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Eddie RUKidding
Good news Bonny
South of the Border
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Good news Bonny , i am glad it went well .
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Excellent news Bonny!
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My eldest son, who has atrial fibrillation, had a heart procedure on Wednesday, called an ablation. It seems to have gone well, but only time will
tell. On average, after one ablation, about 50% remain AF free. Here's hoping this is the one.
Bonny, it's good to hear that Ed's procedure went well.
Eddie RUKidding
Hope everything goes well Poly
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@polydigm - hope all goes well .
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Sorry to hear about your brother, Poly...
Dad's having issues. His left foot is not getting enough blood. Surgeon wanted to see him straight away, but that wasn't possible and now Dad got in
the first opening - December 4th.
Here's hoping it's not a bad omen...
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Aaaanyway I'm back as well, laptop charger short-circuited and blew a fuse.
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@polydigm - That is the procedure I had September 1st, it worked really well, but they did a Cardioversion on me about a month before to reset my
heart beat...The doctor here said they had a success rate much higher I believe he said 90%.
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Bonny, son, not brother.
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Oh my I'm sorry, I should read better... Sorry to hear about your son.
Dad's foot is killing him (it's not getting enough blood). Hospital appointment tomorrow.
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Quote: Originally posted by Plook  | @polydigm - That is the procedure I had September 1st, it worked really well, but they did a Cardioversion on me about a month before to reset my
heart beat...The doctor here said they had a success rate much higher I believe he said 90%. | It's nothing to
do with cardioversion. My son has lost count of how many cardioversions he's had, which is why they've tried the ablation. Ablation success rate
relates to time interval after the procedure. If you were getting attacks fairly regularly, then stopping for a year or two would be some kind of
improvement, but if they eventually come back, does it count as a success? There is a higher success rate after a second. It's difficult to get a
consistent view of success rate when you look into it.
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Took Dad to his hospital appointment - he was admitted straight away. He gave me a huge shopping list to bring from home.
As I was halfway packing, Dad sent me an app sayinghe had his CTA scan and all his veins were clear - foot issue was caused by chilblains.
(Dad refuses to put the heater on if hes home alone, and last year I had to bargain to get him to set it to 17 degrees C)
This morning Dad sent me another app saying they still want to do more tests, since only 3 of his toes are affected, so I need to bring his clothes
after all.
Adding insult to injury, I lost my wallet on the way to hospital, containing my ID, public transport card and my bank card. As such I can't pay
anything unless it's cash. I still have some cash around but not a fortune so I need to be careful. Will be searching for my wallet again today.
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Hi Bonny ,
Good news about your dad , and i hope the tests give good results .
Sorry to hear you lost your wallet ,that can be a big problem .You may have to contact the bank and cancel your card just in case the "wrong" person
finds it.
Best of luck finding your wallet Bonny .
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Someone found it, thank goodness.
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There are many of these "found it and returned it" stories out there. They need to be taken note of, as too many people are trying write humans off as
a bad lot, whereas the bad ones are the exception, not the rule. The problem is a kind of statistical noticeability thing. Everyone who gets wronged,
bitches about it, until everyone hears it, whereas everyday, decent human behaviour gets taken for granted and very few people say anything about it
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Someone found it and put it in my mailslot today!
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That is good news Bonny and must be a great relief .
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Start of Zappadan is today.
I won't be able to indulge on FZ now or in the near future inbetween Dad and new job.
Eddie RUKidding
So Dad does not indulge in Frank
South of the Border
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