, that is sad.

Plook - 17-8-2023 at 21:52

My goodness Bonny what a tragedy so sorry to hear.

BBP - 18-8-2023 at 22:35

I understood from my colleagues that she took her life... it's so unreal, she was such a sweet and cheerful young girl. Very tiny and cute - but could drink you under the table.

Today I held the quiz I had been working on for three weeks, which was good fun with all the colleagues. One of the project managers, with whom I always got along well, got to join us - first time he saw most of the people from who took over at customer service. It shows what a huge break there is with the company we had - at the office I could hobnob with anyone. Now, if it's not the same department, you don't speak unless you need someone.

BBP - 23-8-2023 at 16:29

Back from my boyfriend, taking care of his sister's 4 bunnies. Takes two hours per day but they're irresistably cute.

All 4 bunnies have a separate cage - three are in their spacious garden, and one is in the (spacious) living room. That's because that bunny, Mowi, has hay fever. He gets lots of cuddles from my nieces and I wasn't immune to his charms, either. One morning BF called me to hurry downstairs because he had escaped his pen. Naughty little bunbun.

BBP - 26-8-2023 at 09:35

Still a bit in bunbun mode (I miss them). Bought Mysterium - the computer version of an expensive board game to see if I like it.

BBP - 27-8-2023 at 12:38

Just in case Punky is here, the Brabantsedag starts in a couple of minutes:

BBP - 28-8-2023 at 09:21

Watched this:

Plook - 31-8-2023 at 01:22

Reached out again to Gray Ghost still no reply...:(

Friday have have my second and hopefully final heart procedure, there going inside and I trust them but I guess it is only human to have certain amount of apprehension...:freak:

BBP - 31-8-2023 at 08:07

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Plook!

BBP - 31-8-2023 at 22:33

Goodbye party for the company was today. I decided to give away the elephants I still had left in my house (save four that are too dear to me) to my colleagues. They were very popular, I had none left by the end of the party.
More amazingly, quite a few colleagues refused to accept them as gifts and decided to pay me for it - came home with 95 euros.

The bar we were at, was in the party centre of town, hosting today hundreds, if not thousands, of students. They were all wearing headphones, which I thought was quite odd as it's a getting to know each other (and the city, and the beers) - and I couldn't believe my ears when I was told what these students were doing.

As I walk through the nightlife street, cafe after cafe filled with students with headphones on, chanting drinking songs...

playing bingo.

Plook - 2-9-2023 at 23:14

Do you have any pictures of your popular elephants?

Eddie RUKidding - 2-9-2023 at 23:23

headphones is a bar is too far, I'm sure Zappa would have written a song about this.

polydigm - 3-9-2023 at 02:53

Nothing much going on here.

BBP - 3-9-2023 at 23:16

Dad and I went to play minigolf today. Dad won, as usual. Our scoring is down our usual.

Rather than the place by the Anton Coolenlaan (where you visited Dad and I on your last NL trip), we went to a nice course in Geldrop which is less than half the price. Had a good run.

Except my back hurts and on the way back a stinging insect flew into my eye, and injuring it.

polydigm - 4-9-2023 at 14:29

Bloody hell, how do you manage it Bonny? I hope your eye is not too badly injured.

tinkamok - 4-9-2023 at 17:03

That sounds nasty Bonny ,hope you are ok .
Your dad seems to be in better health thankfully .

Plook - 4-9-2023 at 17:27

Bonnie hope your eye is doing ok, if not get it looked at you don't want to take any chances with it.

BBP - 4-9-2023 at 18:21

Eye's pretty good - Dad isn't. He went for a checkup and got two additional researches - prompting a lot of cycling and stuff. We're exhausted. And apprehensive.

Cause appears to be expanded vein in his knee.

tinkamok - 4-9-2023 at 18:46

Glad to hear you are ok Bonny .
My best wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery .

BBP - 5-9-2023 at 15:25

We're working on it. Dad and I got up at 6AM to get to the hoospital in time for research.

polydigm - 11-9-2023 at 02:59

What exactly do you mean by research, Bonny?

BBP - 11-9-2023 at 06:48

Mistranslation on my part. Dad had a cardiac film and an echo of his leg- and hip veins done. One of his veins has expanded so much he will be getting surgery ASAP to replace it with another vein from his leg. He won't be given full anaesthesia.

Dad is not looking forward to it at all and is worried it'll cost him a leg.

polydigm - 11-9-2023 at 23:12

My father had a triple bypass when he was 75, using veins from his leg and was given a five year use by date. He lived to 95 and things were only getting too difficult close to the end.

BBP - 12-9-2023 at 09:36

Thanks for sharing Poly, I told my father that.

Thing is we watch House and pretty much every episode there's someone vomiting up blood / getting a limb amputated / some other affliction Dad suffered.

polydigm - 13-9-2023 at 18:47

I get that, probably a lot of the stuff I watch on TV feeds my depression. Why do I put myself through it?

BBP - 18-9-2023 at 22:31

Had a busy week with job interviews and have 2 more on the way. Friday Gruppo Sportivo's concert finally took place, which was good fun. Went to BF the day after. Which was lovely. Came back a few hours to go.

Job interview tomorrow.

tinkamok - 19-9-2023 at 14:19

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Had a busy week with job interviews and have 2 more on the way. Friday Gruppo Sportivo's concert finally took place, which was good fun. Went to BF the day after. Which was lovely. Came back a few hours to go.

Job interview tomorrow.

Best of luck with the interviews Bonny :)
Hope you find a great job .

BBP - 20-9-2023 at 15:34

I have a job offer, hope it turns out OK. It's also in tourism so not cashing hard.

Eddie RUKidding - 21-9-2023 at 03:56

Well done Bonny

BBP - 21-9-2023 at 13:39

Rejection yesterday because I'm too soft.
New interview today. It's raining cats and dogs with the odd guinea pig thrown in the mix.

BBP - 21-9-2023 at 20:13

Interview was, well... I arrived soaked ad too late (in spite of building in 30 minutes ease). It's a 10,9 km ride but with the rain, traffic and looking up where to go all the time, I did max out.

Business doesn't look like the best place to be either. At any rate I won't survive long if I ride 3 hours of bike through the rain every day. I feel knackered.

Eddie RUKidding - 21-9-2023 at 22:13

You will find something soon I'm sure

polydigm - 22-9-2023 at 00:31

Go Bonny!!

Plook - 22-9-2023 at 23:52

Good luck Bonny!

BBP - 23-9-2023 at 10:22

Jumped onto the Prijsvrij job offer, so I'm staying in the tourist industry for now.

tinkamok - 23-9-2023 at 12:25

Well done Bonny :bouncing:

polydigm - 24-9-2023 at 23:49

Good stuff Bonny, job security is important. My youngest will have completed his degree in Primary Education by the end of this year, but he's already got a one term contract in a school for term 4, which is not typical, he's done well.

Plook - 25-9-2023 at 14:42

Great job Bonny I knew you would land on your feet.

Poly my younger daughter just got hired full time by the school district, she had worked with special needs children then took a job at the California State Capital with a state congressman that was working on Special Needs Bills.

When the pandemic closed everything down they worked remotely for a few months then the staff got cut and she lost her job.

She started substitute teaching when the schools opened but she needed to get her credentials so she signed up for school.

She is working on her Masters and got hired full time at the beginning of this school year, she really loves working with kids.

BBP - 26-9-2023 at 20:54

I burnt my arm a couple of days ago.

Three days ago I prepared romanesco for Dad and me (to the food noobs, that's a type of green punk cauliflower) . I love romanesco but dad typically boils it to death, so I thought I'd steam it.
I'd steamed it well, but my dad's dentures were no match for it and he complained to me that I should have steamed them much much longer, "things heat up so slowly with steaming."

Next day I do the washing up, I put the kettle on as I approach the end. As the kettle is approaching get-off time, I notice there's a red meat tweezer (or whatever you call them) dirty behind the kettle, so I pick it up - and very quickly steam my arm.
"You see Dad? Steaming can go really fast."

polydigm - 27-9-2023 at 01:20

Yet another Bonny incident! Steaming actually does cook vegetables really quickly, I've always got to keep a close eye when I'm doing it. I particularly hate overcooked Brussel sprouts.

Good news for your daughter, Plook!

BBP - 27-9-2023 at 23:07

I hate Brussels sprouts.

Actually it's not the taste, but there was one incident where I noticed a bad smell when preparing sprouts. Then I found one sprout with a wriggling maggot in it. That sight has never left me. ewwww eww eww

Plook - 28-9-2023 at 21:52

I like to make roasted Brussel sprouts in the oven with parmesan cheese on them, yum so good...wait a minute not for you Bonny we need you stay clear of the oven...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 29-9-2023 at 21:07

I leave the Brussel sprouts for Mrs Eddie, she loves them I'm not a fan ;)

Plook - 29-9-2023 at 23:24

Has anyone been to Brussels and if so do they serve a lot of sprouts there...:drums::lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 30-9-2023 at 06:13

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six-foot-four and full of muscle
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich :lol:

Plook - 30-9-2023 at 16:11

I like Men at Work some good tunes there. Colin Hay I would like to see him he tours regularly and Scheila Gonzalez plays with him often, he toured with the Ringo Star Allstar Band this year but it wasn't in the cards to see a show.

Eddie RUKidding - 30-9-2023 at 20:33

I dated Ron Strykert Ex (guitarist from Men at Work), pre Mrs Eddie of course = they were one crazy mixed up bunch

Incidentally Men at Work had to pay heaps on royalties after the copywrite holder of "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree" got wind of were the melody came from.....

BBP - 1-10-2023 at 21:57

Baaaack! Went to my BF for his birthday this weekend.

I sat a few hours drawing with my niece, who's 13 and already selling drawings for a good sum. She taught me how to make the art she is making now. Which is realistic drawings after photos using pastel pencils. Pretty amazing.

tinkamok - 2-10-2023 at 17:34

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Baaaack! Went to my BF for his birthday this weekend.

I sat a few hours drawing with my niece, who's 13 and already selling drawings for a good sum. She taught me how to make the art she is making now. Which is realistic drawings after photos using pastel pencils. Pretty amazing.

Hey Bonny , well done for nuturing the artistic talent in your neice .
I did a similar thing with my great neice (my neices daughter) some years ago and she is now sytudying at art college here in Plymouth .
She was born deaf and has had hearing implants she also suffers from an illness that leaves her very tired and so she is doing very well to be able to study/create her artworks .
The artist in all of us must be encouraged ;)

BBP - 2-10-2023 at 19:32


First day at work today, am absolutely exhausted.

BBP - 5-10-2023 at 20:27

First weekend since I started this job. Dad had a visit with the cardiologist, he got a lot of stuff planned all of a sudden.

polydigm - 6-10-2023 at 15:47

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
... Men at Work had to pay heaps on royalties after the copywrite holder of "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree" got wind of were the melody came from.....
That law suit was outrageous. That was not a true copyright violation and it's criminal that the legal system at the time couldn't figure that out.

Eddie RUKidding - 6-10-2023 at 21:08

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
... Men at Work had to pay heaps on royalties after the copywrite holder of "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree" got wind of were the melody came from.....
That law suit was outrageous. That was not a true copyright violation and it's criminal that the legal system at the time couldn't figure that out.

Agree entirely Poly, it was a crime in itself against music, and all because of a remark on the TV show Spicks and Specks..............

BBP - 12-10-2023 at 20:29

Work leaves me exhausted, good thing it's weekend.

Plook - 13-10-2023 at 01:38

Is it Friday there or are you working 4 day weeks?

BBP - 13-10-2023 at 09:56

I work 32 hours per week so that I have time to run errands while dad is unwell.

On the bright side, Dir En Grey returns to Europe, so I'm happily scheduling.

BBP - 16-10-2023 at 06:11

Aaaand there went the weekend, somehow managed to have contact with all my friends.

tinkamok - 16-10-2023 at 14:20

Know what you mean Bonny
Funny how weekend hours pass at twice the speed of weekday hours :lol:

Plook - 16-10-2023 at 19:04

It's part of Einstein's Special Theory of time...:freak:

BBP - 17-10-2023 at 22:17

To be honest, working on the phone often seems quick. The hours fly by a lot.

BBP - 22-10-2023 at 21:10

Back from visiting BF, had a wonderfully relaxing time.

polydigm - 23-10-2023 at 09:55

Where does he live again, is it near Groningen?

BBP - 23-10-2023 at 20:08

Surhuisterveen. No I don't expect you to be able to pronounce that, but I'd love to hear you try.

Oh well, back in the rat race. I hope we'll be able to get some time off together.

polydigm - 23-10-2023 at 22:44

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Surhuisterveen. No I don't expect you to be able to pronounce that, but I'd love to hear you try.

Ser - hoo - stir - veen.

Ser - wis - ter - veen.

Plook - 23-10-2023 at 23:48

The full dumb ass American pronunciation would be;

Sure Hugh Steven...:lol:

BBP - 28-10-2023 at 22:38

YOu guys quack me up!

Been spending part of my free time trying to find a real good knitting pattern. Hope I'll like the one I settled for.

BBP - 29-10-2023 at 22:49

Big day for dad tomorrow, he's going to the hospital for another heart research. This time they'll inject him with medication to get his heart to work harder - that med requires the cardiologist and CPR equipment to be there when he undergoes it.

Dad's quite nervous and not happy.

polydigm - 30-10-2023 at 05:02

That's a bit harsh, Bonny, they were genuine attempts. According to Google translate it's:

Surr - heis - ter - fane.

(ser as in purr, heis as in feisty, ter as in per and fane as in mane)

BBP - 30-10-2023 at 07:22

The ui sound is pronounced like the French word for eye, or at least, that's how a producer tried to teach Jacques Brel before the francophone Belgian singer tried to record his Plat Pays in Dutch. Didn't work, but it sounds all the more charmng.

BBP - 30-10-2023 at 22:12

Dad's survived today's ordeal - in part because the doctors decided to give him different medication due to his lungs.

Plook - 30-10-2023 at 23:46

Bonny that is good news.

Kats dad was in the hospital for 3 days with internal bleeding, he is home now.

But they are sending him to an oncologist which means we are in for some rough sea's

BBP - 3-11-2023 at 10:35

Dad turned out to have had a heart attack some time in the past, we don't know when. He'll soon get an angioplasty to clear his coronary arteries.

BBP - 7-11-2023 at 20:30

Dad keeps the living room temperature at a solid 15 degrees C. Life is made of very thick vests, wearing gloves and wrapping plaids.

At least the squirrels are visiting us again, we got to see our furry buddies.

BBP - 9-11-2023 at 07:18

Off to B/F today!

Plook - 9-11-2023 at 17:27

Safe travels Bonny.

BBP - 13-11-2023 at 07:26

And I'm back, missing him.

BBP - 15-11-2023 at 22:13

It's truly autumn here. I keep getting surprised by the rainfall. Yesterday I had such an outdoor cold and acid shower that my coat and shoes are still drenched.

polydigm - 16-11-2023 at 22:49


polydigm - 16-11-2023 at 22:58

Thinking about Ed and his health, here's a memory from last year. Julie and Me meeting up with Bonny and Ed for lunch in Eindhoven.

BBP - 18-11-2023 at 15:31

Aww lovely!

Weather's been terribly rainy - norally I'm ok with that but it's difficult to combine with gift shopping.

Oh well, time to get the washing done.

BBP - 21-11-2023 at 11:22

Dad's off to get his angioplasty today. He may only bring one person so I'm the one with the short straw (or my sister is the one with the biggest mouth).

tinkamok - 21-11-2023 at 13:56

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Dad's off to get his angioplasty today. He may only bring one person so I'm the one with the short straw (or my sister is the one with the biggest mouth).

Hope all goes well Bonny .

BBP - 23-11-2023 at 07:16

The angioplasty went very well and very quickly. His heart gets a lot more blood now.

Eddie RUKidding - 23-11-2023 at 08:22

Good news Bonny

tinkamok - 23-11-2023 at 14:56

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
The angioplasty went very well and very quickly. His heart gets a lot more blood now.

Good news Bonny , i am glad it went well .

Plook - 24-11-2023 at 21:25

Excellent news Bonny!

polydigm - 27-11-2023 at 00:59

My eldest son, who has atrial fibrillation, had a heart procedure on Wednesday, called an ablation. It seems to have gone well, but only time will tell. On average, after one ablation, about 50% remain AF free. Here's hoping this is the one.

Bonny, it's good to hear that Ed's procedure went well.

Eddie RUKidding - 27-11-2023 at 03:12

Hope everything goes well Poly

tinkamok - 27-11-2023 at 12:27

@polydigm - hope all goes well .

BBP - 27-11-2023 at 20:10

Sorry to hear about your brother, Poly...

Dad's having issues. His left foot is not getting enough blood. Surgeon wanted to see him straight away, but that wasn't possible and now Dad got in the first opening - December 4th.

Here's hoping it's not a bad omen...

BBP - 27-11-2023 at 20:10

Aaaanyway I'm back as well, laptop charger short-circuited and blew a fuse.

Plook - 27-11-2023 at 21:45

@polydigm - That is the procedure I had September 1st, it worked really well, but they did a Cardioversion on me about a month before to reset my heart beat...The doctor here said they had a success rate much higher I believe he said 90%.

polydigm - 30-11-2023 at 13:28

Bonny, son, not brother.

BBP - 30-11-2023 at 22:32

Oh my I'm sorry, I should read better... Sorry to hear about your son.

Dad's foot is killing him (it's not getting enough blood). Hospital appointment tomorrow.

polydigm - 1-12-2023 at 12:26

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
@polydigm - That is the procedure I had September 1st, it worked really well, but they did a Cardioversion on me about a month before to reset my heart beat...The doctor here said they had a success rate much higher I believe he said 90%.
It's nothing to do with cardioversion. My son has lost count of how many cardioversions he's had, which is why they've tried the ablation. Ablation success rate relates to time interval after the procedure. If you were getting attacks fairly regularly, then stopping for a year or two would be some kind of improvement, but if they eventually come back, does it count as a success? There is a higher success rate after a second. It's difficult to get a consistent view of success rate when you look into it.

BBP - 2-12-2023 at 09:37

Took Dad to his hospital appointment - he was admitted straight away. He gave me a huge shopping list to bring from home.
As I was halfway packing, Dad sent me an app sayinghe had his CTA scan and all his veins were clear - foot issue was caused by chilblains.

(Dad refuses to put the heater on if hes home alone, and last year I had to bargain to get him to set it to 17 degrees C)

This morning Dad sent me another app saying they still want to do more tests, since only 3 of his toes are affected, so I need to bring his clothes after all.

Adding insult to injury, I lost my wallet on the way to hospital, containing my ID, public transport card and my bank card. As such I can't pay anything unless it's cash. I still have some cash around but not a fortune so I need to be careful. Will be searching for my wallet again today.

tinkamok - 2-12-2023 at 09:54

Hi Bonny ,
Good news about your dad , and i hope the tests give good results .

Sorry to hear you lost your wallet ,that can be a big problem .You may have to contact the bank and cancel your card just in case the "wrong" person finds it.
Best of luck finding your wallet Bonny .

BBP - 2-12-2023 at 23:31

Someone found it, thank goodness.

polydigm - 3-12-2023 at 01:50

There are many of these "found it and returned it" stories out there. They need to be taken note of, as too many people are trying write humans off as a bad lot, whereas the bad ones are the exception, not the rule. The problem is a kind of statistical noticeability thing. Everyone who gets wronged, bitches about it, until everyone hears it, whereas everyday, decent human behaviour gets taken for granted and very few people say anything about it all.

BBP - 3-12-2023 at 09:14

Someone found it and put it in my mailslot today!

tinkamok - 3-12-2023 at 09:51

That is good news Bonny and must be a great relief .

BBP - 4-12-2023 at 07:13

Start of Zappadan is today.

I won't be able to indulge on FZ now or in the near future inbetween Dad and new job.

Eddie RUKidding - 4-12-2023 at 08:14

So Dad does not indulge in Frank :biggrin:

tinkamok - 4-12-2023 at 14:59

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Start of Zappadan is today.

I won't be able to indulge on FZ now or in the near future inbetween Dad and new job.

Indeed it has been 30 years since we lost the maestro .
I am playing FZ all day today :bouncing::bouncy:

Plook - 4-12-2023 at 19:22

I will never forget that, we lived in the apartment's less than a mile from the house I live in now. I was still working in construction and I had to work on Saturday and Terri was off. When I got off work and came home Terri said "Frank Zappa passed away", I was shocked and taken aback I had no idea he was ill, what a great loss...:(

BBP - 8-12-2023 at 11:44

I haven't had contact with my mother since 2008 or something. She is a mental patient and has been my whole life.

I hear now that she has been admitted to a mental care hospital and will remain there the rest of her life, we have until January 3 to clear the house.

Merry Christmas.

Plook - 8-12-2023 at 17:55

So sad Bonny, keep your chin up you will get thru it and be better for it.

tinkamok - 9-12-2023 at 13:15

I am sorry to hear that Bonny .
Stay strong and i hope this all passes very quickly for you .

polydigm - 9-12-2023 at 23:53

If it's not too personal Bonny, why do you have to move out?

BBP - 13-12-2023 at 10:37

Actually the family of my mother's husband is responsible, and they will sling everything into the bin. We want to make sure that heirlooms, jewellery, photos etc are saved. They don't have much of value.

Plook - 14-12-2023 at 01:33

Bonny I had a similar experience with my moms husband when she passed, he was just going to throw everything away it was outrageous how careless he was.

BBP - 19-12-2023 at 09:54

In good news, Dad's foot is doing a lot better, I can even touch them without him yelping with agony.

polydigm - 20-12-2023 at 19:14

Good to hear!

BBP - 24-12-2023 at 11:10

The cristmas season is rapidly approaching, BF and I will be going to see the new Miyazaki in cinema, Dad's foot is recovering and he'll be getting a double knee stent to fix the aneurysms in both knees, so he should be able to walk painfree afterwards.

tinkamok - 24-12-2023 at 12:25

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
The cristmas season is rapidly approaching, BF and I will be going to see the new Miyazaki in cinema, Dad's foot is recovering and he'll be getting a double knee stent to fix the aneurysms in both knees, so he should be able to walk painfree afterwards.

Good news about your dad Bonny .
Happy xmas to all !

Eddie RUKidding - 24-12-2023 at 19:49

Me & Mrs Eddie have just got back from a 500Km (one way dist-1000Km round trip, should be far enough from the neighbour!) to Kingston se a coastal town in South Australia and put an offer on a property (Ex Vet practice, just call me James Herriot ;) - with a good mancave for Hi Fi's and guitars out back)- to escape from next door- who have been giving us shit for last 2 years ("Bogans from Hell"- maybe that could be a Zappa LP ;) ), to which we will rent out our grand Cohuna house. Looks like its ours and a good place to retire to (PS I retired last Thursday but work want to me work casual 2-3 days a week remote from KIngston, guess that will pay for all the Lobster we will eat ;)

[img] p&trim=auto[/img]

BBP - 25-12-2023 at 15:13

Looks gorgeous, congrats!

Anticipating my boyfriend's arrival - have a merry chistmas all!

Eddie RUKidding - 25-12-2023 at 19:31

Just call me Dr Dolittle, as my offer on the house (ex vets practice) has been accepted.

Plook - 26-12-2023 at 16:46

That is awesome Eddie, but so far from the beach....:lol:

tinkamok - 26-12-2023 at 18:34

JUst a short taxi ride from the beach !

polydigm - 26-12-2023 at 19:03

Belated merry Xmas to all and best wishes for the new year. I’ve been flat out with family stuff. Look’s like a nice spot to retire Eddie. It’s not that far from the beach!

Eddie RUKidding - 26-12-2023 at 19:20

Thanks Guys, if I was any closer to the beach I'd have Lobsters on my forehead :D
PS Kingston is the home of Larry the giant Lobster and maybe even some drowning Witches :cool:

Eddie RUKidding - 27-12-2023 at 03:00

Things are moving quickly on the retirement plan, just sold Chateau Eddie in Cohuna for $440K :biggrin:

Plook - 27-12-2023 at 19:05

Wow, awesome!

Eddie RUKidding - 27-12-2023 at 19:56

Thanks Plook, it is bitter sweet thou having to leave our (mrs Eddie and I) forever home, the 1912 historically listed former hospital "Château Eddie"- has been house since 1940 and is actually called "Reston" on the plaque or maybe its is a "plague, Dog Breath in the year of" on the front of the house and is even listed in the local a Council brochure...
We came to Cohuna in 2019 after a home invasion (guy got 4 years Jail), of our house in Sunbury- Mrs Eddie didn't like that too much, so I quit my job as Project Manager of Melbourne's Metro Rail project (15Bil project), found the Reston house and moved to Cohuna and sent an email to AWMA who are based in Cohuna and make Penstocks for OZ and NZ, who I knew of from my time in the water industry and got the Job with them a Regional Manager. All was good (apart from noisy unfriendly neighbours next door), until we arrived home from our first trip in our new Jayco caravan and from that all the plant, trees and shrubs up against said neighbour side fence had been cut off.......
We called the police thinking "what the fuck"- next door where questioned, photos taken and they denied any wrong doing. 6 months later just before covid lockdown the neighbours had Surveyors poking around their property. I asked the survey standing in front of our house what he was upto "oh nothing just doing a survey:, 3 months later we get a letter from the neighbours lawyer to pull down our garage and carport as well as the fence as it was 200mm out of alignment and we have 5 days to comply.........
Knowing something of adverse possession and fencing law I knew this was bulshit and engage a lawyer to tell them so. Here if fence has been in location for more the 15 years any title to misaligned land is voided, called adverse possession, also given the misalignment was relatively small courts would throw any such case out. Also the other fences on the crazy neighbours fences where also misaligned but in the other direction to the other two neighbours but that did not seem to matter to our crazy neighbour who has still not informed the other property owners of this "theft of land" lol I will let them know before we go.
No this is not the ended on the story, this is where it gets worse... Because we said (thru our lawyer) we would not pull down a garage (circa 1912) on the fenceline, or carport( circa 1970) near the fenceline, our neighbours proceed to assault us with loud music and noise for th elast 2 years, We have called the police (sounds like Joes garage), 15 times but because the police are based 30 km away and turn up 6-8 hours later, we have only been able to get them caught out recently and get a police warning- ie they play there rapp crap music for 6 hours straight at full vol and finally got caught. Our other neighbours have complained to the local council (also based 40km away) - who told them they can do nothing- call Gunnawarra Shire Council I call them Gunnadonothing Shire............ The loud music was just the start next door also started parking there cars (12 cars) in front of our driveway blocking access for a caravan to our property - I wrote to Gunnadonothing Council and they said they could do nothing........
Then next door took it upon themselves to rip down a 4m section of boundary fence behind our garage with a 150HP tractor without consent, I rang the cops they said from 40kn away sorry we can't attend at the moment as we are too busy, this was on the 8 July and they still have not showed up and I made the nuts noeghbours put the section of fence back and now its is held in place by ropes......... Luckily the section of fence was sturdy enough to take the bashing. Needles to say I issued a fencing notice on the neighbour to replace the fence- so far all they have offered to do a pay half- admission of guilt hey ;)
I can tell you now that I have sold the house the ropes can stay.............
Old pic when we moved in and before we has the roof repainted and $50k kitchen with $10K SMEG oven.........

Plook - 27-12-2023 at 20:31

That is insanity, what is wrong with people?

It's a good thing I did not come to visit you I may be old but I still have a little gas left in the tank and probably would have committed some crime that got me sent to Devils

Well now you are headed to greener pastures not withstanding the giant lobster Lobnobulax...:freak:

Eddie RUKidding - 27-12-2023 at 20:52

Thanks Plook, Its only Mrs Eddie that stopped me. Arsewipe next door (Bogan son), asked me to punch him during the fence pulling down facra- I told him he was not worth it, he also told Mrs Eddie "do you have any windows in your house, with a face let that, if you do they will all crack." I have a restraining order in against him. Lets see if a get any opportunity to take his lights out before I leave.........

The Giant lobster is now officially renamed from Larry to Lobnobulax :grin:

tinkamok - 27-12-2023 at 22:51

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Thanks Plook, Its only Mrs Eddie that stopped me. Arsewipe next door (Bogan son), asked me to punch him during the fence pulling down facra- I told him he was not worth it, he also told Mrs Eddie "do you have any windows in your house, with a face let that, if you do they will all crack." I have a restraining order in against him. Lets see if a get any opportunity to take his lights out before I leave.........

The Giant lobster is now officially renamed from Larry to Lobnobulax :grin:

I have read your posts regarding your asshole neighbours and i admire your restraint .
Wishing you and Mrs Eddie all the best in your new home .

Eddie RUKidding - 27-12-2023 at 22:58

Thanks Tink

polydigm - 1-1-2024 at 00:04

Happy new year everyone!!

Eddie RUKidding - 1-1-2024 at 01:45

Have a good one everyone

Eddie RUKidding - 1-1-2024 at 07:38

Oh Damn, someone has just rung me from Geelong and is driving to Cohuna to buy my Hillman Hunter Safari Wagon on Thursday which I have owed for 12 years, will sad to see it go....

Will at least save trailering it 500Km to K'Town 😉

I suppose $8K is $8K


Damn pic of hillman wont post ;)

Can be viewed here

polydigm - 1-1-2024 at 09:32

The link you posted is protected by login. I copied and pasted the other one and it worked. Classic car.

Eddie RUKidding - 1-1-2024 at 19:14

Thanks Poly- was tried to find pic of it online to post here, will be sad to see Hilly go.
I paid $4K for it in Adelaide 10 years ago from the second owner, first owner was from Victor Harbor. Its still on its original 1969 plates and has never been out of rego, it a classic. The pic is from the second owner who used it as they wedding car lol....
Hopefully it wont sell, Mrs Eddie has wanted it gone ever since I brought a 3rd car, a 2000 model "new" Beetle. Mrs Eddie does not drive so has a point when she says I have a 2 car limit lol.
Had been in the Gawler car club and Melb Rootes car club with it.........

Found another pic

BBP - 2-1-2024 at 07:23

Good morning and happy new year everybody!

Just got back from an extended stay with my boyfriend's - he arrived with us on Christmas day, we went to his place on the 27th, and went home on the 1st. In the wonderful past week I had 1 day of work, thank Christmas. BF and I went to the cinema - my first time since Miyazaki's output The Wind Rises - this time we went to the latest Miyazaki, The Boy With The Heron. Complex story, rich tale, quite beautiful.
At is place we went to play glow golf with the family - that's blacklight minigolf.

For NYE we went to my boyfriend's sister to light fireworks and to watch the fireworks from her roof.

Eddie RUKidding - 4-1-2024 at 19:55

Good news, the Hillman didn't sell ;D

The idiots who drove 5 hours to look at it, wanted something in concourse condition for $8k (4000 pounds) total W@nkers...
I explained on the phone and there are 8 pics of the car on the ad that it is in good original unrestored condition, as per the photo's a survivor car.......

Plook - 5-1-2024 at 00:22

Eddie that car looks good what did they think was so unacceptable?

Eddie RUKidding - 5-1-2024 at 06:04

Cause they were Car Club W@nkers- well at least one of them was..... He was wanting something show room cond!!. Yeah for 25-30K I could give them that....... :mad:
I'm just grateful they were and didn't make offer, it is Mrs Eddie that wants to sell it not me lol

BBP - 6-1-2024 at 11:36

Hurray, the car stays!

I'm having a rough week - this week I have to man the emergency phone at work. On my own. I have been on the job 3 months, but the emergecy phone was the reason I didn't really want to do this job.

Basically I got a laptop and phone from work and I should be available to call from 9 PM to 9 AM for 4 nights in a row - add to that the regular hours I have to make by day.

I have been lucky and haven't received any calls the first 2 nights, but the psychological effect of knowing you could be called out of bed any time by people with serious problems during their stay, cannot be ignored. I barely sleep a wink.

Eddie RUKidding - 6-1-2024 at 19:39

Sounds nasty on the Psychi, hope they and paying you well

BBP - 17-1-2024 at 00:02

AIVD Christmas puzzle done and dusted and handed in. Tried everything to complete that last question but didn't make it in time.

Back to life...

Eddie RUKidding - 17-1-2024 at 02:48

I'm have Beans for Lunch and blasting 10CC greatest Hits at the Bogans and hopefully some big farts too :D

polydigm - 17-1-2024 at 04:40

Cheese and corn chips here.

BBP - 19-1-2024 at 07:15

Today I will go to my boyfriend's again for the weekend. I'm a bit worried on how it'll go. Dad'll be on his own for 2 nights.

Plook - 19-1-2024 at 21:14

Go have fun Bonny...:)

Eddie RUKidding - 21-1-2024 at 16:33

Have the keys to the Vet house in K'town all going well with the move :cool:

BBP - 21-1-2024 at 23:21

Unfortunately I had to cut my stay short. Dad fell yesterday evening and injured his shoulder to the point that he can't use it.

Eddie RUKidding - 21-1-2024 at 23:36

Not good to hear

Plook - 22-1-2024 at 19:21

Sorry to her that Bonny, the key to aging is to not fall down, hopefully he will have a quick recovery.

Eddie RUKidding - 22-1-2024 at 20:19

My final full day living in the Big Cohuna today before the removalist come tomorrow morning for the final load up to the Big Lobster in Kingston se :biggrin:

polydigm - 23-1-2024 at 17:09

Bonny: Sorry to hear about Ed’s injury, wish him the best from us.

Eddie: Glad to hear your move is going well.

Eddie RUKidding - 23-1-2024 at 19:32

Thanks Poly, we have a 60m3 truck coming at 6am I hope that it is big enough for all my Zappa LP's - don't car about the house stuff lol

BBP - 23-1-2024 at 21:45

He's still not using his shoulder and I whish he'd talk to the doctor about it but he's not keen on more medical procedures.

Plook - 23-1-2024 at 22:41

Bonny how old is he if you don't mind me asking?

Plook - 23-1-2024 at 22:42

Eddie that is a big truck does everything go in one load?

BBP - 24-1-2024 at 19:40

He's 68. Tomorrow's the big hospital appointment.

Prediction - he won't get his procedure due to his shoulder. We'll see.

Plook - 25-1-2024 at 00:18

Fingers crossed.

polydigm - 26-1-2024 at 06:54

Eddie, we have a crazy amount of stuff. When we move to the UK, there will be some gnashing of teeth.

Bonny, best wishes to Ed.

BBP - 26-1-2024 at 07:24

Dad is in the hospital now. The doctors had an at length discussion if they wanted the scheduled procedure (stents in the knees for the aneurysmata) could go on because of his shoulder.

They decided they would as it's a relatively mild procedure, and they're keeping him there because of his shoulder and because they worry his fall may have been caused by a TIA. Also he was scolded for not calling a doctor about his shoulder.

Today's schedule contains talk with neurologist and X-rays.

Eddie RUKidding - 26-1-2024 at 09:30

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
Eddie that is a big truck does everything go in one load?

Yep, just made it the 500km back to the Big Cohuna, to load some guitars and HiFI stuff and garage tools that did not go in the truck- I feel road wery only 2-3 more trips to go doing Hillman Hunter Safari Wagon this time and Beetle next trip.

Eddie RUKidding - 26-1-2024 at 09:33

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Eddie, we have a crazy amount of stuff. When we move to the UK, there will be some gnashing of teeth.

Bonny, best wishes to Ed.

Any Zappa LP's you need to offload lol I'm your man.

Will be going to UK to visit Mrs Eddies Grandkids, prob in June.

BBP - 27-1-2024 at 21:43

DED update: he's indeed had a TIA with no permanent damage (besides the shoulder and bruising of course).
The shoulder is broken at the rop of the humerus, the fracture looks nice and straight. Dad now has a sling to keep his wrist higher than his upper arm.

Doc also found his blood sugar level too high and he may be risking diabetes.

Dad's not a happy bunny.

Plook - 28-1-2024 at 02:33

All in all that is an alright outcome Bonny

polydigm - 28-1-2024 at 20:30

At least Ed’s in the right place for now. Good to hear some things are getting sorted.

Eddie RUKidding - 30-1-2024 at 11:20

Thanks Poly is getting better everyday- Carted the hillman on the weekend to K'town, next the old mans 1959 6x4 box trailer (complete with repacked FJ holden bearings ( I hope it makes it) and concrete mixer then just the 2000 model VW BUG to go lol

PS got for Sale sign up on 24 Channel St Cohuna if anyone one wants Bogan neighbours and a 1912 $50K house its all theirs :lol:
Good for crusin for burgers lol
PS damn I can't get a pic of an FJ to work on here maybe Poly can :drool:

Plook - 30-1-2024 at 18:38


That place would go for $300K+ here easy, you need to tow it here...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 30-1-2024 at 20:49

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  

That place would go for $300K+ here easy, you need to tow it here...:lol:

Sorry my drunken typo meant $500K, half a bottle of Southern will do that lol

House are expensive in Oz, 4 years ago I paid $255K but spent (Mrs Eddie did) $80K on it including a $10K oven !!! maybe I should tow that too :D worth more than the Hillman......

BBP - 31-1-2024 at 21:44

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
At least Ed’s in the right place for now. Good to hear some things are getting sorted.

He got to go back home the day after he went in, after he had a lot of tests.

He's grumpy and seminally bored - now that I'm working I have no choice but to leave him alone for the better part of the day.

BBP - 2-2-2024 at 21:15

Voted for the "best" carnaval song. They're all semi-lethal. Every year!

polydigm - 3-2-2024 at 13:38

Just in case, Eddie, Ed is Bonny’s dad’s name.

BBP - 3-2-2024 at 19:15

Yeah knowing his off-beat sense of humour "Eddie are you kidding" is very apt.

Eddie RUKidding - 5-2-2024 at 10:12

I'm always kidding, back in Cohuna loaded up with the last load for awhile plan to spend the next 4 weeks at the beach :bald:

Plook - 5-2-2024 at 18:33


BBP - 5-2-2024 at 20:10

Some of you may have noticed a bit of a spam influx.

Reason - I made an account for a new member, so I set up a new account - and neglected to close sign-up.

Result? An hour of spam deleting I'll never get back.

What surprised me is someone bothered to make all these little bios that were put in, like "hi Im latoya amd my family and I are into metal detecting."

Eddie RUKidding - 5-2-2024 at 20:47

Bots or maybe Elon Musk in has downtime lol

Henry - 5-2-2024 at 23:20

Hello I'm Henry and I'm not the owner of a Korean casino. Thanks for registering me Bonny and sorry that you had to go to so much trouble.

Hopefully an English member here will help to balance all the Australians going on about cricket all the time.:crying:

Eddie RUKidding - 6-2-2024 at 02:59

HI tulse good to see you here

polydigm - 6-2-2024 at 03:40

Welcome, Tulse. I was born in London, but have lived in Australia since the age of five. I'm half English and French, and permeated by Americanised media. I've always been an outsider here. Cricket is okay, but I'm not a big fan, as with pretty much all sport. I loved playing sport as a kid, but lost interest as an adult and don't watch it that often. The real football (soccer) is probably my favourite sport. I spent a year and a bit in England, 1991-92, during which time I met my wife. We've been together for over 31 years and been here in OZ since the end of 1992. In cricket, she still barracks for the English team. I've visited England for several weeks at a time, on seven occasions since 2010 and we're moving back to England permanently next year.

Plook - 6-2-2024 at 18:55

Hello Tulse, I am in American so I know nothing about cricket other than baseball may have been its red headed step child.

Hope you enjoy it here, you must be a keeper to make it past Bonny's gauntlet...:lol:

BBP - 6-2-2024 at 20:06


Welcome Tulse, glad you made it in!

Henry - 7-2-2024 at 16:18

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
HI tulse good to see you here

Thanks Eddie. I'm changing my name to Henry. That might throw you a bit.

Henry - 7-2-2024 at 16:22

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Welcome, Tulse. I was born in London, but have lived in Australia since the age of five. I'm half English and French, and permeated by Americanised media. I've always been an outsider here. Cricket is okay, but I'm not a big fan, as with pretty much all sport. I loved playing sport as a kid, but lost interest as an adult and don't watch it that often. The real football (soccer) is probably my favourite sport. I spent a year and a bit in England, 1991-92, during which time I met my wife. We've been together for over 31 years and been here in OZ since the end of 1992. In cricket, she still barracks for the English team. I've visited England for several weeks at a time, on seven occasions since 2010 and we're moving back to England permanently next year.

That's an interesting mix of country influences that you have. It is a big move to return to England. What part of the country are you heading for? I left England twenty years ago but visit a couple of times per year.

Henry - 7-2-2024 at 16:23

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  

Welcome Tulse, glad you made it in!


Henry - 7-2-2024 at 16:27

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
Hello Tulse, I am in American so I know nothing about cricket other than baseball may have been its red headed step child.

Hope you enjoy it here, you must be a keeper to make it past Bonny's gauntlet...:lol:

Cheers Plook. Those interlopers amongst the new members the other day were something else.

I've been lurking a little bit and see that this forum has been around nearly twenty years. That is very impressive. Has Frank Zappa always been the main theme here?

Plook - 7-2-2024 at 18:44

Yes, many are refugee's from the Zappa Forum that was taken down in 2022.

Bonny was a member there also and invited many to join here which was very generous of her.

I hope you enjoy!

BBP - 7-2-2024 at 21:55

Yeah this forum was founded in 2005 by a young Zappa fan, when he wanted to end it a year later I decided to take it over to save the community that had formed, so we had a place to talk about Project/Object or the latest ZFT crackdown away from prying eyes. It's been quieter than the Zappa forum most times (unless they had issues or another crash), but it has always been active, and Zappa-centered.

The forum software is XMB, which has been replaced by PHPBB a long time ago. As this site basically does what it should do, we haven't given it any technical update since like 2010 or so. It would be nice to add some sort of better implemented CAPTCHA so we can open the sign-up again.

Pride and joy on here is the Interviews and Articles section, which among others hosts a lot of translated FZ interviews:

polydigm - 8-2-2024 at 00:51

Quote: Originally posted by Tulse Tulse  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Original post.
... It is a big move to return to England. What part of the country are you heading for? I left England twenty years ago but visit a couple of times per year.
Greater London is just way too expensive, so we're looking at roughly fifty miles north of central London. One area that's looking possible is northern Essex.

It's also possible, further down the track, that we might move to France.

Where were you before and to where have you moved?

BBP - 10-2-2024 at 21:45

BF is with me for the weekend to celebrate carnaval and to help out. He's a sweetheart.

Eddie RUKidding - 11-2-2024 at 00:41

Unboxed the mancave stuff yesterday and setup the HIFI today and of course the first LP played on the Mantra was Chunga Revenge :cool:

Plook - 11-2-2024 at 02:48

Chunga is ready to spin...:cool:

polydigm - 11-2-2024 at 13:28

Nice one, Bonny.

Eddie, that’s some serious shit.

Eddie RUKidding - 11-2-2024 at 20:46

Thanks Guys, I do my best :biggrin:

Henry - 11-2-2024 at 21:08

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Yeah this forum was founded in 2005 by a young Zappa fan, when he wanted to end it a year later I decided to take it over to save the community that had formed, so we had a place to talk about Project/Object or the latest ZFT crackdown away from prying eyes. It's been quieter than the Zappa forum most times (unless they had issues or another crash), but it has always been active, and Zappa-centered.

The forum software is XMB, which has been replaced by PHPBB a long time ago. As this site basically does what it should do, we haven't given it any technical update since like 2010 or so. It would be nice to add some sort of better implemented CAPTCHA so we can open the sign-up again.

Pride and joy on here is the Interviews and Articles section, which among others hosts a lot of translated FZ interviews:

A satellite forum can be very useful, especially when the main one goes flakey. It is good that you kept it going all this time. That does indeed look like a good set of interviews and articles. I'll investigate them in due course. Strangely that subforum doesn't show up for me but I've bookmarked your link so it is a keeper.

I've been listening to Zappa for forty years but I'm not an aficionado. I've got a very wide interest in music so tend to be spread very thin, even amongst the very best. Still it does mean that I get to hear some classic albums for the first time rather late in life.

My next FZ purchase is planned to be Hot Rats. I presume that the Bernie Grundman mastered LP will be the best bet. Is that the general consensus here?

Henry - 11-2-2024 at 21:16

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Tulse Tulse  
Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Original post.
... It is a big move to return to England. What part of the country are you heading for? I left England twenty years ago but visit a couple of times per year.
Greater London is just way too expensive, so we're looking at roughly fifty miles north of central London. One area that's looking possible is northern Essex.

It's also possible, further down the track, that we might move to France.

Where were you before and to where have you moved?

I'm from southern England, west of London, but work took me too close to Sh!t City and I was stuck there for 12 years before I could escape. I went from the hottest most polluted part of the UK by LHR to the coldest in NE Scotland. I'm still there for most of the year.

I had a tiny rundown farm in France for a few years in Champagne. The summers were hot and dry every year which was great in such a green area.

Eddie RUKidding - 11-2-2024 at 21:51

Any version of Hot Rats will be good

polydigm - 12-2-2024 at 08:01

@Henry: Northern Scotland? What’s the weather like up there right now?

Henry - 12-2-2024 at 17:14

Probably it is foul. Winter lasts from October until April. It isn't my problem though as I've been in the Canaries since the start of December. Unfortunately I can't stay much longer because since Brexit we are limited to 90 days every six months.

polydigm - 12-2-2024 at 18:03

Nice! A working holiday, or are you putting your feet up?

Henry - 13-2-2024 at 15:33

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Nice! A working holiday, or are you putting your feet up?

It is very nice. I'm retired but I hike and I'm pretty exhausted much of the time. It does give me time for plenty of music and film.

Will you work when you get to blighty?

polydigm - 13-2-2024 at 18:11

We’ll both be retired, but I’m hoping to get a band together and do some gigs.

Eddie RUKidding - 14-2-2024 at 08:04

My old Asus PC finally died just got another Lenovo laptop and had to reset my password- lost the lost. Maybe I can get he old Azuz all in one PC to fire again to retrieve stuff lol

PS I'm really struggling with the new laptop screen maybe I need glasses :mad:

Plook - 14-2-2024 at 19:58

Eddie go to settings, then screen options, and set it to old man...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 14-2-2024 at 20:48

:swear:D Done thanks, also increased brightness can sort of see what i'm doing now lol

BBP - 14-2-2024 at 22:12

RIP old PC.

Back in the rat race. I have so little spare time left - maybe half an hour on working days - but I picked up one of my hobbies, knitting, again. Spent one month on a sock that wasn't finished.
Knitted thygh high stockings before and those took me about that long to make and it was a much harder pattern with cumbersomely long needles.

Discovered I made a bad mistake that would require pulling out over half of what I'd done so far.

Figured I'd start again all over. Don't want a repeat of my infamous vest that only older Zappa forumers remember. :D

Eddie RUKidding - 14-2-2024 at 22:29

Keep on Knitting, you could always do a reproduction of the knickers Zappa blanket (Panty Quilt) lol

Eddie RUKidding - 14-2-2024 at 22:50

Think i confused the UK HIFI guys lol

"same number since about 1990's. Current mobile phone is ancient Iphone pinched off wife about 10 ears ago, with data and net turned off battery copes well apart from same durex tape on the cracked screen it looks fine sort off lol"

Attachment: IMG_0266.HEIC (1.6MB)
This file has been downloaded 98 times

Henry - 14-2-2024 at 23:00

London area sounds perfect for gigs. The jazz scene has taken off in the last few years. I've tried a few of the new artists online but haven't been too inspired so far. I need to dig deeper. What sort of music do you perform?

I'm all in for wool when travelling. Merino primarily. It is warm in cold weather and cool in hot and after several wears it doesn't smell and dries easily when it has an occasional wash. However it is so fine that I'd imagine the home knitter would be 'knitting one, purling one' for an eternity just to get a cuff done.

polydigm - 15-2-2024 at 07:12

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
What sort of music do you perform?
Try the links in my signature.

Eddie RUKidding - 15-2-2024 at 08:02

Good news I got the 10+ year Asus PC to fire up and got my data, lucky I'm thinking :drool:

BBP - 15-2-2024 at 09:58

Hurray Eddie, good going!

I need to start up my old laptop as well, it needs a new battery. You know it's a tiny one that needs to go somewhere in the laptop, but I haven't figured out where yet.

At least I backupped recently so I won't lose that much of value.

Eddie RUKidding - 15-2-2024 at 21:19

CMOS battery I'm guessing - at least you have a backup :cool:

Henry - 15-2-2024 at 23:02

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
What sort of music do you perform?
Try the links in my signature.

Zappa influenced prog? I'd come and watch if you were in my area. Sounds pretty good. It'll be interesting to follow you as you get established in London.

polydigm - 16-2-2024 at 21:40

Henry, it’s always nice to get positive feedback, cheers. Frank Zappa is my favourite composer, but King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Stravinsky, Varèse and a certain style of jazz are also major influences.

Eddie RUKidding - 17-2-2024 at 19:40

and Don't forget Eddie :bouncing:

Plook - 17-2-2024 at 20:02

What about the "Be-At-Alls"...:guitar2:

Eddie RUKidding - 17-2-2024 at 20:51

Henry - 18-2-2024 at 11:02

This might be a small forum but it is concentrated with high powered creators. I have nothing to offer unfortunately, I'm just a consumer.

Henry - 18-2-2024 at 11:05

The most noteworthy thing that has happened today is that I have been informed that one of my nieces has become a nephew.

BBP - 18-2-2024 at 12:12

Having a relaing weekend.

Except I cycled for 45 minutes to the second-hand store and nearby supermarket, to find that I forgot my wallet. :swear:
Seriously since Dad landed in ICU last year my brain's been worse.

Eddie RUKidding - 18-2-2024 at 19:19

My bastard neighbours in Cohuna are at it again, even thou I'm now living in a new house 500km away they are still at it.

Yesterday morning we get a phone call from the old neighbour across the street that she has received a text message from Rachel the Bastard neighbour that late the night before she had seen someone with torches in our empty Cohuna house for sale and that her son (the Bastard Darcy- who verbally abused Mrs Eddie was away with his girlfriend).
No 1 They did not directly report this to the police, which left us to do it the next day over the phone from 500km away. took 4 hours of calls to get the bastard police to respond.
No 2 we did not need to know that Darcy was away with his girlfriend - I bet it was Darcy how broke into the house.

Upshot nothing was taken from the house but the back door was unlocked- looks like someone got in thou a window, Police are dusting the place for finger prints and real estate will keep close eye on house and bastards next door.
Good news thou we have 2 interested parties looks to buy the house.......... and professional photos will replace the existing shots- some I took shortly :mad:,+vic+3568/list-1

BBP - 18-2-2024 at 23:13

Sorry to hear about that Eddie, but I'm glad you have two interested parties!

Eddie RUKidding - 19-2-2024 at 05:58

Now they have poured Oil on our Driveway .............
Luckily our real estate agent Lexene is tough and is making them pay for professional cleaning of the driveway........

The nightmare continues

polydigm - 19-2-2024 at 12:36

What are the logistics for getting a restraining order on a neighbour. Particularly if they had to be a minimum of 500 metres away.

Eddie RUKidding - 19-2-2024 at 13:30

I have made formal complaint to Vic IBAC who were very helpful and will make further complaint to Vic Pol ethics command at their suggestion tomorrow.

Plook - 19-2-2024 at 18:20

Eddie just a thought - I am certain the bastard Darcy was away with his girlfriend, at the Cohuna house next door to your bastard neighbors.


Eddie RUKidding - 19-2-2024 at 19:23

I'm thinking your right, making more bastard Darcy's :biggrin:

polydigm - 20-2-2024 at 13:36

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
… I've tried a few of the new artists online but haven't been too inspired so far. I need to dig deeper.
Same here. Steve Vai is an amazing guitarist, but his original music does nothing for me. It’s the same with Mike Keneally. I keep trying all sorts of stuff out and ending up disappointed. Recently I tried Chato Segerer, his first two albums are interesting and I’ve just bought them. You can sample his music on Bandcamp. He’s sometimes a bit too Zappaesque, but mostly his original stuff is not bad and his band are no slouches.

Eddie RUKidding - 20-2-2024 at 20:37

Same mostly with Steve Via for me, although I do like his passion and warfare CD

BBP - 20-2-2024 at 20:56

I think I like Steve Vai's original music that I know better than that of several other alumni but it's still not material I play often. At the moment I struggle to find time to play anything. In a month Dir en Grey plays Berlin and I had promised myself to learn the lyrics to Vinushka by heart (considering I listened to that song daily for over 10 years I thought it would be manageable) but I can't even find the time to play it anymore.

What do I play now? Carnaval music, the kind that no-one seeks out voluntarily without being under the influence of the golden hop goddess. Huub Hangop's Padellen, Lange Frans' Politie and other things you'd avoid like a pile of puke on the road.

Eddie RUKidding - 20-2-2024 at 21:24

Just playing Broderick Smith Singing Ocean Deep (Andrew Durant) here- a real tear jerker, considering Brod past not long ago and this was Andys last song he wrote in 1980 before dying from cancer at 25 - what a loss to Oz and music in general- sad stuff and a great song. (this is not to be confused with the horid Cliff Richard song which came much later)

Eddie RUKidding - 20-2-2024 at 22:16

I'm listening to To Passion and Warfare- just got to the Audience is listening - cracks me up every time lol
I'm in a bad place at the moment with the bogan neighbor still driving me and Mrs Eddie crazy but music keeps us sane - just.

I started writing songs at 16, started guitar at 12 being taught by a classical guitar player in Horsham, and old lady called Mrs Fusher lol and she drove and old mk iv Jag lol still makes me laugh. My parents both played piano and dad is a Jazz pianist and of course they wanted me to play piano but Peter Green and Zappa had me hooked on Guitar from and early age - first heard Zappa on ABC Classic FM in the early 80's and I was hooked for life on Zappa. Like Varese by 30 I had destroyed all my written copies of my earlier songs- only realised that Varese had done this to his early music much later lol. Still play one or two of my early stuff from memory - sometimes one is a take on the Hippy rift (and Daddy Cool Stuff), there again only got the joke after listening to Zappa lol
My signature piece which I have posted on here is really a finger picked steel string aucostic piece called Sunshine on a distant moon which I bastardised on the electric guitar and posted to Kompoz and get some US women to do weird vocals on :biggrin: My Zappa tribute lol

PS I ca not see the cursor on the posts to edit them properly

polydigm - 21-2-2024 at 05:11

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Just playing Broderick Smith Singing Ocean Deep …
Not my kind of music. He reminds me a lot of Johnny Farnham (also not my kind of music).

polydigm - 21-2-2024 at 05:15

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
My signature piece which I have posted on here is really a finger picked steel string aucostic piece called Sunshine on a distant moon …

Eddie RUKidding - 21-2-2024 at 06:01

At under EddieRUkidding

try this link

Eddie RUKidding - 21-2-2024 at 20:58

Latest on my crazy neighbour issue - Coppers still have not acted on the oil spill issue or contacted us about the break in I had to ring them only to be told the copper involved is on 3 days leave.......... also I tried to engage a lawyer to write a cease and desist letter to Bogan Rachel neighbour, finally found a lawyer in Echuca who said she would do it, send here the info - same as I sent IBAC the police integrity unit in Melbourne(who are doing something) and she said she need $2000K up front, so I paid her direct to their account, then she rings back and says its too much/ hard to deal with and is going to pay me the $2k back- when have you heard of a Lawyer paying money back- I told her this is crazy and I will be looking to use my situation as the basis for "The Castle II movie" lol this is just nuts. PPS I'll write the letter myself.

BBP - 21-2-2024 at 21:18

A lawyer pays you back? Wow!

Eddie RUKidding - 21-2-2024 at 21:30

Yep thats what I thought too- hence my "The Castle" jib back at her

Rachel is scary and has scared most of our neighbours into keeping quiet. Only Marnie next foor to us in her 80's complained to Council about the noise- and Don (name Don Magic no kidding and ex QLD Copper detective partner and ex horse trainer- I don't rust him at all) threatened to split up from her for contacting council....................

Plook - 22-2-2024 at 02:35

As the Kiwi Turns...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 22-2-2024 at 22:28

I just got the IBAC police overview body case number - progress I hope

Plook - 22-2-2024 at 23:23

Step 33 completed...:lol:

Henry - 23-2-2024 at 09:29

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
… I've tried a few of the new artists online but haven't been too inspired so far. I need to dig deeper.
Same here. Steve Vai is an amazing guitarist, but his original music does nothing for me. It’s the same with Mike Keneally. I keep trying all sorts of stuff out and ending up disappointed. Recently I tried Chato Segerer, his first two albums are interesting and I’ve just bought them. You can sample his music on Bandcamp. He’s sometimes a bit too Zappaesque, but mostly his original stuff is not bad and his band are no slouches.

I liked Chato! having tried 3 way on the freeway and Chicksy Dix. They are indeed good players. I've added them to my list.

I've been following the electric bassist from India, Mohini Dey. She has recently released her debut album as leader on bandcamp. I'm holding off because there's no physical option, but she provides a variety of sounds from within a jazz rock Indian fusion base.

Henry - 23-2-2024 at 09:40

That is such a nightmare Eddie. As I get older I find that minor confrontations play on my mind much more than previously. This all sounds very stressful for you and Mrs Eddie and the authorities have really let you down. No doubt they are winding up the police service in Aus like they are in the UK.

Eddie RUKidding - 23-2-2024 at 21:58

Thanks Guys has been very stressful, but I think the tide is turning against the bastard neighbours, will get my home insurer next to hit them over the drivewaym even after cleaning is nasty stain

for retail therapy I brought a Taylor Big Bay acoustic guitar, takes me back up to 7 guitars - I used to have 14 until my sons got hold of 8 of them lol. I had to explain to Mrs Eddie what a bargain it was at $800 buck on sales at Deringers in Adelaide lol

Plook - 24-2-2024 at 01:26

If you need help with the bastards I know a guy...;)

Eddie RUKidding - 24-2-2024 at 11:33

Thanks Plook, is Arnie available:biggrin:

Plook - 24-2-2024 at 18:41

I was thinking of Luca Brasi...:cool:

Eddie RUKidding - 24-2-2024 at 21:10

He do, can he arrange an exon valdez type occurrence next door :bald:

PS its Mrs Eddies birthday here Sunday (67 and can get the pension :swear::swear::swear: )

Plook - 25-2-2024 at 02:31

Tell her I said Happy Birthday...:)

polydigm - 25-2-2024 at 13:28

I’ve been pension age for a year and a half now, but they give me nothing because my wife still works.

Eddie RUKidding - 25-2-2024 at 21:41

we might have the same problem, as I am working 12-15 hours a week- might just sneak in

BBP - 26-2-2024 at 20:34

Aw guys, sorry to hear all that... back here we have or had the regulation that a spouse could retire at 60 if partner was 65, but now retirement age is 67 and a bit, and I probably won't make it to retirement myself unless I lay off the cocoa.

It's a bit of a trying time for me, been having health issues I won't go into in this all-male set-up.

Plook - 27-2-2024 at 02:05

For how screwed up the US is you or your spouse can independently retire at any time, for once something...:lol:

Henry - 27-2-2024 at 10:13

In the UK you can access your private pension pot at 55. I did that, retiring at the same time. 67 is also the age of accessing the state pension in Blighty. However only half of the men in three generations of the Henry family made it to 70 so I'm not sure that I'll benefit from it. Also the amount is very low. I'm going to get £9,000 per year. There is no longer an earnings related element to it.

Henry - 27-2-2024 at 10:26

Sorry to hear that you are not in good health Bonny. Is cocoa a euphemism for anything toxic or was that just a joke?

Henry - 27-2-2024 at 10:29

By the by, the pension payments are not means tested in the UK, either on one's own financial circumstances or one's spouse. There is however a top up available of £1-2,000 which is means tested. But that rule in Aus is unnecessarily mean.

BBP - 27-2-2024 at 20:48

No I'm a terrible chocoholic, can't get enough of the brown stuff.

Dad's recovering though, he had a X-ray taken and the bone was healed, he can get out of the sling.

Had quite an adventure this morning. Had a bit of a rough night and heard my father calling me from downstairs at 6:30, the time I had to get up - because there was a power failure in the neighborhood. Tried to get dressed, went down, discovered cell phone torches give a lot of light. Made tea the old-fashioned way, in a pan of water, dressed my dad for his hospital appointment and had to skip breakfast - but I made it to work on time. Still need to set the alarm clock to the correct time.

Eddie RUKidding - 27-2-2024 at 23:55

Mrs Eddie is doing here her pension application but can't find her tax file number lol

PS I've turned up the Brightness on the new laptop and I can see again :drool:

Henry - 28-2-2024 at 14:31

Ah yes, chocolate. I don't have an off switch for chocolate or anything else high in sugar (or flour) but bars with >=85% cocoa solids work well for me. A square or two and I'm done.

It is good that your father is recovering well.

BBP - 28-2-2024 at 21:20

I wake my chocolate in many degrees of percentages and many types of special flavours, I'd tell you more but I already downed a box today and I need to stop that, so...

Will be visiting BF tomorrow again for a few days, hurray! Taking a bit down time from caring for Dad. He can do more though, he can already do most of his dressing.

Plook - 29-2-2024 at 00:31

That is good news about your dad Bonny, and chocolate calls out to me also...:cool:

Henry - 29-2-2024 at 10:35

I used to have short working trips to Belgium and bring back chocolate as gifts. That was the best I have had and I became popular with the recipients of the boxes.

Over on the Maverick HiFi forum Eddie, as PC Hobbs, I think I am about to get banned after my contributions to the General Election thread. I've ripped into New Labour voters and, as we know, that accounts for most of them.

Henry - 29-2-2024 at 11:30

And now in the 2 channel forum I've asked them if I need 2 subwoofers. Apparently I do!

Eddie RUKidding - 29-2-2024 at 20:02

LOL I'll have a look - did you see my post about Trump and the AUKUS agreement :devil:
Maybe too many woofers lol
At least the stupid AUKUS agreement would end under Trump- but not a good way to stop it 😉

AUKUS (/ˈɔËkÉ™s/ AW-kÉ™s), also styled as Aukus, is a trilateral security partnership for the Indo-Pacific region between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Announced on 15 September 2021,[1][2] the partnership involves the US and the UK assisting Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines.[3] The partnership also includes cooperation on advanced cyber mechanisms, artificial intelligence and autonomy, quantum technologies, undersea capabilities, hypersonic and counter-hypersonic, electronic warfare, innovation and information sharing.[3][4] The partnership will focus on military capability, distinguishing it from the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance that also includes New Zealand and Canada.[5]

Henry - 29-2-2024 at 20:58

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
LOL I'll have a look - did you see my post about Trump and the AUKUS agreement :devil:
Maybe too many woofers lol
At least the stupid AUKUS agreement would end under Trump- but not a good way to stop it 😉


Nice one, some good news about the potential election of Trump. That was a curve ball which none of them can play!

Eddie RUKidding - 1-3-2024 at 01:22

Well I think like it or not The Orange one will get back in :mad:

Henry - 1-3-2024 at 02:54

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Well I think like it or not The Orange one will get back in :mad:

If he does they might not get him out until he pegs it. He'll last longer than a John Edrich last stand.

Henry - 1-3-2024 at 02:57

Hey I've been promoted to a Hot Rat!


Eddie RUKidding - 2-3-2024 at 00:41

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Well I think like it or not The Orange one will get back in :mad:

If he does they might not get him out until he pegs it. He'll last longer than a John Edrich last stand.

Or Colin Cowdery :D

polydigm - 3-3-2024 at 04:16

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
... I've ripped into New Labour voters and, as we know, that accounts for most of them.
Before I get the wrong end of the stick: One could trash the ideas of New Labor from either end of the spectrum. Do you mind me asking from which direction your criticism comes? I'll go first: New Labor sucks, but I'd sooner cut my own right hand off than put Tories anywhere on a voting slip other than at the bottom.

BBP - 3-3-2024 at 14:36

Back from BFs. We had to cut our Sunday together a bit short as he'd agreed to meet with friends to go to see Dune 2 - as a result of which BF and I watched Dune 1 together.

I'm not a scifi person but I understand a ton of references now.

Henry - 4-3-2024 at 11:44

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
... I've ripped into New Labour voters and, as we know, that accounts for most of them.
Before I get the wrong end of the stick: One could trash the ideas of New Labor from either end of the spectrum. Do you mind me asking from which direction your criticism comes? I'll go first: New Labor sucks, but I'd sooner cut my own right hand off than put Tories anywhere on a voting slip other than at the bottom.

I'm on the left. I tend to have more issue with New Labour types than the Tories because they tend to virtue signal and hide behind political correctness and identity politics but are really little different in substance from those who declare themselves as right wing. It seems to be similar with Americans who describe themselves as 'liberals'.

Eddie RUKidding - 5-3-2024 at 00:05

Was playing "You Are What You Is" LP to the bastard neigbours over the weekend- has to go back and mow lawns tied etc for up coming open house- they were playing their usual mix of gansta rap and C&W lol- last time I played them Zappa ring of fire- don;t think that went down well :mad:

Plook - 5-3-2024 at 00:29

Eddie give them the complete Thing Fish album next time, that will teach them...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 5-3-2024 at 01:03

Good thinking but I've only got it on Vinyl and can only play CD's back in Cohuna . Maybe 200 Motels the Opera version ESA Pekka Salonen, I'm sure they are ready for it after YAWYI :biggrin:

Henry - 5-3-2024 at 01:34

Have you tried an opera soprano on full bore?

Eddie RUKidding - 5-3-2024 at 01:46

Have done some previously using Mrs Eddies CD's :devil:

BBP - 5-3-2024 at 21:37

Nice ging, I fully intend to do the same with our beyond noisy neighbors with my Varèse collection.

Eddie RUKidding - 5-3-2024 at 22:23

LIke your think, I have one Varese CD will give them a taste of ionisation next time....:biggrin:

Eddie RUKidding - 7-3-2024 at 00:50

I finally got around to fixing the small rust holes in hte Hillman Hunter Safari wagon- its only taken me 10 years to get around to it lol

Plook - 7-3-2024 at 16:17

Your project list must be like mine, with a substantial backlog...:lol:

BBP - 7-3-2024 at 21:33

The only thing better than Friday is a weekend starting on Thursday. :)


Eddie RUKidding - 7-3-2024 at 22:25

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
Your project list must be like mine, with a substantial backlog...:lol:

Yep and thats just my list, I try to avoid Mrs Eddies list of things for my to do :guitar2:

I aim to make everyday a weekend day ;}

Plook - 8-3-2024 at 17:57

Help I’m a Rock.

I was having a conversation with someone and I brought up an article I read, I know how resourceful you all are and I was going to ask for some assistance locating what I believe was something I read at least 20 years ago but could have been 30 years ago.

It dealt with the belief that the Beatles chief competition in the 60's was the Rolling Stones, while we all know there was a back and forth between these bands in their releases. The author posited a different theory that made me raise an eyebrow that in fact the Beatles rival in musical advances was the Beach Boys.

As I read on in began to make more and more sense as the writer compared various contemporaneous albums and songs of these great bands through the years.

The author points out as you listen to these bands’ releases over the years the battle was ever increasing layers of harmonies and vocals as well as more intricate cord changes while adding multiple instruments to create the familiar orchestral baroque pop of these bands as they advance into far more complex works.

I briefly tried to find this story and could not, but I know I read it long before the internet became the thing in some publication.

Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you all.

Eddie RUKidding - 8-3-2024 at 21:22

Don't know of the article but the Beatle did see the Beach Boys as their competitor (or at least Brian Wilson), with Pet Sounds being the litmus test for St Pepper

A quick search on B(G)oggle finds this

The Beatles were listening closely to The Beach Boys when they wrote Rubber Soul, and Brian Wilson was listening right back. “Rubber Soul is probably the greatest record ever,†Brian wrote in his memoir I Am Brian Wilson. “[It] came out in December of 1965 and sent me right to the piano bench,†he said. “It wasn’t just the lyrics and the melodies but the production and their harmonies… [it was] almost art music.†The song that came out when Brian went to his piano and tried to top Rubber Soul? “God Only Knows,†which Paul McCartney later called his favorite song of all time.

“God Only Knows†is indeed one of the greatest songs of all time, but Brian wasn’t content to stop there. He wanted to make a grand, album-length statement just like The Beatles did, and that statement was Pet Sounds. Brian was fully in the director’s chair, handling songwriting, production, arrangements, and the bulk of the lead vocals (with lyrical co-writing by Tony Asher), and the result was a deeply personal, psychedelic, baroque pop album that pushed the boundaries of pop music further than he or anyone else had yet. There’s not an ounce of filler, and — with the help of over 40 session musicians — it was some of the most intricately arranged pop music that anyone in 1966 would have heard.

Among those listening? The Beatles of course. The influence of Pet Sounds would fully reveal itself on 1967’s Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, but it already crept into The Beatles music on 1966’s Revolver; “Here, There and Everywhere,†which was one of the last songs Paul wrote for Revolver, was said to be directly inspired by Pet Sounds. Like Brian Wilson, The Beatles and producer George Martin were growing increasingly interested in string and horn arrangements on Revolver, which showed on the definitive baroque pop of “Eleanor Rigby,†the french horn solo on “For No One,†and the horn section on “Got To Get You Into My Life.†The band and engineer Geoff Emerick were also learning to use the studio as an instrument, coming out with the backwards guitars of the psych-folk gem “I’m Only Sleeping†and the deeply psychedelic “Tomorrow Never Knows.†George Harrison was even more into Indian music during the Revolver sessions than he was when making Rubber Soul, as heard on “Love You To,†which didn’t just use sitar but dove head-first into Indian classical music. The influence of LSD was prevalent all throughout Revolver (and non-album singles “Paperback Writer†and “Rainâ€). It was the most overtly trippy music that either The Beach Boys or The Beatles had released yet.

Eddie RUKidding - 8-3-2024 at 21:33

PS my Hotmail email account is blocked by some scam bot or something has been trying to hack my account and it seems that it is frozen out for good- I have been trying to reset it for a week now- talking to my IT son he says the hotmail is no longer supported by microsoft and its days are numbered

Is a pain as I have many thing linked to that email and I have had it for years- but looks like I have to get a gmail damn damn damn :freak:

Eddie RUKidding - 8-3-2024 at 23:19

Yeah, I managed to recover my hotmail using Mrs Eddies, was dangerous (she was not happy) as had to reset Mrs Eddies as well.
She said "just write down my new password lol

Plook - 9-3-2024 at 00:16

Great article find concerning Beatles/Beach Boys.

BTW - When getting my resume together my older daughter and sister said nix the Hotmail so I added a Gmail account, I believe I have six because I had to have one each time I got a new phone (every two years since 2011 for work) and I never kept track of them.

I fortunately was able to log into the last one because I figured out the password but I did leave my Hotmail on there also, because like you Eddie it is woven into my fabric of internet access.

Eddie RUKidding - 9-3-2024 at 00:42

Yes nice article- I have book "A Day in the Life" which is a good Beatle read and goes into the Beach Boys thing

Yep I hate emails and the internet in general - it used to be a nice place a long long time ago............

Plook - 9-3-2024 at 00:55

Yes, On computers a long long time ago, on an internet far far away...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 9-3-2024 at 01:02

Yep I date from the time of Bulletin boards and dial up lol

even used punch cards at Uni at RMIT on a thing called the Cyber mainframe in Fortran :biggrin:

Plook - 9-3-2024 at 17:08

DZ announced he is week a 30 city US tour ROX(POSTROPH)Y playing selections from the Roxy and Apostrophe albums...:guitar2:

Eddie RUKidding - 9-3-2024 at 20:25

Good to hear Plook, will you be going?

BBP - 9-3-2024 at 21:15

Fixed a flat tire today. This is like my second flat tire in one week. Same wheel too - except the first time I brought it in to be repaired.


Plook - 9-3-2024 at 21:53

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Fixed a flat tire today. This is like my second flat tire in one week. Same wheel too - except the first time I brought it in to be repaired.


I joined DZ site long ago so I will have access to pre-order Tuesday hopefully they come to Sacramento but San Francisco will work for me.

Plook - 9-3-2024 at 21:54

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Fixed a flat tire today. This is like my second flat tire in one week. Same wheel too - except the first time I brought it in to be repaired.


Good job Bonny, I taught my girls how to change a tire when I taught them to drive.

polydigm - 10-3-2024 at 01:37

Just so as they wouldn’t call you up when they got a flat?

Plook - 10-3-2024 at 13:34

Poly LOL...:lol:...I never thought of it that way, maybe it was a subconscious motive.

My oldest daughter and Kel (Like my daughter) had to call me once when they got a flat (Blow out actually).

Where they pulled over it was a busy highway with a ditch on the other side (pre cell phone so they must have walked to a pay phone). By the time I got there a man had seen their predicament and helped them pull off the road and changed the tire for them.

It was about 40 minutes from the house, super dangerous two lane road people drive 70 mph on it, was an intense location, surprised she landed the thing ok it was a front end blow-out.

BBP - 10-3-2024 at 14:02

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Fixed a flat tire today. This is like my second flat tire in one week. Same wheel too - except the first time I brought it in to be repaired.


Good job Bonny, I taught my girls how to change a tire when I taught them to drive.

Just so you know it's my bicycle tire. I still don't drive (and really shouldn't).

Henry - 10-3-2024 at 15:53

I wrote a reply earlier about puncture fairies and fitting car tyres with tyre levers but it has disappeared into the ether, never to be seen by the world. Never mind, it wasn't that interesting.

Eddie RUKidding - 10-3-2024 at 21:29

I have not had a flat for at least 20 years - touch wood. I think people tend to replace their tyres (tires for US folk) more often than in older times.

PS Henry, Klassik asks if you can check your emails

Plook - 12-3-2024 at 01:02

I had a blow-out on the first trip to So Cal with Kat after I met her in 2018, we were coming back and on the I5 crossing the Grapevine early in the morning right after sunrise doing about 80mph the road was 5 lanes I was in the middle and there were cars around us.

I saw some metal debris checked my mirror and moved to the number 2 lane but there was more debris I tried to straddle it making my way back to the left but I didn't want to over compensate at that speed and roll the car.

I piece caught the inside of my left rear and it blew, I had already stepped out of the gas but we were on a downhill; grade so we had some momentum. I just fought the wheel kept her under control and made it to the side of the road.

Kat gave me some props for pulling that off, just thank god it wasn't a front end wheel, I have been to that rodeo before and its a crap shoot.

Eddie RUKidding - 12-3-2024 at 04:23

That was a close call Plook and at 80MPM, here if caught 30KPH over the posted limit you loose your licence - max legal speed here is 110KPH(68MPH), except in the Northern Territory where its 130KPH but there is no one to caught you there anyway :drool:

Plook - 12-3-2024 at 14:30

It is 70 mph here on certain long stretched of road and California has an unofficial rule that you can exceed the speed limit by 10 mph...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 12-3-2024 at 20:20

They are certainly much mor e relaxed about speed in SoCal, here in SA most highways are 68MPH but you can only crib about 3MPH before the cops get nasty and in the eastern states- VIC, NSW its most 60MPH max with no over limit tolerance and speed cameras everywhere - good revenue raiser :drool:

BBP - 12-3-2024 at 21:13

My contract as customer service agent at Prijsvrij got extended, so I guess it wasn't a bad day - except I got next to no sleep.

Have a Bossche Bol. My treat.

Eddie RUKidding - 12-3-2024 at 21:58

Good news Bonny, except for the sleep :bald:

Plook - 13-3-2024 at 01:14

Good to hear Bonny!

Plook - 13-3-2024 at 01:19

DZ is playing San Francisco in August, the band is; Scheila Gonzalez (saxophone, flute, keyboards, harmonica, vocals), Kurt Morgan (bass, vocals) and Ryan Brown (drums, percussion, vocals) and two new members guitarist Zach Tabori and keyboardist Bobby Victor...Its a tricky date for me schedule wise but I can't miss this if at all possible it has been over 4 years...:freak:

Eddie RUKidding - 13-3-2024 at 01:28

Nice, would love to see it too. i saw DZ with Steve Vai in Brisbane in 2009.

BBP - 13-3-2024 at 21:02

Wow, is Scheila still with him? She's a wizard.

polydigm - 14-3-2024 at 01:24

Trombone was a big part of that era's sound. I'm also not sure I like his mash up idea.

BBP - 16-3-2024 at 16:28

In one notable case of brain fart, I left the cheese I bought at the office. Went there to get it. It's 0 min cycling, then 20 mins train and 7 minutes walk there so I did some shopping in 's-Hertogenbosch as well. Very nice town.

Plook - 16-3-2024 at 19:34

Bonny the whole area you live in is one of the most picturesque and awesome places in the world, but man that long winter is a show stopper for me, I can barely get through our winter...:lol:

BBP - 17-3-2024 at 00:10

Long winter? What do you mean? We had maybe one day or two with a little bit of snow this winter season and it's currently unseasonably warm.

Henry - 17-3-2024 at 12:23

Another suspicious whistleblower event, this time in the States.

Eddie RUKidding - 17-3-2024 at 21:54

At least its not Postman Pat going to Jail again :duh:

BBP - 18-3-2024 at 11:20

Took Dad to see Gruppo Sportivo live to their tour stop in 's-Hertogenbosch, giving me extra mileage out of my train suscription and a lot of earworms.

Total respect for the band, playing perfectly fine and having 3 shows a week planned - frontman is 76 years old, the drummer, keyboard player and of course the fantastic Bombitas are in roughly the same age category. Tour is called "Let's age on stage".

Here's part of the show at a different location, showing off the showwomanship of the Bombitas:

Henry - 18-3-2024 at 14:45

It is good when the musicians can keep performing well into old age.

Sadly the bands that I liked back in the day didn't sound good after about 1980. Half of the members are dead now.

BBP - 20-3-2024 at 20:37

Here's Gruppo's song Henri for you:

polydigm - 22-3-2024 at 02:33

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
It is good when the musicians can keep performing well into old age.
Enough of the old age thing. I'm 68 and just getting started. I swim a kilometre 3 times a week to stay fit and have a diet that is mostly pretty healthy. Fanaticism with diet is boring and unnecessary, you can make enough adjustments to keep healthy, without sacrificing the pleasure.

The truth is, and always has been, that youth is wasted on the young. When you're young, it's still important to keep fit and eat well, it's just easier to get away with not doing that.

(Walks out the door straight under a bus)

Henry - 23-3-2024 at 11:21

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Here's Gruppo's song Henri for you:

That sounds like quite sophisticated seventies pop and a fine song title to boot. I recall the band's name from way back so they must have had some UK sucess at some point. I'm more familiar with Focus in terms of NL bands though.

BBP - 23-3-2024 at 12:11

Yeahg their big hits were Beep Beep Love and Hey Girl.

Off to prepare for my Holiday In Berlin.

Henry - 23-3-2024 at 13:51

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
It is good when the musicians can keep performing well into old age.
Enough of the old age thing. I'm 68 and just getting started. I swim a kilometre 3 times a week to stay fit and have a diet that is mostly pretty healthy. Fanaticism with diet is boring and unnecessary, you can make enough adjustments to keep healthy, without sacrificing the pleasure.

The truth is, and always has been, that youth is wasted on the young. When you're young, it's still important to keep fit and eat well, it's just easier to get away with not doing that.

(Walks out the door straight under a bus)

Long may you stay fit and healthy Sir.

Henry - 23-3-2024 at 14:02

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Yeahg their big hits were Beep Beep Love and Hey Girl.

Off to prepare for my Holiday In Berlin.

Have a good time in Berlin. City breaks are great, especially for a country bumpkin like myself. I'm just back from short breaks in Edinburgh and most recently Aberdeen where I saw a concert by a young Scandinavian jazz trio.

BBP - 24-3-2024 at 10:12

In the category "way to go stupid" I dropped the battetry of Dad's eectric bicycle on my toe. It only fello over but ah 1,5 kg it is quite painful.

ursinator2.0 - 24-3-2024 at 17:41

Electric bikes are killer machines, i'll stick with my regular ones - hope, you are fine anyway ;-)

BBP - 25-3-2024 at 20:33

Heck yeah. I had to cycle Dad's bike when we went to hospital for an appointment and they wanted to keep him there - he told me to put it into 3rd gear. I did - and very soon in second - and then first gear, utterly terrified of that thing.

Unfortunately the family suffered another blow. The wife of dad's eldest brother died last Sunday, it barely registered with us how badly ill she was but she succumbed to a heart attack. She was 74 Dad's in shock, not only because she meant the world to my uncle, but also because he will probably not be able to continue living on his own. Dad had expected after last year's events that he'd be the first of the five to go.

Plook - 25-3-2024 at 22:12

Bonny sorry to hear about the loss to your family...:(

polydigm - 26-3-2024 at 01:03

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
Long may you stay fit and healthy Sir.
That is the plan. My main philosophy at the moment is getting on with what I enjoy and not putting it off because you never know. One of my wife's cousins in the UK was found dead in his flat a week ago and he was only a year older than me.

polydigm - 26-3-2024 at 01:04

Bonny, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss.

BBP - 26-3-2024 at 21:34

We're still waiting for news around the funeral...
while I'm planning BF and my stay in Berlin. Dad didn't want us to give it up.

Plook - 27-3-2024 at 00:08

That's great I agree with him, you need to live your life!

BBP - 29-3-2024 at 20:07

Tickets are printed, train tickets are bought and loaded, all I need to do now is pack my stuf and then make it a not too late night.

Plook - 30-3-2024 at 00:39

Have fun, get some pictures...:)

Eddie RUKidding - 30-3-2024 at 18:43

No sale in Cohuna - was close had local Vet interested in buying house and was on second viewing during open house yesterday (Saturday) but next doors Bogan boy was home during viewing for interested Vet- she was disappointed as really wanted the house but explained to our agent that doing shift work as vet she could not live next to that) and bogan bastard boy played loud gansta rap music and made lots of noise throwing scrap metal in to skip bin in their front yard (skip bin has been there for 6 months). Another buyer is coming next week to look hopefully more luck

Think we wont do any more open house viewing- just gives next door heads up as to when to be bastards. Will tell real estate to do inspections by appointment only. Agents was really pissed off with next door as they went out of their way to disrupt viewing.
Another reason for me to flatten Bogan Boy next time I go to FuCohuna.

Hells Angels as tenants is on the cards again 😉

Plook - 30-3-2024 at 19:43

Those dam bastards...:swear:

Eddie RUKidding - 30-3-2024 at 21:07

Yep definitely planet of the Apes but another is looking at it next week..............

Woke up at 4.30am couldn't sleep is really getting to me and Mrs Eddie
Been youtubing The Party Boys and Tim GAxe lol

Eddie RUKidding - 2-4-2024 at 04:59

Hope no one has OD'd o Easter Eggs. :devil:
I'm off for the rest of the week to my eldest Sons wedding in Adelaide which should be good.

At least it wont be like the wedding in the OZ movie Dimboola - filmed near my old home town of Horsham lol

polydigm - 2-4-2024 at 05:23

We don't normally eat much chocolate, but Julie always manages to get carried away with specials approaching Easter. I am looking at a rather large bowl of left overs.

Eddie RUKidding - 2-4-2024 at 06:34

Sounds good to me poly, now I need to make room for the wedding feast lol

Plook - 3-4-2024 at 01:37

Enjoy Eddie!

BBP - 4-4-2024 at 17:07

Guess who's back!

Plook - 4-4-2024 at 20:34

Welcome back Bonny...We want pictures please...:)

BBP - 4-4-2024 at 21:34

They'll come in good time! I need a new good picture upload site though.

Eddie RUKidding - 5-4-2024 at 04:16

Back wedding went well - No Dimboola incidents at all lol

Except maybe my facial expression ;)

Attachment: IMG_0309.HEIC (1.4MB)
This file has been downloaded 75 times

Plook - 5-4-2024 at 17:23

Eddie - The picture attachment is don't work no more...:lol:

Henry - 5-4-2024 at 20:11

Is that you in the middle Eddie?

Eddie RUKidding - 5-4-2024 at 21:08

Yes unfortunately - I was not even drunk, as Henry has found if you change the file extension to jpeg it works lol

Some more pics

Eddie RUKidding - 5-4-2024 at 21:17

Eddie RUKidding - 5-4-2024 at 22:31

More wedding Pics- note Best man is youngest son

Plook - 5-4-2024 at 23:09

It's amazing how normal we all look for being Freaks...:lol:

Kapt Kirk was the exception

I miss the good Kapt and Dean...:(

Eddie RUKidding - 6-4-2024 at 08:38

You wont Believe it but me and Mrs Eddie ran into an Ex Pom called Paul at the Kingston Hotel who was also at the 1970 Isle of Wight Rock concert - the same as Mrs Eddie and saw Jimi Hendrix do his last show.
Paul particular liked Country Joe and the Big Fish at he concert.
He was only 12, Mrs Eddie was 13 lol.
Paul got done for sailing his uncles yacht across from Portsmith without permission and got nabbed by the police when they tried to sail back as the Uncle reported the yacht stolen lol
Mrs Eddie got grounded for 2 months as she was not meant to be there either- said she was at friends place in Gosport :biggrin:

Plook - 6-4-2024 at 19:55

For the wedding of Kat and I, my daughter got that same redwood frame with the cloth draped on it that the wedding you attended had...:)

Eddie RUKidding - 6-4-2024 at 20:13

Nice one Plook, here it was likely to be timber from the local River Redgum tree (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), an incredibly hard wood that will blunt the toughest saw. think its called a weed in your part of the world but its Australia favourite tree type downunder.

Red gum is so named for its brilliant red wood, which can range from a light pink through to almost black, depending on the age and weathering. It is somewhat brittle and is often cross-grained, making hand working difficult. Traditionally used in rot resistant applications like stumps, fence posts and sleepers, more recently it has been recognised in craft furniture for its spectacular deep red colour and typical fiddleback figure.

Henry - 8-4-2024 at 00:44

Redgum were a decent band too.

There is something special about that shot of father, son and daughter in law. If I was creative I'm sure that I could come up with a hundred captions.

I noticed that the original photo had a strange file extension but Xubuntu opened it automatically in GIMP.

Henry - 8-4-2024 at 00:58

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
You wont Believe it but me and Mrs Eddie ran into an Ex Pom called Paul at the Kingston Hotel who was also at the 1970 Isle of Wight Rock concert - the same as Mrs Eddie and saw Jimi Hendrix do his last show.
Paul particular liked Country Joe and the Big Fish at he concert.
He was only 12, Mrs Eddie was 13 lol.
Paul got done for sailing his uncles yacht across from Portsmith without permission and got nabbed by the police when they tried to sail back as the Uncle reported the yacht stolen lol
Mrs Eddie got grounded for 2 months as she was not meant to be there either- said she was at friends place in Gosport :biggrin:

Hilarious. Can you imagine the outcry now if a young person took charge of a yacht. My closest thing was hitchhiking with my younger brother to the Motocross
Grand Prix. We were 12 and 11 or 13 and 12, something like that. It was hellish in the camping area with drunks driving transit vans within inches of our tent throughout the night and then we got attacked by older loons who had been glugging party cans of Harp Lager. It was a horrible night that has put me off camping at moto events for life. It is the same people there nowadays, just fifty years older.

The racing was good the next day though. Graham Noyce I think it was.

Eddie RUKidding - 8-4-2024 at 03:29

Nice one Henry.
Yes was great wedding
Re Isle of Wight
I've even got a DVD of that concert but have not been able to pick out Mrs Eddie, she also told me she got in without a ticket lol

Henry - 8-4-2024 at 15:02

Yes it looked like a happy day.

Have you seen the Miles Davis Isle of Wight video on YouTube? It was after Bitches Brew was released. Mrs Eddie might be on that one, certainly she wouldn't have forgotten it. Absolutely incredible and great sound quality on the video too.

I've now played In the Court of the Crimson King a few times. My jaw dropped the first time I heard Epitaph. That beautiful melotron opening was Barclay James Harvest's signature sound through to the late Seventies, ie for as long as they were good. Much of the rest of Epitaph sounded very similar to what they were doing in 1971.

Arguably their best studio album, Time Honoured Ghosts from 1975, has a track called Moongirl which is lyrically similar to Moonchild.

In other words BJH owe an enormous debt to King Crimson.

Eddie RUKidding - 8-4-2024 at 22:59

Indeed it was - have Andy and Kate (youngest son & best man at wedding & partner) here in Kingston now for a few days before they drive back to Brisbane- Kat has not been to SA before so will be showing her the sites around here. Gets confusing having Matt & Kat (just married) and Andy and Kate- I tried not to get there names mixed up lol.

Sounds like BJH followed KC closely. I've got several KC LP's but not In the Court as I have not been able to find a vinyl copy for reasonable dollars but have a copy of the young person guide to KC- which has a lot of Court on it.

Miles Davis funny you should mention - will have to check it out on utube- I brought a 2nd hand CD of the Legacy version 50years of Kind of Blue- 2 CD & 1 DVD the other day for $4 bucks lol

BBP - 9-4-2024 at 22:00

Gosh I love that record album.

It's been a rough couple of days getting back to work, as the tourist indusrty is getting busier and busier by the day now and I'm still trying to get back into work mode after Berlin. I still need to upload my pictures and write down my story about it.

Eddie RUKidding - 9-4-2024 at 22:42

That Lp is certainly a fav of min too - will have to dig it out and play it again.

Br good to hear your stories from Berlin Bonny.

BBP - 14-4-2024 at 09:16

While we're still waiting on the Berlin photos and road trip report, here is the video I made of Dir En Grey:
Click here since I don't allow embedding on this one.

Which shows why, for this band, the ladies queue for hours in advance. If you go on time to the concecrt you'll get trapped in the mosh pit and if you go too late, like I did, you don't see a thing - but at least the sound is good.

BBP - 16-4-2024 at 11:18

Dad's celebrating his birthday today, he's 69. Hurray!

polydigm - 16-4-2024 at 12:28

Happy birthday Ed!!

Plook - 16-4-2024 at 14:07

Quote: Originally posted by BBP  
Dad's celebrating his birthday today, he's 69. Hurray!

Tell him I said happy birthday Bonny...:)

BBP - 18-4-2024 at 21:47

Thanks guys!

Unfortunately he's had some hopefully minor medical issues (I'll spare you the details but he once made a topic about it) that was extremely painful for him. H's on the mend but not a happy bunny,

BBP - 24-4-2024 at 19:52

Dad's sort of recovering but still grumpy. I'm trying to hang on but work and Dads situation are making it hard.

Eddie RUKidding - 24-4-2024 at 21:24

Keep in there you will get thru

BBP - 26-4-2024 at 21:41

Dad's almost back to his regular eating pattern and I showed my "good side" at work by doing a bit of overtime. Desperate times and not enough people.

Plook - 27-4-2024 at 21:40

Good to hear your dad is making some progress, hang in there Bonny.

BBP - 28-4-2024 at 10:44

Doing what we can! Today that's laundry, washing up and taxes.

Eddie RUKidding - 28-4-2024 at 22:46

Does that make for very clean Taxes :D

BBP - 2-5-2024 at 19:50

Got a rent increase notification today - a pretty significant one. Not happy.

Spent an hour talking to BF on the phone. I'm planning to stay over at his for a couple of days during Assumption.

BBP - 4-5-2024 at 08:47

I'm covering the emergency hotline this weekend - never looked forward to Monday this much. I'm basically stand-by outside office hours.

Plook - 4-5-2024 at 15:06

Back in the 2003-5 when I worked at North Star we had a pager that one person had to wear on the weekend to be on call for an account out of Germany that was providing internet service world wide.

You got paid more to wear it but you had to respond to a call on site within 2 hours. No matter where you were and what you were doing you would have to up and leave.

It was great if it didn't go off because you got paid to wear it, but if it did you could be in for a long day or night or both.

Eddie RUKidding - 4-5-2024 at 22:34

So could you bring down the Internet World Wide- just asking lol

BBP - 5-5-2024 at 10:10

Last evening I had 5 calls in one hour - I thought "if this keeps up the like 25 euros I'm paid for this are no way near enough". May 4th is WW2 remembrance day and I was worried I couldn't be silent for 2 minutes at 8 o'-clock, but after that the calls stopped and I didn't receive any others the rest of the night.

Eddie RUKidding - 5-5-2024 at 23:26

Not good, maybe you friends could call you or an autodialler :freak:

BBP - 6-5-2024 at 20:05

Unfortunately I was called at 2AM today...

with a stupid question.

WHich may be preferrable over a client who's in deep doodoo at that time of night, but still annoying.

Eddie RUKidding - 6-5-2024 at 22:15

Tell them the answer is 42 :cool:

polydigm - 6-5-2024 at 23:00

We became grandparents in January. They live in London, but have just been over here to visit family. We had them here for just over two weeks, it was great to see them and interact with our granddaughter, but things have now returned to normal. I still got plenty of practice in while they were here, but I need to knuckle down to get my first album finished by the end of June.

Eddie RUKidding - 6-5-2024 at 23:25

Keep on keeping on Poly

Henry - 7-5-2024 at 19:53

Apparently bands in the UK only get paid £350 for a gig and even then only if they're doing covers.

It doesn't seem like a career for working class folk.

Plook - 7-5-2024 at 21:24

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
We became grandparents in January. They live in London, but have just been over here to visit family. We had them here for just over two weeks, it was great to see them and interact with our granddaughter, but things have now returned to normal. I still got plenty of practice in while they were here, but I need to knuckle down to get my first album finished by the end of June.

Congratulations on the granddaughter!

Eddie RUKidding - 7-5-2024 at 23:39

My Super Fun has been off line for 2 weeks and I keep getting emails from the CEO advising of progress to get it back on line ...............
Latest excuse is that its a Google Cloud issue- So I emailed back with the Rolling Stones song - Get Off Of my Cloud

An update from UniSuper CEO Peter Chun
7 May 2024
Dear Mr Eddie RUKIdding

Thank you once again for your patience during this outage.

Our team, in partnership with Google Cloud, worked throughout last night and today, and have continued to make progress towards getting our systems back online.

Restoration of services
We remain on track for the progressive restoration of member services starting Thursday, 9 May 2024. Please note, as previously advised some services will still be limited as we continue the restoration.

Several FAQs are available on our website, and these are being refreshed regularly.

What happened?
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Eddie RUKidding - 8-5-2024 at 21:41

My pension super fund is still down ...............
Luckily I pulled most of it out 6 month ago...............

UniSuper members worried about superannuation balances as provider outage enters 7th day

BBP - 10-5-2024 at 20:55

Congratulations Poly, great news!

Back from the BF! Hoping I can soon visit him again.

polydigm - 13-5-2024 at 19:59

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
Apparently bands in the UK only get paid £350 for a gig and even then only if they're doing covers.

It doesn't seem like a career for working class folk.
Luckily, our move to the UK is part of a retirement plan. I worked as a teacher of maths and physics because I knew there was never going to be any money in music.

Eddie RUKidding - 13-5-2024 at 23:20

I've suggested to Mrs Eddie that we go to the UK for a year or so and she can be a bartender, as she has 9 years work history in the UK with 1 more she would qual for UK pension- pays more than OZ, plus I could get free Beer...

Mrs Eddie was not a supporter of that idea :bald:

BBP - 14-5-2024 at 21:19

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
Apparently bands in the UK only get paid £350 for a gig and even then only if they're doing covers.

It doesn't seem like a career for working class folk.
Luckily, our move to the UK is part of a retirement plan. I worked as a teacher of maths and physics because I knew there was never going to be any money in music.

Well, that. I wish I realised the consequences a bit earlier. :bald:

I'm under the weather, bad cold with hoarse voice. Doesn't combine well with a talking profession.

BBP - 16-5-2024 at 20:23

Got off the hook talking for two days, doing mail work instead. Still coughing and hoarse though.

Eddie RUKidding - 16-5-2024 at 23:50

Sounds like a good idea Bonny - hope it helps
I've been done in for last 3 days with food poisoning from neighbor's gift of some lemon slices.
I still shudder at the thought of them.........

Luckily for Mrs Eddie she does not eat sweets so didn't partake but I can still blame her (sort of) as the slices where a return gift for some Onion Bhaji that Mrs Eddie gave the neighbor the she had made.

BBP - 17-5-2024 at 23:45

Found an OV traffic card on someone's name. Took a bit but thanks to Google and Meta spying on everything we do I now know his full name, former name, birth date, height, weight, handedness, what sports team he plays for and what elementary school he went to.

This feels weird.

Eddie RUKidding - 18-5-2024 at 00:22

Former name, is he working as an agent lol

Plook - 18-5-2024 at 01:10

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Sounds like a good idea Bonny - hope it helps
I've been done in for last 3 days with food poisoning from neighbor's gift of some lemon slices.
I still shudder at the thought of them.........

Luckily for Mrs Eddie she does not eat sweets so didn't partake but I can still blame her (sort of) as the slices where a return gift for some Onion Bhaji that Mrs Eddie gave the neighbor the she had made.

I'm sorry but I couldn't resist...:lol:

Eddie RUKidding - 18-5-2024 at 01:44

Scared the Shite out of me - hope it did have Lemon Squeezer in it :freak:

polydigm - 20-5-2024 at 00:24

Bonny, that's not just weird it's wrong. It's good that you mentioned that, because it's a real example that our data does get around where it shouldn't. There are supposed to be all kinds of safeguards built in so that the only items of your data that get shared and to whom, are those for which you give permission, and the receivers of that data are bound to keep it private. What's the protocol where you work?

BBP - 20-5-2024 at 11:48

Basically every potential data leak is to be reported straight away. Sometimes, if we need to check in for clients, we have more data than we need and we're not allowed to store it.

I contacted the young lad's hockey club and they requested I mail them the OV card.

In other news, I bought a concert ticket to see an artist I first saw live in 2001. Floor Jansen.

Plook - 31-5-2024 at 00:20

Boom goes the dynamite in New York...:guitar2:

Eddie RUKidding - 31-5-2024 at 00:43

House arrest maybe...............:lol:

BBP - 2-6-2024 at 18:18

BF just left again. In my youth I was a fan of Dutch symphonic metal group After Forever - my boyfriend was a fan of symphonic metal group The Gathering. The front women of those bands, Floor Jansen and Anneke van Giersbergen, had a double bill in Eindhoven yesterday.

Which was good fun, although a tad more pop-oriented than I had anticipated.

Calvin - 2-6-2024 at 21:59

It was just "there", not doing anything, so I deleted the Unmoderated site. I never came up with another purpose for it, and with a server change the outdated forum software did not look right anymore.

Eddie RUKidding - 2-6-2024 at 22:07

Which site was that..........

BBP - 2-6-2024 at 22:16

Aww sorry to hear that, I had some great times in the past there with Catpuke and Dove Grey.

Calvin - 2-6-2024 at 23:18

No worries, it's been a dead forum for years now.

BBP - 3-6-2024 at 19:21

One of the major tour operators FTI went bankrupt - meaning serious work ahead today. Had to call dozens of people to inform them their booking for tomorrow is cancelled.

Eddie RUKidding - 3-6-2024 at 21:57

Seems to be sign of the times :duh:

BBP - 4-6-2024 at 20:41

Sadly it's the way of the world. We'll see how things will work out but for now, there's plenty of work to do for us.

BBP - 5-6-2024 at 20:53

The incessant rain is taxing the people in Germany, where already 5 people are kille due to high water.

It's been dry now for four days, and pleasant and sunny to boot. The rain has caused the first mosquito wave to break out a month before it usually comes. There are pools and ponds everywhere - consequently there are a lot of aquatic birds appearing in the city. I hear frogs in places that were previously just field.

And there's a snail infestation in my province.

Eddie RUKidding - 5-6-2024 at 21:29

Just a cold and sometimes wet (not often has been relatively dry) winter here

Plook - 5-6-2024 at 23:00

105 in the Nor Cal today :shocked:

Eddie RUKidding - 6-6-2024 at 19:34

Heading to Cohuna (Fucohuna) to pick up the VW New Beetle, tentents have moved into our house there last weekend- still listed for sale as investment property- the real estate market in Rural Oz has tanked- interest rates are to high forcing people into the rental market.

Plook - 7-6-2024 at 00:16

The house is really nice Eddie

BBP - 8-6-2024 at 19:42

When you cycle for 30 minutes to a shop, want to buy something - and discover your wallet's still at home... know you're a Ploeg.

Eddie RUKidding - 8-6-2024 at 20:26

Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
The house is really nice Eddie

Thanks Plook - it just the neighnours that suck ;)

Henry - 13-6-2024 at 19:00

Quote: Originally posted by polydigm  
Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
Apparently bands in the UK only get paid £350 for a gig and even then only if they're doing covers.

It doesn't seem like a career for working class folk.
Luckily, our move to the UK is part of a retirement plan. I worked as a teacher of maths and physics because I knew there was never going to be any money in music.

It is a shame and probably accounts for the lack of innovation these days where the the talent pool is reduced to the children of millionaires. I'm currently returning from the Isle of Man TT and every night there was a different band in the campsite marquee massacring numerous ancient pop and rock songs. I'd much sooner hear some original music from a middle aged jazz / art rocker or anything else really. I took my evening beers by my tent at the other end of the field.

Henry - 13-6-2024 at 19:05

Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
The house is really nice Eddie

Thanks Plook - it just the neighnours that suck ;)

Sorry to hear that your Cohuna nightmare continues Eddie. At least you can get some money coming in for the time being.

Eddie RUKidding - 13-6-2024 at 21:43

Quote: Originally posted by Henry  
Quote: Originally posted by Eddie RUKidding  
Quote: Originally posted by Plook  
The house is really nice Eddie

Thanks Plook - it just the neighnours that suck ;)

Sorry to hear that your Cohuna nightmare continues Eddie. At least you can get some money coming in for the time being.

Thanks- Is good to have it rented out. The property market is Rural & Regional Australia has collapsed, in Cohuna nothing has sold there this year- the sad state of the economy and too many interest rate rises have spooked the market. Houses are still selling in the captial cities for now but any more interest rate rise could caused a market collapse I believe with Australia being one of the most unaffordable places in the world to buy housing..........

BBP - 14-6-2024 at 13:47

Visited the vet, no, the doctor, for the first time in four years, for the same reason, and with pretty much the same results.

I'll spare you the reason besides mentioning I'm now immune to horror movies.

(goes off to play Cradle of Filth)

Plook - 14-6-2024 at 19:27

Good news, I used to watch a lot of those movies not so much anymore but I am a huge Sci-Fi kinda guy...:D

BBP - 14-6-2024 at 19:53

Netherlands has a major scarcity in medicine - for a long time a vague idea but I found out today when I needed medication for the issue I hinted to in my previous post - I need it today, it'll be available from July 3rd. If I hold out for that long, I won't need it anymore.

Discovered how insane the medicinal scarcity is when I looked it up - medicines for schizophrenes, epilepticcs, diabetics - the list of scarce medication is highly long.

Henry - 17-6-2024 at 18:42

Meanwhile in the UK there is medicine that my doctor says I need but the local NHS region won't allow her to prescribe. So I have to purchase it from a grubby online pharmacist at great price.

Bit by bit our societies are deteriorating in the provision of health services, roads, social security, housing, living standards, employment security etc etc. I've seen it happening since the late Seventies and it is happening throughout the western world. And the people who understand and care about it are effectively disenfranchised.

It is all pants and it is cold and wet outside today too. Beer is required.ðŸº

Eddie RUKidding - 17-6-2024 at 22:30

Yep the standard of living and services (forget tech its a smoke screen), has been steadily declining for decades and the gap between the wealthy and the rest has increased beyond doubt.

BBP - 18-6-2024 at 20:07

Yesterday I worked too lte by accident. I'd started half an hour earlier and ended up leaving 25 minutes after work ended, so not much progress :/

On the way home, as I approached a busy crossing, an ambulance chopper hovered over the road. Had to cross the road on foot, bicycle by the hand. Five police cars, fire brigade, 2 ambulances were still on the scene.

Had I not left too late, I could have witnessed a horrible car crash, where a car ran into a pedestrian at high speed. The pedestrian didn't make it.

In miscellaneous news, there is serious train delay between home and work, which is very annoying. Today I was so ocused on leaving early and taking the bus, that I forgot to take my medication - or bring it for lunch.

Eddie RUKidding - 18-6-2024 at 23:14

At least you missed the crash

Plook - 18-6-2024 at 23:46

Yes it is no fun witnessing something like that, I have and it sticks with you.

polydigm - 21-6-2024 at 16:02

I've just released my new album on BandCamp.

Delusions Of Grandeur

I would ask you to just look up the artist Turbulator, but unfortunately for me, there are a whole bunch of items, including another artist, that come up with the search term of Turbulator. I'm particularly attached to it, so won't be changing it any time soon. That other Turbulator is from the Netherlands I think and hasn't been active for many years. Step aside, I'm just getting started!!

Maybe I need to be an artist with at least one album for some time before I appear in searches.

Anyway, I've already sold a copy of the digital album. I think it might be Arkay from days. I was taken very much by surprise because I wasn't expecting it to sell. The notification popped up by surprise in the middle of me designing my page banner, not long after I'd published the album.

ursinator2.0 - 21-6-2024 at 19:48

Congrats on that major step, the first million is always the hardest to earn, as they say in the trade ;-)
My "little" sister (54 years old) has released two novels in the past months and put lots of money, time, and effort into it but it is very hard to gain a name in the biz, maybe some day? Hope it will work out better/faster in your case.
Btw, did you shoot the coverphoto by yourself (and what is the meaning of the bottle opener)?

BBP - 21-6-2024 at 21:22

Aww sweet of Arkay! Congrats on your sale!

Had a rough week for it, due to train constructions my commuting time doubled, but I hope it'll be over after this weekend.

polydigm - 23-6-2024 at 16:01

Quote: Originally posted by ursinator2.0  
… Btw, did you shoot the coverphoto by yourself (and what is the meaning of the bottle opener)?
Yes. It’s a kind of sculpture I put together a while ago on a shelf in my studio. Beer is mentioned in one of the songs and also in the program.

ursinator2.0 - 23-6-2024 at 20:50

I see, so your obviously not only talented in sculpturing air molecules ;-)
My first guess about the bottle opener was that it might be related to the trash container in terms of producing/avoiding/recycling waste.

polydigm - 24-6-2024 at 20:24

The main intention is that it relates to the theme of delusions of grandeur.

BBP - 25-6-2024 at 14:56

Back in the doctor's cycle, even took sick leave today. Oh help.

polydigm - 25-6-2024 at 20:04

Sorry to hear that Bonny. All the best.

BBP - 28-6-2024 at 11:32

Called the doctor today to see if we can put in some blood work today. In the mean time Im waiting. I'm too faint to do very much though. Have been playing lots of computer games involving cats (BF gave them to me. I love cats a lot and always wanted to have one, but he doesn't, so I try to indoctrinate him with kitty love a bit. )

BBP - 29-6-2024 at 09:31

So yesterday I called the doctor, and by 1 o'clock I got the OK to request the blood test.

Thing is, I couldn't do this on Monday and as they wouldn't work weekends, and by Tuesday the issue might be gone to come back next month in full force (it being cycle related). As it was already midday and I tried to get it done the same day, I checked out the options - the only place where I could get the blood work done within a manageable distance was in Veldhoven, at 45 minutes cycling.

Due to construction works it became an hour, after getting the blood tapped I went to the city center there to browse shops and stuff, and then cycle back.

So I guess I'm not as poor as earlier this week. Hurray!

Plook - 29-6-2024 at 14:31

2 hour round trip on a bike your a stud Bonny, I can barely get to Starbucks and back...:lol:

BBP - 2-7-2024 at 07:38

Called the GP yesterday for the better part of my lunch break and prepaid bundle for the results of my blood test (no anemia and no clotting issues), and to make an appointment for further testing (smear, brrr, brrr, brrr) but they couldn't see if there were slots, and I'd have to call back in the morning.

Call back in the morning - no place available. :swear: Appointment for next week due to work.

BBP - 7-7-2024 at 10:17

Apparently there were riots in my home town last night after the victory of the Dutch over the Turks.

Don't you just love football?

BBP - 9-7-2024 at 13:33

Doctor's tests went ok, the results will be in in 5 days. I expect them to be negative.

Eddie RUKidding - 9-7-2024 at 23:27

Good to hear Bonny, hope its all good news.

BBP - 11-7-2024 at 19:17

Been a rough week again with the train works making me get up earlier, leave home earlier and spend more time commuting. I don't get enough sleep either, with general stress and my health and DED of course.

Yesterday was a bad day for it. As my team at work discussed the chances of the Dutch team at Euro 2024, I was the only one convinced they were going to lose and I told them "if they win tonight, I'll wear my orange dress tomorrow."

Way from the station became a small disaster when I got in the train in the wrong direction. Which takes half an hour to arrive at the next stop. And then I had to go back. I called my dad to warn him to eat, as I would certainly not make it home in time for dinner. I didn't have any time at the station to grab anything more substantial than a sandwich to eat. Arrived home at 7:36, an hour and a half later than normal.
The sandwich I had on the train couldn't cut it so I got the munchies and baked 2 eggs. One egg had gone off and I got diarrhoea.
Went to bed shortly before the match was over, to a 1-1 tie, and on my way to bed I cut my foot so badly I need to go downstairs again for a bandaid.

Went down, heard Netherlands had lost the game, fixed up foot for the night, went back - and discovered I had to remove several blood stains off the carpet.

Barely slept a wink. I'm ready for this week and need to work one more day.

Eddie RUKidding - 11-7-2024 at 23:32

The Weekend is close your almost there :forumsmiley82:

Plook - 12-7-2024 at 01:15

Bonny the good news is you don't have top wear the Orange dress...:grin:

Henry - 12-7-2024 at 12:56

It sounds like you are having a bad time of it just now Bonny.

Sorry about the football the other day.

Other than those involved with the team, the English don't deserve their success. The near universal moaning and complaints and calling for the sacking of the manager throughout the tournament have been way over the top against a fellow who has been our most successful of all time.

Great work with your new album poly. I've sampled it and added it to my long list. Have you thought of offering it for donations only? You might make a bit more that way and certainly would get more listeners and perhaps even develop a small but loyal audience. This is slightly different but I recently heard of a chap in a small English town who decided to promote concerts by progressive jazz groups. He was charging a reasonable £15 admission and got audiences of 20 or so. Then he made them donation only and the place started filling up and takings rose considerably. There were more people coming and whilst they often paid a pittance there would be the odd prosperous person who'd make a substantial contribution.

Anyway, that's just a thought, it might be nonsense.

BBP - 12-7-2024 at 19:53

Yay, weekend! :bouncy:

I've moved on from phone duties to complaints department at work. It's very interesting, and I work with a gaggle of fantastic ladies.

tinkamok - 16-7-2024 at 17:05

We here in England have joined the losers club in the football :biggrin:
The better team won fer sure .

BBP - 16-7-2024 at 17:22

It's another blissfully quiet day off today. I'm still waiting for the test results from my GP, as it's been 5 working days and they said this is how long it would take.

I fully expect them to either show nothing at all, or to have gotten misplaced again.

Plook - 16-7-2024 at 19:20

I'm praying for a good result for you Bonny!

On the humorous side I almost said a "Positive Result" but that wouldn't be good when it comes to medical testing...:duh:

BBP - 16-7-2024 at 21:21

Unless it's a blood type test.

BBP - 20-7-2024 at 10:43

It's a typical Indian summer: cool wet, cool wet, cool wet, bit warmer wet, nicely warm, very warm, hot thunderstorm, cool wet cycles of a week or 2.

Been so busy I hadn't even been able to switch on my computer for days.

Blood test is in, was good. Smear still isn't in.

Plook - 22-7-2024 at 19:15

President Kamala...:bouncing:

BBP - 22-7-2024 at 20:04

I am really really happy now that I'm on complaints.

Because of the Major Power Outage caused by literally 1 incorrect file name in the wrong place, still has its repercussions in he form of hundreds of flight cancellations, causing a lot of financial damage in the travel industry.

Plook - 23-7-2024 at 00:20

You must be very busy.

BBP - 23-7-2024 at 10:01

No not yet, but I will be in a few weeks. The high season for complaints is always a bit later than high season in travel.

BBP - 24-7-2024 at 09:10

Nothing to see on the echo except my age :(

Plook - 25-7-2024 at 01:21

Its good news then...:grin:

BBP - 25-7-2024 at 21:18

It's the best result as it's one that doesn't require surgery - but it is the result I was fearing, because it means very early menopause. There are numerous ways to fix the issue of too much blood loss but all of them means there's a big strike through starting a family, and that's a door I didn't want to close.

Smear still isn't in but if that test were positive it would be a disaster, so we're waiting patiently for that and then probably I'll have to swallow it all as inconvenience.

tinkamok - 26-7-2024 at 17:10

Wishing for good news for you Bonny .

Plook - 26-7-2024 at 17:28

Hopefully it will be good news Bonny