
The Fountainhead

scallopino - 1-12-2008 at 05:54

I finished The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand a few days ago. It's one of those books that you hear about all the time and finally decide to read it. She's an interesting person and it's a pretty inspiring piece of work. It's certainly not a literary classic though I don't think. Some of it's very clunky and amateurish.

Has anyone else read it?

BBP - 1-12-2008 at 16:10

I know of it... and am thinking of reading it. The story sounds interesting enough!

My sister's read it, hope I can convince her to drop in.

DED - 1-12-2008 at 19:15

she has her own fountainhead at Amsterdam Zeeburg

scallopino - 2-12-2008 at 05:10

It's definitely worth it Bonny. It's quite long but easy to read.

punknaynowned - 2-1-2009 at 09:15

I read that and Atlas Shrugged and Anthem, one after another, the year after high school. It probably made me a worse achiever overall. Maybe not.
But I was quite a pretensious snot then, too. You think I'm bad now. Phew!:crying:

scallopino - 3-1-2009 at 09:00

I liked We The Living. That was the first Ayn Rand one i read, because it was the smallest one. I found in the Fountainhead that narrative sort of falls down whenever she goes into a preachy mode. People just start behaving in very unlikely ways in order fit the preaching; for example, there are times when everybody all of a sudden start behaving like sheep in order for the main character to stand out, if that makes sense.

punknaynowned - 3-1-2009 at 14:37

you're totally right.
her novels are a vehicle for her preaching, not the other way around.

BBP - 3-1-2009 at 17:40

I'm sure many authors use their work for preaching...

punknaynowned - 4-1-2009 at 11:51

who else would do that? :biggrin:

Huck_Phlem - 26-1-2011 at 03:38

My mom liked her books I had a copy of Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged I got from her. I wish I still had them if anything just to have something from my Mom. She was a fun person to talk to until she started getting into right wing hate radio then it wasn't so fun talking to her.