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Spent quite some time fixing a broken video cassette. Failed.
Dad spent five minutes with it. Succeeds.
One of those days...
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Picked up my new passport. Nowadays you're no longer allowed to smile on your passport photos. It's like there's a new Bonny who's much crankier.
Sheik Yerbouti Status
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Then I guess you should change your mood to "grumpy."
Today I took my daughter to a Boy Scout camp in the Santa Cruz Mountains. For the next ten days she'll be looking after a group of eleven-year-old
girls; teaching them the basics of camping, first aid and so forth.
It's in the middle of a redwood forest. All the trees were cut in 1906 in order to rebuild San Francisco after the earthquake/fire. The trees are now
80-100 feet tall, which sounds impressive until you realize that many of the trees that were cut down were 1000 years old and more than 300 feet
I hope she has a good time. Personally, I'd just stand there and gape at the trees...
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That IS impressive... We do have a few very old trees that are huge, but they've usually become interred and their largest branches are mistaken for
trees. Trees don't get that big here. Must be the climate. (looks out at the rain)
After yesterday's lengthy town stroll, my legs hurt terribly. I had a great night's sleep.
It was interrupted by my boss. I'd forgot to set the alarm. Second time in 10 years of newspaper delivery that that has happened.
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Bought a vinyl Fillmore East. And a karaoke CD-I.
Sheik Yerbouti Status
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I bought a table saw, so now I can - like - saw tables...
Frank Zappa Status
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You saw it, you bought it.
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Well, I'm taking another short hiatus from After that little brush-in with Trendmonger I realized that I tend to take those things too
seriously sometimes.
In other news, I managed to download the most recent version of XMB forums. I'll check and see what it looks like (and I'll need to consult my father
a little too, after all it was him who resurrected this forum after James's... ahem... issues, and he knows a lot more about computers than I).
Hopefully I'll be able to get it to work soon, so that the log-in bugs can be resolved.
It doesn't seem to be too hard, but I really wouldn't want to make a mistake and lose all the fondness and writings here.
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Trendmonger must be a hundred and forty by now!*
*Very rough estimate.
Frank Zappa Status
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looks like Trendy got some snails in his oats the other day 
you were right bon, that review board is not the easiest thing to find even if were printed on the ticket... or zpz or any other
do what you want of course, but like you said, it's him that needs a break.
Now to figure out where to put 'em...
that whole place has taken a downturn. Maybe it's just the summer dog days.
the show I saw in kansas city saturday held no surprises.
Dweeze was sick the gatekeeper said and I could tell he wasn't all the way on, seemed tired.
But still went thru all the motions, the band was great, Joe kept tellin jokes and making Dweez smile, Schiela was awesome, Jaime got in a couple
great extended bits -- the most bluesy AND avant stuff of the night I'd say. Ben was just fine. This being the first I'd seen him, I was critical,
but he's just fine. He should meet Napoleon. Whatever. Got to hear Apostrophe and Lucille and Outside Now -- which was the high point of the night
for me. They played for 2 hours with a break before the encore. I like the venue, outside and with the sun going down it got cooler and we had a
breeze in the audience that I don't think they had onstage in that shell...
Overall I thought they were sloppy and a bit disjointed even in transitions within songs, bum notes all over, noticed only because Glynn had the sound
absolutely perfect for what they do and in that space. But it wasn't at all bad and there were a number of highlights. Many more people got to see
them and were blown away.
on a more personal note, I'm fine. Still sleep a lot, on the mend. We'll see how I feel next month.
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Good to hear you're doing well, Punky! You got me a little worried!
Shame Dweezil wasn't feeling well... He wasn't too healthy at De Effenaar either, he had had some gastric distress.
I'm feeling a little better now myself, so I'll be visiting the forum again today. And after visiting the library I'll check up on how the update
version of XMB works.
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Looks like the big update will be around for tomorrow!
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Mood: cough*blowme* cough
I finally got a job offer! I will have to travel a long distance but it sounds like a good job.
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That's great Huck! Congratulations!
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Good for you Huckster!
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good news, Huck!
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I found Gabriel Knight 2! YES!!! And I hadn't even finished playing with the other two installments yet!
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Made lots of photos from the graffiti art zone here, for the third time. They'll show up on the Photo thread but I need to transfer them to harddisk
Sheik Yerbouti Status
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Mood: cough*blowme* cough
So I get there to the Airport. (SFO) which is a 21.10 dollar round trip and that is after riding 5 miles to the train station on my bike. The lady
tells me the job is only 18 hours and my fair is 1/3 of my wages. I told them I would still do it as it's a job and better than nothing.
Then the fucking lady tells me i am over qualified? what the fuck does that mean except that she can't think of a better reason to refuse me the
It's been about a week now and the contact who told me over the phone that I was going to be hired has not responded to any of my emails. what a
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What can you do about it? Can you do anything?
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