Originally posted by punknaynowned
nice to find what your looking for when you have all but given up hope in ever finding it.
Some may know, the news often makes me a chain-smoking ranter wallowing in bitter delusions.
"Why can't people just learn the facts and take simple steps to get along?"
So this year, as dumb as it may sound I've been trying to entertain myself otherwise. I started watching tv again, but online. This is significant
because I haven't watched any in 15 years. That's right, no American Idol, no Family Guy, South Park, Friends or Seinfeld. No reality tv, no Mtv, no
No local TV.
Yeah, I needed a break from the news which I still get but on a much more limited field: the internet.
So I watch 30 Rock on hulu and the animated starwars clone wars shorts on starwars.com
I'm also following some youtube 'stations':
-- travelfilmarchives
-- TheRealNews
-- communitychanne
yeah, I'm being cautious, taking baby steps
I run into people on the street and they want to talk about politics or 'philosophy' and I couldn't care less. The more the conversation is about
using certain language framed inside certain viewpoints, the less interested I become.
Of course, I can talk about my interests all day, but they're specialized and most people don't care about it at all. So I don't bring it up.
On the other hand, I can sit and look at pretty pictures all day. Or learn how to use my new camera. Because pretty pictures happen all the time.
It's just a matter in capturing them and knowing how. Like Fido's gorgeous snaps. He was there at the right time and got the light and
frame-in-time, but knew how to do that and which filter or lens or shutter speed etc might work.
But rarely do you find pictures that are that good.
I've also begun to be a fan of big art books. Because the internet isn't there yet, though books can't feature video, they still have a leg up on
quality in my book. |