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Eddie RUKidding
Well done Plook but sounds like your company sucks big time to me. Is there any other completor company out there looking for someone like
you.............. I'd jump ship, they sound like Arseholes- you should not have to write a business case to keep your job - the Managers must be
complete Dicks 
I'm beyond caring these days as about to retire. Very different situation here in OZ, where there is not enough people to fill the available
South of the Border
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Best of luck with it Plook .
"Music is the only religion that delivers the goods" F.Z.
Apostrophe Status
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Best of luck with it Plook .
"Music is the only religion that delivers the goods" F.Z.
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Sounds like a rough situation to be in, Plook...
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Thank you all!...
We had a meeting this morning with all the players from the different groups working to keep myself and my counterpart Ron permanently employed (as
possible... ).
The turn out included some big players and they were all pleased to hear we got Extended (Like that gal in any kind of pain... ).
One of the upper management people couldn't help but ask "didn't anyone plan for your roles when this decision was made?" they literally have no one
we have trained or any plans to replace us...
Now for the funny...So Friday night we decided to celebrate since we had been laying low for a few weeks and ended up with the ships sails out and
headed for some wrestling...

I was wearing dress pants with under armor because it was in the low 30's, I got in such a hurry to get in my wrestling suit that I forgot about the
under armor got hung up started tipping over as Kat looked on and I went throw the closet door and hit the floor...

Kat laughed her ass off and all turned out fine, but I have a bruise on my ass the size of a grape fruit...
Eddie RUKidding
Well done Plook - go easy on the armour 
Bloody image is not working lol
South of the Border
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Yowie to the bruise. We're not as nimble as we used to be, Plook. Auto pilot tends not to adjust with age rapidly enough to avoid unnecessary pain, so
one has to try to be less inclined to take off before checking the equipment.
I take it from the above, that this means you won't be laid off? If so, great news!!
Joe's Garage Status
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Poly we just made it through step one "Get extended to Tier 3 in March" and that is a huge Yah.
Now the work to convince the powers that be, one supposedly have one Director already allied with us.
These freaking huge companies have so many layers in the management tree I usually stay way clear of them.
Eddie RUKidding
I just told my work today I'm retiring at the xmas - break
Now they want me to come back working part time or contract.
I've got the opposite problem
South of the Border
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Eddie great news for you, take a consulting position part time...
Eddie RUKidding
Thanks Plook, yep could handle some consulting
South of the Border
Joe's Garage Status
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When consulting you can still fuck-off all day, consulting from the beach, consulting from the pub, etc...just no consulting from the wrestling match
they may think you're exceptionally excited about their project...
Eddie RUKidding
Especially if there is Jelly involved
South of the Border
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I got my official email/letter that I have been extended until March at work...
Eddie RUKidding
Good to hear Plook, Ship Ahoy
South of the Border
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We are doing the final push on getting Kat out
of her old house need to be complete by Friday, I have stuff stacked all over the house and two storage units, as well as we order new bedroom
furniture that arrives Friday...
Eddie RUKidding
You;ll need a drink after all that
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At least when you fall out of bed, you'll fall into another bed.
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It’s a Plook on Tour Randomonium update
We finish moving everything out Kats house worked on that every night this week with a final clean up last night. The final walk through is this
morning so we are headed over there soon...

The furniture came yesterday, I expected it in boxes needing assembly but lo and behold it was assembled, so now we have a full day getting rid of the
old and bringing in the new...

Tomorrow is Golf Day last week we had an hour and a half frost delay, burr...

Someone sent me this picture from about 1976 it looked like it could have been an album cover from the 70’s of some exciting new rock band...

I had to share some Christmas cheer (this ones for Bonny)...

Joe's Garage Status
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It’s a Plook on Tour Christmas Round-up
Last weekend we got the new furniture in and the old furniture in Storage, as I had said it was assembled but we had to build the bed of course. The
bad news no directions, but I have built my share of stuff over the years and was able to do it the first time. My secret, separate the hardware
before you start and figure out what hardware goes where before you construct…

We got the tree up, decorated and presents wrapped Wednesday (late is better than never)…

Golfed at the butt crack of dawn on Saturday since the course was closed over Christmas it was crisp and cold (never got out of the 40’s) but we had

Christmas was nice I had placed the ornament my sister gave me on the tree…

Kat found this on Facebook, well I am not an organized religion type of guy it is amazingly creative…

We make Christmas Pizza’s every year a Family Tradition from Terri’s family…

The dinner included the Daughter Plook the Youngers world famous scallop potatoes…

I made a Prime Rib Roast and we also had string beans, Okie Salad, and rolls...

And for some funny…

I hope everyone's Holiday is grand...
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