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Bonny the good news is you don't have top wear the Orange dress...
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It sounds like you are having a bad time of it just now Bonny.
Sorry about the football the other day.
Other than those involved with the team, the English don't deserve their success. The near universal moaning and complaints and calling for the
sacking of the manager throughout the tournament have been way over the top against a fellow who has been our most successful of all time.
Great work with your new album poly. I've sampled it and added it to my long list. Have you thought of offering it for donations only? You might make
a bit more that way and certainly would get more listeners and perhaps even develop a small but loyal audience. This is slightly different but I
recently heard of a chap in a small English town who decided to promote concerts by progressive jazz groups. He was charging a reasonable £15
admission and got audiences of 20 or so. Then he made them donation only and the place started filling up and takings rose considerably. There were
more people coming and whilst they often paid a pittance there would be the odd prosperous person who'd make a substantial contribution.
Anyway, that's just a thought, it might be nonsense.
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Yay, weekend! 
I've moved on from phone duties to complaints department at work. It's very interesting, and I work with a gaggle of fantastic ladies.
Apostrophe Status
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We here in England have joined the losers club in the football 
The better team won fer sure .
"Music is the only religion that delivers the goods" F.Z.
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It's another blissfully quiet day off today. I'm still waiting for the test results from my GP, as it's been 5 working days and they said this is how
long it would take.
I fully expect them to either show nothing at all, or to have gotten misplaced again.
Joe's Garage Status
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I'm praying for a good result for you Bonny!
On the humorous side I almost said a "Positive Result" but that wouldn't be good when it comes to medical testing...
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Unless it's a blood type test.
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It's a typical Indian summer: cool wet, cool wet, cool wet, bit warmer wet, nicely warm, very warm, hot thunderstorm, cool wet cycles of a week or 2.
Been so busy I hadn't even been able to switch on my computer for days.
Blood test is in, was good. Smear still isn't in.
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President Kamala...
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I am really really happy now that I'm on complaints.
Because of the Major Power Outage caused by literally 1 incorrect file name in the wrong place, still has its repercussions in he form of hundreds of
flight cancellations, causing a lot of financial damage in the travel industry.
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You must be very busy.
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No not yet, but I will be in a few weeks. The high season for complaints is always a bit later than high season in travel.
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Nothing to see on the echo except my age
Joe's Garage Status
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Its good news then...
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It's the best result as it's one that doesn't require surgery - but it is the result I was fearing, because it means very early menopause. There are
numerous ways to fix the issue of too much blood loss but all of them means there's a big strike through starting a family, and that's a door I didn't
want to close.
Smear still isn't in but if that test were positive it would be a disaster, so we're waiting patiently for that and then probably I'll have to swallow
it all as inconvenience.
Apostrophe Status
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Wishing for good news for you Bonny .
"Music is the only religion that delivers the goods" F.Z.
Joe's Garage Status
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Hopefully it will be good news Bonny
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I’m sitting here in a motor home in Champsecret in France, in the driveway of my cousin Christine. We’re really enjoying catching up with family
and we have been spoilt for three nights in a row at three of my cousins places so far, but we’re all sad too because my aunt, at 81, is dying of
lung cancer. We’re glad to have had the opportunity to visit her - luckily it hasn’t affected her mind and we’ve been able to have a good talk
and express our feelings.
Back to England on Wednesday to spend more time with daughter, son in law and granddaughter.
The circle of life.
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Sorry to hear about your aunt Ploy... <3
I just got back from my BF, which was long overdue, I hadn't seen him since the concert on June 1st. We looked after the home of one of his sisters -
the one with 2 bunnies and an aquarium. She surprised us all by telling us they were going to get a kitten.
I had a great weekend in spite of my lady issues, we went for a walk and saw hares, watched videos, played a game and solved a puzzle and did other
couple things.
Joe's Garage Status
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Sorry to hear about your Aunt Poly, but glad to hear your getting to visit with your family that is great.
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