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I don't suppose it's possible to make gluten free speculaas?
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It should be... seen some around. Are you on a gluten free diet then?
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I just thought I'd try it to see if it made any difference. One thing that has stopped is the manic itching I had on the skin on my legs. There is a
detailed explanation of what it is about the gluten that ultimately causes the itching and I won't go into that, but abstaining from it appears to
have worked.
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The recipes I see use almond flour. I wouldn't recommend it with the soft filled speculaas, that would be avoiding gluten by eating a lot of cyanide.
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We're having another heat wave of 40°C weather here. Not much work being done outside, but I managed finish digging out a tree base the other day.
That was hard work.
We use almond flour sometimes, but mostly an off the shelf mixture of non gluten flours which is not too bad. It's a combination of corn starch, rice
flour, tapioca starch, rice bran and guar gum.
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Heat waves aren't really the kind of weather for speculaas.
Good job on the tree base!
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Going to the doctor tomorrow for my eye... brrr.
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Had a tear test. The outcome of all the tests was nothing unusual that could explain the sudden blurriness, so now I have an appointment with the
neurologist for Wednesday.
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fuck, Bonny, when will they find what the problem is?
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Beats me...
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Quite a day and it's not even noon...
The neurology appointment was today, after the intake and the preliminary testing I was set up for a VEP-scan (with electrodes on the head) and an
MRI-scan. The MRI takes time to plan, but for the VEP I am "lucky", that's tomorrow.
Worse was the Christmas card we had from my uncle, informing us that they found cancer on my aunt.
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Merry Christmas! (Oh, and your aunt has cancer.) Not a very uplifting card.
Hi there.
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Well, they're not as laconic about it... It was clearly written by my aunt out of the name of both of them. Auntie is a dear, but she's not the
brightest crayon in the box. And when you visit her you'll mimick her speech for a fortnight.
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't Was the day of the VEP test. VEP stands for Visual Evoked Potential.
For this test I was not allowed to wash my hair or use any hair products or make-up today. You get a very, VERY tight hat on, like a swim hat, there
are electrodes on that. The assistant then makes scratches on your scalp so the electrodes are in better contact with your nerves. That was rather
My hair was rather high after the ponytail was removed, so I got a tight strap around the chin that wasn't exactly pleasant. I sat in front of a
screen with a chessboard pattern on it, with a yellow square in the middle. I had to focus on the square while the chessboard pattern switches colour.
The total time for the test is about 20 minutes, in total 2 minutes of staring for each eye.
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The way you describe it conjures up this image in my head, Bonny:
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So, I hope there weren't any untoward results from that last test Bonny. Are they any closer to knowing what's up?
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I don't know. The assistant couldn't tell me much and now I'm waiting for the MRI-date.
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Computer died, computer nearly learnt to fly by the window, computer was
dismembered and thrown in garbage can, baby computer is on its way.
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Sorry to hear about the PC, that blows... hope you didn't lose much data!
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well, most of it is copied on an external hard drive but a few recent folders are gonna be missing, I hoped my computer would start one last time so
that I may transfer the mising bits etc, etc, but it didn't want to. The boring thing is that I'll have to reinstall a bunch of softwares, etc on the
new one, but well...
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