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Had my end of year review with my new Line Manager Thursday and it went well, still getting push back for the San Francisco Market taking a lot of
effort to complete engineering packages...One of the other 2 guys working in my Market took a stress leave for 60 days, he is 30 something family man
but I sensed he was struggling, us old guys were brought up to keep ploughing ahead...Guess who gets to split his work load...
Eddie RUKidding
Hi Plook, can related to that - my former line manager (in my current role of 5 years, Regional Manager, previously I used to run a division of Water
Tyco/ Pentair is Oz)- he quit being Sales Manager and dropped back to Commercial Manager/ Sales Engineer, after he divorced and now has 4 boys under
15 to bring up- he is about 50 and has been with the company of 15 years.
Needless to say, he has taken January off on long service leave and left me, part time 3 days a week, to do sales and commercials for the next month-
I hope he comes back 
How are the fires going..........
South of the Border
Joe's Garage Status
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Registered: 11-7-2022
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Fires are crazy and that dumbass Trump is blaming the governor, not climate changes...stupidity is on the march...and he wants to force Panama to give
the US the canal and if that were not enough wants to take over Greenland, what freaking dumbass.
Eddie RUKidding
and Also Dumbass wants Canada........ lol
South of the Border
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It's the last few days of the AIVD puzzle, which needs to be handed in tomorrow. I'm torturing myself basically, squeezing out the last few notes.
Eddie RUKidding
Sounds fun
South of the Border
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Yesterday they asked me to come help in the Sales department. Ended up sending out tons of mails with questions from people who don't know Google or
Oh well. Got my life back now!
Eddie RUKidding
Good for you
"don't know Google"
lucky them
South of the Border
Joe's Garage Status
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Registered: 11-7-2022
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Good for you Bonny, is any of it fan mail...
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Yesterday one of the complaints I handled called back irate. I spoke to her for an hour. Or basically she shouted at me for an hour.
Joe's Garage Status
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Registered: 11-7-2022
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Interfacing with customer service complaints your doing gods work Bonny!
Eddie RUKidding
Good one Bonny, guessing it was not like this
South of the Border
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Fortunately I could recharge over the weekend, getting some laundry done and cooked. I did burn my thumb, cut my finger and cut my palm, but that's
what you get when you're out of practice.
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I'm still in baby seal mode and was treated by another heart-warming group of little howlers today. Otherwise I'm really looking forward to bedime.
Eddie RUKidding
Its 8am here - and things are just starting
South of the Border
Joe's Garage Status
Posts: 599
Registered: 11-7-2022
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I'm exhausted working 11 to 12 hour days and putting in 5 to 6 on the weekend, got in a dust-up with a Construction Manager and had to report it, I
will try to give the details over the weekend...News flash Dear Leader lied again this morning at a press briefing it must be Thursday...
Eddie RUKidding
they are leaking out his arse at a rapid rate lol
South of the Border
Eddie RUKidding
The Bush fires from Dimboola/ Little Desert National Park have covered us in smoke from 300Km away :o
South of the Border
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We’re still pottering around England in our motorhome. There’s still no definite settlement date. We’re both well and keeping our chins up.
Eddie RUKidding
Motorhime sounds good ,Mre Eddie and I are off in our Caravan to Daylesford in 2 weeks on Hols
South of the Border
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